Do the gravitational waves stretch light? Why gravity moves at the speed of light.

The buildings 20.09.2019
The buildings

Who walks in the afternoon, he does not stumble

because he sees the light of this world;

and who walks at night, stumbles,

because there is no light with him.

(Gospel from John 11 9)

Since, gravitational waves cannot be found, despite the theoretical and technical tricks of science, and the omnipresent gravity pursues us truly at every step, then there is some inconsistency, a contradiction or simply misunderstanding of the gravitational interaction process. In this regard, there are several questions.

  1. Gravity is an elusive ghost, then she must manifest itself like a ghost - then appear, then disappear; But no, she is present hourly, every second - constantly!
  2. Gravity has its own, specific laws, unknown physicists; But the reactions of gravitational manifestations are completely forced and have long been investigated, in addition, the law of the World Actuation is open almost three and a half ago.
  3. Gravitons are born by more subtle, graviton and responsible for its existence, but then they must have their own specific parameters and completely not like photons.
  4. Gravity is under the control of already open physical laws, But science does not understand how to extend them to work the mechanism of grave.

Here are four questions on the same topic, what will prefer?

The first I resolutely discard, because of contradictions.

The second and the third I also discard. For what reason? - I like the fourth. And in such logic of reasoning there is no choice, and there is no place for disputes, in one word - voluntarism. But if you discard jokes, then, really, what to argue. If the gravitational force is constantly present and this force first measured Cavendish in the distant 1798, then say that gravity is valid for its laws, unknown science, I think is not entirely correct. Therefore, I leave only the fourth item, i.e. The action of gravity is carried out according to the well-known laws of physics and it remains only to understand this action.

Many physicists already at the turn of 19-20 centuries led to the fact that all laws of nature are open and in the 20th century they will not have to break the head and open something new. It remained to rest on the laurels of science, and only occasionally make minor amendments to physical constants in the light of more accurate measurements. Alas! I do not have to rest on the laurels, at the same time, I believe that the laws responsible for gravity have long been open.

So why start? Such rhetoric always leads to dances from the stove. What you say here, live in the north.

And the stove, now for all the people of the earth and everything alive on it, in the literal and figurative sense, is the sun, in one word - the star! ! Planets are held in their orbits with great strength, and this force is transformed from the energy of the Sun. We say the sun - an inexhaustible source of energy. In this stream of solar energy is the main source of gravitational radiation. Let's look at our luminaries at this angle of view, but first clarify what energy it generates.

The sun eats charged particles, radio waves, ultraviolet, x-ray and gamma radiation. X-ray and gamma radiation are a small percentage of the total amount of energy and it almost does not reach the surface of the Earth, because absorbed by the atmosphere of the Earth. The main energy into the "Atmosphere - Earth" system comes in the form of spectral wave radiation in the range from 0.1 to 4 microns. At the same time, in the range of 0.3 μm to 1.5-2 microns, the Earth's atmosphere is almost completely transparent for this radiation.

It can be argued that the main source of the energy of the Sun is light, light photons that are transformed into warmth.

It has been proven and estimated that the planets are held in their orbits with the help of great strength, for some reason they are still called it, about her "weakness" was told in the previous article ".

This force should be transformed from the energy of the Sun. Based on what energy the sun supplies us, we will write several postulates:

Postulate №1: Heat - gravitational energy generator.

Postulate # 2: The inferior carrier are photons (electromagnetic waves (EMV)).

Postulate # 3: All electromagnetic waves transfer gravity! Electromagnetic waves - gravitational waves!

For simplicity, we write: gravity is light!

Postulates to write easily, the reader will notice. But here I will immediately say - it is not easy, not even easy. Before writing it, you need to approach it, approach such a distance that allows you to consider this phenomenon with a naked eye. Then the toolkit can also be applied to evidence.

Let's start-with, with generalizing the laws of nature and their parents. Naturally, the first in this non-numbered list is the law of World Newton, its mathematical formula. In order to get to the truth, for the initial reasoning, we will need part of this formula, namely, its denominator - r 2.. When generalizations begin, it is not for nothing that it is said that everything is necessary to lead to a "common denominator" - the strength of the gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the gravitating bodies.

F \u003d 1 /r 2..

We analyze similar laws famous physicsin which the denominator stands in the denominator. We will hope that at the beginning of the 21st century, key laws of physics are really open and are known. Therefore, you need to carefully look at all this legitimate economy at a certain angle of view, namely, under the sight of gravity.

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    The land does not have the property of attraction of bodies. It is compressed, rotates and moves in orbit magnetic energy.
    From academic textbooks in physics, it is known that, the earth and space bodies have the property of attraction,
    At the same time, the Earth and all cosmic bodies move along inertia. The basis for this theory is the "Law of World Heavydon". Based on this law, thousands of contradictions arose in physics theory!

    1) If we assume that all the bodies move on inertia, the question arises! What power gave the primary impetus for the initial movement to all cosmic bodies in the amount of many galaxies, according to the orbits defined for them?
    2) the statement that the beginning of everything was an universal explosion, this contradicts logical thinkingSince, before exploding (expanding), all matter must first be compressed! At the same time, without counteraction, there can be no effect! Since, before the explosion occurred, when compressed, it should be resistant to the strength of compression. And when the explosion, the expansion force must be rendered. Otherwise, voltage cannot occur in compression and expansion (explosion)
    3) Therefore, in nature there are two primary forces that affect all the bodies, these magnetic waves of expansion and magnetic compression waves. Example!
    Two aircraft weighing 500 tons. At the same time, from one airfield soared at a speed of 1000 kilometers per hour. One to the east, and the other west. One hour later, they both landed at a distance of 1,000 kilometers from the point of take-off! The question arises, why, after all, the linear speed of rotation of the Earth, on the latitude of Moscow, is approximately equal to 1000 km / hour.? Consequently, the plane that flew to the east was moved to the space, at a speed of 2000 km / hour. That is, the speed of the aircraft and the magnetic space of the atmosphere at the same time, consisted. And the plane, which flew to the west, was bored with the relationship of space, in one place! That is, this plane, could not overcome the speed and strength of the oncoming energy. Obviously, in this example, you can change, in the direction of increasing, and the mass, and the speed of aircraft. At the same time, the result will be the same! It follows from this that the linear speed of rotation of the atmosphere significantly exceeds the speed of rotation of the Earth, while the atmosphere compresses the Earth with a force of 1.33 kg. on the elementary particle, not on cm2! We must understand! If the linear speed of rotation of the atmosphere exceeds linear speed Earth, therefore, the Earth rotates due to the energy of rotation of the atmosphere, and not on the turn! Since it is obvious that the electric train is moving, due to electromagnetic energy, and not electromagnetic energy moves due to the train! Otherwise, the theory contradicts the law of nature! We also need to understand that these waves arise as a result of energizing by billions of stars and our sun in the space to meet each other. That is, all the stars and the sun exchange their energy. And the movement of this energy occurs due to the difference in magnetic voltage potentials in space.
    Output! 1) Earth, like all cosmic bodies, as well as a galaxy, compressed, rotates and moves in space as rotated and moves the magnetic sphere of the universe space! Alexey Mishnev.

    ATP for advanced comment, but your interpretation of gravitational interaction dispels with mine. Read all gravity articles, you may need to change the point of view on this problem. Watch out for new publications.

    Gravity issues

    To solve the issue of gravity, it is necessary to find out - where does mutual attraction or grave come from material tel. From the practice, we know that in addition to falling on Earth - attraction, gravity, there is an attraction of magnets and wires when electric current flows. It involuntarily suggests that attraction and gravity is as connected with the energy electromagnetic waves.
    Electromagnetic waves themselves are a translational rotation of electrical and magnetic vectors. Due to the changing focus of the magnetic vector, the total magnetic component of the wave is zero directly opposite during each period. Therefore, the electromagnetic wave does not have magnetic attraction to external objects, as a result of which this wave applies to a straight line. But as soon as the electromagnetic wave is formed into an atom as a closed space of a rotating energy flow as a solenoid, the magnetic axis immediately appears, which serves as the attractive force. In the presence of huge number Atoms, their total magnetic component increases, as a result of which the accumulated atoms are attracted to each other, and according to Newton's law, the force of attraction depends on both of the mass, that is, the amounts of atoms of both materialized energy and the distance between the material objects.
    That is, gravity is also magnetic interaction. The difference between the gravitational field and electromagnetic waves is that, in contrast to the electromagnetic waves, the gravitational field is inherent in only matter, and EMV exist independently at any point of space. In this case, the gravitational field changes only with a change in quantity or removal of a material object as a source of gravity. And there can be no matter without matter, and in the interstellar space, gravity is generally infinitely close to zero. Therefore, the attempts made by the search for graviton and gravitational waves will not give the result, because the attraction (gravity) is manifested as a constant point of the magnetic effect of matter for a specific point. Therefore, the formulation of the issue of gravity with the search for graviton is the same banal error as with a heat route search. Gravity is the energy of magnetic attraction that occurs where the matter is formed and is valid while there is a material object. EMV with the disappearance of the star from which it starts the movement, continue to move in space to infinity, including in the composition of atoms and cells of matter.
    For example, take the planet Earth. The land consisting of a huge amount of atoms that are energy facilities rotates, forming a giant solenoid, which leads to the occurrence of a magnetic axis. Therefore, it, in addition to attraction to the Sun and other planets, attracts one pole to the nearest constellation, and the other turns out to be in opposite side. Thus, at the flight of our starry system - (sun along with Earth) - from under the influence of one star system (was fish) for the gravitational field of another (Aquarius), the slope of the earth's axis with respect to the Sun is changed. As a result, the flight once several thousand years from the impact of one constellation to another, the climate changes on Earth. What we now and feel climate change in different regions of the Earth.
    Here it is necessary to take into account that in addition to the gravitational attraction of the earth itself, there is a magnetic attraction from rotational motion The planet itself, which affects the moon. Therefore, the moon rotates around the earth, although gravity than the gravitational attraction of the moon of the sun is greater.

    1. "That is, gravity is also magnetic interaction. The difference between the gravitational field and electromagnetic waves is that, in contrast to the electromagnetic waves, the gravitational field is inherent in only matter, and EMV exist independently at any point of space. "
    Must arise that EMV does not arise nowhere, they always have a source (generator), so you do not have to talk about any independence. And the fact that they apply to huge distances means only one thing - they have no friction, therefore there is no energy loss.
    2. As for the magnet, solenoid and the magnetic axis of the Earth. The earth has a magnetic field (we read the "magnetic field of the Earth"), and therefore there are magnetic poles and a magnetic axis. BUT! It is impossible to register this axis, for any constellation due to the lack of magnetic interaction with one or another constellation due to a huge distance and insignificant power, or rather its absence.

    Mishnev A. "The linear speed of rotation of the atmosphere significantly exceeds the speed of rotation of the Earth, while the atmosphere compresses the ground with a force of 1.33 kg. On the elementary particle, and not on the cm2! We must understand! If the linear speed of rotation of the atmosphere exceeds, the linear speed of the Earth, therefore, the Earth rotates due to the energy of rotation of the atmosphere, and not on the turn! "
    The mass of the atmosphere is about a millionth share of mass. globe. Can the grasp of shifting a stone block that exceeds it in a million times?
    In addition, as is well known, the atmosphere is kept due to the gravity of the Earth, and therefore rotates together and almost synchronously with the planet. And whoever moves anyone, I think it should be clear without "on the contrary."

    Gennady, I hope you will not deny that on Earth every few (2-3) thousand years is changing climate? Now there is the same climate change on Earth due to the fact that the land along with our Sun flights under the influence of the constellation of Aquarius. And your references to huge distances are both the gravitational impact of the whole constellation are also huge. Do you know where the Earth took the magnetic field?

    "Gennady, I hope you will not deny that on Earth every few (2-3) thousand years is changing the climate?"
    What is there to deny, the climate is changing every day.

    "Do you know where the Earth took the magnetic field?"
    I know where "the magnetic field came" from! .Html.

    Gennady, unfortunately you are not adequate in our records. The climate does not change every day - the weather changes every day.
    Regarding your explanations of origin magnetic field Earth - full nonsense. The magnetic field of the Earth is created from the rotation of the boundless amount of atoms, which are particles of energy. And the rotation of energy creates a magnetic axis. All ingenious is simple. And you have about the magnetic axis, any nonsense is written, which you yourself are unlikely to understand.

    "The magnetic field of the Earth is created from the rotation of the boundless amount of atoms that are particles of energy. And the rotation of energy creates a magnetic axis. All ingenious - just "
    Looks like you were concerned with your genius, so you write the same thing in each comment.

    Regarding the word "nonsense." When there are no arguments, but I want to show your superiority in the knowledge of the subject, then usually such people use their last vocabulary! When there are no arguments at all, they begin to repeat.
    Dear, Mr. Oskin, click on the button in the upper menu: "About me" and read carefully.

    if you know what gravity is, a magnetic field, electricitythen you should know how to apply in practice, and assumptions without practical application Just empty sound. And about electricity and magnetic field all use it, but no one knows exactly what it is, and about reading physics for schoolchildren, do not overstrain all if everything is wrong there, you also set out a new theory and refer to physicists who do not support your theory is just stupid. The answer is optional if you know what gravity is and do not apply in practice means you do not know what gravity is.

    "If you know what gravity, a magnetic field, an electric current, then you should know how to apply in practice, and assumptions without practical use is simply an empty sound. And about electricity and magnetic field all use it, but no one knows exactly what it is, and about reading physics for schoolchildren, do not overstrain all if everything is wrong there, you also set out a new theory and refer to physicists who do not support your theory is just stupid. The answer is optional if you know what gravity is and do not apply in practice means you do not know what gravity is. "
    Another masterpiece comment. They say the brethren of the sister of talent, Comrade managed in one sentence to highlight several topics that are not logically related.
    "What is gravity and do not apply in practice"
    Do you keep you on earth?

    Gravity, there is (sum famous person forces; mechanical, thermodynamic, electrodynamic, radiation) - unique property The world around us, simultaneously belonging to the "mass" (body) and "energy" - the key to the existence of the world around us as a whole. In particular, the deposit of evolution material world (hydrogen), pledge to the evolution of the living world (living cell) under the law of the identity (father and son)
    The nature of gravity "Initially, there was a word .... And the word became the flesh .... " (the Gospel of John) will be an affordable understanding of the "man reasonable" on more high levels Development

    Began for health (for physics), finished over the Bible.
    I believe that your comment would be more appropriate under the articles on the analysis of the Bible.
    Read, I have 4 etching on biblical topics on the site.

    "Gravity is a mutual attraction of atoms."

    "Gravity is an extremely existing condition of the etheric space, from which all material has occurred and compressed
    Forms. It is peculiar to all of the essential and invisible forms. It is not subject to either time nor space.
    Gravity is the identified dependence of material forms from the strength of gravity. Time is abolished by it, for before approval
    Neutral centers gravity have already filled the space.

    Gravity is nothing more than attractive, sympathetic streams emanating from molecular neutral centers and current to the neutral center of the Earth. The streams are rugged with the earth's neutral center and rushed to it with a force corresponding to the nature of molecular masses. "
    (Snell manuscript)

    "Gravity is a transmitted interlessne force in endless essential vibrations." "The activity of our mind is the result of the evolution of these essential vibrations that control the action of the mind on physical Plan, smoothing negative and
    Encouraging the positive aspects of its influence. "
    (Clara Bloomfeld-Moore)

    "Gravity, affecting the space on all existing, does not change the space."
    (Numbers mean ordinal registration number "Readings" Edgar Casey. - ed.)

    "Gravity can be considered a negative (restraining) force, since it is aimed at balanced positive forces.
    Gravitational forces can be defined as the focus of vibration forces capable of moving into potential
    (Non-Activity) State. "

    "The force of gravity can be viewed as part of the system of power octave included in all elements and having a relation to each force
    interaction. Octaves forces are considered not only like octaves of oscillations shown in sound, but as vibrations, activity
    which, being powered by, with equal success can be both addressed down and directed up - until
    Until the gravity will be overcome. Now you begin to understand what the essence of the gravity law? After you understand
    that exists and lifting, and the opposite energy in the direction of energy, one can realize that the vibratory forces are
    The active principle of interaction inherent in the whole being.

    What is gravity? The focus of the vibrational forces, whose activity can be transformed with the opposite, up to its complete disappearance. Do you understand? " .
    (Edgar Casey)

    "The earth's masses formed by the primary ether are sympathetic attractive to the neutral center of the Earth with the force, proportional density of their molecular aggregates.
    Each force can be intense by polar or antipolar vibrations that give one of the forces predominance.
    If the "heavenly" (repulsing from the Earth) vibrations prevail, the body will rise at the rate determined by
    The intensity of the dominant is the "negative triad of its mass chords" (Negative Thirds of Its Mass Chords) producing a higher neutralizing radiation accompanying "heavenly attraction". "Earth repulsion" and "Heavenly Attraction"
    They cause lifting and confusion, and the "heavenly repulsion" and "earthly attraction" - lead to lowering and increasing weight. "
    (Snell manuscript)

    In your collection Riddle: What is not susceptible to gravity?
    (Knowledge - they do not pull us to the ground)

    This is not recommended that the gravity carrier is electromagnetic radiation. A simple example: a submarine, a durable carbon steel housing with a thickness of about 50 millimeters very well screens from any electromagnetic radiation, but gravity inside is saved.

    "It is not recommended that the gravity carrier is electromagnetic radiation. A simple example: a submarine, a durable carbon steel housing with a thickness of about 50 millimeters very well screens from any electromagnetic radiation, but gravity is stored inside. "
    Repeated. It does not matter a durable housing or shell, the electromagnetic radiation of the Earth penetrates into everything and everything. First attracts water and body, then carbon steel everything is in its volume.

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If you look at the sun in 150 million kilometers of space, which shares our world from the nearest star, the light that you see does not show the sun at the moment, and how it was 8 minutes and 20 seconds ago. This is because the light is moving not instantly (and at the speed of light, haha): its speed is 299,792.458 kilometers per second. This is what time you need the light to overcome the path from the sun photosphere to our planet. But the strength of gravity does not have to behave in the same way; It is possible how Newton's theory predicted, the gravitational force is an instantaneous phenomenon and is felt by all objects with a mass in the universe, through all these huge space distances, at the same time.

Is it really? If the sun probably disappeared, the earth would fly immediately in a straight line or continued to rotate around the location of the Sun for another 8 minutes and 20 seconds? According to the general theory of relativity, the answer is closer to the second option, since not the mass determines gravity, but the curvature of space, which is determined by the amount of all matter and energy in it. If the Sun had disappeared, the space would not be curved, but flat, but this transformation would not be instantaneous. Since space-time is a fabric, the transition would become a kind of "transfusion", which would send a giant ripple - gravitational waves - through the universe, similar to Ryabi from the stone abandoned in the pond.

The speed of this ripple is defined in the same way as the speed of everything else in the OTO: its energy and mass. Since gravitational waves do not have a mass, but have finite energy, they must move at the speed of light. This means that the Earth is attracted not to the place where the sun is in space, but to where it was a little more than eight minutes ago.

If it was the only difference between the theories of Einstein and Newton's gravity, we would immediately conclude that Einstein became mistaken. The planets are so well studied and so accurately and for a long time were recorded (from the end of the 1500s!) That if gravity simply attracted the planets to the place of the sun at the speed of light, the predicted positions of the planets would not correspond much to their actual position. Brilliant logic is needed in order to understand that Newton's laws require an incredible gravity rate of such accuracy that if it were the only limitation, the gravity rate would have to be more than 20 billion times faster than the speed of light.

But in OTO there is another piece of a puzzle that has great importance: orbital speed Planets as it moves around the sun. Earth, for example, also moves, "shaking" on the waves of gravity and often dropping no where it rose. There are two effects: the speed of each object affects how it is experiencing gravity, and with it and changes in gravitational fields.

But it is especially interesting, so this is the fact that changes in the gravitational field at a finite gravity rate and the effects of the interactions dependent on the speed are almost definitely balanced. It is the inaccuracy of this equilibrium that allows us to determine experimentally, which theory corresponds to our universe: Newtonov model "Infinite gravity velocity" or Einsteinov model "The speed of gravity is equal to the speed of light". In theory, we know that the gravity rate must correspond to the speed of light. But the gravitational power of the Sun is too weak to measure this effect. In fact, it is very difficult to change it, because when something moves with constant speed In a constant gravitational field, there is no observed effect at all. Ideally, we would need a system in which a massive object moves with a changing speed through a changing gravitational field. In other words, we need a system consisting of a close pair of rotating observed remains of stars, at least one of which will be neutron.

As neutron stars rotate, they are pulsed, and these impulses are visible to us on earth whenever the pole of a neutron star passes through our line of sight. Einstein gravity predictions are incredibly sensitive to the speed of light, so that from the very first detection of the binary pulsar system in the 1980s, PSR1913 + 16 (Halsa Taylor), we reduced the gravity rate to an equal speed of light with the measurement error of just 0.2 %.

Of course, it is an indirect measurement. We were able to implement an indirect measurement of another type in 2002, when as a result of a random coincidence of Earth, Jupiter and a very powerful radiovazar (QSO J0842 + 1835) lined up on one line of sight. As Jupiter moves between the Earth and the Quasar, the gravitational curvature of Jupiter allowed us to measure the rate of gravity, eliminate endless speed and determine that it is somewhere between 2.55 x 10 8 and 3.81 x 10 8 meters per second, which fully complies Einstein predictions.

Ideally, we could measure the speed of this ripple directly due to the direct detection of gravitational waves. Ligo found the first one, in the end. Unfortunately, because of our inability to correctly triangulate the birthplace of these waves, we do not know which side they came. Calculating the distance between two independent detectors (in Washington and Louisiana) and measuring the difference in the time of arrival of the signal, we can determine that the gravity rate corresponds to the speed of light and determine the most rigid speed limits.

However, the most rigid restrictions give us indirect measurements from very rare pulsar systems. The best results are currently told to us that the gravity rate between 2.993 x 10 8 and 3.003 x 10 8 meters per second, which perfectly confirms from and terribly affects alternative gravity theories (forgive, Newton).

Oct 6, 2017 Gennady

The XX century brought with him many amazing discoveries in a wide variety of human knowledge, and most of them hardly fit into our everyday ideas about the world around. Among the phenomena that focused modern scienceThere are both black holes - invisibility objects that completely absorb any radiation and radiating themselves. Before referring to the astrophysical properties of black holes, look closely to that natural strength, which gives rise to mysterious objects - gravity. After all, a black hole is a kind of triumph of gravity.

Gravity is the power that manages the entire universe. She keeps us on Earth, determines the orbits of the planets, provides stability Solar system. It is she playing main role In the interaction of stars and galaxies, determining, obviously, the past, present and future of the universe. She always attracts and never repels, acting on everything that apparently, and on a lot of what is invisible. And although gravity was the first of the four fundamental forces of nature, the laws of which were open and formulated in mathematical form, it still remains an unsolved mystery.

Newton opened the law of global, in which gravity was described as the strength of attraction between all the bodies without exception. Its value is directly proportional to the masses of interacting bodies and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. The law of global gravity illustrates various phenomena of nature in which gravity plays an important role. With this law, you can not only explain the movement heavenly TelBut also understand the complex problem of the structure and evolution of the sun and stars. Scientists enjoy this law to calculate trajectories spacecraft, time docking on space orbits, launches of missiles.

As this law acts, in principle, it is clear, but here is the reason that causes the masses of the masses requires a deeper understanding. It is difficult to imagine how unambiguous planets and stars, removed from each other for gigantic distances, will "learn" about each other's existence. And today, three centuries after the opening of gravity, there is still no clear understanding of this phenomenon.

The process of compression, in which the forces of gravity increases uncontrollably called a gravitational collapse. Our sun is a ball, and if his inner gas pressure did not resist the action, it would squeeze into a point in just 29 minutes! This is how quickly the gravity is spreads with its "victims", while imposing a ban on any signals about the status of a collapse object that comes out and carrier information. Let's see why this happens.

To overcome the power of attraction of the heavenly object and go to space, you need to develop the second space speedwhich otherwise is called running speed. Running speed from the surface of an object that has a sufficiently large radius, is small. But if its radius is reduced by the influence of gravity, the value of the runoff will grow and can achieve the value equal to the speed of light when the object will be covered inside a certain critical radius depending on the initial mass of the object. The object will disappear from the visible universe for an external observer, since its powerful field will not allow emission to leave its surface.

Already, based on Newton's theory, you can predict the possibility of the appearance of such an object as a black hole. In 1916, Einstein proposed a fundamentally new theory of gravity, called the overall theory of relativity. One of the main findings of this theory is a close relationship between time, space and mass distribution. According to Einstein, space and time are the forms of existence of matter.

Matter will disappear - space and time disappear. The mass changes the geometry of space with its gravity. The geometry of space, its change over time, as well as the rate of flow itself depend on the distribution and movement of matter in the space, which in turn depend on its geometry. Thus, the geometry of space indicates matter, which properties it should have, and the matter indicates space-time, as it should be twisted.

Any masses twist space-time is the stronger than these masses. When a large mass of the substance turns out to be in a relatively small volume, then under the action of one's own gravity, this substance will be uncontrollably compressed and a catastrophe will come - gravitational collapse. In the process of collapse, the concentration of mass and the curvature of space-time, and, finally, as a result of compression, the moment occurs when the space-time will come so that no physical signal can exit the collapsing object to the outside and for an external observer the object will cease to exist. Such an object is called black hole. A lot of effort was spent by theorists to understand the peculiarities of the geometry of space-time associated with black holes.

According to modern theory The evolution of stars, "dying", each star becomes either a white dwarf, or neutron star, or a black hole. White dwarfs have already been known for many decades and for a long time were considered the last stage of any star, but the pulsars were opened, and the astronomers recognized the real existence of neutron stars. Now scientists thought about the possibility of real existence of the most amazing class of dying stars - black holes. By the mid-60s, astrophysicians managed to calculate in detail the structure of the stars and the course of their evolution, and they realized that the existence of sustainable "dead" stars, the mass of which is more than three sunny, is impossible. And since in the universe, many stars with very large masses, astrophysics began to seriously discuss the possibility of the existence of black holes, scattered everywhere in the universe. Massive stars are aging very quickly. In the process of all his life, they lose weight, that is, they throw the substance into space. As a rule, the evolution of such stars ends with a powerful explosion - "outbreak of supernova", as a result of which the huge clouds of the stellar substance are thrown into the interstellar medium. The "residue" of the stars shrinks under the action of the force of gravity and can become a neutron star, that is, a star consisting of degenerate neutron gas. It is the internal pressure of the degenerate gas that counteracts the power of gravity and stops the star compression. However, if the mass of the compressive star exceeds the solar mass of 3 or more times, no force can stop the compression process.

With compression, the tension of the gravitational field around the star is increasingly increasing. Newton's theory can no longer correctly describe what occurred phenomena and have to contact the theory of Einstein's relativity. In the course of the growing compression, the curvature of space-time is growing. Finally, when the star begging to the radius a few kilometers, the space-time will "come" and the star will disappear from the visible universe, only the gravitational field will remain - therefore, the black hole will occur.

The task of searching and opening black holes in space is at first glance completely hopeless, as no information, even light, cannot escape from the surface of such objects. The main tool of astronomers - the telescope is powerless in solving this task. But in the universe continues to "live" and act a gravitational field of a black hole. The black hole absorbs the light rays, passing near it, and deflects the rays going at a considerable distance. It can enter into gravitational interaction with other bodies: to hold the planets near himself or to form double systems with other stars. The substance that falls on the black hole is heated to very high temperatures and, before finally disappear in a black hole, throws into the universe intensive x-ray radiation.

To search for X-ray sources throughout the sky In 1970, an American satellite "Wuora" was launched at the near-earth orbit, and since then, X-ray sources were opened in many double systems. In most double systems that are sources of X-ray radiation, the mass of the invisible component does not exceed two solar masses, which means it is a neutron star. But some objects of this type are too massive for neutron stars. Therefore, it is assumed that in this case an invisible component is a black hole.

The first candidate for black holes was the invisible source of x-ray radiation swan-x1, which is at a distance of 8,000 light years from the ground. The visible component of this double star system is a normal star with a mass of about 30 masses of the Sun, and invisible - with a mass of more than 6 solar masses. And since no neutron star can contain more than 3 masses of the sun, then the identification of the Swan-X1 with a black hole seems to be quite likely. But to prove that this is really a black hole, in accordance with the theory of Einstein, we need detailed research on the processes occurring in the immediate vicinity of the "Event Horizon".

The fact of the existence of black holes is very important for cosmology, because it directly indicates how the universe can hide most His matter.

Future space missions will focus mainly on the study of powerful supermaasive black holes in galaxic centers. Observations and research of so-called jets emitted from the vicinity of black holes are also planned in opposite directions at a speed close to the speed of light, and stretching billions of kilometers from a black hole. Observatory, registering gamma radiation, are engaged in their research in order to understand the mechanism of their education. A very high resolution spectroscopy is also envisaged, which, as scientists hoped, will allow you to measure the two main characteristics of black holes: the mass and moment of rotation. It is also planned to obtain an image at the bases of the jets in the radio view with a very high resolutionWhat will help to find out how "feed" black holes and how Jets are created.

It is also assumed to create a new X-ray space observatory, more powerful than NASA in 1999 "Chandra", which will allow the "horizon of events" of supermassive black holes in the nuclei of both close galaxies and the Milky Way.

Lyudmila Knyazeva, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Renewable energy is the last squeak of fashion these days, and also probably the need and strict demand in the future. However, it is not always possible to get energy from the wind, the sun and water - sometimes there is no possibility to establish expensive generators, sometimes these generators do not work as needed in a particular geographical point of the world.

In those places where traditional green energy sources do not work, or there is no financial opportunity for the purchase of relevant generators, the source is ideal for the production of "free" and "environmentally friendly" electricity, which is always in stock on planet - the strength of gravity.

Whatever distinguished and this fact for a modern person who uses all the benefits of civilization, one billion people on the planet dream of at least a constant reliable light source. Therafore Products company, based on the design and innovation, believes that it came up with such a light source - gravitylight.

The principle of action of gravitylight is quite simple-energy, it is converted into electricity, which is then converted into light. Many this reminds the mechanical clock with a cuckoo, where for the plant it was necessary to drag the metal gircling up. The gravitylight "starts" is very similar way - you attach a bag filled with ten kilograms of sand (you can use the ground, the stones - anything) to the belt conducted through the device mechanism and raise it up.

Gravity pulls a bag with a load down, the generator mechanism rotates, electricity is generated from which the LED feeds. The mechanism makes the bag descend slowly, thanks to which the device produces light about thirty minutes. And if you raise the load again, you get another 30 minutes of "free" light.

The project has been developed for four years and is designed to replace healthy smoking (and, oddly sounds, negatively affecting the ecology) kerosene lamps, are still used in some regions of the world. According to the creators of the "gravitational Svetlik", the light output is higher than that of the kerosene lamp.

Companies have already managed to develop a valid prototype, the creators decided to use Indiegog collective financing service in order to raise money at the beginning of mass production.

The purpose of the fundraising campaign was 55 thousand dollars, which therefore products intended to equip the release of the first small-pool batch of "gravitational lamps" in size in 1000 pieces. The first one thousand will be made, tested, and is directed to those who need a source of light.

The project had a great success from IndieGo users and had already collected $ 400,000 (from 5,000 responded). On this money, lamp creators promise to improve gravitylight, double efficiency and make possible charging from this lamp of all electronic devices - For example, cell phones (for charging which residents of some corners of the world overcome tens of kilometers on foot). Also promise to reduce the price that is on this moment equal to $ 10, up to five dollars.

Of course, such a lamp will not help feed all the inhabitants of the planet. But she will at least give a chance to those who dream of free lighting At night (and does not reflect on whether this year will update its "iPhone" or "Apad").

A group of England Engineers Therefore has developed a valid light bulb model that works under the action of gravity. If this lighting device is suspended with a load bag or any other shipment of about ten kilograms, then LEDs will be lit that continue to glow for half an hour.

This innovative lighting arranged on the principle of mechanical wall wrappers. A device similar to a grease mechanism placed inside the box, with a constant speed rotates gears. A variable current that feeds the GRAVITYLIGH light bulb creates a generating coil rotating in a magnetic field. Currently, this miracle light bulb at the Indiegog crowdfunding site collected more than three hundred thousand dollars investment. Therefore has already paid off all the costs of her creation, and now gets a very decent profit.
The company's plans to establish GRAVITYLIGHT light bulbs in African countries, South AmericaIndia. In these regions more than one and a half million people live without centralized power supply, using doping lamps operating on kerosene for lighting. Kerosene lamps are harmful to humans. To spend one evening with a burning kerosenchic, it's like to smoke two packs of cigarettes, it threatens with all sorts of diseases, including lung cancer. No one is secret that kerosene is intended. About 2.5 million people come to hospitals with burns from Kerosene in India alone. At the same time, at the acquisition of kerosene, some families spend from 10 to 20 percent of their budget. Therefore believes that GRAVITYLIGHT light bulbs will be a magnificent alternative to kerosene lamps.
In order for the GRAVITYLIGHT light bulb, no additional devices, devices and fixtures are required. To install, such as solar panels, it is required to find a well-lit place. And for uninterrupted functioning solar installations During the day, it is required to equip their expensive battery systems.

Gravitylight light bulb can be fixed anywhere, even in a dark basement or sudfol. It begins to shine, if it is suspended by weight of about 10 kilograms. Decorative floral vases or stones can be used as such a cargo. If the load is placed in a 10-20 meter well, then the GRAVITYLIGHT light bulb will not go out at least for a whole day. GRAVITYLIGHT light is designed by serious professional professionals, which for two decades is engaged in the design and design of lighting equipment and other devices.
The GravityLight lamp could be extremely useful not only for residents of African and Indian villages. It will certainly be in demand in Russia, in the USA, in China, in Europe. Light bulb is environmentally safe, besides beautiful and original. The Gravitylight lamp can be a useful and unusual gift for your loved ones, friends or neighbors.
Today, the gravitylight lamp is cheaper and ergonomic than solar panels. During operation, it is planned to improve the lighting device, add additional accessories so that the innovative light is even more comfortable and functional. In order to bring the price of a light bulb for the end user up to five dollars, its large-scale mass production should be established.
Video demonstrating the work of the GRAVITYLIGHT light bulb:

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