Pancakes with minced meat. How to cook stuffed pancakes - step-by-step recipe with photos

The buildings 17.10.2019
The buildings

Let's look at in detail how you can cook pancakes with meat, what is better to make the dough for them, what brand it is to choose: from meat minced meat or chicken, how to cook a filling, how to properly wrap, so that with further roast it does not fall out, feeding and serving options. I will try to describe the recipe step by step and show all photos.

Dough for pancakes

Let's start with the test. So that everything weighed well with us, cracks were not formed on the bends, the converter was neat, we will need thin pancakes. You, no doubt, you can prepare them in your favorite recipe, and I will offer two to choose from.

At kefir

From the specified number of products you will have about 10-15 pancakes, which also depends on the size of the pan.

  • kefir 1% - 500ml;
  • eggs - 2pcs;
  • flour - 320gr (2 cups *);
  • water is 1 cup;
  • soda - 0.5h.l.;
  • salt - pinch;
  • vegetable oil - 1st.l.;
  • creamy oil - 50g.

* Glass with a capacity of 250ml.

To save space on the page, part of the photo I will show in the form of collages. But you can follow the link and see them in a large size.

  1. Kefir overflow into a bowl. It should be large. We divide eggs into it and put salt. We scribble.
  2. Flour is sifted and embroidered in a bowl of kefir with eggs. Mix and get thick dough.
  3. Boil the kettle, smeared into a glass of soda and pour boiling water. First half a compartment, since it is greatly foaming and if you pour all the water all the water splashes out. When a foam calm downs to the edges.
  4. Now, rotating the dough with a wedge, a thin trickle, but quickly pour water into it.
  5. We leave to stand 10 minutes and add vegetable oil.
  6. We bake on a very hot, no lubricated frying pan. Ready fold with a stack, missing each melted creamy oil.

On milk

  • milk - 320ml;
  • proteins - from 2 eggs;
  • flour - 180g (1 cup);
  • sunflower oil - 3st.;
  • salt is a pinch.

  1. In a bowl with milk we smell the salt and pour oil. Mix.
  2. Add proteins.
  3. We fall asleep the flour and mix well, breaking the lumps. The dough is pretty liquid.
  4. Fry on a well-hot frying pan, lubricated vegetable oil.
  5. Ready pancakes put in a stack and wipe on creamy oil.

Filling of meat for pancakes

When you decide on the dough, it's time to go to the stuffing. Since we have pancakes with meat, let's talk about these fillings. For stuffed pancakes, we can skip raw meat through the meat grinder, and then fry. And we can first boil, then wash and roar. I like the first option more, it turns out more juicy. And only the liver first extinguish (boiled), and then fry.

Chopped meat

Again, options: it can be pork, beef and mixed. How to do it look next.

The meat is cut by pieces, bulbs, depending on the size, cut into quarters or part of a smaller size.

The ratio of meat / bow is about 2/1. Despite the fact that when frying stuffing, we will still put onions, I recommend to skip it through a meat grinder into mince. Then it will be juicy and tasty.

For mixed pork proportion with beef 50/50.

Chicken minced

For chicken pancakes, you can also prepare the same in two ways: from crude chicken or boiled.

Cooking stuffing

  • minced meat - 250g;
  • onions - 1pc;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 2st.

How to wrap

When the filling will cool enough, so that one damn one damn it can be done with it, put one damn on the cutting board, lay the edge of 1 tbsp. minced meat.

First, we reject the front edge, then bend to the center of the sides and twist in the direction of the roll. Tight enough, but we try not to overdo it in order not to break.

And so repeat with each.

Fry in a frying pan

Further we need to fry them. To do this, pour oil into the pan. Heat. We put the pancakes first on one side, keep 3-5 minutes, turn over and fry from the second side.

It was roasting pancakes with a meat filling in a frying pan. But they can be baked in the oven.

Baked pancakes with meat

Bake them is better not entirely, but cutting on halves, each of which put in the form vertically.

  • stuffed pancakes - the amount depends on the size of the form
  • cheese - 100g;
  • creamy oil - 100g.
  1. Pancakes in front of any recipe.
  2. The filling can be from any type of meat, including chicken. We prepare it as shown in the photo above.
  3. Start and fold the envelope. Then cut in pressure.
  4. Each half put in the shape of a cut up. The sizes of the form should be such that the pancakes get tightly to each other.
  5. Between them in several places put the pieces of butter.
  6. Sprinkled with grated cheese and put in the oven heated to 170 ° C for a while sufficient to form a rummy crust.
  7. Serve them on the table better right in the form.

So, moving step by step, we are not noticeable and prepared our dish. But I want to continue to continue and tell us about other types of fillings and additional ingredients.

Our pancakes were only with meat and onions. But they still could add:

  • boiled rice;
  • boiled, finely chopped eggs.

Or replace meat mince on:

  • ham;
  • mushrooms;
  • fish.

Here in the last version I want to stop more, because pancakes with caviar or red fish are an original Russian dish. And it looks elegant and will always be a win-win snack on the holiday table.

Pancakes with salmon and cream cheese

You can take any fish from salmon, starting with ordinary pink salts and ending with more expensive varieties.

  • pancakes on milk (see Recipe above) - 5-6pcs;
  • red fish - 250g;
  • creamy cheese - 150g;
  • fresh cucumber - 1pc;
  • dill - 1 bundle.
  1. First you need to tell pancakes. For this recipe, the option is best for milk, they get smoother and less holes through which cheese will be seeded.
  2. Fish cut with sharp knife thin slices.
  3. For snacks, any quality cheese in the baths are suitable: creamy or melted - at your discretion, but necessarily without additives. Dill finely rub and mix with cheese.
  4. My cucumber, we clean from the peel, cut in half along, take out the seed tea spoon and cut the bars. For a more interesting taste, try to replace the cucumber on avocado.
  5. Pancake lay out on the board, lubricate the cheese, put a slice or two fish, a couple of cucumber pieces and fold the tube. To fold the envelope, as we did before, do not.
  6. We remove in the refrigerator for an hour. To the filling slightly frozen. Then a very sharp thin knife neatly, without push, we cut our roll across rolls.
  7. We decorate them on the dish decorated at your discretion.

Serve pancakes well with sauce. What are the best suitable?

Sauces to pancakes

  • sour cream is, of course, the most traditional option. To diversify, add a chopped dill or a couple of lemon juice drops into it, and mix with red caviar to fish filling;
  • cheese sauce is best suited to filling from chicken and / or mushrooms;
  • dutch (Holynez) - to any kind of meat and to the chicken;
  • tomato sauce or ketchup - to pork, beef;
  • "1000 islands" - to the meat, to the chicken;
  • tAR-TAR - to meat, chicken and fish fillings;
  • mayonnaise - and he, too, and even to everything, why not.

Personally, I already wanted pancakes. And you? Nice to all of us appetite!

If you are an experienced hostess, which does not need detailed step-by-step recipes for the preparation of delicious pancakes, with photos and explanations, and just enough to "throw the idea" on time - save you 20 minutes of time and immediately, at the beginning of the article, lay out the most popular and original delicious Fillings for pancakes in one list.

  • Filling for pancakes Spring - Cut boiled eggs and green onions.
  • Filling "Rich" - The same boiled eggs, but the onion is the on-fried oil.
  • Filling "Meat" - In a preheated frying pan, first fry onions, then add mince - everything is equal - and tip.
  • Filling "Student" - Boiled rice mix with stuffing from boiled liver.
  • Filling pancake - "Babushkina" - Cottage cheese with raisins and chopped apples.
  • Sweet filling for pancakes - "Landerday" - The ground poppy is mixed with sugar, milk, egg and boils to the density of jumped. (This is an excellent old filling).
  • Another sweet filling - "Sweat" - thick jam or jam.
  • Simple filling - "Rustic" - Machine very thin fresh cabbage, and put out in oil with bow.
  • Exotic filling for pancakes - "By - Caucasian" - Eggplants are cut into small cubes and stew with tomatoes and garlic. Warm filling refills grated cheese.
  • Delicious filling for pancakes - "French" . Grinding mushrooms and onions stew with sour cream.
  • Filling "Carsky" - With red caviar, with caviar and sour cream and greens.
  • Filling "Spicy"- With the cheese "Fitaki". Matching the pusher and dill, add garlic and thoroughly beat with cheese, let it stand and smear pancakes.
  • Filling for pancakes "Amateur"- With carrot in Korean and grated solid cheese.
  • Sweet Pancakes Filling "Nut" - Cut the pieces of three oranges with cubes, mix with walnuts and a couple of tablespoons of honey, give to stand a bit, and then start pancakes and fry on cream oil.
  • Pancakes with the extra - " According to Starrums - While one side of the pancake is fried - on the second pour any filling with small pieces: mushrooms, fish, meat, vegetables, greens, onions - and, turning, tug in the second side. The filling "takes up" inside the pancake.

About pancakes and pancakes

Live and learn! Recently heard from one culinary "body Guru" that there is a difference between the concepts of "damn" and "pancake" (the whole life believed that this is just the option of the same word!). It means that the center is voiced by this: "Damn" is a fat pancake, which is not intended for wrapped in it the filling (just because he is thick-walled), it is eaten as an independent dish. And the "pancake" is a thin pancake, which can be eaten both separately and stuffed with various fillings.

In the last article I made an overview of different recipes (we read pancakes, mean - pancakes), now it's time to start them with delicious fillings and see what ways to wrap in the pancakes of the filling, as well as feeding them to the table exist.

Dough Recipes for Pancakes Here I will not give - just described them in detail in the article, choose not very "holey", but thin, for example, or.

We will assume that the pancakes we already smelled and now thought - what would be tasty to start them? In fact, of course, the sequence will be exactly the opposite - first prepare a stuffing for pancakes, cool it, and only then do the pancakes themselves.

However, there is another option - when we make pancakes in the future, for example, we do not plan it immediately, and we will freeze - then there are no difference at all that cook forward - filling or pancakes ...

Meat stuffing filling for delicious pancakes and pancakes.

All of us, probably, more than once did this simple filling for pancakes - a stuffing from meat minced meat. Well, what would seem what can be tricks and secrets here? We take ready-made mince, fry it with a loaf and spices in a frying pan and laid as a filling in our pancakes. All simple!

Actually, the whole process can be described in the following photo - taken crude mince (any), loaf, frying oil (sunflower) and for adding juice (creamy) - everything grinding, fried together - we will be cooled to get a little - add to the finished pancake as a filling.

But it turned out that there are many options! I will try to list the most popular:

1 The filling for pancakes is made of raw minced and raw bow, roasted in a pan. 2 Pillings for pancakes are made of boiled meat, which is pre-boiled, becomes cold, and then it turns through the meat grinder (you can with a raw bow, you can - with already fried). Such minced may be dry and too crumbly, then you can use the supplements below. 3 For juiciness in a meat stuffing, you can add a couple of spoons of sour cream and swipe the meat with it in a frying pan. For the same purposes, you can add a piece of butter or a couple of broth spoons in which our meat was boiled.

In order for boiled meat, there is a more juicy one "trick" - after the end of the cooking, do not get it from the broth immediately, let him cool right in it. Well, take meat, respectively, medium fatty - then the minced meat out of it will not be dry.

4 For juiciness and greater "viscosity", you can add 1 tablespoon of flour and a piece of butter (gram 50-70), fry a little all together and fill the milk half a cup. After moving the resulting mixture on medium heat, constantly stirring, we get, in fact, meat minced meat in white dairy sauce. It will make it more dense, convenient for stuffing pancakes. The filling will not be filled out of pancakes during the food process and will have a compatibility and "saturation" of taste. 5 Now let's see what is often added to meat minced meat (except onions and spices) for large volumes and diversity of flavors. Often add boiled Figure, slightly, about 1 \\ 4 part of the total volume of minced (although it is a matter of taste).

By the way, do not be afraid to experiment with cereals in fillings! For example, I often do Mix mixture, buckwheat, carrots and onions - It is very tasty and unusual. You can even take a mix from different types of croup - there will be a very interesting taste and the effect of surprise with your guests who will try to understand for a long time, how did you bare your pancakes?

6 also do mix mixture with bow and boiled egg. Per 1 kg. Meat minced meat rapid about 5-6 eggs. The finely chopped them with a knife and stirred with already ready-made minced frying pan.
7 Many love pancakes with filling from minced meat and carrots with onions. Carrot is finely hidden on a grater and fry with finely chopped home. And then we mix with the ready-made fried minced meat and a couple of minutes I swept together. I personally really like such a filling, I'm just a carrot, I respect :-), and some believe that carrots will give the filling of a sweet taste and with meat, they say, it is badly combined. Well, again - the case of your taste. Carrot gives juicing filling for pancakes and a special taste.
8 Carrot can be replaced by many other types of vegetables - You can do with cabbage, stem celery, with greens, with cabbage broccoli, etc. What will tell you fantasy and taste! But still it is not necessary to get involved - meat in this stuffing should play a major role, and vegetables, cereals, greens, eggs, etc. - Yet just additives, only improving the taste and attaching an additional juiciness to meat filling.

The filling for pancakes from chicken liver is a step-by-step recipe with a photo.

The liver is a useful product (contains a lot of valuable iron, as well as many other vitamins and valuable substances located in an easily dismissed form). But, unfortunately, not all love him for a specific smell. My daughter, for example, does not endure the liver at all, and only pancakes with the liver are an exception!

Chicken liver is a very popular product, it is more tender to taste and composition than beef or pork, but you can take any kind of liver for this filling - the essence will not change. There is nothing difficult, first we will make a stuffing from the liver until it gets cool - we will bake our pancakes. The oven will be the most ordinary - on milk, but necessarily thin. In a thin pancake, it is easier to wrap a large number of fillings. And the more the filling - the more tastier, everyone knows everything

For pancakes, we take:

  • 2 eggs
  • 2.5 cups of milk
  • 1.5 cups of sifted flour
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara
  • 3 tbsp. Sunflower oil
  • Salt 1 tsp

For filling pancakes:

  • About 0.5 kg. Chicken liver
  • 1 big bulb
  • Vegetable oil for roasting
1 Let's start with the filling - prepare the liver (so that she managed to cool until we prepare pancakes). From the liver, we will remove the film, cut down solid inclusions, veins, leaving only the flesh.
2 Navel onions and liver medium slices and send a bow on a frying pan with oil.
3 When the bow slightly roasted - add slices of liver to it.
4 When the liver is ready (there will be no red juice during the cut), it will take about 10 minutes, we will put it a little cool. And then - check through the meat grinder. If the filling is dry to your taste - add butter or sour cream to it.
5 Now will quickly make pancakes. In the warm milk add salt, sugar and eggs. Take the mixture with a wedge or blender.
6 sifted through the fine sieve flour with small portions add to the dough, continuing to continuously stirring it with a whisk.
7 Put a frying pan to heating. When there are no lumps in the dough - add some little sunflower oil to it and smear well.
8 Dough is ready. We begin to bake pancakes on a well-heated, slightly smeared in a frying pan, roasting them from two sides to a ruddy gold color. This stack of pancakes turned out. The stuffing from the liver is also ready for further exploits.

9 It remains to wrap the mince to the finished pancakes in any way convenient for you.

10 ready-made stuffed pancakes need to additionally fry on butter, on both sides, in a hot pan under the lid. Serve hot, you can with sour cream and greens.

Sweet cottage cheese filling for tasty pancakes.

I love this filling for pancakes, pancakes with cottage cheese stuffing, probably the most frequent dish with pancakes on my table! More often, of course, it is a sweet filling (because so popular!), But you can mix cottage cheese and with greens and deliver salt - it is also very tasty!

Let's widely analyze the interesting options for sweet stuffs with cottage cheese!

For example, this is such -

For sweet and fragrant cottage cheese filling, we will need:

  • Fresh cottage cheese - 1 pack
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. Spoons
  • Juice and zest lemon (1-2 tbsp. Spoons)
  • Vanillin - 1 bag
  • Creamy butter - 50 gr.
  • Any berries at will

Cottage cheese in the bowl to the pasty state. Add sugar or sugar, vanillin, a spoonful of lemon juice and a lemon halm chassis for fragrance. It is possible to add some fatty creams for juiciness, sour cream or even foam oil, but it is not necessary.

Wrap the stuffing in a pancake, any way convenient for you. If you like hot fringe pancakes - wrapping so that the filling does not flow, and fry in the creamy oil.

But you can wrap the pancake with a regular open tube, so that the cottage cheese filling is visible and decorate from above any fresh berries and, if desired, sprinkle with powdered sugar or sour cream. Very nice and elegant!

An even more delicious version of the curd fill!

You can take fat cream and beat them to the state of the foam pillar, then gradually knock the sugar powder and cottage cheese there - it turns out an air tasty filling, similar to a gentle cake cream!

Pancakes with cottage cheese filling "Hungarian".

If thin pancakes are divided into two portions, one of the apricot (or any other sweet) jam, and the second - cottage cheese (in cottage cheese, in addition to the above ingredients, you need to lose one yolk), tighten them with open tubes, put on a plate, cutting off uneven edges, And sprinkle a slightly sugar powder - you can get such an exquisite dessert - delicious and beautiful.

Stuffing from cottage cheese and raisins.

You can add to the cottage cheese the handy of the preheat pre-closed in cold water (to speed up the process - soak raisins in boiling water).

Someone loves to add walnuts, someone - mixes cottage cheese with finished jam or berries - your fantasy here will not restrain, except for the lack of the desired products in the refrigerator ... 🙂

Mass for the ingredients I am writing about - here it is entirely the case of your taste and the number of pancakes, how much do you plan to do. Someone loves very sweet, someone is not, someone will get a sour apple, someone - sweet, and the cottage cheese can be different to taste - from gentle, sweetish, to - sour taste. Therefore, add sugar at your request and taste.


  • Fresh cottage cheese - 1 pack
  • Apple - 2-3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. Spoons
  • Cinnamon - 1-2 h. Such
  • Vanillin - 1 bag
  • Creamy butter - 50 gr.
  • Lemon at will

First, make a common curd base for filling. Throughout the cottage cheese, so that there are no pieces, to a homogeneous mass. Add 1-2 spoons of sugar (can be sugar), vanillin, you can a couple of cream spoons or fused butter. But I will say in secret - and without them everything goes great! Apple will give us the necessary juiciness.

Now we can go in two ways - add apples inside pancakes together with cottage cheese filling or arrange them from above when feeding.

1 Option - Apples Purching on a large grater (peel to clean!), I will add a spoonful of sugar and slightly sitting on a pan with a piece of butter and a spoon of cinnamon - 10 minutes on medium heat. Cool down. In a pancake, I will hand over 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese filling plus 1 spoon of an apple-cinnamon mixture. Watch damn the converter (as in the photo). Fry from two sides like patties on creamy oil. When applying, you can sprinkle with powdered sugar.
2 Option - Apples (you can take a peach, pear) with minor cubes. On a hot frying pan, we warm up a shell of cream oil with 1-2 spoons of sugar and cinnamon. In this mixture, add the sliced \u200b\u200bapples and turn to soft. Pancakes start the cottage cheese mixture, fry, when applying, we decorate the apple mixture.

In the apples, when they are languishing in the pan, it is very good to add a spoonful of lemon juice to taste and a little grated lemon zest - the fragrance will be simply unique!

Curd filling for pancakes can be lacking. And what is surprised, because cottage cheese is, in fact, the same young gentle white cheese. In combination with greens and other spicy additives (as in our recipe - with garlic) - cottage cheese will give the beautiful spicy taste of our pancake. Where does such an unusual reddish color from the filling? And this is already a secret ingredient, see it in the list of products for the filling.

But first - a few words about the pancakes themselves. Since they will not be sweet - sugar in the dough can not be added at all. But the finely chopped greens must be adding necessarily, kneading it into the pancake dough immediately before the preparation of pancakes. Otherwise - ordinary thin pancakes, which we have already discussed with you, for example, here

But back to the filling. What you need to prepare:

  • 100 g. Cottage cheese
  • 6 dried tomatoes, finely cut
  • 4 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1-2 teaspoons of cumin
  • 1-2 clove garlic
  • 1-2 carrots, boil or bake, then chop
  • salt and pepper

In the preparation of the filling there is nothing complicated - we collect all the ingredients from the recipe and mix them in a blender to the state of pasta. Garlic pre-give up to dft. The resulting stuffing is laying on a pancake, twist the tight tube, slightly appreciate to hold the shape. Lay out on a plate and serve.


  • Ham -200 -300 gr.
  • Solid cheese - 200 gr.
  • Onion green - beam
  • Dill - beam
  • Salt, pepper black to taste

Very fine cut ham. We rub the cheese on a large grater. Finely cut greens. All mix, salt, pepper to taste. For a ligament, you can not add anything, since, even though the filling will crumble in the cooking process, but with further warming-roasting pancakes, the cheese will melt and connects the filling, it will make it juicy, fragrant and very tasty.

Wrap the pancakes, it is best in a closed method - a converter or closed roll, and fry on a frying pan with a small amount of cream oil - to a ruddy crust.

These pancakes can be stored in the refrigerator a couple of days in a cold, not stuffed form, can be placed in the freezer for any shelf life, practically. Serve them with hot and well "twisted", then filling with cheese will show itself in all its taste!

And here's another similar version of such a filling -

Filling for pancakes in breading is made of eggs, cheese and ham.

It seems - almost the same ingredients - but looks completely different!

How to cook such pancakes and such a filling:

We take all the same ingredients as in the previous recipe, but the greens we will add pancakes to the dough (just half a bunch of dill or green onions, finely cut) - and in the filling - boiled eggs - 5 pieces.

  • Ham - 300 gr.
  • Solid cheese - 200 gr.
  • 5 eggs (4 boiled and 1 raw)
  • Dill - 0.5 beam
  • Salt, pepper black to taste
  • Panication (crushing or finished breading mix)

Cooking process:

1 Boil and cool in cold water 4 eggs (leave one egg for breading raw). Ham and eggs cut into thin circles, soda cheese on a large grater. 2 Pancakes prepare for any recipe for thin pancakes, but add in the last stage of the preparation of finely chopped dill (or other greens) directly into the dough. Bake pancakes, before each new pancake - stir the dough from the bottom so that flour and greens do not settle on the bottom of the bowl. 3 On the finished pancake, put the stuffing as shown in photo 3: first round slice of ham, then 2 round slices of eggs, cheese sprinkle on top. 4 Roll the pancakes with a converter, as usual and proceed to breading. In a separate plate, pour dry breading. To another - a mixture of eggs with salt. 5 Lubricate every pancake whipped egg with salt, you can dip in the egg mixture, you can lubricate with a brush. 6 Observe in breading and roasting in a pan with oil. Serve such pancakes is better than hot.

Here are such pancakes with a delicious filling and a crispy crust - very unusual.

Filling for pancakes with mushrooms - "Pancakes"

For mushroom filling, we need:

  • shampignon mushrooms 500 g
  • onions on 2 pcs.
  • cheese melted "creamy" 100 g
  • pepper
  • greens
  • fern Luke

We are preparing:

1 green onions and mushrooms thoroughly promotion and slightly expelled. Mushrooms, if it is champignons, it is better not to wash, but simply consider skin - so they will not take extra water. 2 mushrooms cut the average size of cubes and fried on a frying pan with oil for 10 minutes. When the water is evaporated - add the cut onions. Fry until readiness. We put cold. 3 Melted cheese mix with a finely chopped green bow (or another greens). The cooled mushrooms mix with this mass. Solim, pepper to taste. 4 Stuffing on a pancake and wrap it with a bag, linking the top of the "bag" with a green onion with a green greenery. It is possible for these purposes to use raw strips (from the drooped cheese "Koshechka"). It is best to form such pancake bags of still warm, not cooled pancakes.

By the way, in such bags you can put absolutely any stuffing. On a festive dish, pancakes bags look very original and intriguing!

In general, this recipe for filling is similar to the very first recipe - pancakes with meat, only meat we will replace chicken fillet.

We need:

  • Chicken fillet - 0.7 -1 kg.
  • Bow 5-7 pcs.
  • Creamy oil 1 tbsp.
  • Olive oil -3-4 tbsp.
  • for celery roots broth, parsley, carrot, bulbs
  • Spices, salt, bay leaf, black, curry pepper, acute pepper pod

Prepare this delicious stuffing is very simple, but a little considerable time. For 30 minutes, we boil the chicken fillet in the broth, with the obligatory addition of spices there, the root of celery, parsley and carrots with a bulb. Enjoy and turn through the meat grinder.

So that the filling does not work out - you need to add more onions. 5-6 bulbs can be cleaned and girdle, or rather, even - fiction on the oil until golden color. For a delicious chicken stuffing, it is well-tooth-fried onion fits most! It's good here to add a little Curry seasoning - it is perfectly combined with chicken and give a beautiful yellow shade with all the fill. Add salt and pepper to taste. For fragrance, you can add a dry chili pepper pod.

The finished onions mix with chicken minced meat, spits and pepper if they are not enough. Starting pancakes with stuffing and frighten on both sides, if we plan to immediately serve to the table. But these pancakes can be frozen in the freezer, they keep the shape well and the taste does not deteriate after defrosting.

Buckwheat pancakes with cottage cheese and salmon - the variant of the fish filling.

Still, I decided to insert another recipe for pancakes, which was not yet described anywhere - the recipe for buckwheat pancakes. And I will make a stuffing for him from delicious fish - weak salmon with cottage cheese. Mmm .. It's very tasty!

To get such beautiful and delicious buckwheat pancakes, we will have to tinker with the jar (yeast dough). But do not be afraid of difficulties, everything is not at all difficult for such experienced culinary culinary, as we are 🙂 But the time will need much more than if we were preparing ordinary quick pancakes without yeast.


  • 2 tbsp. buckwheat flour
  • 3.5-4 tbsp. milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 12.5 gr. Fresh yeast
  • 0.5 ppm Sololi.
  • 2 tsp Sahara
  • 2 tsp cream oil
  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil
1 salt and flour sift through a sieve into deep dishes, where the dough will suffer. Consider that it will increase in volumes 2-3 times when it will rise - take a high container immediately. 2 2 Glasses of milk Preheat to warm temperature. Add the yeast there, sugar, all mix and add the resulting mixture to the sifted flour. Add yolks and melted butter, all mix and put into a warm place, cover with a towel so that the dough is not tested. 3 When the dough rises 1-2 times, stirrate it and add to it whipped in foam foam eggs and vegetable oil. Stir so that the dough becomes smooth. Leave in a warm place for another hour. 4 Bake, an hour, on a hot pan, thin layer pouring the dough and quickly distributing it along the hot spring surface - then the very "cherished holes" will appear, which many mistresses want to achieve so much in the process of cooking pancakes. 5 Moving pancakes with a stack and proceed to the manufacture of the filling.

For the filling, take:

  • 200 g cottage cheese home
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. sour cream
  • Drinking dill
  • 250-300 g. Low-salt salmon
6 Cottage cheese over the sieve, add sour cream, a small pinch of salt, finely chopped dill and mix well to a paste-like state. 7 Lastery damn the cottagel mass, laying on her salmon slices and the thrust tube. There will be more tastier if you serve pancakes with sour cream, decorating greens.

How beautiful and quickly you can wrap pancakes with filling - video tip.

Probably it's time to stop .. although the recipes of pancakes the stuffings there are a huge set! Enjoy your tea party with pancakes and a pleasant pastime at the stove. Make everything with the mood and your pancakes stuffed with a variety of fillings will certainly work!

Syly and very simple - the main advantages of pancakes with minced meat. We offer to try different variations of this dish to find your favorite. And if you experiment with the sauce - you lick your fingers!

The main recipe is stepdown

Ingredients number
eggs - 3 pcs.
beef minor - 400 g
boiling water - 120 ml
luka - 1 PC.
sugar - 15 g
sunflower oil - 20 ml
salt - 5 g
flour - 320 g
milk - 320 ml
black pepper - 4 g
Time for preparing: 30 minutes Calorie per 100 grams: 197 kcal

How to cook pancakes with minced meat:

Pancakes with minced meat and rice

  • 420 ml of milk;
  • 340 g of flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 40 ml of sunflower oil;
  • 1 bulb;
  • 60 g rice (not stolen);
  • 180 g of pig-beef minor;
  • 20 g of pork sala.

Time - 40 minutes.

Calories - 226.


  1. In a small deep bowl mix milk with eggs, salt;
  2. Sake here the same flour and pour sunflower oil. Stir and give to stand half an hour;
  3. Then lose pancakes, if necessary to add oil;
  4. From the bulbs, remove the husks and chop it finely;
  5. In the pan melt some pig fat. It can be replaced with oil;
  6. Stay here minced me and give him a little to roast. All liquid should be evaporated;
  7. Then pour onion and fry everything together until the bow is mild;
  8. Rice put cooking. To do this, it needs to be pouring into water so that it is on the finger to be above the cereal;
  9. Cook until all the water is absorbed, then shifting the rice to the minced meat and mix;
  10. Add various spices and turn off the slab;
  11. In each pancake, put several spoons of the filling and wrap them into the tube or envelope;
  12. If you wish, heat them a little on the creamy oil. Serve with sour cream or ketchup.

Pancakes with chicken minced and greens

  • 4 eggs;
  • 1 bulb;
  • 60 g of greenery;
  • 2 chicken fillets;
  • 650 ml of milk;
  • 170 ml of mineral water;
  • 7 g of sugar;
  • 70 ml of sunflower oil;
  • 340 g of flour.

Time - 35 minutes.

Calories - 152.


  1. Greens wash and scroll leaves. Put them in a bowl for the blender and pour the same mineral water here;
  2. Submersible blender to kill the leaves. It is desirable that water is carbonated;
  3. Then pour the mass into the saucepan, pour here the half-liter milk, drive three eggs, pour sugar and to taste salt;
  4. Sift flour and interrupt the whole mass again, not leaving lumps;
  5. Give the test to relax minutes of forty, after which the pancakes on a small amount of vegetable oil;
  6. In another frying pan, fry purified and finely chopped onions;
  7. With fillet cut all extra alps and wash it, then skip through a meat grinder;
  8. Then mince mix with the already cooled onion, add various spices;
  9. Pour into meat a little less than a glass of milk. Add it with portions, constantly stirring the mass. There should be a liquid meat filling;
  10. In the residues of milk (about 50 ml), drive the egg and mix in a separate bowl;
  11. The tablespoon of the meat filling apply half a pancake and then folded it twice;
  12. Half such a spoon to apply half a pancake already folded and folded again in half. The same to do with all pancakes;
  13. The resulting corners dip in milk with an egg;
  14. On a small amount of oil to fry the corners on both sides and serve to the table.

Stuffed pancakes with minced meat

  • 440 g of flour;
  • 450 g of marine perch fillet;
  • 15 g of sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 25 g margarine;
  • 5 g soda;
  • 440 ml of milk;
  • 1 bulb;
  • 3 green onions feather.

Time - 30 minutes.

Calories - 154.


  1. In a deep bowl, mix eggs and add sugar to them and to taste salt;
  2. Add half of milk and immediately see the flour, mix the currency;
  3. Add second part of milk and pour soda, mix everything thoroughly;
  4. On a small amount of oil, fry pancakes without turning them;
  5. Take a meat grinder and simultaneously skip onions and fish through it, then mix them, pepper. You can add spices for fish;
  6. Green onions wash and melted finely, add to the fish and pour some water, mix;
  7. Put the fish mass on the unabasted side of the pancakes, fold the envelope;
  8. In the pan, heat margarine and fry envelopes in it. Serve them warm with melted creamy oil.

It is not necessary to prepare the dough for pancakes, which is indicated in the recipe. If you already have your own recipe for delicious pancakes, you can safely use it. The main thing is that there are little sugar in it.

You can prepare pancakes not only on milk, but also on sour cream, and on mineral water, and on serum - someone like. The same rich selection of filling: pig-beef mince can always be replaced with a rabbit, lamb, turkey. It is important that there is at least a small percentage of fat, so that the filling was not dry.

The juit attaches the bulbs, so it is necessary to use it or replace the pair of spoons of sour cream. Sour cream should be added during the frying meat, she needs to go through a little with him. It is worth considering that the stuffing will then be more liquid, but it absorbs spices better. Tastier will add spicy herbs or chili peppers.

Preheat pancakes with minced meat is best on cream oil, as it "seals" the envelopes and does not give them to fall apart. The resulting crust also does not leave the chance to "escape" the fill in the pan. Oils should be enough so that the pancakes do not stick to the bottom of the frying pan. To save, you can simply add quite a bit of water in the pan. When the whole it will evaporate, the dish will be sufficiently heated.

You can choose a delicious sauce to any of the above prescriptions. The simplest is sour cream with salt or home ketchup. But you can and boil the sour cream with spices, and take an acid berry sauce, prepare a creamy mushroom refueling. Then even fast pancakes with stuffing turn into a high kitchen dish and become more fragrant!


This note is for those who consider pancakes not only the wonderful view of breakfast, but also a completely satisfying dining dish. Provided that they have meat minced meat.

If you have already had breakfast, or even simply, and you have a few unfaught pancakes, then dinner can be compressed simply wrapped in them mince and a couple of other ingredients.

Here about these ingredients, let's talk and talk. And besides, let's see how to wrap pancake so that it does not fall apart.

We will try to cover different ways of stuffing and packaging to be more interesting.

Pancakes with meat filling

And let's start with one of the most original pouch. Plus it is in a very original feed, which will be relevant to look at the festive table.

And minus is that such bags can not eat holding them in the hands - the meat falls out. They need to be put in a plate and eat with a fork.


For filling:

  • Pork minced meat - 0.5 kg
  • Onion - One Head
  • Mapper cheese - 40 grams
  • Spices: thyme, nut nut, spices to kebab, pepper, sugar, salt
  • Refined sunflower oil for frying

For pancakes:

  • Milk Cow Medium fatty - 1 cup (25 ml)
  • Water filtered or boiled - 1 cup (250 ml)
  • White Wheat Flour First Grade - 1.5 cups (6 tbsp. With great riding)
  • Chicken Eggs - 2 pcs
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 0.5 ppm
  • Refined oil - 2.5 tbsp. (2 for test, 0.5 - for lubricating frying pan)


1. To begin with, we prepare a pancake dough. To do this, connect all the indicated ingredients in one deep bowl and beat them with a blender or mixer to homogeneous mass.

Flour need to fall asleep last and small portions on a pair of tablespoons between whipping so that there are no lumps

2. Now we lubricate the frying pan with vegetable oil and split it on medium heat. When it will warm up very well, we begin to bake pancakes, pouring the dough with small portions with the help of a half. Shaking the frying pan, we achieve the dough to spread along it a uniform thin layer.

Fry pancakes from two sides to 30 seconds.

To easily flip pancake, we approach the edges with a shovel under the pool to the middle of the frying pan and, making sure that damn it was not burned anywhere, turn it off, supporting him with a free hand for the edges.

The finished side should be ruddy, but not more; disturbing pancakes should not be, otherwise they will be brittle

From the specified number of ingredients, about 10-14 pancakes will be obtained depending on the size of the frying pan. But if it's a very small pancake, then the test and 20 pieces are enough.

3. Now we prepare the filling. For this, the onions cut into small cubes and fry on medium heat 5-7 minutes to golden color.

4. Farm, fresh or frosthed, mix with spices and salt and add it to the bow. Fry it on medium fire, periodically stirring until full readiness.

The minced stuff is fried quickly, so it will take no more than 15 minutes.

5. Now it remains only to collect prepared elements. First we take the cheese pigtail and carefully disassemble it on the fibers. We will tie basin bags.

6. In each pancake put 2 tablespoons of meat filling.

And they collect damn in the croke, collecting his edges by the accordion.

And bandage it with a cheese ribbon.

7. Ready. Very unusual, tasty and easy.

Bon Appetit!

Stuffed pancakes with minced meat and rice

And you can also add to the minced meat as a filling.

For pancakes, I propose to make yeast dough. If I don't like it, use the previous recipe


Dough for pancakes:

  • 1 liter of warm milk
  • 1 Glass Warm Water (250ml)
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon with slide salt
  • 2 tablespoons with a slide of sugar
  • 2 teaspoons dry yeast
  • 600 g of flour
  • Sunflower frying oil
  • 50 -70 g Butter for frying pancakes

For filling:

  • 500 g minced meat
  • 3 tablespoons of rice (dry)
  • 1 head of the reptile bow
  • Salt, pepper black ground


1. Warm milk and water, salt, sugar and yeast pour into one deep bowl. We smash eggs into it and mix well. After that, we gradually intervene the flour so that there are no lumps. It is convenient to use a mixer.

After that, we remove the dough for 1 hour in a warm place.

2. Stuffing Making mixing boiled rice, toasted mince and roasted onions.

If the minced me was preparing without spices, do not forget to salt and pepper

3. When the dough sat down, you can start the bake pancakes. We do this by a classic way, pouring a small amount of dough on the frying pan hot and oil-lubricated oil.

And bakeing it for 30-40 seconds on each side. After removing from the frying pan, we rinse them on top of cream oil so that the pancakes remain soft and elastic.

From the specified amount of test, 10 large pancakes will be.

4. Strip. A couple of tablespoons of filling stuffed closer to the edge of pancake,

bend it from three sides,

And wrap up.

This method of stuffing is called a closed tube (it happens even open when the sides are not bend).

5. So that the pancakes do not unfold, they need to be fried on the one hand to "fix" the form.

To do this, put them on a heated frying pan with a creamy "seam" down and hold literally 1 minute.

Ready. Bon Appetit!

Recipe stuffing for pancakes made of minced and eggs

Another popular look of the fillings for pancakes with minced meat is the addition of eggs to it. Many are mistaken at this place and simply add raw eggs to fried minced meat.

With this method cooking the filling, the taste and consistency of eggs is completely lost. It is better to take boiled.

For cooking, you will need:

  • Boiled egg - 3 pcs
  • Farm - 300 g
  • 1 Lukovitsa
  • Spices - to taste
  • Olives - to taste


1. First, fry in a frying pan finely chopped onions. When it is sprouting (after 7-8 minutes), add fresh or frosthed stuffing to it.

2. After 10 minutes, add to the mince sliced \u200b\u200bolives.

3. Minced fry on medium heat until complete readiness for 15-20 minutes.

4. When mince is ready, let him fit and mix with finely chopped eggs. The resulting filling is wrapped in prepared pancakes.

Pancakes can bake any, which you like. The main thing is not to put a lot of sugar in them when cooking

How to cook pancakes with meat and potatoes: video recipe

But a very curious recipe for making stuffing stuffing with meat and potatoes. I have not tried this yet, since it came across it just just. For some reason I never occurred to me to cook mince, in which meat and potatoes twisted together. In my opinion it is a very interesting move.

Stuffed pancakes with minced stuffing and mushrooms

And again an unusual way to cook stuffed pancakes. At first glance and do not understand - pancakes are or pies.

And the dough is preparing the usual pancake, only damn it is done a little thicker so that nothing falls apart


For dough:

  • 1 liter of milk
  • 1 tsp. Sololi.
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 3 cups (250 ml) flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp. soda
  • 1 tbsp. vegetable oil

For filling:

  • Onions - 1 pc
  • carrot - 1 pc
  • mushrooms - 200 g
  • minced meat - 500 g


1. In the preparation of the test for pancakes, there is nothing unusual: we take a bowl of flour, add salt into it, sugar and eggs and begin to mix, gradually pouring milk.

When the mixture becomes homogeneous, add vegetable oil. At the very end, add soda redeemed by vinegar. That is, in a saucer with soda, add a literally tablespoon of 9% vinegar and mix quickly. And while soda hits, pour it into a bowl with a dough. Stir again thoroughly.

Soda is needed that pancakes with frying turned out to be air and with holes

Dough is ready, go to the stuffing.

2. First, fry on medium fire finely chopped onions together with carrots, grated on a large grater. Literally 5 minutes.

Then add not large chopped fresh or frosthed mushrooms to the pan.

Mushrooms need to take those that do not need advanced heat treatment, such as champignons

Mushrooms are also fry no longer than 5 minutes, after which they send mince to the pan. And fry until 15-20 minutes ready, not forgetting periodically stirring.

3. Now everything is ready to create stuffed pancakes.

Heat the frying pan on medium heat and lubricate it with oil. Pour the portion of the test so that it is evenly distributed in a frying pan.

When we see that on the edges the dough was already peeled, put on one half the pancake filling from meat with mushrooms.

And cover them with the second half and not very fitting it with a spatula.

Here the whole trick is that when you cover the stuffing, the dough from above has not been imparted. Then it will stick with the bottom half and it will turn out to be a one-piece "pupbod"

The resulting half fry another 30-40 seconds, then turn the pancake and fry on the other another that the dough inside is well baked.

As soon as one pancake prepares, immediately pour the next portion of the test.

Ready. Bon Appetit!

As you can see, using different products, it is not bad to diversify the usual prescription pancakes with minced meat. And it is possible to spend even less effort. For example, if you add to the first recipe for more hot minced cheese, then it turns stuffed pancakes with cheese.

I hope this note woke up your fantasy and to Maslenice you will come to all weapons.

Thanks for attention.

Pancakes - a dish known since the time of antiquity, and perhaps that earlier. His story is calculated by centuries. Pancakes are present in the menu of many national kitchens as variations on the topic of baked dough.

Short excursion

And the Germans, and the French preferred thin, rolled up the products in which there was a different filling for pancakes inside. In the old England, malt and ale were added to the pancake dough. Mexicans supplemented the menu of Tortyllas, which wrapped the beans or meat filling with tomato. In the US, pancakes are rather reminiscent of pancakes - small, chubby. In some countries, the European Union is so called potato pancakes. But in general, the basis of pancakes is the dough itself - consists of the same products: flour (mainly wheat or buckwheat), water or milk with various additives (such as ale or malt), eggs, salts, sometimes yeast.

In Russia

Pancakes are also considered traditionally a Russian dish. Maslenitsa - a holiday known since pagan times, consistent and adults, and children - a bright confirmation of this. And the symbol of this holiday is pancakes. They remind us of our shape and appearance to us about the sun: ruddy and round, the finest and not very. About nature that fell asleep on the winter and again returning to life.


One of the most important points in the recipes of all pancakes is the preparation of the test. At first glance, there is nothing complicated in this, but there are certainly some secrets of skill, and we will try to highlight them in this article. The dough for pancakes with filling is two species: yeast and trimming.


Ingredients: a glass of flour, half a small sugar spoon, two eggs, half-liter milk, salt, vegetable oil - two large spoons.

All components mix the mixer to uniformity. Masses should not be present lumps. The dough should turn out to be liquid, it is good to pour out of the midnight, spreading in a frying pan. In the dough, add a couple of spoons of lean oil so that it does not stick to the frying pan. It is necessary to give him a little standing in the refrigerator, and then you can start cooking.


Ingredients: Two glasses of flour, two glasses of milk, two spoons of lean oil, two eggs, one large spoon of sugar, 20 grams of yeast, salt.

The cooking process is slightly different from the previous recipe. At first, we prepare oparu: in a bowl we will drag the yeast in a glass of warm water. Ten minutes later, we add half the flour there, wash, cover with a clean cloth and remove into heat. After about an hour, the opara is suitable. We drive there egg yolks, add sugar, salt, butter. I fall asleep, constantly stirring, the second half of the flour. The dough should get smooth and without lumps. After that, add warm milk, mix to uniformity, put it in heat. When the opara raises again, stirring it to asslave. We connect whipped squirrels with a dough. You can proceed to further cooking.

Filling for pancakes

The second important component of the recipes of cooking this dish is the filling. Recipes for pancakes are affected by their diversity. Sweet and sharp, meat and hepatic, fish and cheese, fruit and jams. You can argue for a long time, which is more important in pancakes: dough or filling. And such disputes are certainly not a joke, but seriously in the medium of culinary and cooks of all the masters. But the fact remains a fact: there are a lot of options for how to prepare a filling for pancakes. Let's try and we will explore some options.

From meat

In principle, you can wrap in damn everything that in the refrigerator will come. But there are also the so-called classic recipes. A filling for pancakes with meat is prepared mainly of pork, beef, veal, chicken, turkey. Not recommended, for example, lamb or housing. Pork also needs to be "diluted" with another meat. For example, veal. Since pancakes with clean pork will be too fat. In general, pancakes with meat - the pleasure is not for those who cares about their figure or sits on a diet. Too many calories. Too much fat and cholesterol. This dish, rather, for avid meatseeds.

Meat filling for pancakes

Ingredients: Minced pig-beef (or chicken) - 500 grams, onions - 2 heads, salt and pepper.

On a small amount of vegetable oil, fry onions in a frying pan until golden color. Then fry the mince separately. Mix. Solim. PERSON. Stuffing ready!

A similar option exists using chicken or turkey fillet. The chicken-chopped chicken fillets fry on the lean oil, adding onions, also roasted to gold. Meat filling for pancakes is ready!

Chicken plus mushrooms

Also a good version of the meat filling for pancakes. We will need: 500 grams of chicken fillet (or turkey), 300 grams of mushrooms (champignons, oyster), two bulbs.

Prepare such tasty fuels for pancakes extremely simple: fillet litter and fry in a lean oil, onions fry, mushrooms, too, mix everything, salt and pepper.

From liver with bow

A filling for pancakes from the need was one of the most beloved in Russia. Heart, stomach, liver, lungs - all this was worth a penny and was available for a simple people. This recipe also uses the most affordable liver - chicken.

Ingredients: Polkilogram of chicken liver, onions - two heads, sour cream - two large spoons, salt, seasonings.

Well prepare the liver to frying: we remove the veins and the remnants of the gallbladder - they can give unnecessary bitterness. Liver cut into small pieces. Separately roast onions in a lean oil. Separately - the liver (it must be frying very quickly and on good fire). Mix the components and add sour cream and spices to taste. You can slightly suppress all the resulting mass for the fork so that there are no large pieces. The stuffing for pancakes from the liver with a bow is ready!

Bow with egg and cheese

Classic is also considered a stuffing of boiled screwed eggs with a green bow. We take five eggs and drunk them screwed. Cleaning, cutting cubes. A good green onion bundle cut finely. 200 grams of solid cheese three on a large grater. Add a spoon of sour cream or mayonnaise. All mix up to a homogeneous mass. These are the so-called filling for pancakes unsweetened. These are also the following.

Red caviar

Classics of the genre. Russian tradition - pancakes with caviar (though, previously appreciated with black, but because it will not be bruiting with red). Just open the jar of red Far Eastern caviar and use as a filling.

With smoked chicken and salad

Ingredients: one smoked chicken breast, tomato pollogram, 200 grams of green salad, dill bundle, parsley bundle, bunch of green onions, one bell pepper, large mayonnaise spoon, salt.

Preparation: All components of crumbish are quite finely, mix together, salt, add mayonnaise.

With smoked chicken, eggs and corn

Ingredients: one smoked chicken breast, three eggs screwed, a pair of dill branches, a jar (200 grams) canned corn, mayonnaise, salt, pepper.

Breasts cut into small pieces. Egg crumbling. Corn joined the bank. All mix, add a large spoonful of mayonnaise. Mix again and add dill. Solim as desired (smoked chicken breast can be too salty, and then the filling itself makes no need). What else can you cook the filling for pancakes (unsweetened)? Let's try from fish and seafood!

Crab sticks, eggs, corn

Ingredients: pack (200 grams) crab sticks frozen, three eggs, onion - one head, canned corn jar (200 grams), mayonnaise, salt and pepper.

Crab sticks defrost and cut finely. Eggs boil the screw, cool and cut finely. Onions cut half rings. Canned corn is separated from the liquid. All components mix, refuel the spoon-two mayonnaise. Solim, Pepper.

Mackerel (canned), eggs, onions

We take one jar of mackerel canned in oil or in its own juice. Join the bank excess liquid. I put fish in deep dishes and knead the fork to the pasty state. Three eggs boil the screw, cool, clean. They do the same operation with them as with fish. One medium bulb clean and cut very finely. All mix and refuel the mayonnaise spoon. This stuffing can also be disturbed, because the canned fish itself is quite salted.

Herring, eggs, bow

We take one middle sized sized garden. We clean it from the internships, skin and bones (do fillet; by the way, you can immediately buy it to not mess around), cut into small cubes. Three eggs drunk hard, cut finely. Onion onion (one bulb) clean and cut finely. All mix and refuel the mayonnaise spoon.

Herring, beets, carrots, onions, eggs

This stuffing is a bit more complicated in preparation and reminds all the well-known herring under a fur coat, just mixed, not layers.

Ingredients: 300 grams of herring fillet, one big beet or two small, two carrots, one bulb, three eggs, mayonnaise.

Cook vegetables are notaded. Enjoy, clean and cut into cubes. Onions raw clean and cut finely. Selenge fillet Cut into small pieces. Eggs drip open, cool, cut in fine. All mix and refuel the mayonnaise or sour cream. Solim to taste. PERSON.

Cheese and ham

Slops cut a piece of ham (200 grams), the cheese of solid varieties to three on a large grater. Components mix and water a spoon of a good mayonnaise.

Cheese with garlic and greens

200 grams of solid cheese rubbed on the grater. Dolk garlic davir in the press. Dill (50 grams) is finely cut. All mix and refuel mayonnaise.

From cottage cheese

The filling for pancakes from cottage cheese is also preparing just as the previous ones. You can use a clean degreased cottage cheese, and you can add different ingredients to it - it will be more tastier.

We take a simple market or shop cottage cheese, add a spoon of sour cream and rub to a pasty state. Sugar add to taste. Stuffing ready!

Cottage cheese, raisins

200 grams of low-fat curd mix with a handful of raisins. Refuel sour cream. You can add some sugar and handful of peeled and fine chopped walnuts.

Cottage cheese, prune or kuraga

Prunes (100 grams) break and finely cut. 200 grams of low-fat curd mix with a spoon of sour cream. There, add chopped prunes there. Mix. You can add nuts and sugar. Instead of prunes, you can also use and dried. And the stuffing for pancakes from cottage cheese can be prepared with honey or condensed milk. Also it turns out delicious.


Filling for pancakes from apples in different types and with various components is also popular among the population. Apples are an easily accessible product, they are relatively inexpensive. Therefore, it is probably so loved. Here are just a few options.

Baked apples with honey and nuts

One kilogram of sour-sweet apples clean from the peel, cut out the middle, cut the slices. We bake on a small anticipation in the oven at 180 degrees (approximately 20-30 minutes) until readiness. Cool and smear to a paste-like state. Add a spoonful of honey liquid and handful of purified walnuts, finely chopped. Mix everything. A simple tasty filling for pancakes from apples is ready.

Apple Jam and Nuts

Bank of thick apple jam (jam) is mixed with a glass of finely chopped walnuts. This mass is very tasty to start pancakes, like any jam mixed with nuts.

Fresh apples with honey

Several fresh apples of sour-sweet varieties clean from the peel and the core, rub on the grater. Add a spoonful of liquid honey (if not, then you can do and sugar). If there are nuts - you can add a handful.


Chocolate tile melt on a water bath. Plug pancakes with liquid chocolate.


We make caramel from a half-table of water, a half-cook of sugar, pinching vanilla. Pour pancakes.

Whipped cream and strawberry

We take fresh or frozen strawberries (shelter), fall asleep in a blender. There, add cream (half a compartment), we whiple well. Suitable for this recipe any frozen berry. You can use a banana or kiwi. In general, do not be afraid to experiment. The main thing is that the mass, obtained in the blender, is enough to be worth it to start it (or at least water) pancakes. You can add honey or chocolate to the blender.


And finally, exotic fruit filling for pancakes.

Ingredients: Two Banana, Bank (200 grams) canned pineapple, 200 grams of kiwi, whipped cream.

Bananas and Kiwi cleaned, finely cut into cubes. Pineapples to see. Cut into cubes. All components mix and pour whipped cream. It turns out very tasty!

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