Autonomous checkout: how to choose the right online cash register. What is an autonomous cash desk and its differences from a fiscal registrar

landscaping 30.09.2019

Traditionally under the definition offline online checkouts there are cash registers capable of performing settlement operations independently of a computer, a receipt printer or a stationary POS-terminal.

However, the progressive scale of development modern technology somewhat complicates the definition of "autonomy". According to it and the requirements of modern legislation, in particular Law No. 54-FZ, stand-alone cash desks should perform the following functions:

  • formation of a minimum package of payment data;
  • conducting sales analytics;
  • communication with the "periphery";
  • the ability to manage through online resources.

The main characteristics of the devices


  • compact size, suitable for mobile activities;
  • the presence of several power sources;
  • lightweight design (when the online cash register works offline, the user is able to independently maintain the device).

The best choice for devices specifications cash register.


To service shops, hairdressers, canteens, you should choose stand-alone online cash desks with advanced functionality. These devices are different big size, the presence of a cash drawer and a relatively high speed of printing receipts.

Should be remembered !
Offline online cash registers have low speed printing checks, so they are not applicable for supermarkets and outlets with an increased flow of visitors.

Working time margin

Here it is necessary to take into account the options for connecting the device to power (from the network, from batteries, from AA batteries) and the duration of full-fledged work in mobile mode. If the device is intended for traveling trade, you should pay attention to the volume of batteries (model with increased battery capacity - Mercury-185F ) and / or the availability of an alternative in the form of food from finger batteries ( Pioneer-114F ).

Internet connection

Possible options:

  • via patch cord - for stationary models in salons or small shops;
  • via USB connection to a computer (EoU - EthernetOverUSB) - relevant for the simplest models;
  • via WiFi – if an autonomous cash register is used within the office or near an Internet point;
  • through Mobile Internet using a GPRS modem - for itinerant trade.

Availability of wireless Internet connection – main feature operation of an autonomous online cash register, but for greater reliability, you should choose models that provide a choice.

Product base size

Only . The offline checkout is not able to process a large database of goods. The way out of the situation can be:

  • select a model with a barcode scanner connection;
  • the presence of a USB connection to a computer to increase download speed;
  • installation of a utility for comfortable editing of the commodity base.

If alcohol is on the list of goods, the choice of equipment should be approached especially carefully. Without such a device, it will not work with EGAIS, so you need to make sure that it is possible to refine it for the selected model of the device.


Main parameter- accessibility of perception. Pay attention to the error output on the device display. If they look like the code "E-xxx", problems may take longer to resolve. Otherwise, the choice of interface is a subjective matter.


Affordable price of such KKM - undoubted advantage. On average, they cost 30-50% cheaper than stationary POS-terminals. This is especially true for remote retail and also for small shops.

On a note!
Compact cash registers are a convenient way out for online stores with their own delivery service. If the list of positions in the check does not exceed 3-4, then the autonomous cash registers successfully cope with the task.

Summing up

Stand-alone cash registers are a combination of a printing device, display and keyboard in one case. But modern designs are constantly updated, new, improved models appear. By 2018, when the use of online cash registers will be ubiquitous, the range of compact devices will expand even more. At the same time, it is planned to strengthen their technical characteristics.

Fiscal registrars work as part of a hardware and software system shopping facility and are installed, as a rule, in large stores. With the help of this device, not only the fixation of each operation is carried out, but also the recording of data for storage. The registrars are outwardly similar to ordinary receipt printers, they do not have tools for entering and outputting information - a keyboard and a display. Used only together with a PC or POS-terminal. The difference of an autonomous CCP is the ability to fully function and perform the main tasks independently. The checkout is not suitable for a large hypermarket, but it is quite suitable for small and medium-sized businesses.

Distinctive features of autonomous cash registers

With the development of technology and due to the predominance of trends towards the miniaturization of microelectronics, stand-alone cash registers have ceased to be something like a primitive calculator. Now this is not a bulky device with a narrow screen and large buttons, but a CCP that should:

provide work
away from outlets
electrical networks

have an internet connection
by wireless

be light, small

have ports for

Long-term autonomous operation of the cash register

To trade in places where it is not possible to connect CCPs to electricity, retailers and service providers are offered mobile devices. The devices are equipped with high-capacity batteries, thanks to which a fully autonomous operation of the cash register is ensured for at least one shift. Such models will be useful for offsite sales, distance selling with delivery of goods by couriers, serving passengers on regular urban public transport routes.

Connecting the cash register to the Internet without wires

According to the new law FZ-54, which regulates the use of cash registers in retail, the cash register, through the operator of fiscal data, must transmit information about each operation to the FTS server online via the Internet. For this reason, the question arises about how to connect cash registers to the network. The most convenient of them is mobile Internet. Autonomous cash registers are equipped with modules for wireless data transmission via Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G. GPRS, which is convenient for traveling trade and even in a stationary store. In the first case, cash registers almost always have access to cheap communications, wherever the cash desk is physically located. At a regular point of sale, an internet connection via Wi-Fi or cellular communication does not require cables.

Lightweight and compact stand-alone cash register

Cash desks that provide offline operation are more compact and lightweight, unlike a large POS terminal, which includes a separate monitor, an external keyboard, a fiscal registrar, a computing unit, and a receipt printer. The device is equipped with the same functions, albeit in a somewhat reduced form, as a large terminal, but at the same time it does not require much space for placement on the cash desk, it can be easily carried by the cashier (for example, when traveling, remote trading). Like a POS system or a fiscal registrar, an autonomous cash register also prints checks with an extended range.

Connecting peripherals to an autonomous cash register

Stand-alone cash registers, depending on the price category and purpose, are equipped with additional ports for connecting peripheral devices. You can connect a barcode scanner, a faster receipt printer, a laptop, a tablet, a universal transport module for trading goods with data exchange via EGAIS (alcohol, fur products and other products) to such a checkout. Through additional outputs, an autonomous device can be included in the general network of the cash infrastructure, complementing the complexes with installed fiscal registrars.

How to choose an offline checkout

Differences of autonomous CCP of various models are in the following characteristics:



internet connections

opportunities to work with
large commodity

simplicity and
convenience of work

Bandwidth means the speed with which the CCP printer will output printed receipts. If the device is needed for a small outlet with a small number of customers, you can get by with a simpler model. For grocery stores, restaurants, canteens, pharmacies, it is better to choose a machine with a high print speed.

Mobility - the ability of the device to work away from the main office or store long time on the battery. For traveling trade, it is recommended to purchase a cash register with a more capacious battery, which could ensure the operation of the cash register for at least one shift. If a cash register it is planned to use for the most part stationary, the battery capacity does not play a key role.

Internet connection to the checkout can be done via wired and wireless channels. In stationary trade, the most reliable option organization of communication with the Internet - by wire. The device is connected via cable or via Wi-Fi. When the device is operating in field trade, mobile Internet 3G, 4G, GPRS is connected directly through the module built into the cash register, USB modem, phone or tablet.

A large product range will not be able to be fully processed on an autonomous CCP - this will require a fiscal registrar. If you still have to use an offline cash register to work with large data arrays, you should pay attention to the database loading time, the equipment of the POS printer with a USB port for communication with a PC, the availability handy tools for working with the database, unloading and loading information into the computer.

One of the features of stand-alone cash registers is a concise interface. The cashier does not have to undergo training to understand the intricacies of management. Many models after loading commodity nomenclature allow you to get started right away. There are no many windows, a large number of menu lines and submenus, as in POS terminals. The control can be push-button and touch, the display can be monochrome or color.

Popular models of autonomous cash registers

In parallel with the implementation of the FZ-54 law, domestic and foreign manufacturers of cash registers began to develop new devices for the needs of small and medium-sized businesses. According to the results marketing research and taking into account customer feedback, the most popular stand-alone cash desks were MTS cash desk 5, Atol 91f, Evotor 5, Evotor 7.3, Atol 60f and Atol Strike. Comparative characteristics devices is shown in the table below.


Dimensions, mm Weight, g Operating time without recharging, hours Battery capacity, mAh Control Display type Code Scanner Tape width, mm Receipt printing speed, mm/sec Operating system Internet communication channels
MTS cash desk 5 211 x 83 x 54 500 24 5200 sensory color with IPS LED matrix 1D/2D, QR 58 75 Android (protected version) 2G, Bluetooth, WiFi
Atol 91f 85 x 66 x 1887 390 8 5200 mechanical monochrome LCD Not
58 50 Your own
2G, Bluetooth, WiFi

Buy an autonomous cash register at Kaluga Astral

You can choose a cash desk suitable for your business in the catalog of the Kaluga Astral online store. In the presence of the latest novelties of cash registers, including cash registers from the rating of the most popular. We carry out service maintenance of KKM, warranty and post-warranty repairs. We provide services for the installation of cash register electronics and the introduction of software and hardware systems for commodity accounting of retail facilities. We carry out deliveries to Moscow and other cities of Russia.

It is necessary to apply a new type of CCP in a settlement with a population of less than 10 thousand people. What is the procedure for sending data and how is verification of such cash registers carried out tax office- read the article.

Question: Question about CCM applications new sample in settlements less than 10 thousand people (do not provide for the mandatory sending of data through the OFD) how is the data sent to the IFTS? How are such cash registers checked by the tax inspectorate?

Answer: When the deadline for replacing the fiscal drive approaches, the organization is obliged to provide data from it to the Federal Tax Service. Inspectors will receive all the information that has accumulated during the use of the cash register.

In connection with the maintenance of new cash registers with the function of transferring fiscal data to the inspection, it became possible to control the cash receipts of organizations and entrepreneurs remotely. The right to conduct remote checks using automated systems is enshrined in paragraph 2 of Article 7 of the Law of May 22, 2003 No. 54-FZ.

However, there are no regulations for such checks.

The inspection period cannot exceed five working days from the date of issue of the instruction for the inspection (clause 19 of the approved regulations).

Verification of issuance of checks

The fact of issuance (non-issuance) of cash receipts to buyers is checked by inspectors on the basis of an order to conduct an inspection (clause 22 of the regulations approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 17, 2011 No. 132n). In addition, tax inspectors can conduct test purchases. This is expressly provided for by the Law of March 21, 1991 No. 943-1.*

Preferential transition to online cash desks away from cities

Companies in remote areas from communication networks have the right to count on a preferential procedure for working with CCP. These include areas where there is no stable Internet connection. The population of such areas does not exceed 10,000 people. (Order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications dated December 5, 2016 No. 616).

Rules for working with KKT. Online cash register with built-in fiscal accumulator be sure to apply. But you can work on it offline. That is, the seller punches checks for new online checkout, issues them to buyers, but does not transfer them to the tax office online. Thus, there is no need to conclude an agreement with a fiscal data operator and spend money on its services.*

The online cash desk must be registered with the Federal Tax Service through the office cash register equipment in personal account legal entity or entrepreneur. When registering such a cash register, you must select the offline mode of operation. If the seller's address is not on the list of regional authorities, the cash desk will not be registered (letter of the Federal Tax Service dated January 27, 2017 No. ED-4-20/1435).

When the deadline for replacing the fiscal drive approaches, farms are required to provide data from it to the IFTS. Inspectors will receive all the information that has accumulated during the use of the cash register.

Documents for buyers. As before, you need to issue cash receipts to customers. Otherwise, inspectors can fine (part 6 of article 14.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation): *

Company - in the amount of 10,000 rubles;

Entrepreneur - in the amount of 2000 rubles.

Answered by Alexander Vodovozov

Deputy Head of Tax Department legal entities Federal Tax Service of Russia

“The choice of the benefit code depends on how the region exempted movable property from tax. For example, in whole or in part. How to fill out a declaration on movable assets with benefit codes for each case, see the recommendation.”

A computer-independent cash register, called an autonomous cash register, is convenient for small businesses. In this article, we will consider how this type of equipment works, its advantages and disadvantages, and also analyze such popular models of autonomous cash registers as Atol 91F, Evotor Standard, Mercury 115F and others.

What you will learn about:

Autonomous cash register with a fiscal drive: what does it mean

Autonomous cash register - a type of cash register equipment that works without connecting to a computer. it independent device, it has all the functions useful for trading activities and necessary for compliance with the current legislation.

The stand-alone online cash register has a display, a keyboard that allows you to program settings, monitor fiscal transactions, generate all reports, punch checks, etc.

A fiscal drive is a device that allows you to encrypt and protect fiscal data that is sent to the OFD, and then to the tax office. In order for an autonomous cash register to work correctly, a fiscal drive must be built into it.

Do not confuse the concepts of "autonomous cash desk" and "work of the cash desk in offline mode":

  1. Autonomous this cash desk is called because it has the ability to function "autonomously" from the computer. At the same time, it is connected to the Internet, like all other online cash registers.
  2. Autonomous operation of the cash register- this is a function that allows online cash registers to "accumulate" information about the sale without connecting to the Internet for up to 30 days, so that later they can transfer the data when the connection appears.

The group of autonomous cash registers also includes “smart terminals” (KKT with a touch screen, running on Android and offering an increased number of functions, for example, programmable discounts).

A cash register that connects to a computer and enters the trade accounting system is called a fiscal registrar. Autonomous cash desks and fiscal registrars look different.

If a separate cash desk has a screen, a keyboard, then the fiscal registrar is more like a printer for printing receipts, it does not even have keys for entering data.

How does an offline checkout work?

Despite external differences, stand-alone CCPs work in the same way as traditional devices connected to a computer. However, there is a nuance in the Internet connection. Such a cash register is connected to the global network thanks to built-in modules (usually Wi-Fi, but there are also cash registers with Bluetooth).

If the Internet disappears, then such an online cash desk can function offline, and later transfer all the data to the tax service when connected to the network.

Try the Business.Ru online cash desk, which is easily scalable to the size of your business and can work without the Internet for an unlimited time. With a smart checkout, you can keep track of goods, analyze and forecast sales, print receipts and send their electronic versions to customers.

The algorithm for the operation of an autonomous cash register with a fiscal drive is as follows:

  1. The working day has begun - the cashier or the seller creates a report on the opening of the shift.
  2. The buyer decided to purchase the goods - the cashier forms cash receipt, asks whether to issue it to the client in in electronic format(if yes - sends by mail or via sms).
  3. The cash register transmits the purchase data to the fiscal data operator (you need to conclude an agreement with it), which automatically checks the authenticity of the document (on a fiscal basis). The confirmation is sent to the entrepreneur's cash desk. This operation takes less than a second.
  4. A check is printed (or sent electronically).
  5. At the end of the working day, a report is generated that the shift is closed.

For those who worked for standard device and performed operations with big screen, it may be inconvenient to peer into the small display of the stand-alone cash register. This inconvenience is offset by the opportunities that an autonomous cash desk gives a small store.

Features of stand-alone cash registers:

  1. Versatility. Suitable for both stationary outlets and couriers, so it is convenient to install them at the points of issue of orders.
  2. Multifunctionality. It has the functions of both a receipt printer and fiscal registrar. Stand-alone cash registers also have ports for connecting to equipment. Such a CCP can be connected to a computer monitor, a barcode scanner, an acquiring terminal, and even a module for EGAIS.
  3. compactness. Due to their small size, such cash desks are chosen by owners of small pavilions, where the seller’s table is very small, and the rest of the area is reserved for displaying goods.
  4. Mobility. The stand-alone cash register has a high-capacity battery, which allows online store couriers to use it during the day.
  5. Ease of operation. Autonomous checkouts are easy to manage and intuitive to operate. You can set certain parameters and settings yourself. In addition, the terminals can interact with other computer programs necessary for high-quality and efficient work.

However, an offline cash register is not always a more convenient thing than an online cash register connected to a computer. All because of the requirements of 54-FZ, according to which the seller has to indicate the name of the goods on the check (individual entrepreneurs in special regimes are exempted from this obligation until 2021, except for individual entrepreneurs selling excisable products).

The name of the product using the offline checkout must be entered through the product code. If the assortment of the store is large, and barcode accounting is not kept, then the seller will have to prepare a table of codes on his own so as not to make a mistake.

When working with a cash register connected to a computer and an inventory accounting program, you can search for a product by typing its name on the keyboard. Such a search greatly simplifies the work.

Who is self-contained checkout suitable for?

Compactness, mobility, the ability to connect with additional gadgets and, most importantly, the low price of stand-alone cash desks make them popular among small business owners. In stores where 10-30 checks per day break through, an autonomous cash register is a suitable option.

However, due to their small size, individual online cash registers do not have the capacity random access memory for quick work and will “slow down” if there is a large flow of buyers.

In order to keep inventory records using an autonomous cash register, you need to connect the device to a computer where the corresponding program is installed.

Try the Business.Ru online checkout, which fully complies with Federal Law 54, supports EGAIS and allows you to keep track of goods in a special module. Analyze the cost and markup of products, predict sales and work without the Internet for an unlimited time.

Which autonomous terminal complies with EGAIS and 54-FZ

54-FZ is a normative act that defines the rules for the use of online cash desks by entrepreneurs. According to him, the tax authorities must form a list of cash registers that meet the requirements of the law. The register of online cash desks is constantly updated and contains more than 80 offline models.

If an entrepreneur sells alcohol in a store, he needs to choose a cash desk that is not only included in the register, but also supports EGAIS. Usually, the description of the cash register indicates whether it has a software module for the functioning of the Unified State Automated Information System.

An example of such an online cash desk is the "Autonomous cash desk of EGAIS" from ATOL. It works on the basis of the ATOL Fprint-90AK model, which is equipped with a software module for connecting to the EGAIS system.

Review of 6 popular models of autonomous cash registers

1. Autonomous checkout ATOL 91F- one of the most popular stand-alone checkouts due to small size and low price (up to 10 thousand rubles, with a fiscal accumulator - about 18 thousand).

It is a follower of the ATOL 90F model (autonomous cash desk, discontinued). The case is equipped with rubberized keys for outdoor use. The cash desk connects to the Internet via Wi-Fi, Ethernet and supports the installation of a SIM card.

The resource of checks is up to 100 pieces per day. You can set up the sale mode (by code and by free price). However, the cash desk is not suitable for EGAIS (it is not comparable with the transport module).

Overview of the autonomous cash desk ATOL 91F

2. ELVES-MICRO-K from Elwes. The stand-alone cash register can function by being powered from a socket or from a built-in battery. There are 12 digital and the same number of function keys at the checkout. The number of programmable goods is small, up to one hundred pieces.

Sales can be registered both by codes and by price.

3. Autonomous checkout "Evotor Standard FN"- a device that can transmit data both via Wi-Fi and via a SIM card. It differs from conventional stand-alone cash registers with touch controls. Supports the EGAIS transport module.

You can connect a barcode scanner, scales, cash drawer and other equipment important in the trade to the checkout.

4. Autonomous checkout Mercury 115 F- one of the most inexpensive devices that are in the register of the Federal Tax Service. An ideal solution for stalls and pavilions with low traffic. Usually it is purchased by individual entrepreneurs who are still allowed total accounting, however, the cash desk also supports sales by product code.

Network connection and transfer OFD data possible via Wi-Fi and GSM. Suitable for EGAIS if it is equipped with a transport module. However, this cash register cannot be connected to a computer.

5. Offline online checkout Barcode MPAY-F- a device that has a relatively high speed of printing checks, 75 mm per second, which allows it to withstand the influx of customers. Both sales by price and by code are allowed.

Compatible with external devices (both a barcode scanner and a computer can be connected), as well as with the EGAIS transport module.

6. Autonomous checkout Elwes MF- mobile checkout, and that says it all. The device has a high-capacity battery that allows you to work without permanent source electricity.

It can be programmed for sales by product code, but only up to 100 items.

Comparative table of cash desk models

Model name of the stand-alone cash register

Product Programmability

Programmability of discounts

Interaction with EGAIS

Possibility to connect additional technology

Weight and size

supports, but there are difficulties

0.39 kg
85x66x187 mm


up to 100 pieces

0.9 kg, 232x116x75 mm

Evotor Standard FN

Mercury 115 F

yes, up to 10 thousand

only when a check is broken

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, now all cash desks are online cash desks that connect to the Internet and transfer data to the tax office through the OFD. To learn more about the new cash registers, read articles about them on our blog:

There are many online cash registers on the market. Among them there are also autonomous cash desks - they are also called sum cash desks or autonomous cash desks - which are cheaper than others. And although they still comply with the requirements of the law, autonomy has limited functionality and very few opportunities for the entrepreneur.

What are the cash desks, what are the autonomies and which online cash desk to choose for your business so as not to buy a new one in a few months - we will talk about this in our article.


Types of online cash registers

What business do you have?

The choice is really huge - it is difficult for an entrepreneur to figure out which cash desk is needed. We divide such cash desks into several categories. Let's go in order: from less functionality to more.

Fiscal registrars

What are the cash registers

Fiscal registrars are online cash desks that are managed by an external cash register program. They are chosen when the business owner has already purchased the necessary cash register software for their business area. And in order to sell according to the law, he lacks only a printer for printing checks - which not only prints, but also sends these checks to the tax office through the OFD. This is the fiscal registrar.

What can they do

Fiscals have limited functionality. These are cash registers that do not have buttons and a screen - they work with a device that has a cash register program. They can print and send checks under 54-FZ using a fiscal drive. But a signal about any actions is sent to the fiscal registrar by a cash register program that is installed on a computer, laptop or other device.

So it turns out that in order to fulfill sales, the cashier works with this program. And already in the registrar itself, a fiscal drive is installed, which gives it the ability to store sales data, print checks and send them to the tax office through the OFD.

Fiscal registrars have different speed printing and designed for different load. The advantage is that there is plenty to choose from - you can find a suitable registrar for your business. They can be divided into two areas of application: for chain retail or restaurants and for small retail or service industries.

In fiscal boxes for large networks, the print speed is many times faster - for example, it prints 300 mm and 10 positions per second. Also, such fiscal registrars have a check cutter. All this is necessary to quickly serve customers and reduce queues. As a rule, these fiscal specialists print checks on a wide 80 mm ribbon - it displays a large number of goods sold. But it's not just supermarkets. It is also useful where the check contains advertising information: for example, restaurants or branded stores.

Fiscals for small retail and service industries are the same, but without a check cutter and with a lower printing speed - and their check is a little narrower. For example, it prints 100 mm and 5 positions per second. But all this is enough to sell goods and services at points where there is not a large flow of buyers.

How much are

The average cost of fiscal accounts with a fiscal accumulator for 15 months is from 15,000 ₽ to 40,000 ₽. It depends on the print speed of the registrar and the presence of a check cutter.

Where not to use

Fiscal registrars are not suitable for courier deliveries, trading in the markets, as well as for points where there is little space - for example, stalls. They are not suitable for mobile trading, because they work from an outlet and Wi-Fi or an Internet cable, and for small points - because a laptop, computer or device with a cash register takes up a lot of space.

Autonomous cash desks

What are the cash registers

In the understanding of many market participants, an autonomy is a convenient push-button cash register that does not require connection to a computer, runs on battery power and has a built-in modem. She does not need an outlet and Wi-Fi.

Alas, this is practically its only advantage. Because, first of all, an autonomy is a totalizing cash desk, which is not designed to work with a database of goods and does not help the business grow.

What can they do

Autonomy is better than fiscal registrars only in a few points.

Built-in user interface. Unlike fiscal registrars, autonomies have a screen and buttons. You can perform all cash transactions on the autonomies.

Autonomy. If a store or other point is located in a place where there are interruptions in electricity or the Internet, you can still work and sell with such a checkout according to the law - the autonomous has an Internet modem and a battery, and it does not need Wi-Fi or wired Internet.

Price. Autonomous cash registers are one of the most cost-effective solutions on the market. If you just need to meet the requirements of the new reform and send checks to the tax office through the OFD, you can save money and buy such a device.

Simplicity for microbusiness. If up to 10 products or one service break through at the point, new products are not launched, nomenclatures are added, and the business does not require automation and development, sales analytics - autonomy will do.

What they can't

In general, autonomies have one big minus - this cash desk is pre-programmed so that you cannot make any changes to it yourself. This requires the assistance of an engineer or a trip to service center: it costs money. It is difficult to modernize such a cash desk - and changes are constantly appearing in the law, and businesses need to adapt to them. And the business itself usually does not stand still and develops. For understanding, you can consider this whole story with autonomies using the example of game consoles.

There are modern consoles - those that are great to play alone or with a group. They are updated, have many opportunities for players, are convenient and simple, and are synchronized with the Internet.

And there are old consoles - those into which game cartridges are inserted, which have very limited functionality and nothing can be done with the hardware. This is autonomy. They exist somewhere very far from progress - and despite the fact that they have been produced for the last few years.

To protect the reader from an inefficient purchase, we will talk in more detail about the disadvantages of autonomy for business owners, accountants and cashiers.

Little memory. From 30 to 30,000 products can be loaded into the autonomy, depending on the specific checkout. It may seem that this is enough, but in stores with traffic from 100 customers a day, the base is growing and changing very quickly. Some products go out of stock, others appear. All these steps fill and wear out the limited memory of the autonomy.

And when working with marked goods, it will be necessary to store and transmit additional information about each unit of the sold goods and all its names. For example, 300 titles may be reduced to 100 due to lack of memory.

Small screen. Why it's bad: It's just inconvenient. The long product name does not fit on the screen. For example, the store sells cookies “Vkusnoroshkino Strawberry with Jelly” and “Vkusnoroshkino Strawberry with Chocolate”. Only the word “Vkusnokroshkino” will be displayed on the screen, and it is not clear which cookie is breaking through. The cashier constantly has to strain and read carefully in order to understand what is written on the screen and not make a mistake. When there is a queue in the store, this delays customers even more.

You can download goods directly at the checkout, but only through a special code table - which is not at all easy. Plus, to load goods through a computer, you need to close the shift at the checkout, connect it to the computer and use special program, into which goods are entered manually through the table. All names must be adjusted to the format of this program.

And everything is loaded slowly - from half an hour to several hours. All the time when the cash register is connected to the computer, it does not work. The shift is closed, the business is at a standstill. And in any case, to work with goods, the cash register must be connected to a computer or laptop - it is often impossible to download goods remotely.

There are also very few fields needed for products in the autonomy. When you need to add brands, expiration dates, sizes or types of goods, services - all this cannot be done offline.

Sum work. Due to the almost impossible loading of goods at such cash desks, they often work in sum mode - just like on a calculator. When cash desks work by amount, they do not identify the goods and do not write them off according to the database. In sum mode, the cashier does not care what to sell: a can of corn or sausage. All that is scored in the check is the cost of the goods.

Due to the fact that the movement of goods cannot be tracked under the sum mode, the business suffers losses and risks. So, if the product is not at the checkout, the store owner will not be able to guarantee that the cashier sold it, and did not take it home or did not sell it at exorbitant prices on his own. Inventory with total accounting is simply impossible: except from the cashier's notebook. Plus, when the cash desk works by the amount, it cannot work with the labeling of goods - namely, it becomes mandatory in 2019. And from 2021, it is mandatory to enter the names of all goods, not only labeled ones.

Inconvenient connection of equipment. Some autonomies do not work at all with additional equipment. Others have USB ports - but you can’t connect any model that you like there either. Still others have one or two ports, and you cannot, for example, use a bank terminal and a barcode scanner at the same time. Some manufacturers produce additional devices for their autonomous systems - they are also called a “hub”. They cost two or three times more than the cash register - and you can already connect equipment to them. In any case, it turns out expensive and inconvenient.

Inability to work with shares. A complex operation is a task that is done at the checkout during a sale - for example, calculating discounts, creating promotions, searching for goods. Such operations are not available offline. But manual discounts are available. But this means that all promotions at the checkout depend on whether the seller remembers them and whether he makes discounts when necessary.

No business automation. Autonomy is suitable only for those who have few commodity items and the database for which is not updated, and who have few settlements with customers. It is impossible to organize goods accounting, work with accounting programs, online stores, collect sales statistics, reports and analyze business in an offline system.

Cash desk F automates business and closes all legal issues with one purchase

A modern fully functional push-button cash register, a service for sales analytics, a fiscal drive and 15 months of OFD included.

How much are

The average cost of an autonomy with a fiscal drive for 15 months is from 15,000 ₽ to 20,000 ₽.

Where not to use

A business with more than 30 items of goods or services. Summarizing all the above: it is difficult to punch through goods and enter them into the database on an autonomous system, connect services and additional equipment - for example, a barcode scanner. Also autonomy is difficult to update.

EGAIS. Only a few manufacturers make autonomies that can sell strong alcohol. But here, too, there are difficulties.

Their autonomous systems do not support the connection of a 2D scanner, product identification and installation of UTM - and all this is mandatory for EGAIS. When users understand that the cash desk cannot work with the EGAIS, manufacturers offer to buy an additional computer for the autonomous system. Already with it, it is possible to connect a scanner, send, compare and record data for EGAIS, accept alcohol. This purchase costs time and money.

Goods labeling. To combat counterfeiting, the government introduces global labeling of goods. .

The most important thing that labeling requires is the availability of the names of all labeled goods that are in the store, at the checkout. If a marked product is being sold, you cannot break through an abstract product for 100 rubles - you need to sell a specific name and count unique code markings.

It is not yet known whether autonomies with labeling of goods will work. Perhaps through additional paid services or devices - as with EGAIS. Even if autonomies can sell labeled goods, it will be difficult and inconvenient to do this - and here's why:

As mentioned above, it is difficult to upload goods to autonomous networks. But it will be necessary if the store sells labeled goods. It will be necessary to enter each nomenclature manually, close the shift to load goods at the checkout, double-check everything.
Barcode Scanner. Not all autonomies work with a scanner - and it is required for the sale of labeled goods.
System for receiving invoices. It is not clear where the business owner should work with invoices: such services are not implemented in autonomous companies.

Product identification

And for EGAIS and labeling there is an obligatory moment - this is the identification of the goods. Let's look at examples.

How goods are identified at online checkouts. For example, an entrepreneur has a store, a cash desk from Dreamkas and. While the cashier is working in the store, goods arrive at the office - let it be 15 types of cookies. The product comes with a paper invoice.

To add these products, you need to connect the barcode scanner to your computer or laptop, click "Add Product" in your DreamCas Office and start scanning the codes on the invoice. The account immediately finds the product - it remains only to select its type, set the price and VAT percentage. And so it is with every product.

This is done very quickly, and in a minute the goods are already at the checkout. The cashier does not need to add anything himself.

If the goods do not come to the office, but to a store where there is no computer and there is only a cash register. In this case, the cashier takes a barcode scanner, scans the codes at the checkout, and the device itself finds the name of the product in the cloud of goods. When the cashier sells the goods, he will immediately appear in the Dreamkas Account.

How goods are identified on autonomies. The goods come to the store with a paper invoice. The cashier needs to take this waybill, sit down at the computer, connect the cash register to it and drive in the goods manually. This is usually done in the evening after the store closes, because the shift is closed while the goods are being loaded. So you can sell goods not by amount, but by name.

If the store wants to sell goods by the amount, there are no problems here. But then you can’t see what exactly is being sold, you can’t conduct a normal inventory. The seller talks about the goods sold in a notebook - and only on the basis of this is an order made, which is very unreliable.


If you purchase a stand-alone cash register, you will need to purchase a computer to account for goods and connect a scanner. It is more difficult and more expensive than buying an online cash register that is ready for all changes in the law.

If the store sells counterfeit products and does not take into account goods with mandatory labeling, there will be sanctions and fines.


What are the cash registers

These are online cash desks for small and medium businesses. These cash registers have a built-in receipt printer, cash register program, teller screen, keys or touch screen. All operations can be performed from them - a computer is not required. Therefore, such devices are full-fledged workplace cashier.

What can they do

Monoblocks work with additional equipment and services, are easily updated, allow you to carry out complex operations at the checkout and analyze sales. And they also adapt to changes in the law.

But all monoblocks are different. Some work with EGAIS and sell strong alcohol, while others integrate with online stores. The easiest way is these cash desks for business areas.

Cash registers for restaurants

Large-screen touch-screen cash registers are suitable for cafes and restaurants. Such a screen allows you to quickly add items to a check from tiles of goods and issue bills - it is them that waiters bring to customers in the form of an invoice. As a rule, with the help of such cash desks, you can indicate the numbers of tables and orders on the receipt. And the guest bill itself can be transferred to the kitchen to the chefs.

Cashiers Wiki for restaurants and cafes

They allow you to work with gloves, quickly add dishes and drinks to the check, sort orders and analyze sales.

Cash registers for online trading

Cash desks for online commerce work without the participation of a cashier. And although many of them have a screen and a user interface, they automatically close and open shifts, integrate with CMS to manage an online store, and help to comply with all legal requirements.

Checkout F for online stores

Suitable for online stores with and without a pickup point. The cost already includes OFD for 15 months. Works with popular CMS systems.

Cash desks for couriers and trade in the markets

Everything is simple here: these are mobile cash registers that run on batteries and do not need wired Internet - there is a slot for a SIM card inside. Such devices can be used by vendors in markets and villages, couriers and stall owners.

Do not confuse these cash desks with sum autonomies: mobile, like other online cash desks, work with product names and are synchronized with their database. They allow the cashier to sell quickly, and the business owner to analyze sales. Autonomous cars also work on battery power and do not need wired internet.

Cash desks for small retail

Cash desks that are suitable for trading in shops and selling services are the most in the register. These cash registers are push-button and touch. With touch-screen cash registers, it is easy to add goods to a receipt and conveniently sell goods without barcodes. And push-buttons are more familiar to cashiers and sellers.

Some of these cash desks work with EGAIS - they can punch strong alcohol. Others know how to work with labeled goods, such as tobacco, which is required by law to be labeled from March 1, 2019. In addition, our solutions have many integrations and a free service for sales analytics and business automation — Dreamkas Cabinet.

How much are

The average cost of monoblocks with a fiscal drive for 15 months is from 25,000 ₽ to 35,000 ₽.

Where not to use

Monoblocks will not cope with a large flow of customers - such as in a large retail chain.

POS systems

What are the cash registers

This is a kit for any large networks - for example, hypermarkets. They last a long time, work smoothly and serve customers quickly. Despite the configuration and the name, the POS system is an ordinary cash register, only for large retailers and a large flow of customers.

What can they do

Typically, such a system has a system unit and a keyboard, a cashier's monitor and a customer's display, a cash drawer and a fiscal registrar. They know how to print and send checks to the tax office. Work with cash program and cash server.

The cash program is installed on the checkout itself, it takes into account the goods, helps the cashier to accept payment and calculate the cost.

The cash server automates the work of the store. It helps to upload goods and prices to the checkout, monitors the printing of price tags, closing and opening shifts, adding promotions, sales and discounts. The server collects analytics and statistics on all sales from all cash desks and helps to manage them remotely.

The POS system is designed for high load A: up to 600 more checks per day. Manufacturers of such systems sell spare parts for them even after they are discontinued. They are expensive, but have the lowest cost of ownership over a 5-year perspective.

Buying a POS system - good investment money for large retailers. In addition, it is very flexible: if there are changes in the law, it is easy to update it and make it work according to the new rules.

How much are

The average cost of POS systems is from 100,000 ₽ to 150,000 ₽.

Where not to use

The POS system works great, but is expensive. For retail and services, there are other, more budget-friendly solutions on the market. Therefore, we advise you to use the system only for large retailers.

Cash programs

What are the cash registers

The cash register program is the brain of the online cash register, its integral essence. She leads the cashier behind her: tells him what he must do in order to sell the goods and knock out a check. This saves the cashier from mistakes and helps him do everything quickly and correctly. She also generates checks, sends signals what needs to be printed and what data to write down.

What can they do

The cash program is installed on a laptop or built into the software of the cash register itself. It has a sea of ​​​​opportunities - each user and business owner chooses what he needs. All programs are different, but the main thing they can do is:

  • generate checks,
  • send data to the fiscal drive,
  • send checks to OFD,
  • update,
  • work with goods.

Help the cashier. Manage the opening and closing of the shift, form fiscal documents set prices. Most of them are able to store a database of goods, search for articles, work with third-party services for business automation, and integrate with inventory systems.

They help punch through goods without a barcode, calculate change, conduct manual and automatic promotions and discounts, work with advances, prepayments, and returns. They work with cash and non-cash payments.

How much are

The cost of the cash program varies greatly. It depends on the policy of the company that supplies the hardware and software, as well as on the functionality. As a rule, if a company produces cash registers, the cost of the cash register program is already included in the cost of the cash register.

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