Language taste, language rate, language aggression. Coursework: Language rate for what language taste need

Gardening 19.09.2020

And accentological norms. Lexical and phraseological norms


1. The concept of linguistic norms, its signs.

2. Options for norms.

3. The degree of regulatory of language units.

4. Types of norms.

5. Oral speech standards.

5.1. Orphoepic standards.

5.2. Accentological norms.

6. The norms of oral and written speech.

6.1. Lexical standards.

6.2. Frameological norms.

Culture of speech, as already mentioned earlier, multidimensional concept. It is based on the idea of \u200b\u200ba "speech ideal" in the mind of a person, the sample, in accordance with which the correct, competent speech should be built.

The norm is the dominant concept of speech culture. In the large explanatory dictionary of the modern Russian language D.N. Ushakova meaning words normit is determined as follows: "Proponed establishment, normal mandatory order, condition". Thus, the norm reflects primarily customs, tradition, streamlines communication and is the result of the socio-historical selection of one option from several possible.

Language norms - These are the rules for using language funds at a certain period of development of the literary language (the rules of pronunciation, the usual consumption, the use of morphological forms of different parts of speech, syntactic structures, etc.). It is historically established uniform, exemplary, generally accepted use of language elements recorded in grammar and regulatory dictionaries.

Language rules are characterized by a number of signs:

1) relative stability;

2) generally;

3) community;

4) compliance with the use, tradition and capabilities of the language system.

The norms reflect the patterns and phenomena taking place in the language and are supported by language practice.

Sources of norms are the speech of educated people, works of writers, as well as the most authoritative media.

Functions of the norm:

1) provides the ability to properly understand each other speaking in this language;

2) restrains penetration into the literary language of dialecty, conversational, spurated, rigorous elements;

3) raises the language taste.

Language norms are historical phenomenon. They vary over time, reflecting changes in the use of language. Sources change standards are:

Spoken speech (cf., for example, admitted by the modern norm rings- Along with Lit. calls; cottage cheese- Along with Lit. cottage cheese; [DE] Kang Along with Lit [d'] Kan);

Focus (for example, in some dictionaries are fixed as permissible colloquial options contract, phenomenon,forwards until recently, options for spathers, abnormative);

Dialects (so, in the Russian literary language there are a number of words, dialects in their origin: spider, Buran, Taiga, life);

Professional jargon (cf. actively penetrating in modern household speech cocktle, syringes,accepted in the speech of health workers).

The change in the norms is preceded by the appearance of their variants that exist in the language at a certain stage of its development and are actively used by native speakers. Language options- these are two or several ways to pronunciation, emphasis, education of grammatical form, etc. The emergence of options is explained by the development of the language: some linguistic phenomena are obsessed, out of use, others appear.

At the same time, options may be equal - regulatory, permissible in the literary speech ( bakeryand bulo [SHN] Aya; bargeand barge; Mordvinand mordvin oV ).

More often, only one of the options is recognized as standard, others are assessed as unacceptable, incorrect, violating literary norms ( chaffins and wrong. chauffeur; Catologistand wrong. catalog).

Non-equivalentoptions. As a rule, options for the norms specialize in one way or another. Very often, options have stylistic Specialization: neutral - high; literary - conversational ( stylistic options ). Cf. Stylistically neutral pronunciation of reduced vowel in words type with [a] no, p [a] fl, m [a] turneand the pronunciation of sound [o] in the same words characteristic of high, specifically book style: with [o] no, p [o] fl, m [o] Derne; Neutre. (Soft) sound pronunciation [g], [k], [x] in type makes [g'i] let, wave [x'i] to give, ICC [k'i]and a book peculiar to the Staromoshkovskaya number solid pronunciation of these sounds: leaves [Gee] to deposit, wave [xy] to give, ICC [Ke] to give. Cf. Also lit. contract, Slicer and and talk contract, Slicer I.

Often, options specialize in terms of the degrees of their modernity(chronological options ). For example: Sovr. creamyand the statute. slovo [shch].

In addition, options may have differences in value ( semantic options ): moves(move, move) and moves(Move into motion, encourage, force to act).

By the ratio between the norm and the option, three degrees of the regulatory of language units are distinguished.

The norm I degree.Strict, rigid norm, not allowing options. In such cases, options in dictionaries are accompanied by prohibitive litters: choice snot right. choice but; shi [n'e]not right. shi [NE]; petition -not right. petition; pool -not rivers. balked.In relation to the language facts outside the literary norm, it is more correct to talk about the options, but about speech errors.

The norm II degree.Normal neutral, allowing equal options. For example: the loopand the loop; pooland ba [SSE] Skirdand skird.In the dictionaries, such options are connected by the Union and.

The norm III degree. Movable norm allowing the use of spoken, outdated forms. Normal options in such cases are accompanied by litters extra.(permissible), extra. Study.(permissible obsoletic). For example: August -extra. august; Budo [CN] IRand add. mouth. budo [SN] IR.

Options for norms in modern Russian literary language are presented very widely. In order to choose the correct option, it is necessary to refer to special dictionaries: orthoepic, stress dictionaries, dictionaries of difficulties, sensible dictionaries, etc.

Language rules are mandatory both for oral and written speech. Typology of norms covers all levels of the language system: the norms are subject to pronunciation, emphasis, word formation, morphology, syntax, spelling, punctuation.

In accordance with the main levels of the language system and the use of language uses, the following types of norms are distinguished.

Types of norms

Oral speech standards Norms of written speech Oral and writing standards
- accentological(stress standards); - orphoepic(pronunciation standards) - spelling (spelling standards); - punctational (provisions of punctuation marks) - lexical (norms of typing); - phraseological (norms of use of phrase-rigid units); - stripulating(words formation norms); - morphological (norms of formation of forms of words of different parts of speech); - syntax (rates of constructing syntactic structures)

Oral speech - speech sounding. It uses a system of phonetic means of expression to which include: speech sounds, verbal emphasis, phrase emphasis, intonation.

Specific speech are the norms of pronunciation (orthoepic) and accent standards (accentological).

Oral speech standards are reflected in special dictionaries (see, for example: the orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language: pronunciation, emphasis, grammatical forms / ed. R.I. Avanesova. - M., 2001; Ageenko Fl., Garva M.V . Dictionary of stress for radio and television workers. - M., 2000).

5.1. Orphoepic norms- These are the norms of literary pronunciation.

Orphoepium (from Greek. oRFOS -straight, correct and epos -speech) is a combination of the rules of oral speech, providing the unity of its sound design in accordance with the norms that have historically established in the literary language.

The following groups of orthoepic standards are distinguished:

Pronunciation of vowels: forest - in l [and] su; horn - p [a] ha;

Pronunciation of consonants: teeth - memory [p], o [t] - o [d];

Pronunciation of individual combinations of consonants: in [Zh'zh '] and, [sh'sh'] asta; Kon [SHN] about;

Pronunciation of consonants in individual grammatical forms (in the forms of adjectives: upla [Gee] th - Upla [G'i];in verbal forms: i took [Ca] - I took [s'a], I remain [s] - I remain [C '];

Pronunciation of words of foreign language origin: pU [RE], [T'e] Rror, B [o] a.

Let us dwell on individual, difficult, cases of pronunciation, when the speaker must choose the correct option from a number of existing ones.

For the Russian literary language is characterized by pronunciation [g] of the explosive. The pronunciation of [γ] fricatable is a dialective, abnormative. However, in a number of words, the norm requires the pronouncement of the sound [Γ], which, if stunning passes into [x]: [ γ ] OSPO, BO [γ] A - Bo [x].

In Russian literary pronunciation used to be a fairly significant circle of domestic words in which the place of the letter CN uttered SN. Now, under the influence of the spelling of such words, quite a little left. So, pronunciation SN As compulsory, preserved in words kon [SN] Oh, Nar [SHN]and in the middle names: Ilyini [SHN] A, Savvi [SN] on, Nikiti [SN] A(Wed. Writing these words: Ilinichna, Savvichna, Nikitichna).

A number of words allow pronunciation options. CN and SN: decentand order [Ш], Bulo [CN]and Bulo [SHN] Aya, Molo [CN] ITIand Molo [SN] ICA. In some words, the shower pronunciation is perceived as outdated: lavava [SN] IR, GRI [SHN] Eva, Yablo [SHN].

In scientific and technical terminology, as well as in the words of a book nature, never pronounce SN. Wed: power, heartfelt (attack), Milky (path), celibe.

Group of consonants Th in words what is nothingpronounced as PC: [Piece] Oh, [pc] Release, nor [pc] about.In other cases - as Th: not [Thu] o, according to [Thu] and, by [Thu] A, [Thu] y, [Thu].

For pronunciation foreign language words The following trends are characterized in modern Russian literary language.

Initial words are subjected to phonetic patterns in force in the language, therefore most of the foreign language words in pronunciation are not different from the Russians. However, some words retain the features of pronunciation. This concerns

1) pronunciation of unstressed ABOUT;

2) pronunciation of consonant before E..

1. In some groups of borrowed words with limited use, unstressed sound persists (unstable) ABOUT. These include:

Foreign Own Names: Voltaire, Zola, Zhores, Chopin;

A small part of special terms, little penetrating into spoken speech: bolero, Nocturne, Sonnet, Modern, Rococo.

Pronunciation ABOUT In the estate position, it is typical in these words for a book, high style; In neutral speech pronounces sound BUT: In [a], the leather, n [A] CTURN.

The absence of reduction in a proclaimal position is characteristic of words cocoa, Radio, Credo.

2. The Russian language system is characterized by mitigation E.. In insufficiently developed borrowed words, there is a preservation of a firm consonant in accordance with the norm of a number of European languages. This retreat from typically Russian pronunciation is much wider than the pronunciation of unstressed ABOUT.

Pronunciation of solid consonant before E. Observed:

In expressions that are often reproduced by means of other alphabets: d.e-FACTO, d.e-ju r.e, C. r.eDO;

In own names: Flo [BE] p, with [TE] pH, lamb [TE] n, sho [PE] n;

In special terms: [DE] Mping, [SE] Psis, Ko [DE] IN, [DE] Kadans, GE [NE] ZIS, [RE] Le, Ek [ZE] Ma;

In some frequency words, entered into widespread use: pU [RE], [TE] MP, E [NE] Rgia.

Most often, the hardness in borrowed words retain consonants D, T.; then - FROM, Z., N., R; occasionally - B., M., IN; Always soften sounds G., TO and L..

Some words of foreign language origin in a modern literary language, a variable pronunciation of solid and soft consonants in front of E [D'] Kan - [DE] Kan, [s'e] SSIA - [SE] SSIA, [T'e] Rror.

In some words, solid pronunciation of consonant before E. perceived as a boiled, pretentious: academy, Plywood, Museum.

5.2. Accentology- section of the science of language learning the features and functions of the emphasis.

Strength standards Regulate the choice of accommodation options and movement of the shock syllable among the units.

In Russian, the shock vowel in the syllable is highlighted by durability, intensity and tone movement. Russian stress is free, or distinguished those. Uninterrupted for any particular syllable in the Word (cf. emphasis in French, fixed by the last syllable, in Polish - for the penultimate). In addition, the emphasis in a number of words may be movable - changing its place in various grammatical forms (for example, accepted - adopted right - right).

For the accentological norm in modern Russian literary language, variation is characterized. Allocate various types of stress options:

Semantic options (the impact difference performs a senseless function in them): Clubs - Clubs, Cotton Cotton, Coal - Coal, Immersed(on transport) - immersed(into water; in solving the problem);

Stylistic options (are determined by the use of words in different functional styles of speech): silk(shared) - silk(poetic.), compass(shared) - compass(prof.);

Chronological (vary by activity or passivity of consumption in modern speech): thinking(Sovr.) - thinking(statute), rakurs(Sovr.) - rakurs(statute).

Emphasis in Russian is an individual sign of each word, which causes significant difficulties in determining the place of emphasis in a number of words. Difficulties arise and due to the fact that in many words the emphasis moves with a change in the grammatical form. In difficult cases, when staging, you should contact the dictionaries. Correctly put accents in words and word cuts will also help accounting for certain patterns.

Among national namesa significant group of words with fixed stress is distinguished: dish(cf.n. h. P: dishes), bulletin (Bulletin, Bulletins), Keychain (Key Rock, Key Rings), Tablecloth, Area, Hospital, Font, Scarf, Syringe, Bow, Cake, Shoes, Nurserie).

At the same time, there are a number of words in which, when changing the grammatical form, the emphasis moves from the basis for the end or from the end to the base. For example: bandage (bandages), Xendz (Xendza), front (fronts), Gross (pennies), coat of arms (coat of arms), Clack (Clocks), Hit (hits), wave (waves)etc.

When staging in adjective namesthe following pattern acts: if in a brief form of a female kind, emphasis falls on the end, then in the forms of the male, the middle kind and in the form of a plurality of the impact will be the base: rights - right, right, right;and in the form of a comparative degree - suffix: light - lighter,but beautiful - more beautiful.

Verbslast time, more often retain the same emphasis as in an indefinite form: to speak - said, know - knew, put - put.In a number of verbs, the emphasis moves in the forms of the female family to end: to take - took, take it - I took it, to remove - I took it, start - the beginning, call - called.

When leaning verbs in the present time, the emphasis can be mobile: walk, go - goand still: i call - call, calls; Enable - enable, turn on.

Errors in staging can be caused by a number of reasons.

1. Lack in printed letter E.. Hence the erroneous stress in the words type newborn, prisoner, excited, swallow(move accent and, as a result, pronunciation instead of vowel sound ABOUT Sound E.), as well as in words guardianship, scam, double, being,in which instead E. pronounced ABOUT.

2. ignorance of the emphasis inherent in the language from which the word is borrowed: jalousie,(French words in which the emphasis falls on the last syllable), genesis(from Greek. génesis -"Origin, occurrence").

3. ignorance of the grammatical properties of the word. For example, noun toast - male genus, so in the form of a plural it has an emphasis on the last syllable toast(cf. tables, sheets).

4. Invalid caterinary class attitude. So if we compare words wanted and busy, developedand developed,it turns out that the first of them are adjectives, having a shock ending, and the second - communities that are pronounced with an emphasis on the basis.

The norms of oral and written speech are the norms peculiar to both forms of literary language. These norms regulate the use of various linguistic levels in the speech: lexical, phraseological, morphological, syntax.

6.1. Lexical norms They are the rules for the use of the words of the language and their lexical compatibility, which is determined by the meaning of the word, its stylistic attribability and emotional expressive pain.

The use of words in speech is governed by the following rules.

1.Slov should be used in accordance with their meaning.

2. It is necessary to observe the lexical (semantic) combination of words.

3. When using multivalued sentence words, it is necessary to build in such a way that it is clear which value is implemented by a word in this context. For example, a word kneeit has 8 values \u200b\u200bin the literary language: 1) the joint connecting the femoral and beam bone; 2) a part of the leg from this joint to the pelvis; 3) a separate articulation, link, segment in the composition of which is a compound of such segments; 4) the bending of which walking the broken line from one turn to another; 5) in singing, musical work - passage, a separate allocated than anything. place, part; 6) in dance - a separate reception, a figure, characterized by its effection; 7) an unexpected, unusual act; 8) branching of the kind, generation in the pedigree.

4. Words of foreign language origin should be consumed justified, unacceptably clogging by foreign words.

Failure to observe lexical standards leads to errors. Let's call the most typical of these errors.

1. ignorance of the meaning of words and rules of their semantic combination. Wed: It was very experienced, thorough engineer (thorough -so "Careful"and with the name of persons does not combine).

2. Mixing paronyms. For example: Leonov - First undergoingcosmos(instead pioneer). Paronyms(from Grech . Para.- near, near + onyma.- Name) close-in sound, but different words or partially coinciding in their meaning. Differences in the meaning of paronyms are part of private additional semantic shades that serve to clarify the thought. For example: human - human; Economical - economical - economic.

Humaneattentive, responsive, humane. Human chief. Humanto humanity; Inherent in a person. Human society. Human aspirations.

Economicalpurverating spending anything that observes. Economic hostess. Economicalgiving the opportunity Save, favorable in business, in operation. Economical way of loading. Economicrealistic. Economic law.

3. Incorrect use of one of the synonyms: The volume of work is significantly early (I should say Increased).

4. Use of pleonmas (from Greek. pleonasmos. - Exception) - expressions containing unambiguous and therefore extra words: Workers revenge resumed work(again -superfluous word); most maximum (most - The word is superfluous).

5. Tavtology (from Greek. tautologia. of tauto. - the same + logos. - Word) - Repetition of single words: communicated together, the following features should be attributed, the narrator told.

6. Speech failure - the absence in the statement of the components necessary for its accurate understanding. For example: The medicine is made on the basis of ancient manuscripts. Cf. corrected version: The medicine is made on the basis of recipes contained in ancient manuscripts.

7. Unnecessary use in the speech of foreign language words. For example: Abundance accessories He shares the story story, distracts attention from the main thing.

In order to comply with lexical norms, it is necessary to refer to sensible dictionaries, dictionaries of homonyms, synonyms, rigors, as well as in the dictionaries of the foreign words of the Russian language.

6.2. Frameological norms -sustainable expressions use norms ( from small to large; beat eggs; red as a lobster; salt of the earth; Week without year).

The use of phraseological units in speech must meet the following rules.

1. The phraseology must be reproduced in the form in which it is enshrined in the language: it is impossible to expand or reduce the composition of the phraseology, replacing one lexical components in the composition of the phraseologism by others, change the grammatical forms of components, change the order of the components. So, erroneously consuming phraseological units turn the roll (instead make a roll); play value (instead play the roleor matter); the main nail of the program (instead nail program); faces (instead work in the sweat of the face); go back to the circles (instead go back); Eat a dog(instead Dog to eat).

2. Phrase units should be used in their general-language values. Violation of this rule leads to errors like: Buildings are located so close to each other that they are water do not distort (Turnover Water do not overcome whomused in relation to loved one); On a solemn line dedicated to the holiday of the last call, one of the nine-graders said: "We gathered today to spend His senior comrades(Conduct on the last path - "to say goodbye to the dead").

3. Stylistic coloring of the phraseologist must comply with the context: the conversational and integral turns should not be consumed in the texts of book styles (Wed. Unsuccessful use of spoken phraseologist in the sentence: The plenary session, opening the work of the conference, gathered a large number of participants, the hall was crowded - the gun can not be written ). With caution you need to use book phrases in household speech (so, stylistically unreasonably use of book biblical turnover in the phrase This gazebo in the center of the park - holy Saints Youth of our neighborhood).

Violations of phraseological norms are often found in the works of fiction and act as one of the means to create an individual style of the writer. In a notterable speech, the regulatory use of sustainable revolutions should be adhered to, referring to cases of difficulties in the phraseological dictionaries of the Russian language.

Questions and tasks for self-control

1. Allow the definition of the language norms, list the signs of the norm.

2. What is the option of the norm? What types of options do you know?

3. Describe the degree of regulatory of language units.

4. What types of rules are allocated in accordance with the main levels of the language system and the use of language use?

5. What regulates the orthoepic standards? Name the main groups of orthoepic standards.

6. Describe the main features of the pronunciation of foreign language words.

7. Determine the concept of accentological norm.

8. What are the features of Russian verbal stress?

9. Give the definition of the accentological option. Name the types of accentological options.

10. What regulates lexical standards?

11. Name types of lexical errors, give examples.

12. Determine the concept of the phraseological norm.

13. What rules should be followed when using phraseologisms in speech?

Lectures number 4, 5

Grammatical norms

Introduction3 1.Inuble taste. Language rate. Language aggression.5 Conclusion12 List of references10


Global changes that occurred in our state in the last 10-15 years, the indigenous way influenced linguistics. Looking through the topic of modern linguistic works, it is possible to make sure that in the field of the language of Russian languageists, instead of ordinary problems of phonetics and morphology, word formation and syntax, problems are increasingly developing, the development of which is designed to shed light on frantic changes in the Russian syllable of this day. The desire of scientists to cover these changes in general, to comprehend at least in general terms, linguistic modernity, lead to the movement of the linguistics itself to the side, which can be called as a secularized essay for a modern language. Along with this, there is a noticeable bias with classical lingo-philosophical subjects. As a result, there are works of more western style than the style of Russian relevance. An ordinary person takes the world as it represents him, what to get a name, "in front of himself," capturing such what it is, and surprised by change. A man with a scientific warehouse of intellect in absolutely everyone seeks to see the pattern and dynamics, find the cause of progress and regression, realize the overall permanent movement. Linguists in this meaning are no exception. As a result, a lot is written about the evolution of the Russian language. The law of the interdependence of the language and the method of production, language and culture has been derived. The formation and regression of the syllable is recognized as a direct reflection of deep changes in society. Can not the impact on the formation of the language, for example, the immediate mood of people? (After all, it does not affect the global production shift, what ties in fashion in the present fall are monotonous or peas). This question can be delivered otherwise: does the form on the content affect the content? High functional unit shape? Shows a unit impact into the public, what word is currently "in fashion"? In the most serious form, the desire to give an answer to the information of the problem was undertaken under the hypothesis of linguistic relativity. However, too massive scales of this hypothesis were such a researchers from language realities, which turned reasonable, in general, the approach in a kind of conceptual monument. At the same time, a linguistic linguistic linguistics gives a prompt with the opportunity to get closer to the "fleeting", getting into other positions. So the concept appeared to analyze the impact provided by the language "standards" on speech and the public, without rejecting, however, from the basic rules of traditional domestic linguistics. The purpose of the study is to establish nature and the functions of language mods. Research tasks: - establish a circle of information united with the problem of the language norms, taste of aggression; - track the procedure for creating language "norm"; - detect the functions of the language norm of aggression


Violations of the Russian literary syllable standards are caused by changing social conditions; - the emergence of mobile communications; - accessibility and uncontrollability of Internet sites; - the struggle for the indicator inside the organization of the media; - illiteracy; - irresponsibility before the creators of the Russian literary language; - a simple understanding of the concept of "democratization of the language" - the absence of propaganda in the media of the culture of speech, which reflects the intellectuality of the community; At the look of V. Anushkin, Dr. Philological Nauk, philologists should contribute and defend the following postulates in social consciousness: What is the language, such is life. What is the language, such and a person. (Donkey will learn on the ears, a person - according to. (Aphorism) "Linguistic ecology implies not only the detection of faint areas and edges in socio-speech practice and building the appropriate recommendations in the address of the Language Policy, but also detecting, fixing and promoting the successful outcomes of the language Creativity of writers, correspondents, politicians, etc. In this sense, there are absolutely lingvironmentally similar specialized publications, such as example: Dictionaries of synonyms, dictionaries of paronyms, epithetov dictionaries, comparison dictionaries, dictionaries Metaphor, dictionaries of winged texts and expressions, dictionaries and encyclopedias of the aphorisms, stress syllable dictionaries, etc. In such a catalog of dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias are a huge language wealth, which is allowed and should use not only professional communicators (teachers, correspondents, political figures of absolutely all levels), but also absolutely to all cultural people by and large . The trouble is that many people simply do not know about this lexicographic abundance.


Barrid., Richardson D. Aggression. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 1999. - 352 with the Orthoepic Dictionary of the Russian Language. Pronunciation. Emphasis. Grammatical forms. " M., "Russian Language", 1983 Paradise "Work on speech errors in presentation and writings", Drop, 2006 Rosental D. E. "Handbook on spelling and literary editing". M., Iris Press, 2004. Dictionary of stress for television workers and radio edited by D. E. Rosental. Chudinov A. P. Typology Variation of verb semantics. Sverdlovsk, 1988. Churilov I. I. Philosophical dispute with everyday consciousness in aphorism: Aphorisms of a new school. Perm, 2000. Shaburova O. Nostalgia: After the past to the future // Sociera. 1996. Vol. 5. Ekaterinburg, 1996. P. 42-54. Shaimiev V. A. Compositionally syntactic aspects of functioning MetteText text (on the material of linguistic texts) // Russian text: Russian American magazine in Russian philology. № 4. SPb.; Lawrence; DEARM (USA), 1996. P. 80-91. Shcherbina Yu. V. "Aspects of work on overcoming the investigative-slang wording in students' speech." "Russian language", №3, 2009

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

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St. Petersburg Architectural and Construction College

Languagetaste. Languagefashion. Languageaggression

Performed: Student of the Group 22-A-14

Adamyan L.Yu.

Checked: Trotsenko I.N.

St. Petersburg


  • Introduction
  • Chapter 2.
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography


Speech mastery - This is basic professional quality. One of the most important components is a speech culture, which is part of a common human culture. By how a person says, one can judge the level of his spiritual development, his inner culture. The formation of speech mastery involves the possession of an expressive, clear and literary speech.

The problems of culture of speech are determined primarily by the problems of the language in society. The subject of the speech culture is the norms of the literary language, the types of communication, its principles and rules, ethical norms of communication, functional styles of speech, the basis of the art of speech, as well as the difficulties of applying speech rules and the problems of the modern state of speech culture of society. Culture of speech is important for establishing contact between the storyteller and his listeners, and is also its main part.

Global changes incurred in our country in the last ten-fifteen years have fundamentally affected linguistics. The desire of researchers to cover these changes in general, to comprehend at least in general terms the linguistic modernity, lead to the movement of the linguistics itself to the side, which can be called as a philosophical essay on the topic of the modern language.

The relevance of the study is thus determined on the one hand, the need to versatilely comprehend the changes in the modern Russian language, which occurred in the last ten and fifteen years, and on the other hand, the need to expand the spectrum of the topics and the convergence of Russian linguistics with the science of Europe and the United States.

An ordinary person perceives the world as he sees him, what is called, "in front of him", perceiving such, what it is, and, surprising change. A man with a scientific mind of the mind is trying to see the pattern and dynamics, to find the cause of progress and regression, understand the universal constant movement. Linguists in this sense are no exception. Therefore, a lot is written about the evolution of the Russian language. The law of the interdependence of the language and the method of production, language and culture has been derived. The development and regression of the language is recognized as a direct reflection of the depth changes in society.

The purpose of this work is to study the linguistic taste, language mods and language aggression.

The main tasks include the consideration of the concept of language taste, the definition of the language, the causes of the language taste, the concept of language modes and its types, the reasons for the change in language standards, a set of signs of norms, various definitions of speech aggression and its cause.

Chapter 1. What is "Language Taste", "Language Fashion" and "Language Aggression"?

Language taste - These are the norms and standards of language behavior, culture of speech at a certain stage of the development of society.

Language taste - The idea of \u200b\u200bthe ideal models of the text and the ideal speech production as a whole in the process of social and speech activities. The linguistic taste of the era is largely related to historical, turning phenomena in the life of the people. The language taste of our time is characterized by the rapprochement of traditionally-book tools of expression with everyday spoken speech, with social and professional dialects, with jargons.

Taste in general, this is the ability to evaluate, understanding the right and beautiful; These are addiction and inclinations that determine human culture in thought and labor, in behavior, including speech. These settings determine the human attitude to the tongue, the ability to intuitively evaluate the correctness, relevance, aesthetics of the speech expression.

However, this personality is formed during the assimilation of public knowledge, norms, rules, traditions. Therefore, the taste always has a specific social and specific historical basis. Manifolding individually, the taste reflects the dynamics of public consciousness and unites members of this society at this stage of its history.

The most important condition for taste is the scenario of the language, which is the result of speech and social experience, mastering knowledge of language and knowledge about the language, unconscious for the most part of the evaluation of its trends, the path of progress.

Language (river) fashion - the expression manner adopted in a particular community and relevant short time.

The concept of language taste, of course, is associated with ideas about the qualities of speech. In the book "Good speech", Saratov linguists determine the concept made in the title, as it is, first of all, the appropriate corresponding to the ethics of communication, the norm, understandable addressee, as a creative speech. Good speech criteria also include moderate conservatism, ultimateness, desire for unwiseness. IN AND. Karasik proposes to understand the speech culture as "the degree of approximation of the linguistic consciousness of the individual to the ideal completeness of the language wealth in one form of the language. On this basis, different types of language individuals are allocated."

In general, the literary-language norm becomes less than certain and obligatory today. The literary standard becomes less than standard, notes V.G. Kostomarov, i.e. In the language, as in everything, the rate of permissiveness has changed.

The question arises: why does this happen? Responding to him, V.G. Kostomarov introduces the concepts of language taste as a category of speech culture and its extreme embodiment - language mods: "Under the taste you can understand the system of ideological, psychological, aesthetic and other installations of a person or a public group regarding language and speech in this language. The taste always has a specific social And the specific historical basis, appearing individually, the taste reflects in its development the dynamics of public consciousness and unites members of this society at this stage of its history. "

The most important condition for taste V.G. Kostomarov considers social in nature, assimilated by each carrier of the language feeling, i.e. Fanish language, which is the result of speech and general social experience, learning knowledge and knowledge about the language, unconscious, as a rule, evaluating the trends of its development. Language flair is based on the adoption and non-acceptance of these trends.

The next question to which it is necessary to answer is to understand the language characteristics of the situation in modern Russia, this is a question of whether a modern language taste is formed under whose influence. Regret it has to be stated that the typical features of the Russian language are "not only because of low literacy and slurry, but by virtue of the conscious installation, the desire to follow certain tastes asked the influential part of society, in general, quite educated and quite well known, but Consciously deforming the norm and style patterns of literary and linguistic standard. "

Language in itself is a social, public, and not biological. The language occurs and functions only within the framework of human society. And one of the functions of the language is unifying.

As for the relationship between the language and fashion, it should be noted that the language and fashion are iconic systems, along with other similar iconic systems, without which it is impossible to imagine the life of human society - ornament, music, dance, architecture, and so on.

The subject of the study was the phenomenon of language mods, especially actualized in Russian society in recent years.

So there was an idea to analyze the influence provided by language "mods" into the tongue and society, without rejecting, nevertheless, from the main installations of classical domestic linguistics.

The novelty of the study is determined by the fact that the problem of language modes is considered for the first time. Until now, this problem has been studied as part of the topic of speech etiquette. At the same time, the theoretical development of the problem was only in the binding of specific linguistic facts to historical reality and culture. In the study, the facts of language modes considers the hypothesis of linguistic relativity in line, analyzes the influence provided by the language fashion and society.

Language (river) fashion - The expression manner adopted in a particular community and current short time.

Changing ideas about the correct and efficient use of the language can be denoted by the word fashion. In other words, fashion is a manifestation of taste, more individual, quickly transient, striking and usually causing irritation from the senior and conservative part of society.

The concept of language fashion is actually relevant to the characteristic of speech behavior, the concept of language mods is fairly associated with the obligatory redundancy of linguistic cultural samples, with the awareness of their prestigiousness in one or another society, with a personal linguistic choice. Relationship concept "Language Taste" and "Language Fashion", V.G. Kostomarov notes: "Changeable ideas about the correct and efficient use of the language, which sometimes be absurd, can be denoted by the word" Fashion ". "Fashion as a regulator of cultural and speech behavior brighter is manifested in a society that is dynamic, openly, mobile and excessively, that is, it presents a variety of and competing cultural samples, between which you can choose. For modern Russia, a strengthened upgrade trend is characterized, and Fashion Provides a break with the nearest past. "

There are several definitions of the term "speech (verbal, verbal) aggression."

In the stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language edited by the skin M.N. Speech aggression is defined as "the use of language tools for expressing hostility, hostility; a speech manner, insulting anyone - either pride, dignity."

Authors of the article "Features of speech aggression" Glebov V.V. and Rodionova OM This term is determined as "conflict speech behavior, which is based on the installation on a negative impact on the addressee."

Speaking of the reasons for speech aggression, Shcherbinina Yu.V. In his book, "verbal aggression" writes that one of the reasons is "insufficient consciousness of its own speech behavior as a whole and in particular aggressive components in it"

Another reason, which V. Tretyakov notes in his article, "inadequate defensive actions taken in connection with the wrong interpretation of words".

It is necessary to allocate the personal cause of speech aggression in the media, which Dzyaloshinsky I.M. And specifies said: "This is, firstly, low intellectuality and, accordingly, low speech culture, when the journalist does not know how to express his thoughts and replaces the accuracy of the expression of speech emotionality; secondly, a journalist, a worked idea, seeks to use all possible speech resources In order for the idea that he was sick, became universal illness. "

However, it should not be overlooked that speech aggression may be one of the types of speech strategy and applied consciously with the purpose of discrediting the interlocutor. The purpose of this strategy is to humiliate, offend, laugh at the interlocutor. And tactics will insult, the threat, mockery, charge, hostile remark, reproach, slander, etc.

According to scientists, speech aggression demonstrates authoritarian style of communication, lack of professionalism and leads to alienation, hostility, misunderstanding. Therefore, aggression is unacceptable in ethical and ineffective from a communicative point of view. In this regard, it is necessary to learn to control, restrain, overcome speech aggression. There is scientific literature with practical recommendations to overcome the aggression of the word. So, Yenin L. in his article encourages journalists to reduce the speech aggression due to the refusal of direct assessment oppositions, from gross evaluation expressions of the images "Aliens", "due to the analytical approach to this problem."

According to the dictionary of foreign words: the actual vocabulary, interpretation, etymology, the words "aggression" in Russian was recorded in the second half of the XVIII century with the meaning "armed attack on the state in order to capture its territory and violent subordination." In the second half of the XX century, the Word has a new meaning: "Active hostile behavior of one person in relation to others."

Chapter 2.

Language - Stable structure, century no power over it. It is strictly organized, possesses grammatical categories and lexical composition, which remains almost unchanged during the centuries. However, since the 18th century, there is no conversations about the damage of the Russian language, its degradation, the lifting taste of each new generation. Is it really so scary and irreversibly deal with the language, how do you try to present this some purists - fighters for his purity? The causes of fears are under a certain base. A large number of new foreign words comes into the language, some of which is unusual, "cuts the ear" of native speakers. Especially noticeable "alien" borrowing at first. What happens to the word after that? So, let's say, someone else's word comes to Russian soil together with a new concept, or just becomes fashionable and only therefore gets distribution in the masses. The first thing happens to him is a "division" of his sound shell. Borrowing is adjusted to the standard utterances of the Russian language.

The next step - the word usually appears flexion, on the basis of which it is embedded in the appropriate paradigm (that is, the word acquires a certain declination or hiding), it receives one or another form of the genus. Language processes other people's words.

Do I need to be afraid of this? After all, it is known that evolution is a natural state of a living language. Only Latin, the ancient Greek, Gothic and other similar dead languages \u200b\u200bdo not change. Why does this happen? The reasons for this are several, and external, and internal.

Let's talk first about external. Like a living organism, in the language there is an exchange so to speak "language substances": some words are aging, arhasizumy and disappear from use, others - neologisms - they go to shift. The influence of dialects, social jargues, secondary borrowing leads to temporary coexistence in the language of competing options.

It often happens that words, having come from the language peripherals, gradually displaces the legitimate word or the form of a word, thereby contributing to the change in the language.

In addition to external, linguistics, some are known (although not all!) Internal causes of the evolution of the language. Among them, it is possible to identify as the most obvious so-called principle of the analogy and the principle of economy. The action of the principle of the analogy is manifested in the desire to overcome the language options, to unify the models of building and pronouncing the dictionary can react to fashion. If the borrowed words in the 19th, the beginning of the 20th century received the French heading, in the second half of the 20th century their Americanization began, or in some cases, the orientation of the sound in the original language.

Another principle leading to language evolution is the desire of a language to saving speech funds and speech efforts. Wonderful linguist E.D. Polyvanov wrote at one time: "Oddly enough, but the collective psychological factor, which everywhere when analyzing the mechanism of language changes will be praised as the main spring of this mechanism, there really is that, saying roughly, you can call in words:" Leng human " . We can do anything, people in communication prefer shorter economical forms, and with "competition" options for short win more often.

The direction of the folding taste can be judged by the effect on the stylistics, which is characterized by blurred boundaries between different communicative spheres.

The problem of psychological installation and taste, modes exposure shows examples of insolvency, from the point of stylistic laws, the choice of language means of expression.

language aggression Mova taste

The fashion of the stylistic taste for democratization and liberalization is affected by the jargon, surprise, and spoken intonation. Because of the fear of the flavor on the stylistic decline, the structure of the monologue and the public dialogue changes.

In the speech speech, the prohibitions on which could be distinguished from household speeches, allowing less responsible and deliberate selection of the means of expression. This affects the change in the style of the subject of public speeches. There is a variety of dialogs and a decrease in monologues that express the position of the argument.

The formation of stylistics, which refers to a certain language taste, requires a fundamental change in literary means of expression.

Public taste dictates the democratization of speech, which is associated with the updating of literary laws, for the means of internal language resources.

The constant presence of jargonism in the text leads to their stabilization, reducing their jargon qualities. Such means of expression lose the need to appeal to them, and over time, they become simply a literary standard.

In the speech culture, the admissibility measures have changed, the rules have become freer not only in communication and language, but also in other areas of activity.

The destruction of lines between the serious and domestic style of speech, characteristic of newspapers, is only reflex events in the speech culture of society. The first to felt the change in speech taste in the emergence were writers and poets, and not at all journalists who were susceptible to the new taste in extremes of fashion.

The spaciousness and jargonisms fall into broad formed use, which leads unrequited slurry, creating vulgar or erroneous typosions, where words are not used in their significance and combinations of non-language norms. Such use is negative in education, the destruction of the norms of language standards.

The Russian language with its abundance of consoles and endings is very well suited for the perception of foreign language words. But not all linguists agree to use words of foreign origin, so they are looking for words in vocabulary until 1917, which can be replaced by, but no special promotion is observed.

The media extends new terms very insistently, showing that their language has an impact on all speech styles. Such terms quickly receive use in trading, youth environments, and quickly cease to require interpretation.

Foreign words strongly climb a literary speech, because many borrowing can choose an analogue in Russian. But they cease to be used, having overseas counterparts, and soon they will come out of use.

In phraseology, the desire for speech update is manifested, and to change the traditional designations. Sometimes it is enough to appeal to another grammatical structure, or by replacing the synonym for one of the elements. The phraseological creativity is intertwined with the semantic development of individual words, their updating is activating new combinations that turn into phrases with different stability.

The language taste of society is not limited to conversational expressiveness, but also has a balance of desire to preserve and raise book suffixes, as well as the emergence of new models of word formation elements. Book taste support, in the first place, own word-forming agents.

If you trace the media language practice, then new in grammar and phonetics are opening, more stable than style, vocabulary, phraseology. Neologisms are impaired with violation of orthoepic, morphological and syntactic errors, which gives strong resistance to the public.

There are a lot of such errors, and the language is tolerated to liberties in spelling and punctuation. This will lead to the fact that the next generation will already use fundamentally modified language norms that meet their tastes.

English, which is trying to be equal to the high variation, known freedom in spelling. While in Russian, dismissed from the norms, is perceived as a critical error, even if it occurs in the permissible system.

The syntax more actively goes new processes than in vocabulary, and even morphology undergoes changes that are very noticeable.

In the construction of proposals, there is a taste desire for fuzziness, free design.

In the texts of the media often began to use conversational, integral structures, construction with interjections and various particles belonging to oral speech.

With dictated rules, the psychology of the rebuilt life, when the new is perceived, and the old one is forgotten, it is ignored, only because it is not new, losing the obligation of spelling and punctuation prescriptions.

1) Language Fashion carries an extensive network of social functions, the main of which is social regulation and self-regulation of human behavior.

2) being derived from language and culture, the language fashion itself has an impact on language and culture.

3) Language Fashion has a cyclic nature.

The problem of aggression, verbal and non-verbal, increasingly becomes the subject of analysis and discussion in linguistic science. Aggression, including speech, is one of the components of countering good and evil, tolerance (tolerance) and intolerance (intolerance). The need to study this problem is due to its inclusion in a social context, since it is the society that performs the function of a diverse manifestation of this phenomenon.

Speech (verbal) aggression in the most general form can be defined as an offensive communication; The verbal expression of negative emotions, feelings or intentions in an offensive, coarse, unacceptable in this speech situation.

Speech aggression occurs under the influence of various motives and acquires different ways of expression.

On the one hand, verbal aggression serves as an expression of negative emotions (reactions to external and internal irritants of the environment) and feelings (a special type of emotional experiences that differ in comparative resistance and arising on the basis of the highest social needs of a person). The emotions and feelings causing speech aggression include anger, irritation, insult, discontent, disgust, contempt, etc.

Such aggression occurs most often as a response to an external stimulus. For example, a person was heated in the store, stepped up on the bus, refused to some kind of request, they objected to the dispute - the answer to this physical or psychological discomfort may often be a brand, Rugan, verbal attacks on the interlocutor, the main function of which is psychological discharge, Removing the nervous voltage, getting rid of negative emotions.

On the other hand, speech aggression may arise both as a special intention - a targeted desire of the speaker to apply communicative damage to the addressee (humiliate, offend, ridicule, etc.) or to implement such a "prohibited" method for some of their needs (self-affirmation, self-defense, self-realization and etc.).

For example, schoolchildren can deliberately make fun of a classmate to increase their own self-esteem, demonstrate "power", dominant position, strengthen their authority in the children's team. Verbal aggression at the level of negative emotions and feelings acts as aggressive speech behavior - a little conscious activity, manifested in samples and stereotypes of actions learned by a person or on the basis of the imitation of foreign samples and stereotypes, or on the basis of their own experience. The deliberate, purposeful, initiative verbal attack is aggressive speech activities and is defined as consciously motivated targeted human activity.

It is the last variety of speech aggression (aggression in "pure form") is most dangerous in communicative terms, since it is a thoughtful, planned, prepared speech act, whose goal is to cause communicative harm to the addressee, the destruction of the harmony of communication.

In addition, there are special situations, in relation to which you can talk about imitation of aggression - a kind of verbal game. For example, a speaking jokes or wants to demonstrate its potential tendency to offensive communication.

Such communication often passes into a situation of real speech aggression, as it occurs in an atmosphere of significant emotional tensions and can lead to mutual misunderstanding, disunity, the alienation of its participants ("What if he does not joke, and is really angry?").

Another case of imitation of aggression is aggro, which means special ritual actions before the manifestation of real aggression or instead of it. These actions can be both verbal (for example, the speech of football "fans") and non-verbal (for example, priest breeding dances, gestures and movements of listeners of rock concert, etc.).

To qualify any statement from the point of view of manifestation in it, aggression is possible only if we rely on the context of the speech situation, i.e. We analyze specific conditions for communication: the place, time, the composition of the participants, their intentions and the relationship between them.

The conditions for the manifestation of speech aggression in this statement or a specific speech situation are, first of all, the following:

negative communicative intention of the speaker (for example, to humiliate the addressee, express negative feelings and emotions, etc.);

mind of statements by the nature of communication and the "image of the recipient" (for example, the familiar appeal in the official situation; appeal only to one interlocutor with group communication; offensive hints in the address of the interlocutor, etc.);

negative emotional recipient reactions for this statement (insult, anger, irritation, etc.) and reflecting their responses (accusation, reproach, refusal, protest expression, disagreement, response insult, etc.).

So, in an unofficial situation characterized by a common positive installation for mutual understanding and consent, the sayings of the type "Go!" or "Vresh, reptile!", Affected by a gross requirement or an insult, in a certain situation can express surprise or to act as a kind of positive assessment. In the latter case, they approximately correspond on the meaning of interjections, like "great!", "Wow!".

Phrase "I'll kill you!" It may sound depending on the context as a serious threat, and as a humorous exclamation, and as an indirect invitation to the verbal game.

First of all, this phenomenon should be accommodated from the consumption of inventors (crosses, swans and expressions) and the use of vulgarism (marked by special sharpness, rudeness of integral words and expressions as parallel designations of concepts that can be expressed by literary options).

It is known that gross statements, especially in children's speech and communication of adolescents, can be used not only to insult or humiliate the addressee, and often just "in habit." This happens, obviously, due to the low level of speech culture, the poverty of the vocabulary stock, the absence of the ability to express their thoughts and feelings with a literary language and elementary inability to communicate. Sometimes a person seeks to demonstrate the "knowledge" of abnormative vocabulary, show his adoption, liberty, originality.

The use of vulgarism and inventive, although it is not necessarily a manifestation of speech aggression, however, demonstrates the uncompatibility, the tactlessness of the speaker, the low level of its re-honing culture. This feature of Brani was noted by Aristotle: "From the habit, one way or another, the tendency to commit bad actions is developing." It is not for nothing that a person's speech is his self-characterism, and, paraphrasing the famous saying, it is quite possible to say: "Tell me, as you say, and I will say who you are."

Thus, analyzing the speech of children and adolescents, it is important to remember and take into account that vulgar and investigative wording in itself does not speak speech aggression, but it definitely creates a rough-unacceptable speech tonality, conversations can provoke response rudeness.

It is important to distinguish the manifestations of verbal aggression from specific forms of speech behavior in a children's and youth subculture.

Children's speech medium, being an integral part of the logosphere of almost any people, has a number of specific features that allow it to consider it as a kind of nationwide speech culture, a special subgroup. In this environment, vulgarizma, brand, swearing is often transformed into qualitatively different in their goals and motivates social speech phenomena.

So, in the speech of adolescents, an investment can act as a means of establishing a contact, achieving unity or method of recognizing each other by members of a certain group of communicating (classmates, members of the company TP). The prerequisite for the absence of aggression in a similar statement is the confidence of the speaker that the addressee will not be offended by the exemption, and the recognition of the right of the interlocutor to respond in a similar way.

In the speech of young children, the threats ("horror stories"), ridicule ("teasers"), moves often acquire the character of the wordness, verbal game, competition in speech ingenuity.

From these insults should also be distinguished by non-clear nicknames (nicknames) and special ritual appeals.

The first is actively used in a children's and teenage speech environment. From aggressive statements, their relative emotional neutrality and the absence of a shameful meaning for the addressee are distinguished. Their appointment is specializing, specific naming, the designation of the addressee, the identification of its distinctive features, is allocated from a number of similar.

Thus, one should not mix offensive, offensive, aggressive statements with externally similar in shape and related to situations to the use of the statements found in the children's speech environment. The aggressiveness of the statement is determined only by the context of a speech situation, the actual conditions of communication.


Thus, after analyzing this literature, we can conclude that language phenomena are in constant motion and change. The intensity of this movement is not the same in any time, nor by tapping a language material. Replacing one means of expression to others can occur sharply, and gradually. However, it moves towards unification.

In conclusion of this study, it should be noted that the language fashion regulates the behavior: individuals and groups that make up the linguistic cultural system, and contributes to the adaptation of the latter to the changing internal and external conditions of the medium. However, a similar function performs almost any more or less large-scale socio-cultural phenomenon that exists more or less for a long time. The named general function of language modes is implemented through a number of private functions:

The function of creating and maintaining uniformity and diversity in linguocultural samples. Uniformity and diversity fruitfully consider both two sides of the same function of the language fashion. Depending on the criterion for the distinguishing of these two sides, from the phase of the fashionable cycle and the characteristics of the interaction of the language mods and the social system to the fore, the uniform or differentiating function of the language mode is put forward.

Uniformity manifests itself in the fact that, due to the language mod, the same cultural sample is absorbed and accepted as its many individuals, various social groups and global societies (nations, civilizations). The highest degree of uniformity is achieved on the highest phase of the fashionable language cycle, when this cultural sample, which turned out to be in the language mod (fashionable language standard), covers the maximum of native speakers. Supported by the language fashion uniformity plays an important positive role, providing consent in modern conditions, when various cultural samples compete with each other. This can be added that the fashionable language uniformity contributes to mutual understanding and development of contacts between global societies, and this is today an excellent problem.

It is for the uniformity generated by it - it is often criticized, accusing it in widespread standardization and approval of the same linguistic tastes. On this occasion, it should be noted that without a certain degree of uniformity in cultural samples, in the lifestyle, in everyday behavior, social life would be impossible at all. Some are taller for ensuring that each individual "creatively" approached the problems of everyday life and decided on their own, what and how to talk to him, in what style to respond to this or that phenomenon. If such people are absolutely confident that they themselves, no one or anything oriented, chose; My original style of speech, if everyone is every day, again and again creatively decide the question of what words to greet or say goodbye, then as they say, God forbid them. In the real life, a normal individual chooses from the samples offered by society, under the influence of society and social groups. Some interiorized, learned cultural samples that regulate speech activities turn into everyday habits, the norms of communication and the expression of thoughts are automatic and does not require the mobilization of the creative potential of the personality, releaseing it to solve more serious tasks.

In addition, due to social, economic and cultural differentiation, the fashionable language standard of unequal groups in various groups is crushed into a number of modifications. The same language "fashion" is often manifested in an innumerable set of options, for example, one language mode of discos varies precisely on the advantage of visitors to these discs. The most important thing is that the same language "mods" is attributed to the same language "mods" in various social and cultural environments, they are associated with the most diverse values, and in this sense the unifying language mode also plays a differentiating role.

It is necessary to pay attention to another aspect of the function of uniformity-diversity. It is known that modern mass media use, so to speak, the stream production based on the unification and standardization of both the processes and the results of this production. The condition of its "effectiveness is to synchronize certain stages, production rhythms and its identical results. One way or another is the inevitable mass production satellite. But the problem of uniformity-diversity has not only synchronistic, but also a diachronic measurement. Update product-text and the corresponding processes Its creating and distribution, fashionable language innovations produce diachronous, i.e. Unegradable, diversity. Exercising diachronous diversity, the language mode, thus performs an important function of compensation for synchronous monotony, acting as a condition and result of mass flow production.

In relation to social groups, the diversity-diversity function is largely the function of group demarcation-leveling through fashionable language standards.

An innovative function is one of the main and most obvious functions of language mods: the fact that the language fashion carries a novelty, everyone knows. Since the effect of language fashion applies to a wide variety of areas of socio-economic and cultural life, it increases the innovative potential of society, the readiness to introduce and adopt innovation in the respective spheres. It affects the update not only the language itself, but also industrial products, technology, artistic styles, etc. In each society, the social group, in each sector of their vital activity there is a certain degree of readiness for language innovations - innovation. Language Fashion - source, result and indicator of high degree of innovation. Since the rhythm of the socio-economic and cultural life of neodynaks in different periods, the insanity and the steering of the innovation of the same society or the group varies.

Stimulating innovation, the language mode contributes to the adaptation of society, groups, individuals to the changing conditions for their existence, both internal and external. The point is not that all the solutions offered by the language fashion are obviously adequate to these conditions. The principal value is the fact that the language fashion stimulates the heuristic, search, experimental principle in society and culture, develops on the social system willingness not only to the actually fashionable linguistic, but also to other types of innovations.

Strengthening the innovation of society or the social group, the language mode there isked to the traditionalness and undermines the power of custom. Moreover, the refusal of inherited cultural samples in favor of new in this case is not related to social disintegration, since due to the language mod, this refusal is sanctioned by society and social groups.

However, the interaction of the innovative function of fashion with traditional cultural samples is not definitely

First, this function is sometimes turned on in traditional samples, assimilated by them.

Secondly, the innovative function of language fashion often acts in the form of an actualization of linguocultural tradition. From time to time, those or other elements of linguocultural heritage are endowed with fashionable values.

Nowadays, the actualization of tradition is widespread and is presented very diverse. Here and the fashion for the "Language" old and "retro-styles" in various types of literature and art, and the language of myths about the past as the "golden age" of sociocultural being, and the language of xenophobia, etc. The fact that in these forms of consciousness affects the influence of language mod (although, of course, not it), says the fact that similar actualization of the tradition and, traditionalism occurs simultaneously in the languages \u200b\u200bof various peoples.

Communicative function. All sign systems operating in society serve as a means of communication between people; Language Fashion is one of these systems. Communication is one of the most important functions, without which human society is generally impossible.

Like many others: signs, the language mode serves as a means of interaction between individuals, social groups and societies. Fashionable communication is that fashionable standards are transmitted to other people to others, together with, it is the transmission of the values \u200b\u200bof language mods indicated by them: "internal" (modern, versatility, games and demonstration) and standing for them a variety of "external "Values \u200b\u200bexpressing the depth needs and aspirations of various societies, social groups and individuals.

Through participation in the language fashion, individuals send each other about their commitment to its values, and also associate them with their group, profession, etc. These messages express the idea of \u200b\u200bthe ideal participant of the language fashion.

Human aggression, including speech aggression, is a multilateral phenomenon. All considered definitions recognize that aggression is an integral dynamic characteristic of human activity and adaptability, and therefore is an object of serious study.

Making the conclusion about speech aggression, one can say that this is any action that is aimed at causing harm to the object. The causes of speech aggression is studied by linguists in different areas: political discourse, media discourse, aggression in the adolescent environment and so on. Speech aggression has a variety of both aggressive statements and speech situations, and can be applied as a discredit strategy. It prevents contact establishing and requires the use of a mitigation strategy for its establishment.

There are three types of human impact force (the power of thought, the power of the word, the strength of action), of which, thanks to the development of communications, the strength of the word is especially developed in the modern world. Therefore, a comprehensive study of speech aggression is a prerequisite providing communicative safety of a separate personality and society as a whole. But not only the study of this problem should be made to reduce the effects of speech aggression, but also legislative regulation of speech in the media. Without legal support of this issue, there will be no levers of impact on the media in the sphere of speech culture.

In the course of this work, I reviewed the phenomenon of language taste, language mod, language aggression, therefore the purpose of the abstract can be considered performed.


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    examination, added 01/29/2015

    Learning the basics of the language game. Theoretical backgrounds of research and analysis of the use of various types of language games in speech activity. Mention of the game of words, "funny verbal turns" as a means of joke or "deception" of listeners.

    abstract, added 07/21/2010

    Definitions of the concept of "insult" in lexicographic sources. Language aggression in speech communication. Replacing an abusive word gesture. The use of indecent, obscene words and phraseological units contrary to the rules adopted in society.

    abstract, added 11/19/2014

    Characteristics of the language system. Definition of the motivating word value. Methods for expressing grammatical values. Phonetic processes occurring during pronunciation. Parts of speech and grammatical categories in words. The main signs of phrases.

    examination, added 12/13/2011

    The problem of the linguistic person in the humanitarian sciences. Language personality as an object of linguistic studies. The structure of the linguistic personality. Semantico - syntactic level of the linguistic personality of the scientist. The terminological system of the designation of Gumileva.

    coursework, added 08.07.2008

    The relationship of language and culture. Content concept Language painting in the world in modern linguistics. Essence and main properties of imagery, classification of funds. Reflection in the language imagery of socio-cultural factors of the English language personality.

    thesis, added 06/28/2010

    Essence of speech communication specificity, its types and forms. Speech communication barriers. Communicative failures, the causes of their occurrence. Language as an objective basis of speech communication. Types of language identity as subjects and communications objects.

    abstract, added 04/27/2008

    The value of the state language policy for the population of one ethnic volume throughout the country. Opening of schools, educational and cultural centers in communities, cultural and language representative offices of countries and peoples. Language policy in the USSR and the USA.

Accepted at a certain stage of development of the circumstances of the norms of the language of norms and standards of language behavior, speech culture. I .. Epochs are largely connected with historical, turning phenomena in the life of the people ..

"The Language Taste of the Epoch." The word "taste", it seems that not related to linguistics, nevertheless, is amazingly available and accurately explains what the author actually wants to say.

A similar feeling of freedom of scientific creativity and the change of topics gives rise to a whole "fan" of unconventional works in the field of modern Russian language.

The norm as an integral part of a civilized society exists in different areas of the life of an individual and is important for many types of human activity. There are various norms as the requirements that the diverse products of human activity should satisfy. Norms are regulators of relationships between people. They are installed by society, and each individual of this society has an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is normal for human communication, and which is abnormally and, therefore, goes beyond the limits of the established norm.

The norm is established in the language, it is constantly present in human statements. And this is quite natural, since the language is an integral part, a product that is not only civilized, but in general in any human society. The norm is one of the central linguistic concepts. The norm in the language applies to the number of those linguistics problems that were constantly and are in the center of attention of several generations of researchers. And depending on the level of development of linguistics, theoretical views of researchers and the needs of society is solved very differently.

The normative approach to the tongue dominated in absolutely all the linguistic traditions, starting with antiquity and completing our time. In absolutely all linguistic traditions or from the very beginning, or over time, the concept of a strict rate appears, from which it is impossible to retreat. In the European tradition, it occurs already in late antiquity. Still tougher becoming the norm in the Middle Ages. In the early stages of the development of individual traditions (antiquity, ancient China), when there was no special sacred (sacred) language between the conversational and written style of large differences, the problems of the norm, although they were in life, were solved purely empirically, without separating any strict provision of regulatory texts.

None of the linguistic traditions had an idea of \u200b\u200bthe historical change in the language and its norms. In his own queue, all new in the language constantly included in speech practice carries with them a speedless inconvenience and therefore, naturally, it causes a defensive return (anger).

In any rate, including in the literary syllable, there are doubts, double, variant acts. Always probably probably, well-known uncertainty in recognizing specific language facts with regulatory or abnormative, there are always "doubts zones".

The norms of the writer are recorded by dictionaries, reference books, grammar books.

Language norms

  • * Orphoepic
  • * Lexical
  • * Morphological
  • * Syntaxcic
  • * Stylistic
  • * Spelling
  • * Punctational

"The literary language feels the powerful impact of the integral (and including the jargon) vocabulary, often breaking into the tongue under the slogan of liberty and" democratization ". (D. E. Rosenthal)

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe norm, gradually begins to change into some special linguistic representation, reflecting the project language implementation and in various ways associated with the views of the scheme (L. Yelmslev), or the organization of language (E. Kiece), in which the idea of \u200b\u200bits internal organization has found its own reflection. Having highlighting the social side of determining the norm, which is formed from the selection of language components - cash, formed again and recovered from the passive stock, S. I. Ozhegov focuses on the fact that the norms are held by social and speech practice (fiction, theatrical speech, broadcasting).

At a certain stage of its own formation, literary works and radio broadcasts could actually serve as a reference to regulatory use. In the present period, the situation has changed. Not any literary work and not any transmission on radio and television will be able to serve as a reference to the normative use of the language. The area of \u200b\u200bstrict followation of the syllable standards has narrowed significantly. The writer's norm as a result is not only tradition, but also the codification involves a set of rather hard orders and prohibitions that promote the unity and stability of the literary syllable. The integrity and obligation of the norms are found in the fact that the agents of different public layers and companies that make up this society should adhere to classical methods of language formulation, as well as those laws and regulations that are in grammarities of dictionaries and are represented by the result of the codification. The deviation from the language tradition, with dictionary and grammatical laws and councils is considered a violation of the norm and is usually assessed by negative by the carriers of this literary syllable. But the degree of obligation of the language norms of non-etinakov. The imperative language norms are distinguished, whose pathologies are regarded as a sign of not the possession of speech culture, like coarse oversight, but, on the other hand, there are no strictly mandatory linguistic norms that allow known deviations.

A culture of speech - region of spiritual culture associated with the application of the language; Quality of speech, ensuring the effective achievement of the purpose of communication, subject to language rules, ethical norms, situational requirements and aesthetic installations.

Culture of speech consists of three aspects

1) Regulatory aspect. The central concept of the Cyrus is the concept norma . This is a combination of sustainable, traditional realizations of the language selected and enshrined as a result of social speech practice. The norm implies not only the choice of one or more (less often) of coexistent options, but their description, as well as consolidation in the relevant editions, i.e. codifications.

2) Communicative aspect. The Kyrgyz Republic is intuitive, takes into account not only linguistic, but also extrallinguistic elements. Historically, it was the sphere of interests of rhetoric. The successful communication is indicated when the exchange of intellectual and emotional information allows to support interpersonal and public relations in the chosen direction. Communication consists of communicative acts in which communications participate (address and addressee). Communicative acts are two types: 1) straight (directly pass the goal); 2) indirect (veiled).

Situations in which indirect speech tactic is used:

2) desire to reduce responsibility for the statement

3) the desire to have a more effective impact on the addressee

4) the desire to respond to reality (find something good in bad)

5) in the formulation of reprehensible communicative purposes (make someone in someone doubt)

Communicative qualities of speech:

1. right - Compliance with language standards (the most motive student - morphological pleonism)

2. logic - Compliance with speech by the law of consistent thinking. It will be illogical if the combined words contradict each other (due to the earthquake, the city is destroyed); united by inconspicuous words (he has possession in France, a young wife and two higher education); Extra words are used (write your autobiography); or the necessary words lacking or omitted (it almost scores in every match); Utility and introductory words are incorrect.

3. accuracy - Compliance with the selected fragment of reality or system of concept. Terms of accurate speech: knowledge of the subject of speech; the ability to choose language tools adequate to the subject of speech; Using language tools in accordance with their value (we are experiencing a liter in the past)

4. purity - The absence of unmotivated elements of extractive varieties of language in the speech.

5. expressive speech - Features of speeches that support the attention and interest of the listener.

6. relevance - Compliance with the speech situation of communication, theme and nature of interpersonal relations.

7. wealth \u003d diversity- the absence of the same chains of recurring language signs in the speech.

8. effectiveness - Achieving the communicative goal set when communicating. This is a generalizing communicative quality that implies the implementation of all other qualities, depending on the situation of communication.

9. language taste - The idea of \u200b\u200bthe ideal models of text and the ideal proceedings in the process of social and speech activities as a whole.

10. language (speech) fashion - The expression manner adopted in a particular community and current short time.

3) Ethical aspect of kr - associated with communicative and offers the construction of text in accordance with the norms of moral behavior adopted by this society.

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