Plate 150 mm how many layers of reinforcement. Reinforcement of the foundation plate

The buildings 25.06.2019
The buildings

An important stage of building a house is the construction of the foundation. This main part assumes the load from the movement of the soil, from the structure of the structure and other external factors. Consequently, the foundation must be strong enough and reliable. Strengthen the base of the house helps reinforcement, that is, the increase in metal reinforcement rods.

For what purpose do the reinforcement of the plate

The reinforcing frame is the necessary element of the foundation plate. However, many builders neglect this stage, believing that concrete is independently able to withstand the loads. To deal with the question, why need reinforcement of the foundation, you need to know which problems this element solves. In particular, we are talking about:

  • The reinforcing frame makes the base stronger, which allows you to withstand the loads more than the plate from the usual cement.
  • Clean concrete is characterized high strength On compression, but it is badly withstanding bends. Metal bars do not allow the concrete slab to bend from uneven pressure. As a result, the risk of uneven shrinkage of the house is reduced.
  • The reinforcing frame does not allow the concrete slab to deform as a result of the swelling and grounds of the soil. In addition, the reinforced foundation is not afraid of a sharp change of temperature and groundwater. Therefore, it can be concluded, reinforcement increases the life and foundation, and the whole building.

Creating a reinforcing frame is governed by special documents where the recommended rules and dimensions of the reinforcement are indicated.

Reinforcement of slab foundation

Reinforced monolithic reinforced concrete slab is recommended depending on the intended load, since in some places it can be significant, for example, under carriage walls, or in the corners.

Reinforcement scheme

Laying of fittings is performed depending on the thickness of the plate. If this parameter does not exceed 15 cm, then the reinforcement is carried out in one layer. Otherwise, it is necessary to strengthen the monolithic plate by means of a frame.

The frame is a grid with cells, the same in all directions. Moreover, for light buildings, the distance between the rods can be up to 40 cm, when the walls are erected from brick or concrete, the distance decreases to 20 cm.

In general, the regulated size of the cells should not exceed the plate thickness greater than 1.5 times.

In the junctions of the junction, that is, under the bearing walls, the cell size decreases by 2 times. It makes the frame and the base is more durable and reliable.

Calculation of the diameter of the reinforcement

The diameter of the reinforcement rods, which are used to enhance the foundation plate, is a very important parameter. Therefore, it is necessary to pre-determine the cross section of the rods of reinforcement.

To determine the minimum diameter of reinforcement rods, you should use a specific technique:

  • Calculate the cross section of the plate, for this length is multiplied by height. For example, you can take 6 and 0.3 meters: 6 * 0.3 \u003d 1.8.
  • Calculate the permissible area of \u200b\u200bthe rod cross section, for this, the slab cross-section is divided into a minimum percentage of reinforcement (according to the regulated documents, this parameter is 0.15%): 1.8: 0.15 \u003d 27.
  • Determine the armature area in one row: 27: 2 \u003d 13.5.
  • Calculate the minimum section, knowing the length of the plate and the step between the rods: 13.5: 31 \u003d 0.43.

You can find the diameter of the rod by the appropriate section in GOST 5781.

Generally experienced builders Recommended to use the following indicators: with a base length of less than 3 meters, you can use a rod with a diameter of 10 mm. Otherwise, it is necessary to take thicker elements to 12 mm. Most often builders use reinforcement bars with a cross section of 12-16 mm. In addition, there is a limitation of the diameter of the reinforcement: it cannot be more than 4 cm.

Calculation of the number of reinforcement

The amount of reinforcement required is calculated by a fairly simple scheme. For example, reinforcement will be performed for plates of 8 * 8 m.

  1. Pay attention to standard size Cells 0.2 m, determine the number of rods: 8: 0.2 \u003d 40.
  2. It is necessary to add another rod to this figure, the result is 41 bar.
  3. To obtain the grid, perpendicular pins are also needed, therefore, the result obtained is doubled: 41 * 2 \u003d 82.
  4. Considering that the frame consists of at least two layers, we double and this value: 82 * 2 \u003d 164.
  5. Thus, 164 rods will be needed for reinforcement of the plate 8 * 8 meters.
  6. However, in most cases, reinforcement rods have a standard length, which is equal to 6 meters. So, it is necessary to calculate the overall fittings: 164 * 6 \u003d 984 m.
  7. The number of vertical connecting rods is calculated in the same way. If we consider that the connection is performed in places intersection of horizontal elements, then you can get the following: 41 * 41 \u003d 1681.
  8. Now it is necessary to determine the length of the connecting rods. Knowing that height monolithic plate It is 20 cm, and the distance from the frame to the upper and lower part of the base should be at least 5 cm, determine the length of the rod: 20-5-5 \u003d 10 cm.
  9. Now you can define the overall method of connecting rods: 1681 * 0.1 \u003d 168.1 m.
  10. We summarize all the data and obtain the result: 984 + 168,1 \u003d 1152.1 m.

If in the store the material is sold by weight, you can also determine this parameter. Middle Mass one running meter The rod is 0.66 kg. Hence, general weight The reinforcements will be like this: 1152.1 * 0.66 \u003d 760 kg.

Methods for creating reinforcement frame

To assemble the reinforcing frame for the foundation plate, it is necessary to combine the reinforcement bar between them. For this purpose, two options use: a compound with welding and viscous.

The welding method is used very rarely, although in this case the manufacture of the frame is required fewer time and strength. The main disadvantage of this method is a rigid and stationary compound, which is not very well affected on the quality characteristics of the monolithic plate. In addition, in the process of welding, metal melting occurs, therefore the strength properties of the valves are reduced.

The brunette connection with a knitting wire does not have a special stiffness. Under the action of concrete mass there may be a stretching of the wire, but the rupture in the connection site will not happen. Another advantage of the connection with the help of wire can be called energy savings, since work is carried out manually without the use of welding or other electrical equipment.

How to avoid mistakes when creating a reinforcing frame

Errors can be performed at any stage of construction, the reinforcement of the foundation is not an exception in this case. Even the slightened shortcomings can contribute to the destruction of the slab base or complicate the concreting process. Consequently, it is necessary to learn more about what errors are made at the reinforcement stage to completely avoid them or minimize them.

  • The most important error in the reinforcement of the foundation plate can be called incorrect calculations of the intended load on the foundation or absence. Indeed, on the basis of these data, the dimensions of reinforcement rods are selected, the armature location scheme is determined.
  • Armature rods are joined. This method cannot guarantee the structural strengths, so it is recommended to connect the elements of the flask, the length should be at least 15 diameters.
  • In the process of laying the reinforcing barcass, the rods are located in close proximity to the soil or stuck in it. As a result of the beaten or precursors of the soil, the fittings in the soil occurs, which leads to the formation of corrosion on the rods. This phenomenon reduces the strength of the frame and the entire base.
  • Failure to comply with the rules of the arrangement of rods can also cause the destruction of the slab. The recommended distance between the rods should be no more than 40 cm, and in some situations this parameter is reduced to 20 cm.
  • If the ends of the reinforcement do not have protective coatingThe influence of moisture from the concrete solution may form corrosion elements.
  • Of great importance is the correct reinforcement under the bearing walls and in the corners of the structure.
  • The installation of the frame is not performed on the clamps, but on wooden bars or other non-standard elements. They not only disturb the integrity of concrete, but also contribute to the penetration of moisture to metal elements.

Reinforcement of the foundation plate is a very responsible and difficult stage. But subject to the rules and accurate execution of calculations, you can independently implement this process.

The foundation is the basis of any building, depends on its strength operating time Constructions. The reinforcement of the foundation plate by means of metal rods of reinforcement is the most simple and effective way to increase the durability of the foundation. This technology is particularly popular with the arrangement of monolithic foundation structures, subjected to high bending loads, which will easily destroy the usual concrete slab, not protected by a metal frame. This article will consider the main stages of the construction metal carcass and the principles of calculating its key parameters.

To implement high-quality reinforcement concrete construction should be observed general rulestaking into account the technology of construction and properties of involved materials. In private construction, they often neglect, going around without accurate calculations and the preparation of a working draft, since one- and two-storey houses Do not have serious loads on the foundation. Stacking of reinforcement is made according to the schemes already used earlier, which saves time. In such cases, it is sufficient to comply with the minimum requirements indicated in SNiP.

It is also necessary to distinguish the plates of the foundation and overlap. Although there is no significant difference between them, the processes of their erection is still different. For example, for mounting the reinforcing layer of the foundation, the metal rods of larger diameter will be required.

Monolithic reinforced foundation has sufficient level Strengths for the construction of multi-storey structures. True, a more complex technology is used to create a basis for a high-rise building, which involves the use of several types of reinforcement, carry out accurate calculations of the size of the slab and the characteristics of the soil.

Source Information

A typical scheme of reinforcement of a monolithic plate takes into account the level of loads in horizontal and vertical directions. Using the fittings, a mesh is formed, the step of which varies within 20-40 cm. At the same time, the distance between the rods should be changed depending on the magnitude of the jurisdiction in a particular place.

The journal of the jurisdiction is called a plot of a monolithic slab to which you have most of Loads rendered by carrion walls. The resulting voltage changes the depreciation level of concrete and its distribution. For neutralization negative influence high loadsBased on the SNiP requirements, it is necessary to use solid reinforcement in the connection zones with the wall. On average, a metal mesh is used to reinforce the plane of the foundation in the central zone and on the plots of maximum supplies, the step of which is characterized by 2 times.

When developing a detailed construction project, the exact gap between the vertically located units is indicated. To eliminate loads from the weight of the building, it is also recommended to carry out vertical rods some level concrete base For connecting to the wall.

For reinforcement of the foundation plate, you can use one or two grids. One reinforcing mesh is enough for a plate with a thickness of 150 mm or less. As a rule, single reinforcement is suitable for small wooden structures. Currently, in private construction, the thickness of the foundation varies within 20-30 cm, which implies the installation of two grids located one above the other.

Selection of fittings

For construction work Three types of fittings are used:

  • Armature with a smooth surface (A240)used in reinforcement in the vertical plane. It is not recommended for strengthening the plate of monolithic type;
  • A300 brand (diameter in the range of 10-12 mm). The surface of the rods is covered with ringwaters;
  • Mark A400. Rods have a sickle profile. Due to the increased working diameter, it is best for enhancing the stove.

Before reinforcement monolithic foundation It is necessary to calculate the optimal amount of the cross section of the rods. The reinforcement grid consists of two layers, the elements of which are located at right angles relative to each other. The lower and the upper row are connected by vertical clamps. Knowing section concrete slab It is possible to calculate the amount of the cross sectors of the reinforcing grid passing in one direction: it should be about 0.3% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe monolithic plate.

If the width of one of the sides of the foundation is less than 3 meters, the minimum diameter of one rod is 10 mm. For more massive plates, it is often enough to use the reinforcement with a diameter of 12 mm. The maximum diameter of the rod for the plate is 40 mm.

How to calculate the number of reinforcement

The number of rods used directly depends on the size of the plate, primarily from its thickness (if it is more than 25 cm, two-layer reinforcement will be required). We use the house for example, the base of which has an 8 × 4 meter dimensions. The minimum grid step, according to SNiP, should be 20 centimeters. Accordingly, the number of branches will be equal to the length:

Multiply the resulting amount by 5% to ensure the stock. The rumor mooring of the reinforcement will be:

As we have already mentioned earlier, the diameter of the rod must be seamless in accordance with the load on the stove. The minimum degree of reinforcement for M-200 and M-300 concrete, respectively, is 0.1 and 0.15%, which should also be made to the consumption of material consumption. Knowing these parameters can be made accurate calculation of the consumption of material for the foundation plate with reinforcement.

For example, take a slab size of 6 × 6 m and a thickness of 20 cm and calculate the parameters of the reinforcement belt, which is directly in the pairing zone of 1.2 m2. Optimal value The area of \u200b\u200breinforcement is 0.3% of the plates area, respectively:

For one layer of the reinforcing belt, in which elements are located in 10 cm increments, the area of \u200b\u200bthe applied fittings should not be lower:

Under the reinforcement of the foundation plate, several types of reinforcing rods are suitable. Everything available options With the length and cross-sectional area are available for familiarization in GOST5781-82. From the results of our example, it follows that the most suitable is a rod with a diameter of 14 mm (a total of 12 rods to each pairing zone will be used). With the side of the plate 600 cm, the optimal frame of the frame mesh will be 30 cm (for a horizontal direction), the same step will be used for vertical direction, but 8 mm rods will be applied.

To present calculations in a more visible form, you must create a drawing of a metal frame. It will help when counting the total number of rods, which will be involved in the installation process. For our example, the cumulative consumption of the reinforcement will be 515.2 robust meters of 12-millimeter reinforcement rods and 56 meters of 8-millimeter rods.

Binding of reinforcement carcass

If the maximum load was performed before the construction work, the design of the building on the foundation was made, the connection method is made directly into the working drawing. But in practice, the method of binding or welding is used to combine elements of a metal frame. At the same time, the builders are gradually refusing from welding, since the heating of the metal becomes the cause of its deformation and changes in the structure. The method of binding is deprived of such drawbacks, providing additional flexibility with additional flexibility.

It is best for binding rods a steel wire with a diameter of 4 mm. Possessing the necessary strength, it remains flexible, it is enough to work with it, using conventional pliers.

Several tips for the correct mating fittings:

  • When connecting the rods along the length, it is left-fold of about 250 mm or more;
  • Using rods of different diameters, more thin should be placed on top;
  • Vodka is preferable to welding, only in exceptional situations should be switched to the welding method;
  • In the zones of increased deflection, the design is enhanced by additional rods.

Procedure for the construction of a frame for the reinforcement of foundation plates:

  • Creation of formwork on an external perimeter, installation of a rolled waterproofing material;
  • Installation of the horizontal belt of reinforcement at an altitude of 50 mm from the above-gravel pillow. It is necessary to ensure that the rods do not touch the walls of the formwork and pillows;
  • Installation of vertical rods with 20-40 cm increments. They are binding to the elements of the horizontal belt in the lower base. In the corners, vertical rods can be installed with a smaller step, strengthening them with longitudinal rods to increase the strength of the structure;
  • For horizontal belt elements, it is better to choose an interval of 15 cm or less (depending on the thickness of the plate);
  • The upper edge of the vertical belt must be above the plate to combine the reinforcing layer of the foundation plate with the wall design.

Description of reinforcement schemes

Stove width reinforcement

Most often, the reinforcement of the slab foundation is carried out by the main width of the plate using the mesh with the same cell size. When calculating the grid step, the size of the foundation and the load value, which he adopted after the construction of the building is taken into account. It is allowed to use rods of different diameters, while the thicker rods are stacked under the bottom of the design. Reinforcement on the main width is recommended to use for the bottom of the slab to distribute the load throughout the area.

In the end parts, the rods of the P-shaped shape, connecting the lower and the upper reinforcing ball in a single integer. These items additionally strengthen the design by compensating for the destructive impact of torque.

Creating overlapping for professional flooring

Interesting technology that allows you to create overlaps with a high bearing capacity. Profiled sheets of H-60 \u200b\u200b/ H-75 are suitable for operation. Sheets are mounted in such a way that the edges come down after the fill. The reinforcing grid is installed on top of the sheet at a distance of 150 mm. The rods are installed in the rods with a diameter of 12-14 mm, the locks from plastic should be used for mounting the rods.

Solid plate

This technology is used if you need to create a slab foundation or a span with a thickness of no more than 200 mm. The framework consists of two grids located in parallel planes. For mounted grids, a rod with a diameter of 10 mm is suitable. In the middle of the design, additional reinforcing elements are installed in the bottom grid. The frequency of the installation of reinforcing elements must be equal to the step of the main grid.

Plate support points must be equipped with additional reinforcement by setting it in the upper part of the structure. Mesh ends are also fastened by P-shaped elements of combining segments.

Monolithic plate installation sequence

To ensure the safety of reinforced concrete slabs for long timeIt should be located on a pillow from a sandy-rubble mixture, and is protected by insulation and waterproofing layer. The general course of work can be divided into the following steps:

  1. preliminary cleaning of the construction site from vegetation and foreign objects;
  2. digging the pit, the parameters of which are calculated according to SNiP, taking into account the mass of the building and the peculiarities of the soil;
  3. the bottom of the pit is equipped with drangum drazers, the dance surface is covered with geotextile material;
  4. over the entire area, the sandy layer of 30 cm thick is falling asleep, a 20-centimar layer of rubble is placed on top of it;
  5. over the resulting pillow fit an additional gasket from the regularity;
  6. installation of formwork consisting of 2 cm thick boards, bonded together with nails behind fixed outdoor supports;
  7. the construction of the reinforcing frame, the distance between metal rods and wooden formwork should not be less than 5 cm;
  8. after pouring the concrete, its processing and solidification is carried out to dismantle the formwork and the main construction work begins.

Pouring and grounding plate with their own hands

After the installation of the reinforced carcass of the monolithic plate is complete, it is necessary to carry out ground. This procedure involves the installation of an outer ring of galvanized tape. This ring will act as the outside of the slab, being it part of. Grounding is equipped with connecting tires to which the elements of the rain plum and the grossing will be attached. You can also withdraw the tires at the site of connecting the electrical network to the house to secure the internal electrical wiring ground.

Filling the foundation is carried out after the completion of all works associated with the installation of the reinforcing frame. In the process of kneading a solution to concrete, it is possible to add fibrovolok, if the SNiP requirements suggest an additional enhancement of a concrete base. The fill process is carried out in continuous mode before filling out the entire volume. At its end, the mixture must be released from air bubbles by vibropressing. The stove will acquire the necessary strength after 4 weeks.

Frequent errors allowed in the process of reinforcement

To provide the stove with the necessary properties, protect it from premature destruction should be clearly observed technological process Reinforcement of a monolithic foundation plate. Below is a small list of errors allowed by inexperienced builders:

  • On a flooded concrete mixture do not install polyethylene film. Its absence provokes the leakage of cement milk through the slots in the formwork. As a result, the frozen solution covers surface cracks.
  • After falling asleep, the sand-chicken pillow is not tamped and not covered with a film. During operation, the foundation will begin to deform, deep cracks will occur.
  • When installing the formwork, the slots are not close, through which the fresh solution will begin to flow. This error will result in the formation of irregularities in the stove.
  • The absence of a layer of waterproofing between the stove and the surface of the soil leads to the rapid destruction of the foundation, which can be stopped only through expensive work.
  • The use of stones as foundation spacers.
  • The reinforcement rods in the process of mounting the reinforcing mesh are fixed in the ground, as a result of which the metal will begin to quickly collapse under the influence of corrosion.
  • When the foundation is arranged, a sand-crushed pillow is not added, which reduces the strength characteristics of the plate. Also, a frequent error - the use for the cushion only rubble, whereas the minimum sand content in the mixture should be 40%.
  • The grid step during the reinforcement of the slab foundation exceeds the maximum limit of 40 cm, or it does not correspond to the calculations on the load on the foundation.
  • There is no protective concrete layer on the side of the assets of the reinforcement, which is why it is covered by corrosion.
  • Under the bearing walls and columns there are no vertical rods, as a result, the load from the weight of the building is incorrect.

We listed only the biggest mistakes that will definitely affect the performance characteristics of the foundation. There are more non-obvious nuances that only experienced builders know about. That is why we recommend trusting so important work As the reinforcement of the slab foundation only masters with a good reputation.


High-quality installation of the reinforcing lattice for a monolithic foundation requires compliance with construction technology and SNiP, knowledge of the properties of involved materials, the ability to correctly calculate the design parameters (in particular the grid step, length and diameter of the rods). To master the technical information, we recommend to study several practical examples in the form of construction projects: the schemes indicate the results of calculations of the dimensions of the reinforcing design, the distance between its elements. Only compliance with the rules outlined in this article will make it possible to build a durable foundation, which will subsequently will not need to be completed, repair or reconstruction and will last for many decades.

The ancient basis of the construction site - a stone - long ago learned to do from liquid concrete. It was not possible to use it for plates of overlap until the end of the nineteenth century, until reinforced concrete was invented. The difference was ten times the increased bending strength.

An ordinary concrete can withstand dozens and hundreds of tons of load, but only if they won't bend it. M200 transfers compression 200 kg / s per 1 cm2. That is, to crush a standard laboratory sample, "Cube" with a side of 10 cm, a load of 20 tons is required. At the same time, no hardening of the FBS of the same strength, and in the thickness, more than 60 cm can be reversed with a blow of a sledgehammer. If we try to make a stove, it will fall simply under your own weight. When bending, one half of the block section is compressed, and the second stretches, the stretching of the same concrete resists weakly.

The yield was found in the strengthening of stretching places with reinforcement. Steel rod class AIII withstands stretching more than 5 tons per cm2. This means that it is enough to add to the section only 2-3% of steel and the strength of the structure will increase tenfold.

It makes no sense to strengthen the stretched zone more than the compressed. When the load exceeds the critical one, it will still be broken. Hardening overlapping in a compressed zone is meaningless. We are dealing with thin long rods, starting to compress them - just bend (lose stability).

How to find out where reinforcement is required?

To determine where and what efforts the stove is experiencing, thickness, section, the pruhmy step, it is necessary to own the formulas for construction mechanics. No need to invent all "from scratch", just look into the catalog and pick up suitable for our span. For example, the 1.143-5PV series album contains solid slab drawings with a thickness of 16 cm with detailed specifications and metal dimensions. Strengthen the fireplace overlaps in the form of a grid. One is located in the bottom, and the second is in the upper part of the section.

The question arises if the lower part stretches when the load is stretched, why is the grid at the top? The edges of the plate are clamped in the walls, so the signs of effort are distributed over a more complex scheme. And next to the place of reference, the overlap turns out to be stretched just from above.

How to distribute fittings?

The scheme is as follows:

  1. Lower mesh with cells of about 25x25 cm, AIII reinforcements with a diameter of at least 12 mm. Closes the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe plate, not reaching the edge by the value of the protective layer (4-5 cm).
  2. At the top filling the entire area is not necessary. It is enough to put the grid around the perimeter, approximately a quarter of the size in length and width from the edge. At the same time, a step first we put 15x15 cm, and starting with half the reinforcement, go to 25x25. Steel take the same as the lower frame.
  3. Help the distance between the meshes of the monolithic plate helps the AI \u200b\u200bdiameter of 6 mm diameter, installed vertically.

Developing reinforcement based on the finished series, keep in mind: the standard involves the manufacture of structures at the ZhBI factory. This ensures accurate compliance of the concrete class in all respects.

For independent device It will not be superfluous to increase the cross section of the rods and the strength of the solution at least one third. Let the estimate increase, but guaranteed to get a reliable stove.


Even before the start of work, the future overlap must be drawn. We do it on a scale, in three projections: top view, longitudinal and transverse cut. In the drawing, we draw reinforcing grids, their location in the thickness of the section and on the plan. Do not regret the time, find the Calculator on the network to calculate the valve. When compiling specifications, specify not only the length, but also the weight of each element. Output the total weight of steel by brands.

Buying metal on the weight will allow you to save 10-15% of the price, which will result in calculations in length. To save time and money, ask to immediately cut the rental in size. This service is usually provided in the databases, it is inexpensive.

Choosing a plate thickness, do not save. Normally, if with a span up to 5.5 meters the overlap is at a height of 16-18 cm, it is not only in strength. M300 reinforced concrete and 10 cm will withstand the weight of tenants, furniture and all guests at home, but at the same time the system will "play", and sound insulation will be lower than criticism.

With an increase in the span, the effort in the section is not growing proportionally, but by ahead. The designs are longer than 6 m are performed with a pre-stressed reinforcement or having a rigidity rebnce at the bottom to increase the working thickness of the section. Correctly calculate such overlapping, without having special knowledge, it will not work, and ready solutions Find quite difficult.

Tools of the reinforcement

When laying steel, it will be necessary to cut, bend, bind. Therefore, we prepare tools and snap:

  1. USM is an angular grinding machine, or in the spacious "Bulgarian". For cutting rods up to 22-24 mm, enough and small, with a disk by 125 mm. But if the cutting is to have a lot, better stocking of medium sized by 180 mm. Little will overheat and work it is not very convenient.
  2. Machine for bending. You can buy or make yourself.
  3. Knitted hook. When the framework of frames is better to use wire connections. With them more about it, but when you catch it, it moves quickly. But the weakening of the metal, which gives electrical welding, does not occur.
  4. Flooring or Pasali - To redo the unsuccessful knot. For the workpiece of the knitting wire segments, it is better to use "Bulgarian", cutting immediately a thick bundle.
  5. Roulette with steel ribbon 3-5 meters, construction kit and marker for marking.
  6. Steel brush for "Bulgarian". May be needed for cleaning the rods. It is impossible to apply metal with traces of rust for reinforcement.

Materials and expendable

In addition to the steel rods themselves, we will need:

  1. Soft iron wire with a diameter of 1-1.5 mm for binding of reinforcement. Depending on the rod thickness, it will take 20-30 cm for each connection, we will calculate general Need. It is for sale on weight, so we will transfer meters per kilogram.
  2. Lining type "Stool" - will provide protective layer Concrete required thickness (minimum 40 mm). In contrast to strengthening rough floors or preparations for the foundation, it is not necessary to use pieces of bricks for the slab plate.
  3. Cutting discs for milling metal. If the steel is delivered in the blanks in size, they will need one or two, and with independently, a dozen can take away.

Reinforcement begins with formwork

I exhibit the formwork of the slab, these works are a completely special section of the building craft, they perform their carpenters. The task of the formwork snap is to give the necessary form Monolithic, as well as serve as a "table" for mounting the frame.

She must:

  1. Do not have a slot where liquid solution and cement "milk" could flow.
  2. It is strong enough to withstand the load from the mass of the composition and rolled products, as well as the weight of the workers who should go along it with the device for reinforcing and laying the concrete mix.
  3. Be strictly horizontal or have the required slope provided by the project with a deviation of no more than 2 mm per meter.
  4. To have accuracy geometric dimensionsproviding overlapping casting with a deviation from a project no more than 5 mm.

With a private low-rise house-building, the formwork for the stove is made of board panels or thick plywood (option - OSP-3). Specialized firms have standard kits, which are much more convenient to work with. If it is possible to take such a snap for rent, it needs to be used.

Laying reinforcement with your own hands

All operations are intuitively mastered literally for half an hour. The twists play only an auxiliary role, their task is to provide the necessary position of the rods in the thickness of the concrete only when it is filling. They themselves do not add no strength to overlap, and their work ends when the design is filled.

Works start with the rod of the bottom grid. We decompose approximately evenly first one layer, then two or three perpendicular segments. We proceed to the mating: scrape four rods around the perimeter of the monolithic plate to form a rectangle. Then we associate the ends of the rod of the lower "layer" reinforcement with perpendicular. In this case, we assume the necessary step both from one and from the other edge.

Knitted connection is made on technology:

  1. We harvest the segments of the wire of the desired length and bend them in the middle. The place of bend is not very compressed, we leave the "loop", sufficient to enter the tip of the knitting hook.
  2. Double wire bending and start, from the bottom exciting both rods at the intersection site.
  3. We engage the knitted hook for the looping and bring the second for it, the double end of the wire.
  4. Rotating the hook, twist the wire until the solid connection is obtained. If the loop breaks, nothing terrible, if only two to three twist twists left on the node.

To withstand the distance between the rods, we use roulette. Even more convenient to make templates from pruning wooden rail, in length corresponding to different reinforcement steps, and marker to label.

After all the rods of the lower grid are connected in the intersection places, go to the upper device. We work without hurrying, referring to the sketch. With a longitudinal junction of rolled rolled, there should be at least 40 diameters of the reinforcement (preferably 50). We make a twist at least two places of the allen, the grids are ready.

Go to vertical rods, installation scheme - in chess order, Step is enough 30-40 cm. With the help of a bending machine and "Bulgarian", pre-preparation required amount details. In shape, they are a bracket that resembles a strongly elongated Latin "S" or Russian "C".

Mesh spread in advance on the project distance, inserting templates necessary thicknessSharmed from boards or bars. We proceed to the installation of spacer rods. The technology is even easier here than for mating mestes: the top and bottom bend engage the clamps for the rod, then fix the twists. When the frame is ready, remove the spacer patterns and proceed to concrete work.

Compliance with uncomplicated safety rules is required:

  1. We work in gloves, burrs on the reinforcement, the thin edges of the wire can seriously damage the skin.
  2. Before taking into your hands, we put glasses or a transparent shield.
  3. In order not to stumble when moving on the grids, it will not be superfluous to lend to walk a light boardwalk.
  4. When laying a concrete under the filling plate there should be no people.

Reinforcement of monolithic slab overlap - mandatory technological process. The armature in the composition of the concrete structure takes on the load, increases the strength characteristics of the element.

Buildings with complex architecture have in terms of non-standard form, far from a square. Factory hollow plates Overlapping under these conditions is replaced with monolithic structures. OK bind into the system The remaining bearing elements of the building, transfer the load Walls and foundation.

The reinforcement is called the principle of sharing two materials To strengthen strength. General work monolithic concrete and metal allows you to arrange strong structures complex shape, large size.

Advantages of reinforcement plates

Reinforcement increases the ability of the structural element to perceive the load, withstanding deformation of more calculated values. The total load per square meter of overlap, given the temporary and constant, is 400-450 kg.

Overlapping works on a break. Wherein top part Plates of overlapping compressed, and lower, on the contrary, stretched. Concrete easily tolerates compressive strain, stretching load takes Metal Armature.


Without a reinforcing frame at the bottom of the slab, the design is destroyed.

The fill technology of reinforced monolithic slabs does not require the use of building machines during installation, transportation. All works are produced at the construction site, suitable for independent execution.

In a private house with a length of span up to 6 m and with supporting the plates on the walls along the contour, the size of the mesh cell 20 x 20 cm is considered. The diameter of the bottom mesh section takes 12 mm, the upper mesh -10 mm.

What is reinforcement of the monolithic slab overlap

The reinforcement of the design is carried out by installing inside the walls / side of the formwork of the overlap of reinforcement rods and grids before filling the shape concrete. The valve places directly on the formwork according to the project.

General Principle of Plate reinforcement:

  • metal rod knitting wire linked to the grid;
  • form frames on the walls. The overlap will be relying on the carrier wall, this size is called an area of \u200b\u200bsupport, is determined by the thickness, the material of the wall;
  • lower grid raised from the plane formwork for 25-30 mm locks;
  • the upper mesh is located relative to the level of concrete, retreating 25-30 mm;
  • in place of the adjoining plates to the walls added supporting fittings.

Support fittings are needed for preventing the cracking of concrete. The reference area of \u200b\u200bthe ceiling plate is accepted according to the project, but not less than 80 mm.

The distance from the edge of the formwork to the grids is retreating to form a protective layer of concrete. Steel without a protective layer under the influence of air and moisture subjected to corrosion.

In places with a weakened cross section, large quantity Holes for laying engineering communications, frame enhance. To do this, lay a few additional straight rods with a length of 0.4-1.5 m.

How to independently make reinforcement of the concrete slab overlap

Concrete reinforcement is a simple work for self-execution. Relying on the project data, pick up section, length and required number of reinforcement, soft knitting wire. The connection of welding does not apply. Welded Sow. does not have the necessary plasticitymay be damaged by vibration during concrete sealing.

Clamps for lifting a mesh over the formwork can be made independently from trimming of reinforcement.

What fittings are laying

The diameter of the rods depends on the accepted settlement load, calculates during the design stage of the building.

The diameter of the reinforcement used in the private individual building, it is usually 8-14 mm.

The corrugated periodic cross-section of steel rods increases the strength of the product, combats well with a frozen concrete mixture.


The class of valves intended for the construction of buildings and structures - ASH.

Armature consumption

When buying, the valve is measured in units of weight - kilograms, tons. Calculating the consumption of reinforcement, the overlap side is divided into the grid step and add one rod. Multiplying a number twice, receive a total number of rods of different lengths located along the length, overlap width.

Knowing these quantities, the reinforcement of reinforcement rods is easily calculated. Multiplying the total length of the proportion of the rod of the rod, get the weight of all elements. Usually consumption of reinforcement prescribed a project structure.

Rules mate

For mating reinforcement carcass It is used in small bays in small bays, it cuts it in advance with cuts with a length of 10 -20 cm for more convenient operation, a hook for mating wire will also be needed.

How to knit - sequence of actions:

  • cut wire stretches under the intersection of rods;
  • wire ends bend up;
  • a twist of the hook in the resulting loop creates a twist of several revolutions.

The length of the reinforcement rods is chosen in the size of the plates.

If it is impossible to avoid the joints, the connection of the rods is arranged with a turn of 40 - 70 cm (depending on the thickness of the rod) in a checker order.

The reinforcement of the concrete element increases strength, rigidity, durability of the design for.

Useful videos

On the video below - reinforcement of the plane of the monolithic cottage, the rolling step, monolithic frames And so on, look:

Check out the sample reinforcement plate:

Without such an element, like reinforced plates of overlapping, in modern construction it is almost impossible to do, even if we are talking about a small private house. Reinforcement of the ceiling slab is quite feasible, even if you are new to construction business.

Reinforcement of overlapping - what you need to know?

Reinforcement - a reception that meets everywhere. So make staircase steps, arched jumpers and, of course, monolithic slabs of overlapping. Reception is to combine two different materials - concrete and reinforcement. If concrete is strong, but quite fragile, then the metal, from which the valve is made, has sufficient elasticity to withstand oscillations and vibrations. Armature, in fact, is a skeleton of concrete - without it, he would have crumbled very quickly into pieces.

The thickness of the reinforcement varies depending on the scope of use, with residential construction typically use a cross section from 8 to 14 mm, while the thickness of the slab itself is assumed to 150 mm.

If you buy the plates, note that the structure of the cross section is solid, ribbed and void. The latter are most popular, since among their advantages are relatively low weight, they have high performance and sound insulation and tolerate deformation well enough. However, all purchased products have one essential minus - the presence of joints that do not always coincide, forming the steps. When creating a monolithic slab, you get a smooth and homogeneous surface.

Reinforcement Opportunities - Savings and Warming

The use of reinforced designs allows not only to achieve a significant insulation of the entire construction, but also noticeably speed up the process of the construction of the entire building. The small weight of reinforced plates and other designs significantly reduces the load on the foundation, while the design itself is obtained very durable and easily maintains a large stress and long-term effects of fire. According to statistics, wooden overlaps Capable to perform their functions with fire exposure about 25 minutes, while monolithic plates will withstand more than an hour.

The use of this structural component allows you to cost buildings of any size and complexity. With the help of the ceiling slabs, it is possible to correct the irregular geometry of the room and create non-standard overlap overalls. The planning opportunities of the house increase at times, since the support for such a type of overlapping can serve not only the walls themselves, but also internal arches and columns.

Masters of the site site prepared a special calculator for you. You can easily calculate the monolithic overlap.

Monolithic slab overlap with their own hands - reinforcement scheme

To find out the thickness of the future overlap, builders use a simple formula - the length of the span is divided by 30, the resulting digit and will be optimal thick. Traditional system Plate reinforcements lies in the location of the working rods at the bottom and at the top of the plate, redistributing the load of the reinforcement and the stops from the rod. If the stove thickness is not more than 80 mm, it is enough to reinforce the entire layer of the wire mesh.It is important to raise the grid so much so that it turns out to be inside the concrete at least 2-3 cm.

The grid can be both twisted wire and fastened welding - last method It is advisable to apply at least 6 mm at the diameter of the reinforcement. If the plate thickness reached or exceeded the limit of 150 mm, the reinforcement must be performed in 2 layers, placing them on each other and linked to the wire. The size of the cells should be at least 150 * 150 mm, but not exceed 200 * 200. For the most durable result, it is desirable to use the fittings of the same cross section, if you want to strengthen the plates even more, use a 40-150 cm long strip in binding to the main design.

The load on the design is distributed as follows: the main loads fall on the lower reinforcement, while the upper is experiencing a compressive load, as well as concrete. The reinforcement process should be performed on the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe monolithic plate, which is mandatory using formwork, which is traditionally performed from wood or plywood. Formwork racks must be fixed as fast as possible, because only one square meter of overlap can reach 300 kg in weight! For reliability, it is much better to use telescopic racks that are able to withstand 2 tons of weight.

Do it yourself: reinforcement of the monolithic slab overlap from A to Z

In reinforcement, it is recommended to use hot-rolled steel fittings of class A3 - its diameter is depending on the intended loads from 8 to 14 mm. The first grid is laid at the bottom of the plate, respectively, the second is in the top. The formwork must be set so that the grids are located inside the plate, and the protective outer layer of concrete reached about 2 cm. Bind the reinforcement into the grid with a conventional knitting wire, creating cells 200 * 200 or 150 * 150.

Sometimes instead of wires use welding, but this is a way out of the position only if you have welding machine And you have good job skills in this direction. Welding of reinforcement rods can very much to fasten them in places of welding, which subsequently can lead to a violation of the integrity of the structure.

The reinforcement in the grid should be without breaks, but if the length of one reinforcement is not enough, the additional one should be tangled with a tangible adhesive at least half a meter. The joints should be placed in a checker order, the edges of the grids should be associated in the P-shaped format. If you need to run the reinforcement, it is necessary to do it only with mechanical means, without heating the rod. Heating is able to affect the structure of the metal, which later may simply burst.Places of special loads are reinforced with additional bars, so it is very important to take into account the location of heavy elements and accumulation of holes that also need to be strengthened. Strengthen the upper grid should be over the supporting walls, the volume gain is required and in places of support on the columns.

The finished mesh from the reinforcement is best to fill with a concrete pump. With small amounts of work, you can do it on your own, but in this case, a quick supply of the finished concrete must be organized and its kneading at least using a manual concrete mixer, that is, you will need at least 2-3 assistants. In mandatory after the fill, concrete should be sealing - in large areas, a deep vibrator is used for this, at home, you can do the rhythmic and frequent tapping of the hammer by formwork or yet open elements Grids.

Hardening, concrete is noticeably seated, and with too fast drying, the shrinkage increases, which can cause the appearance of microcracks. Therefore, after the fill with concrete, the monolithic slab should be watering with water, especially in hot weather. Avoid straight jet, try to splash water over all overlap. It is often enough to avoid cracking of concrete to the bottom layer, a polymer mesh is placed on top of which the main design is already performed. The polymer mesh is used for the reinforcement of concrete screeds, when the use of wire or fittings is simply impossible.

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