Poinsettia - flower care "Christmas star. How to buy and save a Christmas star - poinsettia

garden equipment 08.06.2019
garden equipment

The poinsettia is a member of the Euphorbiaceae family, with over 2,000 species ubiquitous throughout the Earth. Among annuals and perennials, there are both herbaceous representatives and subshrubs, shrubs and trees. All parts of the plant contain milky juice, which is a poison that causes severe irritation. Poinsettia blooms from December onward, which is why it has acquired the name “Christmas star” among the people. At home - in Mexico, Costa Rica and Guatemala - poinsettia reaches a fairly large size (3 meters in height), while a shrub grown at home will be a bush no more than 50 cm high. In its natural form, the plant is characterized by dark green jagged oval foliage (each leaf 10-15 cm long) and unremarkable small flowers yellowish color, forming inflorescences in the form of rosettes.

Origin of Poinsettia

For the first time, a diplomat drew attention to the flower and statesman USA Joel Robert Poinsett, who loved botany no less than politics. One day in the winter of 1828, he traveled around Mexico in search of unusual plants and drew attention to a shrub with bright red leaves. It was the euphorbia pulcherima, which in our language means "the most beautiful little thing." He so delighted the diplomat with his catchy appearance that he, without hesitation, sent a whole carriage of samples to his homeland in South Carolina. At the end of his work for the United States of America, Joel was able to devote himself entirely to his favorite cultivation of flowers, which he did for the rest of his life. His passion immortalized his last name in the name of the plant - Poinsettia.


And the day Joel passed away is still celebrated as Poitsetia Day in the USA (December 12). But Joel was not the only one who made a huge contribution to the formation of Poinsettia the Fair. It is also worth noting the merits of Paul Ecke - a businessman, a flower seller. It was he who gave the plant immense popularity in his homeland in America in 1906. With his light hand these flowers became a symbol of Christmas, were called the "Christmas star" and not a single house in the United States since then can do for Christmas without it. Over time, the custom was adopted by European countries: Germany, Holland, Spain, France, where you will also see Poinsettia for Christmas. And US neighbors Canadians and Mexicans celebrate December 12 as Poinsettia Day along with the Americans!

Is poinsettia poisonous?

A distinctive feature of all euphorbia plants is the presence of milky juice in its tissues. Some believe that this juice is poisonous. But it's not. To be poisoned, a person or animal needs to eat 500 pieces of this plant at once. The only threat when the juice of a flower gets on the skin is the risk of dermatitis in people who have an individual intolerance to the milky juice secreted by all plants of the euphorbia family. If you are one of them, wear gloves and wash your hands thoroughly after any contact with the plant. Scientists have long proven the harmlessness of poinsettia for human health and pets. Known fact that the ancient Aztecs used the milky juice of the poinsettia to make medicines for fever, and dyes for fabrics and cosmetics were made from the bright petals of the bracts.

Choosing a Poinsettia Pot

Before planting a poinsettia, you need to decide on a pot. It should be chosen so that it is 2-2.5 times smaller than the plant itself, and its diameter is the same number of times larger than the root ball. The plant does not impose special requirements on the height and width of the pot, it is important that the container is not too large. The fact is that the larger the pot, the slower the soil dries in it, so the poinsettia that does not tolerate excessive moisture in a too voluminous pot will be uncomfortable.

Choosing a place for poinsettia

Poinsettia is very photophilous, but this plant needs diffused light. V summer time years, the pot should be placed on sunny windowsills or open balconies, providing shading from direct rays and drafts. If the flower is in an open space, you need to make sure that it is not flooded with rain, the poinsettia does not tolerate excess moisture. V indoors another subtlety: the poinsettia needs regular airing. From the beginning of autumn, proper lighting is of particular importance to ensure flowering.

As you know, in order for the poinsettia to bloom, it must be in complete darkness for at least half a day, therefore, as soon as daylight hours come to an end, the plant must be immediately removed. dark place or cover with an opaque dark film. In the morning the film is removed - and so on until the New Year. Otherwise, the plant will go "into the leaf", and flowering may not occur at all. A properly maintained lighting regime allows the poinsettia to start throwing out flower buds within a couple of weeks after darkening, and later bracts. The air temperature during the flowering period of the poinsettia should not fall below 14 ° C; during the dormant period, the temperature can be lowered by a couple of degrees. In summer, the plant develops normally within 18 - 25 ° C.

Buying a poinsettia

It is very important to take a responsible attitude to the purchase of poinsettia. Sales copies are not always transported to comfortable conditions for a plant. Therefore, one should not hope that the period of adaptation to room conditions will be easy. When choosing a plant, first of all, you should pay attention to the soil, which should not be too waterlogged. The buds must be unopened - this means that the life cycle of the plant is just beginning. Life cycle The poinsettia consists of a winter bloom, a dormant period, and a growing period.

At home, it must be placed on a bright windowsill, always without drafts. The temperature in the room during the acclimatization period should be at least 16 degrees. Poinsettia gets used to home conditions in about 3 weeks. After about this time, it should be transplanted into an all-purpose soil with some sand and vermiculite added, while not forgetting about drainage. Compliance with these rules will allow you to admire the bright bracts of poinsettia for another 4 months.

buy poinsettia winter time it is not recommended in the markets, as there is a risk of getting a plant with frozen roots.

Poinsettia care at home

It is important to remember that the juice of this flower is poisonous. Do not allow it to get into the mucous membranes of the eyes or respiratory tract. If this does happen, then the affected area must be thoroughly washed. large quantity running water. If you have handled punsettias, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly. It is recommended to keep it away from small children and pets.

Temperature regime

Dislikes drafts and low temperatures. Do not place near open windows, and if the purchase is made in frost, then you definitely need to make sure that the plant is packed as best as possible. When the poinsettia blooms, the temperature in the room should not be less than 16 degrees. However, excessive warm and low air humidity also adversely affect it. Does not tolerate sudden temperature fluctuations. If something does not suit him, then the leaves begin to wither and fall off.


Keep out of direct sunlight. Required during flowering good lighting. At this time, it is recommended to place it on windows located in the southeastern or southern part of the room. In warm weather, the flower can be moved to the balcony, but it requires a place that is protected from the direct rays of the sun, wind, and also a draft.

How to water

Watering should be done as the substrate dries out. In the warm season, watering should be more abundant. Do not use too much for irrigation. cold water. Do not allow waterlogging of the earth, as this will lead to the formation of rot on the roots. In the event that, after overflowing, the flower began to wither, it is urgent to transplant into a fresh substrate. Don't forget to wash well first. root system using a solution of potassium permanganate for this. If it is hot and dry in summer, then it is recommended to moisten the poinsettia from a spray bottle with warm water.

How to transplant

The transplant is carried out in May. To do this, use a container bigger size. Don't forget a good drainage layer. A suitable soil mixture consists of soddy, leafy and humus earth, as well as sand, taken in a ratio of 3:2:3:1. A mixture of sod and leafy soil, sand and peat is also suitable. It is recommended to add a little humus. When the poinsettia is transplanted, they begin to water it, and after a while - to fertilize the soil.

rest period

Quite often, after flowering, the poinsettia is simply thrown away in order to get a new one by next Christmas, as we throw away after the New Year. live Christmas tree. This is more typical of the inhabitants of America and Europe. Our flower growers are trying to preserve the tropical beauty and after flowering, they properly care for the Christmas star. all year round so that by the next New Year's holidays she again charmed the owners with her magnificence. The flowering of poinsettia ends in late January - February. Then comes a period of rest. We learn about this by young green leaves above its bracts.

The bracts themselves wither and fall, the poinsettia falls into a dream. Your actions: Cut the stems of the plant to 15 cm in height, leaving four to five buds on each. Cut off excess shoots, give your bush the desired correct form. Move the flower pot to a cool room with a temperature of 16 - 18 gr. Reduce watering to once every 10 days, but make sure that the earthen lump does not completely dry out. Stop feeding.

The dormant period of the poinsettia usually lasts one and a half to two months. When you see that new shoots have begun to grow, take the flower to a warm, bright place. Start caring for him according to the rules described above. If the time for transplanting has come, it's time to transplant the plant into a new nutrient substrate. The bush will begin to grow actively, young shoots will appear. The flower can be in the form of a tree or a bush, you choose. In the first case, only one trunk should be left, and in the second, leave two or three of the most powerful stems. Leave five to six strong young shoots on each stem. Delete the rest. Powder the slices with crushed charcoal.

As the young shoots grow, pinch their tops - then the poinsettia will become better to bush. A month and a half later, start feeding the poinsettia with complex fertilizers for decorative and deciduous houseplants. In August, the grown shoots are usually pinched for the last time so that they have no more than five leaves. If your poinsettia is summer period was in the fresh air, then it is brought into the room - at night the air temperature drops sharply. In autumn, watering is slightly reduced, they begin to feed with fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus.

How to get the poinsettia to bloom at Christmas?

In order for flowering to begin just before Christmas, you need to prepare the flower already in the last days of September. The fact is that at home, flowering occurs at the end of the period of long nights. That is why it is recommended to artificially lengthen the nights at the beginning of the autumn period up to 14 or 15 hours a day. All you need is to cover the poinsettia with a dark bag or thick material at night, and you need to do this for 2 months in a row. In this case, the plant should spend 14 hours in the dark. If possible, just take the flower to a very dark place. However, please note that access fresh air to the plant should not be blocked. In the daytime, he needs good lighting. If we neglect these manipulations, then the flowers will appear only at the end winter period.


Use the vegetative method of reproduction. The material is a cutting with four internodes. Cut cuttings in April. For rooting you need to prepare:

  • pots with a diameter of 10 cm with drainage holes;
  • soil (peat, sand);
  • sharp knife;
  • growth stimulant;
  • plastic bag (to create a miniature greenhouse).

Optimal conditions for rooting: high humidity, temperature 24 ° C. Before planting the cuttings in the ground, rinse in running water from the milky juice, dry with a paper towel. If this is not done, the cutting will rot. Deepen the planting material into the ground by 2 cm. With a strong penetration, the cuttings rot and do not form roots.

It is important to use modern root growth stimulants. Their processing of cuttings accelerates their appearance and growth.

Usually used: Kornevin, Epin-extra, Zircon, Ribav-Extra. All of them are safe for humans and cause increased root growth.

Under these conditions, the cutting will take root in 30 days and can be transplanted into a permanent pot with a larger diameter (20 cm). It will not bloom the first year. The first flowers will appear only next winter. Caring for the cutting is the same as for an adult plant: watering, spraying, feeding.

seed way

In the wild, after the end of the flowering period, euphorbia produces seeds, which, dispersing, give life to new plants. Such material is very difficult to obtain with the artificial method of breeding poinsettia, moreover, the most beautiful varieties of this plant are the result of many years of selection work, while the seeds, unfortunately, do not retain the acquired characteristics, and a wild plant grows out of them. It is not as beautiful, more poisonous than bred varieties, so propagate a Christmas star seed way not only pointless, but also dangerous. Thus, the poinsettia does not leave growers much choice as to how to breed it.

Vegetative way

In order to propagate the poinsettia with a cutting, from a young shoot of an adult, but not an old plant, it is necessary to cut off the top about 7 cm long with noticeable buds (there should be at least three, preferably five or six). Trimming is carried out under the lower node. The stalk should be soaked for several minutes in warm water, placed in a rooting agent solution, then blotted on the cut and disinfected (ordinary activated charcoal can be used for this purpose). The treated shoot is planted in well-moistened soil with the addition of humus, manure and sand. Important! If the cutting is buried in the ground deeper than a centimeter, rooting will not occur, and the lower part of the shoot will simply rot! The pot is covered with foil and placed in a very warm and bright, but shaded from direct sun place for rooting. Do not forget to regularly ventilate and spray the cuttings. Roots appear in about a month. As the plants grow, they are transshipped into a larger container and pinched to give the poinsettia a magnificent shape. If the plant is planted correctly, it begins to bloom the next year.

Pests and diseases of poinsettia

The main enemy of the poinsettia is the whitefly, a tiny insect that looks like a white moth and settles on the underside of the leaf plate. In small quantities, it does not cause serious damage to the plant, but it is important to destroy the peddler before the problem becomes serious. The flower should be washed gently under running water(shower), then spray the leaves on both sides with a solution of insecticidal soap. If the air in the room is too dry, spider mites can attack the poinsettia. They are almost invisible on their own, but the leaves damaged by them from the tips are covered with small yellow spots, which is the reason for emergency intervention. The presence of a tick is also evidenced by the web on the plant. Control measures are the same - spraying with insecticidal soap.

Mealybugs are also a dangerous pest for poinsettias. Luckily, they are large enough to be seen by the naked eye in time. Often carried by ants. In addition to the soap solution mentioned, this pest can also be controlled by treating the poinsettia with an alcohol solution. Mention should be made of such a pest as the mushroom mosquito - a brown winged midge a few millimeters in size. The larvae of this insect feed on the roots of the plant, causing considerable damage to it. Treatment with soapy water usually gives a positive result.

Did you know? Poinsettia in many nations symbolizes joy and fun in the house. It is believed that in order for the plant to contribute to the friendly communication of the household, it must be placed in rooms where people gather - in the living room or in the kitchen. In addition, this flower, according to legend, helps to find one's "I" and forms both the mental and emotional development of a person. Finally, this amazing spurge is called the flower of youth, beauty and health. For all its amazing beauty and unusualness, poinsettia is easy to grow and blooms annually at home, you just need to understand some of the subtleties associated with this plant and provide it proper care in each of the three phases of the life cycle.

Our grandmothers, growing strawberries, or strawberries, as we used to call them, were not particularly worried about mulching. But today this agricultural practice has become fundamental in achieving high quality berries and reducing crop losses. Some might say it's troublesome. But practice shows that labor costs in this case pay off handsomely. In this article, we invite you to get acquainted with the nine the best materials for mulching garden strawberries.

Succulents are very versatile. Despite the fact that “babies” have always been considered more fashionable, it is worth taking a closer look at the assortment of succulents with which you can decorate a modern interior. After all, colors, sizes, patterns, degree of pricklyness, influence on the interior are just a few of the parameters by which you can choose them. In this article, we will talk about the five most fashionable succulents that surprisingly transform modern interiors.

Mint was used by the Egyptians as far back as 1.5 thousand years BC. It has a strong aroma due to the high content of various essential oils with high volatility. Today, mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, ornamental gardening, and the confectionery industry. In this article, we will look at the most interesting varieties mint, and also talk about the features of growing this plant in the open field.

People began to grow crocuses 500 years before the advent of our era. Although the presence of these flowers in the garden is fleeting, we always look forward to the return of the heralds of spring next year. Crocuses - one of the earliest primroses, whose flowering begins as soon as the snow melts. However, the timing of flowering may vary depending on the species and varieties. This article focuses on the earliest varieties of crocuses that bloom in late March and early April.

Shchi from early young cabbage in beef broth is hearty, fragrant and easy to prepare. In this recipe, you will learn how to cook delicious beef broth and cook light cabbage soup with this broth. Early cabbage cooks quickly, so it is placed in the pan at the same time as the rest of the vegetables, unlike autumn cabbage, which takes a little longer to cook. Ready cabbage soup can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Real cabbage soup is tastier than freshly cooked.

Blueberries - a rare promising berry culture in the gardens. Blueberries are a source of biologically active substances and vitamins, have antiscorbutic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, tonic properties. Berries contain vitamins C, E, A, flavonoids, anthocyanins, trace elements - zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, as well as plant hormones - phytoestrogens. The taste of blueberries resembles a mixture of grapes and blueberries.

Looking at the variety of varieties of tomatoes, it is difficult not to get confused - the choice is very wide today. He sometimes confuses even experienced gardeners! However, it is not so difficult to understand the basics of selecting varieties “for yourself”. The main thing is to understand the peculiarities of culture and start experimenting. One of the easiest tomato groups to grow are varieties and hybrids with limited growth. They have always been appreciated by those gardeners who do not have much time and energy to care for the beds.

Once very popular under the name of indoor nettles, and then forgotten by everyone, coleuses today are one of the most striking garden and indoor plants. They are not in vain considered stars of the first magnitude for those who are looking primarily for non-standard colors. Easy to grow, but not so undemanding as to suit everyone, coleus require constant supervision. But if you take care of them, bushes of velvety unique leaves will easily outshine any competitor.

Salmon backbone baked in Provence herbs - "supplier" delicious pieces fish pulp for light salad with fresh wild garlic leaves. The mushrooms are lightly fried olive oil and then drizzle with apple cider vinegar. Such mushrooms are tastier than ordinary pickled ones, and they are better suited for baked fish. Ramson and fresh dill coexist perfectly in one salad, emphasizing the flavor of each other. Garlic sharpness of wild garlic will saturate both the flesh of salmon and pieces of mushrooms.

Conifer tree or a shrub on the site is always great, and a lot of conifers is even better. Emerald needles of various shades decorate the garden at any time of the year, and phytoncides and essential oils secreted by plants not only flavor, but also make the air cleaner. As a rule, most zoned adult conifers are considered to be very unpretentious trees and shrubs. But young seedlings are much more capricious and require competent care and attention.

Sakura is most often associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics in the shade flowering trees have long been an integral attribute of the meeting of spring in the Land of the Rising Sun. The financial and academic year here begins on April 1, when magnificent cherry blossoms bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese pass under the sign of their flowering. But sakura also grows well in cooler regions - certain types can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

It is very interesting for me to analyze how people's tastes and preferences for certain foods have changed over the centuries. What was once considered tasty and traded lost its value over time and, conversely, new fruit crops conquered their markets. Quince has been cultivated for more than 4 thousand years! And even in the 1st century BC. e. about 6 varieties of quince were known and even then the methods of its reproduction and cultivation were described.

Make your family happy and make themed Easter egg-shaped cottage cheese cookies! Your children will be happy to take part in the process - they will sift the flour, combine all the necessary ingredients, knead the dough and cut out intricate figures. Then they will watch with admiration how the pieces of dough turn into real Easter eggs, and then with the same enthusiasm they will eat them with milk or tea. How to make such original cookies for Easter, read in our step by step recipe!

There are not so many decorative and deciduous favorites among tuberous crops. And the caladium is a true star among the variegated inhabitants of the interiors. Not everyone can decide to start a Caladium. This plant is demanding, and first of all - to care. But still, the rumors about the unusual capriciousness of the Caladium never justify. Attention and care allow you to avoid any difficulties when growing caladiums. And a plant can almost always forgive small mistakes.

We have prepared a hearty, incredibly appetizing and simply elementary dish for you today. This gravy is one hundred percent universal, as it will suit every side dish: vegetables, pasta, and anything. Gravy with chicken and mushrooms will save you in moments when there is no time or you don’t want to think too much about what to cook. Grab your favorite side dish (you can make this ahead of time to keep it all hot), add gravy and dinner is ready! A real lifesaver.

For the first time " Christmas tree"- the poinsettia flower - came to Europe thanks to the US Minister in Mexico, Joel Roberts Poinsett, who was the first to bring cuttings of the most beautiful milkweed (scientific name) to the USA. From there, it spread throughout the world.

Christmas custom

Very often the poinsettia is called "Christmas tree" or "Christmas star". This is due to the fact that the flower has a very bright red-green color, which resembles traditional Christmas decorations. It is on the eve of this day that it is customary to buy a plant for your home or present it as a gift.

It is believed that the "Christmas tree" is a houseplant that brings prosperity, love and understanding to the home and family. In European countries, temples are decorated with poinsettia, shopping centers, halls for celebrations and banquets, as well as houses and apartments. "Christmas tree" with red green leaves considered the main symbol of the holiday in the west.

Breeding milkweed at home, which has taken on large scale, began at the end of the 20th century by the Ecke family from California. It is thanks to these people that the poinsettia has become widely known in various sectors of society.

In Aztec times, the "Christmas tree" was used as a medicinal and ceremonial plant.

Outer beauty

The stem of the poinsettia contains a sticky white sap, which is a poisonous agent that irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes when ingested.

This shrub plant comes in a variety of colors. More than 100 species have been recorded by observers. These are yellow, white, pink, red and many other colorful petals, which are not only different color, but also in different shapes.

How to choose a healthy plant

If you choose from all possible types, preference at the time of purchase is best given to the healthiest plant in appearance. "Christmas tree" is a flower with a short stem and green leaves located closer to the soil. Its petals are large, slightly elongated and pointed towards the end. It is undesirable to purchase a plant with wilted or drooping leaves, crooked stems, as well as dry soil in a pot.

"Christmas tree": care

At home, the flower grows up to half a meter, while in the natural natural environment shrub reaches a meter in height. Poinsettia blooms up to six months, after which it begins to throw off the petals, gradually losing its bright, beautiful color.

In order for the "Christmas tree" (euphorbia flower) not to lose its beautiful petals ahead of time, it requires some care not only at home, but also during the transportation of the plant.

Poinsettia is very afraid of the cold. That is why after buying the plant, it is advisable to wrap it in paper and take it to heat as soon as possible. The air temperature should not be below 15 degrees, otherwise the flowers and stems will wither from the cold.

When buying flowers, it is important to pay attention to where exactly in the store there is a pot with a plant. In order for it to grow and bloom for a long time, it is better not to purchase those specimens that stand near the entrance and exit to the room or are often exposed to air flow of different temperatures.

You should also pay attention to this at home. You can not put a flower on a cold window or leave it in a draft. The petals must not come into contact with the glass. "Christmas tree" is a houseplant, the care of which must be taken seriously. The optimum air temperature for it is 20-22 degrees.

Basic rules for care during flowering

To see a beautiful flowering, you must follow the rules for watering the plant. One of them, the most important, is to water the poinsettia only with warm water. This should be done under the condition that the earth is completely dry about 3-4 times a week with a small amount of water.

If you water the flower abundantly, then you can cause stagnation of liquid at the bottom of the pot, which will lead to rotting of the roots, yellowing and falling of the leaves. To avoid rotting, excess water must be drained from the pan, and the bottom of the pot should be provided with drainage (a hole in the bottom and a layer of expanded clay) for additional filtration. In addition, it is necessary to spray the petals up to twice a day, trying to avoid flowering leaves.

The "Christmas Star" loves bright light very much, but it is important to take into account the fact that direct sunlight on the leaves of the plant can cause them to burn, resulting in wilting.

Flower "Christmas tree": how to care for the plant after flowering

During flowering, it is not recommended to fertilize the soil in a pot with poinsettia. This can lead to premature end of flowering. After the plant has faded, the fertilizer is diluted in water and the soil is watered up to twice a month every 2-4 weeks. It is necessary to pour fertilizer only on the soil, trying to do it slowly and carefully so that water droplets do not fall on the stems of the plant. With proper care, the poinsettia will bloom throughout the winter holidays.

After about 5-6 months, you can see the first signs of the end of flowering. At this point, do not be afraid and think that something is done wrong. This is an absolutely normal state of the flower during this period. In order for the plant to gain strength before a new flowering, the poinsettia is placed for several months in a dark, cool place, in which it should stand while resting. During this period, its stems are cut, creating the desired, usually round, shape. Cut leaves under certain conditions can please the eye for at least 2-3 weeks. To do this, before lowering the stems into the water, they are cut off and dipped in boiling water for a few seconds (or the ends of the stems are held over the fire for 2-3 seconds). During rest, you need to water the tree only when the ground becomes dry enough, and the leaves should be sprayed every other day.

Sometimes the poinsettia is transplanted into another pot, but it is important to consider the following: no matter what size the plant has become, the pot needs to be prepared only a few centimeters larger than the old one, otherwise the roots will rot.

How to Ensure Poinsettia Blooms Before Christmas

Having provided the necessary light regime, euphorbia can be made to bloom at the end of autumn. For this, several conditions must be met. Every day, the flower should be in bright light for no more than ten hours, and the rest of the time (14 hours) the poinsettia is kept in the dark. This regime is observed for at least two months. Usually it is November and December. After these actions, it is placed in a bright and warm room, where the air temperature is at least 18 degrees, and the humidity is up to 50%.

Insects that can kill the plant

There are many insects that harm the plant. Among them are the whitefly, spider bug and "Christmas tree" - a houseplant, the care of which requires attention.

The whitefly is a small insect with wings white color. These pests are very similar to a small moth. Most often they are on inside sheet. If the plant is completely surrounded by whiteflies, the consequences can be detrimental to the plant, because it is difficult to get rid of it. This will require special medications. But if only a few individuals of this species appeared on the leaves, the flower can be saved quite easily. You just need to wash the plant under running water and treat the leaves with insecticidal soap, which will prevent the pest from returning. It is important to process the entire plant without missing a single petal.

As for spider mites, they are also easily removed from the plant with water and disinfectant soap. They appear if the poinsettia is left in a humid room for a long time. They are difficult to notice, but their presence is indicated by characteristic yellow spots on the tips of the leaves.

Mealy bugs are considered one of them. They are the largest. They form small white clumps that look like flakes. The dangerous thing is that they almost always come with ants. You can get rid of them with alcohol and insecticidal soap.

The most annoying and deadly insect for poinsettia is mushroom mosquitoes. Their larvae damage the roots, which as a result begin to rot. They look like tiny pinheads. Brown. They do not live on leaves, but on the soil, so they are easy to spot and recognize before irreparable harm has been done. Get rid of mosquitoes by transplanting, replacing the soil and treating with insecticidal soap.

Gifts for the holidays

A very relevant gift new year holidays utensils count. The Christmas tree is depicted on it as the main symbol of the New Year and the Nativity of Christ.

The drawing is usually an image of a spruce decorated with cones and Christmas decorations. At Spode, the Christmas tree can be found in the design of mugs, candle holders, beautiful trays with the inscription "Merry Christmas", plates and dishes, jugs, teapots and pots, decorative figurines and much more.

A pot of beautiful poinsettias and fancy tableware make the perfect Christmas gift for families all over the world.

Recently, the most beautiful spurge or poinsettia has become one of the most beloved indoor flowers. His appearance very effective.

This plant blooms in winter, so it has a beautiful name "Christmas Star". Its red petals are bracts - modified leaves around a small nondescript flower.

In the article you will learn everything about caring for the most beautiful milkweed or poinsettia at home.

Varieties and photos of poinsettias

Wild forms of poinsettia attract attention with flowering of an intense red hue. Today, breeders have bred many different varieties of this species, differing in shade and type of flowering. Here are the most popular varieties:

  • 'Sonora White' has ivory bracts;
  • "Strawberry and cream" - a two-color variety. Its light purple bracts have a bright white edge;
  • "Winter Rose" - a terry variety, the flowering of which resembles a scarlet rose in shape;
  • "Ice Punch" - the variety has scarlet bracts, in the center of each leaf is a light pink area;
  • "Maren" - the variety is distinguished by pale pink flowering;
  • "Jingle Bells" - intense red bracts with white bright specks;
  • "Carousel Dark Red" - a variety with wavy bracts of intense red color;
  • 'Sonora White Glitter' is a variegated variety with red and white areas on the leaves.

Features of care

The plant is undemanding to temperature and grows well in the range from 16 to 22ºС. In summer, it can withstand even stronger heat up to 30ºС. In winter, you need to organize a dormant period for the plant, during which it will rest and will not grow. Optimum temperature for winter is the range from 12 to 16ºС.

Poinsettia must be kept at a few high humidity air. It should not be sprayed often, but it is advisable to put the pot with it in a pan with wet claydite.

In summer, the poinsettia requires bright intense lighting without direct sunlight on its leaves.

In autumn and winter, daylight hours must be significantly reduced so that the plant begins to bloom. To do this, the poinsettia has been kept in the light since September for about 12 hours a day, and the rest of the time they are placed in the dark.

Watering and feeding

All spurges, which include poinsettia, need very moderate watering. This is especially true during the winter dormancy period. At this time, between waterings, the soil in the pot should dry out completely. However, do not keep the plant in dry soil for a long time.

You need to make sure that water does not stagnate in a pot of poinsettia.

In summer, you need to water more often, but moisturizing should not be carried out until the top layer of the earth dries out. Stagnation of moisture usually leads to the development of diseases that will cause the death of the plant. Watering should not be cold, its temperature should be at room temperature.

Poinsettia is fed from April to the end of September
. In the spring, with the beginning of the growing season, the plant is fed with mineral fertilizers for succulents.

In a short dormant period from early October to December, the flower is not fed with anything.

After the end of wintering, during the laying of buds and flowering, fertilizers of a different composition are used. The plant should be fed with mixtures for decorative flowering with a high content of potassium and phosphorus.

Development features

For a plant such as poinsettia, a dormant period is necessary, since at this time it rests and gains strength before the next flowering. The rest time should not be long - only 2 months. It starts from the moment when the plant has completely faded. To organize a dormant period, it is necessary to lower the temperature to 12-14ºС and reduce watering.

Poinsettia is a flower whose decorative shape must be created using.

Prune the poinsettia in the spring after flowering has ended.. All shoots of the plant are shortened by a third, and at least 4 buds should remain on each.

This will ensure good branching and abundant flowering. After all, an inflorescence appears on each shoot in winter.

Poinsettia will feel comfortable in any room of the apartment. The main conditions are that the place is well lit and warm.

Since the plant prefers bright, but at the same time diffused lighting, it is optimal to choose western or eastern windows for it. The flower is thermophilic, so the temperature in the room should not fall below 16 degrees.

The most beautiful spurge is very afraid of drafts and temperature changes. therefore, when ventilating the premises, the pot with it should be removed away from the vents.

The poinsettia is perfect for decorating a hall, living room, bedroom or holiday table on the kitchen. In the nursery, it can be placed if the child does not have an individual intolerance to the white juice of the plant. Otherwise, upon contact with it, dermatitis may occur.

Landing and transplant

For a plant in the ground, a small pot is required, the diameter of which should be slightly larger than the height. The material for the pot does not matter, the flower grows well in both ceramic and plastic containers. It is desirable that the pot has one large drainage hole or several smaller holes. Excess water should quickly leave the ground into the pan.

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Poinsettia soil is chosen loose and nutritious with neutral acidity, therefore it is better to use substrates without peat. A flower grows well in a mixture of sod and leafy soil, as well as sand in equal parts. You can add brick chips or perlite to the soil for loosening. Purchased universal soil mixtures for flowering plants are also used.

Before planting, a drainage layer of at least 3 cm thick is laid on the bottom of the pot.. Usually expanded clay, broken bricks or pebbles are poured there.

After that, a layer of soil is added on top, the roots of the plant are placed in a pot, straightened and covered with earth. The compacted earth mixture should be 1 cm below the edge of the pot.

Replant the poinsettia every year in the spring.

For transplantation, they take 1 cm more in diameter than the previous one. A drainage layer is laid in a pot and the plant is transplanted by transshipment. Then add the missing earth around the edges. After transplanting, the plant can not be watered for 2-3 days.

Reproduction of poinsettia

poinsettia by apical cuttings. This is done in spring or early summer, when the cuttings take root best.

Cuttings are planted in separate pots with soil and watered sparingly..

The temperature during the rooting period should not be lower than 24 ° C. Usually the cuttings take root and begin to grow after 3 weeks.

Suitable for breeding apical cuttings, from 7 to 10 cm long, while each of them should have 4-5 internodes. The cut is carried out with a sharp knife or an angled blade. To free the cuttings from poisonous juice, they should be dipped in warm water for 20-30 minutes.

After that, the sections are treated with a root stimulator, and the cuttings are planted in containers with a substrate consisting of dry manure, humus and sand. For better rooting with polyethylene or glass, you should create a mini-greenhouse, which must be ventilated daily, and watered and sprayed with seedlings once every 3-4 days.

After rooting, the film is removed. The temperature of the content can be slightly reduced, but not less than up to 16 degrees.


The flowering of the most beautiful milkweed lasts from several weeks to two months, from December to February or from January to March. On its young shoots, inconspicuous yellow-green flowers bloom, framed by large and bright bracts, the color of which depends on the species and variety.

In order for the poinsettia to please the eye with its bright star colors, it is important to provide it with proper care and create optimal conditions for keeping: temperature, watering, lighting, environmental humidity.

To stimulate flowering, you should know some secrets. It is important to inspect the bush and remove weak shoots, ensure regular watering and spraying with warm water.

The poinsettia needs short daylight hours to form buds.- in the dark, it should be at least 12-14 hours. Therefore, in the evening, the plant should be covered with a cap made of thick fabric or paper and cleaned in a dark place.

With this mode, flower buds should appear in 2-3 weeks. However, the “covering” procedure should be continued for another 4-6 weeks until the bracts bloom.

The duration of flowering depends on care. It is important that the temperature in the room does not fall below 16 degrees. Requires daily moderate watering and spraying with warm water. During the flowering period, you can not feed the flower.

Diseases and problems

Of the pests, aphids, mealybugs, spider mites and scale insects can pose a danger to poinsettia. You can get rid of them by treating the plant with soapy water once a week. If this method does not help, it is necessary to use insecticides: Aktellika, Fitoverma or Nurell-D.

The main reason for the appearance of various diseases is improper care, for example, excessive watering or too high humidity. Poinsettia can be affected by:

  • Fusarium - the leaves become brown-black, wither and die.
  • Powdery mildew - a white coating appears on the shoots and bracts.
  • Gray rot - a gray coating appears on the stems, and brown spots appear on the leaves.

To combat diseases, it is necessary to remove all affected parts, and treat the plant itself with an appropriate fungicide, for example, Topaz, Skor, Fundazol or Fitosporin.

Leaves can wither and fall off due to insufficient or excessive watering, lack of light or temperature changes.

The edges of the leaves begin to turn yellow, and the inflorescences fall off due to high temperature and dry air.

Poinsettia is a plant that has several names. Known as the beautiful Euphorbia (Euphorbia pulcherrima), the beautiful poinsettia (Poinsettia) and the Christmas star flower. Last name is popular and is due to the fact that the beautiful red flowers in their shape resemble a star that appears on the plant during the Christmas holidays. The plant belongs to the euphorbia family. It occurs naturally in Mexico and Central America.

Breeders achieve a wide variety of shades, but red for poinsettia is a classic.

In the wild, the poinsettia is much taller and more massive than at home.

Outwardly, the poinsettia growing at home on the windowsill is slightly different from the plant in natural conditions. In nature, the poinsettia can grow up to 4 meters. The stems of the wild poinsettia form an evergreen shrub, and at home the leaves turn yellow and crumble.

The shape and color of leaves, bracts and flowers are identical in natural and domesticated poinsettia (except for seasonal yellowing). The leaves are dark green in color, elliptical in shape with serrated edges. The bush is formed up to 50 cm high from leaves 10-15 cm long. Poinsettia flowers are small and inconspicuous, painted in a yellowish tint and collected in rosettes. Many people make the mistake of thinking that the Christmas flower has large red flowers. In fact, what everyone considers a flower is a bract.

The large bract of the poinsettia attracts more attention than the flower itself. The decorative qualities of the plant depend on the bract. In nature, this part of the plant is painted in a bright red color. Today, there are types of poinsettia bred by breeders and having a very different color of bracts. Thanks to this, you can use the flower to decorate your home in the winter.

Breeders have bred several varieties with bracts of various shades.

How to save a flower

It is customary to give a Christmas star in winter. During this period, the plant produces bright bracts, attracting attention. Not many people know how to care for poinsettia at home, so the plant dies soon after flowering ends.

It is quite possible to save a flower bought in a store, but for this you need to try. It is important to know that poinsettia care includes several stages, the sequence of which must be strictly observed. After buying or receiving a gift, the plant must be watered, moderately moistening the soil. Regular watering should be ensured as long as the bracts remain fresh. After they wither, the leaves begin to fall. During this period, watering should be reduced to a minimum.

As soon as the Christmas tree throws off all the leaves, the stems must be cut, leaving sprouts 15 cm high. Watering should be stopped, and the pot in which the poinsettia flower grows should be removed to a dark, cool place. The sleep period continues until May.

Resumption of growth

For several months of winter dormancy, the poinsettia's root system is strengthened. In May, active care of the Christmas star flower should be resumed. The pot must be moved from a dark place to a light one, increase the air temperature, resume watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. As soon as the leaves begin to actively appear, the plant must be transplanted into a new soil.

After transplantation and until autumn, caring for a Christmas star consists in regular watering. In early October, it is necessary to organize the shading of the plant in order to achieve active flowering in winter. The period of darkness should be 14 hours. To do this, the pots can be left in closed boxes Or put away in the closet at night. Creating such conditions contributes to the emergence of buds, which the poinsettia plant will release in December.

During the period of the appearance of bracts, care at home should be carried out as usual. It is enough to monitor the moderate soil moisture and regularly feed with mineral fertilizers. Comfortable temperature during flowering is 16-18 degrees.

Abundant flowering can be achieved only a year after the rooting of a young plant.


V vivo Euphorbia most beautiful reproduces by seeds. In a plant placed in a pot, it is difficult to achieve full ripening of seeds, so cuttings help to propagate the flower. planting material cut at the beginning of summer, when young shoots actively appear. The cut stalk should contain 4-5 internodes. The lower leaves should be cut off.

Before rooting the poinsettia cuttings, the sticky milky juice must be removed. If this is not done, the cutting will not take root. The viscous substance released from the stems will clog all pores, and rooting indoor flower poinsettia will become impossible. In order for the milky juice to flow out of the stems, it is necessary to place the cuttings vertically in a container of warm water. It is enough to hold the planting material in water for 20 minutes, after which the cuttings can be rooted in a mixture of peat and earth.

To get young plants of the "Christmas star", you can put the cuttings in plain water. At the same time, it is important that the sun's rays do not penetrate into the dishes with water. After the cuttings take root, they can be planted in a light mixture. For compiling soil mixture it is necessary to take a sheet substrate, earth, peat and sand in equal quantities.

Full rooting of poinsettia occurs in a month. Young shoots should not be disturbed during the summer. The first transplant can be done in the fall, after which caring for poinsettia obtained from cuttings is no different from caring for old plants. The appearance of flowers with red bracts is possible only a year after the first poinsettia transplant. In order for a magnificent beautiful bouquet to form in one pot, it is necessary to plant 5-6 cuttings in one container, choosing a mix of shades of bracts.

Plant features

When caring for a Christmas star flower, precautions must be taken. The juice of this plant is poisonous, can provoke allergies, burn the cornea of ​​​​the eye. The milky juice of the flower, if it enters the stomach, can cause poisoning.

The negative impact on human health characterizes many plants of this family, and the most beautiful euphorbia is no exception. You can protect yourself from poisonous juice by using rubber gloves during transplantation and grafting.


For this plant, several types of insects are dangerous: thrips, whiteflies, mealybugs, scale insects, aphids, mites. Signs of mealybug damage are a white, waxy substance that appears on the leaves. Traces of the whitefly are found in the form of sticky spots on the leaves. The tick leaves a barely visible cobweb on the star plant.

When any of the pests appear, the poinsettia can be saved using systemic insecticides or folk remedies. To do this, the Christmas star should be sprayed with the drug, repeating the pest treatment after a week. Chemicals it is advisable to use with a large number of plants damaged by insects.

To destroy pests, you can use folk remedies. Aphids and scale insects die when the leaves are treated with a solution of ordinary laundry soap. Mealybug afraid of mineral oil. You can catch adult whiteflies by stretching sticky fly tape between the leaves.

Milkweed leaf damaged by pests.


Sometimes the care and reproduction of poinsettias are overshadowed by diseases. The most common are gray rot, powdery mildew and fusarium. With powdery mildew, the New Year's flower is covered with a white coating. Over time, white spots cover the entire surface of the plant, darken and the flower dies. Timely treatment with the drug "Fitosporin-M" helps to eliminate the fungal disease.

Gray rot looks like mold. Gray rot fungus appears at high humidity, when watering and care are not performed correctly. From this disease helps "Fundazol" or "Celandine".

The plant may lose its healthy appearance when improper care. Yellowing of the leaves is observed with excessive soil moisture, dry air. If we do not change these factors and create right conditions, the flower may die.

Falling leaves after flowering is normal for poinsettias. But if the leaves began to wither and fall off at the height of growth, then the plant was subjected to a sharp temperature drop or the soil was too dry.

By observing simple agrotechnical rules, you can achieve lush growth and abundant flowering christmas star. At home, the plant will not grow as large as in natural nature, but this will not affect the decorative qualities of its bracts.

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