Contests games for carnival in the hall. Cheerful script for carnival on the street with contests for everyone

Decor elements 15.10.2019
Decor elements

On Maslenitsa, fun, festivities, fun and feasts have always been in the first place at all times. Also Maslenitsa or Cheese week is famous for pancakes, symbolizing the sun, dishes from them, as well as fish and butter. Each day of Cheese Week has its own meaning and traditions.

Maslenitsa week

Monday - Meeting. The matchmaker, the parents of the husband and wife, gather together for tea. The first pancake cooked on this day is given to the beggar to commemorate the dead.

Tuesday - Games. Previously, traditionally, the bride's bride was held on this day in order to have a wedding after Lent. On this day, friends and relatives get together to spend time together, have fun and have fun.

Wednesday - Gourmets. On this day, the mother-in-law invites to pancakes.

Thursday - Revelry. This day is the most basic and fun. They walk on feasts, ride sleds, ice slides, horses. They dress up in carnival costumes and sing songs. A scarecrow of winter is carried around the winter town.

Friday - Mother-in-law evenings. The mother-in-law goes on a return visit to her son-in-law for pancakes.

Saturday - Zolov's gatherings. On this day, the daughter-in-law invites her husband's relatives to her pancakes. In the city, a scarecrow is installed on the square. The people with songs and games say goodbye to winter, treat themselves to goodies. Then a fire is lit and the effigy is burned.

Sunday - Forgiveness Sunday. Everyone should ask forgiveness from each other.

Fun and Games

The festivities continued throughout the week. For playing places and counters with treats and goodies, a winter town is being built. Maslenitsa fun was held all day and evening. Children, young people, adults and old people took part. Here are the most interesting traditional folk amusements:
1. Snow shooting range. Install wooden targets (meter by meter) on a fence, a dug pole or wall. Concentric circles of different diameters are applied to the shield. The targets are hit by snowballs. You can also make targets from cans or other materials that can be knocked down with snowballs.

2. Horse and rider. On both sides, two people - one horse, the other rider. The task is to knock down both opponents, at least the top one.

3. Roosters. Opponents stand on one leg and try to knock each other down.

4. Parsley fun.

Previously, parsley comedy was very popular. They were shown by parsley several times a day.

The scenes were satirical, instructive, showed the truth of people's lives. They were simple and understandable to everyone, young and old, and always gathered a lot of people. Parsley was characterized long nose and a hump (there could be two of them). He is always dressed in a red shirt, his pants are tucked into boots, he also wears a beautiful cap on his head.

5. Ice column. They dig in a tall pillar, douse it with water for icing. All sorts of gifts are hung on top of it. The participants had to climb this pole for the gifts, but slipped off. The most impetuous and stubborn player who tried to get to the top and get the most valuable gift won.

6. Kalashnikov. Option one. Two people stand opposite each other and beat in turn in the chest of the other until someone surrenders.

7. Kalashnikov. Option two. Two are standing. Sticks are placed behind them. Participants hit each other with force until someone stumbles from the blow or falls behind the stick. Beating in the heart, throat is not allowed. You can't step forward. It is also forbidden to take a hit and dodge.

8. Snow maze. On the site, a labyrinth diagram is drawn in the form of a circle or square. There should be two exits. Then they lay out the inside of the labyrinth of snow and then the walls. The height of walls and partitions should not exceed 1 m. This is done to facilitate the detection of a lost person. The average width is about 90 cm.

9. Ice carousel. A pillar is driven into the ground or frozen with ice. A special wheel is fixed at the top. Several long sticks are attached to the wheel, to which the sled is hooked. The track under the sled is filled with water under the ice. And under the pillar itself, the place is cleared of ice and snow, so that it would be convenient for the guys to spin the carousel. The sleigh is made wide or fastened by two.

10. Tug of war. Two teams pull the rope, standing either facing or with their backs to each other.

11. Three-legged. A pair of participants are tied together with their legs, the left of one and the right of the other. In this position, the players must run to the flag and return to the starting place first.

12. Snow towns. Fortresses are built from snow. Participants are divided into two teams: cavalry - attacks, infantry - defends. The cavalry captures fortresses and, together with the infantry, destroy structures made of snow.

Any Orthodox holiday has its own traditions and customs. The traditional celebration of Maslenitsa is one of the most happy days in a year. In addition, Shrove Tuesday includes a variety of rituals and customs that are still customary to perform.

The culmination of this week is Maslenitsa. On this day, it is not customary to do household chores. It is necessary to gather in squares and parks, take part in numerous ordinary contests and games. A fun celebration of seeing off winter can be arranged on your own. To do this, you will need to prepare in advance a variety of games and competitions for Shrovetide for children and adults.

Shrovetide skating

Skating on Maslenitsa is a traditional pastime. They began to arrange even during the reign of Elizabeth. This is not just fun fun and most often the last opportunity to have a good time on the snowy slopes, but also an ancient rite. It is believed that the more times you slide down the mountain, the higher the flax will be.

The mountain for skiing is equipped with unusual turrets, on which flags are set. Unusual statues made of ice and snow are installed as a barrier on both sides. The rides are extremely fun. They can arrange competitions for the most unusual vehicle to go down the hill. On the slides can also be arranged funny contests to the longest chain of people leaving, as well as to the exit for the longest distance.


A popular game at the Shrovetide festivities, in which young girls and marriageable parks take part. All sections are taken by hand, forming a corridor. The task of the site-guy is to take a run and jump as high as possible, and then independently fly as close as possible to the girl you like. If he failed, his comrades can help him get to the chosen one. The main task is to get to the girl and kiss her. If you take too much run-up, you can fly over, so not everyone can succeed the first time.

snow maze

If the weather is snowy and frosty, you can hold Maslenitsa competitions on the street for children and adults using snow. For example, you can build a maze of snow. This will require a fairly large and snowy area, on which, according to the scheme, you can tread paths with the help of shovels and brooms.

The labyrinth can be either rectangular or round shape, and must necessarily have a separate entrance and exit. Snow from the tracks must be applied to those areas that will be the walls of the labyrinth. The height of the walls must be at least one meter. The higher the height of the walls, the more interesting it is to travel through the labyrinth. After building the labyrinth, you can come up with various contests, for example, for the fastest passage through it.

Bag fight

One of the most favorite Shrovetide fun for men and guys. For the fight, the area where the competition will take place is preliminarily fenced off. The fight takes place between two opponents. Each of them becomes legs and a bag, holding it from behind and pressing it to the lower back. Thus, only one free hand is used for combat.

tug of war

Favorite competition, which is traditionally held at various folk festivals. They organize a tug-of-war on Maslenitsa. However, on this holiday, the participants stand with their backs to each other, and it is in this position that they measure their strength.

ice pillar

Traditional Maslenitsa competition. The column is doused with water so that it is covered with a crust of ice. Gifts are hung at the top of the post. In this case, gifts can be hung at various distances from the ground. The higher the gift hangs, the more valuable it should be.

Everyone in turn tries to climb the pole, but climbing on an icy surface is quite difficult. The game continues until all gifts have been obtained. Holding this competition allows participants to receive valuable and pleasant gifts, and for everyone else to laugh heartily and cheer on the participants.

snow shooting range

A great alternative to the regular dash. Can be used as targets wooden shields, barrel lids or other round objects. The target should be about a meter in diameter, but targets of smaller circumference can also be used.

Draw concentric circles on the target. Shields can be attached to a wall, fence or hung on a pole. Everyone can test their accuracy using snowballs. This fun is absolutely safe, so even children can take part in it. The most accurate participant can be given a prize.

Throwing snowstorm

Very cheerful Russian fun, which is also popular on Maslenitsa. The essence of the competition is that you need to take a broom and throw it as far as possible. You should first draw a line beyond which you cannot go and prepare a runway. The participant who threw the broom furthest should be given a prize. Everyone can take part in the competition, including children.

real men competition

On Maslenitsa, young boys and girls looked after themselves for a couple, so that after the end of the post they would get married. Therefore, the girls tried to pick up a new and beautiful outfit for themselves, and the guys tried to show their strength and skill.

Therefore, all competitions in which young guys can show their strength are so popular. One of them is the competition for push-ups of the kettlebell with the left and right hand. The winner of the competition is the participant who managed to overcome in total nai large quantity once. Before the competition, it is recommended to divide the participants into weight categories, and prepare kettlebells of different weights for each group.

Running on three legs

An excellent competition option for those who are looking for fun Maslenitsa contests. For the competition, those who wish are divided into two teams, and the participants of each team are divided into pairs. Each couple has their legs tied so that the right leg of one participant is tied to the left leg of the other. Thus, it turns out that each pair has all three legs.

A distance is prepared in advance, which is recommended to be marked with flags or other landmarks. A pair on three legs runs to the end of the distance, turns around and comes back. Then the next pair starts to run. The competition is won by the team whose participants finish the run the fastest.

pancake eating competition

If you're looking for pancake contests for Shrovetide on the street, check out the popular pancake eating contest. To conduct it, several participants must be selected in advance. The essence of the competition is to certain time eat as many pancakes as possible. It can be done according to the principle of how many pancakes were eaten in a minute, or how long a certain number of pancakes will be eaten. The winner should prepare a funny prize.

Handkerchief for a girlfriend

Another competition that will help girls and young people show their sympathy. It is necessary to install a gate with an inclined crossbar. On them you need to hang multi-colored handkerchiefs at different heights.

The participants of the competition are unmarried guys. They take turns jumping up to the crossbar to rip off the handkerchief. After that, the guy says the name of the girl he likes, she comes up to him to pick up the handkerchief. If a girl didn't feel the same way about young man, then she did not go out to pick up a handkerchief.

wall to wall

Traditional Shrovetide fun. It consists in the competition of two teams of young people. This is not a fight, but rather bullying and flirting. For an hour, fighters from different teams shout battle cries, taunt opponents and emphasize their advantages. After that, the fighters stand opposite each other, and the duel begins. In the old days, after such fights, the guys left in torn shirts, not to mention the presence of bruises and abrasions. The meaning of the fight was not to inflict serious injuries on each other, but to show their superiority over opponents and throw out energy. The fun was traditionally watched unmarried girls to choose the most courageous and strong man.

Maslenitsa is a bright Slavic holiday that people love to celebrate delicious pancakes. Walking is not complete without dancing, competitions and games. Entertainment this day is very rich, so people celebrate Maslenitsa on a grand scale. An important attribute in all competitions and games is a broom, almost every new competition is accompanied by it. Below are the most exciting and fun games and contests that will give the party a little excitement and intrigue.

Competition "Good hostess"
Several girls are selected for this competition. The task is very simple: they have to peel one potato, sew on one button and dress the doll. However, they are given only two minutes to complete all these tasks. Precisely for such short term, girls must quickly do everything. The winner will be the one that can complete all three points or much more than her rivals.
Competition "Damn it"
This competition is directly related to Shrovetide, because it is necessary to use such words as:
Several children are involved. They need to compose a short poem in rhyme, where it is necessary to use all these five words. If the child has difficulties, parents or friends can help him. However, the winner of the competition will be the one whose poem turns out to be the most beautiful and foldable. It must certainly be taken into account how much adults and friends helped, and whether they helped at all.

Competition "Teschin pancakes"
A very exciting competition in which adults and children can take part at the same time. Several players are selected. Plates with the same number of pancakes are placed in front of them. In just one minute, you need to eat as much of this delicacy as possible. The winner will be the one with not a single pancake left in the plate or much less than the opponents.

Competition "Swing"
The "Swing" competition is a very fun game, and it is better for boys to compete in it. Several participants are selected for the game. For their number, it is necessary to prepare in advance baskets and tennis balls in equal quantities. The basket is tied in the form of a swing. The music begins to play and the boys try to hit the complex "nest" one by one tennis ball, one hit is equal to one point. The winner will be the one who manages to score the most points.

Competition "Running in bags"
Many people's favorite game in bags will come in handy at a fun holiday. All participants are divided into two teams, each of which chooses a song for itself. At the start, the first participant in the bag begins to jump to a certain mark, and in the same way return back. The game continues to be played by the second, then the third, fourth and other team members. During the game, you need to sing the selected song loudly. The team that completes the task faster and performs the song much better will take a well-deserved prize.

Game with chairs
This game is well known to many. Several chairs are used for the game, and players are taken one less. The music turns on, and everyone starts running around the chairs together, and as soon as it stops, the players must take their places on these chairs. The one who has no place left to sit is out of the game along with one chair. And so it continues until the very end, until the winner is determined. For children, this is very funny and fun, and on Maslenitsa it will be much more exciting.
Adults will also like this game with chairs. The essence of the competition does not change, but men must immediately sit on the chairs. Women, who are one more person, run together while the music is playing, and as soon as it stops, they sit on the lap of a loved one or friend. The culmination of the game is the most reckless, when there is only one chair left with a man, around which two women run. At this intriguing moment, it is worth looking into the eyes of this happy man, who will be in great anticipation. The winner will be the pair in which the woman turned out to be more agile than all her rivals.

Game "Geese and geese"
ancient fun game with a minimum of 5 participants. Everyone stands in a circle facing the center and holding hands. The host walks behind them and alternately touches the back of each participant with his hand. To some he says "goose" and to others "goose". If the first word was spoken to the player, then this means that he stands still and does not move. However, if the second, then this means that he must run around all the players and take his former place. The essence of the game is that the host also runs in a circle, and if he runs faster than the second participant, then he transfers his title to him. Now he is the leader. Thus, the game continues.

Broom throw game
Highly funny game for adults and children. Several people are involved. The objective of the game is to throw the broom at a distance. The participant who throws the attribute the farthest will be the winner of the Broom Throwing game.

Game "Brook"
The game "Brook" was the traditional and favorite game of our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. Many people know the meaning of this competition. Girls and boys, young boys and girls take part in the game. Players stand in two rows and hold hands high above their heads. Thus, a living corridor is obtained. One participant who did not get a pair passes under clasped hands and chooses a pair for himself. Usually they are someone who is not indifferent and very nice. After that, the new pair gets up last, and the one who was taken away - the first. Therefore, the same principle continues the whole game. It will be very fun and exciting if there are many participants in the game, and the living corridor is long.

Game "Surprise"
Another fun game called "Surprise". It is a pleasure to take part in it, because the positive will be just the sea. Its very name speaks of something unexpected, but pleasant. The game will require one small box and as many participants as possible. Everyone stands or sits in a circle and picks up this box. The music turns on, and the attribute begins to be quickly transferred to each other. On whom the music stops, he takes off some thing and puts it in this box. This is how the rest of the game continues. When all the participants are practically naked, the rules of the game change a little. Again, a box is passed to the music, and on whom the music stops, he, without looking, takes something from the attribute. The thing that fell into his hands, he must put on himself. It will be a pleasant game for a friendly company that will be able to cheer everyone up a lot.

Game "Sun"
One of the interesting games in Maslenitsa for children younger age the game "Sun" is considered. Participants are divided into two teams and stand in a row. For the competition, you will need two A3 sheets on which a circle will be drawn. You will also need several felt-tip pens for each team. At the start, each of the participants from two teams quickly run up to a sheet of paper and draw one ray at a time. The second, third and all other participants do the same. The winner will be the team in which all participants have time to finish drawing one ray. Such a game instills in even the youngest players the spirit of competition, which causes great intrigue and excitement in them.

The game "Running on a broomstick"
This game will require skittles, which should be carefully arranged in one row. Each participant must sit on a broom and run a snake around the pins as quickly as possible. The winner is the one who copes the fastest and knocks down the least set obstacles.

The game "Iron Potato"
All participants are again divided into two teams and each is given a spoon. Empty bowls are placed in front of the team, and a pot of potatoes is placed nearby. At the start, each participant with a spoon must quickly pick up potatoes and put them in a bowl. The winner will be the team that transfers the most potatoes to their bowl.

Snow Fort game
It often happens that a lot of snow falls on Maslenitsa. Such a miracle should be used and competed, especially if the snow is sticky. There are two teams, each with one adult captain. A little time is given for the construction of a snow fortress and charges. Then the real attack between rivals begins. The game is accompanied by great intrigue and excitement. The winner will be the team that will destroy the enemy fortress faster.

Holiday greetings: Pancake week

The Russian soul is so arranged that as soon as the last New Year's fireworks have died down and the protracted feasts have died down, the people begin to wait for spring. Therefore, the Seeing of the Russian Winter and the Wide Maslenitsa are celebrated so widely and joyfully. These days and those who strictly observe Orthodox traditions and those who do not adhere to them are happy to overeat pancakes and participate in funny fun and folk festivals. For those who like to add something new to the traditional program of this wonderful holiday, we offer outdoor games and fun on Maslenitsa: some of them are more suitable for small company, others - for mass celebrations.

1. An outdoor game - a scene on Maslenitsa "Pancakes with Caviar"

To conduct this game, you need to prepare incendiary folk music and six chairs (bench) and invite six people to participate in it. Before the start of the scene, distribute the roles and introduce the participants to the audience to the music, at the same time rehearsing their movements and words with each one (it is better not to give cards with words, they will interfere with movement). The leader calls each hero, he expressively says his phrase and demonstrates his movement to the musical passage. Then the facilitator will explain the rules: everyone sits down, the text is read, each time their character is mentioned, the participant gets up and runs clockwise around the chairs, making a characteristic movement and shouting his line, then sits down again. If the word “Pancakes” sounds in the text, everyone jumps up, shouting: “Happy holiday, people!” and run together around the chairs.

There are no winners or losers in this game, even if someone gets confused, it doesn't matter, it's just an excuse to have fun and move around on a holiday.

(The game was invented by analogy with the well-known scene - if the presenter likes the option with cards more, you can distribute the words by removing the movements).

Actors, lines and characteristic movements:

Grandfather: "I want a drink!" - one hand on the back of the head, the other - on the waist

Baba: "I will treat everyone!" - hospitably throws up his hands

Daughter: "Life is good!" - clapping hands

Son-in-law: “The soul unfolded!” - arms at sides

Caviar: "The mouth rejoices!" - thumb shows a gesture: "In!"

Pancakes: "Happy holiday, folks!" - welcome hand gesture

Scene text

Lived - there were Grandfather ... yes Baba ..., lived - did not grieve,

Pancakes for Shrovetide ... loved the oven.

Zyatek .. with Daughter ... to Pancakes ... they came to them,

Caviar ... sturgeon to Pancakes ... brought!

Grandfather... with son-in-law... Pancakes... they take, in Caviar... they dip,

And Baba themselves .. yes Daughter .. are hinting at the holiday!

And Baba ..., know for yourself, bakes Pancakes .. with baking,

As if he and his daughter ... do not understand their hints.

Grandfather ... from anger a little with Damn ... did not suffocate,

Son-in-law .. and even Caviar ... sturgeon choked.

Then immediately Baba. and Daughter ..., they got the liquor

Everyone drank and pancakes with appetite .... they began to eat!

The hut on Maslenitsa is red with love, delicious Pancakes,

Children's laughter, but hostesses with sharp minds!!!

Shrovetide is a special holiday cycle that allows you to fully enjoy a variety of folk entertainment. The number of games, contests and other pastime options can pleasantly surprise you. What options are the most worthy?


Participants should stand in one row and join hands, creating a chain. On the right side, you need to determine the leader, who will run with a change of direction. Other participants must follow the leader. At the same time, only the leader can know the direction of movement. In this regard, the main task is the desire to maintain balance and maintain the chain, but this turns out to be extremely difficult. It should be noted next nuance: players who are far away from the leader find it more difficult to maintain balance, as there is always a risk of unhooking or falling. Despite this, participants who fall are out of the game. The main task is to hold out until the very end.

"Geese and geese".

The game is in contact with folk customs that have existed for a long time. It is known in almost every country in the world, but it differs in names. The game pleases simple rules: Players must stand in a circle facing the center. From the side of the back, the leader should approach each participant, touching the back. Then the participants receive their names, namely "goose" or "goose". If a player has been called a goose, he must remain where he is. If the participant was called a goose, he must move away from his place and run around all those gathered, and then take his place. The difficulty lies in the following: the leader runs around the circle in the opposite direction. The free seat is occupied by the presenter or the player. The one who lost his place must conduct the gameplay according to the above scheme.

Competition "Here, damn it."

This competition is closely related to the attributes of Maslenitsa. Each kid must come up with a poem with certain words, namely: pancake, carnival, winter, spring, sun. If the child has some difficulties with this task, you can ask the parents for help. For this reason, parents can also take the opportunity to enjoy the game. The winner must submit the most interesting and unusual verse. At the same time, one should take into account how active the help of adults was.

Surprise game.

Guests should stand or sit in a circle. The participants then take the box large sizes and begin to transmit it while listening to music. The host can stop the music at any time. The guest who had the box must open it and put his thing inside. After the participants have undressed sufficiently, the box should again start in a circle. Now the rules are changing: each stop of the music requires the participant to put on a thing, but you can’t look into the box. The item will need to be worn for the specified time.

Elephant game.

Elephant is a Russian game that exists long time. Participants can be teenagers or even older. It is important to note that the gameplay is aimed at testing strength and endurance, so boys are of the greatest interest. Girls can also participate if they wish. In any case, the teams must be equivalent. It is important to note that the game not only shows the physical strength of the participants, but also allows you to prepare, improve and even learn how to jump over a goat.

At the very beginning, the players are divided into two teams that have the same number participants and are equal in strength. One team becomes an elephant. The other team should jump on him.

The participant who is the strongest and strongest must stand in front, facing the wall. He leans his hands against the wall, bends and lowers his head. The next player grabs the participant by the belt, hiding his head. All others follow this pattern. They should visually represent an elephant, trying to hold on to each other.

Representatives of the other team will need to take turns running up and jumping onto the back of the depicted elephant. At the same time, you need to try to sit on horseback as far forward as possible, because there should be enough space for the next players. The whole team must remain on the back of the elephant. In this case, you need to stay on your back for 10 seconds.

Now there is an opportunity to switch roles.

Game "Venitsa".

Participants should stand in a round dance, hold hands and begin to slowly move in a circle. Some people can walk inside the circle. Each walker receives his handkerchief, after which he chooses a "victim" of the opposite sex from a round dance. The handkerchief must be spread out in front of the "victim". After that, the participant leaves the round dance, kneels on a scarf. And then there is the kiss. The "victim" receives a handkerchief, and the "walker" must stand in a round dance. For interesting game it takes about 10 - 15 minutes and a few handkerchiefs.

The game "Earth, air, water, fire."

Participants should stand in a circle, in the middle of which will be the leader. The driver must throw the ball to the participants and say the name of one of the four elements. "Earth" means the need to pronounce the name of the animal, "water" - fish, "air" - birds. At the word "fire" all participants must wave their hands. After that, the driver again receives the ball. If the participant did not have time to name the word or made a mistake, you need to “pay” the phantom, after which it becomes possible to continue the game.

Game "Sour cream".

The optimal number of participants is 2-4 people. Players will need 2 plastic jars sour cream, 2 scarves or ropes, a crowd. The competition can be held with the presentation of various prizes. The main goal is to quickly eat sour cream, but at the same time the hands will be kept tied behind. The spectacle promises to be unusual and truly breathtaking!

Competition "Delicious pancakes".

Such a competition is ideally held during the celebration of Maslenitsa. Competitors must make their own pancakes with unusual fillings and present them in a special way on a plate. Other people must guess the prepared stuffing and evaluate the design of the structure. The winner must surprise with their culinary skills and bright, extraordinary design of pancakes.

Competition "3 legs".

Participants should be divided into pairs. Then each pair allows you to tie the legs along following scheme: The right leg of one person is tied to the left leg of another person. The couple in this position must run to the turning flag, and then return to the start line.

Bag fight.

For this competition, you need to fence a small area. Then one arm should remain tightly pressed to the lower back. You can only take action with one hand. To win, you need to be able to move and feel what the enemy is doing. The results largely depend on how the opponent's momentum is used.

Snow maze.

On the site, you first need to draw a square or round labyrinth, providing 2 exits, which are recommended to be placed on opposite parts. Snow must be used to lay out the inner parts of the labyrinth, then the walls. In this case, the height of the walls should not exceed a meter. Only in this case, you can easily understand who got lost in the maze. The optimal width of the passages is from 80 to 100 centimeters. If there is a lot of snow, you can create a labyrinth in a different way: you need to remove the snow with a shovel, and then lay it on different sides moves. Another option is to trample moves on the territory, trying to confuse the participants. In any case, pastime promises to be interesting and exciting.

Snow range.

You can set targets for throwing snowballs. In the form of targets, it is recommended to use shields measuring 1 * 1 meters with inscribed circles, the diameter of which can be 30, 60 or 90 centimeters. Shields must be installed on dug poles. Targets can be hit with snowballs. Such a shooting gallery also allows you to feel the charms of winter.

Ice pillar.

You can put a tall pole that you need to pour over cold water. After the pillar becomes ice, you need to hang a few gifts. Players must overcome numerous obstacles in order to get to the very top and get an expensive present.

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