Production of incandescent lamps. Overview of the Russian market of LED products

Landscaping and planning 12.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

LED lamps can be used for home, street or industrial lighting, illumination of house facades, fountains or pools, illuminated advertising. Particularly interesting interior lamps.

They are ceiling, wall or furniture. With their help, you can correctly place accents in the interior, create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere. Therefore, the production of LED lamps is quite profitable.

The popularity of lighting systems

Lamps can be turned on in a certain order, highlighting the functional areas in the room. Zoning space is now in vogue. In addition, given the value of real estate, each square meter on the account, and the division of the premises into zones is simply necessary.

There is also the possibility to adjust the intensity of the lighting. Interior designers love to work with LED backlighting, as there is room for fantasy to roam. In addition, LEDs on cars are also very popular.

It is an environmentally friendly light source, since the LED lamp does not contain mercury, does not have ultraviolet and infrared radiation consumes little electricity. And if saving the planet for some consumers is something abstract, then saving money is already a more real, weighty argument. In addition, an LED lamp can last up to 100 thousand hours, and an incandescent lamp - up to 4 thousand hours. Durability, vibration resistance, no flicker, modern design- too undoubted advantages LED lamps.

Investors are interested in this field of activity

The production of LED lamps is now incredibly interesting for investors. The reason for this lies in the presidential decree, which spoke about increasing energy efficiency, or, more simply, about switching to energy-saving technologies. Some restrictions have been introduced on the sale of incandescent lamps, and in the future they will be completely removed from sale.

Create your own business

Thus, now is the time to set up an enterprise and set up the production of LED lamps. At right approach this variety entrepreneurial activity- a very profitable business in the near future. Especially considering the fact that scientists have solved the problem of the white light of LEDs. According to market analysts, already in 2015 the share of LED lamps in the total sales of energy-saving lighting will reach 30% (in 2011, the market share LED lamps – 10%).

Collection of documentation

In order to organize your own production LED lamps, it is necessary to assemble, and most importantly, to properly execute the documents. You will not get help from the state in this matter, since it simply does not support such a field of activity. It will take about two weeks to collect the documentation. You will need to spend about 10 thousand rubles. But you should understand that everything will depend on the region in which you decide to open your company.

How can lamps be produced?

If you want to open your own production of LED lamps, you can go in two ways: a full cycle or only assembly production.

In the first case, it will be extremely difficult to compete with Chinese manufacturers. You will have to invest a lot of money in such a business. Considering the cost of equipment, rent, work force, it will not be possible to achieve any competitive cost of production.

Although there is always hope that the country's leadership will begin to take care of the domestic manufacturer and block the flow of low-quality, cheap goods from China. However, while the technology for the production of LEDs using full cycle not popular with entrepreneurs.

Purchase of raw materials

The assembly production option will require the purchase of boards, microcircuits, LEDs and soldering irons. The room for the assembly shop should be large enough (about 350 sq. m. for a shop with 10 assembly tables). It should provide good ventilation. You also need to rent storage facilities and make a test stand finished products.

Search for colleagues

The production of LED lamps will require approximately 10 assembly line employees, several sales managers, purchasing managers, marketers, and a good experienced accountant. Drivers, cleaners, packers, loaders are not required in the permanent staff.

Purchase of equipment for production

It will be necessary to purchase special assembly equipment for the production of LED lamps. Its cost will reach approximately 400 thousand rubles. But the equipment makes it possible to cut costs by hiring minimum number workers. Instead of, for example, 20 employees, you can hire only three adjusters who will monitor the condition of the production line.

To open a factory, you will need the soldering equipment needed to create printed circuit boards. You will also need a section of injection molding machines, with the help of which the production of cases will take place. It will be necessary to purchase a winding site. For more successful work a CAD lab is required.

Related decoration

You will have to think over the packaging and methods of promoting finished products. A third party will design the packaging, print and assemble the boxes for the fixtures. Making a small circulation is unprofitable, so you need to be prepared for high costs for packaging.

Marketing activities of the company

LED production should be well advertised. Promotion methods: company website, advertising in the press, on billboards, promotions in supermarkets, and so on. Typically, marketing costs are in the range of 1-5% of the sales volume. But this does not apply to the cost of bringing a new product to market. These costs are huge and do not pay off immediately.

The report at the opening of the 26th conference of the International Commission on Lighting in Beijing noted that the general direction of the work of the lighting scientific community should be aimed at reducing energy consumption and reducing pollution. environment. That is, we are not talking about reducing illumination, but about a more rational and efficient use of lighting. One of the most promising steps along this path is the development and use of energy-efficient light sources - LEDs.

An LED is a semiconductor diode that emits light when current passes through a p-n junction. For a p-n junction to emit light, the following two conditions must be met. Firstly, the band gap in the active region of the LED should be close to the energy of light quanta in the visible range, and secondly, the probability of emission during the recombination of electron-hole pairs should be high. To do this, the semiconductor crystal must contain few defects, due to which recombination occurs without radiation. These conditions contradict each other to some extent. In reality, in order to comply with them, one p-n-transition in a crystal is not enough. It is necessary to manufacture multilayer semiconductor structures. They are called heterostructures (it was for the study of heterostructures that Academician Alferov received Nobel Prize). This served as a new stage in the development of LED manufacturing technologies.

The production of light emitting diodes faces some difficulties. Since the creation of LEDs is a dynamically developing branch of the lighting industry, there are no established laws and rules for their application yet. Not normative documentation relating to the manufacturing process and use of LEDs. Each large production tries to find its own criteria for product selection, but, unfortunately, there are no international agreements. Although active work has been carried out in this direction lately and good results have been achieved, it must be understood that the creation unified requirements to LED technology is not a matter of one year. To understand the complexity of creating such documentation, you should familiarize yourself with the production technology.

Consider the process of creating LEDs step by step.

1) Growing a crystal.
Here leading role plays a process such as organometallic epitaxy. Epitaxy is the oriented growth of one crystal on the surface of another (substrate). The epitaxial growth of semiconductors (and an LED is precisely a semiconductor) is carried out by the method of thermal decomposition (pyrolysis) of organometallic compounds containing the necessary chemical elements. Such a process requires especially pure gases, which is provided for in modern installations. The thicknesses of the grown layers are carefully controlled. It is important to ensure the homogeneity of the structures on the surface of the substrates. The cost of installations for epitaxial growth reaches one and a half million euros. And the process of adjusting the production of high-quality materials for future LEDs takes several years.

2) Creation of the chip.
At this stage, processes such as etching, creating contacts, cutting take place. This whole complex was called "planar film processing". A film grown on a single substrate is divided into several thousand chips.

3) Binning.
Binning (chip sorting) is a particularly important LED production process, which is unfairly often forgotten in the literature. The fact is that in the production of any product, certain selection criteria must be observed. But at the above stages of LED production, it is impossible to achieve absolute similarity of products in terms of its characteristics. The manufactured chips initially have characteristics that differ in a certain range. The chips are sorted into groups (bins). In each group, a certain parameter varies within certain limits.

Sorting is by:

  • wavelength of maximum radiation;
  • tension;
  • luminous flux (or axial luminous intensity), etc.

Binning, as a way of grading LED products, is used in production and, consequently, in the name of the supplied products. Both of these facts make the use of LEDs available to a wide range of users.

4) Creating an LED.
The creation of the LED itself is the final stage of the technological chain. The case of the future light source is created, the conclusions are mounted, the phosphor is selected (if necessary). But it is especially worth noting such an important part as the optical system (namely, the manufacture of lenses). LED lenses are made from epoxy resin, silicone or plastic. They are subject to a wide range of requirements, tk. the optical system of the LED plays an important role (directs the light flux of the LED to the desired solid angle).

Lenses must:

  • be as transparent as possible;
  • transmit light in the entire optical range;
  • have good adhesiveness of the material to the printed circuit board material;
  • be temperature stable;
  • have a high service life (which is characterized by the effect of crystal radiation and the chemical effect of the phosphor, if any).

Thanks to a large number positive qualities(low power consumption, lack of mercury, low supply voltage, high reliability, small dimensions, etc.), various and high-quality LED lighting devices are created based on LEDs. Can be listed for a long time Various types LED luminaires: these are spotlights, and linear LED luminaires, and luminaires for general or special purposes. We can definitely say that LEDs are dynamically developing light sources. And the technology of LED production is the field of activity of high-class world specialists who are able to achieve ever better results.

Due to the ban on the production of conventional incandescent lamps, the need for LEDs has increased. So far, this niche in the market is not too busy, which means that there is a chance to successfully join this business. So, the production of LED lamps is not only a popular business, but also a profitable one. Moreover, its popularity is only gaining momentum.

According to experts, the development of this type of business is still ahead. If you start it now, then there is a chance to earn a reputation for yourself, develop a clientele, not “burn out”.

On the initial stage You have to invest, but it's worth it. Moreover, it pays off quickly. LED lighting is safe, relevant, necessary for the population. Moreover, the life of one lamp is about 3-5 years. The cost of one such lamp will be cheaper for people than buying "Ilyich's bulbs". LEDs are safe for health, do not contain mercury (as, for example, in fluorescent lamps), save energy. It is important to draw up a detailed business plan, study your competitors, and purchase good and high-quality equipment. Saving on the latter will not work, because in the end you can get products that are worse in quality than Chinese ones. You need to focus on quality, not quantity.

Investments in business

Organization of business requires properly collected and executed documentation. One cannot count on help from the state, because it almost does not support given type business. The collection of documents can take from 2 to 4 weeks. In terms of money, this is about 10-15 thousand, it all depends on the region. AT middle lane it's cheaper than in the north or south.

Of course, you will also need a room. Its size cannot be less than 3 thousand squares. At the same time, those workshops where the lamps themselves will be assembled must be with a good ventilation system. The production of LED lamps can be of two types: assembly from finished material (which is produced by third parties), assembly from scratch. The latter option requires skill from workers, knowledge in this area and skill. Manual assembly for medium scale production requires at least 20 workers. For them it is necessary to organize jobs. If you prefer an assembly of semi-finished elements, then you will have to pay a round sum for their purchase (about 600 thousand rubles, in bulk).

Own business: production of LED lamps

You can also purchase the necessary equipment that will provide machine assembly. Then you only need a couple of people who will monitor the operation of the devices. The cost of special equipment ranges from 100 to 600 thousand rubles.

The salary of employees cannot be less than 15 thousand rubles. Otherwise, no one will simply work for you, leaving for competitors.

Of the equipment, devices will be required that will provide all stages of work. These are: the creation of special chips, their fasteners, the selection of a case for each part, the assembly of the final product.

The production of LED lamps requires skill and experience. And yet, compared to China, your production will be more expensive. This means that the quality of your products cannot be just good, only high. Otherwise, the profit will be minimal (if any).

In addition, you will have to purchase and consumable. You can buy it from domestic manufacturers or from foreign suppliers. Domestic is not inferior in quality, especially since the price of the material is not too high. At the initial stage, you will have to pay about 100-500 thousand rubles.

Total cost:

  1. documents and premises;
  2. hiring labor;
  3. equipment;
  4. consumable.

Income, payback, profitability

If you started production from scratch, invested a lot of money, then you should not expect a quick payback. It will take about a couple of years. Of course, if you have a well-established client base, things can go faster. But, as practice shows, this rarely happens with those who are engaged in production from the very bottom.

By the way, LED spotlights are in great demand among large firms and factories. Creating such spotlights is not much more difficult than conventional lamps. And here is the price retail much higher. The demand for such products is also high. In addition to large firms, many private buyers purchase them for security complex his land plot. The cost of one spotlight can range from 5 to 15 thousand rubles, depending on the size.

In general, profitability of this type business is large - from 200 to 500 thousand rubles a month. The main thing is to find your customers. Especially since most competition is made by products from China. Russian manufacturing firms are still in great demand, because they inspire more confidence. Firms domestic production not so much, the niche is not yet filled. Some regions do not have their producers at all.

The profitability of the business can exceed 100%.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this enterprise is that the product is in great demand. Moreover, demand will not fall, only grow. From the beginning of 2014, the country will ban the production of conventional incandescent lamps altogether. This means that LEDs will be bought more often. Moreover, their service life is much longer.

Please note that the sale of outdoor LED lights is also popular. You can sell them to those companies that produce lighting outdoor (with solar panels). If you wish and have funds, you can organize your own own workshop with such a service. Investments are minimal, demand is high.

Another advantage of the LED business is that, although it requires large investments, it pays off quickly, and the income is stable and high. Moreover, the work is not seasonal, but year-round.

Of the shortcomings, only a lot of competition with Chinese manufacturers and compliance with all technologies. Your staff must consist of professionals, otherwise the quality will leave much to be desired, and customers will be dissatisfied.

In this article:

LED is a fairly new word, because this technology has appeared relatively recently. Many people might think that high-tech LED production requires a lot of investment in equipment, highly qualified personnel, a properly equipped workshop, and so on. And many will be right - the production of LED lamps cannot be started with a small budget.

It follows that the scale of production must also be appropriate. Small volumes will simply not be able to cover all fixed costs. Fortunately, this market is showing healthy growth year after year, and the competition in this area is still not oversaturated. All this increases your chances of success if you decide to open such a business.

How to organize the production of LEDs

So, in order to open an enterprise for the production of LEDs, it will take a lot of money. On average, you will need an amount of $3,000,000 - $15,000,000. What exactly the funds are required for will be described below. The exact number depends on factors such as:

  • The city or region where you plan to start production (the cost of renting a room);
  • Prices for materials in this region;
  • Cost of delivery of equipment for the production of LEDs;
  • Release scale, etc.

The payback of such production is usually 1-2 years. After this period, such an enterprise brings a tangible income of 20-30%, taking into account all taxes and other payments. If such numbers do not repel you, consider what it takes to start production (other than perseverance and hard work, of course).

LED Manufacturing Equipment

It is the equipment, perhaps, that is the biggest expense item. For you to understand, we are not talking about the full cycle of LED production from scratch.

The fact is that the first and key stage of the full production cycle is the growth of crystals.

This process is extremely problematic to implement in our country, judge for yourself:

  • The equipment on which crystals are grown costs 7-20 million dollars;
  • In order for the process to be successful, a whole staff of highly qualified and highly paid engineers is needed;
  • It is very difficult to create sufficiently pure conditions in which crystals grow;
  • Crystals must be grown for many years before acceptable results are obtained.

That's why the option for assembling LEDs is more acceptable: no huge payback periods, much lower costs.

A typical LED production line includes the following elements:

  • Measuring equipment for testing LEDs, as well as finished products (lamps, tubes, etc.);
  • Equipment for the assembly of LED lamps;
  • Other related equipment.

One such line can cost from $400.000 to $2.000.000. Depending on the production volumes, you may need up to 5-6 lines.

Tip: It is better to buy equipment for the production of LEDs from one manufacturer. The cheapest way to buy such units will be in China. There are also American, Swiss and other manufacturers.

Workshop room

For the production of LEDs, a warehouse is suitable, however, it will need to be significantly re-equipped. The fact is that the LED assembly line must be kept in perfect cleanliness, and this is sometimes very difficult to achieve. In addition, the room should be spacious enough to fit all the necessary equipment.

So, for a small factory for the production of LEDs, you will need common premises with an area of ​​300-2000 m 2.

You are unlikely to find a room where LEDs have already been produced, so refurbishment of the premises will cost you $20,000-$50,000.

Work force

Finding qualified personnel is another major challenge. To produce one to two thousand light bulbs a day, you need a chief technologist and 3-6 engineers. Non-production employees are also needed, for example, an accountant, service personnel, employees in the purchasing, sales and marketing departments.

If the production volumes are planned to be larger (for example, 10,000-20,000 LED lamps per day), then the number of employees can be safely multiplied by two.

So, the total cost of personnel -$25.000-$50.000per month.

Raw material

There are many companies in the world that produce chips for LED lamps: Bridgelux, Chimei, Cree Epistar, as well as the Russian Svetlana-Optoelectronics. Raw materials (LEDs) - this is about 40-50% of the price finished product(LED lamp or tube).


As already noted, LEDs have appeared on the market relatively recently. So far, there are no established international standards quality for this product. In many ways, it is the manufacturer himself who sets such standards for his products.

At the same time, LED lamps are products subject to mandatory certification. The Certificate of Conformity ensures that your products are truly LEDs that meet safety and energy standards.

The certificate can be obtained from a certification body accredited by Gosstandart. Each subject has several such territorial bodies. The exact list of documents required to apply for a certificate is better to check with a particular institution. Among other things, you will need to submit product specifications and test reports from an independent expert organization.

Together, the cost of all procedures can cost a round sum in $2.000-$5.000 .

LED Manufacturing Process

The process of creating LEDs is extremely laborious and requires compliance with many technical requirements. Conventionally, it can be divided into 3 successive stages:

1st stage: Creation of chips from crystals

The layer of grown crystals is called a film (because of the microscopic thickness of the layer). At this stage, the entire film is divided into thousands of individual chips.

2nd stage: Chip sorting

The process of sorting chips is called "binning". The thing is that chips from one layer are not homogeneous. They differ in many ways:

  • By voltage;
  • According to the luminous flux;
  • According to the maximum wavelength of radiation and other parameters.

Based on these parameters, the chips are sorted into bins (groups). Moreover, this happens in such a way that all the chips in the group are homogeneous in all respects. This is the only way to achieve maximum product similarity.

3rd stage: Creation of finished products

The finished product consists of more than just chips. important details are also the body of the product and the lens; sometimes a phosphor is also used. At the same time, it is the optics (in addition to the chips themselves, of course) that is considered the key detail of the finished product. There are several types of lenses, such as silicone or plastic. The main thing is that the lenses meet all the requirements:

  • Maximum transparency;
  • The ability to transmit light in the entire range;
  • Resistant to high and low temperatures;
  • Durability.

Advertising and sales

The main buyers of LEDs are still large firms and enterprises. Demand dictates the terms of sale in this business, so you should make every effort to attract just such corporate customers:

  • Large transport companies in your region (subways, car parks, Russian Railways, railway stations);
  • Enterprises with production workshops;
  • City services responsible for lighting and illumination in the city;
  • Chain and retail hardware stores;
  • Large trade enterprises.

The LED industry in our country is just beginning to develop. Its dynamic growth is observed, but, despite this, the standards and rules for the production of these products have not yet been determined. It will take more than one year to develop and approve them. Nevertheless, the production of LEDs in our country exists. The release process itself is quite complicated. Organization of the project requires large investments. Let's take a look at what it takes today.

  • How to start manufacturing LEDs?
  • How much money do you need to start a business?
  • Manufacturing technology of LED lamps
  • How much can you earn
  • How to choose equipment
  • What OKVED must be specified for the production of LED lamps
  • What documents are needed to open
  • What taxation system to choose for the production of LED lamps
  • Do I need permission to open

LED lamps are a source of light that saves energy. They were invented in the late 80s of the last century. However, they began to be used in everyday life relatively recently.

Led lamp is electronic device, which consists of a board with LEDs, a device for changing the current and a cooling element. Engineers have long failed to achieve white radiation from LEDs. Recently, by mixing other colors, the desired effect was obtained. From a business point of view, led products, including LEDs, are enough good choice. The population has already realized that they can save energy consumption in the apartment.

Technology for the production of LEDs.

At the first stage, such an enterprise will have to overcome difficult competition with Chinese products. They are usually cheaper than our counterparts. However, marketers predict success for our enterprises as well. Especially those that will work, use new technologies and scientific achievements, in particular, the production of led lamps.

Already today there are enterprises that have mastered the process of producing LEDs. But with companies that produce led lamps, the situation is worse. Our country has all the raw materials that are needed for lamps. Among them are metals, "conductor" materials, pure gases, phosphors, and substrates. However, the assembly itself often goes beyond it. Nevertheless, experts believe that our analogues have a great prospect of ousting Chinese goods. This is possible due to quality.

How to start manufacturing LEDs?

To organize the production of LEDs, you need a building with a total area of ​​at least 3.5 thousand sq.m. If we talk only about the assembly area, then 200 sq.m. is enough for this. All rooms must be equipped with ventilation systems. The main thing in the production of electronic products is cleanliness. Most likely, the workshops will need to be renovated in order to achieve perfect cleanliness in the future. Any particles of dirt and dust that enter the premises significantly reduce the quality.

Manufacture of LED lighting devices.

How much money do you need to start a business?

In addition to the workshop, it is necessary to allocate warehouses, a site for the acceptance and control of products and offices. The simplest business option is an enterprise where led lamps will only be assembled. Basic investments in this project will amount to about 5 million rubles. Experts determine the profitability of the business at the level of 130%. The payback period for such a mini-plant is about two years. All these indicators can only be achieved if all led products are fully sold. As a result, the following calculations are obtained.

When planning sales and determining pricing policy It should be borne in mind that the cost of your products will always be higher than goods from China. This is due to the high cost of labor. The Chinese save a lot due to this item of expenditure. Only their undeniable quality and reliable equipment for the production of LEDs will help our LED products to securely gain a foothold in the market.

Manufacturing technology of LED lamps

The technology of their manufacture is laborious. You need to be a specialist in this field in order to competently build the whole process and plan activities. There are several working steps:

Silicon wafers, which are obtained from crystals grown in special conditions, is difficult to produce. This requires special and expensive equipment. Its purchase and installation cost millions of dollars. Therefore, for small and medium-sized businesses, you can limit yourself to a factory. It is on it that led diode lamps are assembled.

New generation LED lamps.

There are several standard designs led modules for fixtures. They differ in die design, die body interface, and lens design. Most often, modules are used that are suitable for easy installation. Even today, they produce LED modules that are mounted immediately on the board.

The main problem with the operation of led devices is their overheating. Therefore, one of the main tasks is to ensure reliable heat dissipation in the product. Today there is no need to "reinvent the wheel". Most standard products can be made under license. New technologies allow the production of new led - devices that can be easily replaced if necessary.

From the equipment to start the line, you will need such devices as:

  • equipment for measuring and controlling the parameters of finished products;
  • assembly tools and equipment;
  • add. tools, furniture and equipment.

It is customary to purchase the entire assembly line from one supplier. It will be easier to maintain and repair. To start business will do and Chinese equipment. Its base price is about 10 million rubles. You can save money by buying used equipment. The main thing is to check that it is in working order and has not fully exhausted its resource. The more the line will work in automatic mode, the less staff will be needed to service it.

Since we are talking about a small, but full-fledged production, we need to recruit staff. In addition to workers, a technologist and Chief Engineer. Be sure to have an accountant and specialists in the procurement and marketing of finished products. It's never worth saving on good shots. And even more so for the organization of complex production.

Thus, we can say that such projects, despite the impressive volumes and costs, provide high income and provide quick payback. Therefore, today it is this type of business that occupies the first positions in the rating of demand for business ideas. Moreover, as experience shows, a Russian person loves risk, which then brings good profits and a very secure future.

How much can you earn

Before talking about making money on LED lamps, it should be noted that the minimum payback period for this area is a year. Depending on the correct organization of production and marketing of finished products, the payback period can be increased.

How to choose equipment

The purchase of the necessary equipment is the most significant part of the costs. Money even to open small production LED lamps. Here you will need:

  • crystal growing equipment;
  • testing equipment;
  • product assembly equipment, etc.

What OKVED must be specified for the production of LED lamps

When applying for registration as individual entrepreneur or limited liability companies indicate code 27.40, which includes activities directly related to the production of electric lamps, as well as the manufacture of lighting equipment.

What documents are needed to open

When opening small production facilities, it is best to register as an individual entrepreneur. To do this, an application and a photocopy of the passport are submitted to the registration authority, information on the identification number is provided and a state fee is paid for the consideration of documents.

For legal entities a more impressive package of documents is provided. In addition to the above, you will additionally need to provide the Charter and the decision of the shareholders, the legal address and information about the director, chief accountant. The address where the production areas are located is indicated as the legal address.

What taxation system to choose for the production of LED lamps

When choosing a system for paying taxes, we focus on simplification. It will minimize tax deductions. When providing supporting documents for production costs, the amount of tax will be 15% of net profit. If such documents are not provided, then the tax fee will be 6% of the total income.

Do I need permission to open

The production of LED lamps requires mandatory certification. In addition to the named document, permission is required from the sanitary and epidemiological station on compliance with hygienic standards in production, as well as on the safety of products. In addition, their fire inspectorate needs permission that the facility complies with fire safety regulations.

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