How to embed a sink in a corner kitchen. Installing a sink in a countertop

garden equipment 30.08.2019
garden equipment

Application innovative technologies in the field of design has significantly expanded the range of interior solutions for the kitchen, where the equipment used should be not only aesthetic, but also functional. In accordance with existing requirements, modern kitchen should be equipped with a number of devices and devices designed to optimize the cooking process. One of these devices is a kitchen sink, the installation of which only at first glance seems to be a fairly simple task. However, given the variety of models and possible locations for its placement, it is important to approach the choice of design and the procedure for its placement most responsibly. Despite the wide the lineup, the most popular are mortise structures made of of stainless steel and built into the kitchen worktop. Given the popularity of these products, it is most appropriate to consider design features of this product and searching for an answer to the question: "How to install a flush-mounted sink in a countertop?"

Ergonomic principles in the kitchen: the role of the kitchen sink

To optimize the cooking process, it is necessary to correctly position the kitchen furniture and appliances. Surely everyone is familiar with the concept of "ergonomics" and its basic principles, which may vary somewhat depending on the type of room. The kitchen is no exception - repairs on the territory of this room are subject to strictly defined principles of ergonomics. In accordance with them, the arrangement of furniture and equipment in the kitchen depends on the order of work, and therefore, it is recommended to place the furniture from left to right in a strictly defined sequence: refrigerator - Dishwasher(if available) - sink - stove. Between these technical objects, it is recommended to place work surfaces with lockers.

Concerning minimum distances between objects, then certain requirements are also imposed on them:

  • The distance between the sink and the stove, as well as between the refrigerator and the sink, should be 40 cm;
  • The refrigerator and stove should also be located at a distance of 40 cm from each other.

What should be considered when choosing a kitchen sink?

When choosing a kitchen sink, pay attention to the following factors:

  • Functionality determined by the nature of the work carried out in the kitchen and depending on the number of additional bowls in the sink and wings for drying. These compartments will be useful if you are used to carrying out several manipulations in the kitchen at once;
  • Capacity, in the process of determining which it is necessary to pay attention to the number of daily washed dishes;
  • Stability and durability, more dependent on the material from which the structure is made;
  • The design solution and design of the sink should be such that it fits perfectly into the environment and becomes a full-fledged element of a holistic interior concept;
  • Ease of use: the configuration of the sink should be such that it is comfortable to stand and work near it.

Constructive types of kitchen sinks: a brief description

A number of requirements are imposed on the installation of a kitchen sink, and therefore, it must be carried out in accordance with a certain technology. The choice of the required technological solution, and, accordingly, the method of installation depends on the design of the sink. Consider the most popular constructive types:

  • Overhead sinks- most a budget option, distinctive feature which is easy installation design. The principle of their installation is based on the fact that the sink is put on a separate cabinet, and therefore, they become a continuation of the countertop, as if replacing it. Despite the undeniable advantage described above, sinks of this type are also characterized by disadvantages - a relatively small thickness of the product and the formation of a gap between the sink and the countertop, which leads to additional inconvenience;

Important! Experts recommend giving preference to overhead models if the kitchen set consists of separate sections. If the kitchen modules are combined under a common worktop, it would be more appropriate to use built-in models.

  • Mortise sinks- are models that are installed directly into the countertop, and therefore, installation activities must begin with the preparation of the corresponding hole in the countertop. The installation technology of mortise sinks involves fixing the structure to the inside of the countertop using special clamps and brackets. Built-in sinks of this type are characterized by a solid appearance and ease of use. Despite the fact that the cost of such models is somewhat higher, experienced professionals often prefer them because of their practicality and the ability to avoid moisture accumulation between the cabinets;

  • Undermount sinks- innovative models, the high cost of which reduces their ubiquitous availability and limits widespread use. The principle of installation of these sanitary wares involves their fastening below the level of the countertop, and therefore, they form a single whole with it. The advantages of underbench sinks are aesthetic appearance, high sound absorption and effective sealing of joints. In addition, such products are hygienic and durable.

Materials for the manufacture of mortise and overhead sinks

As for overhead and mortise sinks, both of them are made of stainless steel with the same frequency, remaining on this moment one of the most popular. The appearance of mortise sinks made of stainless steel can be different - most often there are smooth sinks and sinks with a texture that imitates linen.

In addition to traditional sinks made of stainless and enameled steel, mortise sinks made of stone and mineral-epoxy composite materials are no less popular. The demanded material is also an artificial stone. Sinks made of composite materials are distinguished by their spectacular granular structure, appearance reminiscent of polished stone. Mortise sinks from artificial stone make up an extensive group of kitchen accessories characterized by high aesthetic and performance characteristics, including resistance to scratches, abrasion and sudden changes in temperature.

The shape of sinks is no less diverse - along with single-bowl, there are also models with several (from two to four) bowls, which can be both shallow and deep, equipped with additional dryers.

Basis for installation of a surface-mounted sink

  • The installation of the countertop sink is carried out on a separate module of the kitchen worktop in such a way that it completely covers it. upper part. Such an installation is quite simple - the equipment is fastened using L-shaped elements with an oblique slot. To carry out the fastening of one sink, it is necessary to prepare at least 4-5 fasteners.

Important! Before proceeding with the installation of the sink, it is necessary to connect the mixer, which will later avoid difficulties in the installation process.

  • Attach the fasteners prepared in advance to the inside of the cabinet and leave the appropriate notes;
  • Prepare the shortest self-tapping screws (15 mm) and screw them in the marked places so that at least 5 mm protrudes above the mark;
  • Treat the end of the cabinet with a sealant, which will protect the furniture and increase the reliability of the sink;
  • Install the sink on the screwed-in screws and move it until it fits completely;
  • Fix the fasteners and, after removing excess sealant, connect the sink to the plumbing and sewer systems.

Installing a sink sink in a countertop: a step-by-step guide

Consider the principle of installing a mortise sink in a chipboard countertop, covered with plastic on top. If you are wondering how to fix a mortise sink into a countertop made of other materials, including artificial stone, carefully read the product data sheet, where the manufacturer should describe in detail the recommendations for working with this material.

Preparation of materials and tools

Before proceeding with the installation of the sink, check its completeness with fixing material. Most often, these are special clips that are mounted on both sides - on the cut end of the countertop and on the inner surface of the sink. In addition, the kit should include a tubular seal, which will be required to seal the joints. In addition, prepare the following set of tools:

  • Electric jigsaw, which can be replaced with a conventional one hand tool, and a set of spare saw blades for wood;
  • Drill with a 10 mm drill (for metal) and self-tapping screws;
  • Standard set of measuring tools: construction knife, level, corner, tape measure, Phillips screwdriver, ruler and pencil;
  • Colorless silicone sealant required for lubrication of cracks and joints.

Markup execution: important nuances

  • The markings made in accordance with the recommendations below will be relevant in the case of installing a standard inset sink rectangular shape. When installing a round mortise sink, familiarize yourself with the additional nuances of installation.
  • Using a pencil, in the place where you plan to install the sink, draw two perpendicular lines, at the intersection of which the drain will be located;
  • Turn the sink over and place it on the countertop with the bowl up and align it according to the prepared markings (you can see the intersection of the axes through the drain hole). Take a simple pencil and circle the outer edges of the sink around the perimeter. At the same time, it is important to take into account the dimensions of the mortise sinks, as well as the relative position of the sink boundaries and the remaining free edge of the countertop, the presence of which is necessary for the rational installation of cabinet doors;

Important! In order for the mortise sink in the countertop not to become an obstacle to closing the cabinet doors, it must be located inside the cabinet.

  • Next, measure the width of the side of the sink and, in accordance with the value obtained, draw an internal contour along which the cutting line will pass. Despite the fact that the width of the side is an individual value for each sink, on average it fluctuates within 12 mm.

Important! The size of the hole should be such that the sink can freely enter it, while the permissible deviation from the marking should not exceed 3 mm.

How to cut a hole in a countertop?

  • This process is carried out using a jigsaw, however, before the saw of the tool enters the entire depth of the material from which the countertop is made, it is necessary to make technological holes that facilitate the work process. Holes are made with a drill or screwdriver at the corners of the internal markings.

Important! Corner holes should be located in the inner plane of the cutting area, and their edges should only be in contact with the cutting line.

  • To avoid the formation of chips on the laminated surface, the entire cutting front must be performed on the front side of the countertop.
  • After you have made holes in the corners of the cutting plane, use a jigsaw to cut a hole along the inside line of the cut. To prevent the cut-off part of the tabletop from falling, screw in self-tapping screws along the cut line, which will ensure its fixation.
  • After you have made a hole in the tabletop, remove the screws and the cut-off part of the tabletop from the main plane, clean the cut from dust. Pre-install the sink in the resulting hole, which is necessary in order to check the compliance of the product with the dimensions of the hole.

Important! The sink should freely enter the resulting hole (if there are difficulties, it is necessary to cut the edges with a jigsaw).

  • In the process of preparing a hole, all kinds of micro-chips and roughness can form on the internal cut line. In this regard, it is necessary to consider the rules for processing the slice, if they are neglected, the following problems may arise:
  • Absolute sealing of an uncleaned chipboard surface is practically impossible;

Important! Insufficient sealing will lead to moisture entering the unprotected area of ​​​​the countertop, which will cause the activation of rotting processes and the formation of fungal plaque. Subsequently, the cutting edge will become brittle, which will reduce the stability of the sink and lead to its skew.

  • The rotting of the countertop will soon lead to a decrease in its physical, aesthetic and operational characteristics, and therefore, there will be a need to replace it.
  • To avoid this, the end side of the cut is ground with a fine-grained sandpaper;
  • Carefully treat the entire cut area with plumbing sealant. Experts recommend doing this work with a spatula, in the absence of which this can be done with a finger. By carrying out such protective measures, you will prevent the tabletop from getting wet and swelling.

Important! If in the course of work you find chips on the plastic (the front side of the countertop), carefully coat them with sealant, and it is not at all necessary that the layer be thick - its thickness does not matter in this case.

  • There is another way to protect the end side of the cut - processing with PVA glue. Despite the fact that it is more labor-intensive, it is not inferior to the previous one in its reliability, however, for greater protection, the applied layer of glue should dry out within 30-50 minutes.
  • The next step involves gluing a sealant made of foamed polyethylene (it was previously noted that it should be included in the sink package). It is glued to the side of the sink around its entire perimeter. If, after gluing the sealant, you find protruding edges of the material, carefully cut them with a knife. If this advice is neglected, you will find that the edges of the sink do not fit snugly against the countertop, and water entering the gaps formed will lead to swelling and subsequent decay of the ends of the countertop.

Due to the fact that the process of gluing the sealant directly determines the wear resistance and performance characteristics future headset, consider it in more detail.

  • Take the sealant and use a rag soaked in gasoline and solvent to degrease it;
  • Apply a continuous strip of sealant to the seal (the sealant strip must be thin enough so that the adhesive does not come out during compression);
  • Press the seal against the outer edge of the sink.

How to attach a sink sink to a countertop?

  • Apply a layer of silicone to the countertop (between the cut and the outer scribe line);
  • Install fasteners on the inside of the sink sides and, making sure that they are not completely fixed, proceed to install the sink. It begins with the deepening of the side where the crane will be attached;

  • In the future, the rest of the part gradually becomes into the hole until the sides of the sink are in close contact with the inner surface of the countertop.

Important! In the process of installing the sink, press firmly on the entire surface of the structure, which will allow you to remove excess silicone from under the sides of the sink.

  • Using building level, make sure that the installation is correct, and then proceed to the final stage - the final fastening of the fixing elements;
  • After completing the above activities, proceed to connect communications. To do this, the hoses are hot and cold water connect to the plumbing system using a sealing gasket.

After fixing the hoses, the installation steps are as follows:

  • Enter the outlet of the siphon into the sink (it is recommended to give preference to the S-shaped design);
  • Add a hard angled or soft corrugated pipe to the siphon;
  • Bring the pipe from the siphon into the sewer pipe;
  • Check all system connections for leaks.

How to cut a hole in the countertop if it is made of artificial stone?

  • In most cases, countertops made of artificial stone are ordered with holes designed for a specific sink, however, if such conditions were not agreed in advance during the ordering process, you can contact specialists who, using special tools, will cut a hole. required form and magnitude.
  • If you want to do the work yourself, in accordance with the technology described above, instead of a jigsaw, use a corner grinder(grinder), as well as a disc for cutting concrete with a diamond coating.

Features of installation of corner, round and granite sinks

The process of inserting a corner and round sink is identical to that described above, however, for both varieties there are certain installation features.

Features of the installation of a round sink:

  • Along the cutting line, experts recommend making several holes in increments of 7-10 cm, which will facilitate this process;
  • If the sink of your chosen model does not come with a cutout template, make it yourself.

Features of the installation of a corner sink:

  • Due to the fact that the angle of rotation of the cutting lines is less than 90 degrees, in order to improve the passage of the jigsaw saw, make several holes along the cutting line - in corner connection lines and at a distance of 2-3 mm from it.

Specifics of installing a granite sink:

  • It lies in the fact that the design of a sink made of granite does not imply the presence of holes for installing a drain siphon of a mortise sink and a faucet. They must be made independently using a drill equipped with a special nozzle. If you have no experience with artificial stone equipment, you need to be extremely careful, as the slightest mistake can cause a defect in the equipment.

Installing the sink in the countertop can be done in several ways, it all depends on the type of sink design and your personal preferences. We will talk about all the stages of work on self-assembly later in our article.

Methods for inserting a sink into a countertop

There are several ways to attach a kitchen sink. If it is a consignment note, then it is attached to a pedestal, specially selected for the dimensions of the washing structure. Sometimes when buying kitchen set an integrated sink option can be offered. In this case, the sink and countertop are one-piece construction. Both items are made from the same material by casting, welding or using glue, followed by grinding of all seams to create a perfectly smooth and integral structure. However, the price will also be quite high.

Most often they resort to inserting a sink into the countertop. This option has gained its popularity, because you can buy a sink made of various materials: plastic, stainless steel, stone, copper, porcelain stoneware, glass, bronze. Among this variety, there really is something to choose depending on financial capabilities. In addition, such structures can also have different forms: round, triangular, square, etc.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with three possible options how to embed a sink into a countertop:

  • The top edge of the sink is located below the level of the countertop. It is worth noting that this installation method is more inherent in expensive headsets, since the installation cost is high and is done by professionals. These designs look solid and attractive. If you want to do the work yourself, for installation you need to purchase a milling cutter that can make recesses on the inside of the countertop. The surface of the obtained cutters after sawing out is carefully polished and treated with isopropyl alcohol. is made on polymer glue with fixing with clamps for 12 hours. At the final stage, the edges of the sink are poured with a two-component resin, and after it hardens, the front side is ground to achieve a perfectly flat surface.
  • flush with the table top. Work on the installation of such a sink must be carried out especially carefully and accurately. First, a hole is cut out, and then along the perimeter, strictly measured according to the parameters of the sink, small grooves are made in the countertop as wide as the edge of the sink. After that, all recesses in the surface are treated with sealant. A sink is superimposed on top so that its edges are located in the same plane with the countertop. The design is fixed in the table top with fasteners.
  • Sink with edges over countertop. The most common and easiest installation method. The process takes a little time, and what tool is needed for this and the main stages of work, let's take a closer look.

What tool will you need and how to properly markup

Before starting work, you must make sure that the purchased product is complete. For the correct fastening of the structure, together with the sink, special fasteners must be supplied that will help fix the sink in the countertop, and a sealing tape. It can be in the form of a tube or completely flat. Its edges are treated with a special adhesive composition, which contributes to better adhesion of the elements to each other and helps to seal the joint between the sink and the countertop.

Installation work cannot be done without certain tools, the simplest of which are a pencil, a measuring tape (tape measure) and a ruler. You should take care of a screwdriver or drill with a wood drill, the optimal size of which is 12 mm. You will also need a Phillips and flat screwdriver for the screws that come with the mount, sandpaper and a drywall knife. You also need to take a jigsaw with a set of wood files. To seal the seams and as a waterproofing, we need a sealant.

When purchasing a sealant, give preference to a transparent composition, and pay attention that the product is sanitary - specially designed for "wet" areas.

Installation of sinks can be done both at the stage and later, when the countertop is already installed. For ease of use of the sink and its stability, it is necessary to choose the right place before marking. It is necessary to step back from the edge at least 60 mm, the structure should not be located close to it. The distance from the corner should be more than 3 mm, so as not to create inconvenience during cleaning later. If possible, it is desirable to provide a place for detergents and sponges.

If the sink consists of two blocks, then a common hole will be cut for it, and not individual ones for each bowl. It is important to measure the distance correctly, especially from the inside of the cabinets, so that the edges do not hit the walls of the headset. When the selected model does not provide space for a mixer, the faucet can be installed on either side of the sink, where it will be most comfortable to use, but as close to the countertop as possible.

If a template is included with the washbasin, then there will be no problems delineating the contours of the structure, and you can easily transfer the outline to the surface of the countertop. If there is no template, cut it out yourself from paper or turn the sink upside down and draw its outlines. For convenience, it is better to work together - one holds the structure, the other outlines it. This will help to avoid displacement of the sink during the preparation of the markup. You can also use clamps. Having fixed the structure motionless on the countertop, after the contour has been transferred to the surface, it is necessary to retreat from its edge inwards a distance equal to the sides of the sink and draw another, smaller contour. As standard, the distance between the two contours will be 12 mm, although depending on the model of the washbasin, this may vary.

Recommendations for cutting a hole and processing a cut

Before you cut the countertop under the sink, you need to check everything again and only then start work. We take a drill or screwdriver with a drill installed on it and make as many holes in the corners of our contour as there are in the sink (4 for square, 3 for rectangular, etc.). for washing round shapes more holes can be made for the convenience of working with a jigsaw on a curved surface. It is important to remember that the holes must be made on the inside of the outline, and their edges should be in contact with the drawn line.

Perform drilling work from the front side of the countertop. So you can avoid large chips and breaks.

After that, we take a jigsaw, insert the canvas into the hole and slowly begin the sawing process. Remember that the hole for the sink must completely match the outlined outline. Even if it is smaller - after cutting out, you can always adjust its size. After finishing work, you need to insert the sink into the prepared hole for trying on. If there is minimal play, then the work is done correctly. The sink should be removed, and the saw cuts should be thoroughly cleaned with sandpaper.

If the countertop is made of wood, chipboard and similar materials, then the saw cuts must be processed, otherwise if water gets on them, the surface will swell with its subsequent decay, infection with fungus and mold. To do this, after processing the end face with a grinder or sandpaper, you need to apply protective layer, for which you can use PVA glue or waterproof sealant (silicone). Glue is applied to the cut edges with a thick layer and left to dry completely. If silicone sealant is used, then it must be applied in such a way that part of the composition falls on the cut edge. After the waterproofing works you can proceed to the direct installation of the sink.

How to embed a sink - the final touches

At the initial stage, you need to degrease the inner edge of the sink and fix the sealing tape on it. We do this not along the very edge, but retreating a short distance. In some designs, you can see that there is a small recess near the side. It is designed to apply silicone. If there is no groove, then it is necessary to apply the composition with a small flagellum between the edge of the sink and the installed sealant. Also not a large number of silicone must be applied along the edge of the cut out contour, without going beyond its edges.

At the next stage, fasteners must be installed on the inside of the sides, and it is not worth fixing them to the end, otherwise the sink will not be able to pass into the hole. Now you can proceed to the installation of the structure in its place. To do this, the sink begins to be installed in a hole from the side where the tap will be located. The sink fits tightly on the surface until the two surfaces are completely aligned. A part of the sealant applied to the edges of the saw cut should protrude from under the edges of the washbasin, which must be removed before it completely hardens, otherwise it will be difficult to do it later.

Then you need to take the level and check how smoothly the installation was made. If necessary, the sink can be moved a little so that it sits tightly in place. After that, it is allowed to completely fix the fasteners. Do not tighten fasteners with great force. This can cause the edges of the sink to bulge out. After the mortise sink is installed, you can proceed to fastening plumbing equipment– installation of mixer and siphon.

The times when the choice of plumbing equipment was minimal are long gone. Modern devices are very diverse, so even the most experienced House master sometimes does not know how to install a sink in a countertop in the kitchen. Consider the design features and step by step analyze the easiest way.

How to choose a sink under the countertop

In any plumbing store, the buyer will see a large number of the most, but not all of them are suitable for tie-in. There are several options:

  • Overhead. Are established on a curbstone from above, completely close it. Extremely easy to install. The main disadvantage is the presence of gaps between the furniture and the sink.
  • Mortise. They are inserted into the hole equipped in the base. Installation is a little more complicated, but the cuts are reliably protected from moisture.
  • Integrated. Practical combination of a sink with a working surface. The edge may be on different levels: flush with the table, below it, etc.
  • Underbench. Integrated only in: hardwood or stone. The edge of the bowl falls below the level of the base.

In practice, mortise devices are most often mounted. They are durable and attractive, convenient to use. The equipment made of stainless steel and artificial cast is most in demand.

Rules for installing a countertop sink for the kitchen

Before starting installation work, it is worth deciding on the place where the structure will be built in. It is usually tied to . However modern technologies allow you to embed the device anywhere in the headset. When choosing an installation site, it is advisable to follow these recommendations:

  • The bowl is placed as close as possible to working area so it's easier to cook.
  • The design divides the work surface into two parts: dirty and clean. In the first, the products are processed, in the second they are served.
  • Do not install a sink near a stove or refrigerator. It's impractical.
  • It is desirable that where the bowl will stand, it should be light. If necessary, additional lighting is provided.

It is best to choose a deep appliance: it will be possible to wash large dishes and other large items in it. The mixer should be chosen low - this combination will give a minimum of splashes during operation.

What to prepare before installation

For high-quality insertion of equipment into the countertop, in addition to the plumbing fixture, you need to prepare:

  • electric drill and electric jigsaw;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • drills for drills;
  • pliers;
  • square, pencil and ruler;
  • fasteners, if they are not included with the device;
  • rubber seal;

The sink should be carefully inspected before purchase. It should not have dents or scratches if it is made of stainless steel. If not, additionally need to check for chips. Even small defects in the shell will not allow it to fit snugly to the base, and this is unacceptable. It is optimal that the kit includes fasteners good quality. Otherwise, it's better to buy them.

Inserting a sink into a countertop: 5 main steps

The work of installing the equipment is carried out in five steps.

1. Markup

Place the table top face up. We unpack the plumbing fixture. Ideally, if there is a marking template in the kit. If not, we will circle the product itself. To do this, turn it over and put it in the place where it will be placed. It is very important that the built-in sink does not prevent the cabinet doors from opening freely. This needs to be controlled.

If everything is fine, draw a contour with a simple pencil and get a line on which the edge will be kitchen sink. Now you should determine the inner contour of the bowl. To do this, we measure its side, its length is on average 12 mm. We set aside the resulting value inward from the intended line and outline the inner border. It is on it that you will need to cut a hole. To prevent chipping when sawing, we stick masking tape along the contour.

2. Working with a hole

We take a drill, put a drill with a diameter of about 10 mm into it. We drill a hole on the previously outlined inner contour. We install a jigsaw file in this hole and carefully cut an opening under the bowl. If the device has a quadrangular shape, drill holes are made in each of the corners.

An important point is to hold the sawn off part. At the moment when the cutout is almost ready, it can fall out and break the laminated coating. Therefore, it must either be held from below or secured with something suitable. These can be clamps, self-tapping screws, etc. Carefully remove the cut off fragment and clean the hole from fine dust.

3. Processing the slice

It must be understood that absolute sealing of the cut line is impossible. But it is worth trying to make sure that it is as protected as possible. Otherwise, this problem area will first become dark, which will indicate the appearance of moisture inside wood board. Then foci of mold development may form, and the base will become unusable.

We start with sanding. We clean the cut with fine sandpaper, getting rid of all the bumps, remove dust. Then we take the sealant and apply it to the cleaned surface. Considering that the site will not be noticeable, you can take the usual white composition. For ease of application, we use a small spatula, if it is not available, you can apply the drug with your finger. Gently smooth the sealant so that it covers the entire cut with a thick smooth layer.

4. Cooking the sink

Before installing the equipment, it is necessary to stick a sealing tape on it. We turn the bowl over and determine the place where the seal will be located. We take a rubber band, which should be included in the delivery, and use a rag soaked in gasoline or solvent to degrease it.

We apply a continuous layer on the sealant. It should not be too much so that it does not come out during the gluing process. We put the tape on the edge of the sink and press it so that the composition grabs. It may be that a self-adhesive seal is supplied in the kit. It's easier to work with him. It is necessary to remove the protective strip and stick the insulator.

5. Attaching the sink to the countertop

We apply a layer of sealant between the side and the seal. Since there is a small chance that the composition strip will be visible, you can choose a mixture that matches the color. For example, black or any other. Transparent sealant is a universal solution.

Then we put the fasteners on the back of the bowl so that they are not fixed until the end. Now insert the sink into the base. We start embedding from the area where the mixer will be mounted.

We tilt the bowl and carefully lower it into the hole, put the fragment in place. Next, we gradually install the structure, so that the sides stand on the inside of the base. To make the bowl fit tightly, gently press it, moving along the perimeter of the equipment. In this case, excess sealant may come out from under the device. Wipe them off immediately with a rag. After hardening, it will not work imperceptibly. We carry out the installation by tightening the fasteners.

On this, the installation of the sink can be considered complete. It remains to connect it to the sewerage system, put it in place and connect it to the water supply pipeline. It cannot be argued that the installation of mortise equipment is very simple. However, if you wish, you can do it yourself. Accuracy, patience and strict adherence to the instructions guarantee a good result.

  • Material prepared: Inna Yasinovskaya

A kitchen sink has to withstand absolutely everything. Hot pots and pans detergents, ice water and much more. Finding one is very difficult. The stainless steel sink is called eighteen by ten. This is the percentage of chromium and nickel that is part of the stainless steel. This sink is resistant to corrosion, temperature, household acids and detergents.

Sinks can be mortise or overhead. The first ones crash into the countertop, the second ones are simply superimposed on the furniture, like a cover.

Overhead sinks are considered the most budgetary and easy to install.

Mortise installed directly into the countertop, for which you need to cut the appropriate hole

Undermount sinks mount below the countertop for superior sealing and appearance

The choice of coverage is small. Either mirrored or matte. Decorated stainless steel is thicker, less noisy and more durable than smooth stainless steel. In general service. A minimum of scratches is guaranteed if the sink meets the state standard. It is recommended to check the quality of the purchase with a magnet. High-quality stainless steel does not attract him. A sink made of high-quality alloy will cost no more than five thousand rubles. This is one of the cases where better price meets the quality.

The metal sink is suitable for most interiors, simple and reliable in operation, easy to clean.

A porcelain stoneware sink will cost about twelve thousand rubles. But the quality of porcelain stoneware is always on the level. The shape, size, smoothness of bends - all this does not play a fundamental role in the functioning of the sink. It's a matter of taste. It was revealed that for convenience, the sink should be at least 25 centimeters long. And at least fifteen centimeters deep. When choosing a sink, you need to carefully examine it. Enamel should be even and smooth. There should be no protrusions and depressions. It should have two holes for the mixer and drain.

Porcelain stoneware sink is durable and strong, environmentally friendly, available in a variety of colors and configurations, but more expensive

Layout drawing of the countertop for the installation of a mortise sink

Tools for installing the sink in the countertop:

  • pencil and ruler. for marking the hole in the cabinet;
  • drill;
  • jigsaw or electric jigsaw. for cutting a hole for a sink.
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • pliers;
  • silicone sealant;
  • rubber compressor.

Ways to install a sink in a countertop

Mortise sink mounting scheme

Before installing a mortise sink, you need to decide on the place where it will stand. To start installation, measure four centimeters from the far edge of the countertop and six centimeters from the near edge of the countertop. We take a pencil and mark.

We use a cardboard blank to apply the most accurate contour to the base of the countertop

To accurately cut the gap for the bowl, put the sink on the back and use it as a stencil. We circle, it turns out an oval or a circle. We remove the bowl, circle again with a fatter trace. We make another contour a centimeter deeper. On this trail and cut out. We make a hole for a jigsaw in any convenient place, without going beyond the contour. Cut out the circle. To make the cut smooth, we use files with a straight tooth. So that the sawn oval does not fall through, we fix it from below with ordinary self-tapping screws.

We cut a niche from the front side of the countertop with a jigsaw

We install crabs on special brackets, which will cling to the sink on the countertop. Before installation, we put a siphon and a tap under the countertop. So much more convenient. We immediately fasten the hoses to the faucet. For reliability, you can screw in a couple more screws and continue. After cutting out the oval, you can dismantle it. To do this, you need to hold it well. We put the sink in place. After installation, we coat the end of the cut with sealants.

On the edge of the countertop (on the cut), we apply a layer of sealant that will protect wooden surface from moisture penetration and will not allow the tree to swell

Can be used as a sealing method

In the future, if moisture gets under the sink, the countertop will not swell. We connect the crane. Siphon and use.

You can use special fasteners to securely fasten the sink to the countertop

Mounting a countertop sink step by step

Surface-mounted sink is designed for installation on standard pedestals of standard width

We carefully mount the sink so as not to damage the installed siphon and mixer and not to touch the applied sealant

We connect the mixer and siphon to the pipes and check the work done

Installing a stone sink into a countertop

Scheme of inserting a sink into a countertop

Stone sinks are 80% stone and 20% binder. Stone sinks withstand heavy loads, do not conduct electricity, are not exposed to aggressive substances, and are safe for food. We measure the dimensions of the sink in the countertop with a ruler and a pencil. We take a sink, turn it over, circle it.

We circle the sink with a pencil and, retreating inward by 1.5-2 cm (depending on the size of the side of the sink), draw a line of cut

We measure the exact dimensions. We drill a hole. We take a jigsaw, set it in drilled hole, cut out a circle. We apply the sink, it should exactly lie down in the cut out place.

When everything is cut through, you can simply remove the inside of the countertop

We coat the edges with silicone, using a construction gun. We apply a thick layer of silicone around the circle. In the cut with a rag or glove, smear the silicone. We also apply sealant to the sink. After that, we install it in the cabinet.

Carefully turn the sink over and insert it into the hole, being careful not to touch the sealant applied to the edges

The hole for the faucet should be closer to the wall. We put some kind of load in it to press it well. We leave for twelve - 20 hours. Remove excess silicone. We connect the mixer and siphon.

We install a siphon and a mixer on the sink and connect the siphon to the sewer pipe

Installing an integrated sink in a countertop

Integrated kitchen sink creates a single composition with kitchen worktop and requires skills in working with tools, so it is better to entrust the expensive option to professionals

Such equipment is one piece with a countertop and a sink. It has higher requirements. These devices are thicker than conventional ones and have a longer service life. Just as for installing the previous types of sinks, we make a hole in the cabinet, clearly measuring the dimensions. You can order templates to install any sinks. So, we make the markup of the future hole, cut it out. Sharp edges are removed with a cutter. The roundings are then ground by hand. Apply polymer adhesive. After application, a sink is installed. It is fixed and left for 12 hours. In conclusion, the shell is additionally fixed by pouring it from the underside with a rapidly hardening resin. It is important that the filling compound is applied only to the side walls. Then waterproofing is done with adhesive or aluminum tape. Remove excess adhesive after the casting compound has hardened. Connect water and drain.

Siphon and sink mixer installation

Scheme of assembling a sink with a siphon into the sewer outlet

Siphons have two main parts: main, small. They are collected together. A plastic nut is inserted into the small one. The rubber seal is inserted under the nut. The small part is inserted into the large one. The nut is screwed in until it stops. But even if you tighten the nut, then most of will move a little. This is necessary so that we can place the corrugation in a convenient position. Into the tube which is on the large part. Next to the one in which we screwed a small part. We insert a rubber seal into the second nut. We screw the second part of the siphon into this tube, which will be attached to the bottom of the sink and countertop. We screw the nut until it stops so that the rubber gasket is well pressed. We screw the revision cover into the siphon. In case of blockage, you can unscrew this cap, clear the blockage and screw the cap back on. It is easier to install a siphon before installing a sink, and not vice versa. We screw the screw into the siphon until a characteristic creak. No need to twist. It remains to mount the corrugation. To do this, first insert the nut, the sealant, insert it into the siphon, screw it in until it stops. Now you can connect to the sewer from the countertop.

It is important to choose the right faucet for the countertop. First, you need to decide how you want to turn on the water. Turn the crane or raise and lower the lever. Everyone can choose for themselves suitable design. It is worth remembering that low price and fashion design This is a sign of poor quality production. It is better to buy a simple European faucet. When buying it, you should take into account the quality of the water and the presence of a gas column in the house. Faucet prices range from the lowest to the highest. Everything depends on the quality. So let's start the installation. Turn off hot and cold water taps. We wind flax on threaded connections. We apply plumbing paste to flax. After that, we screw it into water sockets.

You can use silicone sealant. This is done to protect the flax from decay. We attach flexible hoses to the mixer. There are two of them. We put an annular gasket on the base of the mixer. It must be in the groove intended for it, otherwise the water will flow. Screw in the threaded pins. There may be one or two mixers in a mixer set. We pass flexible hoses through the mounting hole of the sink. At the same time, it is necessary to check whether the ring gasket has moved. We fix the mixer from below. We put on a rubber seal. Using an open-end wrench, firmly tighten the nuts over the seal. The crane must not move. We connect flexible hose water supply to water outlets. It is important that the hoses are not twisted or bent during installation. After all these steps, we check the operation of the new equipment. Open the water and check for leaks.

Video: Installing and replacing a faucet, sink

The sink is an indispensable piece of furniture in the kitchen. It is very important - just like a gas stove or refrigerator. But install the sink in the countertop do-it-yourself is much easier than connecting gas stove if you know the principles of performing such work. For this it is enough to have necessary tools and a great desire to learn new things. Important here is right choice sinks.

Types of kitchen sinks

Kitchen sinks are very a large assortment. You can verify this by visiting a specialized plumbing store. There are many types of sinks. They can be divided into at least six types.

Depending on the type of installation, one can distinguish:

  • Angular, rectangular, round and oval, figured. The simpler and more versatile the shape of the sink, the easier it will be to care for it. Complex figured sinks can decorate the interior of the kitchen well, but they will not be practical in everyday use. Do not forget about the main function of the sink - the presence of a convenient place for washing dishes and other things.
  • Single and with two departments. There are models with a convenient transfusion of water from one sink to another.
  • The faucet can be located on the sink itself or on the wall.
  • Availability additional features such as installing a filter, taps for connecting garden hoses.

The most popular are stainless steel sinks. They are durable, functional, easy to clean, suitable for any interior and most importantly they have an acceptable price.

Steel quality can be checked using an ordinary magnet. When buying, you must attach it to the sink. If it holds up well, then the sink is made of good steel. When the magnet falls off even with a slight movement, it is better not to take such a sink.

Sinks made of steel and granite are both overhead and mortise. Self installation inset sink in the countertop is not complex process, as well as the installation of the invoice. But for this, you first need to take care of the foundation.

Instrument preparation

In order to attach the sink to the cabinet, you need the appropriate tools. Before installing the sink, it is necessary to check the presence of fasteners for it in the kit. Often these are double-sided clips. Them you need to fix on the ends of the already trimmed countertops and on the inside of the sink. Additionally, the kit should include a tubular sealant for the tightness of the joints.

You also need to take care of the following tools:

  • Jigsaw and a set of paintings to it. It can be replaced with an ordinary saw.
  • Drill with drills of different diameters and screws.
  • A set of tools for measuring: a clerical knife, a water level, a square, a ruler, a screwdriver for screws, a pencil and a tape measure.
  • Silicone sealant.

Sturdy cabinet - a guarantee of durability

Overhead and mortise sinks are installed in cabinets with opening or sliding doors. In this case, the back wall of such a cabinet should be open. In order to assemble the cabinet correctly and reliably, you need to know a few features of mounting.

The bottom line is that such structures do not provide for additional reinforcement and bulkheads, as this can interfere with sewer pipes and the installation of the sink itself. In this regard, the cabinet does not have additional stiffening ribs, which will affect its service life. Moreover, if you install an overhead sink, it will not even have a countertop. Instead, the entire top of the cabinet will be occupied by a steel sink panel. This will also negatively affect the strength of the structure.

A feature of the assembly of cabinets under the sink is a careful approach to its strengthening. It should be much stronger than other kitchen furniture. When installing a sink in the kitchen, rubber gaskets must be placed under the nightstand. This will prevent water leakage. Even with high tightness, moisture can penetrate under it. Rubber gaskets should preferably be treated with waterproof agents. In the inside of the bedside table, you need to install fasteners for jumpers. They are installed after mounting the sink and connecting it. Such jumpers can be made from thick strips.

Installation of overhead and mortise sinks

The overhead sink can be installed in conventional and retractable ways. In the first case, slides are installed on it from the side and front, and the cabinet itself has special grooves. After assembling the bedside table, you can install the sink on the grooves and start connecting it. With a direct mounting method, it is necessary to carefully seal the joints. This will be the mount to the countertop. The sealant will qualitatively stick the sink to the nightstand: it has good waterproof properties. It is necessary to apply it around the entire perimeter on the top of the cabinet and firmly plant the sink.

A large and heavy sink cannot be fixed only with sealant. In this case, it may fall over time into the bottom of the cabinet along with the dishes and damage sewer pipes, fixtures and water hoses. You can strengthen it with the help of additional bars or by installing an internal protective crate.

As a rule, overhead sinks are supplied with additional fasteners. They can be made from bars, which must be firmly glued to the top of the cabinet. Then the sink will rest on them.

Before installing a mortise sink, you need to make sure that the cabinet is strong and that the entire sink can be installed in the opening. After fixing the sink, there should be no distortions and irregularities, and it should sit firmly on the nightstand.

Step by step installation instructions

Self-installation of the sink in the countertop will not be difficult, but the instructions must be read and followed. The quality of the installation will depend on this.

How to embed a sink into a countertop

Most sinks have a template to set when purchasing. It is packaged in a cardboard box. It is enough to cut it out and attach it to the countertop. Use a marker to circle the outline - and you can proceed to subsequent work.

If there is no template provided by the manufacturer, you must make it yourself. You can use cardboard from the packaging of a TV or computer, but it must be durable. Having attached the sink to the cardboard, it is necessary to outline its contours and cut out the desired part. If the template came out big - it's okay, you can always trim and fit it to the desired shape. It is better to cut off more initially. Otherwise, it is likely that you will need to look for another cardboard.

Location and place cut

For such work, it is just appropriate to apply the proverb "measure seven times - cut once." You can freely move the template on the countertop until you start completely cutting out the place under the sink. After determining the exact location, the template must be glued with stationery tape - in order to evenly outline the contours. After that, the template can be thrown away . Surface at the cut must be glued with adhesive tape to avoid damage to the surface during operation.

In order to learn how to install a stainless steel sink on a cabinet, you need to understand how to properly cut a hole for it. First, you need to drill several holes with a diameter of 2 mm along the outlined contour. They are made as close as possible to each other, 3-5 centimeters long. You need to drill for a convenient and easy entry of a saw or jigsaw. Before starting the complete sawing of the contour, it is necessary to connect the holes into a single groove.

Spare blades are purchased before drilling begins. Countertops tend to be very thick and can be difficult to cut. The jigsaw in the hand should be positioned confidently. Minimal bevels and hand shifts to the sides during operation can lead to breakage of the blade and damage to the table top.

Completing the installation

Sealant must be applied to the end of the cut hole. Its quantity should be sufficient for high-quality gluing of the sink, but it should not be overdone, as it will crawl out of the edges. The sink must be pressed firmly against the countertop and held for a minute. If the sealant has crawled out of the edges, it is removed with an ordinary rag from the outside and inside. It will take several hours for the glue to dry completely. After that, it is necessary to wash, connect to the water supply and sewerage.

Important points when installing the sink

Insertion of a sink is a simple process, but requiring special attention to the details. Especially when it comes to specific types of sinks, such as ceramic or glass. They should be well attached to the countertop.

Several rules must be followed sink settings:

Basically, sinks are installed in the corner or near the wall adjacent to the bathroom, since they are tied to the sewer. But today, technology allows you to mount it anywhere in the kitchen.

Where to install the sink depends on the preferences and taste of the hostess, as well as on the type of kitchen furniture. If each part of the headset is separate, and in the near future it is not planned to completely change it, then you can install an overhead sink. But in the case of installing a sectional kitchen set with one large worktop, it is better to buy a mortise sink to avoid dampness.

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