Do-it-yourself induction boilers for heating. Induction heating boiler: principle of operation and do-it-yourself device

landscaping 25.06.2019

An electric boiler is, without any doubt, a great alternative to gas or solid fuel equipment. But it has a significant disadvantage - a large consumption of electricity. In the process of finding ways to reduce electricity consumption, the induction boiler was invented.

In fairness, it should be noted that the principle of an induction furnace was invented quite a long time ago, back in 1887, and they were used only in industry. Development technological process made it possible to create compact models of a new generation, suitable for domestic use, for example, heating a private house.

Device and principle of operation

The main element of the induction boiler is a transformer with a toroidal winding. The device itself of such a boiler consists of the following elements:

  • The body of the unit, which is made of metal.
  • Layer of electrical protection and thermal insulation.
  • The core, which is a ferrimagnetic tube.

The core winding acts as the primary winding, and the boiler body is the secondary. The kit also comes with:

Not only ordinary water and antifreeze, but also oil can act as a coolant in such a system.

Operating principle

In the name of the induction electric boiler, the principle of its operation is laid - electromagnetic induction. When voltage is applied, the following processes occur:

  • An electromagnetic field is created.
  • The core is heated to a temperature of 750 °C.
  • The coolant enters through special pipes and, passing through the core, heats up, then transferring heat to the radiators of the house.

This method of heating allows you to heat a large volume of coolant in a short period of time. At the same time, the resulting convection currents make it possible to do without a circulation pump.

Advice! The absence of a circulation pump is justified in small heating systems. When heating with an induction boiler two-story house, its presence is mandatory.

Advantages and disadvantages of induction boilers

First, consider the positive characteristics of induction boilers:

  • High and constant efficiency: up to 99%.
  • Such a boiler does not need a chimney.
  • The absence of moving and heating elements contributes to the high reliability and durability of the new generation systems.
  • Quiet operation.
  • The low inertia of the system saves energy.
  • The installation of an induction boiler does not require a separate room.
  • The high-frequency vibration of the core prevents the formation of scale.
  • Affordable installation does not require special knowledge and skills.
  • High level of fire safety due to the absence open fire and heating elements.

Like all equipment, an induction heating boiler has not only pluses, but also minuses, which include:

  • In the first place, of course, the high cost of such boilers. A more familiar electric heating element boiler costs 1.5 times cheaper.
  • Connection is made only to the closed heating system of the house. At the same time, the pressure in it must be controlled and kept below 0.3 MPa.
  • Significant weight in small size. This fact should be taken into account when mounting the boiler on the wall.
  • Generation of interference in the entire radio range within a radius of several meters (depending on the power of the boiler). Such interference for humans is absolutely safe.

Advice! The main advantage of induction type devices is the quick and economical heating of a large volume of coolant, for which other types of boilers would take much more time. It is this quality that has found its application in induction instantaneous water heaters.

Help in choosing a boiler

Due to the novelty of such equipment, only two brands are represented on the domestic market:

  1. VIN is a manufacturer of Alternative Energy LLC. This vortex heater (this is how the abbreviation stands for) consumes a converted high-frequency voltage. At the exit from the coil, this gives a sharp jump in the intensity of the EMF and an increase in the surface Foucault currents. This allows the case and all internal parts, which are specially made of a special ferrimagnetic alloy, to heat up almost instantly and transfer thermal energy to the coolant. We can say that all units of the unit design act as one heat exchanger, this explains its high efficiency.
  2. SAV is a manufacturer of CJSC NPK INERA. This induction boiler consists of a short-circuited labyrinth of pipes with a heat carrier, which acts as a secondary winding. Alternating current generated in this winding allows rapid heating of the heat exchanger surface. Due to the branched labyrinth of pipes in the heat exchanger, the coolant, passing through it, quickly heats up, which explains the high efficiency of this type of boiler. Thanks to the law of self-induction, a new generation device allows the coil to independently induce the required reactive power. This allows the use of this type of induction boilers in low voltage power networks, which gives a tangible result when working in rural areas with weak electrical substations.

All induction electric boilers differ in power and the number of connection phases:

  • Single-phase: power 2.5–7 kW.
  • Three-phase: power 7–60 kW.

In addition to standard automation (automatic breakers), the induction boiler can be equipped with an electronic programmer. This device allows you to set the operating mode of the boiler for the whole week, and if necessary, carry out adjustment remotely - via the GSM channel.

Boiler power calculation

To calculate the power of the system as accurately as possible, it is necessary to invite specialists. But it is easy to make an approximate calculation, which will be quite enough. For this, for each square meter the heated area should account for 60 W of boiler power.

Such power is quite enough, because the efficiency is very high and does not decrease during operation.

Advice! When choosing an induction boiler, it is necessary to specify the thickness of the walls of the core. The optimal thickness is 10 mm. Such a core guarantees a long and uninterrupted operation of the home heating system.

Installation and connection

Installation of boilers of this type is quite simple, but requires compliance with a certain technology:

  • Installation is carried out only in a closed heating system.
  • It is mandatory to equip such a system with an expansion tank of the expandomat type.
  • The feasibility of having a circulation pump depends on the system of inclination of the heating pipes of the house. In some cases, if the correct slope is observed, natural circulation can be dispensed with.
  • It is necessary to set the induction boiler vertically. In this case, fastening to the wall occurs through special "ears" or with ordinary clamps, depending on the model.
  • At the same time, it is important to maintain a free distance between the boiler and the walls: on the sides - at least 30 cm, above and below - at least 80 cm.
  • When fixing the unit, one should take into account its solid weight and choose a reliable bearing wall.

Connecting the boiler to the heating system

A feature of the induction boiler is the fact that piping from metal pipes not necessary. You can connect immediately with metal-plastic or plastic pipes:

  • The branch pipe, located in the upper part of the housing, is connected to the supply of hot coolant to the heating system of the house.
  • Then, a return heating pipe is connected to the branch pipe located at the bottom of the boiler.
  • At a distance of no more than 80 cm from the outlet pipe, it is necessary to install the safety group of the unit. The set of devices present in this group is standard for all types of boilers: automatic safety valve, pressure gauge and air vent.
  • After the safety group, it is possible, but not necessary, to close the circuit (connecting the hot supply to the return). In some emergency cases, the presence of a small circuit protects the induction boiler from overheating.
  • In any case, the installation of stop valves occurs after the mounted safety group.

Next, we proceed to the installation of auxiliary devices on the return pipe. On the small circuit or in front of the stop valves, the following devices are mounted in series on the return line:

  1. Expansion tank.
  2. Settling filter.
  3. Bronze coarse filter.
  4. Circulation pump.
  5. Flow sensor. The presence of this sensor in the system allows you to control the circulation of the coolant and turn off the boiler in case of its termination.

A more detailed connection diagram is contained in the instructions supplied by the manufacturer, which must be studied before starting installation work.

Electrical connection

Fulfilling electrical connections, it is necessary to use the wires of the section indicated in the instructions. Electronic systems controls are connected using special connectors supplied with the equipment.

Advice! An important point in the installation of the induction apparatus is the ground connection. It must be done with a separate wire (optimally bus) and connected to the existing grounding of the house.

Maintenance of induction boilers

As such, the induction boiler does not require maintenance. The only thing that can be recommended in this matter is to periodically check the reliability of the grounding and electrical connections.

In conclusion, it should be noted that induction boilers of the new generation are ideal for heating a house where the owners are absent for a long time or come and go. Economy, autonomy and safety of this kind heating equipment quite justify its rather high cost. And if you use antifreeze as a coolant in such a system, then freezing definitely does not threaten it.

Electric induction heating boilers are positioned as very economical means of heating a home. In this article, we will try to soberly evaluate these devices: electricity consumption, ease of use and other features of the solution.

In the photo - the hero of our article.

What it is

The induction heating boiler, as the name implies, uses the principle of electromagnetic induction. If you wind a coil of thick wire and pass a sufficiently large current through it, an electromagnetic field will appear in it and, in part, around it.

If a core of any ferromagnet (simply speaking, a metal to which a magnet sticks) is placed in a coil, eddy currents will appear in it, which will inevitably make the metal particles move faster. Heat up.

And now let's wind the coil on a dielectric pipe, and fix the steel core inside in any way. It remains to insert the resulting structure into the heating circuit - that, in fact, is ready, a do-it-yourself induction electric heating boiler.

The principle of operation is simple and clear:

  • The consumed electricity is converted into an electromagnetic field.
  • Its energy is spent on heating the core.
  • The core gives off excess heat to the coolant - water, oil or ethylene glycol.
  • Rapid and strong heating of water or other liquid in a certain area generates convection currents in it. The heated coolant expands and tends upward. The resulting drop is sufficient for the operation of a moderately long circuit; if you need to speed up the circulation of the coolant, use the usual one.

Please note: the design is positioned as an innovative ultra-economical solution that allows you to spend 20-30 percent less electricity.

Myths and reality

Any seller is interested in selling his product and in order to be bought, is quite capable of distorting the facts. Let's analyze all the main theses mentioned in the advertising of this type of heating devices.


Thesis: we have an innovative development based on a new physical principle.


  • The phenomenon of induction was discovered by Michael Faraday almost two centuries ago - in 1831.
  • In metallurgy, induction melting furnaces have been widely used since the second half of the 20th century.
  • Neither new materials nor any high technologies are used in the manufacture of induction cats.

Conclusion: a long-known principle of work is used only to create and occupy a new market niche.


Thesis: induction boilers for home heating allow you to save electricity, consuming 20-30 percent less than analogues for the same heat transfer.


  • Any direct heating electrical appliance that does not mechanical work(that is, not moving any mass against the gravitational vector), converts 100% of the consumed electrical power into thermal power.
    The efficiency can differ only due to heat dissipation around the boiler instead of heating the coolant.

Note: if the boiler is placed in a heated room, this heat is not lost, but again goes to air heating.

  • The heating efficiency of the coolant is determined by the temperature of the heating element. In the case of a heating element, it has to be artificially limited; monolithic core can be heated almost to the melting point.
    Advertising statements often cite the results of an experiment in which an induction boiler heated a fixed volume of coolant to a certain temperature in 3 hours, while it took six hours for a heating element. At the same time, the cost of electricity was slightly less than that of induction.
    The authors of the experiment defiantly ignore the fact that in 6 hours any heating circuit will dissipate much more heat than in 3. The laws of physics are simple: to get a kilowatt-hour of thermal energy by direct heating with electricity, you need to spend a kilowatt-hour of electricity. Dot.
  • A large amount of heat will inevitably be generated on the inductive coil itself - simply because it is a conductor with non-zero resistance and a large current flowing in it.
    Inappropriate heat dissipation will be determined by the quality of the external thermal insulation of the boiler. However, if it is located in the house, again, the heat will go to heat it.

Conclusions: we are dealing with the manipulation of information for the sake of increasing sales.


Thesis: the service life of the device exceeds 25 years. It is extremely reliable compared to traditional heaters and requires no maintenance.


  • Boilers of this type do not contain any moving parts. Mechanical wear is absent as a class.
  • A copper winding of sufficient thickness, with proper cooling by a coolant, will serve indefinitely. An interturn breakdown due to poor insulation does not threaten her either: the coil is wound not turn to turn, but with small gaps between them.
  • The core, when heated, will inevitably be eroded by water and steam bubbles, gradually collapsing. However, with its sufficient thickness, this will not become a problem for a very long time.
  • The boiler control circuit must contain several fairly powerful transistors (it will have to manage large currents).
    The service life of semiconductors rarely exceeds 10 years; however, it is largely determined by the subtlety of the process.

Roughly speaking, transistors manufactured 30 years ago live several times longer than current ones. It all depends on the applied element base.

Conclusions: heating induction boilers may well be much more durable compared to both traditional heating elements with their limited service life of heating elements, and electrode ones, in which the anode inevitably dissolves in water over several years.

Immutability of characteristics

Thesis: traditional boilers are characterized by a drop in power due to scale on the heating elements. Here, the characteristics are unchanged.


  • Advertising somewhat overestimates the harm from scale. AT closed loop a large number lime deposits have nowhere to come from; and the thermal conductivity of the deposit layer is not so low as to seriously insulate the heating element.
  • With regard to the core of an induction boiler, however, the statement is pure truth: scale is practically not formed on it even if the water is rich in lime.

Eddy currents make the core vibrate, and the smallest water bubbles boiling near its surface (at maximum power, of course) destroy any scale.

This canonical photograph of a heating element after several years of operation is a clear exaggeration of the problem.


Thesis: the device works absolutely silently, which compares favorably with alternatives.


  • of any type does not make loud noises during its operation. Simply because of its design: water heating does not require any acoustic vibrations.
  • Silent induction heater will be only if the convection generated by it is used to circulate water. On the other hand, heating element boilers are always equipped with pumps that are not at all silent.
  • If in a circuit with a heater of a type of interest to us, a large hydraulic resistance forces the use of a pump, the noise level will be the same as that of a heating element boiler.


Thesis: induction heating boilers are small in size, thanks to which they can be mounted in any room.

Reality: with reasonable power, this is true. The device does not need any large capacity in which the heating elements heat the coolant: it is just a piece of pipe with a coil wound around it.

Nuance: in heating elements electric boilers a significant part of the volume of the body is occupied circulation pump and expansion tank.

Conclusions: in general, the statement is absolutely true.


Thesis: the device is absolutely safe.

Reality: if the coolant leaks, the core, left without cooling, will melt the mount and case in a matter of seconds. You can only rely on automatic shutdown overheating or pressure sensor.

Conclusions: in terms of operational safety, the design is no different from competing solutions.

Overall score

Before us is a convenient and compact device for heating without any design flaws. The price of a boiler of this type is approximately twice the cost of a heating element heater. At the same time, neither real savings nor any other miracles can be expected from him.

Installation instructions are quite standard:

  • An expansion tank must be present in the circuit;
  • For devices with a power of 7 kW or more, 380 volts are needed;
  • In a system with natural circulation, the boiler is mounted strictly vertically;
  • For high power devices or in a circuit with high hydraulic resistance is required.

As usual, you will find some additional information about induction heaters in the video at the end of the article. Warm winters!

The constant increase in the cost of energy carriers has led to the emergence. In addition to modernization already existing systems manufacturers offer fundamentally new methods of heating water. Of particular interest is the induction heating of a private house with a do-it-yourself boiler.

Features of induction heating

To increase the temperature of the coolant, it is necessary to ensure the transfer of heat from the energy carrier to water. In traditional electric boilers, heating elements are responsible for this. However, they have a number of disadvantages, which are primarily associated with increased electricity consumption. A modern induction heating furnace works on a different principle.

In order to make induction heating with your own hands, you need to thoroughly study the specifics of its work. Its functioning is based on the principle of an electromagnetic inductor. Its design consists of two windings, each of which performs a specific function:

  • Primary. It is necessary to convert the electricity supplied to it into eddy current. This is one of the steps to create an inductive phenomenon;
  • Secondary. Due to impact electromagnetic field begins to heat up, thereby transferring the received thermal energy to the coolant.

In practice, to make induction heating a private house with your own hands will need an external circuit that performs the function of a housing. The inner core is made of a steel rod, the thickness of which is usually 10 mm. This design allows you to reduce weight, and at the same time increase work efficiency. For factory models, the efficiency index can reach 98%. At the same time, even a properly made do-it-yourself induction heating boiler has a value of this characteristic of about 87-90%.

All induction heating systems are not equipped with circulation pumps, expansion tank and security system. These components must be purchased separately.

Pros and cons of induction boilers

Is this type of heat supply really as efficient as manufacturers advertise it to be? Reading reviews about induction heating, one cannot draw an unambiguous conclusion. Many consumers complain about the high consumption of electricity, some homemade models boilers are clearly dangerous to operate.

Before you make an induction heating boiler with your own hands, select components and accessories for it, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself in detail with the pros and cons of this type of heat supply.


But along with this, it is necessary to take into account the negative aspects of the operation of heating boilers of this type:

  • The high cost of factory models. Truly high-quality electric induction heating boilers are made using modern materials, the cost of which to a greater extent determine the high price. Therefore, home-made models are significantly inferior in quality and technical parameters factory;
  • To install boilers with a power of more than 7 kW, it will be necessary to equip a 380 V electrical network. Otherwise, the load will not allow the equipment to operate in normal mode;
  • If there is no water during the operation of the induction heating furnace, it will overheat and fail. Therefore, the design must include pressure sensors that are connected to the circuit breaker. If the pressure drops, the device will automatically shut off.

Having decided that it is still necessary to do induction heating on your own, you can proceed to the choice optimal scheme boiler and calculation of its parameters.

The induction heating principle has been used for decades in the steel industry to heat metal. It is from this industry that induction heating boilers came.

Homemade induction boiler

To make induction heating of a private house with your own hands, you first need to make a case. To do this, use heat-resistant steel. Usually used as an inner core steel pipe, on which a winding of copper wire is installed.

To reduce heat losses, the outer walls are insulated with basalt wool. Thus, it is possible to install induction boilers for heating a private house in utility rooms.

After installing the inner circuit, the following work must be done:

  1. Lead the contact wires through special holes on the external structure.
  2. Carefully insulate the cables in the area where they pass through the outer casing.
  3. Connect the boiler to the control system. It is best to purchase a factory model of this component, as it provides protective and regulatory elements.

Before the first start of a do-it-yourself induction heating boiler, you need to check the tightness of the entire structure. To do this, seal one of the pipes, and supply water to the second using a pump. After filling the internal space, increase the pressure to the maximum design. Usually this figure is 15-20 atm.

In practice, truly reliable and efficient boilers for induction water heating in heating cannot be made independently. The only exceptions are small structures that perform the function of hot water supply rather than heating.

This is due to the difficulty of complying with all technological manufacturing standards. Often in reviews of home-made induction heating boilers, you may encounter attempts to make them yourself. But after a series of tests, the choice is stopped at the factory models of this heating equipment.

In the case of an incorrectly made winding, an interturn electrical breakdown may occur. This will lead to short circuit and equipment failure. Therefore, boilers must be equipped with an RCD.

Rules for organizing induction heating

Since induction electric boilers for heating differ from conventional ones, the requirements for their operation are also different. First of all, you need to know that the installation of this type of equipment is possible only in closed heating systems. To improve the circulation of the coolant, you can install a pump.

In order to heat out induction cooker It was safe - you need to adapt the existing wiring. To do this, calculate the power electrical appliances in the house, including the boiler, and add a margin of 20% to the resulting figure. Specifications electric cable should not be less than the received number.

The connection of the induction heating furnace to the mains should be done through a separate cable. It must be connected directly to the central switchboard. Connecting to this field line other appliances are prohibited.

To increase the efficiency and safety of do-it-yourself induction heating, you will need to install the following components:

  • Expansion tank. It is necessary to compensate for pressure in case of its excess due to overheating of the coolant. The temperature inside the induction boiler for home heating can reach + 110 ° C;
  • Pressure and temperature sensor. They are connected to the central control unit;
  • Circulation pump. Its installation is optional, but desirable. The natural thermal expansion of the water may not be enough to create a normal speed of movement;
  • Security group- air vent and water bleed valve.

Often in reviews of induction heating, you can find complaints about the deformation of plastic pipes due to excessive overheating of water. To avoid this, all technical and performance characteristics heating system must comply with the preliminary calculated.

It is recommended to install an emergency generator in order to avoid water cooling during a power outage. This is especially true for induction heating systems of a private house.

Overview of manufacturers of induction boilers

But what if you need induction electric boilers for heating factory production? Alas, at present there are not many manufacturers on the market whose products meet international standards.

When completing do-it-yourself induction heating, it is recommended to analyze current offers on the market. At the same time, it is necessary not only to read reviews about induction heating boilers, but also to check their compliance with current standards. It will not be easy to do the latter, since at present there are no GOSTs and SNiPOs regulating the production process for their manufacture. The maximum that can be checked is with internal specifications manufacturer.

But how, in this case, to equip the induction heating of a private house with reliable equipment? To resolve this issue, we offer an overview of manufacturers of boilers for induction heating systems.


One of the largest and most reliable companies in the production of equipment for electrical heat supply. Currently, the consumer can choose an induction heating boiler with a capacity of 4.5 to 250 kW. It is noteworthy that the design has an electrical safety class "2", which does not require the organization of an additional ground loop.

The models of the E series have a storage tank, which makes it possible to make induction heating of the heating medium for heating more economical.


The company specializes in the production of large heating systems designed for heating public and industrial buildings. The supplied set of equipment includes all necessary components. The range includes models designed for heating from a low power induction cooker. But their number is extremely small.


A feature of electric induction-type heating boilers from this company is a modular layout. This makes it possible at any time to increase the capacity of the heat supply system without complete replacement equipment. The range includes boilers from 4.5 to 30 kW.

Before purchasing an electric boiler for induction heating, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with its technical data sheet. It should specify the operating conditions of the equipment.

Any home should be warm, cozy and comfortable for living. This can be achieved through many factors, including the right organized system heating. When choosing from a variety of home heating options, you should stop at the one that will provide maximum efficiency, safety and economy. Here we are talking about an induction boiler, the implementation of which does not require a global restructuring of an existing heating system.

If you decide to build an induction boiler with your own hands, you must first understand all the intricacies of this process.

How does an induction boiler work?

The body of such equipment consists of several layers:

  • outdoor;
  • heat and electrical insulating layer;
  • 2-wall core.

In boilers intended for industrial use, a cylindrical winding is used, and in household and home-made boilers, a copper wire winding is used according to the toroidal principle. It is carried out between ferromagnetic pipes with different diameters. Required condition A: The wall thickness of the pipe should be more than 1cm. Inner pipe acts as a magnetic circuit and is called a core.

The circuit of any electrical inductor consists of a primary winding (helps convert electricity into eddy current and magnetic fields), as well as the secondary winding.

It includes the boiler body itself and the main a heating element, designed to receive heat for the liquid carrier circulating through the heating system.

In addition to the main components, this type of boiler includes circuit breakers and a built-in heat sensor.

The heating element is represented by an induction coil in which a current (alternating or direct) is generated. The resulting vortex flows contribute to the heating of the steel core. After connecting the boiler to the network, the current accompanied by high voltage, goes to the primary winding, as a result, an electromagnetic field is formed. It is it that contributes to the extrusion of currents into the steel core. Then all the heat goes directly to the heating devices.

The scheme of the induction boiler allows you to reduce the weight and size of the device, as well as get the highest possible efficiency. At the same time, more than 95% of the heat goes into the coolant, which affects the performance of the device, as well as its efficiency. For example, heating the core to 75°C takes about 7 minutes.

Advantages of boilers

Induction boilers have a mass positive characteristics, which can finally affect the decision to purchase it or make a homemade structure:

  1. Minimal chance of leakage due to the lack of detachable connections.
  2. Protection against scale (explained by the influence of high-frequency vibrations from vortex flows).
  3. Durability (due to the absence of elements that may be subject to wear).
  4. Possibility of operation of a copper from a network with a direct current or with a low voltage.
  5. The fastest heating.
  6. Electrical and fire safety of the device (explained by a small temperature difference between the heat carrier and the core).
  7. Ability to save energy due to low inertia.
  8. Noiselessness (no need to put the boiler in a separate room at home).

At the same time, the probability of failure is minimal, and the need for preventive maintenance is almost zero.

Unique is the fact that the coolant circulating through the heating system should be changed only 1 time in 10 years!

Disadvantages of the device with the induction principle of operation

There are no ideal devices, therefore, before choosing the type of boiler, it is worth considering some of its negative aspects:

  • powerful induction boilers are capable of provoking the occurrence of UVC waves operating within a radius of several meters from the boiler (their effect on humans is almost absent, but some pets can pick up such waves, which affects their well-being);
  • induction heating devices industrial production have a high cost, so not everyone can afford it.

Stages of creating an induction boiler with your own hands

According to experienced craftsmen, homemade production an induction heating device is within the power of any person, at least minimally versed in heating circuits and systems. The event consists of the following stages:

Initially, for the base of the boiler, you should purchase the necessary materials:

  • welding inverter with the ability to control the current;
  • wire or rod with a thickness of about 7 mm, which must be crushed;
  • plastic pipe with walls at least 1 cm thick and about 5 cm in diameter.

The bottom should be closed with a metal mesh with cells of the minimum size and covered with fine wire to the very top. top the pipes are closed with a grate, and then the entire structure is fixed with a welding machine.

This is followed by the stage of preparing the primary circuit. Why enamelled? copper wire wound, observing the distance between the turns, on a plastic pipe.

Creation of a protective casing, which involves attaching by welding a steel or iron body with thermal and electrical insulation directly to the structure. The winding wire brought out of the casing helps to connect the coil to the mains.

Then to plastic pipe 2 pipes are connected (inlet and outlet), which help the circulation of the coolant through the device.

Mounting Features

Important! Induction devices are operated exclusively in closed-type heating systems equipped with a pump.

Installation is carried out in a vertical way.

Maximum safety during the operation of boilers of this type is provided only by heating systems with plastic or polypropylene wiring.

It is advisable to maintain a distance between the boiler and nearby surfaces: from the wall - at least 30 cm, from the floor - more than 80 cm.

It is advisable to install a blast valve, which will help to release air in the system in an emergency.

During the heating process, no harmful emissions are emitted and there is no need for a chimney. Heating a residential building with an induction boiler is a modern, environmentally friendly and economical approach that has become widespread throughout the world.

Electric boilers with heating elements are the most popular devices in their class. Over the past few years, in the language of marketers, their counterparts, working on the principle of induction, have been increasingly “untwisted”. Read our review of induction heating boilers, user reviews and make the right choice.

The issue of choosing a boiler for heating a house is often decided by the availability of a heating source. Electricity, of course, is not the cheapest fuel, but it is quite common. Industry offers 3 types:

1. Heating elements - a tubular element heats up the coolant in the tank. The main plus: performance up to 99%. The disadvantages are the short service life of the main part and the rapid appearance of scale, due to which the efficiency is reduced.

2. Electrode - as the name implies, electrodes act as heaters. As a result of the reaction with magnesium-calcium salts dissolved in water, a current is formed that heats the liquid. Efficiency - up to 98%, small size, but the thermal fluid must be diluted with electrolyte.

3. Induction (vortex) - a heat generator operating on the principle of induction. Let's consider them in more detail.

The device of an induction type electric boiler is not difficult. There is a system of steel pipes enclosed in a copper winding - a step-down induction transformer. In the process, an electromagnetic field is formed that heats the core with the coolant inside. According to the company, water reaches a temperature of +70 °C in 7 minutes.

The outer casing is made of durable steel with a heat-resistant powder coating. The kit also includes an inverter (a converter made of semiconductor material), a thermostat with an internal sensor, and a control unit. Mounted only in closed systems, regardless of the type of thermal fluid (water, antifreeze, antifreeze, oil).

Technical characteristics of the induction boiler for the heating system (household series):

On the Internet, you can often find recommendations from the folk "Kulibins" on how to build an induction heater with your own hands from tiles. Such designs do not stand up to scrutiny, are short-lived, often dangerous to the health of others, and the efficiency barely reaches 50%. Industrial models are more complex, safer to use, completely different materials are used in production.

Advantages and disadvantages

According to the assurances of the manufacturers, the use of induction heating boilers for heating a house is a solid advantage in the complete absence of disadvantages. Let's try to figure out where is the truth and where is the marketing ploy.

1. High efficiency. Efficiency up to 99% is typical for all types of electric boilers.

2. Maximum protection against scale. Since there is no direct contact between the induction winding and the coolant (unlike the heating element), scale can form only inside the pipes. But closed systems are characterized by a stable low amount of salts. That is, there are no prerequisites for the formation of deposits.

3. Saving resources up to 35%. Before you buy an induction type boiler and install it, remember that its main task is to convert energy into heat. To generate 1 kW, according to the law of conservation of energy, it is also necessary to spend 1 kW of electricity. The only difference is in the heating rate - the induction unit operates faster by about 20-30%.

4. The complete absence of detachable connections in the design, which eliminates the possibility of leakage. Not entirely true: the boiler includes 4-6 components connected in a block. The cost of the VIN induction heating system includes the boiler itself in a collapsible case, a control cabinet, a safety group (sensors and relays) and capacitors, pressure relief valves, a set of contacts for connecting external devices.

5. High degree of electrical and fire safety. This is true, but you need to ensure that there is no leakage, and the amount of thermal carrier remains constant. Otherwise, the device will heat up very quickly and there is a risk of explosion.

6. Does not have elements subject to mechanical wear, so the validity period is more than 30 years. Firstly, the core is durable, but the lacquer insulation on the primary winding (toroidal) is subject to aging. Its service life is 7-10 years. The result of the destruction will be an inter-turn circuit with the corresponding consequences. Secondly, induction boilers are a relatively new product that has not been tested by time, the statement about 30 years of operation is hardly true.

7. Compatibility with other systems. You can connect underfloor heating, gas or wood-burning boilers.

8. Do not require a separate room and ventilation.

9. Don't need preventive work. Boiler - in any case, equipment with many sensors, relays, terminals, which periodically need to be changed, tightened. Of course, compared to gas boilers, it is insignificant.

Thus, most of positive qualities corresponds to other types of electrical units. Now let's analyze the shortcomings identified over several years of operation.

1. Cost. The price of an induction boiler SAV 5 kW is 40,000 rubles. Whereas the heating element Protherm Skat 6 kW is 23,000.

2. Significant weight with small dimensions. Since even the smallest unit weighs from 20 kg, it is recommended to mount them on the floor or hang them on a load-bearing wall using strong brackets.

3. The electromagnetic field generates strong interference in the long, medium and VHF bands. Although manufacturers claim they do not affect human body, employees of sanitary and medical services claim the opposite. It is not for nothing that the SNiPs fix the standards and rules for the location of devices with high level radiation.

4. To work in the heating system in a house with 2-3 floors, a powerful circulation pump is required.

Installation of the induction device

The system with an induction boiler is equipped with a circulation pump, an expansion tank, shut-off and adjustable equipment ( Ball Valves etc). In private houses, as a rule, it is used typical scheme connections.

Installation of induction boilers is carried out in accordance with the instructions or technical data sheet. The device is located strictly vertically, the lower inlet pipe is connected to the return pipe, the upper one - to the supply pipeline. Only metal or metal-plastic pipes are used.

If you decide to install an induction electric boiler with your own hands, do not forget about grounding. A security group, a control cabinet are installed in the immediate vicinity, filters, a circulation pump and a flow sensor are installed at the inlet.

Overview of induction boilers

On the Russian market electric boilers of induction type are presented by CJSC NPK INERA (brand SAV), OOO Alternative Energy (brand VIN), NPK Miratron (brand Miratron).

Modelpower, kWtHeated room areaDimensions, cmWeight, kgPrice, rub
SAV55 50 64x45.5x1843,5 40 000
SAV 1515 150 100x15.9x15.992 62 000
VIN-55 50 67.5x13.3x13.327 30 000
VIN-1515 150 67.5x50x29.575 50 000
Miratron A0066 70 40x160x3050 45 000
Miratron A01515 170 40x160x3080 65 000

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