Difficult whether Czech language. Czech

Garden technique 25.09.2019
Garden technique

Czech - This is the Slavic language of the Western Slavic group of languages. In Czech, there are about 12.5 million people, more than 10 million people live in the Czech Republic. Czech is one of 24 official languages EU. As a result of several emigration waves over the past 150 years, dozens of emigrants and their descendants in Slovakia, USA, Canada, Germany, Austria, Romania, Australia, in Ukraine, and in other countries are said in Czech. In this article, I will tell you about the Czech alphabet, borrowed words, and the connection of the Czech language with Slovak.

Czech alphabet

In the Czech alphabet 42 letters (including the Digraph CH). The Czech Republic has its own alphabet, which is a Latin, supplemented with letters with a designation of softness. (Háček) - Č, ž, Š, ř et al., Long pronouncement designation (Čárka) - Á, é, ú et al., designation multiple number - ů. As you saw, the longitude in Czech words is denoted by our Russian stress, so do not think that, for example, in the word Dobrý, the emphasis falls on the last syllable, it will simply be pronounced in it for a long time, and emphasis as in most Czech words falls on First syllable.

Letter Pronunciation
A A / B Á Brief A / Long A
B B. BE.
Č č Che
D D. DE.
Ď ď de
E E / É É / ě ě Brief E / Long E / Soft E (E)
H H. H.
Ch Ha
I I / í í Short and / long and soft and
J J. E.
K K. ka
M M. Em
N N. en
Ň ň EN
O o / ó ó brief about / long about
Ř ř ERG.
S S. ES.
Ť ť those
U u / ú ú / ů ů Brief / long
V V. VE.
W W. Double VE.
X X. X
Y y / ý ý Brief and / long and
Z z. SET
Ž ž Zhet

Some stylistics

The stylistic plan in Czech highlights 4 levels:

  1. Literary language (Spisovná Čeština) - a written form of a language coded in the rules of the Czech language (Pravidla Českého Pravopisu) and in the Literary Czech language dictionary (Slovník Spisovné Češtiny).
  2. Book Language (Knižní Čeština) is a literary language with a wide use of obsolete words.
  3. Colloquial (Hovorová Čeština) - oral form literary language, with some borrowings from the general.
  4. General Language (Obecná Čeština) is the oral form of a language in Bohemia and Western Moravia, partly the following standards of the Czech Rules.

At the university and in language courses you will teach the literary version of the language, or the literary version of the language with the elements of the spoken language.

Czech dialects

Czech dialects are standardly divided into Czech and Moravian. The carriers of different dialects as a whole understand each other. The difference of dialects is expressed in different length sounds and soft / solid pronunciation / vowels.

For example, in Prague they say, stretching words, and often very quickly, while in the Moravian part of the country (Brno, Olomouc, Ostrava), words practically do not pull and consume a lot of words borrowed from the Russian language. For example, in Prague, the bottle is invariably called Lahev, in Brno it can already be Butylka. In Prague, the Bulka is Houska, in Brno - Bulka. In Prague, all the endings of the verbs are warmed firmly, for example, the verb dělat (do) is read here as a Dielat, the end can be mitigated in Brno.

History and language development

Czech language was formed from Praslanic language. The first written document in Czech refers to 1057. In the 14th century, the heyday of the Czech language came: on the order of Karl IV, the first translation of the Bible was performed on Czech. Since that time, a significant number of works appear in Czech language, in which the Latin alphabet is used, which is not enough letters to transfer all sounds.

The situation changes dramatically in 1406, when Jan Gus, Czech preacher and thinker, proposed new system Spells in which already familiar letters with Gacheki and Charks have entered. Since the 17th century, Czech literature has experienced a significant decline due to the emigration of the Czech intelligentsia and assigning the German status of the Second state language In the Czech Republic and Moravia, and then the complete superiority over Czech. In the Czech language in those days they spoke only in the villages, in major cities prevailed german.

During the 19th century, Czech language restored its status and acquired the appearance in which we know it today.

Borrowing in Czech language

Words in Czech occur mainly from Slavic languages. Czech and Slovak languages \u200b\u200bretained 98% of Praslavyansky words - more than any other Slavic languages. As a result of close contacts with Germany, many borrowings were entrenched in the language from German (Knedlík - Knedlik, Šunka - Ham, Taška - Bag, Brýle - Glasses, Rytíř - Knight).

Borrowing from Russian A lot (vzduch, příroda, chrabrý). However, not everything is so simple: despite the similarity of our language with Czech, there are equally sound words with an absolutely different meaning in Czech language. See ourselves: Stůl - table, Čerstvý - Fresh, Smetana »- Cream, Zapach - Stena, Pitomec is a fool. Continuing this list can be viewed.

Borrowing are widely found of of English language (Fotbal, Hokej, Tenis, Software, Hardware).

A little grammar

Among the parts of speech in Czech, as well as in Russian, the name of the noun is allocated,
The name is adjective, pronoun, numeral, verb, adverb, pretext, union, particle,

In Czech, 7 cases, including a charting case:

  • Nominativ
  • PEITIVE CADEA (Genitiv)
  • Conductive case (Dativ)
  • Accusative case (akuzativ)
  • Charging case (Vokativ)
  • Completed Padege (Lokál)
  • Current case (Instrumentál)

Communication with Slovak

Czech language is very close to the Slovak language, they differ in vocabulary and pronunciation. Differences in the vocabulary of these languages \u200b\u200bare much smaller than the differences between some dialects of other languages. The Slovak language has a simpler letter and grammar. It says 7 million people. As a rule, the Czechs understand the Slovaks without any problems. In the time of Czechoslovakia, both of these languages \u200b\u200bwere regarded as dialects of one language.

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Was there a nasal vowels in Praslavyansky? (WELL NO)

Depending on the objectives of the study, linguistics are divided into the following sections:



In what languages \u200b\u200bthe former Latin system of wordinity morphology has given way to the analytical forms of expression through the official words and the order of words?

in romance

What periods are characterized by the most sharp distinctive features?

in the period of feudal rules

What form language existed initially?

tribal dialects

What scientifically gives the first scientific description of the language?

"Astadhyia" Panini

What is the essence of the hypothesis of linguistic relativity?

language causes a way of thinking of the people speaking

Give the definition of language interference?

penetration of knowledge native language or one of the studied foreign languages for knowledge obtained in the study of a new foreign language

For what purposes the statistical method is used in application linguistics?

for compiling dictionaries, for machine translation

Unity of homogeneous interdependent elements, inventories of units of the language?

The unity of heterogeneous elements within the whole, communication and relationship of units of the language?


What words are the passive subject of vocabulary?



What levels is the model of the Language Language?






From what past time in Praslavyansky appeared past time in modern Russian?

What linguistics is engaged in automatic recognition and synthesis of speech, problems of learning non-standard, translation?


What linguistics is engaged in the problem of communication of society, the functions of a language in society, the territorial distribution of languages, the ratio of the language, history and culture of the people?

outer linguistics

What linguistics is dealing with the practical tasks related to the use of the language?

blind-love linguistics (applied)

What linquustical discipline is studying the physiological and acoustic aspects of sounds?


What science is closely related to the linguistics of the question of the origin of speech in primitive people, and also to address how they are not related to signs of language and races?


What theoretical discipline studies the functional role of sounds in the language system?


What the theory believes that primitive people, instinctive animals, the screams turned into "natural sounds" - where did the Air Forces come from?

theory of interdethery

What aspects are allocated in the concept of "culture" as a second nature?




What two points are prevented in the Bible on the origin of the language?

language not from man

language from man

What changes in grammatical are possible under the influence of other people's languages?

transferring grammatical category

borrowing affixes

borrowing of wordinization forms

What paintings of the world scientists distinguish at the present stage of development of science?

naive picture of the world

scientific picture of the world

conceptual picture of the world

language picture of the world

What linguistic dicyplines are associated with the study of higher nervous activity, its normal function and pathology?




What processes suggest language rationing?

selection of exemplary language


development of rules for different species communications

What partitions of grammar are engaged in studying the grammatical structure of the language?



What funds are allocated in the dictionary formation of the language?



What phonetic laws should be distinguished?

live phonetic laws


What forms of last time existed in Praslani language?



What languages \u200b\u200bdo Germany scales?


What means can the value-valued aspect of the painting of the world can be expressed in the language?

estimated epitts

estimated connotations of Lekmem

What is the identification of language provisions valid for all languages \u200b\u200bof the world?

language universals

What is the name of the discipline that applies mathematical methods for the study of language phenomena?

mathematical linguistics

What is the name of the science of language, its origin, properties and functions, and takkn about the general laws of the structure and development of all languages \u200b\u200bof the world?


What is the name of the science of the laws of thinking and about the forms of thought, using a logic apparatus for studying the language?

What is the name "mediated" picture of the world, forming with the secondary sign system?

language picture of the world

What is the name of the section Linguistic, studying french, Italian, Romanian, Portuguese, Moldavian, Spanish?


What is the name of the section Linguistic, studying Croatian, Czech, Slovenian, Russian, Ukrainian?


What is the name of this phenomenon in the language: "Ku-ku", "Hrew-Khrew, Gav-Gav"?


What is the name of the phenomenon in Turkic languages, when all the sounds are subordinated to "harmony" within this word?


What are new words in the language?


What are the words that are outdated, but the realities indicated by them are called differently?


What are the main specific features of the language painting of the world?

the selection of the kernel and the pre-air



What are the main paths of appearance in the language of neologisms?

the invention of new words

creating new words in language models


What are the distinctive signs of literary languages \u200b\u200bof the national period?





What linguistic learns each individual language as a special, unique phenomenon?

What section of lexicology is studying the meaning of words and the laws of changes in values?


Which section of physics is studying sound phenomena in the language?


What section of the Linguistic Language Language Universals, valid for all languages \u200b\u200bof the world, general properties, signs and qualities of the human language in general or a number of languages?

general linguistics

What field of vocabulary changes slower than others?


What language prevailed in the practice of diplomacy and politics from the end of XVIII?


What tier is the most resistant to change?


What tier of the language system varies faster than others?


What function does the word performs in the language?


The vertical differentiation includes:

professional jargon

What laws in Russian include combinatorial patterns of progressive accommodation, when preceding vowels [e], [a], [o], [o] accommodate with subsequent soft consonants?

live phonetic laws

What signs on Yelmslev include grafts and phonemes?

What words include: atmosphere, horizon, diameter, microscope, lieutenant, shed, harem?


The main units of the language belong:

Who in antiquity put forward the theory of a social contract in the matter of the origin of the language?


Who introduced the term "language picture of the world" into the scientific way?


Which of linguists and philosophers believed that the verbal language occurred from the sign language?

Who proposed the model of the level system of the language?


Who develops the concept of universal semantic primitives?


Who developed a linguistic relativity hypothesis?

sepir, Wharf

The method used to study related languages, their community and differences, their historical development?

comparative historical

Can the concept be not represented in the language system?

What are the main borrowing paths in the language?


borrowing within one language

borrowing through the language intermediary

through word formation

through different languages \u200b\u200bintermediaries

Name the synonyms for the term linguistics:



Which 2 sections are divided by the physiology of speech?

physiology of hearing

articulant physiology

Main feature of professional vocabulary?


no expressiveness

The main function of the offer \\ statements?


A particularly important role is played by the algorithm:

in engine translating

The first scientific description of the language, open Europeans is:

grammar Panini "Eight Chinjee"

Professional vocabulary enshrined in dictionaries?


What scientific disciplines is closely related linguistics?









How many cases exist in Arabic? (Specify the number!)

How many cases exist in Estonian? (Specify the number)

How many past times was in Praslani language? (Specify the number!)

How many languages \u200b\u200bin the world are studied quite fully and good? (Specify the number)

A combination of generally accepted linguistic means, which are characterized as correct, exemplary, mandatory?

A combination of various forms of relations and communication between individuals and groups belonging to different cultures?

intercultural communication

A combination of accurate rules for describing, encoding or transcoding any information system?


A combination of values \u200b\u200band norms inherent in a big social group or nation?


Match private language and language studied:

1.1 French

2.2 English

3.3 Serbian

1.1 Germanic

2.2 Slateness

3.3 Romanism

Match the language and number of cases? (1.1 Sanskrit 2.2 Latin 3.3 Greek 1.1 5 2.2 4 3.3 7)

Theory, who believes that the language arose from the cries, accompanying collective work?

the theory of labor shouts

What is the contrast of the dialect?

regulatory language

What does semiotics study?

signal systems

What do you need to understand under the sign?

the sign must be material

the sign must be perceived

sign aimed at

the sign and its content is determined by the place and the role of the sign in a given system of similar order of signs.

What causes a way to think of the people, his worldview according to Sepira and Wharf?

What did Engels be a prerequisite for the development of a person and the prerequisite for the emergence of speech, expansion and development of consciousness?

vertical gait

What is a culture according to a descriptive approach?

the amount of everything created by human society

What is a material culture?

a combination of human material activity

What constitutes a phenomenon when somewhat separated by phonetic changes in its sound design of the morpheme "are aligned", "unified" into one general view?

change by analogy

What is speech?

psychophysiological process

What is the language?

system-structural education

What is the language picture of the world?

the totality of knowledge about the world, which are reflected in the language, as well as ways to obtain and interpret new knowledge

What is one value, but different items: a dog, a thing?


What are the following rows: "Eyes-Zenki-Zenki-Burkala"?


What happens with the meaning of the words transition from the literary language into a special view of speech, for example: beer, kvass, partisan, officer?

narrowing value

What is characteristic of phonetic laws?

they are valid by the limits of this dialect, a certain language or group of related languages

they act within the relent time

What is one of the most productive means of forming secondary items in creating a language picture of the world?


The language has the following characteristics:

multi-tier system

semiotic system

potential system

Language discipline that studies livelies, adverbs, dialects, folcle of peoples, their life and culture?


Landbooking tradition has about:

Linguistics came out of the bowels.

It is said that in Russia today is not fashionable and expensive. Many brave and desperates go to live and work abroad to distant countries, but many of us, possessing a certain sentimentality, and fearing nostalgia, prefer to leave, but not far. Where to? Right, to Europe! Choose the country closer, and, desirable, Slavic. One of these is the Czech Republic.

Do you need to know them

Arriving here, you need to say something, but how? Is it difficult to learn at least minimum of Czech phrases? By the way, Czech is one of the richest Slavic languages \u200b\u200bin the world. For comparison, there are about 130 thousand words in Russian, and in Czech - more than 250 thousand. Phrases in Czech language to us, Slavs, intuitively understandable, although many words have a certain cunning. For example, the Russian word "beautiful" sounds on Czech as "terrible", the word "fresh" sounds like "worn" and the like.

But not only who left the Motherland will have to nourish the textbook on Czech. Today, the study of this language has become simply a fashion trend among the Russians. Those who still know some Slavic language will even easier to understand the Chekhov and learn a little phrases in Czech language.

Many are sent to the Czech Republic for receiving education. This is one of the few countries of Europe, where you can get a fit for free, and the quality of knowledge gained will be on summit As part of a global scale. Therefore, to know the main phrases. Future students are obliged as no other.

Where will be suitable

Czech will need everyone who deals with translations - guides, diplomats, translators working both in the country and abroad.

For tourists to learn several phrases in Czech will not be any difficulty. And serving staff at the hotel, and the waiter in the restaurant will be pleased to hear the phrase in their native language. And if you, God forbid, get lost in the city, general phrases will help you understand how to go through the right address, because tongue to Kiev will bring. And the Czech language is not complicated at all, and it is not only easy to teach it, but also fun, especially in a friendly company!

Those who are going to rest in the Czech capital will be very useful to familiarize themselves with our detailed manual, affordable by reference, in which it describes in detail how to properly organize his journey to Prague so that it is interesting, safe and did not go beyond your budget. In a few minutes, you need to read the article, you will learn how to save a significant amount of money at all not tightened.

Will the Czechs understand Russian

Czech Republic is one of the most popular destinations for Russians, and most of the Czechs living in tourist areas will be perfectly understood. Yes, and in other cities there should be no problems ... The opening of the borders after the collapse of the Soviet Union contributed to the influx of emigrants to the Czech Republic, and many Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians left to live in this country. So the Russians will understand in the restaurant, and in the store, and on the street. The main thing when communicating do not forget that goodwill and smile on the face is a disarming tool for starting absolutely any communication.

Words are similar, grammar, too. Nevertheless, it is necessary to learn Czech seriously. In Czech - a complex system Defense, a residence of exceptions, a particle SE, and also the letter "ř", "Gacheki" and "Charm". About Czech as he is telling the teacher of the Gostudy Training Center Dagmar Shigutov (PhDr. Dagmar Šigutová).

Learn Czech Russian-speaking students, of course, much is much easier than the British or Germans. Russian and Czech refer to the group of Slavic languages, so from the very beginning of training, Russian-speaking students understand the Czech speech well.

I understand - does not mean know

Very often, Russian-speaking students think that since they understand Czech, which means they own them. This is not so. Due to the similarity of languages, prescription skills in Russian students are formed much faster than carriers of non-Slavic languages. Similarities in grammar and the vocabulary of Czech and Russian are very helpful - primarily in the development of passive speech skills. At the same time, the formation of active skills of the similarity of languages, on the contrary, may interfere.

False friends translator

Similar Czech and Russian words often have a different meaning. For example:

Čerstvý - Fresh
pOZOR - Attention
pitomec is a fool
ovoce - fruit
zápach - Snor
vůně - Aroma
vedro - Heat
rodina - Family
shytrý - smart
dávka - Portion
chudý - poor
úkol - Task
smetana - Cream

Systematic errors

Suppose the German, Englishman or Korean will win the Czech form of the past time without any problems, fast enough. The Russian-speaking student will immediately remember that the verb should be on -l, but will forget to turn on the design of the Být verb, which in Czech indicates the face. So there are systematic errors that impede understanding speech statements.

In the designs of the present time, the Russian-language student loves to add Russian grades to Czech verbs. For example, Czech verb Dělat has the ending -Am. But on the basis of the similarity with the Russian verb "to do", the Russian-speaking student adds -aju. It turns out dělaju.

Or I will give an example of systematic decline errors. Czech Preposition -Proti is used with nouns in a dutiful case. The Russian preposition "Against" with the same meaning is used with the genitive case. The Russian-speaking student under the influence of the native language automatically uses with Czech -Proti nouns, adjectives and pronouns in the parental case. And there are a lot of such examples.

According to Russian rules

Absolutely in all foreign students in studying the Czech language, great difficulties cause verbal structures - with pretexts and without prepositions. But, while the carriers of non-Slavic languages \u200b\u200bor will find the right designs, or will not follow, many Russian-speaking students enjoy "Russian rules" - use Czech verbs in the "Russian case" or with a Russian pretext.

For example, the verb Zúčastnit SE looks like a Russian verb "participate". In Czech, this verb is used with a genitive case without an excuse. But the Russian-speaking student under the influence of his native language can consume the pretext of the -V and the proposed case.

Our teachers give the fight against systematic errors great importance. We constantly draw the attention of our students to the similarities and differences in the Czech and Russian, carry out special exercises. Correct the guys until they start talking to Czech competently.

Czech speaks 13 million people (66th place in the world in prevalence).

Question accent

Russian focus is very strong. In classes with Russian-speaking students, Czech teachers pay phonetics much more attention than in English or German-speaking classes.

Czech pronunciation formulation is important. Otherwise, the Czechs simply will not understand that students say. So the students will disappear to talk and confidence that the language can be mastered.

We have increased the number of hours on phonetics in our curriculum. From the very beginning of teaching, teachers draw the attention of students to pronunciation of consonants D, T, N and Dě, Tě, Ně, ending -T in infinitives.

We achieve consolidation of students in the skills of correct staging. Emphasis in Czech words is always on the first syllable. All students know that, but it's difficult to consolidate the rule in practice. In Czech, the emphasis is powerful and not connected with the longitude, which is unusual for Russian-speaking students. They often put emphasis in the middle or the end of the word - on the syllable with long vowels.

At the same time, the Russian student is very often shy to pronounce long vowels ("Delki"). We teach the guys pull them as follows. In Czech, vowels are not reduced, as in Russian. The letter "O" should sound like "O", and the Russian student often reads it as "a". And the Czechs do not understand him.

More Czech is known to the boring consonants. There are whole phrases without a single vowel: Strč Prst Skrz KRK (which means - sleep finger through the throat).

Orphography complexities

Czech spelling is also not the simplest. We are preparing students to study in Czech universities, because there are a lot of spelling in the classes - the spelling of the "Gachek" and "Charek", solid and soft "I" / "Y", pay attention to the order of words in the sentence, the place of the SE particle. In Russian, the order of words is free, so to master the Czech syntax students are also not easy.

Returning to the question, whether the Czech language is difficult, I will say that for the year of classes, the absolute majority of our students are mastering it at the B2 level, enter universities and learn in them. Czech language is complex, but in Russian-speaking students when studying many advantages. You need to use them and seriously approach learning.

Who about what, and we will talk about Czech language. The text was published in the magazine "Metropolitan Education". The poem about Professor is taken from Belikov's textbook - rat. Thank you svetlost. for comments.

Czech language (in Czech it is called Český jazyk or Čeština) uses a Latin alphabet, supplemented by letters ď ď, ň ň, ť ť, ů, á á, č č č, é é, í, č ó, Š Š, ú ú, ž, ř ř. Czech languages \u200b\u200bcan be brief and long. The letters a, o, i (y), u, e denote brief vowels, letters Á, é, í (ý), ó, ú, ů - long. Long ó occurs only in words foreign origin (eg, móda., sólo). Long vowel does not always coincide with the shock syllable. Emphasis, regardless of longitude, always in the first place. Letters I and Y denote the same sound close to Russian and (Czechs studying Russian, have to learn the sound of S). The letter ě corresponds to the Russian E, the letter E is Russian er. The letter J reads like y, h reminds Ukrainian g, ď, ň, ť - soft variants d, n, t. Letter L is pronounced softer Russian l, but the fountable Russian l, Š and ž are pronounced significantly softer than Russians W and F, Č - [H], C - [C]. The letter ř is pronounced depending on the position as [RJ] or as [RSH]. The letter ů is read as [y] a long, unlike ú, which is used at the beginning of the word, is written in the middle and end of the word. The consonants of R and L in Czech can serve as the basis of the syllable: tRH 'market', pRST. 'finger', vLK. 'wolf', bratr. 'brother', kRTEK. 'mole', vítr. 'wind', slza. 'a tear', hLTAT. 'to swallow', vLNA 'wave'. There is a famous Czech patter, in which all words contain the bonding R and L: Strč Prst Skrz KRK 'Lose finger through the throat.

As in the study of any Slavic language, when Czech classes for a Russian student are important difficulty serve false friends translator. Because of kinship languages \u200b\u200bin Russian and Czech a lot similar words, But the values \u200b\u200bsometimes differ, and this leads to errors. Here are just some of these cunning words: život. 'a life', vrah. 'assassin', zapomenout. 'Forget', pověst. 'one. title 2. Tale, epics', východ. 'one. yield 2. East ', vlast. 'Motherland', rodina. 'a family', ovoce. 'fruits', stolice. 'chair', mrak. 'cloud', Štuka. 'plasterer', plot 'fence', rok 'year', záchod. 'restroom', rychlý. 'fast', zloděj. 'thief', krásný. 'beautiful', palec.thumb’, Čerstvý. 'fresh', žízeň. 'thirst', skoro. 'nearly', tykev 'melon', olovo. 'lead', sklep. 'basement', chudý. 'poor', písmo. 'Font, handwriting', zákaz. 'ban', vůně. 'Aroma', zápach. 'Stench, bad smell', stroj. 'Machine, mechanism', stůl 'table', stávka. 'strike', dělo 'a gun', obchod. 'score', jel 'Run'. Czechs studying Russian are experiencing similar difficulties. The famous chess player Mikhail Botvinnik recalled, as the Czechoslovak chess player Flor wants to say "you have a beautiful life for the first time in the USSR saying" you have a beautiful life "said:" You have a red belly. "

There are important subtleties in Czech grammar. In the formation of the last time, the verbs, Czech retained auxiliary verb, lost in Russian. Compare:

In the subjunctive ignition, where in Russian, the auxiliary verb has long turned into an immutable particle would be changed in Czech to persons and numbers:

The subjunctive inclination in Czech has both the forms of the past time, which are formed by the help of the subjunctive lifting být.:

bYL BYCH Přišel. byli Bychom Přišli.
bYL BYS Přišel byli Byste Přišli.
byl by Přišel. byli by přišli.

At the same time, in the singular, the verbs of the subjunctive ignition are also changed by childbirth: bYL BYS Přišel 'You would come', bYL BYS Přišla 'You would have come'. However, in colloquial speech, the subjunctive inclination of the past time is often replaced by the subjunctive inclination of the present time.

In Czech, much more often than in Russian, consumed attractive adjectives. They can be found in the names of streets, institutions, educational institutions: Karlova Univerzita. 'Karlov University', Leninovo Muzeum 'Museum of Lenin' (word muzeum. - medium), Karlův Most. 'The Charles Bridge', Čapkova Povídka. 'Chapeca's story, Nerudova Ulice. 'Street Neruda'. You can encounter such phrases as Četl JSI Haškova Švejka? 'Have you read the book of Gashek "Schweik"?' Or Viděl JSI Smetanovu Operu Prodaná nevěsta? 'Have you seen the sour cream "sold the bride"? "

Strictly complied with the rules for formation of surnames. If a male surname is an adjective (ending on - ý ), the appropriate female surname will be adjective female. From the surname Novotný. Female option will be Novotná.. The adjectives are inclined, therefore foreign surnames ended in - i: for example, Verdi., Verdiho., Verdimu.. If a male surname is a noun, then the female surname is formed with the help of suffix - ová.: Novák.Nováková., HoráčekHoráčková., Svoboda.Svobodová.. This rule is also used for foreigners. Wife Georad Bush Czechs Laura Bushová., Hillary Clinton - Hillary Clintonová., Michelle Obama - Michelle Obamová., and Margaret Thatcher Margaret Thatcherová.. There is no exception for Russian surnames. Even though they end up ovAnyway adds extra - oV.-. Here, as written in Czech the name of Russian athletes: Nadezhda Petrov - Naděžda Petrovová., Maria Sharapova - Maria Šarapovová. , Anna Kournikova - Anna Kurnikovová., Elena Isimbaeva - Jelena Isinbajevová..

In the vocabulary of the Czech language has always been a large number of Germanism. For the most ancient of them, German origin is not felt ( děkovat. 'Thank' from Hallnerenhenetsky denk-). The fight against German borrowing began with the XV century when Jan Gus reproached Chekhov in what they say hantuch. 'Towel' (it. Handtuch.) Instead uBranec., Šorc. 'Apron' (it. Schürtze) Instead zástěra., knedlík. 'The product of boiled dough' (south. Knödel.) Instead Šiška., forman 'ONING' '(it. Fuhrmann.) Instead vozataj. etc. Most borrowing borrowing disappeared from Czech language, but the word knedlík. It remains and even became one of the symbols of Czech cuisine. In subsequent century, new German borrowing appeared, they also fought with them, more often successfully, but some still remained in the language.

The influence of German is felt not only in lexical borrowings, but also in grammar. This explains, for example, the appearance of structures with the verb mít. 'have': mám Něco Napsat. 'I need to write something' (cf. it. ich Habe Etwas Zu Schreben). In vocabulary, along with direct borrowings, German influences manifests itself in the development of portable words of words: běžet. 'Run', 'work (about cars)' (as it. laufen.).

Czech language was formed on the basis of Western Slavic dialects in the territory of the Czech Republic and Moravia. First specific traits Czech language appears even before the emergence of the monuments of Czech writing - in the form of traces of Czech pronunciation in the Old Slavonic texts. For example, a word modlitvou Smell prayer In the "Prague passages" of the XI century. Also, they are in the form of individual words (the so-called "Bohemics") or brief support (glosses) in medieval texts in Latin. The first record of the Czech phrase - Gloss began the beginning of the XIII century as a diploma of 1057 on the establishment of Litomerzhitsky Capitula.

Then it appeared first handwritten, and to XVI century Already printed literature in Starochiesh. The first Czech grammar appeared in 1533. Literary norm Starochiesh, fixed in this grammar already differed somewhat from a spoken language. The symbol of the XVI century language was the Protestant Kralytsky Bible, published in 1576-1594.

In the XVII century, during the thirty-year war, there was a struggle between the troops of the Catholic League and Czech Protestants. On November 8, 1620, a battle was based on white grief, not far from Prague. Czechs were defeated, and as a result, the authorities of the Catholic dynasty of the Habsburgs lasted another 300 years. Most Protestants emigrated, and the norms of the Language of the Klytitsy Bible remained only in the emigrant editions. In catholic literature on the territory of the Czech Republic language norms were close to live speech. Later, the leaders of the Czech national concern of the end of the XVIII - early XIX. The centuries considered that it was necessary to return to the old, "high" norm of the tongue. As a result, the gap between the literary and everyday-spoken Czech language increasingly increased. In addition, in the XVIII - XIX century, official positions in Austria-Hungary, where the Czech Republic was included, and Czech was actually safe, and Czech turned out to be actually safe. Because of this, until the 20th century, the few works of Czech literature were in general, only fairy tales (Germans Nemtsov). All more or less serious literature has written in German. Recall that in German wrote, for example, Franz Kafka, although he knew perfectly and Czech.

In the second half of the 20th century, the conversational standard of the Czech language ("Gotovan Keshetin") became increasingly receiving a written fixation. The old literary language ("List Ceshina") is gradually inferior to his position. The literary language continues to be used in legal documents, in reading news on television and especially on the radio, however, the transfer of other genres already goes in spoken language.

To illustrate the differences between the two options of the literary language, we present the poem of Emanuel FRINT "Professor". In it, the first and third stains are written in written and conversational standards of Czech, and their content coincides:

Pan Profesor Studuje Hýly Pan Professor studies bullfinches
a Rozličné Škodlivé Býlí, and various harmful weeds
a říkává prý: and often, it seems, says:
I Studovaný. Even scientist
sE ČASTOKRÁT NEPěKNě Zmýlí. often rudely mistaken
Má Předobré Srdce I Hlavu, He has the kind heart and head,
a proto má v ulici slávu, and so it is famous for his street,
a NEMINE DEN. and the day does not pass,
a Některá z žen to anyone from women
ho Chválí, Když Nakupuje Kávu: did not praise him when buys coffee:
"VON PROFESOR ŠTUDUJE HEJLY "Professor studies bullfighter
a RůZNý TO ŠKODLIVý BEJLí, and all sorts of so harmful weeds
a říkává prej: and says, they say
I Študovanej. Even scientist
sE KOLIKRÁT VOŠKLIVě ZMEJLí ". often great is mistaken. "

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