A drawing of a tool for sawing firewood with a chainsaw. Homemade goats for sawing firewood

Landscaping and planning 17.06.2019
Landscaping and planning

In the yard of the XXI century, the world has already ceased to be surprised by technological innovations. The shops display beautiful and convenient devices for sawing firewood from Sweden, Canada, the USA, adapted for sawing with an electric or chainsaw. It’s even just nice to look at them, how beautifully they are made: they clamp the log securely, and it’s very convenient to make sawing, and besides, they are compact. However, in life, our people used various options grandfather's goat, and continues to use. Anachronism and miserliness? Partly there is, but the main thing is that the “classic” goats are very convenient and practical. Our ancestors were wise and experienced. Even the stress in the word that denotes this device was set so that in the future there would be no misunderstandings and people would not confuse the term from household use with the name of innocent animals.

Any person can quickly assemble this design; materials for making a goat for sawing firewood are almost always at hand. However, for all the seeming simplicity, you should first draw a drawing or sketch. And it will be easier to work, and mistakes will not have to be corrected. Be sure to take into account the height of the person who will cut the firewood, and the type of saw with which the firewood will be cut - a two-handed or chainsaw.

How to make do-it-yourself goats for sawing firewood with a chainsaw

Cutting firewood is more convenient and much easier with a chainsaw. Especially if the logs were brought to you thick and damp. Saw the firewood machine quickly, the performance with a chainsaw is completely different.

For sawing firewood with a chainsaw, you can use goats assembled according to the traditional scheme. But there is one serious inconvenience - the chain saw will definitely be clamped when you finish the cut. This happens when the cut is made between the uprights (the end of the log protruding beyond the edge of the structure will be cut off by the saw without difficulty). To prevent clamping, the log must be turned over with the saw down. This is extra and quite hard work, especially when you have to move hefty logs alone.

Craftsmen have developed (or maybe some of them have copied “in Chinese”) designs to avoid clamping the saw chain. They even patented their designs. Such goats for sawing firewood with a chainsaw can be divided into two types. The first includes metal structures, in which the short end of the log is clamped with a chain or a toothed grip, and the long free end protrudes far beyond the goats. In these goats, the supporting "heel" is made in such a way that the log cannot disturb their equilibrium position. This design resembles factory-made imported goats. Only ours look simpler and the documentation for them (protected by a patent!) Is orders of magnitude cheaper.

Another patent-protected design for sawing firewood with a chainsaw is wooden:

The advantages of this design include:

  • Possibility to cut logs alone, because there is no need to move them in the process.
  • There is no danger of pinching the chain.
  • The ability to adjust the length of the blocks on which the log is sawn. When working on such goats, the blocks are the same length.
  • The sawn-off pads, due to the design features of the goat, roll in the opposite direction from the sawyer.
  • Compact when folded. In the hozblok near the wall, they will take up very little space - the thickness in the folded position is only 12 cm.

How to make do-it-yourself goats for sawing firewood with a two-handed saw

Anyone who has ever sawn a large number of logs with a two-handed “friendship” saw (that's right, with a small letter. This is not a saw brand, but a hint of the friendship of two sawyers), he knows well how important the correct height of the log on the goats is. It is believed that the most comfortable height- from 90 to 110 cm. You don’t need to bend your back much while leaning forward, you don’t have to squat, it works comfortably and quickly. After all, long work in an uncomfortable position the next morning will liken you to a rusty iron woodcutter - your back and knees will bend with great difficulty.

Important! Basic requirements for goats: stability and strength. Strength is required due to heavy weight logs and transverse alternately changing the direction of the forces exerted by the sawyers. These efforts will loosen the goats, so on the X-shaped racks (“legs must be allowed good beam with a side of at least 100 mm.

In order to make goats for sawing firewood, we need:

  • Bar 100x100 mm, length 1100 mm. It will go to the base of the design. As a basis, you can also use an even, dry and not very thick log.
  • Beam 50x50 mm, four segments of 1100 mm each. They will become the "legs" of the goats.
  • Beam 50x50 mm, two pieces of 350 mm. We will make “horns” out of them.
  • Beam 50x50 mm, two pieces of 1100 mm for tying the "legs".
  • Self-tapping screws 5x100 mm, total about 30 pcs.
  • Impregnation "Bioprotection".

On the beam, which will serve as the basis, we make cuts. We make 12 cuts, two for each groove. We will need 6 grooves, each 25 mm deep, for the "legs" and "horns".

Important! Try to make cuts a little narrower than the bar. Literally 2 mm. That is, instead of 50 mm, we make cuts of 48 mm. So the timber will enter the groove with force, and the whole structure will be stronger.

With a chisel and a hammer, we select the grooves according to the intended cuts. We force the prepared pieces of timber into the grooves: four “legs” and two “horns”. We twist the screws. With a hacksaw at an angle, we saw off the ends of the beam, which serves as “legs”, so that the goats stand firmly and evenly on the ground. The base of the goat is assembled.

We make the binding of the "legs". We attach one end of the beam to the "legs" with inside, the other - from the outside. Now we are sure that the “legs” will not move apart. We also fix the transverse “amplifiers of the legs” with self-tapping screws. If the ends of the beam protrude, we cut them “flush” with the “legs” with a hacksaw. We process it with biosecurity and you can start sawing firewood.

In addition to the "classic" version of a goat made of wood, metal goats can be made. This design will be lighter and last longer. They are made from steel pipe rectangular profile with a side of at least 50 mm. For ease of storage, it is better to fasten the crosses and the harness with bolts, and not by welding. When bolted, the structure can be disassembled.

Important! The design should not be light, otherwise it will be unstable during operation. And make the design according to your height.

Pieces of pipe are attached to each other at an angle of 45 °. The resulting three crosses for rigidity are tied with the same pipe horizontally and diagonally.

There is no man in the world who has not had to saw a log in order to chop wood later. If this task is one-time, then it is not difficult to cope with it. But if a person has to saw wood with a certain regularity, it is recommended to purchase or make goats for sawing firewood on their own - a device that can facilitate the process and greatly simplify the task.

Functions of goats

Sawing goats are an important tool in every household, especially in preparation for heating season. With their help, owners can quickly and easily cut thick logs and boards.

The advantage of this product is that its craftsmen can not buy, but make it with their own hands. This will require the following materials and fixtures:

  • quality timber;
  • nails;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • carpentry tools.

If a person knows how to handle a hammer, it will take no more than 2-3 hours to make goats, and the product will last at least 5-7 years.

Professionals prefer to use metal goats, such a product is reliable and durable. But it is difficult to build them yourself, and it will take a lot to manufacture more strength and resources.

Homemade goats for manual sawing

It is not difficult to make goats for cutting wood products, but before proceeding with active actions, the master needs to consider what kind of design it will be.

When completing the drawing, it is necessary to decide what size the product should have and deal with the angle of inclination of the support, the height of the horns also plays a crucial role. Experts warn that in order to work with goats for sawing it was convenient, the following points should be taken into account in their manufacture:

  • Man's height.
  • What type of wood will be most often sawn.
  • What type of tool will be used for sawing - a regular saw or a chainsaw.

The height of the log affects how long it takes a person to completely cut it. As practice shows, optimal height for support - from 90 to 110 cm, depending on the height of the person.

When all dimensions are calculated, you need to prepare in advance all the materials required during work:

  • Beam for the manufacture of the base. It is best to take a beam, the cross section of which will be 100 × 100 mm, and the optimal length is 1.1 meters.
  • The legs will require bars with a cross section of 50 × 50 mm, but a length of 360 mm. Required amount- 2 pieces.
  • For amplifiers under your feet, you will need a beam with an inch section, length - 1.3 meters.

Will definitely need to stock up large quantity self-tapping screws and a means for treating wood from decay. To make goats with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  • building corner and tape measure;
  • hacksaw;
  • pencil;
  • a hammer;
  • several different chisels;
  • screwdrivers.

Work schedule

The beam for making the base must be marked for 12 cuts - 6 pieces on each side, their depth should be about 2.5 cm, they will act as grooves for horns with legs.

After that, the cuts are knocked out with the help of a chisel, sawn bars are inserted into the formed grooves, in this place everything is fixed with self-tapping screws.

On bars with an inch section, places for attaching amplifiers are marked, they will prevent the legs from divergence. With the help of a hacksaw, excess segments are sawn off, the length of the legs is selected by the master. When the wood goats are ready, they need to be stained and dried, after which the device is ready for use.

Standard goats are quite large in size and weight, which does not always allow them to be transported. That is why many people prefer to buy or build mobile installation capable of being easily carried.

But it is immediately worth considering that the manufacture of such a design will take more time. All they need is:

  • 4 wooden bars medium diameter;
  • metal pipe 1.5 meters long;
  • strong rope or cable;
  • durable drill bit for wood.

The assembly of the structure always begins with the bars. On them you need to outline the place of the cut, where the legs will then be installed. After drilling the planks, the base is inserted into them, then the legs are installed in place. Finally, a limiter for the racks is made to prevent deformation of the legs.

Goats for working with a chainsaw

Cutting firewood with a chainsaw is easier and more convenient if the log is thick and wet. But you need to understand that the goats for sawing with a chainsaw must be strong and durable.

Professionals advise using a different design for their manufacture. Since sawing logs with this powerful tool requires a lot of space - one end of the log will always be hanging, the specialist will have to think in advance exactly where the goats will be located.

Some people adapt to using standard sawhorses when sawing logs with a chainsaw, but it will be extremely inconvenient to perform the steps, and the chainsaw will certainly jam when the log is almost completely sawn.

It must be borne in mind that their assembly will require not only logs and tools, but also a special mount, it will prevent the log from being outweighed at one end. In the absence of certain knowledge, it is easier for the owner to simply purchase ready-made goats in a hardware store, saving time and ensuring safety.

Features and benefits of goats for a chainsaw

Professional goats for chainsaw work have the following advantages:

  • With the help of such equipment, owners can cut firewood alone, since they do not have to move the log during work.
  • The tool chain is guaranteed not to pinch.
  • The master will be able to independently adjust the length of the blocks on which the log is sawn.
  • Sawn logs will roll in the opposite direction from the sawyer.
  • Most often, mobile goats are produced for working with a chainsaw, they are very easy to fold and they take up very little space when folded.

If a person is unable to acquire ready product, he needs to try to make it on his own. The method using a heavy base and attaching a pair of horns to fix the log has proven itself very well.

As a basis, many men use a wheel from a car - it metal carcass, but then weight it with auxiliary materials. This design is not entirely productive, but it is quite convenient to work with it.

Features of storage and principles of operation of goats

If you make goats, taking into account all the recommendations and strictly following the algorithm of actions, the design will turn out to be strong and will last more than one season. But it must be borne in mind that the goats will have a large load. To prolong their service life, it is recommended to store the device properly.

Experts assure that the wood does not start to rot earlier, the goats must not only be treated with a special compound, but also stored in a dry room at a temperature above 15 degrees. Only in this case negative impact moisture and air will not lead to the destruction of the material.

It is very important to follow the harvesting rules, the goats should not be overloaded with too heavy and massive logs, as they may simply not withstand the excessive load and fall apart.

Goats for sawing - an indispensable device, it is necessary in every private home. If you don’t want to buy them, then the craftsmen can easily build a tool with their own hands, especially since this does not require expensive materials and tools.

But experts warn that during manufacturing, you must strictly follow the algorithm of actions and follow safety rules, otherwise it is easy to injure yourself.

Another recommendation - before you start sawing firewood, you need to check whether the goats are really strong and reliable. This rule especially applies to the performance of work with a chainsaw, the engine power of such equipment can provoke damage to goats or a person.

Video: Do-it-yourself goats for sawing firewood

A good home owner takes care of a sufficient supply of firewood for the winter. To prepare them, you must have at your disposal handy tool- goats for sawing firewood. Goats are a fairly simple device in their structure, which must be present, allowing you to comfortably process wood, harvest firewood, and also accurately saw a metal bar or wooden board. Building goats with your own hands is quite simple due to the simple design.

This is what classic goats for sawing firewood look like

To do classic version this wood sawing equipment, you will need one of the following materials:

  1. Standard wooden beam. The construction of it is quite easy to assemble, but will deteriorate in high humidity.
  2. Small wooden poles, still used. The cheapest, but not particularly reliable option.
  3. Metallic profile. The most reliable material, the construction of which will last for decades.
  4. Unnecessary scrap metal.

Despite the simplicity of the design, goats for sawing wood belong to the category of machines. Therefore, in its manufacture, certain conventions must be observed. One of them is the presence of a plan or drawing according to which the goats will be assembled. During planning, it is worthwhile to accurately indicate the dimensions of both the entire structure and the smallest details.

Scheme for the manufacture of goats for sawing firewood

It is also necessary to correctly select the angles of inclination of the supports, which will help increase comfort when sawing wood with a chainsaw. Compliance with all the nuances when assembling a goat for firewood will help to get a strong and easy-to-use design. Such a tool for sawing wood will turn out to be quite mobile, which will allow it to be used in different places.

The main thing to pay attention to when assembling equipment is its dimensions. This setting is affected by:

  • the height of the person who will work behind the goats;
  • dimensions of the tool itself;
  • the strength and dimensions of the tree to be processed.

The time spent on work will depend on the selected size of the goat for firewood. Best Option– make this equipment 90 to 110 cm high. Thus, the person who will work behind the goats will not bend his back excessively, and his arms will be in a horizontal position.

Drawing with dimensions of goats for sawing firewood

It will be easy to work, and the load on the back will be significantly reduced.

If a worker will process wood with a two-handed saw, then you will need reliable support for the second hand. Therefore, when planning, it is worth taking care of the presence of such elements. One of available options- making an emphasis from wood, which allows you to make it at any convenient place. When using a mechanized tool such as a chainsaw, care must be taken to have a solid surface on the goats.

It is worth considering such a feature at the planning stage, which will help to make a suitable design for the selected tool.

Since a mechanized tool has its own characteristics and rules during operation that affect the safety of the worker, it is worth considering them. To work with a chainsaw, you should take care of the space for free hanging of the material being cut.

A variant of the device of wooden goats for firewood

Thus, the worker will avoid clamping the chainsaw with the blade being sawn.

Gantry layout for working with a conventional saw

Since an ordinary hand saw is mainly used for sawing small-sized firewood, the dimensions of the goat can be standard. Using them, the owner will make a convenient tool for working with wood, which will be small in size and light, but at the same time durable. To do this, take the following material:

This list is relevant for those who want to assemble the entire structure from scratch with their own hands. Of course, those who have residual material from past chores can replace any of the components with the thing available.

To carry out the installation of a goat with your own hands, you will need the following set construction tool:

One of the design schemes of goats for sawing firewood
  1. For sawing and leveling the beam, you need a regular hacksaw for a subtree.
  2. In order for do-it-yourself goats to have even shapes and not stagger during operation, it is necessary to use a building corner.
  3. To mark the material when planning, you need to have an ordinary simple pencil.
  4. Self-tapping screws are best tightened with a screwdriver or Phillips screwdriver.
  5. Hammer for driving nails when fixing the "horns".
  6. Chisel.
  7. Measuring tape, which will be used for all measurements.
  8. For coverage finished construction varnish or paint is best suited paint brush 4-5 cm in size.

After selection the right material you can proceed to the assembly of goats. It is best to start work with processing the timber for the base. It is necessary to mark future cuts on it, which should be 6 on each side. In total, the grooves for attaching the legs and horns should come out 12.

An example of fastening racks of goats

Each of them has a depth of 2.5 cm, which will be enough to securely fasten the structure. When sawing, it is worth making sure that the grooves are 2-3 mm smaller than the legs, which will allow the bars to be tightly fixed. After the main part of the goat has been processed and installed on the legs, you can proceed to the installation fasteners. With the help of self-tapping screws, all components are securely fixed.

Next, you need to install reinforcements for fastenings, which will provide not only additional stability and strength of the goat, but also secure workplace, eliminating the possibility of divergence of the legs of the structure. To install them, you need to saw off the bottom of each leg so that you can install an additional mount. After completing the assembly of the structure with your own hands, you can proceed to applying a protective layer of the coating. Usually stain is used for processing. When completely dry, the firewood goats will be ready for use.

Planning and making a goat for working with two-handed tools

The use of a conventional two-handed sawhorse or similar tool may result in dangerous situations such as the machine tipping over. This is due to the loosening of the machine due to the alternating shearing movements during the sawing of the log. Therefore, it is worth worrying about assembling a more stable and durable structure.

If the selected goat project has an X-shape, the material for it should be selected more durable and thicker (in cross section - at least 100 mm thick). In addition, there should be a metal puff on the beam.

Since there are special stability requirements for this wood sawing machine, the width of the bottom support of the uprights must be significantly wider than the top. A good indicator of strength is achieved due to the additional binding of the supporting crosses of the structure with a wooden screed.

Drawing with dimensions for the manufacture of goats

To do this, it is enough to use a regular board of small length. By following the above tips, you will build a fairly strong machine for sawing firewood with your own hands. Proportions and dimensions can be left unchanged.

For harvesting firewood or any other work with wood, reliable goats are useful. Find out what they are and how to make them yourself.

Despite the fact that wood sawing goats are a very simple design, they are machine tools. There is certain rules their creations. We will find out what goats are used for preparing firewood, from what and how they can be made with your own hands.

Goats for sawing firewood

You should not confuse the goats for sawing firewood with construction ones. They have completely different purposes and designs. The goats for firewood should be such that it is convenient to put a log, sleeper, or other large piece of wood.

And so that during sawing with a chainsaw or a hacksaw, our log does not fall anywhere, does not move out, it is securely held on the goats, and the working person has at least one hand free. Better yet, both.

It is not difficult to buy goats for sawing firewood. There are standard, traditional metal structures in the form of a log stand. They cost from 2000 rubles, they are simple and at the same time reliable, they are quite convenient. In addition, folding goats are popular today, which are conveniently stored in a barn.

Usually they allow you to cut several layers of wood at once due to the increased height of the upper part. Such goats cost from 4 thousand rubles. The most advanced option for today is goats in the form of a stand on which a bed for a log is installed. At the same time, the wood is held firmly, with teeth that are on the upper lifting part and below.

Such a design will cost from 5 thousand rubles. It is these goats that are originally intended for sawing with a chainsaw, which must be held and guided with both hands.

Having decided to save money and simply not waste time searching, many home craftsmen make sawing goats with their own hands. For this purpose, you can use:

  • Pillars made of wood, simply, quite thick and straight branches. The easiest option;
  • Wooden beam;
  • old metal pipes;
  • Metallic profile.

Goats are more reliable from metal, but welding may be required to create them.

The height of the goats should be such that it is convenient for a person to work, growth must be taken into account. standard height- from 90 to 110 centimeters. Goats can be two-, three-, four-horn. The longer the structure, the more horns should be in order to securely fix the log. Usually the length of the goats does not exceed 200 centimeters.

The most simple design- two "X"-shaped joints, in which the lower part is higher, and a crossbar between them, fastened at the joints. But such double-horned sawhorses will not be very reliable and will not be suitable for sawing hardwood or large logs. That's why homemade designs reinforce by installing additional horns and using strips between the crosshairs of the "X", the main legs. The angle of connection of the horns is 45 degrees.

Experts believe that the most reliable fasteners in the case of using wood, wood screws will become. They are better than ordinary nails. In the case of using a profile or pipes, respectively, metal screws should be used. Or weld goats for greater reliability. True, in this case they cannot be disassembled or folded.

Of course, for the construction of goats it is better to use electric tools, in particular, a screwdriver, as well as a jigsaw for cutting pieces of metal or timber right size. Wooden structure can be treated with a stain, after grinding. And paint the metal. However, usually about appearance home craftsmen do not care about goats for sawing firewood. The main thing here is convenience and reliability. published

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Do-it-yourself goats for cutting firewood with your own hands are not as difficult to make as it seems, but before work it is advisable to draw up at least an approximate design drawing.

The article tells how to make a wooden goat for sawing firewood and how to cut the components of the structure.

What needs to be done before work?

Goats for sawing firewood - one of the most simple structures for sawing. Thanks to this device, it is possible to process a lot of boards and other raw materials from wood with high quality.

Many people make goats for firewood on their own, most often they choose the classic version of the design, because it is the simplest.

As for the material for manufacturing, everything is also simple here - everything you need can be found in the store.

Most often, to make goats for sawing firewood, they take bars, thin trunks from trees, a metal profile and scrap metal that was at hand.

Before work, you need to carefully prepare. As mentioned above, you should think over the drawings, put them on paper.

It is advisable to think over in advance the position of all the small elements of the goats for sawing firewood. If you make a plan qualitatively, then you can avoid mistakes and their subsequent correction. In addition, ready-made drawings will reduce work time.

When drawing up a diagram, you need to take into account the growth of the master, the type of machine and what kind of wood will be sawn. You should think about what kind of saw the person will use.

For example, a machine for two-handed saws needs a special part for resting the hands, and a goat for sawing firewood with a chainsaw requires a change. general design, the machine must be made of strong varieties tree.

For goats of the classical type, the following materials will be needed:

  • a bar with a section of 100 by 100 mm, for the base part;
  • a bar with a section of 50 by 50 mm, for the legs of the structure;
  • two bars with a section of 50 by 50 mm, for horns;
  • self-tapping screws, 30 pcs., 45 by 100 mm;
  • bars with an inch section, 2 pcs., for amplifiers;
  • means for protection against rotting, wood stain.

If desired, this list can be changed at your discretion, materials can be selected from the remaining details from past works.

You will also need the following accessories:

  • soft pencil;
  • mounting angle;
  • simple hammer;
  • hacksaw for wood;
  • roulette for construction;
  • incisors;
  • a screwdriver with a nozzle in the form of a cross (you can take a flat one);
  • paint brush about 5 cm long.

How are goats made of wood and metal?

To make the goats yourself, you first need to mount the beam to the base part. Places for 12 cuts should be marked on it, which should be located 6 pieces on each side.

The cuts should be about 2.5 cm deep - these are the holes where the horns and legs of the structure are placed.

With a cutter and a hammer, you need to select the places of the cuts, make them, and then insert bars that are suitable in size into the resulting grooves. They need to be secured with screws.

On bars with a section of 1 inch, places are marked for attaching amplifiers, which make the structure more durable and reduce the risk of breakage of the legs during sawing.

Then you should cut off the segments at the ends with a hacksaw and choose the length in accordance with the length of the legs, the ends of which should be cut off.

The machine made must be treated with anti-rotting agents and stain. After the structure dries, it can be used.

If you plan to use a two-handed saw, then the design of the goat for sawing firewood with your own hands changes, the drawings will have to be slightly adjusted in order to work comfortably.

For example, machine stands should be made of the highest quality strong wood; for screeds, metal puffs or a block of wood should be taken.

Usually, the width of the lower supports is made 15 cm more than the distance from the surface of the structure to the top of the screed bar.

In principle, such goats can be made from a drawing of a conventional design, changing only the material of the lower part.

Many are interested in how to make a metal goat for sawing firewood. This is explained by the fact that metal structure can last much longer and take up less space.

You can make such goats for firewood with your own hands, but the process will be a little more laborious.

To make a metal machine, you will need the following devices:

  • profile pipe 50 by 50 mm;
  • wooden block, 50 by 59 mm, with a length of about 10 cm;
  • tape measure and centimeter for construction;
  • angle grinder (can be replaced with a hacksaw);
  • welding machine (can be replaced with bolts).

In accordance with the drawing drawn up earlier, where all the parameters are indicated, it is required to cut off the beam for the main part. On it you need to highlight the places where the legs and stags are attached.

Then you should cut the remaining elements of the future structure. After that, you need to select the type of connection.

If the goats for sawing are collapsible, then it is recommended to connect all the components with bolts. If the goats for sawing are planned to be of a stationary type, then it is better to weld the parts to each other.

A bar is attached to the pipe that connects the racks, with a size of 50 by 50 mm. It is necessary to protect metal surface when sawing occurs.

Making goats for sawing firewood from metal is not very profitable, because the price for a finished machine is almost the same.

At the same time, metal goats can be very different - there are smaller and larger models for large-scale production. It is necessary to choose a machine, based on what kind of wood will be sawn.

In stores you can find designs from Ukrainian and German manufacturers and Chinese options, which are considered the cheapest, but much less quality.

How to make a chainsaw machine and how to improve it?

A goat for sawing firewood with a chainsaw can also be made at home, or bought at a store. At the same time, many people prefer to make their own machine than to buy ready-made.

Currently, the chainsaw is used all the time, because it is easy to work with and the tool is relatively inexpensive.

In addition, with the help of a saw, you can quickly and in in large numbers process logs and boards. Therefore, many people ask how to make goats for sawing firewood with a chainsaw.

The design of this machine is different from the usual. When sawing with a power saw on a conventional trestle with X-shaped uprights, this can cause the chain to pinch.

Because of this, many craftsmen have to turn the logs themselves with the cut down to make the cut completely. In this case, it is better to cut the end of the board protruding from the machine.

As a rule, to cut something with a chainsaw, you need a metal machine. A gear-type gripper is installed on one end of the structure and a steel chain is welded.

In addition to the usual goats for working at home, there are machines for industrial enterprises that handle large volumes of workpieces.

In such goats, all the material is folded in the form of a dense pile, then it is fixed with a special device so that nothing spreads. But such models of goats are much more expensive than usual and larger in size.

If you want to make the design more aesthetic, then you can draw up a new drawing, replacing the parts with more modern ones. Along with this, the characteristics of the device will also change.

You just need to remember that every detail needs to be changed in order for the structure to work properly. However general principle the manufacture of more modern goats remains the same - legs with horns and a base part.

Along with the details, the material will also have to be changed. Instead of a log, you need to use wide board, which must be placed on the edge.

In addition, the legs in the form of X should be made not from bars, but from metal profile. You should make a typesetting board and apply an agent against fungus and mold on it.

You also need to attach the supports to the base part, you need to connect all this with bolts and a wing-type nut.

In addition, the horns of the machine must be bent at the required angle, which will create a space in which you can put a log of any size.

As a result, working with a tree on a goat will become more convenient. You can make the goats disassembled, which will allow you to transfer the machine to any place, even on the roof.

You can also fix a flat board on horizontal horns. The result is a kind of table on which you can put various tools while the machine is idle.

If such a design is done for the first time, then it should be remembered that the first beam is passed under the cross, and the rest are used to make fasteners for the legs.

Lubricate the nuts before use to protect them from corrosion.

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