What is an autonomous cash desk and its differences from the fiscal registrar. Fiscal registrar

Reservoirs 30.09.2019

In accordance with Federal Law 54 "On the application of cash registers in the exercise of calculations in the Russian Federation" from July 1, 2018, the bulk of entities of entrepreneurial activity is obliged to sell goods or provide services using the CCT. The modern situation in the technology market allows you to choose from a large number of similar devices. Specialized stores sell a significant number of types of CCR. An inexperienced in the technique of a businessman is difficult to determine what the online ticket office is different from the fiscal registrar and what to choose to work.

What is a fiscal recorder

In addition to the technical description of the fiscal registrar, its definition is enshrined in Russian legislation. Under it is a box office, using which the seller dials buying or services and prints text. Fiscal registrar and online cash desk are one of the types of CCR. FR - a more advanced version of the conventional cash register and is divided into two types. The outdated version of the FR is the matrix printer and is almost anywhere. However, the device of this configuration is significantly deocratic for the price. The difference of another type is in its versatility. The FR with the thermal printer is applied in almost all spheres of entrepreneurial activity.

Important! The fiscal registrar is needed if there is several outlets or branches, a large number of personnel and sold goods or services.

The most popular and intended for the possibilities of the cashier are considered the following FR:

  1. Bar i-Light-FR-K. The advantage of this instrument consists of a moderate price of about 20,000 rubles. It is also possible to determine in which form and what type and color will be printed by the checks of the organization. Barry-Light applies in the pharmacy business, the catering and mini markets.
  2. Mercury. This domestic aggregate is made in several configurations. However, the difference in devices 130K and 140K is visible only by professionals. Mercury is two times cheaper than its overseas analogue. The device has limitations in the number of trading groups (up to 16), goods and prices (up to 3000). Mercury works at air temperature or room to +40 and +45 degrees Celsius (depends on the configuration). This economical version of the FR is suitable for small business with a small staff. The most powerful FR at the moment a bar mini-ptk costs 37,000 rubles.

Important! Buying a fiscal registrar is also beneficial to the fact that it is immediately built in a fiscal drive, which stores information of fiscal memory for a period of 15 to 36 months depending on the type of product.

The difference between the fiscal registrar from the online cash register

Both devices are varieties of cash registrars. Despite the overall features, they have a number of significant differences that are manifested in entrepreneurial activity:

  1. An online cash desk is used in a small business. It is possible to make a limited list of goods and services. The fiscal registrar has a practically unlimited memory. The number of items that are driven into it make it possible to fully function in large trading networks.
  2. FR allows you to make changes to the database at any time. In the online ticket office, changing the product is impossible. This is important because products that need to be added to the database in the stores throughout the working time.
  3. The cash register has a function of only printing checks, the FR also generates expendable overhead and other necessary accounting documents.
  4. When using the FR, all the necessary information about the product appears on the monitor and enters the tax inspection. This is due to the scanning of goods.
  5. Features of these types of CCB are traced on the printed check, the differences of which consist in its width and recorded information (price, discounts, quantities, stocks, points).
  6. FR connects and works directly through a computer or POS terminal. Online cashier is completely autonomous. Information to it is brought through the display and keyboard.
  7. The recorder itself has a built-in fiscal memory. The data that is entered into it is impossible to erase without the participation of the programmer.
  8. FR is important for the full work of the enterprise. It traces the movement of the goods from its receipt to the warehouse to the sale in the outlet. The system controls all stages of entrepreneurial activity.
  9. When the FR sales work occurs exclusively in automated mode. The process control comes from the consignment system. All shares and discounts are fixed and cannot change. In the cash register, it is possible to install the price and discounts in manual mode.
  10. Fiscal registrars have greater reliability and speed of work. This is caused by the functions and conditions under which this equipment is applied.
  11. FR allows you to adjust the availability of goods in real time, which is very important for large supermarkets.
  12. FR are important for operational and analytical activities. Unlike the autonomous online ticket office, they record all changes in the turnover of the enterprise in all stores and warehouses.
  13. The autonomous cash desk is cheaper at cost, it is easier in appearance and does not require additional external devices for connecting.
  14. FR issues a wide cash register that is often important for buyers.
  15. The newest fiscal recorders have the ability to connect to external devices, smartphones and mobile applications, which allows to systematize and automate the work of the enterprise until the reports are submitted to the tax inspectorate.

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for regulators in the choice of cash registers under the compliance with the Federal Law 54. Entrepreneurs have the right to install both FR and online cash regulations. The use of the type of CCT in business depends mainly from working factors. Online Cashier is the best solution for small business. If the entrepreneur does the work itself or with several employees, he has one point and goods come directly into one particular place, he does not need Fr. Autonomous cash desk is easy to use and cheap. If a businessman works on a simplified tax system, it can safely use an online cashier.

However, if entrepreneurial activity is large, the acquisition of a fiscal registrar inevitably. FR allows you to optimize the operation of networks and supermarkets. Thanks to this device, trade turnover is tracked from the supply of products to the warehouse to sale. The fiscal registrar is indispensable for business intelligence. With the help of programs installed on it, it is easy to conduct marketing research and develop a business project. FR tracks the work of employees and reveals fraud all species in the enterprise. The use of FR allows you to develop a strategy for the activities of the institution. With a serious decision to engage in medium and large business, the installation of a fiscal registrar will help comply with the NORMS FZ-54 and systematize the work of the enterprise in order to profit.

The control and cash accounting system entered the daily life of every person. Without it, we do not even imagine full-fledged financial activities. Fiscal registrars everywhere displaced cash registers, becoming the basis for the automation of thousands of the country's trading places. That is why, thinking how to speed up the work of the trading hall of your enterprise and control the full volume of sales, without this financial instrument you can not do.

The essence of the fiscal registrar

This device is a type of control and cash register operating as part of a computer system. This information comes across a special communication channel. Payment terminals are based on a PC, which is why the fiscal registrar is the best device that makes it possible to bring your payment terminal in full compliance with current laws.

Presented varieties of such devices with matrix and thermal printer. The most popular type is the devices made on the basis of proven thermal printer times. For such a print, you do not need a coloring cartridge, the process goes almost silently. In addition, many registrars have a car that allows you to cut checks. Such such devices are installed on payment terminals. The most popular devices of Eksellio and the Sale companies are most popular, Mary's devices also work well.

Characteristics of financial recorders

Fiscal registrars, in addition to technological features, are also characterized by technical characteristics, dimensions, functional set and, of course, cost. Among the main technical parameters of these devices:

Printing resource (for example, kilometers of check tape)
- speed printing (lines per second)
- Printing Method: Matrix or Term
- Connection Interfaces: There are USB or RS-232
- a way to circumcision check: automated or manually
- Set of drivers included

The main consumables in fiscal registrars serves a check tape. Its parameters depend mainly on the technical indicators of the printing unit. To prevent registrars breakdown, it is important to use only a specific type of tape for checks recommended by the manufacturer of your device.

Choosing a fiscal recorder

How to correctly pick up a similar cash register? The task is not easy: it is necessary to carefully select at once in several parameters. Following such a principle, your registrar will serve you for many years. Please note that the sale of such devices is necessarily controlled by the inclusion of each such apparatus in a special state registry. That is why, deciding to acquire a fiscal registrar, it is extremely important to pay attention to the reliability of the supplier's company. It is unpleasant to get to come, buying equipment for trading or providing services, which will be controlled by the tax authorities.

When choosing such a cash register, make sure that it is reliable and compliance with all declared characteristics, according to your alleged working conditions. The organization of work in trade is largely determined by the service speed. Following this indicator, your recorder has a fairly fast printer. By the way, these fiscal devices, the cost of which fluctuates, depending on the manufacturer's manufacturer of their printed node, may even have several stations for the creation of checks. In addition, choosing this equipment, pay attention also to the paper loading method: Old registrars need paper refueling directly into the printer. In this regard, considerable queues may appear in the checkout area.

Regarding the choice of a particular model, purchase fiscal recorders depending on the type of your trading area. For example, in a small market, where the number of buyers is stable, the cash recorder of the barcode will be optimal. However, if the task is to organize the cash and financial control of a large shopping center or gas station, where there are many customers, then the device is suitable for the Mary model. The most important condition is that each fiscal registrar, together with its parameters, is selected individually for each specific task.

Today, most organizations that are on a common or simplified tax system are obliged to apply cash registers. This equipment is intended to fix the turnover of cash and transactions carried out using bank cards. Thus, the state supervises and controls the timely posting of money. An intermediate control element between the entrepreneur and the state is the tax service at the place of registration. All check operations are recorded. All cash register is acquired by an entrepreneur independently.

The need for CCT touched the following areas of professional activity of people:

  • catering points;
  • trade (wholesale and retail);
  • provision of services, including a hotel case;
  • realization of oil products.

Types of technology

According to the specifics of operation among control and cash technology, cash registrars and fiscal registrars distinguish. What is it and what is the difference between them?

To begin with, we highlight that the principle of fixing information they have the same and based on the following elements:

  • Fiscal memory. Integrated fee that contains information about the device itself, about the owner of the device and all postings, including returns. Allows you to take reports for a given time period. On average, it is designed for 2000 records.
  • EKLZ. Removable block, remembers all the transactions. It is subject to replacement every 13 months at the expense of the owner. Correction of data written on ECLZ is criminalized.

Both of these positions perform the same task described above. But the principle of operation is different:

  • Control and cash car (CCM). Works autonomously. The resulting amount is driven into the apparatus by the seller. For full functioning, there is enough periodic charging and correct operation.
  • It is not capable of working autonomously. Operated as an output device (prints a check) as part of a shopping complex. Mandatory is the presence of specialized software.

The validity of the use of fiscal registrars

As mentioned above, fiscal registrars go in a complex with a trading program and related equipment. To date, an increasing number of sales points are moving from the "flushed trade" to complete automation, as it allows you to streamline the process and minimize the error at the same inventory.

This applies primarily to enterprises in the regions, as large cities are already firmly "subtle" on automated accounting.

Fiscal registrar: from buying before starting work

This equipment is the main accounting element. To control it, the tax authority interferes with the process of operation, providing additional safety and isolation of data. Therefore, it is impossible to just buy fiscal recorders (what it is, we found out higher), connect to the trading program and start working. The device must pass the fiscalization process in a certified maintenance center and IFTS at the place of registration. The process can be divided into the following steps:

  • The organizer of the organization comes to the CTO with a fiscal registrar, printing and a card of the organization.
  • The TTO employee programms the device, introducing the owner organization data. A brand-filling brand is attached to the device, a means of visual control.
  • The CTO officer makes the necessary data to the ECLZ passport and the application for registration of the fiscal registrar.
  • The completed application is transmitted to the IFTS, where its representative activates the fiscal memory by entering a special code. The process is printed in the process, indicating activation, and the first report is removed with the quenching. ECLZ at the same time is additionally protected by a password.
  • Information about the commissioned fiscal registrar is entered into the accounting book, the owner's organization is issued a registration card. That's all, the equipment can be connected to the hardware complex and start work.

Market Favorites. Brand "Strich-M"

The modern equipment for automation equipment offers many options for fiscal registrars. Entrepreneurs can buy any, the only thing that limits them in the selection is the current register of the permitted cash register of the Russian Federation. However, the practice shows that among the whole variety, the models of the brands "Stroke M" and "Atol" are more popular.

First consider the options of the first company. "Strokem" and their fiscal registrars - what is it and what they are good? Consider each view separately:

  • Fiscal registrar "Strike-Light-FR-K". Budget version of the CCT. Works on a check tape with a width of 57 mm. Connection type - RS / USB. Suitable for sales points with the middle and below the load. The average price is 26,000 rubles.
  • Fiscal registrar "Strich-M-Fr.". A more solid model operates on a check tape with a width of 80 mm. More wear-resistant thermal head. Connection type - RS / USB. The average price is 29,000 rubles.
  • Fiscal registrar "Strike FR-K". Beautiful, resistant apparatus, "workhorse". It employs most of the points of the Magnit network. Works on a check tape with a width of 57 mm. Connection type - RS / USB. The average price is 33,000 rubles.

Market Favorites. Brand "Atol"

The models of this company are rightfully divided by a winner with models from "Stroke M". They are more wear-resistant, but less convenient in work, as most of the specialized software from the company "Atol" is paid. Most popular species:

  • Fiscal registrar FPRINT-5200K. Designed for intensive operation. Works on a check tape with a width of 57 mm. Connection type - RS / USB. The average price is 33 00 rubles.
  • Fiscal registrar FPRINT-02K. According to the functionality and performance, the same model is similar, but it works on a check tape with a width of 80 mm. Connection type - RS / USB. The average price is 35,000 rubles.
  • Fiscal registrar FPRINT-22PTK. High-quality apparatus, designed for the middle flow of visitors. Works on a check tape with a width of 80 mm. Connection type - RS / USB. The average price is 29,000 rubles.
  • Fiscal registrar FPRINT-55TK. Similar to the previous model, but it has the ability to print 44 mm wide on a tape (in addition to 57 mm). Connection type - RS / USB. The average price is 27,000 rubles.

Fiscal registrars and payment terminals

All terminals for receiving payments should include a fiscal registrar ("Atol", "Strike" or other firm - no matter). Ignoring this requirement will entail fines, since the principle of operation of the terminals implies the reception of cash. The owners have two outputs:

  • replace the printer for printing checks to the fiscal registrar, after registering the latter in the tax;
  • purchase a refinement kit that will allow you to convert a working printer into a fiscal registrar. This solution is not suitable for all printers, unfortunately.

Fiscal registrars - What is it in the light of the coming year?

At the beginning of 2016, the situation with fiscal registrars may change due to two events:

  • The control system will change. Those who acquire a device after January 1, 2016 will use it a modernized version equipped with a modulus for transmitting data in real time. This information will be processed by special centers, after which it is already in the FTS. In this case, the digital will be formed, when the organization, the organization will be required to provide the buyer. Those who have time to register a fiscal registrar until the end of 2015 will work according to the old scheme for 7 years - this is the period of operation of the cash register, after which it is subject to a planned replacement.
  • The control system will change that alcohol implements. Since July 2016, they will all go from fiscal registrars on software and technical complexes, since the latter have the ability to generate a QR code on a check, without which alcohol leave is fraught with a license.

Fiscal registrar "Maria" - Ukrainian analog

Ukraine is distinguished by another type of control over the turnover of cash, rather than Russia now. This monitoring is similar to what our organizations are waiting in 2016 - the most popular Fiscal registrar "Maria 304T" is equipped with a module that in real time transfers sales reports to the regulatory authorities.

In addition, there is a model "Maria 301 Mtm", which:

  • it is autonomous, that is, it does not need to connect to the trading complex;
  • the volume of the built-in memory allows one to store in the device to 20,750 positions in the device, and the length length can reach 24 characters;
  • the device provides all types of reports, ranging from standard and ending with fixed periods;
  • it has the ability to calculate taxes invested, superimposed and tax on the income of the individuality;
  • fiscal registrar "Maria 301 Mtm" has an option for connecting a safe to it.

The fiscal registrar is a cash register (CCM) with a fiscal drive that prints checks, stores and transmits fiscal data. Unlike, fiscal registrars work only in conjunction with a cash computer and provide comfortable work with a large base of goods. Allows you to use fiscal registrars that are registered in the FTS and entered.

The main characteristics that need to be taken into account when choosing a fiscal registrar:

Determine the parameters of the CCT, which are important for your business and make the right choice.

Print speed

Fiscal registrars for supermarkets, canteens, pharmacies should be designed for a large stream of buyers and withstand the load in the peak clock:

  • - Print speed not less than 200 mm / s
  • - Mandatory with a reliable auto-cutter
  • - Printhead resource at least 100 km
  • - Fast refill check tape Easy Load

If you work without a queue (boutique, salon, restaurant), you are enough:

  • - Print speeds at 75-100 mm / s
  • - Grooms for manual leaving check
  • - Printhead resource - 50-100 km

Each fiscal recorder is designed for a certain intensity of work. The correctly chosen fiscal registrar should work for at least 5-7 years.

Width check

The width of the tape defines the amount of information that can be placed on the check. The most common dimensions of 57 mm and 80 mm. A narrow tape is used more often. Its cost below, the fiscal registrar is more compact and cheaper, because Cheaper printing device.


Externally and on dimensions, fiscal recorders are little different. But in the line of almost every manufacturer there are compact models. These are usually budget options with a comb and a narrow tape. The lightest and most compact - weighing from 0.4 to 1 kg, linear case dimensions - 10x16 cm. Good option if there is little space at the checkout.

There are also convenient models for mounting, which are installed both horizontally and vertically at any angle of inclination. Most often these are fiscal registrars for working with a large stream of buyers, on a wide ribbon and with an auto-cutter.

Fiscal recorders are produced in dark and bright versions: black or white / beige / gray.


  • 1. The fiscal registrar cannot work in itself, like offline online cash offices. For full work, it must be connected to the cash computer, i.e. There must be appropriate ports. Standard is a USB port, in a number of models for an alternative connection there are RS-232.
  • 2. A cash box is connected directly to the fiscal recorder. For this, most of the fiscalists have an RJ-12 or RJ-11 connector. But there are budget models, for example, which have no connector for money drawer, in which case there will have to use a mechanical cash box. CCT connectors for money drawer are 12 and 24 volt - RJ-12 (12V) and RJ-12 (24V). Consider this and choose a cash box for a fiscal registrar. If you have a fiscal registrar or, then a 12-voltage EK-330-12B is suitable for you from electromechanical boxes. Either any box with a mechanical lock.
  • 3. The fiscal registrar must transmit checks into a tax via OFD. Accordingly, communication with the Internet is needed. It is carried out or via a cash computer, or directly in a number of models (,) an Ethernet connector is provided. We can also optionally be installed 2G / 3G or Wi-Fi modules, such as in the Atol line.

Travel program

Ideally, any fiscal registrar should work with any commodity system. In practice, the software developers and manufacturers work on this Viki fiscal registrars, the Atol and the barcode are guaranteed compatible with the SBI retail. The compatibility table with other commodity and accounts is shown below.

The described criteria will help you choose the fiscal registrar that suits you. If you have any questions in the process of choice, refer to and describe the details of the business, the operating conditions and the trade system. They will help choose.

The main task of the fiscal registrar (FR) and check printer (or ASPD) is to print a cash check that is awarded to the buyer who has paid for goods or services. Therefore, FR and ASPD are just a printer that prints on special paper - check tape. The difference between this printing device from ordinary printers, which are in offices - laser, inkjet, matrix, lies in the method of printing - thermal printing.

Term printing is performed on a special heat sensitive paper. Usually it is white paper, however, if it is in some place to heat, then in this place the thermal paper is black. And the stronger the heating, the stronger the blaming of the paper. Checking tape is pulled along the printer thermal heads. Heating elements Thermal heads and "print" check. To facilitate the separation of the finished check, the printers have a cutter or other fixture.

Thus, the basis of any FR or ASPD is the usual thermal printer, which is able to print on a small width on a thermal paper, rolled into a roll.

How does he work

The fiscal recorder or printer checks are placed on the workplace of the cashier and connect using a cable to the control device. The control device can be a POS terminal (a special computer-driven control system) or a regular computer on which a cash register is installed, or a program for accounting for goods or services. The cashier, with the help of a cash program, on a POS terminal or on a computer, make up the purchase of goods or services, the program forms a check and sends it to a FR or ASPD, which this check is printed.

Recently, the market for printing checks based on mobile devices began to appear on the market. The cash program is installed on a mobile device: telephone, tablet, etc., and the fiscal recorder (printer checks) is associated with it using bluetooth (Bluetooth) or another wireless way. For full mobility inside the printer there is a battery.

In any case, the check ribbon roll is placed in the front and he is waiting for the team. Having received the command - the printer prints a cash receipt or report. Everything is simple.

What is the difference between FR and ASPD?

In our country, there is a legislation on the use of cash registers, which obliges almost all sellers of goods and services to use it. Questionnaires are special, fiscal devices that fix the revenue obtained in cash calculations. CCPs are used in cash control of cash received from citizens, as well as the CCPC, even with cash settlements between legal entities.

The amounts of cash revenue are fixed inside the CBC with the help of fiscal memory (FP), and the actions performed on the CCT are fixed inside the ECLZ (electronic control tape protected). Reports of the FP and ECLZ enter the tax authorities, which thus receive reliable information about the cash revenue of enterprises and entrepreneurs.

Fiscal registrars are the most real cash register, the use of which is monitored by the state.

At the same time, legislation on the use of cash registers, determines entrepreneurs who are exempt from the need to apply CCT. This applies to ENVD payers (unified tax on the imputed income) that lead a small business. Such entrepreneurs oblige just to write out receipts, which reflect the amounts accepted and signs that money was received. Of course, these receipts can be done manually. But it is much faster and easier to print such receipts on the printer of checks connected to a computer.

Check printers or ASPD are not control and cash register, and their use is not controlled by the state.

Fiscal registrar - cash register

In order for the usual printer checks to become a fiscal registrar, he should get into the state register of cash register. And for this, inside the fiscal registrar must accommodate fiscal memory and ECLZ, and the FR itself should withstand numerous checks. Therefore, the fiscal registrar is two - three times more expensive than the check printer.

If an enterprise or entrepreneur intends to use FR, before starting work, they must conclude an agreement on its maintenance with a specialized enterprise - CTTC CKT - maintenance center and write a statement about the registration of FR and IFTS. PST specialists, in the presence of tax service inspections, introduced FR operation - activate the fiscal memory, passwords are introduced, write papers, etc.

In general, the use of fiscal registrars brings with them all the troubles that are associated with the use of any cash register equipment.

Check printer - everything is much easier

Check printers are not CCT, they should not be registered in the tax, they can be used without contracts for maintenance. They are inexpensive, and their exploitation costs much cheaper.

In fact, printers checks are lightweight versions of the same fiscal registrars, they even have the same housings. By the way, in almost all printers, the checks have an analogue of fiscal memory - non-corrected internal memory. This is useful in the sense of the protection of the interests of the business owner from the possible unscrupulous actions of hired cashiers.

So, if your business can do without using cash registers, you can say that you are lucky: the number of money and business time spending can be significantly reduced.


The transfer company has been selling for a long time and serves fiscal registrars and check printers, as well as sells the necessary consumables for them. Come on our site and choose the model suitable for you. If you find it difficult to choose from, we can always help you: We will select a suitable model, we will give recommendations for its use.

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