When the eryngium blooms. Eryngium planting and care in open ground, pruning, propagation

Garden equipment 28.05.2019
Garden equipment

Eryngium (eringium) is a one-, two-, or perennial herbaceous plant family Umbelliferae. Depending on the type, the height of the erect stem varies from 35 cm to 1.5 m. The leaf blades are oblong, with carved edges, and the surface is leathery. Capitate flowers are collected in an umbellate inflorescence.

Eringium is a honey-bearing and medicinal plant, used to decorate gardens and make bouquets. Blooms from June to September.

Growing eryngium from seeds

Sowing in the ground

The eryngium will stand out very beautifully against the background of blooming flowers with red, pink, lilac or white flowers.

Bouquets with eryngium Eryngium in floristry

After cutting, the inflorescences retain their integrity and decorative value for many years. Gray “hedgehogs” are appropriate in wedding bouquets and Christmas compositions.

In combination with tulips and lilies, eryngium plays on the contrast of textures and colors. Well shades flowers of white and pink palette.

Medicinal properties of eryngium

The rhizome of the plant is used in traditional medicine. It contains tannins, acids, essential oils. There are contraindications for use: pregnancy, menstruation, hypertension. The drugs are used as an expectorant, diuretic, and have a positive effect on intestinal function.

Eryngium (lat. Eryngium) is a genus of perennial (rarely biennial and summer) herbs of the Apiaceae family. Grows in the tropics, subtropics and temperate latitudes. Other names for blueheads, eryngium.


The height of representatives of the genus depends on the species, ranging from 40 to 150 cm. Root system rod. The stem is erect (sometimes semi-recumbent), bare, bluish in color, branched at the top. The leaves are hard, leathery, round or ovate, lanceolate, pinnately dissected, serrated, spiny along the edges. The basal leaves are long-petiolate, the stem leaves are sessile. At the beginning of plant growth, the color of the leaves is green, then acquires a whitish tint. The leaf blades of adult plants are steel blue in color.


The flowers are small, collected in ovoid, umbrella-type inflorescences. Heads up to 2 cm in length, more often blue-blue color, located at the tops of branched stems. The flower is framed by a cup-shaped involucre with dissected leaves, spiny, equal in length to or exceeding the size of the flower, located horizontally or elevated. The color of the flowers is intense blue, blue-blue, blue-lilac. The fruits are scaly two-seeded seeds.

Habitat: sandstones, steppes, meadows, mountainous areas, bushes. The eryngium can be found along roadsides, in vacant lots, in dry fields, and on sandy river banks. Because of its similarity to the thistle, eryngium is often associated with weeds.

The eryngium blooms in July–August. Dried flowers retain their decorative properties and are used to create flower arrangements. Some types are used in official and folk medicine. The herb has calming, analgesic, blood purifying, and expectorant properties.

The plant is winter-hardy. The leaves overwinter partially (in the rosette), the stem dies off for the winter.

Dried eryngium

Popular types and varieties

Many species of eryngium are domesticated and grown as ornamental plants.

Alpine eryngium(e. alpinum). It grows wild in the mountains of eastern Europe. The height of the bush is up to 70 cm. The stem is erect, branched at the top, ribbed. The basal leaves are ovoid, the stem leaves are pinnately dissected and spiny. The flowers are collected in a dense large head, located in separate bracts. The involucre is multi-leafed, with dissected spiny leaves, longer than the size of the inflorescence. It differs from other species in the bright blue or blue-violet color of the entire plant. Blooms in July.

Amethyst eryngium(e. amethystinum). Originally from the south and central Europe. Height is about 70 cm. The leaves are leathery and spiny. Flowers are round or ovoid, blue or of blue color. The involucre is lilac-blue during flowering. It blooms for more than a month in July.

Bourget's eryngium(Burgatti, lat. e. bourgatii). Homeland: Iberian Peninsula. Rarely found in gardening. Low-growing, up to 40 cm. Differs in the bizarre color and shape of the leaves. The blue-green, curved, spiny leaves are decorated with a pattern of white veins.

(e. giganteum). Biennial tall (up to 150 cm) species. The leaves are leathery, the basal leaves are smooth, the trunk leaves are strongly dissected, spiny, gray-blue in color. The flowers are steel blue, large, up to 100 inflorescences are formed on one bush. The involucre leaves are large, spiny, silver or gray-blue in color; during flowering, a metallic sheen appears in the veins of the leaves. Flowering period - July - August. It is an excellent honey plant.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the “Silver Ghost” variety, which absorbs all best qualities of this type. A metallic sheen is present in all leaves of the plant; the involucre of the inflorescence has the largest diameter in the genus (up to 12 cm), forming a lush collar around a large (up to 6 cm) inflorescence.

Giant eryngium flower

Eryngium flatifolia(or flat, lat. e. planum). Perennials up to 1 m high. Stems with a blue tint, highly branched at the top. The leaves are hard, leathery, thin, round in shape. The flowers are faded blue, blue or dark blue, small, multiple. The involucre leaves are blue-green, serrated, subulate-needle-shaped, lanceolate. Looks lean. Winter-hardy. Widely used in medicine.

Seaside eryngium(Sea oak, lat. e. maritimum). Grows wildly in Crimea, Transcaucasia, and the Baltic states. Stems up to 70 cm tall, thick, silver-blue in color. The leaves are round or heart-shaped, entire, with spiny teeth. The flowers are blue, pale, the head of the inflorescence is spherical. The leaves of the involucre are wide, entire, and spiny.

Common eryngium(Rovny, lat. e. campestre). Grows in steppes and wastelands. Does not have blue shades of color. The leaves are deeply dissected.

Hybrid eryngium(e. hybridum) obtained by crossing different types. Breeders have developed many varieties that differ in color and shape of leaves and flowers. The leaves of some varieties (“Jat Fraud”, “Sani Jackpot”) have variegated or double colors.

Popular hybrids in gardening:

  • e. Tsabel is the most popular among gardeners;
  • e. Variegated - small blue heads protrude from a star-shaped white wrapper;
  • e. Three-part - interesting with the contrast of steelheads and deep blue leaves of the wrappers.
  • Hybrids with green flowers: e. Eburneum, e. Agavolistiogo, e. Proteiflorum.

Photo gallery of species

Growing and care

Lighting. Prefers open sunny areas.

The soil. Light sandy and sandy loam soils, well drained. The eryngium is flat and Bourget prefers heavy clay soils. The plant develops well, and the color becomes brighter.

Advice. Adding a deoxidizing agent (lime, ash) to the soil before planting contributes to a brighter color of the flowers.

Watering. Rare, moderate. Some species tolerate drought without watering. After watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil around the plant.

Care. Needs systematic weeding. Tall varieties are tied to a support in mid-summer. For the winter, the ground part is cut off. It develops well without fertilizing.

Shelter. Most species tolerate winter well without shelter. Some hybrids need additional protection in winter.

Diseases and pests. Practically not affected.

Planting eryngium in the ground


The eryngium is propagated in two ways: by dividing bushes and by seeds.

It is immediately worth noting that reproduction of this plant dividing the bush is ineffective and is used only as a last resort. The division is carried out in May. The fragile roots of the plant break a lot, so you need to be very careful. The survival rate of the cuttings is very low.

Growing eryngium from seeds is more rational. Sowing is carried out in open ground immediately after collecting seeds (in autumn). The shoots are unfriendly and appear a month after sowing. The plant tends to reproduce by self-sowing, but spring shoots are rare.

When growing seedlings, seeds are sown in February in containers with loose soil mixture. They are transplanted into open ground in the spring with complete preservation of the earthen coma. The younger the seedlings are when transplanted, the greater their chances of survival.

Hybrid varieties propagated by microcloning. This cannot be done at home.

Eryngium in the flower garden

Use in landscape design

The unpretentiousness of eryngium allows it to be used in all directions landscape design. They decorate flower beds, mixborders, and rockeries. It gets along well with almost all plants, while complementing the composition with exotic inflorescences.

Blueheads also have decorative value when cut. Preparations for bouquets are made when all the flowers in the inflorescence are open. Dried stems with flowers remain unchanged for many years. Florists paint the heads of inflorescences in different colors. In bouquets, eryngium looks impressive, harmonizing with almost all flowers.

The eryngium is not demanding and can grow on its own. But we still need to look for a more capricious representative of the flora in the reproduction. Thanks to its wide range of applications and exotic appearance eryngium is gaining more and more popularity every year.

Feverweed, or Eringium (Eryngium) - a genus of herbaceous plants of the Apiaceae family ( Umbelliferae).


The name “Synegolovnik” or “Sinegolov” refers to many other plants that mostly have blue flowers, crowded into a head, such as Mordovnik, Burnet, Cornflower, Gentian, Sow thistle. Another name is known - “sea holly”, which comes from the places where it is cultivated on the sea coasts of the Mediterranean. This name is usually assigned to a single species, Eryngium maritimum, but is related to the genus Holly ( Ilex) the plant has no. Due to some similarities with thistles, the plant may be referred to as weeds.


About 230 species in tropical, subtropical and temperate zones, mainly in Mexico and South America. There are about 15 species in the former USSR, mainly in the southern regions.

Grows according to sandy places, in bushes and steppes.

Botanical description

Multi-, less often bi- or annual herbs.

The stem is straight, bare, bluish in color, branched at the top, up to half a meter high.

The leaves are entire or pinnately dissected, often leathery and spiny-toothed.

The flowers are small, for the most part blue-blue, of the ordinary umbrella type, collected at the top of the branches into an ovoid head; the cover consists of 6–7 narrow-lanceolate, spiny leaves not exceeding the head.

The fruits are covered with scales.

Seaside eryngium, or Sea eryngium, or Sea holly (Eryngium maritimum)

Eryngium sp. (Sea Holly) Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Eryngium sp. (Sea Holly). Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Alpine eryngium (Eryngium alpinum) Introduced into cultivation in the 16th century

Eryngium planum.


The soil: Any soil is suitable for planting, but for better development Rather rich, moisture-intensive ones are preferred. Under each plant you need to add 1-2 handfuls of lime (ground eggshells), which will contribute to more intense coloring of the inflorescences. Flat-leaved will survive well on poor hard-stone clays, losing almost no weight, but gaining in color, which becomes brighter in such Spartans.

Care: In addition to regular weeding, they need systematic loosening of the soil around the bushes. In mid-June, species with long thin stems should be tied to a support. Most species of eryngium in middle lane Russia is quite winter-hardy.

Reproduction: seeds and dividing the bush. It is difficult to propagate eryngium by division, since their roots break and the divisions do not take root well. The bushes are divided in May, while protecting the very fragile roots. Planting is done by maintaining a distance between plants of at least 30-40 cm.

Preferably seed propagation. Seeds are sown in open ground before winter. You can sow seedlings in February-March. At a temperature of 18°C, seedlings appear on the 20-30th day. Seedlings are transplanted while they are small.

Hybrids, which are usually sterile, are propagated for sale by microcloning, and for those familiar with them, by longitudinal division of powerful roots with several rosettes. Divide in the spring.

Practical use

Tall plants look great in group plantings or singly, while low plants look beautiful in flowerbeds and mixborders. Eryngiums are classic components for winter bouquets, and if the plants are cut in full bloom, they will remain that way for many years. Low species can be used for alpine slide. In some regions of Russia it is called “chertogon”. Bunches of dried plants are still hung above front door, believing that a person capable of doing evil will not be able to cross the threshold of the house.

Eryngium flatifolia ( Eryngium planum) is widely used as medicinal plant among the peoples former USSR and in Western Europe.

The use of infusion and decoction of herbs in folk medicine as a blood purifier and sedative is widely known. Used when chronic bronchitis, irritating cough, whooping cough, dropsy, kidney stones, “ache”, fear, scrofula and especially nightmares and insomnia. An infusion of the herb causes and intensifies menstruation, relieves pain and inflammatory processes, has an antitoxic effect. For toothache, rinse the mouth with the decoction or lubricate the gums with vodka tincture.

Before use, consult your doctor.

Eryngium eburneum

Giant eryngium (Eryngium giganteum)
In England it is known as "Miss Wilmott's Ghost". The name is connected with the fact that the named lady of the times of Queen Victoria, like a true lady of that time, was fond of gardening and was so fascinated by this plant that she planted its seeds in the gardens of her friends. She wanted it to grow everywhere!

Burt's eryngium (Eryngium bourgatii) "Picos Blue"

Eryngium foetidum (Eryngium foetidum)
The plant is widely used as a pickling herb in Caribbean cuisine. It is an important ingredient in many cuisines. Asian countries(Thailand, India, Vietnam). Sometimes used as a substitute for cilantro, but with a stronger flavor. For this reason, spices from this plant are also called “Mexican coriander” or “long coriander.” medicinal purposes leaves and roots are used, from which a decoction is prepared, used to stimulate appetite, improve digestion, and soothe abdominal pain.

Eryngium flatifolia- Eryngium planum L.

It grows wildly in the European part of the country, in the Caucasus, Western Siberia, Central Asia, Central and Southern Europe, and Northern China.

Perennial herbaceous plant up to 100 cm tall. The stems in the upper part are branched and bluish. The leaves are hard, thin, leathery, the upper stems are three to five-parted. The flowers are blue or dark blue, collected in a capitate inflorescence of an ovoid shape up to 2 cm in diameter. The involucre leaves are blue, linear, subulate-toothed. It blooms in July for 35-40 days, bears fruit in August. The fruit is two-seeded. The seeds are covered with scales on the sides. In culture since 1576.

In GBS Moscow, the seeds were collected in 1947 in the Podolsk district of the Moscow region, on the bank of the river. Gums. Grows from IV to IX. Blooms from VI to VII. Seeds VIII to IX. It blooms and bears fruit profusely every year. High 80 cm. Blooms in the 2nd year.

In general, the plant is lean, with leathery leaves and hard bristles-spines, located in all convenient places: along the edges of leaves, wrappers and even on the teeth of the flower calyx. Upper part the stems along with the inflorescences seemed to be dipped in blue ink with a metallic tint. Other species of eryngium, in principle, correspond to this description, differing, in addition to size, only in the shape of basal leaves, involucres and color. However, in flat-leaved plants the blue color is also a variable feature. Wandering through dry meadows and clearings, where it grows in abundance, you can find both very pale specimens and very bright ones. Numerous varieties mentioned in catalogs often differ only in this.

Of the pale ones, the best is considered " Beslehem" ("Bethlehem"), tall and powerful, burdened with numerous weighty inflorescences. During their tests, the British calculated that there were up to 67 heads per stem. Among the bright ones, for example, " Blaukappe" ("Blaukappe") or " Blue Cup" ("Blue Cap"), " Fluela"("Fluela"), a powerful tetraploid" Tetra Petra"("Tetra Petra"), reaching a height of 120 cm." Blauer the Beast"("Blauer Zwerg"), seen on our market, is compact and relatively low, up to 60 cm, with blue flowers and wrappers. It is possible that a completely dwarf one will appear, up to 30 cm, with leaves like teaspoons" Blue Hobbit"("BlueHobbit"), whose seeds are actively advertised in English catalogues. There is a curious variety " Blue Ribbon"("Blue Ribbon") with "sprouted" heads: small ones emerge from the large main ones.

Common eryngium(E. campestre). This typical inhabitant of the steppes and wastelands of the chernozem zone is clearly distinguished from the flat-leaved one by its strongly dissected basal leaves and the complete absence of blue coloring. It is notable only for the fact that it produces an extremely harmful and prickly tumbleweed.

Photo on the left EDSR.
Photo on the right of Zakutnaya Natalia

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Salmon backbone baked in Provençal herbs - “supplier” delicious pieces fish pulp for light salad with fresh wild garlic leaves. The champignons are lightly fried in olive oil and then sprinkle with apple cider vinegar. These mushrooms are tastier than regular pickled ones, and they are better suited for baked fish. Wild garlic and fresh dill get along well in one salad, highlighting each other’s aroma. The garlicky pungency of wild garlic will permeate both the salmon flesh and mushroom pieces.

Conifer tree or shrubs on the site is always great, but a lot of conifers is even better. Emerald needles various shades decorates the garden at any time of the year, and the phytoncides and essential oils released by plants not only aromatize, but also make the air cleaner. As a rule, most zoned adults coniferous plants, are considered very unpretentious trees and shrubs. But young seedlings are much more capricious and require proper care and attention.

Sakura is most often associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics in the canopy flowering trees have long become an integral attribute of welcoming spring in the country rising sun. The financial and academic year here begins on April 1, when the magnificent cherry blossoms bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese take place under the sign of their flowering. But sakura also grows well in cooler regions - certain species can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

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Delight your family and prepare themed cottage cheese cookies in the shape of Easter eggs! Your children will be happy to take part in the process - sift the flour, combine all the necessary ingredients, knead the dough and cut out intricate figures. Then they will watch with admiration as pieces of dough turn into real Easter eggs, and then with the same enthusiasm they will eat them with milk or tea. How to make such original cookies for Easter, read our step by step recipe!

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We have prepared a hearty, incredibly appetizing and simply easy-to-prepare dish for you today. This sauce is one hundred percent universal, as it goes with every side dish: vegetables, pasta, or anything. Chicken and mushroom gravy will save you in moments when you don’t have time or don’t want to think too much about what to cook. Take your favorite side dish (you can do this in advance so everything is hot), add some gravy and dinner is ready! A real lifesaver.

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