Vanga's predictions about Russia. "Bringer of Good News"

The buildings 23.09.2019
The buildings

She foresaw the Chernobyl disaster, the collapse of the USSR and the death of the Kursk nuclear submarine. Not only artists or politicians, but also representatives of special services turned to the famous Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga for help.

It was believed that her prophecies almost always come true. Recently, a video with millions of views on the Internet with her forecast made in 1979, when she predicted the rise to power of Vladimir Putin and the associated strengthening of Russia's position in relation to other countries.

Forecasts for the Tsar and the Fuhrer

Her full name- Vangelia (translated from Greek - "good news"). She was born in 1911 in the family of a poor Bulgarian peasant. At the age of 12, the girl lost her sight: after strong hurricane Vanga was found in an unconscious state covered with branches and stones, and her eyes were clogged with sand.

Later, the future soothsayer studied at an institution for the blind, where she received the skills of leading household and reading in Braille.

The girl's prophetic abilities were fully manifested during the Second World War, when she began to accurately predict the whereabouts of the missing or the burial of dead people. The fame of the soothsayer quickly spread throughout the country. In 1942, Tsar Boris III of Bulgaria and a certain high-ranking German with a short mustache met with her. According to many researchers, it was Adolf Hitler, who was fond of paranormal phenomena and it was at this time that he visited Bulgaria and Greece in search of traces of the Holy Grail. According to another point of view, Hitler did not meet with the soothsayer, but sent his representative to her, perhaps even a double.

The clairvoyant predicted to Tsar Boris III that he would lose power over his state. And to a high-ranking German, who was accompanied by numerous guards, Vanga said that Germany must leave the Soviet Union alone - otherwise she would lose the war.

In response, this man, Hitler or his representative, began to ridicule the clairvoyant, saying that a real fortune teller cannot live in such poverty and that her prophecies are unlikely to come true. Vanga asked one of his retinue to go to a house on a nearby street - a mare will foal there after a while. The soothsayer described in detail what the newborn foal would be like.

The Germans visited the specified house. There everything happened exactly as Vanga said. However, as you know, the Fuhrer did not believe her prediction about the fate of Germany.

King of the stage with an iron stick

After the war, Vanga received many visitors, helping them identify illnesses or find missing relatives, as well as predicting their future. She herself could not accurately explain the manifestation of the gift, saying only that all the information was suggested to her by some invisible creatures living around. The women who helped her (in particular, her niece Krasimira Stoyanova) were sure that Vanga communicates with the souls of the dead, from whom she receives all the necessary information. After each session of clairvoyance, the woman felt a breakdown, she needed time to recover.

In 1967, the Bulgarian authorities registered Vanga as a civil servant. She began to receive an official salary of 200 levs per month, and uniform tariffs were established for visitors: 10 levs for citizens of socialist states and 50 dollars for residents Western countries. Prior to this, the healer accepted everyone for free, however, she did not refuse gifts that could be presented to her, but she did not insist on them either.

It is known that Vanga dreamed of visiting Paris, that the Bulgarian government forbade her to travel abroad - she was a source, albeit not too large, but a stable income of the state, which no one was going to refuse.

In means mass media The story has repeatedly appeared about how in 1971 the singer Bedros Kirkorov brought his four-year-old son Philip to Vanga. The boy was very ill, and his father wanted to know the exact diagnosis. Vanga said that Philip would soon recover, and predicted a brilliant career for him, explaining that in the future she sees him with a metal stick, surrounded by admiring people. Later, Philip's parents realized that the soothsayer called the microphone an iron stick, and the admiring people were the audience. At the same time, Vanga predicted that Philip, at the age of 27, would marry a woman whose name begins with the letter “A”, and at 44 he would have a daughter (this really happened - from a surrogate mother).

"In 20 years, Kursk will be under water..."

Vanga was able to predict many events: the death of Stalin, the victory of Boris Yeltsin in the presidential election, the September 11 attacks in New York, and even the fact that a black man would become the 44th president of the United States.

In 1980, the soothsayer said that in 20 years Kursk would be under water and the whole world would mourn him. Then these words seemed ridiculous - how can Big city, located away from the sea, suddenly be under water? And only in August 2000 did the prophecy acquire its terrible meaning - when the nuclear submarine Kursk perished.

Many of Vanga's predictions were related to the Soviet Union and Russia. In particular, she repeatedly spoke about the collapse of the USSR - and the revival of a new Russia. According to the clairvoyant, the most difficult year for this country will be 2012, after which it will begin the path to improving life and spiritual enlightenment of all mankind. This will be facilitated by the convergence of the three great countries: China, India and Russia.

The fortuneteller claimed that her conversations with the spirits predict strength and prosperity for our country, moreover, Russia is the only state capable of uniting the rest of the peoples of the world.

Glory to Vladimir

The clairvoyant made a prophecy related to the activities of Vladimir Putin in 1979. At the same time, the Soviet writer Valentin Sidorov was present, and Vanga's assistant Vitka Petrovski was recording on camera. Thus, in addition to eyewitness accounts, we have documentary footage that speaks of this forecast.

The words of the prediction were approximately as follows: what was united will crumble into pieces, and it will be next to Russia. Everything will melt like ice, but the glory of Vladimir will remain. Now Russia is called the Soviet Union, but the time will come - and we will call it in the old way, as under Sergius of Radonezh. There will be many victims on the way to the revival of Russia, but no one will be able to stop this country. Even America recognizes its spiritual superiority. And it will happen sooner than in 60 years.

At the end of her prophecy, Vanga drew a large circle with her hands and said:

Russia will again become great empire, but above all the empire of the spirit.

Of course, at that time a record of such a prophecy could not have become publicly available - the mention of the inevitable collapse of the USSR was too obvious. The words of the clairvoyant, whose predictions were famous for their accuracy, were passed from mouth to mouth and discussed in a narrow circle of people who trusted each other.

If everything looked clear with the fate of the USSR in Vanga's words, then the mention of the name Vladimir raised questions - after all, then no one knew that there would be a presidential position in Russia, and even more so which particular person would take it. There were versions that we are talking about the teachings of Lenin or about Christian morality, the spread of which was initiated by Prince Vladimir. But most researchers were already inclined to think that we were talking about the future reign of a politician with that name: after all, the soothsayer made it clear that the forecast concerns our future state and, therefore, the person who will lead it.

In addition, Valentin Sidorov in his book "Lyudmila and Vanga" recalls some details of the prophecy that were not on film. In particular, they talked about the possibility nuclear war. And Vanga declared that there would be no such war, that the old leaders would peacefully retire, and new ones would come to replace them - and a strong ruler would appear in Russia.

Comparing these words with the statement about the future glory of Vladimir, we can conclude: this, of course, was about the current president of the Russian Federation.

The unenviable fate of America

Shortly before her death, in 1996, Vanga made another famous prophecy about Russia. It was published in the press according to the then vice-president of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Yuri Sakharnov, who visited the fortune teller (Duma newspaper, August 12, 1996). In addition, the clairvoyant, who was diagnosed with breast cancer, instructed the already mentioned assistant Vitka Petrovsky to write down everything that she says, with the condition that these records will be made public no earlier than in 2010. Petrovsky's notes coincide with Sakharnov's memoirs - this confirms the fact that the prediction was indeed made.

Vanga said that a new leader would appear in Russia, he would rule for a very long time. Our country will begin to restore the former Soviet Union, but in a different form. Slavic states, which for a while will turn their backs on Russia, will later join her again. Russia will not deviate from the path of reforms that will lead to the growth of its strength and prosperity. As for other great countries, China and India will work closely with Russia, and the US will cease to exist as a single state in the future.

Thus, if Vanga's predictions are to be believed, Vladimir Putin must lead Russia to glory and prosperity, and unite all Slavic peoples. The forecast is undoubtedly favorable for the inhabitants of our country - especially since the clairvoyant was extremely rarely mistaken.

Victor Svetlanin

What Wang said

You do not believe in God, but you want him to help. Don't come to me without faith. Not me, but He helps you.” Vanga's hope in God does not leave her until the last minute. She is grateful to God for her wonderful gift and destiny. He prays for the forgiveness of human sins, makes Him believe in Him, honors His authority.

God for Vanga is the answer to all the eternal questions of existence that never cease to be asked simple people. God for Vanga is the beginning and end of human existence, goodness, justice and truth.

It is noteworthy that all the famous soothsayers in recent history Humanity prioritizes faith in God. And, explaining that the past and the future are moments of a single process called time, they are trying to reveal the great truth that there is a force that created people, and that they are only its particles in their diversity.

Vanga often spoke about such a truth, about higher knowledge of the order of things:

“How many books have been written, but no one will give a final answer if they do not understand and admit that there is spiritual world(heaven) and physical (earth) and the supreme power, call it what you want, which created us ...

In order to understand the Bible, a person must rise spiritually, only then will he be able to perceive and understand the highest knowledge. God will reward him and give him strength and help him so that he can understand how it happened.”

"God exists. And if you keep quiet, the stones will say that He exists. Just as the blind know that there is light, just as the lame know that there are healthy people, so the healthy must know that there is God!”

He is the light!

“God exists, but he has no flesh. This is a fireball that is painful to look at because of the dazzling radiance. Only light - and nothing else.

free will

"God gave man a powerful weapon - a will that no force can break, so that a person decides whom to serve."

The right to choose ... A person comes into the world with this right, it is his most important asset from the first to last day life. Dualism underlies the structure of earthly life - there is no only good or bad, they always coexist with each other. Will a person be virtuous or will he not resist the temptation, will he serve people and follow Christian morality, or will he love himself - the choice is his, for all his will, about which Vanga says that "no force will break her."

noah's ark

“When the rain stopped, a rainbow first appeared in the sky, and before that it went on and on for 40 days and destroyed the entire human race and all earthly creatures. Only Noah's ark remained.

Late in the evening, just before midnight, I walk through my house past this Noah's ark. It has been standing there for many years…”

Mysterious words - Noah's ark in the house of the prophetess in Petrich ... What is this - a vision of the legendary events described in the Old Testament, when God destroyed his creation? Or does Vanga's revelation symbolize something completely different?

Mission of Saint Andrew

“All the apostles are not sitting still now, they descended to Earth, for the time of the Holy Spirit has come. But the most important mission is entrusted to the Apostle Andrew. He paves the way for Christ just as He commanded."

Coming of Christ

“Christ in white robes will come to Earth again. The hour is near when the elect of the heart will feel the return of Christ.”

Vanga repeatedly said that the truth should be sought in the Bible and that it will be revealed to everyone who has been morally cleansed and exalted in order to understand its language.

The Bible promises the second coming of Christ. The prophetess also speaks about this and even warns of the approach of this day.

In one of his predictions, he also foresaw that:

“The time will come again when people in many places will see and guess the presence of divine forces in the material world. For as you saw him go, so you will see him returning.”

And P. Deunov more than once mentioned in the presence of his disciples that Christ would come down to earth and that they should be ready to meet him. When the Master was asked if that hour was near, he said that the Christ descends to the earth every two thousand years to help its evolution.

About Satan

“Many today say that they were in contact with aliens. And everyone is convinced that their God is frommethyl, but do not understand that in fact it is not. A person lives in this world, sins, indulges in passions and vices, does not fulfill God's commandments, does not even believe in God, and He suddenly presents him with a heavenly gift ...

This “suddenly” is only from Satan. His "gifts" are temporary, he showers them on a person until he manages to take possession of his soul and the person is proud that he is not like the others. This man condemns himself to eternal suffering. If such people looked into the lives of the saints, they would see what kind of faith, how many years of suffering and trials, repentance, fasting and prayers are necessary for a person to be cleansed and ready to accept God's mercy as a heavenly gift - whether it be the gift of healing, clairvoyance or divination...

Unfortunately, the Bulgarian is susceptible to satanic suggestions, because the creatures with whom he communicates are the devil's offspring and do not come from afar, but live next to us on Earth or appear from the kingdoms of Satan and his servants...

Do the messengers of God look like this, and do they need to knock, clap, move objects in order to influence people?

This is the work of Satan, he is trying to force people into submission. The messengers of God influence the soul of a person, introducing him to beauty and joy, instilling in him kindness and love.

At the beginning of the 1990s, reports of cases of the so-called "poltergeist" spread throughout Bulgaria. Little Daniela from Plovdiv and her friend, Kiki the "drum" became unusually popular. A real boom of psychics, healers, clairvoyants erupted in the country. For many years, professing materialism, as prescribed by the Marxist doctrine that denied everything supernatural, the country suddenly opened an outlet for the paranormal intriguing world.

Throwing people into confusion and panic, and Vanga says. She considers them a product evil spirits, which uses many people against their will, because as soon as evil acts through fear, coercion and delusion.

When something extraordinary happens to a person, this does not mean at all that God has marked him. People are free in their moral choice: some are open to good, others to the forces of evil. The manifestation of something supernatural in people's lives can mean the impact of both one and the other.

The prophetess advises: do not rush to announce and mislead others that you are “anointed by God”, marked with a gift from above among the few - God chooses only those who really accepted Him with their heart and follow His commandments.

And the Bible says that many prophets and false prophets will appear before the Son of God returns to Earth and opens the eyes of sinners to truth and love.

About feelings

“Fickle, dubious connections will arise between people and disintegrate, before they can be consolidated, at the very beginning. Feelings will be completely devalued, and only pretense, vanity and selfishness will stimulate the relationship.

About adultery

“Sometimes I see a picture that will not blow away Bulgaria either: people will wallow in debauchery and will copulate on the street. If they knew what price they would have to pay for this, they would never dare to commit adultery. But remember: retribution will overtake everyone.

About theft

"Who steals, he complains about health." "Whoever steals, thinking that I do not see, will not see mercy from God."

This warning of a blind seer has specific addressees. For many years of communication with the other world, Wang was surrounded by people with different moral principles. Some, having lost their conscience, tried to use her prophetic gift for their material enrichment. Others appropriated her things, others - money.

At the consecration of a new church in Rupita, where the soothsayer lived, she said to one priest: “I saw how you stole a small icon of the Mother of God, why did you do it?”

Vanga often convicted of theft and other unseemly acts of people from her environment, but more often kept silent about it.

“The fact that Vanga was constantly trying to rob and deceive weighed on her,” says P. Kostadinov, one of the few people loyal to her.

Love for your neighbor

"Pray that God will spare the man, for he is mad in his hatred of his neighbor."

“Be kinder so as not to suffer anymore, a person is born for good deeds. The bad guys don't go unpunished. The most severe punishment awaits not the one who caused the evil, but his descendants. It hurts even more."

Parapsychologists explain that it operates on the principle of a boomerang. When the spell "overtakes" the victim, it returns to the perpetrator of evil, with triple strength and causes misfortune not only to him, but also to his loved ones.

The prophetess also warns that bad deeds will not go unpunished. But people forget about it, they don't believe in retribution. At the sight of many scoundrels who live and prosper, people say: “This one is a scoundrel, that one is a thief, but they live in clover, their house is a full bowl. Retribution? There is no retribution on earth!” But a little time will pass and ... then the thief's house burned down, then the child is terminally ill.

Assessing our deeds and actions, we can see that they are based on a causal relationship and that in our life there is nothing random and unfair.

About suffering

“Do not grumble when you are suffering! Suffering cleanses. For a thing to become clean, it must be washed.

Suffering, a person begins to think and create, P. Deunov taught. Suffering is like a filter - it purifies all our thoughts, feelings and actions. Suffering is the path to liberation. They drive out evil from the heart. You should not consider your life's hardships as a punishment.

Vanga and P. Deunov often express similar thoughts about suffering, they speak in their biblical sense. It is known that both predictors were zealous Christians and until the end of their lives they preached faith in God as the only way for a person to salvation.

“And the difficulties and joys are from God,” Vanga often said to her loved ones, and Edgar Cayce pointed out that often a person suffers, not realizing the deep true meaning of his being:

“Who is your Lord? Maybe you are only interested in what you will eat today or what you will wear? But you must strive with all your thoughts and hopes to receive a message from above. Have you not realized that you belong to Him? Because He created you! He did not want you to suffer, but he left it up to you to decide whether you will ever realize your connection with Him or not!”

About money

“Someone thinks that money can also buy love, but this is not so. Money can't buy love. Another believes that, having become rich, he will be happy, but this is also not true.

A person tries, fights, saves money and things, and then suddenly dies, and all his good goes to others. Who saves all his life, never uses what he has accumulated. Another gets the fruits of his labors. So I say: “Don't save money! They are a means of life, spend them daily!”

... The time will come when people will have everything, but they will not be able to buy for themselves anything that really has value and represents true wealth - friendship, love, compassion and mercy.

“Poverty is a flower, do not rejoice in wealth. In poverty, children, friends, relatives bring joy. And from wealth the soul hurts.

In our time, a person has turned money from a means of life into its essence and goal, having become a slave to money, he has lost his most exalted qualities, being engaged only in the preservation and increase of his wealth. But true wealth is not money, not material values, but bright feelings and a state of mind: love, compassion, mercy, nobility.

In the next century, the modern system of values ​​will certainly be subjected to a profound rethinking. It is no coincidence that the Bulgarian clairvoyant speaks of a “new consciousness” and “new people” who will come (or maybe they are already among us) to restore the lost balance in the Universe.

Give in this world, and you will be rewarded in the next ...

“If you give in this world, you will have in heaven. If you have two apples, big and small, give one of them. You will receive the same in the next world. If you don’t give anything in this life, you won’t get anything there.”

About forgiveness

"People suffer, and many human beings are unhappy because they are not endowed with the ability to forget the bad and forgive."

About motherhood

“Having given birth, you should know that from now on you do not belong to yourself, but to your children. You are responsible for the life you gave them. Remember this."

“Whoever cannot give birth, let him adopt a child. Nature equally rewards those who gave birth and those who raised adopted children. The greatness of a mother who adopted and raised a child is no less than that which gave birth herself.

“The time will come when only girls will give birth, and women will not!”

Mysterious saying! Does this prophecy mean that in the future life will be a gift from above and the conception will be immaculate, like the Virgin Mary?

Or maybe this is a sign that people will pay a high price for the sin of adultery? And only monogamous love will make it possible to continue the human race?

About baptism

“Listen to God and everything will be fine. If you go against him, you will suffer and suffer. Baptize your children to keep them safe from harm.”

About family ties

“We are living in difficult times. People are divided. Mothers give birth to children, but they do not have milk to feed them. They say nerves are to blame, but that's not true. It's just that children have nothing in common with the mother who gave birth to them, she gave them life, and nothing more. Children receive nothing from their mothers - neither milk nor warmth. Quite tiny, they give them to a nursery, at night they sleep in a separate bed and rarely see a smile on their mother's face.

Mothers are unhappy that their husbands do not pay enough attention to them. And men marry only because it has long been established. The elderly complain that the youth does not respect them.

People are far apart and more interested in money. They think that money will bring happiness. They don’t know that the day will come when they won’t need money.”

About fate

“If I told people about everything I see and know, they would immediately want to die…”

“Everyone comes into this world with their own destiny. Everyone has both good and bad."

“What I see, no matter how terrible it is, cannot be changed. No one can escape fate."

“No one is born only for happiness!

One is an excellent worker, but there is no harmony in his family. The other has everything, but his health let him down. The third is healthy, but his children are sick, etc. In every person, good side by side with evil. That's the way man works, that's the way the world works. It takes patience.

The earth expects gratitude from us for the fact that we came and live on it. We pay our debts to the Earth, like a rent… Each person pays… I have been living for so many years and I see what is happening in the world…”

Fate, Vanga teaches, should be accepted with humility, the way you fell - with joys and sorrows, with good and bad sides. After all, we ourselves are not only good or evil, duality is inherent in man.

Maximalism of desires and life claims leads to dissatisfaction. And happiness is in moderation, in the ability to patiently endure the hardships and hardships that invariably accompany us in life.

"Human life is destined once and for all..."

“I take upon myself the suffering of all people, but I cannot and do not dare to explain them, because someone’s stern voice constantly warns me not to try to explain everything, because people deserve the life that falls to them.

…What I predict, good or bad, cannot be changed. Human life is destined once and for all, and no one can change it.”

As you can see, here we are not talking about everyday human existence with its minor or serious problems, but about important changes and vicissitudes of fate in which the human spirit is tempered.

According to representatives of the occult sciences, we come to Earth to study, and life is a school in which everyone tests himself and subsequently, already in the other world, evaluates himself. If he sinned, he would return to Earth to correct his mistakes. The more sins a person has, the more difficult his fate.

Mystics are sure that God, before "returning" a sinner to Earth, determines what trials he will have to go through in order to correct his previous sins. Maybe that's why Vanga says that our life is strictly predetermined and no one is able to change it.

About the soul

Vanga constantly argued that, in addition to the physical, a person also has a spiritual existence and that the soul remains in eternity, continuing the path of evolution.

“The souls living in the other world are thirty years old, they are at the age of Christ. They have sight, hearing, taste. Some of them help the living. And the best ones come back to Earth again.”

P. Deunov writes about the age of souls in his book “The Natural Order of Things”: “Among the angels there are no young or old. In heaven, all thirty-three. There is no one older or younger than 33."

Does the soul have an age? Or is the constant value - 33 years - about which the Initiates speak, just a symbol?

With time physical body undergoes changes and eventually dies, but, as those who are given a glimpse into another world assure, the soul continues its journey in eternity and returns to Earth to reincarnate into new physical forms. So she is enriched by experience and grows to a “higher state”, as Vanga defines it:

“With death, only the human body dies, not the soul. That which does not succumb develops and reaches a higher state. It happens something like this: first you die as an illiterate ignoramus, then as a student, then as a person with higher education like a scientist, etc. This is the path of the soul ... "

In these words of Vanga lies the idea of ​​reincarnation. Here is what else we learn from the soothsayer about the soul, about this complex, invisible human substance:

“Where does the soul come from? She descends from the sky, from outer space, sunbeam and enters the fetus in the mother's womb. He already lives an independent life, although the umbilical cord has not yet been cut.

When does this happen, when does this spark flare? 21 days before birth. How the light descends, how it gets into human body, we are not given to know, but if this does not happen, the child is born dead.

And Plato said that the soul comes into the physical body from a higher, divine, level of existence. How does this happen? The prophetess says that she descends from the sky on a sunbeam.

Many esotericists and people talk about the so-called Silver Thread or Light Ray, connecting their physical body with the soul, temporarily separated from it (as a result of severe physical shock, meditation or serious illness). Breaking such a thread, they say, leads to physical death. Through such a thread, according to Vanga, the soul enters the human body and gives it life.

Her words about a stillborn child are very curious - as about a body into which the spirit did not have time to “descend”.

Will medicine and other sciences ever come to a single truth about the relationship between body and spirit? As you can see, this must happen, as Vanga warns: "The time of miracles will come, and science will make great discoveries in the non-material sphere."

About death

All people are afraid of death. In one way or another, everyone experiences an innate fear, thinking about his end ... But is there an end in reality? Many cases have been recorded when people who fell into a coma or experienced clinical death, after leaving this state, claimed to have seen death. More often they describe it as a Light that brings a feeling of absolute peace and bliss.

Everyone tries to imagine their own death. But does it have any external characteristics?

Here's what Vanga had to say:

“Why are you afraid of death? She is so beautiful. I see her as a smiling young woman with flowing blond hair."

“Why do you say that death is evil? No, it's not. I see her as a beautiful blond woman…”

Death is a young woman ... It is hardly possible to take literally what Vanga said. Very often, she speaks in symbols about something that can sow panic, anxiety or fear among people. The blond beauty is most likely also a symbol behind which a secret is hidden. A secret that people are not yet ready to know.

On reincarnation of souls

In search of an answer whether there is a soul and eternal life, the question cannot be avoided. It's not only philosophical problem. Lately, people have been trying to answer this intriguing question using strictly scientific system concepts.

The idea is as old as the world. It constantly occupies inquisitive people, defining a new direction in thinking.

Is there a reincarnation of souls? This question is often asked by people with the gift of clairvoyance. Vanga had this to say about it:

Only the best return!

“The soul does not die. Only the souls of bad people become embittered, and they are not called to heaven. They don't transform." “Reincarnation exists, but it does not affect all souls. Only the kindest and best return to Earth.”

According to the most common belief in our time, the transmigration of souls is a state when the inner Self, called the soul, survives death and moves into another body in order to lead a new life on Earth.

Thus, passing from one life to another, the soul gradually changes and prepares for the highest form of existence on Earth. At each next birth, the memory of the previous life is of no particular importance, since in the other world the soul each time generalizes and synthesizes the experience of its previous lives.

There are different assumptions about who reincarnates and how many times. According to some adherents of the occult, a person, having appeared on Earth for the first time, subsequently returns to it hundreds of times (from 7 to 777), until his soul goes through all the trials in order to prepare for higher than earthly levels of existence.

Others believe that the life given by God is a great gift, an exceptional chance for improvement, and if you miss it, that is, live according to the principles of evil, then the human soul is doomed to eternal wandering into oblivion.

Vanga's words quoted above refer to the second assumption. After all, she says that the souls of bad people become embittered and they are not taken to heaven. They don't transform.

Edgar Cayce was also of the opinion that life is a gift that must be earned. A clairvoyant from America believes that there are old and young souls. Some have risen spiritually, others, on the contrary, have fallen. Some have visited Earth many times, while others have little experience of earthly life. “All those who have forgotten God are gradually eliminated from the path of evolution,” says Edgar Cayce. Like Vanga, he claims that only spiritually elevated souls who have reached a certain level of development are allowed to return to Earth again.

Confirmation that not every person reincarnates, other words of Vanga also sound:

“Many people ask: “Tell me, who was I in my previous life?” I answer: “And who said that you had a former life?” Others ask, "Who will I be in my next life?" I tell them: “How do you know that you will have a different life? Think better about the present, about how to become better.

Did we have a former life? Will we return to Earth again in human form?

I would like it to be so. It is difficult for a person to come to terms with his short stay on Earth, and he is constantly trying to put down deep roots on it. But life is difficult process, component everything that happens in the universe. And if someone violates the cosmic rhythm with his deeds, he will be eliminated by virtue of universal laws. In a bipolar world, the strong defeat the weak, and the prophetess teaches us that evil can only be defeated with good. Therefore, Vanga advises to think more often about your real life to strive for self-improvement. A.P. Deunov notes: “ Many of you have not even been born yet, but are already thinking about reincarnation».

Vanga was the daughter of a pharaoh

And Professor D. Filipov often talked about reincarnation with Vanga. In conversation, she claimed that reincarnation is quite real and that only the most exalted in spirit return to Earth to complete the mission of their previous existence.

Vanga even once shared with D. Filipov that in her former life her mother was a pharaoh, and she was one of her two daughters: "I was the daughter of a pharaoh."

Vanga explained that her mother in a new incarnation lived for many years in Notre Dame Cathedral. About 20 years ago, she called Vanga to come to Paris to see her. The authorities then did not let Vanga into France. Later, the prophetess could have gone there unhindered, but she said that her mother was already living elsewhere, somewhere in the south.

For many years of her long-suffering life, Vanga never left Bulgaria. Almost always, she didn't want to do it herself - she just didn't have time to travel. After all, at the entrance to her house, they were waiting for her help different people. But it is known for certain that Vanga had one and only dream - to visit Notre Dame in Paris. Why this was her innermost desire becomes clear from the memoirs of D. Filipov and from Vanga's conversation with the writer L. Georgiev in the spring of 1978, when she told him about one of her dreams:

“I dreamed of the Mother of God, who said: “Go to Paris on May 2. Find the great cathedral of Notre Dame, and there, at the right icon, one pharaoh will speak to your soul.” What she will talk about, the Mother of God did not say. But I know that I must go to Paris.”

Vanga described in detail the French capital, completely unfamiliar to her, named the streets and squares and other amazing details.

It is known that her dream never came true. How many interesting things we could learn if Wang visited Paris!

About the dead

“The time of miracles will come, and science will make many discoveries in the non-material sphere…” For more than half a century, Vanga has been a "door" between two realities - visible and invisible, material and spiritual, earthly and otherworldly. Vanga is living evidence. At the request of the people who turned to her, she contacted the souls of deceased loved ones in their presence, called them by name, described the unique details of their lifetime qualities, and transmitted messages to those who remained on Earth.

Perhaps it remains the most mysterious and exceptional feature of her phenomenal gift. It is interesting enough in itself, but it is also related to her prophecies. For in addition to the voice (heard by her for the first time in April 1941), which conveys messages to her to the living, Vanga often mentally talks to the world of the dead about past and future events ...

Few people believe in the predictions of seers - until they begin to come true. As for the predictions of the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga Gushterova, better known as Vanga, people began to listen to her words for a long time. Vanga left many predictions about different states, especially she made a lot of prophecies about the future of Russia, since in her opinion it is our country that will have to fulfill a great spiritual mission and unite all the peoples and states of the planet under the auspices of the religious and moral teaching, called Bely in the revelations of the prophetess brotherhood.

The Bulgarian clairvoyant was often asked the same question: “How to be saved in our difficult, contradictory world?” Vanga invariably answered that only one quality would help a person to be saved - kindness. And still need to comply God's commandments. She said that answers to all questions should be sought in the holy books, and if people could read the Bible properly, they would have guessed how to solve certain problems. She was very sorry that people lacked faith:"It's hard to help an unbeliever" , Vanga thought. Seeing that violence and evil were forcing their way, she still hoped that“The day will come when lies will disappear from the face of the earth, there will be no violence and theft. Wars will stop, the survivors will know the value of life and will protect it. (from the transcript recorded by B. Tsvetkova).

Vanga about our time

“We are living in difficult times. People have nothing in common with each other. Mothers give birth to children, but they do not have milk to feed. Justified: neurosis, they say. No. It's just that children have nothing to do with their mothers, they were only born through them. Children receive nothing from their mothers, neither milk nor warmth. The little ones are sent to kindergarten, they put them to sleep separately in the evening, they rarely see a smile on their mother's face. Mothers are unhappy that their husbands do not value them enough. Husbands, for their part, believe that they got married, because it seems to be so. Adults are also dissatisfied with their children - there is no respect from them. Nobody is friends with anyone. People are only interested in money. They think if they have money, then everything is in order. They do not know that the day will come when this money will do them no service.

More and more often you will meet people who have eyes but do not see, ears have but do not hear. Brother will go against brother, mothers will abandon their children. Everyone will look for a way to escape one by one. Some - a handful of them - will get rich, and the people will become impoverished, the further, the worse. Many diseases will appear, people will begin to die out like flies.

Wang about future cataclysms and disasters

Vanga, December 1980:

„…..Other years will follow, when cities and villages will collapse from earthquakes and floods, natural disasters the earth will shake, bad men will prevail, and thieves, drunkards, informers and harlots will be countless.

Fragile, dubious ties will be created between people, which are doomed to disintegration at the very beginning. Feelings will be greatly depreciated and only false passion, more precisely, ambition and selfishness will become incentives in human relations…..”

Dolphins also come to me, they talk to me, and I understand them. They complain: “It’s getting too hot under us. We can't stand it anymore."

“Waves will wash away many countries, and the Sun will go out for three years”

In 1995, Vanga predicted that the world would face many disasters: earthquakes, fires, floods.“A lot of people will get hurt. Misfortunes will pile up from everywhere, all nations will drown ... There will be fewer people, and therefore fewer goods - the meat of sheep, cows and goats will not be eaten. People will walk without shoes and without clothes, live without food, fuel and light.” (said by Vanga in 1995 to Spaska Vangelova from Petrich).

Wang warned that“The day will come when they will disappear from the face of the earth different plants, vegetables, animals… First of all, onions, garlic and peppers. Then it's the turn of the bees." . The Bulgarian clairvoyant spoke about the fatal outcome that awaits the earth as a result of the destruction of nature by man. The use of chemicals, soil and air pollution will make ordinary water undrinkable. Many new, hitherto unknown diseases will appear,“Be careful: soon new diseases unknown to people will come to us. People will fall in the streets without apparent reason with no apparent disease. Even those who have never been sick will become seriously ill. But all this can still be prevented, because it is in our power. . (said by Vanga in 1981).

"These diseases are still preventable, still in the hands of mankind" , Vanga warned people in the 1980s. But people turned out to be deaf to her prophecies as well as to the predictions of the Serbian soothsayer. Mitar Tarabicha . He warned that there would be a disease that no one could cure - AIDS. “People will rush about and look, but they will never find a cure, and with God’s help it will be next to them and in themselves,” he predicted. M. Tarabich.

The prophetess was convinced that at the beginning of the XXI century, humanity will get rid of cancer. She said:“The day will come when cancer will be chained with iron” . And explained that "the medicine will contain a lot of iron" .

The alarming predictions of the Bulgarian Vanga: the recklessness of people will eventually lead to the death of all life on the planet:“People will dig wells in the ground and mine gold, which will give them light, speed and energy. (meaning oil production, which is also called "black gold"),and the Earth will cry tears of bitterness, because there is much more gold and light on its surface than inside. The earth will suffer from these open wounds." Instead of cultivating the fields, people blinded by profit will rush to look for oil, and then they will understand "how stupid it was to drill these holes."

Wang about the new doctrine, Russia and the future of mankind

Vanga, January 1988:

“The time of miracles will come, and science will make great discoveries in the field of the intangible….. All the hidden gold will come to the surface, but the water will leave. It's so preordained."

Vanga, May 1979:

“In two centuries, people will establish contacts with extraterrestrial beings from other worlds…”

Vanga, January 1988:

“We are witnesses of fateful events on Earth. The two most major leaders around the world shook hands and put their signatures to prove that they had taken the first step towards achieving world peace. But it will take a long time. More water will flow. The Eighth will come, and he will sign the final peace on the planet.

From the book of Vanga's niece Krasimira Stoyanova "The Truth about Vanga".

“An ancient teaching will soon come into the world. They ask me: "Will that time come soon?" No, not soon. Syria has not fallen yet!

“Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia. Too much has been sacrificed. Nobody can stop Russia. It will sweep everything away from its path and not only survive, but also become the ruler of the world”…”Russia will once again become a great empire, above all an empire of the spirit.” "As an eagle soar Russia over the earth , - the literal words of Baba Vanga, -and will cover the whole earth with its wings. Its spiritual primacy is recognized by everyone, including America.” But it won't happen right away. According to Vanga, in sixty years. Prediction made in 1989

And finally, Vanga repeated this with some solemnity in her voice more than once:"A new man under the sign of the New Teaching will appear from Russia."

- Christ will come again in white robes , Vanga prophesied. —There is a time coming when certain souls will feel the return of Christ in their hearts. First he will appear to Russia, then to the whole world.

All religions will fall. Only one thing remains: the Teachings of the White Brotherhood. How White flower, it will cover the Earth, and thanks to this, people will be saved.

The doctrine, in connection with which the names of the Roerichs and Blavatsky arose every now and then, extremely occupied the imagination of Vanga. She called it the fire bible.

According to her, the secret deep work on the Teaching is now finished. It can no longer remain a secret. Like a fiery stream, it will burst into people.

— The New Teaching will come from Russia, Vanga prophesied. —There will be a clean Russia, there will be a White Brotherhood in Russia. From here the Teaching will begin its march around the world.

Vanga about upcoming archaeological finds

According to Vanga, large, highly organized civilizations previously existed on Earth.

From a conversation with Vanga about the Greek island of Samothraki:

“Indeed, this is a fantastic island, inhabited by souls that lived in this beautiful place thousands of years ago, they create a special atmosphere. But modern people still don't know much about him. Near the coast of the island, at great depths, there are surprises for archaeologists. I see the remains of marble columns made with great skill. This is part of the former temples and palaces. They have not yet been discovered, but the day will come when they will be taken from the sea and they will cause a big sensation. After many years, the island will move away from Greece to Italy. Unfortunately, this island has not escaped the negative influences of modern passions and vices. Sometimes I see such a picture - it will not bypass Bulgaria either - people will become so depraved that they will start making love on the street. Oh, if they knew what price they would have to pay for their base feelings, they would never commit adultery. But remember, no one escapes retribution.

Vanga, January 1988:

"... We will witness great archaeological discoveries that will radically change our understanding of the world since ancient times ...".

“A big city will be excavated in the ground, thanks to which people will learn more about their past”

Meeting of Anatoly Lubchenko with Vanga (summer 1994)

One of those who saw the Bulgarian soothsayer in last years her life, when she was seriously ill and almost did not receive visitors, was the Ukrainian businessman Anatoly Lubchenko. Most recently, in 2000, materials were published about the meeting between A. Lubchenko and Vanga. Lubchenko recorded the interview with the prophetess on a dictaphone. It takes no more than 45 minutes, but is of extreme interest to all mankind, as it contains Vanga's predictions regarding Russia and other Slavic peoples. Let's see what Vanga said.

- Russia is waiting for good, Bulgaria and Macedonia - not so much. Women in Russia will give birth to many good children who will change the world. Then a miracle will come, wonderful times. Science will say what is true in old books and what is not, they will find life in space and find out where it came from to Earth. A large city will be excavated in the ground. New people will fly from the sky, and there will be great miracles. But we must wait, we must not rush things, it will not be soon.

A. Lubchenko: – And what will happen soon?

- In 18 years, the world will end (recall, the interview was recorded in 1994), the Earth will turn away from the Sun. Where it was hot, there will be ice, many animals will die out. People will fight for energy, but they have enough soul to stop. And then time will come back.

- In 7 years, people will neither sow nor reap, but only grow everything. Animals will reproduce like plants, and plants like animals. In 21 years, no one will be driving the earth. Trains will be refueled with energy from the Sun, oil will be banned, the earth will only give birth and rest. In 40 years there will be no current diseases, but others will appear. They will be connected with the brain, because everyone will drink from the sea, and there will be no islands in the sea. Then water will be found in space, and it will be good. There will be a lot of people. India is bigger than China. But people will get rid of the bodies.

Vanga's message to future descendants:

Vanga often reminds:“It is not necessary to fight for peace with weapons in hand. Inspiring people with good thoughts is also a serious step towards achieving peace. Many leaders of different countries are directing their efforts in this direction. We have no other choice. We must be kind and love one another in order to be saved. If we do not realize this with the help of our minds, the inexorable laws of the Cosmos will force us to this, but then it will be too late, and it will cost us too much ... Here, I sometimes see such a picture: a blackened and burned Earth, and a handful of people like shadows… We must not allow life on Earth to perish because of our myopia. The time has come to make every effort and renounce enmity, envy and hatred. It's so preordained. Even if we do not want it, life must move forward ... "

“The day will come when lies will disappear from the face of the earth, there will be no violence and theft. Wars will stop, the survivors will know the value of life and will protect it. (From the transcript of the recordings made by Boyka Tsvetkova)

All human trials are not accidental, Vanga believed. Human life, like the fate of entire peoples of the earth, is predetermined from above, and one must learn patience and courage to resist evil."Not by chance, nothing is by chance, - the clairvoyant Vanga warned the living. -That is why I say to all people that our consciousness must be rebuilt for kindness. And this is not only a wish. The earth is entering a new period of time, which can be characterized as the time of virtues. This new state of the planet does not depend on us, it comes whether we like it or not. The new time will require new thinking, a different consciousness, qualitatively new people, so that harmony in the Universe is not disturbed. (said by Vanga in 1980).

Parting words (commandments) Vanga:

  • Man is the one for whom he holds himself. If he manages to change his thoughts in the direction of good, then everything in his life will change.
  • A person must love himself and everything around him. In our difficult times, this is most needed. And he should also be grateful to God for help in difficult times, for wisdom, to which he owes his success.
  • Do not fight fools - they are not painfully scary, do not try to correct or change them. Much scarier assholes. They are ready to present something that can excite the whole people.
  • Do not set unrealizable tasks, know what you can do and what you can’t, otherwise you will have to blame yourself later.
  • Do not promise if you are not sure that you will fulfill the promise, because the pain that you inflict on another will return to you sooner or later.
  • Pray to God and don't ask for more than you need.
  • Do not envy anything, mourn my life, because the burden that I carry is unbearable. Do not ask for too much - you will not be able to repay ...

One of the most famous clairvoyants is Vanga, who has been helping people in need all her life. She became blind as a child, but received the gift of seeing things that the average person could not see. Many of Vanga's predictions are striking in their accuracy, which is why prophecies for the future are so popular among people.

What did Vanga predict?

The well-known Bulgarian clairvoyant told about the events of the future not only during the seances, it was preserved a large number of her notes, which she dictated to an assistant. Vanga's prophecies concerned people who, in her words, "went off the righteous path." The anger that has settled in the souls will eventually lead to madness. Deception, disbelief in God, violence, all this will certainly come back to haunt humanity, and then people will think that they are living wrong. There are Vanga's predictions about the future, the implementation of which will still have to wait:

  1. At the beginning of the 21st century, doctors will be able to invent a drug that will defeat cancer. She spoke about the fact that the disease would be chained in "iron chains". Some people assume that the clairvoyant meant that the composition of the drug would include a lot of iron.
  2. A new source of energy will be created and this will happen in 2028. The seer also spoke about the fact that they would begin to actively use the energy of the sun, but oil production would completely stop.
  3. In 2033, as a result of the melting of ice, the sea level will rise. Vanga did not say anything about whether this would happen suddenly or simply the level of the World Ocean would increase in comparison with what it was during the life of a clairvoyant.
  4. Muslims will come to power in European countries, and this will happen in 2043. As a result, there will be positive changes in the economy.
  5. A breakthrough in medicine is expected, so in 2046 doctors will learn how to grow organs that can be transplanted into sick people.
  6. In 2088, a new tragedy awaits humanity - a disease that provokes rapid aging. In 11 years, doctors will find a cure for her.

Vanga's predictions about Russia

The clairvoyant said that the reserves of black gold would begin to dry up and after a while it would completely end, but no matter how strange it sounded, the Russian economy would not be seriously affected by this, but they would find areas for the development of the country. Vanga's predictions about Russia also relate to the fact that lucrative agreements will be signed with China and India, which will be the impetus for concluding a peace agreement with America. Relations with Ukraine are normalizing and people will understand that they are friendly people. Vanga's prophecies about Russia also concerned the fact that this country would contribute to the unification of other states.

Vanga's predictions about Ukraine

In the records of the seer, you can find a lot of information about different countries. Vanga's predictions about Ukraine concerned the political situation, and she said that sooner or later the people would get tired of the lies of the government and a coup would happen. As a result, a representative of the middle class will come to power, thanks to which the country will receive new round up. Introducing the experience of Western countries, Ukraine will begin to develop rapidly. Vanga also noted the rise in the cultural development of the country.

Vanga's predictions about the USA

There are not so many records that dealt with America, but they still exist. For example, Vanga predicted that a black man would win the election, which happened. The seer spoke of the fact that the coastal states would be seriously affected by numerous tornadoes, tsunamis and floods. Vanga argued that America could “freeze”, but what this means and what environment it concerns is not clear, so it can refer to both nature and the economy. She also said that after some time the United States and Russia would improve relations and then everything would be stable in the world.

Vanga's predictions about Syria

Communicating with people, the seer repeatedly mentioned that Syria is a magical territory and great world events in the future will be associated with it. Vanga's predictions about the war emphasized that the fate of the whole world would be decided in this country. She said that superpowered states would clash on this territory. If a few decades ago these prophecies seemed strange, then judging by today's news, everything is not as vague as it seemed. Vanga described that the world would come out of the bloody slaughter in a completely different way and a new doctrine would unfold in Syria.

Vanga's predictions about China

The Bulgarian seer in her notes indicated that China would rise among other world powers, and if you look at the pace of development of this state, then the prediction could be quite real. Republic of China every year it occupies more and more niches in the world market for the production of various goods and services. Latest Predictions Wangi pointed out that the "mighty dragon" would conquer the world, people would use red money, and she also remembered the numbers 100, 5 and zeros. As you know, 100 yuan is red.

Vanga's predictions about the third world war

In the records of the Bulgarian seer there is information that the third World War and it will happen in the East. It is worth noting that many clairvoyants confirm this information. Vanga predicted everything vaguely and did not specifically mention the war, but spoke of serious trials for the entire planet. Problems will manifest themselves after Syria "falls." The first thing that will happen after this is a new faith will come, the so-called "White Brotherhood", which will come from Russia. To summarize, we can conclude that the cataclysms will begin due to religious contradictions.

Vanga's predictions about the end of the world

Like many other seers, Vanga agreed that the end of humanity would still happen. The terrible apocalypse will be related to water and, most likely, the global flood will repeat. Many are interested in when Vanga predicted the end of the world, for example, the Bulgarian seer pointed to the year 2378. She also talked about the fact that the Sun will go out for three years, and without it, all living things will die. Vanga's most terrible predictions are associated with an asteroid, due to which the heavenly body will go out and a flood will occur.

What predictions of Vanga came true?

Many prophecies made with the clairvoyant eventually became real, and among the most significant are the following:

  1. Death of Stalin. The soothsayer spoke about the death of the leader six months before the incident, and she called the exact date. It is worth noting that for what she said, she was sent to a Bulgarian prison.
  2. Death of Kennedy. Describing Vanga's predictions, which came true, one cannot lose sight of the fact that she knew about the assassination attempt on the American president four months before the tragedy.
  3. The collapse of the USSR. In 1979, the Bulgarian clairvoyant spoke about the changes that were coming and about the collapse of the great state.
  4. Disaster with eyeliner "Kursk". Many of Vanga's predictions seemed strange to people until they became a reality, and the tragedy that she spoke about back in 1980 can be attributed to them. She said that the Kursk would be under water in August 1999 or 2000, and then everyone thought it was about the city, not the submarine.
  5. Peace between America and Russia. Vanga said that she sees how the two leaders of the world shake hands, but will sign the final peace "Eighth". It is believed that the seer spoke about Gorbachev and Reagan, who shook hands, and the "Eighth" is Russia, which entered the "Big Seven".
  6. terrorist attack in america. In 1989, the seer warned that a terrible tragedy would happen, and the American brothers would fall, pecked with iron birds. As a result, in September 2001, terrorists on planes flew into the twin towers, which collapsed, resulting in the death of a huge number of people.
  7. own death. Vanga talked about her death 6 years before it became a reality.

Vanga's unfulfilled predictions

Not everything said by the clairvoyant became a reality, and the following prophecies can be attributed to them:

  1. Vanga's predictions for the future concerned the fact that in 1990 a tragedy was to occur - an explosion of an airplane carrying President Bush Sr. of America.
  2. The soothsayer also spoke about the fact that one of the Arab states would completely disappear.
  3. Vanga's good prediction did not become real either, according to which after 2000 there will be peace on earth and there will be no cataclysms and disasters.
  4. Wang prophesied for 2010 the beginning of the third world war, which will last four years.

So what horrors did the clairvoyant Vanga predict for us? She spoke about the third world war more than once. At the same time, all her words are perceived both negatively and positively. The fact that the seer did not see the classic end of the world, which until recently there was a lot of talk, inspires some optimism. No, she believed that humanity would live and develop. Although the Bulgarian woman predicted considerable shocks for us.

Vanga on World War III: Europe

Two decades ago, the famous seer told the world that she would undergo huge changes. People will stop throwing themselves at each other using ordinary weapons. It will even become irrelevant. Now we ourselves are beginning to understand this. The logic is simple: why destroy nature and the infrastructure already created on enemy territory? There are other ways to get rid of the population, leaving everything created in the form in which it exists. This is how World War III will take place. Vanga's prophecies, in particular, concerned from which all of Europe should perish. According to her, there is no one alive on her territory.
will remain.

Wang about World War III: Russia

The seer in her visions saw Russia as the savior of the world. This country will save itself and bring peace and prosperity to all mankind, she believed. The strength of Russia was called the spirituality of its people. From faith will come the deliverance of the world from suffering. Vanga spoke about the White Brotherhood, which will replace all other religions on Earth. While researchers still can not say exactly what she had in mind. There is a theory that the clairvoyant foresaw the revival of the ancient Vedic teachings in Russia. Some researchers believe that this will only happen after a conflict with the Islamists, which will be armed and not associated with state affiliation. That is, it will be a war for faith, not a conflict between countries. Many terrorist attacks around the world are seen as evidence of this theory. These are just unproven reinterpretations of the words of the seer. And she herself predicted Russia's dominant position in the world, which should inspire optimism in its inhabitants!

Vanga about the third world war: timing

About when the catastrophe will begin, the clairvoyant said the following: "Syria has not yet fallen." That was over twenty years ago! At a time when Syria was still living a quiet life and no one was particularly interested in it. Now we are already beginning to understand that this country is becoming a “stumbling block” for the whole world recently watched how the presidents of the United States and the Russian Federation “fought” for little Syria. Until Syria fell. What will happen next? Should we wait for the second and subsequent aggravations of the conflict? Or maybe history did sharp turn, and humanity jumped to a different probabilistic line, where there will be no climate weapons and the death of many of its representatives?

Seer Vanga: predictions

World War III will end with the victory of the forces of good! This is how Vanga saw it. Lots of people will die. And even at that time, twenty years ago, she saw the origins of these events. According to her, people become robots. Simple human joys have long gone from their lives, only money remains! The mother does not love the child, the husband and wife quarrel over coins! Happiness in its original form is unknown to people! All this leads to the impoverishment of souls, the impoverishment of the human aura. In such a situation, the destruction of mankind becomes possible. We ourselves are losing our powers that protect us, praying to gold, forgetting about simple but very strong values: love, good nature, humanity!

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