Landscape of the Udmurt Republic. Features of the geological structure of Udmurtia

Decor elements 22.09.2019

The republic is located in the western part of the Middle Urals, in the pools of the Kama and Vyatka rivers. The territory of Udmurtia is a low plain, folded by sedimentary upper-perm, having a total decrease in the north to the south and from east to the west. It is part of the Russian platform and the western wing of the buried pre-Ural deflection. The highest point is 332 meters, located in the north-east of the republic in the Verkhnekam's elevation. The lowest point of the republic is 51 meters, in the southwestern part, almost on the border with the Republic of Tatarstan, in the floodplain of the river Vyatka.

Eastern half The republic represents the sublime zone of the extensive upper-stone shaft - a weakly pronounced tectonic raising extending in the direction close to the meridional. The western part of the territory is formed by the gentle external slopes of this shaft, transformed by denudation processes. In the north-east of the republic is a Verkhnekamskaya elevation. The absolute marks of the area are achieved here 323-330 m. The area is distinguished by a significant interaction due to denudation processes, with a drop of heights up to 100 or more meters.

The relief has a significant impact of the composition, the nature of the occurrence mountain breedssurface facing conditions external environment. The morphology of the relief of interdigal spaces is determined by its long-term storage. The relief is exposed to a significant change due to erosion dismemberment and alignment in the climate conditions of glacial eras.

On the territory of Udmurtia on Paleozoic sediments, which are an ancient basis, lie down the deposits of the Perm period and modern quaternary precipitation. The top department of Perm sediments is represented by the deposits of the Kazan and Tatar tiers. Deposit data has widespread development and highlighted elevated water seeds. The depth of the occurrence varies from several meters (on watersheds, in the valleys) to tens of meters (in the bottoms of the valleys). They are represented by a vesting thick of clays, sandstones, aleurolites, limestone, dolomites with a total capacity of about 200-280 meters. With these sediments are associated fresh the groundwaterused for economic and drinking water supply of the population.

In addition to the Perm sediments, in the Western and South-Western regions there are areas with uppergenegeneous precipitation, there are triad formations in the northern regions.

The deposits of the Kazan tier are common in the southern regions, where the main mass is isoglyna, sandstones, less often, and very rarely limestone convergence with thickness up to 0.5 m. The deposits of the Kazan tier are very uncompressed by stretching and embracement. It is characteristic of these deposits is that at the base they have a thickness of sandstones to 15-20 m. Then it replaces the sandy-clay thick stratum of red color sediments, and the clay and mergoleous retinue of the red-drier color. The total thickness of these precipitation reaches 100-200 m.

The Tatar tier on the territory of the republic is represented from the lower to the upper horizons with a total thickness of up to 350 m. In general, the deposits of the Tatar tier are represented by the overrelating of red-colored isoglin, aleurites with thin sandstone converges, less frequently mergels and limestone.

Quaternary sediments of various origin are developed everywhere. These are eolois, eluvial-deluel, alluvial and swamp precipitation. Eoliac sediments are developed in the northern and southeastern part of the city territory and locate on indigenous rocks. They are represented as a rule, with rico-seashed sands with a capacity of 2 to 4 m. Alluvial deposits are composed of floodplain and inappropriate terraces of rivers. Alluvius of the onpoint terraces of the IL rivers and bend presented with sands with gravel and pebbles, in the upper part of loam and clays. The total capacity of them from 2 3 to 10-20 m. Elvial-deluel deposits are widespread on water-seated slopes, in the sides of the ravines. Presented mainly by sublinks and clays with a capacity of 1 to 19 m (more often than 2-5 meters). Swamp precipitations are developed within the floodplain of the rivers and are represented by peat, illuminated 2-4m cylindes.

In the tectonic attitude, the territory of Udmurtia is located within the Volga-Kama Antechylic, one of the major positive structures of the Russian platform. Volzhsko-Kama Antecus extends from the Moscow region to the Urals and from the lower Volga region to Timan; It is limited from all sides by negative structures: Moscow and Caspian syncizes, Ryazan-Saratov, Pre-Ural and predimensional deflection. The stock consists of a number of smaller positive and negative structures. Within Udmurtia are: Tatar arch(expressed in all structural floors); Kaltasin Avlacogen (expressed by crystalline foundation); Verkhnekamskaya Vpadina(expressed in a sedimentary case, in size somewhat more than Caltasin Avlacogen).

In conclusion, the geological characteristics of the republic should be part brief listing major deposits of Udmurtia.

The main resource of the depth of the republic is oil. The explored industrial oil reserves account for approximately 300 million tons, with annual production of 10 million tons. In total, the state balance is taken into account 114 fields of oil, 72 of which are under development, and 32 prepared for industrial development. The largest deposits are Chutura-Kirongopskoe, Mishkinskoye, Gremikhinskoe, Ylannikovskoye, Vyatka, Karsovskoye.

The Udmurt Republic refers to the Volga-Ural oil and gas province. Oilleg works on its territory were started in 1945, and the first oilfields appeared in 1969.

On the territory of the Udmurt Republic, 619 peat deposits with a total reserve of 204.7 million tons were revealed. 4 main peat mining zones are allocated:

§ pool Chepsy (Yarsha, Glazovsky, Balezinsky, Kesky, Yukamensky, Debetsky, Krasnogorsky, Gamensky and Sharkan regions), the largest deposit - Dzzyno;

§ Killemisi pool (Selinsky, Sumsinsky, Vawozhsky and Ussinsky districts), the largest deposits - Nurdor Cotties, Orlovskoe, Chibiasur;

§ Prikamskaya lowland (Zavyalovsky, Votkinsky, Sarapulsky, Kiyasovsky, Kambar, Karakulinsky districts);

§ South-Western plain part of the Udmurt Republic, the largest deposit - Karamba-dusty.

Brown and stone coals. The main coal districts - the Cossack (in the Alnash district) and Kambar, which are coalous layers of which are located at a depth of 1000 - 1500 m. The largest deposit - Goloshurminskoye.

4. solid nonmetallic pi.

In the depths of the country there are also industrial reserves of limestone, dolomites, construction sand and rubble, clay producing bricks, construction stone, sandy-gravel mixture. At the beginning of 2009, the territorial balance of reserves of non-metallic minerals of the Udmurt Republic is taken into account 369 fields and 87 manifestations of minerals, including 433 sections of building materials.


1. Udmurt Republic: Encyclopedia / Ch. ed. V. V. Tuganaev. - Izhevsk: Udmurtia, 2000 (in the reading room).

2. Yeltsov Yu.A. Grunteecology of Udmurtia.- Sarapul: Sarapulian printing house, 2003.


1. Natural resources and the ecology of Udmurtia. Sat - Izhevsk: UDGU, 1998;

2. Rysin I.I. Overview erosion in Udmurtia. - Izhevsk: UDGU, 1998;

3. Shrobokov S.I. Udmurt ASSR (economic and geographical essay). - Izhevsk: Udmurtia, 1969;

4. Snip 11-02-96 Engineering surveys for construction. Basic provisions.

5. GOST 25100-95 Soils. Classification.

6. SP 11-105-97 Engineering and geological surveys. General rules for the production of work. Part 1.

7. Snip 2.02.01-83 * Bases of buildings and structures.

8. SP 50-101-2004 Code of Projecting and Construction Rules.

9. Girin Yu. N., Evdokimov S. P.Features of the formation and distribution of geological processes in the territory of the Volga-Vyatka region // Nature-population-economy (geographical aspects of the study): Interunion. Sat Scientific Tr. / Mord. State University. N. P. Ogareva. - Saransk, 1983.

10. Krankov V. I.. Analysis of the capacity of quaternary sediments and buried valleys of the Volga-Vyatka region: interunion. Sat Scientific Tr. / Mord. State University. N. P. Ogareva. - Saransk, 1983.

Attachment 1

Factors I (simple) II ( middle difficulty) III (complicated)
Geomorphological conditions Playground (plot) within one geomorphological element. Surface horizontal, abused Playground (plot) within several geomorphological elements of one genesis. Surface oblique, weakly dissected Playground (plot) within several geomorphological elements of different genes. The surface is strongly dissected
Geological in the sphere of interaction of buildings and structures with a geological environment No more than two different layers in the lithology, which occur horizontally or weakly obliquely obliquely (bias not more than 0.1). Power is supposed to strike. A minor degree of heterogeneity of the layers in terms of the properties of the soils is naturally changing in terms of depth. Rock soils occur from the surface or blocked by a low-power layer of unknown soils No more than four different layers on the lithology, which occur obliquely or with the seduction. Power varies naturally. A significant change in the characteristics of the properties of soils in the plan or in depth. Rock soils have uneven roofs and blocked by unknown soils More than four different layers in lithology. Power changes dramatically. Lenzoid laying layers. A significant degree of heterogeneity in terms of the properties of soils, changing in terms of or in depth. Rock soils have a strongly dissected roof and are blocked by unknown soils. There are breakdowns of different order

Continuation of Annex 1.

Hydrogeological in the interaction of buildings and structures with a geological environment Underground waters are absent or there is one exist groundwater horizon with a homogeneous chemical composition. Two and more weathered horizons of groundwater, places with an inhomogeneous chemical composition or possessing pressure and containing pollution Underground water horizons are not constructed by stretching and power, with an inhomogeneous chemical composition or a variety of pollution. In places the complex alternation of aquifer and waterproof rocks. Underground waters and their hydraulic communications vary by strike
Geological and engineering geological processes that adversely affect the conditions for the construction and operation of buildings and structures Absent
Specific soils in the interaction of buildings and structures with a geological environment Absent Have limited distribution and (or) do not have a significant impact on the choice of design solutions, the construction and operation of objects Have widespread and (or) have a decisive impact on the choice of design solutions, construction and operation of objects

Continuation of Annex 1.

Note - Categories of the complexity of engineering and geological conditions should be established by the combination of the factors specified in this Annex. If any individual factor relates to a higher category of complexity and is determining when making key project decisions, the category of complexity of engineering and geological conditions should be established on this factor. In this case, volumes must be increased or only those types of work are provided to ensure that the influence of the projected buildings and the structures of this factor are provided.

Fields relatives, forest and armor,
Meadows around and river outside the window.
And everything is in your magnificent, shine,
And here is native and father here my house.
Vladimir Gerun

Udmurt Republic lies in northwestern, In the riverfire, the Kama and its large bilge of Vyatka. Area republic - a little more than 42 thousand km 2. Her neighbors : on the south - Tataria and Bashkiria (which is also killed from the south-east), north and west - Kirovskaya, and on east - Perm region. Among the cities of Udmurtia are allocated Izhevsk (capital of the republic) , Glazov, Sarapul, Votkinsk, Mozhga.

Landscape - calm and friendly

Udmurtia stretches on an extensive hollow-wavy plain, where the low chests are divided into numerous wide valleys of calm rivers. Here we will not see such sharply excellent natural landscapes, such as in Bashkiria. However, the territory of the republic will not name the monotonous. Upper-kama elevation having almost all north Half Udmurtia, dissected by many valleys of small rivers flowing into Cheptsuwhich dimly proceeds in its valley. On the southeast republic Sarapulskaya elevation cool breaks to the mighty Camefollowed by extensive lowland. On the south-west Skolmnia spread Mozhgin's elevation hollow descending to the river Vyatka..

Climatic conditions

Mostly climate of the republic is formed by the air masses entering Atlantic OceanBut they, passing over Europe, lose the moisture contained in them, are cooled in winter, heated in the summer and acquire, thus properties moderately continental air. It is characteristic of harsh winter with strong frost, deep snow, and pretty warm summer. Meshneianvarskaya temperature from -14 ° C to -15 ° C, but may drop below 40 ° C of frost; in july The average temperature ranges from + 17 ° C to + 19 ° C. In the spring and autumn are common freezing. Moisture here in excess: 400-600 mm falls per year ospalkov . North Udmurtia is noticeably severe than her south. Solar heat is less here, and rashes more.

What is rich in the Republic

The main natural wealth of Udmurtia - forest . Her subsoge is also not poor, they have significant fields oil . In addition, there are minor reserves manganese ores, multist sandstones, mineral paints . Abundant Udmurtia I. peat . Good here I. mineral springs .

Nature of Udmurtia

    Delicious air in the forest at dawn,
    And beautiful here paints in the forest
    Vladimir Gerun

Most of the surface north republic covered dark green carpet south Taiga often interrupted considerable areas pashnya and bright greens river meadows . It is dominated here fir-fir forestsSweep with saturated light pine Borov.
On a gloomy background fir Siberian also whitewash trunks of fun berez. Everywhere occurs aspenin the undergrowth - raughty ordinary, honeysuckle, rosehip needle, in herbal-shrubs - blueberry, lingonberry, blueberries, Linnea North. Mossa It is poorly developed, since their herbaceous plants are suppressed.
Smithdy taiga smells are mixed with flavored flavor polyan. In herbal cover there are plants characteristic of large forests: eUROPEAN'S HOOL, VORONETS COSSIST, Male shield, melnik fragrant, purple forest other. Forests and armor replaces Razdat lugov.
IN south Pieces of Udmurt Taiga gradually inferior mixed forests . Here pashnya Meet solid arrays. And in the south no longer the field, and the forests look the islands. Here lipa Melo-Choir Entering the first tier. Next to her appear oak ordinary, Ilm and elm. Coniferous breeds represented fir and yel. In the undergrowth meet veschina ordinary and bearded bearing.

Residents of forests

The existence of animals in the taiga is closely related to coniferous trees, as well as with some other plants associated with them. Taiga gives animals food, shelter from bad weather and enemies. Seeds (nuts) ate, fir and pines serve main food for klezta-Elovika and klezleste blonde . Seeds of coniferous, mushrooms, berries feed on characteristic taezhy animals - squirrel and chipmunk . Typically feed vegetation taezhy birds ceremonic, Ryabchik, Tetra . IN huge quantities Insect larvae exterminate tRERT WORK, SITE-WHEECH and nuthatch . Often there are I. predatory birds: hawk-revennator, hawk owl and owl . In addition, the birds are ordinary here gorikhvostka, Slavka-Wrinkle, ordinary and deaf cuckoo, partridge , and from mammals — zayak-Sanac, Mole, Columns . In remote from housing, deaf corners are preserved wolf and fox . Valuable furny animals are distributed marten and ermine .

Permanent alternations of waterproof spaces with valley decrees and, it would seem, minor changes in the composition of rocks, microclimate, soils and vegetation are very diversified by the Udmurt landscape.

Water resources

Basic Water Arteries Udmurtia - river Kama, Functions Vyatka River Cepets, Killemis And others as well Votkinskoye reservoir (for chamber) , a little coming to the territory of the Republic from the East. Many in rivers of different fish : bream, roach, perch, iz, nam.

Kama - The biggest influx of the Volga. It is interesting for her way within Udmurtia. Kama begins at an altitude of 331 m above sea level. Modest is the source of a huge river. He is in villages Carpustea. Under the old birch - transparent springs, enclosed in a log cabin with a peeling roof. On the pipe, the murmur water escapes into a wooden block, overflowing through her edge and in a hurry further. This tiny drainage is the beginning of the kama. After 100 m, he takes his first influx, the same key - Further, and another 200 m - key Upper. Already a stream runs kama in his own shallow valley, merges with ratchonkoy Bystushka. A few kilometers begins the first stone "Reservoirs" — chain of millstone ponds. Back in the origins, even in the "infant age", Kama begins his work for the benefit of man. Further, taking ever new and new tributaries, it flows through the territory of the Kirov region first on northwest and northeast, entering into the limits of the Perm region, gradually changing its direction on eastern, Southeast and south, and OT. Perm up to Volga invariably holds on southwest. A huge arc describes Kama in its upper and middle course. Starting in Udmurtia with a modest stream, it returns to the limits of the Republic of the Mighty River . From the sources to Sarapul, Kama overcomes the path of 1.5 thousand km, whereas in direct these items share only about 200 km.

Late in autumn after drowning frosts, rivers on long Time is covered ice . Duration lostava about half a year. In the second half of April begins icewater , it continues for several days and leaves indelible impression.

The Earth of the Ancient Settlement

The ancient tribes, from which the Udmurts stood up, lived in the pools of Kama, Vyatka and Belaya 3,000 years ago. The ancestors of modern Udmurts in the VI-VII centuries. n. e. stood out of local conglomerate ugro-Finnish tribes. Word itself "UDMURT" means "Man of the tribe d" - So called one of the tribes of the ancestors of modern Udmurts. The basis of the economic life of this people, the impact of centuries was cultivation of gray breads, flax. With deep antiquity, Udmurts were familiar hunting for fur beast, fishing, forest fishery, homemade weaving.

Already in the X-XI centuries. There were cultural relations of Udmurts with the northeastern Russian principalities. Russians began to penetrate here since the XII century. In those days, the Udmurt lands were part of Volzhsko-Kama Bulgaria. From the end of the XIII - the beginning of the XIV century. Udmurts became danutrics of Tatar-Mongols. After the fall tatar Iga At the end of the XV - middle of the XVI century. Udmurts voluntarily joined Moscow State.

In the XVIII century in the Urals, the mining industry is growing rapidly. In Udmurt Prikamye, Votkin and Izhevsky metallurgical plants that have played a big role in economic Development the edges. At these factories, the Ural cast iron was processed in iron and steel, in various metal products. However, in those times in general farmingThe culture and life of the Udmurt people were extremely backward.
The oppression of the royal administration, the severity of the factory work, the national nests caused repeated Udmurt uprisings. They took part in the peasant wars led by Stepan Raze and Emelyan Pugachev, in "potato riots".

Under the Soviet power in 1920, Udmurtia became an autonomous region, and in 1934 - an autonomous republic. Since 1990, it has been transformed, and the Udmurt Republic began to be called.

National composition

Major nationalities inhabiting the republic is udmurts, Russians and tatara . Also live here markets, Ukrainians And other nationalities. Udmurts are the second numerous group of indigenous people of the Urals. Most of them live in the villages. From the past, a tradition was preserved to decorate the dwelling with woven towels with an embroidered national ornament.

National dishes

Traditional power base Udmurts - bread (nurse) . A varied national bread Products: shepherds (tobani), fresh cheesecakes with minced meat, eggs and onions, pies, pancakes, dumplings with meat filling, mushrooms, cabbage and potatoes, suicide noodles . Udmurts are flavored as some liquid dishes. For example, oatmeal they are bred by kvass, water or sour milk, and from hot dishes Distributed soup from crook and pea. Otherwise, the food of the Udmurt is no different from the food of the local Russian population.

People's decorative and applied art

On the territory of Udmurtia, decorative and applied crafts are successfully operating, traditional for this edge. Among them weaving, art carving and painting on wood, ceramics and pottery artistic treatment Berestors and straws, folk toy, artistic weaving from a vine and a loaf, making national clothes . Vintage methods are revived traditional folk embroidery , Restored cooperage and bone carving . Original masters work throughout Udmurtia, first of all in the villages. Top works exhibited in republican exhibitions, including exhibition-Fair "City of Masters"which is an impressive addition holiday "Gerber".

Izhevsk - Master City

The beginning of Izhevsk was found in 1760 by construction cast iron processing plant Ural plants on iron. It was typical of the Urals of those times factory settlement . The concept of "factory" simultaneously meant the very village, and the plant generated him. In appearance Gornozavodsky villages had a lot in common. In the center of the village of the river, usually small (in our case it is the River IZH), blinked the dam, above it was spread big Pond. Below the dam rose pipes and corps of factory buildings. At the low and steep shores of the pond, small wooden houses were frozen - the workers' hub. Among them, the stone house of the plant owner, surrounded by the greenery of the garden, and white stone house managers and chiefs were distinguished.
This is the beginning of the master city. In 1774, the village of Izhevsk Plant was engaged in troops Emelyan Pugacheva and subjected to severe destruction. Together with the production of iron, and later, they became of great importance to the weapons, when in the village in 1807 it was created armory . From the middle XIX century on the four Armory Factories Began to produce hunting rifle. At the beginning of the 20th century, Izhevsk Plant was one of the largest weapons factories in Russia. In 1918 Izhevsk receives city status, in 1921 it becomes the capital of Vysoya autonomous region , in 1934 - the capital of the Udmurt ASSR. In 1985-87 The city was called Ustinov. Since 1990 - the capital of the Udmurt Republic.

IN old quarters Izhevsk preserved a lot woodenless likely - half-breeding (with the first floor brick masonry) Two-storey mansias from carved window trims. But the new Izhevsk was widely spread, its outskirts were grown and faded suburban forests, meadows and fields.
In the city there is an extensive pond - 15 km long and 2.5 km width. A long time ago ceased to spin water wheels at the factory dam. Now the pond supplies Izhevsk with water. On his green shores in hot summer days, citizens and guests of the capital are resting. This place is worthy of writing poets about him:

    Pearl Your - Izhevsky Pond
    shakes clouds and emerald
    And the sun stele, blinding the eyes,
    Between the shores a fiery carpet.
So saw the beauty of this pond poet V. Ya. Tipitin .

On the elevated Eastern shore, the pond is located central part cities. From the cast-iron stairs, which connects the dam with Soviet street (the main city highway), a wide view of the Sutwok of the factory buildings, to a distant district, framed by a sipped border of the forest. Flowing the dimensional sounds of the bell tongue - it beat the clock on ancient tower which has been towering the "dry" dust of the dam by almost two centuries, giving a classical completion ensemble hydraulic structures . The tower is crowned five-plated column with square cap and gilded ball. She is visible from the Soviet street and closes the perspective of this highway. Immediately, on the dam, but in the slope, coming back to the water, under the Senyu age-old topoles — bust a wonderful Russian engineer who founded the Armory in Izhevsk in the XIX century, A. F. Shreyabina.

Huge for Udmurt the value of Izhevsk as cultural Center. There are many places where you can get acquainted with cultural Heritage Udmurtia. Doors are always open for residents and guests of the city theaters. : State National, State Russian Drama name V. G. Korolenko, State Opera and Ballet, State Puppet Theater and theater "Young Man". In addition, lovers can visit State Philharmonic and Academic choir Cappelu , listen State Symphony Orchestra and State Orchestra of Wind Instruments Mennestercy Culture of the Udmurt Republic . Those who are close folk Folklore can enjoy creativity State Academic Ensemble of Song and Dance "Itmas", in the repertoire of which the works of National Art are prominent place, State Theater of the Folklore Song "Aikai", State Ensemble of People's Song, Music and Dance "Torok", Folk Folklore Ensemble "Zarya Shep" And others. To the services of amateurs of spectacular recreation beautiful State Circus and urban zoo .

Connoisseurs of historical heritage also have something to visit, and what to see. for example museums : National Udmurt Republic named after K. Grada, Udmurt Republican fine arts, Museum and exhibition complex of small arms name M. T. Kalashnikova other. The same, who likes just wander through green alley, ride on amusement or sit on a bench in a quiet, beautiful place, urban "oasis" are suitable - parks and gardens , such as the summer Gorky Garden, Kirov Park, Cosmonaut Park and Birch Grove (or as it is also called - Kosiy Park).

Among architectural attractions stand out Holy Mikhailovsky Cathedral, Holy Alexander-Neva Cathedral, Trinity Church and mosque.

Land Collians

Izhevsk. In the Central Museum, V. I. Lenin in Moscow, you can see a miniature triple rifle made with jewelry art, made in 1918 by Izhevsk gunsmiths as a gift Lenin. According to its size, this rifle is only twice as much as the usual fountain pen. Nowadays izhevsk hunting and sports rifles Won a good glory in many countries of the world.
Interesting and originally factory of art products . Among her products are in great demand carpets, paths, shawls with national Udmurt ornament. Along the way, we note that spinning and weaving were among the most common types of home production at Udmurts. And now many local women are skillful weavers.

Votkinsk.In 1759, on the river Wucker was built metallurgical plant. Near him spread the village, transformed with Soviet power to the city. In the middle of the 19th century, the manufacture of a metal frame "Golden Needle" was entrusted about the high production culture of Vorkintsev, the spire of the cathedral of the famous Petropavlovsk fortress in St. Petersburg.

Healing places Udmurtia

Near the border itself with Tataria is balneogry Spa Warry Yatchi operating since 1885. Main treatment - mineralized peat mudwhich is obtained from the swamp located on the territory of the resort. Patients here are also treated bathrooms with heard brewed waterfor drinking treatment Apply sulfate-calcium water. In Warz Yatchi successfully cured diseases of joints, nervous and gynecological. The resort is located in the picturesque river valley of Big Warry, the influx of the Izh River. The slopes of the valley and the surrounding ravines are covered beautiful trees and shrubs.

IN village Uv. Operates the same name sanatorium . Sources mineral water, peat therapeutic dirt, crystal clear air, the environment of conifer-birch forests, beautiful pond - This combination makes this healthcare a truly unique healing place. People come here with diseases gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system, respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous system, urological I. gynecological diseases . All of them get high-quality treatment. For visitors bath, sauna with swimming pool and horseback riding.

The Republic is rich in his health resorts. When you visit here, you can feel the healing forces of the Udmurt nature on themselves.

Attractive places of Udmurtia

Nechkhan national Park. In the middle part of the valley of the Kama River and in coastal stripe The Votkinsky reservoir in 1997 was created the Netchka National Park. He spread out square more than 20 thousand hectares. Here you can see plants and taiga animals, mixed forests and foresty. Especially valuable right bank river NutkanetsWhere are found old-aging sinea . And as picturesque mighty Kama! The width of her bed in these places reaches 1 km. The edge of the yellow sandy beaches of the low left bankded brightly green meadows and thickets of coastal trees and shrubs, pine collars stand on the outpoint terraces. But what kind of contrast represents the right bank! The steep slopes of the Sarapul Hills of the Sarapul Hill are rapidly leaving. Gentle shades of the green left bank withstand the range of colors (from gently pink to fiery and brick-rusty) breaks of the right bank. Here, in the valley of Kama, the so-called redcomers of the Perm age are exposed. Frames them dark green, often with a sly tint, needles of fir trees and fir. Trees with sharp teeth driven into the sky, so the peaks of the space seems to be coated with palico.

Monuments of nature. From nature monuments located on territory national Park , you can highlight landscape tract "Sidorovy Mountains" and "Galevo", the mouth of the Siva River, the swamp Kemul and mineral Source Makarovsky. There are also archaeological monuments. The park includes and votkinsk city.

Museum of P. I. Tchaikovsky in Votkinsk. Votkinsk is famous not only by his factory. Here in 1840, a son was born in the family of the Mining Chief of I. P. Tchaikovsky - the future great composer Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky . The place of pilgrimage of many thousands of people from all over the country has become an old house with mezzanine on the shore of the factory pond, where Tchaikovsky lived. Now in it museum . Before the museum - bust Peter Ilyich. In the exposition - the setting of the Tchaikovsky family, the stuff of the composer, stands telling about his life and creative path.

Music festivals in Votkinsk. Traditional became great musical festivals, who are held every year in May Days (Peter Ilyich was born on May 7). In festival concerts, invariably participate the largest performers and symphony orchestras.

Architectural and ethnographic Museum-Reserve "Luxury". Not far from Izhevsk is the Architectural and Ethnographic Museum-Reserve "Luxury", in which you can meet with life, life and customs Udmurtov end XIX. - The beginning of the XX centuries. It is still built, in the future, in the future it will include 5 sectors: udmurt - Northern, Central and southern, Tatars and russians. But now there is something to see. The Museum of the Reserve is already included two monuments: windmill end of the XIX century. and manor at the beginning of XX in . And the estate, unlike other museums - acting. It lives a peasant with full economy and pets. In the estate there ambari, Khlev, Banya in black, Rodatic Sanctuary "Kuala". The interior of the house itself - south Damurtsky. Guests are encountered national dishes — reckrying, tobani with a zyret and ramico (bread wine). Here you can attend folk festivities, holidays, and those who want to try on themselves banchu.. Such familiarization will remain in your memory for a long time.

Historical and cultural museum-reserve "Idnakar". A few kilometers from glazov city on Mount Soldyr When merging the Kepets and Pyzer's rivers, the Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Idnakar" is located. It includes the territory of unique ancient settlement of Finno-Ugric tribes of the IX-XIII centuries. Having visited the museum, you will get acquainted with the life of the ancestors of modern Udmurts.

Ski resort. On the outskirts of the Netchkin National Park 40 km from Izhevsk Right in the middle of the southern taiga you can visit the ski resort! It belongs sports and Travel Center "Nutchino". The modern ski resort, in the frame of the most beautiful places, has excellent, various degrees of complexity of tracks, whose height difference reaches 115 meters (the longest route is up to 1.5 km). Up you raise to austrian 4-seater Charming Lift, enjoying a wonderful panorama of protected areas from a bird's eye view.

In Udmurtia, 403 monuments of architecture, history and culture under state

Architectural attractions Among architectural attractions a lot orthodox churches end of XVIII - early XX centuries, Muslim mosques and patent pile . All these monuments are told about the religious life of the multinational population of the republic over the centuries.

In Udmurtia, many places that would cost to visit. Of course, on these pages it is impossible to highlight them all. In the Republic hundreds of architectural monuments, stories and culture . In addition, you are waiting for and ski complexes , and different clubs : aero, paragliding riding, I. excursions on the motor ship, and wonderful fishing, and all kinds of tourist routes, and many many others. But most importantly: you are waiting for a welcoming owners and unforgettable impressions.

The republic is located in the western part of the Middle Urals, in the pools of the Kama and Vyatka rivers. The territory of Udmurtia is a low plain, folded by sedimentary upper-perm, having a total decrease in the north to the south and from east to the west. It is part of the Russian platform and the western wing of the buried pre-Ural deflection. The highest point is 332 meters, located in the north-east of the republic in the Verkhnekam's elevation. The lowest point of the republic is 51 meters, in the southwestern part, almost on the border with the Republic of Tatarstan, in the floodplain of the river Vyatka.

The eastern half of the republic represents the elevated zone of the vast upright shaft - a weakly pronounced tectonic raising extending in the direction close to the meridional. The western part of the territory is formed by the gentle external slopes of this shaft, transformed by denudation processes. In the north-east of the republic is a Verkhnekamskaya elevation. The absolute marks of the area are achieved here 323-330 m. The area is distinguished by a significant interaction due to denudation processes, with a drop of heights up to 100 or more meters.

The relief has a significant impact of the composition, the nature of the rocking rocks overlooking the surface, the conditions of the external environment. The morphology of the relief of interdigal spaces is determined by its long-term storage. The relief is exposed to a significant change due to erosion dismemberment and alignment in the climate conditions of glacial eras.

On the territory of Udmurtia on Paleozoic sediments, which are an ancient basis, lie down the deposits of the Perm period and modern quaternary precipitation. The top department of Perm sediments is represented by the deposits of the Kazan and Tatar tiers. Deposit data has widespread development and highlighted elevated water seeds. The depth of the occurrence varies from several meters (on watersheds, in the valleys) to tens of meters (in the bottoms of the valleys). They are represented by a vesting thick of clays, sandstones, aleurolites, limestone, dolomites with a total capacity of about 200-280 meters. Fresh underground waters used for economic and drinking water supply of the city are associated with these deposits.

In addition to the Perm sediments, in the Western and South-Western regions there are areas with uppergenegeneous precipitation, there are triad formations in the northern regions.

The deposits of the Kazan tier are common in the southern regions, where the main mass is isoglyna, sandstones, less often, and very rarely limestone convergence with thickness up to 0.5 m. The deposits of the Kazan tier are very uncompressed by stretching and embracement. It is characteristic of these deposits is that at the base they have a thickness of sandstones to 15-20 m. Then it replaces the sandy-clay thick stratum of red color sediments, and the clay and mergoleous retinue of the red-drier color. The total thickness of these precipitation reaches 100-200 m.

The Tatar tier on the territory of the republic is represented from the lower to the upper horizons with a total thickness of up to 350 m. In general, the deposits of the Tatar tier are represented by the overrelating of red-colored isoglin, aleurites with thin sandstone converges, less frequently mergels and limestone.

Quaternary sediments of various origin are developed everywhere. These are eolois, eluvial-deluel, alluvial and swamp precipitation. Eoliac sediments are developed in the northern and southeastern part of the city territory and locate on indigenous rocks. They are represented as a rule, with rico-seashed sands with a capacity of 2 to 4 m. Alluvial deposits are composed of floodplain and inappropriate terraces of rivers. Alluvius of the onpoint terraces of the IL rivers and bend presented with sands with gravel and pebbles, in the upper part of loam and clays. The total capacity of them from 2 3 to 10-20 m. Elvial-deluel deposits are widespread on water-seated slopes, in the sides of the ravines. Presented mainly by sublinks and clays with a capacity of 1 to 19 m (more often than 2-5 meters). Swamp precipitations are developed within the floodplain of the rivers and are represented by peat, illuminated 2-4m cylindes.

In the tectonic attitude, the territory of Udmurtia is located within the Volga-Kama Antechylic, one of the major positive structures of the Russian platform. Volzhsko-Kama Antecus extends from the Moscow region to the Urals and from the lower Volga region to Timan; It is limited from all sides by negative structures: Moscow and Caspian syncizes, Ryazan-Saratov, Pre-Ural and predimensional deflection. The stock consists of a number of smaller positive and negative structures. Within Udmurtia are: Tatar arch(expressed in all structural floors); Kaltasin Avlacogen (expressed by crystalline foundation); Verkhnekamskaya Vpadina(expressed in a sedimentary case, in size somewhat more than Caltasin Avlacogen).

In conclusion of the geological characteristics of the republic, it should be highlighted in a brief listing of the main deposits of building materials.

The main resource of the depth of the republic is oil. The explored industrial oil reserves account for approximately 300 million tons, with annual production of 10 million tons. In total, the state balance is taken into account 114 fields of oil, 72 of which are under development, and 32 prepared for industrial development. The largest deposits are Chutura-Kirongopskoe, Mishkinskoye, Gremikhinskoe, Ylannikovskoye, Vyatka, Karsovskoye.

The Udmurt Republic refers to the Volga-Ural oil and gas province. Oilleg works on its territory were started in 1945, and the first oilfields appeared in 1969.

On the territory of the Udmurt Republic, 619 peat deposits with a total reserve of 204.7 million tons were revealed. 4 main peat mining zones are allocated:

Pool Chepsy (Yarshi, Glazovsky, Balezinsky, Kesky, Yukamensky, Debetsky, Krasnogorsky, Gamensky and Sharcan Areas), the largest deposit - Dzzynino;

Swimming pool Killezezi (Selinsky, Sumsinsky, Vawozhsky and Vorinsky districts), the largest deposits - Nurdor Cotty, Orlovskoe, Chibiasur;

Prikamskaya lowland (Zavyalovsky, Votkinsky, Sarapulsky, Kiyasovsky, Kambar, Karakulinsky districts);

The southwestern plain part of the Udmurt Republic, the largest deposit - Karamba-dusty.

Brown and stone coals are mined in the republic. The main coal districts are Cossack (in the Alnash district) and Kambar, coal-eyed layers of which are located at a depth of 1000 - 1500 m. The largest deposit is Nasusurminskoe.

4. solid nonmetallic pi.

In the depths of the country there are also industrial reserves of limestone, dolomites, construction sand and rubble, clay producing bricks, construction stone, sandy-gravel mixture. At the beginning of 2009, the territorial balance of reserves of non-metallic minerals of the Udmurt Republic is taken into account 369 fields and 87 manifestations of minerals, including 433 sections of building materials.

Brief information about the Udmurt Republic

Geographic characteristic

The Udmurt Republic is located in the western part of the Middle Urals in Mezhdiy Vyatka and Kama. Square of the Republic 42.06 thousand square kilometers, which is 0.25 percent of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe Russian Federation.

The distance between the capital of the Udmurt Republic, the city of Izhevsky and the capital of the Russian Federation, the city of Moscow - 1129 km, cities of St. Petersburg - 1904 km, Ekaterinburg - 800 km, Kazan - 395 km.

The Udmurt Republic in the West and the North borders with the Kirov region, in the East - with Perm region, in the south, with Bashkortostan and Tatarstan.

The climate of Udmurtia is moderately continental with a long cold winter, pretty warm summer and well-pronounced transition seasons. The average air temperature in January is 14-16 degrees, in July + 17-19 degrees. For the year it falls on average about 500 - 600 mm of precipitation.

The territory of Udmurtia consists of a series of hills and lowlands. The highest point (332 m) is located on the very northeast of the republic in Verkhnekam's elevation. The lowest point of the republic (51 m) is in the southwestern part, almost on the border with the Republic of Tatarstan, in the floodplain of the river Vyatka.

Development of the economy, especially industry, favors both the location of Udmurtia in the indulgence river basin, and two main railway races that cross the territory of the republic in the latitudinal direction. The total length of railways is 1007.4 km.

The length of public roads is 5982 kilometers, of which 5705 kilometers are automobile roads with a solid coating. Transit gas and oil pipelines pass through the territory of the republic.

In Udmurtia, one of the largest rivers of Russia Kama originates. Here, the origins of one of the two largest tributaries of the Kama Vyatka River, also shipping. Other significant rivers: The tributaries of the whip and killemis, the influx of killemis of the shaft, the tributaries of Kama Izh, Work, Siva.

Almost two thirds of the territory of the republic occupy a dernovo-podzolic soil. Vegetation is rich and diverse. Modern Flora Udmurtia has 1757 species of plants. The main zonal type of vegetation is Taiga.

Udmurtia is located in two subzones, the boundary between them is an imaginary line passing through Vawoz - Izhevsk. The territory of the north of this line is located in the subzone of South Taiga, south - in the subzone of broadly coniferous forests. Currently, more than 40 percent of the territory of Udmurtia is covered with forests. The main forest-forming rocks are spruce, pine, birch, aspen, fir, linden.

Therefore, the relief of the republic alternates the elevations and downsions, which, in turn, are crossed by numerous river valleys, logs and ravines.

On the spaces of Udmurtia, three high-altitude levels are distinguished:
1. Top level with 250 m and more - Verkhnekamskaya elevation
2. Middle level from 180 to 250 m - Mozhgin and Sarapul Hills
3. And the third, low level - the valley of the rivers of the Kama, Chepz, Killemisi

We are interested in, first of all, hill, the highest points of Udmurtia.As well as mountains that have their names and to which many legends are dedicated.

Looking forward, I will say that the mountains, as such, in Udmurtia is still not. And Baygurerase, and Soldyr mountain and Sidorovy Mountains are nothing but a tall river bank.

There are hills, there are hills.Different in its geological origin.

Kaban-Mountain in the Zavyalovsky district on the border with the Winsky district in the forest array side social Point Come. It is the wicked island of the ancient sea with a rich sand-gravel mixture. Such deposits of PGS stretched thread along northern tip Mozhgin's elevation - the village of Pearradi, Rodniki, Malaya Woloric.

There are purely sandy hills, perfectly formed in the form of a drop of water stretched and lying on the surface. Near the village of Sumovs of the Uvina district on the highway "Uva Sumyi" on both sides of the road, such sand hills stretched and cause unhealthy interest among "black diggers": "Doesn't the treasure of Chingiz Khan rest in these hills?" No, not treasure. This is the activities of the winds in the ice age, when, along the boundaries of the edge of the glacier, the studs are freely "walked", forming dunes and vecans of a silent desert. The same classic hill near the new Zyattsy, that on the road "Sellta Game".

Near the former village of Valgurt Vawozhsky district A similar hill in the seventies by the forces of south-ashabable forestry was made forest nut. A whole walnut mountain! Walnings lasted twenty years old, then his young stall linden with birch was irrevocably drowned.

On the territory of Udmurtia, it is customary to allocate five hills:
1. Krasnogorskaya
2. Verkhnekamskaya
3. Tylovayskaya (Tylovaysko-Multanskaya)
4. Mozhginskaya I.
5. Sarapulskaya

The first three is actually one common Verkhnekama hill, go far in Sevra in the Kirov region. We divided it for convenience to areas.

Krasnogorskaya - the Valley of the River Chespz with her left tributaries - Lekuma, loss and sepych. Maximum heights here - 276 M. (der. Tour on the road to Valamaz) and 275 M. (Near Nefedovo and Prokhorovo villages).

Verkhnekamskaya - River River Chepts, within administrative districts of Yarsky, Glazovsky, Balezinsky and Kest.

The last three districts claim the location in the area The highest point of the Udmurt Republic (Flavur). To put an end to the disputes, in May of this year, the expedition enthusiasts drove on cars along a route with an altitude meter and produced the necessary measurements. The championship was given a hill in the Balezzinsky district (on the border with the glazing) near the village of the north with a mark of 332.6 meters! Near another height (Novoseli village) - 332 m. And in some sources it is she named simply!

Kest elevation near the village of Kuliga, where he takes the beginning of the Kama River"Laigrated" the same centimeters - 332 0 meters! How annoying!

The Sharcansky district, also applying for information, has a mark of over 300 meters, but still does not reach the record - 321 meters near the village of Zyuzino. Mount Local referred to as "points" (emphasis on the second syllable, and, more correctly, not "points", but "Totski", where the letter "C" with points).

Sharkan territory Refers to the Tilean Elevation. Here is the geographical center of Udmurtia - Cape Eresthane (height 298 m), from him Ivosk is visible. And here in the latitudinal direction, the heights of about 250 meters were stretched near the village of New Multan (because Tilean-Multan's elevation).

Mozhgin's elevation is more compromised, but height in 250 meters "took"! It stretches along the floodplain of the river and in the upper flow on the right tributary near the village of Lower Skayka elevation of 256 meters. And the maximum height near the previously mentioned small woor-boring - 258 meters - the Mountain "Aleksandrovskaya" on behalf of the former village.

Sarapulskaya elevation combined areas along the right bank of Kama - Zavyalovsky, Sarapulsky, Kiyasovsky and Karakulinsky. Heights are good for 200 meters. With maximum 248 meters near the village of Baykuzino Zavyalovsky district, 244 meters - Red Bor neighboring Tatarstan, next to the zuy key and 231 m near the village of Lyszo Sarapulsky district. Unfortunately, about the Baikuzin Mountain, about her legends, no one could say anything to us.

What, in the end, we have.
Natural hills 250-330 meters high are common to Udmurtia. This is not the shores of rivers, not cliffs. This is precisely an elevation. Some have their own names: "ERSEM", "Points", "Alexandrovskaya Mountain".

Significant to Udmurts, referred to as "Mountains -" Sidorovy Mountains "," Alangasargurese "," Soldyr "is, first of all, the ancient settlements, settlements of people. That is why they have their own name and their legends.

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