Useful roots and roots. Plant protection from pests

Decor elements 29.05.2019
Decor elements

Pests affecting the root system

Khrushchev larvae (May beetle)

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The real scourge for the tree is aphid, it is especially dangerous for young plantings. To be precise, the aphid does not eat the tree, it drinks its juices. There are many varieties of this small pest: gray, bloody, green aphids, etc. It doesn’t matter where the aphids suck the juice from the tree, it does it equally well with soft leaves and fairly hard young bark.

Wireworm (drotyanka)

Live up to five years.

Medvedki are the main enemies of vegetable beds, found in many regions. Adult insects and their larvae harm plants.

  • The larvae of the beetle have a thickened white body with three pairs of legs, the head is reddish or brown. The pest is particularly gluttonous, gnaws the roots of plants, as a result of which growth and development are significantly slowed down, and a large colonization of the soil by larvae leads to the complete death of tomato bushes.
  • Certain methods have been developed to counter pests of indoor plants in the soil. Yes, before boarding. planting material should be carefully examined. Comfortable conditions for root mites are considered to be high soil moisture. This does not mean reducing and stopping watering, it is required not to allow water to stagnate in the roots. This requires good drainage and draining excess water from the pan. If the bulbs and roots of plants are already affected, they should be kept (option - watered) in a solution of one of the systemic insecticides (for example, neoron, apollo, actellik) according to the instructions for the drug.


Let's characterize the main types of carpophages.

Large poplar glass Red pine sawfly

  • The main part of pests of woody vegetation are insects and herbivorous mites. Insect pests, reaching a certain level of abundance, can cause significant damage to the forest and forest products, cause a decrease in stability and productivity, and disrupt the environmental protection, habitat-forming and other functions of plantations and (or) cause their death.​
  • It is best to deal with worms with systemic preparations - water the soil with a solution of actara or confidor. The active substance from the solution is absorbed by the roots and plant juices become poisonous to pests. If the worms are concentrated locally - on the roots and neck, root baths can be used. To do this, the roots of the cactus to the root collar are kept in hot water at a temperature of 50-55 ° C for 15 minutes. You can rinse the roots in the actellik solution, but the effect of the drug should not be long.
  • Tree caterpillars bite into cuttings, and when they get older - into young shoots. A year later, they migrate to the old branches, then to the trunk. Near a tree that has been badly damaged by woodworms, you can see sawdust - these are the excrement of this insect that feeds on wood.

Gall nematodes

Control measures include spring digging of the soil under the trees - at this time, the larvae are at a depth of five to twenty centimeters. For the destruction of adult beetles, spraying with Intra-vir, Bitoxibacillin, Karate is used. Processing is carried out during the flowering period of trees.​

The females are extremely fertile. Each of them is able to lay up to 350 eggs per season. For masonry, insects choose moistened areas of soil.

  • Methods of control and prevention

Pests affecting the ground parts of the plant


Indoor plants have a lot of pest enemies. Among them: weevils, caterpillars, adult worms and their larvae and other harmful creatures. Another invasion of indoor plant pests can be compared to a real disaster. In view of this, given the ancient wisdom: “Better to prevent than to cure,” you need to regularly inspect the plants growing in the room, remove dust from their leaves and spray them. Such a systematic check will make it possible to identify pests of indoor plants in the soil at a time when the problem has not yet become catastrophic. If during the next inspection a houseplant with visible signs of stunting was suddenly found, immediately send it to quarantine: perhaps they are “operating” in it

Spruce cone leaflet​(​

  • (Neodiprion sertifer).
  • Types of damage caused to plants by pests are combined according to similar characteristics and depend on the mode of nutrition of pests, as well as on physical properties and physiological reactions of the plant itself. Some types of damage are characteristic only for certain types of insects.


Here is what experienced cactus growers recommend, Colleague: 1. It is necessary to thoroughly rinse the roots from the worm. Under hot water - start in warm and gradually remove the cold. Nothing will happen to the cactus, but the mealybug will boil down. Not a single white spot should remain! 2. Soap the Fairy Roots. hold in foam. Rinse thoroughly. 3. Dip the roots in a fitoverm solution - very strong, like on thrips. Hold for 15 minutes. 4. Dry the cactus. 5. Throw out all the contaminated land, pour boiling water over the pot, wash it with a comet. 6. Plant a dried cactus in new land, to which add 2 packs of crushed activated carbon, perlite and vermiculite. 7. Treat (spill) the entire collection with fitoverm. 8. Return the cactus to its place.​

Old or simply weak trees are more threatened by woodworm, bark beetle, sapwood and glass cases. They form passages in the branches, reducing their strength and leading to an early death. These pests easily migrate from neighboring gardens, closely located forest plantations, forests and parks.

Embryos develop only at 100% humidity.

Scoop caterpillars

Whitefly pest control is carried out by analogy with aphids.

​:​ indoor plant pests in the soil

  • (Cydiastrobilella)
  • Sesia apiformis
  • A hymenopteran insect with a typical body shape and clear sexual dimorphism. The male is mostly black, very shiny, only quite imperceptibly on the underside of the abdomen, on the upper side of the chest a little reddish. Body length 6-8 mm. Legs are brown. The female is light, red-yellow-brown with a single reddish pattern. Antennae finely serrated. Legs are red-yellow. Body length 7-9 mm. Fertilized females lay eggs in needles, clutches contain up to 12 eggs. Adults of the red pine sawfly emerge from the cocoon in late summer or early autumn. In the Holarctic region, in lowlands and hilly areas, insects appear in August-September, but the climax usually occurs in the second half of September or early October. In the northern regions and mountainous conditions, adults can be found as early as mid-November. The red pine sawfly is widely distributed in the pine area. Its foci occur in pine forests of natural origin and cultures of different ages, with different density and in different types of forest, ranging from white moss pine forests to sphagnum pine forests.

spider mite

Major damage includes:

These pests are much less common on cacti than mites or worms. The scale insect is visible on the stem of the cactus in the form of small, only 1-2 mm flat scales. Reddish to dark brown in color, hard shield. False shields are distinguished by the fact that even old individuals have a more transparent or pale body, from gray-yellow to light brown. The essence does not change - these creatures deplete cacti, suck out cell sap, bringing the plant to complete death. Scale insects move very slowly; for our eyes, they sit motionless in one place. If there are many scale insects, the cactus stem is covered with their sticky secretions. In order not to miss the time when processing is needed fruit trees from pests, it is necessary to inspect the trees in the garden at least twice a month. Noticing something suspicious, you need to deal with the type of pest and the method of treatment. Experienced gardeners will recommend numerous ways to get rid of insects.​

  • Mosquitoes of this species lay their eggs in the turf in the second half of summer. Rainy weather favors egg laying. The breeding larvae go into wintering, and in early spring cause the greatest damage to the lawn by eating grass roots. Lawns lose their aesthetics - yellowed areas with withered vegetation appear on them. Spots of damaged grass are especially noticeable in dry spring and summer.​
  • Irrigated beds for this reason attract the largest number of insects.

naked slugs

Butterfly scoop caterpillars (garden, winter, cotton) are pests of tomatoes and other vegetable crops.

When digging the soil, beetle larvae are manually selected; living. By isolating this indoor flower under a large plastic bag and then processing it, you will prevent the harmful effects of pests in the soil of other "inhabitants" of the home garden of houseplants.

  • - a butterfly from the family of leafworms (Tortricidae) Wingspan 16 mm, they are gray-brown with a metallic sheen. On the front wings there are a number of oblique wavy stripes of lead color. Hindwings with whitish fringe. The caterpillar is yellowish white, with a light brown head. Flight in May - June. Eggs (1-6 pcs.) Butterflies lay between the scales of open female spruce buds.
  • Hardwood pests.

- rough eating or nibbling of leaves and needles;

Sometimes scale insects can be confused with brown spots formed by a fungal or bacterial infection. In this case, try to pick off the stain - if it is a scale insect, it leaves a wet spot, but there is a whole skin under it. If you can’t pick off the shield - a stain in the tissues of the epidermis, then this is not a scale insect, but some kind of disease and not an insecticide, but a fungicide is required.

It is not at all necessary to wait for pests to attack the garden; in many cases, preventive measures can be taken. Processing fruit trees from pests that damage the bark is quite simple. It is enough to clean the trunk of obsolete bark and whiten it.

To destroy the colony, lawns are watered in autumn with solutions of insecticides containing


Pests bite the underground parts of plants (damaged stems are easily removed from the ground). Most often, bears choose potato, cabbage and tomato beds. They feed on the roots and tubers of cultivated plantations.

Methods of control and prevention

Soil mulching is carried out with straw or sawdust soaked in urea;

There is an opinion that earthworms are useful because they loosen the earth, so the question is logical: “Are they really pests, and even indoor plants?” It turns out yes. Earthworms, and especially if there are too many of them in a pot, can eat not only organic elements from the soil, but also eat flower roots. Naturally, if measures are not taken in time, the room "inhabitant" will die.

Caterpillars hatch after the scales are closed and the tips of the cones turn down. They first feed on the pulp of the scales, and then go into the stem of the cone, eating it and the seeds. They overwinter in cones and pupate in them in spring. A feature of the spruce cone leafworm is the diapause of its caterpillars, which is observed in lean years for spruce cones. In such years, caterpillars do not pupate after wintering in spring, but remain in cones until the next year, and sometimes for 2 years. The number of pupating caterpillars is proportional to the yield of cones. Therefore, the generation of a leaflet can be one, two or even three years old. The distribution of the cone leaf roller coincides with the range of the Siberian and European spruces. By appearance damaged cones differ little from healthy ones; the only sign is the resin on the scales. Falling cones usually do not open. Spruce cone leafworm is a dangerous pest, the number of cones damaged by it sometimes reaches 60-90%. Such cones give seeds of reduced germination.


- Lepidoptera from the glass family, easily identified by the yellow color of the head, black-brown chest with two spots near the wings. The adult emerges in June and July and can be found perched on trunks around noon. The wingspan reaches 45 mm. The large poplar glass case has transparent wings with brown edging. The head is yellow, the chest is black-brown chest and two yellow spots in front of the wings from the side of the head. The first and fourth segments are dark blue, almost black, the posterior margins of the remaining segments are blue-black or brown. The female can be distinguished from the male by the shape of the end of the abdomen and the structure of the antennal segments, which are clearly sawtooth in the male. The caterpillar is light, white-yellow with a dark, sometimes invisible stripe on the back. The caterpillar of the last stage reaches a length of 25 mm. Widely distributed throughout Europe, with the exception of the very north, as well as in the territory former USSR, including the Crimea and the Caucasus, as well as in the forest zone and forest-steppe of Siberia, the Urals, Altai, in the mountains Central Asia, in Asia Minor and North America. The caterpillars of the large poplar glass-box often live and feed in the wood of black alder, or black alder, but can also be found in other types of poplars.

The number of species of hardwood pests is large. Consider the most famous.​ - skeletonization of leaves; Control measures.

Lime is poisonous to insects, they will not settle in such uncomfortable conditions for them. Whitewashing gives an excellent effect for the destruction of insect cocoons. Spring processing of fruit trees from pests is mainly limited to whitewashing. You can arrange trapping belts made of cloth or paper soaked in a special solution that will scare away the pest with its smell. Do not forget to remove weeds in the garden in a timely manner, loosen the aisles, water.


root aphid

Preventive control measures are deep digging and arranging traps (fresh manure is often used, which attracts insects). Before planting seedlings, rhizomes should be treated with Aktara solution (1.5 grams per liter of water). "Medvedtoks" is applied directly into the planting holes and furrows.​

To combat the larvae of the grubs, insecticides are used to apply them to the soil: Antikhrushch, Rembek;

And even in the case when these pests of indoor plants in the soil do not eat the roots, but only disturb them, this creates a certain discomfort for the home flower, due to which the plant becomes lethargic and may lag behind in development.


Cone resin

​Systems for protecting plantings from stem pests.​

gypsy moth

- galls;



Scales should be removed from the stem with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol, if the spines allow. If the spines are very thick, it is better not to touch the insects, but pour the cacti with a solution of actara or confidor. These are systemic insecticides - pests will die, dry out, and they can simply be shaken off with a brush. Sometimes one treatment is enough, but it is advisable to repeat watering with actara in a week.

Processing fruit trees in the fall from pests is digging up the earth under a tree, pruning and burning branches and leaves. Root pests do not like the violation of thermal insulation in the trunk circles. It is enough just to dig up the soil - the insects will freeze. Those insects that eat through the passages in the branches are not particularly afraid of frost. If you notice dying or weak shoots, most likely pests have settled in them. Such branches should be cut and burned. Processing fruit trees in the fall from pests includes the collection and destruction of carrion - nothing should be left near the trees for the winter.


Sucking root aphids are one of the common pests of houseplants.

Since the first generation of scoop butterflies develops on weeds, for prevention, weeds are first of all disposed of;

Bark beetle weevil

Before planting tomatoes, the roots are soaked in a solution of insecticides: Aktar, Prestige, Antikhrushch.

Nematodes are colorless worms with a filamentous 1.5 mm body. So, because of these pests, galls are formed on the roots - swellings. In these galls, female nematodes lay their larvae. Subsequently, due to the penetration of fungal and pathogenic organisms into the root, the galls become loose, and the root rots.


Ash-spotted bark beetle

The protection system includes the organization of special, including pheromone, supervision of the emergence and development of foci of forest pests, the preservation and attraction of their natural enemies, the implementation of sanitary safety rules, including the implementation of sanitary and recreational measures (cutting down dead and damaged forest plantations, cleaning forests from littering, pollution and elimination of other negative impacts), the establishment of sanitary requirements for the use of forests and other preventive and active extermination measures.​

​(​- bending, twisting and deformation of leaves and needles;

These are worms of microscopic size - no more than 0.5 mm long, translucent, can only be seen under a microscope. Nematodes are quite rare, they prefer water-intensive, loose and nutrient soils. The problem is that it's hard to spot right away. Signs: stunting and stunting, discoloration of tissues - the stems become paler, lethargic, thinning of the top of the cactus. The main symptom is the appearance of spherical swellings or growths (gall) on the roots:

May beetle larvae

It is impossible to limit yourself only to mechanical methods in the extermination of insects and in the prevention of their appearance in the garden. Many consider the most effective chemical countermeasures. Using chemicals, you need to be extremely careful - a person is also exposed to poison, and not just insects. Some chemicals do not completely break down by the time they are harvested. Responsible gardeners try not to use chemicals, they prefer more environmentally friendly options for confrontation. Chemistry should only be used in critical situations.​

An oak flea can be recognized by half-dried crimson leaves that easily fall off the branches.

Adult sciarids, known as fruit flies, enter the room through open windows. The female flies lay their eggs in flower pots. Young aphids suck juice from the roots of flowers, which is why they begin to lag behind in growth and often die.

To combat caterpillars, scoops are sprayed with a solution using the following means: wormwood, wood ash, soapy liquid from laundry soap;

Long-legged larvae

In the fight against pests of indoor plants, it is important to be consistent, that is, if the elementary measures taken (for example, plant transplantation) did not help, it's time to switch to insecticidal preparations.

- a beetle from the family of weevils (Curculionidae) 6-7.5 mm long. The elytra of the beetle are reddish-brown with two transverse light stripes and with the same spots and rows of punctate grooves. It differs from other species of the same genus by the straight posterior angles of the pectoral shield. The larva is white, legless, sickle-shaped, with a dark head. Beetles start flying in May. First, they undergo additional nutrition on annual cones, causing gumming. Then the females lay one egg (1-4 in total) per cone, making holes for them or gluing them to the surface of the cones. The larvae develop for about a month inside the cones and pupate there. Young beetles gnaw through round flight holes, fly out (many even before the cones fall off) and hibernate in the litter. The generation is one year old. The pest predominates in dry lichen and heather pine forests. In lean years, Smolevka can also lay eggs on the apical May shoots of 5-12 year old pines. The larva bores a hole inside the shoot from top to bottom, as a result of which it dries out. During these years, smolevka can significantly harm crops.

Root pests Lymantria dispar- gnawing holes, platforms and passages, making notches and cuts on the surface of the bark of shoots, branches, trunks and roots;

Control measures.

The technique is based on what nature itself has given us. The vast majority of harmful insects have an extremely developed sense of smell. It is thanks to the smell that they are looking for those trees that they need for life. They also identify trees that are unsuitable for food or habitation. Gardeners use the delicate scent of insects - they specially prepare traps into which they lure insects, or special repellers that pests do not like.

Chestnuts are one of the favorite treats of the miner moth. If you also have these trees, then you can learn how to protect them from this pest by reading this article.​


Infected soil can be brought into the house from a store or a plant can be purchased along with pests. In moist soil, aphid colonies reach impressive sizes. Also, reproduction provokes watering with water from the aquarium and excessive application of organic fertilizers.

For treatment with insecticides use: "Decis", "Arivo", "Proteus".

It is the larva of the nutcracker beetle, has an oblong, strong, rigid body; color yellow-brown. It feeds by damaging the root system of tomatoes.

If the flowers wither and dry.

larch fly


Root pests belong to the group of soil-living insects. The roots of plants are damaged by the larvae of many species of beetles from the family of click beetles, dark beetles, weevils, lamellar. The root necks of plants are damaged by the caterpillars of some lepidoptera from the scoop family, the subfamily nibbling, or earth scoops.

- turning under the bark and in the wood of moves;

All affected parts of the roots are cut off, the whole plant is treated with alcohol, and the roots are given a hot bath. To do this, the cactus roots, cleaned from the ground, are dipped to the root neck in hot water with a temperature of about 70 ° C for 30-60 seconds. Or hold at 50°C for 15 minutes. After the root bath, the entire root system is sprinkled with crushed coal. If we talk about chemicals, it is believed that imidacloprid-based agents are effective against nematodes - these are Confidor (1 g per 5 liters of water), Tanrek, Vermitek. Plants are immersed in the solution entirely and completely, both roots and stem. It is possible to prevent the appearance of a nematode on a healthy plant by sterilizing the substrate. In any way - steam in boiling water, warm in the oven or microwave.

Varieties of insect pests

The most elementary way to scare away insects is to plant plants with an unpleasant aroma for pests near the trees. It is advantageous to plant garlic between apple trees, which is cut off by 1 cm as soon as its foliage grows enough. Cut garlic releases juice that has an unpleasant odor for pests (not without reason there are legends among the people that garlic can even scare away a vampire!). Such cutting of garlic is done no more than 15 times per season, provided that the plant is watered after pruning during drought.

fruit lovers

Acetamiprid is an insecticide that is non-toxic to bees. Detailed description of this substance, read at link. To destroy the colony, watering the soil in pots with a solution of "Decis" or "Inta-vir" is used. Adult flies are caught with sticky tapes or poisoned with aerosols with dichlorvos. The tick often settles on the reverse side of the leaf blade, feeds on the sap of the plant and braids the lower parts of the leaf with a cobweb. After such damage, characteristic light dots remain on the foliage, then “marbling”, drying and falling of the foliage occurs.

Methods of control and prevention

Foliage and bud lovers

This may be the natural withering of the oldest flowers, but the rest have a normal appearance and the peduncle remains green.


All soil-dwelling insects play an important role in soil formation, enriching the soil with organic matter and affecting its structure and porosity.

bark lovers

- a butterfly from the family of wavelets. One of the most common and well-known pests of forests, gardens and ornamental plantings. A female with a wingspan of up to 75 mm, with a thick massive abdomen, at the end covered with dense brown hairs, off-white wings with several black zigzag lines. The wingspan of the male is up to 45 mm, the abdomen is thin, the antennae are pinnate, the wings are brownish-gray with wide intermittent dark transverse stripes and fringe in dark spots along the edge. The flight starts in July. The clutch contains 300-450 eggs. The gypsy moth is a polyphagous pest. In the northern regions, the favorite species are birch and willow.

Root Lovers

- curvature of shoots, branches and stems of young plants;


Any disease and the appearance of pests is much easier to prevent than to treat. There are special hygiene procedures that should become mandatory for a novice cactus grower, especially if the cactus is not one, but several, or a whole collection. Hygiene procedures include regular spraying of cacti from a very small spray gun, disinfection of containers for planting, transplanting tools, grafting, picking, etc. Sterilization of soil and sand before transplanting. Alcohol is used to disinfect the instrument; in the absence of it, it can be replaced by simple scalding of boiling water. Pots and bowls are washed and also doused with boiling water. The soil and sand are fried in the oven, or spilled with a solution of potassium permanganate.

If you want to scare away flying pests, hang naphthalene packed in small bags on tree branches. Almost all pests dislike this smell, not just moths. Garlic, wormwood and tansy infusions, which need to be sprayed on trees, do an excellent job with these tasks. But if pests are already in the garden, then such methods are ineffective, you need to use stronger means. In these ways, sometimes summer and spring processing of fruit trees from pests is carried out.

Centipedes are natural garden nurses. However, their accumulation becomes a big problem.

Leafhoppers feed on the sap of the plants on which they settle. Several hundred varieties of pests of this family live in the middle lane.

Basic rules for pest control

Methods of control and prevention

​ Flowers can wither and dry out at high temperatures (more than 25 ° C) and low air humidity (less than 60% relative humidity) for a long time (more than 6 hours).

Chemical Methods

biological methods

The pests of the roots of tree species are especially dangerous and widespread. Consider the most famous eastern May Khrushchev in our area.


Volnyanka willow

Sachets and spraying

- a variety of damage to the kidneys, fruits, flowers and seeds.

natural enemies

All wounds on the stems or roots of a cactus caused by pests, or after removing part of the roots, are sprinkled with crushed coal or sulfur.

In nature, all insects have deadly animal enemies. Man has learned to use this fact to his advantage. The harmless ladybug is a terrible enemy for aphids, scale insects, copperheads and other sucking insects. An adult "cow" manages to kill 200 aphids per day. Her larva does not lag behind adults - in 10 days she eats 500 aphids.

The main diet of insects is the remains of rotting vegetation. But with a lack of food, they begin to be interested in various cultural plantings. For example, strawberries.

Egg laying is carried out by females in the root zone in early summer. The emerging larvae actively suck the juice from the roots and stem. This leads to weakening of the plant and stunting, as well as a tendency to diseases. Cicadas carry many viral diseases that lead to the death of plants.

Common pests

As baits, sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpieces of potatoes are used, which are buried in the ground at a depth of up to 5-10 cm, marking these places with pegs. A few days later, the baits are dug up and the wireworms are destroyed.


Orchid flowers will wither and dry out with a constant dry draft, late watering, then the orchid evaporates moisture faster than it receives from the roots.

A small black insect, 4-5 mm long, with one pair of transparent wings. The larva is yellowish-white, up to 8 mm long, legless, worm-like, with a narrow anterior end of the body and obliquely blunt posterior end. The pupae hibernate in false cocoons in the forest litter, in the soil at a depth of 2-5 cm. The flight of the fly is confined to the flowering of larch and the formation of cones. After additional feeding and fertilization, the females lay eggs under the scales of young cones one at a time, sometimes two or more. The hatched larvae feed and develop in the cones, making winding passages and damaging the soft parts of the scales and seeds, often damaging the stem of the cone. Having finished feeding, which coincides in time with the coarsening of seeds, the larvae go to pupate in the forest litter. Damaged scales and seeds turn brown and dry out, the cones dry out completely.


Eastern May Khrushch

(Stilponota salicis)

cactus pests

The basis for the classification of forest pests into groups is the habitat, the nature of the diet, the nature of the damage.

Ticks on cacti

​Classification of forest pests by habitat, nature of nutrition and type of damage. Biological features of insects that harm needles, leaves, trunks, roots and fruits. Protection of the generative organs of woody plants, their treatment with insecticides.​

They use lacewing larvae as allies of the gardener. These are real champions in terms of appetite - they eat 30 spider mites per hour, and over 4 thousand aphids in their entire short life. Ants are also considered useful animals by gardeners. The exception is black garden ants - they have adapted to feed not on the aphids themselves, but on its secretions. The safest way for humans to fight is to set up traps. Holes are dug near the beds, where wire cages with carrots or potatoes are placed.

Pests feed on many cultivated plants: strawberries, parsley, carrots, cucumbers, fruit trees and berry bushes.


To combat the spider mite pest, they dig up the soil, thoroughly destroy weeds, and burn damaged foliage;

For spraying with chemicals, ammonium nitrate (30 g per 1 sq. M.) is used, followed by plant nutrition with this fertilizer;

What to do? - Eliminate constant drafts, ventilate periodically, for 10-15 minutes two to three times a day. Create suitable humidity and watering for the orchid.​

​Protection system of generative organs of woody plants​(Melolonthahippocastani

Shield and false shield

Depending on the specified criteria, there are:

​Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.​

root nematode

For the fight, spraying with a solution of "Aktara", "Karate" or "Zeon" is used.

Spraying is carried out with infusions based on onion peel and garlic; A dangerous pest, distinguished by its voracity. The insect has forelimbs of a special structure, perfectly adapted for digging holes. The color of the bear is brown-brown, the body length is 5-7 cm. Adults and larvae gnaw the roots of tomatoes and other vegetables.

The flowers withered and fell off, the peduncle turns yellow and dries.

​Includes the organization and implementation of supervision, the implementation of the rules of forest prevention in forest seed farms, the proper organization of the collection and storage of fruits and seeds, the examination of seeds, active methods of their protection. There are protection of fruits and seeds during maturation in stands, storage and sowing. It is most difficult to organize the protection of fruits and seeds on trees when pests lead a hidden lifestyle, are inside the cones, fruits and seeds and are difficult to vulnerable. Chemical protection of buds and seeds conifers(spruce and larch) from pests is based on the use of pesticides of intraplant (systemic) action, used in the form of water emulsions.​

Harmful insects and their control

​) - body length 20-29 mm. Males are smaller than females. The body is large, oblong-oval, convex. The coloration is highly variable. The last segment of the maxillary palps is elongated, somewhat curved. Head with rather dense punctures, with rather dense, long protruding pale yellow-gray hairs. Eyes medium size, rather convex. The head is rather small, retracted into the pronotum. The pygidium is very steep, at the apex it suddenly thins out into a process, which in the male is not particularly long, narrowed before the apex, and again widened and rounded at the apex; in the female it is short, of the same width throughout, sometimes absent. Sexual dimorphism also consists in the serration of the tibia of the forelegs in the female and the number of plates of the antennal club: in the male they are 7-segmented and about 2 times larger than in the female, in which the antennal club is 6-segmented. Fore tibia externally with 3 or 2 teeth, main tooth obtuse. Paws are thin. Of the conifers, they feed on larch and pine. The flight of beetles in the north of the range and in the European part occurs from mid-May to the end of June. Females lay up to 70 eggs in 3-4 doses, in the soil at a depth of 20-30 cm.

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Butterflies are entirely snow-white, except for the dark legs and dark antennae. Wingspan up to 50 mm. Caterpillars are dark, with white dorsal spots and large red warts. There is a thin yellow line on the sides. The body is covered with sparse hairs that form bundles at its anterior and posterior ends. Lives in dense, moist stands. The main fodder species are poplar and willow. Flight in June-July. Clutch 50-200 eggs.​

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Forest protection system against needle and leaf-eating pests.

Pests of fruits and seeds.

The structure of the body of insects, their reproduction, development and distribution. The role of mammals in forest life. The concept of plant diseases and their causes. Types of diseases of forest species and their symptoms. Fungi as pathogens of tree species, root rot. cheat sheet, added 01/16/2013​

Birds are the most famous fighters for a clean garden. One nesting of tits will save 30 trees, a couple of starlings with their voracious chicks eat 8 thousand pest larvae. Flycatchers and the most common sparrows are excellent gardener's helpers. A smart gardener is always not lazy to install a birdhouse in his garden. Many birds like to settle without a birdhouse, just in the crown of powerful trees. Therefore, do not rush to uproot old trees with lush spreading crowns near the garden - there should be 2-3 of them.

Earthworms are the main soil formers, contributing to its aeration and moisture.

They have high fecundity (up to 500 eggs). Larvae at any stage of development actively eat up the root system of plants.

Methods of control and prevention

Regardless of the reasons, flowering has stopped and will resume after a while, which depends on the method of growing the orchid - intensive or classic, and on the type of orchid. Phalaenopsis can bloom in the second month after the end of the previous flowering.

In the fauna, the largest number of species belongs to insects, of which there are many pests of tree species. Some of them damage mainly growing plants, others - only dead ones, especially harvested wood. Insects, destroying vast areas of growing forests and harvested wood, reduce the time for the development of timber bases of logging enterprises and reduce the quality of wood.​

Athos nigga

To prevent the appearance of pests, it is necessary to create mixed, complex in composition and structure, evenly closed plantations that most harmoniously and fully use the environmental conditions, concentrate the largest number beneficial organisms and therefore have the necessary biological stability. This is achieved through a directed system of forest care cuttings and a reasonable choice of the type and composition of forest plantations. If it was not possible to prevent the spread of pests, it is necessary to use active extermination methods from needle- and leaf-eating insects (air treatment, physical and mechanical methods and integrated forest protection methods).​

Leaf and needle pests

​Integration of plant protection methods, including chemical, biological and physical methods. Integrated apple pest and disease control in Romania. Biological methods of combating codling moths. Pest control system. abstract, added 12/25/2010​

There are such insect pests that almost every gardener encounters, others appear relatively rarely. Consider some of the insects that you will have to face. How to deal with them. What tactics of struggle to apply.

They feed on the remains of plants, but for immature garden and flower crops they pose some danger. Actively moving in the ground, worms can damage thin roots and cause plants to dry out. Indoor flowers can suffer the most from worms.

In addition to the spring clutch, there is a summer clutch, the larvae of which go into wintering.

To scare away the bears, they use various plants with pungent odors: garlic, onions;

  • What to do? - Do not leave the orchid unattended for a long time, eliminate adverse conditions as soon as you find them.​
  • The greatest harm to the forest is caused by those insects that eat the leaves, needles and wood of growing trees. Such insects are called primary pests, and insects that feed on wood of trees weakened in growth, diseased and damaged by primary pests, are called secondary. Harmful insects cause especially huge damage to the forest during their mass reproduction. This is due to the favorable combination climatic factors and the presence of forest stands damaged by fires, upset by unsystematic felling, windblows, etc.​

Stem pests The group of needle- and leaf-eating insects combines species of insects whose larvae feed on needles and foliage of woody plants. They are often called defoliator insects, since they are able to partially or completely destroy the needles or foliage of trees and thereby deprive them of their photosynthetic apparatus. The group of so-called massively needle- and leaf-eating insects includes representatives of two orders: Lepidoptera or butterflies Studying the role of plant pests and diseases in crop production. Characteristics of pests, their classification and types of plant damage. The structure and development of pests (insects, mites, nematodes). Biology of clover pests. term paper, added 06/11/2010​ There are several types of small jumping insects with roof-like wings - this is the sucker. They suck the juices out of the buds, then they do the same with flowers, leaves and petioles. As a result, the flowers and ovaries die off, the leaves become smaller, the tree weakens. The larvae leave behind gray sticky balls - excrement. They glue the elements of buds and flowers, preventing them from blooming. It is almost impossible to fight these insects in the open field. But indoor flowers are quite easy to protect from their effects. To do this, the pot is placed for eight minutes in a basin of water. The worms begin to choke and crawl out on their own.

Life expectancy in adult insects is two to three years, and all this time they retain the ability to reproduce. Slugs are fought with the help of various traps and baits;

They leave fresh manure traps, which are a favorite habitat for bears. A few days later, the old traps are burned and fresh ones are installed;

"7 deadly sins" in growing orchids:

​Bibliographic list​ - a species of clickers from the subfamily pest forest insect insecticide (Lepidoptera),

Damage caused by pests and plant diseases. Types of plant damage. The main types of feed pests and their impact on forage crops. Control of pathogens in forage crops. Hygiene of feed affected by barn pests. abstract, added 12/29/2010​ Struggling with tinnitus before the buds open. Spraying at only +4°C with nitrafen. When there are kidneys, you can sprinkle with solutions of garlic, black henbane, yarrow, crow's eye, dandelion, creeping mustard and others. A fruit-bearing garden is a special pride of a zealous owner. Every gardener knows how difficult it is to achieve such a result. If sanitary conditions are not observed, green plantings quickly turn into a problem. The main culprits of desolation in the garden are usually pests of fruit trees. A huge number of insects can multiply even more in a short time and literally occupy the garden. Let's try to figure out how to deal with bugs, caterpillars and other "aggressors."

To destroy pests, spraying with karbofos or "Inta-vir" is carried out during the flowering of strawberries and raspberries. Crops are sprayed with a solution of potassium salt (0.5 kg per 5 liters of water) or pollinated with a mixture of bleach and ash;

From chemicals, preference is given to granular preparations, which are poured into the ground and watered abundantly. The advantage of such funds is that the drug acts only on the bear. "Rembek", "Force", "Grizzly", "Medvetoks". - Too plentiful top dressing. During the dormant period, the plants do not feed. Fertilizer doses must not be exceeded.​ 1. Mozolevskaya E.G. Forest entomology: a textbook for students. higher textbook establishments. / E.G. Mozolevskaya. - M.: Academy, 2010. - 416 p., 16 p. col. incl.​ Dendrometrinae. The group of stem pests includes insects that live on trunks, branches and root paws of trees, feeding on bark and wood tissues. These are representatives of the orders Coleoptera (families of bark beetles, barbels, goldfish, weevils, etc.), Hymenoptera (horntail superfamily, family Xifidria) and Lepidoptera (family woodworms and glassworts). Their larvae make passages of various depth configurations in the bark, under the bark and in the wood of weakened, drying out and dead trees, in bare wood and fresh stumps.

and hymenoptera Forest pests as organisms that damage various parts, organs and tissues of trees and shrubs. Features of needle- and leaf-eating pests. Description of the activity of stem pests, their main natural enemies. Root pests of forests. report, added 02/19/2010​ There are many varieties of these insects - more than four thousand. For the garden, gray, green, cherry, plum, blood aphids are dangerous. To get rid of them, ticolpridon is sprayed onto the aphid colony. Insect pests of fruit trees are classified according to different criteria. It is convenient for a gardener if insects are considered according to the harm they cause. According to the final result, the whole tree suffers from any pest, but each insect loves certain parts of the plant. There are also omnivorous representatives of the world of pests. What taste preferences do different insect pests of fruit trees have?

The bark beetle weevil is an active pest of fruit plants. Most often it is found on apple trees, quince, plums, cherry plum, apricot, cherry.

For spraying with chemicals, a solution of copper sulfate, 5% metaldehyde (granular) or ground superphosphate is used.

- Proximity source of heat. You can not place the plant next to the radiator.​


The beetle is 10-14 mm long. The black clicker is completely painted black and has a faint metallic tint. The wireworm (larva of the nutcracker) reaches a length of 27 mm, develops in the soil from 3 to 5 years. The flight starts in May-June.​

​In stable plantations, stem insects play the role of waste destructors, they are obligatory and important component forest ecosystems, since, together with other invertebrates, bacteria and fungi, they participate in the destruction of the largest elements of phytodetritus, thereby accelerating the cycle of substances in ecosystems.​

(Hymenoptera). Plant diseases, their causes, classification, main symptoms. Vascular diseases of tree species and measures to combat them. System of measures to protect tree species from vascular and necrotic cancer diseases. Forestry methods of plant protection. abstract, added 10/16/2015​ Signs that a tree is infected with aphids: Fruits are loved by weevils, some sawflies (apple, plum black). Not far behind them all types of codling moth

Insects lay their eggs directly in the rhizomes of plants, having previously made recesses in them. Fertility up to 120 eggs per season. Hatching larvae first feed on bark, then bite into trunks and branches. Most often, colonies of weevils are chosen by young gardens. Weak trees begin to hurt. Damaged branches on them dry out and break off. Nutcrackers are a common family of insects with a significant number of genera and species. Among them are many root pests. For example, black, shiny, sowing nutcracker. As well as mixed species that can feed on seeds and seedlings. Methods of control and prevention- Wet leaves. It is better to water and spray in the morning.

3.​ Common bear Let's take a closer look at some of the species from the above groups. They are united by the ability to periodically outbreaks of mass reproduction, the nature of the damage inflicted and their consequences. During outbreaks of mass reproduction, the population of needle- and leaf-eating insects increases by several orders of magnitude.​ Biological features of white cabbage. Characteristics of cabbage pests. Bioecology of the development of pathogens. Complex of causative agents of head rot. Weed plants. Chemical and biological control of pests, diseases and weeds. term paper, added 10/11/2011​

It is usually easier to deal with pests of cacti than with diseases, but they cause considerable harm, sometimes irrevocably destroying valuable specimens. The result of damage by any pests is a slowdown or suspension of growth, lack of flowering or dropping of buds and flowers. A little later, various spots or coatings appear on the stems of cacti, similar to a crust, sticky streaks, grains, blackened or whitened areas, etc. ​:​

To prevent infection by beetles, cutting and burning shrunken branches is used. At the beginning of the active flight of pests (approximately in the first decade of May), the trees are sprayed with Metaphos or Metation. Chlorophos is not used against this pest due to low efficiency.

Larvae (wireworms) spend most of their lives in the ground. By digging horizontal and vertical passages, they actively move in search of food. The development cycle of the larvae is very long - from three to five years. All this time they eat the roots of plants. When the soil freezes, wireworms climb into its deeper layers. And with the onset of spring, they move to the surface. In the first year of development, the larvae cause minimal damage to cultivated plantings, feeding on the rhizomes of weeds. From the second year, they show interest specifically in agricultural crops.​

- Excessive watering. Watering in accordance with the recommendations.​

Pests ​(​ Big black spruce barbel

Pests of conifers. Features of the physical and chemical properties of the soil, characteristics of its fertility. The importance of trace elements in the life of the forest. Forest and wind: protection and harm. The ratio of forest plants to salinity and alkalinity of the soil. The relationship of forests with soil and light. abstract, added 03/29/2011​ The most common pests of cacti. They are microscopic in size and difficult to spot immediately. There are many types of herbivorous ticks, the red flat tick is the most dangerous. The female mite is about 0.3 mm brick-red in color, with an angular-ovoid body. Males are rare, and it is almost impossible to notice them - they are even smaller. Eggs are bright red 0.1 mm. Larvae are broadly oval, red, with three pairs of legs. As a result of damage by a red tick, spots appear on the stem of a cactus, as if covered with a rusty coating. There is no web. The bad thing is that the affected parts of the plant, covered with spots, remain mutilated. apple, pear, plum, oriental. During the fruiting period, the apple flower beetle is dangerous, reducing the yield and reducing its quality. The cherry fly injects its larvae into the berries of a sweet cherry or cherry, and larvae appear there, spoiling the crop. Ash motley bark beetles are pests of apple trees, pears, walnuts, olives, oak, maple and lilac. The sowing species of insects harms cereals, peanuts, sunflowers, and beets. Bread feeds on cereal crops. The steppe species is omnivorous - it is interested in any cultivated plants. Larvae cause significant damage to seedlings, eating seeds, roots and young plants. In tubers, they eat out passages and cavities, leading to their decay.

The fight against these pests is carried out by treating them with chemical or biological products, for example Fitoverm. - Cold drafts. Do not confuse ventilation and draft. houseplants in soil Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa(Monochamussartor

Insect larvae that gnaw on needles and young shoots are more common on trees during active growth and development of shoots, until they are lignified. European spruce, Serbian spruce and Canadian spruce are most severely damaged, and prickly spruce hardly suffers. Despite the damage to the needles, the next year's buds, as a rule, do not die, and in the next season the needles are restored if there is no reappearance of the pest. Pine trees suffer more from sawflies. Principles of classification of plant diseases depending on the causes that cause them, according to the ability to infect plants. Methods for diagnosing viral diseases. Method of electron-microscopic diagnostics. Plant protection products against diseases and pests. test, added 09/13/2013​

Control measures.

Some of the pests eat the pulp of the fruit, others prefer to feast on the bones. The leafworm butterfly harms the garden in its own way. Being a caterpillar, it devours the ovary and hatched buds at the beginning of summer, reducing the yield of the tree. Some winged pests lay eggs in fruits to provide nourishment to the emerging offspring.

Adult beetles hibernate in the bark of root zones below the soil level. Larvae and adults gnaw irregularly shaped passages (called mines) in the roots, as well as thicker trunks and branches.

To prevent infection, it is necessary to apply ammonia fertilizers to the soil, and pour a solution of manganese into the wells before planting. In the spring, bait traps are placed on the site. For example, germinated grains of cereal plants. Later, the grains are dug out along with the larvae and taken out of the beds. Tubers and seeds are treated with insecticides ("Force", "Cruiser"). The Aktara solution is applied directly to the soil (600 grams per hectare). Aphids are tiny insects that live in colonies. On tomatoes, aphids are mainly located on the back of the leaves. The aphid has the ability to multiply very quickly, which threatens with serious damage, and with mass settlement - to death. Insects absorb plant sap, while releasing a sticky liquid (pad). - Dry air. Need high humidity and ventilation.

- These are most often root mites. There is the greatest distribution among them of the bulbous root mite and bulbous mite.

​)​​)​ With severe damage, mass death of branches occurs. Cedar pine and s. Veymutova, to a lesser extent with. mountain and with. ordinary. The main thing is to make out the first appearance of pests in time and carry out local treatments with insecticides. To do this, you can take any contact preparations, such as Fury or Actellik. The most important thing is to periodically inspect the plants from mid-May to the end of June, during the active growth of young shoots. It should be noted that junipers, yew, thuja in central Russia are practically not damaged by leaf-eating pests.

​Content​ Ticks are not insects, but arthropods, so conventional insecticides do not work on them. Acaricides are needed to kill ticks. The problem is that many ticks develop resistance to poisons very quickly. Pests that survive the first treatment may be resistant to repeated treatments. Therefore, at the first sign, it is better to use a strong drug immediately. It can be actellik, neoron, fufanon, apollo, oberon. It is necessary to dilute the drug according to the instructions. It is advisable to carry out two treatments with different drugs with an interval of a week. See acaricides for details. How to process: spray the cactus stem with an acaricide solution and water the soil, even in the root zone. In the spring, when the buds open, hearth mites, apple sucker, gray budworm, and green aphids are of great danger. They drink life-giving juice from tender kidneys. At the same time, other pests of the ovary and young leaves are also activated (hawthorn, winter moths, golden tails, leafworms, silkworms). The pear bug is most dangerous in dry summers, its presence can be seen by whitish spots on the leaf - this is the place where the juices of a healthy tree were sucked out by a colony of larvae. More often, insects damage weakened trees, causing significant damage to gardens and forest plantations.

The scoop family includes more than a hundred species that harm the beds.

Methods of control and prevention

- Bright sun. Do not keep plants in direct midday sun, shade.

Root mite

- a large insect with a body length (without whiskers and cerci) up to 5 centimeters. The abdomen is about 3 times larger than the cephalothorax, soft, spindle-shaped, with a diameter of about 1 cm in adults. At the end of the abdomen, paired filamentous appendages - cerci, up to 1 cm long are noticeable. his protection. Two large compound eyes, long antennae, and two pairs of tentacles framing the gnawing mouthparts are clearly visible on the head. The front pair of limbs of the bear is modified compared to the other two, being an excellent tool for digging the earth. In adults, the folded wings look like two long thin scales, often exceeding the length of the abdomen. Body coloration: the abdomen is dark brown on the upper side, lightening to olive towards the bottom, the same coloring of the limbs. The head and chest are dark brown.

- a beetle from 15 to 37 mm long. The body is elongated, cylindrical, black. Pronotum with a sharp tubercle on the sides. Elytra coarsely sculptured, with deflection before middle, their apices without dense hairy pubescence. Females have light hairy spots on the elytra. The antennae of the male are twice as long as his body, in the female they only slightly extend beyond the elytra. Antennae of female with pale rings on first half of segments; scutellum densely pubescent with hairs, without bare median line. It is widely distributed in Europe. It is confined to coniferous forests. They mostly prefer mountainous areas. Occurs in clearings and windbreaks. Adult insects gnaw the needles, roots and bast of young coniferous branches. The flight lasts from the second decade of June to September. Basically, the larvae prefer the common spruce, as well as the common pine and fir. Clutch is usually 1, less often 2 eggs.

Let's take a closer look at some of the most famous pests of conifers.

​Protection system of generative organs of woody plants​

As a prophylaxis against ticks, wiping the cactus stem with a brush dipped in a solution of alcohol and acetone, a ratio of 2: 1, or garlic and onion tincture, is effective. Read the full article about mites on houseplants and methods of control on the page Herbivorous mites.​

Pests of houseplants in the soil - houseplants

Buds feed on apple moths, silkworms and fruit sawfly. The ovary suffers greatly if there is an apple sawfly, a mountain ash moth, and after a fortnight an apple codling moth is connected to them. Many caterpillars like to eat leaves. Some only drink juices, from which characteristic holes are visible on the leaves. Others eat the leaf so consistently that only the “skeleton” remains of it. In both cases, the photosynthesis of the plant is disturbed and the tree gradually withers. Caterpillar attacks on the garden are also expressed in the early fall of leaves and their yellowing. Control measures include timely cleaning of the garden and forest from infected trees, attracting insectivorous birds. During active flight, the lower part of the trunks is treated with insecticides, where bark beetles accumulate. Larvae of some species lead an underground lifestyle and damage the roots of plants. The most common are winter, marsh, nibbling and wild scoops.

Favorable conditions for indoor plant pests in the soil

See also here Houseplant pests in the soil

Root protection system.


The fight against pests of indoor plants in the soil

Pine cocoon

Conclusion Pests have an oblong (oval in outline) body, 2 to 5.5 mm long, usually gray in color, with more or less pronounced white hairs. Many legs are clearly visible on the sides of the body. There is viviparous species, like Spilococcus cactearum - actually a cactus mealybug, there are those that lay eggs. Females lay eggs in white fluffy cocoons that look like cotton balls. Rowan and apple moths, golden tail, ringed silkworms, unpaired silkworms, American white butterfly, hawthorn, mining moth - this is an incomplete list of those who want to profit from leaves. Their harm to the garden to a greater extent is that the fruits are underdeveloped, and the next year the yield drops. Leaf-eating pests need to be fought, but some gardeners are careless about them.

The earthworm is a common indoor plant pest in the soil.

May beetle larvae are the most common pests of gardens and orchards.

The larvae feed on the roots of tomatoes, beans, cabbage, wheat, rye, sunflower, beets, onions and garlic.

Root nematode - a dangerous pest of indoor plants in the soil

If aphids are detected in the early stages, you can use a solution of ordinary laundry soap for spraying;

By what principle do phalaenopsis flowers dry out? If not in order, then what is it connected with? Orchid Root Pests?

✿Elena m✿

are usually very small in size. For a bulbous root mite, which has an oval light yellow wide body narrowed towards the end with four pairs of legs, this is, for example, about 0.5-1 mm. The bulbous tick is slightly larger; its oval body with two pairs of legs reaches 1.5 mm. Both of these pests of indoor plants in the soil are able to gnaw out the tissues of the bulbs of orchids, tulips, hyacinths, gladioli and other bulbous plants and lay eggs there in large numbers. The clutch of one female bulbous root mite contains about 300 eggs.

Soil cultivation has a great influence on the spread of reproduction of root pests. When plowing, insect pupation chambers are destroyed, their larvae enter the surface layers of the soil, where they die due to habitat disturbance, are destroyed by the cutting parts of tillage tools, birds, plow into the deep layers of the soil, from where they cannot get out.



​Bibliographic list​

Females and larvae harm plants. Worms are dangerous because they can be detected too late. Among the pests, there are many species that have different preferences. Some usually settle in the roots and root zone - the worms of the genus Rhizoecus are small, up to 3 mm adults, when they multiply strongly, they can also be seen on the stem. But most species of mealybugs are surface pests, mainly concentrated in the areoles, between the papillae and ribs of cacti, as well as in the root zone. The worms are especially fond of shelters - at the very beginning of the hit, they hide in upper layers soil, between the stems of cacti, if they grow in a group. When they begin to multiply intensively, they crawl over the entire surface of the cactus. The movements of the worms are slow, but noticeable movements.

For an uninitiated person, such a hard substance as bark seems inedible, but many pests do not share this point of view. They hibernate in the bark, feeling especially comfortable in the old one. This is how the caterpillars hibernate, hibernating and waiting out the frost. Bark beetle and ticks (spider, brown, hawthorn, red, pear gall) eat tree bark with pleasure.
They damage berry, fruit and often ornamental plants. Almost all garden crops also suffer from cartilage. The larvae are voracious and willingly eat roots or bite into tubers (for example, in potatoes). The accumulation of beetles and their larvae can cause the death of young and old, already developed trees.

Prevention measures include setting pheromone traps and killing weeds near the beds. These measures reduce the number of adult butterflies, and, therefore, the number of larvae.​

With the active colonization of aphids plants, insecticides are used to treat tomatoes: "Confidor maxi", "Rescuer of tomatoes", "Akarin", etc.

The initial stage of the lesion is characterized by well-visible eaten places and passages of ticks, and the entire bulb is gradually affected. Such bulbs are easily broken or fall apart in the hands, the internal tissues in them are eaten away to the state of white dust, mites are clearly visible even without magnifying optics.
Pests of fruits and seeds
Outwardly, small shaggy white bodies of pests look like lumps of cotton wool, foam crumbs, in the root zone it seems to be sprinkled with flour or looks like a white salt coating. It is bad that the cacti are stunted, the stems turn pale, lose their intense green color. In some species, for example, in mammillaria, the stems become thinner, thinner, and become lethargic. With a strong defeat, cacti can die. Very often, the worms get into our house with purchased cacti, so take a closer look at the newcomers.

Unlike the rest of the tree, not many pests feed on the root system. Among the enemies dangerous for the roots, there is a comma-shaped scale insect, Californian, which settles on young trees. The plum false shield sucks out substances from young seedlings, injecting its enzymes into them, negatively affecting the development of the tree. The larvae of the grubs and weevils also chose the roots as a source of nutrition and can quickly destroy the plant.
The larvae hibernate deep in the soil, climbing to the surface with the onset of spring warming.
To combat the larvae, it is necessary to carry out deep digging of the soil and crop rotation. As an insecticide for spring spraying, "Karate", "Fury" or "Decis" is used. In summer, Fufanon, Dursban are used. No more than two treatments are carried out per year. When planting potatoes in the wells, "Bazudin" is added.


Edible plant roots contain a huge amount of nutrients that have a beneficial effect on the human body. They are healthy and tasty. Turnips, carrots, beets, onions, radishes, celery... and what other roots and root crops are known to us, but are rarely on our table? How to cook them correctly and what dishes can and should be added to?

Roots - the underground part of plants (root), necessary for fixing the plant and its nutrition. The concept of "roots" means by no means the same as "root crops". Root crops are a modified root and taste more like the fruits of vegetable crops. The roots do not change their taste, just like their appearance.

Root crops include such crops as carrots, turnips, celery, rutabaga, chicory. The roots also include lovage, licorice, parsnip, goat's beard, ginger.

Our ancestors ate the roots of various plants for a long time. This is primarily due to the fact that gathering, along with hunting and fishing, served as the main way of obtaining food.

Curious facts about plant roots

If the aboveground parts of plants are more or less known somehow, then the underground (roots) are the lot of botanists, gardeners, gardeners and agronomists. In the meantime, many interesting moments are connected with them.

The roots of plants are in an environment that can only conditionally be called favorable. This means that in order to survive, develop and benefit the whole plant, they must have impressive adaptive capabilities. And they do indeed have them.

  • If a tree of tropical latitudes develops on swampy or silted soil, then pneumatophores can form in it. Then the roots outwardly resemble outgrowths pitted with pores in the form of rods or wattle. Pneumatophores go into the air, based on underground roots. Spongy tissue, thanks to the many holes, allows oxygen to be supplied to the root system. A striking example of such a plant is the swamp cypress.

respiratory roots - pneumatophores.

  • But this does not mean that only plants in exotic countries have interesting, unusual roots. The most common winter rye, which can be found in every region of our country, is distinguished by an unusually long root system. The total length of many roots (each of which is small in itself) reaches hundreds of kilometers. In a record plant of winter rye, it exceeded six hundred and twenty kilometers. Among the trees, the championship title in terms of the length of the root system belongs to the common pine, whose figure is fifty kilometers.
  • Along with very long roots, there are also very deep ones. The fig root goes one hundred and twenty meters underground, and in order to dig an oak thoroughly, you will sometimes have to dig a hole up to a hundred meters deep.
  • The banyan also has prominent roots. And even some - not just air, but directly whole auxiliary trunks. As soon as such a root touches the ground, it fixes itself on it, immediately turns into a lignified trunk and fixes the position of the branch.

Banyan tree, forest tree.

  • Aerophytes, including tillandsia, receive nutrients directly from the environment. They need roots only to fix in place. But the significance of the fibrous roots of the metrosideros tree, which grows in New Zealand, hanging from the branches, is still not really clear. For the most part, they do not reach the ground, and therefore they are neither a mount nor a feeding channel.

Aerial roots of Pohutukawa, or Metrosideros felt, or New Zealand Christmas tree (Metrosideros excelsa).

Known and unknown roots and root crops


In appearance, this root crop is similar to carrots, but in composition it is much closer to potatoes.

Parsnip (white root) is rich in nutrients. It contains many vitamins (C, PP, group B), as well as phosphorus, iron, potassium and calcium. Due to the content of potassium, parsnip is able to reduce the amount of water in the body, thereby removing swelling and having a pronounced choleretic effect. Parsnip pharmacists make cardiovascular preparations from parsnip, as it contains substances that have a vasodilating effect. Traditional medicine uses parsnip root to treat diseases of the kidneys, digestive tract and nervous system. It also has restorative and tonic properties. In dermatology, parsnip in the form of an infusion is used for vitiligo and psoriasis.

Root crops are used in cooking as a spice (dried) and for the preparation of first, second courses and salads (fresh).

And you can not only eat it, but also use it as a cosmetic product, because. it contains coumarins, which contribute to better absorption sun rays. Parsnip juice is recommended to be applied to discolored areas of the skin before tanning, and then the pigmentation partially returns.

But there are contraindications - for example, if you have photodermatitis.


In the countries of the East, ginger root has been actively used in the fight against chronic ailments and to maintain natural beauty for more than one century. For us, ginger has also long ceased to be exotic and is actively used in the prevention and treatment of many ailments, as well as an excellent tool for maintaining youth and beauty.

Ginger helps with bronchitis and even asthma. Substances called “gingerols” are isolated from it, which have an anti-inflammatory effect and are used, for example, in diseases of the joints. And thanks to them, ginger is able to suppress the feeling of nausea and fight motion sickness. At the same time, those who have problems with pressure, liver, gastrointestinal tract should be more careful with ginger - the root can cause an exacerbation of diseases.


In Russia, turnip was the most important food product. Riddles about her have been preserved in ancient chronicles. Until the 18th century, turnips were a traditional and favorite vegetable on every table, and they prepared a wide variety of dishes from it on weekdays and holidays, both ordinary people and princes. But when Peter I came to power, the "popularization" of potatoes began, which subsequently replaced a more useful product from our diet.

Since ancient times, turnips have been valued not only as a food product, but also as a remedy. healing power turnip, unlike expensive drugs, was available to everyone.

Raw turnip contains up to 9% of sugars, a very high content of vitamin C - twice as much as in any other root crop. Vitamins B1, B2, B5, PP, provitamin A (especially in yellow turnip), easily digestible polysaccharides, sterol (an element necessary in the treatment of atherosclerosis. Turnip contains a rare element glucoraphanin - a plant analogue of sulforophane with anti-cancer properties. This element is contained only in turnip and various types of cabbage: broccoli, kohlrabi and cauliflower.The turnip contains rare trace elements and metals: copper, iron, manganese, zinc, iodine and many others.Phosphorus in turnip contains more phosphorus than in radish and radish, and sulfur, necessary to cleanse the blood and dissolve stones in the kidneys and bladder, not found in any other familiar Russian vegetable.Magnesium contained in large quantities helps the body accumulate and absorb calcium.The turnip even contains a natural antibiotic that delays the development of some fungi, including dangerous for the human body (not acting, however, on E. coli and staphylococci).

Turnip is contraindicated in case of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, hepatitis, cholecystitis, and some diseases of the nervous system.

Jerusalem artichoke

Jerusalem artichoke, or ground pear, was once an important element of Russian cuisine. His "golden age" came at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century. Later, Jerusalem artichoke, as well as turnips, gradually began to be replaced by potatoes and for many years became exotic. And this is sad, because Jerusalem artichoke can rightly be called a vegetable leader in terms of iron content and useful prebiotic inulin. Also, Jerusalem artichoke is very useful for dysbacteriosis, because. it normalizes the intestinal microflora.

It is especially pleasant that Jerusalem artichoke can be included in the diet of children. For them, this root crop is sold in the form of candied fruits similar to raisins.


The rutabaga was obtained by crossing turnips and white cabbage. This root vegetable is similar to a turnip, but somewhat larger and sweeter. The color of the swede can be red-violet or gray-green.

Rutabaga contains sugars, proteins, fiber, starch, pectins, B, C, A vitamins, rutin, mineral salts (potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, sodium, iron, copper), essential oil. As part of this root crop, the highest percentage of calcium trace elements, due to which the swede is a good remedy for the treatment of patients suffering from bone softening. Rutabaga roots are considered an excellent wound healing, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and anti-burn agent. Rutabaga is a valuable food product, especially in winter and early spring periods, when there is a lack of vitamins. V clinical nutrition it is recommended for constipation, included in the diet of patients with atherosclerosis. Rutabaga also has a mucolytic effect - the ability to thin sputum. Rutabaga was also taken to relieve edema in cardiovascular and kidney diseases, as it has diuretic properties and removes excess fluid from the body.

Rutabaga juice has antibacterial properties; it has long been used to treat festering wounds and burns.

You should not use swede for people with gastrointestinal diseases, during periods of exacerbations. This is due to the high content of coarse plant fibers in the root crop, which can irritate the replenished mucosa. In addition, a contraindication to the use of this vegetable is individual intolerance.

parsley root

Parsley is the most common spice crop in the world. Its root contains many useful substances, thanks to which it has a beneficial effect on vision, mucous membranes and skin (vitamin A), cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Among the people, it is used as a choleretic agent, as well as for diseases of the genitourinary system in men and women (cystitis, prostatitis, menstrual disorders, potency disorders in men). Parsley root relieves swelling, stimulates the kidneys.

Parsley root has a powerful diuretic effect. Therefore, it is used for diseases of the urinary system, for obesity, as well as for diseases associated with cardiovascular pathology. And it is he who is the record holder among root crops for the content of vitamin C. Although this, of course, applies mainly to fresh roots, there is not enough dried vitamins left. But the taste is still amazing. For example, in soups, the addition of parsley root gives an incomparable aroma and sweetness.

Parsley is often used in cosmetology for the preparation of creams, lotions and masks.

It refreshes and rejuvenates the skin, relieves puffiness and protects against wrinkles. A decoction of the roots whitens the skin, destroys freckles and spots with vitiligo.

Celery root

You can also use celery root. A tragedy typical of Russian culinary history happened to him - the tops eclipsed the roots. But our Ancestors were perfectly familiar with this root crop. In pre-potato times, he, along with turnips, was a fairly common vegetable even at the peasant table.

Celery root is rich in vegetable fiber, contains vitamins E, K, PP, as well as riboflavin and thiamine. The use of celery normalizes salt metabolism in the body, is an excellent prevention of rheumatism, gout, arthritis. The fiber in celery root helps to relieve constipation. In folk medicine, celery is used to treat the endocrine and nervous systems.

Due to its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic action, it is used to treat skin diseases, in the form of juice and water infusions.

Celery, due to its low calorie content, can be included in the diet.

In cooking, celery root is used raw, stewed and boiled.

Elecampane root

The Russian name of this plant came from the nine magical powers that were attributed to it, and the nine diseases that it treated (now it is already known that there are many more such diseases).

Elecampane has anti-inflammatory, choleretic, tonic, antiseptic, diuretic, expectorant, antihelminthic effects. In folk medicine, it is used as the surest expectorant for diseases of the respiratory tract - inflammation of the nasopharynx, tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis, as well as diseases of the oral cavity. Its preparations are used as a blood-cleansing and metabolism-improving agent, for diseases of the joints, radiculitis, scurvy, thrombophlebitis, anemia, hypertension, prolapse of the uterus, for nervous diseases, goiter, etc.

Elecampane roots are used for medicinal purposes and as an aromatic additive to drinks or cooked dishes. They have a peculiar smell: fresh ones smell like camphor, and dry ones smell like violets. They have a spicy bitter-burning taste.

Chopped elecampane root can be added to vegetable soup and other diet first courses, red sauce or oatmeal. The addition of this spicy plant to confectionery, compotes and other drinks contributes to the fact that the finished dish acquires a rather pleasant aroma. In addition, the aromatic properties of elecampane root are also relevant for the canning and fishing industries, where it is often added as a substitute for ginger and spices. Elecampane essential oil is also highly valued.

horseradish root

Horseradish root contains a large amount of vitamin C, many useful microelements and substances, due to which it has an antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic effect.

Take horseradish root in the form of an infusion to increase appetite, stimulate digestion, as well as for diseases of the respiratory tract, kidneys, rheumatism, gout. Purulent wounds are treated with its juice. Due to the high content of vitamin C and lysocine, horseradish root is used for colds and flu.

As an external remedy, the infusion is used for radiculitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, it is used to treat purulent wounds, and its juice helps with colds and saves from toothache.

And horseradish infusion is used to remove freckles, age spots and whiten the skin after excessive tanning.


The rhizome of galangal (Potentilla erectus) contains essential oils, tannins, resins and various acids. Thanks to him, the cinquefoil is part of the gastric fees. Kalgan root has a number of properties: bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, astringent, hemostatic. Most often it is used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation of the oral cavity, skin diseases.


This plant looks a bit like celery, but has a much more delicate aroma and taste.

Lovage officinalis contains many useful substances, trace elements, as well as vitamins. The plant is rich in potassium salts and essential oils. Lovage roots contain sugar, starch, coumarin, tannins, resins, malic acid, and gum.

Medicinal lovage has excellent anti-inflammatory properties, heals scratches and cuts well. This plant is not only able to cleanse the skin, but also cure even festering wounds. Modern pharmacology and cosmetology uses lovage for the manufacture of many drugs.

As for traditional medicine, a decoction of the roots and leaves of lovage, as well as its juice, is actively used as an effective diuretic, expectorant and tonic.

The beneficial properties of lovage have a good effect on intestinal motility, so it is often used for constipation and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

To strengthen the hair and enhance their growth, use an infusion of lovage for rinsing. After a complex of such simple procedures, the hair acquires an incredible shine, splendor and silkiness.

Essential oils of lovage are used as a natural aphrodisiac.


Licorice root contains many active substances that have medicinal properties.

Glycyrrhizic acid: relieves inflammation, stimulates the activity of the adrenal glands, has anti-allergic properties. It inhibits the biosynthesis of cholesterol, reacts with it and forms an insoluble complex. Its anti-sclerotic action is based on this.

Flavonoids: relax smooth muscles, relieve spasm, inflammation, normalize the level of permeability of blood vessel walls.

Foaming substances (saponins): increase the secretory function of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract, gently envelop, protect against irritation, dilute sputum and facilitate coughing. They have anti-inflammatory, disinfectant action.

Licorice root is drunk for coughs, bronchitis, bronchial asthma and other inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract. It is used in gynecology in the treatment of inflammatory diseases and erosions.

Used for dermatitis, psoriasis, lupus, eczema, pemphigus, neurodermatitis, dermatitis, allergic manifestations and other skin diseases.

Licorice root is suitable for the treatment and prevention of metabolic disorders and water-salt balance, normalization of pressure. They are treated with gastritis, peptic ulcer, constipation, inflammation of the genitourinary system and joints, rheumatism, kidney pathology and reduced function of the adrenal cortex, diseases of the eyes, nose, ears and inflammation in the oral cavity. Licorice root is also used as adjunctive therapy for Addison's disease and diabetes.

Licorice root is taken for a limited time, because prolonged and uncontrolled intake can be harmful.


Chicory roots contain a special substance inulin, which is of great value to the human body. Inulin is indispensable in dietary nutrition, especially this substance is useful for people with diabetes. The roots also contain ascorbic acid, tannins, carotene and riboflavin.

A decoction of them promotes digestion, is used in dietary nutrition, and heals wounds.

Medicines based on chicory have choleretic and diuretic properties, are useful for pyelonephritis, diabetes mellitus, improve blood composition, increase overall tone and mood.

Chicory roots have long been used as a substitute for coffee beans. To prepare a fragrant drink, the root was roasted, and then several teaspoons of chicory powder were poured with boiling water. Ground chicory root is also used as a spice.

How to dry roots

Roots and rhizomes are harvested most often in the fall after the end of the growing season or in the spring before it begins (harvesting is more difficult in spring, because there is no ground part of the plant, and you need to know exactly the location and type of the root).

Before the drying process itself, prepare the root. Cut off the top greens and rinse off dirt with running water.

There are several types of dried roots. The first of them is drying in the open air with sun exposure on the raw materials and the second is drying in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 35-40 degrees, because. after 42 degrees, irreversible destruction of some substances begins. In addition, now in stores a wide range of electric dryers for vegetables and fruits with adjustable drying temperature and dehydrators are presented. Drying in air will take about 10-15 days, and in an oven or electric dryer - several hours.

Pests of the roots of cultivated plants are the most insidious insects. Gardeners and gardeners cannot always notice or foresee their appearance in a timely manner, and only by stunting can root damage be diagnosed.

By sucking the juice and drilling through the rhizomes, insects deprive plants of the opportunity to obtain nutrients from the soil. The foliage and young shoots gradually die off, the plants wither and die.

It is quite difficult to get rid of multiplied pests. The easiest way to protect beds and flower beds is to treat the roots before planting.

Click beetle larvae


Millipedes are natural orderlies of the garden. However, their accumulation becomes a big problem.

The main diet of insects is the remains of rotting vegetation. But with a lack of food, they begin to be interested in various cultural plantings. For example, strawberries.

The safest way for a person to fight is the arrangement of traps. Holes are dug near the beds, where wire cages with carrots or potatoes are placed.

Large colonies of insects can be destroyed by treating the soil with a solution of "Aktellika", "Fitoverma" or "Aktara".

On strawberry and strawberry beds, processing is carried out before the berries ripen.


Earthworms are the main soil formers, contributing to its aeration and moisture.

They feed on the remains of plants, but for immature garden and flower crops they pose some danger. Actively moving in the ground, worms can damage thin roots and cause plants to dry out. Most of all, indoor flowers can suffer from worms.

It is almost impossible to fight these insects in the open field. But indoor flowers are quite easy to protect from their effects. To do this, the pot is placed for eight minutes in a basin of water. The worms begin to choke and crawl out on their own.

These pests damage underground part plants. Some species spoil plantings in new, recently planted gardens, others - in formed ones that have been fruiting for a number of years. In new areas, most often there are larvae of click beetles - wireworms, caterpillars of noxious scoops, larvae of beetles. Where the garden is cultivated for a long time and the land is rich in organic matter, worms, nematodes, centipedes, garden midge larvae, etc. live.

Caterpillars of various night butterflies are scary for the garden only in the first year of its processing, since on perennial beds, which are well cared for, conditions unfavorable for the development of this pest arise. Wireworms remain in new gardens for several seasons, as their development cycle covers 3-5 calendar years. As for the rest of the soil pests, they are dangerous, especially where the soil is excessively wet.


From scoops in gardens most often appear winter scoop ( Scotia segetum), upsilon scoop ( Scotia ypsilon), exclamation scoop ( Scotia exclamationis) and blackish scoop C ( Amathes C-nigrum), as well as some others. During the spring months, their caterpillars damage the roots of all kinds of vegetables and ornamental crops. First, the caterpillars occupy the aerial parts of plants and gnaw round holes in the leaves. At the third stage of their development, they move into the soil and eat the roots. Most often, scoops attack cabbage, lettuce, carrots, seedlings. ornamental plants. Unfortunately, gardeners usually do not notice in time that the caterpillars eat the above-ground parts of plants, and therefore do not take the necessary protective measures.

Click beetle larvae - wireworms

In young, recently planted gardens or in old ones, but in those places where grasses used to grow, and beds have now been created, wireworms and click beetle larvae cause great harm to plantings. The greatest damage comes from the striped clicker, or bread ( Agriotes lineatus), and smoky nutcracker ( A.ustulatus); v separate places There are four more species of this insect.

Click beetle larvae attack the underground organs of vegetable crops, ornamental plants and strawberries. They eat small roots of seedlings, eat away or bite the main root of the plant, make corridors, for example, in carrots, celery, as well as in bulbs of tulips and daffodils, in tubers of gladioli and dahlias. Damaged plants begin to twist, wither; their underground parts, important from a practical point of view, lose all value. Wireworms cause the greatest harm in March-June and September-October, when they are placed in the upper layers of the soil. During the drier summer season, the larvae crawl deeper into the ground. Only the larvae of the brilliant clicker ( Corymbites aeneus) remain on the soil surface and eat the succulent parts of plants. The development cycle of the nutcracker is 3-5 years, during this period the plants in the beds where this pest has settled are under constant threat.

May beetle larvae

From time to time, beetles may appear in the garden. Most often it is the western May Khrushchev ( Melolontha melolontha). It lives in the soil and damages the underground organs of plants - vegetables, ornamental crops, strawberries and fruit trees. If there are 1-2 larvae per square meter of garden area, then it is already necessary to sound the alarm. Seedlings of vegetables and ornamental plants damaged by the larva die; fruit trees are only threatened in the first two years after planting.

During the years of the abundant appearance of the western May beetles, the damage they cause to cherry, apple, plum trees and roses is especially great. During such periods, it is recommended to shake the beetles from the trees and mechanically destroy them.

Long-legged larvae(Tipulidae)

In gardens planted in wet places, in the first years, vegetables and ornamental plants are under the threat of attack by larvae of weevils. Therefore, it is advisable to check, even before laying out the beds on moderately blocking lands, whether there are weevils here and in what quantity. The test is carried out as follows: on a test area measuring one square. a meter is mowed or pulled out all the vegetation, and the bare surface is watered with a solution of edible salt (at the rate of 1 kg of salt per 5 liters of water). After such watering, the larvae will crawl out to the surface. After counting them, we will get an idea of ​​the degree of contamination of the territory and we can, if necessary, resort to chemical means of protection.

The longer the land is cultivated in the garden, the more pests there are in it. Let's name a few more common ones.


Millipedes, especially the fragile centipede ( Polydesmus complanatus) and the centipede blind ( Blaniulus guttulatus), can multiply excessively in composts. In wet summers, they are able to cause especially great harm to seedlings, to the roots of which earth from compost was added during planting. Centipedes also eat bulbs of ornamental plants, regale on ripening strawberries. Where these pests appeared, it is necessary to reduce the moisture content of the earth by adding ash to it. In the berries, you can put wood wool or some other bedding under the fruits, which will have to be replaced with a new one from time to time.

Earthworms, earthworms (Lumbhcidae)

Earthworms or earthworms are beneficial to the garden. By digging underground corridors, they aerate the soil; a sufficient amount of air also accelerates the process of decomposition of organic substances occurring in it. However, when there are too many worms in the ground, as a result of their activity, the stability of the seedlings decreases, the adhesion of the roots to the soil is weakened, and the germinating plant is drawn under the surface. Therefore, in exceptional cases, it is necessary to protect plants from worms. Then it is recommended to fill the still unsown beds with warm (about 40 ° C) water.

Clover nematode(Ditylenchus dipsaci)

The nematode also lives on many types of weeds, and therefore protection from it is very difficult. It is recommended to destroy the affected plants, reduce soil moisture; if necessary, you can resort to chemicals.

Garden midge larvae (Bibionidae)

In some places, garden midge larvae cause considerable damage to gardens. Female midges lay their testicles in compost or soil well saturated with humus. The larvae of this pest are found mainly in greenhouses and in those beds where compost soil is also added to ordinary garden soil. In summer, the larvae feed on tender roots and smoldering plant debris, and after wintering they attack germinating plants. There is only one way to avoid the mass appearance of garden midge larvae - always use only well-ripened, over-rotted compost.

Medvedka common (gryllotalpa gryllotalpa)

It is very difficult to cope with the common bear. She gnaws roots or makes corridors under the very surface of the earth, thereby loosening young plants. This pest builds clay nests for itself 10 cm below the bed level, so that the roots of planted crops are exposed and wither. The location of such a nest can be found by the so-called. patchy wilt of plants.

The number of bears in the garden can be reduced by catching them with the help of smooth-walled vessels immersed to the very edges in the ground. In June-July, it is recommended to destroy the nests.

Onion mite (Rhizoglyphus echinopus)

It is just as difficult to deal with another soil pest - the root bulbous mite. It damages roots, rhizomes, attacking both food onions and bulbs of ornamental plants. It is not difficult to find out about his “activity”: small, randomly located corridors filled with small brown droppings are visible in the ground. Soil moisture contributes to the reproduction of this pest. You can get rid of the mite by storing the bulbs in a dry, well-ventilated place. Perhaps, if necessary, the use of chemicals.

Pests affecting the aboveground parts of plants

Many pests garden plants they eat their above-ground parts.

Slug, gastropods(Gastropoda) Most often, field slug appears in gardens ( Deroceras agreste), as well as a net-like slug ( D. reticulatum), smooth slug ( D. laeve), garden slug ( Arion hortensis) and garden snail ( Helix pomatia). Slugs damage the aboveground and underground parts of plants, eat holes in the bulbs of tulips and daffodils, in the tubers of gladioli and other plants. Of the above-ground organs, leaves and stems suffer the most from them. As for young plants, they are able to completely destroy them. The fact that our garden was visited by slugs, we learn from the top of the eaten leaf blades and the traces left - silvery drying mucus and dark viscous droppings.

Slugs can be dealt with mechanically. It is also recommended to sprinkle the paths around the beds with lime, ash, pine needles or a chemical preparation. Earwig common ( Forficula auricularis)

The common earwig belongs to the omnivorous pests of the aerial parts of plants in our gardens. This insect eats leaves and stems, feasts on buds and flowers, especially dahlias, carnations and roses. Leaves and petals after the feasts of earwigs acquire jagged edges. This pest also eats ripening fruits - pears, plums, apricots, peaches.

The best way to deal with an earwig is to lure it into specially prepared shelters made of straw, rags, burlap, wood wool, and then destroy them all together.

Spider mites (Tetranychiidae)

Pests of fruit trees, shrubs, various vegetables and ornamental plants also include various types of spider mites. They harm leaves and plants in general by sucking out surface cells. The leaves begin to turn yellow, later turn whitish, discolor, and finally fall off. Next year, plants affected by this pest will, as a rule, fewer flowers, and, hence, the fruits. Kleschikov is considered dangerous and persistent opponents also because several of their generations manage to develop within one year. Therefore, it is recommended to intensively use chemical preparations against them.

With a strong pest attack, the loss can be 30-70% of the total crop, and the formation of flowers can decrease by 75%. In spring, mites are not so noticeable, however, spraying with chemicals carried out at this particular time gives better results than twice, but at the height of summer itself. Ticks cause especially great damage in warm, dry weather. Protective measures against mites should be carried out primarily before flowering and immediately after it ends. Spring spraying against the fruit mite (Panonychus ulmi) should be timed to coincide with the period when 60-80% of all larvae have already appeared; in this case, it is necessary to use such drugs that will simultaneously destroy both the larvae and the testicles.

If we failed on the eve of spring and in its course to reduce the number of mites to an acceptable level, then we should be prepared for the fact that during the growing season we will have many difficulties with plant protection. The fact is that then this pest will already be present on the leaves of plants in all stages of its development, i.e. there will be testicles, and larvae, and adult bugs, to combat which you will have to use various chemicals. Most of the drugs used do not kill the summer eggs, from which the larvae then appear; as a result, the number of pests quickly recovers.

1. spray according to the specific infestation level;

2. where mites appear regularly, it is necessary to at least temporarily abandon the use of drugs that promote their development;

3. For spraying, use various chemicals so that the pest does not develop immunity to a particular drug.

Aphid (Aphidoidea)

Thrips, fringed-winged (Thysanoptera)

Leaves, and partly fruits of trees, can be affected by caterpillars of several species of butterflies. The main eater on fruit trees is moths and golden tailed silkworms.

moths (Geometridae)

Caterpillars of winter moth, or small surveyor ( Operophtera brumata), with their long-term cycles, cause serious damage to cherry, apple, pear, plum trees, as well as roses. In spring, they eat leaves and flower buds, and after flowering - fruit ovaries. First, the moths make round holes on the leaves, and then gradually destroy the entire plate, sometimes leaving only one main vein. In young fruits, caterpillars eat deep oval-shaped depressions. On cherry trees, they sometimes manage to destroy the entire crop. On pears - after flowering they eat only fruits.

Similar damage is also inflicted by the moth-peeled, or peeled fruit ( Erannis defoliaria); this pest, fortunately, is not so numerous.

You can fight against moths in the following way. In October, the tree trunk is wrapped with a paper belt, which is covered with special glue so that the wingless females of this pest cannot reach the crown and lay eggs there. Goldtail, or silkworm-goldtail, unpaired silkworm, or unpaired, cocoonworm, kolechnik, or ringed silkworm

In abandoned gardens or in plantations where trees are poorly looked after, pear, apple and plum trees are eaten by the golden tail caterpillar ( Euproctis chrysorrhea). Before the arrival of winter, this pest makes nests of leaves on the tops of the branches, where it hibernates. If these nests are destroyed in a timely manner, then pest attacks on trees in the spring can be prevented. Otherwise, in the first warm days, the caterpillars will leave their shelter and pounce on the kidneys. Later they will move on to leaves and flowers. If there is at least one such nest per 3 m 3 of the crown, the tree cannot be protected from overeating, and the future harvest from losses.

Leaf rollers are real(Tortricidae)

Protecting fruit trees and some shrubs from leaf and bud leafworms is a very difficult task. This pest mainly attacks apple, pear, and plum trees, but it can also settle on apricot and rose bushes, although it is less dangerous to the last two plants. In spring, leafworm caterpillars devour the buds; young trees are in particular danger: losses can even reach 80%. Then the pests move to the opening leaves, biting holes in them, eating buds and flowers. Damaged leaves are smaller, twisted, corrugated.

Caterpillars of the next, new generation already in the second half of summer also live on leaves, eating them almost entirely. In addition, they make many small holes or shallow pits in the skin of apples and other fruits, usually in those places where the fruit is covered with leaves, and the skin has not yet acquired its usual color. Fruits with such defects can no longer be stored, as they quickly rot. In some years, leaf rollers can thus destroy a third of the crop.

The most common leafworm in gardens is knotty, or bud ( Spilonota ocellana), apple leaflet ( Argyroploce variegata), fruit leaflet ( Pandemis heparana), pink leaflet, or rose (Cacoecia rosana), and honeysuckle leaflet ( Capua recticulana).

Lithocolletis and lyonetia

In intensively managed orchards, lithocolletis and lyonetia often appear in large numbers. The caterpillars of these pests eat away, making winding paths, leaf blades of various plants. The most common lithocolletis apple ( Lithocolletis blancardella) and fruit lyonetia ( Lyonetia clerkella). Caterpillars of common lithocolletis often eat apple leaves, less often they appear on pear and mountain ash, leaving behind oval-shaped holes that are 0.2-0.8 mm wide and 1-2 cm long. If there are more than three ruts per leaf, then crop losses cannot be avoided. Trees heavily affected by the pest usually bloom little the next year. In such cases, it is recommended to carry out chemical treatment of trees two weeks after the end of flowering. If the pest infestation is serious, the treatment of the tree should be repeated after 7-10 days.

Caterpillars of apple lithocolletis form, from May to October, winding and long paths on the leaves of apple trees, cherry and cherry trees. There can be 10-15 such tracks on one sheet. Damaged leaves dry up and fall off prematurely. Treatment of trees with chemicals is recommended only in case of severe damage, it is carried out when the second generation takes off.


In spring, flower buds of apple trees, cherries, cherries and plums are often eaten away by apple geese ( Rhynchites bacchus) and several other species of this insect. The most dangerous is the apple goose, which lays eggs in the fruits of fruit trees. Damaged fruits develop unevenly and often rot.

Bark beetle and other pests that destroy the bark

Apricot leafworm mainly damages apricot, peach and cherry trees, less often - plum, apple and pear trees. Its caterpillars eat away corridors in the lower inner layers of the bark; the places where they have feasted are easy to spot by the heaps of rusty droppings they push out onto the surface of the bark. This kind of damage to the tree is often accompanied by gummosis - gum disease.

The leaf roller most often attacks old trees, penetrating under the bark in those places where it is injured, and lays its testicles there. Therefore, the affected areas should not be cleaned mechanically, so as not to further damage the trunk or branch.

It is even more difficult to deal with the fruit tree and bark beetles that settle on weakened trees. It is necessary to take preventive precautionary measures, which include right choice places for planting a tree, as well as providing it with proper nutrition. Too damp places or places where the ground is too dry are not suitable for planting fruit trees. Trees affected by bark beetle are identified by the following signs: their leaves begin to wither suddenly, and their branches dry. On the branches of such trees, as a rule, you can find tiny holes a millimeter in diameter. The bark beetle makes its corridors only under the bark, and the woodworm eats into the wood itself.


Dangerous pests of garden plants include hares and rodents. Hares and wild rabbits sometimes eat tree bark and shoots in winter. ornamental shrubs. In order to protect tree plantings from them, some preparation with a specific smell that repels animals is applied to the trunks of fruit trees for the winter. However, it is best to put wire or reed fences around the trunks.

During the years of active breeding field mice (grey vole - Microtus arvalis) the bark of fruit trees can also suffer from them. Its rodents in winter will gnaw at the surface of the earth. The vole eats bulbs and tubers of ornamental plants. To avoid losses, it is recommended to destroy mice in their burrows and underpasses using smoke bombs.

In gardens located next to a river or in damp, blocky places, there is another dangerous pest - a water rat ( Arvicola terrestris). It gnaws through the roots of fruit trees, eats root crops and underground parts of ornamental plants. Treatment of plants and soil with chemicals does not give good results. Therefore, it is recommended to invest in underground corridors dug by rodents, calcium carbide, smoke bombs or smoke out pests with exhaust gases. But all these methods give only a temporary effect, and therefore the fight against rodents has to be carried out constantly. The following measures are most effective: even before planting a tree, lay out a prepared pit around the entire circumference with a galvanized metal mesh with cells of about 2 cm; then the rodents can not get to the roots.


Birds, primarily house sparrow and greenfinch, peck out flower buds of currant, gooseberry, pear, apricot and peach trees in spring. Sparrows also destroy lettuce seedlings.

Birds are the culprits of large losses in the harvest of fruits and berries. So, house sparrow, black and song thrushes, common starling peck at ripe cherries, currants and grapes. They feast on ripening pears, apricots, peaches, peck out strawberries. Thrushes also love tomatoes.

We usually scare away birds in the garden and on the field with various mechanical devices. An effective measure is to stretch a nylon mesh over trees and shrubs; then the birds will not be able to fly onto the fruits at all. You can also drive them away with the help of various optical and sound devices (crackers, scarecrows, etc.).

Plant protection from pests

In the same way that we do, protecting plants from various diseases, one should act to protect plantings from intruders from the animal world, namely: to direct the main efforts to preventive measures in order to reduce the number of potential pests or at least reduce the intensity of their attack.

Preventive measures include monitoring the condition of stored bulbs and tubers, reducing the relative humidity of the air in greenhouses, limiting the reproduction of itch mites, ventilating the premises and systematically spraying plants with water, which is very effective in the fight against spider mites. High-quality seedlings taken from healthy mother plants, etc. will help us get rid of nematodes.

Since pests differ from each other and in their biological features, gardeners have to resort to a variety of protective measures. Sometimes the appearance of a pest can be minimized by eliminating the so-called. intermediate host, which is often weedy wild plants. In other cases, the mechanical collection of testicles, caterpillars, beetles will help; various baits will also come in handy, after which it is already easier to deal with the pest. The anthill that appeared in the greenhouse is poured with boiling water. Podurs or tails will also recede if we succeed in lowering the moisture content of the soil, or if we sprinkle its surface with a thin layer of lime, ash, sand, or crushed charcoal. To prevent excessive breeding of snails and slugs, it is recommended to sprinkle the paths quicklime etc.

Fruits, vegetables, bulbs and tubers of ornamental plants selected for winter storage must be completely healthy, without damage, because any flaws are the gates through which putrefactive fungi and bacteria penetrate first of all.

In the storage, immediately after laying vegetables and fruits, it is necessary to create conditions that limit the possibility of penetration of putrefactive fungi and bacteria. Most plant products are supposed to be stored at a temperature of 2-5°C and a relative humidity of 85-90%. When the humidity is below 80%, a lot of water evaporates from fruits with juicy pulp and roots, and when it is above 90%, fungi and, most importantly, putrefactive bacteria begin to multiply rapidly. By observing the correct ventilation regime and adjusting the level of air humidity, we create the most favorable conditions for the winter storage of fruits, vegetables, bulbs and tubers.

It is very important to carry out a thorough disinfection there before filling the storage, for example, by fumigation (8 g of sulfur is burned per 1 m 3 of space), having previously sealed all holes and cracks, and lubricated the metal parts with vegetable oil. The walls of the room are supposed to be whitewashed with lime or sprayed with a 5% formalin solution. Shelves, window frames and doors are processed in a similar way. 24 hours after disinfection, the storage facility is thoroughly ventilated. We must also not forget that tubers and bulbs of ornamental plants must be pre-treated before being placed in storage.

When laying root crops, garlic, potatoes, pome fruits for winter storage, it is necessary to carefully select healthy specimens, since plant products intended for nutrition cannot be chemically processed. Potatoes, fruits, onions are best laid in a thin layer or even in one row on the lattice shelves. Onions and garlic should be stored on shelves in dry rooms where the temperature is slightly below 0°C.

During storage, it is necessary to give all fruits, bulbs and tubers that have begun to deteriorate in a timely manner, and also not to store apples and pears longer than is practically possible. All this will be those preventive measures against losses in storage and against putrefactive diseases that affect vegetables, fruits, as well as bulbs and tubers of ornamental plants in the winter.

Diseases and pests of garden plants. Part 1 Diseases and pests of garden plants. Part 8

The correct one is an extremely important component of the preparation of a hiking trip. One is always the risk of force majeure, due to which products can end much earlier than planned. And in such circumstances, knowledge of common plants found almost everywhere will be extremely useful. But one should be especially careful, as some plants are edible only when cooked in a certain way. So, what are the edible roots and tubers that can save you from hunger?

Highlander bindweed

Fallopia convonvulus. A small plant with narrow arrow-shaped leaves and an inflorescence in the form of a small pink or white ear. Found in grassy areas. The root, as the name implies, is slightly bitter, but if it is thoroughly soaked and then fried, it is quite edible.

Claytonia tuberous

Claytonia tuberosa. A low plant (up to 30 cm) with short oval leaves and five-petal white or pink flowers. Grows in both rocky and wooded areas. The edible part is tubers. They must first be cleaned and then boiled. Young shoots are also edible.

Licorice or licorice

Glycyrrhiza glabra. A branching perennial plant with small oval leaves. Flowers are greenish-cream. The edible part is the root. Moreover, it is a drug that has a positive effect on the condition of ulcers. And so - it can be boiled and dried. When cooked, it tastes like carrots.

Comfrey officinalis

Symphytum officinal. Perennial plant, up to a meter high, the stem of which is covered with stiff hairs and the leaves are oblong-lanceolate. Grows in damp places, such as near ditches and ditches. The edible part is the root. You can eat it raw - the taste is quite tart, or you can boil it.


Tragopogon. Stems are long, sometimes branched. Leaves like those of cereals. The flower is a yellow basket. Young leaves and roots are edible if boiled. Some recommend soaking them first to eliminate the bitter taste.

Aronnik spotted

Orum maculatum. A low plant with arrow-shaped leaves. The inflorescence resembles a pin covered with a hood of leaves. You can find it in shaded wooded areas. The edible part is only the root. Berries should never be eaten. Yes, and the root is desirable to boil thoroughly.

Potentilla goose

Potentilla anserina. Low climbing plant. Leaves are pinnate. Flowers - scarlet, yellow, five-petalled. The fleshy root is also edible raw, but it is better to boil it.

This, of course, is not a complete list of edible plant roots. But even such a list is enough not to die of hunger. Well, or to slightly diversify the tourist diet.

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