Black and red currants for the winter. Blackcurrant for the winter - recipes

Engineering systems 19.10.2019
Engineering systems
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Blackcurrant is known for a variety of beneficial properties. It has a disinfecting, tonic, immune-strengthening effect. The berry is also valued for its tonic, antipyretic, diuretic properties. It has been successfully used as an antiscorbutic agent.

Such a variety of positive effects on the body is due to the presence in structural formula ascorbic acid and other vitamins - E, B, K. Minerals and other elements necessary for the normal functioning of all organs are presented in the composition. Therefore, the desire to preserve some of the nutrients by making a variety of preparations for the winter becomes understandable.

What currant berries can be used for harvesting? It all depends on the type of preparation: blackcurrant for jam or marmalade is taken ripe, it can be slightly crushed. For compote and jam, it is better to take slightly unripe, hard berries so that they do not lose their shape during the process.

Blackcurrant blanks without cooking

Please note that the shelf life of ground blackcurrant without heat treatment is no more than a year, and even then in a cool dark place. But we can safely say that only in this form the fruits retained the entire set of vitamins that are so necessary in winter.

Grated currants for the winter with sugar

The simplest is the preparation of grated fruits with sugar. Ripe berries without damage are selected, all impurities in the form of twigs and leaves are removed. Put in a sieve and rinse thoroughly with a fairly strong jet cold water. Sprinkle to dry on a paper towel.

The proportions of berries and sugar are 1:2, that is, 2 kg of granulated sugar is taken for 1 kg of berries. This rule applies not only to black currant but also for other berries.

Berries (2 kg) are turned into puree using a blender or meat grinder, transferred to an enamel pan, sugar (4 kg) is added and mixed thoroughly. To achieve complete dissolution of sugar, keep the mass at room temperature for three hours.

During this time, jars and plastic lids are sterilized. The grated berries are mixed again, packaged, a thin layer is poured on top citric acid and close. In the refrigerator, fragrant puree can be stored for almost a year.

cold syrup

A similar recipe for harvesting blackcurrant allows you to save all the vitamins and use the syrup to add to tea or porridge for a child. However, please note that unheated blackcurrant syrup can only be stored for six months.

Juice is squeezed out of the washed berries - 500 ml. Pour a kilogram of sugar and mix thoroughly enough long time, achieving the dissolution of all the grains. After obtaining a homogeneous consistency, pour a bag of citric acid weighing five grams. Pour into sterilized bottles. Hermetically sealed with stoppers. You can additionally smear them with molten paraffin. Store in the refrigerator for a maximum of six months.

Unusual blackcurrant recipes

Of course, the most popular and easiest ways to preserve blackcurrant berries for the winter are compotes and jams. However, you can use unusual recipes blanks. Connoisseurs of savory tastes will love the following ways to prepare fragrant blackcurrants.

in the marinade

For 1 liter jar you will need:

  • blackcurrant berries - how much will go in;
  • allspice - five peas;
  • carnation - one bud;
  • cinnamon - one stick;
  • sugar - one kilogram;
  • table vinegar 6% - two tablespoons.

Washed berries are blanched for about two minutes in boiling water. They take them out with a slotted spoon and pour them into sterile liter jars, at the bottom of which they put allspice, cloves and cinnamon.

Pour hot marinade over. To prepare it, one and a half liters of water is brought to a boil and sugar is poured.

Vinegar is poured into each jar and sterilized at 85 ° C, considering that the process time for liter jars is 20 minutes. Then they roll up. They are kept in the refrigerator for a week, and then rearranged if necessary in the pantry.

Candied in protein

I want to treat myself in the winter not only with traditional blackcurrant jam, but with something unusual and original. Using this recipe from an old grandmother's arsenal, you will be able to get delicious treat, which can be even children.

Take raw protein chicken egg, carefully stir a glass of sugar in it. Pour a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and grind the mass white. It should acquire a thick consistency, after which the prepared currant berries are rolled in it and laid out in one layer on a horizontal board sprinkled with powdered sugar. After the protein layer has dried, put it in dry sterile jars under plastic lids and store in the refrigerator.

Blackcurrant berries, candied in protein, look like small sweets with a sour natural filling.


Currant is a versatile berry, from which a wide variety of foods, drinks and winter preparations are prepared.

If you manage to properly prepare jelly using ripe blackcurrants, the family will be provided with a fragrant and healthy delicacy for the winter.

For this recipe, use very small jars from baby food volume of 100-200 ml, no more. This way you can eat an open can in one go.

Juice is squeezed out of the washed dry berries (one liter), and a kilogram of granulated sugar is poured. They put it on the stove. It is necessary to cook after boiling for an average of 10 minutes, not forgetting to constantly stir. Pour hot jelly into small jars. The lids are closed after complete cooling.

Puree - ice cream

Another way to harvest blackcurrants for the winter is to freeze, but not simple berries, but boiled in sugar. As a result, you get a summer homemade treat that you can enjoy in winter time. For this preparation method, you will need ordinary 100 ml disposable plastic cups.

You will also need the following products:

  • blackcurrant berries - one kilogram;
  • granulated sugar - half a kilogram.

The berries are mixed with sugar and put on the stove. Cook while stirring until all grains are dissolved. This process usually takes no more than five minutes. Then the mixture should be rubbed through a sieve or colander and spread out in small plastic cups. You can additionally cover each cup with a regular bag. When cooled, the cups are placed in the freezer.

If desired, currant puree is mixed with yogurt before freezing. You can enjoy such berry vitamin ice cream in a day. It keeps well all winter.


A kilogram of washed ripe berries is boiled for two minutes in 50 ml of water. Grind hot through a sieve with a wooden spoon. Add sugar - 600 grams. Cook with continuous stirring. When a drop of mass ceases to blur on a cold saucer, spread the mass on parchment, laid on a baking sheet. The layer thickness should be 15 mm. Place the baking sheet on the top rack of the oven on low heat. The door is opened. When a dry crust appears, they take out and cut the layer into pieces. Dip them in sugar and put them in a bowl.

You can make marmalade with gelatin (30 g), which is soaked in half a glass of cool water. Currants (400 grams) are boiled for five minutes in 100 ml of water. Rubbed through a sieve. Sugar (300 grams) is quickly added and heated, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula, until all the grains are dissolved. Swollen gelatin is introduced, stirred and immediately remove the pan from the stove, avoiding boiling. Pour hot into silicone molds or onto a large plate.


Connoisseurs of pleasant homemade wines will love the fragrant blackcurrant liqueur with a sour, spicy taste, which is prepared very simply.

You will need:

  • well-ripened clean and dry fruits (1 kg),
  • three-liter bottle with a wide neck,
  • sugar - 300 grams,
  • high-quality vodka - 0.5 liters.

Berries and sugar are poured in layers, and then vodka is poured in. Place the container on the windowsill sunny side and shaken daily for a month. After this time, place in a dark place, continuing shaking after three days. After 2 weeks, the liquor is filtered, poured into glass bottles with stoppers. It will keep for a maximum of three years.

Filling for pies

This recipe, in addition to blackcurrant berries, also contains other ingredients - apples. But the end result will delight lovers of baking, as the workpiece can be used as a filling for pies, cakes, muffins, pies and just as a dessert for tea.

A kilogram of White filling apples is peeled from the core and peel. Cut into medium cubes, placed in an enamel pan. Top with lemon juice (squeeze out about two tablespoons) and pour a layer of sugar - 600 grams.

Three hours later, when the apples release juice, pour a glass of water and simmer the apples for 30 minutes with low heat. Stir them with a wooden spoon. Pour cinnamon - at the tip of a teaspoon, half a pack of vanilla sugar and put currant berries - 100 grams. When the mass begins to boil, add cocoa powder - a tablespoon. Cook for another five minutes. When hot, pour and seal immediately.

Blackcurrant blanks for the winter - traditional recipes

Compotes, jams, jams, jams - these recipes are classified as traditional methods of harvesting berries for the winter. Of the favorite by many for the piquant taste of blackcurrant, the most familiar are classic recipes for winter preparations.

For homemade preparations, you can use several recipes.


For the winter, it is easy to prepare a delicious refreshing compote from fragrant blackcurrant. Most often used for this three-liter jars, but in this recipe, liter ones act as dishes. By the way, which is very convenient - one bank at a time.

The sorted, washed and dried berries are poured into three liter sterile jars, filling about a third of the volume. Pour 3 liters of water into the pan, which is brought to a boil with medium heat. Dissolve with stirring 300 grams of sugar and boil for 5 minutes. Fill jars with syrup immediately with a small stream so that they do not burst. Roll up, set on a flat surface on the lids and keep under a blanket for a day. Such useful blanks can be stored in a closet.

simple jam

For a delicious and easy-to-make jam, you will need the usual ingredients. Pour a kilogram of pure berries into a saucepan, add 800 grams of sugar. Then pour in cool water - two tablespoons and leave for 2 hours. During this time, juice will appear.

After mixing the contents of the pan, place it on a small heat. After boiling, the jam is cooked with stirring for 15 minutes, after which it is set aside for a two-hour infusion. After this time period, it is required to heat the mass again and boil for 15 minutes. Immediately pour into jars and close. You can turn the berries into a puree with an immersion blender right in the saucepan before re-boiling.

Jam with whole juicy berries

This recipe can be called the simplest, because it is prepared very quickly, but it takes time to prepare the berries.

In order for blackcurrant jam to turn out not only tasty, but saturated with juicy berries that have almost not lost their shape, they are boiled for 3 minutes in the evening and left to cool in this water until morning. The liquid is drained, sugar is poured, measuring the amount equal to the berries by weight. Cook with stirring for 8 minutes, pour the jam hot and roll up. Store in cool conditions.

thick jam

Fragrant thick jam does not leave indifferent children and adults - natural source vitamins in the winter season.

To prepare a thick fragrant jam, one and a half kilograms of berries are mashed with a blender. Put on the stove, turning on medium heat. Five minutes later, a kilogram of sugar is carefully introduced in small portions with continuous stirring. After a vigorous boil, the jam is boiled for 35 minutes, stirring systematically and removing the foam. Spread hot.

Five Minute

This recipe for currant jam for the winter is rightfully called the fastest, "five-minute". For harvesting, use small jars, no more than 500 ml in volume. Before laying out the jam, both jars and lids should be sterilized in a convenient way.

For five minutes, a mixture of berries (2 kg) with sugar is passed through a meat grinder (you need to measure 2.4 kg). Place the mass in an enamel basin. It should boil in intensive mode for only five minutes. Remove from the stove, distribute into small jars and roll up. Covered with a blanket for a day. Store in cool conditions.

In a slow cooker

You can make jam in a slow cooker. Multicooker - indispensable assistant housewives in the kitchen. This household appliance allows you to cook not only first and second courses, but also jam, salads and other preparations for the winter. You just have to spread the prepared mass into banks and roll it up.

To do this, pour half a kilogram of berries into the bowl, given that they should take up no more than a third of the total volume. Pour a quarter cup of water, and turn on the cooking mode for 10 minutes. immersion blender turn the berries into a mushy mass, pour 300 grams of sugar while stirring. After closing the lid, set the extinguishing mode. The jam will be ready in 30 minutes.


Jam in its consistency is slightly different from jam. It is more liquid, but the same monotonous, without lumps, seeds and peel. Eating currant jam is no less pleasant and healthy, and you can also add it to pastries or tea.

Selected and washed berries - 2 kg are placed in a saucepan, covered with a kilogram of sugar. Keep on low heat until the berries are soft. Be sure to stir to prevent burning. The slightly cooled mass is rubbed through a sieve and boiled again over low heat. It is necessary to immediately note the initial volume, since the future jam will boil until it decreases by one third.

Hot jam is distributed over prepared jars and rolled up. In the cellar or refrigerator, such a delicacy is stored for a year or longer. It will last a maximum of six months in a cupboard in the kitchen or pantry.

Syrup with boiling

Another way to harvest blackcurrants for the winter is to make syrup. The principle of its preparation is a bit similar to jam or jam, with the only difference being that slightly fermented berries are cooked. And then remove the bones and peel, leaving a homogeneous liquid. Prepare glass containers with a narrow neck, such as bottles with screw caps, for dishes. Don't forget to sterilize!

The berries, cleaned of impurities and washed, are placed in a bulk glass container, mixed with sugar, observing a 1: 1 ratio. Put under the lid in heat for three days. When fermentation begins, pour the mixture into a saucepan and boil for 10 minutes. Then, while still hot, the skins and seeds are removed using a sieve. The syrup is brought to a boil.

It is necessary to immediately pour into prepared glass containers. Under sealed lids, the workpiece is stored for less than a year.

Blackcurrant, due to its vitamin-rich composition, is one of the unique berries for the preparation of tasty and healthy preparations.

Not a single berry can be compared in usefulness with blackcurrant. One can compose multi-volume treatises about its benefits, but it is better to think about how to save this benefit for the winter. For many years, housewives have been improving their recipes for preparing compotes, jams, jelly and other delicious supplies, so that in winter all the most valuable that blackcurrant contains is always at hand.

Like any other berry (red and white currants, cherries and raspberries), black currants lose some of their beneficial properties during heat treatment. Because the most useful ways preparations for the winter invariably remain drying and freezing.

Blackcurrant contains a huge amount of useful substances, so preparations from it are especially popular.

Drying and freezing

The first and main rule for freezing blackcurrants is not to wash the berries. During washing, currant berries collect water, therefore they can be deformed when frozen. So it is enough to sort out the currants from spoiled berries and leaves, and lay them out on a board or tray. Freeze in the freezer at a temperature of -12-19°C during the day. After decomposing into plastic containers or bags. Now on any winter day you have a fresh and tasty berry.

For drying, it is desirable to collect currants on a dry sunny day, because the berries collected on a rainy day will dry for a long time and be stored little. Currants can be dried with brushes, without separating the berries from the stalks. For drying the usual one will do oven. Cover a metal baking sheet so that it does not give the berry an unpleasant bitterness. Arrange the berries on it so that they are not too close to each other, and dry at a temperature of 50–70 ° C. The oven door must be left ajar.

It is better to freeze currants in portions - in small containers

If you want to save time, and your house has a microwave, you can dry the berries in it. To do this, the berries are laid out in small portions on a plate between two layers of natural tissue and placed in the microwave for two minutes. If the berry is not cooked during this time, you need to put it again, but it is better to divide the time into intervals of 30 seconds. and each time check the readiness of the berries, so as not to overdry. Sufficiently dried currants can be considered when, when squeezed, they do not let the juice that stains the fingers.

Attention. Store dried blackcurrant in tightly closed jars.

Blackcurrant jam without cooking

Recipe for one of the most useful options blackcurrant blanks for the winter are jam that does not need to be boiled. It is due to the absence of heat treatment that all beneficial features currants will retain in themselves until next summer.

For cooking you need:

  • 1 kg currant;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • 1 orange.

Before making jam, currants should be washed and dried well.

How to cook

  1. Rinse the currants, sort and grind into puree with a blender or in a meat grinder.
  2. Grind the orange without peeling as well.
  3. Mix everything in one bowl, add sugar and leave for several hours until the sugar is completely dissolved. Stir occasionally.
  4. When the sugar is completely dissolved, pour the jam into sterilized jars and roll up the lids.

Advice. Jam without cooking is stored in a refrigerator or a cold cellar, otherwise it can quickly deteriorate.

Jam "five minutes" from blackcurrant

Five-minute is also considered one of those recipes that allow you to save the maximum of useful substances due to short heat treatment. Yes, and the berries in such a jam do not fall apart, as when cooking classic recipe, but remain intact.

For cooking you need:

  • 1 kg currant;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • 1.5 cups of water.

The five-minute jam is prepared very quickly, but it turns out to be just as tasty as traditional jam.

How to cook.

  1. Sort the currant berries, separate from the stalks, rinse running water dry on a paper towel.
  2. Pour sugar into water, put on fire and heat until sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Dip the currants into boiling syrup and cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Pour hot jam into sterilized jars and close with lids.

Classic blackcurrant jam recipe

This jam can be stored for a very long time, has a rich, absolutely non-acidic taste.

For cooking you need:

  • 1 kg currant;
  • 1.2 kg of sugar;
  • 1.5–2 tbsp. water.

Blackcurrant jam

How to cook.

  1. Berries need to be sorted out, washed, separated from the stalks.
  2. Pour water into a large saucepan and bring to a boil.
  3. Pour the berries into boiling water and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes.
  4. Add sugar and, stirring, bring to a boil.
  5. Pour into sterilized jars and roll up the lids.

fragrant jelly

The process of harvesting jelly for the winter is more laborious than making jam. And the finished product at the output is less, but it’s still worth preparing this delicious and fragrant dessert.

For cooking you need:

  • 10 st. blackcurrant;
  • 3 art. water;
  • juice of one lemon;
  • sugar.

The jelly will be very tender if the seeds are removed from the berries.

How to cook.

  1. Sort and wash the berries. Pour into a large saucepan and grind with a wooden masher.
  2. Pour water and freshly squeezed lemon juice into the berry puree.
  3. Bring to a boil, cook over low heat for 10 minutes.
  4. Line a colander with gauze, place it over the pan and transfer the berry mixture there.
  5. Leave until the juice drains. You can speed up this process a little with your hands, but then the juice will lose transparency.
  6. In the juice obtained in this way, we add sugar in a ratio of 2: 2.5 to the resulting juice.
  7. Bring to a boil, switch to low heat.
  8. To check readiness, you need to drop a tablespoon of jelly on a cold saucer and put it in the refrigerator for two to three minutes. If during this time the jelly begins to “seize”, then it can be turned off and poured into steamed jars.
  9. Banks should be rolled up with lids and sterilized for 20 minutes in a pot of water.

Advice. When preparing jelly, slightly unripe berries can be left - they contain more gelling pectin.

Blackcurrant compote

Opening a jar of compote in winter is like stepping into summer for a moment. It is simply impossible not to stock up on this miracle for the winter.

For cooking you need:

  • 1 kg of blackcurrant;
  • 600 g sugar.

Compote can be prepared only from currants or other berries can be added

How to cook.

  1. Sort the currants, separate from the stalks, wash, dry.
  2. Pour currants into jars by about a quarter of the volume.
  3. Pour the berries in jars with boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Drain the water back into the saucepan, add sugar and bring to a boil.
  5. Pour the syrup into jars and close the lids.
  6. Jars should be placed upside down and wrapped in a blanket. After cooling, store in a cool place.

Currant chutney

When all compotes and jellies are placed on the shelves in the pantry, and the berry is still left, I want to try something new, unusual. Something to wow your loved ones and guests. The recipe for blackcurrant chutney is just what you need. Chutney is a great addition to meat or poultry dishes, as well as adding zest to toast and sandwiches.

For cooking you need:

  • 300 g of blackcurrant;
  • 3 art. l. Sahara;
  • 50 ml of water;
  • 1 st. l. white wine vinegar;
  • 1 tsp balsamic vinegar;
  • 1 PC. star anise;
  • 3 pcs. cloves;
  • 0.5 tsp ground black pepper;
  • 0.5 tsp salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil.

Currant chutney

How to cook.

  1. Hot olive oil add the berries and keep on the stove, stirring, for a few minutes.
  2. Pour in the vinegar, add all the other ingredients and simmer until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Add water, boil and cook on low heat for about half an hour until thickened. Stir occasionally.
  4. Place in sterilized jars and close with lids.

blackcurrant wine recipe

Blackcurrant wine is incredibly fragrant and rich. Its ruby ​​color and amazing aroma can turn your head even before the first sip. The recipe for this wine will help you brighten up cold winter fragrant sip of summer.

For cooking you need:

  • 3 kg of blackcurrant;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar.

Making blackcurrant wine

How to cook.

  1. Sort currants from spoiled berries, twigs, leaves. Do not wash.
  2. Put the berries in a saucepan and mash with a wooden pestle or in any other way.
  3. Dilute with a liter of water, stir, leave for 4 days. Stir several times during this time.
  4. Strain through a sieve and dilute with another liter of water.
  5. Add sugar and pour into large clean jars. Put on each jar rubber glove with a pricked finger.
  6. After one and a half to two months, drain the wine from the sediment, bottle it for storage and put it in a dark, cool place.

Blackcurrant blanks for the winter will add a fresh summer taste of berries to your life, because they provide access to a huge number recipes. These are pies with currant fillings, fresh berry cocktails, and all kinds of desserts. And just for tea, you can always open a jar of "five minutes" or fresh jam without cooking. Currant blanks have only one drawback - they are eaten up so quickly that by the middle of winter you think that more should have been closed.

Aromatic blackcurrant wine: video

Blackcurrant blanks: photo

There is only a month of summer left, and the harvesting season is in full swing, and blackcurrants for the winter are in the first places in the list of harvestings. After all, it is difficult to find a garden or cottage, wherever it grows. And all thanks to its unique composition. This berry is a champion in the content of vitamin C, but in addition to it, it has a huge wealth of vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances.

A real tasty pharmacy, because it is not only a delicacy, but also a medicine. And this medicine has few contraindications: thrombophlebitis (there is a lot of vitamin in the berry

K, which enhances blood clotting), ulcers and gastritis with hyperacidity. But for everyone else, this natural miracle will help with colds, rheumatism, pyelonephritis and many other sores, because literally the whole plant is useful for currants, and you can prepare not only berries, but also leaves, the content of vitamin C in which is twice as much as in berries and even twigs. And, finally, blanks from it have a wonderful taste and aroma. The main thing is to preserve in them all the natural wealth as fully as possible.

Blackcurrant for the winter without cooking

Common currant preparations are jam, jelly, compote, mashed potatoes. Many people freeze berries for the winter - this is a good way out, but not everyone has voluminous freezers, and traditional way in the blanks you can save a maximum of useful substances. For example, blackcurrant with sugar for the winter. The method is extremely simple, only differs in a high sugar content, it will take two kilograms per kilogram of berries:

    sand sugar 2kg;

    blackcurrant 1kg (net weight of sorted berries without stalks);

    some sugar for sprinkling.

The berries brought from the garden or the market must be sorted out and separated from the brushes. Then wash and recline in a colander so that the water is completely glass. Ideally, it would be nice to dry the berries on a towel, but if the processing volumes are large, this is simply unrealistic. In this case, it is good to have a sieve that is installed above the sink and the currants are thrown onto it after washing. Next, grind the berry with a blender or knead with a crush in a basin or pan.

It is not recommended to scroll it through a meat grinder, since its knives are made of ordinary steel, and loss of vitamin C is inevitable. Add sugar to the crushed mass and mix thoroughly. We leave the resulting raw jam in the container for about a day, stirring five to six times during this time, so that the sugar is completely dissolved. If you use a blender, then you can add granulated sugar immediately in the right proportion.

The next day, sterilize the jars in the usual way for you: over steam, in the oven or microwave. Scald plastic lids with boiling water. Pack the resulting mass into prepared jars, pour sugar on top with a layer of about two centimeters, wipe the necks of the jars and cover plastic lids.

Blackcurrant for the winter

To prepare blackcurrant jelly for the winter, it is not even necessary to pick the berries from the branches. We wash them and remove substandard, let the water drain well. After that, we blanch the raw material by immersing it in boiling water for a minute. We recline in a colander and let cool slightly, then wipe through a sieve.

The silicone spatula for spreading the cream is very convenient for wiping, it allows you to leave a minimum of waste, from which we will cook the compote. You can add other berries and fruits to it, as well as some blackcurrant leaves. Get a delicious and refreshing drink.

Let's get back to jelly. The resulting mashed mass is mixed with sugar in the ratio of 800 g of granulated sugar per 1 kg of mashed mass. The mixture should boil for five to six minutes, this is quite enough, do not forget to stir and remove the foam. Further, as usual, we pack in sterile jars. The same way is being prepared and raw materials also need to be wiped, since the skins and grains are even coarser than those of black.

Preparing blackcurrant compote for the winter is not at all difficult. All we need is fresh or frozen blackcurrants, water and granulated sugar. For a three-liter jar of compote we need:

    a glass of berries;

    a glass of granulated sugar;

We prepare the berries, as usual: we separate them from the stalks, wash them, put them in a colander and let them drain. We prepare sterilized three-liter jars and scalded lids. We put berries and sugar in a jar, pour boiling water over it, cover with lids and sterilize in boiling water for about five minutes from the start of boiling, close and leave the jar turned upside down on the lid to cool slowly, wrapping it up. You can simply bring the compote to a boil in a saucepan, pour into a sterile jar and seal. In this case, sterilization is not needed. perfectly stored in an apartment in a dark place all winter.

Blackcurrant for the winter: a simple recipe

Now you know how to prepare blackcurrant jam, a recipe for the winter and more than one will certainly come in handy. I would like to note to lovers of jelly and natural juice - do not throw out the pomace. Even if they are used for cooking compote, a significant part of the nutrients with the skin will be lost.

It is in the cake that contains the most pectin and minerals: potassium, magnesium, selenium, iodine, iron and calcium. The cake crushed with a blender can be preserved even without sugar, and in winter it can be used as an additive in unleavened pastry: you get an excellent gingerbread. From a mixture of cake and semolina, we will prepare a mousse for the kids. Semolina in this case will be eaten by them with pleasure.

Such cake can also be used for cosmetic purposes, as a mask, in its pure form or with the addition of cosmetic oils and simply sour cream. Moreover, the preparation of crushed pomace without sugar can be taken as food supplement while eating. It will enrich your food with pectin and fiber, and it is completely natural.

I'll bring one more blackcurrant dish for the winter, a simple recipe marshmallows are a wonderful natural delicacy that is perfectly stored without any preservation and retains all the beneficial properties of berries. Cooking will take several hours, but very little sugar is required, and sterilization of dishes is also not required. Let's take

  • 1 kilogram of berries;

    2 cups of granulated sugar;

    100-150 ml of water.

We put the sorted and washed berries in a saucepan and add some water. Slowly boil for about fifteen minutes so that they boil soft, cool and rub through a sieve. Cake is used for other purposes. Mix the resulting puree with sugar and beat until thick foam. Boil the mass for 20 minutes until thickened, and then spread it on a sheet covered with lightly oiled parchment.

We apply the oil with a brush or a piece of foam rubber without fanaticism. This is necessary so that the pastille then easily separates. The layer should not exceed 2-3 cm. Put the sheet in the oven, heated to 45-50 degrees and dry for 5-6 hours with the door ajar. Exact time It's hard to tell because everyone's oven is different. The finished dish should remain elastic and bend easily. We cut it into strips, sprinkle with powdered sugar and store in tightly closed jars. A fruit dryer will greatly facilitate the cooking process, especially if it has the appropriate function. Pastila can be prepared in a mixture with apples in any proportion, because they also have a lot of pectin. Moreover, it is also not necessary to wipe the mass, just mix the raw materials with sugar using a blender and boil until thickened so that a drop of puree does not spread over the saucer if dripped.

Blackcurrant jam for the winter

And finally, blackcurrant jam is a gourmet recipe for the winter. It is cooked in any of the above ways, only during the cooking process we add a sprig of lemon balm or oregano, which we remove before packaging, or a little fresh chopped orange zest along with orange juice, or scraped fresh ginger to taste.

Additives can be very diverse. Ordinary spices such as cloves, cardamom, star anise, allspice can be placed in a saucepan in a gauze bag and removed at the end of cooking.

And even finely chopped spicy pepper will not be superfluous in blackcurrant jelly or mashed potatoes, it will turn out excellent seasoning for sandwiches with soft or cream cheese. The proportions can be chosen based on your own preferences.

For example, for 2.5-3 liters of jam or jelly, one orange or 30-40 g of ginger root will be enough. The zest can be removed different ways: a fine grater, then you will immediately get it crushed.

You can use a special paring knife, which will remove the skin in a very thin layer, and then cut the zest across the strips very thinly. We only need upper layer without a white backing that can be bitter. Three ginger on a fine grater or chop with a blender, or you can chop finely with a vegetable knife. After the grater, tangible harsh fibers may remain, which not everyone likes.

Five-minute blackcurrant jam: recipe with photo step by step

Harvesting currants for the winter is an integral part of many hostesses, especially if you have children, or you just want to enjoy berries not only in summer period, but also all year round. Currants can be frozen, ground with sugar - live jam, also quite interesting / healthy / tasty.

And you can cook quick jam, it is not necessary to boil it dozens of times, five minutes is enough, so we can save more vitamins in a homemade delicacy, and save ourselves a lot of time for other household chores.

After that, you can fill shortbread baskets with such jam by adding a little butter / cottage cheese cream, or you can lay it in a layer between cakes or biscuits. Delicious currant jam it turns out with crispy toast and a thin layer of butter - it's simply incomparable with a cup of coffee, and no sweets can be compared with such a sweet sandwich.


  1. Currant - 300 g
  2. Sugar - 300 g
  3. Water - 50 ml

Currant jam "Five Minute: Cooking Process

So, for starters, look at the currant berries, after throwing them into a basin or bowl, pour cool water. You can immediately observe how dry leaves float to the surface, now you need to carefully drain the water along with the leaves. Repeat the procedure twice, the last time you can gently rinse the berries in a sieve.

Put the finished berries in a saucepan, add granulated sugar and add a little water. Mix gently and set the container aside for a couple of hours. If time is running out, immediately boil syrup from water and sugar, lower the berries and boil for five minutes, but in this version you will need a little more water.

After the specified time, rearrange the container on the stove and turn on the average heating of the burner. Boil currants after boiling for no more than five minutes. In the process, a cap will appear on the surface of the berries, it must be carefully removed.

By this time, prepare sterile jars and lids - fill the container with boiling berries and syrup. Such jam can be stored on the shelf of the refrigerator, or in the cellar or pantry. For the last option, roll up the jam hermetically and put the jars upside down, cover with a blanket and leave for a day. Then remove and store.

Bon appetit!

Almost every housewife makes blackcurrant blanks for the winter, because it is extremely healthy and tasty. If it abounds in fruit own garden care must be taken to preserve the harvest. There are many ways to do this, one of them is to make jam. The black garden berry is universal; jam, compotes, juices are made from it for the winter. And also useful fruits frozen to be used later instead of fresh.

Options for blanks for the winter from blackcurrant

The easiest way to preserve the harvest of berries harvested in your garden is to place them in the freezer. In winter, the product can be used for cooking compotes or as a filling for baking. Fresh fruits are added to tea and eaten sprinkled with sugar.

Another way to prepare for the winter is to make jam. Everyone loves this delicacy, especially children. The treat will bring pleasure to guests during tea drinking and will remind you of summer days.

A simple recipe for harvesting is currant juice or compote. Homemade drink is much healthier than store bought. Children will definitely appreciate its pleasant taste. The best and easy way save the harvest of fruits from the currant bush - grind the berries with sugar. They keep well in a cool place. Those who have a cellar should take note of this recipe.

Blackcurrant recipes

The harvested crop cannot be stored for a long time, otherwise the fruits will become soft and deteriorate. It is important to start canning right away. Currants need to be sorted out, litter and twigs removed, and then washed. It is convenient to do this using a colander or sieve, pouring some of the fruit into it.

Clean berries must be dried, scattered in a thin layer on a towel or baking paper. This recommendation is especially relevant if the hostess plans to freeze whole currants.

Easy jam recipe

To prepare currant jam, you will need a basin or a wide pan with a thick bottom. It is not recommended to use thin-walled - a sweet mass sticks to it. You will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg of berries;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

The berries are put in a bowl, interrupted with a blender and sugar is added. You can just crush them so that they release juice. The pelvis is put on fire of medium intensity. The hostess should stir the berry mass, avoiding burning. As it heats up, foam forms on top, it must be collected with a spoon. After waiting for the jam to boil, it is kept on low heat for another 20 minutes.

The longer the treat is cooked, the thicker it becomes. For those who like very dense jam, it is recommended to increase the cooking time by another 10 minutes.

A hot treat is immediately poured into jars, having previously sterilized them over steam, and a cork is made. The containers are turned over, wrapped, and after complete cooling they are removed to the pantry.

Blackcurrant, grated with sugar

Pure dry fruits are sprinkled with sugar and ground with a wooden pusher. You can use a blender. The second method is less preferred due to the oxidation process of the metal nozzle, but more convenient and faster. The mass is left at room temperature for two days until the sugar grains are completely dissolved. At this time, it is periodically stirred.

It is convenient to store currants grated with sugar in half-liter glass jars. They need to be sterilized in any way and filled with a sweet mass, leaving some free space. A centimeter layer of sugar is poured on top of the currant. The blanks are covered with polyethylene lids.

If the grated currants are stored in a cellar or refrigerator, and not at room temperature, it is permissible to reduce the amount of sugar to 1.5 kg per 1 kg of berries.

Currant compote

  • 600 gr of fruits;
  • 300 gr sugar;
  • 2.7 liters of water.

The berries are carefully sorted, removing crumpled and damaged ones, and put in pre-sterilized jars. Bring water to a boil in a suitable size saucepan. It is advisable to use an enamel container. Boiling water is poured into a jar of berries, covered with a lid and left for 30 minutes.

After the specified time, the liquid from the jar is poured back into the pan, leaving the fruits inside, add sugar and mix. Turning on the fire, they wait for it to boil, after which the container with currants is again filled with syrup and twisted with a lid. The jar is left to cool upside down, wrapped in a blanket.

Freezing for the winter

This method of harvesting blackcurrants for the winter is most often used because of its simplicity. The fruits are frozen whole. In this form, the crop is stored for several months. But first you need to prepare them:

  • sort out from the garbage and remove from the branches;
  • wash with cold water;
  • dry on a towel.

Only undamaged elastic berries are suitable for freezing.

Prepared currants are packaged in small bags of 200 grams, tied and placed in the freezer. If there is a slot for quick freezing well worth using it. After 3 hours, the berries will harden and they can be transferred to the top drawer of the freezer. In winter, whole berries are used to make compote or added to homemade cakes.

Jam for the winter

From blackcurrant berries you can cook delicious jam. It differs from jam in consistency. You will need a sieve to get rid of the skin of the fruit and get a uniform, almost transparent jam. The recipe includes only 3 ingredients:

  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • blackcurrant - 1 kg;
  • water - 200 ml.

Pure fruits are placed in a saucepan, poured with water. The task of the hostess is to bring water to a boil, due to the high temperature, the berries will become soft, the skin will burst, and the juice will come out. Cooking is continued no longer than 3 minutes.

Now you need to drain all the liquid into enamelware and grind the berries through a sieve or cheesecloth to squeeze out the remaining juice. A pot with currant nectar is put on fire, the entire volume of sugar is added and boiled until thickened, stirring occasionally.

Checking the readiness of the product is simple - you need to take a little jam and drip onto a plate. If the mass does not spread when turned over, then it is time to pour the delicacy into sterilized jars.

There are many options for blanks for the winter from blackcurrant. Each recipe is good in its own way and worthy of attention. Busy housewives prefer the most simple ways- they freeze whole berries or grind them with granulated sugar.

23 Apr 2016

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Black currant is a real pantry of useful substances. She is the champion among those available in our climate berry crops according to the content of vitamin C. In addition, its fruits are rich in sugars, B vitamins, as well as PP, E, carotene and trace elements. They contain a sufficient amount of pectin substances so that the processed products harden well. This makes the currant an exceptional raw material for valuable preparations for the winter.

Currant grated with sugar

Even housewives, who are not particularly anxious about kitchen worries, find in their refrigerator a place for a jar or two of fragrant “cold jam” - raw berries rubbed with sugar. This is the most sparing method of conservation, in which all useful material, since the currant does not undergo heat treatment.

To preserve the harvest without boiling, the berries are washed and allowed to dry, scattered in a single layer on a clean cloth. At the same time, crumpled, unripe and damaged berries are removed - it will be possible to cook compote from them. Then the raw material is crushed and mixed with sugar in a ratio of 1:2. All manipulations are preferably carried out in non-metallic dishes. During the day, the sugar dissolves, after which the puree is packaged in sterilized jars, alcoholized paper is placed on top, and then closed with scalded plastic lids. Valuable product is stored in a cool dark place.

Freezing for the winter

Save your vitamin harvest in kind The freezer will help too. The easiest way is to store berries in bulk there, packing them in bags. In winter, frozen currants can be added to pastries, cook your favorite compotes and jelly - it all depends on the hostess's imagination and the preferences of family members.

The faster the berries freeze, the better they will retain their shape and texture. Therefore, the temperature in freezer should be as small as possible, and currants should not be packaged in too large portions.

Jam and jam absolutely no problem

Another way to stock up on fragrant treats is to make jam. There are many recipes for this dish, which vary in the ratio of berries and sugar, cooking time and the presence of other components. For example, some put a pectin thickener to make the product gel better. Jam is traditionally brought to readiness in a wide low dish so that the liquid evaporates intensively, and the sweet product has time to thicken.

Beautiful and fragrant jams are also popular. To prepare this dish, the collected berries must be washed and dried, and then chopped. The resulting mass is boiled, and then sugar is added, mixed and boiled again. Jars of jam are best kept refrigerated.

The currant jam video recipe is as simple as one, two, three:

Jelly, but not from flageole

Jelly can be called a real decoration of the sweet table. Made from blackcurrant, it has an exceptionally noble rich color and rich taste. Jelly differs from jam in that the skin and seeds are removed from it, in fact, it is berry juice boiled with sugar. To separate it from the cake, you can do different things. Some housewives boil the berries and then let the juice drain. Another cooking technology involves first passing the raw materials through a juicer, and then boiling. The remaining cake can also be used - for example, for making marmalade, drinks.

Compote without the hassle

Large families love blackcurrant compotes. You can add fruit to make a mixed drink. You can tightly pack the berries in half-liter jars, sterilize them and roll them up, and put sugar or other additives to taste before use.

In winter, such compote is guaranteed to become a source of good mood.

Dried currant - a reserve for the good of the Motherland

Drying is another way to preserve crops for the winter. Someone dries whole berries, and someone prepares marshmallow, which is then cut, rolled in powdered sugar and stored in an airtight container. Children especially love this delicacy.

Suitable for drying Appliances, but you can organize the process somewhere on the windowsill. In the latter case, for the safety of the product, it does not hurt to restrict access to berries to insects and family members. Otherwise, a small part of it will survive until the winter.

Sauce for blackcurrant meat

Gourmets who are indifferent to sweets will certainly appreciate such an unusual seasoning for meat as currant sauce. It is prepared in almost the same way as jam, only salt, garlic, spices and herbs are added as preservatives and flavoring additives.

As a rule, red currant sauce is prepared, but black currant will do for a change. A particularly wide field for experiments opens up here: berry juice harmonizes perfectly with a very wide range of spices and their mixtures. Ready sauce in its hot state can be poured into jars or bottles, and also stored for the winter.

According to rumors, having once experienced a barbecue with currant sauce, a person loses the ability to use store ketchup in the same capacity for six months. Use with caution.

Summing up, we only note that the currant is a very grateful vitamin raw material for cooking, which allows housewives to fully reveal their skills, craftsmanship and imagination.

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