How to make a basket from newsprint. Weaving baskets from newspaper tubes

Reservoirs 19.10.2023

Those who like to make their own crafts should pay attention to weaving baskets from newspaper tubes. This is an entertaining hobby that even beginners can do; it requires minimal costs, and the resulting products have a very attractive appearance and cannot be distinguished from natural ones.

To make a basket from newspaper tubes with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

How to make newspaper tubes

Paper vine can be made as follows:

There is an even simpler option for making newspaper vines without twisting. It is necessary to cut strips, as for forming tubes. And fold them several times lengthwise to form edges of equal width. They can become material for ordinary wicker, which will serve as the bottom of the basket.

Staining the tubes

You can easily paint a basket made from newspaper tubes with your own hands. You can paint both the finished product and paper blanks.

For strength, the created craft must be thoroughly soaked in PVA glue and allowed to dry.

It is better to dilute it with a small amount of water and apply with a brush. Then they paint with acrylic paint or stain in several layers for an even shade. If desired, you can add different dyes or color pastes. To get an even tone, you must first coat it with any product that has a coloring pigment: brilliant green, iodine, food coloring, gouache, tonic.

It is better to paint newspaper blanks before starting work, since unpainted gaps will not be visible. A special fabric dye, water-based acrylic polymers, stain and food coloring agents are used. The stain is suitable for painting white tubes; they look like natural vines. The main shades are oak, coffee, mahogany and walnut.

To paint long workpieces, you need to make a device from a piece of large-diameter polypropylene pipe.

Both ends must be cut off and a plug (plastic jar) glued to one of them with PVA glue, which will prevent liquid from leaking out.

Then you need to pour the coloring agent into the pipe, not reaching the top a little, and place it on a special stand.

Next, you need to take several tubes and lower them into the solution. After impregnation, they should be pulled out and immersed in the coloring liquid with the other side. During the dyeing process, it is advisable to add emulsion to the container for good dyeing of the source material. At the end, all the workpieces are laid out on a level place and dried in the shade in the air.

Short strands are painted in a bottle with a spacious neck. It is necessary not to completely fill the container with dye. Then lower several tubes there and shake them for uniform painting, then turn them over and repeat the maneuver. Place on a smooth surface, dry and paint a second time to achieve a rich color.

To prevent the workpieces from becoming wrinkled, you should lay a piece of thick paper around the circumference of the bottle or pipe.

Methods of weaving from newspaper tubes

A do-it-yourself basket from newspaper tubes can be woven in two ways: solid and openwork.

In addition, there are different types of weaving, the main ones of which are:

Weaving baskets of different shapes

Baskets made from newspaper tubes have different shapes. Even beginners can weave various configurations with their own hands.

Square basket

Sequence of making a square basket:

Rectangular basket

To form the bottom of a rectangular basket, you need to cut out a template of the intended size from cardboard, place it along the edge of a twisted tube, and secure the structure with clothespins. Then lay newspaper blanks across the base so that each bundle in turn goes from below or above the base, and adheres to the desired grouping of weaving.

For some period, the craft should be covered with another paper cord and secured with clips. The bottom will become like a comb, and then you need to weave in new pieces, observing a checkerboard pattern and forming the desired density. If the bottom becomes strong enough, you can remove the clothespins because it can hold its shape on its own.

When the base is woven, ray-like strips remain, which in the future will be used as the basis of the frame, and with their help you can form frame walls. If the tube runs out, you need to add a new one. When decorating the edges, unnecessary ends are cut off and glued inside.


To create a round-shaped product using the rope method, you need to follow the following steps:

Oval basket

An easy way to create a basket:

Corner basket

When weaving corner crafts from newspaper bundles, it is advisable to follow these rules:

Master class: a simple basket made from newspaper tubes

A simple model of a basket made from newspaper tubes is created with your own hands in this way:

A complex basket made of newspapers. Step-by-step instruction

A low, practical basket is made as follows:

  1. For the bottom you will need 13 newspaper tubes. 5 of them need to be placed side by side, and the remaining 8 should be laid out crosswise on top.
  2. Next, we braid the top in the form of a braid with one piece of paper.
  3. When the paper rope runs out, it should be extended.
  4. Weave the bottom in this way to the required size.
  5. Having completed forming the base, you should bend the tubes upward and braid them again.
  6. Having created 4 rows of walls of the future product, fix the main strips on the sides with clothespins and then form the basket. The entire craft is braided in two pieces.
  7. At the end, the edge is made with a figured volumetric weave.
  8. Hide and glue the excess ends.
  9. Pull out the clothespins, paint and varnish the basket.

Edge decoration

When the basket is the desired height, it is advisable to hide the ends of the tubes that form the frame, secure and hide the workpiece. To do this you will need an extended knitting needle. It should be threaded through the hole near the stand in the middle for 3 rows. Repeat the same action in the other direction, then throw the stand over it and thread it down.

This will ensure that all the posts can bend. After finishing the work, you can get the finished edge. Lubricate the places where the racks hit with glue and let dry, then cut off all the excess ends of the workpieces. Carefully hide the sections among newspaper strips.

How to make a pen

The easiest way to make a handle for a basket:

Newspaper basket cover

The lid for the craft is made similar to the bottom, and should be slightly larger than the size of the top of the original.

To make it you need:

  • in the side surface of strong and even cardboard you need to make small indentations with a knife;
  • thread a piece of paper through the holes on each side;
  • wrap around the edges of the product, bending one element after another;
  • Finally, hide the free edges under the lid;
  • for handles, insert 2 pairs of tubes along the two upper edges;
  • stretch them to the middle, bend them and intertwine them with each other;
  • coat the edges with glue and fasten with clothespins;
  • for a neat appearance, they should be lubricated with PVA again and rewound with paper.

Decorating a newspaper basket

You can beautifully decorate a basket of newspaper tubes with your own hands in the following ways::

A DIY basket made from newspaper tubes will be an excellent decor for any room, be it a bathroom, living room or dining room. The main thing is to create with positive thoughts and love. The creative process of making newspaper crafts helps relieve stress after everyday life and redirect attention, and the created models will decorate any interior.

Video on how to make a basket from newspaper tubes with your own hands

How to make a basket from newspaper tubes with your own hands, watch the video:

Weaving from newspaper tubes, see step-by-step instructions in the video:

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Thanks to the patience and perseverance of the craftswomen, old newspaper pages magically turn into completely unique things: unique panels, all kinds of amulets, wall clocks, exquisite baskets and candy bowls, vases and flowerpots, chests and caskets - you can’t list everything. Thanks to social networks and the Internet, interesting ideas instantly fly around the globe, encouraging budding newspaper weaving enthusiasts to take up paperwork and improve their skills.

We advise beginners not to start their creative journey with large products. We understand that you probably have grandiose plans. My hands are itching to weave a large laundry box or an impressively sized basket for a trip to the forest to pick mushrooms. Did we guess right?

You can find in our last article a detailed description of the process, starting with making the tubes and ending with their painting and processing before weaving.

So, the preparatory stage is over: in front of you lie the tubes ready to work, and the outlines of the first basket that you want to weave with your own hands have already emerged in your head. Now you need to find a form for braiding. A plastic bucket, vase, flower pot, or deep plate is suitable for this.

Advice. It is better for beginners to start working by weaving an object. Weaving without a shape can cause difficulties at first; without support, it is easy to skew your product and get it asymmetrical. By using a supporting object, you can easily achieve even rows of tubes and control the quality of the braid.

And now we will tell you in detail how to make a basket from newspaper tubes for beginners, and we will reveal all the secrets of successful weaving and the neat appearance of the finished product.

Master class on a round basket without a handle (weave according to shape)

In order for you to be able to decide on the required number of tubes and know in advance how many you need to prepare, we will give approximate calculations.

For a small basket (about the size of a soup plate) you will need about 100-150 straws; for a medium-sized product, prepare about 200-300 of them. Large baskets can require more than 500-700 straws. It all depends on the type and density of weaving, as well as the length and thickness of the newspaper vine.

In this MK we will weave a medium-sized basket. It will require 200-230 tubes wound onto a 1.5 mm knitting needle, 8 - 10 mm wide.

And we’ll immediately give you one more piece of advice. There's no need to rush. Try to avoid gaps between rows of weaving, placing each row close to the previous one. Don't crush the tubes while working, but don't skimp on them either. If you see that they are wrinkled or disheveled, mercilessly cut them off and grow new ones.

To weave a round bottom, fold 4 tubes in pairs, making a cross. Bend another working one in half.

Start braiding the crosspiece with it, weaving the first row with a rope. In this way, complete two more rows.

On the fourth circle, separate the double posts and continue braiding them separately. Try to weave as tightly as possible to avoid gaps. Make three rows of weaving.

The distance between the posts should have increased by this time and become more than 2 cm - it’s time to introduce additional posts. Make a hole with scissors or an awl and insert an additional stand, dripping a little polymer glue for security. Don’t forget to check your steps with the step-by-step photos provided.

Braid the added posts with string until the bottom is the size you need. The bottom of the basket is ready.

Take the shape you have chosen, which will serve as a temporary basis for the future basket. In our case, this is a deep inverted plate. Place the weaving on the form and gradually bend the racks along it to move to the walls. Continue braiding the sides with rope.

Place something heavy on top of your workpiece to securely fix its position.

If it’s uncomfortable for you to work like this, turn the weave over. Weave the basket to the desired height and cut the working tubes.

Next, bend a “rope of 4 tubes” (in the last article we talked in detail about different ones).

Extend the cut working tubes for bending in a different color (in our case, blue), and glue 2 more blue tubes behind the posts.

Take the leftmost blue tube and place it behind the fourth post in the same way as weaving a simple rope. And if you were making a rope of three tubes, you would weave with three blue tubes, winding each of them behind the third stand, and not behind the fourth.

Take the left tube again, count 3 racks and wind it behind the free fourth one. Weave until the last free post. This point is illustrated by the photo below.

Now it's time to complete the craft. Take it now the far right tube. Having counted 3 racks from it, place it behind the fourth and tuck it inside the basket without moving it out. Continue weaving according to this pattern with the remaining working tubes, each time placing the rightmost one behind the 4th post inside the basket.

Tuck the ends into the weave, bring them out and cut them off from the front side.

All that remains is to lay the white posts. Take one of them, count three more from it and after the third stand, thread it under the blue pigtail, leading it out.

Then take the next one and similarly place it under the braid after 3 stands from it.

And so on...

When all the racks are laid, all that remains is to trim and hide their ends.

Completing work on a wicker product involves priming it. To do this, you can use a solution of PVA with water in a 1:1 ratio or a composition of acrylic varnish + water in the same proportion. Carefully coat the basket with primer using a soft brush.

We want to warn you right away: PVA can turn yellow over time. To avoid this, it is better to cover wickerwork with a solution of acrylic varnish. The latter must be water-based; it can be distinguished from alkyd by the absence of odor.

After the basket has completely dried (this will take about a day), varnish it with acrylic varnish and leave it to dry again. Very thick varnish can be pre-diluted with water.

Do not be afraid that after such manipulation the product will turn a little white, this is temporary. After drying, the varnish will become transparent, and the craft will take on a finished look. You can give it a beautiful shine or an elegant matte texture depending on the varnish used. Let us remind you that it can be glossy, semi-gloss, matte or semi-matte - choose to your taste.

At the beginning of your creative journey, be sure to weave such a basket for fruits or sweets. As you can see, it turns out very cute, which means you will not only be able to practice crocheting a paper vine, but will also make an excellent gift for all occasions.

If you still have questions, you should watch a detailed video from Lada Ligai. In it, she tells how she wove a pot-bellied mini-basket.

Oval basket with a simple handle (weave without shape)

Now let's look at how to weave a cute little oval basket. In this case, the bottom is woven in a different way.

You can find step-by-step photos and a clear one in our last article.

We offer to watch the weaving process itself live in a video master class from Alena Bugrova. In his lesson, the author clearly and easily explains all the intricacies of weaving an oval basket from newspaper tubes.

On our own behalf we would like to add:

  • This craft takes about 100 tubes;
  • to obtain a color like in MK, you need to greatly dilute the “walnut” water stain with water;
  • the distance between the posts here is approximately 2 centimeters;
  • It is advisable to insert wire into several tubes for the handle so that it holds its shape.

This cute miniature basket is a great gift idea for any occasion. For example, you can weave it for Easter and, filling it with painted Easter eggs or sweets, present a gift set to people dear to you.

Folds for baskets

If you are a beginner and working on a basket for the first time, we recommend finishing the edge with simple folds. For small and medium-sized products, volumetric bends are suitable, for example, a rod or an isid with 3 or more tubes. We considered the technique of their implementation.

You can also decorate the edge of the basket with a voluminous openwork braid. You can watch its various types and weaving features in the videos we recommend.

The first lesson from Alena Bugrova is devoted to making a spectacular braid from tubes with a plastic cord inside. Be sure to practice braiding it - such a decorative fold turns the basket into a real masterpiece.

The second detailed and understandable video tutorial from Lada Ligai is maximally adapted for beginners. It gradually reveals all the secrets of weaving a voluminous braid and its correct ending.

Don't be afraid to experiment with different folds. They are able to give the simplest product an elegant and festive look.

We design the handle

The simplest pen

In the photo it looks like this:

To make it, you need to take a bunch of 3-4 tubes, form a bend in the handle and attach the workpiece to the basket. Next, carefully wrap the entire handle with a moistened tube, periodically lubricating it with glue so that the winding fits tightly. For this job it is better to use polymer glue than PVA. It dries quickly and fixes, while the paper does not have time to get wet.

Instead of a bundle of tubes, you can take a thick wire (cable) and wrap it around several tubes at once. The process in the photo looks like this:

Handle design using chintz weaving

It looks like this:

To work, take moistened tubes and immediately increase their length. Mark their locations on the basket. Use an awl to make holes and insert tubes into them. Glue the ends while they dry, secure them with clothespins.

Give the tubes the desired bend. To make them better hold their shape, you can insert 1-0.9 mm thick wire into them in advance. Using a working tube, we braid these 3 main tubes with simple calico weaving.

Simple twisted handle

In the photo she looks like this:

It is also quite easy to do for a beginner. For small pens you need to take a bundle of 5-7 tubes, you can insert a wire into one of them. Next, they need to be laid, intertwined with rope and gradually twisted.

We present to you a detailed MK from Lada Ligai, in which each step is accompanied by a photo.

If you still don’t understand how to properly twist and round such a handle, there is only one way out - urgently watch a detailed video from a craftswoman.

Sturdy twisted basket handle

It is better to make it using a thick cable or willow rod.

For ease of perception, we suggest you watch 3 stages of working on the handle.

Part 1: You will learn how to correctly insert a willow rod into the wall of a basket:

Part 2: How to wrap it with paper vine:

Part 3: Features of fastening the handle with a beautiful connecting lock.

Openwork handle

Do you want to surprise everyone with the unusual and elegant look of your basket? Then you urgently need to master openwork knitting handles.

For this method, each paper tube of the handle base must be reinforced with wire. You will learn the specifics of the work from our recommended video from Irina Chirkova.

Braid with 4 tubes

A similar pen looks like this:

It's very easy to do, step by step:

8 tube braid

The photo shows what a handle looks like, woven with an ordinary volumetric braid of 8 pipes.

If the thickness of the handle is not enough for you, then you can insert a cable, television wire, thick wire or a bunch of paper tubes inside. The thicker version will look like this:

The process of weaving such a braid is covered in detail in a video from Olga Ryzhkova.

Below are step-by-step photographs of attaching the handle to the basket and neatly decorating the lock:

Wooden handle

You can also use an ordinary thick branch as a handle. Take a walk to the nearest park and get the material absolutely free. The found branch must be sawed off to the desired shape, cleaned by removing the bark, and sanded for smoothness. If desired, you can paint the wood with stain and cover it with acrylic varnish.

Look how beautiful and unusual such handles on baskets look.

Sew a cover for a basket

The last and optional stage of working on the basket is decorating it. You can decorate your wicker craft with a catchy artificial flower, satin ribbons, a bright bow, or sew a cute fabric cover.

Its function is not only to decorate the basket, but also to protect the walls from contamination and make it easier to care for. In addition, you can use it to cover weaving flaws in your first works, giving them an impeccable look.

In this video you will learn how to sew a cover for a round bottom basket.

If you've made a square bottom basket, see how to sew a fabric liner into it. It only requires three measurements and no complex calculations or templates. All the details are in the video.

Ideas for inspiration

Now that you are familiar with the basics of weaving simple products, we would like to offer you a photo selection of the works of different craftswomen. Here you will find not only an Easter basket made from newspaper tubes for beginner newspaper weaving enthusiasts, but also all sorts of options for all occasions.

Round, oval, rectangular, with unusual bends and handles - look at them, get inspired and don’t be afraid to create your own masterpieces.

And even if your first basket does not turn out the same as in the picture, you will make it yourself, with your own hands. And experience, accuracy and speed of weaving will definitely come with practice. The main thing is to always take on work with a good mood and attitude - and you will succeed!

Wicker basket made of newspaper tubes with a lid

  • Weaving baskets from newspaper tubes for beginners: what is important to know
  • Weaving a handle for a basket from newspaper tubes
  • Options for decorating finished products from newspaper tubes

If you like creativity and handicrafts, we recommend that you learn how to weave baskets from newspaper tubes. First, it helps create great places to hang out. storage of things, and secondly, having comprehended the basic principles of this needlework, you will be able to save on buying baskets made from natural materials - rattan, straws and vines.

Vases, bowls, boxes for storing things - these and other decorative crafts can be created using newspaper and magazine tubes

Basket in “paper patchwork” style

Weaving baskets from newspaper tubes for beginners: what is important to know

  • This handicraft is absolutely not expensive. To make a basket you will need things that are in every home: old newspapers, a cardboard box for the base, a knitting needle or wooden skewer, glue and dye. As you can see, the set is entirely budget-friendly.
  • The finished product looks no worse than store-bought baskets made from expensive materials (for example, rattan, which is now fashionable).
  • The basket can be of any shape and size. When you master simple geometric shapes (for example, weaving round baskets from newspaper tubes), you can try your hand at making more complex products - openwork, polygonal, and so on.
  • The technique can be used for different purposes (this can be weaving laundry baskets from newspaper tubes, making boxes for storing sewing or knitting supplies, jewelry boxes).
  • The finished product fits harmoniously into many interior designs. styles (country, Provence, bungalow, eco and so on).

Wicker baskets made from newspaper tubes are a stylish and budget-friendly decor option for your home

Unconventional solution for trash can

Weaving baskets from newspaper tubes step by step

So, we will need the following:

  • old newspapers;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • pencil for marking;
  • a long knitting needle or wooden skewer (approximate thickness is about 1.5-2 mm);
  • cardboard base box;
  • paper glue;
  • elastic band for securing tubes;
  • tweezers;
  • glue “Second” or “Moment”.

We will look at weaving a square or rectangular basket from newspaper tubes, as this is the simplest option, ideal for beginners.

  • It is necessary to prepare material for weaving - newspaper tubes. To do this, the newspaper needs to be lined horizontally into strips of about 8-10 cm (depending on the size of the newspaper) and cut. Next, a knitting needle or skewer is placed on the edge of the strip at an angle.
  • Weaving baskets from newspaper tubes step by step

  • Wrap the strip of newspaper tightly around the knitting needle, secure it at the end with paper glue and squeeze tightly with your fingers for a few seconds so that the edge of the tube is fixed.
  • Carefully remove the needle from the tube. When the tubes are ready, do not be surprised that their thickness differs from different sides. This is necessary so that you can increase their length by simply inserting one tube into another.
  • Prepare the base box. Its edges should have the same height.
  • Turn the box upside down. Attach stand tubes to the bottom using instant glue. The distance between them should be 3-5 cm.
  • Turn the box upside down so that the posts are facing up. Secure them with an elastic band so they don't move.
  • Weave the first row. To do this, place each rack behind the adjacent one.
  • Next, glue the first tube to the bottom. Pass it over and under the racks, alternating.
  • When the tube ends, insert the narrow edge of the next one into its wide end, and so on.
  • Continue weaving until you reach the top of the box. Secure the end of the tube with glue and hide its edge under the nearest stand using tweezers.
  • Round basket made of bright newspaper tubes with a removable cover

    Laundry basket made from newspaper tubes

    Linen basket with colorful inserts

    Lids for oval and round wicker baskets

    Advice! Stand tubes can be used to process the top edge of the basket. To do this, take a post and thread it under the cross weave, passing the other two posts. The most convenient way to do this is with tweezers.

    As for weaving the bottom of a basket from newspaper tubes, beginners can be advised to simply cover the bottom with a beautiful fabric on the inside, and glue cardboard of a suitable color to the outside.

    If desired, the baskets can be coated with bright paint

    Or shiny gold

    Convenient basket with handles

    Weaving pattern for the bottom of the basket

    Colorful magazine baskets

    Weaving a handle for a basket from newspaper tubes

    If you want to add a handle to your finished piece, there are many weaving techniques you can use. We offer you a relatively simple option that even novice craftswomen and craftsmen can handle.

    So, we will need:

    • 4 long tubes (it is advisable to slightly moisten them with a spray bottle for additional flexibility);
    • clothespins.

    Let's get started:

  • Mark with clothespins the places where the future handle will be attached.
  • Pass all 4 tubes through the rows of weaving so that they are of equal length on both sides of the basket.
  • You have two rows, each with 4 tubes. Start crossing them over each other to create a flat spiral braid. Make sure that the tubes do not move.
  • Make the required number of turns depending on the desired length of the handle.
  • Thread the finished handle through the rows of basket weaving.
  • Handicraft basket with a beautiful handle

    Advice! If you want to make the handle more colorful, you can paint each tube separately. color. Intertwined, they will look original.

    Options for decorating finished products from newspaper tubes

    So, the basket is ready, but the chaotic pattern of printed letters can hardly be considered a worthy decor. Now comes the final stage of production - decorating the finished product. How to finish weaving a basket from newspaper tubes?

    • The easiest way to decorate a wicker basket is to cover it with paint. It is best to use acrylic paint, as it is not afraid of moisture, which means that the basket can then be wiped with a damp cloth to remove dust. If you don’t have acrylic paint, you can use simple gouache, but in this case you will have to coat it with varnish. Depending on what result you are striving for (you want the basket to have a rich or translucent color), the product must be treated with paint in one or two layers. A larger number of layers is undesirable, since there is a high probability that the finished product will turn out to be rough.
    • If you don't want to get a plain basket, you can decorate it with a pattern. For example, use rice paper or napkins to decoupage. Select a suitable design, carefully cut it out with nail scissors, attach it to the basket and cover it with PVA glue diluted with water. Be careful not to tear the napkin or rice paper. When the drawing is dry (you can use a hairdryer to speed up the process), cover it with a layer of varnish.
    • The product can be decorated with satin ribbons. To do this, even at the weaving stage, leave free the space where you plan to place the ribbon. To do this, measure its width and do not braid the basket at this level. When the product is ready, pass the tape between the stand tubes and secure its ends with glue or a few stitches of thread.

    Desktop basket for storing small items

    Beautiful floor vase

    Craft tray

    Floor vases made from newspaper tubes for every taste

    Advice! You can also decorate the corners of the basket. To do this, you can attach large beads or medallions to them with glue.

    • Another option for original decor is the use of shaped pasta. Leave room for future decor, as described above. Coat the pasta “shells” or “petals” with metallic spray paint and glue them onto the finished product.
    • Weaving a lid for a basket from newspaper tubes can be completed with decor in the form colors from skin. To do this, you need to cut out blanks from genuine leather in the form of droplets (future petals) and ovals with a sharp corner (leaves). Hold the blanks with tweezers over the candle flame for a few seconds so that they bend slightly and become voluminous. Then glue the petals and leaves onto the lid of the box.

    Basket with a decorative bow

    Don't limit your imagination

    Fruit basket with lace top


    Weaving products from newspapers is a fascinating activity. Experiment, use different patterns for weaving baskets from newspaper tubes, and you will get original and beautiful products that will decorate your interior.

    Rectangular two-color basket

    If you don't have paints, you can use a marker

    Weaving baskets from newspaper tubes - video

    Weaving baskets from newspaper tubes - photo

    Photo gallery (26 photos):

    Today, a new type of needlework is successfully developing - weaving from newspapers. For many, this activity has already become a hobby that is simply impossible to give up. This type of creativity helps you take a break from the everyday hustle and bustle, switch your attention and do useful things yourself to create home comfort. A basket made of newspaper tubes will become an interesting decor in the interior. It is also very convenient to store various things in such baskets. Small baskets are for small items, and large ones are used for laundry.

    If you have a lot of newspapers and magazines accumulated at home, then you can give them a second life, and not an ordinary one, but a bright and beautiful one. This is exactly what many needlewomen do, turning waste paper into amazing things for the home. Before moving on to the master class, take a look at this beauty that craftswomen made with their own hands from newspaper tubes.

    Convenient and roomy boxes made from newspaper tubes help keep your home tidy and save space in your closet.

    They are also very beautiful and will add coziness

    You can weave newspaper tubes into a large basket that can be used for dirty laundry

    This basket will be useful in a children's room.

    Wicker furniture made from newspapers is aerobatics! If desired, the furniture can be repeated!

    How to make a basket from newspaper tubes

    Below we post a master class on how to twist tubes and weave a basket with a simple pattern. In order for the basket to be even, you will need a braiding box.

    So, for work you will need a braiding box, newspaper tubes, clothespins, scissors and glue

    How to twist tubes from newspapers:

    Cut the newspaper, one page, into two parts

    We take a kebab skewer or a knitting needle and begin to wind a strip of newspaper onto it at this angle:

    Glue the tip of the newspaper to the tube

    If the tubes are twisted correctly, one end will be narrower than the other. If you need to extend the newspaper tube, simply insert the narrow end of the tube into the wide one and secure them with glue. The tubes can be painted any color.

    Take cardboard for the bottom of the basket and glue the tubes to it

    Evgenia Smirnova

    To send light into the depths of the human heart - this is the purpose of the artist


    Surely many housewives have a warehouse of old newspapers at home, which they rarely manage to put somewhere, but it’s a pity to throw them away. Those who are creative may like the idea of ​​​​creating some kind of thing using paper printing. A useful and unusual product that will come in handy in everyday life is a basket made of newspaper tubes. This item will be an excellent interior detail and will serve as a jewelry box or a vase for artificial flowers. In addition, a handmade basket can be a wonderful gift given for any occasion.

    Master class on weaving a square laundry basket with photos

    A basket made of newspaper tubes can take round, oval, rectangular and square shapes. Depending on the volume of material, the size changes: the needlewoman will be able to create both cute little baskets for storing memorabilia and toys, and large wickerwork that will become indispensable at home. Below is a master class on weaving a square laundry basket, where it will be convenient to store things before washing or drying. This product, complemented by a lid and functional handles, will help you use your apartment space more efficiently.

    How to make newspaper tubes

    The first thing you need to prepare before weaving a basket is newspaper tubes, which are analogues of classic vines. To do this you will need: the required number of double sheets of newspaper, knitting needles of the required size, scissors and glue. How to make a newspaper “vine” for weaving a basket:

    • To create four tubes, take a double sheet of newspaper and divide it horizontally into four equal parts (cut with scissors or tear).

    • Place the knitting needle on the lower right edge, at an angle of 20 degrees. Lightly treat the tip of the paper strip with glue, and then begin to tightly twist the newspaper sheet onto the knitting needle.

    • When the surface of the knitting needle is finished, continue to roll the newspaper with your fingers. Apply a little glue to the free end and press it onto the tube with your fingers.

    • Repeat the same with the remaining newspaper strips.

    Helpful tip: Practice making newspaper tubes in advance. As a rule, the first time the initial materials for weaving may not turn out to be very neat and even, but their beauty will come with experience. After some practice, you will be able to intuitively feel how tightly to pull the newspaper and twist the knitting needle, everything will work out by itself.

    How to weave the bottom of a basket

    • Lubricate the edge of the element with glue and attach it to another newspaper tube (in the picture the length of the material is 25 cm). Fasten with a clothespin for better fixation. Attach two more corner tubes with glue.

    • Make the required number of strips with four tubes: as many as needed for the bottom of the basket.

    • Glue together two larger tubes (51 centimeters in the photo). Prepare more newspaper strips (75 cm in the photo).

    • Lay out the paired strips as shown in the photo.

    • Take single newspaper tubes and begin to braid paired strips with them: bend the lower one from the bottom, the upper one from the outside. Place the next 25 cm long element and do the same procedure until all the strips with four tubes are used.

    • When the bottom is ready, cut off the edges of the four-piece strips to make the bottom even. The protruding free edges of the remaining tubes must be used in the side parts of the basket to weave the walls.

    Basket wall weaving

    • To make the walls of the basket, take a square box that is the right size. Prepare glue with newspaper tubes and clothespins. On the sides of the cardboard container, glue two tubes side by side at a distance of about 5-7 centimeters. Also mark the perimeter with newspaper tubes.

    • Start weaving: take a couple of paper tubes, glue their ends, as shown in the second photo, they should be located perpendicular to the paired newspaper elements. First, insert a couple of tubes of newspaper under the side materials, then put them on top, and thread them again at the bottom. Hide the ends behind the previous row and secure with glue.

    • The next pair of tubes will be attached in a mirror way: first they are placed on top, then threaded through from below, etc.

    • After you have braided the box from all sides and the desired height of the product has been achieved, you need to trim the end of one element in the pair, which was originally attached to the sides. Insert a newspaper tube with a long edge under each next one so as to hide the “chopped off” tip.

    • When all the free ends of the side elements are pulled out, continue to braid them around the edge of the basket. Hide the short free edges of the newspaper tubes under the previous row, fixing them with a small amount of glue. Secure the result with clothespins so that the glue adheres better. When the edges of the basket are ready, attach the bottom, make a lid, and handles.

    Making pens

    • On both sides, at the top edge of the basket, at an equal distance from the sides, thread two newspaper tubes. Throw those that remain inside over the wall to the outer end of the elements and go around the strips from above. Repeat similarly with the second pair of tubes.
    • Generously coat the edges of the twisted materials with glue and fasten them together with a clothespin. Wait for the adhesive base to dry.
    • To hide a sloppy joint, apply a fresh layer of glue and wrap another strip of paper around it. Handles are ready!

    Making a lid

    • Take flat cardboard of the required size, using a stationery knife or other tool, make small holes on the side, as shown in the photo. Insert tubes into the holes on all sides.

    • Start braiding the edge of the lid, bending one end of the paper element after the other, as seen in the photo: this is how you need to weave the desired number of rows. When finished, the free edges of the tubes are hidden under the lid.

    • Decorate the finished lid as desired: with leftover French braided newspapers, ribbons, decoupage or other decorative elements.

    How to make a large rectangular basket

    A large rectangular wicker can be useful in many places: as a container for bed linen or. Step-by-step instructions will help needlewomen easily repeat making a basket and see with their own eyes the intricacies of newspaper weaving. The presenter coats the finished product with quick-drying paint and gives recommendations on how to make the wicker strong, as well as how to beautifully decorate the resulting interior detail. See the technology for making a functional basket using paper tubes, a cardboard sheet and glue:

    Weaving a small round basket

    A small round basket with a handle is a delicate decoration for your home interior. In addition, this handmade braid makes a wonderful gift for a wedding, birthday or other event. Fill it with artificial flowers, sweets, and other elements. The master class shows how to weave a paper basket using an ordinary glass jar, and how to make a beautiful handle for it. The needlewoman offers her own version of filling the wickerwork: inside she placed foam plastic, which served as a fastener for the gift.

    Basket made of newspaper tubes for beginners

    For those who make a paper basket for the first time, it is difficult to immediately begin complex weaving options. To make your first experience successful, try making beautiful containers made in the next master class. It describes everything in detail, shows the process of creating a cardboard frame for the future product, presents step-by-step weaving instructions, and paints the resulting basket white. The braided fabric was decorated with lace and colorful braid. See how easy it is to make and how to finish weaving a basket from newspaper tubes to decorate your apartment:

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