What soils are considered the most fertile. The most fertile soils of the forest zone of Russia

The buildings 16.06.2019
The buildings

More than one hundred years ago, V. V. Dokuchaev established a geographical zonality, which occurs the main types of soils on Earth. It shows where fertile serozites are located. On the territory of Russia, zonality is manifested brighter than in other countries. This is due to the large length of the country from the south to the north and the prevalence of flat relief.

Types of Soil

In the territory Russian Federation The zonal soil change is clearly traced. There are tundra lands, gley, dend-podzolic, podzolic, brown and gray, fertile soils (chernozem), semi-desert, brown, serous, gray-brown. In subtropics are common red and yellow-bees. In the mountains feature of the soil change is high-rise zonality. All types are divided according to the composition, structure. Also, the classification has the effect of soil fertility.

Description of types

The northern part of the country is represented by tundrov-guery soils. They are low, contain no a large number of oxygen. In the forest zone the most different types Land. In the taiga under coniferous forests, podzolic lands are formed. Due to the decomposition of the coniferous opaque, acids are formed that enhance the mineralization and organic decay. Of upper layers Water wash the water and transferred to the lower layers. As a result, the upper layers become whiten, because of which they received their name - podzole. If the upper layer is enriched with humus, then such an earth is called turf-podzolic.

In the forest-steppe zone, the most fertile soils are formed - chernozem. They are characterized by the absence of a washing regime, and due to steppe plants, the soil is enriched with organic substances. Because of this, a large layer of humus is formed. In the arid lands, a chestnut layer is formed. They are distinguished by low humus content. Such soils are found to the south, where the climate is dry and warm, and vegetation is rare. With close location groundwater Solonchaki are formed.


The most fertile soil is considered a chernozem. It is characterized by a black color, a grain-sensitive structure. This species Earth is formed under herbal vegetation in the steppe and forest-steppe zone.

For chernozem, the following is characteristic:

  1. A large number of humus. Chernozem contains up to fifteen percent of humus. Because of this, such lands have high fertility.
  2. Many microorganisms. In each type of soil there are microorganisms, but it is in the chernozem them most.
  3. The fertile soils of Russia possess a grain-rose structure.

Jammed land

Black soil soil possesses the largest yield. In zones with such land prevail warm temperaturesstimulating the intensity of metabolism in plants.

In the creation of soil, a considerable role is played natural conditionswhich form a favorable mode for the accumulation of nutrients and saving them. In the black earth layer of the soil there are many worms, bacteria. They create favorable conditions For growing any species of plants.

Where is the chernozem

In addition to the territory of the Russian Federation, chernozem soils are found in America, Canada, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria. Chernozem in Russia is made up of about half of all fertile planet lands. Also, the chernozem is on our territory it has a rich composition, while in other countries these lands are poille.

Types of chernozem

And what are the most fertile soils from all kinds of chernozem the best? The characteristics of the black earth earth define the view. So, according to this criterion, the apodoline, typical, leached, southern Land. In the central part of Russia, the chernozem has about eight percent of humus. The reservoirs themselves lie down the depth of no more than seventy centimeters.

The steppe chernozem refers to a typical mind. It contains about ten percent of humus. In layers North America The content of humus is not more than three centimeters. And this is despite the fact that the land with its content is less than two percent is considered dead. Of all the chernozems of Russia, Voronezh is considered the benchmark of fertility. It is even exhibited in the France Museum as a fertility symbol.

Formation of chernozem

Chernozem education is a long and difficult process. It affects not only flora and fauna, but also the location of the land, the climate of the region. In the process of agriculture, if the lands are not replenished with fertilizers, the quality of the chernozem is lost. Cut fertile layer Loses its properties in a few years. An example of this is the transportation of black-earth reservoirs to Germany in the post-war period. After years, they lost their properties.

Sale of chernozem

IN last years The sale of soil is growing rapidly. This leads to the destruction of the Black Earth, to the creation of which the decades go. The fertility of the Earth has an influence of many factors, among which the main is the type of plants growing on Earth. If the plants are powerful root system, then the fertility of the chernozem will be better. This is due to the fact that large roots are loosened with the soil, allowing oxygen to penetrate deep into the reservoir. The most fertile soils are those on which trees, shrubs grow.

Use chernozem

The chernozem is delivered to a variety of planet corners. It is used when placing a landscape in large cities where land is exhausted. IN middle lane Russia black earth soils are used to create a necessary fertile layer. With it, it optimizes the water permeability, granulometric composition, density. After putting the soil on the sandy lands, healing is observed, improving fertility.

The territory of Russia is huge, but few favorable for farming here. More than ten percent of the land area is occupied by Tundra, about thirteen percent - wetlands, as much lands are used in agriculture. The most valuable rates are approximately seven percent of the territory of the whole country. Half of them fall on the Chernozem region zone: they produce about eighty percent of all products of the country. Under the pastures and hayflowers are removing podzolic and brown lands.

In the region where I live, there are several types of soils, which are distinguished by their fertility. Among them are black soils that are the leader in the level of fertility. Now I will tell you what is so special in this soil.

Chernozem - the most fertile kind of soil

Chernozem - Black Earth. Indeed, it has a black color. Therefore, many people who lived all their lives in the region with soils are very surprised when they come to another area and see the earth of brown or yellow color. Basically, chernozems are concentrated in the steppe and forest-steppe zone.

The high level of fertility of these soils is provided by such characteristics:

  • a large amount of humus in composition (5-15%);
  • the presence of a variety of microorganisms;
  • grain.

Back in the distant past, the chernozem was the key to a good crop. Such soil properties, as they, cannot be created artificially. No special fertilizers and minerals do another soil as much fertile. All because thousands of years leave for the formation of chernozems. They are formed under the influence of sets natural factors, including climate conditions and biological features. In such an earth, a large number of microorganisms live, as well as worms, which contributes to the formation of a favorable environment for the growth of any plants.

Chernozem in the world

For Russia, chernozems are a present heritage. Our country occupies a leading place in the world by the number of such fertile land. All together taken territories with chernozem in Russia make up 52% \u200b\u200bof world areas. Chernozem is also found in such countries:

  • Hungary;
  • Bulgaria;
  • Ukraine;
  • Canada.

But Russian black soils have the best composition. They are more than in the soils of other countries, contains humus, which is a key fertility factor. The transportation of chernozem to other regions is practiced, for which a certain layer of soil is cut. Many people think that it is possible to ensure fertility for many years, but it is not. The soil is gradually depleted, and after a few years it loses its fertility.

IN soil typesin which except small particles - Sand, dust, il (the main composition of any soil) - contains a significant amount of humus and lime, are called structural. Air easily penetrates into such soils, moisture absorbed well. They have increased vital activity of useful microorganisms, thanks to which the reserves of nutrients available for plants increase. Therefore, such soils are more fertile.

What types of soil are considered fertile

Fertile is called such a soil from which the plants get enough nutrients of all types and moisture. A rich soil can contain many nutrients, but due to bad structures, they are in an inaccessible form for plants. Poor soil is characterized by a minor amount of nutrients, the availability of which for plants is also limited due to its poor structurality.

Some vegetables make a mistake, believing that the poorer the soil, the more mineral fertilizers should be made in it. Large doses of mineral fertilizers create an excessively high concentration of soil mortar in soils such, which is harmful to plants. On poor soils, mineral fertilizers should be made in spring and only with organic. Most effective in this case Garden Feelable mixture, which is recommended before making stirring with overworked manure, or by humus - one part of the fertilizer into two parts by humus

In the middle lane of our country in major types of soil The most common ferrous-podzolic, turf and peat-swamp soils.

The dend-podzolic soils are poor organic substances, have increased acidity: with weak watering after irrigation and rains, they float, forming soil crust. The turf soils are characterized by higher fertility, rich in organic matter (humus). They are used as the main component of soil soil for greenhouses and greenhouses, as well as for seating pots.

Dried peat-swamp plots (peatlands) when making certain doses of mineral fertilizers and lime most favorable to obtain high yields Vegetables. Especially good for vegetable growing low peatlands containing a lot of nitrogen and having weak acidity. In comprehensive use, such peatlands not only constitute wonderful agricultural land, but also serve as a source of peat on fertilizer and soil soils for greenhouse greenhouses. Hinde peatlands have high acidity, poor nitrogen and others mineralstherefore for the cultivation of vegetables in open soil not used. However, riding peat is a valuable substrate for growing vegetables by hydroponics and a good bedding material for livestock.

According to the mechanical composition of the soil, they are divided into clay, luggy, sandy and samp. The mechanical composition of the soil is determined by the particle size of which it consists.

Clay soils are heavy, strongly related and sealing, especially after watering and rain. The soil crust formed at the same time, dramatically impairs the access of air to the roots of plants, such a soil is badly warming up and breathes. To increase fertility in the fall (better) or in the spring, 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bof peat composites, solisted manure, plant composts, or 0.2-0.3 kg of wood ash per 1 m² are made into it. Peaphrust and peatofex composts, straw manure close up on clay soil no deeper 15-17 cm. Mineral fertilizers typically bring in spring (especially nitrogen and phosphate), too, for a small depth (up to 20 cm); It is better to bring them locally in rows and wells. This approach to fertilizing fertilizers on heavy drum soils is combined with permissible seeding of vegetables and potato tubers.

Suglinic soils compared with clay more structural and fertile. Them nutrients Located in a more affordable form. Almost these soils are suitable for growing all kinds vegetable crops.

Sand soils are considered saline. They quickly pass water. As a result, the nutrients entered into the arable horizon are intensely washed into the lower layers. However, due to the rapid warming and good aeration, such soils represent a certain value for early vegetable growing, subject to constant increase in their fertility. This is achieved by systematic contribution. organic fertilizers, especially peat-containers (if possible, also contributes the pondl), better in autumnBut it is possible in the spring under the condition of intense watering. Fertilizer consumption per 1 m² - 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bof manure or 6-8 peat. It is possible to make a fractional - half in the fall to a depth of 17 cm, the rest is in the spring. Seeds on sandy soils are sown, and seedlings are planted deeper than on clay.

Summer soils are more fertile than sandy, especially for the cultivation of early vegetables: the structure is better, nutrients and moisture they hold more reliable.

How to determine the mechanical composition of the soil

To accurately determine the mechanical composition of the soil without special analysis is difficult. However, there are simple techniques that are quite affordable for a lover-amateur.

For example, the soil is chosen by half a spade from the arable layer, water is poured into the resulting hole water and stirred with a paшний soil. From the resulting dough make sausages and bend it into the ring. If the ring cracks, the soil is drowned, if the dough is not formed - the soil is sandy, if the ring does not crack - clay.

1. Scale for determining the mechanical composition of the soil

Soil differences in mechanical composition In the state of states (if the soil is dry wetting it)
with rolling with squeezing
Sands loose Bowl rolling does not succeed. When rubbing on the palm does not remain clay particles-palm pure -
Sands are connected Bowl rolling does not succeed. When rubbing on the palm there are clay particles -
Success The cord roll does not succeed, but you can roll the ball The ball with an easy pressure is scattered
Suglinka Long cord rolling does not succeed - it rushes and crumbs The ball turns into a cake with cracks around the edges
Clay A long thin cord is formed The ball is squeezed into the cake, does not crack around the edges

Kuban Chernozem

The most fertile soils on our planet are Black Soil (English Chernozem or Black-Soil - Chernozem). The classic black mill from the Strelet Steppe (Kursk Gubernia) - 1x1x1 meter (cube) received gold medal At the Paris International Exhibition, and still stands in the Chamber of Measures and Scales as a standard of fertile soil. This soil cube was brought to the exhibition by the Russian natural resource and soil - Vasily Vasilyevich Docochev.

Blackloons have become an object of research even before the birth of science about the soil. In Dodokucheyevsky period M.V. Lomonosov in 1763 formulated the thesis on the origin of the chernozem "from rotting animals and vegetable bodies over time." In the future, the facts about the properties and geography of chernozems were gradually accumulated, various hypotheses were expressed about their origin, among which were quite interesting.

Study Chernozem

But truly scientific research Chernozem began from expeditions V.V. Dokuchaev. He summarized a huge array of data about them in the monograph "Russian Chernozem" (1883), which was the beginning of genetic soil science. Chernozem as the type of soil V.V. Dokuchaev allocated in the classification of soil in 1896.

Blacklooms are soils formed by grassy phytocenoses of steppe and forest-steppe landscape-bioclimatic zones. The leading is a humus-accumulative process here, which provides support for the formation of a deep profile, its structures and an increase in trophicity. The characteristic humus profile of chernozems is formed by the powerful effect of steppe herbs, the root system of which is a significant part of their biomass and is able to quickly die and easily enjoy it.

The value of the chernozem

In world agriculture, black soils are used mainly under the crops of the most important food crops: Wheat, corn, barley, sugar beet, sunflower, grapes, garden, vegetable, garden, therapeutic, walrous, floral, and many other cultures. In this regard, the black soils are the most mastered soils of the earth's surface, but potential resources for expanding the arable space in the black earth area are practically absent.

Agricultural products grown on chernoles are characterized by very high quality. This is especially true of solid wheat, which has always been popular in the global market. And besides, animal husbandry, poultry farming, beekeeping, etc. are intensively developing in a chernozem strip. Blacklooms, thanks to their high fertility, there are soils of universal suitability under all S.-H. Cultures and fruit-berry plantings. Not by chance, rational use This fertility is the most important task of agricultural production on chernozem.

I have never understood people who can devote all day suriable work. What to relax on the sofa is impossible? But, life in a private house implies gardening and Continuous work (Remove in the yard, to pull the bunigns, care for lawn and flowers). Therefore, when the first opportunity appeared, I immediately bought an apartment in the city. Forgot that in the spring it is necessary to buy seedlings.

Now every summer I come to the grandfather and see how it works without a break for the time that grandchildren and great-grandchildren eating harvest with beds. I I can not stand aside, I constantly help my grandfather. Today I dare to reveal the secrets of a successful harvest. Running downward, I will say what you need good soil.

What is the soil most fertile: concepts

Rich soil - such a phrase very often say "avid" gardeners, not fully understanding the main concepts. It is better to apply the term fertile soil, which has in the composition potassium, copper, magnesium, sulfur, zinc, humus, nitrogen and phosphorus.If the soil does not contain the above elements, it means that it is not fertile and is not suitable for growing crops.

Determine the accurate composition of the soil on cottage plot You can use a special analysis. Soil sample give in agrochemical laboratory(This analysis is done when the site was taken for a large-scale sowing of crops).

Chernozem - the most fertile soil

For a good harvest buy black mill. It has a characteristic color and grain structure. It is called "black gold » . Soil has a high level of fertility due to humus and calcium. Chernozem recognized the best soil and feeding for garden plants, vegetable crops. If there is no black soil on the plot, and I do not want to spend additional funds for the purchase of the soil, what to do? Besides " black gold we have others fertile soils.

  • sand soil;
  • suglinted soil;
  • summer soil;

It is important to know: swampy soil not used in pure form (due to increased acidity). It is used as an additive.

Good harvest depends not only from the soil, but also from the hands of the host. Consider this.

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