Autonomous gas supply. Autonomous gas supply to a private house: turnkey installation features, gas consumption and user reviews

Encyclopedia of Plants 25.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

When the main gas pipeline is not available, you can use an alternative: autonomous gasification of a private house.

With autonomous gasification, gas is supplied to the house not through a centralized main gas pipeline, but is stored in its own reservoir. The simplest way Autonomous gasification is familiar to everyone - these are red propane-butane cylinders, from which country gas stoves work. However, for something more, such cylinders are not suitable. If the gas will be used for heating, a more capacious container is needed - a gas tank.

For gasification of a private house in Russia, underground gas tanks are used. Gas enters the house through an underground gas pipeline through the basement input and then goes to the consuming equipment: heating system, water heater, gas stove or electric generator.

propane butane

Liquefied gas for storage in private gas tanks is delivered by special gas tankers. If gas is used to heat the house, then the gas tank will have to be filled once or twice a year.

Autonomous gasification systems for private houses, as a rule, do not work with natural gas, but with a liquefied propane-butane mixture - the same one that is used to refuel gas cars.

The fact is that natural gas, which is supplied through main gas pipelines, is much more difficult to store than propane-butane. It is liquefied at -160°C under a pressure of 200 bar. Maintaining such conditions is not easy. In addition, liquefied natural gas is difficult to obtain, while liquefied petroleum gas (propane-butane) is available at almost every gas station.

The propane-butane mixture has its undeniable advantages: it is "more caloric" than natural gas. When burning propane-butane, three times more energy is released than when burning natural gas (28.4 kW / m 3 versus 9.4 kW / m 3). This makes it the most profitable fuel after natural gas.

There are also disadvantages: during frost, condensate forms in the tank, which prevents the normal supply of gas. To avoid this, gas tanks in Russia are installed at a depth where the temperature never drops below zero.

Special storage tank for liquefied gas (propane-butane) installed underground.

The compartment in which the equipment of the gas tank is located: a reducer, a filling valve, a level gauge, a pressure gauge, etc.

Modern underground gas pipelines are made of polyethylene gas pipe. Above-ground and internal gas pipelines are made of steel.

It serves to bring the gas pipeline out of the ground and consists of a pipe, a valve and a bellows compensator.

Gas boiler

water heater

Gas stove


gas holder

Gas holders AvtonomGaz, manufactured at the Polish plant Chemet, have a capacity of 4850 liters, 6400 liters or 9200 liters. Such volumes are enough to heat the house for several months.

In order for the gas tank to be installed at a sufficient depth, it must have either a high neck or high pipes that raise the shut-off equipment above ground level. In addition, the increased depth imposes special requirements on the strength of the underground reservoir and the reliability of the connection between it and the neck leading to the surface.

Another important factor is corrosion. If the gas tank is not sufficiently protected from it, frequent and costly repairs will be required. To prevent corrosion, an electrochemical protection system is connected to the gas tank. The material from which the tank is made is also important. Gas holders AvtonomGaz are made of selected evacuated fine-grained steel, which is not subject to corrosion. This makes them much more durable than competitors' products.

Armature compartment

Move the arrow to the photo to see the explanation.

A two-stage reducer with safety valves lowers the pressure from 1-16 bar inside the tank to 0.03 bar.

gas pipeline low pressure

Vapor phase valve

pressure gauge

filling valve

Liquid phase valve

Level gauge

Safety valve

Draining unevaporated residues from the condensate collector

In the upper part of the neck there is an armature compartment, inside of which there is a shut-off valve - equipment for controlling the gas flow. A pressure regulator (reducer), a filling valve, a level gauge and other devices are hidden under the cover.

In addition to equipment, there may be a sealed manhole, which is removed during the survey so that a specialist can penetrate into the tank. This allows the survey to be carried out without digging out the gas tank. Economy class tanks, devoid of a hatch, will be examined with an endoscope.


From the tank to the consumption equipment, gas is supplied through a low-pressure gas pipeline. Low-pressure gas pipelines are divided into external and internal: external are laid outside the premises, internal - inside. Modern underground gas pipelines are made of a polyethylene gas pipe, above-ground and internal can only be steel.

In Russian climatic conditions the underground gas pipeline is located below the freezing depth of the soil and is performed with a slope. At the same time, a butane evaporator is required at the lowest point of the gas pipeline, which prevents the condensed gas from entering the boiler. This is necessary in order to ensure the complete security of the system.

Plinth entry

Safety rules prohibit the underground entry of the gas pipeline into the house, therefore, the withdrawal of the gas pipeline from the ground is carried out using a special design - the basement entry.

The ground entry consists of steel pipe, a crane and a device that provides the ability to move the house (shrinkage or lifting from swelling of the soil) - a bellows compensator. The bellows design allows the expansion joint to stretch, compress, deform and flex while maintaining a tight seal.

At the request of the customer, a valve can be installed in a steel box at the base inlet to shut off the gas supply in the event of a leak in the house.

Remote control

Remote control systems equipped with inexpensive universal GPS / GPRS modules allow you to control gas boilers using the Internet or coded SMS and voice messages from a cell phone.

Autonomous gasification of the house today is possible in a period of one day, and in comparison with gasification by main gas is relatively inexpensive. Gasification in Moscow and the Moscow region is now developing especially rapidly. To autonomously gasify today a private house no need to collect signatures and issue numerous permits. The whole process happens quickly, and is possible with only one call from you.

Here you can get answers to all your questions regarding autonomous gasification. You can also independently study the issues of gasification on our website, and on this page we will try to answer you the most frequently asked questions.

  1. Is it possible to gasify a house without a long paperwork?
  2. What is the cost of gasification should be guided by?
  3. Where to find and how to choose a responsible and reliable company?

What is autonomous gasification at home?

Where there is no possibility of connecting the house to the main gas pipeline, it is always possible to use imported gas to heat your country house. To store the necessary reserves of liquefied gas, underground gas tanks are used - gas holders. The installation of such a tank with its connection to the house (or other gasification facility) is called autonomous gasification. With such a system, you become independent in choosing a gas supplier for your heating equipment, you can plan expenses yourself, calculate stocks, control consumption.

(to the table of contents)

Is it possible to gasify a house without a long paperwork?

Yes. Our company has all the necessary permits for the gasification of any private country house, cottage or small industrial facility. Today, our company is an active member of the SRO, has all the permits, licenses, certificates and permits, the originals of which you can find in our office. Get collect all extra Required documents you can also entrust us.

(to the table of contents)

Is it profitable to gasify a house with autonomous gas?

Yes. Autonomous gasification is considered today one of the better ways solving the problem of autonomous heating and energy supply. You can compare it with other types of fuel and find out other nuances in the difference on the page: Why autonomous gasification?

(to the table of contents)

Autonomous gasification - is it dangerous?

(to the table of contents)

Is it possible to gasify a house in the village?

Can. We can gasify a house in a village, in a forest, on a farm, in a distant SNT, and anywhere else. If it is possible for vehicles to reach the facility, then gasification is possible.

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What is the cost of gasification should be guided by?

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Where to find and how to choose a responsible and reliable company?

You can order a gasification service from us, we undertake to carry out autonomous gasification with high quality and on time. If you are ready to continue searching for a company further, then when choosing, at least pay attention to:

  • Companies involved in autonomous gasification are required to be members of SROs;
  • To have in its list of permitted activities items related to gasification;
  • Have permits, permits and licenses for the work performed by you;
  • These documents must have valid expiration dates;
  • Companies that position themselves as old and experienced can be asked for copies of old licenses for this activity. The licenses are no longer valid, but they will confirm the longevity of the company's activities in the market for these services.
(Up to top)

In custody:

Autonomous gasification of a frequent country house now does not oblige a private trader to have or issue permits for the installation of a gas storage facility (up to 10,000 liters) and gas equipment, therefore customers often ask to conclude an agreement on the spot without visiting the office, saving their time, or simply out of reluctance.

Advice: visit the office of the company. Its presence, size, location, arrangement can either disappoint you or give you confidence in the correctness of the choice.

Of course, you have other questions about how to gasify a private house? We will help you make your choice. Call and write, and you will receive answers to all your questions.

Where to order gasification is up to you, but to start gasification of your private country house, you will need a specialist visit. Invite our engineer, he will answer all your questions, give competent and comprehensive advice, calculate the preliminary estimate. You will receive the abstracts, catalogs and prices you need to make a decision. You can order a free visit of an engineer to you on the page: INVITE AN ENGINEER. We will be happy to help you gasify your home, or produce dacha gasification. Your home will be warm, cozy and comfortable for years to come.

Order autonomous gasification at home today, on favorable terms for you:

Gas heating remains the most reliable and cheapest way to heat a home. In the climatic conditions of our country, it is the most consumed source of energy.

Autonomous gas heating systems

The use of natural gas is relatively inexpensive and safe compared to other sources of thermal energy. Contemporary gas equipment is able to automatically ensure the optimal consumption of blue fuel and maintain comfortable conditions in a buiding.

The reasons for using autonomous gas supply systems may be the following circumstances:

  • lack of access to the main gas pipeline;
  • the high cost of designing and supplying gas from it to the house;
  • errors in the construction of a private house, in which the connection of the main gas is impossible for security reasons. The requirements for the design and operation of autonomous systems are much softer.

For autonomous gas supply, the project is developed on an individual basis for a specific building. In this case, the developer may be offered a choice of fuel supply source: gas tank or household gas cylinders.

Autonomous gas-balloon equipment is often installed even in houses where there is central heating. Such a device allows you to control the heating mode and save money on heating. An autonomous heating system from gas cylinders is cheaper both in terms of the cost of equipment and the price of gas.

Video: propane-butane heating

Properties of liquefied gas

Cylinder gas is somewhat different from natural trunk fuel. It is characterized by:

  • higher efficiency;
  • low cost of fuel;
  • ease of use;
  • the ability to use a variety of equipment.

Such fuel is produced on the basis of propane. It is safe for human health and has no harmful effects on the environment.

The chemical formula - C 3 H 8 - indicates belonging to the hydrocarbon class of alkanes. The natural source is natural gas, which is released by the cracking of petroleum products during the separation of associated petroleum gases as a by-product.

In its pure form, propane does not have any smell, and specially introduced additives give it a well-known aroma. They are used for identification purposes during the formation of leaks. Propane has low toxicity, but has an effect on the central nervous system mild narcotic.

Scope of propane

The most extensive use of propane is as a fuel. It is used:

  • in industry - to perform gas-flame work and welding of metals in non-critical structures;
  • in construction - for heating industrial and facility premises;
  • in road works during heating of bitumen and the surface of the roadway;
  • in food industries industry - in gas stoves and water heaters.

One of the new uses for propane is its use as an automotive fuel. It is cheaper than gasoline or diesel fuel and has a positive effect on increasing the resource of internal combustion engines.

Calculation of the need for liquefied gas

Preparatory measures for the installation of this type of gas equipment are very responsible. Miscalculations of an insufficiently qualified designer or low professional training builders subsequently is very expensive. Heating systems do not reach passport characteristics, and to ensure normal conditions residence has to increase fuel consumption.

Before purchasing equipment, you need to make sure that it meets the needs of the home. To do this, you can use the practically established ratio. For high-quality heat supply, it is necessary to spend one kilowatt-hour of thermal energy for every 10 square meters of heated premises. In this way, you can get primary data on the required power of the boiler.

Considering the line of products offered on the market, you need to choose the product that is suitable for the parameter obtained.

It should be borne in mind that the value obtained in this way applies only to heating, the consumption for other gas appliances must be calculated separately, taking into account the intensity of their use.

Autonomous gas supply device

As mentioned above, liquid fuel gas supply systems are of two types: gas-holder and gas-balloon.

Gas supply with a gas holder

The gas tank is a sealed container filled with a liquefied propane-butane gas mixture. During operation, propane is released in the vapor phase and fills the free space in the tank. From here, through the reducer, it enters the external gas pipeline. The reducer is designed to reduce the pressure in the gas pipeline system to the technological standard.

To install the device on the site, you need:

After backfilling the pit with a tank, only the neck protrudes to the surface, on which control and regulating equipment is installed.

After installing and attaching the gas tank to concrete slab it is covered with earth so that only the filler neck with control and recording equipment remains at the top

Anode-cathodic protection is designed to protect the tank body from corrosion of electrochemical origin. To do this, a tread device with an activator is installed in the pit. The protector is a magnesium alloy anode placed in a cotton bag where the activator is poured. Its composition: somite and building gypsum - 25% of the composition each, the rest is bentonite clay. The anode is connected to the container body with a wire.

The operation of the device is based on the formation of a potential difference between the anode and the case, resulting in recovery reactions on the case. Life cycle the gas tank body is increased several times.

An indispensable condition for the system to work is a condensate collector. It is formed from butane vapor vertical sections when operating in winter conditions. The condensate collector is installed at the lowest point of the system, a tube is drawn out from it. If the condensate is not drained, the operation of the system can be stopped by the formation of butane plugs.

The tank is installed at a distance of 5–10 meters from the house and is connected to it by a pipeline in the ground.

Video: gas tank installation

Outdoor gas pipeline

For the installation of an external gas pipeline, a pipe made of low-pressure polyethylene without joints is used. Such pipes are most often supplied in bays, so finding a product of the desired length is not difficult.

A distinctive feature of the pipe intended for gas supply is the yellow stripe on the outer braid

The main advantages of polyethylene pipes compared to metal pipes are as follows:

  • jointless design - joints have always been the weak point of any pipeline, especially those working under pressure;
  • flexibility - the pipe easily copes with soil movements during its seasonal movements;
  • the life cycle of such a product significantly exceeds that of metal counterparts.

Connection to the intra-house gas supply system is made through the basement of the foundation with the obligatory installation of a shut-off valve.

The gas pipe must necessarily pass through the main wall and be equipped with a shut-off valve at the inlet

The ground connection is a connection polypropylene pipe and steel. It is produced using a special case. Mandatory element input is a valve "for welding" and a siphon device to compensate for possible movements of the foundation and heaving of soils during freezing.

Internal gas pipeline and security systems

Distribution wiring is created inside the house to supply fuel to consumption points. It is made of steel water and gas pipes according to GOST 3262–80 with a minimum number of connections. Piping is carried out in accordance with the developed and approved project. The right to execute technical documentation is confirmed by the relevant certificate.

The autonomous gas supply project indicates the complete scheme of the gas pipeline from the installation site of the storage tank to each consumer

The following devices are mandatory elements of distribution intra-house wiring:

  • sensor for monitoring the level of gas content in the room - continuously checks the presence of gas in the room. Operation level - achievement of 20% of explosive concentration. Sound and light signals are given, an automatic shut-off valve for gas supply to the distribution system is activated;
  • thermal shut-off valve - designed to shut off the gas supply in the event of a fire in the room. It works when the temperature rises to 90–100 o C;
  • A device for remote control of the gas level in the gas tank. Usually supplied as an option.

Photo gallery: gas line control devices

The gas analyzer monitors the excess of a safe level of gas concentration in the room Stop valve shuts off the gas supply when the temperature rises at the installation site The thermal shut-off valve closes the gas supply line in the event of a fire

Video: autonomous gas supply

Using more than one gas supply container

Sometimes it is practiced to install several gas tanks. They can be used both singly and connected to each other in liquid and vapor phases. This allows you to increase the volume of stored gas and increase the area of ​​its evaporation. Connected containers can be filled either one by one or several at the same time.

Twin tanks allow more effective control of gas supply and increase the refilling period.

It should be remembered that the gas tank must be installed no more than forty meters from the location of the filling tank.

Gas consumption for autonomous heating

To make a decision on the installation of an individual gas supply, it is necessary to evaluate a number of factors that can have a significant impact on the efficiency of the system:

  • regional features of the climate, the duration of the heating season;
  • the size of the heated area;
  • floor and wall materials and their ability to withstand unproductive heat losses;
  • area of ​​windows and other translucent structures;
  • own preferences for temperature conditions;
  • the nature of residence - permanent or temporary;
  • operation of backup and auxiliary gas equipment - gas stoves and water heaters, gas generator.

As a rough preliminary estimate of gas demand, you can use an indicator of 26–30 liters per square meter area for the St. Petersburg region or the Moscow region.

Video: heating on liquefied gas (propane) - consumption, user experience

Pros and cons of autonomous gasification

The return of gas energy occurs through its combustion. In this regard, this type of fuel is considered explosive, which prompts strict control of its use. Therefore, having made a decision to install an autonomous system in a country house, you should entrust its design and installation to qualified performers who have the appropriate licenses to perform work.

Autonomous gasification is a technically complex system in which all components and systems provided for by the project are required. Their exclusion from the design or replacement with cheap analogues is fraught with serious consequences.

Cons of autonomous gasification systems

Such devices free the builder from a lot of hassle caused by the need to replenish fuel tanks or solid fuel supplies. The second is also associated with significant costs of physical labor. But this is an apparent advantage, since the owners of autonomous systems need to constantly monitor the state of the system, the absence of leaks, and regularly carry out preventive measures. In addition, it is necessary to constantly monitor the physical remains of fuel in gas tanks or cylinders, so as not to suddenly find yourself in unheated rooms waiting for gas refueling.

Benefits of using gas systems

The relative disadvantages of autonomous gasification systems include the high cost of both equipment and the cost of its installation. But at the same time, one cannot ignore the other side of the economics of this problem:

It is no coincidence that many consumers, having waited for the laying of the gas pipeline common use, refuse to connect to it and continue to use offline devices. Although all gas equipment installed earlier is absolutely suitable for use for main natural gas.

Why all more people chooses autonomous gas supply of a private house?

Consider all the pros and cons of such a system and tell you how it works.

In recent years, more and more residents of megacities and even just major cities they change habitual apartments in the center for private country houses. The absence of dust, noise, clean air and proximity to nature are the main factors that make us move out of the city. But such a remoteness from the benefits of civilization has one significant drawback - the complete absence of the usual communications. If you can still do without water supply and sewerage, replacing them with a well and a toilet with a septic tank, then with electricity and gas supply everything is much more complicated.
There are two main solutions to the problem of generating electricity and heating a private house: a wind generator or an autonomous gas supply complex. Due to the unreasonably high cost and insufficient power of the wind generator, more and more people choose the autonomous gas supply of a private house.

Cylinders with gas or autonomous gasification?

However, we forgot to mention another "gas" way to do without electricity - these are gas cylinders. If you use gas only for cooking in a small family, this option is quite suitable.
In this case, you will have to buy two 50- or 80-liter bottles of liquefied gas: one is attached to the gas stove, and the second serves as a spare. Next, you need to conclude a service agreement with the gas service and, as the cylinders are empty, change them for new ones - a special truck brings full cylinders from the gas filling station. As practice shows, the contents of a 50-liter cylinder in a family of 2-3 people are enough for a couple of months.
The option is good, but not suitable for everyone. If your home is very far from settlements, it may be that the delivery of cylinders will cost you more than the cost of the LPG cylinder itself. In addition, you may need gas not only for cooking, but also for heating your home, for generating electricity. In this case, there is only one solution - autonomous system gas supply.

General information about the autonomous gas supply system

The autonomous gas supply system consists of a cylindrical tank for liquefied gas (gas holder), a gas pipeline high pressure, an evaporator (brings the gas pressure in the gas pipeline to atmospheric), a low-pressure gas pipeline (through which vaporous gas enters the devices that consume it).
The gas holder is made of 10 mm cold-rolled steel, designed for a pressure of 1.6 MPa, thermally insulated, equipped with anti-corrosion protection and lightning protection. Outwardly, it looks like a railway tank car and has a unique serial number.
A pipeline with outlets to consumption points is connected to the gas tank through the distribution head: gas stove, boiler, etc. Liquefied hydrocarbon gas is pumped into the gas tank from a special tank truck, which gradually evaporates and enters the gas appliances. Tanks with a volume of 2,700 m3 to 20,000 m3 are produced at the manufacturing plants of gas tanks, the smallest one is designed for a house with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bnot more than 200 m2, the largest one is for buildings with an area of ​​​​more than 1000 m2. When using gas for heating, water heating and cooking for a family of 4-5 people, you only need to replenish gas supplies in the gas tank 2-3 times a year.

Advantages of an autonomous gas supply system

Autonomy. The owner of the system himself has the right to decide when, for what purposes and in what volumes the gas will be used. Residents of such a house are not afraid of turning off gas at the most crucial moment, because autonomous gas supply does not depend in any way on the state of main, inter-settlement and distribution gas pipelines.
. saving. From this point of view, the autonomous gas supply system is second only to gas boiler connected to a conventional gas distribution system. Funds invested in organizing an autonomous gas supply system usually pay off in 3-4 years.
. practicality and long service life. The minimum life of the autonomous gas supply system is 20-30 years (provided that the installation is carried out professionally). Spontaneous leaks and ignitions of gas are excluded completely.
. environmental friendliness. The autonomous gas supply system does not produce combustion waste and odor, and does not contaminate the soil when spilled.
. solve all problems in one way. The autonomous gas supply system when installing a gas generator allows you to fully cover the needs for heating, hot water, cooking and electricity supply.

Elements of the equipment of the gas tank:
. relief (safety) valve, equipped with a pressure gauge and independently lowering the pressure in the tank when it critically increases
. a safety shut-off valve that stops the flow of gas in the vapor state (vapor phase) at a dangerously high pressure, its breakdown, or a pressure drop in the system caused by damage to the gas pipeline
. level gauge showing the operator of the gas carrier the level of critical filling of the tank (more than 85% of the internal volume of the gas tank)
. filling level sensor (signaling device) that reports the critical filling of the tank and automatically stops the supply of LPG to the tank from the gas truck
. vehicle earthing device, grounding LPG delivery vehicle to avoid sparks
. gas pressure reducer.

Operational characteristics of the autonomous gas supply system

Gas holders can be vertical and horizontal (they are cheaper). In terms of the “evaporation mirror” area, horizontal gas tanks are more productive, but vertical ones are more frost-resistant: they can be immersed to a greater depth and therefore are less affected by low temperatures. In addition, vertical gas holders do not need an evaporator, because its outer surface extracts heat well from the ground.
Autonomous gas supply systems can be either imported or domestic production. But you need to keep in mind that Russian manufacturers produce only horizontal gas tanks. European manufacturers sell both horizontal and vertical systems, but vertical Russian market presented much less.
As we noted above, each gas tank must be protected against corrosion, this required condition for any manufacturer. Anti-corrosion coatings can be bituminous or glass-bitumen (thickness up to 4 mm), polyurethane (1.5 mm), epoxy (0.8 mm) or consist of an isoplast layer (8 mm). Effective way corrosion protection can also be galvanic protection, the cost of which starts from 15,000 rubles. It consists of a reference electrode (Cu/CuSO4) connected to 2-3 magnesium alloy anodes placed in the ground near the gas tank. Magnesium anodes oxidize, restoring the iron capacity and extending its service life for decades. During this reaction, the anodes are gradually destroyed - one set of them will last about five years.
Imported gas tanks are necessarily equipped with a reducing head or neck. There are usually no such kits in domestic kits, and they have to be purchased separately (the cost is from 55,000 rubles). The reducing head protects the equipment for control and management of the gas tank from the penetration of moisture and dust.
From the gas tank, liquefied gas is sent through a high-pressure gas pipeline to an evaporator - a device that increases the amount of the evaporated gas mixture in case of insufficient natural evaporation. The evaporative plant needs a heat carrier - hot water or water vapor electric heater. If the power of the heating boiler or the total power of several boilers consuming gas from one gas tank does not exceed 100 kW, then there is no need for an evaporation plant and natural evaporation will be sufficient.
After the evaporator, liquefied gas in the vapor state enters the consumer devices through steel or polyethylene pipes with a diameter of 23 to 63 mm. Pipes made of low pressure polyethylene are quite suitable - they easily withstand low gas pressure, do not rot and are not damaged when the soil in which they are laid moves. Please note that when installing gas pipes, only a welded connection is allowed. Near the point of entry of the gas pipeline into the building, a basement unit is created, equipped with a flange connection - from it the entry into the house is made (only a steel pipe is used here).

How to choose the right gas tank

When choosing a gas tank, be sure to calculate the required volume of gas consumption. You should not buy a container less than 2.7 m3, even if your house is small and you visit it only from time to time. The reason is simple: it is not profitable for gas companies to deliver small volumes of gas over long distances, so they will either refuse to supply gas to you or set a very high price. Pay attention to the power of the consuming equipment and calculate the required volume of the gas tank based on this data. For example, a 10 kW heating boiler consumes 1.44 liters of liquefied gas per hour, which means that under the condition of a 10-hour daily work the gas supply in a 2.7 m3 tank will last more than five months. With a boiler power of 15 kW, it is advisable to choose a 4.5 m3 gas tank, at 20 kW - 6.4 m3, at 30 kW - 10 m3.
Considering that it is forbidden to fill the gas tank to more than 85% of the internal volume, when correct selection gas tank it will need to be filled only twice a year.

Installation of an autonomous gas supply system

Proper installation of an autonomous gas supply system is not an easy task and directly affects the safety of your family and friends. Therefore, when choosing a company that installs an autonomous gas supply system, be sure to check the professionalism of the employees, read reviews about the organization. Make a choice in favor of a company that has been on the market for a long time and uses only certified equipment.

Before installing an autonomous gas supply system, the installation company will definitely ask you for a gasification project developed specifically for this facility and consisting of a general plan, an external gas pipeline plan, characteristics of a tank installation, lightning protection, grounding and chemical protection solutions, characteristics of a condensate collector and an evaporation plant (if necessary ).
When installing an autonomous gas supply system, be sure to comply with the requirements fire safety. The distance from the gas tank to residential buildings should be at least 10 m, to a reservoir (well, well) - at least 15 m, to a septic tank, garage, branchy tree - 5 m, to a fence - 2 m, to power lines - at least half the length of their supports.
Consider access roads for a gas truck - this truck is not particularly nimble.
When design work completed and all other issues agreed, you can proceed with the installation of an autonomous gas supply system. To begin with, a foundation pit is dug to a depth below the freezing point of the soil - the distance from the top of the gas tank to the surface of the earth must be at least 1500 mm. Trenches are being laid for gas pipelines - below the freezing point, with a depth of 1900 mm near the gas tank and with a decrease in the depth of the trench to 1500 mm at the basement of the building (the entry point of the gas pipeline into the house). These preparatory earthworks can be performed by both the installation company and the customer.
Further, a concrete slab is laid in the pit - it will serve as the basis for the gas tank capacity and will not allow it to move when the soil moves. The container is installed on a concrete slab, a layer of reinforced acid-alkali-resistant rubber is laid between it and the slab, fixed on a concrete base with anchors made of of stainless steel through the fastening of the legs or through the steel strip-hoops. When the gas tank is installed, experts check it for technical suitability. Then the lightning rod of the ground loop is installed, its resistance is measured. If necessary, an evaporation plant is installed.
A condensate collector is installed at the lower point of the gas pipeline - unevaporated fractions of propane-butane will flow into it. Due to the natural heat of the soil, they warm up and again enter the gas pipeline. Then sand is poured into the bottom of the trench and the gas pipeline is laid (flexible polyethylene pipe design diameter) to the point of entry into the house.
A gas pipeline is being introduced from the basement to the gas consumption points in the house, and automatic gas pollution control sensors are installed. Upon completion of these works, air is pumped into the system at a pressure of 5 kg / cm2 and a test test of the autonomous gas supply system is carried out.
If the test work was successful, after a day the gas tank capacity and the gas pipeline are covered with sand, and then with soil to the ground level. The injected air is removed by flushing the system with nitrogen. Upon completion of these works, it is possible to produce the first injection of liquefied gas - but always in the presence of specialists from the installation organization.

Maintenance of autonomous gas supply system

The advantage of an autonomous gas supply system is that it does not need to be controlled by the user - installed sensors deal with emergencies on their own. The consumer only needs to follow the rules for using the autonomous gas supply system (representatives of the installation organization will tell about them) and once every 10 years contact the installation specialists or the gas tank manufacturer to check the equipment and the integrity of the gas tank.

Gas tank - the name was borrowed from of English language. Gas - gas and holder - holder, owner. Under the loud name, there is just a storage tank for a gaseous substance. Most often, residents of private houses pump and store natural or liquefied gas into such containers. Heating systems, which include solid fuel or diesel-powered boilers, often may not suit homeowners due to labor-intensive maintenance.

An alternative in this case is, but what to do when the main gas pipeline is too far from your home, or is completely absent? The gas tank comes to the rescue. The use of such a device is not uncommon in the modern world. A properly selected gas tank, depending on the volume and corresponding gas consumption by boiler equipment, is able to provide a country house with fuel, requiring replenishment only twice a year.

What is a gas tanker?

A gas tank is nothing more than a container designed to store liquefied natural gas. If you like, it's such a huge lighter. In the world, the use of a gas tank in the economy is a completely common thing. It would never occur to a zealous owner to pull a branch from the main gas pipeline several kilometers away.

The gas tank is widely used in Europe, where resources are treated sparingly and the traditions of autonomous gasification are firmly planted in the minds of homeowners. Often such a large balloon can be found on ski resorts, or northern territories where there is no possibilityto stretch the main gas pipeline for geological or economic reasons.

Autonomous gasification is not a hopelessness at all. This is quite a sound, balanced and widespread decision throughout the world. In the European Union, for example, Poland alone has more than 100,000 such gas supply options. Installing a gas tank helps households feel the privileges of using liquefied gas at home, such as:convenience and economic benefits.

Currently, at the end of 2017, the rules for operating a gas tank in the Russian Federation regulate the registration installed equipment in Rostekhnadzor, in casebelonging to him legal entity. If the equipment is owned by an individual and is installed on private property, there is no such regulation of registration requirements. Of course, it is worth understanding that the owner is responsible for everything on his own.

Gas tank device

Gas holders are distinguished according to the principle of storing gaseous substances and are divided into two types: with variable and constant volume. In the variable type, the gas is kept at atmospheric pressure. The volume of such a container changes linearly depending on filling or emptying, and the necessary pressure is created by a special bell in a cylindrical pool filled with water or by a piston in dry systems.

The second type: a gas tank of constant volume. That is, it is a container that does not change the internal volume from the amount of injected gaseous substance. As a rule, they look like a cylindrical tank. Their main advantage, used for their manufacture modern materials capable of containing gas under pressure of 1.8 MPa.

Why do you need a gas tank?

In order to save your costs and get more profit, Developers are reluctant to extend highways to new buildings. The owner of a private house, in this case, may think about autonomous gasification of his home. If the line is significantly removed, a gas tank becomes an alternative solution. Why is this needed? For three reasons: convenience, economy and ecology. Of course, you can heat the house with coal, fuel oil, diesel fuel or even wood.

If from the listed there are options comparable in cost, then definitely not ecological ones. As for the economy, if we take into account that the price of a kilogram of liquefied gas at the time of 2017 is about 30 rubles (on average = 0.5 dollars). An eight-month heating season for a house of 150 square meters. will require from 3000 to 4000 kilograms.

Thus, the total financial expenses for heating, heating water to a hot state and cooking, approach 90-120 thousand rubles a year. Or 7-10 thousand rubles a month for complete energy independence. However, we will make a reservation that the actual amount of costs depends on the materials for building the house, the heaters used and the area.

Gas tank placement rules on the site

The autonomous heating system using a gas tank today requires large one-time investments. That is why it is not advisable to use a gas tank for a private house with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bless than 150 squares, due to the long payback of the project.

The basis of gasification of the facility is a gas tank. Or, as we found out, a liquefied gas storage facility. Delivery of gas is carried out by special gas carriers, which pump it into the tank. The volume of the required gas tank is calculated based on the size of the house.

Practice shows that the usual domestic use limited to size within 2.5 - 5 cubic meters. The tank is buried in the ground, at a certain distance from the house so that the gas tank is refueled unhindered, andthe gas carrier was able to park without experiencing difficulties.

The depth of the container is also important. Priority should be given manufacturing companies who make a gas tank taking into account the depth of freezing. The design should have a high neck.

Please note that European manufacturers do not always make a high neck, as there is no need for it in southern latitudes. We can only envy, not all of Europe is familiar with the concept of “freezing depth”.

Many consumers buy a container without a neck, saving a small amount of money, and then, when faced with difficulties, they begin to overcome them heroically. After installation, deepening the gas tank is not an easy and costly task, and building up the neck becomes more difficult and many times more expensive.

In any case, leaving the gas tank near the surface will not work. Physical properties propane-butane does not allow to ensure the high-quality operation of the device when negative temperatures preventing the liquid phase from effectively evaporating.

In addition, pay attention to the service life of the container. Often a gas tank with no neck has a limited service life and does not exceed 20 years. After this time, the container simply needs to be replaced, since there is no possibility of diagnosing it.

Bury the gas holder in a horizontal position. Thus, two goals are pursued. Firstly, it is much easier to dig a hole and provide a cost-effective installation of the structure. Secondly, the gas evaporation surface expands. Evaporation occurs naturally, and its quantity is enough to provide a country house with a vapor phase of gas. Otherwise, separate mechanisms would have to be used - the so-called evaporators.

Gas tank safety

A gas tank does not differ much from a conventional household cylinder, except perhaps in size. Owner reviews indicate the unpretentiousness of the equipment as a whole. Filling with gas, just like a cylinder, should not exceed 85% of its volume.

Evaporating, the gas phase enters the house through the gas duct and feeds heating, hot water and other gas appliances. obligatory principle security duringoperation becomes the use of a group of special devices that control the leakage of the gas mixture. Thermal shut-off valves in the event of a fire, block the gas supply to the house.

Gas detectors paired with solenoid valve during a leak and a gas concentration of 0.4%, it sends an impulse to the valve and completely blocks the supply of the gas mixture to all appliances in the house.

A sensitive gas analyzer is installed near the floor, where a possible leak will accumulate, a wire goes from it to a valve fixed on the gas duct. The critical concentration of propane-butane starts from 2% of its content in the air. Such a pair is not cheap, but it is a reasonable price, for complete safety.

Gas tank for a private house: pros and cons

The advantages of owning a gas tank in a personal household are obvious, we just have to state the facts:


  • autonomy– consumption gas resources becomes available to you in full. Your personal gas pipeline system does not depend on line pressure. You are not afraid of accidents of the general gas pipeline. In addition, such equipment significantly affects the capitalization of your home;
  • environmental component- Do you want to walk on snow-white snow in your country house, creaking on the paths? Then urgently refuse fuel oil, diesel fuel and coal. The almost complete absence of sulfur compounds in liquefied gas, and its complete combustion with enough air, guarantee you snow-white snow and clean air. Even if the gas tank fails, and the gas breaks out, then nothing terrible will happen. Liquefied gas quickly passes into the vapor phase and evaporates into the atmosphere. You don't have to worry about harm soil cover or seedlings;
  • extended service life your entire household. Gas-fired boiler equipment always has an undeniable advantage in the form of a long service life over solid fuel or liquid fuel boilers. The fact is that the absence of sulfur favorably affects the interaction with the metal. Having no reaction with sulfur, gas equipment will work faithfully 30% longer compared to traditional heating units;
  • odorless combustion- modern gas equipment is everywhere located in apartments of high-rise buildings. The processes of combustion of blue fuel in the devices proceed without the release of pungent odors, and harmful products are brought out through the chimney.

The disadvantages that a gas tank can give us are not so obvious. For the most part, they are all connected in one way or another with the increasing financial burden on homeownership:


  • Price– financial costs for a full range of services for connecting a gas tank, which is called “turnkey”, will cost the owner starting from $ 3,500. Additionally, you will have to buy control valves, gas analyzers and other metering devices. Ensuring the access of the gas carrier so that the delivery of gas and refueling of the gas tank is carried out without hindrance. Add to this the yearly maintenance;
  • Increased responsibility– the gas in the tank is an explosive substance. You should remember about safety measures and, if possible, bury the gas tank in the ground with the maximum distance from residential buildings. Minimum Distance 10 meters is considered, the depth usually corresponds to the lower level of soil freezing. As we wrote above, limit the filling of the storage tank to no more than 85% of the volume. Remember, gas is a substance that can expand, especially in the summer.
  • Regulatory check– the gas tank requires regular service. Taking into account the passport data of the tanks, according to the current rules and standards, only specially trained persons who have passed certification are allowed to service. The entire system must be constantly monitored for gas leaks. Monitor the amount of it in the tank so as not to get into the situation of an empty tank with subsequent shutdown of the heating system. A telemetry module can become an assistant in solving many problems. As you can guess, this pleasure is not free, but the installation monitors and transmits information about the state of the equipment via the Internet or cellular communications;
  • condensate formations- Evaporation occurs inside the gas tank, particles fall on the walls in the form of condensate, the process destroys the equipment and can gradually disable the tank.

Autonomous gasification and gas supply of a private house - watch the video:

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