Cash register: device, operating rules. How the online checkout works

Landscaping and planning 30.09.2019
Landscaping and planning

Electronic cash register is a complex counting-summing and check-printing machine, consisting of a large number details, knots and mechanisms. Everything KKM fundamentally identical in design, perform the same functions and have the following main components:

  1. Input device (keyboard).
  2. Display device.
  3. Random Access Memory (RAM).
  4. Check printing device. Locking device (mode lock and keys).
  5. Casing.
  6. Basis with cash drawer.
  7. Switch.
  8. Electric drive.
  9. Fiscal memory block.
  10. Protected electronic control tape (EKLZ).
Input device represents the keys for dialing the cashier's password, dialing the amounts, sections, the amounts of the buyer's contribution, reset, return, pretotal, total, etc. Display device is a two-way indicator (for the cashier and for customers), which reflects all the information entered. Random Access Memory (RAM) consists of summing, control and operational registers (counters).

Summing counters are used to account for cash receipts cumulative money. They can be sectional, final and for counting private totals. Sectional counters keep records of cash amounts by sections, total - by cash register as a whole. The subtotal counter counts the amount of purchases per customer. When carrying out a final operation, the counter of partial totals is reset to zero. The number of sections in the cash register can be from 1 to 16, the capacity (limit amount) - up to 14 digits. In addition to these basic counters, KKM there are other cash summing counters that keep records of the entered amounts separately for the operations performed. These include: counters of the initial amount paid to the cashier, payments from the cashier, return of goods, payment by bank transfer, etc. As soon as the counter reaches the maximum amount, it automatically resets to zero and starts counting again. The readings of the totalizing counters are taken twice per shift: at the beginning of the day ( X-report) and at the end of the day ( Z report).

According to Z-report the revenue from the cash register and the revenue for each cashier are determined. Simultaneously with the taking of readings, these data are automatically reset to zero. Revenue data after the end of the shift is transferred to the machine's fiscal memory.

The control counters count how many times the X- and Z-reports have been printed. The control counters are incremented by one after each new report. The capacity of control counters has 4 digits. Some KKMs do not have a control counter X, and for some (AMS-100F, KASBI-02 F), the counter readings Z correspond to the number of the control tape.

Operating counters count the number of operations carried out on the KKM, in numerical terms. They can count the total number of checks issued, trade discounts, surcharges, customer refunds, and so on. Receipt printer designed for printing checks, control tape and reports. The printing device is located on the left side of the POS printer and consists of a print head, a cartridge (cassette with an ink ribbon), a tape end sensor, a spool for winding a control tape. The check-printing device is closed with a lid having a slot for a check to exit.

Depending on the type of cash register printer, the printer may have two reels (receipt and control) or one. V KKM with two tapes, one prints receipts and reports, and the other tape is control. In machines with one tape, checks and a control tape are printed in a certain sequence in different modes. A printout of the control tape is mandatory after each shift.

Locks and keys are designed to lock cash register, its individual parts, taking readings of totalizing counters, for resetting totalizing counters, testing, programming. The casing covers the internal parts cash register. It is installed on the basis (pedestal). Inside the basis there is a cash box, which has several cells for paper and metallic money. Some devices have a removable base with cash drawer.

Fiscal memory block(FP) is intended for registration and long-term storage of the final reporting information. The amounts registered in the FP block serve as the basis for determining the amount of tax. Only the tax inspector has access to the information, the information is stored for six years. ECLZ- this is a software and hardware module as part of the cash register, which provides control over the functioning of a fiscalized cash register, in the form of a protected electronic control tape.

By law, Every entrepreneur should have a cash register that performs operations with various types of money. Many mistakenly believe that it is quite difficult to use it and master it in independent order will not work. To do this, you should familiarize yourself in detail with the use of at least one type of apparatus and you can safely work on all of them.

Those who have entered into a contractual relationship with the owner of the business on liability of a material nature can carry out activities with KKM. In addition to the contract, they are required to have experience working on this machine: correctly beat off checks and reset it.

It should be remembered that before the start of the workflow, the director (head of department) is required to preparatory work: open the drive and the counter, punch the check and verify the punched amount received for the previous shift and reconcile with the cashier's records. The sums must match exactly.

The director's direct duties should include following:

  1. Entry into the journal of accurate information, certification with your signature.
  2. Issue the initial readings of the control tape (number, date and time of the start of the workflow, readings of the control register).
  3. Release of the keys to the responsible employee.
  4. Issuance of change money.
  5. Timely provide workers with ribbons, coloring compositions.

Responsibilities of the employee, before starting the process at the KKM:

  1. Checking the working condition.
  2. Adjustment of time and date, check of KKM blocks for integrity.
  3. Zero check.
  4. Before starting the workflow, break through several zero checks to check the operation of the cash register.
  5. At the end of the working day, hand over all cash to the senior cashier or director.

Operating principles depending on the type

The device is a very complex variety in technical terms. in electronic format. Some of its parts are considered integral. These include:

  1. There are two types of monitor, for the cashier and for the person making purchases.
  2. Box for collecting banknotes.
  3. Tape block.
  4. A printer.
  5. Memory.

KKA has a device that transmits available information to the buyer. A monitor must be present, one is installed for the buyer so that he can see all the necessary information on the screen. Another is placed for the cashier.

Keyboard applied to enter the desired volume Money. This affects the purpose of the cash desk, with its help the required amount is driven in and is reflected on the check. The device has a division of buttons by color, they are divided into several parts, where each one defines a specific group of goods.

Tape block refers to the necessary part, the direct purpose of which is to store all information, including the operations performed. The device is located inside the machine itself, there is no need to connect it separately.

Fiscal memory designed to fix money supply passed through the checkout. They deal with the proceeds received on a daily basis and are reflected in the Z-report. Information is taken at the end of the work shift and stores all events with dates and detailed information for hours worked.

Each KKM has bill collecting tray, which is an ordinary metal (plastic) box with several types of locks. One of the most simple options is an ordinary latch mechanical type. but modern solution The issue is the electromagnetic locking device.

The main task of the printer is to print a receipt. The cash desk prints them to the buyer and for reporting at the point of sale. For the buyer, the check serves as proof of purchase. Varieties of some cash registers print them for other documents, this is considered a good help in work.

It should be remembered that there are many varieties of cash registers and sizes of check tapes, if you use the wrong one, the cash register will quickly become unusable.


The first thing to do is to turn on the KKM in the network. Many of them have buttons on the panel on the back side, they are activated by turning the key to the REG position. If many zeros are displayed on the monitor, it indicates correct operation.

Subsequent activities take place in the following way:

  1. Authorization. Many cash registers start their work when the cashier logs in. You must enter the service number, the password is required. Some varieties start working after using the special card. destination.
  2. The calculation is carried out by entering the required amount. To do this, enter the correct value using the keys. Next, press the button desired section(as a rule, they are divided into different divisions: for example, shoes, clothes, products, etc.). Some cash registers have the ability to read the barcode from the product, the required amount is beaten off on its own. Next, the button "Payment" or "Cash" is pressed, the purchase is made.
  3. If there are discounts for a certain type of product, they are beaten off immediately at the checkout. You should enter the full price (without deducting certain percentages), select a category, print the amount and press%, the discount will be beaten off on its own.
  4. If you need to select several goods, you should dial the amount, press desired department. You should beat off until all types of purchases are over, click the "Payment" button.
  5. If you need to cancel a zero check, you should press the "Payment" or "Cash" button.

These are the general varieties of working with KKM, if necessary, find out the principle of operation of a particular machine, information can be found on the Internet, or trained in certain organizations.

In the shop

First of all, the employee is obliged to conclude an agreement on liability of a material nature. This is done to prevent theft of funds.

  1. The work of a cashier always begins with the fact that it is necessary to refuel the car. A tape is inserted into the cash register, a special entry is made indicating the number, its type, date, exact time of inclusion, indications at the time the cashier entered work. After filling in all the data, the cash tape is certified by the senior cashier.
  2. Next, you should check the accuracy of the date and time data. Many devices have the ability to independently store the necessary information. There are cash registers, which should be checked for accuracy of time and date before each shift, if necessary, set them.
  3. Before starting the work process, check the ability of the device to work. To do this, zero checks are printed, they check the clarity of the print, the availability of all the necessary information. Trial checks should be kept until the end of the work and attached to the reporting documentation.
  4. Next, the X-report is printed, it has an intermediate character and during its printing, the amount is not reset. During a work shift, such checks are printed several times. This is done to control the funds received by the cashier. They are printed out at the time of receipt of the proceeds. During the shift, you can beat off an uncountable number of checks, they do not affect the work, but they help to control the correct flow of funds.
  5. X-reports can be taken by department, at the end of the work shift and to obtain the final result. They keep records of the excess or lack of finance in the cash register.
  6. In case of breaking through an incorrect check, the correct one is re-knocked out, the wrong one is stored until the end of the shift. After closing and submitting a report for the day worked, it should be drawn up in a single document. Next, an act is drawn up, which indicates the type, model of the cash register, registration and manufacturer's number.
  7. An act is drawn up indicating the check number and the broken amount. The check is pasted to the act, which is certified by the operator and the entrepreneur.

May happen. The reasons may be different: the product did not fit in color and style, has manufacturing defects, etc. This can only happen upon presentation of a check, the integrity of the product (the presence of a price tag on it, etc.).

In addition, there must be an amount punched in the cash register. An act on the return of goods is drawn up. It is written in free form. After correctly drawn up documents, which are signed by the entrepreneur himself, the money for the goods can be returned.

At the end of the working day, an X-report is printed, which is performed to reconcile the cash register and the cash in it. After it, the Z-report breaks through, which resets all accepted funds for the shift. All information is automatically moved from random access memory into the fiscal one, the received revenue is reset to zero and it is closed.

Typical mistakes

There are standard errors that can lead to breakage of the CMC. These include:

  1. Battery failure. This is a common reason why a machine fails. To eliminate such problems, one should carefully consider the KKM. It is best to charge in the off state, this will maximize the service life.
  2. Using a charger not recommended by the manufacturer. To eliminate such causes, you need to use devices that allow the factory.
  3. Incorrect tape loading. To eliminate the error, it is necessary to use only the tape that was recommended by the factory producing the cash register.
  4. Liquid penetration. In the event of such a nuance, you should immediately turn off the device and contact the service center.
  5. The auto cutter in the fiscal registrar broke down. This often happens due to the fault of the cashier, who sharply pulls the tape and loosely closes the covers of the registrar, as a result of which the blades strike.

Instructions for working with Frontol are presented below.

Meaning and classification of cash registers.

Cash registers (KKM) - technical means, including as part of software and hardware systems used to automate accounting, accumulation, processing of data on the amounts spent through the machine in their fiscal (control) memory and on the control tape, as well as for issuing checks printed on them to customers and ensuring tax control . The use of cash registers provides:

Accurate accounting of cash receipts;

High productivity of employees of enterprises Catering and trade;

Reduction to a minimum of errors in payments for goods;

Improving sanitary and hygienic conditions in the sale of products;

· Improving the culture of trade service and reducing the time to pay for goods.

Modern cash registers can perform many functions related to customer service (visitors):

· automatic accounting of proceeds incoming to the cash desk on special counters for waiters, sections, cashiers and in general for the cash desk during the shift;

· automatic accounting, accumulation and uncorrectable storage of revenue data in the fiscal (control) memory of a machine that provides tax control;

· printing of cash receipts for issuance to visitors with indication of the programmable name of the enterprise; the name and number of the car; numbers of the waiter (seller), numbers (cipher and surname) of the cashier; serial number check or record number on the check (purchase number); all operations performed by the cashier with an indication of the amounts (entering the price of the goods, its quantity, etc.);

Printing a control tape;

registration of the cost of goods (products) on receipts and control tape different ways: typing on the keyboard; entering pre-programmed prices for products, multiplying their quantity by the price;

· automatic registration of weight and cost of production at joint work in a uniform working cycle with electronic scales;

· repeating the entry of the price of one product (product) or repeating the receipt printing;

determination of general and private results of one visitor, registration of the amount of cash given by the visitor to pay for products, and determination of change;

Accounting for the sale of products in cash and non-cash means of payment;

registration of service amounts not related to the sale of products (accepted by the cashier to the cash desk or issued from the cash desk);

automatic accounting in sum and quantitative terms on separate counters of all produced on cash register operations per shift or by hours, days, months;

Cancellation of data typed on the keyboard or performed operations;

registration of the return of products by the visitor;

indication of the current time;

Displaying on the indicator of the cashier and the visitor the calculated and entered information typed on the keyboard;

output of reports on the operation of the cash register without clearing the results obtained, indicating the accumulated data on the sale of goods for each work shift by waiters (sections) and in the whole machine;

output of reports with cancellation of the received total data for the shift;

output of the fiscal report on the revenue of the cash register without clearing the data accumulated in the fiscal memory;

programming of various parameters of the machine;

automatic blocking of the operations performed in case of unauthorized access to the operating modes of the machine or in violation of the sequence of operations performed and in other cases;

automatic signaling when entering information into the machine from the keyboard in case of an error, as well as when blocking operations;

performing arithmetic calculations;

automatic testing;

· work with peripheral equipment (scales, computer, printers, scanners, etc.).

Cash registers represent a large class of equipment of the same functional purpose, but differ from each other in some functionality and conditions of use.

Cash registers for catering and trade are divided into the following four groups:

Autonomous cash register - machine, extension functionality which can be achieved only by connecting additional input-output devices controlled by KKM according to the programs placed in it;

passive system cash register - a machine that has the ability to work in a computer cash system, but is not able to control the operation of this system;

Active system cash register - a machine that has the ability to work in a computer cash system and manage the operation of this system;

· fiscal registrar- a cash register capable of operating only as part of a computer cash system, receiving data through a communication channel.

In addition, the used cash registers are divided into groups according to the following criteria:

· at the place of use: at the enterprises with service by waiters, at the enterprises of self-service;

By design: electromechanical, electronic, etc.;

By the number of sectional keys: single-key, two-key, four-key, etc.;

By the number of control counters (registers): with two registers; with three registers, etc.;

By the number of keys to work with the machine: with one key, with two keys, with three keys, etc.

The use of large integrated circuits and microprocessors in the latest models of electronic cash registers made it possible to connect them to computer cash networks (Fig. 13.1), which automate the collection and processing of information about the trading process.

Rice. 13.1. The structure of the computer cash network

The main functional units of the machine, which ensure its operation, are the keyboard, indicator, printing device, counting and memory device and the mechanism of keys and locks.

The keyboard is a node with the help of which all the necessary data is entered into the machine to perform the corresponding operations. The keyboard controls the operation of the machine. The cash registers used in our country are keyboards, i.e. data entry into the machine and control of its operation is carried out through the keyboard. The keyboard is located on the front panel of the machine and faces the person working on it. Having a common functional purpose, the keyboards of various cash registers differ in the types and number of keys and in their placement on the keyboard field.

By functional purpose The keys are divided into the following groups:

Numeric keys are used to enter any digital information. There are at least eleven of them: from "1" to "9", "0", "00", ("000"). These keys are placed in a single block in the middle part of the keyboard field;

· section keys are designed to enter the accumulated cost of goods (products) into the corresponding section (counter). Their number is equal to the number of sections (waiters) of the enterprise. As a rule, these keys are located to the right of the number keys;

function keys are used to perform various operations: entering the price programmed into the memory of the machine, resetting the data entered on the keyboard, canceling erroneous entries on checks, processing the return of goods, registering service amounts, carrying out final operations for printing checks, registering payment for purchases by various means of payment .

In addition to the main keys, there are also additional keys in the cash register: a calculator, indication of the current time, opening a cash drawer outside the sale of goods.

In some machines, an additional key is provided for entering data typed on the keyboard - the "BB" key. In particular, such a key is available in single-tape cash registers of the AMS-100F type, in which the data typed on the keyboard will be printed and entered into the machine's memory only after additionally pressing the "BB" key.

An indicator, or indication block (BI), is a node that reflects all the data typed on the keyboard and the amounts calculated by the machine. The BI is a two-sided scoreboard, one side of which (service) is facing the cashier and is located directly above the keyboard, and the other (service) is facing the customer. For many cash registers, the customer's display can slide out of the upper part of the machine body and rotate around its axis. Portable cash registers may not have a buyer indicator.

Numbers (on the right side) and symbols (on the left) of the operations performed appear on the indicator, as well as in case of blocking the machine due to an operator error, breakage of the control tape, and in other cases.

In single-tape machines, in the process of entering data from the keyboard after pressing the "BB" key, in addition to traditional numeric and alphabetic characters, the data entry symbol "." (dot).

A printing device (PU), or a printing unit (BP), is a node with which all cash documents, checks, control tape, and reports are printed. Printing occurs automatically after receiving signals from the keyboard and counters. PU, as a rule, is located on the left side of the case and is closed with a lid, and in some machines with a lock. Either two paper cash tapes are loaded into the PU: a check and a control tape (in a number of machines there is a double self-recording tape) or one control cash tape (only a cash receipt is printed at the time of information, and copies of the digital data of the check enter the machine’s memory and can be viewed using indicator or printed after the end of the shift).

The cash receipt is conditionally divided into three parts by content:

· top part- cliche of the check (name of the enterprise and serial number of the machine). The content of the cliche is programmed into the machine's memory before it is put into operation;

middle part - the results of operations performed by the cashier;

· lower part - data on final transactions (general and preliminary total, amount of cash and amount of change).

In addition, the number of the check, the date and time when the check came out of the machine is printed. The control tape data is a copy of the details of issued checks or reports. Reports are printed only on a POS printer that has a peripheral printer, at the request of an enterprise administrator or a tax inspector in certain operating modes. These reports reflect the readings of those counters that are taken at the time they are displayed on the scoreboard.

A counting-memory device, or an automatic memory unit (BAP), is a special unit that receives, processes, accumulates and stores information for a long time. The block consists of a random access memory device (RAM), a fiscal memory block (BFP) and a reprogrammable memory device (RPZU).

The random access memory device is designed to receive, process, store and issue all operational information entered into the cash register during each work shift. RAM consists of a system of various counters. According to their functional purpose, these counters can be divided into three groups:

cash summing counters: a) registering amounts associated with the sale of goods and services ( section meters, counters keeping records of programmed goods, as well as counters keeping records of the amounts of trade discounts and surcharges, etc.); b) not related to the sale of goods and services and performing the function of registering official amounts accepted at the cash desk or issued from it;

control: a) control counter "X" - counts how many times the readings of replaceable totalizing and operational counters were taken without resetting the received data. Indications are displayed on the "X-report"; b) control counter "Z" - counts how many times the readings of the final counters were taken per shift with the simultaneous zeroing of the received data. Readings are displayed on the "Z-report". After each new output of the corresponding report, the readings of the control counters increase by one;

operating rooms, recording the number of operations performed by the cashier in his working mode. Transaction counters (registers) can count the number of printed checks and purchases; the number of visitors (customers) served; quantity (weight) of the sold product; the number of trade discounts and allowances; the number of refunds to customers, etc.

Among operational counters, check numerators occupy a special place. They start their account at the beginning of each shift, as they are reset along with other shift counters after it ends. Operating counter readings are displayed on "X-reports" and "Z-reports" together with totalizing counter readings and are automatically reset after the end of each shift.

Fiscal memory block is a complex of software and hardware as part of cash registers, which provides uncorrected daily (monthly) registration and non-volatile long-term storage of final information about cash settlements with the population carried out on this cash register, the correct calculation of taxes. The unit is made as a separate board with a protective case and is installed in a sealed case (casing). The information accumulated in the fiscal memory is stored for 10 years from the date of fiscalization of the cash register. This data cannot be reset, but only read by the tax inspector. In case of fiscal memory overflow, malfunction, unauthorized access to information, the cash register is blocked.

To control access to fiscal memory, this block has a control counter that counts the number of readings taken from the fiscal memory drive. The data of this counter is also not reset and is available only to the tax inspector.

The reprogrammable storage device is designed to store all programmed data: prices, electronic security keys (protection passwords), date, time, cashier numbers or ciphers, cliche data, etc.

The mechanism of keys and locks (KZ) is a node designed to provide work of KKM, saving the information accumulated in it and creating conditions for monitoring the work of the cash register and cashiers. The presence of this mechanism makes it possible to protect the information accumulated in the memory of the machine and transfer the machine to various modes work. This mechanism includes:

mechanical lock. It is transferred to the appropriate operating mode using license keys;

A mechanical mode switch is available only for some small-sized machines. Transfer to the appropriate mode of operation is carried out using the mode switch lever (model Miro-101F);

· protection password - a number consisting of at least five digits, which is entered in advance into the cash register by the relevant person and recorded in the machine's memory. The number of passwords depends on the number of cashiers and the number of operating modes.

The main operating modes of KKM are:

1. Mode "Registration", or "Cashier", - the operating mode of the cashier. To enter this mode, there is a cashier's key, which is given to him by the administration of the enterprise before the start of the shift and is returned at the end of the shift.

2. "Reading" mode - in this mode, the enterprise administrator takes readings of money and other counters without resetting the received data and displays them on the "X-report".

3. "Clearing" mode - in this mode, the administrator takes readings of money and other counters with zeroing of the received data and displays them on the "Z-report".

The keys to the "Indication" and "Clearing" modes are kept by the enterprise administrator.

4. "Fiscalization" mode - in this mode, the tax inspector takes readings from the drive of the fiscal memory block and prints out the "F-report". Key to holding this mode is with the tax inspector.

5. "Programming" mode - a programmer, mechanic or administrator sets the necessary parameters of the machine. The key for carrying out this mode is kept in the administration of the enterprise or in the technical service center.

When choosing the type and determining the number of cash registers for a particular enterprise, the following factors are taken into account:

the volume of trade and the range of products; * average cost purchases;

form of sale

· the intensity of the flow of buyers by day of the week and hours of trade;

The number of departments

the mode of operation of the enterprise;

the number of jobs for controllers-cashiers or salespeople;

performance of KKM;

organization of accounting for the sale of goods and cash receipts;

the need for a backup machine in case of failure of the working one;

Possibility of use in outbound trade, in kiosks, stalls, etc.

Electronic cash registers EKR-3101

(Fig. 13.2, 13.3) and EKR-3101.1F are designed to carry out cash settlements with the population at trade enterprises. They allow you to keep differentiated sales records for 10 departments and 4 cashiers, have protection against unauthorized access to information (a mechanical key and a cashier's program code), calculate percentage discounts and allowances, change, print detailed reports for the administration on cashiers, sections, etc. , have fiscal memory.

Rice. 13.2. Electronic cash register EKR-3101:

1 - lock for selecting operating modes; 2 - keyboard; 3 - printing device; 4 - lock (latch) of the cover of the printing device; 5 - cashier indicator; b - indicator of the buyer; 7 - machine power cord plug; 8 - network switch; 9 - cash drawer; 10 - emergency cash drawer lock

In addition to 12 numeric and 10 section machine keys of this type have 23 function keys: "%" - percent; "x" - multiplication; "+" - addition; "-" - subtraction; "Povch" - check repeat; "CC" - price code; "Ann" - cancellation; "Corr" - correction; "PI" - subtotal; "IT" - total; "C" - reset; "Vps" - payment from the section; "Vzs" - return to the cashier; "Krd" - payment by credit; "Check" - payment by check; "Vzk" - return to the cashier; "VPK" - payment from the cash desk; "Pchl" - running a check tape; "Pkl" - control tape run; "Kalk" - calculator; "Ф1", "Ф2", "ФЗ" - other function keys.

Rice. 13.3. Keyboard of cash register EKR-3101:

a - castle; b - function keys; в - numeric keys; d - sectional keys

The EKR-3101.1F cash register has one lock for selecting operating modes, which is located in the lower left corner of the machine and has four positions (Fig. 13.4).

Rice. 13.4. Lock positions for selecting the operating mode of the EKR-3101.1F machine:

Off - off; K - cash mode;

О - report mode; OG - report mode with blanking;

P - programming mode; T - test mode

The keys of this machine are installed in the following positions of the lock:

K (cashier key) Off, K

O (Chief Cashier Key) Off, K, O

OG (administrator key) Off, R, O, OG/P/T.

Electronic cash registers EKR-3102.F found wide application at catering establishments. Their structural components are similar to those of the EKR-3101 machine.

The electronic cash register EKR-2101.1F (Fig. 13.5, 13.6) is a highly reliable portable device, indispensable for field trade and small retail chain enterprises. Performs any cash transactions with automatic accounting, control and reflection on check and control tapes. The machine has a built-in battery and can work without being connected to the network (in this mode, it provides printing of 1500 checks without recharging).

Rice. 13.5. Machine EKR-2101.1F:

1 - keyboard; 2 - cashier indicator; 3 - cover of the printing device; 4 - window for viewing the control tape; 5 - a place to display a check tape; b - place of filling; 7 - external transformer block; 8 - connector for connecting an external transformer unit; 9 - power supply switch

Rice. 13.6. Keyboard of the EKR-2101.1F machine:

number keys (total 12): 1 - 9, 0, 00, . ; section keys (2): 1SK and 2SK; function keys (14): Mode - mode selection; * - multiplication; + - addition; - - subtraction; Povch - check repeat; CC - price code; Ann - cancellation; PI - subtotal; IT - total; C - reset; Kor - correction; Return - return to the section; KALC - calculator; - running a check tape

Preparing the machine for work. To turn on the machine, you need to press the right switch and hold it for 2-3 seconds until the indicator lights up. Then the machine is filled with check and control tapes. After that, remove the cover of the printer and install the paper roll on the axis; insert paper into the printer and press the paper feed key.

Rice. 13.7. The keyboard of the machine "Mercury-112F"

When the tape comes out of the PU slot, press the "-" key again. Then insert the control tape into the slot on the spool for the control tape and place the spool with the control tape into the PU case, leaving the end of the check tape free. After making sure that the check tape has come out of the slot in the PU cover, install the ink ribbon cassette and close the PU cover.

The electronic cash register "Mercury-112F" (Fig. 13.7) can be used in trade, food and service enterprises. The machine registers the amounts spent through it, calculates the cost of goods by the cost of one of its units and quantity, calculates the total cost of purchases and change to the buyer, fixes the date and time of purchase, prints the corresponding checks in 99 sections. It can work in fiscal and non-fiscal modes.

Appearance similar to those listed above.

On the keyboard on the left there are numeric keys from "1" to "9", "0", "00", the last of which is designed to enter two zeros (for example, when entering whole rubles).

Here are the following keys:

"." - the position of the decimal point when entering the quantity of goods and when multiplying in the calculator mode;

"B" - return;

"AN/PASSWORD" - cancellation or selection of a password;

"C" - reset (cancels the entered number and removes blocking in case of errors).

In the middle row there are buttons for sections 1-b, "KRD" (Credit) and "CHECK", as well as "%" - the rate of free discount / surcharge;

"CODE" - calling a product by code.

Function keys are located in the right row:

"ChL" - translation of the cash tape;

"P" - repeat check entry;

"+", "-" - for addition (subtraction) when calculating on a calculator; carrying out discounts/surcharges; for making deposits / payments from the cash desk;

"X/DATE" - multiplication, input of date and time;

"K" - turn on/off the calculator;

"P.TOG" - subtotal;

"TOTAL" - the final result.

Rules for the operation of cash registers. The commissioning of new machines is carried out by a mechanic from an organization that provides warranty and Maintenance and repair of this equipment.

When commissioning, cashiers must be present as financially responsible persons.

The repair mechanic checks the serviceability of the machine, tests it, draws up the transfer of the machine to operation and fills in all the necessary data in the factory passport. In addition, the mechanic is obliged to seal the car after installing the branded cliché.

In order to ensure the safety of the cashier's work, it is necessary to equip the cashier's booth with a device for calling security and administration, as well as provide emergency lighting for the cash booth.

Workplace the cashier must be equipped in such a way as to exclude the possibility of contact between workers and live parts, grounding buses, radiators, water pipes.

The machine is switched on through a special socket, which must be grounded. Do not turn on the machine without fuses. Before connecting the machine to the mains, you must carefully inspect the plug, cord, socket and make sure that they are in good condition.

It should be remembered that during the issuance of the first check, the cash drawer is pushed out under the action of a spring by 1/3 of its length.

The machine must be installed on a solid, level surface and not be subjected to any kind of vibration and shock. Direct rays of light on the machine indicators must be avoided.

Before starting work, you must:

Perform an external inspection of the machine;

turn on the machine;

install a check tape;

Enter the current date or confirm it;

enter current time or confirm it;

Remove "X-report" (report without blanking).

Then work is performed in the "Cashier" mode. When the job is finished, a "Z-report" (blanked report) is printed.

At the end of the working day, the cashier must perform overhaul maintenance of the machine and prepare it for the next day.

After finishing work, turn off the power supply by removing the plug from the socket.

It is forbidden to carry out maintenance work on the machine connected to the power supply.

On the cash machine, the administration of the enterprise enters the Book of the cashier-operator in form No. 24, which must be laced, numbered, sealed with the signatures of the tax inspector, director and accountant of the enterprise, as well as the seal of the enterprise.

The passport of the cash machine, the book of the cashier-operator, acts and other documents are kept by the director of the enterprise, his deputy or chief accountant.

Persons at least 18 years of age who have mastered the rules for operating cash registers in the amount of the technical minimum are allowed to work on a cash register. With persons admitted to work, an agreement on liability is concluded.

Before turning on the cash registers, the lock must be closed, and the key must be kept by the director of the enterprise. The keys for transferring money counters to zeros are transferred by the director of the enterprise tax office, where they are stored in safes and issued by written order of the head and chief accountant of this organization to a specialist or authorized person for inspections.

The conversion of the readings of the summing counters to zero (blanking) can be carried out during the commissioning of a new machine and during the inventory, and, if necessary, in the case of repair of money counters in workshops.

The transfer of the readings of the summing counters, control counters before and after their transfer to zero is drawn up by an act in two copies, one of which, as a control one, is transferred to the controlling organization, and the second remains at this enterprise.

Questions for self-control

1. Explain the purpose of cash registers.

2. Explain what operations cash registers perform.

3. Name the main units of cash registers.

4. Outline the rules for operating cash registers.

Section III. Thermal equipment

Chapter 14

General principles for the design of cash registers

The cash register is a compact set of functional mechanical and electronic units in various combinations intended for carrying out settlement and cash transactions.

KKM can have the following main functional blocks:








random access memory;

blocking device;



All blocks are arranged on metal frame, closed by a casing, in the lower part of which there is a cash drawer.

The setting mechanism (keyboard) is a set of keys for displaying the amount, sections, department, conditional codes, enabling and other control keys. There is also a correction key that cancels incorrectly entered information.

The indicator mechanism can be one-sided, having one window only on the side of the controller-cashier, and two-sided, enabling the buyer to see the accumulated amount. The indicator shows in the viewing window the amounts entered, the meter number, the amount due from the buyer, and the amount of change.

The counting mechanism is a set of various counters. The machines have one or more totalizing counters, control and operation counters.

Summing counters automatically add up on an accrual basis all the amounts of money passed through the machine. After reaching the maximum capacity, the counters automatically overcome it, and the count starts again.

The control counters are connected with the summing counters and automatically take into account how many times the totalizing counters reached the maximum capacity during operation, were forced to zero by a special key. There are control counters that take into account the number of readings of totalizing counters. The presence of control counters prevents the possibility of abuse when working on KKM.

Transaction counters also serve control purposes. They automatically take into account the number of transactions made by the machine, the number of checks issued, goods sold and customers served.

The printing mechanism is used to print a monetary document ( cash receipt or reporting sheet), its issuance and registration on the control tape. Details of the check and the control tape depend on the type and model of cash register. On the check, private terms and the total amount of the purchase, check number, date, cliche (company name, car number, etc.) can be indicated. On the control tape, with the exception of the date and cliche, the same details are printed in one line.

The locking mechanism is designed to close the entire mechanism of the machine and its individual parts, assemblies, switch it into a certain mode of operation, take readings of the summing cash counters and transfer them to zero.

The transmission mechanism transmits the movement from the drive group to the actuators and provides a certain sequence of all operations during the working cycle.

The drive mechanism is used to drive all the mechanisms and components of the machine.

The random access memory allows you to store the programmed current time and date, percentage discounts or surcharges, fixed price items, cashier and tax officer passwords.

All types of CMC perform approximately the same functions, which determines general principle their devices. The main functional units of the cash register include:

1. The keyboard block (BC) is used to enter various programming operations and control the operation of the cash register. Key field KKM has digital, sectional, functional and additional keys.

Numeric keys are used to enter any digital information: product prices, the amount of cash the buyer has, the amount of returns, the amount of discounts (surcharges), cliché programming, etc.

The section keys provide the entry of the accumulated value of the goods into the corresponding cash counter of the department.

Function keys are used to enter programmed (fixed) prices; cancellation of erroneous entries on checks and registration of the return of goods; registration of service amounts accepted at the cash desk (outside the sale of goods) and issued from the cash desk; registration of payment for purchases by various means of payment; carrying out final operations for printing checks, etc.

  • 2. The indication block (display) is used to show the information entered into the machine, visual control of the results of calculations, as well as to reflect the operating mode of the cash register and its state at the moment.
  • 3. The printing unit (printer) is designed for printing cash documents: checks; control tape; reports with blanking (Z-report) and without blanking (X-report).
  • 4. Block of automatic memory (BAP) provides recording, processing, storage and issuance of the entered information. The memory of the machine is represented by the following nodes: random access memory (RAM); fiscal memory unit (FMP) and reprogrammable memory device (RPZU).

The RAM is intended for receiving, processing, storing and issuing all operational information entered into the cash register during each work shift. The device consists of a system of various counters that record data in total and quantitative terms in various areas:

  • * by sections and in general by cash register;
  • *the total amount of goods sold and by type of goods;
  • * working periods (by shifts, by working hours, as well as by days and months);
  • *types of operations;
  • * cashiers, etc.

According to their functional purpose, RAM counters have monetary summing, control and operational registers.

Monetary summing registers can be of two types: monetary, registering amounts associated with the sale of goods and services; cash, not related to the sale of goods and services. In addition to these main counters, which are used to determine cash receipts for a shift, there may be others in KKM that simultaneously keep records of the amounts entered separately for transactions performed. These include counters:

  • * keeping records of programmed goods;
  • * keeping records of the amount of trade discounts and surcharges to the prices of goods;
  • * summing up the sums of money returned to buyers;
  • *summing canceled amounts (erroneously printed amounts), etc.

If cash registers have the functions of registering payment for goods by bank transfer, the machine has separate counters that register payment for various means of payment: personal, on credit, by check, by account.

Cash counters not related to the sale of goods and services have only those cash registers that perform the function of registering service amounts. A cash machine can have at least two such counters: the first one takes into account the official amounts accepted at the cash desk; the second - service amounts issued from the cash desk (from the cash drawer).

The readings of all counters that keep records of monetary amounts during each work shift must be taken twice per work shift:

  • *before it starts working (in X mode with X-report output);
  • *after completion of work (in Z mode with Z-report output).

According to the readings of the counters after the end of the work shift, the Z-report determines the results of work (revenue) for the cash register and for each cashier. Simultaneously with the taking of meter readings for the past shift, these data are automatically reset to zero.

Thus, the calculation of revenue and other data from the beginning of the shift starts from "zero" and the readings of the shift meters at the beginning of the shift will be zero. The revenue data reset after the end of the shift does not disappear, they are transferred to the main totalizing counter of the cash register, to the fiscal memory block of the cash register.

The control counters include the X-reading and Z-blading counters, which serve to control the operations carried out with the summing money counters.

The X and Z counters will be printed on the respective X and Z reports and incremented by one after each new output of the respective report. The capacity of the control counters is four digits. After filling their full capacity (9999), the cash machine is blocked.

For some KKMs (for example, AMS-100 F), the readings of the X and Z counters correspond to the number of the control tape and simultaneously increase by one after the control tape is printed in the "Clearing" mode.

Thus, control counters make it possible to prevent unauthorized access to the KKM memory and to prevent abuse with monetary amounts.

Transaction counters record the number of transactions performed by the cashier in his working mode. Operational counters can count:

  • *number of printed (paid) checks and purchases;
  • *number of customers served;
  • *weight of goods sold with a programmed price;
  • *number of trade discounts and surcharges;
  • *number of refunds to customers;
  • *number of cancellations of erroneous entries on checks;
  • *number of payments for cash and non-cash payments, including by types of payments;
  • *number of transactions for depositing (withdrawing) service amounts, etc.

Operational counters also include check numerators. The presence of numerators and their readings printed on the checks and the control tape allows you to check the accuracy of the data printed on the checks (in the case of a return of goods, a check, etc.). Operating counter readings are displayed on X-reports and Z-reports along with totalizing counter readings and are automatically reset after the end of each shift.

Cash summing, control and operational counters are counters for receiving, processing and storing operational information related to the sale of goods. The readings of these counters change every work shift and serve as the basis for identifying real data on the revenue of the cash register and on the operations performed per shift. All data on revenue for a work shift, accumulated on summing cash counters, after the end of each work shift, are reset to the main summing counter of the cash register - to fiscal memory (FP).

FP is a cash meter that accumulates data on KKM revenue from shift to shift. These data cannot be reset, but can only be read (removed) by the tax inspector. FP in the form of a board is placed under the sealed casing of the cash register. If the capacity of the FP drive is full, it is replaced with a new one. The information accumulated in the fiscal memory must be stored for six years from the date of fiscalization of the cash register, i.e., the removal of indicators from it.

To control access to the fiscal memory, the FP block has a control counter "Fiscal" (F), which counts the number of readings from the FP drive. The data of the control counter Ф, as well as the data accumulated in the fiscal memory itself, are not reset and are available only to the tax inspector.

In addition to the RAM and BFP counters, the automatic memory unit contains a device that allows you to "remember" the entered and programmed data - this is a reprogrammable memory device (RPZU).

EPROM is designed to store all programmed values:

  • * prices;
  • *electronic security keys;
  • *current date, time, cashier number and KKM cliché data.

The presence of programmed data in the RPZU of the cash register and control counters makes it possible to prevent unauthorized access to the digital information stored in the cash register. Locks and keys serve to solve the same problems in KKM.

The mechanism of keys and locks (MKZ) is designed to turn on the cash register and transfer it to the operating modes: "Registration", "Indications", "Clearing", "Fiscalization", "Programming", "Disconnection".

"Registration" is the working mode of the cashier, in which customer service and cash receipt printing take place.

"Indications" - obtaining an X-report without resetting. The operation must be performed before the start of each work shift or, if necessary, at any time during the operation of the cash register.

"Clearing" - obtaining a Z-report with zeroing. The operation is performed after the end of each work shift.

"Fiscalization" - obtaining data from the fiscal memory drive. The operation is performed only by representatives of the tax services.

"Programming" accordingly serves for programming by the administrator (mechanic) of the necessary parameters during the operation of the CMC. In the "Programming" mode, you can enter:

  • * types of work performed;
  • * marginal input capacity, product prices;
  • *number and name of working sections;
  • *number (code or surname) of working cashiers;
  • *content of KKM cliches, etc.

The transfer of KKM to the appropriate operating mode is carried out using the mode lock and number keys or by entering program protection passwords.

The presence of a mechanical mode lock (switch), as well as passwords for protecting KKM keys, prevents unauthorized persons from accessing the operating modes of the machine, thus preserving the information accumulated in the cash register and preventing abuses with monetary amounts.

Along with the above nodes, KKM has a power supply unit, a network filter, power transformer, cash drawer, housing, casing and other components and parts.

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