Holiday scenario entertainment chocolate day. Entertainment for older children

Landscape design and planning 28.01.2024
Landscape design and planning

World Chocolate Day is a holiday celebrated annually on July 11th. In addition to it, there is another world day with the same name, which is celebrated on September 13th.

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Scenario of an intellectual game program for children “What kind of treasure is chocolate?” "What a treasure - chocolate[/b] Scenario of an intellectual game program for children for World Day chocolate(11.07) Goals and tasks: - introduce children to a brief history of the origin chocolate in the human diet; -introduce species and varieties chocolate, to tell about...

Abstract of the educational activity for physical development “Chocolate Journey” Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 76" of the Leninsky district of Saratov Summary of direct educational activities with children of senior group No. 2 in the educational field "Physical development" on the topic " Chocolate Journey"Prepared and...

Chocolate, Chocolate Day. - Photo report about the excursion to the chocolate museum “Shokoladushka”

Publication “Photo report on an excursion to the Chocolate Museum...” Good afternoon, colleagues! I invite you to a virtual excursion to the chocolate museum "Shokoladushka". Undoubtedly, the “delicious” attraction of the city of Krasnodar is the Chocolate Museum “Shokoladushka”. It is not just an exhibition hall with many exhibits, but a whole platform for...

I would like to offer you an original way of serving chocolates. For work you will need: cardboard scissors glue ruler chocolate (for walls and roof) First, try on the height and width of the walls with chocolates. Assemble the house with glue. Add a roof. Cover the house with chocolates. They...

"Chocolate Cafe" A fairy tale using a regional component“Cafe Chocolate” Characters: Presenter - adult Fox - adult Magpie - child Hedgehog - child Mouse - child Frog - child Bunny - child Wolf - child Bear - child Presenter Good Russian nature Our native, beloved land And at any time of the year Rejoice, admire...

Project “What kind of chocolate is there?” Abstract The name of the technology for organizing joint activities between a teacher and children from the perspective of a systemic activity approach. Methods Used Techniques 1. Technology of research activities. 2. Technology of project activities, because this joint activity...

Chocolate, Chocolate Day. - Educational and research work on ecology and human health “Chocolate. Harm or benefit?

Educational and research work Section: Ecology and human health “Chocolate: harm or benefit?” Author of the work: Bessolnova Olesya 5 years old Supervisor: Novikova N.N., teacher at MBDOU d/s "Ryabinushka" Contents page 1. Introduction 3 2. Main part 5 3. Conclusion 12 4....

Summary of an integrated lesson in the middle group “To the Chocolate Country” Goal: to systematize children’s knowledge about road signs and their meaning; about the traffic light, about its signals. Objectives: Educational: Strengthen children’s ability to distinguish and name road signs. Strengthen children's knowledge about traffic lights. Strengthen children's knowledge of the rules of behavior in...

ushchy: Good afternoon, dear friends! Who among you doesn't like sweets? Today we will arrange a holiday, a holiday of fun and good mood. Let's start with a cheerful greeting:

Sasha, Kolya and Alyosha-

Everyone raised their hands in unison!

Vladiki everyone, Kolya, Olya

They screamed loudly and loudly!

Alena, Alina and Seryozha-

Let's all clap our hands!

Andrey, Misha and Irina-

Let's all stomp our feet!

Diana, Masha and Vitalia-

They whistled together!

Natasha, Danila and Oksana-

Hurry up and sit down!

Bones, Dasha and Walls -

Come on, meow!

Igori everything and Maxims-

Come on, everyone, grunt!

Who we didn't talk about

And today they remained silent

Like one family

Let’s shout together: “It’s me!”

Sweet Tooth Day is a delicious time.

Adults love him, kids love him.

You can eat apples, raisins and marshmallows

This is why I call the kids sweet tooths.

Did you know that the word “sweet” in Russian also means pleasant? And who can guess: what was the most favorite delicacy in Rus'? I’ll give you a hint: it was swept along the bottom of the barrel, scraped across the barns (Kolobok), this was a festive dish. Previously, people feasted on what generous Mother Nature gave: honey,

birch sap, berries.

So now we have a sweet quiz. For each correct answer, classes receive one point. Your teachers evaluate your answers.

Autumn has come to the forest

Red torch lit

Lots of birds scurrying everywhere

They chew bright berries. (Rowan)
Sits next to us

Looks with dark eyes

Black, small, sweet,

Nice to all the guys. (blueberry)

It's bitter in the hayfield,

And it's sweet in winter. (viburnum)

Alyosha sees on the grass

In a red shirt

Who won't pass

Everyone will bow. (strawberry)

Red beads hanging

They are looking at us from the bushes.

Love these beads very much

Children, birds and bears.

And now the last question

Answer us together

What kind of berry is this?

Striped, large

Weighs many kilograms. (watermelon)

Now let's play in teams of 10 people. Game "Greedy".

Who will eat the bagel faster? The team that eats first is the greedy one. The team that eats the least wins. They are not greedy. Bite once.

Not only children love sweets, but also fairy tale heroes. Guess the heroes with a sweet tooth.
Biggest fan of propeller jam? (Carlson)
Who climbed a tree for honey and sang the song “I am a cloud, a cloud, a cloud, I am not a bear at all. And how pleasant it is for a cloud to fly across the sky.” (Winnie the Pooh)
Who from Chukovsky's poem asked for 5-6 tons of chocolate? (Crocodile)
Who wrote the following poem: “Avoska has a sweet cheesecake under his pillow?” (Dunno)
Which character in a children's fairy tale dreamed that a wizard would give him 500 popsicles on his birthday? (Cheburashka)
What trick did Mashenka come up with to return to her grandparents? (baked pies)

Game “Ball to a neighbor” - 8 people pass the ball with their necks, without hands.

And now I want to see

Sweet kingdom

Delicious State,

Where on every corner

They distribute halva to everyone,

Vyazemskie gingerbreads,

Honey donuts,


Taffy toffee.

The teams take turns calling out the names of the candies. The last team to say the word wins. Game "Candy".

Everything is clear without question

All questions are ahead

Water Carrier Relay

Water bearers, come out!

“Don’t overfill” relay - pour 3 glasses of water into a bucket with a spoon.

Children love it very much

Chill in a bag

Chill, chill

Let me lick you once.

What is this? (ice cream)

Do you know how ice cream came to be? 100 years ago in the East, where it is very hot, fruit juice, ice and snow were mixed. This is how the ice cream turned out. Assignment: draw a “Fruit Tale” ice cream wrapper. 2 people per class participate.

At this time there is a game with the audience. If the named product is needed to prepare porridge, we say “Yes”; if it is not needed, we say “No”.

Magpie white-sided

I decided to cook porridge,

To feed the children.

I went to the market

And this is what I took:

Fresh milk, yes

Chicken egg - no

Semolina - no,

Headed cabbage - no,

Pickled cucumber - no

Jellied meat - no,

Sugar and salt, yes

White beans - no

Ghee, yes

Salted fish, no

Bay leaf - no

Chinese rice yes

Prunes and raisins, yes,

Chocolate delight - no,

Bell pepper - no,

Tatar sauce - no,

Strawberry jam, yes

Biscuits - no.

And now the chant. Repeat after me:

A mouse for a cat, a cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather - take out the candy. Game "Turnip" - tug of war.

Competition for girls “Edible-Inedible”

Kefir-marshmallow pot-pie

Marmalade-chocolate parsley-rattle

Turnip-candy Gulliver-half-over

Carpet-bonfire tomboys-lollipops

Svirel-caramel potato-matryoshka

Pussy-taffy snouts-zucchini

Mouth-cake meadow-friend

Final relay

“Winder” - winding candy on a string around a pencil.
“Frog” - the participant takes himself by the heels and jumps like a frog.
“Cuttlefish” - running in twos, clasping hands behind.
“King” - two carry a third in clasped hands.
“Goats” - two people run, jumping over each other. At the end, grab the candy from the plate with flour with your teeth.
“Get the candy” - standing with your back to the wall, without bending over, take out the candy lying near your heels.

The jury sums up the results.

The hour of fun is over

And it's time for us to say: “Goodbye!”

But we will meet with you more than once

Thank you all for your attention

And now everyone says in unison: “Goodbye!”

Development of creative abilities

— Contribute to the formation of vivid musical impressions in children;

— Develop the ability to emotionally live a role

— Strengthen the ability to use means of expression (posture, gestures, facial expressions, intonation, movements)

— Develop children’s creative imagination, the ability to create a musical and playful image;

— Contribute to the development of skills in expressive and emotional transmission of game images;

— Contribute to the creation of emotional and psychological comfort;

— Develop performing skills;

— Develop the ability to convey musical images in plastic. Using a variety of movements

— Develop expressive speech.

— Cultivate interest in theatrical activities;

— Cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers;

— To cultivate artistic and aesthetic taste.

Palace decorations, house, hoops, candy wrappers, footprints, for characters, “sweet tree”, music center, all items for tea drinking

1. Reading the dramatization to children. Conversation.

2. Dividing into episodes and retelling them to children.

3. Work on episodes in the form of sketches.

4. Listening to music used in the performance. Learning and staging dances, learning songs, learning games. Search for musical and plastic solutions for individual episodes.

5. Transition to the text of the dramatization: work on the episodes. Expressiveness of speech.

6. Rehearsals of individual films in different compositions with musical accompaniment.

7. Rehearsal of the entire performance with costumes. Props. decorations.

8. Premiere of the play.

Dance "Candy Waltz" music. unknown composer,

“Tea Dance”, music by J. Strauss polka “Pizzicato”,

“Magic Lake”, music by A. K Lyadov,

“Minuet”, music by L. Boccherini,

“In the Cave of the Mountain King”, music by E. Grieg

Song "Sweet Tooth", music by an unknown composer,

Song “Different sweets”, words and music. A. Petryasheva,

“Polka”, music by I. Morozov,

“A Fun Walk”, music by Y. Litovko.

“Musical holidays in kindergarten”, I. A. Kutuzova, A. A. Kudryavtseva,

Moscow "Enlightenment" 2002;

Musical and gaming material for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren;

“In the meadow”, Moscow “Vlados” 1999;

“Preschool education” 4/ 2009;

Use of Internet resources.


— Chocolate

— Sweet tooth

— Candy wrapper

— Candies: “Mask”





— Kislyatina

— fairy Delight

— Princess Truffle

— candy Zhrushka

- Green tea

- Black tea

- Red tea

Chocolate comes out to the music

I am Venerable Chocolate,

Milky, extraordinary!

Got it as an inheritance

A huge kingdom!

A sight to behold in the kingdom

Chocolate forests

And lies on the plants

Chocolate dew.

Here the milky wind blows

chocolate wave,

And in the cold, snowy winter

Chocolate blizzard!

Today is a chocolate holiday!

I am happy to congratulate everyone!

The hour has struck! Your day has come!

I'm opening the door to the kingdom!

Fanfare sounds.

Procession of sweets.

In the kingdom of Fantik there is a joker,

Joker and merry fellow!

He distributes his ideas left and right,


Fantik comes out to the music

Hello my friends!

Know, Fantik is me!

I am a candy wrapper!

There is no one brighter in the world than me!

Dance - a game with paper candy wrappers

(children dance with candy wrappers in their hands, when the music ends, they look for a partner with the same candy wrapper)

Let's continue the wonderful ball!

Chocolate, have you invited everyone?

Sweet tooth, come in!

Tell us about yourself!

Sweet Tooth comes out to the music

Song of the Sweet Tooth

I won't eat porridge for anything in the world.

I hate cottage cheese, I don’t like sour cream.

Give us a jar of jam for breakfast,

So that your stomach feels satisfied!

Let me become fat, like a barrel,

Let me not go through the door,

But the chocolate is vanilla and milk

I won't stop loving.

I’m telling you directly and quite seriously -

I need candy for my brain function.

Eat a kilo of "Kiss-kiss." half a kilo of Duchess -

You will immediately become smarter than any professor.

Even if your teeth fall out,

Let your appetite disappear

But still a jar of honey in a cup of tea

No one will forbid us to put it.

Sweet tooth:

I have a sweet tooth since childhood...

I love everything sweet!

Today I give surprises to everyone for your holiday!

On the “sweet tree” hang sweets, chocolates, a fake cake, a fake cake

and other various sweets. Whoever solves the riddle is given a surprise from the tree.

Sweet Tooth Riddles:

1. On holiday I will come to everyone,

I'm big and sweet.

I have nuts, cream,

Cream, chocolates. (Cake)

2. He lives in his foil,

It quickly melts in your hand.

Very tasty, very sweet

Smears the kids' faces. (Chocolate)

3. We are rustling in the candy store

Bright candy wrappers.

And for the holiday we want

To come to you with gifts. (Candies)

4. Maybe it's sandy

And sometimes with cream.

Sometimes it happens with juicy

Delicious jam.

And the meringue can be tiny,

And in a glazed peel

Maybe it's a potato

Just not puree at all. (Cake)

5. Mom, honey, where are you?

Get the service out quickly.

There are sticky candies

They are called "Kis-kis". (Taffy)

6. On top there are diamond patterns,

And the filling is inside them.

Fast tea utensils

Take it from the shelf in the kitchen.

We offer them for tea

Grandfather and baby.

And in their honor we name

Often a towel. (Waffles)

7. Grandma made from sweet berries

I cooked something.

And it will last us for a year

For tea and compotes. (Jam)

8. I look like jam

Just worn out.

Will you take me to tea?

And add it to the cake. (Jam)

9. I'm shaking in the glass,

It's like I'm afraid.

For dessert I'll offer you

Its pleasant taste. (Jelly)

10. On the store window

I don't miss you for a long time.

I am sunflower and cumin

I'm coming to you for tea. (Halva)

11. Very fragrant,

Sweet and minty.

From above we are in glazed gloss,

As if in a joyful blush. (Gingerbread)

Our ball continues

The candy waltz begins!

"Candy Waltz"

Candy "Mask":

Candy "Mask" tried so hard,

Dressed up, dressed up,

And my bright sundress

Looks so much like a dandelion!

And today everyone is surprised

I'm smart and beautiful!

Candy "Squirrel":

And the “Squirrel” candy was not lazy,

I was in a hurry and dressed up.

My dress is red

Agree, wonderful!

Candy "Rulada":

I am Rulyada! I am very happy

Wear a festive outfit.

My suit is beautiful

Bright - bright blue!


I am Marshmallow in chocolate

Also in festive attire!

There will be games and fun

The holiday will be a delight for everyone!

Candy "Swallow":

And I'm beautiful, no doubt

I found out from the neighbors

Princess Truffle

He's coming to us!

And the candies made noise,

They laughed and laughed!

And they don’t hear, oh, oh, oh!

An evil wizard is coming towards them!

He's very terrible!

He is very dangerous!

Kislyatina comes out to the music


I am Kislyatina, I am evil!

I don't like sweets!

Ugh, what disgusting things!

I'll outsmart you all

I'll sour all the candies

And Princess Truffle

I'll put you to sleep!

I'll ruin the kids' holiday

All the sweets will go sour!

Candy "Swallow":

What should we do?

What should we do?

How to wake up the “Truffle”?


Good Fairy Delight

Will tell us

What needs to be done.

(the candies run around and call “Uslada”)

The fairy “Uslada” comes out to the music

Fairy Delight:

Was the fairy's name? I am Delight!

I'm very happy to see everyone!

Bewitched by evil

The princess is sleeping in a sweet dream.

To bring back the sweets

You need to get on your way soon!

It will be difficult for you on the way,

Far away friends, go!

(characters follow the tracks like a snake to the music)

On the way there is a palace forest

Became a wall higher than the mountains.

We followed the tracks for a long time

And we came across a house

Little house, little house, open up!

Who lives in it? Show yourself!

(candy Zhrushka comes out of the house)

Candy Zhrushka (frighteningly):

Zhrushka comes

Sneaks to the buffet

Finds a vase in it,

And there are sweets in the vase.

Eats them herself

Insidious Zhrushka

And hides candy wrappers

Under your pillow!

(candy hides in fear)

Candy Zhrushka, don't make noise!

Better yet, take us to “Truffle”!

Candy Zhrushka:

See how dirty it is here!

Full of candy wrappers.

Come on, quickly get in line

And clear the paths!

Game “Clear the paths from candy wrappers”

(Two teams stand in lines, on both sides of which there are hoops. There are candy wrappers in the hoops. At a signal, they must pass the candy wrappers to each other and free the hoop from the candy wrappers)

Candy Zhrushka:

Tea Dance

Black tea:

If you drink black tea,

You will be smart by chance.

Green tea:

If you drink green tea,

You will be very surprised!

Red tea:

For health Red tea

Pour more often!

And don’t be bored over tea!

After all, different teas are beneficial!

Black tea:

If you drink black tea,

Cheerfulness is overflowing.

Green tea:

If you drink green tea,

It's easy to be healthy!

Red tea:

Well, red tea is wonderful,

And not only because it’s red,

Remember, if you drink tea,

Every tea is good

Black tea:

Blueberry tea, black tea,

Treat me to tea more often!

Green tea:

Celebrate the holidays with tea,

Don't get bored with tea!

Red tea:

With milk, lemon, honey,

With cake or sandwich

Go meet your friends soon

Pour something delicious for everyone. TEA.

Tea Green, Red, Black!

Where should we look for the Truffle?

Black tea:

There is a road behind you.

There's the treasured turn.

You are already standing at the threshold.

Princess Truffle

Is waiting for you!

Princess Truffle comes out to the music

Princess Truffle:

Greetings, friends!

How grateful I am!

You haven't forgotten about me,

The truffle has been released!

Hold hands together

Get into the circle quickly!

The music will flow loudly,

All the sweetness will come back to the candies!

Song “Various sweets”

If there are more sweets -

Lemonade and cakes

Chocolate and sweets.

It's just a pleasure!

This is simply delicious!

For children all over the world

There is nothing tastier.

Strawberry jam for us

Lifts the mood -

Instead of cabbage soup and semolina porridge

We will always eat it!

Chocolate candies

All our omelettes will be replaced.

We only talk about this to adults

We'll never tell!

We're not bored today

And sweets came with tea.

The tea is brewed aromatic

With bergamot - the taste is pleasant!

Cups, saucers, service

A surprise for my friends!

And candy in a vase is happiness

In bright candy wrappers rustling

They beckon with their scent.

Name: World Chocolate Day, July 11. Scenario of entertaining leisure time for preschoolers of the senior group “And we sing about candy.”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, game activities, Senior group

Position: teacher
Place of work: MADOU MO Krasnodar “Kindergarten No. 196”
Location: Krasnodar st. Imeni Tyulyaeva, house 31

Scenario of entertaining leisure time for preschoolers of the senior group “And we sing about candy”
(for World Chocolate Day on July 11).

Fill the children’s time in kindergarten with positive emotions;

To develop in children observation, intelligence, logical thinking, and the ability to solve riddles;

Develop team spirit, the desire to take an active part in the preparation and holding of a common holiday.

Progress of the event.

The song “I Want Sweets” sounds (lyrics by B. Troitsky), Queen Chocolate enters with the fairy Candy

Queen:- Hello guys! I am the queen of the country of Chocolate, and this is my assistant fairy Candy.

Fairy Candy: Very often said

Children love marmalade

Chocolate candies

Also important signs

Queen:- Today we invite you to go to the country of Chocolate. Want to? Then solve the riddles.

He lives in his foil
It quickly melts in your hand.
Very tasty, very sweet,
Smears the kids' faces. (Chocolate)

We're rustling in the candy store
Bright candy wrappers.
And for the holiday we want
To come to you with gifts. (Candies)

Mom, honey, where are you?
Get the service out quickly.
There are sticky candies
They are called "Kis-kis". (Taffy)

Well, fairy Candy, let's take the guys on a trip to our sweet country?

Fairy Candy waves her magic wand and casts the spell KIDS TURN INTO CANDY. The boys wear headbands.

Queen: -Guys, chocolate day is celebrated on July 11th. Chocolate was originally a bitter drink. Much time later, man discovered that from some plants one can obtain a sweet product - sugar. Sugar is made from sugar cane; in distant, warm countries from sugar beets. The sugar we eat comes from sugar beets. And from sugar, people began to make sweets and chocolate bars. The world's first monument to chocolate was opened on July 1, 2009 in the city of Pokrov, Vladimir region.
Now let's remember what sweets you know?

Children's answers.

The winners receive medals.

Queen:-Oh, who is this coming to us?

The bear enters to the song of Winnie the Pooh.

Fairy Candy:- This is Sweet Tooth Bear

bear I love chocolate

I also eat marmalade!

I'd like to eat some honey

A bit of everything!

Guys, can you imagine, I brought you a bag of sweets. Yes, that's the problem! The bag got lost. Let's find him.

Game "Find the bag"

Misha: -Now let's guess how many sweets are in this wonderful bag.

The winners are awarded medals.

Queen:-Misha, thank you for coming to visit us and bringing a gift. For this we will sing you a song about candy.

SONG “I want candy”

Misha:- What a wonderful song! Guys, do you want some more candy? Then I suggest you play an interesting game!

Game “Unwrap the candy!”
There are two plates in front of the children. There are candies on one plate. Children are asked to take turns unwrapping as many candies as possible and placing them on an empty plate.

Misha:-What a sweet tooth you are! We quickly dealt with the candy wrappers! Now you can eat the candy.

The winners receive medals.

Fairy Candy: -Let’s remember the heroes from children’s works who loved sweets very much and couldn’t even live without it.

Children's answers.

Queen:-Well done boys. Now let's show Sweet Tooth Bear how we can dance! . But the dance will not be easy. Everyone has their own candy wrapper, and when the song ends, the guys with the same candy wrappers must find each other and get into pairs.

Dance game with paper candy wrappers.

bear:-Oh, how talented you are. And now I want to test your intelligence. There's a quiz ahead.


1. Served during holidays and celebrations. It may contain candles (cake)

2. It is eaten all year round, but most often, of course, in the summer (ice cream)

3. Large, comes with cabbage, apples, mushrooms (pie)

4. Carlson’s favorite dessert (jam)

5. An airy treat, white or pink, very tasty, sometimes covered in chocolate.

6. Famous oriental sweet, often prepared from ground sunflower seeds (halva)

7. Can be glazed, unglazed and with chocolate filling in candy wrappers or boxes (sweets).

8. Winnie the Pooh couldn’t live a day without him (honey)

9. Sweet bar (chocolate)

The winners receive medals.

Queen:- How smart you guys are! And now I offer you a speed relay race!

Game “Free the hoop from candy”

Two teams pass candies from one hoop to another in a chain of speed.

The winners receive medals and all the candy.

Fairy Candy: - Great! Well done! Queen Chocolate, let's now have girls compete against boys?

Game "Beads from sweets".

The team that makes the most beautiful delicious beads receives medals.

Misha: - Oh, I’m already tired! It's time to refresh yourself!

Today we are in a sweet fairy tale,
This holiday is just for us!
And let's try everything together
Treats now!
Famous sweets, chocolate and gingerbread.
Useful for everyone, only in moderation
Both big and small!


During the day there is also a competition for drawing the most beautiful box of chocolates and a festive disco.

Entertainment for children of the senior group "Sweet Tooth"

Holiday scenario for older children

Author: Yulia Anatolyevna Repina, teacher, Secondary School No. 285 named after V. A. Molodtsov, Unit No. 3, Moscow

Entertainment for children of the senior group “Sweet Tooth”.

- introduce students to the history of chocolate;
- talk about the benefits and harms of chocolate;
- learn to sing poems expressively,
- make children happy.

Preliminary work:
- conversation with children about the history of the origin of the “Chocolate Day” holiday.
- selection of literary material.
- learning poems about sweets.

Tell the children that Chocolate Day is celebrated on July 11th. That chocolate was first a bitter drink. Then they started adding sugar for sweetness. For a long time, chocolate was consumed only in liquid form. The familiar tiled form appeared much later. Then they began to add milk and various fillers to the chocolate....
... The world's first monument to chocolate was opened on July 1, 2009 in the city of Pokrov, Vladimir region
The celebration takes place in the music hall. The hall is decorated with various pictures of sweets, and voluminous replicas of sweets hang everywhere.

Children enter the hall to the song “Song of the Sweet Tooth.”
- Hello guys! Today we will go to the country of Sweet Tooths. Want to? Yes!!! Then solve the riddles.

He lives in his foil
It quickly melts in your hand.
Very tasty, very sweet,
Smears the kids' faces. (Chocolate)

We're rustling in the candy store
Bright candy wrappers.
And for the holiday we want
To come to you with gifts. (Candies)

Mom, honey, where are you?
Get the service out quickly.
There are sticky candies

They are called "Kis-Kis". (Taffy)

Very often they say:
Children love marmalade
Chocolate candies,
Also important signs
Cakes, puff pastries and cookies,
Cream, homemade jam
And crispy nuts, -
They just have a sweet tooth.

There was a buffet in our house,
It contained five sweets...
But one day, one day,
The lights went out in our house
And when the lights turned on,
There were no more sweets.
Where are these sweets now?
If there were children nearby?
So many sweets in the world
The guys like these:
"Caramels", "Lollipops"
And with the name "Starlings"
"Bears", "Squirrels", "Toffees",
"Karakum" and "Barberry".
Every sweet has a secret
Candy also has it.
There is a knock on the door.
- Oh, who are the children? We don't know. Let's ask. Who's there? (in unison).
Dunno comes out from behind the curtain (crying).
- Hello Dunno, why are you crying?
- How can I not cry? I was visiting my friends and bringing them a box of delicious chocolates. I walked for a long time and got hungry. I decided to eat one piece of candy. The candies turned out to be very tasty, and I didn’t notice how I ate all the candies (shows an empty box). And now I don’t know what to do.
- Guys, can we help Dunno? Yes! We'll help.
- Guys, look, we have two tables here (covered with a tablecloth).
The teacher lifts the tablecloth. The children come up and watch. On the table there are plasticine, stacks, modeling boards, and napkins for hands.
- Let's make some candy for Dunno.
Game "Candy".
Children are divided into two teams. There is a table in front of each team. Whoever makes the most candies the fastest wins.
Children sculpt. Dunno helps.
- Well done boys. Now let's dance.
Dance "Candy".
Children sit on chairs.
- Dunno, you liked our dance.
- Yes, I liked it. But what about my sweets?
- Oh, guys, we played so much that we forgot about the candy. So we have already made candies (shows a vase with candies). Guys, it seems to me that our sweets are missing something.
Children's answers.
- That's right, our sweets need to be wrapped in candy wrappers.
Game "Wrap the Candy".
Children are divided into two teams. There is a table in front of each team. On the table are a handful of molded sweets and a handful of candy wrappers. Candies need to be quickly and carefully wrapped in candy wrappers. The team that wraps all the candy the fastest wins.
After finishing the game, the children put all the candies in the box. And they give it to Dunno.
- Thank you guys very much, you helped me out. And now it’s time for me to say goodbye to you. Goodbye! See you soon!
- Guys, our journey has come to an end. Did you like it? Let's go to the group, a surprise awaits you there.
In the group room, tables are set for tea drinking.

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