How to teach a child to speak correctly - effective advice from speech therapists. Factors of the body that affect the difficulty in the pronunciation of P

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Quite often, parents complain that children encounter problems when pronouncing sounds that are difficult for them. As a rule, hissing sounds are the most difficult for them; in particular, parents' questions are related to how to teach a child to pronounce correctly the letters "s", "k" and others. Practicing this skill should be given attention as early as childhood.

Sound C - problematic in pronunciation

Despite the fact that most parents seek speech therapy most often when the child is already 5 years old, most pediatricians agree that it is necessary to start working on sound pronunciation much earlier.

This will prevent the mispronunciation of the sound from taking hold. To carry out such activities, it is not at all necessary to have special skills - it is enough to learn only a few simple techniques.

Pronunciation tips for the C sound

How to properly conduct speech therapy classes with a child? Tips and tricks for parents

How to teach a child to speak hissing, including the letter c? Any parent can provide simple speech therapy assistance to a child. However, the success of the events will largely depend on how well they are carried out.

If the child does not have complex speech disorders and can pronounce most sounds, home remedial exercises with a parent will be quite enough to bring sound pronunciation back to normal. In this case, the correct formulation of the sound will be achieved by automating the pronunciation.

Speech therapy classes need to start than before

Exercises for the development of sound pronunciation skills are useful not only for children who have certain problems with speech, but also for those who are quite healthy, due to the fact that they perfectly develop the articulatory apparatus, making it more mobile and flexible.

In the event that the child has more serious violations of sound pronunciation, and in speech he admits a large number of grammatical errors, to solve the problem on their own still risky enough. And, the sooner parents turn to a speech therapist for help in solving the problem, the more benefit it will bring to the child. And the easier it will be to teach him sound pronunciation and speak correctly.

How is the work on sound reproduction organized?

  • First, you need to find out which speech organs are involved in the pronunciation of sounds that cause problems for the child. They will need to be worked on primarily with the help of articulatory gymnastics for one letter or another.
  • The stage of direct sound production.
  • The stage of sound amplification and its learning in special speech therapy verses, texts, songs, etc.

Phonetic charging for sound C

Let's consider in more detail how to teach a child to pronounce the letter s easily and freely.

Articulation gymnastics and its features

As a rule, difficulties in pronunciation of the sound "s" are associated with insufficient mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. This must be done with the help of specially organized gymnastics. What is the best way to conduct classes?

Articulation session in front of a mirror
  1. A strict sequence of exercises and regularity are the main principles that ensure the effectiveness of exercises for the organs of speech. Best used already ready-made complexes exercises that teach you to pronounce certain sounds. They are selected taking into account the age and other characteristics of the child.
  2. In order for the child to more willingly participate in the lesson, it is best to teach him to speak in a playful way, supplementing with interesting riddles for the desired letter, songs, nursery rhymes and jokes
  3. Do not overload your child with exercise. In one lesson, it is better to do no more than 2-3, but with multiple repetitions - it’s easier to teach the child something new.
  4. It is possible to introduce new exercises with the letter "c" only after the child has already properly mastered all the previous ones and copes with them without much effort
  5. In order for the child to have the opportunity to see and correctly understand the technique of the exercises offered to him and to pronounce the sounds, it is best to use a mirror for classes
  6. When performing exercises, it is important to monitor the symmetry of the child's face, accuracy and smoothness of movements, and the correct pace. Without this, the effectiveness of the exercise will be minimized.

Lessons on pronunciation of the sound C

Helpful advice: Before starting articulatory gymnastics, you need to do several exercises in order to "warm up" the organs of speech: a simple smile, stretching the lips with a tube or ringlet, lifting the tongue will prepare them well for the exercises, and improve the results of your student.

After that, you can start by yourself articulatory gymnastics(v this case we will consider the Fomicheva M.V. complex). Such exercises should teach the child the correct sound pronunciation.

List of exercises for whistling sounds

"Kick the ball into the goal"

The exercise teaches the child to direct the air stream and pronounce hissing sounds. An impromptu "gate" of cubes is set on the table. The child's task is to drive a cotton ball ("ball") into them, pulling the lips forward and directing the air stream to it. It is important that in this case the child does not puff out his cheeks, and the action is carried out in one step.

Exercise allows you to relax your tongue, as well as form a directed air flow. The child puts his tongue on his lower lip and, keeping his mouth slightly open, says "five-five-five." It is important that the lip on which the tongue is lying does not tuck, and the air stream goes as smoothly as possible, without interruption.

Naughty tongue - game description

Wide tongue

The wide edge of the tongue is placed on the lower lip and held in this position for up to 5-10 seconds. At the same time, the organs of the articulatory apparatus should be as relaxed as possible, and the smile should be devoid of tension.

Parenting Tip: Be patient and try to treat these activities as fun games.

Remember that your baby is improving, for him this is something new, that he is doing for the first time in his life. Try to understand that for him it is connected with serious efforts, and the more interesting this activity will be for him, the greater your chances of a quick result.

Poems and riddles for the letter C for repetition

Articulatory gymnastics exercises that teach you how to pronounce sounds are quite difficult and unusual for a child. That is why you should not expect that he will execute them the first time and completely without errors. In order to teach a child to speak correctly, you need to think over a plan for a game-lesson. And in case of failure, do not scold him - it is better to support him and offer to try again. Over time, the child will learn both the letter and the sound corresponding to it.

Not correct pronunciation sound C is one of the most common disorders in children during the preschool period. This can be the replacement of the sound C with Ш (dog - "shabaka"), distorted pronunciation (interdental, toothless), etc. It is necessary to pay attention to this problem in a timely manner and provide the child with qualified assistance in setting and automating sound C. Of course, it is best to seek advice from experienced ones. However, parents can and should work with a child at home. If your baby finds it difficult to pronounce the C sound correctly, in our article you can get detailed advice on setting the C sound.

Articulation gymnastics to prepare the speech apparatus for the correct pronunciation of the sound C, the formation of phonemic perception of the sound C

Exercise "Smile". The lips are closed, alternately stretched into a smile and come to their original position.

Exercise "Fence". Smile so that the upper and lower teeth are visible. Hold this position for 5 seconds.

Exercise "Swing". Smile, open your mouth wide, lift the tip of your tongue up by the alveoli, and then lower it by the lower front teeth. Perform the exercise at least 5 - 10 times. At the time of the exercise, only the tongue should move, the lower jaw and lips should be kept motionless.

Exercise "Brush our teeth." Smile, open your mouth wide and use the tip of your tongue to make circular movements over your teeth (under your lips).

Exercise "Ride the hill." Smile, open your mouth wide, lower the tip of the tongue by the front incisors, raise the back of the tongue high up. Hold the organs of articulation in this position for 5-10 seconds.

Isolating the C sound

The sound C will turn out correctly if the lips are stretched in a smile, the teeth are closed, the tip of the tongue rests on the lower front teeth, the air stream goes in the middle of the tongue, as a result of which it will be possible to feel a sharp cold stream on the back of the palm brought to the mouth. If the child has difficulty imitating your actions and still lifts the tongue up, use a spatula to hold the tip of the tongue down behind the lower front teeth.

Improving the pronunciation of the sound C in different positions in syllables and words

If the child pronounces a correctly isolated sound, one should proceed to consolidate it in syllables and words. Initially, a direct position is used, when a vowel follows a consonant. Invite the child to repeat the following sequences of syllables: so, sa, sy, su, sa-sa-sa, so-so-so, su-su-su, sy-sy-sy, sa-so-sy, etc. When the baby learns to pronounce the sound C in syllables with high quality, move on to the words. Invite your child to repeat words after you, name what is drawn in the picture, what surrounds him, etc. Examples of words in which the sound C is located in a straight position: juice, Sonya, garden, sugar, drying, cheese, etc.

The next stage of work is in intervocal and reverse positions, in a confluence of consonants on the material of syllables and words: asa, oso, usu, ysy, aso, wasp, braid, wasp, wheel, as, wasp, mustache, as, kvass, class, ear , pineapple, sva, svo, sla, slu, smu, smu, cook, own, smog, chair, table, dreams, tablecloth, bench, etc.

Automation of sound C in different positions in phrases and coherent speech

In order for the child not to think about how to pronounce the sound C correctly, but to feel confident, we gradually give him tasks that allow, on the one hand, to improve this sound, and, on the other hand, to develop the grammatical structure of the language, coherent speech. To this end, you can offer the baby the following exercises: add or make up sentences for the picture; choose words with the studied sound C to adjectives; come up with words in which the sound C is in different positions (in the middle, at the beginning, at the end of the word); come up with sentences in which there would be words with the sound C; retell the story you heard; come up with a story from a set of words; learn a poem, etc.

To teach your child how to speak, select exercises based on interests and age. Come up with new games, change visual aids.

The ability to express one's thoughts, maintain a conversation, analyze information - these and other communicative qualities are highly valued by society and help a person to be successful. That is why parents are worried if their child is hard to learn native language, and begin to wonder how to teach a child to speak. It would be more correct to think about this not at 3 or 4 years old, when the lag in speech is already obvious and requires urgent action, but at the moment when the baby was barely born. And maybe even earlier ...

From birth to 3 years

This period is the most fertile for the development of the language. But without the help of parents, the development of speech can slow down or stop altogether. What do adults need to know to help your baby speak faster?

Up to 6 months

The first one should be encouraged in every possible way. When the baby wants to communicate, we drop everything and keep the conversation going. When pronouncing sounds with him, try to let the little one see your face, movements of your lips and tongue. At first, we simply repeat the sounds and combinations after it, then insert new ones.

We comment on all our actions in a calm, affectionate tone. And it's okay that the baby is very small, in six months he will understand many words.

We accompany massage, dressing, bathing, feeding with nursery rhymes and rhymes. They not only entertain the toddler. With their help, the baby literally "absorbs" the tongue.

Some studies have shown that "conversations" with a baby last dates pregnancy contribute better development his speech after birth. It is also good to sing, read aloud, and include classical music.

Up to a year

We teach the baby simple words: names of toys and body parts, say hello and goodbye, imitate animal sounds.

How? With the help of repeated repetition, looking at pictures, commenting on actions, manipulating toys. Babies from 6 to 12 months willingly repeat sounds and words after adults, the main thing is that everything is in a playful way.

Toddlers up to one and a half years old need to pronounce the studied words loudly and clearly. Opening your mouth exaggeratedly, you clearly show the work of the organs of speech.

Related material:

Second year

We are working on replenishing the vocabulary, teaching the baby phrasal speech. To do this, use the names of objects familiar to the crumbs in combination with a verb or an adjective. For example, while walking: “Who is this? (the child will answer "av-av"). That's right, dog. What is the dog doing? The dog is lying. What kind of dog? The dog is big). Or: “Give me a ball. The ball is round. Look, the ball is jumping. "

Do not forget to acquaint the baby with the names of colors and shapes, use thematic sets of cards (clothes, fruits, animals, etc.). Children of the second year love to look at them for a long time and with an interrogative "Y?" ask to name the picture.

In order for the organs of speech to obey the crumbs, you can already at this age begin to engage in articulatory gymnastics. To do this, sit with the child in front of the mirror and show how the tongue works, how wide you can open your mouth, where the baby has teeth. Closer to their second birthday, the children are quite capable of repeating some of the movements after their mother.

Third year

If a child's development occurs systematically and correctly, in the third year of life he has a sufficient vocabulary (100-300 words), adds simple sentences.

To help the little one learn the language faster, consider the pictures and illustrations. Make simple sentences based on them. Many parents overlook synonyms. For example, "the car is going", and also rushes, moves, heads. The same with adjectives - the apple is round, sour, red, ripe.

Teach oppositions. The bird flies and the snake crawls.

By the age of three, the active period of speech training ends. In subsequent years, the baby will only supplement and improve the language base that he acquired before the age of 3.

If at this age the preschool children never spoke or does it badly, it is better for parents not to waste time and consult a neurologist, speech therapist and psychologist on this issue.

How to "talk" a child

Work on the development of speech with preschool children 4-5 years old is planned individually, depending on how well the speaking skill is formed and what needs to be "tightened up".

The main problems of this age are violations of pronunciation of sounds, scarcity of vocabulary and misuse meanings of words, non-observance of grammatical laws.

The hardest thing for preschoolers is the sounds of the letters "r", "l" and "w". Now this prevents them from expressing themselves clearly, and in school years can cause errors when writing. A speech therapist will help to cope with these letters.

What can you do at home? For example, if the crumb replaces the letter "l" with "v", the exercise "Horse", in which you need to click your tongue, will help.

Correctly pronounce the letter "w" will teach the "Cup" - an exercise when the tip and sides of the tongue rise up. Also try hissing like a snake with your child.

The most insidious of all letters is "p". First you need to show how the organs of speech move when pronouncing a sound. You can try to quickly pronounce the letter "d" for this. Feeling how the tongue should vibrate, the baby will cope with the letter "r".

Tongue twisters and speech therapy rhymes will help to consolidate the pronunciation.

"Mom" or "Dad"?

About 60% of children begin to speak with the word "give". Mothers are often lucky too. You can hear the cherished "mom" by the age of 7 months. Consciously, the baby will call the one who is most involved with him, only after a year, or even a year and a half.

What should men do who, while raising money for their family, cannot spend so much time with their baby? How to make the child say "daddy"? Mom will help! Playing hide-and-seek or "cuckoo" with the baby, say: "Where is daddy?" The head of the family returned from work - we focus the attention of the toddler: “Who came? Dad!". We look at the photos and say: “Where is daddy? Here is dad! "

The dads themselves need to try to pay attention to the baby as often as possible. And free your mother a little, and you will win the child's love!

To parents from speech therapists: 7 important rules

In order for the little man to speak correctly and clearly, listen to the advice of speech therapists and psychologists. They are relevant for children of any age.

Become an attentive and empathetic conversationalist

Whatever the child is chatting, you need to show a keen interest - to be surprised, ask again, express your opinion. Listening carefully to the baby, you can always correct it if the word is misused or does not sound right. Only this must be done carefully, so as not to inadvertently offend and discourage the desire to communicate.

Stimulate communication

It is necessary to involve the preschool child in the dialogue more often. Even if the mother knows that the little one is hungry, it is worth asking what he would like for lunch. Answering even such simple questions, the child gets used to using his speech.

Reading her favorite little rhymes many times or singing a familiar song, mom can, as it were, accidentally forget a phrase or word. Sooner or later, the baby will definitely tell you where the mother was wrong.

Introduce the world around you

The wider the child's knowledge base and the richer his experience, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts. Do not expect that he will speak early if he sees the forest, beach, animals, natural phenomena only in pictures.

Get out even in places that seem to be too early for such babies to visit - for example, an exhibition or a museum.

Introduce to fiction

To diversify the vocabulary of the little one, read books to him. This should be done as soon as you notice that the baby has stopped chewing on them and is carefully examining the pictures or even listening to what the mother is reading.

Match books by age. Children under 2 years old perceive short poetic texts better. Then you can get acquainted with fairy tales. Vivid illustrations will help develop imaginative thinking.

Study special literature

For example, Marina Polyakova's book "How to teach a child to speak correctly" can be an excellent guide. In it you will find information about the structure of speech as a whole, the stages of its development, early signs indicating violations. As a practicing speech therapist, Polyakova has developed her own methodology that helps not only specialists, but also parents to solve problems with the speech of their child.

The book is divided into chapters that correspond to age periods- the first year, from 1 to 3 years, from 3 to 4 years. There are chapters devoted to working with children with disabilities - stuttering, dysarthria, alalia, etc.

Monitor your speech

It is impossible to teach a child to speak well if the parent himself distorts words and sounds, has a poor vocabulary, and does not use expressive means.

You need to speak with the baby clearly, measuredly, correctly pronouncing the endings. If you want to draw attention to a new word or "difficult" letter, sit down opposite the crumbs so that your faces are on the same level. This will make it easier for him to follow the articulation.

Similar material:

Exercise regularly

We are talking about short (15-30 minutes) and voluntary developmental lessons, which are conducted in a playful way. At the beginning of the lesson, you need to make a crumb light massage face and "stretch" the articulatory apparatus with the help of gymnastics or tongue twisters. Choose the rest of the exercises taking into account the interests and age of the child. Whether you look at thematic pictures, learn a poem or discuss a fairy tale - it's up to you to decide. Come up with new games, change visual aids. The main thing is, do not let the cognitive interest fade away. As soon as it disappears, there will be no attention, which means that the material will not be assimilated.

What slows down speech

Now about what you can't do. All adults want the child to speak early, while many do not even suspect that by their seemingly innocent actions, they themselves inhibit the process of speech development.

  • Do not lisp. Little children, like parrots, repeat everything after their parents. In order for the little one to speak clearly and correctly, you must become an example for him. And no matter how much you want, even with a two-month-old baby, do not use diminutive expressions.
  • Do not use childish "words" in your speech. Some mothers think that the baby is more likely to understand his "bibika" instead of "car". Others amuse themselves with the twisted words of the crumbs, repeating them in front of him for the sake of laughter. Always pronounce the words clearly, pronouncing each sound well, otherwise the baby will remember “abacus” instead of “dog”.
  • Do not respond to crumbs' gestures. After a year, it is worth giving up sign language in order to stimulate the child to speak. For example, when he wants something, he points his finger at the object. Adults should not rush to give it right away, but wait a little until the little one tries to express himself in words.
  • Discard the dummy. It has been proven that children who were regularly “calmed” with this object begin to speak later than their peers. In addition, the abuse of a dummy leads to improper formation bite and problems with articulation.

Useful material:

"Yes" - fine motor skills, "no" - TV

The development of the brain, thinking and speaking skills directly depends on the coordination of the child's fingers. The more we sculpt, draw, unscrew and pick, the faster we speak.

Do not be afraid of paints and scattered cereals. As soon as the toddler learns to sit, give him dough, wax crayons, a box of small objects and watch carefully so that all these "treasures" do not fall into his mouth. Very soon he will understand the rules of the game, and together you will plunge into the creative process.

Now about the TV. Turned on "for the background", it seriously inhibits the development of the crumbs' speech. Instead of speaking, he is busy listening.

Ready recipes that will help the child quickly find speech, no. This is the painstaking work of parents not only on the pronunciation of the baby, but, first of all, on themselves. Be patient, do not neglect the recommendations of speech therapists and teachers, and the results will not keep you waiting long.

And what are you doing to "talk" your child? Share your experience in the comments!

Every parent wants the speech of their beloved child to develop quickly and as it should. Only, sometimes, they do not understand that this process directly depends on them.

For your child to have a competent speech, and he did not disgrace you with some ridiculous phrase or bad word in front of friends, you need very little - time, perseverance and personal example.

The TV will not replace mom!

To begin with, it is advisable for parents to tune in to a long-term process of communication with their own child and learn that you should always talk with children calmly and kindly, without a threatening intonation, even if he greatly angered you. If you are consistent, you will always speak slowly, weighing your every word, you will not interrupt the child while he is speaking, and in general, you will behave the way you would like them to behave with you, the development of the baby's speech will go like clockwork ... True, this is only if the child's physiological parameters are normal. So, the baby should speak clearly and distinctly already at 2-3 years old. From 6 months, the child begins to speak syllables (ba-ba, ma-ma), and every day his babbling becomes more and more meaningful, since the perception of sound and the articulatory apparatus are constantly improving (children speak individual words closer to a year, and then phrases with suggestions).

If there are still problems with physiology, Tatyana Tkachenko is a speech therapist, an honored teacher of Russia, the author of more than 70 books on children's speech and early development, will teach you how to deal with them.

Since speech delay can be affected by many factors (heredity, various diseases and injuries, congenital defects, for example, a short frenum of the tongue, cleft palate, thickened tongue, high (Gothic) palate, malocclusion, etc.), they can be corrected with the help of exercises, special devices (braces, obturators) or surgery. If there are no such defects, and the child still does not speak, remember: silent people most often appear in families without communication and emotions. This means that the parents simply do not talk to the baby. But in vain. The child needs to replenish vocabulary every minute. It is easy to do this: just show him bright toys, or even better, do not just show, but draw special attention to them. For example, take them out of the bag, hide them behind your back, or move them. Let your toys "fly, jump, crawl", while be sure to voice their actions, repeating in different variations several times. So the words are easier to remember and have a specific binding. For example: “What an elephant! The elephant is walking, top-top. Oh, the elephant fell. No elephant, hid! Where is our elephant? "

Be sure to sing to the baby and with the baby. Read poetry to him. Even if the child does not understand the words, he picks up the intonation and melody, and the rhyme and rhythm of the words simply fascinates him. By the way, finger games and toys not only develop fine motor skills, but also speech. As, however, and joint reading of books. In this case, fantasy is also included. Especially when you are discussing what you read with your baby.

Walking with your child on the street or visiting a store, talk to him, tell him about everything you see, ask him questions, remember rhymes and songs.

Watch good old cartoons together more often (what could be better than such viewing?). Just choose cartoons with real characters, and not with Pokemon, so that children perceive the world correctly. And do not think that TV can replace communication with parents for a child! In addition, babies spend more than 15 minutes in front of the TV screen. a day is not allowed. And even more so, you can't watch everything, otherwise the psyche will be disturbed.

Do not lisp with children. From the parents, the child should hear only the correct, clearly pronounced words. Remember yourself: a car is not a Bibika!

Conversation is silver and silence is gold

Sometimes it happens that children try to replace the sounds "difficult" for them (R, S, Z, C, W, ZH, H) with "light" ones (M, H, T, L, K, CH, Y). They can also reduce the number of syllables in a word. However, experts consider these phenomena to be normal, and parents are not advised to sound the alarm ahead of time.

If a child speaks well, but sometimes distorts words or confuses sounds (for example, a frying pan, a bony sport), these are most likely not mistakes, but a deliberate game. Play together. Ask with a trick how this or that thing is correctly called, and give several distorted options so that the child chooses the right one.

When a child is in a hurry to speak and swallows syllables or words, the hurry-up should learn that at this pace you do not understand anything from his speech (it helps a lot when parents incorrectly voice his desires). And if the baby speaks calmly and clearly, then immediately fulfill his requests.

If, by the age of 4.5, the child does not pronounce sounds correctly, he is not able to distinguish them by ear (i.e., there is no phonemic perception), which means that he has a failure of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, therefore, one cannot do without the help of a speech therapist.

But what needs to be treated immediately is stuttering. Violation of the tempo and rhythm of speech is caused by a convulsive state, which appears more often at the age of 2 to 4 years, and, moreover, it can intensify and subside on its own. If the stumbling has not disappeared in a couple of months, the help of a neuropsychiatrist is already needed.

Despite the fact that children usually learn languages ​​easily (bilingualism even stimulates mental abilities), problems can begin if the child grows up in a bilingual environment (family, country). Sometimes the second language slows down the development of speech by 2.5 times! In such cases, experts advise leaving communication in one language.

And also do not forget about the rules of good taste. From birth, teach your child to pronounce the magic words "thank you" and "please", be sure to own example... Do not think that your child is someone (grandmothers, friends in the yard, educators in kindergarten) will teach you to speak better than you. You, and only you, are able to remedy the situation if suddenly something goes wrong. Moreover, a non-speaking child may be even smarter than his peers in some ways. Some are silent, for example, already at 2 years old with a computer - on "you". They themselves include, they themselves open the files they need! So if the child doesn't say anything, maybe he just doesn't want to communicate? And, for sure, in this moment thinks about something else, which sometimes parents do not even suspect. For example, Alexander Pushkin was silent until he was 6 years old. But then ...

Prepared by Sonya Tarasova,
based on materials

One of the most essential skills that a baby must acquire in his first 2 years of life is to learn how to speak correctly, to speak and communicate thoughts in words. It depends on it whether he will be able to find mutual language with others.

Don't know how to get or teach your child to speak without too much difficulty? Then you should read this article.

Every parent wants their child to start talking as soon as possible. But all children are different, and the very process of speaking for them begins in different ways. Therefore, they think about how to teach the child to speak and help him cope with the difficulties of pronouncing sounds and syllables.


To properly prepare a baby for adulthood and teach him to verbally express his thoughts, you need to learn a lot.

The process of mastering speech signs takes place in several stages:

  • The baby begins to make the first sounds at the age of 2-3 months, it can even distinguish voices. The rest is like a nice melody for him.
  • At 7-9 months, the baby tries to pronounce short words consisting of syllables - "pa-pa", "ma-ma", "give-give", emotions are connected.
  • At the age of one, the little talker has a meaningful speech, his vocabulary is a few simple words.
  • After a year, the vocabulary is replenished up to 50-70 words.
  • At 2 years old, the baby uses more detailed phrases, uses 120-300 words.
  • In the third year of life, there is an increase in vocabulary (up to 800 words). Here it is necessary to help develop articulation (during this period he tends to replace complex sounds with simple "ball-saik").

How to teach a child to talk, what exist effective exercise and methods for the development of speech of the little one? Many other questions are of great interest to parents, so this topic must be approached seriously and responsibly.


It is important for parents to know how to teach a child to speak using effective techniques so that the learning process is interesting and does not tire the little one.

In order to develop logical thinking and imagination, you need to use games for all-round development. The assimilation of new knowledge occurs best of all during games, with the use of figures of different geometric shapes, puzzles, origami.

Fine motor skills of the hands using finger gymnastics will help develop intellectual abilities. Applying this developmental system, a connection is formed in the child - thinking with action.

Colloquial speech is actively developing in children, starting from the age of two. Parents often wonder how to teach a child to speak?

There are several techniques on how to teach a child to speak at 2 years old:

  • Talk to a child a lot and everywhere.
  • Introduce the child to the surrounding sounds.
  • Let the baby play with small objects: beans, beans, beads, sand.
  • Reading fairy tales, stories, poems, joint singing of songs.
  • Encourage the child to name the object that he asks and hums, but does not name.
  • Encourage crumbs to communicate with other children.

Small details are very important, even if you don't think they are. Books, bright pictures and loud noises, and much more shape artistic tastes. If the kid learns to express emotions in creativity, then verbally for him will not be a problem.

Speech therapy exercises for the development of speech

How to teach a child to speak at 2 years old- this issue is being carefully studied by doctors. If the baby is almost 3 years old, and he is still silent, or, conversely, speaks a lot, but nothing is clear, it is necessary to help him cope with the difficulties of sound pronunciation.

Speech therapy exercises will help you understand how to quickly teach your child to talk.

At the age of 2-4 years, children find it difficult to keep attention on learning activities, therefore, training should be carried out in a playful way. Special attention is devoted to preparatory exercises and articulatory gymnastics.

Preparatory exercises

Silent mothers are looking for good advice how to teach a child to speak.

Before you start setting a specific sound, you need to prepare and normalize:

  • Muscle tone.
  • The motor skills of the articulatory apparatus.
  • Speech exhalation, the development of a smooth and prolonged exhalation.
  • Fine motor skills of the hands.

Even such details of the child's body strongly affect pronunciation and the expression of the first syllables and words. If you yourself cannot help your baby, seek help from a speech therapist.

Articulation gymnastics

The purpose of articulatory gymnastics consists in the development of full-fledged movements, certain positions, as well as the development of the muscles of the organs of the articulatory apparatus.

To put the correct pronunciation of sounds, you need to adhere to the rules of the exercises:

  • Daily activities.
  • Best done in front of a mirror.
  • Do not perform more than 3-4 exercises at a time.
  • The child consistently repeats after the adult.

These simple tips will help a caring dad and mom learn how to teach a child to speak at home.

How to teach a child to say the letter P: speech therapy exercises

Many parents are interested in the question of how to teach a child to say the letter "p". For the successful development and mastering of the staging technique, you must follow the following rules:

  • Gradualness.
  • Child's interest.
  • Regularity of classes.

By doing them, you will achieve dramatic changes, and your baby will begin to take the first steps in pronunciation. But this is not enough, since this letter is very difficult and it is not so easy to pronounce it.

Effective speech therapy exercises for the "r" sound, which will bring the desired result:

  • First, the sound "r" must be pronounced separately (growl).
  • Training the correct formulation of the sound "p" in syllables and simple words.
  • Automation of pronunciation using tongue twisters, poetry and in everyday speech.

So that such simple technique helped, it should be done daily, but if the baby refuses, then it is not necessary to force.

How to teach a child to say the letter W

Cases when the baby is bad, or even does not pronounce some letters of the alphabet at all, are very common. Mothers worry about how to teach the child to speak correctly (hissing) sounds that are difficult for him. Do not worry too much about the lisp of the baby, since the correct pronunciation is developed by him by 5-6 years.

We will now discuss how to teach a child to say the letter "Ш" without the help of specialists. Before you start setting the letter "W", you need to do articulatory gymnastics. A warm-up is applied for the lips (tube, smile) and tongue ("tongue-cup", clatter).

Speech therapists advise you to first develop the pronunciation of a particular sound. You should ask the baby to say "ts-ss", hiding his tongue behind his teeth.

When the isolated sound "Ш" is fixed, you can select simple words with the letter "Ш", tongue twisters, nursery rhymes, rhymes.

How to teach a child to say the letter L

You need to know in advance how to teach a child to say the letter "L" in order to prevent incorrect speech from becoming a habit. After all, it is always more difficult to correct than to teach.

In order to put the correct articulation of the "L" sound, you need:

  • Show clenched teeth by stretching your lips into a smile (this will make it easier to make a solid sound).
  • The tip of the tongue can press against the upper teeth or the alveoli.
  • Make sure that the tongue is not in contact with the lateral teeth, thereby allowing air to pass through.

To put the correct pronunciation of this sound, you need to train it repeatedly in the syllables: LO-LY-LA-LU OR AL-OL-UL-YL.

Games and tongue twisters for speech development

The development of children's speech in the game gives parents an additional emotional connection, forms trust and friendship. And the most fun game- joint learning of tongue twisters.

Tongue game will help the kid learn the pronunciation of sounds that are difficult for him. Mom needs to pronounce the selected sounds with him.

The cow grazes in the meadow - "Moo-moo-moo"

The bug buzzes - "W-w-w"

The wind blows - "F-f-f"

The grasshopper chirps - "T-r-r-r", "T-c-s-s".

Add word game consists in adding one word to the phrase each time, while repeating the resulting phrase in full.

Tongue Twisters develop the baby's speech through repetition and rearrangement, certain of the same sounds and syllables will be an excellent addition to children's activities.

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass.

Scared teddy bear

Hedgehog with a hedgehog and a hedgehog.

Four turtles have four turtles.

Two puppies, cheek to cheek

Pinch the brush in the corner.

A seal lays all day

And he is not too lazy to lie.

When to Start Teaching Your Child to Talk (Age)

It is important for parents to remember that nothing can be achieved by force, if your baby does not want to pronounce something, it is not necessary to force. Everything has its time, but it will not be superfluous to look after.

The speech development process can be broken down into 4 stages:

  • From birth to 6 months (it is important to talk to a babbling baby).
  • From six months to 1 year (reproduction of short fairy tales by a kid).
  • From 1 year to 1.5 years (name all surrounding objects).
  • From 1.5 to 3 years (setting the correct pronunciation).

The most attention should be paid at the last stage. If you let the development take its course, problems with speech in the future cannot be avoided. It is necessary to follow all of the above techniques, and it will be easier for your child to master and develop his vocal apparatus and the ability to control it.

Young children do not always understand what their parents want from them, and sometimes you should wait until he matures and speaks easily and without hesitation. Believe me, such a day will come, and then you will run away from annoying questions and stories.

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