Little sketch for the new year for adults. Scenes for New Year Funny

The buildings 19.10.2019
The buildings

The deposit of a successful corporate party is a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere, in which absolutely all members of the team, regardless of position, feel comfortable. It is largely achieved with the help of a good humor, for example, cool scenes and fun musical numbers in the script. Even the most status participants in the team may take part in such funny productions. Most often, the readiness to play a comic scene appears in the majority in the framework of New Year's corporate. It is at such festive parties that colleagues are most relaxed and open for amateur. If we talk about what sketches for the new 2019 year for adults are always relevant to the corporate, then first of all it is worth noting the short numbers on modern topics. Also cause a smile and sincere laughter from colleagues scenes with funny musical accompaniment, converted fairy tales, performances in the style of standa. Excellent ideas and examples of cool scenes for the new year 2019 will find in the next article.

Best New Year Scenes for Corporate - the most funny ideas and examples, video

If we talk about the most pressing ideas for cool scenes to the New Year's corporate party, then first of all it is worth noting the options on the topic of the holiday. We are talking about traditional characters, traditions, signs, films related to the New Year. For example, you can beat the situation with humor, as the preparation for the holiday in the average family is being prepared. Also relevant numbers on how the last holiday days are held at work. In most companies, the end of the year is associated with a large stress when it is important to close all reports and transactions. And since the corporate stands often pass when all statements are closed, you can safely laugh with colleagues over recent working difficulties.

Examples of cool ideas for the best New Year scenes for corporate party

Also on New Year's corporate, you can put sketches with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. At the same time, you can get all members of the team to participate in this issue. For example, driving a dance around the Christmas tree, telling the grandfather of the poem, to help sculpt a snowman, etc. At first glance, children's fun will surely enjoy adult employees and will help to tune in to the festive evening atmosphere. Even more examples of cool scenes on New Year's corporate party will be found in the following videos.

Cheerful Scenes for New Year 2019 for Adults - Short Music Numbers on Corporate

Some of the most fun rooms for adults on a corporate party in honor of the new 2019 can be called short musical scenes. As a rule, these are small numbers without words to dynamic music or a song. The chief emphasis in such scenes is made on facial expressions and gestures of participants who try to make all those present at the holiday. The basis of musical numbers is fun and funny situations from the life with which many have come across at least once in their lives. For example, using a properly chosen melody for each participant, you can show how a person reacts in certain circumstances. This may be a number about who comes in the morning to work (one is always late, the second sleeps on the go, the third boils coffee to the whole team). It is desirable that the prototypes of the scenes are the real people present on the corporate party. Then the room will be even more funny and funny.

Versions of short music scenes for the new 2019 year for adults on corporate

Instead of music in music numbers, cutting audio tracks from well-known films and TV shows is quite often used. With their help, it is easy to compile a whole dialogue for a cheerful scene, and the participants do not have to teach a lot of text. The main thing is to choose a relevant topic, for example, a choice of a gift for the new year for colleagues in the shopping center 5 minutes before it is closed. Next, we offer you even more fun options for short musical scenes to corporate in honor of the new 2019 for adults.

Funny Scenes for New Year 2019 for adults - converted fairy tales with jokes to corporate

Another current topics for funny scenes for the new year 2019 for a corporate party - converted fairy tales with jokes and jokes for adults. This is a fairly simple and at the same time an interesting version of the funny number, which can be played differently. For example, you can literally rewrite the dialogs of the characters of famous children's fairy tales, and you can use cutting from movies and songs instead of words. In any case, with a sufficient level of artistry participants, such a converted fairy tale is ridiculous and cool.

Funny ideas for scenes fairy tales with jokes for the new year 2019 adults on corporate

As for the plot for ridiculous fairy tale scenes to the New Year's corporate party, you can take almost any children's work, changing it under the interests of adults. Well, if you get to beat some winter fairy tale with the participation of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowman and other traditional characters. But you can also take a completely simple children's fairy tales, such as a bunny or repka. In such cases, the story should be played on a more modern topic, preferably concerned about the working weekdays. For example, instead of the huge turnip of the grandfather (director) and the Baba (Chief Accountant) may try to pull the company's annual income. Several interesting and fun examples of converted fairy tales for New Year's corporate standards will find in the following videos.

The most cool scenes for the new year 2019 - universal options for a funny company, video

It is not necessary that the numbers on the corporate in honor of the New Year 2019 are devoted to the work and the company, and cool scenes on universal topics are also suitable. For example, you can put a cheerful number about typical family and templates of behavior of spouses, problems between parents and children, important social problems that exciting many. At the same time, it is important to comply with the balance between the good humor and the acute parody, which can hook the feelings of those present.

Funny options for universal scenes for a fun company for the new 2019 year

As for the format of such a cool scene on a universal topic, you can use any: dance, musical, parody, based on pantomime, etc. In the next selection of video, we tried to collect exactly such universal options for cool scenes, which are perfect for the New Year's corporate party.

Cheerful and Funny Scenes for New Year 2019 Yellow Pig - Modern Videos

Humor does not stand still and that matter, more and more interesting formats of rooms and scenes appear, which can also be used for the New Year's corporate party. As an example, you can bring popularity recently the format of the stand. As a rule, only one person participate in this issue, but you can arrange short performances for several people. A distinctive feature of the stand - reading jokes on topical topics from the position of the speaker, which postpones his imprint on their interpretation. In other words, the author expresses its opinion regarding popular questions through the prism of jokes and humor. Such a format will be especially relevant for the New Year's corporate party, if there is a person in the team who can sharpen and is not afraid of the scene.

Merry options for funny modern scenes for the new year 2019 yellow pig

Also among modern funny scenes for the new year 2019 yellow pigs can be noted in the "Waiting / Reality" format. They can be both on the workplace, and beat some domestic situations. Several interesting examples of fun modern scenes for the new year 2019 yellow pig will be found in the next selection.

Playing cheerful scenes on the New Year corporate can absolutely all members of the team. Especially if you take part in a humorous short room with music and dancing, which is necessarily present in each scenario. Also, the scenes in the format of converted fairy tales on modern ways can be used for this festive format. The main thing is that funny and funny scenes for the new year 2019 for adults on corporate gave all smiles and good mood! And then you can not worry for the relaxed and relaxing atmosphere of this holiday!

The New Year's corporate is started to prepare a few months before the long-awaited event. After all, this is a great way to collect a team in an informal setting and have fun.

Make an event pleasant and memorable will help a good scenario of New Year's corporate party. We offer you several ideas that can be realized by the forces of even a small team.

Based on the fairy tales about three piglets


  • leading;
  • NUF-NUF;
  • Nif-nif;
  • NAF-NAF.


  • costumes piglets;
  • piglets attributes for guests (pins, tails, etc.);
  • toys in the form of an acorns;
  • eye dressings;
  • sheets of paper;
  • markers;
  • scissors, glue, cloth, colored paper;
  • wooden, candles, serpentine, Bengal lights and other attributes for the New Year's mood.

The leading takes the word first, he must congratulate the gathered colleagues with the holiday, set up to an unusual and a fun evening. However, NIF-NIF, NAF-NAF and NUF-NUF, as True Pigs, offer their "piglets" congratulations.

Leading: Dear colleagues and guests of our evening, I congratulate you on the coming 2019 the year of the pig. For the next year, no one will lay a pig, your friends will not become ungrateful pigs, and there will never be a pigsty in the house. Today I wish you all the fun and do not get drunk before the piglery squeal.

Three pigs appear in the hall. They are dressed in the appropriate costumes, pour and behave confused.

NIF-NIF: Fun we guarantee you. And in the upcoming new year, we want to give their advice to office pigs, that is, planktonam.

If your whole colleagues
Award yesterday distributed
And about you a little forgotten
And did not give anything
Then it is not worth sadness,
Just pour instead of paint
In the printer to all the jam liter,
And then about you colleagues
Will never forget.


If on the paper table
More than a teacher
And find there what is needed
No opportunity is completely
You fell up all the kip on the floor
And jump on top boldly
And then from such work
You are dranking.


If each friend got sick,
And the work immediately got up,
And customers in position
Don't want to enter
Need to work with them
Detach the patient strongly
Let them get sick too
And they will not walk here.

Leading: What is this ugly tips!

Pigs:Just we are offensive, that we are always bad about us.

Leading:How do you think badly?

Pigs: Listen to employees know about us.

Leading conduct a quiz, during which guests need to finish phrases associated with a pig (goose pig is not a friend, dirty like a pig, etc.).

Leading: Then you need to drink! And let each employee pronounces the wish that begins on the letter from the word "pig" or "boar".

When the feast began, you can entertain guests with fun competitions for the New Year's party. They should also be connected with the theme of the evening.

The following contests are suitable:

  • Dress up the Christmas tree . Participants diverge at different angles of the room. They tie their eyes. With tied eyes, they must hang a toy in the form of an acorns.
  • Pantomimima . Participants must portray with the help of a piglet pantomime from a fairy tale or cartoon (Winnie Pooh, Funtik, etc.), the rest of the guests are guessing the character.
  • Merry drawings . Two holes are made in a large paper sheet. Participants, traveled hands to the holes, will have to draw wild boar.
  • Disguise . Participants are divided into several teams. From fabric, colored paper, ribbons, rain and other materials Each team should make a yellow earthy pig suit.

Tale Teremok.

Props and scenery:

  • Designation "Teremka" It is necessary to make a square size of 2x2m. Height 20 cm. The frame can be made of cardboard.
  • A large beach umbrella on the stand will depict the roof.
  • Additional props: Mop, plate with spoon, centimeter (measuring).
  • Recording easy tool music (for background), rhythmic dance music (Disco Accident - New Year rushes to us).
  • Bag with cards in which roles and mood are painted, emotions:

1 card

Who! - Mouse.

What? - Nervous, hysterical. Always loudly shouts his "Pi-Pi Pi!"!

What does in the teremke? - Washes the floors

2 card

Who! - Frog.

What? - harsh, persistent, leisurely. His "kva-kva!" Pronounces as an opera singer.

What does in the teremke? - feeds dinner.

3 Card

Who! - Bunny.

What? - Cheerful, smart, mischievous. After each jump - wags the tail!

What does in the teremke? - Measures a centimeter of clothes.

4 Card

Who! - chanterelle.

What? - Sexy, flirty. Sexy urchit: "Urr!"

What does in the teremke? - flirt.

5 card

Who! - Grey Wolf.

What? "Confident, daring, sort of" solved ", came to the" disassembly ". Coughs, as if dug: Khe-Khe! Khe-Khe!

What does in the teremke? - all the time on everyone runs, threatening!

6 Card

Who! - Bear.

What? - Smile, kind, loves everyone very much! His "RRRRR" says as if he says "catch! Catch! "

What does in the teremke? - climbs to hug and kiss.

To somehow mark all the heroes so that they are recognizable, only a few elements in clothes are enough:

  • Mouse - rim with ears and tail, front.
  • Frog - Green Jabro (Collar) Dress on clothes, you can still green gloves, cook apron and a cap.
  • Bunny - rim with long ears, little tail.
  • Fox - coquette, red collar and fox tail.
  • Gray Wolf - dressed in hooligan, unbuttoned shirt, golden chain on the neck of the pcsetpet (as in the 90s) on the side, cap, cigarette in the teeth.
  • Bear - on the head hat with round ears, vest, warm socks knitted, big calosh.

Scene №1

Leading:Dear friends! New Year is always a return to childhood. How long have you read the children's fairy tale "Teremok"?

Guests are answered: Long!

Leading: And do you remember. What happened there?

All choir: Yes!

Leading: And I would not be so sure of your place! Want, check? Or remember everything together?

All choir: Yes!

Leading: I need six volunteers!

Chooses from the hall of the cooler: the highest (s), the very lowest), the worst (s), the most complete (s), etc.

Leading: Who would you like to play in this fairy tale?

Participants suggest.

Leading: Well, it would be ideally, and we, on the New Year's fabulous corporate of miracles everywhere and everywhere. Even the most ordinary tale can turn into an interesting and unforgettable action! Try, from a bag who will be!

Participants pull out without looking, cards indicating whom and what they should be in this fairy tale. It will be funny when the largest person will get, for example, the role of the mouse! Or the very sly, the role of a wolf or bear bandit! They are dismissed, assistants dress up in elements. Award a participant who will play a mouse - mop, frog - a plate and a spoon, a bunny - a centimeter of the tailor.

Transferred artists overlook the lead that tells the task.

Leading: So, in our cool converted fairy tale I speak only me! You are all famous and possible ways depict your hero. Bunny jumps to the teremka, the frog jumps, etc. You can and even make the sounds of your hero, to demonstrate his behavior and manners. All this is done taking into account the emotion and mood, which is registered in your card.

And yet: hitting in teremok, if you suddenly hear such dance music (chorus songs "New Year" of the "Disco Accident" group), you must, subject to your specified mood to produce the actions that were specified in your cards! Spectators are preferably taking a song. And the main condition - all actions are made only in cooperation with each other! Are you going to live together?

Participants agree. Go.

Scene №2.

The background sounds light instrumental music. As soon as the new hero appears in Teremka, the dance music is turned on for a while, which they will perform each of their own action.

Leading: So, dear friends, sit down comfortably! Now you will hear, and at the same time you will see a completely new fairy tale called "Teremok". In one of the very pretty cottage cooperatives, someone took and built a very neat such teremok!

(Assistants carry out a cardboard frame, denoting terems. In the middle instead of the roof put a large beach umbrella on the stand.)

Leading: Mouse-Norushka mouse ran in his important affairs ("Mouse", hysterically Ore "Pi-Pi-Pi!"). The mouse was surprised that such a treasure costs, and no one lives there! She tried her teremok three times (the mouse is circling), and, making sure that there is definitely no owners, settled into it! (The mouse crosses and immediately begins to wash the floors).

The same way, the same expensive jumped and frog-cuckoo! (The participant is jumping, depicting a frog, connecting the opera "Kva-kva!".) As he saw the teremok, and could not restrain! It came closer and asked the mouse, is it possible to live there with her? - Come in! Two more fun! - answered she and let the girlfriend in teremok.

Turning on dance music and the frog begins to feed the mouse, and that shears the floors under her feet.

Leading: From afar, the smell of a tasty lunch heard a bunny-dye! (Rides a bunny) And when I came to him - I saw the teremok and Oboml! Oh, how I wanted to live in it! Is it possible? - The bunny asked. - Can! - They waved a zero mouse with a frog and launched a new tenant in teremok.

Dance music turns on: the mouse should wash the floors under the legs of their neighbors, the frog - to feed everyone in turn, and the bunny - to shoot the measurements and from the frog, and from the mouse.

Leading: On the fun, the main dusker chanterelle pulled up! (Sexual gait, urcha, coming out the participant in this image) Well, who will not like this entertainment? Of course, she asked to live in a terchemaker! And the owners and against were not!

Dance music turns on: the mouse is washes under a frog, bunny, chanterelle, the frog of all in turn feeds from the spoon, the bunny measures everyone, and the chanterelle is sexually dancing.

Leading:But, as in life, and in a fairy tale, nothing happens so simple: hearing the noise and gams, spoiling tasty smells, stolen from the windows of the Teremok, the wolf came to the house. (Vallant, passing, wolf comes out. Suitable for a teremochka). Well, and how it, again, in life it happens, he also did not ask himself! The door has opened the door and entered!

Dance music turns on: everyone is engaged in its own, and the wolf at all in turn "runs out."

Leading: Frog, seeing such a thing, stopped right near gray and let's feed! And he is "running"! It is not known how it all ended, but there was a bear past. (Smiling and playfully lean, the participant comes out that the bear playing).

Leading: A bear approached the teremok, looked like a beasts there were having fun! How clean is clean, how to fed with spoons, as they measure joyfully, how sexy dance! Even a wolf with his departures, Bear immediately loved! Entered the teremok and let's hug and kiss everyone!

Under dance music, everyone is engaged in their affairs, and the bear, hugs and kisses in the cheek, all in a row!

Leading: You ask why he permission to live at the tenants did not ask? What for? After all, it is his terems! He for himself and built! And as I saw such a funny company, I immediately decided to live and leave them all here!

Dance music sounds. All heroes interact with each other.

To prepare for the New Year's corporate, it is better to start about a month. During this time, you can have time to prepare props and learn roles. The main thing is to do it secretly so that for the rest of the employees the cheerful scenario of the New Year's corporate party has become a pleasant surprise.

Useful video about how to decorate the office to the New Year's corporate


So, so, and if a new year, then ka-ka-re-ku! Yes, only so, because the year of the rooster comes, and we all need to sway, that is, you have fun and rejoice. And therefore, new scenes for the new year 2017 for the corporate party are so funny that your colleagues on the New Year corporate will laugh so much that it is easy to make sure. See the scenes, put them on your New Year's holiday and rejoice at the meeting of the new year!

Scene - Magic Egg Chicken!

Friends! We all know the fairy tale, about the magic lamp of the alladin. Each of us would like such a lamp to be. And someone dreams just to grab it once and make her desire. But, alas, it's just a fairy tale. But do not forget that today is a new year and a lot of New Year's Eve comes true! And so, meet - rooster and magic chicken egg!

Rooster leaves (disguised man in the rooster)
He has an egg in his hands (the egg can be made of wood or from the fabric, not necessarily a big egg, enough 20-30 centimeters in height)

Well, how are you surprised? And what is surprised here - 2017 is a year of a rooster. So everything is logical and correct. Well. Do not robe, who wants the first to lose a magic egg and make a desire?

The action is happening like this:
Guest rubbed the egg leading at this moment comments. For example, he says: faster trite, otherwise the desire will be as slowly! Or like this: you are so diligently touring the egg that it will warm and weld! Guess your desire.
In general, the comments of the lead must. Then, when the guest of the Nate Egg lead offers it to pull out a card out of the bag with desire. The guest takes out the card and reads what he wishes.
Examples of cards:

1. I'm an egg tru, labor, labor,
Do you know what I want?
I want to get drunk in full,
So that my soul singing!

2. My desire is simple,
I want everything to be native.
Cottage, the car and the apartment was
And the tax just passed next.

3. For the new year I will make
Just one desire.
But I beg you,
Take him with understanding.
All year round I want to work,
And on the car, or apartment, and maybe on vacation ... In general, it's just - to earn!

4. In a year, the cockerel, I want friends,
Fall in love once and forever.
And so that my love was,
Well, very, very good!

5. From bad habit get rid of want,
And so I ask the rooster:
I want a passport I am at home forget
So that I stop alcohol to sell.

6. I want a lot I work,
Not to earn.
And so that my ambitions
Were completely satisfied!

7. My desire is simple
And it is:
Let each of us are lucky
And for each happiness to the house will come.

Scene - Morning breakfast.

This is an expression scene. First you need to gain guests who will participate in the scene and speak their phrases.
You need:
1. First egg (words: top grade!)
2. Second egg (words: I'm the coolest)
3. Salt (words: so tastier)
4. Frying pan (words: I'm so hot)
5. Pepper (words: acute in all)
6. Sunflower oil (words: New Vintage 2016)
7. Sausage (words: I am boiled)
8. Santa Claus (words: I love scrambled eggs)

Friends! Each of us waking up early in the morning breakfast. Someone is flakes, someone sandwiches, but most people quickly make scrambled eggs, snack and run to work. And who was preparing the scrambled eggs for the new year? There are no such? Then today we all prepare it together. And it will be a "sharp" dish.
Tell me what you need to cook the scrambled eggs?
(Guests begin to shout out what we need. Those who called what is in scenes come out)

Excellent, we have ingredients, and we begin to prepare New Year's scrambled eggs!

The words of the lead for the scene is imprompt (when the master pronounces the name of the ingredient, then the participant of the scene must pronounce his words):

Woke up early in the morning Santa Claus (I love scrambled eggs), reached and opened the refrigerator. Watching Santa Claus (I love scrambled eggs)lying on the top shelf the first egg (highest grade!), thought Santa Claus (I love scrambled eggs): From one egg, the scrambled eggs do not cook (highest grade!). He looked at the bottom shelf, and there the second egg (I'm the coolest). Santa Moroz was delighted (I love scrambled eggs)that he will take her favorite dish and began to look for a frying pan (I'm so hot). Found, and put it on fire. Took sunflower oil (New Vintage 2016), and poured on the pan (I'm so hot). So far (New Vintage 2016) warmed together with a frying pan (I'm so hot), Santa Claus (I love scrambled eggs) The refrigerator looked again. Saw sausage (I am boiled)And thought: great! This is what it is necessary. Took sausage (I am boiled), and cut it for scrambled eggs. Meanwhile, Skovoroda (I'm so hot) and oil (Vintage new 2016) In it, heated. Santa Claus (I love scrambled eggs) broke the first egg (highest grade) On the pan (I'm so hot). Took the second egg (I'm the coolest) And the same broke it in the pan (I'm so hot). While the eggs fried Santa Claus (I love scrambled eggs) found salt (so tastier) And sat down this thing. Thought a little and added pepper (acute all), as well as sliced \u200b\u200bsausage (I am boiled) neatly decomposed in a frying pan (I'm so hot) Next to the first egg (highest grade) and the second egg (I'm the coolest). Butter (New Vintage 2016) Quickly roasted sausage (I am boiled). Santa Claus (I love scrambled eggs) I decided to add salts (so tastier), and pour peppers (acute all)and began to wait.
From Fire Skovorod (I'm so hot) Rassed even more. Butter (Vintage new 2016) Syprely, first egg (highest grade) Already fried. Second egg (I'm the coolest) Also fried. Salt dissolved (so tastier), and pepper (acute all) I gave the scrambled eggs a unique look. Santa Claus turned off the fire, looked what happened and proudly said (I love scrambled eggs). And he began to fly for both cheeks, gain strength to come to us for the holiday!

It turns on the song of the discos from the accident -Yaita - the real Santa Claus comes out, and he dances on stage along with actors.

New Year's feast is always very generous and cheerful. And we wonderfully raise the mood at the beginning of the holiday various drinking fun: horoscopes, toasts, guessing and which help "join" into the entertainment program and get acquainted a little or, if you are familiar, then relax and feel comfortable, as it happens among loved ones.

We offer a collection of the best Internet finds (thanks to the authors!) - New Year's feast role fairy tales - imprompt who are tired of the program of any New Year holiday. For such a packaging entertainment, only cards are needed with words for heroes, text for the lead and, if desired, a small props for participants.

New Year's Drinking Role Tale "Hi, New Year!"

Before the start of the replica, it is possible to propose, explaining to all participants that they need to be pronounced when it comes to congratulations to their hero, and when it will be clear on the text and emotional accents that will give the leading (you can even agree on signs). Although, if you read expressively, then everyone understands when to join.

Active persons, replicas:


Tamada- "To the new year, another hour!"

Plot - "So, maybe, today I will and me?"

Santa Claus- "And I brought gifts to you!"

Guests - "Hi, New Year!"

Neighbors - "Congratulations to all of you!"

The choice of "artists", which will pronounce those or other pipes leaders spend in the game form:

Select artists

Leading: So that our scene is played out,
Roles should be distributed!
(Someone from guests) You, I see, do not silent
And speak all the time.
The announcer needs us now
You come just! (Hands the leaflet with the phrase for the role of the speaker.)
(Another guest) And to tell you to speak -
Tamada you, it became! (Hands words for the role of the Tamada)
(One more of the guests) Man for all not new -
All well-known district! (Hands words for the role of precinct)
(Men - Guest) Replace Santa Claus,
He is late for something! (Hands words for the role of Santa Claus)
(One group of guests) Be the neighbors ask
You always have been glad! (Hands words for neighbors)
(Another group of guests) You have guests
And play with us! (Hands words for guests)

Next, the lead reads the text, and guests after the corresponding words say their replicas.
Tales text
The people are going to celebrate
And, as it should be relying, a new year to meet.
Filled with glasses already to the edges,
AND Guests shout ... (Hello, New Year!)
But in TV Speaker not in a hurry
Papers different shorts
And informs, it seems like, us ...

Rises Tamada at the table in full growth
And pronounces a completely fresh toast
Frequently swinging with a glass in hand ...
And in TV music playing loudly
And Basque, famous Hit executes.
And wine glasses are pouring again to the edges.
Everything Guests shout ... (Hello, New Year!)

Here Santa Claus The late knocking.
Seeing pain familiar face,
Tert from embarrassment red nose
And whispers ... (And I brought gifts to you!)
BUT Guests We decided to raise Tamatu.
He is not climbing himself!
And it utters a toast, as in a dream ... (So \u200b\u200bdrink for those who are now on horse!)
BUT Speaker It says especially for us ... (Until the new year for another hour!)
Probably afraid that we're "score"
And the new year will not wait!
The door was called. Paved Neighbors,
Wines dragged and everybody.
From the threshold shouting ... (Congratulations to all of you!)
BUT Speaker(Until the new year for another hour!)
Slightly breathing, sat down at the table.
Nearby at all Ploti went
Seeing our company in the window ... (So \u200b\u200bmaybe today I will install and me?)
Neighbors shout ... (Congratulations to all of you!)
BUT Speaker(Until the new year for another hour!)
Here pulls your bag Santa Claus
And whispers ... (And I brought gifts to you!)
How great to meet the new year together!
And, barely breathe Tamada Our gets up ... (So \u200b\u200bdrink for those who are now on horse!)
He does not wait for gifts already.
Pouring glasses for the main toast,
In a single impulse, all Guests
Scand together ... (Hello, New Year!)
And the clock arrows hurry everything forward!
Our Tamada broke into one moment
And again his toast he stubbornly stubborn ... (so let's drink for those who are now on horse!)
Well, that, we pour and lose a glass of everything!

New Year's fairy tale for a close company "Well, you give!"
(Author of the idea of \u200b\u200bArapova I.Yu.)

This petition entertainment is similar to the previous one and is played by the same rules, but with a more cool text designed for an adult company. This will especially benefit, if the characters, except for cards with words, distribute a small props: Funny hats, noses, rims that emphasize the comicness of the image.

Actors and replicas :

New Year- "Well, you give!"

Santa Claus - "Without me, or drink?"

Snow Maiden - "Both on!"

Old women (Baba Yagi) - "Well, no fig, yourself!"

Led - "Well, for good luck!"

Waitress - "Who broke all the plates?

Guests (people) - "Happy New Year!"

Leading - reads text

Tales text

On the eve of the new year
Tradition to celebrate the people
People to the bulb crisis, adversity
Satisfied loudly shout ... ("Happy New Year!")

But in front of us sits New Year,
He would only be born here,
Looks at people: on uncle and aunt
And loud surprised: ... ("Well, you give!")

BUT Guests Merry, dressed fashionable
On joy, shout loudly: ... ("Happy New Year!")

Congratulate rushed (everywhere the nose)
We are tired of matinee who? Santa Claus!
Studying barely connected: ... ("Without me, or drink?")
In reply New Year: … ("Well, you give!")

And what outside the window, there are nature whims,
But Guests Anyway - shout: ... ("Happy New Year!")

It got up Snow Maiden theatrical
And it seems very sexy.
She can see, not alone,
And mysteriously said ... ("Both on!")

Santa Claus Coulder: ... ("Without me, or drink?")
In reply New Year: … ("Well, you give!")
BUT Guestsagain, not honey and gather,
Loud and louder shout: ... ("Happy New Year!")

And again Snow Mary, forebodies are full,
Savor, admiring himself: ... ("Both on!")
Frost All groatstit: ... ("Without me, or drink?")
Behind him New Year: … ("Well, you give!")

Two frills baboons, two Baba Yagi.,
As if we got up from the right leg
Verify under a glass about the jagishi fate,
And out loud indignant: ... ("Well, no fig, yourself!")

Snow Maiden passion, the desire is full,
With the temptation and languidly regards: ... ("Both on!")
Frostand screams: ... ("Without me, or drink?")
And after New Year: … ("Well, you give!")

Goes all the way goes with its own way
AND Guestsscream again: ... ("Happy New Year!")

A separate fragment, but briefly and briefly
Made his lepts Waitress.
She shouted the arrow on the table,
Asked: ... ("Who broke all the plates?")

Yaguska Having mad, as if in the hut,
Choir shouted her: ... ("Well, no fig, yourself!")
Snow Mary gets up, oxane slightly,
Laughs, whispering with delight: ... ("Both on!")

BUT Grandfather, Already, shouts: ... ("Without me, or drink?")
Behind him New Year: … ("Well, you give!")
AND Guests, feeling, thoughts freedom
Scand together again: ... ("Happy New Year!")

Here Led, from joy, almost crying,
Rises with the words: ... ("Well, for good luck!")
BUT Waitress, bumby burners,
Asked: ... ("Who broke all the plates?")

Babushki, more on one cins
Shout for a couple: ... ("Well, no fig, yourself!")
Snow Maiden Also swallowed wine
And exclaimed out loud again: ... ("Both on!")

And drinks Santa Claus, Lukavo whisper, ("Without me, or drink?")

And drink New Year: … ("Well, you give!")
And led, he with a glass for a long time already jumps
Calling inspired: ... ("Well, for good luck!")

And glasses, as if filled with honey,
W. Guests What they drink and smoke together: ... ... ("Happy New Year!")

New Year's festival expression "Forest Fairy Tale"

Acting faces and replicas:

Hare - "Lives the hares not easy"

Elk - "Everything broke in me!"

Cat - "I'm a champagne a little"

Piggy - "I am beautiful as a snowflake!"

Hedgehog- "Without head and legs"

Tales text

In the new year, everything, without a doubt,
Beliefs believe in the fairy tale!
In our hall turning

And a brilliant acting game!

Tales text
In the forest, under the old Christmas tree
Lives Zhenosok timid.
He always says one thing: (Living the hares is not easy)
Once, under the New Year,
Collected forest people.
To visit to oblique go
There and drink, eat.
An old uncle came Elk (In me everything broke out)
The maiden came with him Cat (I'm a little champagne)
Taped aunt Piggy (I am beautiful as a snowflake).
Well, very wise Hedgehog (I am without head and legs),
Appeared, all from the cold trembling.
Hare All says to everyone: (Living the hares is not easy)
Here I said uncle Elk:(In me everything broke out)
"So that it easily lived in the morning,

Helps 100 gram brandy. "
But Tetya intervened Cat: (I'm a little champagne)
"Oblique will be easier to live,

Kohl will learn to the sick. "
"No, let me, - pall Piggy, - (I am beautiful as a snowflake).
To make it easier to live,

We need to marry him! "
In the conversation joined here Hedgehog (I am without head and legs),

"To live easily in the world,
You need to extract courage. "

Hareknow, one thing says: (Living the hares is not easy)
Nothing, told everyone Elk:(In me everything broke out)
"New year comes,
So everyone is lucky. "
Says the girl Cat: (I'm a little champagne)
"And so that we are overtaking success,
I invite you to drink all "
"This is a thought" - cried Piggy(I am beautiful as a snowflake).
To drink and wise Hedgehog(I am without head and legs),
Began to pour beasts
And congratulate each other.
So that everyone lived easily,
And everyone always was lucky!

New Year's role-playing fairy tale "Japanese belief about the symbols of the year"

The participants of this word and 12 animal masks are distributed.
The lead reads the text. He who calls him says his phrase.

Acting faces and replicas:

Mouse - "You will not be shake with me!"
Bull- "Warning, I am a pitch!"
Tiger - "No more games!"
Rabbit - "I'm not an alcoholic!"
The Dragon- "My Word - Law!"
Snake - "Well, of course, this is me!"
Horse - "frying will fight"
Goat - "Everything, of course," for "!"
A monkey - "I'm already, for sure, without flaw!"
Cock - "Wow!" - I scream in full spirit! "
Dog - "There will be a fight here soon!"
Pig - "Just like - I immediately!"
People(Spectators) Choir shout - "Congratulations!".

Tales text

There is a Japanese belief,
Tale, simply speaking:
Gathered once animals
Choose a king
Mouse came running ... ("You will not be shake with me!")
Dragon flew ... ( "My word is the law!")
The goat appeared ... ("Everything, of course," For "!")
The dog has suffered ... ( "There will be a fight soon!")
Shipping snake ... ( "Well, of course, this is me!")
Rooster came running ... (
Pig came ... ( "Slightly - I immediately!")
Speed \u200b\u200ba horse ... ( "Frying will fight")
Ried tiger ... ( "No more games!")
The bull was raised ... ("I warn, I am a pitch!")
Started rabbit ... ( "I'm not an alcoholic!")
Brought a monkey ... ( "I'm, exactly, without flaw!")
Gathered for the new year
Began to throw, meow, bark,
Spore and screams to dawn:
Everyone wants to edit each other
Everyone wants to get to the kings.
Reported mouse ... ("You will not be shake with me!")
Hysterically shouted rabbit ... ( "I'm not an alcoholic!")
A monkey was outraged ... ( "I'm, exactly, without flaw!")
Claimed the snake ... ( "Well, of course, this is me!")
Warned everyone a dog ... ( "There will be a fight soon!")
Hug a bull ... ("I warn, I am a pitch!")
Dragon screamed everything ... ( "My word is the law!")
Cooking cock ... ( "Wow! - I shout in the whole spirit! ")
Naked horn goat ... ("Everything, of course," For "!")
Grozenly tiger ... ( "No more games!")
A pig was frightened ... ... ( "Slightly - I immediately!")
Hide the horse ... ( "Frying will fight")
In general, they started under the New Year,
When joyfully chant the people .... ("Congratulations!")

And from heaven to it strictly
Looked Japanese God
And said: "It's time, by God,
Stop stir!
Stand in a friendly dance,
Let each rules one year! "
Jumped a goat ... ("Everything, of course," For "!")
Approved the dragon ... ( "My word is the law!")
Offered a pig ... ( "Slightly - I immediately!")
Confirmed the tiger ... ( "No more games!")
Purchased rooster ... ( "Wow! - I shout in the whole spirit! ")
Warned all bull ... ("I warn, I am a pitch!")
Said Tomno Mouse ... ("You will not be shake with me!")
Pucked by the snake ... "Well, of course, this is me!")
She's in response a monkey ... ( "I'm, exactly, without flaw!")
Dried a dog ... ( "There will be a fight soon!")
The horse frowned ... ( "Frying will fight")
Jassed only the rabbit ... ( "I'm not an alcoholic!")
It was for the new year,
When the people joyfully chant .... ("Congratulations!")

A selection is posted for familiarization

Scene for Valentine's Day. Two Amur with onions and arrows go to do their job. An unusual scene, where the participant will need to descend to the auditorium.

The plot is this: girls decide that to give their guys to the 23rd of February. Some ladies participate in the scene. Finally, the legitimate reason to expel men in the auditorium and from the soul to enjoy the scene.

This scene can be put on the 8th of March, and to the bachelorette party. The plot is already revealed in the title: the best friends tell all the secret of how to make and not lose the best girlfriends. Everything, of course, with humor.

Scene by March 8, in which men will send over typical female things. This scene will well dilute the concert dedicated to the International Women's Day.

Not only women in front of February 23, but also men in front of the 8th of March. Everyone decide the most difficult task - what to give?! It is about this and joke in this scene.

This scene can be shown at a concert in honor of March 8th, and on a corporate part of a cosmetic salon or shop. Everyone wants to laugh at stereotypical approaches to female beauty.

Imagine that car designers have finally decided to create a purely female car. Yes, and give it to women for the 8th of March. You understand that the scene is very funny.

Scene for a birthday or anniversary. It can be quickly shown on any free patch in a cafe or restaurant. Birthday man on joy and guests on fun.

Another humorous scene on the topic search for a birthday gift. Choose a gift is particularly difficult. And in this case, the task seems not solved at all. In this plot learns themselves and guests, and the birthday girl.

By the way, for the anniversary this scene is also suitable. It can participate in it from five to 10 people. The more - the more fun there is a scene.

Scenes about school, study

By the name of the scene, it is already clear that it is the most school. The plot is this: the school principal collects a meeting to prepare an educational institution for the arrival of strict check.

It is always interesting to imagine how children will teach so forty, fifty. And if you add humor into these dreams, you will get a good scene for a school concert.

We tried to imagine how officials come up with new topics for graduation essays. This scene will be organically looked at the concert on the occasion of the last call or prom in school. She can be played as teachers and students.

Imagine that the famous TV presenter Andrei Malakhov threw his TV shows and began to work as a teacher of literature. In the scene, we tried to show how it would look like his lesson.

Imagine that due to the crisis, the summit of the leaders of all countries of the world was decided to hold in one of the children's health camps. The scene is good for the fact that the mass, but everyone needs to be learning.

New Year's sketches

Dynamic, modern, and most importantly - Funny New Year's scene. The beginning is: Santa Claus reads letters of children and is finally disappointed in them.

Scenario of the New Year's matinee for younger schoolchildren. Jack Sparrow, Young Hacker, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden in one scenario. Humor guarantee!

Dialogue scenes for two leading New Year's Eve. Your concert will be outlined, they will contact even the most diverse numbers among themselves. Jokes are lightweight, funny, New Year.

On New Year's holidays happens anything. Scene is about it: Heruku is arranged to catch artists who spent on children's New Year's matinees. Scene in the spirit of Comedy Club with a fair fraction of a non-deputy humor.

New urgent scenario of the children's New Year holiday. Recognizable modern characters: Cashier "Pyaterochka", Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga, and a symbol of the new 2019 - a pig.

The classic battle of the old and New Year is transferred to the walls of the usual office. Scene will suit the corporate New Year's party. If your department was asked to put a scene - take and do not suffer.

The plot of the scenes is: the predictors' astrologers compete in the predictions of the new year for office staff. As you understand, all your intuophisc joys and relevance can be in a scene. Success on the New Year's corporate is provided!

Let's be transferred to the years so three hundred and back and imagine how in Russia they switched to the celebration of the New Year in winter. Let's do it in the form of a cheerful scene. If you take on the rental costumes, the scene will be just a bombing.

Actual New Year's scene on the school theme. About how hard it is to schoolchildren and teachers on the eve of the New Year. It is suitable for school or student KVN on a New Year's theme.

Scene scene such: somewhere in the north there is a secret base for the preparation of sheds of frosts. And how are they without preparation?! It is possible to show this scene by KVN, and at the New Year's concert.

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