Goji Shambhala Tibetan barberry planting and care. garden collection

Landscaping and planning 15.06.2019
Landscaping and planning

Have you already heard about healing properties ah goji berries? Recently, there has been a real boom - these fruits have become a symbol of health and longevity, have earned the respect of the entire planet. What is a plant, what does it look like and where did it come from? Why is its composition truly unique? We'll talk about this today.

The plant that is credited with so many healing properties is common wolfberry. It has many names, but only one appearance - a tall shrub with bright red fruits. Its popularity is due to its special composition, which is rich in antioxidants and beneficial trace elements. There are so many of them in the plant that it is forbidden to eat it without pre-treatment due to its high biological activity!

In Europe, the Tibetan barberry became popular only at the beginning of the 21st century. Initially, the Western European media published information that a plant had been found that was able to retard the growth of cancer cells and prevent the development of carcinomas in the body. This miracle cure was goji berries. However, few people know that the usual wolfberry or wolfberry is the same thing that magazines wrote so furiously about.

The real fame came to the berries after the famous American TV presenter Oprah Winfrey spoke about their healing properties. On her TV show, she mentioned the Tibetan barberry as one of the most powerful antioxidants to be found on the planet. And you can trust the reviews of a woman with a million-dollar wealth and the opportunity to purchase any expensive care product for herself! Berries began to be added to energetic drinks, healing cocktails and biologically active additives. Let's look at their origin and effect on the body.

History of magic berries

This miracle of natural origin came to us from Asia. By the name it is clear that the Tibetan barberry descended almost from the mountains. Scientists do not yet undertake to assert so precisely that the bush grew only in the region of the mountain range of Tibet, however, approximately in these latitudes is its natural habitat. Asia has given us a lot medicinal plants, this is one of them.

Not only did Tibetan monks get to enjoy red antioxidants, the fruits were quite popular across the continent. In Japan, China, Nepal, berries have long been known and appreciated. They were called none other than the fruits of happiness or love.

The plant was originally cultivated as decorative ornament yard. Also popular was its use to produce honey. The bees especially loved the fragrant wolfberry flowers, and in season they were never left unattended by insects, producing a pleasant and soft honey. Asian scientists were the first to use the Tibetan barberry as a medicine. Then there were no chemical studies of the composition, however external application in the form of ointments and compresses, according to the surviving reviews, it helped to eliminate wounds and improve the patient's condition.

In the East, dried fruits are also taken for food. Local alcohol and strengthening tinctures are prepared from them. Usually dereza is included in the complex medicinal herbs and fruits for the treatment of ailments and general prevention of the body.


The plant looks pretty impressive. Grows mostly along roadsides or hedgerows. He likes to "neighbor" with other stronger plants, intertwining branches with them. Dereza leaves are green, slightly elongated, in the form of arrows. You should not try to touch this proud plant with your bare hands - its twisted leaves look like real thorns and can injure bare skin. So the plant protects its fruits and flowers.

The height of the shrub reaches 3-3.5 meters. The branches are more likely to stretch upwards than spread out in breadth. During the flowering period, goji is a truly delightful sight. The plant blooms in an unusual, lilac color, which is not so common in nature. The flowers are funnel-shaped and have up to five petals. The diameter of the flowers is small - usually it is not more than 20 millimeters. Brown flowers are rare.

Barberry puts on a beautiful purple outfit in summer. In autumn, it becomes even more beautiful - it is strewn with red berries, which are most valued. The berry is usually small, a few centimeters. Collect only bright red fruits, without damage and rot. However, do not rush to use them fresh: it is allowed to add them to food only after drying - so the berries will become less active and will not harm the body.

What are the medicinal properties of barberry?

Today, barberry, or goji berries, is a real hit among all admirers. proper nutrition and healing of the body. However, the plant can help and overcome many ailments, and not just improve the general condition of the body. It is accepted by both men and women. Let's look at the most popular goji uses.

Goji use during pregnancy

Several useful properties plants make it indispensable in the diet of a future mother or a nursing woman. The first is an improvement in overall well-being. Due to the fact that goji has a balanced set of vitamins and microelements, it calms and stabilizes the work. nervous system reducing mood swings. In a pregnant woman, the hormonal background stabilizes, so everyone around ceases to suffer from abrupt transitions from laughter to despondency and sadness.

The second point that can be useful to the fetus and the expectant mother is the ability of berries to accelerate cell growth. In this case, stimulation of the production of growth hormone will contribute to the normal development of the fetus. And the last is the ability to reduce pressure.

The indicators of the latter often increase in expectant mothers. Their reduction will allow a woman to feel more comfortable and lighter. However, do not forget about the individual intolerance of the plant, it is better to consult a doctor so as not to harm the unborn child.

Lowering blood sugar

People with diabetes should be especially careful about their diet. Berries contain glycosides that help stabilize blood sugar levels. This has a beneficial effect on the condition of a diabetic patient. Goji also protects the liver from fatty degeneration. This is due to the presence of betaine in the composition.

Additionally, a decrease in performance blood pressure help get rid of excess weight, which is also a necessary component of therapy in the treatment of diabetes. Reviews of experts testify to the benefits of berries and confirm their effectiveness.

Skin treatment

Our epidermis reacts sensitively to the environmental situation, food intake and stress. Because of this, psoriasis intensifies, acne and blackheads form on the skin. Free radicals that accumulate in the body destroy collagen cells - the skin looks lethargic and tired, wrinkles appear. The antioxidants contained in the berries will help fight these manifestations. The skin will become cleaner, fresher, annoying rashes caused by malnutrition and stress.


This is probably one of the most common areas of application of the magical barberry. Medical studies show the effectiveness of eating berries as part of the treatment of breast cancer. You can find many reviews on this subject.

Tibetan goji barberry cultivation

Now the conversation will be about modern way metabolic recovery. What is needed to update the worldview. Take measures to limit the breakdown, as a breakdown can undermine even the most powerful health.
Increase attention to cleansing the liver from freeloaders. The cardiac system is obliged to endure everything with a margin. Have healthy weight. The motor must be prepared so that, if necessary, it can transfer loads. Old age will not be present if the organs do not refuse to work out vital functions as nature intended.

Goji (Tibetan barberry). Experience in growing from seed.

Goji - amazing plant. Its berries have a unique composition. But all this information can be read on the Internet. I was also interested in growing such a handsome man from seeds. And as it turned out, everything is quite simple. Fill the pot with any loose substrate (regular store-bought), spread the seeds on the surface, lightly sprinkle with earth, water and place in a sunny place. Goji shoots appeared very quickly (literally within a week). If the seeds are fresh, then the germination rate is 100%. As soon as the first leaves unfolded, sprinkled with phytosporin. As it grew, it was fed with humate and fertilizer for flower plants. Having reached 5-10 centimeter size, the freedom-loving "Tibetan" flatly refused to grow on the windowsill. And what I just didn’t do with him: I dived into separate cups, fed him, everything was useless. The leaves withered, then dried and the plants died one by one. The surviving seedlings were urgently planted in open ground. And then a miracle happened. Small gojiks, having felt contact with the ground with their roots, rapidly began to grow. Now my kids are only in their second year. They are already the size of a human growth and are trying to actively bloom. The plant itself is a bit like a willow: thin drooping branches, elongated leaves. They were planted one in a sunny place, the other in partial shade.

How to grow Tibetan barberry in your garden?

If you want to grow an interesting shrub in your garden or in your country house, which will be great landscape decoration, then you should stop your attention on a plant with the mystical name Shambhala or Tibetan barberry. Botanists call it - ordinary or barbaric dereza (Lycium barbarum). This shrub, usually 3-4 meters high, has arcuate drooping branches that grow to a length of about 2 meters. Lilac dereza flowers that delight the eye in summer period, and from September and closer to winter they are replaced by orange or coral berries. Barberry, the cultivation of which is very popular in modern gardening, is loved because this shrub can decorate any corner of the garden, in the country, its care is simple, and it will also give fragrant and healthy berries.

Growing barberry

Interestingly, such a variety of barberry as Chinese dereza (Lycium chinense) is not a shrub plant. This is a climber with stems winding upwards, reaching up to four meters in height. It is this type of goji that is called the “female aphrodisiac”, due to the tonic effect of its berries on female libido.

The cultivation of barberry is cultivated everywhere, despite its eastern roots, as it is a hardy unpretentious deciduous plant rich colors grown not only because of its medicinal properties. but also widely used to decorate household plots, cottages and urban landscape compositions, moreover, it also does not require special care.

Types of barberry

There are over 400 types of barberry. Most of them have thorns, but there are varieties without thorns. This feature should be taken into account when choosing a wolfberry variety for growing in your garden, especially if there are small children in the family. Also, when choosing a variety of this plant, you must consider natural conditions your region. We present to your attention the most popular varieties of barberry:

  • Japanese barberry or Thunberg is the most popular landscape species. Its bright green leaves turn reddish-orange in autumn, and small coral berries appear in winter. Reaches 3 to 6 meters in height.
  • Barberry Juliana is evergreen shrub with very prickly branches, reaching 10 meters in height. Green leaves turn bronze in winter and turn yellow in spring. Its winter berries are oval and blue, almost black. Growing this type of goji is often justified where it is necessary to create a living green fence or barrier.
  • Barberry Mentor - This type of barberry in a cool climate loses its leaves in winter. Its spring flowers are very small and it bears no fruit in winter.

Care, planting and growing barberry

It is not difficult to grow Tibetan and other types of barberry, including from cuttings, and caring for them is completely simple - after planting, you are unlikely to have to worry about the shrub at all. But, nevertheless, it is necessary to know some features of reproduction, planting and care.

  1. Barberry grows on almost all types of soil, even clay. At the same time, it prefers sandy soils; care consists in timely watering.
  2. The shrub is also unpretentious to the composition of the soil, but does not really like soils with an acidic reaction.
  3. If you want to get large goji fruits. then it should be planted in well-drained soil.
  4. The plant requires a moderate amount of water and grows well in both sunny areas (it can withstand temperatures up to 30 C) and shaded areas - the care is the same.
  5. As a rule, it is not necessary to fertilize the barberry during the year, but the shrub will gratefully respond to the introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers into the planting pit (40 × 40 × 40 cm).
  6. When planting, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarity of goji to grow rapidly, while displacing other plants and occupying an increasing area.
  7. The use of chemicals can adversely affect the beneficial and nutritional properties of barberry berries, so if you want to get healing fruits, you should not use chemical fertilizers.
  8. If you plan to use barberry as an element landscape design, then, of course, basic care must be supplemented with pruning, which should be carried out at least twice a year. By the way, pruning has a beneficial effect on growth and appearance shrub.
  9. It is imperative to remove dry leaves and berries (especially on goji bushes) during the summer and winter months.
  10. Since the Tibetan barberry is resistant to various kinds of diseases and pests, it develops quite quickly, therefore, it is quite easy to grow it.

Reproduction of barberry

The shrub can be propagated in the following ways:

  • Seeds. Seeds collected in autumn (one berry contains about 10 pieces) are sown in early spring in small containers for seedlings - 5-6 in one. The soil in the pots must be well-drained and always moist until the seeds germinate. About 2-3 weeks after the sprouts germinate, watering can be reduced. Do not keep future seedlings in a well-lit place - sunlight can inhibit its growth. Dive sprouts should be after the appearance of two leaves. With this method of propagation, dereza blooms for the first time in the second year, and gives the first goji berries only after 3-4 years, if it receives appropriate care.
  • Cuttings. To get the long-awaited berries faster, it is better to grow from cuttings. For this, one- or two-year-old shoots (cuttings) with 3-5 buds at least 10 cm long should be planted in summer in a sand-peat (in a ratio of 1: 1) mixture. And by autumn, the first large shoots will already be from the cuttings.
  • Vegetative. Since dereza gives a very abundant root growth, dividing the bush is the easiest and most effective way to breed this shrub, which avoids artificial reproduction.

How to grow Tibetan barberry indoors?

By the way, Shambala successfully propagates from seeds and cuttings, grows and bears fruit indoors. To do this, you will need: a planting pot, seeds or seedlings, soil and drainage mixtures and organic fertilizers. Shrubs should get enough water and you should provide them with at least 8 hours sunlight(or special lighting) per day.

When growing goji in indoors one must take into account important nuance- pollination. In an enclosed space, flowers will not be able to pollinate on their own - which means that you must help them do this.

It's not as difficult as it sounds: just point the flowers one at the other and gently press them. That is: regular watering, a sufficient amount of light and pollination - that's all the care for the barberry growing on your windowsill at home.

Why is it worth growing goji in your dacha?

Even in ancient Babylon, barberry was used as a medicine for "purifying the blood", as evidenced by the clay tablets of the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal. The medicinal use of such berberine-containing plants in China dates back over 3,000 years.

Useful properties of berries and shoots of barberry

  • Antibacterial and antifungal properties. Many studies have shown that barberry kills microorganisms of various origins: staphylococci and streptococci, salmonella and shigella, Entamoeba histolytic - the causative agent of dysentery, giardia, vaginal yeast infections such as Candida.
  • Immunostimulatory properties. Since berberine is able to inhibit the growth of bacteria in test tubes and stimulate the growth of macrophages (white blood cells that destroy microorganisms), barberry is an excellent booster of the human immune system.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties in infections of the urinary, biliary tract, and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Antipyretic properties.
  • Restorative properties. Berberine is used in China to treat depression in blood cells caused by chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
  • sedative properties.
  • Cholagogue properties - perhaps the fundamental property of barberry, which has a cleansing effect on the liver.
  • Hypotensive property (lowering blood pressure).

In addition to the above beneficial properties of barberry, its use is justified:

  • for skin infections and even, as a study by German scientists shows, for the treatment of acne and psoriasis;
  • berberine is able to destroy and promote the dispersion of mucous accumulations, which is effective in the treatment of bronchial infections;
  • is able to improve blood circulation, therefore it is useful for people suffering from ventricular heart disease;
  • as part of an eye ointment, it is effective in the fight against conjunctivitis.

It is known that the Chinese Li Kin Yen lived to be two hundred and fifty-two years old, thanks to the fact that he ate this berry three times a day.

Growing Goji from Seed: Tibetan Barberry

Answering the question of how to grow Goji from seeds, it should be noted that, in principle, growing Goji from seeds is not so difficult process, since the plant is considered not very capricious.

Goji is such an amazing Tibetan plant that prefers good lighting, although at the same time it can endure a slight blackout and all sorts of vagaries of the weather without problems.

In principle, due to the fact that the Goji berry comes from Tibet, where there are often heavy rains, strong wind or frost, such an artisanal plant endures such conditions. At the same time, the berry can feel great even in the conditions of the city and is excellent for such a procedure as a haircut.

That is why, the cultivation of Goji from seeds can be produced even in our climatic conditions. A plant that was grown from seeds, however, may bloom in the second year, although there may not be a harvest. Since most often such a young plant is able to produce a crop only in the third, or even in the fourth year of existence.

When answering the question of how to grow Goji from seeds, it is worth clarifying what an amazing plant that has been grown in this way is in no way able to compete in palatability and aroma with goji berries brought from Tibet.

The seeds of this Tibetan berry are quite small and it is due to the presence of a thin shell that they do not need such a procedure as scarification in order to obtain fairly fast and friendly shoots. After extracting seeds from fresh Goji berries, it is recommended to soak them for several hours in a solution such as epin or zircon. As a result of these actions, the seeds can be sown in moist and slightly loose soil.

In this case, it is preferable to use neutral soil mixtures in this situation. Due to the fact that plants of this type from seeds need constant moisture during germination, the seed container must be covered with a film.

At the same time, the light in this case is a very important indicator for the rapid and efficient growth of the Tibetan barberry. Sudden temperature changes are not allowed here. And the period of seed germination can reach approximately two weeks.

Thus, from the foregoing, we can conclude that the Tibetan barberry today can be grown from seeds even at home. Of course, if certain rules are followed.

More information

Every year people are starting to think more and more about their health and appearance. In this regard, they begin to look for certain sources to carry it out. However, not long ago, such berries as the Tibetan barberry became known on the world market. Despite this, in Tibet and China, they have been known for quite a long time, and people used them in traditional medicine. Despite all this, it was a large number of various studies, as a result of which scientists were dumbfounded by what a wonderful set of components such berries have. In this article we will tell you more about the Tibetan barberry. Such berries have quite a lot of names, for example, common dereza, goji berries, barberries, etc.

According to external characteristics, the berry may resemble raisins, but in appearance it has a reddish-orange color, and in shape it is slightly larger in size. The plant belongs to the nightshade family, and in appearance it is a creeping shrub. In the berries, as mentioned earlier, there is a rather surprising amount of useful substances, which include polysaccharides, amino acids, and only 21 minerals were found, which is extremely important. You can also give an example that the Tibetan barberry contains 500 times more vitamin C than citrus fruits, and the iron content is about 15 times higher than that of spinach. These berries contain 4 unique polysaccharides, which are no longer found in any plant, they include: LBP 1, 2,3 and 4, as well as such a chemical element as germanium.

I would like to note that such a plant has a fairly large number of varieties, which, for example, you can find in our country, but the most miraculous properties are found only in those that grow in Tibet and the Himalayas at an altitude of one thousand meters.

Useful properties of Tibetan barberry

Being a fairly powerful antioxidant, the Tibetan barberry is able to prolong life, neutralize the effects of radicals, keep the human body young, and therefore they also have the name “longevity berries”. With the correct consumption of such berries, you thereby preserve the youth of your internal organs. Also, these berries have the following properties: they increase a person’s sexual activity, lower sugar and cholesterol levels, normalize sleep, normalize kidney function, improve human memory, strengthen the heart and vascular walls.

Goji is able to stimulate the activity of immune cells, increase the body's resistance to certain diseases, and activate the body's defenses. One of the most popular uses of these berries in Chinese traditional medicine is to treat vision problems by consuming these berries.

It is also important that goji is also able to prevent the appearance of tumors, which is facilitated by a mineral such as germanium, which is contained in these berries. Many studies have been conducted in which it has been proven that barberry is able to inhibit the growth of tumors, and also contributes to recovery after surgery.


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Somewhere far away (of course, it all depends where you look from), in the province of Ningxia, where the Yellow River carries its waters with dignity, in northwestern China, in the foothills of Tibet, this miracle berry was born. Introducing: Goji Shambhala - Tibetan barberry.

It was called barberry either due to the fact that the fruits very vaguely resemble this berry or because its name Lycium barbarum was incorrectly translated. This berry does not belong to the barberry family, but to the nightshade. Its fruits are bright red in color, up to 2.4 cm in size, with a sweetish aftertaste, in dry form, the size of raisins.

Chinese legends talk about goji as the fruit of happiness and longevity, Tibetan monks call it the "berry of immortality." Who knows, maybe Makropoulos in his remedy for eternal life did you also use goji as one of the ingredients? We do not know the answer to this question.
But the fact that in China they have been eaten for a long time (previously it was the privilege of only the imperial family) and successfully, is already known to the whole world. Raw or dried, as wine or as an addition to green tea, as a drink on its own. In China, this berry is even added to soups, for example, in the popular Chinese goji chicken soup.

The purifying and rejuvenating properties of this berry are widely known. It has an antioxidant effect. Shambhala goji is used to prevent cancer, with anemia, to lower blood sugar levels. Also, this berry helps to remove cholesterol from the blood. Good effect on the work of the heart. The content in goji of such a component as taurine, which has anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating properties, helps (scientists say) with the deterioration of vision caused by diabetic retinopathy.

Tibetan barberry is also called "marital wine" because of its beneficial effect on male capabilities. Well, with rapid fatigue and drowsiness, this berry is simply irreplaceable.

The reason for these amazing properties is the unique composition of the goji berry. Goji Shambhala - Tibetan barberry - is a real storehouse of minerals, vitamins, amino acids, polysaccharides, which are not found in other foods. And all this in one berry.
And in the end, let's see what people who have already tasted this miracle fruit will say. So, there will be further goji shamballa - Tibetan barberry reviews.

Natalia, St. Petersburg

For more than three months I have been eating berries once a day for a tablespoon. I used to get tired quickly, there was no desire to do anything. Today I feel good, full of strength, cheerfulness and energy. She refused the medicines that she had taken before.

Tatyana, Volgograd

I was in China, I tried goji berries there. It's been 2 years since I've been taking them regularly. Berries are great! Both in action and in taste! She suffered from liver diseases, now everything is fine.

Oksana, Moscow

The berries were recommended by a neighbor on the site. We drink with the whole family. Husband had high sugar last years, is now back to normal. Children almost stopped getting colds, berries are eaten with pleasure. I lost weight, which I dreamed about for a long time.

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