How to make a homemade laser level or level. Do-it-yourself laser level Make a do-it-yourself laser level

garden equipment 14.06.2019
garden equipment

How to mount a laser level with your own hands, and is it even possible? Such a high-tech device for projecting vertical or horizontal surfaces while aligning them is manufactured using high-precision equipment. In professional models, special diode lamps are used, using prismatic glasses, they convert the outgoing light into a thin beam.

This definition sounds a bit scary. But do not despair, because this applies to professional devices used on construction sites. And for home use such models are not very suitable. Available for sale various options for professional use, as well as for indoor repairs.

Can be purchased household models, but again, using them once, you put the device in a box, and it is not known when it will be needed again. Therefore, we propose to consider the option of self-manufacturing a laser level at home.

What is this device for?

These devices are needed in everyday life when carrying out various repairs - when pouring the floor, laying tiles, installing suspended ceilings and even wallpapering. With any not very global repairs that most people do with their own hands, this level is simply irreplaceable.

Three ways to make your own level

At home, equalizers can be made in three versions, which are suitable for independent work. We will discuss these methods in detail below.

Option one

In this case, you will need:

  • Normal building level.
  • Laser pointer.
  • A small wooden plank 1 meter long and a bar with a section of about 5 by 5 cm.
  • A rectangular piece of plywood measuring 10 by 20 cm and a small piece of porous rubber.

Laser pointer

First, you need to slightly improve the pointer to make the laser point more clear. Unscrew the cap with the pointer and seal it from the inside with thick cardboard. Then carefully marking the center, make a hole in the paper with a thick needle or sharpened nail. Then screw the nozzle back into place and test it by turning it on and pointing it at the wall. If you get a clear bright dot, then everything is fine, and you can proceed to the next process.

Such manipulations can be avoided if you purchase a laser pointer with additional attachments.

We take a meter bar and sharpen it in the form of a peg on one side. On the other flat end we nail plywood. A piece of 10 by 10 cm is enough, just make sure that it is as even as possible. Then we attach a bubble level to this design. We do this along the entire length of the meter bar. We will use such a device for vertical alignment.

Now fix the pointer on the plywood. To do this, we take a clamp of the appropriate size, and under the pointer we put a rubber pad for cushioning. In addition, it is necessary to provide the possibility of adjusting the angle of inclination in the longitudinal axis.

Principle of operation

This homemade laser level is very easy to use. Before work, it must be fixed on the site or in the middle of the room. To do this, additionally prepare a special cabinet so that the bar sharpened under the peg can be freely inserted and rotated in the hole. The principle of its manufacture can be omitted - anyone can do it, showing a little imagination.

So, we inserted the peg into the platform and, using the bubble level, leveled it vertically. The pointer looks at one of the walls. We turn it on and fix the point in a certain position. We make a mark in this place and turn the peg in the right direction along the horizontal plane to the other side of the wall. Then we mark a point on it and connect the resulting segment with one even and straight line.

When turning the pointer and fixing it at the opposite point, do not forget to check the evenness of the vertical level.

Option two

Laser pointer for level

In the second case, the level can be made from the same pointer and a small container of water - it can be a deep plate or bath. You will also need a piece of foam. This is a simpler option that does not require special training, and everything is done in almost three approaches.

Take a container and fill it with water so that there is 1 centimeter left to the edge. Now fix the pointer on the foam. Before doing this, also perform the operation to reduce the laser beam exit hole. You can simply glue the pointer by first cutting out an oval recess for it in the foam or attach it with two pieces of wire, placing a rubber gasket first.

How you attach it doesn't matter. The main thing is that the pointer should hold on to the foam as tightly as possible.

The device is ready, and you can start working.

How does this mechanism work?

The container with water must be placed at the desired height, where you need to find the horizon. To do this, you can use a stool with books stacked on it to achieve greater height. We place a container of water on a stack of books and carefully lower the foam plastic into it with the laser pointer turned on. Then we direct it in the right direction to mark the starting point. Turn carefully and wait until the styrofoam stops moving through the water before making a mark.

The first point has been marked. Turn the pointer in the other direction and in the same way, after waiting a couple of minutes so that the foam does not move in the water, mark the second point. This will give you a straight horizontal line.

The third option is a suspended level

Suspension level

For this method, you will also need a 30-centimeter bar a little more than 2 centimeters thick, a rope and a drill. But it's better to use drilling machine because it needs to be done smooth hole. However, not everyone has such mechanisms, so you can use a vise to fix the bar before drilling.

We fix the bar and on one side we drill a hole for the pointer. To do this, select the appropriate drill diameter. It is important to insert it as evenly as possible so that the angle with respect to the beam is 90 degrees. From the other end we fix the rope.

The result should be a kind of laser plummet. It can be hung in any place and, turning in different sides, mark horizontal and vertical points. This method is more suitable for the construction of foundations, fences, pools and other outbuildings.

Which of the above methods to use is up to you. Each option is suitable for different situations. Before work, think - maybe you will get by with the usual bubble level to “beat off” the horizontal. But still, when it is necessary to make repairs on their own, and at the same time no one seeks helpers, such a mechanism will come in handy. Moreover, the manufacturing process of all three options is trivially simple.

Level adjustment

When you have made a homemade level, it must first be set up before work. There will be no problems with the second option, but when using a level on a peg with a bubble equalizer, you will have to pre-adjust.

How it's done?

Capro hanging level

Screw the screw into the stand so that the head coincides with the exit line of the laser beam. Then turn on the pointer and point it at the wall. At the point where the laser will point, screw another self-tapping screw, and then you need to put a thin rail on it and the one that is screwed on the bar in front of the pointer. After that, another level is installed on it.

With its help, the laser beam is carefully adjusted to a horizontal position until the bubble in the window is in the middle. When you have found the line, fix the peg in the stand and remove the bar with the level. Now you can use the finely tuned level as intended.

When using mechanisms that you can do with your own hands, you must be extremely careful. Never direct the laser beam into your eyes. Although such devices are commercially available, their brightness level is comparable to that of an electric welding flash, the brightness of which does not have a very favorable effect on the retina.

When marking the horizon with the help of laser levels, and even more so with self-made devices, you need to be extremely careful and, when you find a point, set it in a strictly vertical position. And if you are using the second version of the homemade level, then always wait until the foam with the pointer is fixed in one position.


Of course, these are not all options that allow you to make a laser level with your own hands. In fact, among professional builders there are quite a lot of talented people who are able to build levels from improvised materials that do not differ in accuracy from professional models. We brought only 3 of the most simple options, which, if necessary, can be improved for use in different rooms.

Ruslan Vasiliev

When during work, it becomes necessary to lay the markings of one line on long distance, a normal bubble level will be ineffective. But professional construction equipment is not cheap, so you should try to find alternatives to it, for example, use a convenient, affordable tool for marking - a laser level. With your own hands, it can be made from any improvised materials for a minimum time period.

Benefits of using a laser level

A home-made light pointer allows you to apply a mirror, symmetrical markup at a great distance, put down spatial points. The range of such models does not exceed 10 meters, but this distance is enough to perform most of the necessary marking work. Professional devices (construction level, cut pointer) have more functionality, but many of the available features are not always in demand. Therefore, at home, you can get by with a home-made design.

The characteristics of such a level are quite enough to meet the basic requirements and apply the necessary markings, because it:

  • provides the required beam range, up to 10 m;
  • increases the speed of measurements;
  • guarantees an acceptable minimum error.

The main advantage of the device is the positioning of the light beam in a horizontal plane, which allows you to effectively mark structures, control levels, including vertical ones on the wall. In addition to carrying out repair work in an apartment, house and interior design, it is used to lay out the backyard territory, control the construction of fences, facade decoration.

Laser pointer and bubble level

One of available options the manufacture of such a tool at home is the modernization of the usual bubble level. The idea is to attach a light pointer to the body of the level, which will expand the possibilities of using the tool and allow you to put points on remote planes. If you additionally adapt a tripod with a turntable, then the efficiency of its use will increase markedly.

When making you will need:

  • bubble level, medium size;
  • laser pointer;
  • rubber, hard foam rubber, foam plastic with dimensions 40/15/5 (length / width / height in mm);
  • for fastening worm-drive clamps, nylon ties in the amount of 2-3 units.

The level should be taken with handles in the middle of the side face, through which it is more convenient to mount the laser pointer with clamps or ties. The requirements for the pointer are simple - the light point at any distance must remain clear, not blurry. To do this, a cap is scrolled from the side of the laser, under which a focusing lens is hidden. Depending on the direction of rotation, the shape of the point will change. The adjustment is carried out in such a way that the deviations from the original shape of the light spot are minimal, regardless of the distance .

1 - laser pointer; 2 - rubber substrate; 3 - clamps, ties.

The device is mounted on top, where there is an insert with a bubble. First, a substrate is laid, a prepared piece of rubber, foam rubber, polystyrene. Then a light pointer, which is tightly fixed with nylon ties, worm clamps.

The direction of the beam is set strictly parallel to the edge of the level. Adjustment is made by placing the tool on any flat surface of great length, it can be a table top mounted against a wall. The height of the light beam from the base should be the same throughout.

If there are no holes suitable for attaching handles, then they are drilled independently in the most suitable place with a 3 mm drill to securely fix the light pointer. Further actions fastenings are similar to those listed above.

To carry out marking in different planes, the tool is applied to the base, set strictly horizontally, vertically. Scrolling it around the axis, the marks are transferred to the walls, ceiling, floor. Instead of a surface, it is allowed to use a tripod with a rotary element with a fixed flat board, a metal plate.

Setting up a homemade pointer

Before starting important marking work, any device made independently, for example, a do-it-yourself laser level, must be calibrated and adjusted. You can do it yourself like this:

  • A self-tapping screw up to 120 mm long is screwed into the base on which the level is fixed. Deepening it so that its cap coincides with the line of the laser pointer.
  • Turning on the pointer, the beam is directed to the wall, after which the projection site is marked with a pencil and the second screw is screwed into it.
  • A profile or a flat piece of drywall, any bar is installed on the screw heads.
  • Top laser. If necessary, the bar is leveled relative to the horizon, taking into account the readings of the bubble, tilting the edge closer to the wall.
  • After alignment, a new screw is screwed in and the profile is removed.
  • By setting homemade device on the stand, carry out its final adjustment, focusing on the head of the last installed hardware.
  • If the device is level, proceed to marking.

Hanger application

Any suspended massive object will rotate freely around an axis pointing straight down. If the pointer is fixed perpendicularly, then its beam will draw a horizontal line on all boundary walls.

Is taken wooden beam ok, into the upper end of which two screws are screwed along the edges. Their hats should protrude by about 1 cm. Any thick thread is tied to them, preferably one that is slightly stretched, or thin copper wire. In the middle of the thread, another piece is tied, with which the workpiece will be hung on a tripod or hook.

From the bottom of the bar, using rubber bands, worm clamps attach a laser pointer, achieving its perpendicular position. The direction is checked with a conventional bubble level. By changing the length of the suspension thread, the beam is set relative to the first mark on the wall. Scrolling the bar with a pointer attached to it, further marking the longitudinal line is carried out.

To view its location in the plane, the beam with the suspension thread is slightly twisted in one direction. Released, it will begin to unwind under the influence of gravity. reverse direction, and the pointer will draw a strictly horizontal line along the walls. The error is not more than 1–2 mm.

Using a water container

Do simple design with a high degree of marking accuracy, it is possible from the materials available at home. To do this, you will need to prepare a water tank, a piece of polystyrene foam (polystyrene foam), a pointer, any sticky material - plasticine, plaster.

  • First, the container, which can be used as a bucket, pan, is filled to the brim with water.
  • The laser pointer is installed on the foam, trying to place it more evenly, and fastened with plasticine, plaster, rubber bands.
  • The container is set at the required height.
  • Styrofoam with a pointer is placed in the tank.
  • Move it to the on position.
  • By changing the direction of the light pointer, turning it around the axis, the beam is projected onto the marked surfaces and the projection places are marked. All points relative to the horizon will be strictly in the same plane.

Homemade laser devices can hardly be called ideal, but the clarity of the markings applied is very high. Another advantage is that everyone can assemble such a tool with their own hands from the available materials, spending a little money and time on its manufacture.

The laser level is very useful construction tool, with which you can very quickly and with high precision make a beating of the level, spending a minimum of time and effort on it. In order to use it, you do not need to have any special skills and knowledge - just put this device on the floor (or on the wall), turn it on and wait until the device provokes strictly straight horizontal lines on a specific surface.

However, there is a price to pay for all this accuracy, and often a lot of money. Therefore, today we will consider the question "How to make a laser level yourself."

Photo and design of a homemade apparatus

First, let's figure out exactly what parts this building element consists of. The most important in a laser level is a special emitter. If it is a homemade tool, then a penny laser pointer may well perform its function.

This can be purchased in almost any department. However, the emitter is not all that the laser level consists of. The entire list of materials required for the manufacture of a homemade level implies the presence of a number of elements:

  1. Laser pointer.
  2. A simple bubble building level.
  3. A peg with a round or square section of 50-60 mm and a length of 100-130 centimeters. Here, a shovel holder is quite suitable as a peg.

A piece of dense plywood or board, as well as some porous rubber


So, how is a do-it-yourself laser level made? At the first stage, you need to make an emitter. It, as we noted earlier, should be made from a pointer. The finished element will later project a clear point onto the wall. However, one drawback should be noted here - a home-made emitter, no matter how good and high-quality it may be, according to its characteristics, is not able to draw a straight continuous line on a plane (this requires special lenses, and these are used only in expensive purchased tools).

In order to make a laser level with your own hands (namely, its main part - the emitter), you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Prepare a simple nozzle (without a picture).
  2. Seal it with cardboard.
  3. Poke a small hole in the center of the nozzle.
  4. Install the device on the pointer.

Thus, when the emitter is turned on, the device will “draw” a clear straight line on the wall in a vertical or horizontal direction.

How is the laser level done with your own hands? In the next step, you will need to level the laser itself. To do this, take a few clamps with which you can fix the pointer on the level. A small piece of porous rubber is placed between the first and second element. This is necessary so that in the future you have the ability to configure and adjust the position and angle of the laser.

We make a laser level with our own hands: we make a stand and assemble the elements of the level

Now we make a stand. To do this, you need to take two stakes, and one of them should be pointed, and the second - aligned horizontally. Plywood is attached to this platform.

Next, we proceed to the assembly of the elements of the level. Here the stake is driven into the ground first. If this is a room, it is best to replace this element with a tripod. At the same time, use a bubble level to level the stand horizontally. Install the device on the site and turn on the laser. In the place where the beam met the wall, a point will be visible. Make a mark in it, turn the stand a few degrees to the side and put the next mark on the surface. After connecting these two points, you will get a completely straight vertical line.

Important point

It is worth noting that you should proceed to drawing this line only after the tool has passed a certain test - laser alignment. This work is done every time after mounting the stand with the level to a new place.

Level adjustment steps

Level and adjust it correctly? This work can be divided into several stages.

  1. A screw is screwed into the stand so that its head coincides with the laser line. Next, the beam is turned on, and the level is aimed at the wall. At the resulting point, another screw is screwed.
  2. Further, a thin rail is laid between the screwed elements ( metallic profile), on which the level is then placed. The level bubble should be placed in the center of the window. As soon as he indicates an even position, a new mark is made on the wall, and if you connect the head of the screw that was screwed into the stand with the one installed on the wall, you get a perfectly even line.

The device is mounted on a stand. In order for the level to work correctly, it is necessary to combine the point that is projected by the beam with the new one obtained using the profile. To do this, the clamps adjust the position of the pointer, and as soon as the laser points to the received mark, you can start working.

So, we figured out how to make a homemade laser level and how to properly set it up before work.

A laser level is a rather useful device used in any construction, which allows you to quickly and at the same time accurately mark the level on any surface. To use such a tool, you do not need to have the skills of a professional builder - just set the laser level on the floor or wall, turn it on and wait until the device projects lines in accordance with the horizontal or vertical level on the surface to be marked.

However, such a device in stores is not cheap and therefore it is advisable to learn how to assemble it with your own hands, especially since it will not be difficult.

Design features of laser levels

Visually, the laser level resembles a small device that can be mounted on various surfaces. The most popular ways to mount the device are performed through the following elements:

  • magnetic element;
  • tripod stand;
  • special fastening straps.

In addition to the mounting method, building levels differ in the projection of the laser beam onto the surface: building a plane or direction. The instruments used to indicate the direction reflect a point projection on the surface. In turn, levels that project a plane are equipped with special optical systems that turn the beam into a plane. To date, experts distinguish several types of laser levels:

  • A rotary type device that is capable of rotating around its own axis with the formation clear line. Such a device is produced in a reliable case, qualitatively protected from various external factors. Such a product is perfect for carrying out any construction activities, from pouring the floor to the construction of the ceiling.
  • A positioning device consisting of two radiating sources that allow you to create a visible plane. This device is mainly used for finishing works in room.
  • A self-leveling device is a level equipped with internal pendulums and capable of emitting up to five beams. Such a laser level is additionally equipped with a cross-shaped sight.

The main disadvantage of such universal devices is their relatively high price. The cost of the simplest device is not always affordable for the average consumer and exceeds ten times the price of a conventional bubble or water level.

The simplest level from a laser pointer

If we consider the price of a homemade laser level, then a person will only have to spend money on buying a pointer. All other structural elements of the device can be made with your own hands from improvised materials that can be found in every home workshop. The main task when creating a homemade laser level is pointer mount so that it can freely rotate around its own axis. But first you need to stock up on the following consumables:

  • laser type pointer;
  • wooden beam measuring 25 by 25 mm and half a meter long;
  • building cord;
  • conventional electric drill;
  • support in the form of a stick for the finished laser level.

To assemble a laser level with your own hands, you need follow a specific sequence easy actions.

  1. In a pre-prepared bar, holes parallel to each other are drilled from both edges. One of them is designed for mounting a laser pointer, and the other for a building cord.
  2. After the laser emitter is fixed in its place, the rope is fastened, which is designed to suspend the device above the level of the floor surface. A hole is drilled from the opposite end of the beam so that the cord can pass freely through it.
  3. A rope is passed into the prepared hole, which is tied to the bar and tightened tightly.
  4. Support, perhaps, any convenient stick, including a shovel stuck in the ground.

The main thing is that the support used is securely and firmly fixed. If this rule is neglected, then it will not be possible to correctly set the level.

Checking the operation of the laser level

With the help of a laser level assembled with your own hands from a pointer, you can mark up on any surface, but this is best done when low light so that the light beam is clearly visible. To start marking, the device is suspended with a rope in the center of the room in which the work is performed. DIY level turns in the required direction and marks desired distance along the length of the beam, after which a stick is installed on which convenient to mark.

After carrying out such simple manipulations, the level can be directed in any direction where it is necessary to make marks. In this case, if the position of the support stick is unchanged, then all marks will be located at an identical height. After marking individual points, they can be connected with a construction cord, along which, using a construction meter, draw a marking line.

Laser level made of foam plastic and water containers

To create a laser level of this design with your own hands, you need to prepare a convenient container, a piece of plasticine or a patch, in general, any substance or material with which you can fix the main part. Naturally, you will need laser type pointer and a piece of styrofoam. The procedure for assembling the device itself takes place in accordance with a certain action plan.

Despite the fact that such laser levels can hardly be called ideal, however markup clarity high enough and homemade designs have the right to exist.

Homemade laser cross design

This is another type of laser level that you can assemble with your own hands. This level is very convenient to use when hanging cabinets in the kitchen or pictures in the rooms, as well as in many other situations. To make such a simple tool, a person will need video camera tripod, an old player and a couple of unnecessary disks.

  1. A cross of laser pointers is mounted on a tripod in such a way that it rotates around its axis. For this purpose, you can use the drive from the player.
  2. It is also important to take care that the laser level can move vertically to the required height.
  3. Discs glued together are installed on the old player drive.
  4. At the finishing stage, a cross of laser pointers is attached to the discs. To fasten it, you can use adhesive tape or any other material at hand.

Due to the fact that the device is placed movably on a tripod, it can be rotate in any direction, without changing the markup height. Thus, by setting the necessary parameters for marking, you can accurately beat off the level on any surface in the room without having to adjust the device each time.

The main advantages of a homemade tool

Naturally, you should not expect from a do-it-yourself laser level to perform ultra-precise and complex marking operations. But for domestic use, such a device is quite suitable and even in many respects will surpass the factory water level in quality. Plus, it will be able to provide the following functions:

  • sufficiently large beam length;
  • minimum level of error with comparative ease of use;
  • increase in the speed of marking.

But the main advantage of the laser level is the ability of the device project rays on a horizontal plane. Thanks to this, the builder can accurately control the quality of the vertical and horizontal level, both when marking wall, floor or ceiling surfaces. In addition to construction, the level can be used when marking personal plot, facade decoration building or erecting a fence.

Therefore, when thinking about replenishing your home workshop with a laser level, you should not rush headlong to the store to buy an expensive device. Having shown a little ingenuity and skill, everyone can assemble a level with their own hands from improvised materials. In this case, the maximum cash outlay will be the purchase of a conventional laser pointer.

Usage innovative technologies construction is nothing new. Precise instruments and equipment make it possible to create unique compositions in architectural delights.

Creating a unique design, provide high quality construction.

But not only professionals use sophisticated technology. More often repair work owners of blood square meters» perform independently. Arrangement of the floor refers to the most scrupulous, time-consuming and accurate stage. It is simply impossible to do without the appropriate devices.

Leveling the screed cannot be done without a level. Among options the choice is usually made in favor of a laser device. You can buy it, as well as make a laser level with your own hands. In other words, it is quite realistic to design and mount a device that measures the height difference with your own hands.

Need a level to work? Solve the problem on your own!

Often, there is no need to buy a multifunctional professional level for homework, and it is not cheap. If you are your own director, you know how to hold an instrument in your hands, you are full of desire to try yourself as a designer, feel free to get down to business. To make a measuring device, you need a minimum of tools and material. But first you need to decide what kind of invention will be.

In any case, no matter what device is used in the work, it is involved general principle: the built-in source starts emitting when turned on light waves. They are formed into a narrowly directed stream using a lens (or prism). They are focused at one point or are reflected by a solid line on the surface encountered on the path of the beam-flow.

Laser pointer: a lesson for beginners

Among the "home-made" two simplest versions of the device are popular.

Option number 1.

For work you will need:

  • bubble level
  • laser pointer
  • small piece of cardboard
  • flat wood planks
  • tripod (shovel handle, peg)
  • small piece of rubber (porous)
  • screws
  • sheet plastic (can be replaced with plywood).

Before making a laser level, we modify the pointer. Of the set of nozzles for the device, only the one where there are no pictures is suitable. First you need to make it whole by sealing the hole with cardboard. Then, having determined where the center of the nozzle is, put a point. In this place, “perforate” the surface with a needle, forming another hole of small diameter.

In order for the future device to be stable on a plane, you need to choose reliable support. For these purposes, you can adapt an ordinary tripod or tripod. The main thing is that the structure does not stagger. A piece of plastic or plywood is attached strictly horizontally from above. This will be the base on which the level will be located.

For its fastening, a bar of identical length is required. It is fixed with a screw strictly in the center of the plywood base. The threaded connection must ensure free rotation of the device in various directions for marking the plane. It remains to install assembled structure pointer. First, rubber is laid on the building bubble level, a kind of shock absorber, leveling the error in measuring the slope. A pointer is fixed on the rubber.

Making a laser level yourself is half the battle. You need to make sure it works. Before work is carried out "calibration". The tripod is placed on a flat base, its stability is ensured. Exposing the structure strictly horizontally, you constantly need to check the indications of the bubble pointer. This procedure is also periodically repeated during the construction works. Turning on the device, fix a point on the wall left by the beam. After checking the observance of the horizontal, turn the level in a given direction. Having received one more image of a point, mark it as well. Connected by a fishing line (cord), both marks give the desired horizontal. Turning on the pointer ends the test of the laser level before starting work.

Option number 2.

  • All you need is the same pointer in working order,
  • half-meter wooden beam with a section of 2.0x2.0 cm,
  • rope (you can use a piece of linen),
  • drill,
  • fixture for a stand (a laboratory tripod with a clamp-lock is suitable).

Making a laser level with your own hands begins with the fact that on a wooden base (bar), on top, at both ends, two through holes of the same diameter as a pointer and a rope are made parallel to one another. The pointer in the completed niche should not be inserted too tightly (slightly “walk” into the cone-shaped hole). If you apply force and firmly fix it, you can ensure a permanently on position.

A round hole of a much larger diameter than the diameter of the rope is needed to hang structures on a support. Having stretched one end of the twine of the required length, we fix it on the bar with a strong knot. The other end is tied with a loop and hung on the holder of the support (tripod). The installation with the level must be in a stationary state and stand firmly in the work area.

By turning the emitted element in the desired sector, the desired points are found. Any convenient way mark this place. At the same distance, with a constant height, there are other heights, and marks are placed. By connecting together with twine, fishing line, rope designations, we get the required horizontal.

Option number 3.

You will need: water and a container for it (bowl, bath). Plaster, plasticine, clamp (in a word, something with which you can fix the part). Laser pointer. A piece of foam.

The work is done in the following order:

  1. The foam is placed on water poured into a container. At the same time, the vessel itself should be larger in size than the foam tile so that the light material moves freely along it - it is “afloat”.
  2. One of the clamps on the foam is attached to the pointer. Its location should be such that it does not touch the water and the bottom of the container.
  3. The floating structure is set to the required height. The emissive pointer turns on.
  4. Reflected points are marked. And then - according to the "knurled" scheme.

What is a good homemade device?

Don't be fooled and expect homemade device, which happened when you decided to make a level from improvised means, performing challenging tasks. But at the household level, it is quite efficient, meets the requirements of the builder:

  • Provides optimal (about 10 m) beam range.
  • It is considered a simple, easy-to-operate design with an acceptable minimum error in measurements.
  • Increases the speed of measurements.

But the most important advantage of the device is the ability to project a laser beam in a horizontal plane. This allows you to perform structural marking, level control, both on vertical surfaces and when laying the floor screed.

laser level own production can be used, not only performing repairs in the apartment or equipping its interior. With him, a breakdown of the backyard territory is carried out. Perform work on finishing the facade of the house, erecting fences.

Therefore, before spending by no means extra money on a factory-made level, be smart, dexterous, study the video material and get down to independent production laser level. Nothing is impossible for an inquisitive mind and dexterous hands.

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