The name of the ancient German tribes. Ancient Germans: History, German tribes, areas of settlement, life and beliefs

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Landscape design and layout

The name of the Germans excited bitter sensations in the Romans, caused gloomy memories in their imagination. Since then, Teutons and Kimvra moved the Alps and rushed a devastating avalanche for excellent Italy, the Romans with anxiously looked at the peoples little-known them, worried about continuous movements in ancient Germany for a ridge enclosing from North Itia. Even Caesar's brave legions were covered by fear when he led them against Ariovist's swovers. Fear of the Romans was increased by the terrible news of the defeat of the Vara in the Teutoburg Forest, the stories of warriors and prisoners on the severity of the German country, about the wildness of its inhabitants, their high growth, about human sacrifices. Residents of the South, the Romans had the most gloomy ideas about the ancient Germany, about impassable forests, which stretch from the banks of the Rhine for nine days of the path to the east to the uppercale Elba and the center of which - the Gerced Forest, filled with unknown monsters; about swamps and desert steppes that extend in the north to the stormy sea, over which there are thick fogs that do not pass the living rays of the sun, on which the marsh and steppe grass is covered with snow, for which there are no ways from the area of \u200b\u200bone people in the region Other. These ideas about the severity, the gloomy of Ancient Germany so deeply intense in the thoughts of the Romans, which even impartial Tacitus says: "Who would leave Asia, Africa or Italy to go to Germany, the country of harsh climate, devoid of every beauty, which is unpleasant living in her or visiting her if she is not home to him? " The prejudices of the Romans against Germany were strengthened by the fact that they considered barbaric, wild all those lands that lay beyond the borders of their state. So, for example, Seneca says: "Think about those peoples who live outside the Roman state, about the Germans and the tribes that mooring on the bottom of the Danube; Is almost a continuous winter over them, the cloudy sky is constantly cloudy sky, isn't it scarce, what does it give them an unfavorable fruitless soil? "

Family of the ancient Germans

And meanwhile, the magnificent oak and leeping lime forests were already growing up in ancient Germany, fruit trees were already in ancient Germany and there were not only the steppes and covered with moss of swamps, but also Niva, abundant rye, wheat, oats, barley; The ancient German tribes were produced from the mountains of iron for weapons; Healing warm waters in Mattiake (Wiesbaden) and the Earth of Tungres (Spa or Aachen) were already known; and the Romans themselves said that in Germany a lot of horned cattle, horses, a lot of geese, the fluff of which Germany is rich in fish, wild bird, wild animals, suitable for food, that fisheries and hunting are delivered to the Germans Food. There were no still well-known gold and silver ores in the German mountains. "In silver and gold, the gods denied them," I don't know how to say, by the mercy of whether to them or by hostility, "says Tacit. Trading in ancient Germany was only exchange, and only the tribes in the Roman state were used by the money they received a lot from Romans for their products. The princes of the ancient German tribes or people who drove the ambassadors to the Romans were golden and silver vessels obtained as a gift; But, according to Tacitus, they appreciated them not higher than clay. The fear that the ancient Germans initially inspired by the Romans, then went over to their high height, physical strength, respect for their customs; The expression of the feelings of these serves "Germany" Tacitis. At the end wars of the era of August and Tiberius Romans with the Germans became close; educated people went to Germany, wrote about her; It smoothed many of the former prejudices, and the Romans began to judge the Germans better. The concepts of the country and the climate were left for their former, unprofitable, inspired by the stories of merchants, adventurers who returned prisoners exaggerated by soldiers on the difficulties of campaigns; But the Germans themselves began to reckon with Romans with people who have a lot of good; And finally, the Fashion was at the Romans to do his appearance, if possible, similar to German. The Romans admired the high growth and slim strong buildings of the ancient Germans and Germans, their fluttering golden hair, light blue eyes, in the view of which pride and courage were expressed. Noble Romans with artificial means gave their hair that the color that women and girls of Ancient Germany liked them.

In peaceful intercourse, the ancient German tribes inspired by the Romans respect by courage, force, militality; Those qualities that they were terrible in battles were welded with friendship with them. Tacitus extols the purity of morals, hospitality, straightforward, loyalty to the word, marital loyalty to the ancient Germans, their respect for women; It praises the Germans to such an extent that his book about their customs and institutions seems to be many scientists written with the purpose of devoted to pleasure, the vicious tribesmen were ashamed, reading this description of simple, honest life; Think that Tacit wanted to vividly characterize the corruption of Roman morals by the image of the life of ancient Germany, which represented the opposite of them. And indeed, in his praise of the strength and cleanliness of married relations in the ancient German tribes, the sadness of the spoilness of the Romans is heard. In the Roman state, a decline of the former excellent state was visible everywhere, it was clear that everything was inclined to death; Those bright in the thoughts of Tacitis the life of ancient Germany, still preserved primitive morals. His book is imbued with a vague premonition that Rome threatens the great danger from the people, the war with which Romans were cut deeper than war with the samnets, Carthaginians and Parfyans. He says that "Triumps were more celebrated above the Germans than victories were obsessed"; He premeditated that the black cloud on the northern edge of the Italian horizon will burst over the Roman state with new thunder blows, stronger than the previous one, because "the freedom of Germans is more powerful than the forces of the Parthian Tsar." It is only the hope for the contention of the ancient German tribes, only hope for the contention between their tribes: "Let the German peoples remain if not love for us, then the hatred of some tribes to others; With the dangers that threaten our state, fate can not give us anything better than the discord between our enemies. "

The resettlement of the ancient Germans on Tacitis

Connect those traits what kind of Tacitus outlines in its "Germany" lifestyle, customs, institutions of the ancient German tribes; He makes these notes fragmentary, without strict order; But, by collecting them together, we will get a picture in which there are many gaps, inaccuracies, misunderstandings or Tacita himself, or people who reported to him, much borrowed from a national legend, which does not meanness, but which still shows us the main features of life Ancient Germany, the embryos that developed subsequently. The information that the Tacitus gives us, replenished and clarified by the news of other ancient writers, legends, considerations about the past in later facts, serve as the basis of our knowledge of the life of the ancient Germannsky tribes in primitive times.

Tribe Khattov

The lands in the northeast of Mattiakov inhabited the ancient German tribe of Hattov (Chazzi, Hazzi, Geesz - Hesssets), the country was to the borders of the Herrinsky forest. Tacitus says that Hutta had a dense, strong physique, that their eyes had a brave, mind more active than other Germans; If you judge the German measurement, then the Hattt has a lot of reasonableness and intelligence, he says. They have a young man, reaching the age of majority, not a string of hair, did not break the beard until the enemy kills: "Only then he considers himself paying debt for his birth and upbringing, worthy of the Fatherland and Parents," says Tacit.

Under Claudia, the Gershtsev-Khattov detachment made a predatory raid on Rhine, to the province of Upper Germany. Leva Lucius Pomponiy sent Vangionov, Nemets and a detachment of the cavalry under the head of the Senior Pole cut off these robbers the path of retreat. Warriors went very diligently, divided into two detachments; One of them looked back from the robbery of the Hutt, when they became on vacation and drunk so that they were unable to defend themselves. This victory over the Germans was, according to Tacitus, the joy, that in this case, several Romans were released from slavery, captured over forty years before the defeat of Vara. Another detachment of the Romans and the Allies went to the land of Hattov, smashed them and gaining a lot of production, returned to Pomponius, who stood with the legions on the tauna, ready to reflect the German tribes if they want to revenge. But Hutta feared that when they go to the Romans, then Cheroshi, their enemies would invaded their land, therefore sent ambassadors and hostages to Rome. Pomponius was more famous for his drama than military feats, but he received a triumph for this victory.

The ancient Germann tribes of uzipetov and tetteries

Earth north from Lana, on the right bank of the Rhine, inhabited the ancient Germanic tribes of uzipetov (or ultrasters) and tetteries. Tracter tribe was famous for its excellent Connection; Riding the ride was played with their children, loved to ride and old people. The battle horse of his father was inherited by the brave of sons. Further to the northeast of Lippe and the jurisdiction of Ems, Brukters lived, and for them to east to Veser Hamava and Angrivara. Tacitus I heard that the Brukters war with the neighbors, that the Brukters were driven out of their land and almost completely exterminated; This inter part was, according to him, "joyful spectacle for Romans." Probably in the same part of Germany there were first and Mars, the brave people, exterminated by Germanic.

Tribe froms

Earth on the seashore from the mouth of the Ems to Batavov and Canine Fathas were the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement of the ancient German tribe tribe. Friezes also occupied the neighboring islands; These swampy places were not pleasant to anyone, says Tacitus, but Frieza loved their homeland. They have long subordinate to the Romans, not worrying about their silencers. In gratitude to the patronage of the Romans, Frieza gave them a certain number of skins on the need for troops. When this tribute has become burdensome on the greed of the Roman ruler, this German tribe took up the weapon, the Romans won, their government overthrew (27 g. By R. Kh.). But with Claudia, the courageous Corbalon managed to return friezes to the Union with Rome. In Nerone began (58 g. According to R. H.), a new quarrel due to the fact that friezes occupied and began to cultivate some terrain on the right bank of the Rhine, lying empty. The Roman ruler ordered them from there, they did not obey and sent two princes to Rome to ask, so that this land was left behind them. But the Roman ruler attacked the clips settled there, part of them destroyed, the other led to slavery. Earth engaged in them again became the desert; Warriors of neighboring Roman detachments allowed her livestock.

Tribe Havkov

East from Ems to the Lower Elba and to the depths of the country, the ancient German tribe of Havkov lived to Hattov, whom Tacitus calls the noblest from the Germans who had the basis of their power of justice; He says: "They have no greed to conquest, nor arrogance; They live calmly, eliminating the quarrels, do not cause anyone to war offenses, do not empty, do not rob neighboring lands, do not seek to establish their predominance on the resentment to others; This is the best way to valid them and strength; But they are all ready for war, and when there is a need, they are always under weapons. They have a lot of warriors and horses, their name is famous and in peace-loving. " With this praise, I don't know that the Tacitus communicated by the Tacitis itself in the "Chronicles" of the news that the hinks on their boats often went to rob tribute to the Rhine, and the neighboring Roman possessions that they kicked the Ansibars and took their land.


South of Havkov lay the land of the ancient German tribe of Herusov; This brave people, heroic defended freedom and their homeland, has already lost their former strength and glory during Tacitis. Under Claudia, the tribe of Herusov called on Ithalik, the son of Flavia and the nephew of the armin, a beautiful and brave young man, and made him king. He first Rules gently and rightly, then, expelled opponents, he defeated them with the help of Langobards and began to rule severely. We do not have news about further fate. Weakened by discords and lost militancy from a long world, Cherusi during Tacitus did not have the power and did not use respect. Their neighbors gentlemen were weak. About the gentle-kimograms, whom Tacitus calls the tribe small, but famous exposure, he only says that during the time of Maria they caused a lot of heavy lesions and that the extensive mills remaining from them on the Rhine show that they were then very numerous.

Tribe Sveovov

The ancient German tribes who lived on to the east between the Baltic Sea and the Carpathians, in the country of very little known Romans, Tacit, like Caesar, calls the overall name of the swovers. They had a custom who was distinguished from other Germans: free people were combed their long hair up and tied up over the tremene, so they fluttering like Sultan. They believed that it makes them more terrible for enemies. What tribes were called with the Romans, and there were a lot of research and disputes about the origin of this tribe, but in the darkness and dismantlement of news about them in the ancient writers, these issues remain not resolved. The simplest explanation of the name of this ancient German tribe is that "Sveov" means nomads (Schweifen, "wander"); The Romans called the swovers all those numerous tribes that lived far from the Roman border for thick forests, and believed that these German tribes were constantly moving from place to place, because most often heard of them from the tribes heard to the west. The Izvestia Romans on the swivels is boring and borrowed from the exaggerated of rivals. It is said that the Sveov tribe was a hundred districts, of which everyone could put a numerous army that their country is surrounded by the desert. These rumors were supported by fear, which name of the swover was inspired by the legions of Caesar. Without a doubt, the swovers were the federal of many ancient German tribes, closely related among themselves, whose former nomadic life has not yet been completely replaced by a settlement, cattle breeding, hunting and war also prevailed over agriculture. Tacitus calls the oldest and noblest seeds who lived on the Elbe, and Langobards living north of semons, the brave.

Germundura, Markomans and Quads

The East area from the decuma region inhabited the ancient German tribe of the germundura. These faithful allies of the Romans, enjoyed their big confidence and had the right to trade in the main city of the Real province, the current Augsburg. The tribe of the Germans-Narisov tribes lived below the Danube, and behind the Narisa Markomans and quads, which preserved the bravery, which brought them to their land. The areas of these ancient Germannsky tribes formed the stronghold of Germany from the Danube. The kings of Marcomans were quite a descendant Maroboda, then the innings that have received power on the influence of the Romans and kept, thanks to their patronage.

Eastern German tribes

The Germans who lived behind Markamans and quads had their neighboring tribes of non-German origin. Of the peoples who lived there on the valleys and the gorges of the mountains, some Tacitis ranks to the swing, for example, marts and drills; Others, such as Gothin, he considers Celts by their language. The ancient German tribe of the gothines was subject to Sarmatam, mined for its Lord Iron from their mines and paid them tribute. For these mountains (with suddesses, Carpathians), many tribes ranked tacitom to the Germans. Of these, the most extensive area was occupied by the German tribe of the Lagi residents, probably in the current Silesia. The leagues constituted the federation to which belonged to, except for different other tribes, Gariys and Nagarwals. To the north of the leagues, Hermann-Goths lived, and for gots, rugs and lemomians; I was ready for the kings that had more power than the kings of other ancient German tribes, but still not so much so that freedom is ready to be suppressed. From Plinia I. Ptolemy We know that in the north-east of Germany (probably, the ancient German tribes of Burgundyonov and Vandalov lived between the warbed and the Baltic Sea); But Tacitis does not mention them.

German tribes of Scandinavia: Svids and Sitons

Tribes who lived on the Vistula and the southern shores of the Baltic Sea, the boundaries of Germany were closed; In the north of them on the Big Island (Scandinavia), the Germans and Sitons were lived, strong, except for the ground forces and the fleet. The ships them had noses at both ends. These tribes differed from Germans by the fact that the kings of them had an unlimited power and did not leave weapons in their hands, but kept him in storerooms protected by slaves. Sitons, according to the expression of Tacitis, humiliated to such a slavery that they had overlooked the queen, and they had obeyed women. For the land of the Germans, says Tacit, there is another sea, water in which is almost fixed. This sea closes the extreme land limits. In the summer, after sunset, the radiance it retains it even such force that the stars darken all night.

Negroean Baltic Tribal: Estia, Pevkins and Finns

The right bank of the Svyvsky (Baltic) Sea is washes the land of Estiyeva (Estonia). According to customs and clothing, estiates come to the swipe, and in the tongue they, according to Tacitis, closer to the British. Iron them are rare; Common their bolava weapons. They are engaged in agriculture diligently lazy german tribes; They swim around the sea, and they are the only people who collect amber; They call him Glaesum (German. Glas, "Glass"?) They collect it on the shallows in the sea and on the shore. For a long time they left him to lie between other objects, which thumps the sea; But Roman luxury, finally, turned their attention to him: "They themselves do not use it, exported in a necessary form and missed what they receive fee for it."

After Tacitus leads the names of the tribes, which he says that he does not know whether the Hermann should consider them or to Sarmatians; These are Veneny (Vendi), Pevkins and Fenna. He says about the vents that they live by war and robbery, but differ from Sarmatians by building at home and fight hiking. About Peking He says that some writers call them bastar that they are in tongue, clothes, but similar to their homes look like an ancient German tribes, but what, mixing by marital unions with Sarmatians, they learned themselves from them with baldness and untidiness. Far in the north inhabit the phenos (Finns), the most extreme people of the settlement of the Earth; They are perfect savages and live in an emergency poverty. They have no weapons or horses. Finns feed on grass and wild animals, which are killed by arrows having pointed bone tips; They dress in animal skins, sleep on Earth; In defense of bad weather and predatory animals, there are plentores from branches. This tribe says Tacitis, not afraid of people nor the gods. It reached what is more difficult to achieve a person: they do not need to have any desires. For the Finns, according to Tacitus, there is a fabulous world.

No matter how large was the number of ancient German tribes, no matter how great was the difference in public life between the tribes that had the kings and did not have them, the insightful observer Tacit saw that they all belong to one national whole that they are part of the great people who, without mixing with foreign people, lived on customs completely original; The root equity was not smoothed by tribal differences. The language, the nature of the ancient German tribes, the lifestyle of them and the reverence of the common German gods showed that they all have a common origin. Tacitus says that in the old folk songs, the Germans praise the god of Tisov and his son Mann, as their grandparents, that from the three sons of Mann have occurred and received their names three indigenous groups, which covered all the ancient German tribes: Ingiews (Friezes), Herminons (Sveov) and advisions. In this tradition of German mythology survived under the legendary shell of the testimony of the Germans themselves, that, with all their fragmentation, they did not forget the generality of their origin and continued to consider themselves tribesmen

In the widely known phenomenon of the great relocation of peoples, the Germans played not a decisive role. The Germans are the tribes of the Indo-European language group, which occupied to the I c. AD Earth between the North and Baltic seas, Rhine, Danube, Blond and in South Scandinavia. The problem of the origin of the German tribes is extremely difficult. As you know, the Germans had neither her Homer nor Tita Libya nor the proof. All we know about them belongs mainly to Peru Greco-Roman historians, whose compositions language are not always adequate to the phenomena of German reality.

Pranodina Germans were Northern Europe, from where their south movement began. This relocation collided German tribes with Celts, which led in some areas to conflicts, in others to the Union and ethnic mutual influence.
The ethnonym "Hermann" of Celtic origin. At first, the Celts called the Tungrov tribe, then everyone living on the left bank of the Rhine tribes. Roman authors borrowed this ethnonym at Celts, but the Greek writers have not yet been distinguished by the Germans from the Celts.

The German tribes are customary to divide into three groups: Severogrertic, West German and East German. South of Scandinavia and Peninsula, Jutland were a common homeland, the "workshop of the tribes" of the Northern, Eastern and Western Germans. From here, some of them on the ocean coast advanced to the North of Scandinavia. The bulk of the tribes with the IV century. BC. I retained a tendency to move to the south of deep into the continent and west. Northern Germans are the Candinavian tribes that did not leave south: the ancestors of modern Danes, Swedes, Norwegians and Icelanders. Eastern Germans - tribes that moved from Scandinavia to the middle Europe and excavated in the interfluve Oder and Vistula. Among them are goths, hepids, vandals, burgundy, Georuly, Rugius. The question of the time of the settlement of these areas remains controversial. However, by the beginning of AD. They were already posted in this region. The most significant group is Western Germans. They shared for three branches. One is the tribes inhabited in the areas of the Rhine and Weser, the so-called. Rainswoman Germans or the cult unification of Faivon. This included Batava, Mattiaki, Hutty, Tetrols, Brukters, Hamava, Hasuaria, Hattatars, killing, amplifiers and Cherusi. The second branch of the Germans included the tribes of the Severomorsk coast (the cult union of ingiewies). These are Kimvra, Teutons, Friezes, Hanking, Ampsivaria, Saksa, Angles and Varna. The third branch of the West German tribes was the cultivities of Herminon, where the swarms, Langobard, marking, quads, seeds and germondura were included.

The total number of German tribes in I c. AD made up about 3-4 million people. But this modest figure to the beginning of the resettlement decreased, because the German tribal world of the human losses as a result of wars and intergovernmental conflicts. Epidemics and shocks were collapsed on it due to periodic fluctuations in climatic conditions, natural changes in the resources of fauna and flora, transformation of landscapes as a result of the use of fire, new tools or techniques of labor.

Already at the early time, the Germans were engaged in agriculture. It was auxiliary type of farm. In some areas, significant areas were occupied by wheat. However, among the sowing crops, barley prevailed, from which beer was made except for bread. They also sow rye, oats, millet, beans, peas. The Germans grown cabbage, salad, root. The need for sugar was compensated at the expense of honey. In some tribes, hunting and fisheries played an important role. It should be noted that using a dry and wheeled plow, the German tribes could handle only light soils. Therefore, a constant lack of arable land was tested. The economic structure of the Germans was distinguished by primitiveness, "only the crop of breads are waiting for the land." The primitive agricultural system required large areas for the feeding of a relatively few population. The search for such lands was driving whole tribes. She was captured by the ownership of tribesmen, and later comfortable lands in the territory of the Roman state.

Before the resettlement, the primary role in the economic life of the German tribes belonged to livestock. Cattle is "the only and most favorite her property." Cattle breeding was especially developed in the districts of meadows (Northern Germany, Jutland, Scandinavia). In this industry, the economy was occupied mainly by men. They grown cattle, horses, pigs, sheep, goats, poultry. Domestic cattle was valued, seeing not only labor, but also a means of payment. In the food of Germans, dairy products, domestic and wild animals were played a major role.

Already at this time, the German tribes developed a craft, whose products were not too diverse: weapons, clothes, utensils, tools of labor. Technology and artistic style of craft products have undergone significant Celtic influences. The Germans knew how to extract iron and make weapons. There was also mining of gold, silver, copper, lead. A jewelry has developed. German women succeeded in weaving and pottery, although ceramics did not differ in high quality. Development of leather and wood treatment were developed.
Extremely active German tribes engaged in trade. Inside the German tribal world, natural exchange prevailed. As a means of payment, livestock was often used. Only in the border with the Roman state, Roman coins were used during trade operations. They, by the way, were appreciated as decoration. Internal trade centers were fortified settlements in charge of the power of German rulers. Cologne centers were Cologne, Trier, Augsburg, Regensburg, and others. Trading routes were held on the Danube, Rhine, Elbe, Oder. The zone of trading contacts included the Northern Black Sea region. The merchants swam in the North and Baltic seas. Trading with Rome played a significant role. In a large number of Rome supplied to German tribes ceramics, glass, enamel, bronze vessels, gold and silver jewelry, weapons, tools, wine, expensive fabrics. In the Roman state, agriculture and animal husbandry, cattle, leather and skins, fur, and used by special demand amber were imported into the Roman state. Many tribes had a special privilege of mediation freedom. Thus, the gemondura led trading operations on both sides of the upper flow of the Danube and even penetrated into the depths of Roman provinces. Batavi was transferred to the Priests of cattle. Trade was one of the powerful incentives of the readiness of the German tribes to move. Contacts with Roman merchants gave them not only information about new lands and ways to these lands, but also contributed to the formation of "attractive purposes" of their future relocation.

The German tribes lived in a generic system, which in the first centuries AD. was in the decomposition stage. The main production cell of the German society was a family (big or small). The processes of transition from the generic community to agricultural were actively accomplished. But the genus continued to play a significant role in the life of the German tribes. Members of the genus united the common territory on which they lived, their own name, religious customs, the general management system (People's Assembly, the Council of Elders), an unfounded right. The genus was a support of any member of this kind, for the fact of belonging to it itself gave some definition. The constant contacts of the separated relatives caused the preservation of clan relations and sacred unity. However, in everyday business practice, a big family inflicted his position. It consisted, as a rule, from three or four-generations, which lived in a large (up to 200 m 2) oblong a stone or wooden house, surrounded by fields and pastures. Several houses formed a farm. Such settlements were at a considerable distance from each other. Probably the farm psychology of German tribes affected their unwillingness to build cities. Neightestinal relations prevailed between residents of settlements. The interests of the community members were taken into account not only in economic activity. The German tribes did not have private ownership of Earth. The overall ownership of land united community members when attacking enemies. They jointly built wooden or earth fortifications that helped to withstand the enemy's onslaught. Residents of settlements participated in the departure of the cult, in ensuring the established rules of the community.

By the beginning of the resettlement, the German community was no longer homogeneous, although the social bundle was expressed yet quite weakly. Most German burials have no inventory. The material culture of the German tribes of this time did not differ in diversity, the perfection of technical execution and was closely related to its functional purpose. Only individual findings were allocated by wealth and skill of execution, but in such cases we are not dealing with local production, but with Celtic imports, which quite satisfied the needs of the still a few German nobility. By the beginning of the resettlement becomes a noticeable trend of the elevation of the Germanic nobility. It is formed from representatives of the old generic nobility and the newly emerging top of the tribe, the so-called. "New Nobles", which acquires weight in the tribe as the warriors and their leaders during the military campaigns of various mining and extensive lands.

The central figure of the ancient Germans was a free member of the community. He joined the activities of economic activities, fulfillment of the responsibilities of the warrior and participation in the affairs of the public property (popular assembly, cult ceremony). The social benefit of such a free member of the community was determined primarily affiliated with a family with a certain status. On the eve of the resettlement, the status of each German family depended not as much from wealth, how many of the numbers, origin, the authority of his ancestors, the general opinion about the family and the genus in general. The knowledge of the genus, although he did not result from wealth, but gave certain advantages of the material property, for example, in the deregious lands.
Although the central figure in the economic life of the German tribes, as already noted earlier, was a free member of the German community, sources suggest that there were a layer of people economically dependent on free communities. These were or tribesmen, or prisoners. Tacitus calls their slaves, based on the fact that such people were obliged to give the owner part of the products produced, work on it. In addition, they had a lower social status. So, the slave by origin was considered a stranger. The Germans had homemade slaves who grew and brought up with the owners. They differed from them only to personal cure, for they were not allowed to wear weapons and participate in the People's Assembly. Another category of slaves - land planted. However, here you can only conseen about primitive patriarchal slavery. Such a slave could have a family, economy, and all the dependence was expressed only in alienation of his part of his labor, or labor products. The German tribes in everyday life did not have a special difference between the slave and Mr. The status of the slave was not life. Captured in battle after some time could be released or even adopted. The volume of slave labor was a minor share in the life of the Germans. Not any rich family had slaves. Primitive German slavery quite consisted of the needs of the primitive economy of Germanians.
The basis of the political structure of the ancient Germans was a tribe. As in the household life, the central figure was a free member of the German community. The People's Assembly, in which all armed-free members of the tribe participated, was the highest authority. It was going from time to time and solved the most significant questions: the election of the leader of the tribe, the analysis of complex intrabre-shaped conflicts, dedication to the warriors, the declaration of war and the conclusion of the world. The question of the resettlement of the tribe to new places was also decided at the meeting of the tribe. One of the organs of the ancient Germann society was the Council of Elders. However, on the eve of the resettlement of its function and the formation tradition changed. Along with the wise patriarchs of the tribe, the Council was attended by representatives of the new tribal nobility, represented by the leaders and the most influential people of the tribe. The power of the elders gradually became hereditary. The Council of Elders discussed all the cases of the tribe and only made the most important of them for the approval of the People's Assembly, in which representatives of the old and new nobility played the most active role.

The expressive of the highest executive and administrative authority was elected by the People's Assembly, as well as the leader of the tribe shifted by it. In antique authors, he was marked by various terms: Principles, Dux, Rex, which, according to researchers, in the semantic meaning approaching the Other Konung term. The scope of Konung's activities was very limited and his position looked very modestly. "The conjants do not have infinite and undivided power." Konung conducted the current tribe cases, including judicial. On behalf of the tribe, he led international negotiations. In case of deregional mining, I had the right to a lot of stake. The power of the Konung in the German tribes was also sacred. He was a keeper of breeding traditions and customers of ancestors. His power was based and supported by personal authority, an example and ability to convince. Konoundi "more affects conviction than with the authority to order."

A special place in the political structure of the ancient German society was held by military squads. In contrast to the breeding militia, they were formed not on the basis of the generic affiliation, but on the basis of voluntary loyalty to the leader. The squads were created in order to robbing raids, robberies and military raids to neighboring lands. You could create a squad, any free Germany, who has a tendency to risk and adventures (or to profit), or the abilities of the military leader. The law of life of the squad was unquestioned subordination and loyalty to the leader ("to get out alive from the battle in which the leader fell - dishonor and shame for life"). The vigumers, as a rule, became representatives of the two polar social categories of ancient German society. It could be young people from noble families, proud of their origin, antiquity of the kind, seeking to increase his glory. No less active in the squad, those who did not have strong family connections were not particularly valued, they did not value the generic traditions, neglected and even confronted them. The squad delivered a considerable concern, for sometimes with his raids she violated prisoners of peace treaties. At the same time, as experienced in military business and well-organized strength, the squad in critical situations was the core of tribal troops, providing him with military successes. In the future, during the resettlement, the squad turned into the basis of the military authority of the King. However, since she served not to King, and his leader, the latter often became an opponent of the head of the tribe. The leaders of individual budgets often became the leaders of whole tribes, and some of them turned into a horse. However, the authority of such convunts was fragile and determined primarily by the knowledge of origin. The power of Konung, who expressed from the power of the military leader, was extremely unstable and until the Germans dominated the rules based on the principles of kinship, "new to know" could not qualify for a monopoly order "Public Field".

Thus, by the beginning of the resettlement, the German tribes were already quite serious and mobile power capable of both episodic penetrations for the Roman territory by the participation of Druzhin in military raids and to promoting new territories to all the tribe or a significant part of the tribe to conquer new lands. .
The first major clash of the German tribes with Rome is associated with the invasion of Kimvrov and Teutons. Teutons were a group of German tribes living along the western coast of Jutland and in the districts of the Lower Elab. In 120 BC They, together with Kimavra, Ambronomes and other tribes moved south. In 113 BC Teutons broke the Romans in Norik and, devastating everything on their path, invaded Gallia. Their Promotion in Spain stopped Celtiber. In 102-101. BC. Teutons suffer a crushing defeat from the troops of the Roman commander of Guy Maria at Aqua Sextyev (now ex in Provence). The same fate has suffered in 101 BC. Kimvrov in the battle of vessels.
The second migration push from the German tribal world, which predicts the great relocation of peoples, falls on the 60s. I in. BC. and is associated with the tribes of the swivel. Some researchers consider the Sveov Union of Tribes, others believe that this is some kind of big tribe from which the daughter tribes gradually separated. By mid i in. BC. The swovers became so strong that it was possible to combine several German tribes under their authority and together to speak to the conquest of Gaul. The military-migrating movement of this union in Gallia had its own pauses during which the livelihood was mined. And although these pauses were short, the Gaul conquest process was delayed. Under the leadership of Konung, Areovsti Sveov tried to gain a foothold in East Gaul, but in 58 BC Were broken by Julia Caesar. It was after this raid, Ariovisti Romans began to call the entire set of tribes behind the Rhine and Danube. In addition to the Marked and Quad, which will be discussed below, Vangioni, Garuda, Triboki, Nemens, Sadia, Lugio, Sabina belonged to Swiss.

Caesar's struggle with Arianist ended with the victory of Caesar and the expulsion of Ariovista from Gaul. As a result of the defeat in the war with Rome, the Union of Tribal under the primacy of Ariovista collapsed.
A part of the Swine tribes went to Moravia and is still known in history as a tribe of quads. Other Swab tribes played a significant role in the Tribal Union under the guidance of Marobod Marobod's license (8 G. BC - 17. N.E.).

Thus, the migration impulse associated with the swings revealed the desire of German tribes to consolidate and was actually the first experience of such consolidation. It was after the defeat of the swarms of Caesar among the German tribes begins a massive process of formation of various unions. The unifying movement was caused by the desire of individual tribes to protect against the Roman state and maintain their independence. After the triumph of Caesar, the Romans repeatedly invade and host military actions in German territory. An increasing number of tribes falls into the zone of military conflicts with Rome. At the same time, the daily life of the Germans, even without losing them, independence is deprived of internal stability, but not all German tribes after power contacts with Rome lose the desire to maintain autonomy and independence. To guarantee the independence of the tribe and ensure the ordinary Germans and his family members of peaceful and quiet life could only support neighbors-relatives. The tribe had more chances to preserve stability and reliable protection against the external threat, while in a large breeding association. During this period, the type of tribe seemed to lead to leadership and capable of leading. Briefly managed to lead the German tribal world to Marchanges. These tribes originally dwell on the middle elbe, but then advanced to the land area and during the i century. BC. Take part in various intergovernmental clashes. So, in 58 BC They fought in the troops of the Union of the Tribe, headed by Arianist, but already in 9 BC. The Roman troops under the command of the druz won the marking victory, after which they moved to the territory of Now. Bohemia, which was left before this, the Boyyev tribes. Here, the markingmen became the kernel of the union related (quads, seeds, Langobard, gemondura) tribes headed by Marobod. However, the war with Herules of the Arminian in 17 g., And then the overthrow of the Marobod in 19 g. He led to the termination of the hegemony of Marked and transform them into the clients of the Roman state. It is difficult to judge what reasons, in addition to the aspiration of the Marobod to sole power, was prevented by Markarkans at this time to keep robust control over the Swivel group of tribes - lack of forces, foreign policy difficulties, or something else, but the fact remains: Marked Temporarily gave way to Herusch's palm Of the significant tribes that lived between the Weser and the Ellake north of Garz. At the end of the i century. BC. They were conquered by a friend and Tiberius. However, already in 9 AD. Arminic the union of tribes was headed by Romans in the teutoburg forest crushing strike: three legions were killed with legats and all the auxiliary troops.

Large defeat of the Roman army in the Teutoburg Forest at the beginning of the i century. AD It was the logical conclusion of the strip of the external activity of the Germans, which became like an overture to a great resettlement. They showed mobility, gained the experience of successful hostilities, found such a form of consolidation as a military union that increased their strength and further during the resettlement was repeatedly used by them. The first military unions (Kimvrov, Teutonov, the Swives of the Arimist, Armini, Sveivo-Maroboda) were fragile and short-lived. They were formed at the original German territories, in the interests of a military organization, in order to confront Rome and did not represent absolute ethnopolitical unity. Disconnecting processes were not unconfluous. The need for consolidation was fueled, probably not only by the presence of a strong neighbor - the Roman Empire, or other rival neighboring "peoples", but also internal evolution of public traditions of the German tribes. The formation of the first military unions can be viewed as a manifestation of the processes of confrontation and simultaneous rapprochement of the Roman and barbaric worlds.
In turn, evolved the attitude of the empire to the Germans. Although throughout the I B. AD, the campaigns of the Romans in the land of free Germans continued, they managed to even win a number of victories, nevertheless, with a dream about the conquest of Germany, it was necessary to part forever. The Roman Empire at this time most of all needed protective measures that could at least slow down the onslaught of German tribes. At the end of the i century. The boundary was finally determined, separating the population of the Roman Empire from ethnically with a broken Barbaricum Solum. The border was held on Rhine, Danube and Limo, who joined these two rivers. Limes Romanus was a fortified lane with fortification structures, along which the troops were quartered. It was the border, which further for many hundreds of years has shared two strongly different and opposing each other in the world: the world of Roman civilization, which has already entered into its Akmatic phase, and the world only awaken to the active historical life of German tribes. However, the improvement policy of Germans empire was carried out not only by the military strengthening of borders.

Another deterrent was to trade. The network of commercial roads is expanding, the number of points of permitted trade with German tribes is growing. Many tribes receive the privilege of mediation freedom. Developing traditional trade and economic ties and creating new ones, the empire hoped to keep excessive excitement in the framework necessary for her peace of mind, thirst for new and tendency to adventures of German leaders.

However, such an empire policy gave opposite results. The more Rome drawn the German tribes into the sphere of his influence, the more dangerous opponent he created himself. Communication of the Prince Germans with Roman soldiers and merchants stimulated changes in their generic stroit. The influence of the childbirth, whose representatives served in the Roman army increased, received Roman citizenship, mastered the Roman lifestyle. At the same time, it was unhappy with the rulers of Romans, which led, for example, an armina rebellion. Bringing the Germans from migrations, Rome indirectly stimulated their internal development. Agriculture and craft was improved, the organization and structure of power in the tribe became more sustainable, the population density grew. At the same time, in some cases, the empire managed to successfully combine power and inconsistent methods in curbing the excessive activity of German tribes. This can be said about Batwas, which are still in 12 BC. Were conquered by the Romans. But the defeated enemy is widely attracted to the service in the troops. As a result of the oppression of Batava, led by Julia Civilis in 69-70. Raise the uprising. It covered the area from Sambra, Shelda, Maas and Rhine to Ems. Along with the polyethnics of the Batava Union, and it was included in it: German tribes - canninefates, friezes, brooms, tetteries, Cugerns, Celtic Germans - Nervia and Tungras, Celtic tribes - travelers and lingons, distinguished the position of his participants in relation to Rome vividly: from active opponents to the tribes of faithful and devotees. The rebellion of Batavi Civilis was suppressed, but the Roman government more and more needed help from the Germans and was forced to negotiate with their leaders. And even after the suppression of the rebellion of Batavov continue to attract for military service. Strong physique Blond Batavavi Warriors were known as skillful riders and sailors. Mostly of them were the imperial bodyguards.

The humiliating defeat in the Teutoburg forest and the growing consolidation of the German tribal world has increased the concentration of Roman troops on the Rhine, but they stopped the Zaryan aggression of the empire. After suppressing the rebellion of the battles, the auxiliary parts ceased to be placed in the provinces, of which they were scored, it was shortened and improved a message between the Rhine and Danube border, the decamat fields on the right bank of the Rhine were included in the Empire and new Castells were built. The Germans remained free, but their independence was conditional.

Thus, in the motley and diversity of historical events and fate of individual German tribes, in the apparent chaoticness of inter-barded unions and conflicts between them, contracts and clashes of Germans with Rome, the historical foundation of those subsequent processes that were the essence of the Great Resettlement were evaporated. Previously mentioned the objective prerequisites and prompt causes that pushed to the historical movement of German tribes: the need to master new lands for exercising farming and cattle breeding, climate change and the need for resettlement to more favorable regions in this respect, etc. But for the implementation of these prerequisites, the tribes themselves should have gained a certain new historical quality. The tribe should have become sufficiently sustainable and mobile in socio-economic and military-organizational terms. This was ensured by the development of a system of power and subordination, the independence of military structures (man) and the level of armament of all free Germans, allowing to reflect the enemy's onslaught, when the squad was in the campaign, and deliver the reserve for armed formations.

It was also important to the predominance of cattle breeding over agriculture, and at the same time a fairly high level of agriculture, allowing to change the location of the tribe without destructive for tribal economy of consequences. It was necessary to weaken the tribal isolation, the formation of the skill is sufficiently stable and long association, because, as the fate of individual tribes shows, the very existence of the tribe during the resettlement sometimes depended on its ability to combine with other tribes in the process of contacts and conflicts with Rome.

No less important was the "accumulation of knowledge" about Rome. It was they who helped out the goal of movement that determined the nature of military and other preparations to promote the Roman limits, formed in the tribal consciousness, fixing both defeats and victories, ideas about the possibility of success in confrontation or interaction with the Roman state.

So, the need to leave the native place could arise when the tribe, enveling a fairly high level of development, realized himself with a single and mighty generality, and was very numerous. Such "willingness", many German tribes reached the beginning of the Marked Wars, who open up the great resettlement of peoples.

Ancient Germany

The name of the Germans excited bitter sensations in the Romans, caused gloomy memories in their imagination. Since then, Teutons and Kimvra moved the Alps and rushed a devastating avalanche for excellent Italy, the Romans with anxiously looked at the peoples little-known them, worried about continuous movements in ancient Germany for a ridge enclosing from North Itia. Even Caesar's brave legions were covered by fear when he led them against Ariovist's swovers. Fear of the Romans was increasing the terrible news of defeat Vara in Teutoburg Forest, the stories of warriors and prisoners about the severity of the German country, about the wildness of its inhabitants, their high growth, about human sacrifices. Residents of the South, the Romans had the most gloomy ideas about the ancient Germany, about impassable forests, which stretch from the banks of the Rhine for nine days of the path to the east to the uppercale Elba and the center of which - the Gerced Forest, filled with unknown monsters; about swamps and desert steppes that extend in the north to the stormy sea, over which there are thick fogs that do not pass the living rays of the sun, on which the marsh and steppe grass is covered with snow, for which there are no ways from the area of \u200b\u200bone people in the region Other. These ideas about the severity, the gloomy of the ancient Germany so deeply repurchased in the thoughts of the Romans, that even impartial Tacit Says: "Who would leave Asia, Africa or Italy to go to Germany, the country of harsh climate, devoid of every beauty, which produces an unpleasant impression on everyone living in her or visiting her if she was not home to him?" The prejudices of the Romans against Germany were strengthened by the fact that they considered barbaric, wild all those lands that lay beyond the borders of their state. For example, Senecasays: "Think about those peoples who live outside the Roman state, about the Germans and about the tribes that mooring on the bottom of the Danube; Is almost a continuous winter over them, the cloudy sky is constantly cloudy sky, isn't it scarce, what does it give them an unfavorable fruitless soil? "

And meanwhile, the magnificent oak and leeping lime forests were already growing up in ancient Germany, fruit trees were already in ancient Germany and there were not only the steppes and covered with moss of swamps, but also Niva, abundant rye, wheat, oats, barley; The ancient German tribes were produced from the mountains of iron for weapons; Healing warm waters in Mattiake (Wiesbaden) and the Earth of Tungres (Spa or Aachen) were already known; and the Romans themselves said that in Germany a lot of horned cattle, horses, a lot of geese, the fluff of which Germany is rich in fish, wild bird, wild animals, suitable for food, that fisheries and hunting are delivered to the Germans Food. There were no still well-known gold and silver ores in the German mountains. "In silver and gold, the gods denied them," I don't know how to say, by the mercy of whether to them or by hostility, "says Tacit. Trading in ancient Germany was only exchange, and only the tribes in the Roman state were used by the money they received a lot from Romans for their products. The princes of the ancient German tribes or people who drove the ambassadors to the Romans were golden and silver vessels obtained as a gift; But, according to Tacitus, they appreciated them not higher than clay. The fear that the ancient Germans initially inspired by the Romans, then went over to their high height, physical strength, respect for their customs; The expression of the feelings of these serves "Germany" Tacitis. At the end wars of the era of August and Tiberius Romans with the Germans became close; educated people went to Germany, wrote about her; It smoothed many of the former prejudices, and the Romans began to judge the Germans better. The concepts of the country and the climate were left for their former, unprofitable, inspired by the stories of merchants, adventurers who returned prisoners exaggerated by soldiers on the difficulties of campaigns; But the Germans themselves began to reckon with Romans with people who have a lot of good; And finally, the Fashion was at the Romans to do his appearance, if possible, similar to German. The Romans admired the high growth and slim strong buildings of the ancient Germans and Germans, their fluttering golden hair, light blue eyes, in the view of which pride and courage were expressed. Noble Romans with artificial means gave their hair that the color that women and girls of Ancient Germany liked them.

Family of the ancient Germans

In peaceful intercourse, the ancient German tribes inspired by the Romans respect by courage, force, militality; Those qualities that they were terrible in battles were welded with friendship with them. Tacitus extols the purity of morals, hospitality, straightforward, loyalty to the word, marital loyalty to the ancient Germans, their respect for women; It praises the Germans to such an extent that his book about their customs and institutions seems to be many scientists written with the purpose of devoted to pleasure, the vicious tribesmen were ashamed, reading this description of simple, honest life; Think that Tacit wanted to vividly characterize the corruption of Roman morals by the image of the life of ancient Germany, which represented the opposite of them. And indeed, in his praise of the strength and cleanliness of married relations in the ancient German tribes, the sadness of the spoilness of the Romans is heard. In the Roman state, a decline of the former excellent state was visible everywhere, it was clear that everything was inclined to death; Those bright in the thoughts of Tacitis the life of ancient Germany, still preserved primitive morals. His book is imbued with a vague premonition that Rome threatens the great danger from the people, the war with which Romans were cut deeper than war with the samnets, Carthaginians and Parfyans. He says that "Triumps were more celebrated above the Germans than victories were obsessed"; He premeditated that the black cloud on the northern edge of the Italian horizon will burst over the Roman state with new thunder blows, stronger than the previous one, because "the freedom of Germans is more powerful than the forces of the Parthian Tsar." It is only the hope for the contention of the ancient German tribes, only hope for the contention between their tribes: "Let the German peoples remain if not love for us, then the hatred of some tribes to others; With the dangers that threaten our state, fate can not give us anything better than the discord between our enemies. "

The resettlement of the ancient Germans on Tacitis

Connect those features what, outlines Tacit In his "Germany", the lifestyle, customs, institutions of the ancient German tribes; He makes these notes fragmentary, without strict order; But, by collecting them together, we will get a picture in which there are many gaps, inaccuracies, misunderstandings or Tacita himself, or people who reported to him, much borrowed from a national legend, which does not meanness, but which still shows us the main features of life Ancient Germany, the embryos that developed subsequently. The information that the Tacitus gives us, replenished and clarified by the news of other ancient writers, legends, considerations about the past in later facts, serve as the basis of our knowledge of the life of the ancient Germannsky tribes in primitive times.

Equally S. Caesar. Tacitus says that the Germans are a numerous people who have neither cities or big villages living with scattered villages and occupying the country from the banks of the Rhine and the Danube to the North Sea to the Unknown Land for the Womb and for the Carpathian Range; What they are divided into a lot of tribes and that their customs are peculiar and durable. Alpine lands to the Danube, inhability and already conquered by the Romans, were not numbered to Germany; They did not consider the ancient Germans and the tribes who lived on the left bank of the Rhine, although many of them, such as Tungras (Maasa), Trevir, Nervians, EBUONI, were still praised by their Germanic origin. The ancient German tribes, which during Cesar and after were set by the Romans on the West Bank of the Rhine, have already forgotten their nationality, adopted Roman and culture. Killing, in the land of which Agrippa founded a military colony with the temple of Mars, who received a large celebrity, were already called the Agrippins; They accepted this name since the time as Agrippina, the wife of Emperor Claudia, expanded (50 g. According to R. H.), a colony based on Agrippa. This city, the current name of which Cologne still testifies to the fact that it was originally a Roman colony, became crowded and blooming. Its population was mixed, it consisted of Romans, killing, Galov. Settlers, according to Tacitis, attracted the opportunity to easily acquire wealth to profitably trade and the enormous life of the fortified mill; These merchants, hotel dealers, artisans and people who served in them thought only about personal benefits and pleasures; There were no courage or pure morality. Other German tribes despised and hated them; Dislike especially intensified after batav war They changed their tribesmen.

The resettlement of the ancient Germannsky tribes in the first century of our era. Map

The Roman power was established on the right bank of the Rhine in the region between the rivers of Major and the Danube, the border of which was guarded by Markomans before their relocation to the East. This corner of Germany was settled by people of different ancient German tribes; They used the patronage of emperors instead of Dani, which was paid by bread, fruits of gardens and cattle; Almost little, they learned Roman customs and tongue. Tacitus already calls this area of \u200b\u200bAgri Decumates, a decuma field, (that is, the land whose residents pay a tenth file). The Romans took it under their management probably in Domician and Traran and subsequently spent on the border of her with independent Germany ditch with the shaft (Limes, "Border") in defense of her from the raids of Germanians.

The line of fortifications that defended the decamation area from the ancient German tribes, besides Rome, went from Main through Koker and Yakst to the Danube, to which he was adjacent in the current Bavaria; It was a shaft with a moat, fortified watchdog towers and fortresses, in some places connected between her wall. The remains of these fortifications are very noticeable so far, the people in the terrain call their damn steno. The two centuries of the legions defended the population of the decamation region from the enemy raids, and it turned out from military affairs, lost the love of independence and the courage of their ancestors. Under the Roman security developed in the Decumat region agriculture, a civilized lifestyle was established, which other German tribes remained a thousand years after that. The Romans managed to turn into the blooming province of the land, which was almost a casual desert, while Barbarov was in power. The Romans managed to do it quickly, although the German tribes first prevented them with their attacks. First of all, they were concerned to build strengthening, protected by municipal cities with temples, theaters, buildings of tribunals, water pipelines, baths, with all the luxury of Itali cities; They connected these new settlements with excellent roads, built bridges across the rivers; In a short time, the Germans accepted the Roman customs here, language, concepts. The Romans knew how to look around the natural wealth of the new province and excellently use them. They transplanted their fruit trees to the decamation land, their vegetables, their bread varieties, and soon began to export agricultural products from there to Rome, even asparagus and turnips. They arranged on these previously belonging to the ancient German tribes of the ladies, the artificial irrigation of meadows and the NIV was forced to be a fertile land, which seemed to them not suitable for them. They caught a delicious fish in the rivers, improved livestock breeds, found metals, found salt springs, found a very durable stone for their buildings everywhere. They have already used their millstones those stall varieties of lava, which are still considered giving the best millstones; They found to highlight bricks excellent clay, conducted channels, regulated the flow of rivers; In localities rich in marble, such as on the shores of the Moselle, they built mills on which this stone was cut into the stove; They did not cover any healing source; on all warm waters from Aachen to Wiesbaden, from Baden-Baden to Swiss Vadena, from Parthenki (Parthanum) in the Retal Alps to the Vienna Baden, they staged pools, halls, colonnades, decorated them with statues, inscriptions, and the offspring is divided by the remnants of these structures Under the earth, they were so gorgeous. The Romans did not neglect the poor in the dark industry, noticed the diligence and agility of the German natives, took advantage of their talents. The remains of wide paved by stone of roads, found under the land of the ruins of buildings, statues, altars, weapons, coins, vases, all seats testify to the high development of culture in the decuma land under the rule of Romans. Augsburg was a trading center, a folded place of goods that the East and South exchanged with the North and West. Living participation in the benefits of civilized life also accepted other cities, for example, those cities in the Lake Bodhen, which are now called Constanta and Benzenz, Aduae Aureliae (Baden-Baden) at the foothills of the Black Forest, the city on Nekcar, which is now called Ladenburg. - Roman culture covered under Tranny and Antonines and land in the south-east from the decuma region, by the flow of the Danube. There were rich cities, such as Windbone (Vienna), Carnut (Petropel), Murca (or Murcia, Essecks), Tavrug (land) and especially Sirmiya (several west from Belgrade), more east of Nais (Nissa), Sardika (Sofia), Nikopol in Gemus. The Roman Itinery ("Roadbreaking") lists so many cities on the Danube that, perhaps, this border was not inferior to the Rhine-high development of cultural life.

Mattiak and Batavov tribes

Not far from the terrain where the borderline shaft of the decamat land came out with the tunes, before that the Town's ridge, that is, north of the decamation land, settled on the banks of the Rhine the ancient German tribes of Mattiakov, who were the southern department of the warlike people of Hattov; They and tribal to them Batava were loyal friends of Romans. Tacitus calls both of these tribes to the Allies of the Roman people, says they were free from any given Dani, they were obliged only to send their detachments to the Roman army and give horses to the war. When the Romans retreated from prudent meekness about the tribe of the Batavov, they began to oppress them, they raised the war that took a wide size. This uprising was pacified at the beginning of his reign Emperor Vespasian.

Tribe Khattov

The lands in the northeast of Mattiakov inhabited the ancient German tribe of Hattov (Chazzi, Hazzi, Geesz - Hesssets), the country was to the borders of the Herrinsky forest. Tacitus says that Hutta had a dense, strong physique, that their eyes had a brave, mind more active than other Germans; If you judge the German measurement, then the Hattt has a lot of reasonableness and intelligence, he says. They have a young man, reaching the age of majority, not a string of hair, did not break the beard until the enemy kills: "Only then he considers himself paying debt for his birth and upbringing, worthy of the Fatherland and Parents," says Tacit.

Under Claudia, the Gershtsev-Khattov detachment made a predatory raid on Rhine, to the province of Upper Germany. Leva Lucius Pomponiy sent Vangionov, Nemets and a detachment of the cavalry under the boss Pole senior Cut these robbers the path of retreat. Warriors went very diligently, divided into two detachments; One of them looked back from the robbery of the Hutt, when they became on vacation and drunk so that they were unable to defend themselves. This victory over the Germans was, according to Tacitus, the joy, that in this case, several Romans were released from slavery, captured over forty years before the defeat of Vara. Another detachment of the Romans and the Allies went to the land of Hattov, smashed them and gaining a lot of production, returned to Pomponius, who stood with the legions on the tauna, ready to reflect the German tribes if they want to revenge. But Hutta feared that when they go to the Romans, then Cheroshi, their enemies would invaded their land, therefore sent ambassadors and hostages to Rome. Pomponius was more famous for his drama than military feats, but he received a triumph for this victory.

The ancient Germann tribes of uzipetov and tetteries

Earth north from Lana, on the right bank of the Rhine, inhabited the ancient Germanic tribes of uzipetov (or ultrasters) and tetteries. Tracter tribe was famous for its excellent Connection; Riding the ride was played with their children, loved to ride and old people. The battle horse of his father was inherited by the brave of sons. Further to the northeast of Lippe and the jurisdiction of Ems, Brukters lived, and for them to east to Veser Hamava and Angrivara. Tacitus I heard that the Brukters war with the neighbors, that the Brukters were driven out of their land and almost completely exterminated; This inter part was, according to him, "joyful spectacle for Romans." Probably in the same part of Germany there were first and Mars, the brave people, exterminated Germanic.

Tribe froms

Earth on the seashore from the mouth of the Ems to Batavov and Canine Fathas were the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement of the ancient German tribe tribe. Friezes also occupied the neighboring islands; These swampy places were not pleasant to anyone, says Tacitus, but Frieza loved their homeland. They have long subordinate to the Romans, not worrying about their silencers. In gratitude to the patronage of the Romans, Frieza gave them a certain number of skins on the need for troops. When this tribute has become burdensome on the greed of the Roman ruler, this German tribe took up the weapon, the Romans won, their government overthrew (27 g. By R. Kh.). But with Claudia, the courageous Corbalon managed to return friezes to the Union with Rome. In Nerone began (58 g. According to R. H.), a new quarrel due to the fact that friezes occupied and began to cultivate some terrain on the right bank of the Rhine, lying empty. The Roman ruler ordered them from there, they did not obey and sent two princes to Rome to ask, so that this land was left behind them. But the Roman ruler attacked the clips settled there, part of them destroyed, the other led to slavery. Earth engaged in them again became the desert; Warriors of neighboring Roman detachments allowed her livestock.

Tribe Havkov

East from Ems to the Lower Elba and to the depths of the country, the ancient German tribe of Havkov lived to Hattov, whom Tacitus calls the noblest from the Germans who had the basis of their power of justice; He says: "They have no greed to conquest, nor arrogance; They live calmly, eliminating the quarrels, do not cause anyone to war offenses, do not empty, do not rob neighboring lands, do not seek to establish their predominance on the resentment to others; This is the best way to valid them and strength; But they are all ready for war, and when there is a need, they are always under weapons. They have a lot of warriors and horses, their name is famous and in peace-loving. " With this praise, I don't know that the Tacitus communicated by the Tacitis itself in the "Chronicles" of the news that the hinks on their boats often went to rob tribute to the Rhine, and the neighboring Roman possessions that they kicked the Ansibars and took their land.


South of Havkov lay the land of the ancient German tribe of Herusov; This brave people, heroic defended freedom and their homeland, has already lost their former strength and glory during Tacitis. Under Claudia, the tribe of Herusov called on Ithalik, the son of Flavia and the nephew of the armin, a beautiful and brave young man, and made him king. He first Rules gently and rightly, then, expelled opponents, he defeated them with the help of Langobards and began to rule severely. We do not have news about further fate. Weakened by discords and lost militancy from a long world, Cherusi during Tacitus did not have the power and did not use respect. Their neighbors gentlemen were weak. About the gentle-kimograms, whom Tacitus calls the tribe small, but famous feats, he only says that in times Maria They caused a lot of heavy lesions to Romans and that the extensive mills remaining from them on the Rhine show that they were then very numerous.

Tribe Sveovov

The ancient German tribes who lived on to the east between the Baltic Sea and the Carpathians, in the country of very little known Romans, Tacit, like Caesar, calls the overall name of the swovers. They had a custom who was distinguished from other Germans: free people were combed their long hair up and tied up over the tremene, so they fluttering like Sultan. They believed that it makes them more terrible for enemies. What tribes were called with the Romans, and there were a lot of research and disputes about the origin of this tribe, but in the darkness and dismantlement of news about them in the ancient writers, these issues remain not resolved. The simplest explanation of the name of this ancient German tribe is that "Sveov" means nomads (Schweifen, "wander"); The Romans called the swovers all those numerous tribes that lived far from the Roman border for thick forests, and believed that these German tribes were constantly moving from place to place, because most often heard of them from the tribes heard to the west. The Izvestia Romans on the swivels is boring and borrowed from the exaggerated of rivals. It is said that the Sveov tribe was a hundred districts, of which everyone could put a numerous army that their country is surrounded by the desert. These rumors were supported by fear, which name of the swover was inspired by the legions of Caesar. Without a doubt, the swovers were the federal of many ancient German tribes, closely related among themselves, whose former nomadic life has not yet been completely replaced by a settlement, cattle breeding, hunting and war also prevailed over agriculture. Tacitus calls the oldest and noblest seeds who lived on the Elbe, and Langobards living north of semons, the brave.

Germundura, Markomans and Quads

The East area from the decuma region inhabited the ancient German tribe of the germundura. These faithful allies of the Romans, enjoyed their big confidence and had the right to trade in the main city of the Real province, the current Augsburg. The tribe of the Germans-Narisov tribes lived below the Danube, and behind the Narisa Markomans and quads, which preserved the bravery, which brought them to their land. The areas of these ancient Germannsky tribes formed the stronghold of Germany from the Danube. The kings of Marcomans were quite a descendant Maroboda, then the innings that have received power on the influence of the Romans and kept, thanks to their patronage.

Eastern German tribes

The Germans who lived behind Markamans and quads had their neighboring tribes of non-German origin. Of the peoples who lived there on the valleys and the gorges of the mountains, some Tacitis ranks to the swing, for example, marts and drills; Others, such as Gothin, he considers Celts by their language. The ancient German tribe of the gothines was subject to Sarmatam, mined for its Lord Iron from their mines and paid them tribute. For these mountains (with suddesses, Carpathians), many tribes ranked tacitom to the Germans. Of these, the most extensive area was occupied by the German tribe of the Lagi residents, probably in the current Silesia. The leagues constituted the federation to which belonged to, except for different other tribes, Gariys and Nagarwals. To the north of the leagues, Hermann-Goths lived, and for gots, rugs and lemomians; I was ready for the kings that had more power than the kings of other ancient German tribes, but still not so much so that freedom is ready to be suppressed. From Plinia I. Ptolemy We know that in the north-east of Germany (probably, the ancient German tribes of Burgundyonov and Vandalov lived between the warbed and the Baltic Sea); But Tacitis does not mention them.

German tribes of Scandinavia: Svids and Sitons

Tribes who lived on the Vistula and the southern shores of the Baltic Sea, the boundaries of Germany were closed; In the north of them on the Big Island (Scandinavia), the Germans and Sitons were lived, strong, except for the ground forces and the fleet. The ships them had noses at both ends. These tribes differed from Germans by the fact that the kings of them had an unlimited power and did not leave weapons in their hands, but kept him in storerooms protected by slaves. Sitons, according to the expression of Tacitis, humiliated to such a slavery that they had overlooked the queen, and they had obeyed women. For the land of the Germans, says Tacit, there is another sea, water in which is almost fixed. This sea closes the extreme land limits. In the summer, after sunset, the radiance it retains it even such force that the stars darken all night.

Negroean Baltic Tribal: Estia, Pevkins and Finns

The right bank of the Svyvsky (Baltic) Sea is washes the land of Estiyeva (Estonia). According to customs and clothing, estiates come to the swipe, and in the tongue they, according to Tacitis, closer to the British. Iron them are rare; Common their bolava weapons. They are engaged in agriculture diligently lazy german tribes; They swim around the sea, and they are the only people who collect amber; They call him Glaesum (German. Glas, "Glass"?) They collect it on the shallows in the sea and on the shore. For a long time they left him to lie between other objects, which thumps the sea; But Roman luxury, finally, turned their attention to him: "They themselves do not use it, exported in a necessary form and missed what they receive fee for it."

After Tacitus leads the names of the tribes, which he says that he does not know whether the Hermann should consider them or to Sarmatians; These are Veneny (Vendi), Pevkins and Fenna. He says about the vents that they live by war and robbery, but differ from Sarmatians by building at home and fight hiking. About Peking He says that some writers call them bastar that they are in tongue, clothes, but similar to their homes look like an ancient German tribes, but what, mixing by marital unions with Sarmatians, they learned themselves from them with baldness and untidiness. Far in the north inhabit the phenos (Finns), the most extreme people of the settlement of the Earth; They are perfect savages and live in an emergency poverty. They have no weapons or horses. Finns feed on grass and wild animals, which are killed by arrows having pointed bone tips; They dress in animal skins, sleep on Earth; In defense of bad weather and predatory animals, there are plentores from branches. This tribe says Tacitis, not afraid of people nor the gods. It reached what is more difficult to achieve a person: they do not need to have any desires. For the Finns, according to Tacitus, there is a fabulous world.

No matter how large was the number of ancient German tribes, no matter how great was the difference in public life between the tribes that had the kings and did not have them, the insightful observer Tacit saw that they all belong to one national whole that they are part of the great people who, without mixing with foreign people, lived on customs completely original; The root equity was not smoothed by tribal differences. The language, the nature of the ancient German tribes, the lifestyle of them and the reverence of the common German gods showed that they all have a common origin. Tacitus says that in the old folk songs, the Germans praise the god of Tisov and his son Mann, as their grandparents, that from the three sons of Mann have occurred and received their names three indigenous groups, which covered all the ancient German tribes: Ingiews (Friezes), Herminons (Sveov) and advisions. In this tradition of German mythology survived under the legendary shell of the testimony of the Germans themselves, that, with all their fragmentation, they did not forget the generality of their origin and continued to consider themselves tribesmen

About 4-5 thousand years ago, Indo-European tribes came to the territory of the Baltic States and the North Sea coast. At that time, representatives of some other ethnic group were inhabited there, whose origin of science is still unknown. As a result of the mixing of the aliens with the indigenous inhabitants of these territories, the people of Germanians arose. Over time, the tribes began to leave their pranodine and settled practically throughout Europe. The word "German", which first appeared in the writings of Roman authors in the IV century. BC er, has Celtic roots. The Germans crowded the Celts from Western Europe and they themselves settled their lands.

Ancient German tribes: settlement areas

Researchers identify three main branches of German tribes:

  • Severogherman. Lived in the north of the Scandinavian Peninsula. There are ancestors of modern Norwegov, Danes and Swedes.
  • West German. This group of tribes, which included Langobard, Angles, Saksa, Teutons and many others, settled the Rhine Pool.
  • Eastern Hermann. Included tribes ready, vandals and burgundy. This group occupied expanses from the Baltic to the Black Seas.

Great relocation of peoples and the formation of the barbaric kingdoms

In the 4th century, the Gunnov Gunnov terrible hordes were put forward to the fertile lands of Southern Europe under the leadership of Attila. The impending threat has led to the entire population of Eurasia. Whole peoples and tribes moved to the West, so as not to face Turkic nomads. These events entered the story as a great relocation of peoples. The Germans played one of the key roles in this process. Moved to the west, they inevitably had to face the Roman Empire. So the long struggle of the barbarians and the Romans began, which ended in 476 by the fall of Rome and the emergence of numerous barbaric kingdoms on the territory of the empire. The most significant of them includes:

  • Vandalsky in North Africa;
  • Burgundy in Gaul;
  • Frankish on the Rhine;
  • Langobard in Northern Italy.

The appearance of the first adventures of statehood among the ancient Germans belongs to the III century. This phenomenon was characterized by the destruction of the tribal system, the strengthening of property inequality and the formation of large breeding unions. This process was suspended due to the invasion of Huns, but after the nomadic threat passed, continued with the new force already on the fragments of the Roman Empire. It should be noted that the number of former Roman citizens significantly exceeded the number of conquerors. This was the reason for the very peaceful coexistence of representatives of two civilizations. The barbaric kingdoms rose from the synthesis of antique and German traditions. Many Roman institutions have survived in the kingdoms, and due to the lack of competent people in the barbaric environment, the Roman Elite occupied not the last place in the state administration.

The heterogeneity and immaturity of the barbaric kingdoms led to the death of most of them. Some of them were subordinate to the powerful Byzantine Empire, and some became part of the influential kingdom of francs.

Life and public device

The ancient Germans lived mainly at the expense of hunting and robbery. The head of the tribe was the leader - konung, however, he always coordinated important decisions with his military manner, elders and the People's Assembly. The right to participate in the meeting had all the free members of the community capable of wearing a weapon (in some tribes it could be a woman). As the tribal tops enriched, the first estates began to occur. The Company was divided into noble, free and semi-free. Slavery among the Germans also existed, but was patriarchal. Slaves were not the powerful owners owner, as in Rome, but rather with the younger family members.

Until II-III century, Germans led a predominantly nomadic lifestyle, however, they had to coexist next to the then mighty Roman Empire. Any attempt to penetrate the border roman trees toughly stopped. As a result, in order to feed, the Germans had to go to fastenness and arable farming. The ownership of the land was collective and belonged to the community.

Cultural influence of Celts and tremendousness contributed to the development of the craft. The Germans learned how to produce metal and collect amber, produce weapons, extract the skin. Archaeologists have found many ceramic products, jewels and wooden crafts made by German masters.

As the Rome weaken and loosening the discipline in the border garrisons, the Germans became increasingly penetrating into the territory of the Empire. Between the two cultures began to occur strong links (mainly economic). Many Germanians even walked to serve in the Roman army.

After the occurrence of the barbaric kingdoms, feudal connections have become the basis of public and land relations, which grew up from the relations of the warriors and the former Konong (and now - the king). Later, these links will become a base of public life in medieval Europe.


The most complete picture of historians were able to add only about the religious representations of the North-German tribes, since their myths reached our days in writing sources. At the head of the Panitary Pantheon, the Northern Germans stood the god of war and wisdom - one. The secondary, but also very important and other gods were also very important, including: the goddess of Freiya's fertility, the incarnation of marine elements - Nyěd, the God of tricks Loki and God thunder.

Other tribes obviously had enough similar to the Scandinavian Pantheon. Initially, religious practitioners were engaged in leaders and elders, but as the prepositions of religious views and the social structure had a priestly priesthood. According to Roman authors, all important ceremonies - prayers, sacrifices (including human), fortune-telling - Germans conducted in their sacred groves. Long before the fall of Rome, the population of Europe began to grow rapidly Christianize. However, Christian dogmas was mixed with the pagan views, which was the cause of the distortion of the Christian teaching and the appearance of heresies.

Hermann ancient , tribes belonged to the German language group of the Indo-European language family. Tribal names retained (Teutons, etc.). The word "German" of Celtic origin.
Praodina Germans - South Scandinavia and Peninsula Jutland. With 4 in. BC e. We moved to the depths of the continent (south and west). They are divided into 3 groups (by language affiliation and place of resettlement) or 5 military-religious tribal unions (according to the classification of the Roman geographer 1 century. N. E. Tacita Senior Pole and Historian). Northern Germans (Gillevions) inhabited Scandinavia (Damas, Gauts; see Art. Normans), Eastern (Windows) occupied Member Oderer and Wisters (Goths, Burgundy, Vandals). Western Germans include the military tribal unions of Herminon (Alemanna, Sveov, Langobard, Thuringia, Markomans; lived in the south of Germany to the east of the Rhine River), Ingiewicon (Angles, Saksa, Utah, Friezes; Peninsula, Yutland, North Sea coast) and Expendivines (ampsivaria, Brukters, Hamava, Hattoaria, amps, tetteries, TUBANTS; Lowness Rhine). CO 2 V. n. e. Expenditures are known as francs.

Ancient German Warrior

In 1 c. BC e. We led a settling lifestyle (migration of some tribes took place). The farm prevailed cattle breeding (cattle, sheep, pigs). To 4 c. n. e. With the spread of the plow in the first place, agriculture (rye, barley, wheat; garden crops: root, cabbage, salad). On the border with the Roman world, trade developed (natural exchange prevailed). The ownership of Earth remained collective; The economy was conducted by large families (from three generations of the nearest relatives).
The basis of the Company was free independent householders who had the right to carry weapons and participate in the People's Assembly. From the mass of free due to the origin and personal valor, representatives of nobility were allocated. Military leaders (Konda) collected friends who lived at the expense of military extraction and voluntary approachs of tribesmen.

Hermann ancient. Battle of vessels.

In 1 c. BC e. - 1 century. n. e. Several short-lived progational associations were formed: the Svyvsky Union of Ariovista (crushed by Julia Caesar in 58 BC. eroboda), the Swing-Marka Marrow Union (collapsed in 19. E. after the overthrow of the Marrow), the Union of Herusov Armin (collapsed in 21 G. N. E. After the murder of the Arminism), the Batava Gallo-German Union Yulia Civilis (crushed by the Romans in 70 n. E.).
The first collisions of Germanians with the Romans belong to the 2nd century. BC e. (invasion of tribes of Kimvrov and Teutons in Roman Gallia). In the era of the great resettlement of peoples (2-7 centuries), the Germans played a decisive role in the history of the Western Roman Empire and the formation of Western civilization. In 1 c. n. e. The border between the German and Roman worlds was established on the Rhine and Danube rivers, where borderline was built (Limes). During the Marchanical Wars (166-180), the Markomanov tribes, Langobards, Havkov broke through the border in Regional, Norik, Pannonia.

From now on, the contacts of the empire with the Germans went beyond the limits of military clashes. The German tribes settled on her lands, often under the rights of federals (defended the border from the invasions of other tribes for remuneration). The Germans accounted for a significant part of the Roman army, penetrated the state apparatus (see Art. Stylichon, Odacre). Roman-German trade developed. In the course of cultural contacts, the Germans were subjected to novels, Romans - Warvarization.

In con. 4 - beginning. 5 V. The penetration of Germanians into the territory of the Roman Empire intensified due to the onslaught of the Gunnov from the East: 378 - the battle with the Vesborati in Adrianopol; 406 - the invasion of Vandals, Alans and Sveov in Gallia; 410 - Rome ruin. In the course of the German invasions of 5 c. Vandals in Spain and Aquitania (418), Vandals in North Africa (442), Burgunds in Southeast Gaul (443), Burgundy in South-East Gaul (443), Vandals in North Africa (442), Vandals in South-East Gaul (443) , francs in the north of Gaul (486, see Art. Frankish kingdom), in Italy - sharp (493), then Langobard (568).
Based on the German population of Western Europe (mixed with Gallo-Romans, as well as the Arabs in Spain, Slavs in Central Europe) there were modern European peoples who spell on the languages \u200b\u200bof the Romano-German language group (French, Italians, Spaniards, the British, Germans, etc. ).

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