The number of dead 2 worlds. Losses in the Great Patriotic War

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World War II in numbers and facts

Ernest Hemingway from the preface to the book "Farewell, weapons!"

Having left the city, we were immediately heard at halfway to the front headquarters, and we saw a desperate shooting across the horizon by tracing bullets and shells. And they realized that the war was over. It could not mean anything else. I suddenly felt bad. I was ashamed to comrades, but after all I had to stop the "Willis" and get out. I started some spasms in the throat and the esophagus, began to break saliva, bitterness, bile. I do not know why. Probably, from nervous discharge, which expressed in such a ridiculous way. All these four years of war in different circumstances I tried very hard to be restrained person And, it seems, really was. And here at the moment when suddenly realized that the war was over, something was staring - the nerves were passed. Comrades did not laugh and did not have fun, silent.

Konstantin Simonov. "Different days of war. The day of the writer"



Japan's capitulation

The capitulation conditions of Japan were put forward in the Potsdam Declaration, signed on July 26, 1945 by the governments of Great Britain, the United States and China. However, the Japanese government refused to accept them.

The situation has changed after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as joining the War against Japan of the USSR (August 9, 1945).

But, even despite this, members of the Supreme Military Council of Japan were not inclined to adopt the conditions of surrender. Some of them believed that the continuation of the fighting would lead to a significant loss of Soviet and American troops, which would allow to conclude a truce on favorable conditions for Japan.

On August 9, 1945, the Prime Minister of Japan Kantaro Suzuki and a number of members of the Japanese government appealed to the Emperor to intervene in the situation with the aim of the speedy adoption of the conditions of the Potsdam Declaration. On the night of August 10, the emperor Hirokhito, who separated the fear of the Japanese government before the full destruction of the Japanese nation, ordered the Supreme Military Council to go on a unconditional surrender. On August 14, the emperor speech was recorded, in which he announced the unconditional surrender of Japan and the termination of the war.

On the night of August 15, a number of officers of the Ministry of Army and the employees of the Imperial Guard attempted to capture imperial palace, Take the emperor for home arrest and destroy his speech record in order to prevent Japan's surrender. The rebellion was depressed.

At noon, on August 15, Hirokhito speech was transferred by radio. This was the first appeal of the Emperor of Japan to ordinary people.

The act of surrenders of Japan was signed on September 2, 1945 on board the American Linkar "Missouri". It put a point in the most bloody War XX century.

Losses of Party


the USSR

From June 22, 1941 to September 2, 1945, about 26.6 million people were killed. General material losses - $ 2 trillion 569 billion (about 30% of all national wealth); Military spending - $ 192 billion in the prices of 1945 1,710 cities and towns, 70 thousand villages and villages, 32 thousand were destroyed. industrial enterprises.


From September 1, 1939 to September 2, 1945, in the war against Japan, 3 million to 3.75 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians were killed. In total, during the war years with Japan (from 1931 to 1945), China's losses amounted to, according to official Chinese statistics, more than 35 million military and civilian.


From September 1, 1939 to May 8, 1945, about 240 thousand servicemen and about 6 million civilians were killed. The territory of the country was occupied by Germany, resistance forces operated.


From April 6, 1941 to May 8, 1945, according to various data, died from 300 thousand to 446 thousand military personnel and from 581 thousand to 1.4 million civilians. The country was occupied by Germany, the detachments of resistance were acted.


From September 3, 1939 to May 8, 1945, 201 568 servicemen and about 400 thousand civilians were killed. The country was occupied by Germany, the resistance movement was operated. Material losses - 21 billion US dollars in prices 1945

Great Britain

From September 3, 1939 to September 2, 1945, 382,600 servicemen and 67,100 civilians were killed. Material losses - about 120 billion US dollars in prices 1945


From December 7, 1941 to September 2, 1945, 407,316 soldiers and about 6 thousand civilians were killed. Military Costs - about 341 billion US dollars in prices 1945


From October 28, 1940 to May 8, 1945, about 35 thousand servicemen were killed and from 300 to 600 thousand civilians.


From September 1, 1939 to May 11, 1945, according to various estimates, from 35 thousand to 46 thousand soldiers and from 294 thousand to 320 thousand civilians were killed. The country was occupied by Germany. Volunteering parts fought as part of the Allied Armed Forces.


From September 3, 1939 to September 2, 1945, about 87 thousand servicemen were killed. The civilian population of direct losses did not suffer, but a number of researchers consider to be a direct consequence of war death from 1.5 to 2.5 million Indians during the famine of 1943 (it was caused by the growth of food supplies of the British army).


From September 10, 1939 to September 2, 1945, 42 thousand soldiers and about 1 thousand 600 seafarers of the merchant fleet were killed. Material losses amounted to about 45 billion US dollars in prices of 1945

I saw women, they cried about the dead. They cried, because we were too much lied. You know how they come back from the war survived how much they occupy the places, how loudly boast the feats, what a terrible depicting death. Still would! They could not return too

Antoine de Saint-Exupery. "Citadel"

Hitler coalition (Axis Countries)


From September 1, 1939 to May 8, 1945, according to various data, from 3.2 to 4.7 million military personnel were killed, the loss of civilians was from 1.4 million to 3.6 million people. Military costs - about $ 272 billion in prices of 1945


From December 7, 1941 to September 2, 1945, 1.27 million servicemen were killed, the nebarean losses were 620 thousand, 140 thousand were injured, 85 thousand people were missing; Losses of civilians - 380 thousand people. Military spending - $ 56 billion in prices 1945


From June 10, 1940 to May 8, 1945, according to various data, 150 thousand to 400 thousand servicemen were killed, 131 thousand losses of civilians were missing - from 60 thousand to 152 thousand people. Military spending - about 94 billion US dollars in prices of 1945


From June 27, 1941 to May 8, 1945, according to various data, died from 120 thousand to 200 thousand military personnel. Losses of civilians - about 450 thousand people.


From June 22, 1941 to May 7, 1945, according to various data, died from 300 thousand to 520 thousand military personnel and from 200 thousand to 460 thousand civilians. Romania was originally on the side of the "axis" countries, on August 25, 1944 declared war in Germany.


From June 26, 1941 to May 7, 1945, about 83 thousand servicemen and about 2 thousand civilians were killed. On March 4, 1945, the country declared war in Germany.



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So far, it is not possible to reliably assess the material losses incurred by countries in the territory of which the war went, it is not possible.

For six years, many major cities have undergone total destruction, including some of the capital of states. The scale of the destruction was such that after the end of the war, these cities were built practically. Many cultural values \u200b\u200bwere irretrievably lost.

Results of World War II

United Kingdom Prime Minister Winston Churchill, US President Franklin Roosevelt and Soviet leader Joseph Stalin (from left to right) on the Yalta (Crimean) conference (photo chronicle TASS)

Post-war device world allies antihytler coalition Began to discuss even in the midst of hostilities.

August 14, 1941 on board a warship in the Atlantic Ocean near Oh. Newfoundland (Canada) US President Franklin Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill signed t. N. "Atlantic Charter"- A document that declares the goals of the two countries in the war against Nazi Germany and its allies, as well as their vision of the post-war device of the world.

January 1, 1942 Roosevelt, Churchill, as well as the USSR Ambassador to the USA Maxim Litvinov and the representative of China Song Tzu-Wen signed a document that later became known as "Declaration of the United Nations". The next day, the declaration was signed by representatives of another 22 other states. Obligations were made to make maximum efforts to achieve victory and not to enter into a separate world. It is from this date that the United Nations is leading its chronicle, although the final agreement on the establishment of this organization was achieved only in 1945 in Yalta during the meeting of the leaders of the three countries of the Anti-Hitler Coalition - Joseph Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill. It was agreed that the basis of the UN activities will be the principle of the unanimity of the great powers - permanent members of the Security Council with the right of veto.

In total during the war, three meetings took place in the top.

The first passed B. Tehran 28 November - December 1, 1943. The main issue was the opening of the second front in Western Europe. It was also decided to attract Turkey to the Anti-Hitler coalition. Stalin agreed to declare Japan's war after the completion of hostilities in Europe.

There are various estimates of the loss of the Soviet Union and Germany during the war of 1941-1945. Differences are related both to the methods of obtaining initial quantitative data on different groups Losses and with calculation methods.

In Russia, the official data on losses in the Great Patriotic War is considered to be the data published by a group of researchers under the leadership of the consultant of the Military Memorial Center of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Grigor Krivosheev in 1993 according to the refined data (2001), the losses were as follows:

  • Human losses of the USSR - 6.8 million military personnel killed and 4.4 million In captivity and missing. General demographic losses (including the deceased peaceful population) - 26.6 million human;
  • Human losses in Germany - 4.046 million military personnel who died, who died from wounds, missing (including 442.1 thousand dead in captivity), more 910.4 thousand returned from the captivity after the war;
  • Human losses in Germany in Germany - 806 thousand deadlorsal servicemen (including 137.8 thousand dead in captivity), more 662.2 thousand Returned from the captivity after the war.
  • Permanent losses of the armies of the USSR and Germany (including prisoners of war) - 11.5 million and 8.6 million person. (not to mention 1.6 million Prisoners of war after May 9, 1945), respectively. The ratio of irrevocable losses of the armies of the USSR and Germany with satellites is 1,3:1 .

History of calculation and official state recognition of losses

The study of the loss of the Soviet Union in the war actually began only in the late 1980s. With the arrival of publicity. Before that, in 1946, Stalin announced that the USSR lost during the war years 7 million people. With Khrushchev, this figure has increased to "More than 20 million". Only in 1988-1993. The team of military historians under the leadership of Colonel-General G. F. Krivosheev conducted a comprehensive statistical study of archival documents and other materials containing information about human losses in the army and the fleet, border and internal troops of the NKVD. At the same time, the results of the work of the General Staff Commission for the definition of the losses headed by the Army General S. M. Shtemenko (1966-1968) and a similar commission of the Ministry of Defense under the leadership of the army general MA Gareeyev (1988) were used. The team was also allowed to declassified in the late 1980s. Materials of the General Staff and the main headquarters of the species of the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Borderway and other archival institutions of the former USSR.

The total number of human losses in the Great Patriotic War was first promulgated in a rounded form (" nearly 27 million people.") At the ceremonial meeting of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on May 8, 1990, dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the victory of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War. In 1993, the results of the study were published in the book "The vulture of secrecy is removed. Losses of the Armed Forces of the USSR in wars, combat actions and military conflicts: a statistical study ", which was then translated into english. In 2001, the reprint of the book "Russia and the USSR in the wars of the XX century. Losses of the Armed Forces: Statistical Study. "

To determine the scale of human losses, this team enjoyed various methods, in particular:

  • statistical accountable, that is, by analyzing the existing accounting documents (first of all, reports on losses personnel The Armed Forces of the USSR),
  • balance, or by the method of demographic balance, that is, by comparing the number and age structure of the USSR population at the beginning and end of the war.

In 1990-2000. The print appeared as work offering amendments to official numbers (in particular, by refining statistical techniques) and completely alternative studies with strongly excellent losses. As a rule, in the works of the last type, the estimated human losses are far exceeded by 26.6 million people officially recognized.

For example, modern Russian publicist Boris Sokolov appreciated the general human losses of the USSR in 1939-1945. in 43 448 thousand Man, and the total number of those who died in the ranks of the Soviet Armed Forces in 1941-1945. in 26.4 million Man (of which 4 million people died in captivity). If you believe it calculations about the loss 2.6 million German soldiers on the Soviet-German front, then the loss ratio reaches 10: 1. At the same time, the general human losses in Germany in 1939-1945. He appreciated B. 5.95 million Man (including 300 thousand killed in concentration camps Jews, Gypsies and anti-Naziists). His evaluation of the dead military servicemen of the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS (including foreign formations) is 3 950 thousand human). However, it should be borne in mind that Sokolov in the loss of the USSR includes both demographic losses (that is, those who could be born, but not born), but for Germany does not lead such a calculation. Calculation of total losses of the USSR is based on frank falsification: the population of the USSR in the mid-1941 is taken at 209.3 million people (12-17 million people above the real, at the level of 1959), at the beginning of 1946 - in 167 million (by 3, 5 million above real), - that in the amount just gives the difference between the official and Sokolovsky figures. B. V. Sokolov's calculations are repeated in many publications and the media (in the film NTV "Victory. One on all", interviews and speeches of the writer Viktor Astafieva, Book I. V. Bestumev-Lada "Russia on the eve of the XXI century", etc.)

Human losses

Total assessment

A group of researchers under the direction of G. F. Krivosheev assesses the general human losses of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War, determined by the method of demographic balance, 26.6 million people. This includes all the opponents who died as a result of military and other actions, who died due to an increased mortality rate during the war in the occupied territory and in the rear, as well as persons emigrated from the USSR during the war years and did not return after its end. For comparison, according to estimates of the same team of researchers, a decline of the population of Russia in the First World War (losses of military personnel and civilians) amounted to 4.5 million people, and a similar decline in Civil War - 8 million people.

As for the sexual composition of the dead and dead, the overwhelming majority, naturally, accounted for men (about 20 million). In general, by the end of 1945, the number of women aged 20 to 29 years old was halved in the USSR, the number of men of the same age.

Considering the work of the G. F. Krivosheev, American demographers S. Maksudov and M. Elman comes to the conclusion that she had a 26-27 million human assessment assessment. However, they indicate both the possibility of underestimation of the number of losses due to incomplete accounting of the population of the territories attached to the USSR in front of the war and at the end of the war and the opportunity to overestimate losses due to the unacceptable emigration from the USSR in 1941-45. In addition, official calculations do not take into account the fall in the birth rate, due to which the USSR population by the end of 1945 would have to be approximately 35-36 million people More than in the absence of war. However, this figure is recognized as hypothetical, since it is based on not sufficiently strict assumptions.

According to another foreign researcher, M. Haynes, the figure of 26.6 million, obtained by the group F. Krivosheev, asks only the lower limit of all the losses of the USSR in the war. The total settlement of the population from June 1941 to June 1945 was 42.7 million people, and these digit corresponds to the upper limit. Therefore, the real number of military losses is in this interval. His, however, objects M. Harrison, which, on the basis of statistical calculations, concludes that even considering some uncertainty in evaluating emigration and decline in the birth rate, the real military losses of the USSR should be assessed within from 23.9 to 25.8 million people.


According to the Ministry of Defense of Russia, irrevocable losses during hostilities on the Soviet-German front from June 22, 1941 to May 9, 1945 amounted to 8,860,4300 Soviet soldiers. The source served as declassified in 1993 - 8,668,400 servicemen and data obtained during the search engines of the memory Watch and in historical archives. Of these (according to 1993 data):

  • Killed, died from wounds and diseases, unable losses - 6,885,100 people, including
    • Killed - 5,226,800 people.
    • Died from applied injuries - 1 102,800 people.
    • Died from various causes and accidents, shot - 555,500 people.

According to M. V. Filmism, during the Great Patriotic War, 4,559,000 Soviet soldiers and 500 thousand military-ridic, designed to mobilize, but not enrolled in the lists of troops were missing.

According to the data of G. F. Krivosheeva: During the Great Patriotic War, 3,396,400 soldiers were passed in total; 1,836,000 servicemen returned from captivity, did not return (died, emigrated) - 1 783 300.

Civilian population

A group of researchers under the leadership of G. F. Krivosheeva appreciated the loss of the civilian population of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War approximately 13.7 million people. Final figure 13.684.692 people. It consists of the following components:

  • it was deliberately exterminated in the occupied territory - 7.420.379 people.
  • died and died of cruel conditions of the occupying regime (hunger, infectious diseases, lack medical care etc.) - 4.100.000 people.
  • died on forced work in Germany - 2.164.313 people. (another 451.100 people. For various reasons, they did not return and became emigrants)

However, the peaceful population also carried great losses from the fighting of the enemy in theft-line areas, blockade and precipitated cities. Full statistical materials on the views under consideration of civilian losses are absent.

According to S. Maksudov, about 7 million people were killed in the occupied territories in the blockade Leningrad, 1 million in Blocade Leningrad, 3 million - the Holocaust Jews), and about 7 million people died as a result of increased mortality on non-buoyed territories.

Property losses

During the war years, 1710 cities and urban-type villages and more than 70 thousand villages and villages, 32 thousand industrial enterprises were destroyed, 98 thousand collective farms were defeated, 1876 state farms. The State Commission found that material damage There were about 30 percent of the national wealth of the Soviet Union, and in areas undergoing occupation, about two thirds. In general, the material losses of the Soviet Union are estimated by the amount of about 2 trillion. 600 billion rubles. For comparison, the national wealth of England decreased only by 0.8 percent, France - by 1.5 percent, and the United States of material losses essentially escaped.

Losses in Germany and their allies

Human losses

In a war against the Soviet Union, the German command was involved in the population of occupied countries by recruiting volunteers. Thus, there were separate military formations from among the citizens of France, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Croatia, as well as from the USSR citizens who were captured or in the occupied territory (Russians, Ukrainian, Armenian, Georgian, Azerbaijani, Muslim, etc.). How exactly the losses of these formations were taken into account, there is no clear information in German statistics.

Also, a permanent obstacle to the determination of a real number of losses of the personal composition of the troops was to mix the losses of military personnel with losses of civilians. For this reason, in Germany, Hungary, and Romania, the loss of the armed forces are significantly reduced, as part of them is taken into account among the victims of the civilian population. (200 thousand people. Losses of military personnel, but 260 thousand - civilians). For example, in Hungary, this ratio was "1: 2" (140 thousand - losses of military personnel and 280 thousand - the loss of civilians). All this significantly distorts statistics on the loss of troops of countries who fought on the Soviet-German front.

In the German Radiotelegram, which is emanating from the Wehrmacht's loss accounting department of May 22, 1945, addressed to the OKV-General-General, the following information is given:

According to the certificate of the organizing department of OKH dated May 10, 1945, only land forces, including the SS troops (without the Air Force and IUD), for the period from September 1, 1939 to May 1, 1945 lost 4 million 617.0 thousand people.

Two months before the death of Hitler in one of the speeches announced that Germany lost 12.5 million killed and injured, of which half were killed. With this message, he actually denied the assessment of human losses made by other fascist leaders and government bodies.

General Yodl after the end of hostilities said that Germany, a total of 12 million 400 thousand people, of which 2.5 million were killed, 3.4 million missing and prisoners and 6.5 million wounded, of which Approximately 12-15% did not return to the system for one or another reasons.

According to annex to the German law "On the conservation of the burial places" the total number of buried in the USSR and of Eastern Europe German soldiers are 3.226 million, of which the names of 2.395 million are known.

Prisoners of war of Germany and its allies

Information on the number of prisoners of war of the Armed Forces of Germany and the Allied countries taken into account in the Camps of the USSR NKVD as of April 22, 1956


Turn into account prisoners of war

Released and repatriated

Died in captivity


Czechs and Slovaks

French people






Other nationality

Total by Wehrmacht


Total in allies

Total prisoners of war

Alternative theories

In 1990-2000, publications have been published with data on losses that are very different from those accepted by historical science. As a rule, while the estimated Soviet losses are much superior to historians.

For example, the modern Russian publicist Boris Sokolov appreciated the general human losses of the USSR in 1939-1945 in 43,448 thousand people, and the total number of those who died in the ranks of the Soviet Armed Forces in 1941-1945. In 26.4 million people (of which 4 million people died in captivity). According to its calculations on the loss of 2.6 million German soldiers on the Soviet-German front, then the ratio of losses reaches 10: 1. At the same time, the general human losses of Germany in 1939-1945 he estimated at 5.95 million people (including 300 thousand killed in concentration camps of Jews, Gypsies and anti-Nazi). His evaluation of the dead soldiers of the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS (including foreign formations) is 3,950 thousand people). However, it should be borne in mind that Sokolov in the loss of the USSR includes both demographic losses (that is, those who could be born, but not born), but for Germany does not lead such a calculation. Calculation of total losses of the USSR is based on frank falsification: the population of the USSR in the mid-1941 is taken at 209.3 million people (12-17 million people above the real, at the level of 1959), at the beginning of 1946 - in 167 million (by 3, 5 million lower than real), - that in the amount just gives the difference between the official and Sokolovsky figures. B. V. Sokolov's calculations are repeated in many publications and the media (in the film NTV "Victory. One on all", interviews and speeches of the writer Viktor Astafieva, Book I. V. Bestumev-Lada "Russia on the eve of the XXI century", etc.)

In contrast to the very controversial publications of Sokolov, there are works of other authors, many of which are driven by the establishment of a real picture of what happened, and not the requirements of modern political conjuncture. From the general range, Garbiana Igor Ludwigovich is being taken out. The author uses open official sources and data, explicitly indicating non-slipping in them, emphasizes attention on the methods used to manipulate statistics. The methods that he used for its own estimation of the loss of Germany are interesting: the female transcendent in the age-age pyramid, the balance sheet method, the assessment method on the structure of prisoners and the rating on the rotation army compounds. Each method gives similar results - from 10 before 15 million people of irretrievable losses, excluding the losses of satellite countries. The results obtained are often confirmed by indirect, and sometimes direct facts from official German sources. The work consciously made a bias on the indirection of multiple facts. Such data is more difficult to falsify, because the totality of the facts and their peripetias is impossible to provide for falsification, which means there will be no checking attempts at different ways of evaluation.

Before you go to explanations, statistics, etc., let's immediately explain what is meant. This article discusses the losses incurred by the Red Army, the Wehrmacht and the troops of the Satellites of the Third Reich, as well as the civilian population of the USSR and Germany, only in the period from 06.22.1941 until the end of hostilities in Europe (unfortunately, in the case of Germany, it is practically Sorry). Consciously excluded the Soviet-Finnish war and the "liberation" campaign of the Red Army. The question of the losses of the USSR and Germany was repeatedly rising in the press, there are endless disputes on the Internet and on television, but the researchers of this issue cannot come to a single denominator, because, as a rule, all arguments are as follows to emotional and politicized statements. This once again proves how painful is a question in domestic. The purpose of the article is not the "clarification" of the final truth in this matter, and the attempt to summarize the various data contained in the scattered sources. The right to conclude will provide the reader.

With all the diversity of literature and network resources about the Great Patriotic War, the ideas about it are largely suffering from certain surfaces. The main reason for this is the ideologicalness of a study or work and it does not matter what kind of ideology is a communist or anti-communist. The interpretation of such a grand event in the light of any ideology is obviously false.

Especially bitterly read the last time that the war is 1941-45. was only a fight of two totalitarian regimeswhere one, they say, quite consistent with another. We will try to look at this war in terms of the most justified - geopolitical.

Germany 30s, with all its Nazi "features," directly and steadily continued to continue the powerful desire for the championship in Europe, which in centuries determined the path of the German nation. Even a purely liberal German sociologist Max Weber wrote during the 1st World War: "... We, 70 million Germans ... are obliged to be an empire. We have to do this, even if we are afraid to suffer defeat. " The roots of this aspiration of the Germans are rooted deep into centuries, as a rule, the appeal of the Nazis to medieval and even pagan Germany is interpreted as a purely ideological event, as the design of the mobilizing nation of myth.

From my point of view everything is more complicated: it is german tribes Created the Empire of Karl the Great, later on its foundation there was a sacred Roman Empire of the German nation. And it was the "Empire of the German nation" that created what was called "European civilization" and began the conquest policy of Europeans from the Sacramental "Drang Nach Osten" - "on the East", after all, half of the "original" German lands, up to 8-10 centuries belonged slavic tribes. Therefore, the assignment of the War Plan against the "barbaric" USSR name "Plan Barbarossa" is not an accidental coincidence. This ideology of the "championship" of Germany as the fundamental forces of the "European" civilization was the initial cause of two world wars. And at the beginning of World War II, could indeed (albeit not for long) to fulfill its aspiration.

Coming within the limits of a particular European country, the German troops met an amazing resistance in their weakness and indecision. Short-term structures of the armies of European countries with invading themselves in their limits by German troops, with the exception of Poland, were rather compliance with some "custom" war than valid resistance.

It is extremely much written about the air "Resistance Movement", allegedly appreciated the Giant Damune of Germany and testified that Europe flatly rejected his merger under the German primacy. But, with the exception of Yugoslavia, Albania, Poland and Greece, the scale of resistance is the same ideological myth. Undoubtedly, the regime established by Germany in the occupied countries has not satisfied the wide sections of the population. In German itself, also there was a resistance to the regime, but neither in any case it was not the resistance of the country and the nation as a whole. For example, 20 thousand people died in the resistance movement in France for 5 years; For the same 5 years, about 50 thousand Frenchmen who fought on the German side, that is, 2.5 times more!

IN soviet time The hyperbolization of resistance was introduced into the minds as a useful ideological myth, they say, our struggle with Germany supported all Europe. In fact, as already mentioned, only 4 countries had serious resistance to the invaders, which is explained by their "patriarchalism": they were alien to them not so much "German" orders arrested by Reich, how many pan-European, for these countries in their own way of life and consciousness are not much belonged to European civilization (although geographically included in Europe).

Thus, by 1941, almost all continental Europe, one way or another, but without much shocks, he became part of the new empire with Germany headed. From the existed two dozen European countries, almost half - Spain, Italy, Denmark, Norway, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Finland, Croatia - together with Germany entered into war against the USSR, sent to the Eastern Front of its Armed Forces (Denmark and Spain without a formal announcement wars). The remaining European countries did not participate in hostilities against the USSR, but somehow "worked" to Germany, or, rather, to the newly formed European empire. Invalid idea of \u200b\u200bevents in Europe forced us to forget about many real events of that time. For example, the Anglo-American troops under the command of Eisenhower in November 1942 in North Africa initially fought not with the Germans, and with the two-thousandth army of the French, despite the fast "victory" (Jean Darlan, in view of the obvious superiority of the Allied forces, ordered to surrender to the French troops), In combat actions killed 584 Americans, 597 British and 1600 French. Of course, this is meager losses on the scale of the Second World War, but they show that the situation was somewhat more difficult than they usually think.

The Red Army in the battles on the Eastern Front captured half a million of prisoners who are citizens seemingly not fought from the USSR countries! It can be argued that these are "sacrifices" of the German violence that drove them into Russian expanses. But the Germans were not more stupid of us with you and hardly allow the front of the maglandous contingent. And while the next great and multinational army tried victory in Russia, Europe was, in general, on her side. Franz Galder in his diary on June 30, 1941 recorded Hitler's words: "European unity as a result of a joint war against Russia." And Hitler quite correctly estimated the position. In fact, the geopolitical goals of the war against the USSR were carried out not only the Germans, and 300 million Europeans, united on various grounds - from forced subordination to the desired cooperation - but, anyway, acting together. Only due to the support on continental Europe, the Germans were able to mobilize 25% of the total population into the army (for reference: the USSR mobilized 17% of its citizens). In short, the strength and technical equipment of the army, who invaded the USSR, provided tens of millions of skilled workers of the whole Europe.

Why did I need so long accession? The answer is simple. Finally, it is necessary to realize that the USSR fought not only with the German Thiemge Reich, but almost with all of Europe. Unfortunately, the eternal "Russophobia" of Europe was the fear of the "terrible beast" - Bolshevism. Many volunteers from European countries who fought in Russia fought precisely with an alien to them communist ideology. No less than their number was conscious hatering "defective" Slavs infected with plague racial superiority. Modern German historian R. Ryrup writes:

"In many documents of the Third Reich, the image of the enemy was captured - Russian, deeply rooted in Germanic history and society. Such views were peculiar to even those officers and soldiers who were not convinced or enthusiastic Nazis. They (these soldiers and officers) also shared the ideas about" eternal struggle "Germans ... about protection european Culture from "Asian Hordes", about the cultural vocation and the right of the German domination in the east. The image of the enemy of this type was widespread in Germany, he belonged to "spiritual values". "

And this geopolitical consciousness was characteristic not only to the Germans, as such. After June 22, 1941, voluntary legions appear on yeast, later the Nordland (Scandinavian), Langmearc (Belgian-Flemadavskaya), "Charlemander" (French) appears on the yeast. Guess where they defended "European Civilization"? Right, quite far from Western Europe, in Belarus, in Ukraine, in Russia. German Professor K. Pfefffer wrote in 1953: "Most volunteers from Western European countries walked to the Eastern Front because they saw in this General task For all of the West ... "With the forces of almost all of Europe and destined to the USSR, and not only with Germany, and this was not" two totalitarianism ", but the" civilized and progressive "Europe with the" barbaric state of non-progress ", so long Europeans from the East.

1. Losses of the USSR

According to official data census of 1939, 170 million people lived in the USSR - significantly more than in any other single country of Europe. The entire population of Europe (without the USSR) amounted to 400 million people. By the beginning of World War II, the population of the Soviet Union was distinguished from the population of future opponents and allies high levels mortality and low lifetime. However, high fertility provided a significant increase in the population (2% in 1938-39). Also, the difference from Europe consisted in the youth of the USSR population: the share of children under 15 years old was 35%. It was this feature that allowed relatively fast (in terms of 10 years) to restore the pre-war number of the population. The share of the urban population was only 32%, (for comparison: in the UK - more than 80%, in France - 50%, in Germany - 70%, in the US - 60%, and only in Japan, she had the same amount as in Japan THE USSR).

In 1939, the population of the USSR increased markedly after entering the country of new regions (Western Ukraine and Belarus, Baltic States, Bukovina and Bessarabia), whose population ranged from 20 to 22.5 million people. The total population of the USSR, on the certificate of the CSS as of January 1, 1941, was determined in 198,588 thousand people (including the RSFSR - 111,745 thousand people) on modern estimates, it was still less, and on June 1, 41 amounted to 196.7 million people.

The population of some countries in 1938-40.

USSR - 170.6 (196.7) million people;
Germany - 77.4 million people;
France - 40.1 million people;
United Kingdom - 51.1 million people;
Italy - 42.4 million people;
Finland - 3.8 million people;
US - 132.1 million people;
Japan - 71.9 million people.

By 1940, the Population of Reich increased to 90 million people, and taking into account satellites and conquered countries - 297 million people. By December 1941, the USSR lost 7% of the country's territory, in which 74.5 million people lived before the start of the Securities. This once again emphasizes that despite Hitler's assurances, the USSR did not have advantages in human resources over the Third Reich.

For all the time the Great Patriotic War in our country, 34.5 million people put on a military uniform. This amounted to about 70% of the total number of men aged 15-49 in 1941. The number of women in the Red Army was approximately 500 thousand. Above the percentage called only in Germany, but as we said earlier, the deficit work force The Germans were covered at the expense of workers and prisoners of war. In the USSR, such a deficit was covered with an increased duration of the working day and the widespread work of women, children and old people.

We did not speak about the direct irretrievable losses of the Red Army for a long time in the USSR. In a private conversation, Marshal Konev called 10 million people in 1962, a well-known run-away - Colonel Kalinov, who escaped to the West in 1949 - 13.6 million people. The figure of 10 million people was made public in the French version of the book "War and Population" B. C. Urlanis, a famous Soviet demographer. The authors of the famous monograph "Vulture of Secrecy is removed" (ed. Krivosheev) in 1993 and in 2001 published a figure of 8.7 million people, this moment In most reference books it is indicated by it. But the authors themselves state that there are not included: 500 thousand military-ridden, designed to mobilize and captured by the enemy, but not enrolled in parts and compounds. Also not taken into account almost completely dead militias of Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev and other major cities. Currently the most full lists Irrevocable losses of Soviet soldiers constitute 13.7 million people, but approximately 12-15% of records are repaid. According to the article " Dead Souls Great Patriotic "(" NG ", 06/22/99), the historical and archival search center" Fate "Association" Military Memorials "found that due to the double and even triple accounting, the number of dead warriors of the 43rd and 2nd shock armies in the studied The battle center was overestimated by 10-12%. Since these figures refer to the period when the loss of losses in the Red Army was not careful enough, it can be assumed that in the whole of the war due to the double account, the number of dead Red Army teams overestimated by about 5-7%, i.e. 0,2- 0.4 million people

On the question of prisoners. An American researcher A. Dallin according to archival German data assesses their number of 5.7 million people. Of these, 3.8 million were killed. That is, 63%. Domestic historians estimate the number of prisoners of Red Army teams in 4.6 million people, of which 2.9 million were killed. Unlike German sources, civilians are not included here (for example, railroad workers), as well as seriously wounded, remaining on the battlefield, occupied by the enemy, and subsequently the dead from the Russian Academy of Sciences or the shot (about 470-500 thousand) especially desperate the situation of prisoners of war was in the first year of the war, when more than half of their total numbers were captured (2.8 million people), and their work was not yet used in The interests of the Reich. Camps under open sky, hunger and cold, diseases and lack of drugs, the most severe appeal, mass executions of patients and unable to work, and just all unwanted, first of all commissioners and the Jews. Without coping with the flow of prisoners and guided by political and propaganda motifs, the invaders in 1941 were dissolved in houses over 300 thousand prisoners of war, mainly natives of Western Ukraine and Belarus. In the future, this practice was discontinued.

Also, do not forget that approximately 1 million prisoners of war was translated from captivity to the auxiliary parts of the Wehrmacht. In many cases, for the prisoners, it was the only chance to survive. Again, most of these people, in German data, at the first opportunity, tried to desert from parts and connections of the Wehrmacht. In the local auxiliary forces of the German army allocated:

1) Voluntary Assistants (Hii)
2) Order Service (Oda)
3) front-line auxiliary parts (noise)
4) Police and defense teams (Gema).

In early 1943 in the Wehrmacht operated: up to 400 thousand hii, from 60 to 70 thousand Odd, and 80 thousand in the eastern battalions.

Some of the prisoners of war and the population of the occupied territories made a conscious choice in favor of cooperation with the Germans. Thus, there were 82,000 volunteers in the SS division "Galicin" on 13,000 "places". More than 100 thousand Latvians, 36 thousand Lithuanians and 10 thousand Estonians served in the German army, mainly in the SS troops.

In addition, several million people from the captured territories were hijacked for compulsory work in the Reich. ChGK (Emergency State Commission) immediately after the war, estimated their number of 4.259 million people. Later research gives a figure of 5.45 million people, of which 850-1000 thousand died.

Estimates of the direct physical extermination of the civilian population, according to CHG from 1946.

RSFSR - 706 thousand people.
Ussr - 3256.2 thousand people.
BSSR - 1547 thousand people.
Lit. SSR - 437.5 thousand people.
Lat. SSR - 313.8 thousand people.
Est. SSR - 61.3 thousand people.
Mold SSR - 61 thousand people.
Karelian Fin. SSR - 8 thousand people. (10)

Such high numbers for Lithuania and Latvia are explained by the fact that there were camps of death and concentration camps for prisoners of war. The loss of the population in the front-line strip during the fighting were huge. However, it is virtually impossible to determine them. The minimum permissible value is the number of dead in the blockade Leningrad, that is, 800 thousand people. In 1942, the target mortality rate in Leningrad reached 74.8%, that is, about 75 babies died out of 100 newborns!

Another important question. What is the number of former Soviet citizens after the end of the Great Patriotic War, did not prefer not to return to the USSR? According to Soviet archival data, the number of "second emigration" was 620 thousand people. 170 000 - Germans, Bessaratsev and Bukovintsev, 150,000 - Ukrainians, 109,000 - Latvians, 230,000 - Estonians and Lithuanians and only 32,000 Russians. Today, this assessment is clearly understated. According to modern data, emigration from the USSR amounted to 1.3 million people. What gives us a difference in almost 700 thousand, previously relating to irrevocable loss of the population.

So, what are the losses of the Red Army, the civilian population of the USSR and general demographic losses in the Great Patriotic War. For twenty years, the fundamental assessment was "attracted" for the ears of N. Khrushchev, 20 million people. In 1990, as a result of the work of the Special Commission, the General Staff and the State Statistics Committee, the USSR appears a more informed estimate of 26.6 million people. At the moment it is official. Attention is drawn to the fact that in 1948, the American sociologist Timashev gave an assessment of the USSR losses in the war, which practically coincided with the assessment of the Commission of the General Staff. Also with the data of the commission Krivosheev coincides with Maxudov, made by him in 1977. According to the commission of F. Krivosheev.

So let's summarize:

Post-war estimate of the Red Army loss: 7 million people.
Timashev: Red Army - 12.2 million people, the civilian population is 14.2 million., Direct human losses of 26.4 million people, general demographic 37.3 million.
ARTTZ and Khrushchev: Direct Human: 20 million people.
Biraben and Solzhenitsyn: Red Army 20 million people, the peaceful population of 22.6 million people, direct human 42.6 million, general demographic 62.9 million people.
Maksudov: Red Army - 11.8 million people, the peaceful population of 12.7 million people, direct human losses 24, 5 million people. It is impossible not to make a reservation that S. Maksudov (A. P. Babenyshev, Harvard University of USA) Pure battle losses of ka defined 8.8 million people
Rybakovsky: Direct people 30 million people.
Andreev, Darsky, Kharkov (General Staff, Commission Krivosheev): Direct combat losses of the Red Army 8.7 million (11, 994 including prisoners of war). Peaceful population (including prisoners of war) 17.9 million people. Direct human losses 26.6 million people.
B. Sokolov: Losses of the Red Army - 26 million people
M. Harrison: The total losses of the USSR - 23.9 - 25.8 million people.

What do we have in the "dry" residue? We will be guided by simple logic.

Evaluation of the loss of the Red Army, given in 1947 (7 million) does not cause confidence, since not all counts even in imperfection soviet system were completed.

Khrushchev estimate is also not confirmed. On the other hand, the "Solzhenitsynsk" 20 million people are the losses of only an army or even 44 million (not denying some talent A. Solzhenitsyn as a writer, all the facts and figures in his works are not confirmed by a single document and understand where he is not confirmed I took it - impossible).

Boris Sokolov tries to push us that the losses of only the Armed Forces of the USSR amounted to 26 million people. It is guided by the indirect method of calculations. The loss of the officer composition of the Red Army, the Sokolov is 784 thousand people (1941-44) Mr. Sokolov, referring to the average loss of Wehrmacht officers on the Eastern Front of 62,500 people (1941-44), and Muller-Gillebranta data , removes the ratio of losses of the officer corps to the ordinary composition of the Wehrmacht, as 1:25, that is, 4%. And, the devoting, extrapolates this technique to the Red Army, receiving its 26 million irrevocable losses. However, this approach at closer looks is initially false. First, 4% of the officers' losses are not the upper limit, for example, in the Polish campaign, Wehrmacht lost 12% of officers to the total loss of Sun. Secondly, Mr. Sokolov would not know that at the staff of the German infantry regiment in 3049 people of officers there were 75 people, that is, 2.5%. And in the Soviet infantry shelf, with a number of 1582 people - officers of 159 people, i.e., 10%. Thirdly, the appealing to the Wehrmacht, Sokolov forgets that the more combat experience in the troops the less loss among officers. IN Polish campaign Losses of German officers -12%, in French - 7%, and on the eastern front already 4%.

The same can be applied to the RKKA: if at the end of the war, the loss of officers (not on Sokolov, and according to statistics) was 8-9%, then 24% could be at the beginning. It turns out like a schizophrenic, everything is logical and correct, only the initial package is incorrect. Why did we stop in such detail on the theory of Sokolov? Yes, because the city of Sokolov often sets out its numbers in the media.

Taking into account the foregoing, throwing deliberately understated and overestimated assessments of losses, we obtain: Krivosheev Commission - 8.7 million people (with prisoners of war of 11.99 million. Data 2001), Maxudov - Losses are even somewhat lower than official - 11.8 million people. (1977 -93), Timashev - 12.2 million people. (1948). This here can also be classified and the opinion of M. Harrison, with the level of common losses specified by them, the loss of the army should be laid at this interval. These data were obtained by various methods of calculations, since Timashev and Maksudov, respectively, did not have access to the archives of the USSR MO and Russia. It seems that the losses of the USSR Sun in the Second World War are very close to such a "carut" group of results. Let's not forget that these figures include 2.6-3.2 million destroyed Soviet prisoners of war.

In conclusion, it should probably agree with Maxudov's opinion that the emigration outflow should be excluded from the number of losses, which amounted to 1.3 million people, which did not take into account the study of the General Staff. This magnitude should reduce the amount of USSR's loss in the Second World War. In percentage ratio, the structure of losses of the USSR looks like this:

41% - Losses of the Sun (including prisoners of war)
35% - Losses of the Sun (without prisoners of war, i.e. direct combat)
39% - population loss of occupied territories and front-line strip (45% with prisoners of war)
8% - the population of the rear
6% - Gulag
6% - emigration outflow.

2. Losses of the Wehrmacht and SS troops

To date, there are no sufficiently reliable figures of the loss of the German army obtained by direct statistical counting. This is explained by the lack of significant initial statistical materials on German losses for various reasons.

A more or less clear picture relative to the number of prisoners of war vermochet on the Soviet-German front. According to Russian sources, soviet troops 3 172 300 Wehrmacht soldiers were captured, of which there were 2388443 Germans in the NKVD camps. According to the calculations of German historians, in the Soviet camps of prisoners of war, only the German servicemen were about 3.1 million. Discrepancy, as you can see, about 0.7 million people. This discrepancy explains the differences in the assessment of the number of those who died in captivity of the Germans: 356,700 Germans died in the Soviet capture, 3,56,700 Germans were killed in the Soviet captivity, and according to the evaluation of German researchers about 1.1 million people. It seems that a more reliable is the Russian figure of those who died in captivity of the Germans, and the missing 0.7 million missing and not returned from the captivity of Germans actually died not to captivity, but on the battlefield.

The absolute majority of publications devoted to the calculations of the combat demographic losses of the Wehrmacht and the SS troops are based on the data of the Central Bureau (Division) of accounting for the losses of the personnel of the Armed Forces, which is part of the German General Staff of the Supreme Command. Moreover, refusing the reliability of Soviet statistics, German data is regarded as absolutely reliable. But upon closer examination, it turned out that the view about the high reliability of this department is greatly exaggerated. So, the German historian R. Overmans in the article "The Human Victims of the Second World War in Germany" came to the conclusion that "... the channels of receipt of information in the Wehrmacht do not detect the degree of reliability that some authors attribute to them." As an example, he reports that "... The official conclusion of the losses in the headquarters of the Wehrmacht, relating by 1944, documented that the losses that were incurred during the Polish, French and Norwegian campaigns and the identification of which did not imagine any technical difficulties were almost twice the above than originally reported. " According to Muller-Gillebrand, which many researchers believe, the demographic losses of Wehrmacht amounted to 3.2 million people. Another 0.8 million died in captivity. However, on the certificate of the Organizational Department of the OKH dated May 1, 1945, only land forces, including the SS troops (without the Air Force and Navy), for the period from September 1, 1939 to May 1, 1945 lost 4 million 617.0 thousand. person. This is the latest message about the loss of Germany. In addition, from mid-April 1945, the centralized accounting losses were not conducted. And from the beginning of 1945, the data is incomplete. It remains that in one of the last radio programs with his participation, Hitler voiced the figure of 12.5 million total losses of the Armed Forces of Germany, of which 6.7 million is irretrievably, which exceeds the data of Muller-Gillebrand about twice. It was in March 1945. I do not think that in two months the soldiers of the Red Army did not kill a single German.

In general, the information of the Wehrmacht's loss department cannot serve as the initial data for calculating the losses of the Armed Forces of Germany in the Great Patriotic War.

There is another statistics of losses - the statistics of burials soldiers of the Wehrmacht. According to annex to the FRG law "On the preservation of burial places", the total number of German soldiers located in fixed burials on the territory of the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries is 3 million 226 thousand people. (Only USSR - 2,330,000 burials). This figure can be accepted as an initial for the calculation of the demographic loss of the Wehrmacht, however, it needs to be adjusted.

Firstly, this figure takes into account only the burial of the Germans, and in the version of the Wehrmacht fought big number Soldier of other nationalities: Austrians (of which 270 thousand people died.), Subit Germans and Alsatsev (230 thousand people died) and representatives of other nationalities and states (357 thousand people died). Of the total number of dead soldiers of the Wehrmacht of non-German nationality, the Soviet-German front share accounts for 75-80%, i.e. 0.6-0.7 million people.

Secondly, this figure refers to the beginning of the 90s of the last century. For the past since then, the search for German burials in Russia, the CIS countries and Eastern European countries continued. And the reports that appeared on this topic were not informative. For example, the Russian Association of Military Memorials, established in 1992, reported that over 10 years of its existence handed over the German Union for the care of military burials about the burials of 400 thousand of the Wehrmacht soldier. However, whether these are newly detected burials or they are already taken into account in the figure of 3 million 226 thousand. Unclear. Unfortunately, the generalized statistics of the newly discovered burials failed to find a soldier of the Wehrmacht. It can be not recommended that the number of soldiers of the Wehrmacht revealed over the past 10 years of burials is within 0.2-0.4 million people.

Thirdly, many burials of the dead soldiers of the Wehrmacht on the Soviet Earth disappeared or deliberately destroyed. Approximately in such disappeared and nameless graves could be buried 0.4-0.6 million Soldiers of Wehrmacht.

In fourth, these data are not included in the burial of German soldiers killed in battles with Soviet troops in Germany and Western European countries. According to R. Overmans, only over the past three spring months of war, about 1 million people died. (The minimum estimate of 700 thousand) as a whole, in the German Earth and in Western European countries in battles with the Red Army, approximately 1.2-1.5 million of the Wehrmacht soldier died.

Finally, in the fifths, the soldiers of the Wehrmacht were among the buried, died "natural" death (0.1-0.2 million people)

Assessment of the Loss of Wehrmacht using the Balance of the Armed Forces of Germany during the war, Articles of Major General V. Gurkina are devoted. Its calculated numbers are given in the second column of Table. 4. Two figures are drawn here, characterizing the number of mobilized in the Wehrmacht during the war, and the number of soldiers of the Wehrmacht soldiers. The number of mobilized during the war years (17.9 million people) was taken from B. Muller-Guillebrand "Ground Army of Germany 1933-1945", T.Z. At the same time, V. P. Bohar believes that the Wehrmacht was called for more - 19 million people.

The number of prisoners of war of the Wehrmacht was defined by V. Gurquin summarizing the prisoners of war taken by the Red Army (3.178 million people) and the Allied Forces (4.209 million people) until May 9, 1945. In my opinion, this is overestimated: it includes prisoners of war, which were not soldiers of the Wehrmacht. In the book Paul Karel and Putender Beddecer "German prisoners of war of World War II" reported: "... In June 1945, the combined command of the Allies became known that 7,614,794 prisoners of war and unarmed people of military personnel were known in the camps, of which 4,209,000 by the time The surrender was already in captivity. "Among the 4.2 million German prisoners of war, except for Wehrmacht soldiers, there were many others. For example, in the French vitrile-Francois camp, among the prisoners, it was 15 years old, the oldest one is almost 70." The authors write about the prisoners of folksturmovtsy, about the organization of special "children's" camps, which collected prisoners of the twelve-thirteen-year-old boys from "Hitlergenda" and "Vervolf". Mentioned about the placement in the camps even persons with disabilities. In the article "My way to Ryazan captivity" (" Map "No. 1, 1992) Heinrich Shippmann noted:

"It should be taken into account that first was captured, although mostly, but not only exclusively, not only the soldiers of the Wehrmacht or military personnel of the SS detachments, but also the service personnel of the Air Force, members of the Volkssturma or semi-union unions (the organization" Todt "," Service Labor Reich ", etc.). Among them were not only men, but also women - and not only the Germans, but also the so-called" Folksdoych "and" Alien "- Croats, Serbs, Cossacks, North and Western Europeans, who In some way, they fought on the side of the German Wehrmacht or ranked to him. In addition, with the occupation of Germany in 1945, everyone who wore a form was arrested, even if it was about the head of the railway station. "

In general, among 4.2 million prisoners of war taken by allies until May 9, 1945, approximately 20 -25% were not soldiers of the Wehrmacht. This means that in captivity of the allies there were 3.1-3.3 million soldiers of the Wehrmacht.

The total number of Wehrmacht's military personnel, captured to surrender, was 6.3-6.5 million people.

In general, the demographic battle losses of the Wehrmacht and the SS troops on the Soviet-German front account for 5.2-6.3 million people, of which 0.36 million were killed in captivity, and irrevocable losses (taking into account the prisoners) 8.2 -9.1 million people It should also be noted that domestic historiography before recent years did not mention some data on the number of prisoners of war of the Wehrmacht to end the hostilities in Europe, apparently, according to ideological reasons, because it is much more pleasant to believe that Europe "fought" with fascism than to make aware that some and very large number of Europeans consciously fought in the Wehrmacht. So, according to the note General Antonov, on May 25, 1945. The Red Army was captured by 5 million 20 thousand. Only the soldier of the Wehrmacht was captured, from them until August after the filtrational events were released 600 thousand people (Austrians, Chekhov, Slovaks, Slovenians, Poles and TD.), And these prisoners of war in the camps NKVD did not go. Thus, the irrevocable losses of the Wehrmacht in battles with the Red Army can be even higher (about 0.6 - 0.8 million. People).

There is another way to "calculate" the losses of Germany and the Third Reich in the war against the USSR. Completely correct. We will try to "substitute" numbers belonging to Germany into the method of calculating the general demographic losses of the USSR. Moreover, we will use only the official data of the German side. So, the population of Germany for 1939 was according to Muller-Gillebrandt (p. 700 of his work, such a favorite supporters of the theory of "false corpses") 80.6 million people. At the same time, we, the reader, must be borne in mind that there are 6.76 million Austrians here, and the population of the Sudetykan region - another 3.64 million people. That is, the population of Germany in the borders of 1933 in 1939 was (80.6 - 6.76 - 3.64) 70.2 million. With these simple mathematical actions dealt with. Next: Natural mortality in the USSR was 1.5% per year, but in Western European countries, mortality was much lower and accounted for 0.6 - 0.8% per year, Germany did not make an exception. However, the fertility in the USSR approximately in the same proportion exceeded European, due to which the USSR had a steadily high population growth of all pre-war years since 1934.

We know about the results of the post-war census of the population in the USSR, but few people know that a similar census of the population was conducted by the Allied occupying authorities October 29, 1946 in Germany. The census gave the following results:

Soviet occupation zone (without Vost. Berlin): men - 7, 419 million, women - 9.914 million, and in total: 17,333 million people.

All western occupation zones, (without zap. Berlin): Men - 20,614 million, women - 24,804 million, Total: 45,418 million people.

Berlin (all occupation sectors), men - 1.29 million, women - 1.89 million, and total: 3.18 million people.

Total population of Germany - 65? 931? 000 people. Purely arithmetic effect of 70.2 million - 66 million, it seems to decline only 4.2 million. However, everything is not so simple.

At the time of the census in the USSR, the number of children born since the beginning of 1941 was about 11 million, the birth rate in the USSR during the war dramatically fell sharply and was only 1.37% per year from the pre-population. Fertility in Germany and in peacetime did not exceed 2% per year on the population. Suppose she fell only 2 times, and not in 3, as in the USSR. That is, the natural population increase during the war years and the first post-war year was about 5% of the pre-war numbers, and the figures amounted to 3.5-3.8 million children. This figure should be added to the final figure of the population of Germany. Now the arithmetic is different: a general loss of the population is 4.2 million + 3.5 million \u003d 7.7 million people. But this is not the final digit; For the completeness of the calculations, we need to take away the population's decline in the number of natural mortality over the war years and 1946, which is 2.8 million people (take a figure of 0.8% to be "higher"). Now the general decline in the population of Germany, caused by the war, is 4.9 million people. That, in general, it is very "similar" to the figure of the irrevocable losses of the Rahahous Ground Forces given by Muller-Gillebrandt. So, the USSR, who lost 26.6 million of their citizens in the war, was really "bought by corpses" of his opponent? Patience, dear reader, let's finally bring your calculations to a logical completion.

The fact is that the population of Germany itself in 1946 increased, even at least 6.5 million people, and allegedly even 8 million! By the time of the 1946 census (in German, by the way, the data published in 1996 "Union of the exterminated", and everything was "forcibly displaced" about 15 million Germans) only from the Sukan region, Poznan and Upper Silesia were evicted on the territory of Germany 6.5 million Germans. About 1 - 1.5 million Germans ran out of Alsace and Lorraine (unfortunately there are no more accurate data). That is, this is 6.5 - 8 million and must be added to the loss of Germany itself. And this is already "a little bit" other numbers: 4.9 million + 7.25 million (the arithmetic average of the number of "expelled" to the homeland of Germans) \u003d 12.15 million. In fact, it is 17.3% (!) From the German population in 1939. Well, that's not all!

Once again I will emphasize: the third Reich is quite not only Germany! By the time of attacking the USSR, the third Reich "Officially" was included: Germany (70.2 million people), Austria (6.76 million people), Sudetes (3.64 million people), captured by Poland Baltic Corridor, Poznan and Upper Silesia (9.36 million people), Luxembourg, Lorraine and Alsace (2.2 million people), and even sliced \u200b\u200bfrom Yugoslavia Upper Corinthy, only 92.16 million people.

These are all territories that were officially included in the Reich, and the inhabitants of which were subject to the Wehrmacht. "Imperial Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia" and "Governor-General Poland" We will not consider here (although the ethnic Germans called on the Wehrmacht and from these territories). And all these territories until the beginning of 1945 remained under the control of the Nazis. Now we will get the "final calculation" if we take into account that the losses of Austria are known to us and make up 300,000 people, that is, 4.43% of the country's population (which is%, of course, much less than in Germany). That will not be a big "tensioning" suggest that the population of the rest of the regions of Reich, as a result of the war, the same percentage losses, which will give us 673 more people? As a result, the total human losses of the Third Reich amounted to 12.15 million + 0.3 million + 0.6 million people. \u003d 13.05 million people. This "tsiferka" is already more like the truth. Given that these losses include 0.5 - 0.75 million dead civilians (and not 3.5 million), we obtain the losses of the third Reich of the Third Reich equal to 12.3 million people are irretrievably. If we consider that even the Germans recognize the loss of their armed forces in the east at 75-80% of all losses on all fronts, then Sun Reich lost about 9.2 million in battles with the Red Army (75% of 12.3 million) Man is irretrievably. Of course, not all of them were killed, but having data on liberated (2.35 million), as well as those who died in captivity of prisoners of war (0.38 million), it is possible to say quite accurately that they are actually killed and deceased from RAS and captive, and Also missing, but not captured (read "killed", and this is 0.7 million!), The Sun Third Reich lost about 5.6-6 million people during the campaign to the east. According to these calculations, the irrevocable losses of the USSR and the Third Reich (without allies) are correlated as 1.3: 1, and the combat losses of the Red Army (the collective data under the leadership of Krivosheev) and Sun Reich as 1.6: 1.

The procedure for calculating general human losses in Germany

Population in 1939 70.2 million.
Population in 1946 65.93 million people.
Natural mortality of 2.8 million people.
Natural increase (fertility) 3.5 million people.
Emigration influx of 7.25 million people.
Total loss ((70.2 - 65.93 - 2.8) + 3.5 + 7.25 \u003d 12.22) 12.15 million people.

Died every tenth German! Having captured every twelfth !!!

In this article, the author does not claim to look for the "golden section" and "Truth in the last instance." These data are available in scientific literature and network. Just all of them are scattered and scattered by various sources. The author expresses his personal opinion: to believe the German and Soviet sources of the time of war, because their losses are lowered at least 2-3 times, the loss of the enemy exaggerates in the same 2-3 times. Moreover, it is strange that German sources, unlike Soviet, are recognized as "reliable", although, as the simplest analysis shows, it is not.

The irrevocable losses of the USSR WWT in the Second World War are 11.5-12.0 million people irretrievably, with itself a military demographic loss of 8.7-9.3 million people. The losses of the Wehrmacht and the SS troops on the Eastern Front are 8.0 - 8.9 million people irrevocably, of which, pure militating demographic are 5.2-6.1 million (including those who died in captivity). Plus, the loss of the German Sun itself on the eastern front should be added to the losses of satellite countries, and these are not a lot of 850 thousand (including those who died in captivity) people killed and more than 600 thousand prisoners. Total 12.0 (the largest number of Pali) million against 9.05 (the smallest number of number) million people.

A natural question: and where is the "false corpses", about which Western people say so much, and now domestic "open" and "democratic" sources? The percentage of dead Soviet prisoners of war, even on the most gentle estimates, not less than 55%, and German, according to the largest, not more than 23%. Maybe all the difference in losses is explained simply inhuman conditions for the detention of prisoners?

The author is aware that these articles differ from the last officially proclaimed version of the loss: the loss of the USSR Sun - 6.8 million soldiers killed, and 4.4 million in captivity and missing, the loss of Germany - 4,046 million people who died, Died from the Russian Academy of Sciences, missing (including 442.1 thousand killed in captivity), the losses of Satellite countries 806 thousand killed and 662 thousand prisoners. The irrevocable losses of the armies of the USSR and Germany (including prisoners of war) - 11.5 million and 8.6 million people. Common losses of Germany 11.2 million. (for example in Wikipedia)

The question of the civilian population is more terrible against 14.4 (the smallest number of Million million people of victims in the USSR - 3.2 million people (the greatest number of victims with the German side. So who came with whom? It is still necessary to mention that not the denying Holocaust of the Jews, German society still does not perceive the "Slavic" Holocaust, if all (thousands of works) are known about the suffering of the Jewish people in the west, then the crimes against Slavic peoples prefer "modestly" to praise. The non-participation of our researchers, for example, in the communal "dispute of historians" only aggravates this situation.

I would like to finish the article by the phrase of the unknown British officer. When he saw the column of Soviet prisoners of war, which was challenged by the "international" camp, he said: "I just forgive the Russians in advance what they do with Germany."

The article was written in 2007. Since then, the author of his opinion has not changed. That is, the "stupid" bumps of the corpses on the part of the RKKE was not, however, as well as special numerical superiority. This proves the appearance, recently, a large formation of the Russian "Oral History", that is, memoirs of ordinary participants of the Second World War. For example, an electron Cup, the author of the Self-Primeguide Diary, mentions that for the whole war, he saw two "death fields": when attacking our troops in the Baltic States and the machine guns in the flank fire, and during the German breakthrough from Corsun-Shevchenkovsky boiler. An example is single, but nevertheless, is valuable in that the diary of the military pore, which means it is quite objective.

Evaluation of the ratio of losses on the results of a comparative comparable analysis of losses in the wars of the last centuries

The application of the method of comparative comparative analysis, the foundations of which laid another jurlard, to assess the ratio of losses, requires statistical data on wars of various eras. Unfortunately, more or less complete statistics are available only for the wars of the last two centuries. Data on irrevocable combat losses in xIX wars and XX centuries, summarized by the results of the works of domestic and foreign historians, are given in Table. The last three column columns demonstrate the obvious dependence of the outcomes of the war from the values \u200b\u200bof relative losses (losses expressed as a percentage of the total number of army) - the relative loss of the winner in the war is always less than the defeated, and this dependence has a steady, repeating character (it is valid for All types of wars), i.e. possesses all signs of the law.

This law - we call it the law of relative losses - can be formulated as follows: In any war, the victory gets the army, which has relative losses less.

Note that absolute figures of irrevocable losses in the winning side can be as smaller (the domestic war of 1812, Russian-Turkish, Franco-Prussian war), and more than the winned side (Crimean, first world War, Soviet-Finnish), but the relative loss of the winner is always less than that of the defeated.

The difference between the relative losses of the winner and the defeated characterizes the degree of persuasiveness of victory. Wars with close values \u200b\u200bof the relative losses of the parties end in peace treaties while conserving the defeated side of the existing political system and the army (for example, russian-Japanese war). In wars, ending with, like the Great Patriotic War, complete opponent's surrender (Napoleonic Wars, the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871), the relative loss of the winner is significantly less than the relative loss of the defeated (at least 30%). In other words, the more loss, the more the number of the army should be to win a convincing victory. If the loss of the army is 2 times more than the enemy, then for victory in the war, its number should be at least 2.6 times more numerous opposing army.

And now back to the Great Patriotic War and let's see what human resources have the USSR and fascist Germany during the war. The available data on the numbers of the opposing parties on the Soviet-German front is given in Table. 6.

From table. 6 It follows that the number of Soviet participants in the war was only 1.4-1.5 times more than the total number of opposing troops and 1.6-1.8 times more regular German army. In accordance with the law of relative losses, with this exceeding the number of participants in the war, the loss of the Red Army, which destroyed the fascist military machine, in principle could not exceed the losses of the army of the fascist block by more than 10-15%, and the loss of regular German troops - more than 25-30 %. This means that the upper boundary of the ratio of irrevocable combat losses of the Red Army and Wehrmacht is the ratio of 1.3: 1.

Figures of the ratio of irrevocable combat losses given in Table. 6, do not exceed the above value of the upper limit of the loss ratio. This, however, does not mean that they are not subject to change and change. As new documents appeared, statistical materials, the results of studies of the figures of the loss of the Red Army and Wehrmacht (Table 1-5) can be clarified, change in one direction or another, their ratio can also be changed, but it cannot be higher than the value of 1.3 :one.

1. CSSU of the USSR "The number, composition and movement of the USSR population" M 1965
2. "Russian population in the 20th century" M. 2001
3. ARTTZ "Human losses in World War II" M. 1957
4. FRUMKIN G. Population Changes in Europe Since 1939 N.Y. 1951.
5. Dallin A. German rule in Russia 1941-1945 N.Y.- London 1957
6. "Russia and the USSR in the 20th century wars" M.2001
7. Polyan P. Victims of two dictatorships M. 1996.
8. THORWALD J. THE ILLUSION. Soviet Soldiers in Hitler, S Army N. Y. 1975
9. Collection of reports of the Emergency State Commission M. 1946
10. Zemskov. Birth of the second emigration 1944-1952. C 1991 No. 4
11. Timasheff N. S. The Postwar Population of The Soviet Union 1948
13 Timasheff N. S. The Postwar Population Of The Soviet Union 1948
14. ARTTZ. Human losses in World War II M. 1957; "International Life" 1961 № 12
15. BIRABEN J. N. Population 1976.
16. Maksudov S. Losses of the population of the USSR Benson (VT) 1989.; "On front losses of CA in the years of World War II" "Free Thought" in 1993. No. 10.
17. USSR population for 70 years. Edited by Rybakovsky L. L. M 1988
18. Andreev, Darsky, Kharkov. "Population of the Soviet Union 1922-1991" " M 1993
19. Sokolov B. "New Gazeta" No. 22, 2005, "Victory price -" M. 1991.
20. "War of Germany against the Soviet Union 1941-1945" Edited by Raingard Rureupa 1991. Berlin
21. Muller-Gillebrand. "The Ground Army of Germany 1933-1945" M. 1998
22. "War of Germany against the Soviet Union 1941-1945" Edited by Raingard Rureupa 1991. Berlin
23. Gurkin V.V. About human losses in the Soviet-German front 1941-45. Nini № 3 1992
24. M. B. Denisenko. Great Patriotic War in Demographic Dimension "Eksmo" 2005
25. S. Maksudov. Losses of the USSR population during the Second World War. "Population and Society" 1995
26. Yu. Mukhin. If it were not for generals. "Yauza" 2006
27. V. Kolinov. The Great War of Russia. Cycle lectures 1000th anniversary of Russian wars. "Yauza" 2005
28. Materials of the newspaper "Duel"
29. E. Bivor "Drop Berlin" M.2003

The Second World War in which the four fifters of the population was drawn in the whole world, became the bloody in the history of mankind. According to the fault of the imperialists, for six years, the mass destruction of people in various parts of the globe has passed.

More than 110 million people were mobilized into the Armed Forces. Many tens of millions were killed, injured, remained disabled. The loss of civilians has sharply increased. They accounted for almost half of the total losses, while in the First World War - 5 percent.

To accurately establish the number of dead military personnel and civilians for a number of countries is extremely difficult, since in many of these there are no statistical data of the losses of the population for the war as a whole or this data do not reflect the actual position. In addition, the fascists sought to hide their atrocities in every way, and after the war, their ideological lawyers were deliberately perverted by human losses of individual countries. All this was the cause of significant discrepancies in assessing the number of dead. The most authoritative studies show that during the Second World War, more than 50 million people died.

In addition to direct human losses, many fought states suffered large indirect losses. Mobilization of a significant part of the male population into armed forces, forced involvement of women into a system of socially organized labor, material and domestic difficulties, etc. Digitically changed the reproduction regime of population, reduced fertility rates and increased mortality.

The largest direct and indirect losses of the population suffered European states. About 40 million people died here, that is, much more than on other continents, combined. During the war years, in almost all European countries on for a long time The conditions for the existence and development of population have worsened.

In 1938, the population of European countries amounted to 390.6 million people, and in 1945 - 380.9 million. If it were not for the war, with previous fertility and mortality rates, it would increase by about 12 million people over the years. . The war seriously deformed the age, sexual and family-marital structure of the population of the continent. Quality has decreased significantly, and in many countries and the level of general education and training.

Half of human losses in Europe falls on the USSR. They amounted to over 20 million people, a significant part of them are a civilian population who died in the Hitler's death camps, as a result of fascist repression, diseases and hunger, from raids by enemy aviation. The losses of the USSR significantly exceed the human losses of his Western allies. The country has lost a large part of the population of the most able-bodied and productive ages, who have employment experience and vocational training. Large losses of the Soviet Union were determined primarily by the fact that he accepted the main blow to Hitler's Germany and one for a long time confronted the fascist block in Europe. They are explained by particularly brutal policies of the mass extermination of Soviet people, which the aggressor was conducted.

A severe demographic situation has developed after World War II in Poland and Yugoslavia, which have lost a significant part of their population: Poland - 6 million, Yugoslavia - 1.7 million people.

The fascist guidance aimed at changing the demographic process in Europe, and later in the world. For this, the mass physical destruction of the conquered peoples was envisaged, as well as a violent birth restriction. Along with this, the Nazis sought to stimulate the increase in the number of "chosen" nations to gain themselves at the captured territories. However, the war led to great losses of German itself - over 13 million people killed, injured, prisoners who disappeared. Fascist Italy lost 500 thousand people.

The loss of population of countries such as France (600 thousand) and the United Kingdom (370 thousand), less loss of a number of other war participants, but also they have had a negative impact on their post-war development.

Considerable human losses during the war of the war suffered the peoples of Asia. The number of those killed and wounded in China amounted to over 5 million people. Japan lost 2.5 million people - mostly servicemen. Of the 350 thousand civilians who died in Japan, a large part is over 270 thousand people - victims of atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki cities.

Compared to Europe and Asia, other continents suffered significantly smaller human losses. In general, they amounted to 400 thousand people. US lost about 300 thousand people dead, Australia and New Zealand - Over 40 thousand, Africa - 10 thousand people (206).

Large differences in human losses in relation to individual countries, groups of states, the region's regions are due, on the one hand, the nature and degree of their participation directly in the armed struggle, and on the other - the classological and political goals, which at the same time have pursued fought countries. The latter determined their different attitude towards the prisoners of war and the civilian population of the enemy, as well as to the fate of the population of the Allied states and the world as a whole.

Many hundreds of thousands of prisoners of war and millions of civilians were destroyed in the territories occupied by the German-fascist and Japanese invaders. With a special cessation, the Nazis used the policies of the physical destruction of Soviet people carefully developed by them. The fascists carried out a massive hijacking of the civilian population to Germany, where it fell either on labor works or to concentration camps. Shots, poisoning in gas chambers, beating, torture, monstrous medical experiments, coercion to unbearable work - all this led to the mass destruction of people. So, out of 18 million citizens of Europe, which found themselves in the Hitler's concentration camps, over 11 million people were destroyed.

The aggressors themselves, although their armed forces were defeated and forced to unconditionally surrender, suffered relatively smaller losses, which was evidence of a humane attitude towards the prisoners of war and the peaceful population of defeated countries by the winners, primarily the USSR.

The war had a great influence not only on the natural reproduction of the population in all countries of the world, but also on its interstate and internal migration. Already the arrival of the fascists to power and the preparation of aggression, which began the preparation of the population from Germany and other European countries to African countries, North and Latin America. The offensive of the fascist armies led to the movement of the population in almost all European countries. In addition, the Nazis resorted to the massive export of workforce from occupied areas to Germany. The internal migration caused by war, accompanied by tremendous deprivation and burden, contributed to the increase in mortality and decline in fertility. Similar processes occurred in Asia.

Thus, the Second World War made major changes in the structure of population worldwide. For a number of countries, including the socialist, the demographic consequences of the war became one of the most adverse factors.

World War II confirmed the conclusions of Marxism-Leninism about the tremendous impact of the economic factor on the emergence of wars, ways of their maintenance, their moves and results. In World War II, the very bloody and fierce, the relationship and interdependence of economic, scientific, social, moral and political and actually military factors increased. The results of the actions of the armed forces along with other factors were determined by the degree of economic support. The volume and qualitative structure of the material needs of the armed forces have sharply expanded, the importance of the timing of the main military-economic events has increased. With particular force, the influence of the social system of states on the military economy was manifested, its ability to ensure the needs of the front.

One of the important lessons of the Second World War is the strengthening of its reverse effect on the economy. The degree of subordination of the national economy needs of war has sharply increased. Almost weight of the sector of the economy to one degree or another worked on it. Credit and financial system of states, cash circulation, internal and foreign trade were subjected to deep perestroika.

By the number of human and material losses, the second World War II has no equal in history in the nearest and distant consequences. She has long surpassed the first world war on human victims spent material resources, production volume military equipment, the intensity of economic efforts and the burden that had to endure most of its participants.

The experience of World War II reminds that not only the war itself and its consequences, but also preparation for it, the arms race lead to a serious exacerbation of the problems of population, to undermining the economy. Only a durable democratic world creates the necessary conditions for the development of economic and demographic processes in directions that are in the interests of public progress.

First time after the end of World War II, it was impossible to calculate losses. Scientists tried to maintain accurate statistics died second World War by nationalities, but really available information has become only after the collapse of the USSR. Many believed that the victory over the fascists got due to large quantity dead. The statistics of the Second World War did not seriously be conducted by anyone.

Soviet power deliberately manipulated numbers. Initially, the number of those killed during the war was about 50 million people. But at the end of the 90s, the figure rose to 72 million.

The table provides a comparison of the loss of two large 20 centuries:

Wars 20 centuries 1 World War 2 World War II
Duration of fighting 4.3 years 6 years
The number of dead About 10 million people 72 million people
Number of wounded 20 million people 35 million people
The number of countries in which battles occurred 14 40
The number of people who were officially called for military service 70 million people 110 million people

Briefly about the start of hostilities

The USSR has entered into war without a single ally (1941-1942). Initially, battles were held with the defeat. Statistics of the victims of the Second World War in those years demonstrates a huge number of irretrievably lost soldiers and military equipment. The main destructive moment was the seizure of territories by the enemy rich in the defense industry.

The SS authorities assumed about a possible attack on the country. But, visible preparations for war did not lead. The effect of a sudden attack played an aggressor on his hand. The seizure of the territories of the USSR was made at a huge speed. Martial technology and weapons in Germany were enough for a large-scale military campaign.

The number of victims in times

Loss statistics in the Second World War are only approximate. Each researcher has its own data and calculations. The 61 state participated in this battle, and hostilities took place in the territory of 40 countries. War touched about 1.7 billion people. The main blow accepted the Soviet Union. According to the historians of the loss of the USSR, amounted to about 26 million people.

At the beginning of the war, the Soviet Union was very weak in terms of the production of equipment and combat weapons. However, the statistics of the dead in World War II show that the number of dead by year by the end of the battle significantly decreased. The reason is a sharp development of the economy. The country has learned to produce high-quality defense funds against the aggressor, and the technique had multiple advantages over the fascist industrial blocks.

As for prisoners of war, most of them were from the USSR. In 1941, camp for prisoners were crowded. Later, the Germans began to let them go. At the end of this year, about 320 thousand prisoners of war were released. The bulk of them was Ukrainians, Belarusians and Balti.

Official statistics of those killed in World War II Indicates colossal losses among Ukrainians. Their number is much larger than the French, Americans and British combined. As shown, the statistics of the Second World War, Ukraine lost about 8-10 million people. This includes all participants in hostilities (killed, dead, prisoners, evacuated).

The price of victory by the Soviet authorities over the aggressor could be much smaller. The main reason is the unpreparedness of the USSR to the sudden invasion of the German troops. Stocks of ammunition and technology did not fit the scale of the expanded war.

Men born in 1923 remained alive about 3%. The reason is the lack of military training. The guys were taken to the front right from school bench. Faces of having a secondary sent to fast courses of pilots or to teach platoon commanders.

Losses in Germany

The Germans very carefully hid the statistics of those killed in World War II. Somehow it is strange that in the battle of the century, the number of military units lost by the aggressor was only 4.5 million. Statistics of the Second World War regarding the dead, injured or prisoners, inexped by the Germans several times. The remains of the dead still roll in the territories of battles.

However, German was strong and persistent. Hitler at the end of 1941 was ready to celebrate victory over the Soviet people. Thanks to the allies, the SS was prepared both in the product plan and materially technically. MOS plants produced a lot of high-quality weapons. However, losses in World War II began to grow significantly.

After a time, the saven of the Germans began to decrease. The soldiers understood that they would not be able to surrender against popular fury. The Soviet command began to properly build military plans and tactics. The statistics of the Second World War in terms of the dead began to change.

In wartime worldwide, the population died not only from hostilities from the enemy, but also from the spread of various kinds, hunger. Especially the loss of China in World War II. Statistics of those killed in second place after the USSR. More than 11 million Chinese died. Although the Chinese have their own statistics of those killed in World War II. It does not meet the numerous opinions of historians.

Results of World War II

Given the scale of the fighting, as well as the lack of desire to reduce the loss, affected the number of victims. Prevent the losses of countries in World War II, whose statistics have studied different historians, has not been possible.

The statistics of the Second World War (infographics) would be another if there were not many mistakes admitted by the Commander-in-Chief, which initially did not attach importance to the production and preparation of military equipment and technology.

Results of World War II on statistics more than cruel, not only in terms of blood spilled, but also in the destructive scale of cities and villages. Statistics of the Second World War (loss by country):

  1. The Soviet Union is about 26 million people.
  2. China - more than 11 million
  3. Germany - more than 7 million.
  4. Poland is about 7 million.
  5. Japan - 1.8 million.
  6. Yugoslavia - 1.7 million
  7. Romania - about 1 million.
  8. France - more than 800 thousand
  9. Hungary - 750 thousand
  10. Austria - more than 500 thousand.

Some countries or individual groups of people fundamentally fought on the side of the Germans, as they did not like the Soviet policies and the Stalin's approach to the leadership of the country. But, despite this, the military campaign ended in the victory of Soviet power over the fascists. World War II served good lesson For politicians of that time. Avoiding such victims in World War II could be avoided under one condition - preparations for the invasion, regardless of whether the country attack threatens.

The main factor that contributed to the victory of the USSR in the fight against fascism is the cohesion of the nation and the desire to defend the honor of their homeland.

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