How to determine the fiscal data operator for the check. Fiscal Data Operator (OFD)

Arrangement of the site 30.09.2019
Arrangement of the site

Fiscal data operators play the role of the national team. They take data on calculations from different control and cash registers and is transmitted to the tax. Fiscal data operator has its own data processing center. The OFD can only work if the FSB license has to work with encrypted means.

Buyer pays for goods. The seller pierces the check on the online ticket office, and the data on sale is instantly recorded on the fiscal drive and are transmitted over the Internet for the operator of fiscal data. OFD transfers to tax data from all checks.

What does the store need to work with the OFD?

  • Treaty with OFD on the processing of fiscal data
  • the Internet
  • CCT with fiscal drive and internet connection

Cash and cash desk will need to register in the PNF website. To do this, you will need a qualified electronic signature.

How does the OFD work? We disassemble the change 54 of the Federal Law

Let's look at the example. The buyer comes to the store for milk package. The cashier scans the barcode from milk packaging or dials the amount on the keyboard of the cash register.

Inside the CCT (cash register) there is a fiscal drive. It saves a check, signs it a fiscal feature, forms and sends a data packet to the OFD server.

The fiscal data operator forms a response fiscal sign and sends a receipt, signed by a fiscal sign, a cash register. When a fiscal drive regits a receipt, checking the check on new requirements will be completed.

Then the fiscal data statement transmits data on the calculations to the tax. The buyer receives two checks: paper and electronic (email or subscriber number).

On checks posted a QR code and link. The buyer can scan the camera code of the smartphone or go on the link. The buyer will get to the check service check service. There he will check that the check registered in the OFD corresponded to the paper. If the amounts are different, the buyer can complain to the store.

Electronic check completely replace paper?

The electronic check contains the Inn store, the names of goods, the amount of tax paid and the rest of the information. But at the request of the buyer, the seller is still obliged to give a paper check.

What do the checks of a new sample look like?

How is the QR code and link form?

The fiscal data operator provides the CCC of the QR code formation and reference. Cash and cash register forms QR, link and print a check.

And if the Internet will turn off during the sale?

The store owner has 72 hours to restore the connection. Otherwise, the CCC will stop working.

What is a fiscal drive?

Signally speaking, it is a new type. The fiscal drive receives the check data, processes them and sign the fiscal sign. Then it sends the check data and the fiscal feature to the fiscal data operator. From the OFD fiscal drive receives a receipt signed by a fiscal feature, and saves check data.

That is, EcLZ will no longer need?

Yes, fiscal drives will replace the ECLZ.

Where to buy a fiscal drive?

Now it is known that ECLZ can be bought from the manufacturer - the company of atlas maps. For more sales, the company proxima is engaged in the company. The list of organizations that are engaged in selling fiscal drives have not yet been approved.

Fiscal drive one forever?

No, it must be changed.

Organizations on the general tax system - once a year. Organizations on Patent, ENVD and USN - every 3 years.

Who will change the fiscal drive?

How to get an electronic signature?

Electronic signatures draw up certifying centers accredited by the Ministry of Communications and Communications of the Russian Federation. To arrange a signature, take the documents to the Certification Authority.


  • passport

Legal entities:

  • constituent documents
  • document on the introduction of Jurlitsa to the EGRUL
  • certificate of registration with tax

An electronic signature will be recorded on a physical medium, such as a USB flash drive. Find the cost of services in the Certification Center.

What to do the store owner to connect to the OFD?

  • Get a qualified electronic signature
  • Conclude a contract or contract with a fiscal data operator
  • Conduct the Internet
  • Install a fiscal drive in the cash register
  • Register a cash register on the website of the tax and get a registration number on the FTS website

How to register a cash register and get a number?

Go to the personal account of the taxpayer on the FTS website. Get the CCT registration number in the Personal Account. Fiscalizing the cashier. CCP will send data to the tax service through the OFD. You will receive a registration card in your personal account on the FTS website. Registration is completed.

We remind you that the registration needs an electronic signature.

When will the CCT registration begin to transfer the OFD data?

Voluntary registration of CCT - from April 1, 2016. Mandatory registration of CCT - from February 1, 2017. By July 1, 2017, all cash registers should start sending data on calculations to the OFD. The law is not signed, deadlines may change.

Do I need to buy a new cash register?

No, if your CCT connects to the Internet and in the case you can put a fiscal drive, and the internal software works with FN and OFD. If these capabilities are not available and the manufacturer will not produce a refinement kit, then you will have to replace the cash registers.

What cash registers are suitable for working with the OFD?

The OFD has both "iron" and software requirements.

Requirements for the device:

  • internet connection
  • place for the fiscal drive inside the case
  • print QR codes and links

Program Requirements:

  • work with a fiscal drive
  • work with OPD.

Drimkas developers have provided compartment for a fiscal drive in all Viki Cass models and Viki Print fiscal registrars.

The software works on the exchange protocols both between the CCT and the OFD and between the CCC and the fiscal drive. Viki cash registers are connected to the Internet on a network cable or WiFi.

I work on UTII, I do not use the cashier. What to do?

Now - wait. The government is preparing a draft resolution, where the activities will be accurately indicated for the use of the CCT.

What will be with the CTO?

Maintenance in the CTO will cease to be mandatory. But the cash register technique still will have to be repaired. It should be assumed that the reasonable owners of the stores will not refuse technical support.

Is it necessary to conclude a contract with the TTU after the introduction of the ICD?

No compulsory - no. But the contract with the OFD must be concluded anyway.

Can TTO become a fiscal data operator?

Yes. The fiscal data operator can be any organization. To do this, have:

  • Permission for the processing of fiscal data from the FNS
  • FSTEC license for technical protection of information
  • FSB license for the development and production of protection cryptocussions
  • FSB license for data protection activities
  • Technical means for processing fiscal data (on the right of ownership)
  • Technical means to protect fiscal data
  • Non-residential premises in the property or rent

More detailed requirements for the ITD will appear after the signing of the law.

New materials about 54-ФЗ

Since 2016, since 2016, the introduction of a new type of cash registers, which, through the means of communication, send data about each elevated check to a specific site on the Internet. From the second half of the year, such cars have become mandatory for use for many business entities. To apply them, companies and entrepreneurs must necessarily conclude an agreement with such a subject as a fiscal data operator, the list of organizations of which is presented in the table.

This name entered the use of modern businessmen relatively recently, so many of them do not have the concept of the ICD that or who it is.

The fiscal data operator is a special company that has accredited in tax authorities and created in accordance with the legislation, which is engaged in the reception, storage and processing on the information server on the punched cash checks of its customers on, and, if necessary, provides all the data for checks in the IFTS.

Operator of the FD can only be a legal entity that was checked in the FSB and issued a license there to carry out operations related to encryption. At the same time, it should be located on the territory of our country, to have the appropriate equipment necessary for the implementation of this activity.

This is essentially a collector of information on cash transactions related to income. OFD is used not only for the purpose of storage of information. It can send the ailerone forms of punched checks to the email addresses specified by them, as well as form specialized accounts for accounting.

Attention! The FD operator may stop its work. At the same time, he must prevent all customers about the cessation of activities. After closing, his information from the online cash desks will not be limited, and their accumulation will occur on the fiscal carrier.

Within 20 days, the company and IP must find a new OPD operator and arrange a treaty with him. All cash register operations accumulated on the fiscal medium are then transferred to the service of the new OFD.

List of current fiscal data operators for 2019

The list of fiscal data operators in Russia is posted on the tax site, while it is constantly updated, as all new FD operators are included in it.

Name Website address Service cost (1 CCT) Date of issuing permission
JSC "Energy Systems and Communication" ("First OFD") 3000 p. in year

900 p. in quarter

6900 p. For 3 years

LLC "Teksk" 31.08.2016
LLC "EVOTORE OFD" 3000 p. in year

1700 p. For half a year

900 p. for the quarter

300 p. per month

16.5 p. in a day

LLC "Yar" 3000 p. in year 31.08.2016
Peter-Service SpecTechnologies 3000 p. per year + month for free 18.10.2016
LLC Yandex. FD from 3000 r. in year 10.04.2017
LLC "Electronic Express" from 3000 r. in year 14.04.2017
CJSC "Kaluga Astral" 3000 p. in year 14.04.2017
LLC "Company" TENZOR " From 3000 r. in year 14.04.2017
Corus Consulting CIS LLC From 2532 p. in year

The price is reduced by increasing the number of CCP

CJSC "Production Firm" SKB Contour " 3000 p. in year 29.06.2017
JSC "Tander" From 2900 r. in year

The price is reduced by increasing the number of CCP


Currently, there are several more companies on the consideration of applications and inclusion in the list of PD operators.

What functions performs

OFD must continuously perform the following functions:

  • Receive checks from the cash register checks, BSO, reports of opening and closing shifts and other documents;
  • Check the fiscal feature of each document received;
  • If the received document turned out to be fake, immediately report this fact to the tax;
  • Transmit to tax all documents that come from the cash register. Provide them with access at any time during the established period of storage;
  • Process incoming data in continuous mode 24/7/365;
  • Protect all fiscal data from hacking, abduction, unlawful use;
  • Store all incoming information for 5 years;
  • Provides the opportunity to the buyer to check the authenticity of the receipt of the check;
  • Sends checks checks on e-mail.

How to choose fromdo

Here are some prompts that can be guided to select the fiscal data statement:

  • You need to choose from the official registry of the OFD, which can be viewed on the FTS website. If the firm is positioning itself as an operator, but not entered into this list - most likely it is just fraudsters;
  • It is desirable that in the personal account there is access to more data and analysts - a total revenue, and with a breakdown by periods, the average check for the period, the possibilities of viewing checks, etc. Unfortunately, from the available OFD, access to the test office Not many not many.
  • Look at how quickly the technical support is responsible, and how in detail they answer questions. You can write a letter to them, or make a hotline and evaluate the quality of communication with the operator.
  • List of additional services. Some of the operators additionally provide the possibility of sending electronic checks or SMS to clients, make it possible to obtain an electronic signature from their partners in a simplified manner, send notifications in the event of a paid period, etc. It is possible to give preference to that operator that offers the most actual auxiliary services.
  • Methods and payment timing. Despite the fact that the annual price for one cash register is almost the same for all operators, some offer other periods of payment - day, month, or vice versa - two or three years ahead. For seasonal trading, it is convenient to connect the OFD only for a month, or one quarter, and to set a pile subscription to the backup box office.

Connection procedure for fiscal data operator

To connect to any of the accredited ICD, you must perform several actions:

  • Get a qualified electronic digital signature. It is necessary to register the ticket office on the FTS website and the personal office of the ICD. To obtain a signature, you need to contact the nearest special operator. It should be remembered that the EDS, obtained to participate in the GOSTORGs, will not suit these purposes.
  • Register on the site of the selected OFD. For this, usually, it is enough to specify the INN and the name of the organization (Full name of the entrepreneur), and contact information - the name, phone number and email address.
  • Sign an agreement with the OFD. First, the personal account, in fact, will be unavailable until the signing of the contract is made. In this case, some information is obtained directly from the EDP, and the remaining will need to be added manually (bank details, information about the manager, the mailing address for the delivery of correspondence, etc.). Analogue of signature and printing in this case serves as a qualified EDS mark.
  • Carrying out the CCT in the PNS Site PNF. After passing throughout the procedure, the device will be assigned a number that needs to be further specified in the PCD Personal Account.
  • Connect the device in the personal office of the OFD. To do this, specify the model of the device, its number and the number of the fiscal drive. Also, the cash desk can be assigned a conditional name that will help it easier to navigate in the connected devices.
  • Pay for data transmission services. After selecting the tariff plan, the account will appear in the Personal Account, which will need to be paid. After crediting cash, the cash desk will be activated and will begin to transmit data to the tax.

What operator is better?

Currently, 12 companies are in the official register of operators. Therefore, it is not surprising that many are wondering - so what kind of fiscal data operator is better?

In fact, all of them, in their essence, are the same. The price of services for all companies is installed one and the same - 3000 rubles per year for one cashier. True, some provide the opportunity to pay in one day or even a few years ahead - but this is not an indicator that they are better or worse than others. All the quality of service, in general, is the same, since all the participants in the Sphere of the Sphere are not newcomers in electronic document management and telecommunications.

Therefore, you can choose any operator without fear. If there are doubts about choosing - you can ask the Council at the service center in which the cash register was purchased. Surely, they have already tried to work with various OFDs and can say to whom the device is configured easier, and some complications with some complications.

The online fiscalization started in early July 2017 introduced a new "player" in the retail market - the fiscal data operator (OFD).

Fiscal data operators are commercial companies that make acceptance, processing, storage and transmission of fiscal data in the FTS. The work of such companies is strictly regulated.

Algorithm of the work of ODD.

At sales points, along with a paper check, its online copy is formed, which is sent to the fiscal data operator. Electronic checks in the OFD are transmitted to each unit of control and cash register.
Fiscal data operators using technical means form and check the fiscal feature on the checks, retain them and the data in the FTS is transmitted along the protected channel.

How was it before?

Before the financial reform entered in 2016, fiscal data was also collected and stored at the ECLZ chip (protected electron-control tape), which were equipped with all cash registers. Every year, these data were transmitted directly to the Tax Inspectorate. The duty of the use of the CCT was assigned to a limited circle of enterprises receiving payment from the population.

The reform made fundamental changes:

  • transmission of electronic checks through the online channel by the ICD increases the rate of data provision;
  • details of information on checks - increases the control of the sale of goods;
  • the obligation to conduct cash records to almost all enterprises working with individuals - opens access to information about the volume of retail trade and purchasing power of the population.

What requirements makes a new 54-ФЗ?

The changes in the tax system that joined in 2017 oblige all enterprises to conduct settlements with individuals through an online cashier. The timing of the installation of the CCC will differ and depend on the type of activity and the applied tax system, but one way or another to connect to everyone.

54-ФЗ regulates:
- Install an online cashier at the enterprise,
- conclude an agreement with the fiscal data operator (OFD),
- Register the cashier in the tax inspection
- Set the cash program for the formation of checks with the necessary details.

List of OBD

The list contains a list of organizations that have received the right to process fiscal data and permission from the FTS. In order to get this permission, the company has fulfilled a number of requirements. Including obtained the necessary licenses for data protection, technical protection of information, etc.
  • "1-OFD" (JSC "Energy Systems and Communication")

The "First OFD" system works with all CCT manufacturers in Russia. Data transfer is carried out by means of cryptocringers certified by the FSB. An external audit of information security is conducted for compliance with the requirements for state information systems. In 2014-2016 Member of the experiment of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

  • "Taxa" (LLC "Tomsk")

Resolution of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the processing of fiscal data of September 1, 2016 (Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia from 08/31/2016 № EF-7-20 / [Email Protected]).

The safety of the fiscal data data system is confirmed by Roskomnadzor licenses, FSTEC and FSB of Russia. Modern equipment is used to transfer data, infrastructure meets strict requirements and international standards. The quality management system of the company is certified by the ISO 9001 standard.

In addition to providing the services of the fiscal data operator, is a certifying center and an official operator of electronic reporting and electronic document management.

  • "OFD-I" (LLC "Yar")

Resolution of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the processing of fiscal data of September 1, 2016 (Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia from 08/31/2016 № EF-7-20 / [Email Protected]).

The company was created on the basis of an IT company specializing in the automation of complex business processes, the protection of information and support of information systems. The fiscal data operator OFD-I has a complete package of permits for conducting activities in the status of the IPD, and owns the necessary technical and technological basis for storing and transmitting data from the CCT in the FTS.

  • Peter-Service (Peter-Service SpecTechnologies)

Resolution of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the processing of fiscal data of October 18, 2016 (Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia of October 18, 2016 No. ED-7-20 / [Email Protected]).

Peter-Service of Special Technologies was established on the basis of a subsidiary of the company of the USM Holdings, is a Russian developer of software products for the telecommunications industry.

USM HOLDINGS LTD (USM) is a multidisciplinary international company, which controls assets in the field of metallurgy and mining, telecommunications, Internet and media. These include companies like "Metalloinvest", MegaFon, Mail.Ru Group and others.

  • Yandex.offd - (Yandex.offd LLC)

Resolution of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the processing of fiscal data of April 10, 2017 (Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 04.04.2017 No. EF-6-20 / [Email Protected]).

One of the activities of the company Yandex, known for the searchable system of the same name. The company owns Internet portals and services in several countries. In April 2017, the company received permission to handle fiscal data.


  • "Electronic Express" - Limited Liability Company "Electronic Express".

The company is known for its development "Garant". In April 2017, the company "Electronic Express" has the official status of the fiscal data operator (OFD) on the basis of the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 14.04.2017 No. ED-7-20 / [Email Protected] And included in the register of the OFD. Services licensed FSB of Russia, Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation, FSTEC.


The full official list of the OFD is presented on the FNS website.

Cost of connection to the OFD

The value of annual service average is 3000 rubles. At the same time, you can get a discount on the service of the supplier of cash registers, if it is a partner of one of the ICD.

After choosing the ICD, you need to conclude a contract with him and connect. This can be done online.
Previously you need:
- purchase a cashier with a fiscal drive and have access to the Internet;
- Register an CCT on the FTS website and get its registration number.

To sign a treaty with the OFD, the CCC registration number and a qualified electronic signature (CEP) will be required. The CEP can be bought in one of the certifying centers accredited in the Ministry of Communications, or in the OFD if such a service is provided.

What are the benefits of the state and business owners from online fiscalization?

  • Daily incoming statistics in the FTS will detect tax violations. For example, low income indicators from the square meter of the store compared with similar outlets will be one of the grounds for conducting the inspection. This will exclude the holding of "fan" checks that have been practiced earlier.
  • For business owners, one of many advantages is to receive information about the client. Detailing checks will allow you to better understand the needs of customers and form more effective loyalty programs.

Let's summarize

To conclude an agreement with the OFD necessarily. To do this, you can either directly conclude an agreement with one of the registered fiscal data operators. After that, you need to make a number of actions on the FNS website and the OFD to the cashier correctly transmitted data to the FTS. If at some stage is wrong - the fiscal drive can be spoiled and will need to acquire a new one.

As you know, from July 3, 2019, most enterprises for a little exception are obliged to switch to online cash offices. An indispensable condition for ensuring the full work of new devices is the use of fiscal data operators. We decided to figure out in detail what the OFD is how to connect to it and where to find a list of accredited operators.

Work and connection to the CCT of the new sample regulates Federal Law No. 54-FZ. This norm gives the definition of the OFD. It follows from it that this organization created on the territory of the Russian Federation, which carries out activities to process and transfer fiscal data into tax authorities in accordance with existing legislation. At the same time, the concept of "processing" includes not only the accumulation of information obtained, but also to systematize them, checking accuracy, storage and much more. Including, using them to form statistical documents. Of all this we can conclude that the OFD, in its essence, is an intermediary in transmitting information between the enterprise and the tax service.

Fiscal data operators in Russia: list (2018)

All operators must meet the requirements established by existing legislation, as well as to accredit the Special Expert Commission. List of accredited OFD, according to paragraph 2 of Art. 3.1 of the Federal Law No. 54-FZ, contributed to a special registry.

The list of OFD on the site is periodically updated and updated with new organizations. According to July 2019, 18 operators are listed in it. Below is a list, as well as the Inn of each of them and the FNS orders on issuing permission to carry out activities.

OFD: List of operators, INN and confirming document

  1. Joint Stock Company "Energy Systems and Communications" - TIN 7709364346 ( 4 )
  2. Limited Liability Company "Teksk" - Inn 7704211201 ( Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia of 08/31/2016 No. ED-7-20 /);
  3. SOCIETY WITH LIMITED LIABILITY "EVOTORE OFF" - TIN 9715260691 ( Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia of 08/31/2016 No. ED-7-20 /);
  4. Limited Liability Company "Yar" - Inn 7728699517 ( Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia of 08/31/2016 No. ED-7-20 /);
  5. Society limited liability "Peter-Service of Special Technologies" - INN 7841465198 ( Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia of October 18, 2016 No. ED-7-20 /);
  6. Limited Liability Company Yandex.ofd - Inn 7704358518 ( Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia of 04/10/2017 No. ED-6-20 /);
  8. CLOSED JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "KALUGA ASTRAL" - INN 4029017981 ( Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia of 04/14/2017 No. ED-7-20 /);
  9. Limited Liability Company "Tensor" - INN 7605016030 ( Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia of 04/14/2017 No. ED-7-20 /);
  10. Cozor Consulting Limited Liability Company - Inn 7801392271 ( Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia of 12.05.2017 No. AC-7-20 /);
  11. CLOSED JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "PRODUCTION FIRM" SKB KONTUR "" - INN 6663003127 ( Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia of 29.06.2017 No. EF-7-20 /);
  12. Joint Stock Company "Tander" - INN 2310031475 (Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated July 11, 2017 No. EF-7-20 /);
  13. Limited Liability Company "Certification Authority" INITPRO "- TIN 5902034504 (Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated September 12, 2017 No. ED-7-20 /));
  14. Limited Liability Company "Group Element" - TIN 7729642175 (Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated September 12, 2017 No. ED-7-20 /);
  15. Joint-stock company ENVIZHN GROUP - INN 7703282175 (Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated December 6, 2017 No. ED-7-20 /);
  16. Public Joint-Stock Company "Vimpel-Communication" - INN 7713076301 (Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated December 26, 2017 No. ED-7-20 /);
  17. Limited Liability Company "Multicart" - TIN 7710007966 (Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia of 12.02.2018 No. ED-7-20 /);
  18. Limited Liability Company Dreamkas - Inn 7802870820 (Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated April 05, 2018 No. AC-7-20 /).

The List of the IPD on the FTS website can not only be replenished with new organizations, but also to shrink. According to paragraph 8 of Art. 4.4 of the Federal Law No. 54-FZ, authorized bodies may cancel permission to process fiscal data. The use of such sanctions may be associated with the following factors:

  • identification of the operator's inconsistency with the requirements of Russian legislation during the inspections of the controlling authorities;
  • two or multiple failure to fulfill the instructions of the controlling authorities within the deadline during the year;
  • termination of activities as an operator in the prescribed manner;
  • application by the operator to cancel the permit for the processing of fiscal data.

According to paragraph 13 of Art. 4.4 The same law, on the official website of the FNS should be published a notice of the termination of the activities of the OTD within three working days from the date of the appropriate decision.

Choosing OFD.

As we told in the previous PPT, when the operator is selected, it is worth asking whether it leads the activity in the region you are interested in. If the organization works in the desired settlement, it will not be superfluous to be disconnected with the guarantees of the stability of its equipment. After all, the rate of transmission of fiscal data directly depends on this and the very fact of their delivery to the tax authorities. If they are not in a timely manner in the tax, it is quite predictable facing the fine.

As for the rates for the use of the Office services, now they account for about 3,000 rubles per box per year. Accordingly, the issue of the price when choosing an operator does not play a major role.

The OFD is an organization that collects, keeps and transfers to the tax inspectorate all sales data coming from cash registers. Requirements for fiscal data operators are very serious, as they should ensure secure storage and transfer of data from the CCT to the tax inspectorate. Below we bring a list of OFD, this list will be replenished and adjusted.

List of OBD


The tier operator provides its customers with additional services, such as analytics of Bigdata, service to control the revenues of tenants to the shopping center.

Annual service of one CCT - 3000 rubles.

The company SKB contour was founded in 1988, developing software for managers and accountants. SCB Contour produces and supplies electronic document management programs and electronic reporting, online services for entrepreneurs and accountants, in the company's assortment more than 20 products for business! The main features that the OFD provides the contour: Transfer of fiscal data, registration of cash registers online, analysis of the work of outlets, transmitting electronic checks to customers. The minimum cost of connecting one CCT - 195 rubles per month, when connected to the service for 36 months.


When concluding a contract for 36 months, the cost of servicing one CCC will be about 167 rubles per month.

First ofdo

The tariff "bought and forgot" - 6900 rubles for three years.


Fiscal data operator from Yandex. The cost of annual maintenance of one CCT - 3000 rubles, for customers with the number of CCC, more than 100, the cost of services is calculated individually.

Fiscal data operator created by Evotor, Legal entity Evotor OTD LLC. Tariff for three years - 6,700 rubles. The site has a convenient service that allows you to choose the necessary tariff and order additional services and equipment.


Peter-Service SpecTechnologies. The basic tariff for one year is 2995 rubles per CCT.

Electronic express

Kaluga Astral

Company Tensor

Corus Consulting CIS


Very low prices for government services. The minimum tariff for one CCT - 999 rubles per year, without limitation by the number of checks.

OFD Magnit

JSC "Tander", a fiscal data operator from the Magnet retail network. The tariff for three years for one CCT - 6300 rubles.


There is an interesting tariff for the microbusiness for 1350 rubles per year per CCT, with a limitation by the number of checks, not more than 1,500 cash checks per year.

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