How to pull the pump out of the well. How to pull a pump out of a well: such useful tips Pull a stuck water column out of a well

Decor elements 25.06.2019
Decor elements

A pump stuck in a well is a major headache for many homeowners. Incorrect actions in such a situation can lead not only to damage to the equipment, but also to the complete loss of the well. Having figured out the question of how to get the pump out of the well, you can save both effort, time, and money.

Why can hardware get stuck at all?

The reasons for which it is not possible to freely pull the pump out of the well may be different. The most frequent among them:

  • sagging cable;
  • well silting;
  • mechanical damage to the pipe walls;
  • foreign objects in the pipe.

And since the gap between the walls of the pipe and the equipment can be only a couple of centimeters, it is simply impossible to see what happened there without special equipment. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the causes of the problem by the symptoms.

To get the pump out of the well, you need a lot of effort and skill - you have to be patient

Videos will help assess the difficulties associated with the workover of the well:

Solutions for jams

Possible situation #1:

  • Symptoms: The pump is stuck in the process of lifting and does not move up despite considerable effort.
  • Diagnosis: This is probably the most common and most easily fixable problem: a slack cable that has wrapped itself around the pump housing.
  • What to do? Carefully lower the pump down, take up any slack in the cable and raise the pump again. When doing this, make sure that the cable, cable and hose do not sag.

Cable sagging is very easy to avoid. It must be attached to the hose with special clamps. Each time the pump is lifted, they will have to be removed and then new ones put in, but these are trifles compared to the efforts to pull out a stuck pump.

Possible situation #2:

  • Symptoms: It is impossible to get a pump out of the well onto the sand, which has served faithfully for several years without any problems.
  • Diagnosis: The well is silted up, the pump is blocked by sediments that can reach several meters.
  • What to do? The structure must be "swinged", carefully acting with a cable. It must be pulled up, then released until the pump can be torn off the sludge. Water will enter the lumen and the sediment will be gradually washed away. The pump can then be carefully removed.

This problem most often occurs if the well has not been cleaned for three to five years. Annual cleaning will minimize the risk of well silting.

To pull the pump out of the well, sometimes special equipment is used.

Possible situation #3:

  • Symptoms: The pump cannot be removed from a limestone well that has not been serviced for a long time.
  • Diagnosis: The situation is similar to the previous case. The wells are not subject to normal limestone silting, so it can be concluded that the so-called "reverse silting" has occurred. Its cause is the excessive deepening of the pump, as a result of which the water around it stagnates. As a result, the calcium and iron salts contained in the water combine with oxygen and turn into a precipitate that accumulates on the pipes and the end of the pump.
  • What to do? Attempts to flush the well to get rid of the plug will not be successful, because the sediment is very dense. As in the previous case, you will have to slowly and carefully swing the pump. At the same time, it is recommended to turn on the equipment so that the water erodes the sediment faster. Further Special attention should be given not only to regular maintenance of the well, but also to the correct placement of equipment in it.

Possible situation #4:

  • Symptom: The pump is stuck in the middle of the well, you may hear the sound of a blow.
  • Diagnosis: The progress of the pump is hindered by damage to the pipe due to the fact that the joint has opened, a dent has formed, the edge is flattened, etc.
  • What to do? In this case, you must carefully give the pump rotary motion. It is possible that the equipment will slip past the dangerous place, but there is no guarantee that the problem will be successfully solved.

Possible situation #5:

  • Symptom: The pump suddenly got stuck in the middle of the well.
  • Diagnosis: Some object was dropped into the well (a bolt, a pebble, etc.), which fell into the gap between the pump and the wall and jammed the equipment.
  • What to do? The most reasonable thing in this case is to call a team of specialists, since the probability of coping with the problem on your own is negligible.

"Folk recipes" for a stuck pump

In an attempt to save on the services of the brigade and independently resolve the issue of how to pull the pump out of the well, the owners of summer cottages turn out to be very resourceful. Often this is expressed in energetic, but completely wrong actions, such as:

  • Excessive force that breaks the cable or hose. All operations to remove a stuck pump must be done very carefully. Even when installing equipment, you should purchase high-quality steel rope that can bear the increased load.
  • Use of crampons and hooks and other similar devices to pull out a pump with a broken cable. If they break off and remain in the well, the task of removing a stuck pump will become several times more difficult.
  • Attempts to move a stuck pump with a crowbar tied to a rope or cable. Experts consider the scrap that has fallen into the well to be the most reliable "killer" of the well. Restoring its normal operation in this case is almost impossible.

And yet, several "power" techniques invented by craftsmen can be effective. For example, you can select a cable and fix it in a taut state. Periodically, the cable is tapped, if after that slack appears, the cable is selected, pulled, tapped again, etc. The procedure can take several days.

Accessories must be securely fixed with a cable so that they do not fall into the well

Another method is to push the pump down with a weight. To do this, take a piece steel pipe suitable diameter, about a meter long. A metal “ear” is welded to the top of the pipe, on which a separate cable is fixed. After that, the cable, cable and pump hose must be passed inside this pipe.

The structure is lowered down so that, under its weight, the pump is moved from its place. When this happens, you need to carefully pull out all the components from the well at the same time: both the pump and a piece of pipe. It is worth considering that the weight of the device can reach fifty kilograms.

If the pump is stuck tightly, and it was not possible to move it by any means, it remains only to contact the specialists. Using special equipment, such as an underwater video camera, they will be able to accurately diagnose the problem and suggest optimal solution. However, it should be remembered that such services are very expensive. In addition, not every well with a stuck pump can be saved. Proper well design and construction, the use of quality materials and regular maintenance will help prevent many problems.

Wells are an obligatory element of water intake workings and autonomous sources of water supply. The situation when the pump is stuck in the well is a common failure. Pulling it out of the barrel without damage is the main task in the repair process. The success of the work depends on whether the features of the causes of failure, the parameters of the mechanism and the condition of the casing are taken into account.

Wells and breakdown features

For water extraction, two types of wells are common: artesian or “on limestone”, reaching deep horizons (for industrial scale) and shallow "on the sand", found on household plots for private use of owners of cottages and houses. They use submersible pumps. various characteristics. The mechanism can be powerful with a complex design or simple, which is pulled out by hand.

The space in which the equipment operates is limited - from its outer edge to the walls casing pipe the distance is about 1 - 2 cm. For subsequent repairs or maintenance, it is important to pull it out without damaging either it or the casing.

Usually, a breakdown occurs when you try to pull the equipment to the surface for any manipulations with it: maintenance, repair, replacement. Arises hopeless situation when the pump is not working and cannot be pulled out, so the water source is completely blocked.

Less commonly, the unit can get stuck when lowered into an autonomous source of water intake, as a rule, this occurs due to incorrect selection of its size in relation to the diameter of the pipe or the presence of foreign objects in it.

Causes of jamming

There are several factors leading to failure. Here is their list:

  • slack or broken cable
  • well "on the sand" silted up
  • deposits appeared in the artesian source
  • casing walls are damaged
  • foreign objects inside the well
  • pump misalignment

Without special equipment, it is impossible to look into the pipe and find out why the pump is stuck in the well, but the cause can be determined by knowing the characteristic "symptoms" of each situation.

NOTE! Before starting the repair, it is necessary to stop the operation of the well completely so as not to break the cables and not lose the mechanism at depth. All manipulations are performed with moderate effort - the rash use of brute force is fraught with a worsening of the situation

Sagging, broken cables

If the cable is pulled harder and harder, and at a certain point it is fixed, most likely it has sagged and wrapped around the pump housing.


  1. The pump sinks to the bottom
  2. Choose the slack of the cable, align the loop by slowly swinging it and pulling it up
  3. When lifting the unit only with a cable, take into account that in addition to it there is also an electric cable and a hose. All three elements need to be synchronized with each other, that is, they must be pulled together, pulling them evenly - so they do not sag and a loop does not form
  4. All three elements are tightened with clamps after 1 - 1.5 m
  5. Slowly raise the mechanism itself

To prevent sagging and breakage of cables, it is necessary to fix them with clamps so that a single force line. Tie-downs need to be changed every time you pull/dive.

Silting, sediment accumulation

An excessive accumulation of silt occurs when a sandy-bottomed spring is rarely or improperly exploited. In this case, all cables are pulled evenly, but the pump is firmly stuck in the well.

The problem is solved simply: by slightly rocking the pump in different sides, alternating tension and loosening of the cable, as well as its periodic raising and lowering. Water enters the lumen, the deposits gradually dissolve. At the same time, blurring is additionally applied.

If the development has not been operated for a long time, then the silt can harden. Then it's washed out with a fire hose or flexible hose. They sink to the bottom of the source, the water supply is turned on under pressure - the deposits are washed out

Hard sediment on the walls of casing pipes, as well as on the pump of artesian workings, is much more difficult to remove. There are ways to get a stuck pump in this case:

  • rinsing with high pressure water. The method is appropriate if there are few deposits and they can be washed out;
  • pour cheap folk remedies against scale: acetic, citric acid. They are diluted with water, poured into the pipe. It is desirable to use substances that are neutralized or washed out over time without harm to humans, like the two indicated liquids. The method is good to use if you plan to replace the pump, as there is a significant drawback: if you use concentrated acids for a long time, then the parts may become unusable;
  • application chemicals against scale. Suitable are those that are used in everyday life to eliminate deposits on household utensils. Disadvantage: high cost, as it will be required a large number of substances. The modern chemical industry can offer mixtures that are minimally harmful to humans and the environment, with a narrowly targeted action only against scale.

Sometimes it is necessary to repeat the procedure for applying scale-corroding agents 2-3 times in order to wash out all layers of deposits. During operation, the equipment turns on so that the movement of water erodes the sediment

Washing out of deposits takes from 2 hours to 2 days. In the process, you need to check whether the unit is freed by swinging it. To prevent damage, the source and its filters are periodically cleaned.

Pipe damage

If the device rises easily to a certain point, and then it stops, a sound of impact is heard and it becomes clear that some kind of obstacle prevents it from moving, the casing pipe may be damaged. The typical types of faults are:

  • dent
  • edge deformation
  • welded seams have overall irregularities, roughness
  • joint displacement

Example of a bad weld

The problem of how to pull the pump out of the well in this case is solved by turning it slightly, gently changing position with a slight tilt at the same time. An important point here are moderate efforts: you need to move, tilt a little bit, otherwise the cable may break and the structure may fall. It is not recommended to try to drag the unit through the problematic segment using brute force, then it can jam tightly. There are more chances of success when the diameter of the structure is much smaller than the cross section of the pipe - then the room for maneuvers inside increases.

It makes sense to try to pull the pipe itself up to the damaged link if the obstacle is close to the surface

Third Party Items

Various objects inside the mine - tools, fasteners, bolts, any debris - cause jamming. These objects fall into the gap between the pump and the wall of the shaft, blocking the equipment.

Often the hole becomes littered in the process of lifting the pump to the surface, so it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness around the mine.


  • gently move the structure inside the well - the object will fall down, making way for it
  • sometimes going down is possible, but not going up. Then you need to lower the unit down and try to pull out the garbage with a net, hook, wire, rope with a loop
  • try to push the object with a crowbar, stick or rigid cable. This is a dangerous operation as there is a risk of damage to the machine itself.

If these measures did not help, it is worth stopping trying and calling specialists - this will save the equipment.

Distortion inside the pipe

The equipment may warp for the following reasons:

  • cable slack
  • strong jerk of the rope intended for lifting
  • lifting by means of an electric cable or hose, which created an uneven position of the structure

Signs of skew: upward movement occurs without delay, but at a certain point it is tighter and slows down completely, while there is no sound of knocking on an obstacle.

To remove the breakdown, before removing the pump from the well if it is stuck, it is necessary to loosen the cord and lower the pump down a little so that it takes its original position. Then, pull it up again. It is necessary that all cables - electric wire, hose, cable - be in the same position, since excessive tension on at least one of them leads to skew. By manipulating them, it is necessary to achieve right position device.

The described method is suitable if the equipment freely walks inside to a certain place and falls down. If it does not move, it is necessary to call specialists who will extract using special tools.

lifting cable break

The most difficult case is a breakage of a cable designed to lift equipment. You can try to lift the pump only with a hose or electric cable if they are not broken, but be aware that they are weaker and can easily break.

There is The best way, if other cables are intact, but you need to act quickly before the weight of the pump breaks them. It is necessary to take a strong rope, tie a metal hook to its end, with which to try to hook the structure. When pulling out, the position must be adjusted with other cables, they will also serve as a safety net.

If all cables are broken when the pump falls into the well, the following method is used. A hook in the form of a corkscrew is welded to the end of the metal rod. It is lowered, screwed into the body of the unit and raised. This method is laborious, its minus is that the mechanism will be unusable after extraction.

critical situations

If the development has exhausted its resource, and attempts to pull out the pump are unsuccessful, then it is appropriate to mothball it and drill a new well. The cardinal method is crushing a stuck pump with a special drilling rig and extracting it in parts.

With independent repair work the following must be taken into account:

  • excessive force will break the cables;
  • you can pull out a stuck mechanism using “cats”, hooks, and other devices, but there is a risk of a breakdown and fall of the suspended structure during pulling out. If the pump falls into the well to the bottom, it can break all the cables or be fatally damaged due to a fall. After that, pulling it out will be much more difficult;
  • an attempt to move the pump with a suspended crowbar is the most common way to disable the equipment, as well as the entire production as a whole. A fallen scrap is guaranteed to render it inoperable. After that, it is extremely difficult to restore work. Should not be doing that.
  • after purchasing the pump, you need to replace the cable from the factory with a stronger steel
  • fasten all cords so that there are no distortions, use stainless steel clamps
  • the recommended diameter of the pump should be less than 2/3 of the pipe section
  • hose from several pieces is risky to use
  • the head will protect the well from falling debris

An example of a fastening method submersible pump

Permissible force manipulations:

  • in a situation where deposits interfere, the cable is selected, fixed in a taut position, and periodically tapped. Further, they wait for some time until it weakens and choose the slack. The procedure is repeated many times;
  • an “ear” is welded to a piece of steel pipe, to which a reliable rope is attached. Then, all pump cables are passed through the pipe. The structure, the weight of which can reach 50 kg, is lowered down in order to push the unit down under its weight. After that, everything is pulled out. The bottom line is to pull all the cables evenly, tightening if any is sagging or lowering it too tight.

Excessive force will damage the pump or deform the pipe. First of all, the craftsmen recommend pulling the cable a little, lowering and pulling it out. They do this several times. This method helps, even if it seems that the mechanism is stuck tightly. When the cable sags, the structure is lowered to the bottom, then, shaking it, the loop is removed.

How to get the pump out of the well yourself if the cable breaks or the device is stuck in the casing. In both cases, you first need to correctly determine the cause, eliminate it, and only then raise the device to the surface. So that the water-pumping device does not remain in the well forever, it must be lifted correctly. Haste and unprofessional actions can disable the entire well, which will require major repairs or the construction of a new water intake.

It may be necessary to remove the pump from the depth for repair or replacement. Also, pumping equipment needs to be dismantled before cleaning the well. If the device comes out of the pipe with difficulty or does not move at all, there may be several reasons:

  • Overgrowing of the inner walls of the pipe with lime deposits or silt adhering to them. The latter settles on the walls during long periods of inactivity hydraulic structure.
  • The ingress of foreign objects into the water source, which can get stuck between the device and the inner walls of the pipe, blocking the upward movement of the pump;
  • Sagging electric cable. Ideally, the electrical cable and the cable should have the same tension - for this, when lowered in depth, they are connected to each other using special clamps. If the cable is lowered without this fixation, it can sag and form a loop below the pump or wrap around it. It is these loops that will interfere with the free exit of the device from the well.

In the situations described above, the integrity of the main safety cable is preserved. With its help, you will have to lift the pump, having previously eliminated the cause of the jamming.

Pulling the borehole pump with a cable

How to get the pump out of the well with a working cable

This situation can only arise in shallow wells"to the sand". If the inside is overgrown with silt, which, when dried, turned into a solid substance, then it must first be soaked. To do this, water is poured into the pipe in small portions (1-2 buckets) through the head, and the pump is swayed to the sides with a cable. After a while, the softened sludge will drain from the side walls of the device to the bottom and the device can be pulled out. It can take from several hours to a day to soak the silt, depending on the degree of overgrowth of the well.

Overgrown with limestone

This situation occurs in limestone wells, which are very deep in themselves, plus limestone dissolves much worse than silt. You can get the pump out of the well on your own by acting on the deposits with special household means for descaling kettles, dishwashers or washing machines. Dry powder must be dissolved in the amount indicated on the pack hot water and pour the solution into the head of the well. Simultaneously with pouring the solution, turn on the pump so that the water around it begins to boil. If you pour a lot of solution, and this will require 10-20 packs of descaler, then the limestone will begin to dissolve, and the device can be pulled to the surface without any problems. If the experiment is not successful the first time, it should be repeated several times every 5-6 hours.


In case of foreign objects

How to get the pump out of the well in this case? Only by swinging the pump in the hope that a stone or other obstacle will slide down and stop preventing the pump from being pulled out. You can try to lower a separate long rigid cable into the well with a metal rod attached to the end. With this rod, you need to try to push the barrier down. To avoid foreign objects getting into the mouth of the well, it must be securely closed.

When the electrical cable sags

When the cable sags, it is necessary to act according to the following algorithm:

  1. With the help of a safety cable, lower the device to the very bottom and very carefully try to align the loop. To do this, the cable must be swung in different directions, while pulling it up.
  2. Align the tension of the cable, rope and water hose. It is better to do this with an assistant who will pull all three elements away from the mouth.
  3. In the place farthest from the neck, fix three long components together. Fixation should also be made in other places of their parallel arrangement. Fasten the cable, cable and hose with clamps every 1-1.5 m.
  4. Pull out the pump and connect together those parts of the cable, cable and hose that were in the depth.

Pulling the pump out of the depth and equalizing the tension of the cable, cable and hose using clamps

How to get a broken pump out of a well

Rope break is the most difficult case. If in the situations described above the device is pulled out precisely with the help of a cable, then if it breaks, you will have to pull on the water supply hose or on the electric cable. They are also attached to the instrument, but are not intended to be subjected to significant physical force. You can use this method if the pump in the well "walks" freely and has a small weight. If it is heavy, then it is better not to risk it, lower a strong rope with a metal hook tied to it into the pipe. With this hook it is necessary to hook the pump and pull it up. In this case, the hose and cable can be used as a safety net if the hook comes loose.

Get it borehole pump you can do it yourself if you know exactly the cause of the jamming. Since the device is located at a depth, it is almost impossible to diagnose it yourself. Incorrect actions when lifting the device are also fraught with serious consequences. To prevent this from happening, you should turn to professionals - they have special video equipment for diagnostics. Having determined the cause of the pump stuck, specialists will remove it from the depths using professional tools.

A submersible pump operating in a water well sometimes has to be taken to the surface for repair, preventive maintenance, replacement with new or more powerful equipment. If the source is equipped correctly, and you periodically check the condition of the device and its mounting, there are no problems with this. But if it so happened that the pump got stuck in the well, how to pull it out without damaging anything and without breaking the cable?

Causes of the problem and solutions

Can you name one common cause, due to which the pump becomes difficult or even impossible to get out of the well. This is a failure to comply with the technological requirements for the construction of the well itself and the attachment of equipment in it, as well as improper operation of the water source. If the instructions were strictly observed during these works, the dismantling of the device will be easy and simple.

What leads to such consequences?

Sand well silting

But it is even more important to equip it correctly, starting with the manufacture of the casing, which should be perfectly straight, with smooth inner walls.

  • Install a nozzle in the well of such a diameter that the gap between its body and the walls of the pipe is sufficient. It will cost more than larger analogues, but its price cannot be compared with the cost of equipping a new well.
  • For installation of submersible equipment, use only a strong, high-quality stainless steel cable, securely attaching it to the device.
  • Neither the suspension nor the pressure hose must be spliced ​​from separate sections. They can disperse when lifting the pump, the pieces will fall down and jam it, preventing free movement.
  • To prevent the electrical cable from sagging, attach it with clamps to the hose before starting to lower the device into the well.

Note. Do not tie the cable to the suspension cable - the clamps from it can fly off under strong tension.

  • To prevent foreign objects and debris from getting inside the well, install a special head on it (see), tightly closing the mouth.


The video in this article will show you how to proceed if you cannot get the pump out of the well. If this problem has not touched you yet, re-read the above tips again and think about what you can do to prevent this from happening in the future.

Submersible pumps, which are used to supply water from wells on the site, periodically need preventive maintenance. It also happens that the equipment needs to be obtained for small emergency repairs. The rise of the device is also due to the replacement of the unit with a model that is more powerful. This need arises over time, when the old device has served its time.

The operation to remove the submersible pump is not always successful, and downhole pipe sometimes it turns out to be a place where the pump simply gets stuck. Sometimes the equipment gets stuck, and the owners of the site, faced with such a problem, do not know what to do so as not to break the cable.

The main causes of jamming

If the equipment is stuck, how to pull the downhole pump out of the well? First you need to understand the main reasons why such a nuisance can occur. Usually they are caused by the human factor.

During the installation of the pump, the technological requirements for fixing the elements of the device may be violated. Sometimes it also happens that the quality of their manufacture is subject to requirements that were not met. In this case, a favorable outcome cannot be expected, which manifests itself during the dismantling of the pump.

What to do if the cable sags

If you are also faced with the question of what to do if the pump is stuck in the well, first you need to figure out the reasons. Sagging electrical cable is the most common. In this case, the cable ends up in a loop, which is wrapped around the equipment case. At the same time, it is not worth pulling the device with all your might, since this will definitely not lead to success, but the cable may simply break. In this case, it is quite difficult to do something on your own.

You can try to push the device back. You can do this on your own. You can try again if you feel weak. In this case, you need to start a leisurely ascent. It is better to prevent the described situation than to try to fix it. In order not to encounter sagging electrical cable, you should fasten it with clamps to a hose or pipe. And this must be done at the stage of system installation. It is not recommended to fix the cable to the cable, as the clamps can fly off during operation. When lifting equipment, you must ensure that the cable and hose come to the surface at the same time. It is important to eliminate the slack in one or the other.

Well silting

If the "Kid" pump is stuck in the well, silting may be the reason for this. This happens quite often when the water source is not used for a long time. As a result, a layer of silt is formed, which becomes an obstacle in the way of the equipment.

If you encounter a similar problem, then you should swing the unit. During this, the device can be lowered or raised. This will lead to the fact that the water will begin to wash away the deposits, and the road to the top will be freed up, which will allow the device to be removed outside. You should not rush at the same time, showing excessive activity. Indeed, otherwise, deaf jamming of the unit may occur.

If the pump is stuck in the well, you can understand how to pull it out only after you determine the cause. If it is accumulated sludge, then you can use in a non-standard way fight him. Firefighters should be involved in solving the problem, who can wash away the deposits with a sleeve. The sleeve is lowered into the well. When the pump is released, you will be able to understand this, because it will smoothly go up. In order to exclude silting of the well, it is necessary to subject it to preventive cleaning with a certain frequency, which is once every three years.

Overcoming a complex solid obstacle

If the pump is stuck in the well, you can understand how to get it if you determine the cause yourself. It sometimes becomes a solid obstacle, which can be considered a rather complex barrier. If such an obstacle is encountered on the way of the device, then you can find out about it by a characteristic knock. The congestion will perform the function of a wedge, and sometimes it acts as:

  • flattened edge of the pipe;
  • marriage in the assembly of the column;
  • burrs from the weld;
  • dent in the pipe.

The latter may occur due to soil movements. As for the burrs, this is the problem of the team that worked on the well. The reason may also be the marriage of the sedimentary column, which is expressed in axial displacement, when the threaded connection or welding is performed poorly. With such an obstacle, the pump will freely pass down, but it will not be able to move up.

If you have a well for water, and the pump is stuck in it, then you can solve the problem by rotating the equipment using a pipe around its axis. At the same time, the obstacle that stood in the way can be bypassed. But the probability of freeing the device by movement is not one hundred percent. Success can be one-time. However, it is still worth a try, because in each specific situation the problem can be resolved in this way.

Sometimes a situation occurs in which a solid obstacle falls into the well. They are a tool, a foreign object or a fastener part. In this case, the pump stops during a sharp rise. You will find out about this unexpectedly. When the device gets into the gap between the pump and the well wall, a solid object will not allow the equipment to be removed, which is the cause of the jamming.

In this case, the downward stroke will remain free, while the upward gaps will vary depending on the selection of the cable. Experts advise calling professionals to solve such a problem, because only with the help of the appropriate equipment it will be possible to remove the interference.

Reverse siltation

If the pump is stuck in the well, you can find out how to get it if you read the article. Among other problems, one can single out the effect of reverse siltation, which is observed where the well is located in limestone soils. During prolonged operation, the sedimentary layer will grow over the place where the equipment is located. As a result, a blockage is formed. In order to stop this process, the well must be cleaned every three years.

A stuck pump with a broken cable can be removed using metal fixtures with pins. In the people they are called a cat. The pump can be hooked, which is considered a great success. You will be able to grab the end of the hose or cable, then the equipment can be pulled up.

In order to push the pump down, some inventors use a crowbar tied to a rope. You should reinforce it firmly enough so that it does not stay inside when you throw it. So you can act in the case of an old device that is not intended to be used further. The probability of damage to the unit is very high, but work this technique maybe with a small depth of the device.

If the pump is stuck in the well, then you can use a pipe to which the ear is welded. A cable, cable or hose is passed through the pipe, and then the device is lowered on a separate cable inside. Under the pressure of the weight, the equipment will be able to slip down and hang on the cable. At the same time, the pipe and pump should be pulled to the surface. The weight of the structure can reach 50 kg, so for the work it is necessary to enlist the help of another person.

If the pump is stuck in the well, and its suspension has not been broken off, then with force extraction, you can fix the equipment in a taut form and tap it periodically. When there is a loosening of the cable, you can re-tighten it and knock again. These actions are repeated for several days. The method is suitable only for especially patient masters, but will be crowned with success only in individual cases.

How to prevent the problem

In order to prevent the pump from getting stuck in the well, you can try to prevent such a situation. To do this, you should not save on the quality of the cable. For hanging submersible equipment, you should purchase fasteners and a cable made of of stainless steel. Inside the well, it is not recommended to use pieces of cables and hoses that are spliced ​​together. When lifting, weak points can disperse, and fragments can be bent and cause the device to jam.

It is recommended to purchase a pump so that it has a minimum diameter for a particular well, which will increase the gap between the walls and the housing. Small thickness pumps are more expensive than larger counterparts, but when comparing the difference in cost with the price of a new well, purchasing a thin device becomes profitable.

What else is important to remember

Replacing the pump will reduce the chance of it seizing in the future. It is recommended to install a cap on the well, which was made in the factory. It must be mounted in such a way that it is located as close as possible to the walls of the pipe. This detail will prevent debris and random objects from getting inside.


If the pump gets stuck in the well, then many craftsmen begin to come up with sophisticated ways to solve such a problem. The high cost of the services of those firms that are engaged in this direction pushes them to this. Sometimes the cost of the work of a specialist of such a company reaches the cost of installing a new well. To save the budget, you must try to do everything possible to prevent jamming of the equipment or try to solve the problem yourself, which, however, is not always possible.

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