Kokoity Eduard Dzhabeevich. Who will be the new president of South Ossetia Who is the president of South Ossetia now

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In South Ossetia on Monday the results of the presidential elections that took place the day before were summed up: Parliamentary Speaker Anatoly Bibilov won. Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday expressed hope that “relations between the countries will further develop.” Mr. Bibilov himself spoke about exactly what it could be: according to him, the “strategic goal” of the republic’s leadership will be to organize a referendum on its entry into Russia.

According to the Central Election Commission (CEC) of South Ossetia, after processing almost 90% of the ballots, Anatoly Bibilov received 57.98% of the votes. The current head of the partially recognized republic, Leonid Tibilov, received only 30%. At the same time, a referendum was held on adding a second, equivalent name to South Ossetia - “The State of Alania”. Mr. Tibilov, who called the referendum, argued: the renaming “will create the conditions and prerequisites” for the republic to join the Russian Federation (). According to preliminary data, 78% of those who voted were in favor of the “State of Alanya”, and 20% were against.

Lieutenant General Anatoly Bibilov headed the Republic's Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2008–2014. In 2011, he participated in the presidential elections, which resulted in an acute internal political crisis. In the first round, Anatoly Bibilov was ahead of ex-Minister of Education Alla Dzhioeva by only 0.06%. In the second round, Ms. Dzhioeva won, but the Supreme Court overturned the election results after Mr. Bibilov’s headquarters complained about violations by her supporters. The crisis ended with repeat elections in March 2012: Leonid Tibilov became president. After the defeat, Anatoly Bibilov left the Unity party and founded a new political force - United Ossetia. She won the parliamentary elections in 2014, after which Mr. Bibilov took over as speaker.

One of Kommersant’s interlocutors in United Ossetia notes that supporters of candidate Bibilov feared a new political crisis, including due to the delay in the announcement of preliminary results in the Central Election Commission: on Sunday evening it took place almost an hour later than planned, and the next briefing was only scheduled for 11 a.m. Monday. Moreover, as of Sunday evening, Mr. Bibilov was gaining 48.7% of the votes, that is, there was a possibility of a second round. Supporters of Anatoly Bibilov gathered at the Central Election Commission for several hours demanding recognition of his victory. Finally, in the morning, the CEC announced Mr. Bibilov’s victory, and then his main opponent recognized it. “This is the choice of the people, and we must approach their choice wisely,” said Leonid Tibilov.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has already congratulated Mr. Bibilov on his election, assuring: “Relations between our countries, based on the principles of alliance and integration, will further develop.”

Anatoly Bibilov on Monday developed this idea, in particular, calling the entry of South Ossetia into Russia a “strategic goal.” “We will discuss this issue in close contact with our colleagues from the Russian Federation, we will do everything together,” he said. In March, Mr. Bibilov told Kommersant that the referendum on the republic’s entry into the Russian Federation should take place before the end of 2017.

Political scientist, executive director of the St. Petersburg GR Club Igor Sopov believes that Anatoly Bibilov is unlikely to hold a referendum “sooner than in a year”: “Before that, Bibilov, naturally, will consult in Moscow. But there are risks of additional confrontation with Georgia, worsening relations with the United States, and new sanctions.” Igor Sopov believes that it is important for the federal center to “buy time to understand whether it needs such complex geopolitical decisions on the eve (of the presidential elections.- “Kommersant”) 2018".

Georgia's reaction to the news from South Ossetia was predictable: Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili said that the elections “have no legal force,” and the referendum on renaming “the oldest Georgian region by analogy with a subject of the Russian Federation” is “the ground for its further annexation.” The legitimacy of the vote was also not recognized in NATO countries and the European Union.

Natalya Korchenkova; Georgiy Dvali, Tbilisi

President of the Republic of South Ossetia Anatoly Bibilov came to Russia for the first time on an official three-day visit. On Tuesday he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Anatoly Bibilov told Interfax what issues were discussed with the Russian leader, and about the further development of cooperation between the Republic of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation.

– Anatoly Ilyich, the day before you met with Russian President Vladimir Putin. What did you manage to agree on?

– In fact, we were able to discuss all spheres of life in South Ossetia, from ensuring security to socio-economic development, including issues of the development of healthcare, the agricultural sector, the development of bilateral relations, issues of supplying products produced on the territory of South Ossetia to the Russian Federation. In a word, almost all spheres of life and relations between the Republic of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation.

– You mentioned the supply of goods from South Ossetia to Russia. What are these products?

– These are mainly agricultural products – apples, meat processing, wine, and mineral water, which is abundant in South Ossetia. Moreover, we must understand that this water is absolutely environmentally friendly - we do not have harmful industries, so our business card can be presented as an environmentally friendly product that is produced on the territory of South Ossetia. In addition, today the garment factory operates quite successfully; it is part of the BTK Group (the largest light industry holding in the Russian Federation - IF), which today is the largest enterprise in South Ossetia.

– To which regions can these goods be supplied?

– We can supply to any region of Russia – not only to the North Caucasus – and abroad. These issues were discussed, and specific instructions were given to the relevant ministries and departments to interact with the relevant ministries and departments of South Ossetia in order to implement these agreements.

– Yesterday it was also said that an agreement was being prepared on making it easier for residents of the Republic of South Ossetia to obtain Russian citizenship. When approximately can this agreement be signed?

– It is unlikely that we will have time to sign (sign – IF) before the end of the year, although in principle this agreement is under internal state review – now it is being agreed upon by all ministries and departments that are involved in or have something to do with its preparation. We carried out the necessary procedures in South Ossetia and forwarded them to our colleagues in the Russian Federation. I think that this agreement will be signed early next year.

– According to your estimates, approximately how many citizens of South Ossetia can receive Russian citizenship in the near future?

– Today, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the republic are already citizens of the Russian Federation. But, as we know, in 2008, after the recognition of the Republic of South Ossetia, the issuance of passports to Russian citizens living abroad was suspended. I think that after simplifying the procedure for obtaining citizenship, about 10% of the population of South Ossetia will receive it.

– Previously, you highly assessed the possibility of the Republic of South Ossetia becoming part of Russia. Was this issue discussed at the meeting with the President of the Russian Federation?

– This question is very relevant. In 1920-1921, Ossetia was divided into North and South: South became part of the GSSR, and North became part of the RSFSR. From that moment on, the struggle of the Ossetian people began for the restoration of historical justice and the inclusion of South Ossetia into Russia.

In fact, every 10 years we tried to convey the opinion of the people of South Ossetia to the top leadership, so that South Ossetia would become part of Russia. Unfortunately, for now we have what we have. There are possibilities without a doubt - while this issue is being discussed. I think that the future of South Ossetia will, in any case, be part of the Russian Federation.

– Previously, it was planned to hold a referendum on South Ossetia’s entry into Russia in 2017. The possibility of carrying it out before the end of 2017 is slim. When is the referendum planned to be held?

– In 2017, a referendum was held in the republic on renaming it to the State of Alanya. It seemed quite logical to us that we would hold a referendum on joining the Russian Federation. In principle, we had one referendum in 1992, where 99.8% voted for joining Russia. But in 2006 there was another referendum. Then the question was raised whether South Ossetia would become part of the Russian Federation or become an independent state. Then 98% voted for independence. But there, after all, the question of independence from Georgia was raised, but, nevertheless, it turned out that the 2006 referendum leveled the results of 1992. Because according to international law, a referendum held later has legal force.

The reality is that now two newly formed republics have emerged, which we have recognized - these are the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics (DPR and LPR). I think the issue of the Republic of South Ossetia joining the Russian Federation is predetermined by itself. When? We in South Ossetia, even on August 24-25, 2008 (when Abkhazia and South Ossetia declared their independence from Georgia - IF) did not imagine that in a day or two Russia would recognize the independence of our republic. Political processes are proceeding very rapidly. We can decide at any time to hold another referendum. So it's a matter of time. Moreover, not long ago.

– How do you generally assess the implementation of the Treaty on Alliance and Integration between the Russian Federation and the Republic of South Ossetia?

– I rate it highly, of course. Moreover, about 100 agreements have already been signed under this agreement since 2015. Just yesterday, agreements were signed between the Ministries of Health and Internal Affairs (Ministry of Internal Affairs). I think these processes are inevitable. Many different roads that have the same goal. And we will come to her.

– We just mentioned an agreement between the Ministry of Internal Affairs. What kind of agreement is this? What is it about?

– This is an agreement on optimizing structures, working interaction, and improving the material and technical base of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This includes an increase in salaries and an increase in social guarantees that employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should have. That is, this is a forward movement, development of both the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia and the relationship with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

– Yesterday, the president also mentioned a new investment program that is being formed for 2018-2019. What directions will be laid?

– The projects that we have already agreed upon and which will be included in the 2018-2019 Investment Program have actually been defined. They are mainly aimed at developing the economy and social sphere of the republic - these include social facilities, including schools and healthcare facilities. But today, special emphasis is placed on economic development – ​​this is the most important thing. Because the social sphere is already developing - facilities are being built, the most modern equipment is being supplied to medical institutions. Now the emphasis has shifted to economic development: increasing jobs, increasing domestic production. The program is precisely aimed at developing the economy of the Republic of South Ossetia.

– The Republic of South Ossetia is now actively manifesting itself in foreign policy. What main directions do you see for yourself now? And do you intend to continue to seek recognition of the Republic of South Ossetia?

– Let’s put it this way, I am a radical supporter of the Republic of South Ossetia joining the Russian Federation. At the same time, I have always said that sitting still and waiting for us to become part of the Russian Federation is, at the very least, short-sighted. Therefore, we will build up the status that the Republic of South Ossetia has today and will work with our friends who recognize the Republic of South Ossetia and other states.

Many remind that nine years have already passed, and South Ossetia is recognized by only a few states. We are not making a tragedy out of this. Work in this direction is ongoing. We understand perfectly well that the Soviet Union was not immediately recognized either. Many states, including such small states, where there are fewer citizens than in the Republic of South Ossetia, for example, the same Nauru (an island state in the Pacific Ocean - IF) - were also not immediately recognized. But today they are both in the UN and in serious Pacific international organizations. That's why we're in no hurry. We will systematically and confidently move towards ensuring that South Ossetia continues to be recognized.

– How do you assess the format of the Geneva international discussions? How effective is it for the Republic of South Ossetia?

“It’s not just that it’s effective, it’s just that we need it.” Today, the Geneva discussions are the only high political platform where South Ossetia expresses its opinion, where South Ossetia brings to the attention of the world community the processes that are taking place on the territory of the Republic of South Ossetia - political, foreign policy, relations with our neighbor Georgia. It is necessary, but the efficiency of work, of course, can be higher. This depends not on the Geneva platform itself, but on the participants in the discussion.

In this case, I'm talking about Georgia. Because for nine years now, the main issue that our delegation raises at every meeting is the signing of a memorandum on the non-use of force. Unfortunately, the Georgian side still does not want to sign this memorandum. This, of course, greatly strains us and all those who want peace in this region.

To date, the United States has allocated about $100 million to rearm and equip the Georgian army. We've already been through this. After the implementation of the Partnership for Peace program, we did not see any peace - we saw war. Unfortunately, the Georgian army is being rearmed again, again the United States is providing some kind of moral and financial support so that the Georgian armed forces have the opportunity to resolve issues by force. I don’t want to get involved, but this is absolutely clear: not signing an agreement on the non-use of force, arming and allocating financial resources for the rearmament of the Georgian army - to some extent they lead to very bad thoughts.

– Are there any other issues you plan to raise on this platform?

– On this platform, the relationship between the Republic of South Ossetia and Georgia is mainly discussed. In particular, the border of contact between the Republic of South Ossetia and Georgia, repeated violations of borders by Georgian citizens, and missing people are discussed. All these questions are operational and are carried over from meeting to meeting.

Unfortunately, we cannot yet find the people who went missing in 2008, although they are shown on the central channel of Georgia, there is a video that they are alive. Maybe after this video, God forbid, something happened to them. But be that as it may, we want to know where our citizens are, who actually lived according to these video materials, who actually interrogated them, and who were beaten by Georgian police. Of course, I would like to bring them back home.

In addition, we propose that the Georgian side finally demarcate the borders so that we understand where whose border lies. But so far we do not see a clear answer. For our part, we will, of course, carry out demarcation and equip the border with the Republic of Georgia, as is done in all self-respecting states.

– Now the territory of the borders of the Republic of South Ossetia is protected. How do you generally assess the level of security in South Ossetia?

– It is absolutely clear and understandable that the Republic of South Ossetia today is completely safe, one might say 100% safe, no matter what financial resources are invested in the armed forces of Georgia. The guarantor of the Republic of South Ossetia is the Russian Federation. Today, the fourth military base of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is located on the territory; today, the border department of the FSB of the Russian Federation for the Republic of South Ossetia is located there. We guard the border together with Russian border guards. Security is ensured by the armed forces, including the security component of the Russian Federation. Exercises and classes are being held jointly with the Russian Ministry of Defense. Also, our military personnel undergo training at the bases of the Russian Armed Forces, our young guys enter educational institutions of the Russian Federation, all this is interconnected.

– Let's return to economic issues. The issue of transit of goods from the Transcaucasian countries through South Ossetia to Russia is currently being discussed. Are any steps already being taken in this direction?

“We are ready to consider this issue, we are ready to fully assist in making the Iran-Turkey-Georgia-South Ossetia-Russia transit road, plus Armenia, work. We don't want these states to suffer because of us economically.

At the same time, it should be absolutely clear that the Republic of South Ossetia will participate here as a full-fledged partner. I think that today the whole problem is this: Georgia cannot decide how South Ossetia will participate there. Our Georgian colleagues need to understand that the realities are completely different. There is a recognized Republic of South Ossetia, and we must reckon with it and work with it. I think that political forces will still appear in Georgia that will understand this, and relationships, including political ones, will change in relation to the Republic of South Ossetia.

– Six months ago you took office as head of the Republic of South Ossetia, during which time a new team was formed. What goals and objectives do you set for the development of the republic?

– We understand that any development is associated with financing. The main task for us is to mobilize the republic’s capabilities to increase its own income, and we are succeeding. During this period, we actually increased government revenues by 25%. There is, of course, a huge amount of work ahead to mobilize the republic’s budget. At the same time, we are under no circumstances going to increase taxes or other payments to the state budget. Today, the most important task is to administer the income that South Ossetia should receive in all areas. We have succeeded in this so far, and I think our work will contribute to an increase in the state budget.

In addition, we need to develop the economy - without this, no state can exist. We have developed a bill where at least 2% of the budget of the Republic of South Ossetia will be directed to supporting small and medium-sized businesses. It will start working on January 1, 2018. Of course, these financial resources will increase, and we will be able to provide support to our entrepreneurs who work in agriculture, manufacturing, and industry. I think everything will be fine with us.

– What is the current political and social situation in South Ossetia after the elections? What issues need to be addressed first in the social sphere?

– There are actually a lot of questions. It cannot be said that the authorities changed and, as if by magic, everything fell into place. There are many questions, including the restoration of housing, for which the Russian Federation has allocated quite large funds. However, not all of these houses, let’s say, have been renovated. Today we are resolving the issue in order to solve this problem using internal capabilities. In fact, 2018 will be dedicated to eliminating this problem. I am confident that we will succeed.

Of course, there is a huge problem with jobs, and there are many questions regarding infrastructure, which is also developing. There are problems, but they can be solved. Another thing is that all this is related to finances. And again, we come to the conclusion that we need to increase our own revenues to the republic’s budget. It all depends on the finances that the state will have.

– Much has been said about the creation of a backup power transmission line in the Republic of South Ossetia. How are things going in this direction?

– Special conditions are now being agreed upon that are necessary to resolve the issue of providing backup electricity. We also discussed this with the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. For now, we are waiting for special technical documentation that will allow us to begin work. Funds have been pledged. We don’t have any problems with the ability to stretch the cable and use backup energy. The only question that remains is the approval of this special technical documentation and conditions. The issue will be resolved.

– Do you think work in this direction can begin next year?

- Yes. I am sure that such work will begin.

– In the first half of the year?

- In the first. This issue was discussed at the meeting.

– The topic of reconstruction in the first years after the war in August 2008 went hand in hand with corruption scandals. How are things going now? What steps are being taken by the leadership of the Republic of South Ossetia to combat corruption?

“We have come a long way from the situation that existed then. Today everything is within the framework of the law. Recently the Accounts Chamber worked with us. I would like to note that no serious violations were identified in the use of Investment Program funds. It is performed at a good pace. We plan that the Investment Program (for 2015-2017 - IF) will be completed with a maximum percentage of implementation - more than 95%. Why not 100%? The remaining interest is allocated to the preparation of documentation and delivery of objects. We already return these percentages based on actual work and pay them back after a particular object is fully completed. In fact, the implemented investment program will be fully implemented.

The current president of South Ossetia, Leonid Tibilov, lost the election. The winner was the Chairman of Parliament Anatoly Bibilov. He will be able to add dynamics to relations with Russia, experts say

Leonid Tibilov

In the presidential elections in South Ossetia, held on April 10, the chairman of the parliament of the partially recognized republic, Anatoly Bibilov, won. According to preliminary data, he received 57.98% of the votes, the CEC reported. The current president, Leonid Tibilov, who has held office since 2012, received the second result: 30% of voters voted for him. KGB officer Alan Gagloev took third place with 11.01% of the votes. The turnout at the elections was 81%.

78% of voters also supported the introduction of an equivalent name for South Ossetia - the State of Alania.

Winning the second time

Tibilov's chances of re-election were considered high. In pre-election reviews, he was called a favorite by the Center for Political Current Affairs, which is close to the Kremlin. Tibilov won his first elections in 2012, leading the country after the political crisis of 2011. In the 2011 elections that led South Ossetia to this crisis, Bibilov was Moscow’s favorite, but lost to oppositionist Alla Dzhioeva. After her victory and the refusal of former President Eduard Kokoity to leave his post, protest rallies began in the republic. As a result of negotiations with the participation of Moscow officials, it was decided to hold new elections, in which neither Dzhioeva nor Bibilov took part.

After his defeat in the 2011 presidential elections and the forced refusal to run for re-election, Bibilov was able to prove the validity of his political ambitions. In 2012, he defiantly left the Unity party, which was headed by Kokoity, to create his own political movement. In the 2014 parliamentary elections, his new party “United Ossetia” won, and he took the post of speaker of parliament, the Center for Political Conjuncture describes the political path of the former Minister of Emergency Situations.

Bibilov went into Sunday's elections with a program in which he promised closer ties with Russia and economic growth. In his opinion, it is possible to ensure growth in employment and income of the population through the development of agriculture.

Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov told reporters that the Kremlin welcomes the elections in South Ossetia and states that they were competitive and democratic. “Even more gratifying is that the main competition was between two candidates who are staunch supporters of South Ossetia’s close relations with the Russian Federation,” Peskov noted.

Before the elections, both main candidates visited Moscow. On March 21, Tibilov met with Vladimir Putin, who wished him good luck in the elections. And on March 24, Bibilov visited the Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko.

Bibilov’s victory should not be considered a surprise, says Alexander Skakov, coordinator of the working group of the Center for the Study of Central Asia and the Caucasus at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The victory for the chairman of parliament was ensured by the protest electorate, which did not see the possibility of its own development in the republic, as well as by supporters of ex-president Eduard Kokoity, who was not allowed to participate in the elections, the expert explains. Moscow was satisfied with the victory of both the current president and the chairman of parliament, says Alexei Chesnakov, director of the Center for Political Conjuncture.

Moscow positively assesses the victory of Anatoly Bibilov, he is known and understood by Russia, his victory will further strengthen the strategic cooperation between Russia and South Ossetia, a source close to the presidential administration for socio-economic cooperation with the CIS states, Abkhazia and South Ossetia told RBC. Bibilov will make progress in relations and bring them to the level of actual unification in the legal, economic and defense spheres, the interlocutor predicts. The Kremlin has no complaints against the outgoing president and his team, the source points out. Over the course of five years, the team of the outgoing president and the government managed to restore order, first in the economic sphere, to get away from the disgrace that took place under the previous government and, in general, to increase the efficiency of the entire system of government bodies, he says.

President Putin, in his congratulations to Bibilov, expressed hope that relations between the countries would further develop.

Future with Russia

The situation in the republic is calm, the South Ossetian Ministry of Internal Affairs reported mid-day on April 10. Bibilov called on his supporters, who had gathered at the Central Election Commission building at night, to disperse.

“This is the choice of the people, we must approach the choice of the people wisely,” Leonid Tibilov commented on the election commission’s message about his own defeat.

“The vector of relations (with Russia) will not change, it will largely increase. Everything else is internal politics, we won’t break anything,” Bibilov said in an interview with TASS. The winning candidate noted that he was ready to work together with his opponents, and did not rule out that Kokoity would be invited to his team, who, after being refused registration for the presidential election, began leading people to rallies and calling for people to vote for Bibilov.

Anatoly Bibilov (Photo: Valery Sharifulin / TASS)

Bibilov said that first of all, work will begin to improve the well-being of citizens. He also considers it necessary to distinguish between the powers of parliament and the president. “The first thing that will be done is the adoption of a law that will divide the responsibilities of the legislative branch and the president,” Bibilov noted.

The state budget of the republic mainly consists of assistance provided by Russia, President Tibilov said in an interview with RBC on the eve of the elections. However, according to him, if in 2012 the republic’s own income amounted to no more than 150-160 million rubles, then in 2016 its own income increased to 780-800 million rubles. According to his estimates, at the end of 2017 the share of own income in the budget should increase to 11%. According to Tibilov, after he came to power, conditions were created to attract investors. In particular, in 2013, the BTK-4 factory for sewing workwear opened its doors, employing about 530 people. At the end of March, meat processing production was opened. Tibilov named agriculture, the clothing industry and the energy sector as promising for development - the construction of hydroelectric power stations.

If we talk about ties with Russia, the situation in South Ossetia is reminiscent of Abkhazia, says Skakov: an alliance agreement was signed between Russia and both republics, but many of its provisions must be implemented through separate agreements, and their signing is delayed due to the coordination of positions . There is nothing surprising in the fact that each side defends its own interests, but these processes can be accelerated, the expert points out.

Georgia does not recognize the results of the current elections, as well as the independence of South Ossetia. The presidential elections and the referendum on renaming the republic have nothing to do with international law, said Georgian Minister for Euro-Atlantic Integration Victor Dolidze.

South Ossetia is preparing for presidential elections, which will be held on April 9. The main competitors in the election race have also been identified. It is now known for sure that the current head of the Republic of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov intends to seek a second term. His predecessor Eduard Kokoity, who led South Ossetia for ten years, also said that he would compete for the highest post in the country. The competition between these two candidates will be Anatoly Bibilov, who currently continues to preside over parliament. Which one has the highest chance?

Eduard Kokoity

Of the three strongest candidates, Eduard Kokoity is the most famous. Of course, in 2008, the world's leading media repeatedly published information about him. In the West, he was portrayed in a negative light, but Russian and local media, on the contrary, glorified his image. This definitely had a positive impact on his image, and, admittedly, Eduard Dzhabeyevich is still reaping the benefits. But the attention of the media alone will not get you far - politicians, big politics, were expected from him. The former president apparently failed to cope with success. The fact is that following recognition, huge financial flows poured into the republic, directed in accordance with the Russian investment program. And what? After a short period of time, the Kremlin began to have complaints against Kokoity’s team. More and more rumors began to appear about Tskhinvali’s failure to fulfill its obligations to restore its own state. Simply put, investments were blatantly stolen. Of course, it didn’t go to trial, but a certain tension appeared in the president’s relations with Moscow. A number of Russian political scientists agreed that in 2011 the Kremlin did not support Kokoity’s protege in the presidential elections precisely for this reason. The leadership of the “Directorate for the Implementation of Priority National Issues” made direct accusations. This department oversaw some aspects of the Russian Federation’s investment program in the Republic of South Ossetia. There were other scandals, but the second president still managed to survive until the end of his term.

All these reasons can stop Kokoity’s already accelerating election campaign. The fact is that, having lost the trust of some of the Russian elites, he lost the support of his compatriots, or rather, the number of his supporters decreased significantly. Plus, after him a new president came, under whom the theft of Russian investments completely stopped. In any case, neither the Russian nor the Ossetian side recorded even one such case. Such a contrast is clearly not to the advantage of the former head of South Ossetia. However, there is another “braking factor”. Eduard Kokoity has been living mainly in the Russian Federation in recent years. This circumstance can manifest itself in a detrimental way during registration with the Election Commission. According to the Constitution of the state, a presidential candidate must reside exclusively in the territory of the Republic of South Ossetia during the ten years preceding registration. You are allowed to be absent for no longer than three months during the year. Eduard Kokoity’s movements are in no way coordinated with such a schedule - he is absent much longer than is allowed. However, there are some loopholes - Article 48 of the Constitution implies such strict conditions only in the absence of valid reasons. That is, you are allowed to leave the republic for any period of time, for example, if you need treatment abroad. The candidate is required to confirm the importance of his absence. Perhaps this will not be difficult for Eduard Kokoity.

Despite all the difficulties, he still has his trump cards up his sleeves. His presidency was long, and during this period a certain system of power was formed in the state, which, with minor changes, still functions today. His people still sit in many positions.

Anatoly Bibilov

The speaker of the South Ossetian parliament can be called a hero of today, or rather, of recent years. After his electoral failure in 2011, he quickly recovered and proved that he belongs in the highest echelons. In the 2014 parliamentary elections, his United Ossetia party, created shortly before the voting, won a landslide victory. Now the parliament is under the control of a failed president. With this achievement, Bibilov proved to all his critics that he has someone to count on - the people of South Ossetia. For the most part, voters voted for him, not the party. What is his success? In bold plans, presented in accessible language. He talks about what he wants - the reunification of the two Ossetias within Russia. Here, of course, populism cannot be avoided, but Bibilov always prefers to remain a realist, which may be due to his many years of career in the armed forces. Even before the 2014 elections, the speaker of parliament raised a lot of talk about the potential for an early accession to the Russian Federation. And he did it in such a way that the president of the country spoke loudest about it. He gave a reason, but relieved himself of responsibility for the outcome. Moreover, he managed to persuade Leonid Tibilov to call a referendum after the presidential elections. If the hopes of the citizens of the Republic of South Ossetia do not come true, and Bibilov wins the elections, then everything will be forgiven for him, given that the official initiator was his predecessor. In any other scenario, he also loses nothing. A very smart move. Otherwise, everything is going pretty well for him too. He is friendly with Moscow. He comes to Russia both on official visits and for personal reasons. He regularly communicates with high-ranking Russian officials.

But not everything is so smooth. For example, experts from the Center for Current Political Affairs believe that Anatoly Bibilov is not liked by the local elites. With his arrival, he can bring some discord into the fragile harmony of political life, which has preserved elements of clanism. A very controversial statement, given the fact that he nevertheless took the post of chairman of parliament, and this did not bring any discord. In any case, he is a very serious contender for an important government post.

Leonid Tibilov

And finally, Leonid Tibilov. He has five years of presidency behind him. What has been done during this time? Well, the first achievement took place in the early days - the election of Tibilov was a kind of compromise. His candidacy, barely noticeable against the backdrop of noisy Bibilov and Dzhioeva, suited almost everyone. Kokoity had known his successor for a long time and probably got along well with him while he was a subordinate. It is unlikely that the thought occurred to him that Tibilov would fully realize himself as president. He was simply seen as a good partner, but it turned out a little differently. The partner became a leader, albeit not particularly charismatic, but intelligent. After all, he has years of work in the field of pedagogy and in the KGB. He calculates his steps, trying to distance himself from unfoundedness and symbolism. It turns out well, but such tactics are appreciated mainly by social activists who closely follow the sometimes tediously slow political transformations. Even the media sometimes manage to overlook this or that important decision. Perhaps Tibilov is worried about the consequences, which is quite justified in his position. In general, almost everything he did went unnoticed. The exception is the restoration of the capital and some other settlements. Tskhinvali in 2017 is very different from Tskhinvali in 2012. Many buildings have been built and old ones have been restored. The landscaped streets in some places took on a look that had never before been characteristic of the city. And all thanks to personal control over investments flowing into the country. Tibilov managed to reduce the appetites of robbers and corrupt officials. At the same time, the most influential people in the state did not take issue with him.

As for the shortcomings, of course there are some. The first is that Tibilov demonstrated himself for five years. He's good, but the local people want more. Even if there is no accession to the Russian Federation, there must be other progress. Here the president has not proven himself to be the best. In recent years, the unemployment rate in the country has increased, setting a new record. Some associate this with anti-Russian sanctions, but many local residents are inclined to shift responsibility to their leadership. Secondly, the country has big problems with medicine. The local people used to leave for treatment in Russia or Georgia, and they are leaving now. There are not enough personnel, not enough equipment, not enough hospitals. This is one of the most important problems of today's Ossetia, and whoever manages to solve it will accomplish a truly titanic task. Tibilov did not succeed and is unlikely to succeed, because he has almost never dealt with this issue.

Today the balance of power is as follows. It’s hard to say who the people will give preference to. Leonid Tibilov is running for a second term. Bibilov is predicted to take second place. This is somewhat strange, given that, according to the data we have, the rating of the current president is not that high. However, you can always expect anything from elections in the Republic of South Ossetia, as, for example, in 2011-2012. New faces also appeared in these elections, two Alans. One Republican KGB officer Alan Gagloev and the second is a member of parliament, a doctor Alan Kozonov. A retired officer and now the owner of a construction company, Amiran Bagaev, is also planning to take part in the elections.

They all speak well of them, but they are unlikely to compete today. However, we'll wait and see.

The President of South Ossetia said that he does not make a tragedy out of the fact that the country has so far been recognized by only a few states

Anatoly Bibilov

Moscow. November 16. website - President of the Republic of South Ossetia (RSO) Anatoly Bibilov came to Russia for the first time on an official three-day visit. On Tuesday he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Anatoly Bibilov told Interfax what issues were discussed with the Russian leader, and about the further development of cooperation between the Republic of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation.

- Anatoly Ilyich, the day before you met with Russian President Vladimir Putin. What did you manage to agree on?

In fact, it was possible to discuss all spheres of life in South Ossetia, from ensuring security to socio-economic development, including issues of the development of healthcare, the agricultural sector, the development of bilateral relations, issues of supplying products produced on the territory of South Ossetia to the Russian Federation. In a word, almost all spheres of life and relations between the Republic of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation.

- You mentioned the supply of goods from South Ossetia to Russia. What are these products?

These are mainly agricultural products - apples, meat processing, wine, and mineral water, which is abundant in South Ossetia. Moreover, we must understand that this water is absolutely environmentally friendly - we do not have harmful industries, so our business card can be presented as an environmentally friendly product that is produced on the territory of South Ossetia. In addition, today the garment factory operates quite successfully; it is part of the BTK Group ( largest light industry holding in the Russian Federation - IF), which today is the largest enterprise in South Ossetia.

- To which regions can these goods be supplied?

We can supply to any region of Russia - not only to the North Caucasus - and abroad. These issues were discussed, and specific instructions were given to the relevant ministries and departments to interact with the relevant ministries and departments of South Ossetia in order to implement these agreements.

Yesterday it was also said that an agreement was being prepared on making it easier for residents of the Republic of South Ossetia to obtain Russian citizenship. When approximately can this agreement be signed?

It is unlikely that we will make it before the end of the year ( sign - IF), although in principle this agreement is under internal state review - now it is being agreed upon by all ministries and departments that are involved in or have something to do with its preparation. We carried out the necessary procedures in South Ossetia and forwarded them to our colleagues in the Russian Federation. I think that this agreement will be signed early next year.

- According to your estimates, approximately how many citizens of South Ossetia can receive Russian citizenship in the near future?

Today, the vast majority of citizens of the republic are already citizens of the Russian Federation. But, as we know, in 2008, after the recognition of the Republic of South Ossetia, the issuance of passports to Russian citizens living abroad was suspended. I think that after simplifying the procedure for obtaining citizenship, about 10% of the population of South Ossetia will receive it.

Previously, you highly assessed the possibility of the Republic of South Ossetia becoming part of Russia. Was this issue discussed at the meeting with the President of the Russian Federation?

This question is very relevant. In 1920-1921, Ossetia was divided into North and South: the South became part of the GSSR, and the North became part of the RSFSR. From that moment on, the struggle of the Ossetian people began for the restoration of historical justice and the inclusion of South Ossetia into Russia.

In fact, every 10 years we tried to convey the opinion of the people of South Ossetia to the top leadership, so that South Ossetia would become part of Russia. Unfortunately, for now we have what we have. There are possibilities without a doubt - while this issue is being discussed. I think that the future of South Ossetia will, in any case, be part of the Russian Federation.

Previously, it was planned to hold a referendum on South Ossetia’s entry into Russia in 2017. The possibility of carrying it out before the end of 2017 is slim. When is the referendum planned to be held?

In 2017, a referendum was held in the republic on renaming it to the State of Alanya. It seemed quite logical to us that we would hold a referendum on joining the Russian Federation. In principle, we had one referendum in 1992, where 99.8% voted for joining Russia. But in 2006 there was another referendum. Then the question was raised whether South Ossetia would become part of the Russian Federation or become an independent state. Then 98% voted for independence. But there, after all, the question of independence from Georgia was raised, but nevertheless, it turned out that the 2006 referendum leveled the results of 1992. Because according to international law, a referendum held later has legal force.

The reality is that now two newly formed republics have emerged, which we have recognized - these are the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics (DPR and LPR). I think the issue of the Republic of South Ossetia joining the Russian Federation is predetermined by itself. When? We are in South Ossetia even on August 24-25, 2008 ( when Abkhazia and South Ossetia declared their independence from Georgia - IF) did not imagine that in a day or two Russia would recognize the independence of our republic. Political processes are proceeding very rapidly. We can decide at any time to hold another referendum. So it's a matter of time. Moreover, not long ago.

- How do you generally assess the implementation of the Treaty on Alliance and Integration between the Russian Federation and the Republic of South Ossetia?

I rate it highly, of course. Moreover, about 100 agreements have already been signed under this agreement since 2015. Just yesterday, agreements were signed between the Ministries of Health and Internal Affairs (Ministry of Internal Affairs). I think these processes are inevitable. Many different roads that have the same goal. And we will come to her.

- We just mentioned an agreement between the Ministry of Internal Affairs. What kind of agreement is this? What is it about?

This is an agreement on optimizing structures, working interaction, and improving the material and technical base of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This includes an increase in salaries and an increase in social guarantees that employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should have. That is, this is a forward movement, development of both the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia and the relationship with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Yesterday, the president also mentioned a new investment program that is being formed for 2018-2019. What directions will be laid?

The projects that we have already agreed upon and which will be included in the 2018-2019 investment program have actually been defined. They are mainly aimed at developing the economy and social sphere of the republic - these include social facilities, including schools, and healthcare facilities. But today, special emphasis is placed on economic development – ​​this is the most important thing. Because the social sphere is already developing - facilities are being built, the most modern equipment is being supplied to medical institutions. Now the emphasis has shifted to economic development: increasing jobs, increasing domestic production. The program is precisely aimed at developing the economy of the Republic of South Ossetia.

The Republic of South Ossetia is now actively manifesting itself in foreign policy. What main directions do you see for yourself now? And do you intend to continue to seek recognition of the Republic of South Ossetia?

I am, let’s say, a radical supporter of the entry of the Republic of South Ossetia into the Russian Federation. At the same time, I have always said that sitting still and waiting for us to become part of the Russian Federation is, at the very least, short-sighted. Therefore, we will build up the status that the Republic of South Ossetia has today and will work with our friends who recognize the Republic of South Ossetia and other states.

Many remind that nine years have already passed, and South Ossetia is recognized by only a few states. We are not making a tragedy out of this. Work in this direction is ongoing. We understand perfectly well that the Soviet Union was not immediately recognized either. There are many states, including small states where there are fewer citizens than in the Republic of South Ossetia, for example, the same Nauru ( island state in the Pacific Ocean - IF) - were also not immediately recognized. But today they are both in the UN and in serious Pacific international organizations. That's why we're in no hurry. We will systematically and confidently move towards ensuring that South Ossetia continues to be recognized.

- How do you assess the format of the Geneva international discussions? How effective is it for the Republic of South Ossetia?

Not only is it effective, we just need it. Today, the Geneva discussions are the only high political platform where South Ossetia expresses its opinion, where South Ossetia brings to the attention of the world community the processes that are taking place on the territory of the Republic of South Ossetia - political, foreign policy, relations with our neighbor Georgia. It is necessary, but the efficiency of work, of course, can be higher. This depends not on the Geneva platform itself, but on the participants in the discussion.

In this case, I'm talking about Georgia. Because for nine years now, the main issue that our delegation raises at every meeting is the signing of a memorandum on the non-use of force. Unfortunately, the Georgian side still does not want to sign this memorandum. This, of course, greatly strains us and all those who want peace in this region.

To date, the United States has allocated about $100 million to rearm and equip the Georgian army. We've already been through this. After the implementation of the Partnership for Peace program, we did not see any peace - we saw war. Unfortunately, the Georgian army is being rearmed again, again the United States is providing some kind of moral and financial support so that the Georgian armed forces have the opportunity to resolve issues by force. I don’t want to get involved, but this is absolutely clear: not signing an agreement on the non-use of force, arming and allocating financial resources for the rearmament of the Georgian army - to some extent they lead to very bad thoughts.

- Are there any other issues you plan to raise on this platform?

On this platform, relations between the Republic of South Ossetia and Georgia are mainly discussed. In particular, the border of contact between the Republic of South Ossetia and Georgia, repeated violations of borders by Georgian citizens, and missing people are discussed. All these questions are operational and are carried over from meeting to meeting.

Unfortunately, we cannot yet find the people who went missing in 2008, although they are shown on the central channel of Georgia, there is a video that they are alive. Maybe after this video, God forbid, something happened to them. But be that as it may, we want to know where our citizens are, who actually lived according to these video materials, who actually interrogated them, and who were beaten by Georgian police. Of course, I would like to bring them back home.

In addition, we propose that the Georgian side finally demarcate the borders so that we understand where whose border lies. But so far we do not see a clear answer. For our part, we will, of course, carry out demarcation and equip the border with the Republic of Georgia, as is done in all self-respecting states.

- Now the territory of the borders of the Republic of South Ossetia is protected. How do you generally assess the level of security in South Ossetia?

It is absolutely clear and understandable that the Republic of South Ossetia today is completely safe, one might say 100% safe, no matter what financial resources are invested in the armed forces of Georgia. The guarantor of the Republic of South Ossetia is the Russian Federation. Today, the fourth military base of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is located on the territory; today, the border department of the FSB of the Russian Federation for the Republic of South Ossetia is located there. We guard the border together with Russian border guards. Security is ensured by the armed forces, including the security component of the Russian Federation. Exercises and classes are being held jointly with the Russian Ministry of Defense. Also, our military personnel undergo training at the bases of the Russian Armed Forces, our young guys enter educational institutions of the Russian Federation, all this is interconnected.

Let's return to economic issues. The issue of transit of goods from the Transcaucasian countries through South Ossetia to Russia is currently being discussed. Are any steps already being taken in this direction?

We are ready to consider this issue, we are ready to fully facilitate the operation of the Iran-Turkey-Georgia-South Ossetia-Russia transit road plus Armenia. We don't want these states to suffer because of us economically.

At the same time, it should be absolutely clear that the Republic of South Ossetia will participate here as a full-fledged partner. I think that today the whole problem is this: Georgia cannot decide how South Ossetia will participate there. Our Georgian colleagues need to understand that the realities are completely different. There is a recognized Republic of South Ossetia, and we must reckon with it and work with it. I think that political forces will still appear in Georgia that will understand this, and relationships, including political ones, will change in relation to the Republic of South Ossetia.

Six months ago you took office as head of the Republic of South Ossetia, during which time a new team was formed. What goals and objectives do you set for the development of the republic?

We understand that any development is associated with financing. The main task for us is to mobilize the republic’s capabilities to increase its own income, and we are succeeding. During this period, we actually increased government revenues by 25%. There is, of course, a huge amount of work ahead to mobilize the republic’s budget. At the same time, we are under no circumstances going to increase taxes or other payments to the state budget. Today, the most important task is to administer the income that South Ossetia should receive in all areas. We have succeeded in this so far, and I think our work will contribute to an increase in the state budget.

In addition, we need to develop the economy - without this, no state can exist. We have developed a bill where at least 2% of the budget of the Republic of South Ossetia will be directed to supporting small and medium-sized businesses. It will start working on January 1, 2018. Of course, these financial resources will increase, and we will be able to provide support to our entrepreneurs who work in agriculture, manufacturing, and industry. I think everything will be fine with us.

What is the current political and social situation in South Ossetia after the elections? What issues need to be addressed first in the social sphere?

There are actually a lot of questions. It cannot be said that the authorities changed and, as if by magic, everything fell into place. There are many questions, including the restoration of housing, for which the Russian Federation has allocated quite large funds. However, not all of these houses, let’s say, have been renovated. Today we are resolving the issue in order to solve this problem using internal capabilities. In fact, 2018 will be dedicated to eliminating this problem. I am confident that we will succeed.

Of course, there is a huge problem with jobs, and there are many questions regarding infrastructure, which is also developing. There are problems, but they can be solved. Another thing is that all this is related to finances. And again, we come to the conclusion that we need to increase our own revenues to the republic’s budget. It all depends on the finances that the state will have.

Much has been said about the creation of a reserve power transmission line in the Republic of South Ossetia. How are things going in this direction?

Special conditions are now being agreed upon that are necessary to resolve the issue of providing backup electricity. We also discussed this with the Russian Ministry of Transport. For now, we are waiting for special technical documentation that will allow us to begin work. Funds have been pledged. We don’t have any problems with the ability to stretch the cable and use backup energy. The only question that remains is the approval of this special technical documentation and conditions. The issue will be resolved.

- Do you think work in this direction can begin next year?

Yes. I am sure that such work will begin.

- In the first half of the year?

In the first. This issue was discussed at the meeting.

The theme of reconstruction in the first years after the war in August 2008 went hand in hand with corruption scandals. How are things going now? What steps are being taken by the leadership of the Republic of South Ossetia to combat corruption?

We have come a long way from the situation that existed then. Today everything is within the framework of the law. Recently the Accounts Chamber worked with us. I would like to note that no serious violations were identified in the use of investment program funds. It is performed at a good pace. We plan that the investment program ( for 2015-2017 - IF) will be completed with a maximum completion rate of more than 95%. Why not 100%? The remaining interest is allocated to the preparation of documentation and delivery of objects. We already return these percentages based on actual work and pay them back after a particular object is fully completed. In fact, the implemented investment program will be fully implemented.

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