White magic how to get rid of your rival. Magic spells from successful rivals - how to fight off your beloved man

The buildings 31.01.2024
The buildings

Not every girl will tolerate a discovered love triangle. Many people are starting to think about how to get rid of their rival once and for all. You can, of course, try all sorts of manipulations and denigration of your rival in the eyes of your loved one, but this approach does not work for everyone, because you need to be able to do it correctly, otherwise there is a risk of disgracing yourself. Getting into such a situation will be quite annoying, which is why you should resort to another method - magic and sorcery.

How to discourage your rival from your loved one

Quite simple magical rituals will help you remove your rival from the sight of your loved one. However, before taking any action, you need to be very clear about your desires and what exactly motivates you. You need to ask yourself a few simple questions:

  • For what purpose are you fighting?
  • Why would you even want to keep or get a certain person back, wouldn't it be better to just let them go?
  • Was the person who attracted your loved one guilty of anything specifically to you?

In general, it is best to assume that all “angles” of a love triangle actually deserve to be happy. It is best to get rid of anger, envy, hatred or other negativity, after which the majority come to certain conclusions and actions on their own. Thus, it turns out to resolve the situation without any magic.

As they say, everything starts with a thought. Thus, the initial appearance of your rival and the creation of the love triangle was most likely the result of your thoughts. What this means is that you were afraid of losing your boyfriend and were jealous of him in every possible way. And then why did you have some resistance?, simply burst out. Such feelings need to be discarded as soon as you notice them and in the vast majority of cases this is the true solution.

However, if everything has already gone too far for you and you don’t see a way back, then first, simply wish the people you are going to influence happiness and the fulfillment of their most cherished dreams and may they both meet the best outcome. Try to fully accept these thoughts. They will become the basis for your magic.

Ritual from photo

At this stage, we will think that you have completely mastered the beginning. Now it's time for specific step-by-step rituals. For one of them you will need:

  • 3 photos: 1 - yours; 2 - homewreckers; 3 - favorite.
  • Red wool thread.
  • Packaging of needles with wide ears.
  • Candles.
  • Full moon.

A very strong prayer from a rival

Women asking the question “How to eliminate a rival and regain his interest?” completely overlook one small but important detail. That is, they are free to create their own destiny. And if you have a problem due to ordinary rivalry, then it will certainly make itself felt. And you will definitely notice it.

This is where prayer will help you. You should turn to your guardian angel at dawn. Just use your own words and keep a positive attitude. For example: “I beg you, my angel, to preserve the reciprocity of my love and (here say the name of your beloved).” You either shouldn’t mention your rival at all, or pray for her happiness too.

There are also difficult situations when a loved one of a certain person is taken away by another, using black magic. And this person begins to ask: “How to get rid of my rival once and for all?” In the case of dark matter, the usual methods with photographs or requests will not work. Something different is needed here.

This ritual will remove all the chains of black magic from your loved one. Here you need to understand that it will not be possible to help a young man cope with a love spell if your destinies were not actually connected from the beginning. In fact, in this case it is not necessary at all. In this case, you will only regret it, since your intentions will be exactly the same as those of the witch who cast the powerful dark spell in the first place.

It would be better to do the following:

Conspiracy: how to remove a rival from your loved one

People have long been familiar with such a problem as the infidelity of their partner. These same people used rather interesting methods to solve this problem. This method has its effect directly on the maiden - a homewrecker. And if after she leaves you cannot cope with your thoughts and continue to be jealous of your boyfriend for everyone you meet, then new competitors will not keep you waiting.

This ritual can be performed as often as you like., as new rivals come your way. Here is the actual procedure:

The fact that after this ritual a man returns to you is, of course, good. However, you just need to make sure that no more rivals appear in your life if you don’t want to repeat the same actions over and over again. To do this, you simply need to strengthen your relationship.

To the deceived wives

Not only young representatives of the fair sex have always faced such rivalry, but also mothers of children who have already given a lot to their husbands. This, by the way, happens not only less often, but even more often, compared to younger girls. This happens simply because a man wants something new. And this is not at all a new place of residence, new clothes or a new pose. He just wants a new woman. However, this can be fixed:

Radical remedy

This method is quite radical due to its action. It should be used only if nothing else works and your opponent is too annoying and simply cannot accept refusal. By the way, those who were looking for a way to destroy or get rid of their rival once and for all and bewitch the man back will like this method. Deliverance really happens once and for all, but if her love for your boyfriend was real, without a drop of falsehood, then you definitely won’t like what starts to happen.

If you still decide on this radical method, then here is the sequence of actions:

Conspiracy with holy water

If the previous method is best suited as a last resort, then this ritual is usually recommended to be performed first. He is able to cleanse the space in which your loved one was with his mistress, while you are constantly in this place (for example, your apartment). You will need an ordinary church candle, blessed water and a photo with your lover. The ritual can only be performed during the outgoing moon. Here's the procedure:

All these ways to get your man back are, of course, good in their own way. However, it is worth thinking about whether this man was truly yours and, in general, whether one person can belong to another. You can spend quite a lot of time in anger, wanting to eliminate your rival and punish the cheating man for such a quarrel, watch the trainings of Alexey Chernozem or use some love spells on eggs, lime or fish at home, however, it is also likely that if the relationship falls apart, there was something wrong with them from the start.

It is also likely that in this case you should not get hung up on this relationship, much less resort to all sorts of magical rituals, but simply let go and move on with your life, because modern realities are such that with a high probability you will find someone else. Or that “someone else” will find you. These rituals take up your time and attention, and yet we sometimes tend not to notice what is literally under our noses.

Attention, TODAY only!

After reading the spell on salt, you can quickly eliminate your rival without the name of your rival and without her photograph using magic and conspiracy. Do your own magic ritual and read conspiracy against a rival Unfortunately, your rival in love or your lover will quarrel with the person you love and the power of magic will return him to you. On the Internet on forums you can read many positive reviews from those who have done conspiracy to cool off from a rival . This CONSPIRACY very quickly will allow forever eliminate your rival and bring your loved one back to you . A very simple ritual to perform, if necessary, can be performed by any unprepared person whose love has been encroached upon by another woman, and all that is needed for this is a handful of coarse salt and words of a conspiracy to quarrel with a rival :

How people love salt and cannot live without it,
So that my beloved loves me the same way

And he couldn’t live without me,
Not a day to pass, not an hour to pass,

Not a minute to pass.

I always quarreled with my rival,
Everyone would follow me and admire me.

Having said plot to quarrel with a rival throw salt to the wind and return home. Very soon (from 1 to 3 days) the spell will work on your rival and she will quarrel with your loved one, and he, under the influence of the spell, will return to you and will never again look the other way.

© Copyright: Magician


  • To make the husband hate his rival, read the plot to quarrel, turn the husband away from his mistress for thirteen new needles. The ritual is very strong and can once and for all quarrel between a husband and a rival by returning the unfaithful man to his wife and into the family. Read a powerful spell over each needle once a day and take the needle to your opponent’s door, throwing it under the threshold. The conspiracy takes 13 days, and if the husband quarrels with his mistress before the end of the ritual, be sure to complete the quarrel until the last needle. A lapel to forever quarrel between a loved one and his mistress and make him hate his mistress is read independently on any day of the week and at any time convenient for you:

  • A love spell - a prayer read independently in church on a candle - will help bring your husband back to the family. Immediately after reading the plot to return your spouse, he will return to his wife becoming a loving and caring man. The plot allows you to forget your mistress and even return your loved one to his wife after a divorce. If you decide to return your husband to your family using magic, this method of returning your loved one is the most suitable. Memorize the words of a love spell spell that will return feelings and love and make him come back

  • An old conspiracy will help you drive your rival away and make your mistress stop loving your husband and quarrel with him. You can do this simple ritual to break up a quarrel between your husband and your mistress yourself using love magic and reading a strong conspiracy to cool down the love feelings of your rival and your beloved man. When your spouse is not present at home, walk around your house (apartment) from the front door clockwise, completing a full circle and reading the plot once:

  • If a husband is bewitched by a rival or simply has a mistress, the wife can independently make the lapel of her beloved husband forever from another woman who has appeared with him. You can make a strong turning away of your husband from his rival, which will once and for all drive him away from his mistress and tie him to his wife, and now the conspiracies will not tell you how to do this. Go to the cemetery during the day and break any dry branch on the cemetery ground, bring the branch home and place it under the threshold or rug (outside). When the spouse returns from his mistress, he will step over this branch. Now you need to leave the house and take this branch and take it back to the cemetery, reading a strong note from your mistress on it:

  • The plot must be read to return a husband to his wife even after a divorce if the wife or husband stop loving each other. This most loyal and effective magical method can be used not only by a husband to return his wife or a wife to return her husband, but also by people close to them (mother, father, sister, brother, children) who have quarreled. A plot to reunite a husband and wife after a quarrel, disagreement or divorce must be read 2 times: once at the front door of the house where they live

  • If your loved one has left for his mistress or is just about to leave you, this powerful conspiracy against your mistress will help, which will quickly make your loved one hate your mistress and forget her. The plot will help to quarrel between them and completely cool their feelings for each other and make the homewrecker disgusted with your loved one. You need to read the words of the conspiracy - the spells early in the morning at dawn. At dawn, go outside, raise your right hand above your head and say a plot to break up with your lover:

  • Very strong love spell words spoken to water in a glass at the front door will make your loved one very bored and force him to always return home. Read a quick love spell on water any day and at any time - this easy ritual can be performed even several times a day if you suspect your beloved husband or wife of cheating. As soon as a person leaves the threshold of the house, place any bowl or glass of water at the threshold inside the apartment (house) and say a love spell on the water three times in a row:

  • A strong conspiracy to return love and relationships will help you bring your husband home after a quarrel or divorce, which you need to read at home - at home where you lived together. Looking for a working and quick way to get rid of your rival and return your beloved man, a conspiracy to return feelings of love and warm relationships as before (until the moment of separation) will help. A conspiracy to return someone who abandoned you is read during the day, and in order to return a person with a conspiracy, the lunar cycle is not important, any day is suitable. Before you read a plot that can quickly bring back your beloved man

  • It is not easy to instantly return a husband with the help of prayer - to return a loved one to the family, the wife needs to read a prayer for the return of her husband 3 days in a row - morning, afternoon and evening, and only on the fourth day the prayer for return will work and the man will return to his wife. This most powerful prayer for family reunification, read with candles in church, has enormous power and quick action, often capable of bringing the husband back to himself and the children in one day and making peace after any quarrel. To beg for the return of your beloved man, you don’t have to go to church; you can also light a church candle in front of the icon of the Mother of God at home and pray for the speedy return of your loved one

Almost every modern woman has probably encountered a situation when another lady appeared between her and her loved one - a homewrecker. Usually, in order to get rid of a rival, it is enough to meet her and have a “serious” conversation. But if talking doesn’t help, then you can solve the problem with the help of magic.

Getting rid of your rival is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

There can be many options for proving your superiority over the homewrecker and methods for eliminating it. From constant competition with her in all areas (cooking, cleaning, beauty, financial independence, etc.) to completely forgiving her and trying to pity her.

But, as the long-term practice of our ancestors testifies, sometimes it is better to act indirectly, but for sure. For this purpose, modern magic has a whole arsenal of all kinds of means.

And they are all called differently depending on the effect they lead to.

Lapel- This is an action diametrically opposed to a love spell. The person on whom the lapel is made begins to experience a lot of negative feelings towards the object of his love. As a result, he completely ends the relationship, which previously seemed quite prosperous.

Quarrel- this is a special case of a lapel, in which both people in an unwanted union receive a portion of negativity towards a partner. It becomes unpleasant for them to be near each other, as a result of which they separate.

Cool down- This is a lightweight option for weakening love relationships. Ostuda is used in cases where passions are burning strong, and one of the partners wants a calmer development of the relationship. In rare cases, cooling off on a relationship can even be done on oneself.

Drying- this is also one of the ways to separate a couple, which is most often associated, for example, with eliminating the consequences of a love spell. It is done when one lady dried a man, and the second dried him off, that is, returned him to normal, opened his eyes. However, getting rid of a love spell is not always easy, so it is not for nothing that this method is considered one of the most difficult.

Modern magical practices that help get rid of your rival and regain your beloved husband or boyfriend are very diverse. Some we inherited from distant ancestors, others arose in the process of development of our people, and others were born quite recently.

One way or another, a woman who has lost someone dear to her always has a huge selection of lapels, blowouts, quarrels and separation conspiracies.

All that remains is to choose one of the methods. Also, importantly, it is necessary to take the procedure with full responsibility.

Experts advise holding such events secretly from everyone and on strictly defined days. You should absolutely not tell your loved ones, friends, or work colleagues about this. It is not recommended to violate the method given in the instructions, as the effect can be disastrous.

It should be noted right away that by carrying out such a practice, a woman takes upon herself the full burden of responsibility for its consequences. After all, it not only interferes in the subtle world, removing formed connections between people, but also disrupts their destinies, exposing the very patterns of human lives to enormous risk.

It is important to remember that lapels of any kind (whether quarrels, cold spells, removal of love spells) should be carried out exclusively at night, when the moon is waning! Otherwise, the result may well be the most unexpected.

Without much difficulty, you can get rid of your rival using the drying ritual.

For this ritual you will need a photograph (or a rival’s thing) and an ordinary black wax candle.

It is advisable to carry out the drying ceremony at night, in an empty room.

You should put a candle on the photo or thing of the woman who stole your loved one and light it.

Then they take scissors and begin to methodically cut the flame.

Synchronously with the cutting of the flame, one should say:

“I cut off the flame of a black candle, for black melancholy, for separation, for boredom.
I cut off the servant of God (the name of the man) from the servant of God (the name of the woman who is a homewrecker).
You, servant of God (the name of the homewrecker woman), walk on the earth, live on the sidelines.
Do not touch the servant of God (name of the man), do not approach his threshold, do not anger God.
Don’t covet someone else’s husband and return him. Amen".

When pronouncing the word “Amen”, you must stop and not cut the flame, since the word is sacred.

Conspiracies for separation from a rival

A conspiracy to separate from a rival is a powerful separation technique, especially if carried out with food.

You need to take ordinary table salt and say over it:

“Just as you, salt, are salty, so would the servant of God (the name of the homewrecker) be salty and tasteless to my husband (the man’s name).
Just as that salt in the water dissipates and disappears, so the slave (the name of the homewrecker) will disappear from the husband’s heart. Amen".

After this, place the salt in a glass and add water, making sure that it dissolves in the liquid.
At midnight they knead the dough with yeast, and after it begins to rise, they knead it with a rolling pin, saying:

“As I knead this dough, so I tear up your anger. I'll feed your business to the dogs. Amen".

Then they leave the dough overnight, and in the morning they throw it out for the dogs to eat.

In love magic, there are a large number of methods on how to independently make a lapel from your rival.

Let's consider one of these rituals, which is performed using voodoo magic.

This lapel and voodoo magic have many similarities, which is not surprising.

Since both of these methods are based on creating material prototypes of people who need to be separated.

To create prototypes of the husband and his mistress, plasticine is taken from which figures of a woman and a man are made (special detailing is optional, but encouraged).
Their names are written on the figures, water is dripped on them and they are named out loud by the names of those people who are going to be taken in different directions.
After this, plasticine copies are placed in diagonally opposite corners of the room so that the faces of the figures do not look at each other, but in a dark corner.
Then each of the figures needs to say in a whisper:

“You can’t be together, don’t live, don’t eat bread together, don’t rock the children together, don’t sit at the same table, don’t lie in the same bed. Amen".

Now you should leave the composition as it is for forty days, without touching or moving anything in any way.
Every day you need to tell the plasticine dolls the above plot, and after forty days they can be thrown away.

Prayer from a rival - how to preserve love

For many women, the main thing in life is family: a loving husband, children, parents. But sometimes a third person intervenes in the relationship, who wants to destroy the family and take the children’s father away from it. How to solve this problem, how to get rid of your rival? There are many options: conversations with a psychologist, a conversation with your husband, or, as a last resort, divorce.

Black magic will help break the love triangle

But you can also resort to the help of magic, read a conspiracy against your rival. But remember that then you are doing black magic, because... this is a lapel. For those who are ready to take the risk, you first need to know all the consequences of the lapel and be prepared for the changes that you will have in your life.

About the lapel

Now that the Internet has appeared in every home, it is easy to find a description of any ritual or conspiracy from a rival, with the help of which you can return your husband, make him stop loving her, bewitch her, etc. But before you read the plot, think about whether you need it.

Why is a lapel dangerous?

A lapel is a powerful weapon that must be used correctly. It seems to you that you are doing a good deed, because... you want to take your husband away from your rival. In fact, with the help of a ritual, you influence another person, change his relationship to the world, suppress his feelings, influence his fate.

Carrying out a lapel is dangerous

The performed ritual is comparable in its effect to damage, so be prepared for the fact that you are committing a sin. This is black magic, and it is important to understand this before reading a conspiracy from a rival. You upset the balance of the Universe, so you will receive a retaliatory blow, and it will fall on both the victim and the customer himself.

If a person undertakes to perform a ritual at home without having the knowledge, this can affect his health and even kill him. Was it worth bringing your husband back, risking your health and his? It's up to you to decide. But remember that the consequences will affect not only you, but also the children or the entire family.

Consequences of a lapel

For magical intervention in the fate of another person, in our case the husband, you will have to pay dearly. You will take away feelings that could be very important to him. The victim of the lapel will experience emptiness, apathy, and may even lead to suicide. He will become irritable and aggressive. Then health problems will begin, both for him and for the rest of the family. The consequences of a lapel can be different, but the most common of them are:

Health problems are the main consequence of lapel surgery

  1. Health problems for the customer and the victim. You interfere with a person’s energy, thereby weakening his immunity. Therefore, do not be surprised by the exacerbation of chronic diseases. Men's health may suffer.
  2. Character changes. After you read the plot to bring your husband back, his character will change. He will become hot-tempered and irritable, aggressive, and may even beat you.
  3. Depression appears. Interfering with another person’s energy also affects his mood. He will become a pessimist, he will have uncertainty about the future, and may even go as far as committing suicide.
  4. My husband is drawn to alcohol and drugs. If you read a strong conspiracy and influenced a strong-willed person, then he may become addicted to drinking or use drugs. Strong men, when they feel that they cannot change something, cannot withstand such pressure and go downhill.

Even if you repent of your action and cancel the ritual, you will not be able to change the person, he will never be the same as before.

How to protect yourself from kickback

To avoid the consequences listed above, try to get your husband back in another way. If you yourself don’t know how to act, go to an experienced magician and discuss the current situation with him. He will recommend you another ritual or perform a lapel, putting up protection. What types of protection are there?

There are different types of rollback protection

  1. Protective circle. It is drawn with charcoal or chalk, sometimes lined with stones or marked with rope.
  2. Charms. All family members wear them. They are made only from natural materials.
  3. Rituals for protection. These rituals protect against backlash. Or you can transfer the negative onto some object: meat, doll, etc.
  4. Ransom. Man pays dark forces for help. The fee varies depending on the strength of the ritual.
  5. Prayers. Prayers are a universal way to solve any problem. But God may not hear those who have turned away from Him and practice witchcraft.


We have warned you of the consequences. If you are not afraid, then you can get rid of your rival and return your husband by reading the plot. The most effective are those that are read 40 times on the waning moon. They will help you get rid of another woman who wants to take your husband away from you forever. These are powerful spells, so use them with caution. Rituals in which the same words are repeated many times are recommended to be read by people with strong energy.

Simple conspiracy

Repeat these words 40 times until the spell works.

“The Son of God Jesus Christ, your servant (your name) asks for help, asks for intercession, calls you. The slave calls you, asks, begs. Lock myself with three doors, lock myself with three locks. The first castle is Jesus Christ, the second castle is my Guardian Angel, the third is the Virgin Mary. They won’t let me suffer in vain, or worry about an evil rival. Lord, take the servant of God (beloved name) away from the evil servant, from the treacherous rival (name). Don’t let them admire each other, don’t let them have mercy, let him be in eternal longing for me, for his faithful and beloved wife. And the servant of God (the name of the rival) will be worse than an old toad, a poisonous snake more disgusting. May it be so now, and forever, and endlessly. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Plot at the window

The ritual is performed on the waning moon. This conspiracy helps to take a husband away from a rival and leave him in the family. If he has already left, he will come back. But for this, the ritual is carried out 10 nights in a row, only on the waning moon.

It is necessary to carry out the ritual only in a good mood

If you want to get your husband back, then you cannot do this at a time when you are sad or angry. A positive attitude is important. Fight a bad mood, imagine that you have already returned your husband, and you feel good together. Then the plot will work.

At midnight, go outside or go to an open window. The moon should appear in the sky at this time. Learn the words of the spell by heart, because... you will have to repeat it 40 times, looking at the month without stopping:

“The moon is bright, the moon is bright in the heavens, a worm in the earth, a fish in the water, a snake in you, Servant of God (name of rival). I, the Servant of God (my own name), command with my power, wrap the snake around the white body of your rival so that she will not have happiness with my beloved, the Servant of God (the name of the beloved). Make sure that when they meet, they quarrel and fight, and never make up. So that they despise and hate each other. Make it so that my dear, the Servant of God (the name of the beloved) sees only me, the Servant of God (my own name) next to him. My rival, the Servant of God (the name of the rival) is an evil, nasty witch, a dead fly, a toothy pike. I will protect my love with hot fire, with a wide broom, and with a sharp axe. My words are strong, she won’t be near my beloved. They will never sit at the same table, they will not while away the night together and they will not give birth to children. I will throw salt in her eyes, for my beloved, the Servant of God (the name of my beloved), she will become disgusting and unattractive. Without her, he only has peace and happiness next to me. Amen".

Immediately after the ritual, go home or close the window and sleep. On this night you can no longer talk to anyone, otherwise the ritual will not work.

Causes hatred towards a rival

Read on the waning moon 40 times until you feel that there is no problem. Helps get rid of your rival.

The ritual must be performed only on the waning moon

“The Son of God, Jesus Christ, the Servant of God (proper name) turns to you for help. I call you and ask for your intercession, urge and beg you. Let me lock myself behind three doors and three locks. The first castle will be you, Son of God, Jesus Christ; let the second castle be my Guardian Angel; and the third castle will be the Holy Mother of God for me. They will reliably protect me, the Servant of God (proper name) from the insidious rival, the Servant of God (name of the rival), who wants to destroy my love and take away my beloved. So, I appeal to you, my reliable protection, do not let them admire and show mercy. Let my dear, Servant of God (the name of the beloved) think only about me and, far from me, yearn only for me. And my rival will seem like an evil and disgusting toad. It is said - it will come true. From now on forever. Amen".

Lapel with water

This ritual, which will help bring your husband back, is recommended to be performed on a full moon. You will need a bottle made of dark colored glass.

The ritual with water is an effective method

Get up at sunrise and fill the bottle with water so that it fills a third of the dishes. Wait until noon on the same day. Add water again until two-thirds of the bottle is filled. We fill it with water for the last time at sunset. As soon as the sun disappears, find the nearest stump or dried tree and pour water on it (bottle in your right hand), repeating the spell 40 times:

“Just as this tree will no longer be filled with life and will not grow, so you, my unknown rival, will never captivate my beloved. My protection will not allow you to lure him into bed next to you. Amen".

Leave the empty bottle under the tree and quickly go home. Don't look back.

Lapel with photo

You will need a photo of your husband, where he is shown alone, and a church candle. The ritual is performed on the waning moon. Place a candle on your husband's photo. It should burn, and melted wax will drip onto the photo. At this time you will say 40 times:

“I will light a candle in the night, I will take my loved one away from trouble,

I will take away the passion of my beloved for the evil homewrecker (my name).

I will remove the witchcraft spell, I will put a seal on your love.

Let his heart freeze, let the soul of his beloved (name) leave her (name) forever.

Let the heat of the heart cool down, and the flesh of pleasures leave it.

As soon as the candles go out,

He will take your love with him into the night.

Salt in the eyes, stone in the heart,

The road to it is a needle.

Take a step and there will be pain; take a glance and there will be salt in your eyes.

As I said, Let everything be so!

You will have to learn these words, because while reading the plot, you must simultaneously sprinkle salt on the eyes of the husband in the photo and place a flat stone on his heart. You also need to pierce his legs with a needle 9 times. The plot is read 40 times, slowly, monotonously, measuredly, and all this time the candle must burn. After the ceremony, hide the photo. Until another person touches it, the lapel cannot be removed.

The most complete description in all details is a conspiracy on the waning moon to remove a rival with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

A woman will begin to look for a way to protect her boyfriend from third-party relationships as soon as another woman appears on the horizon vying for his attention.

This reaction is normal, and magic can help protect your happiness. Magical methods are varied and very effective; many women have retained or returned their errant spouses to the family.

However, think a thousand times before using magic. There is a huge difference between strengthening real feelings and trying to rebuild the fire of love from the cooled ashes. Love does not accept violence, and the conspiracy will turn into a disaster not only for your rival, but also for you.

Features of the conspiracy that are worth remembering

You can remove your rival as quickly as possible with the help of a conspiracy and improvised means, which can be anything - from a red-sided bulk apple purchased at the market to completely free moonlight. For example, a ritual performed on the waning moon, which promotes parting and separation, will be very effective.

Don't wish for death by plotting against another person. You shouldn’t even just talk bad about your opponent or wish harm.

Love magic is a powerful tool, and its inept use will be disastrous for everyone involved in a love relationship. It is unlikely that you will be able to punish her without harming yourself.

It is better to learn the text of the conspiracy by heart, and if it is too long or complex (for example, it is a very strong conspiracy designed not only to ward off the husband, but also to punish his new woman), write it beautifully and clearly on a piece of paper.

Don’t talk about the conspiracy, its results - you shouldn’t even talk about the fact of its commission even to your closest people - the consequences will be quick and negative.

A conspiracy, no matter how strong it may be, will be able to remove your rival from the path or punish her only if you really believe in it. For everything to go as planned - believe it, if you can’t believe it - you shouldn’t even undertake to read a conspiracy from your rival.

You can get rid of your rival using magic in several ways, different in the type of action: cooling the feelings of both people, cooling the rival towards your man, cooling the feelings of the man. A conspiracy to get rid of a rival is usually carried out not just against a homewrecker - its effect is usually secured with a love spell - in order to tie a loved one to oneself.

What are the rituals?

A conspiracy from a rival is a powerful and popular tool for insecure women, and can be carried out in different ways. The text is read based on food, for example, an ordinary apple or table salt. So, in order to cool a man’s sudden feelings for another woman, you need to read the words of the spell with a handful of salt, then generously salt the food with salt and serve it to the man.

Don’t overdo it: for the ritual to work, he must eat every last crumb!

To cool the mutual feelings of your husband and rival, you need a photograph of them together (if it does not exist, write their names on a blank sheet of paper). By candlelight after midnight, tear the photo in two, separating images or names. When tearing, repeat the words of the conspiracy, and when tearing, hide the image or written name of the man in a secret place.

Tear the image of the woman into small pieces, repeating “I throw away, separate, divide!”, and throw it away.

You can also cool the feelings of your rival. To do this, find out her name, and move a chicken egg over the head of a soundly sleeping man, while reading the words of the conspiracy.

This method is well suited for cases of an initiative and arrogant rival, when the husband does not show much interest.

Repeat the words twelve times, and leave the egg under the bed overnight, on your loved one’s side. The plot will take effect in a couple of weeks.

The consequences of magically eliminating a rival

There is a fundamental difference here: does your man love you, or are there no more feelings? If you are happy in your family life, and a woman is simply flirting, without having a real chance of winning love from your man, then a simple conspiracy will protect your family life. A stormy and passionate night or a romantic evening will also protect her - the husband must remember that he already has a loved one.

In addition, you should be very careful when performing the ritual - if a man finds out about this, you will not be happy.

But if you are trying to use magic on an apple or using other methods to resurrect faded love, while interfering with a man’s new sincere feeling, the consequences will not keep you waiting and will be catastrophic for you. God forbid you try to eliminate your rival physically, damage her, or cause death. Such a sin will be immediately punished, and very severely.

How to get rid of witchcraft?

If you yourself have become a victim of a conspiracy, analyze the situation very carefully. Build a diagram of cause-and-effect relationships between events, feelings and people, and if you really ruin someone else’s happiness, leave. Let the conspiracy work (this is how the wife will explain to herself), it will protect you, your health and life.

In other cases, you should consult a specialist, explain the current situation in detail, and ask for help. You can perform any ritual of cleansing from a hex - but it is better to refrain from this, the mechanical use of magic is dangerous and is categorically not recommended! It’s better to visit church, confess and take communion. Those who are under God's protection are not afraid of any conspiracies.

Lapel spells for the waning moon

Very often, because of magic, lives are destroyed and families are destroyed. Sometimes husbands, for no reason, become cold towards their wives in a matter of days or become apathetic and start drinking. The reason for this behavior may be a lapel.

The reason for the destruction of a family may be a lapel

This magical ritual is performed with the goal of making one person stop loving or even hate another. The ritual is performed on the waxing, waning and full moon. For such magical actions as a love spell, the waning moon is better suited. She is a symbol of completion and end of a relationship.

Magic rituals performed on a waning moon work much more powerfully than those performed on a waxing moon or on a full moon. This time is distinguished by a special energy that gives a person the strength to get rid of the past and change his life.

Modern scientists do not deny that the moon has a significant impact on human life. They say that during the full moon a person’s senses become heightened, and he feels the world especially acutely. Therefore, the number of heart attacks is increasing, and patients in psychiatric hospitals are becoming more active. The full moon leads to all this.

The waning moon is considered a symbol of purification. If you clean your apartment at this time, you will feel a sense of cleanliness not only of your home, but also of your soul. All negativity disappears along with the dust.

At this time, you can cleanse the body with the help of medicinal herbs or magical rituals.

How does the lapel work?

Experienced magicians and beginners have different opinions about lapels. The first believe that this is a subtle and complex magical ritual that can only be performed by professionals, because it requires experience and a lot of energy. Beginners are sure that it is not difficult and safe, so everyone can handle the lapel.

Lapel leads to conflicts

But in reality, this is a rather complex ritual; you can perform it yourself if you follow some rules.

Powerful rituals take effect almost immediately. A man dreams about his beloved. Because of their influence, everything begins to irritate him, especially what has to do with his beloved. The first conflicts will begin to appear in the relationship, and over time it will only get worse. A correctly carried out lapel will not leave a woman a chance to return her beloved man. All efforts will not be crowned with success.

The man will become cold not only emotionally. Sex life ceases to interest him. Sex with the woman he loves will become unpleasant and he will gradually begin to deny it to his partner. Because of this, the relationship will deteriorate even more.

In the first days, the lapel causes exclusively negative emotions. And after two weeks, irritability and negativity reaches its highest point, and it becomes unbearable for a man to tolerate the woman he loved next to him. He begins to think that she is to blame for all his troubles and failures. The relationship finally collapses.

Rituals for the waning moon

The waning moon is the best time to turn away. Old relationships and connections end, and the time comes for new ones. It is not difficult to destroy something, so such rituals begin to work very quickly.

The waning moon is better suited for magical rituals.

The most popular lapels are:

The easiest way to make a lapel is with threads and an apple. The ritual uses a candle, an apple, black and white thread. The threads must be tied using three knots. The candle needs to be lit and the apple cut in half. We set the tied knots on fire over a candle; when they burn, we put the ashes between the halves of the apple and begin to rub vigorously. Sentencing:

“There is fire on the candle, there is water on the ground, Holy fire, help me, I divide it in half, I spread it in the corners, Holy fire, I burn the bundle, then I dry the flower, Holy fire. The water will cool what has grown together will break apart, holy fire, help me. Amen, amen, amen.”22

After this, the apple halves should be left away from each other overnight. The next day, when the sun rises, they must be buried or drowned in different places. Then, in the middle between the apples, you need to bury a branch of a young tree.

During this process, you need to think about those people whose relationships need to be broken and imagine how you are breaking the knot that binds them with your own hands.

How to turn away from your opponent on your own during the waning moon?

The ritual will be effective if it is performed when the sun has set.. For the ritual you need:

  • thin candle;
  • cup;
  • several napkins;
  • a photograph of a rival and her lover and their belongings or hair.

The ritual will work better if you use your rival's hair.

You need to take the candle in your left hand and extinguish it by dipping it into a glass of water. During this, it is important to recite the spell:

“As fire avoids water, just as fire avoids water, so the Servant of God (name) avoids the servant of God (name), avoids the servant of God (name).

After this, you need to put the candle back in the same place, wipe it with a napkin and try to light it again. A lapel will work well if the candle is difficult to light.

The second time the candle must be extinguished with the words:

“Just as water is afraid of fire, just as it runs away from fire, so the servant of God (name) is afraid of the servant of God (name) and runs away from the servant of God (name).

The third time you need to do the same with the candle, only now saying:

“Just as fire and water do not come together and will never be together, so the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) cannot come together and will never be together.”

At the end, all components of the ritual must be hidden and the ritual must be repeated two more evenings in a row. When the ritual has been performed for three days in a row, you need to pour the water over your left shoulder, let the candle burn out completely and throw away the rest. The personal belongings of the rival and the lover must be destroyed separately from each other.

This turn to the waning moon is very effective for a rival, so you need to be careful when performing it. First, it’s better to think about whether the desire to separate people is really so strong or whether it’s just a momentary weakness.

How to make a lapel for the waxing moon?

If a boring lover does not give way, then you can get rid of him using a waxing moon spell without harming either him or yourself. When the person who needs to be turned away leaves and closes the door behind him, you need to quickly sweep the house and throw the garbage over the threshold, saying the following spell:

Lapel to the waxing moon

“He will enter the house with fire from the house - with ice. Into the house with kindness, out of the house with wickedness. Like dust being swept over the threshold with a broom. So let (name) leave and not return.”

Near the threshold you need to put a straw from a broom and when he leaves next time, break it in half, burn one part, and bury the second.

There is another ritual that should be performed on the waxing moon. To do this, you need to lay a black tablecloth on the table, draw a circle with chalk, and in the circle there are three crosses. In the middle you need to put a loaf of bread and say the spell:

“It’s not the bread in front of me, it’s fate (name) and (name). Just as we are all united by bread, so we are united by love. They coo together, eat bread, and feast. So together they revel in (name) and (name) each other’s bodily pleasures like they can’t get enough of bread. Amen".

Then you need to take a knife and pick at the bread, saying:

“I stab, I destroy, I destroy, I drive the love of (name) and (name) into the grave. Amen".

After this, the bread must be cut in half. Place one half under the tree and take the other half to the intersection. When leaving the bread you need to say:

“Yes, bread killed (name)’s love for (name). Amen".

In this way, a lapel is made on the growing moon.

How to make a lapel on a full moon?

Noticing that your loved one has become indifferent and suspecting the intervention of another woman, you can perform a ritual on the full moon.

Full moon lapel

For the ceremony you will need natural wax. On a full moon, you need to sculpt a figurine out of it that will represent your rival. The effect will be even better if you add her hair there. When sculpting a figure you need to say:

“Kastanami Abu Kastanami Takasa Fami Abu Ravi Kastanami.”

“As I melt this wax, so the influence of (name of rival) on (name of lover) melts.”

Finally, you need to get rid of the wax by pouring it outside. Under no circumstances should you leave him at home. When throwing away, you need to say:

“As I throw away this wax, I throw her out of his life.”

There is no need to extinguish the candle; it should burn completely.

Performed on a full moon, this ritual will turn the lover away from his rival.

Conspiracy to remove a rival

Today's realities of life are such that husband and wife spend most of their time outside the home, earning their “daily bread.” In addition, if a woman mainly works in a female team, then in the work team of men, especially men of intellectual work, there are usually women. And among them there is one who can become a wife’s rival for a man’s feelings.

And since the husband, on duty, often has to communicate with such a woman, their relationship from purely friendly can imperceptibly turn into a closer one. Especially if the woman herself wants it.

But not every man can resist a woman’s persistence, and words and persuasion often have no effect. You can, of course, tell fortunes about a person’s attitude towards his husband or towards himself. What should a legal wife do if “all the cards are almost on the table”? Magic rituals remain.

When all methods of persuasion have been exhausted, the wife has only one remedy - to carry out a conspiracy to remove her rival. That is, resort to the help of magic. The most commonly used plot is to break off relationships, that is, double action. To do this you need to prepare:

Find a joint photo of a husband and a homewrecker

In cases where this is not feasible, on blank paper simply write the name of your husband (or beloved man) and the homewrecker

Choose a time on the waning moon

Conspiracy to remove a rival: conditions and rituals

Don’t tell anyone that you are going to carry out a conspiracy, otherwise nothing will come of it. Light candles and slowly tear a photograph or piece of paper to “eliminate” the connection between a man and a rival, while saying the words of a prayer: “I’m not tearing the paper, but tearing his feelings - the man’s name and hers - the woman’s name, so that lovers will never be, yes don’t kiss each other, don’t sleep in an embrace at night, don’t know happiness together, just as the paper tears, so do their feelings, amen.”

When the words of the ritual are spoken, part of the photo with the image of the man (or the paper with his name) is removed so that no one can find him. The other part - with the image or name of a woman - is torn as small as possible and thrown into the trash, or better yet, washed off with water.

Using an egg

You can carry out a conspiracy to remove your rival in the case when the initiative comes from a woman. But her name should be known. The conspiracy is carried out on a fresh chicken egg, which must be held over the head of the sleeping husband and said: “Let him - the woman’s name - not love him, let her forget him, let her leave him behind and forget him, amen.”

With salt

Conspiracies are also carried out to turn away a rival, especially if the feelings are mutual. The woman will need salt, but not new salt, just bought in the store, but the one that is in the house. You need to scoop it up with your palm and read the spell over it: “I whisper cherished words in salt, I want to separate my beloved from her rival, so that he does not wait for her, does not see her, quickly forgets about his feelings for her, so that he kisses and has mercy on me alone, amen.” .

Salt, which was spoken in this way, is added to the man’s food, preferably ready-made, but so that it is not too salty and he can eat it calmly.

With the help of the moon

On the waning moon - at the very beginning of the period - stand opposite the lunar path and say: “As the moon wanes, so does my dear rival run away from me, but he no longer knows her and never remembers, but completely forgets.” This conspiracy is pronounced every day (or every other day) until the new moon arrives.

What to remember

The fact that you cannot wish misfortune on your opponent, much less death, will turn against you. And the fact that magic will provide effective help, especially if you believe in it yourself. And the results of any conspiracy must be expected after three or four weeks. If your husband also abuses alcohol, try one of the spells for drunkenness - perhaps then his infatuation with another woman will go away.

Conspiracy from a rival: learning to read independently at home at a distance

Saving a family, returning a beloved man to his home who has left for a rival is the number one task for every woman. Find out how you can get rid of and eliminate your mistress, make a spell from your rival and read it at home from a distance: with salt, waning moon, water and candles! What is needed to carry out such rituals besides the desire to return your man? How safe is this for you and your man? Let's take a closer look...

Find out how to get rid of your rival at a distance and eliminate your husband's mistress!

Often a relationship crisis occurs in family life, which can lead to divorce. Often the cause of misunderstanding between spouses is a rival. At such moments, women are ready to make any sacrifice in order to save the family and eliminate the homewrecker. There are many magical practices in the world that allow you to return your husband to your family.

In order for your chosen one to experience tender feelings for you again, you can use a conspiracy to cool off feelings for another or a conspiracy to attract a man’s love. If a woman does not doubt her abilities, she can use a spell from her rival, which she can read herself.

Rules of conspiracies

There are several ways to eliminate a rival: it could be the turning away of one of the participants, the loss of the feelings of a man or the rival herself.

Before removing your rival from your loved one at a distance, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rules for reading love spells:

  • Before any magical action, you should think about whether your decision is correct, since a connection with magic can bring both positive and negative results. Let's look at some examples of conspiracies against a rival. But before that, let’s understand the rules by which conspiracies should be made.
  • Don’t wish bad things on your opponent and don’t curse her, it could rub off on you.
  • Love magic without experience and compliance with the rules of rituals can have dire consequences for all persons mentioned in the conspiracy.
  • The words specified in the ritual must be memorized and pronounced slowly - pronounce each word clearly. If you can’t remember, you need to write down the words on paper, but in such a way that you can read them without hesitation.
  • It is not recommended to talk about your idea before and after the actions taken. Magic can have a downside and impact on participants.
  • All love rituals can work and return a man to the family only after you believe in them. If you doubt the abilities of magic, it is better to refuse actions.

A selection of conspiracies to get rid of your rival

Important: The ritual to eliminate a rival is performed not only for the sake of removing her from her husband, but also with an additional love plot - drying. This is necessary to renew lost feelings between you.

Powerful ritual for breaking “On the knife”

A plot against a rival using knives is considered effective when a man is completely under the power of feelings for another woman. A knife that is often used in everyday life will do. With the help of this item, a woman needs to prepare dinner. When you cut the vegetables, say the following words, bringing it to your lips:

I will go, servant of God (proper name),

Early in the morning in a green grove, I will catch a clear falcon,

I tell him to fly to the unknown, unknown spirit,

So that the unknown spirit flies to that place,

Where does the servant of God (name of the man) live?

And let him whisper in his ear and in his heart,

Let him talk until

While there is love in him for me,

The servant of God (proper name), will burn with a bright flame.”

When your husband comes home, invite him to dinner, and then make him sharpen this knife. To make the sharpening process longer, dull the knife before your husband arrives. And before going to bed, read a prayer to any Saint an odd number of times.

In order to quickly eliminate a rival: in the ritual it is important that the knife remains in the man’s hand for as long as possible.

Ritual on Ostuda

If your chosen one notices another woman and she responds to his sympathy, for this you can use a trick on the mind so that the elimination of the rival does not affect him, or a conspiracy to cool off from the rival. If all the rules were followed when performing the ritual, your man will lose interest in that girl. The ritual will require a pinch of salt, in addition, the plot to get rid of a rival must be read in the morning before sunrise:

I’ll get up in the morning without being blessed, I’ll go without crossing myself to God,

Not by door or gate, but only by underground paths.

I'll go to the sea-ocean, find the blue stone,

And on that stone sits a goblin with a leshovitsa,

The devil with the devil, Satan with the Satan, the merman with his favorite merman.

They sit with their backs to each other, faces apart. They fight and bite all the time,

They get angry and swear. So you (husband’s name) and (rival’s name)

You will not know the world, quarrels and swearing will haunt you,

And then you will part with her and you will not know her.

What I have said will come true.”

Say the words three times, then add salt to the food prepared for your husband. Add it to your food every time. Make sure your husband finishes the cooked dish. This ritual gives a positive result, and soon your man will no longer be interested in another person.

In order to restore the desire to be together: read a conspiracy for severe melancholy

Ritual for the egg

To perform the ritual, you need to find out her name. At midnight, when your husband falls asleep, take a chicken egg in your right hand, move it over his head in the direction the hour hand goes, saying:

33 crows are flying, carrying 33 stones, they will peck an egg on my doorstep,

They will curse my rival (name of the homewrecker) with their beaks.

This egg will never die, it will guard me and my house,

To protect from homewreckers and rivals, to preserve happiness and the family hearth.

The crows threw 33 stones on my doorstep, who is lucky?

If he wants to destroy what belongs to me, he will take all the stones.

Let it be so. Amen (three times)."

Say the words of the hex an even number of times, then hide the egg under the bed on the side of the faithful. The conspiracy will begin to manifest itself in a couple of weeks. This action is most effective if the initiative for meetings comes from the woman, and the husband takes a neutral position.

Important: do not wish harm to your rival and believe in the power of magic, then a positive and quick result is possible.

So that your rival herself loses interest in your husband and refuses to meet with him, perform a ritual to cool her feelings. Interpretation of dreams: why do you dream about your friend’s pregnancy? Vanga’s dream book

Salt and fish spell

Next, we will give a salt plot to completely remove your rival from your life. Before it takes place, go to the market in the morning, buy fresh medium-sized fish and a pack of salt. When you get home, take out the insides and give them to the cats.

Wash the fish, pour salt into a separate bowl and read the following curse over them:

Just as this fish does not have a tail, just as this fish does not have a bladder,

There is no head, fins or intestines in it.

From now on, my rival (name) will get what she wants.

Only when this fish’s guts grow back in its belly will

Again the fins will float in the water, again the eyes will open and look at the world.

Until this happens, my rival

Not knowing happiness next to my man, not knowing love for her (man’s name).

What I said now, let it come true!

Forever and ever, now and ever. Amen".

Spell for bread and waning moon

Bread will also help take the homewrecker away from the man you love. Check the lunar calendar and read the spell for your rival on the waning moon over a slice of bread, read the text of the spell used for cooling (described above). Then, as soon as the sun begins to rise, go outside and scatter the crumbs of the charmed bread on the ground. Make sure that the birds eat your “treat” completely.

To enhance the effect, say the following:

Fly birds, fly higher than the sky, fly higher than the sun!

Bring my beloved the news that

That they are waiting for him at home, that they miss him,

That love for him is as ardent as before.”

Important: The effect of conspiracies increases significantly if you begin to pronounce them after praying to the saints.

Conspiracy on a photograph

This magical ritual is performed when a man feels sympathy for another woman and is ready to leave the family. In this case, the wife should prepare a conspiracy against her photo rival. The first thing you need is to find out the name of the homewrecker, and secondly, you need her photograph. If all this is available, you can begin to perform the magical ritual.

Light an ordinary church candle, take a photo of your husband and his passion in both hands, tear the photo of the homewrecker in half and say the following words:

This magical ritual is performed when a man feels sympathy for another woman and is ready to leave the family.

The mountains are high and heavy, take your tears and grief for me, the servant of God (proper name).

Help me, mountains, take your bows, pull the string and shoot arrows into the heart of my husband (name).

Let his whole chest hurt, let everything inside burn day and night and midnight.

Let his liver stand up, let his lungs stop breathing, let his head begin to remember me.

His legs are fast, you are rushing to my home, blood let it burn, let it boil at the mere thought of me, let the memory of me fly in from everywhere.

I will call him, I will beckon him, but the longing for me will always oppress him.

You, (husband’s name), hurry to me, break away from your rival.

Holy Mother of God, pray for me.

Fly, arrow, pierce from the mountains into the heart of my husband, you, my husband, return to me quickly.

My work is sculpted, my word is strong, so be it. Amen. Amen. Amen".

When the photo is torn into several parts, say the following words over them:

“I’m throwing it away! I'm cleaning it up! I'm separating! Let it be so!".

Moon conspiracy

Love rituals to cool off your man from another woman will be effectively performed when the waning moon cycle begins. On the first day of the moon's damage, go out into the courtyard and, turning your face to the moon, clearly say the following spell:

As the moon wanes, so does my rival run away from my beloved,

But he doesn’t know her anymore and never remembers her,

And he completely forgets. My words are strong, my actions are sculpting. Amen.

The spell must be repeated until the next full moon cycle.

Topic: Quarrels, how can you break up a couple?

Forum: how to make a love spell for monthly instructions and recommendations

Topic: Cooling and drying lovers (practice)

With this conspiracy you get rid of your rival and her feelings for your man.

White conspiracy

A “white magic” conspiracy against a rival involves the presence of a church candle, holy water, a photo of the husband and matches. Remove the table and cover it with a white tablecloth. Place a vessel with holy water in the center of the table. Place a candle behind the glass and place a photo in front of you. Light a candle, and in the glare of the candle, peer at the photo of your husband.

Visualize how the power of fire comes to your aid, and your problem will be resolved soon. Turn your gaze to the candle flame, and in one breath say these words out loud:

How I, your servant of God (name), cut and break my nails without pity,

Without pain, I don’t remember, I don’t melt in my soul, I don’t talk about them,

So God’s Servant, (husband’s name), would not love my evil rival and homewrecker,

I didn’t regret it, didn’t remember it, didn’t exchange my beauty for love.

I don’t harbor evil against my husband, but I bring this God-given one to my place,

I return what was due, blessed by God.

The words are not crowned, not twisted, righteous and okay. Let it be so!".

  • The plot should be read three times in a row, preferably not from a piece of paper, but from memory;
  • Next, taking a candle in your hand, drop the wax into a vessel with water;
  • Then dip the candle itself in water;
  • Wipe the extinguished candle with a napkin and wrap it in a white cloth, and pour the water into a bottle;
  • In the morning, when leaving home, take these attributes with you;
  • Pour the water either into a nearby lake, or take it to the intersection and pour it around;

This action will help eliminate your family troubles. Bury the candle away from the house, where no one can remove it.

Such rituals weaken the sexual desire of lovers and returns to the man the old feelings that he previously experienced for his wife.

Poppy spell

To return a man to the family and get rid of his rival from a distance, you can read the plot on poppy. To do this, plant seeds (purchased in advance in a store) are scattered on the threshold of the house, near the doors. When this space is completely covered, you need to say the words:

Birds fly past the house, past the poppy.

They sit down near my doorstep. They peck the poppy.

So let the one who is the servant of God (the name of the beloved)

She stole and stole, will disappear from our lives,

Our family, as soon as the birds eat all the poppy seeds. Amen!.

As a result, the infidel returns to the family. But in such rituals it is important to perform actions on time and correctly that return love.

Fortune telling for a man's love using Tarot Cards Online

If you are hesitant to cast a love spell, you can tell your fortune about a man’s feelings online; this is a free and fairly reliable way to find out about the future of your relationship. The most popular fortune-telling on Tarot cards is at your service: one and three cards, a layout for “Partnerships” and, of course, the famous “Popesses layout”. Try one or more options for fortune telling and higher powers will surely give you a sign!


If you have any questions or need help in your current life situation, you can consult with our experts.

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