How to calculate percentages: from a number, from the sum of numbers, etc. How to calculate (calculate) a percentage of an amount? How to calculate daily calorie intake for weight loss

Landscaping and planning 26.05.2019
Landscaping and planning

It's no secret that in order to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you take in. If it depends only on the consumption of food and drinks, then the consumption is divided into basic and additional. The basic calorie expenditure is the energy expenditure for maintaining life, and the additional one is the amount of energy that we spend on training and any other physical work. To avoid confusion in these concepts, let's look at them in more detail.

Calculation of the basic consumption of calories (Basal Metabolic Rate, BMR)

The body spends much more calories on maintaining vital functions than on training activity. We do not notice it, but our body uses energy for breathing, protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, cognition and support. nervous system, heartbeat and the work of other internal organs, to maintain hormonal levels, to sleep, to move, and even to eat. The work of the body does not stop even for a minute.

Lean body mass (LBM) calculation:

LBM = [weight (kg) × (100 - %fat)]/100

BMR = 370 + (21.6 × LBM)

Basic calorie expenditure is related to both the amount of fat and the amount muscle mass. The more muscle you have, the more energy your body expends at rest.

Additional energy expenditure is divided into calories that we spend in training and calories spent on non-exercise activities.

In training, we spend relatively few calories - an average of 400 calories per hour of intense training. With three workouts per week, this gives us only 1200 calories. However, if training is aimed at strengthening muscle tissue, then base costs energies will increase. The body burns more calories to build and maintain muscle than it does to store and retain fat.

Any spontaneous or routine physical labor: walking, shopping, cleaning, cooking, playing with a child and even working at a computer.

Knowing the energy expenditure allows you to correctly calculate the calorie deficit for weight loss, but it is quite difficult to predict the exact weight loss.

Difficulties may arise due to:

  • Errors in counting calories consumed;
  • Erroneous assessment of one's own activity;
  • Fluid retention in the body;
  • Fluid retention in female body in separate phases of the cycle;
  • Simultaneous growth of muscle mass and fat burning;
  • Inattention to slow down basic calorie expenditure.

To avoid the above difficulties, eat right within the calorie and BJU corridor, soberly assess your own non-training activity, trying to maintain it at approximately the same level every day, exercise regularly, weigh yourself and measure volumes at the same time, and also take into account the phase of the menstrual cycle.

Seven times measure cut once. FROM folk wisdom you can’t argue, especially when you need to independently calculate the wallpaper for the room.

The pieces left from the panels, and even more so the extra rolls, are practically not suitable for anything (yes, we always leave them “in reserve”, but as a rule we rarely use them). On the other hand, if you buy more wallpaper, you can get into a mess. After all, the shade wallpaper sometimes differs from batch to batch.

So the rational owners are faced with the question of how much wallpaper to buy, so that it is enough for pasting, and there are no extra meters left.

Working with the program is more than simple, the calculation formula is intuitive, it is enough to indicate the dimensions of the room and the characteristics of the wallpaper. But, I would like to draw your attention to a few nuances.

How to calculate how much wallpaper you need per room

  • length, width and perimeter of the room. If you have a simple room configuration, specify its length and width. And if complex, then the perimeter;
  • wallpaper width. The working width is indicated, because there are still wallpapers that need to be glued with an overlap;
  • rapport- the basic element of the ornament on the wallpaper canvas.
  • bias. Shows how much the rapport on the wallpaper is shifted. Usually, this value is indicated on the roll. The desired length of the strip will increase by the same amount.
  • the height of the room is indicated with a margin of 5 cm. This is necessary to avoid the lack of length of the strip of wallpaper with a difference in heights and a reserve for a beautiful cut.

Please note that windows and doors are not subtracted from the perimeter of the walls, because their location affects the order of wallpapering. If necessary, you can do it yourself. The material was prepared for the site

Wallpaper table - calculation of wallpaper consumption according to the scheme

In addition to the calculator, they use a method - calculating wallpaper according to a table with standard parameters. Of course, the results are approximate and it is better to add an additional roll to the amount obtained.

Table number 1 - calculation of the number of rolls of wallpaper half a meter wide

Roll width half a meter (0.52 cm) and length 10 meters (10.05 m)

Table No. 2 - calculation of the number of rolls 70 cm wide

Roll width 70 cm (0.68 m) and length 10 meters (10.05 m)

Table number 3 - calculation of the number of wallpapers one meter wide

Roll width 1 meter (106 cm) and length 10 meters (10.05 m)

Sometimes the length of the wallpaper can reach 15 meters, so the calculations will have to be adjusted to the available length.

Calculator for calculating wallpaper for a room

Below is the program - online calculator wallpaper, which will help determine the consumption of wallpaper: paper, vinyl, non-woven, textile and fiberglass.

Calories are units of heat, or the amount of heat required to raise a gram of water by one degree Celsius. By eating food, a person receives energy and warmth. In order to keep the body in shape, lift or lose weight, you need to know how much food you need to eat, focusing on their calorie content.

daily calorie intake for women

A woman's body requires fewer calories than a man's. To maintain weight, you need to focus on age, activity, living conditions and individual characteristics.

Daily calorie intake rates for sedentary women and girls are as follows:

  • age 18-25 years - 2000 kcal;
  • age 26-50 years - 1800 kcal;
  • over 50 years old - 1600 kcal.

The fair sex with an average level of physical activity should be consumed per day:

  • age 18-25 years - 2200 kcal;
  • age 26-50 years - 2000 kcal;
  • over 50 years old - 1800 kcal.

For girls and women actively leading their lives, the daily indicators are as follows:

  • age 18-30 years - 2400 kcal;
  • age 31-60 years - 2200 kcal;
  • over 60 years old - 2000 kcal.

more accurate daily allowance calories for women can be calculated using the following formulas:

  • Harris-Benedict: BBI \u003d 665 + (9.6 x weight (kg) + (1.8 x height (cm)) - (4.7 x age (number of years)

The results are adjusted depending on mobility: with a sedentary lifestyle, you need to multiply the result by 1.2, with an average - 1.55, when visiting gym- 1.725, athletes - 1.9.

Example: A 24-year-old girl visits the gym three times a week. Her height is 168 cm and her weight is 65 kg. BOO \u003d (665 + (9.6x65 + 1.8x168-4.7x24)) x1.725 \u003d 2550 kcal.

  • Mifflin-St. Jeor: (10xweight (kg) +6.25xheight(cm)-5xage(year)-161)xKa (activity coefficient). Example: A woman is 65 years old, weighs 72 kg and has a height of 165 cm. Her daily calorie expenditure is: (10x72+6.25x165-5x65-161)x1.2=1518 kcal.
  • Ketch-McArdle: BMR=370+(21.6xLBM), where LBM = [weight(kg)x(100-%fat)]/100. To get the desired value, you need to multiply by the activity factor. Example: Woman, 30 years old, weight - 60 kg, height - 170 cm, athlete, has a body fat percentage of 14%. BMR \u003d 370 + (21.6x (60x (100-14) / 100)) \u003d 1484 kcal. We multiply this indicator by KA \u003d 1.9. As a result, we get: 1484x1.9 = 2820 kcal.
  • WHO. This calculation is based on CFA on this scale: 1 - low, 1.3 - medium, 1.5 - high. The rate of calorie expenditure for women aged 18-30 is determined by: (0.062xweight (kg) + 2.036)x240xCFA; 31-60 years old: (0.034xweight (kg) + 3.538)x240xCFA; 60+ years: (0.038 x weight (kg) + 2.755) x 240 x CFA. Example: Woman, 45 years old, weight - 80 kg, low activity. Metabolic norm: (0.034x80+3.538)x240x1=1500 kcal.

Daily calorie intake for men

Men willing to support physical form at the optimal level, in turn, leading a sedentary lifestyle, should adhere to the following daily norm:

  • 18-30 years = 2400 kcal;
  • 31-50 years = 2200 kcal;
  • 50+ years = 2000 kcal.

A man with an average activity indicator should adhere to the following daily calorie intake:

  • 18-30 years = 2600-2800 kcal;
  • 31-50 years = 2400-2600 kcal;
  • 50+ years = 2200-2400 calories
  • 18-30 years = 3000 kcal;
  • 31-50 years = 2800-3000 kcal;
  • 50+=2400-2800 kcal.

So, the Mifflin-St. Jeor formula for the stronger sex is as follows: 10xweight (kg) + 6.25xheight (cm) -5xage + 5

Example: Guy, 18 years old, weight - 70 kg, height - 178 cm. His daily calorie intake: 10x70 + 6.25x178-5x18 + 5 \u003d 1727 kcal.

According to the Harris-Benedict formula, the male daily calorie intake looks like this: 66.5 + 13.75 x weight (kg) + 5.003 x height (cm) -6.775 x age (years).

Example: A man, 55 years old, leads an active lifestyle, weighs 70 kg, has a height of 170 cm. He should consume per day: 66.5 + 6.25x170 + 5.003x170-6.775x55 = 1915 kcal.

According to the WHO formula, the daily metabolic rate for a man looks like this:

  • 18-30 years old: (0.063xweight (kg) + 2.896)x240xCFA;
  • 31-60 years old: (0.484xweight (kg) + 3.653)x240xCFA;
  • 60+ years: (0.491 x weight (kg) + 2.459) x 240 x CFA.

CFA is evaluated on the following scale: 1 - low, 1.3 - medium, 1.5 - high.

Calculation example: A 23-year-old male is actively involved in sports, height - 182 cm, weight - 90 kg. Its daily metabolic rate: (0.63x90 + 2.896) x240x1.5 = 3083 kcal.

According to the Ketch-McArdle formula, the male daily metabolic rate is: 370 + 21.6xweight (kg)

Calculation example: Man, 67 years old, height 190 cm, weight 100 kg. Its daily calorie content: 370 + 21.6x100 \u003d 2530 kcal.

How to calculate daily calorie intake for weight loss

To determine how many calories you need to eat for weight loss, you should subtract 20% from the result obtained in the formulas (calculated by any of the formulas, taking into account the activity coefficient), for faster weight loss - 40%. In turn, the daily metabolic rate should not fall this indicator: weight (kg) / 0.450x8.

Example: A 20-year-old girl weighs 68 kg and is 167 kg tall. Runs three times a week for 8 km. It turns out that her daily calorie intake is: BOO \u003d (665 + (9.6x68) + (1.8x167) - (4.7x20)) x1.725 \u003d 2629 kcal. To lose weight, she needs to reduce her calorie intake: 2692-2692 x 0.20 = 2166 kcal.

Knowing your own calorie intake, you can easily plan a menu for the day using the calorie count and reading the information on the package energy value products. It is also important to keep physically active.

How to calculate daily calorie intake for mass gain

For calculation required amount calories is the formula:

weight (kg) x30 = kcal.

For example, a guy weighs 74 kg, so his daily calorie intake is 74x30 = 2200 kcal.

But, this figure indicates the approximate number of calories to maintain the body in an unchanged state. Since the goal is to gain weight, you need to add at least 500 calories on top of the calories received. Those. 2200+500=2700 kcal. It is also important here to take into account the type of physique: mesomorph, ectomorph, endomorph. You can safely add 1000 calories to the first and second, and it is better for the latter to raise the bar to 500 kcal.

As body weight increases, calories should also be increased. More precisely, if the guy initially weighed 74 kg, and he needs 74x30 = 2200 + 500 = 2700 kcal per day, then when the weight has risen to 80, you need to recalculate again: 80x30 = 2400 + 500 = 2900 kcal.

What percentage of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be in the right diet

Having dealt with the daily metabolic rate, you should take up the compilation of the diet. The best ratio of nutrients for a proper meal, including weight gain, is the following:

  • proteins - 20-30%;
  • fats - 10-20%;
  • carbohydrates - 50-60%.

Based on the above ladies, it is important to select right amount healthy foods, under each category in the required quantity.

How to calculate how many calories you burn per day

To calculate the total calorie expenditure per day, you need to know how much is spent on a particular type of activity. It takes about 60-70 kcal per hour to sleep, if the sleep lasts more than 8 hours, the person did not experience stress during the day and went to bed in a calm state, in a cool environment, did not consume fats and carbohydrates before going to bed.

For work, for an 8-hour working day, depending on the type of activity, it takes:

  • office workers - 550 kcal;
  • education and service workers - 1050 kcal;
  • drivers, machine operators, workers with a moderate-heavy load - 1500 kcal;
  • athletes, builders, loaders and other workers hard work- 2050 kcal.

When walking, the indicator of energy expenditure can vary. A slow pace allows you to lose 190 kcal, and brisk walking - 300 kcal. You also need to take into account the weight of the person.

On average, with a weight of 80 kg, a person loses the following amount of energy per hour:

  • lying down - 69 kcal;
  • household chores - 120-250 kcal;
  • reading books aloud - 90 kcal;
  • jogging - 380 kcal;
  • swimming - 200-240 kcal;
  • skiing - 420 kcal;
  • cycling - 220-450 kcal;
  • roller skating or skating - 200-620 kcal;
  • dancing - 359 kcal;
  • volleyball on the beach - 290 kcal;
  • jumping rope - 360 kcal.

During breakfast, a person loses 60 kcal, at lunch - 85 kcal, for dinner - 60 kcal.

Accurately calculating the number of calories burned is quite difficult, since it is important to take into account every action. If you need to lose extra pounds, then the most important thing is to use more calories than get them from food intake. Help to control this entries in the food diary and an active lifestyle

Calorie counting is the most effective method getting rid of excess weight. At correct application it can give 100% result. Knowing the individual daily calorie intake, you can adjust the diet and achieve your goals faster.

Parameters affecting the choice of diet

The diet should be based on the characteristics of the body and the required amount nutrients. To calculate how many calories you need per day, you should consider:

  • daily activity level;
  • age and gender, since men need to consume more calories than women;
  • the presence of training;
  • figure parameters, which include height and weight;
  • habitual diet.

Thus, having on hand necessary calculations and knowing how many calories you need to eat per day, you can adjust your diet and achieve the expected results faster.

Women's and men's daily calorie intake

Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates are three key micronutrients that provide the body with the necessary energy and support biochemical processes.

The female body requires less daily intake calories than male. This is due to the inherent genetic ability to quickly gain weight for full-fledged procreation.

The norm of kcal per day for a woman is on average about 2000 kcal. If it is necessary to lose weight, 500 kcal or 10-20% are taken away from the calorie norm for different age groups of women with different activities and diets.

At the same time, the number of calories per day should be reduced gradually, otherwise a sharp reduction in the intake of substances necessary for the body can provoke malfunctions in menstrual cycle, attenuation immune system, slow metabolism or problems with the work of the heart.

In order to determine how many calories a day a man needs, it is necessary to take into account that they have an accelerated metabolism and are prone to fast weight loss. Therefore, for representatives male should consist of a diverse set of products.

The average calorie intake per day for a man is 2400 kcal and may fluctuate due to age, intensity of exercise, lifestyle and weight. To lose weight, men, like women, need to consume 10-20% fewer calories than the prescribed norm.

The daily requirement for calories, as well as carbohydrates, proteins, fats for able-bodied women and men is presented in the table:

How many calories do you need to lose weight?

In order for the body to activate defense mechanisms by slowing down the metabolism, it is necessary to understand exactly what calorie deficit is needed for weight loss. Experienced nutritionists advise to calculate how many calories a person needs per day, and then subtract 10-25% from the results.

It is important not to reduce the calorie content of the daily menu below the needs of the basic metabolism, since such a process of losing weight will be accompanied by loss of muscle mass and general discomfort.

You can create a 40% daily calorie deficit for weight loss in a very fast way. But it should be remembered that the safe calorie limit without the supervision of a nutritionist and a doctor is 1800 kcal for men and 1200 kcal for women. Otherwise, a person will not only lose weight, but will reduce immunity and simply deplete his body.

Online calorie calculator

Calorie per day calculator will help you find out:

  • how many calories you need to eat per day for the body to function normally;
  • how many calories do you need to lose weight;
  • how many calories it takes to gain weight.

To calculate calories for weight loss, you must specify your height, weight, gender, age, level of physical activity. You don’t need to do anything else, the online calculator will do everything by itself.

Age: years

Floor: Male Female

The weight: kg

Growth: cm

Activity: Minimal/no physical activity Basal metabolic rate 3x/week 5x/week 5x/week (intense) Everyday Everyday,intense or twice/day Daily exercise+physical work

Formula: Mifflin - San Geora Harris-Benedict

The calculation of daily calorie intake can be made using two different methods: one of the most modern, according to the Mifflin-St. Geor formula, derived in 2005, and according to the older, but popular among nutritionists in our time, the Harris-Benedict formula, known from 1919.

Drying the body

Drying the body is a set of actions, the implementation of which reduces the percentage of adipose tissue in the body, highlights the muscle relief as much as possible, and also burns subcutaneous fat.

Drying the body for girls and men consists in cutting carbohydrates in the diet, eating more water, increased consumption of high-protein foods and sports nutrition.

According to the advice of experienced nutritionists and trainers, to saturate the body with useful elements with protein, it is necessary to consume vegetables and fiber, as they combine perfectly and enhance the absorption of each other.

To draw up the correct diet, you should calculate the bju online using a calculator. Thus, you can find out not only the individual need for calories, but also the necessary ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, based on the goal pursued.

Application of knowledge about proper nutrition and diet is one of the main factors influencing the process of weight loss. The effectiveness of losing weight depends on many circumstances, but only a comprehensive approach to existing problem help solve it effectively.


The article is bullshit and composed by mediocrity. It seems that the numbers in the table for calories and beneficial substances from the daily ration taken from the ceiling. The brain during active work, during mental work, consumes about 30% of ALL the energy received from food by the body, and in the article such people mental labor compared to those engaged in light physical labor.
That is, engineers and scientists in their soldering and its nutritional value equated to scrubbers and laundresses. It is from such idiots who compose such articles and tables that the degradation of society and the collapse of states begin.

22.01.2019 14:15:00, NwePR666

How many calories to eat per day for weight loss?

29.08.2018 16:42:03, Marina

Skin day I train

11.08.2018 10:36:23, Victoria

Comment on the article "How many calories do you need per day to lose weight? Calorie calculator online"

And so the calorie calculator calculated for me that with my height and weight, and a sedentary lifestyle, in order to lose five kilograms, I need to eat 1300 kcal per day. so it seems that in calculators the limiter is, how many calories are from fats, how many are from carbohydrates, etc.

Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose the right diet and communicate with losing weight. Good night everyone) Share, losing weight, what do you think of KBJU? There is so much conflicting information on the Internet that my head is already spinning.

Calorie counter and BJU. Need advice. Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose the right diet and communicate with losing weight. How many calories do you need per day to lose weight? Calorie calculator online.

How many calories do you need per day to lose weight? Calorie calculator online. You can calculate how many calories you need per day to lose weight on your own with Why it doesn't work Weight loss and dieting: calorie counting doesn't work. 500 kcal - how much food?

It turned out 1420 kcal should be consumed to lose weight, BJU 45% -25% -30%, calculated - 160g of protein, 39g of fat, 107g of carbohydrates per day. I look at these figures and think, because you can die of hunger if you only have 160g of breast per day, for example, and 107g of lettuce or buckwheat ...

Need advice. Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose the right diet and chat with Thank you very much! This is approximately how it turns out in terms of calories for me now, but I kept thinking that this is a lot for me. I'll see what happens...

Daily calorie requirement for your physical. activity is definitely not lower than 2000 kcal, and maybe higher if household activity is high. For weight loss, take a deficit of 10%. weight loss on buckwheat. And then again I will crawl to kbzhu 100 grams a day.

I'm losing weight by 1600 kcal. You understand if there are too few calories, especially less than the base one. To lose weight, a woman needs comfort in everything: a balanced diet with absolutely Approximate daily calorie content should not be lower than 1200 kcal for women and 1500 kcal for ...

When losing weight, the main thing is the daily calorie content, and how to break it down is up to you. Worth listening to! There are no excesses in proteins and fats, either the norm or lower. How is the daily calorie intake calculated so that the weight goes away?

Weight loss and diets. How to lose weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose Girls, they recently gave a link, and so there is a good calculator for calculating calories, I’m not here, I won’t tell you myself, you need to calculate how much a day you can on a calculator ...

Recommend counter. It is necessary that when entering food, it writes how much is left of the daily norm of BJU. I found only one that simply counts them and writes only the rest of the calories ... And how do you plan \u003d count the menu for the day in advance or just choose the norm?

Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose the right diet and communicate with losing weight. Conference "Slimming and Dieting" "Slimming and Dieting". Section: Diets (if a person loses weight according to the kbzhu system, then how much does it cost ...

The weight is slowly coming off. Need advice. Weight loss and diets. I lose weight by this principle: counting calories. I was counted on weight loss courses 1150 kcal per day for weight loss - this is the upper limit. The norm is a loss of 4 kg per month. You made a mistake somewhere, either KK is greater than 1150, or ...

I will add that when losing weight, it is important not only how many calories you eat, but also the ratio of BJU, i.e. how many proteins, fats and carbohydrates underlies these calories. Daily calorie content is determined based on the overall metabolism.

Calorie calculator. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose the right diet and communicate with losing weight. Not only the income-expenditure of calories per day is important, but also the ratio of BJU ...

Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth And you stop losing weight. And at every opportunity, he begins to save calories for a rainy day. I lose weight by this principle: counting calories. I was counted on weight loss courses 1150 kcal per day for ...

Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose the right one. Especially where it says how many calories of which product, how to count. I think you need to choose the most effective from each diet and make your own diet ...

look on the Internet for a BMR calculator - there are plenty of them on the net. Why can’t you lose weight.” Girls, how many Kcal can you consume per day Always first calculate how much protein and fat you need and the rest of the calories already She counts the number of kcal for me, but not ...

How many calories do you need per day to lose weight. On the diet, about how many calories do you need and everything else can be viewed here, specifically for you. I need about 1100 kcal. How to lose weight with fat. Girls, how many Kcal can you consume per day ...

Sami. Today you can hire people who can do everything for you. Your task in this case is only to supply them to buy materials and to pay for their work. But, all the same, there are still enthusiasts who, even with a lack of time, try to make repairs with their own hands. And almost any repair is an update of the wallpaper in a room or in the entire apartment. Buying wallpaper today is not difficult. There are a lot of them in stores, any, both cheap and expensive. Here, everyone will count from their own capabilities. But, in order not to overpay for wallpaper and not buy an extra roll (and sometimes even several), you need to be able to calculate (and exactly) how much wallpaper you need for a particular room. Difficult here, in principle, there is nothing. You just need to know certain numbers and a little math. I don't think most of us have this problem.

How to calculate how much wallpaper you need?

So, remember the math, take the necessary measurements and calculate the right amount. The main thing is to calculate correctly, because the wallpaper today is made different in their width. It's not before when all the rolls were the same and you always knew exact width roll.

Let's start "dancing" from the standard roll. Its width is 53 centimeters and another indicator - the length is also standard, that is, 10 meters. The second indicator that you need to know for sure is the height of yours. Most of us live in apartments where the ceilings are separated from the floor by 2 and a half meters, that is, it is 2 meters 50 centimeters. It is this height that we will take as the base for our calculations.

Thus, these 10 meters of our standard roll will be enough for us to cut 3 strips from it. This is if the pattern on your wallpaper is quite large. If this pattern is small, then most likely you will cut all 4 strips, which, of course, is even better. The same 4 strips can be safely cut, if at all monophonic, without any pattern. You don't have to adjust these stripes at all.

Next, you will need to calculate what your room is around the perimeter. We remember the school, and we do the calculation, that is, we simply add up all the sides of your room. The amount that you will see on the calculator as a result of this most difficult mathematical operation is divided by the number 0.53. I think it's clear that this is the width of your wallpaper roll in meters. That's right, you will understand how many strips you generally need to glue your entire room.

Then we continue the calculation, and divide this figure by another 3. The number 3 is the number of strips that you can cut from the roll if you customize the pattern. That non-integer number (most likely it will be so) that you get when divided by 3, you will need to round it up and only up. It is this number that will indicate to you the number of rolls you need to glue this room. If yours are simple and without a pattern, then you will not be engaged in fitting, and accordingly, instead of 3, you will already divide by 4.

Custom wallpaper width. How to calculate here?

It is clear that not everyone uses only the standard width, that is, exactly 53 cm. Perhaps you liked the wallpaper of a completely different width. Well, for example, a little more than a meter, usually it is 1.06 m. Their width, however, is usually the same, that is, the same 10 meters.

You need to count here again as well, that is, again, the same perimeter of your room is divided by the width of the wallpaper roll you like (we have it 1.06), and then we divide again by the number of strips that can be cut from the roll (that is, 3 or 4). Do not forget, again round the figure, so as not to be left at the end of gluing your room without the missing piece of wallpaper.

It is clear that in each room there is a door through which we enter this room, and maybe more than one, if your room is a walk-through. In addition, there are also windows (again, there may be several). The area that is above the door, above and below, is usually pasted over from those strips that remain. And you will definitely have such stripes. They can even be adjusted, for sure, and you will succeed. If you buy without the need to fit them, that is, they are plain or with a very small pattern, then almost all of them are cut into strips (usually 4 strips from a whole roll).

So, you may not have leftovers, and therefore it is quite possible that you will have to buy another roll to glue exactly all these places. Everything in this case will be determined by the number of doors and windows themselves. But, it's always better when the wallpaper remains a little than when you urgently have to run to the store for an extra roll.

How to count? Simple example

You have to "refresh" the room, the length of the walls in which, and their width is 4 and 5 meters, that is, the perimeter of your room will thus be 18 meters. you, like many others, have standard ones, that is, the same 2.5 meters. You liked the standard wallpaper, in its width, that is, it is 0.53 m. Thus, you take a piece of paper and count. You get this: 18m: 0.53m: 3 strips = 11.32. You simply round up these 11.32 and go to the store for 12 rolls. Now, I hope you will not have problems with the calculation of the number of wallpapers.

Here is a helpful video on the subject. Here you will learn how to glue wallpaper correctly. We look.

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