How to install a door closer with your own hands: installation instructions. How to install a closer on a plastic door Proper installation of a closer on a door

The buildings 30.08.2019
The buildings

In order for the door to close smoothly, and not to frighten those around them with a knock, a door closer is often used. Previously, its role was played by an ordinary spring, in fact, it is present in the design of the closer and now, only more modernized. Installing a mechanical closer with your own hands is quite simple, in time such work will take no more than an hour. The main thing is to choose the right model and stock up on the necessary tools.

Before deciding to install a door closer, you need to decide on its main types and models. A high-quality device should silently and very smoothly close the door, while a person should not make heroic efforts to do this.

Closers differ, first of all, in their location and installation specifics. Each type of this device has its own advantages and requires compliance with certain nuances when setting it up.

There are the following types of closers:

  • Top - are easy to install and fairly low price. They are usually placed on the ceiling and differ from each other in the type of traction: it can be sliding (a more expensive option) and lever.
  • Floor - expensive and difficult to install closers. But they have one good advantage: they can be used where holes cannot be made, for example, when attaching a mechanism to glass door.
  • Hidden - the most expensive and high-quality models. They are installed inside the door, so they are not visible. It can be used in door leafs having a thickness of 40 mm or more.

If there is a closer on the door, then this slows down the process of its wear and, accordingly, lengthens the service life. This is due to the fact that the device partially takes the load on itself. door hinges and accessories.

When buying a device, you should also consider the load from the door and its width. If the power of the closer is not enough for its normal functioning, two such mechanisms should be installed.

Standard scheme for installing a door closer

To properly install the door closer, you can focus on the installation diagram, which is included in the standard kit of the device. In addition to such instructions, there is everything necessary fastening and levers.

So, installation options door closer provide the following device mounts:

  • Standard - consists in fixing the device on the door leaf, a door frame is used to mount the lever;
  • Upper - in this case, the closers are placed on the upper part of the box, and the canvas itself is used for fixing;
  • Parallel - the lever can be placed in a parallel position, using a special mounting bracket for installation.

When deciding to use any installation scheme, you should focus primarily on the location of the door hinges.

Using the attached template for installing the mechanism, you can do the job quickly and efficiently, because all the places of the fasteners are already marked in it. They just need to be marked and then drilled.

To facilitate the work, the installation diagram is applied to the desired place and carefully glued along its perimeter.

Installing the closer on front door, it should be fixed indoors so that the mechanism is not damaged under the influence of temperature fluctuations and precipitation.

Sliding type levers can be mounted from either side door leaf, even from the outside.

Self-installation of a door closer on a metal door

Put the closer on metal door quite simple if you use the template that comes with this device.

The installation instructions for the closer look like this:

  1. The existing template is attached to the door in close proximity to the hinges, as well as at the top of the box (this can be done with adhesive tape);
  2. Next, all the necessary holes marked in the diagram are drilled with a drill or other tool;
  3. Then the body of the device is fastened so that its valves, which are responsible for the speed, “look” at the hinges;
  4. The lever is divided into two parts, after which the foot of the side element is screwed to the box;
  5. Further, the main lever is put on the shaft of the mechanism, and then fixed with a screw and nut;
  6. The side lever is placed perpendicular door frame and fastened to the main arm;
  7. There is an adjustment of the angle of opening and the speed of the door;
  8. A cap is put on the bottom of the closer.

During the installation process, the door closer should be positioned strictly perpendicular to the closed door leaf, and the speed adjustment screws should “look” towards the awnings.

At the end of the work, it is imperative to check the operation of the installed mechanism. All you have to do is open and close the door. If there are difficulties during its operation, the closer should be adjusted again.

Adjustment and installation of a closer on a plastic door

Install the closer plastic door is also easy. In fact, the process is very much like working with a metal door.

First, the lever is attached to the door frame, then the closer is put on and connected to the screw that comes with the kit. After that, the linkage is adjusted. This should be done so that the holes on the door are clearly aligned with the holes of the door closer. After that, you can check the operation of the door.

  • If the door beats too sharply against the loot, you should slightly tighten the first screw in a clockwise direction;
  • To speed up the speed of closing the door, you need to turn the same screw, but counterclockwise;
  • The tightness of the fit is regulated in the same way.

When working with screws, care must be taken. Do not turn the screws several turns at once. It is better to turn a little and look at the result, if something does not suit you, then twist it again.

Do-it-yourself door closer installation (video)

Installing a closer is a fairly simple matter. The main thing is to strictly follow all the recommendations prescribed in the instructions. When operating the device, there is no need to additionally “help” the door close or open faster: this can damage the mechanism. For the door to work properly, it is enough to change the grease of the closer hinges once every two or three years, and for the front door this must be done every year, and do not forget to change the adjustment when the season changes. In this case, a quality closer will work for many years without any problems.

Despite the fact that most modern door closers are designed in such a way that their installation is reduced to a minimum of steps and actions, one often has to deal with poor-quality implementation of this task. Without showing due attention to the study of the instructions, not too experienced craftsmen get into trouble: the closer either presses the door too weakly, or vice versa, it goes very tight.

The result is discomfort experienced by everyone who passes through the door, and sometimes a reduction in tightness in the form of unpleasant drafts that occur because doorway constantly blown by cold winds.

High-quality installation of the door closer prolongs the life of the door and keeps the heat in the room. Any closer has a certain set specifications, which should be selected based on the characteristics of the door: more or less universal options exist, but such parameters as the mass and size of the door cannot be ignored.

The signs of a successful installation of the door closer can be the smoothness of its opening and closing, the absence of excessive efforts when closing, and the absence of any sounds during operation. Typical door closer kits consist of fasteners, a lever, and an appropriate assembly diagram. The instruction, as a rule, is made in such a way that a non-professional can work on it, you only need minimum set tools.

Types of closers

Closers differ in the specifics of the installation, which allows them to be divided into several main types, each of which has its own advantages. For any of them, the installation scheme will have certain nuances, obvious from the design features.

  • Overhead closers are usually used in offices: they are designed quite simply, moreover, they have a low price. They are placed under the ceiling and differ in the type of traction: it can be lever, which is most often, and sliding, this is a more expensive option, but also smoother in mechanics.
  • floor closer- a rarer occurrence, high price and complexity in the installation makes the scope of such products limited. The practice of use involves significant engineering surveys already at the design stage of the building. Convenient where it is impossible to drill holes: for example, when working with glass doors.
  • closers hidden installation are even more complex and expensive products with high efficiency and a truly magical effect: since they are installed directly inside the door leaf, they are simply not visible. Used in doors with a thickness of 40 mm.
  • To select a model by weight, there is a European standard EN 1154, tables are available on the Internet. If the door weighs no more than 20 kg, a door closer made according to the EN-1 scheme is quite enough for it. For heavy options, there are more powerful models up to EN-7.

    Closer functions

    Certain types of door closers have special features that may be useful for you:

    • Dual Range Adjustment: the first one initially sets the base speed, the second - the speed at the moment of closing, the so-called re-hatch, when you need to apply a little more effort to close the door completely, overcoming the friction of the opening.
    • Fixing position. Useful if the passage is used, for example, by loaders carrying through it a large number of goods in a certain period of time: the door is simply fixed open, and then the device is unlocked again.
    • Depreciation. The function allows you to increase the draft when opening and closing at certain positions of the door: at 70 or 90 degrees. Adjustable to your own taste.
    • Installation rules

      The first postulate that should be observed during installation is the accuracy of the markup. A crooked closer threatens to distort the doors over time, as a result, you will have to change the hinges, since the door simply stops opening and closing normally.

      Depending on the depth of the opening and its shape, it can be convenient to install some closers from the outside, that is, from the door opening side, this is often optimal for interior options. Surface-mounted door closer with a lever in the case of a deep opening with inside can be extremely inefficient. In this case, you will have to think over some kind of recess for the device, in the case of a reverse situation, fix an additional bar.

Increasingly, at the entrance and interior doors install closer various designs. This is very useful device. It allows you to control the time and force of closing the door. This makes it possible to avoid the appearance of drafts, rapid loss of heat in the room. In addition to these functions, it allows you to reduce the load on the entire system. This is especially important for loops. They are operated longer in the presence of the presented mechanism. Closing is fast and smooth.

How to install a door closer? Tips will help you experienced craftsmen. Even doing such work for the first time, almost anyone can do it well. It is necessary to follow the manufacturer's recommendations and instructions. In this case, it will not be difficult to mount the system on the door and adjust it.

Device principle

A special type of construction allows you to perform all the functions that modern door closers have. Overhead mechanisms are most often installed on a plastic door or metal, wooden varieties.

The system has a spring inside, which is compressed when the sash is opened. This allows it to accumulate energy sufficient for subsequent closure.

The second important element is the oil filler. He is responsible for the smooth movement of the sash. Oil flows through a special system of ducts from one chamber to another. Smoothness of closing depends on its viscosity.

The presented characteristics can be adjusted. Therefore, the installation of a door closer requires certain knowledge.

Top closer type

In total there are 3 main types of closers. The most famous of these is the top (or invoice) mechanism. It is he who is most often installed on the most different types doors.

Transfers force to the spring. This is the most affordable and easy to install door closer. Its price is quite small. Therefore, this mechanism is very popular.

This group includes closers with gear train and sliding traction. In the first case, the force is transmitted to the lever by a gear with a font or a piston. They are most often installed on doors. Closers with sliding traction have not yet received proper distribution. They are used in a fairly limited area.

Outdoor varieties

If much attention is paid to interior design, then most often the choice falls on floor types of closers. They are designed at the stage of renovation planning. Installing this type of door closer is a little more difficult.

The fact is that this mechanism cannot be installed on a door with hinges. The closer in this case is itself a system on which the canvas is installed. A recess is made on the floor into which the closer is mounted. At the same level, the second part of the mechanism is fixed on the ceiling.

Such loop closers are planned to be installed when arranging doors without a frame. They are most often found in shopping malls. Floor closers put a limit on the weight of the door. They are not designed for canvas that weighs more than 300 kg. Their installation requires certain skills. If the lower and upper loops are not at the same level, the mechanism will fail very quickly.

Hidden closers

Another type of mechanisms presented are hidden closers. They can be in hinges or crash into the door leaf. In the first case, the installation does not differ from the installation of canopies. But in the second approach, the procedure will be somewhat more complicated.

When studying how to install a closer on a door, it is necessary to consider in more detail the installation of such a system. It is quite possible to do it yourself. For this, places for inserting 2 grooves are selected. One of them is most often located on the upper end of the canvas. The second groove cuts from above door frame.

Installation is carried out with a drill. When choosing this kind of mechanism, you should consider the width full opening doors. The presented varieties are also in demand.

Door closer selection

In order for the installation and configuration of the mechanism to be performed correctly, it is necessary to carefully consider the process of choosing a closer class. There are 7 types of mechanisms in total. This approach takes into account the weight of the door. The heavier it is, the higher the class of the device you need to purchase. For example, a front door closer that weighs 105 kg must be class 6. The device of the 5th group simply cannot withstand such a load. But taking the mechanism with a margin is also not worth it. To open such a door will have to make great efforts.

Also, the class of the mechanism depends on the size of the canvas. For example, if the leaf in both doors weighs the same, but they differ in width, and this must be taken into account. For a larger canvas, high-quality door closers are required. On a plastic door, a mechanism is most often chosen taking into account this indicator. After all, they may weigh little, but have significant dimensions.

When studying the question of how to install a door closer with your own hands, you need to heed the advice of experienced craftsmen. They recommend not to install floor and hidden types of mechanisms without at least a minimum experience in performing such work. It requires a certain amount of precision.

Therefore, overhead models of mechanisms are most often installed on their own. Today, you can pick up a closer of this variety on almost any door.

Experts recommend paying attention to fasteners. They are often included in the package. Better to buy them separately. Be sure to read the manufacturer's instructions. It schematically shows the installation process and explains how to install and operate the device.

Step by step installation instructions

Having chosen the correct class of the door closer and the place of its installation (depending on the opening and type of leaves), you can proceed with the installation.

To understand how to install a door closer, you need to read the instructions. A life-size diagram is applied to the door and jamb. Next are the places for drilling. Material features are taken into account.

Using special equipment, holes are drilled with a diameter corresponding to the fasteners. Further, with their help, the elements of the lever are attached to the canvas and the jamb.

The system is then connected together. The lever knee must be at a 90º angle. If this is not the case, the elements of the mechanism are corrected.


How to adjust the closer, the instructions will help you figure it out. Overhead models usually have 2 screws. The first of them regulates the closing speed, and the second - the strength of the close.

It is necessary to turn the screws carefully, literally no more than half a turn. If you unscrew them, the device will fail. Turning the screw clockwise slows down the movement, and in reverse direction- accelerates.

Some models have additional screws. They are used if the mechanism has more than one function. Adjusters need to be adjusted periodically. If it is mounted on a street door, this must be done 2 times a year. Indoors, the frequency of this action depends on the operation of the door.

When using such a system, all manufacturer's requirements must be met. The durability of the device depends on this.

In order for the door leaf to close automatically, in the old days, various springs and elastic bands were attached to it. Often this led to embarrassment when the sash managed to hit the hesitant person on the back due to high speed slamming. These primitive devices were replaced by a modern soft-closing mechanism - a door closer, which, if necessary, can be installed with your own hands. The purpose of our publication is to explain how to make the right choice and installation of this device.

Types of closers and the principle of operation

Now on sale there are such types of closing mechanisms:

  • hydraulic;
  • pneumatic;
  • spring.

Reference. There are also door devices for cabinets - roller-type compartments, which do not allow the sliding sash to hit the wall with a sharp slam.

Mechanism with 2-rod hinge (left) and with guide chute (right)

The hydraulic closers shown in the photo are most often used on different designs of entrance doors. The product consists of two parts - a closed body and folding rods in the form of a knee (or a single lever with a roller placed inside the channel). In the housing filled with engine oil, a toothed rack with a spring connected to the piston is installed. Moving along the axis of the mechanism, the rack rotates the gear associated with the external thrust, as shown in the diagram.

The principle of operation of the product is similar to the hydraulic cylinder of a car. When the sash opens, the gear turns and moves the rack, which compresses the spring. At the same time, the piston draws oil into the cylinder. After releasing the door, the spring tends to open up, but it is “slowed down” by the piston, which is held back by the liquid lubricant in the cylinder. As a result of the gradual flow of oil into another compartment, the door leaf slams slowly.

An important point. The automatic process is divided into 2 stages: the first 75° of rotation the leaf moves slowly, and the last 15° - quickly. This ensures the tightness of the porches and the operation of the lock. Closing speed can be adjusted with special screws.

Pneumatic closers work on the same principle, but instead of oil, they suck in and release air. The spring mechanisms shown in the photo and resembling large door hinges are completely simple: a spring is placed in the iron case, which presses on the door leaf through a rod with a constant force.

Pneumatic design

Before choosing and installing a door closer, you need to understand the conditions under which it should be used. There are some recommendations in this regard:

  1. For street doors and the gates are best suited to a pneumatic mechanism that is not afraid negative temperatures. The fact is that the oil in the hydraulic closer thickens from the cold, which makes the closing speed slow down. Therefore, the product needs seasonal adjustment.
  2. Due to the aesthetics and reliability in operation, mechanisms with hydraulics are usually placed on the front doors to offices, residential buildings and other buildings.
  3. The spring closer is designed for interior and light wooden doors.

The simplest version with an unregulated spring

Each variety has its pros and cons. The spring mechanism is cheap, but not adjustable. The pneumatic device is not afraid of the cold and does not need to be adjusted, but it does not look very attractive and is inferior to hydraulics in reliability. Hence the popularity of oil closers - they are bought for most doors, despite the high price.

Automatic closing devices should be selected not only by type, but also by load. It is one thing to turn a lightweight plastic sash, and quite another to close a metal or glass door. The size of the canvas also plays a role - width with height. Therefore, products are divided into classes according to European standards EN 1154, each of which is designed for operation with doors of certain sizes and weights, which is indicated in the table.

Advice. When choosing, focus on a larger indicator of your door - width or weight. Also consider additional factors that increase the load on the closer hydraulics. For example, when the canvas is exposed to gusts of wind or drafts, it has a non-standard height or shape. Then you need to take the product 1 size larger.

It is possible to choose a door closer with the following additional features:

  • synchronization of closing double doors;
  • fixation in the open state or a delay in slamming for a set period of time;
  • protection against sharp jerks and shocks (a hydraulic compensator is installed in the body);
  • ability to function normally in cold weather.

Naturally, products with the listed functions will cost more than usual ones, but they will also last longer in non-standard conditions. More information about right choice you will learn the closer by watching the video:

Installation instructions

The closure kit includes:

  • hydraulic block;
  • a hinge consisting of two rods - one-piece and adjustable;
  • instructions for installation and operation;
  • fastener details - screws on a metal sash and self-tapping screws on a plastic or wooden one.

Note. For mounting on glass or on a door frame that is too narrow, you will have to buy additional metal fasteners. In the case of steel doors you can use homemade corners and plates.

The closer is installed on the door in two positions - outside or inside the opening sash. The second option is preferable, since the product is protected by the canvas from the cold and vandals. If the doors open into the room, then the block is placed on the leaf itself, and the rod is attached to the box. Conversely, when plowing outward, the body is fixed on the upper part of the loot, and the lever is screwed to the canvas.

When installing the door closer with your own hands, follow the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Take a paper template from the product kit and attach it to the corner of the door leaf so that the red line matches its contour. For convenience, fix the paper with tape.
  2. At the points marked on the drawing for the screws, mark the surface for drilling holes. Usually there are six of these points - 4 pcs. for fastening the block and 2 pcs. - traction.
  3. Choose the diameter of the drill for the screws and make holes. Screw the closer body and the adjustable rod separately to the leaf and the door frame. If the product was supplied assembled, disconnect the lever from the gear on the block before installation.
  4. The last step is to assemble the hinge. If the door is not equipped with a latch and does not require force to rebate, place a second adjustable rod at an angle of 90 ° to the door leaf. If there is a lock, the clamping force must be increased by setting the first rod at a right angle to the sash, as shown in the photo.

On the left, the rod is installed on the door without a lock, and on the right - with a latch

Note. Correct installation door closer is performed with the door completely closed.

Before operation, the mechanism must be adjusted with two screws, usually located at the end of the case. Adjust the speed of closing and finishing by turning them no more than half a turn in one direction or another. For installation details, see the next video:

After reading our recommendations and watching the video, you could be convinced that it is quite possible to install a closer on the front door on your own. But there is one more important point– careful everyday use in compliance with the rules set out in the documentation. It depends on how long your product will last. It is worth recalling them and giving some clarifications:

  1. If the design does not provide for the delay of the leaf in the open state, it is forbidden to open the door and fix it with a heavy object or rope. During this time, the oil will flow out of the hydraulic cylinder and, when closing, the spring can strongly push the piston dry.
  2. It is unacceptable to "help" the sash close by applying force to it. So you can squeeze out the seals under the pressure of liquid lubricant.
  3. Before mounting the closer, tighten the door hinges so that the canvas does not hang out. Otherwise, the rods will move in a vertical plane, which reduces the resource of the device.
  4. Make sure that the lever hinge does not act as a leaf stop in the extreme open position. For this, there are special stops.

The maintenance of the door closer consists in the annual lubrication of the levers and the seasonal adjustment of the mechanism - in spring and autumn, when it gets warm or frosts come.

Structural engineer with over 8 years experience in construction.
Graduated from East Ukrainian National University them. Vladimir Dal with a degree in Electronic Industry Equipment in 2011.

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When using doors, few people think about how they should be used in order to keep its mechanisms intact. Often we observe how the doors slam from the draft or, on the contrary, do not close.

To achieve a smooth movement of the door when closing and at the same time to ensure a tight clamp, you can use the already well-known device - a door closer. But how to choose the necessary device and install it yourself, let's try to figure it out.

Purpose of the mechanism

Closer device

Let's take a closer look at how the closer is arranged, and what function it performs. This is a device that provides gradual smooth closing of the door until it is completely pressed. This creates many conveniences and priorities:

  • silent movement of the canvas;
  • always tightly closing the door;
  • performance of the function of keeping warm in cold weather;
  • in some cases provides automation of the design.

Newly developed and improved products have ventilation and blocking functions.

Division into types

Types of closers

There are many types of devices that differ in certain characteristics. If we deal with them according to the principle of installation, we get:

  1. Devices that are superimposed on the door leaf (overhead). Usually they are placed at the top and connected either to the box or to the wall.
  2. If the product is placed at the bottom of the door and connected to the floor, then it is called floor.
  3. There are also products that are placed inside the web or in a floor device. They are not visible, therefore they are called hidden. It is almost impossible to install such a mechanism on your own.

They are also distinguished by the principle of operation:

  • lever. This is one of the simplest devices. Consists of spring and hydraulic system;
  • slide. It works due to the occurrence of a friction force, which reduces the speed of closing the canvas.

According to the device of the internal mechanism, closers are divided into cam and gear. The gradual movement of the web is provided by a mechanism of the first type, therefore it is installed on slide closers as a priority. Toothed is coarser in its structure, so it is installed on heavy metal sheets.

How to choose

Correctly calculate the load on the door closer

When choosing a closer, you need to consider many factors. Be sure to take into account the width of the canvas and its weight. Depending on these indicators, its class is established. Otherwise, the mechanism may not withstand the load and will soon become unusable. You should also firmly decide what functions you need to provide for correct operation doors. The more there are, the more expensive the mechanism will cost.

The range of door closers for plastic doors is quite wide. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully familiarize yourself with all its characteristics, and only then make a choice.

Closer mounting method


Installation of closers on a plastic door - not difficult process, but requiring some knowledge on the principle of its installation, since, depending on the features of the installation door structure the method of mounting the mechanism is selected.

First of all, we pay attention to what kind of opening the door leaf has: from itself or towards itself.

Overhead devices are universal, so they can be installed both on one side and on the other.

So, if the structure opens onto itself, then the mechanism should be located on the side where the hinges are placed. When opening from yourself, you should install it on the box, and a lever is attached to the canvas.

Installation instructions for a classic door closer

This instruction will help you decide how to properly install the closer on the door:

  1. First you need to mark the places for the fasteners with which the box will be mounted. Very often, the kit includes a marking template that needs to be attached to the door leaf and mark the necessary points.
  2. We drill holes in the marked places.
  3. We mount the box using screws.
  4. By the same principle, we mount the lever on the door frame.
  5. The next step is to connect the body to the lever. This process is carried out in such a way that closed doors a right angle formed between these canvases and the lever.
  6. Next, proceed to the adjustment installed device. It is produced using screws that are located at the end of the case. With the help of such an adjustment, the required door closing speed and the clamping option are set: with or without slamming, blocking the opening, and so on.

After mounting the closer, it can be disguised. There are special pads available for this purpose.

Mounting the floor mechanism

Floor mechanisms are very convenient

The process of mounting the door closer on the floor is a little more complicated. The mechanism itself is installed on the floor and connected to the bottom of the door leaf.

  • very often the floor closer is equipped with only instructions, the product itself and a few keys. All fittings and fittings are not included in the package. Therefore, you have to purchase the missing elements yourself;
  • it should also be taken into account that its thickness is about 4 cm, therefore, in order not to constantly stumble on it, it is necessary to sink the device into the floor. This is best foreseen during construction. Otherwise, you will have to perform a series of work to prepare a niche in the floor for the mechanism;
  • for the floor closer, its lower and upper parts are provided different type accessories. For the lower part, the fittings are mounted on the floor and then attached to the device. The top has two parts, one of which is attached to the box, and the second to the door leaf;
  • An adjustment bolt is provided for trouble-free installation. It works according to this principle: first, the bolt is tightened, while the pin is recessed, and after installing the canvas, the bolt is released, and the pin is connected to the device on the door. In this way, the connection of the lower and upper parts occurs.

Basically, this type of door closer is installed in office buildings. They can be used for glass, plastic and wooden doors. For an overview of popular floor closers, see this video:

Installation of a hidden mechanism

The most difficult process is to install a hidden door closer. It is built into the door leaf, so it requires additional effort and tools. They are needed to make a recess in the door leaf.

Next, the mechanism is installed in the prepared niche, and the second part is attached to the box. This is a rather time-consuming process, and many prefer to turn to specialists. For more information on installing a closer on a door, see this useful video:

Alternative installation methods

How to install a door closer if the attached instructions for it for some reason do not fit. Get out of the situation using the following methods:

  1. When mounting an overhead door closer, they use an additional corner, which is attached to the box, and a lever is already mounted to it. It is possible and vice versa, a mechanism box is attached to the corner, and the lever is attached to the door leaf.
  2. Using a special mounting plate. Its application has three variations:
  3. The plate is attached to the upper end of the door so that some of it protrudes. A closer box is attached to it, and a lever is attached to the box.
  4. The plate is mounted together with the mechanism to the box, and the lever to the door.
  5. The box is attached to the door. The plate increases the width of the slope, and then a lever is attached to it.

As you can see, there are many ways to install a door closer. You just have to choose the right device and install it in the way that is best suited for the installation of the door frame and the door itself.

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