We open a butcher shop. We consider the profitability of the butcher shop

Landscaping and planning 12.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

Meat is the product without which many simply cannot imagine their diet. Almost everyone eats meat (we don’t take into account those who have special beliefs about this - they are a minority), because it is nutritious, healthy and just very tasty! Meat is sold everywhere - in small convenience stores, supermarkets, organized or spontaneous markets, even kiosks in the subway.

But the most, so to speak, respected places for buying meat remain specialized butcher shops. Buyers trust such outlets much more, because if the store specializes entirely in meat, then the chances that the product is always of high quality and fresh are much greater. Today we’ll talk about how to open a butcher shop and make a business based on the human need for this necessary product for every product.

butcher shop business plan

A well-written butcher shop business plan is very important in this business. A butcher's shop has its own peculiarities and nuances, so it cannot even be equated with shops of a different orientation. Here you can download a sample butcher shop business plan for free and use it as the basis for your business plan. Download butcher shop business plan

How to open a butcher shop

"What does it take to open a butcher shop?" is the question you will ask yourself first. Actually, necessary steps opening such a shop is not so much, the main thing is to do everything consistently and wisely.

Where to open a butcher shop?

Butcher shop, like any other, is very important number of customers. To maximize this figure, locate your shop where the largest number of potential customers will theoretically pass. This is one of the fundamental laws of the location of any outlet, and the butcher shop is no exception. You can open a meat shop in one of the following options:

1. Separate building. It can be a small free-standing store built from metal structures. In appearance, such stores resemble "extended kiosks". The only difference is that the area of ​​the premises will be several square meters larger and the building will have a separate entrance, as it should be for a store, and not just a window. You can place such a store next to a popular supermarket, market or kiosks.

2. Premises on the first floor of the house. With this option, you do not have to build anything. You just need to find a territory for rent on the ground floor of a residential building (do not forget about transferring the premises to the status non-residential fund). Choose a room in densely populated areas, and it is desirable that the entrance to the store be from the side of the roadway. If the store is located somewhere deep in the yards, then only residents of the houses adjacent to it will know about it. And you will obviously not have enough of them.

3. Sales area in a supermarket. This option is perhaps the most promising. Large supermarkets, especially if they are already in good demand among buyers, will play an excellent service for you - you won’t have to puzzle over how to attract customers, because there is already a dense flow of people there every day.

What size area is needed?

Given that the rent of the premises is now quite high, you may well open a butcher shop in a small retail space. For example, 10 square meters may well be enough for you to accommodate even an extensive range of goods. If you managed to get the area bigger size than you expected, then let the “extra” territory not remain idle - fill it with other goods. For example, sausage products, dairy products, bakery products, juices, etc.

The total area should be divided into a trading area, a zone for the preparation of semi-finished products and a zone for cutting meat. Naturally, all this should not be done in one room.

What documentation needs to be done?

First you need to register yourself as an entrepreneur. To sell food products at one outlet, you will have enough IP status. After that, you will need to approve the premises in which you are going to trade in the relevant services. Permits will need to be obtained from the fire and sanitary-epidemiological service. Also, be prepared for checks from consumer supervision and veterinary services. For all meat products, you should always have veterinary certificates on hand, confirming the quality of the meat and the health of the animals. These documents will be issued to you by your suppliers.

For each employee who will be in contact with meat, there must be a sanitary book. Also do not forget to keep a book of complaints and suggestions.

Butcher shop owners say it took them an average of two months to process all the permits.

Where and what kind of meat to buy?

The assortment of a butcher's shop can be quite diverse. You can sell pork, beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, rabbit meat. Each type of meat is divided into different parts - fillets, drumsticks, thighs, whole bird carcasses, wings, etc. Also sell the liver, kidneys, heart, tongue. These animal parts are also in demand. On sale should be semi-finished meat products- minced meat, marinated meat for barbecue, soup sets, chops, meatballs, etc. You can try to bet on "exotic" meat - for example, ostrich, elk or horse meat. Buy such meat in small batches, as you will not be able to predict right away whether it will “go” with your customers.

Yes, and running meat should not be bought immediately a lot. Chilled meat is stored for only three to four days, retaining its presentation. After that, it will already look unattractive, and its freshness will leave much to be desired even with the most right conditions storage. The optimal number of purchases is 2-3 times a week.

Now about the suppliers. They can be private breeders of pets or farms. An important condition your cooperation with them is the availability of certificates for product quality. Before purchasing, study how these certificates should look in general in order to be able to distinguish a genuine document from a fake. And be sure to check these documents with each purchase of a batch of goods, even if you completely trust your supplier. In business, even someone you previously considered a reliable partner can substitute. And the responsibility for defective goods will be entirely up to you.

What equipment to buy?

The store will need commercial equipment:

  • refrigerating show-windows for meat and semi-finished products;
  • racks or showcases for other products;
  • refrigerating chambers (for example, for ice cream or drinks, if any will be on sale).

You will also need:

  • scales (commercial and industrial);
  • electric meat grinder (for the production of minced meat);
  • various knives and axes for meat.

What employees to hire?

A butcher shop is not complete without a meat cutter. And not just a cutter, but a specialist who knows how to work with meat correctly. Do not think that everyone can chop meat and you can take any strong man to this position. You need to cut the meat not just somehow, but correctly. This business has its own nuances and technologies. Incorrectly chopped and butchered meat, firstly, will have a non-marketable appearance. And no one wants to buy it. Secondly, improper handling of meat carcasses will give a large number of"Illiquid" - those pieces of meat that can be sold only at big discounts. For example, the wrong ratio of flesh and bone in one piece of meat can make it just such an “illiquid asset”. A competent butcher should know all these nuances, so it is advisable to hire such an employee with good experience behind him. You will also need a person who will make semi-finished meat products. You can hire a separate employee for this position, or entrust this business to the same cutter.

And of course, the seller. Meat is a commodity that still needs to be able to sell correctly. Praise the quality of the goods, pick up a piece of meat for a particular dish, correctly cut off the amount of meat the buyer needs - all this should be able to do the seller. Meat is a perishable commodity, and if your seller can't quickly sell even not the best cuts, they will stay in the window and then go to write-off, creating losses for you.

Beautiful display of goods on the counter also plays a big role. Sellers must arrange the goods neatly, piece by piece, classifying different meat parts into groups. Pieces of meat dumped in one heap will look very unattractive on the counter.

In a small store, the owner of the store can handle the purchase of goods and administrative work. And some even take on the duties of an accountant. If you do not have such talents, then it is better to shift this function to the shoulders of a specialized outsourcing company.

All your employees should wear appropriate clothing at work - aprons, gloves and caps. You can order the manufacture of uniforms with the symbols of your store - this will add special features to the institution.

You should immediately teach your employees to keep the workplace clean. Both sellers and meat cutters must always do their job carefully and not leave meat trimmings on the counter, table, etc. after their actions. Firstly, these are elementary hygiene conditions, on which the state of the goods will also depend. And secondly, few buyers will go to a meat store for the second time, in which dirt and uncleanliness are commonplace.

How to advertise a store?

It is important for you that the store becomes known among the residents of nearby areas and houses. Make your store look attractive. Make a bright large sign with the original name of the shop (but be sure to attribute “meat store” to it). Place banners and signs around the store to attract more attention. If you have opened a store on the territory of a supermarket, then arrange with its advertising department so that the supermarket itself will help you promote your business. For example, sellers from other departments can invite each customer to a newly opened butcher shop and report on current promotions. Flyers can be handed out at checkouts and/or at the entrance to the supermarket. Distribute booklets also on the street near your shop, post them on the entrances of nearby houses.

To receive from meat business maximum profit, after a while open several more outlets. If initially the business goes with a bang, then the opening of each subsequent shop will pay off faster and faster. You will also be able to establish cooperation with small catering establishments and sell them meat in medium wholesale quantities.

Good luck in your meat business!

Opening your own butcher shop has many advantages over other small business retail outlets, but of course, there are quite a few downsides as well. In the introductory, we have considered most of the general aspects, today we will draw up an approximate business plan for a butcher shop, because it is these calculations that are required before opening or organizing your own business.

To begin with, it is worth noting one feature of the meat retail trade, namely, the rather complex structure of the cost of the initial product. In fact, in other areas of trade, everything is quite simple, there is an initial product with a certain cost, to which we add shipping and already add our own on top trade margin. It seems that everything is quite clear and understandable, because in a small business there are no big expenses that are not directly related to the trade itself, such expenses are the pregarative of large retail chains (for example, the cost of maintaining CEO and his state, etc.). At the same time, it is precisely at the expense of the margin that all expenses for the maintenance of the outlet, markdowns, losses, and so on are covered. A completely different situation is in a butcher shop, where carcasses or half-carcasses of animals (it doesn’t matter if we talk about cows, pigs or sheep) serve as the initial product, which are subsequently subjected to primary processing, that is, deboning and, of course, trimming, and de facto enters the store counter. already meat in the form of fresh semi-finished products. Meat semi-finished products should not be understood exclusively as products of deep processing into or, in fact, pork tenderloin is also a semi-finished product, like the actual bacon for pickling (lard) and so on. That is, everything that we see on store shelves in the form of cut meat, bones, lard is already meat semi-finished products, only shallow processing. As a result, the process of controlling the output of individuals and, as a result, assessing the profitability of trading becomes much more complicated. Of course, if you yourself carry out cutting, trimming and selling, then there are no problems, but when attracting hired labor, the owner of a butcher shop is faced with problems, how to control the process and how to actually calculate how much you can earn from it.

Actually, there is nothing complicated or incredible in calculating such a cost. Today, there are a number of methods and even GOSTs describing the processes of deboning and trimming with a clear definition of the yield standards for each type of meat, lard and bones. It should be noted that such standards are applied taking into account the fat content, weight and type of half carcasses or carcasses. For our business plan, we will analyze the components of a pork half carcass with a weight of 40 kg.

The yield of meat after the process of deboning and trimming of a pork carcass, standard calculations are given in the article "Deboning and trimming of meat"

Meat trimmed

on the bones boneless
Hip cut on the bone with a shank, incl.
Hip cut on the bone without shank, incl.




Medium cut
thoracocostal part with flank, incl.
chest cut with flank incl.

chest cut

rib cut

Front cut with shank

including shank

Front cut without shank, incl.

cervicoscapular cut

shoulder cut

Internipple part
Back and side fat

After deboning and trimming the half carcass, we get approximately 25 kg. meat, 10 kg. bacon (lard) and about 5 kg. bones. At the same time, the real cost of one kilogram of each of the cuts has its own price, and even more, the cost of individual types of meat within individual cuts differs. Slightly combining prices for different types, we obtain the following average selling prices for pork meat .

Average prices in a butcher shop for pork meat.

Meat trimmed

Medium cut incl.
chest cut

dorsal and lumbar cut (loin 5 cm.)

cervicoscapular cut

shoulder cut

Internipple part
Back and side fat

Based on the estimated prices, we carry out calculations on the gross proceeds from the sale of half carcasses for the butcher shop business plan

Meat trimmed

Hip cut on the bone with a shank, incl.
Leg cut on the bone without shank
Medium cut incl.
chest cut

dorsal and lumbar cut (loin 5 cm.)

Front cut with shank incl.

cervicoscapular cut

shoulder cut

Internipple part
Back and side fat

Now let's calculate how much we will earn from the sale of a pork half carcass weighing 40 kg.

A markup of 50-60% is the norm for this business and today it is higher than the average markup in food retail, but lower than in industrial. segment. In the future, we will use an average markup of 50% for calculations. Based on the practice of doing business in small specialized butcher shops located in residential areas, the sales volume is.

Daily turnover of a small butcher's shop.

Sales volume (kg)

Purchase price (rub.)

Gross expenses (rub.)

Average selling price (RUB)

Revenue (rub.)

Pork half carcass

beef half carcass


Chicken (box)

And so, on average, a small butcher shop sells about 250 kg of meat, bacon and bones per day, while its estimated revenue is 52 thousand rubles. When working seven days a week, the gross revenue of your meat and semi-finished products store will be about 1.5 million rubles, but revenue does not mean profit anyway, how much do you earn in a butcher shop?

Calculation of the profit of a butcher shop (rub.)

Gross revenue
Cost price
Salary (10%)
Point of sale taxes (approximate)
Transport and other expenses
Total expenses
  • Monthly profit (from): 2500 $
  • Payback period (from): 6 months
  • Starting capital (from): 15000 $
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Fresh meat is always bought. Even in times of economic instability. Perhaps less often, or take less. But there is practically nothing to replace it in the diet. Therefore, the meat trade business idea can always bring a good income.


How to open a butcher shop from scratch? What to sell?

More trustworthy is the store, where the process of butchering carcasses and cooking products takes place directly in the observation zone. This leads customers to the idea that the meat here is definitely fresh.

You can sell it:

  • cut directly in the shop;
  • cut supplier;
  • in the form of frozen products.

Stages of building a business

  • Assessment of prospects.
  • Registration of legal status.
  • Finding a room.
  • Conclusion of contracts with suppliers.
  • Personnel search.

Business registration

Business registration begins with the definition organizational form activities. It can be a sole proprietorship or a limited liability company. For one person, an individual entrepreneur is more suitable, for a group of founders - an LLC.

If you are an individual entrepreneur, then you can take a patent from the tax office.

The sale of meat is regulated by Ch. 26 of the Tax Code. Entrepreneurs engaged in retail trade in meat products can enjoy the benefits of ONS and UTII.

Determine the OKVED codes.

Required documents

  • Veterinary registration certificate from Rospotrebnadzor. It is issued for 1 year after examination of sanitary conditions, production process and storage conditions.
  • Certificate from the veterinarian that the animal was healthy before slaughter (Form No. 4).
  • Document on compliance with fire safety standards.
  • Sanitary books.
  • Book of complaints and suggestions

Requirements for the premises

To open a shop, you need to find a suitable room in which they will be located:

  • trading floor 20 m 2;
  • workshop for cutting carcasses. It can be in the same room with the trading floor, so that it is convenient to bring in goods. Separated by a screen with a height of 2 m;
  • shop of semi-finished products;
  • utility room.

If you are not going to sell semi-finished products, and you will receive cut meat from the manufacturer, the corresponding departments are not needed.

Butcher shop equipment

  • Refrigeration chamber with a volume of 4 m 2 (0 ° C to + 2 ° C) - 100,000-120,000 rubles.
  • Freezer (from -28°C to -22°C) - 25,000 rubles.
  • Industrial meat grinder - 32,000 rubles.
  • Showcase (from -2°C to +2°C) - 80,000 rubles.
  • Packing table - 5,000 rubles.
  • Industrial scales (up to 500 kg) - 3,000 rubles.
  • Electronic scales - 7,000 rubles.
  • Cutting deck - 1500 rubles.
  • Knives - 3000 rubles.
  • Axes - 2000-3000 rubles.
  • Calculator, packaging material, price tags, containers - 4,500 rubles.

Total 263-281 thousand rubles.

You can buy used equipment and save a lot of money. But this is risky, because it can fail at the most inopportune moment.


  • Butcher. He must be able to properly butcher carcasses. If this is not the case, arrange with the supplier for cutting.
  • Salesman.
  • Cook for the manufacture of semi-finished products.

Overalls - 2000-3000 rubles.

Accounting and personnel management can initially be performed by the owner. In the future, you can hire a manager.


Provide customers with a wide range of products:

  • Fresh meat (pork, beef, lamb, poultry);
  • Offal (liver, heart);
  • Chops, minced meat, soup sets, BBQ meat.

It is desirable to have at least 30-40 items. You can try to sell a small amount of turkey, rabbit, horse meat, ostrich meat. So determine the demand for them.

Work with providers

Find suppliers to supply products. Calculate the supply so that there are no interruptions, but you should not take too much. The commodity will lose its appearance, which will lead to a decrease in profits and, even worse, reputation.

The contract with the manufacturer includes:

  • purchase price;
  • amount;
  • carcass weight (up to 250 kg);
  • age (up to 2 years);
  • availability of certificates of Form No. 4.


  • Signboard.
  • Outdoor advertising.
  • Ads in local media mass media.
  • Distribution of invitations before the opening of the shop.

Approximate investments, profit and payback

  • Purchase of equipment - 263-281 thousand rubles.
  • Paperwork - 4-5 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising up to 50 thousand rubles.
  • Overalls 3-4 thousand rubles.

Total: 320-340 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses:

  • Purchase of goods 500 thousand rubles.
  • Rent - up to 50 thousand rubles.
  • Salary - 30-50 thousand rubles.
  • Electricity - 2 thousand rubles.

Total: 582-602 thousand rubles.

Total: 902-942 thousand rubles.

Retail sales margin - from 30%.

Necessary start-up capital: from 900 thousand rubles.

Monthly profit of 150 thousand rubles.

Payback from 6 months.

Is it profitable to open a second and subsequent outlets? Statistics show that in this case the payback period is 4 months.

Features, risks, cons

  • If the butcher cuts the carcasses incorrectly, you will lose up to 12 kg of meat from each. Before opening a shop, study the process of properly cutting carcasses and preparing meat products. Then you can control the work of the butcher and the cook.
  • A well-chosen location for the store will provide an opportunity to increase income. If there are already outlets of a similar profile nearby, they focus on quality, forms of service and assortment.
  • The meat business directly depends on the season and approaching holidays. In the summer, profits fall, by the New Year it increases.
  • Sell ​​only fresh meat. Semi-finished products are best made from a piece chosen by the buyer.
  • Pay attention to the correct lighting of the showcase. Pieces of meat should be clearly visible.

Availability of franchises

To get moral and material support, you can purchase a butcher shop franchise. By paying royalties, an entrance fee, you will receive an effective business model and its constant support. It can be a search for a building, design, advertising, ordering equipment, search for employees, an automation system.

Commercial offers

If you are a manufacturer or supplier of equipment, an expert or a franchiser in this field, then write to us through the Contacts page. Below we will place information about your offer and your contacts.

All about opening a butcher shop and the secrets of its profitable work

Phones: +7 925 151 10 78;
Email: [email protected];
Website: aleksandrkerimov.com;
Description: ;
Offer: Alexander Kerimov, a successful entrepreneur who trains those who want to open their own butcher shop, has already helped more than 570 stores open without errors, at half the price, and with a profit in the first month of operation.

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    The meat trade is not an easy business. Only the sanitary and epidemiological service can make a novice entrepreneur run around so that there is no desire to do this at all. Quite a few issues can also add up to room requirements. In it, for example, there should be a separate room equipped with running water. Also in the room it is necessary to establish sewer drain and powerful ventilation system.
    The most suitable diameter for a wooden deck on which meat is to be cut is 60 cm. It must be installed on a special cross or stand. At the end of each working day, it should be thoroughly cleaned and powdered. table salt. If there is a need for that, the deck is planed or saw cuts are made on it. The SES inspector also draws attention to this.
    A butcher must have at least two axes in his arsenal. different size. A real professional does not need a saw. There should also be a set of butcher knives, a cutting table, a good electric meat grinder, massive wooden planks and a trolley with hydraulics for transporting carcasses and large pieces of meat. It is desirable to allocate a place for storage and cooling of products. Ideally, there should be a place for short-term rest of workers and meals. There should be a separate changing room, etc.
    If the meat trade takes place in the format of a department located on the territory of a large grocery store, the counter must be located on set distance from the entrance and other points of calculation and weighing of products. The container for collecting and sorting garbage should be located no closer than 25 m from the place where the goods are released. Waste must be removed at least once a day. After each unloading of garbage, the containers must be thoroughly washed and processed. disinfectants.
    Among the equipment that should be acquired for the meat trade, the following are mandatory: a chest for deep freezing, showcases for cooling, as well as a large refrigerator. Carcasses must be stored in a suspended state, for which special hooks are used. In no case should they come into contact with each other, or with the floor or walls. Frozen pieces after butchering the carcass can be stored in chest freezers x, and on racks in the freezer in packaged form.
    Semi-finished products, as well as by-products obtained during the cutting of carcasses (hooves, heads, liver, etc.) are supposed to be stored in the same container in which slaughtered livestock or poultry are supplied. When storing meat products, between the rows in each stack, you need to make a gasket from wooden slats to ensure air circulation.
    When selling meat to the buyer, it is necessary to weigh it in paper or cellophane packaging. In general, there are a number of prohibitions that must be followed when selling goods. Here are the most significant points. It is forbidden to sell meat:
    the expiration date of which has expired or expires the next day;
    on which there is no distinguishable veterinary stamp;
    gutted poultry;
    without documentation proving the quality of the goods;
    without accompanying papers containing information about the manufacturer;
    in damaged or soiled containers;
    without identification marks (labels, enclosed papers, etc.)
    It is also very important to comply with the strict requirements that apply to employees working in close contact with the products. In particular, this applies directly to sellers and butchers, who must certainly have a valid sanitary book.
    In order to succeed, the butcher shop must be strategically located. In this case, you need to focus on such nuances:
    remoteness of chain stores and smaller competitors;
    when located in the market, it is necessary to choose a place in the forefront, equipping the tent with an easily readable large sign;
    when setting up a store, care should be taken to organize the most convenient entrance.
    As for the volume of sales, it is not easy to predict it, because it depends on so many nuances. The markup on the goods also varies depending on the circumstances. On average, in stores it is about 40-45%.

    About 7 years ago I opened my own shop. I'll tell you about what I learned in connection with this from my personal experience. So, the steps are in order.
    To begin with, I attended to the search for a suitable premises. Finally, it seemed to me that I found the most acceptable option. The premises were located in an old residential building. From the very first steps, difficulties began with the employees of the sanitary and epidemiological service. The issuance of permits at that time was already beyond their powers, but they gave orders. We called the SES representative ourselves. We had to wait quite a long time - about two working weeks. The result was whole list recommendations. They demanded from me:
    cover all lamps with casings;
    purchase tiles or panels that meet specific sanitation standards;
    install 2 sinks for washing personnel and 2 more for washing meat;
    allocate an isolated area for personnel accommodation;
    purchase marked boards for cutting meat and special butcher knives;
    organize the receipt of medical books by employees;
    after opening the store, register with the SES (otherwise they promised a very large fine).
    Organizing the hall, I purchased 3 showcases and 1 rack for bulk products, which I planned to sell along with meat. I bought a large refrigerator with two doors and a powerful chest freezer. She set up special cutting tables, instead of a deck for cutting, she decided to choose modern version- a table covered with plastic.

    About 7 years ago I worked as a butcher and thoroughly studied all the subtleties of this business. In addition to butchering the carcasses, my duties included receiving the goods, packaging them after butchering and putting them on display.
    In total, my owner had 3 points of sale. The first was a store, which was located in the central part of the sleeping area, but the cashier rarely got more than 25-30 thousand per day of trading. Two other outlets, although also located in residential areas, collected many times more - up to 110 thousand each. What it depended on, I cannot say. On New Year's Eve, revenue reached up to 200 thousand per day from one point.
    7 people worked for all three stores: 3 sellers, the same number of butchers and 1 manager. In each store, the goods were laid out in 3 showcases. The first one contained chilled products. We sold:
    fresh pork;
    3 varieties of minced meat (depending on the composition);
    minced meat (beef, chicken) for frying;
    pork goulash;
    meat (pork, chicken) in a marinade for frying on a fire (we called it shish kebab);
    The second showcase was occupied by frozen meat: neck, fillet, ribs, shank, brisket, etc. (about 15 items).
    The third showcase was large and filled with a wide variety of products. First, it contained frozen poultry (chickens, ducks and turkeys) and rabbits. There were many names of goods: thighs, drumsticks, wings, sirloin, breasts, hearts, stomachs, liver, and many others. etc. Secondly, semi-finished products were located on this showcase - from dumplings to cabbage rolls and stuffed pancakes. At the end of the trading day, all products were removed from the windows and placed in freezers.
    In each department we had the following equipment:
    air conditioning;
    hydraulic cart for transporting carcasses;
    scales for 150 kg;
    powerful electric meat grinder (because we made minced meat ourselves);
    two wide strong stumps for cutting;
    two axes of different sizes;
    cutting tables;
    two (in one of the points - 3) refrigerators and chest freezers.
    As far as I remember, the trading floors were lined with panels. The rooms in which we butchered the carcasses were lined with galvanized sheets (special or not, I can’t say). I remember very well that our owner paid most of all attention to how the product looked in the window. Therefore, we always laid out our products as beautifully as possible.
    Minced meat was sold very quickly (up to 100 kg per day). Fresh meat was delivered to us 2 times during the week. Chicken was also quickly sold (up to 150 kg per day).
    The main trading premises, where the goods were sold, occupied about 20 m² square meters. Chest freezers were located directly behind the display cases with goods. Refrigeration cabinets were located in a utility room, hidden from the eyes of buyers. In one of the stores, the refrigerator was standing on the street, because there was not enough space for it in the room. A small box was built for him, which was locked with a reliable lock.
    Separately, I want to talk about the technology for making minced meat, which sold so well with us. The fact is that for him we used not completely thawed meat, which was slightly moistened with water before chopping and placing in a meat grinder. As a flavor and color additive, it also included some frozen chicken stomachs(about 25% of the total mass).
    When deboning the carcass, some butchers use special gloves. I personally did everything with my bare hands, an ax and a knife. First he cut the carcass into several pieces. Those parts that I needed were separated from large bones with a boning knife (blade length - a quarter of a meter, width at the handle - 2.5 cm).
    Pig meat came to us in the form of chilled half-carcasses weighing up to 40 kg each. It takes an experienced butcher no more than half an hour to cut such a piece and put the finished product on display. Beef, on the other hand, was supplied frozen (also in half carcasses), and it was somewhat more difficult with it. Without going into details, I will say that if possible, it is better, of course, to order chilled meat, since buyers take it much more willingly.

    I work for one of the Kuban firms that breeds pigs. At the same time, he opened his own store. Now I am opening a small pavilion that will sell meat, semi-finished products, etc. The first thing I started doing for this was collecting permit signatures, various kinds of resolutions, letters, engineering plans, and so on. Often they asked for bribes. All this took me about 7 months. I ran into some surprises as well. For example, I found that instead of a report from the fire department, you can get the same report from a privately licensed organization.
    I was not able to get any loans to open my small business. There were several proposals, but their conditions categorically did not suit me already at the stage of the cost of the service.
    Based on my experience, I can say that a butcher's shop should be opened in the most accessible ("pass-through", if you like) place. And it doesn’t matter if there are competitors nearby or not. If the location is chosen correctly, you will always have buyers. A lot also depends on the pricing policy that you adhere to, as well as on the attitude that your seller demonstrates towards customers.
    As practice shows, it is quite effective for sales to have some kind of "zest". First of all, it concerns your assortment. For example, five shops around sell pork and beef, and you also sell turkeys. In Siberia, it can be roe deer or venison. In Yakutia - bear meat. All other skills will come by themselves.
    In the pavilion, I organized a utility room with a separate entrance. There will be butchering of carcasses. In the same room, I installed a special refrigerator (dimensions: 2 x 3 meters), a washbasin, a meat grinder and a table for more detailed cutting.
    In a trading floor of 30 m², for a start, I plan to place two chest freezers. Further, if the need arises, I will add. The plans include a workshop for smoking meat (the project has already been drawn up) and several mobile trailers for mobile trade (one costs about 270 thousand rubles). Each sink has two cooling showcases, cabinets. Getting a certificate for them is no problem, because they are made specifically for this.

    Chilled or frozen meat you will sell in your shop, it only matters if your area (city, town, village) has access to fresh meat. If there is, then even trying to implement the frozen one is not worth it. It is also worth remembering that there is a big difference between trading in the market and owning your own butcher shop. And those who have not yet learned this (and we still have enough of them) are closing very soon.
    I note that there are much more pluses in the store than in a point on the market. However, there is so much more responsibility. And the point here is not at all in permits from various kinds of instances. This case is not so difficult to deal with, and this is only part of an endless puzzle. In my head, you need to constantly keep one question - “What will bring me really big profit tomorrow?”. Remember that this question must be answered. Because there was, is and always will be a lot of money in this business. And so it will continue from century to century. Whether you can earn them depends on your approach to business.
    Briefly, I will tell you everything in order.
    In order for the trade to be legal, you need to obtain permission from the tax service, the sanitary and epidemiological service, the fire department and the veterinary station.
    Be sure to analyze the market, assess the capabilities of competitors, draw appropriate conclusions. To the choice commercial premises must be approached with great responsibility. The premises must be suitable for trade. There should be enough space for refrigeration equipment, cutting carcasses, the urgent needs of staff, etc. Most importantly, it should be convenient and pleasant for customers. Therefore, a butcher's shop should have a spacious trading floor. It is also highly desirable that the store be conveniently and strategically located. The lion's share of success depends on this. In addition to all of the above, it is necessary to establish competent work with suppliers to find professional and hardworking employees.
    If you have been raided with a check, you should not worry too much. The main thing is that your trade should be organized in accordance with all sanitary and other standards. There is nothing to be neglected at this time. So, a situation can turn into a rather serious problem if your premises are actually smaller than the established minimum area for a butcher shop. It is worth remembering that the regulations specify not only the quadrature, but also the number of working areas, the number of exits, etc. With all this, remember that the veterinarians themselves are vitally interested in the development of the meat trade and the opening of all more meat
    If, nevertheless, a check came to you, remember that arguing, and even more so being rude, is a senseless and very harmful occupation. Better, be loyal and very attentive to all their claims, and by the next inspection, try to eliminate all these shortcomings.

How to open a butcher shop from scratch and how to organize this business so that it makes a profit? When considering such an issue, it is important to pay attention to the prospects and profitability of activities, calculate the risks and calculate the expected profit, determine the location of the outlet and find out the competitiveness of the store. To do this, an entrepreneur needs to carefully study the features of this business and draw up a competent business plan.

Trade in meat products— one of the most stable types of business. The amounts of daily revenue and average monthly profit directly depend on the location, size of the outlet and product range.

For example, a small shop (20-30 square meters), offering customers 20-25 types of meat products, is visited on average by 30 people per day, while each of them buys meat for 700 rubles. Accordingly, the daily revenue is 42,000 rubles, the net profit of which is about 3,000. The average monthly revenue under these conditions will be 1,260,000 rubles, of which “net” (after paying taxes and other contributions, remuneration of employees and making necessary payments) entrepreneur will receive about 90,000 rubles. The profitability of the meat products retail business is not high - it varies from 7 to 30%.

What does it take to open a butcher shop?

Initially, you should find out how much the outlet will be in demand in a particular area, study the consumer demand for products and find out where the competitors' stores are located and their number. Based on these factors, you need to decide whether it is worth opening a butcher shop.

You should also decide on the type of store you are opening, it can be:

  • stall type - they are usually installed on the territory of mini-markets, not far from transport stops;
  • store located on small area– suitable for entrepreneurs who have started a business for the first time or have a limited budget for opening a point;
  • a stationary store with an area of ​​40 square meters or more is the most profitable option business organization, but at the same time the most costly.

After that, the entrepreneur must draw up a business plan, which will reflect all the financial components of the activity, possible ways increase in income and other nuances.

Business plan

Your business plan should include the following items:

  1. Market analysis. It should be noted that meat and semi-finished products from it are everyday goods, and the vast majority of the population does not refuse to purchase them even in times of crisis.
  2. Evaluation of own capabilities to meet consumer demand. It is desirable for an entrepreneur to assess the demand for a particular product and deliver it to the store in a timely manner. For example, since May, the demand for fresh meat has been decreasing, but the rate of purchases of shish kebab is increasing, respectively, more of this product should be brought.
  3. Official registration of the point of sale. The solution of organizational and legal issues should be approached as responsibly as possible, since illegal activities threaten the entrepreneur with serious troubles.
  4. Marketing plan. It reflects all options for attracting buyers and advertising costs.
  5. Production plan. It includes all the costs that will be required to open a store and ensure its normal functioning - the purchase of equipment, renting space, repairs, and others.
  6. Risks. Here it is necessary to indicate the reasons that can affect the decline in profits: product spoilage, insufficient supplies, seasonal decline in demand.
  7. Financial plan. It indicates all primary and monthly expenses, the estimated profit.

Step-by-step instruction

The first thing you need to do when organizing a business is to register in tax authority like LLC or individual entrepreneur. After that, you need to obtain permits in:

  • fire service;
  • Rospotrebnadzor.

In addition, it is necessary to issue medical books for each of the workers and obtain a trade permit, which is issued by a veterinarian after examining each carcass put up for sale. You should also take care of arranging the "Consumer's Corner", where information about the entrepreneur should be placed, about the legality of doing business, the "Book of reviews and suggestions" is also placed here, drawn up in accordance with all the rules.

In accordance with the Tax Code, an entrepreneur has the opportunity to choose a preferential taxation system, for example:

  • patent;
  • STS (income minus expenses) - the rate will be individual for each region and will range from 6 to 15%;
  • UTII;
  • STS (income) - 6%.

Selection and equipment of the premises

A place to open a store should be chosen as carefully as possible - the number of buyers largely depends on the correct choice. Therefore, the outlet must:

  • be located in a place with high traffic - near stops, in buildings on the 1st floor;
  • have convenient access roads;
  • be ready for operation - the good condition of the premises will allow you to invest a minimum amount of money in repairs;
  • be equipped with communications - sewerage, electricity, water supply are necessary.

In order for the premises to meet the requirements of state inspections, several premises should be equipped in it - a bathroom, a trading floor, a staff room, an acceptance area and a warehouse. As a rule, the minimum area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in which you can place everything you need is 20 square meters.

For the store you need to purchase suitable equipment, such as:

  • refrigerating chambers, lari;
  • freezer;
  • industrial and electronic scales;
  • tools - an ax, knives;
  • refrigerated table;
  • electric meat grinder;
  • trays and containers for goods;
  • thermometers;
  • a place for cutting carcasses;
  • equipment for packing.

The expense item should include expenses for the purchase of materials for packing and packaging, price tags, suits for workers, cleaning products and cleaning equipment.

Formation of the assortment and selection of suppliers

To meet consumer demand, you should diversify the assortment of goods in the store as much as possible. The most popular among consumers are:

  • beef, veal, lamb, pork (butchered carcasses);
  • poultry meat (chicken, goose, quail, turkey, duck);
  • rabbit meat;
  • soup sets;
  • stew;
  • offal;
  • barbecue (both frozen and chilled);
  • semi-finished products.

Since the store needs timely supplies of fresh products, it is worth concluding agreements with several suppliers - farms or private households, wholesale networks. The contract to be signed must include:

  • the number of products;
  • purchase price;
  • weight category;
  • availability of a veterinary health certificate of the animal at the time of slaughter;
  • the age of the animal.


For a small store, it is enough to hire two sellers and one cutter (butcher) of meat products, who will work according to a predetermined and agreed schedule. It is important to select qualified and polite staff, since the quality of service is one of the most important criteria by which buyers choose an outlet.

You should also hire a cleaning lady who will ensure order in the store. And it is not necessary to keep an accountant on staff - his functions can be performed by the owner of the pavilion himself or by an accounting firm that provides these services.

Store advertisement

For a steady growth in the flow of customers and, as a result, an increase in profits, you should take care of organizing a marketing campaign. To promote a point of sale, it is desirable to use all available funds PR, including:

  • a beautiful, noticeable and large sign above the pavilion;
  • posting and distribution of leaflets;
  • placement of ads in social networks and mass media;
  • creating your own website.

Will help increase the number of buyers and good feedback shoppers about the store. As a rule, people trust word of mouth more than any advertising. But an ideal reputation must be earned, so the entrepreneur and store employees must be responsible for their work.

Possible risks

When developing a plan for opening a store, you should assess the possible risks that arise during work. For example, in summer period consumer demand for products decreases, respectively, income will also decrease. Or, if unreliable suppliers are chosen for cooperation, there may be supply interruptions, which will cause downtime and losses.

The risks include excessive savings - the purchase of low-quality equipment, the hiring of unskilled workers. In the end, such savings can result in additional costs - sellers will not be able to provide quality service to customers, the butcher will cut the carcasses incorrectly (up to 25 kg of meat may be lost), and the equipment will constantly break down.

To open your own meat products store, you should calculate the amount of initial investment and the amount of current expenses. First of all, you should:

  • register an individual entrepreneur or LLC - from 5,000 rubles and more;
  • rent a room - from 500 rubles per square meter;
  • purchase equipment - 300,000;
  • purchase cash register — 10 000;
  • organize an advertising campaign - from 50,000;
  • buy expendable materials — 30 000;
  • create a stock of goods - 220,000.

Accordingly, for a store with an area of ​​20 square meters, the minimum initial cost will be 625,000.

The amount of current expenses will be 150,000 rubles, it will include:

  • monthly rent - from 500 rubles per square meter;
  • advertising costs - from 10,000;
  • additional purchases of goods - from 100,000;
  • other expenses, including payment of taxes - from 30,000.

The salary of employees depends on the region, but in any case, its size cannot be less than the established minimum wage. Since the store will not generate income in the first months, it is necessary to allocate funds for current expenses in advance in such an amount that they are enough for 4-6 months. Accordingly, the minimum amount required to open a meat products store and ensure its operation until a profit is made is 1,225,000 rubles.

Should I open a butcher shop? Will it make a profit? It is impossible to unequivocally answer such questions, but if the entrepreneur takes a responsible attitude to the organization of the business and at the same time takes into account all its features, the outlet will soon bring a stable profit.

The business, which is associated with the sale of meat products, has always been quite an attractive event. If the marketing process is well organized, then meat retailing can bring solid income.

Regardless of the pace of life and changing trends, food still remains in demand. And it is meat that occupies a leading position in the human diet, being a product that provides us with energy and health. Based on this, we can confidently talk about the stability of a business based on the sale of meat. Opening a butcher shop in this case is one of the most successful decisions.

Business butcher in theory

The question of opening a butcher shop comes to mind for many entrepreneurs.

In this regard, experts advise starting the process with trading in secondary meat raw materials.

The sale of sausages, dumplings or sausages will require significantly less permits than the sale of meat.

The next step is to choose a showcase. The buyer must see the entire range of products. For full-fledged work, you also need a refrigerator, a cash register.

It is worth noting that successful work butcher shop, first of all, will depend on consumer demand. Therefore, it is very important that the assortment of goods meets the needs of customers. The standard product list usually includes 30 positions.

Do not forget about the quality and appearance of meat products. Since it is these factors that will ensure worthy competition for the products of other companies.

The last stage is the selection of personnel who will be engaged in cutting meat and selling it. You may also need a loader who will transport the goods to the points of sale. Accounting is most often done by the entrepreneur himself.

Possible format

The most common container type of a butcher's shop - these are installed in the markets, near residential buildings. This is an undemanding and relatively inexpensive way of trading, but also one of the most inconvenient to use - the lack of elementary hygienic knots, poor ventilation and lack of space for storing products.

One of the formats of a butcher shop can be the purchase of an existing outlet (20 m²). A more serious approach will require the opening of a stationary store (50 m²).

This room can be divided into three sectors:

  1. trade area;
  2. workshop for the preparation of semi-finished products;
  3. cutting zone.

The third sector can be placed together with the trading area, but in such a way that there is a dividing screen with a height of two meters.


When choosing a room, first of all, you need to take into account the patency of the place. The flow of potential buyers is the main criterion in this matter.

It is optimal to open a meat department in a large shopping mall or a pavilion near a grocery supermarket.

Since the income of the enterprise will depend on the attendance of the store, you need to take care of the location with high traffic. It can also be sleeping areas of the city.

How to open a butcher shop from scratch?

The sale of meat involves the preparation of:

  • veterinary certificates issued by Rospotrebnadzor and veterinary documentation for the store;
  • permits for retail trade, which is issued based on the results of the inspection of carcasses by a veterinarian;
  • documentation issued by the fire safety service;
  • health books for all employees;
  • book of complaints and suggestions.

Activity registration

Registration commercial activities begins in the bodies of the Federal Tax Service. The whole procedure will take no more than 5 days.

It is also worth noting that a license is not required to trade in meat products.

However, it may take about two months to obtain all other permits. The optimal form would be individual entrepreneurship or registration of a limited liability company. The main advantage retail meat is preferentially taxed.

Room upgrade

One of the key factors of popularization is the external design of the butcher shop. Experts recommend applying thematic drawings to the windows, making a beautiful sign above the entrance and naming the store with a hint of the specifics of meat products.

In addition, if you plan to further expand the points of sale of meat products, then it is desirable to make the design of the store memorable.

It is not necessary to make expensive repairs, but it is necessary to create an acceptable environment. The room should be clean, bright and well lit. The buyer must see that the meat is stored in proper sanitary conditions.

In order to ensure satisfaction with product quality, the following measures can be taken:

  • ensure the availability of its own mini-laboratory for quality control;
  • organize work with consumer claims;
  • start a book of reviews regarding meat products;
  • encourage staff to adhere to the rules of occupational health;
  • subject suppliers to audits;
  • inform customers about the work done.


If there is one meat pavilion, two sellers working in shifts are enough. Bookkeeping may be handled by the shop owner, while unloading may be the responsibility of the supplier or loader.

To open a butcher shop from scratch, you need to replenish the staff with a butcher and a cook who will prepare beautiful semi-finished products.

The volume of products sold will depend on the work of the butcher. Meat pieces, first of all, should be appetizing in appearance. As for the sellers, it is their responsibility to have a good knowledge of the product. All staff are required to carry medical records.

Search for suppliers and purchase

On the eve of the opening of the meat department, you need to find reliable suppliers of fresh meat. An excellent option would be to conclude agreements with farms which are not very far from the outlet.

To the number mandatory conditions agreements include:

  • fixed purchase price of goods;
  • weight and age categories of products;
  • documents that confirm the health of the animal;
  • number of carcasses.

When purchasing several carcasses, shrinkage of the goods must be taken into account, which leads to a loss of 2% of the weight of the total volume.

Therefore, you should not buy tons at once, losses can be significant. Better often, but always fresh.

Watch a video about opening a butcher shop: a professional shares experience


As previously mentioned, a standard product list usually includes 30 commodity items. It is unprofitable to increase the assortment of the meat pavilion, especially when the store is just developing. It is more important for buyers that the products are fresh, and the “zest” of the products will make the meat department popular.

For example, you can supplement the product range with the presence of turkey meat or rabbit meat - they will be happy to dismantle those who are passionate about the idea of ​​rational nutrition.

For an average purchase of meat, you need from 30 to 75 thousand rubles.

The range of meat department may include:

  • pork, beef, lamb;
  • semi-finished products;
  • offal kits;
  • packaged meat;
  • animal fats.

Sample business plan

Own business starts with a choice good equipment. Then you need to decide on meat products. In the process of developing a shop, it is possible to resolve issues related to the cost of cutting carcasses and finding experienced sellers.

Equipment for a stationary store includes:

  • weight equipment;
  • electric meat grinder;
  • a cold store with an area of ​​about 4 m²;
  • refrigerated showcase for portioned meat;
  • freezer for semi-finished products;
  • packaging material for meat products;
  • dishes for storing semi-finished products;
  • equipment for product packaging;
  • overalls for personnel;
  • thermometers for refrigerating chambers;
  • cutting deck and axes;
  • a set of knives;
  • shovels for minced meat;
  • cutting boards;
  • baking sheets, trays for products;
  • steel hooks for hanging whole carcasses;
  • calculator;
  • hot water supply or boiler for heating water;
  • sanitary inventory.

Initial Costs

In the case of purchasing equipment for a stationary store, its cost will be about 300 thousand rubles. without taking into account the cost or rent of the premises. In addition, depending on the area of ​​​​the room, about 200 thousand rubles may be needed for the primary purchase of meat. It will take additionally to issue permits 5 thousand rubles Whereas the purchase of a separate outlet can cost an entrepreneur from 60 to 80 thousand rubles.

On average, from 500 thousand to 800 thousand rubles should be set aside to open a butcher shop.

fixed costs

Costs for the monthly maintenance of a butcher shop (50 m²):

  • Rent - 20 thousand rubles;
  • Security - 8 thousand rubles;
  • Staff salary - 60 thousand rubles;
  • Electricity - 5 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of products - 75 thousand rubles;
  • Taxation.

Monthly expenses will amount to about 168 thousand rubles.

Costs for the monthly maintenance of a meat outlet (20 m²):

  • Rent - 8 thousand rubles;
  • Security - 3 thousand rubles;
  • Staff salary - 24 thousand rubles;
  • Electricity - 2 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of products - 30 thousand rubles;
  • Taxation.

Monthly expenses will amount to about 67 thousand rubles. Taxation is calculated separately.


The daily profit from the sale of meat products will be from 6,000 to 15,000 rubles. The amount of profit will be proportional to the number of outlets or the area of ​​the store.

The payback of the outlet is usually within a year. But large butcher shops with at great expense at the opening and a large staff of workers can increase this period.

Important details of the case

Tips for successful trading:

  • The meat sold must be fresh.
  • Semi-finished products are made exclusively in front of customers.
  • Availability of a wide range of meat products.
  • Proper lighting.

An important point: the main thing is to adhere to sanitary and fire regulations, as well as require veterinary certificates from suppliers in order to avoid serious fines.

The customers of your butcher shop will be grateful and will surely come back to buy more than once if you offer them something interesting. For example, post periodic simple meat recipes. You can place in a conspicuous place the "planogram" of the carcass of the animal.

Underwater rocks

The market for meat products is subject to seasonal fluctuations, so in the summer there is a drop in sales. But, since this is a picnic period, you can add more semi-finished products to the assortment of goods that are good to cook on the grill.

Butcher shop customers are people of all ages, social strata and wealth.

Both for an expensive product and for a cheap one, there is a buyer. Therefore, it is better that the store has a wide range of prices, then customers will reach out.


Display is of particular importance in retail, especially when it comes to self-service.

As a rule, three main options for stacking goods are used in trade:

  • in bulk;
  • stacked;
  • piles.

However, the most commonly used combined method, which combines horizontal and vertical methods of laying products. This combination allows more productive use of equipment space.

See the most optimal and successful options for laying out meat products:


To have stable sales, the butcher shop needs to be advertised. It is more practical to do it directly at the point of sale. External design butcher shop includes a good sign. Near the store, you can set up a tripod and hang a pointer, and post leaflets on neighboring houses. The local newspaper is suitable for placing advertisements.

Small wholesale sales can be established with restaurants and cafes that practice preparing business lunches. Online advertising can help in this direction.

Current ways to inform about product quality:

  • Distribution of advertising tracts near the entrance to the butcher shop.
  • Issue of a newspaper, which includes a description of the product line, other useful information about the store.
  • Training of employees of the department in the skills to provide polite advice to customers on issues related to product quality.
  • Creation of information stands at the point of sale.
  • Placement in the meat department of information about the availability of the laboratory.
  • Providing buyers with access to information about the quality control system.

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