Delicious recipes from buckwheat. Buckwheat dishes

Landscaping and planning 19.10.2019
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Buckwheat dishes

Incredibly delicious crumbly buckwheat cooked in clay pots will surely please even the most demanding gourmet. A good old recipe with an unforgettable aroma of home cooking.

I present to you a recipe for a wonderful vegetarian dish cooked in an almighty slow cooker. Buckwheat with mushrooms in a slow cooker is cooked quickly, without any hassle and it turns out very tasty.

A very tasty and at the same time simple dish in which all the ingredients are wonderfully combined with each other. This is a great way to diversify the preparation of ordinary buckwheat.

For some, buckwheat with vegetables in a slow cooker can be a great side dish for meat or poultry, and for someone it can be a separate dish. In any case, it turns out very tasty and nutritious.

Fast, tasty, healthy, inexpensive - all these words are about the dish that we will now cook. Buckwheat with liver in a slow cooker turns out to be very satisfying, beautiful and very easy to prepare.

I propose step by step recipe with a photo that will tell you how to cook an interesting and at the same time simple dish. Buckwheat with stew in a slow cooker - meet :)

Confused about what to cook for dinner? I present to your attention a simple recipe for cooking buckwheat with meat in a slow cooker - fast, tasty, satisfying!

Buckwheat with vegetables and cheese in a pot is a very tasty and fragrant vegetarian dish. A beautiful and affordable step by step recipe with photos.

Buckwheat with champignons can be an excellent side dish for meat or a dietary independent dish. In any case, the taste of this dish will not leave you indifferent!

One of the classic recipes Soviet cuisine- buckwheat with sausage - in a slow cooker! It is prepared outrageously tasty, but it turns out - a very tasty and satisfying everyday lunch or dinner.

Buckwheat in the microwave cooks quickly and turns out tasty, no worse than cooked in the usual way. The main thing is that you have a transparent microwave-safe saucepan with a lid.

This is one of the most simple ways diversify the method of cooking ordinary buckwheat. It will take you very little time, but you will get a tasty and healthy side dish. Cooking buckwheat with carrots!

Buckwheat with stomachs in a slow cooker - for fans of chicken giblets. By the way, stomachs are very useful - there are few calories, and trace elements, protein and folic acid lot. Ideal for those who monitor their health and weight.

Buckwheat with beef in a slow cooker according to this recipe is very easy to prepare. Do not underestimate it is not only delicious, but also healthy dish perfect for a weekday lunch or dinner.

If you want to please your family and cook something really tasty, then this recipe a good option- incredibly appetizing buckwheat with meat, hearty and fragrant.

I share a recipe for a simple, not at all refined, but very tasty hot dish for a slow cooker. Buckwheat with minced meat in a slow cooker turns out awesome, very satisfying and appetizing - try it!

great way prepare an incredibly tasty and at the same time healthy dinner for the whole family. Be sure to try the buckwheat with minced meat in pots - and you will undoubtedly be satisfied with the result.

It would seem that it is easier - buckwheat with onions. A dish that does not pretend to be refined, rough, “proletarian”, but with all that ... Incredibly tasty, especially if cooked in a slow cooker!

Cooking buckwheat with mushrooms in a pot is a pleasure. I offer my own version of it. Very fast and very tasty. You can use any mushrooms you have.

A simple, but at the same time very tasty and incredibly fragrant dish cooked in pots cannot be compared with ordinary boiled buckwheat.

If you want to quickly and tasty cook buckwheat with meat in one dish, then again the slow cooker comes to the rescue. And while she cooks, you can go about your business.

If you decide to cook buckwheat porridge, but want to make the dish more unusual and tasty, then this recipe is what you were looking for. We will cook incredibly fragrant and tasty buckwheat in pots.

You do not know how to please your family and friends? I bring to your attention classic recipe buckwheat with chicken in a slow cooker is an everyday dish, very tasty and nutritious.

A light side dish, well suited for dinner, with a restaurant presentation and homemade ease of preparation, this is buckwheat with beans.

When young chanterelles appear, my grandfather cooks buckwheat with chanterelles. We usually eat this dish in the morning. Enough energy until noon! Porridge with chanterelles is not only very tasty, but also very healthy!

If you have a universal kitchen helper, then buckwheat with cutlets in a slow cooker is a great option for a full lunch or dinner. This dish is perfect for kids and adults.

Merchant-style buckwheat - a dish of buckwheat and chicken breast, which, as can be seen from the name, was very fond of the merchant caste in Russia. Today we will cook this delicious dish in a slow cooker.

Seems like the simplest combination. But how much taste, satiety and strength contains buckwheat porridge with minced meat. Our ancestors clearly knew a lot about simple, quick and satisfying food. Let's go back to basics, shall we? :)

This recipe will definitely appeal to fans of tender boiled chicken and buckwheat, about the health benefits of which entire works have been written. A simple recipe for buckwheat with drumsticks in a slow cooker is nutritious, but diet dish, which will also help you save time, because you will not cook, but a smart machine;)

Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms prepared according to this recipe turns from ordinary porridge with mushrooms into an appetizing and beautifully served dish.

We will not cook buckwheat today regular prescription, today we will prepare a special dish - buckwheat baked in a pot with mushrooms and smoked brisket, the most delicious porridge in the world.

Buckwheat with porcini mushrooms is a healthy, easy to prepare and very tasty homemade dish. If you have porcini mushrooms, be sure to try cooking them with buckwheat - you will love it!

Repair in the kitchen was delayed, but I want to delicious porridge? You are not at home, and there is no stove at hand? There is a solution! ;) I will share with you my experience of cooking delicious buckwheat in the microwave. It turns out well.

Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms and onions will be a very satisfying Sunday breakfast or weekday dinner. This is an easy to prepare, budget and incredibly tasty dish. We will add crispy bacon to the porridge.

Goulash with buckwheat is not only tasty, but also a healthy dish. Agree, we do not eat buckwheat often. Cereals are necessary for our body, they contain proteins, minerals. As for meat, let's take beef.

A simple and tasty side dish, perfect for any meat and fish, even children will like it. And do not forget that buckwheat is not only tasty, but also healthy. So - read the recipe and cook!

Bream with buckwheat porridge is a wonderful dish for all fish lovers. The dish is very easy to prepare and is a versatile hot dish that can be served both for lunch and dinner.

Buckwheat porridge is good both as an independent dish and as a side dish. Use a slow cooker to cook buckwheat porridge - I guarantee you an excellent result!

Recipe for buckwheat porridge. If you cook buckwheat porridge according to a real old Russian recipe, then the opinion about its wonderful taste will change forever.

Soup with buckwheat in a slow cooker is a delicious and very easy-to-prepare soup that does not use meat. So, vegetarian. But, I'm sure even inveterate meat-eaters will appreciate it!

Meatballs with buckwheat in the oven is an excellent, new, vegetarian dish, the recipe of which I got hold of from a friend. Meatballs are fragrant, tasty, healthy. I share with you the recipe!

The recipe for a goose in the oven with buckwheat is a kind of Russified version of a dish that is traditional in many European countries. Preparing goose with buckwheat is simple, but it turns out - an excellent dish.

Milk soup with buckwheat is very easy to prepare and will not take you much effort and time. Buckwheat is used in both adult and baby food.

Everyone's favorite cereal is now in a new role, thanks to simple recipe cooking cutlets from buckwheat porridge. Make your loved ones happy delicious dish for lunch or dinner.

The recipe for buckwheat soup is probably known to every housewife, because this soup is one of the most popular in Slavic peoples. And this is not surprising: the soup really turns out to be very nutritious and tasty.

Meatballs with buckwheat in a slow cooker will surprise and delight you! It turns out that it is very tasty. You can change the proportion of buckwheat and meat depending on the availability of food at hand. Here is my recipe!

Buckwheat is considered one of the most useful and delicious. Recipes that suggest how to cook buckwheat dishes are presented in a variety of variations. With their help, you can make dietary and satisfying dishes that will delight the household.

What to cook from buckwheat?

Buckwheat is one of the best nutritious foods. There are such common recipes from buckwheat:

  1. by the most simple option cooking is considered buckwheat porridge. It can be prepared with water, milk, butter, thick sour cream, fried carrots and onions, eggs, liver and other ingredients.
  2. An equally popular option is buckwheat as a side dish, which can be served with fish, chicken and vegetables, beans and tomatoes, as well as other additions.
  3. Any hostess can meet different recipes from buckwheat, for example, it can be amazing meatballs, fragrant cutlets, pancakes, soups and much more.

How to cook buckwheat porridge?

To make such a simple version of a dish like buckwheat porridge on water, you need to correctly observe the proportions. During cooking, it is worth remembering that cereals double in volume during cooking, so its amount should be carefully calculated. Compliance with these simple rules, with the help of which buckwheat porridge is cooked, will help you get a fragrant crumbly meal.


  • cereals - 1 glass;
  • water - 2 glasses.


  1. Rinse the cereal, add water and bring to a boil. After that, rinse it again, add 2 cups of water and cook further.
  2. After the liquid used is absorbed into the cereal, the buckwheat can be removed from the heat and wrap the pan in a towel.

Buckwheat soup with chicken - recipe

Buckwheat contains a lot of iron and other useful for human body components. Of the many recipes, one of the most popular is. The dish comes out as useful and nutritious as possible, thanks to the rich and light chicken broth and valuable properties cereals.


  • chicken meat - 0.5 kg;
  • cereals - 1 glass;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • herbs, salt to taste.


  1. Boil chicken broth.
  2. Chop the onion and grate the carrots. Fry vegetables.
  3. Rinse the grits thoroughly and lightly fry over a fire without oil.
  4. Cut the potatoes, add them to the broth along with vegetables and buckwheat. Salt. Boil for 10 minutes.
  5. The first dishes of buckwheat are traditionally decorated with chopped greens.

Buckwheat cutlets - recipe

Vegetarian dishes, which do not require expensive products and a lot of time to cook, are lean. You can add an additional piquant taste to the food with the help of mushrooms, which are added to the cutlets, after twisting them into a meat grinder, or you can use potatoes. A great addition to cutlets will be regular mayonnaise or ketchup or other favorite sauces.


  • cereals - 1 glass;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • salt and spices to taste.


  1. Boil the cereal.
  2. Grate the potatoes, squeeze with your hands to remove excess juice from it.
  3. Mix porridge with potatoes, salt and add spices.
  4. Form cutlets. Fry them for about 3-4 minutes on each side. It is recommended to cover the pan with a lid.

Buckwheat casserole

There is a recipe that will bring maximum benefit the body, thanks to the components that make up its composition, is In addition to cereals, cottage cheese, sour cream and apples, which contain vitamins, are used as ingredients. The preparation of such a dish of cottage cheese and buckwheat will take approximately 30-40 minutes, and the result will exceed all expectations.


  • cereals - 1 glass;
  • apples - 2 pcs.;
  • raisin;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • sour cream - 200 ml;
  • sugar to taste.


  1. Rub cottage cheese through a sieve. Cut apples into small cubes. Soak raisins.
  2. Rinse the buckwheat and cook until fully cooked. Add beaten egg, raisins, cottage cheese, sour cream and a little cinnamon.
  3. Put the buckwheat dough into the form. Place the casserole in the oven for 15 minutes.

Pilaf from buckwheat with meat

There is a recipe that will help you prepare a traditional and all favourite dish in an unusual way, is buckwheat pilaf. This option diversifies the everyday menu and allows you to present the usual dish in a new variation, which will delight and surprise the household. In addition to buckwheat, the remaining components are the same as in the classic dish.


  • cereals - 1 glass;
  • meat - 500 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt and pepper to taste.


  1. Meat cut into small pieces. Grind the carrots or with a grater, finely chop the onion.
  2. Add a little to the pot sunflower oil and bring it to a boil. Fry the meat until golden brown.
  3. Fry the onion until golden brown. Add carrots and cook until completely softened.
  4. Combine everything in a cauldron, add water, garlic and leave to stew. Salt and pepper.
  5. Cooking a dish of crumbly buckwheat will take 15 minutes with the lid closed.

Buckwheat porridge fritters

Unusual but very delicious recipe buckwheat pancakes are considered. Apples and honey give a special exquisite taste to the dish. At the same time, this version of the dish is much more useful compared to the traditional one due to the addition of buckwheat. Fragrant pancakes will please the household with incredible palatability and originality.


  • buckwheat - 2 cups;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • milk - 0.5 cups;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • flour - 1 cup;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt to taste;
  • apple - 1 pc.


  1. Beat the eggs, adding a little salt, honey and milk to them.
  2. Add baking powder diluted in flour.
  3. Grind the porridge, add it to the dough. Chop the apple and add it too.
  4. Put on the pan. Fry on both sides until done.

Buckwheat porridge in a pot

Many housewives consider such an option as buckwheat porridge in a pot in the oven to be a very satisfying and fragrant dish. The preparation time for this simple but very tasty side dish is approximately 50 minutes. It can be served with any kind of meat (beef, pork, chicken), with a variety of vegetables and salads.


  • cereals - 1 glass;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • herbs and salt to taste.


  1. Rinse buckwheat, add water and put on fire. Cook until fully cooked.
  2. Peel the carrots and cut them into small slices.
  3. Send carrots and buckwheat in a pot, salt.
  4. Put the pot in the oven for 25 minutes. A delicious side dish of buckwheat is ready.

Buckwheat cookies

Highly original version baking is buckwheat biscuits. It has exquisite taste qualities that can amaze even sophisticated gourmets. It can be served not only as an everyday dish, but also as a festive dish. Diet cookies are prepared almost the same way as buckwheat pancakes, the only difference is buckwheat groats crushed into flour.


  • kefir - 200 ml;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • cereals - 1 glass;
  • olive oil.


  1. Grind the cereal into flour.
  2. Grate apples on a medium grater.
  3. Mix everything and roll into one layer.
  4. Cut out circles from the dough and put them on a baking sheet.
  5. Baking a sweet buckwheat dish at a temperature of 150 degrees will last one hour.

Buckwheat porridge in the microwave

One of the simplest and quick ways, with the help of which is prepared, is the use microwave oven. The result is a dish that is in no way inferior to the cooked one. traditional way. Milk will give the dish a delicate and rich taste. You can add honey instead of sugar if you like.

It is not at all necessary to cook only from expensive gourmet products. For example, there are a lot of buckwheat dishes. Consider the most popular buckwheat dishes, recipes with photos will help you in cooking. And also we will understand the question of how to cook friable buckwheat for a side dish.

The most popular buckwheat dishes: recipes with photos and detailed descriptions

The opinion that buckwheat is a “boring” product and only porridge can be cooked from it is wrong. There are a lot of buckwheat dishes you can cook. We bring to your attention the most popular buckwheat dishes. Recipes with photos will be your assistant in their preparation.

You can treat guests not only with expensive salads, complex hot dishes according to "restaurant recipes". From the simplest and available product you can cook a sumptuous dinner.

Buckwheat can be served not only as a porridge-garnish, but to create a culinary masterpiece from it. The right combination of products and a special way of cooking will make a simple product the most delicious lunch or dinner.

There are so many different casseroles with buckwheat, meatballs, soups, cereals and other dishes. I would like to introduce you to the three most delicious and interesting recipes for dishes with buckwheat: cheese and buckwheat cutlets, buckwheat porridge pancakes, casserole with meat and buckwheat.

All recipes are different, but similar in that they are all very tasty and not like other dishes.

Buckwheat and cheese cutlets

Everyone has their own tastes, but those who love cheese love all the recipes along with it. Cheese goes well with buckwheat, it complements it perfectly. Especially in cutlets, the taste is very spicy and tender. And it is generally impossible to break away from hot fresh cutlets.

So, to prepare buckwheat and cheese cutlets, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 150 grams of buckwheat;
  • 100 grams of hard cheese;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 1-2 bulbs;
  • 3 tablespoons of flour;
  • 1 carrot;
  • A few cloves of garlic;
  • Vegetable oil, butter; sour cream and breadcrumbs for breading.

So that our cutlets turn out to be very tasty and they do not come across various incomprehensible particles and coarse black kernels, buckwheat must be carefully sorted out and thoroughly washed.

We put clean buckwheat to boil, filling it with water in a ratio of 1: 2 (there should always be twice as much water). Cook the buckwheat until all the water has evaporated.

Meanwhile, peel the onion, garlic and carrots. Three carrots on a grater, chop the onion and garlic, or chop everything together in a blender.

Fry the vegetables in a hot frying pan in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Grind the cooled buckwheat in a blender so that it tastes more tender.

In buckwheat puree, add vegetable frying, eggs, flour, salt, spices to taste. Then mix it all thoroughly.

Cheese mode in cubes or cubes, depending on what size cutlets you will form.

To form cutlets, we take a cake, put a piece of cheese in the middle, close it and form an ordinary round cutlet, roll in breadcrumbs.

Now the cutlets can be fried. You need to fry them until crispy. Remove from the pan carefully so that the cheese does not leak out.

Buckwheat fritters

Such pancakes are not at all like the ordinary ones that we often cook. In addition, they can be prepared from ready-made buckwheat. It often happens that buckwheat porridge remains and you no longer want to eat it up, then you can make delicious buckwheat pancakes for breakfast from it.

For their preparation, you will need the following products:

  • 250 grams of buckwheat;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 tablespoon flour;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • Soda, salt, vegetable oil.

If there is no ready-made buckwheat, then it must be cooked specifically for pancakes. To do this, first sort through the buckwheat and remove debris from it, then rinse.

Fill with water (250 grams of cereal 0.5 liters of water) and cook until fully cooked, you can add salt.

Whisk eggs with baking soda and salt.

Add flour and buckwheat porridge to beaten eggs.

Squeeze the peeled garlic on the garlic press and add to the other ingredients.

We mix everything well.

Or you can add onion, lightly fried in vegetable oil. Heat up the pan, pour vegetable oil and spread the resulting "dough" on it with a spoon.

Fry pancakes on both sides, until golden brown. To the table, such buckwheat pancakes are well served with sour cream.

Buckwheat casserole with meat

This dish can be prepared for lunch, dinner, or for guests. Delicious, fast and easy. And most importantly - useful. This is the kind of dish that everyone will love. Many people like these potato casseroles, but they are already a little boring. But buckwheat casserole is something new, although nothing complicated.

To prepare it, we need:

  • 300 grams of buckwheat;
  • 350 grams of minced meat;
  • 250 grams of champignons;
  • 100 grams of hard cheese;
  • Sour cream;
  • 1 onion;
  • Butter, salt, pepper.

We sort and wash buckwheat groats, cook it until tender.

Peel the onion, chop finely and fry until golden brown in butter. Mushrooms are also cleaned, mode and sent to the onion in the pan. We fry for 5 minutes.

Salt, add spices to taste and put the minced meat in the pan. Stir fry for another 10-15 minutes.

We rub the cheese on a coarse grater and add sour cream to it (4 tablespoons).

In a baking dish, first put half of the buckwheat with onions and mushrooms, then the third part of the cheese with sour cream, then again the buckwheat and the remaining cheese with sour cream.

We send our casserole to the oven, heated to 200 degrees, and bake for about 30 minutes, until a golden cheese crust forms.

The casserole is ready!

How to cook loose buckwheat: the secrets of successful cooking

At first glance, it seems that it is almost impossible to spoil buckwheat. But it happens, especially for novice housewives, that buckwheat porridge is not very tasty. We will tell you how to cook friable buckwheat, following the rules for its preparation.

There are only a few basic rules for preparing delicious crumbly buckwheat porridge. But they must be remembered and followed so that your dishes are always the most appetizing and delicious. Here are the tips:

  1. Use sorted, washed with water and fried in a dry frying pan buckwheat;
  2. Boil buckwheat in clean filtered water;
  3. Observe the correct proportions (1:2);
  4. Choose suitable dishes for cooking.

We start cooking buckwheat porridge with the preparation of the cereal itself. First, it must be sorted out very carefully so that unpeeled grains or garbage do not get caught in food.

Then buckwheat needs to be washed several times with clean cold water. After such a “cleaning”, buckwheat should be dried a little - fry for 5-7 minutes in a dry (without fat) hot frying pan, stirring constantly. So buckwheat porridge turns out not only crumbly, but also very fragrant.

Pour fresh clean water into a saucepan with thick walls, and preferably cauldrons with a convex bottom, and bring to a boil. Water should be twice as much as buckwheat itself. Buckwheat porridge is always cooked in a ratio of 1:2.

Salt the boiling water and pour buckwheat into it. When the buckwheat boils, cover it with a lid and cook until the water has completely evaporated over low heat.

After turning off the porridge, do not open it, but rather cover it with a towel and let it stand for 10-20 minutes. Delicious, healthy, crumbly buckwheat porridge is ready to serve!

How to cook buckwheat for a tasty side dish

Buckwheat porridge is first of all an excellent side dish. And so that dinner turns out to be very tasty and pleases everyone, first we will figure out how to cook buckwheat for a tasty side dish.

To make buckwheat for a side dish very tasty, we will first prepare it. To do this, we sort out buckwheat. After all, it will be very unpleasant to find some kind of garbage on your plate, and unpeeled unpeeled cores are also not very tasty.

Therefore, carefully sort out the cereal, then rinse it several times until the flowing water is completely clean and transparent.

Then dry a little buckwheat on a towel. You can fry buckwheat in a hot pan for several minutes.

Put buckwheat into a saucepan with thick walls or cauldrons, fill it with water (2 parts of water for 1 part of buckwheat) and put on fire.

When the water boils, salt the buckwheat, cover the pan with a lid, reduce the fire and cook the buckwheat porridge until fully cooked. As a side dish, this porridge is very tasty.

You can serve buckwheat with cutlets, chops, gravy with meat, fried fish, mushroom sauce. If buckwheat porridge remains the next day, you can make a casserole from it or simply add milk and sugar, it also turns out very tasty.

Enjoy your meal!

Of course, among all types of cereals, buckwheat is one of the most delicious and healthy. It not only has a special rich taste, but also contains a lot of useful nutrients. Buckwheat is rich in proteins complex carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements, in particular, iron, but if cooked incorrectly, it can not only lose its nutritional properties, but also become simply tasteless, so it is important to know how to cook buckwheat correctly. Many believe that they know, on the water, and do it very approximately, believing that it is not at all necessary to know the recipe for buckwheat, and they measure the amount of cereals and water by eye, and often remain dissatisfied with the result. However, there is a recipe for buckwheat, and by following it, you can always achieve excellent results.

right on the water

For this, it is important to properly prepare the cereal, use the correct utensils and observe the correct proportions of cereal and water. In order for buckwheat to turn out crumbly, before cooking it must be properly sorted out and thoroughly rinsed with water. It is best to buy factory-packed cereals from a trusted manufacturer, since loose buckwheat can be contaminated not only with husks, weed seeds and small pebbles, but which will then be extremely difficult to remove from the apartment. Before cooking, buckwheat can be dried in a large frying pan or baking sheet, holding it over low heat for several minutes. In order to cook delicious buckwheat porridge, it is best to take thick-walled dishes, since buckwheat must be steamed. For one glass of cereal, take two glasses of water and salt to taste. Peeled and washed cereals are poured with cold water and brought to a boil. Then the water is salted, the fire decreases, after which the pan must be closed with a lid and left on low heat for 15 minutes. At this time, do not remove the lid and stir the boiling porridge - otherwise the buckwheat can be spoiled. After 15 minutes, you need to check the amount of liquid by carefully spreading the cereal with a spoon to the very bottom. If there is still left at the bottom a large number of liquids - the lid must be removed and wait until it evaporates, while making sure that the porridge does not burn. If the water has completely evaporated, and the porridge is not ready yet, it is better not to add water, but wrap the pan with a closed lid in a thick towel and leave it like that for a while, the longer the better.

Another interesting recipe buckwheat - steam it in salted boiling water in a thermos, for example, overnight - then a very healthy and tasty one will be waiting for you for breakfast. The proportions and preparation of cereals are the same. It makes sense to cook buckwheat in this way if, for example, you need to get up very early in the morning - this way you can save almost half an hour of sleep that would have to be spent on preparing breakfast. Also, this buckwheat recipe can be useful for those who are going on the road - so you can take hot and healthy food with you, and not eat sandwiches.

How to cook delicious buckwheat

In addition to the actual use of buckwheat, you can cook other dishes. For example, it has been invariably popular for centuries. Beef is ideal for buckwheat, but it requires a long cooking time, especially since pork and poultry and rabbit meat also go well with it. The meat should be pre-fried or stewed in a saucepan until cooked, however, be a little harsh. There you also need to add onion chopped into half rings or quarters and, if desired, carrots, and, when they are fried, washed buckwheat. Pour boiling water over everything and simmer under a closed lid until the cereal is ready. For three hundred grams of buckwheat, half a kilogram of meat, two onions, one carrot, 600 ml of boiling water, salt and spices to taste are taken.

For several centuries, such porridge has taken pride of place on the table of families with different incomes in our country. This dish combines many advantages: it is nutritious, cheap, appetizing, healthy. The main thing is to try to cook delicious buckwheat porridge. Its recipes in different variations are published below.

Buckwheat porridge for garnish

If buckwheat is chosen as a side dish, it is very important to cook it crumbly and soft. Ingredients: 1 tbsp. kernels, 3 tbsp. filtered water, salt to taste. How buckwheat porridge is prepared on water simply and quickly is described below.

  1. The core is moved, after which it is lightly fried in a dry frying pan.
  2. The product is poured into a pan of a suitable size and poured with the specified amount of salty liquid.
  3. First, the contents of the container are brought to a boil over high heat, and then cooked until cooked at a minimum division.
  4. When the porridge has absorbed all the liquid, it is ready.

You can serve the dish as an independent dish, generously watering with melted butter.

With milk - step by step recipe

Don't skimp on milk. You need to take the most fatty product - 3-4 cups. Remaining Ingredients: 1 tbsp. buckwheat, 320 ml of water, a slice of butter, a pinch table salt and 3 large spoons of granulated sugar.

  1. The main secret of successful buckwheat porridge with milk is that it is first boiled until slightly softened in water. The washed cereal is poured into the already boiling liquid. The product is cooked until the latter is completely absorbed.
  2. Next, the core is already poured with a dairy product and continues to cook with minimal heating of the stove.
  3. The cereal should again absorb the liquid.
  4. After removing the treat from the fire, it needs to be salted, sweetened, seasoned with butter.

Before serving for breakfast or lunch, milk porridge must be well infused under a closed lid. If initially the dish seems liquidish, then it will acquire the desired density.

In a slow cooker

It is especially easy to prepare such a dish if you have a “smart pan” at hand. Ingredients: 1.5 tbsp. buckwheat, 3 tbsp. liquids (this can be both water and milk), 35 g of butter, a pinch of salt and sugar.

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