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One of the main activities of the Belarusian partisans were operations on iron, highway and dirt roads, waterways, sabotage on railway nodes, defeating enemy garrisons and reference points, the destruction of databases and communication lines. It was not by chance. On the territory of Belarus, important railway and road highways were held, tieding the rear of Germany with the front. Here were located the largest railway junctions and stations, through which the troops were supplied not only by the "Center's armies", but partly and groups of the Army "North" and "South".

The lack of mine-subversive techniques at the beginning of the war was restrained by the activity of patriots and demanded resourcefulness from them. Thus, in the first half of 1942, train crashes were carried out with the help of special wedges, by developing and parsing rails.

The German Home Railway Directorate "Center" noted that in 1942 it was registered: in January - February - 1 1 attacks of partisans on railways, in March - 27, in April - 65, in May - 145, in June - 262, And from July 1 to July 25 - 304. During this time, the partisans undermined 200 steam locomotives, launched 773 cars, destroyed 13,440 m railway canvas, caused significant human damage and material resources enemy.

In a number of partisan detachments, mines were organized from unexploded bombs and shells. This experience quickly spread. Numerous so-called "damn kitchens" began work, in which Tol was paid. A significant part of the demolitions, technique and explosives came from behind the front line. In the first half of 1942, 33 groups of specially trained demolons were sent to partisan formations. In March - September 1942, the Belarusian partisans received 10,860 minutes and 40 tons of explosives, which made it possible to intensify the sabotage work of patriots. By the summer of 1943, the Belarusian partisans brought out almost all narrow-chain railways.

In the partisan formations, groups of demolitions were created. In the Gomel region, 209 Komsomol and youth sabotage groups were operating, which united more than 1,300 boys and girls. In the Minsk region, 4,100 people fought in 569 groups, 2950 demolitions were numbered in the Mogilev region, 1180 - in Baranovichi, 1080 - in Belostokskaya and 570 - in Brest.

The real masters of the subversive case were Alexander Isachenko, Pavel Kozheshko, Nikolai Anhin, Konstantin Parmon, Vasily Shutov, Fyodor Bachilina, Boris Dmitriev, Philip Kovalev, Fedor Kukhav, Alexey Lukashevich, Fedor Malyshev, Mikhail Mormulev, Anna Mollovskaya, Vladimir Parakhnevich, Grigory Tokuv, Mamed-Ali Fawn, Mamed, Tamara Khneshayev, Lyubov Krvelevskaya, Vera Obeta, Polina Osina, Nina Gubinskaya, Alexander Gorbunova, Stanislav Valkany and many others.

Many of the demolitions donated their lives. The news of the fearless act of a 17-year-old partisan named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky, Nikolai Goyushik, flew off all Belarus. The young patriot had on his battle account 7 of the enemy's broken downhole. During the next combat operation on April 24, 1944, due to the enhanced guard, the partisans could not refine the rails. Echelon with military equipment and the vibrant enemy approached the place of ambush. Nikolay rushed with mine under the steam locomotive - delivery to the front of ammunition and equipment for German soldiers was suspended for 15 hours.

One of the largest operations of partisans on the simultaneous mass destruction of the enemy's railway communications is known as "Rail war". It was held in three stages. The first stage of the "Rail War" took place in August - September 1943during counterattack soviet troops Under Kursk. Operations participated in partisans of Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia. About 74 thousand Belarusian partisans applied destroying strikes on enemy railway communications.

The second stage of the "Rail War" codenamed "Concert" conducted From mid-September to November 1943, When the Red Army has already entered the territory of the BSSR. During the first and second stages, 211 thousand railway rails were undermined, 2171 train, 6 armored trains were destroyed, were destroyed, 32 villages, 295 railway bridges.

The third stage of the "Rail War" began on the night of June 20, 1944,on the eve of the Belarusian operation, Bagration and continued until the full liberation of Belarus. Over 60 thousand rails were undermined. A new tactic was used in the "Rail War": there were not separate sabotage groups on the defeat of the railway tracks, but all the detachments and brigades. As a result, German supplies for the front declined almost half. It is important to emphasize that the peaceful population took an active part in the "Rail War".

Often the partisans organized sabotage on highway and dirt roads. Unexpected raids for individual vehicles or small enemy units, undermining, destruction and burning bridges and lines of communication, roasting on the roads, scattering the barns in order to damage the tires of cars were massive and typical phenomenon phenomenon.

, Ukrainian SSR


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Opponents Commander Forces side Losses
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Operation "Rail War" - The code name of the operation of the Soviet partisans, held from August 3 to September 15, at the occupied territory of the RSFSR, BSSR and part of the Ukrainian SSR as part of the rail war.

Purpose of the operation

On July 14, the TBC rate was given an order for the operation. Local headquarters of partisan movements and their representative offices at the fronts identified areas and objects of action to each partisan formation. The partisans were provided by explosives and mine-disruptive techniques, instructors were sent to them. Only in June 1943, 150 tons of rolling pile of special profile, 156 thousand meters of fireproof cord, 28 thousand meters of hemp wick, 595 thousand kapsuli detonators, as well as weapons and ammunition were abandoned with partisan bases. The exploration of railway communications was actively conducted.

Course of operation

Over the first night of the operation was blown up 42 thousand rails. The actions in which about 100,000 partisans participated, turned out in the rear areas of the Army Groups and North (the length of the front of about 1000 kilometers, in a depth of 750 kilometers). At the same time he was active martialctions Ukrainian partisans in the rear of the South Army Group. The German fascist command for some time could not organize countering partisans.

Results of the operation

In the course of the operation, about 215 thousand rails were undermined, a significant number of echelons (only by Belarusian partisans - 836 echelons and 3 armored trains), bridges and stationary structures blown out. Particularly significant destruction are made on the polo sites - Molodechno, Minsk - Bobruisk, Luninets - Kalinkovichi and Mogilev - Zhlobin. By the fall, the operational transportation of the enemy decreased by 40 percent. On some railways, the movement was detained by 3-15 days, and Mostilev's highways - Krichev, Polotsk - Dvinsk, Mogilev - Zhlobin did not work all August. For the restoration of the destroyed railway tracks, the enemy was forced to turn two-way areas into uninterrupted, weld the undervalted rails, disassemble the missing rails from Poland and Germany, which further increased the voltage of traffic. The German command was forced to use 5000 platforms and hundreds of locomotives for the loss of rails, attract additional forces to the protection of railways. The operation greatly complicated the rearrangement and supply of enemy retreating troops.

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  • Rail war // / ed. M. M. Kozlova. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1985. - P. 608. - 500,000 copies.
  • Rail war // Railway transport: Encyclopedia / Ch. ed. N. S. Konarev. - M.: Large Russian Encyclopedia, 1994. - P. 363. - ISBN 5-85270-115-7.

An excerpt characterizing the operation "Rail war"

He moved his hand on her hair.
"I called you all night ..." he said.
"If I knew ..." she said through tears. - I was afraid to enter.
He shook her hand.
- You did not sleep?
"No, I didn't sleep," said the princess Marya, hacking his head. I unwittingly obeying the Father, now she also said, tried to speak more signs and as if he was also working with difficulty tongue.
- Domestic ... - Or - Friend ... - Princess Mary could not disassemble; But, probably, according to his gaze, it was said was a tender, caressing the word he never said. - Why did not come?
"And I desired, wanted his death! - Thought Princess Marya. He paused.
- Thank you ... Daughter, friend ... For everything, for everything ... Forgive ... Thank you ... Forgive ... Thank you! .. - and tears flowed from his eyes. "Call Andryuha," he said suddenly, and something for children was a timid and incredulous expressed in his face in this case. He seemed to know himself that his demand does not make sense. So, at least, the princess Marya seemed.
"I received a letter from him," said Princess Marya.
He watched her with surprise and timidity.
- Where is he?
- He is in the army, Mon Pere, in Smolensk.
He was silent for a long time, closing his eyes; Then the affirmative, as it were, in response to their doubts, and in confirmation that he now understood and remembered, nodded his head and opened his eyes.
"Yes," he said clearly and quietly. Russia died! Taught! "And he again buried, and the tears flowed from his eyes." Princess Marya could not retain and cried too, looking at his face.
He closed his eyes again. Sobbing it stopped. He made a hand sign to the eyes; And Tikhon, who realized him, the departure of his tears.
Then he opened his eyes and said that no one could understand and finally understood and transferred one Tikhon. Princess Marya looked around the meaning of his words in the mood in which he spoke in a minute before that. She thought he was talking about Russia, then about Prince Andrei, then about her, about his grandson, then about his death. And from this she could not guess his words.
"Your white dress is put on, I love him," he said.
Understanding these words, Princess Marya buried even louder, and the doctor, taking her at her arm, brought it out of the room on the terrace, persuading her calm down and make preparations for departure. After the Prince of Marya came out of the prince, he again spoke about his son, about the war, about the sovereign, picked up angrily eyebrows, began to raise a hoarse voice, and the second and last blow was with him.
Princess Maria stopped on the terrace. The day was shaken, it was sunny and hot. She could not understand anything, nothing to think about anything, except for her passionate love for his father, love, whom she seemed to her, she did not know before this minute. She ran into the garden and, sobbing, ran down to the pond on a young planted by Prince Andrey, lime paths.
- Yes ... I ... I ... I. I wished his death. Yes, I wished to end soon ... I wanted to calm down ... And what would happen to me? To which peace, when he won't be, - mumbled out loud of Princess Marya, walking along the garden and hands with quick steps to the chest, from which sobbing convulsively broke out. Going around the garden a circle, which led her again to the house, she saw the Military Mal Bourienne towards her (which remained in Boguchars and did not want to leave from there) and unfamiliar man. It was the leader of the county, who came to the princess in order to present her all the need for a quick departure. Princess Marya listened and did not understand him; She introduced him to the house, offered him to have breakfast and sat down with him. Then, apologizing to the leader, she went to the door of the old prince. A doctor with an alarmed face came to her and said that it was impossible.
- Go, Princess, go, go!
Princess Marya went back to the garden and under the mountain of the pond, in the place where no one could see, sat down on the grass. She did not know how long she stayed there. Whose running female steps along the path forced her to wake up. She rose and saw that Dunyash, her maid, obviously, fledging for her, suddenly, as if frightened the type of his young lady, stopped.
"Sick, Princess ... Prince ..." Dunyasov said his voice.
"Now, I go, I go," Princess spoke to him, without giving the time of the Duny, to finish her what she had to say, and, trying not to see Dunyshi, ran to the house.
"Princess, the will of God is committed, you should be ready for everyone," said the leader, meeting her at the entrance door.
- Leave me. It is not true! She shouted viciously on him. Doctor wanted to stop her. She pushed him down and ran to the door. "And why do these people with frighteners stop me? I do not need anyone! And what do they do here? - She opened the door, and bright daylight In this afternoon, it terrified her. There were women and nanny in the room. They all pulled away from the bed, giving her the road. He lay still on the bed; but strict species His quiet face stopped the princess Mari on the verge of the room.

Rail war - Under this title, actions are usually understood to destroy railway tracks in order to violate the work of enemy transport.

The greatest distribution such actions got during when railway transport It was the most massive and cheap movement tool and was actively used by German conquerors.

Large operations to eliminate railway tracks were the following:

  • Operation "Rail War" - August - September 1943;
  • Operation "Concert" - September - October 1943;
  • - June - August 1944.

All these actions were conducted by Soviet partisans who wanted to assist the Red Army in the fight against invaders.

Operation "Rail War"

Leningrad, Kalininsky, Belarusian and Ukrainian participated in this large-scale campaign. The central headquarters of the partisan movement prepared 167 divisions for which the objects and objectives of the action were determined. The detachments were supplied with subversive equipment, explosives, fireproof cords and other necessary attributes.

Only over the first night 42 thousand rails were blown up, and their total quantity is estimated at 215 thousand. It was blown up great amount Nazi compositions: Only 3 armored trains and 836 echelons were destroyed in Belarus.

The actions of the partisans reduced enemy carriage for as many as 40 percent. The only thing that command made a mistake - it considered that the Germans have too few rails. In fact, they were enough to restore the path; New rails arrived from Germany and Poland, for which hundreds of locomotives were involved.

The "Rail War" thoroughly battered the strength of the enemy:

  • the restoration of the railways took considerable time and human resources, additional detachments were attracted to their protection;
  • many two-step sections of the Germans were forced to turn into uninterrupted.

In the future, the operation found the oppression of the enemy. Despite the subversive techniques that came to the partisan, it was not enough. Diversants had to get out, search non-standard methods Fight. Special wedges were used to destroy trains, the rails often understood manually.

GOB. Rail war partisan photo

Subsequently, the so-called "dams of the kitchens" began to multiply, on which the partisans were paid to Tol. Mines were made from unexploded shells. Many partisans during the "Rail War" risked own lifePerforming the task assigned to them.

17-year-old Nikolai Goyakers committed real feat, rushing right under the enemy train with mine in the hands: in advance to mince the rails prevented enhanced security. The message about the feat soon became known throughout Belarus. In addition to partisans, peaceful population has been actively involved in the fight against enemy compositions. And in addition to railways, highways and soils were also attached.

The funds were used different: the burning of the bridges, the formation of the bumps, scattering the barbes on the roads to damage the tires of enemy cars. It should be borne in mind that the roads in the Soviet Union themselves were in an unimportant state, especially compared with German autobahn, and partisan's subversive activities further complicated the movement of the enemy in Soviet territory.

patriotic partisan rail underground

"... two years of peoples Soviet Union They lead the Great Patriotic War against the German invaders, treacherously invaded the territory of our country. In the rear of the German-fascist Halomba, who collected Belarusian, with unprecedented fiercely and persistence, the guerrilla struggle of the Belarusian people were broken by the crushing of the Hitler Military Military Machine, the extermination of the criminal army of the Intervention by all the people affordable by the people. Particularly serious blows of partisans and partisans are applied on the communications of the German army, they are crashes by military echelons with troops, appliances, ammunition, fuel and weapons, military property, undermine railway bridges, explode or burned station structures, explode and burned, steam locomotives, tanks at stations Travelings, disassemble the rails on the railways ... ".

In such words, the Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (b) of Belarus No. 1 dated June 24, 1943 "On the destruction of the enemy's railway communications by the method of" rail war ", in which the plan for the destruction of railway communications was proposed by a simultaneous mass strike, which made it impossible to rapidly restore the enemy of the railway Messages.

The central headquarters of the partisan movement (hereinafter referred to as CCHP), under the direction of Lieutenant-General Ponomarenko Panteleimon Kondratievich, developed a plan of operation "Relmic War", approved on July 12 by the Supreme Commanding rate, taking into account strategic plans and plans for the summer of 1943.

On July 16, 1943, the orders of the head of the CSTP in which the task of each detachment and the brigade, which were involved in the operation, indicating the areas of railways and the number of rails to be destroyed during the first strike, the order of ensuring the operation.

From July 16 to August 5, 144 tons of cargo were transferred from the Soviet rear: Tol, Mina, Kapsüli detonators, bikfords cord and other military property. Dozens of Minno-subversive work professionals, who have been trained in the Soviet rear, were abandoned in the partisan detachments and units of Belarus. Inquiries were sent to the areas of upcoming hostilities to clarify the situation, exploring the sites and systems for the protection of important railway highways. In the detachments, mass learning technique of mining unfolded. Impact groups were created to destroy the protection, suppressing the enemy's firepoints and the cover of miners. The charges were preparing, explosives were smelted, brackets were made for fastening of rolling checkers to rails. Created detachments, brigades, the main "specialty" of which was a sabotage on the communications of the enemy.

It is best to know about the situation, the character of this operation help memories partisans. Just such a fragment from the memories of the veteran of the partisan commissar movement of the 1st partisan brigade. Suvorova N.E. Usova: "... On the evening of August 1, the brigade headquarters were lively. This was called all commanders, commissars and headquarters. Homchenko came, and all walked off. Combrig began to read the order. The central headquarters of the partisan movement on the night of 3.08. 1943 declares the beginning of a large-scale operation "Rail War". The participants of the commanders struck the breadth of its coverage - railway communications of the enemy on the territory of Belarus, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania and the regions of the Leningrad, Kalininskaya, Smolensk, Orlovskaya.

Operation "The Rail War" began on the night of August 3, 1943 during the counter-offentenance of the Red Army under Kurk.

About 74,000 partisans simultaneously hit the railway lines of the occupiers. So, on the night of August 3 on August 4, the 13th Kostyukovichi Brigade of the Mogilev region blew 637 rails on the Krichev-Unecha railway, undermined the bridge, semaphore, 1.5 km of communication. Train movement was suspended for 5 days. At the same time, operations were carried out by defeating garrisons at railway stations. The destruction of paths was carried out not only by explosions. Some partisan brigades in the active assistance of the local population organized the development of rails.

In post-war memoirs, the commander of the Lepelian partisan brigade named after I.V. Stalin, Hero of the Soviet Union Colonel Lobankov Vladimir Eliseevich writes "... So they did, for example, the guerrillas of the brigades them. CM. Shorty. They were ordered to destroy the railway web between the stations of Syrotino-Ooluch stretching of 5 km. Enemy guard, noticing the approach of the partisans, opened fire. The assault groups were interlaced and the railway was in the hands of folk avengers. And at this time, partisans and local population, armed with krcs, axes, shovels, began to disassemble the path. With Oboli, the opponent threw reinforcement. While the cooling was bought, the partisans with the population demolished the paths, they developed and interrupted the rails, pulled out the crutches from the sleeper. For more than 4 hours a job was disassembled 5 km of the two-chaole railway, 7600 meters of telephone communications were destroyed, in four places partisans switched the ripple of the railway. The movement of enemy trains was interrupted on the 3rd day. " Due to the destruction of communications, part of the enemy was often forced to leave the echelons and move to the destination in the foot of the building or on the machines. The commander of the 8th Kruglyan partisan brigade Sergey Georgievich Zhunin reported to BSHP: "In connection with the destruction of the railway track on the site of Borisov-Krakki, the movement is temporarily suspended. The tank part was unloaded in Borisov. At the kruppings they let up up to 200 cars ... ".

Until mid-September 1943, over 120 thousand rails were interrupted as a result of the operations.

The result of the 1st stage of the "Rail War" was the destruction of 833 Hitlerh echelons, 184 railway bridges, over 1,400 cars, about 400 km of telegraph lines. Bobruisk's railways segments - old women, Zhlobin - Kalinkovichi were completely disabled. Mainstroke Polotsk - Molodechno did not work 15 days, Minsk - Molodechno - 10 days.

Analysis of the reports of the German General Directorate of Railways Minsk suggests that the delivery of the front during the rail war has decreased in August 1943 by more than a third.

In September 1943, the liberation of the Belarusian land from German occupiers began. In this regard, in front of the underground authorities and partisan formations, new challenges were faced: to organize close interaction with regular parts of the Red Army, to provide them with all the assistance.

During the autumn onset of the Red Army, from September 25 to November 1, 1943, the second operation of the "Rail War" was held under the codenate name "Concert".

At the disposal of the leadership of the Belarusian headquarters of the partisan movement of September 21, 1943, the task was put up to strengthen blows on the reasons of the occupiers, not to give the opportunity to rob people's wealth and export soviet people to Germany.

During this period, more than 90 thousand rails were blown up with Belarusian partisans, more than 1 thousand echelons were destroyed, 72 railway bridges were destroyed, 400 km of telegraph lines were destroyed. It was one of the most significant and striking operations in partisan activities.

Hitler's command was forced to increase the number of divisions for the protection of communications from 7 to 14.

Hero of the Soviet Union The commander of the partisan compound Colonel Roman Naumovich Machulsky in the memoirs indicates that "Storming Brigades", "Folk Avengers", "Zheleznyak", detachments of the Begon-Borisov zone and brigade them M.V. Frunze of the Vitebsk region for the period from August 15 to November 1, 1943 was killed on the part of the Molodechno - Minsk - over 2.5 thousand rails. During this time, the brigade "Death Fascism", "Uncle Kolya", "For Soviet Belarus", im. ON THE. Shchors, im. The newspapers "True", acting on the Minsk-Borisov-Orsha plot, were killed over 8 thousand rails. The guerrillas of the brigade them. V.P. Chkalov of the Baranovic region in 15 days was allowed under Sunny 21 enemy echelon, destroyed more than 1,300 nazis, killed 272 rails, blew up and burned 8 cars and 10 bridges.

On November 10-30, the troops of the Belarusian front conducted a Gomel-Rechitsky operation. During this operation, the partisans were paralyzed by the movement on the railways Minsk - Gomel, Brest - Luninets - Gomel, Orsha - Zhlobin and blows on the roads in these areas, broke up and combat enemy's troops, prevented their transfer to the breakthrough places and thereby promoted success The advancing troops of the Red Army.

Evidence of the effectiveness of strikes partisans is that when the enemy made an attempt to suspend the offensive of the Red Army in the Mogilev direction and on December 12, 1943 from the region of Byhhova, he sent the 292nd Infantry Division to the district of Paria, then she arrived at the destination only on December 30 due to which , I could not play a role destined for her in the conferdar.

The effectiveness of the action partisans in the southeastern regions of Belarus also confirms General Kurt von Tippelskirm, while the commander of the 12th Army Corps of the Center for Army Center: "2nd german army - he wrote - Starting from September 27, he was unsuccessful tried to pull a sufficient amount of forces with a view to blow southern direction, Restore the connection with the South Army Group between Pripyat and Dnipro. Not thick and therefore up to the limit overloaded railway network, bandwidth Which, already insignificant in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Syative marsh, has declined even more as a result of fierce activities, partisans, it could hardly provide the import of all necessary for this army. The transfer of the allocated forces was carried out by a turtle rate that all the time was strained by the nerves of the command and forced it all the time to endure the timing of the outlined offensive, although the latter was fully accurate every day. "

According to the data of the German directorate of the communication of Minsk as a result of actions, partisans movement at the railway tracks in September 1943 was interrupted in more than 265 days, and in two-way areas for 112 days was carried out in one track.

As a result of the first two stages of the "Rail War", the operational transportation of the enemy during the period of intense fights at the front through the territory of Belarus decreased by 40%, which contributed to success offensive operations Red Army and prevented the organization of planned waste german troops and removal of worn in Germany.

Operations "Rail war" and "Concert differed nearby characteristic features. If until the summer of 1943, the fighting partisans on the railways coincided mainly to the activities of individual sabotage groups, now almost all were attracted to their conduct personal composition detachments and compounds and even members of reserve groups.

Both brilliantly performed operations entered the chronicle of the Great Patriotic War like large, massive strikes of partisans, on railway communications carried out on time, coordinated with the bid of the Supreme Command and had an important operational strategic value. In scale and value, these operations were new phenomenon in the history of wars and partisan movement. Never anywhere there was still such a close interaction of the partisan movement with the army. Never fight the Folk Avengers in the rear of the enemy did not play such a role in achieving success at the fronts of the Great Patriotic War.

Autumn and spring shower turned the ground road into impassable mud and made their operation impossible. The use of rivers, as transport arteries, was limited by a short period of navigation - in our climate it is a maximum of 5-7 months. The only all-season way of delivery of goods was the railway network. RailwaysAs blood vessels, they should have supplied the existing army to all the necessary all year round. Of course, transport aviation existed, but small power It did not allow to carry heavy loads with its help or combat technique.

Thus, the strategic importance of railway tracks was simply huge, and their uninterrupted operation was a key factor for successful combat operations.

In the summer of 1943, the Soviet command was decided to strike at such an important component of the German military car, and the role of the main performers of the plan was assigned to the partisan detachments.

It is important to note that from the very first days of war in the entire occupied territory the people's liberation movement was originated. Formed from the local residents and Red Army, who escaped from the environment or fled from captivity, the partisan detachments led a continuous war in the enemy rear: undermining bridges, launching enemy echelons and destroying garrisons.

Mattered by the summer of 1943, the partisan movement was prepared for massive well coordinated operations.

July 9, 1943 in the letter I.V. Stalin chief of staff P.K.Ponarenko He suggested to disorganize the enemy rail transportation at the same time and everywhere the operation to destroy rails on the railway tracks. The central headquarters of the partisan movement adopted a resolution "On the destruction of the enemy's railway communications by the method of the rail war" in June 1943.

So future operation gained the code name "Rail War".
The main goal of the campaign was to apply the maximum damage to the enemy railway communications at the Oryol-Kursk direction to assist Soviet army At the end of the defeat german fascist troops in Kursk battle. Railway bridges, nodal stations, rolling stock and directly themselves were the main objects of the future strike. railways.

As part of the preparation of the operation for the front line, hundreds of tons of explosives were transported, the detachments were replenished with demolitions. In some partisan detachments, the production of self-made mines from unexploded shells was established, and required for bombs spin paid in the so-called "damn kitchens". Later in the same kitchens, Tol began to pay in advance prepared forms for this, in which he frozen in the form of "Loaf"As they called partisans. The main skills of the subversive case were trained by all members of the squad from the chef to the commander.

The exceptional importance of the railway infrastructure was understood by the Germans. As part of the prevention of sabotage shares, the German command adopted a number of countermeasures. A forest was cut down along the railway canvase to 100 meters, rigs were installed, wire harness, and sometimes mine fields. Only important areas, distillations and nodal stations were mothnotes and kept constant garrisons.

Also germans conducted a number of operations against partisans. Their goal was the seizure of lost territories that could play an important role in the upcoming summertime.

But the guerrilla intelligence has always been alert and often punitive operations ended in invaders. One of these German detachments was made great damage to his own. The fact that the Nazis are planning an offensive on their plot, the partisans learned in advance and, having occupied the most profitable position, prepared to meet with the enemy. Soon a German plane appeared, which circled over the terrain for a while to schedule goals for destruction, and then called two bombers. After the first bombs were reset, the enemy infantry rose to the offensive. But when the guerrillas opened fire, the Nazis turned back. At this time, German bombers made another approach. Noticing the runners, the pilots took them for the partisans and threw off the remaining bombs on them.And then even for loyalty, machine-gun fire has been breathing. The punitive operation failed.

German pilots bombed their infantry

5 / Yiii-43 Morning release RFI leaf 4 Vl

The current army, August 5th. / Specialcor. TASS /. Partisan intelligence reported that the German punitive detachment prepares offensive. Choosing a flank prevailing over the terrain and covering the flanks, the partisans were prepared for the meeting of the enemy. Soon there was a fascist correctioner. The plane launched a goal for a long time, then caused two bombers.
Enemy aircraft made an approach and dropped a series of bombs. Immediately, the fascist infantry rose to the offensive. The enemy hoped that the combat order of the partisans were demoralized. When the first chain of the Germans remained no more than 50 meters, the partisans opened fire from machine guns. Hitlerovtsy turned back. German bombers at this time did another goal. The pilots, noting the runners, decided that these were partisans, and began to drop bombs on them. Then the aircraft decreased and sighfeed their infantry with machine-gun fire.
The German punitive squad suffered a big loss.
V. Medvedev

On July 22, 1943, the partisans of the Oryol region conducted a mass injection of rail - It was a kind of rehearsal before the future large-scale operation. By the end of July, preparation was completed. The operation "Rail War" was decided to start on August 3.

The start time of the strike was not chosen by chance. Under the onslaught of the coming Soviet troops, the German command continuously moved the mobile parts from one front of the front to another, trying to patch holes in defense. The load on the railway tracks was maximal, and therefore damage caused by destruction would be the greatest.

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