To combat locust use. Fire locust or asian

Engineering systems 13.06.2019
Engineering systems

Class: Insects - Insecta.

Squad: Straight - Orthoptera.

Family: Real locust - Acrididae.


Sarangea Map or Sarangea Asian(Locusta Migratoria L.) - Multicore pest, found in Asia, North Africa and in the south of Europe.

Morphology of locusts passionate

The insect is large, has a body of 30-50 mm, females are slightly larger - 45-55 mm. Body color Buro-green, gray-green, brown-olive. Overcrowders are oblong, narrow, with a yellow tint or green in frequent dark spots or points. Wings are fan-shaped, wide, with green or yellow tint, the edge of the wings is darkened, and on top they are colorless. Chest covered with light hairs.

There are two phases - single and herd. In a single phase, which is common in the northern areas of the range, the conntion does not have in the middle of the halter, the average keel is arcuate and high. The rapid form living in the southern regions of the range, the pride saddot, the average keel is bent or straight. Kubashka is a mild or straight, large sizes (up to 85 mm long and up to 10 mm in diameter). A cube is a column of a light pink secret, in which the female lays eggs. In each cube of 40-120 eggs yellow color, 7-8 mm, thin, squeezed from both ends. Eggs are located four longitudinal rows, at an angle of 40-45 ° to the wall of the cube. After the tab, the upper side of the cube is in the soil at a depth of 5-7 cm.

Asian Saransk Life Cycle

Winter in the pest in the stage of the egg in Kubashka. In May, the larvae goes out of eggs in a white film, after a couple of hours they are darker and begin to eat vegetation. The larva in its development passes five ages, in each of which they differ in the degree of development of wing gear and in the number of segments on the antennas. The adult focus of locusts is actively powered and after 30-40 days after mating, the female of the locusts migrate begins to lay eggs. Each female on average lays out three cubes (up to 350 eggs). Imago dies in October.

The greatest activity of locusts falls on the morning and evening.

As mentioned earlier, the Asian locust has a herd and solitary phase. With the racial phase, the larvae is combined and forming clusters, called the Kuligami. During the years of mass reproduction, Kuligi can occupy huge areas, to a pair of thousands of hectares, and fly over long distances, up to 50 km, while the locust eats everything in its path, often leaving empty pastures and fields behind them. Imago locusts migrate, uniting in flocks, can fly up to 300 km away, and with a strong passing wind and up to 1000 km.

Flashing with mass reproduction of locust lasts for several years. On average, the interval between the peaks of the number is 10-15 years.

Saranscha is very dangerous pestSince the larvae, and imago grossly eat leaves, stems and generative organs than completely can destroy the plants. One part of the locust can eat up to 500 g of green mass of plants.

Number of pests B. for different years Reduce different pathogens of diseases that affect eggs in cubes, and entomophages that destroy the larvae and Imago.

Methods for protection against locust migratory

The agrotechnical and organizational and economic methods of struggle can be attributed to the autumn deep plowing, which will help get rid of the wintering form. It is also necessary to reduce the possible places of laying of eggs, that is, to master the cinema, to extract forest belts, fight weeds not only on the field, but also beyond, get rid of plant residues.

Chemical method of combating locust migratory

The processing of large areas is carried out using aviation, 20-30 minutes before sunrise, if the wind speed does not exceed 3 m / s. With evening pollination, less efficiency is traced.

To combat single phase, locust use poisoned bait. For their preparation, horse or sheep dung needed, as bait, 12% hexahloran dryer with a calculation of 200-400 g and 5-10 liters of water by 10 kg of manure. You can make bait using aviation, machinery or manually.

Chemical preparations can be struggling with the pest regardless of the time of year (from spring and to autumn), but it is more effective to carry out insecticide processing insecticides to crop crops. The second time the procedure is repeated with the massive invasion of the pest.

Effective in the fight against locust migrate are insecticides of a group of synthetic pyrethroids: Fastak, Karate Zeon, Tsunami, Arrivo, Gladiator, Taran and others. When protecting against locusts, they take maximum dosages allowed by the instructions of the drugs.

If there are larvae of older ages, phosphorodorganic insecticides (fufanon, in an amount of 50% of the maximum dosage) is recommended to add phosphorganic insecticides.

In the invasion of locusts, the most effective are preparations based on imidacloprid - confident, tanker, image. They protect crops from pests for several weeks.

Dimilin (active ingredient DIFLUBENZURON 250 g / kg, wetting powder).

The uniqueness of this insecticide consists in a special mechanism of action, it inhibits the growth of insects - stops the process of formation of chitin in the body of the larva, as a result, the process of the molt is disturbed and the pest death is disturbed.

The advantages of this drug are low toxicity for humans, warm-blooded animals and useful entomophane; rapid decomposition in water and soil; a long period Faith (up to 40 days).

To protect against locust insecticide, they contribute when the pest is in the stage of development of the larvae. The norm of applying the drug 0.14 kg / ha. Used in pastures, territories with wild vegetation, gardens and forest belts.

Locust migratory postphes eggs photo

Loading locust - Locusta Migratoria

Locust video

Sarangea is the herd insect of the detachment of rectal families of real locusts. The locust is similar to the grasshopper, flying in large masses and destroys crops and vegetation.

The largest danger in Russia from the family of locusts represent Asian locusts and Prussa Italian.
Asian locust - large insect, up to 6 cm long; Coloring is a grayish or olive-buoy, in small spots. The permanent grooves of Asian locust are in the low-level plates of such large riverslike Volga, Ural, Don, Terek.

Asian locust larvae, the most voracious and most common in the south of Russia, are born from eggs in the first half of May, and after 35-40 days there is a "outstanding" when the stars of the larvae of locusts, the so-called Kuligi begin their devastating raids.

The speed of the movement of the Kuligi depends on the age of the larvae: in the third and fourth ages it reaches 6 7 meters per minute, in the fifth - up to 10-12 meters. A flock of adult locust flies at a speed of 10 15 kilometers per hour and per day can overcome a distance of up to 120 kilometers. At the same time, the Kuligi can even be transferred through full-flowed rivers. Each such a grasshopper devours for a short life of 300 g of green feed. The flocks of this insect within 1-2 hours can destroy hundreds and thousands of hectares of crops. The favorite food of Asian locust is cultural and wild cereals. The older the locust, it becomes more multiple and, in addition to cereals, can apply great damage to the cabbage, Bakhchev, sunflower and other plants.

On the Middle Volga region, in the south of the European part and in Western Siberia. Italian spruce is widespread (in the Italian pond of the hip with inner Pink with 2 incomplete black dressings, pink or red shin). The Italian Pruss is most dangerous in the zone of irrigation agriculture, where mainly harms technical cultures.

Another no less common area of \u200b\u200blocust - locust Moroccan (reaches a length of 22-38 mm; reddish-yellow, with dark stains, a bright cross-shaped pattern on the front back, pinkish or yellowish hips and red legs rear legs).
Moroccan locust damages many plants, but especially harms cotton, grain cereals, alfalfa, garden and mudflow cultures. It has been established that the main condition that is conducive to its mass reproduction is the fallback of spring sediments in the amount of about 100 mm during the development of overwhelming eggs and from the birth of larvae.

In 2008, due to the invasion of the locust in Russia, a state of emergency was introduced in a number of areas of the Volgograd region, the Stavropol Territory, Kabardino-Balkaria, the Astrakhan region, Kalmykia, Dagestan and the Chechen Republic were also undergone.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation as of June 17, 2009 in the Southern Federal District, large foci of locusts have been identified by 330.9 thousand hectares. Especially the serious situation has developed in Astrakhan region - 50 thousand hectares of farmland in nine of the eleven regions of the Astrakhan region were exposed to the invasion of locusts in nine of the eleven districts of the Astrakhan region.

In connection with the spread of locust pests, a mode of increased readiness in Dagestan and Kalmykia was introduced, in a number of areas of the Volgograd region.

The invasion of locusts is considered one of the most severe agricultural catastrophes comparable to natural Disaster. Gathering in flocks, locust in search of food per day can move at a distance of more than 30 km. In its path, the insects devastate farmland, drinking almost all plants to the stem and roots, leaving only the Earth. By destroying everything that grows, the locust flies to another place.

In periods of mass reproduction, the number of individuals reaches several hundred and even thousands of one square meter.

To combat locust, several ways are used, some of which are completely harmless from an ecological point of view. Mechanical damage (for example, a heavy object) is highly ecological, so and ineffectively at large insect clusters, and therefore in industrial volumes it is not applicable. Agrotechnical way to fight - harrowing, cultivation, impact - applied, as a rule, in the fall. The most efficient and operational in our time is chemical method - Processing of farmland by pesticides.

At the same time, all protective measures must be carried out until the locust is in the phase of the larvae, since in the adult phase these pests become resistant to pesticides.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources information

Of all the pests of plants the most dangerous is the locust. If there are corners with unlucky wild herbs in the country, there you can always meet the green feller - Sancho Single, which will eventually ensure the appearance of the winged shape of the locust. In 2000, the epiphetory outbreak of the propagation of the locust left without a crop of the Volgograd region (1000-6000 individuals per square meter area). In 2010, the pest reached the Urals and some regions of Siberia. Lighching the locusts is terrible. Her flocks can have billions of individuals. They are published when flying a characteristic sound near frighteningly creaky, and away a resembling thunder. After locust, there remains naked land.

Spread of locust

Family real Saranchov (Acrididae.) It includes up to 10,000 species, of which about 400 are distributed in the European-Asian area, including in the Russian Federation (Central Asia, Kazakhstan, South of Western Siberia, the Caucasus, the South of the European part). From the locusts most common and malicious for the Russian Federation is asian locust or sarerange Pleasure (Locusta Migratoria.). Two living phases are distinguished: single and old. Malicious is the rapid form of locust. Representatives of the single phase occupy mainly the northern regions of the marked range, and the rapid - southern and warm Asian.

The level of maliciousness of locust

Onceless pest, with the greatest nutrition activity in the early morning and evening hours, when there is no heat peak. One individual eats up to 500 g of plants with different density of vegetative and generative organs (leaves, colors, young branches, stems, fruits). During the day covers distances up to 50 km. With a rupture of 10-15 years, the locust forms huge flocks (Kuligi) of imago, from the combined clusters of larvae. In a period of mass reproduction, they are able to simultaneously take up to 2000 hectares and fly, eating on the way, up to 300, and with passing wind and up to 1000 km, leaving bare land with separately sticking residues of rude shoots and plants stalks.

IN natural conditions Over time, the number of pests decreases (the offensive of cold, hunger, the work of natural entomophages). Increase in the coolets the number of diseases, affecting pest In different phases of development, ranging from the phase of the egg. Recovery lasts 10-15 years and then repeats the massive fly.

Morphological description of locust

By appearance The locust resembles grasshoppers and crickets. A visible distinctive feature is the length of the mustache (the locusts are much shorter) and the presence of an arched sharp keel on the conntion, powerful jaws. The front wings are dense in brown-brownish spots, rear - gentle transparent with yellowish sometimes greenish tint.

Cycle of development of locust

Life expectancy adult individual From 8 months to 2 years. The locust lives and develops in two phases / stages - single and old.

Single phase

Single locust has the overall size of its forms, has green colorFor which I got the name "Green Flink". It leads a low-effective lifestyle and practically does not harm. Single Life Phase for locust is needed to preserve the population. During this period, the females are plugged with eggs. Gradually, the density of the larvae increases and reaches the limit that serves as a signal for the transition to the second stage of development and life.

Elder phase

In the rapid phase of the Female, the locusts begin to lay eggs programmed on the search program for the food search program. Researchers suggest that the "call" serves as a lack of protein in the food of adults. Adults of Imago locusts are knocked in flocks, and the larvae form dense kuligi.

Reproduction of locust

The locust usually dies at the end of October with the onset of a steady cold. Before the onset of cold weather, the female lays eggs, forming winter apartments in the upper 10 cm, which are called cubes. During the masonry of eggs, the Female of the Saranski highlights a foam liquid from the sex glands, which quickly hardens, separating eggs from the surrounding soil. The female in the course of the masonry of eggs forms several capsules (cubes) with a cap, inside which places 50-100 eggs, common amount up to 300 or more. During the winter diapus, the eggs acquire cold resistance and do not even die even in laid winter. With the onset of heat winter pause ends in spring with sufficient soil warming in top layer White larva appears from the egg. On the surface of the soil, it dark after a few hours, acquires imago-like appearance (without wings) and begins to eat. Within 1.0-1.5 months, the larva passes 5 years and turns into adult locust. Another month of reinforced nutrition and after mating a female of the locust starts the laying of eggs. For the warm period, each female forms 1-3 generations.

In terms of lifestyle, locusts refers to herd species. During the years with sufficient food, moderately humid climates and average temperatures, single individuals are not harmful. But it is necessary to take into account the cyclicity of development and the transition from a single lifestyle to herd. It manifests itself in about 4 years. During this period, especially when coincided with hot, dry summer period For 2 - 3 years, the locust will reproduce stigioly, forming huge clusters of larvae on small Square (Kuligi). Flashing of mass reproduction, coinciding with weather conditions, can last several years, gradually fading and moving back to a single form of life. The interval between epiphetations is an average of 10-12 years.

The individual of the herd shape, trying to support protein and water balance Its organism is forced to eat without breaks (otherwise they will die from their shortage of the body). Moving in search of fresh food, they pass, as noted, from 50 to 300 km per day. One individual is able to eat 200-500 g of green mass of plants and self-similar neighbors in Kulig. The deficiency of the protein turns the locust in the predator, and the package is divided conditionally into 2 groups. One runs away from the relatives, the other conjugates and eats them and both "on the way of life" are supported by plants rich in carbohydrates. A natural gradual decrease in the population of the pest is caused by outbreaks of diseases in stars of locusts when they are large density, egg lesions in cubes various diseases, natural enemies of locust (predatory insects, birds and other fauna representatives).

Consequently, the most vulnerable place in the development of locust is an increased density of the deposition of eggs and the origin of larvae (per unit area). Faries of locusts begin their flights with an increased density of pest origin. So, it is necessary to initially destroy the masonry of eggs and the "islands" of the larvae, swallowing the earth to reduce the density of pests. On the dumart sites The main role of reducing populations is based on integrated pest control measures: agrotechnical measures + chemical processing of soil and plants.

Methods of combating locust

Considering the speed of movement, the voraciousness and complete destruction of green plants along the way of following the Farius of locusts, chemical struggle measures are used for its destruction, especially on large areas.

At the cottage or local area, the fight against locust leads mainly prophylactic proactive and start with agrotechnical measures, carefulness and timely conduct of which helps significantly reduce the number of pests and prevent epiphetory damage to the green world of plants.

Agrotechnical events

In areas exposed to the attack of locust, the late peopling of the country or outdoor plotAt which the cubes with the eggs of locust are destroyed.

When conducting alternative agriculture, it is necessary to rand out unused areas, which prevents the formation of the cubes and the deposition of eggs with the females of locusts.

Chemical measures of struggle

All processing chemicals It is better to spend in the morning. When working, follow personal safety measures, work in the appropriate suit, respirator, glasses, gloves. Working S. chemical preparations, It is necessary to strictly follow the methodological instructions of breeding and the use of pesticides.

With a large accumulation of locust larvae in separate areas, it is treated with decides Extra, karate, confident, image, whose validity period lasts up to 30 days. You can process all the drugs that are used to combat Colorado Beetles.

The system insecticide Clotiamet-VD protects plants from locust to 3 weeks. After 2 hours, all pests are dying, the number of living devoted larvae is noticeably reduced. The drug can be used in a tank mixture with fertilizers and growth stimulants with a mandatory compatibility check.

Insecticide Gladiator-Ke well removes larvae and adult locust. Used in the early clock when adult individuals are in stupor. Doses of the drug vary depending on the age of locust.

Damilin is an insecticide with a unique impact on the pest growth and the formation of chitin in the body of the larva during the line. As a result, the larvae die without reaching the age of an adult pest. Validity of up to 40 days. The drug is low-toxic for humans and warm-blooded animals, quickly decomposes in water and soil.

Yu. P. Suprunenko

The locust inspired horror with deep antiquity - since the people began to cultivate the Earth. No wonder in the Bible, it is called execution, the eighth of the ten executions of the Egyptian, whom God shook Pharaoh and Egyptians who did not want to let go of the Jews from captivity. The locust covered the whole land, ate all the grass and all the fruits survived after hail.

Since then, no one thousand years have passed, but locusts and now it remains almost the worst enemy of farmers. Each day anxiously peeled into the horizon and are looking for black clouds there, but clouds are not thunderstorm, but lives consisting of millions of individuals of locusts. These clouds move far faster thunderstorms. As they approach, noise increases. The cloud is gradually rebuilt into the column, which, driving, then straightening, like a spiral or spring, falls on the ground. After some time, she rises again into the air and moves further, leaving behind a bare desert.

The invasion of locusts over Cairir (Egypt, 2006)

With this misfort, you have to face peasants the most different countries. The locust appears almost everywhere: in Africa, the United States of America, Spain, Argentina, Australia, Indonesia, Russia.

The invasions of the locusts occur every 10-20 years when weather Favorite the increased reproduction of these voracious insects in areas adjacent to the Red Sea.

During the last major invasion of Saranschi (1986-1989), the clouds of these voracious insects, stretching for hundreds of kilometers and held an area of \u200b\u200b1 thousand km 2, devastated the fields in vast territories from India to Mauritania. According to scientists, it is expensive consisted of 40 billion insects, which in the aggregate weighed about 80 thousand tons.

There is a lot of things or a little, it is possible to judge such a fact: FAO specialists (food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations) estimate that 1 t of saranski eats as much as 2.5 thousand people. Therefore, locust left 200 million people then without meals.

In the late summer of 1999, Saranscha occupied Semipalatinsk Streets, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kokcheketava and other Kazakh cities. Black uncorded trees without leaves, nor strokes on lawns, scored by insects sewage, people are already accustomed to not shuddering from the nasty crunch under their feet ... Saransch did not have time to sweep away from the streets even cleaning machines. Around unfortunate cities, all the vegetation was eaten under the root. Hence, to the south of Russia, the burdens remains the smallest.

Asian locust: 1 - adult insect;
2-4 - larvae of the 1st, 3rd and 5th ages;
5 - Cube (side wall removed)

But the main enemies of agricultural land were always considered the Turansk Pruss and Sarancha Moroccan.

Tens of species and subspecies there are dozens. This insect from the squad is straightforwardly the grasshopper, only larger and with short mustes. Several types of locusts are found in our meadows, for example, the Mid-Russian Fresh. However, harm from them a bit. Our peaceful fake in flocks is not knocked down, the raids are not satisfied with the fields. A much more dangerous two subspecies of migratory locust (Asian and Middle Russian), Italian locust, as well as a deserted locust from Iran and Afghanistan. Migratory locust (Locusta Migratoria) is distributed in Europe, Asia, Africa, in the north of Australia, as well as on some Islands of Indian and Pacific Ocean, divided into a number of subspecies, including central Russian (L. m. Rossica), asian (L. m. Migratoria), african (L. T. Migratorioides), eastern (L. m. Manilensis); He damages almost all cultures, but prefers grain cereals. Midnesday migratory locust It dwells in the forest and forest-steppe zones of the European part of Russia. It is similar to Asian locust, but differs from her deadlocks, dying and some other features due to only a colder habitat climate.

Moroccan locust (Dociostaurus maroccanus) - a large insect (the length of the body of the male - 20-28 mm, females - 28-38 mm) reddish and yellow color with dark spots, rear legs are red or yellow with light base. Distributed in southern Europe, North Africa, Western Asia, in the West and the south of the European part of Russia (including the Caucasus), in Central Asia and southern Kazakhstan. From her most suffer from bread cereals, cotton, alfalfa, clover, garden and bahch culture. The larvae usually eat plants entirely. Adult locusts more often overloaded only bases of stems.

Turanian Pruss (Calliptamus Turanicus) - the length of the body of the male - 12.9-21 mm, females - 25-32.5 mm; Common in the north of China, Afghanistan, in the southern regions of Kazakhstan and some areas of Central Asia. From this type of locusts, grain crops, cotton and some injuries are especially affected. With mass reproduction, the locust lives boringly, forming a Kuligi (clusters of larvae) or flocks (adult clusters). With high recurrence, the rapid phase is common, with a low one.

Moving in search of food at a speed of over 30 km per day, Kuligi destroys all the green vegetation on their way. The larvae and adult insects eat leaves, stems, sweatshops, ears, fruits, bark on the stems. Sometimes under the severity of the settlement flocks of locusts break trees and shrubs. Each individual of locusts for their lives eats about 300 g of green mass. During the day, the larvae feeds from 20 to 30 times; Adult locust in flocks - somewhat less often, which is associated with migration flights. The number of food eating during long flights is significantly increased compared to the one that it eats with short-term migrations. In periods of mass reproduction, the number of individuals reaches several hundred and even thousands of 1 m 2, and the area populated with a locust often consists of about 1 million hectares.

These species have created a terrible glory of locust. After their raids, in the last century, the whole provinces had died from hunger. Against them in tsarist Russia 30 thousand societies were organized.

Moroccan's locust does not fly to us from Morocco. The most dangerous sources of infection are the territories of Iran, Afghanistan, and especially Kazakhstan. There on millions of hectares of land derived from turnover, in the Earth billions of cubes - layers of locusts. On the wide expanses of Kazakhstan, serious struggle with locust is not carried out almost no. And insects manage to do not only get out, but also quit, several times over the summer it is offspring, and most importantly - to get up on the wing.

Hordes of locusts are capable of moving at a speed of 15-20 km / h and fly without a break to 20 h in a row. Huge locust clouds sometimes reach 10 km wide and up to 200 km long. The two or three days of the associated wind is sufficiently locust in order to attack even Kazakhstan districts from Kazakhstan. We are forced to keep tens of agricultural aircraft of agricultural aviation in constant combat readiness, stored thousands of tons of different insecticides in warehouses. However, all these protective measures may be vain.

To the south of Karaganda, areas infected with Moroccan locust with a striking bookmark density were found: on 1 m 2 there were up to 5 thousand eggs, while before high density It was already considered 2-2.5 thousand eggs per 1 m 2. But the main thing - the detected locust was sustainable to all known means of chemical protection. It was almost never acted by Sumilifa, Dimilin and Adonis preparations. But these are fixed assets whose spraying from aircraft used to stop the volatile hordes. In the experiments, only 25% of the Facilities of locusts died, but the surviving three-quarters gave offspring, 100% resistant to chemical preparations.

What, according to scientists, could cause such a mutation? First, unusual masonry of Moroccan locusts were found in the area, which takes rise and reset the first steps of space missiles flying from Baikonur. Rocket fuel components are extremely toxic and deadly. And in small concentrations on the soil and in the air, these substances have a pronounced mutagenic character.

Another reason for mutations may have a radioactive nature. Next to Semipalatinsky, which in our time suffers the most from the invasion of the locust, another quarter a century was located one of the main nuclear polygons. Soviet Union. In the Kazakhstan steppes carried out tests nuclear weapons, high levels Radioactivity has been preserved to the present in vast territories. Mutation changes of Moroccan locusts could occur and south - on the territory of Pakistan, India, Iran, where last years There are active nuclear research.

However, even this stable chemistry Moroccan locust can be only a rare guest in Russian expanses. For her appearance, a hot dry summer, associated wind and a lot of concomitant factors are needed. If it were not for one "but".

Russian scientists suggest that as a result of mutations, Moroccan locust could appear the ability to interspecific crossing. Our relatively peaceful types of locusts are the Midnessersky Falvesting, Belopoloshai, a PESTY, ratchet wicked - may well give offspring from a flying unclean. And the hybrids obtained as a result of crossing can inherit all the terrible properties of their ancestors: the voraciousness and articles of southern locust, the resistance to frosts of our kills. And this means that new types of locusts will not just attack us from the south. At the end of the summer, they will postpone the cubes on our fields so that in the spring threatening the fat and get up on the wing right here.

So, the pesticides are becoming less effective, and besides, they are dangerous for ambient: The use of them sometimes leads to complete crop destruction. Recently, after the ban on the strongest pesticide - DDT, it has become even harder to fight locust. A lot of funds were offered, including very exotic: giant networks, flamets, lasers and ... huge vacuum cleaners. The locust and grasshoppers are happy to eat birds and even people, but there are so many insects that these losses practically do not affect their numbers.

In the southern regions of Russia, ancient times known people's way Protection of fields from locust. If such an attack happened that the sky over the village was closed with black clouds of voracious insects, people went out in a field with saucepans and ratchets, with buboins and bells, arranging noise and rumble. The locust does not like this - takes off from the field and flies further in the wind.

In China, specially trained chickens are used to combat locust. It is worth to land in the insects, like hungry birds attack on them, putting up to fifteen individuals per minute.

And scientists from the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture in Nigeria created a new remedy - the Biopesticide, which they called "Green Muscles". This is the famous Metarhizium Anisopliae mushroom, living in vivo mainly in Africa. Deadly dangerous for locusts and grasshoppers, it is completely harmless to other insects, plants, animals and people. Spraying the suspension of the dispute of this airbank from the air can stop the invasion of locusts in the embryo. The arguments that have fallen on plants and trees remain alive for a long time, so pollinating "green muscles" is enough to spend only 1 time per year.

Spore fungus act not as fast as pesticides, but many farmers are perfectly aware of the harm caused by the pesticides of the environment, and therefore sooner or later they will be able to switch to a more progressive biopesticide. So there is hope that ever in the foreseeable future will be forgotten by yet still texts:

Sat down, everyone ate
And again flew.

The biggest locust on the planet lives in the regions of wet tropics. The size of the females reaches 18 cm, the weight is more than 10 g, males usually slightly smaller. these insects are not cereal cultures traditional for the family, but herbate shrubs And branches of trees. Insect habitat area - North of South America.

Males color is brighter than in females, top part The calves are painted with bright pink, with a general green-brown Taurus. But an attractive look deceptive - on the field of such giants can eat several thousand tons of crop.

Interesting! This locust is leopard, it jumps little and practically does not fly, slowly overwhelming from the branch on the branch.

Giant locust photo below:

Very often, inexperienced summer houses take the most ordinary grasshopper (not just innocuous, but even useful) for the most terrible fields and gardens - locust. Explanation Simple: Green grasshoppers look very similar to harmless locust-mare. Distinguish these insects very simple:

  • the grasshopper is active at night, locust - during the day;
  • grasshopper hunting small insects, locust - only on plants;
  • grasshopper has long paws Both mustache, locusts - a longer abdomen.

Moroccan, resistant to poisons

Moroccan locust - real thunderstorm fields disaster capable of a short time Destroy crops in vast territories. This insect refers to the family "Real locust", it is capable of creating flocks of at least hundreds of millions of individuals, as well as migrate in search of food for huge distances. The habitat of this type of locusts Afghanistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, the Caucasus and Transcaucasia, Crimea, Central Asia.

The life of "Moroccanka" can flow in two phases: single and raging. At a single stage, she is harmless, she has enough food, larvae are out and staying there, where they were born.

The rapid phase begins after a long arid weather and with subsequent abundant precipitation.

The larvae acquire a brighter color, become active, inclined to gather into large flocks, and begin migration. Moroccan larvae can eat the amount of food, ten times higher than their mass. Elder insects overcome long distances, flying to 20 hours a day at a speed of more than 15-20 km / h.

Externally, Moroccan locust resembles his kuznechik's relative. The color of it is reddish yellow, with small dark stains and a bright cruciform pattern on the back, hips of the rear feet pinkish or yellow, shin red. Maccans have a shorter than the grasshopper.

"Moroccan" is dangerous in that she very fruit. On one square meter The non-painted Field of the female postpones several thousand eggs. When the insect is going to migrate, the number of individuals becomes incurred, the length of the flock can be more than 200 km, width - up to 10 km.

For these insects there are no unloved dishes - on their way they eat cereals, cotton, melting cultures and tobacco, fruit fruits, ordinary grass, branches and bark trees.

Important! Moroccan locust is harmful, it is considered one of the most serious pests on the planet Earth, and especially it is dangerous in that in the process of evolution, learned to mutate, having developed the ability to confront various insecticides.

Deserted, extremely voracious

Deserted locust is very voracious insect, for the day eating feed as much as weighs itself. In search of food, it flies at least 1200 km, although moving only during the daytime, at night preferred to relax. A flock that attacked the field can be accommodated in 70-80 km, greedily destroying any of the more than four hundred species herbatous plants And trees.

"Dishmen" refers to the family of real locust. As the larvae of desert locust adults, long wings are purchased, colorless, with dark spots. Adult individuals are painted in a yellowish or greenish color depending on which stage they are.

It is found in Malaya Asia, India and some areas of Africa, sometimes flying to the CIS countries from the territories of Iran and Afghanistan. This type of insect massively and cyclically, on average four times a year, producing four generations of larvae: two winter and two year old. The maximum number of individuals is achieved in seasons with plenty of precipitation.

These insects may ignore most insecticideswhich is why there are no less disaster for agrarian districts than Moroccan locusts.

Important! The difference between desert locusts from the nearest relatives is that it migrates not only periodically, to search for food at large distances, but also annually, in wet regions, for reproduction.

Measures to combat locust

Fight with a locust of any kind very difficultbecause these insects know how to adapt to unfavorable conditions Environment. Yadogymicates against the most common types of locusts - Moroccan and desert - almost powerless, especially since their use can be dangerous for agriculture.

Interesting! In Russia, where "Moroccanics" will be rarely disasters, the disaster is hybrid individuals, combining the voraciousness of imported guests and the ability to mutate, protecting against poisons.

Salvation from Moroccan locust can be:

  • biopesticides;
  • noise from reproductors;
  • home and wild birds.

The desert locust is still amenable to most known tools for combating insects. Modern agriculture offers the following methods:

  • insecticides;
  • poisoned bait;
  • dropping land.

A couple of words about migratory "Asians"

Separately, you need to say about. This type of insects able to absorb the amount of food equal to the volume of feed for two sheep. It is incredibly difficult to fight "Asian" - before fallow on the field, it forms complex nests in hard-to-reach thickets in swampy locations. You can only defeat Asian guests in the following ways:

  • chemistry;
  • burning;
  • dropping.

Sanchoch is sometimes called the jaws of the wind, and this completely reflects its essence. In the regions where the invasion of locusts is a frequent event, describe this phenomenon as a black cloud, rapidly approaching, after disappearance, leaving only bare land. Therefore learn effective struggle With this natural misfortune so important.

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