How to quickly get into the apartment and right. How to get out of home: the main steps to the cleanliness how to remove well and quickly

The buildings 16.06.2019
The buildings

Often there are such situations in life when it is necessary to quickly get into the apartment. In such cases, we lose control of themselves. Cleaning becomes a useless and a messy event. If we are trying to do everything at the same time, the desired result cannot be achieved.

It is important to exclude any confusion. This requires a personal cleaning system. If it is strictly adhered to it, you can do everything as high quality and even in a short time. If you are interested in how to quickly get into the apartment, we will help you in this.

    Let's start with the kitchen

    First you need to bring a general order here. Refresh the kitchen and give her a tidy look completely simple. To do this, you need to remove everything excess with kitchen table and countertops. If there are minimum items on the surfaces, the entire room will look neat and clean.

    After that, you can move to washing dishes. In the presence of dishwasher Just download all items into it and run the process. If you do not have such a device, you will have to move it manually. detergents Will help you do it promptly.

    Then you should wipe the worktop and the table. For this, the microfiber rag is perfect. You need to start from a long corner.

    Do not forget to wipe the kitchen appliances. To do this, you need to wet a little cloth and wipe the plate, a slow cooker, fridge and other items.

    Responsible moment - floor washing. First you need to carefully enjoy it. After that, it should be wiped with a mop with a comfortable sponge of a synthetic microfiber.

    Do not forget to get into the bedroom. Bed linen should be swapped. All unnecessary items from the toilet table must be removed. For this purpose, cabinets or boxes are designed. All unnecessary must be hidden on the shelves in closed closetTo give the external beauty of the bedroom.

    Do not forget that it is important to accurately fix the bed. To do this, you just need to raise the mattress and gently fill the ends of the sheets under it.

    It is necessary to wipe all the objects from dust. For this, microfiber is also well suitable. Cleaning starts with those objects of furniture that stand in the far corner. Gradually, you need to move clockwise. Wipe the room is necessary, starting from the far corner of each subject.

    At the end you need to spend the floor. Start work also from the far corner of the room to entrance door. Speakeling the process will help quite squeezed movements. Do not move forward, and then back. This will significantly slow down the entire cleaning process. If you want to understand how to quickly get home, follow our advice.

    The turn of the toilet and the bathroom

    Now it is necessary to clean up the toilet and the bathroom.

    First of all, you need to apply a cleaning agent on the toilet, sink and bath. You can quickly clean all surfaces even with strong pollution.

    Do not forget about the mirror. A special washing liquid is applied to it. Begin to wipe the surface from above, performing circular movements.

    Then the dry cleanser or soda in the toilet is poured. For washing, use a toilet brush. At the end you need to wipe the drain tank and the toilet outside. For this, a rag of synthetic fibers fit well.

    Clean the sink thoroughly. An unnecessary toothbrush is suitable for hard-to-reach places.

    At the end you need to wipe the floor. You need to start with a long corner of the room and move to the exit.

    It's time to get in the living room

    You should remove all scattered things. Each little thing must lie in its place. Newspapers and magazines should be neatly folded on a specially designed table. After it is necessary to wipe the entire accumulated dust.

    To clean the mirrors and surfaces from glass, used universal tool. Clean the circular movements. Vacuine starts from the window or balcony to the exit.

    If you take advantage of these tips, you need a little time to clean the apartment.

    An excellent mood is important

    It is extremely important to be engaged in economic affairs in the cheerfulness of the mood. This will contribute to a more energetic process. It is necessary to give yourself a faithful psychological installation. We need to mentally talk to yourself that you will quickly save everything and after this house will be perfect and very clean. This is a real trifooth, with whom you can cope with. Are you interested in how to get into your apartment quickly and efficiently? Charge excellent mood You will help!

    Energetic movements will help excellent music. You just need to put a disk with your favorite hits and do business. You will notice how everything goes much more fun.

    Should be left for cleaning a certain time. It is worth putting the condition to do everything in the allotted period of time. This installation Significantly promotes concentration.

    Make a few cases at the same time.

    You can significantly ease your efforts during cleaning. To do this, it is worth dealing in parallel with several cases.

    You can, for example, soak in the kitchen dirty dishes, but for now wipe the cabinets, stove and refrigerator.

    Properly organized cleaning is significantly saved.

    Indispensable assistants for operational cleaning

    Make the cleaning process is easier and faster, simple economic objects and special cleaning agents will help. First, it is a bucket with a special spin and mop. If you act across the old fashioned, using the usual bucket and cloth, you will have to constantly rinse and change water. Such an occupation is quite unpleasant and occupies a lot of precious time.

    It is also worth purchasing convenient napkins in the store. They will allow you to quickly remove dust from any surfaces. Means for wet cleaning Will help you all quickly wash without divorce. Do not forget about the sponge bilateral and one-sided.

    It is worth buying and a special spray that will not give dust to accumulate on the technique. It is enough to spend once a month a quarter of an hour to get rid of unwanted dust on a TV or music center.

    There are weights for utensils in the kitchen, plumbing and glasses. You can choose suitable on any wallet and taste.

    Do not save all this, as you can lose precious time and strength.

    As you know, there is a mass of the time in the room. If the term for guidance is extremely small, but you are looking for an answer to the question of how to get into the apartment quickly and efficiently, our advice will help you. It is worth taking a basket and temporarily fold everything too much in it. In places it will be possible to decompose everything when there is a free moment for this.

    Effective cleaning can not do without a vacuum cleaner. You collect all the dust and garbage. If you decide to abolish the process, you will have to spend the mass of time on the floor washing, and under your feet there are crumbs.

    Before that, you need to give a minute on cleansing from dust and pollution mirrors and glass surfaces. If they do not properly glisten, the apartment will seem completely unlucky.

    If you raise all the chairs, the floor washing will take quite a bit of time. It is worth remembering that dust accumulates at plinths and directly under the batteries.

    How to get into the room in 5 minutes

    If the time before the arrival of guests remains quite a bit, it will be necessary to come in literally in five minutes. How real is it? If you do everything right, you can quite all time.

    Initially, you need to make three main things:

    • wash the dishes;
    • wipe the floor;
    • squate bed.

    An important task is to wipe the dust. She is noticeable to others, so it is necessary to get rid of it.

    The optimal option is to use the microfiber. Special fibers will help to quickly cover large square And remove dust. You can also solve the problem with disposable napkins. They will allow you to solve the problem, how to quickly get into the room.

    If you need to get quickly, you should decompose in places 10 things. With this you give the room a greater tidy.

    By making all the actions, you will understand how to get into the room as quickly as possible in a room in 5 minutes. By eliminating only one source of explicit disorder, then you will have time to get other nine. If the time was not enough, then you have already done enough.

    It should be checked if everything is in the bathroom. Do not make a major cleaning. It is worth checking the divorces and splashes on the mixers, a mirror, a tile. The towel must be clean. If necessary, it is worth refreshing the air.

    If you are about to come, it's no longer coming. You need to take the room with my eyes again. It should be removed all that is clearly knocked out of the general order. In non-disregard rooms, the doors should be closed. All unnecessary can be collected in a large laundry basket.

    If you follow these ordinary tips, you will understand how to quickly get into the apartment. Are you constantly watching daily order? In this case, make the tidy will be much easier.

In the apartment, it is necessary to identify problem areas. A large amount of work will have to those who have to put in order housing after guests. For fast and high-quality cleaning at home in such cases it will be necessary step-by-step instructioncompiled in accordance with the plan of the apartment and the number of rooms in it. It is advisable to move smoothly from one room to another, holding a bag with garbage in your hands and filling it. If a large family lives on the territory, then you can ask her members to help. In the bedroom it is necessary to fix the bed and get into the cabinets. In the kitchen it is necessary to put an oven and microwave oven, wash all dirty dishes. Fast cleaning involves washing floors and wiping dust. For this, a vacuum cleaner is suitable or a common wet napkin.

Learn to keep order and cleanliness in the apartment will help compliance simple rules and mechanical actions. Do not do without a plan, which consists of a certain algorithm for action. It looks as follows (in the order of moving from the zone to the zone):

  • bedroom;
  • kitchen;
  • bathroom and bathroom;
  • corridor and entrance hall.

Restlessing, it is necessary to stick to the direction from top to bottom so that the dirty areas do not come into contact with the previously cleaned zones. For the same reason, you need to start with the most remote rooms, gradually heading for the entrance door. With a limited amount of time, general disorder should be done, moving to more specific things requiring separate attention. Best option - Daily small cleaning, combined with the General, held once a week.

It is important that all living on this territory participate in the process. So cleaning will pass faster, and the premises will be washed carefully. You can create a schedule of duty or simply distribute duties.

Bathroom and bathroom

Cleaning in the toilet is one of the most unpleasant processes, so it should be started with it. To get rid of the hands from the cluster of mud and large number Bacteria, be sure to wear rubber gloves.

To remove the flare formed on the toilet, it is wiped with a sponge dipped in hot water. Then the inner part is covered by special liquid toolwhich must be broken in a few minutes before being remote by a special brush. The outer surface of the bowl is treated with an aerosol cleaner. Then wipes with a dry cloth or paper towel.

To get rid of the plaque, which is assembled at the bottom of the bathroom, you can use a liquid intended for washing dishes. Useful to apply antibacterial agents. The preservation of the purity of the walls of the bathroom can be extended if you apply automotive wax on them.

When washing the sink, the tool is applied to the bowl, defended a few minutes, then the bowl is rubbed with a sponge. Completes the procedure by wiping with a dry cloth.

For glasses and mirrors, you can use a special cleaner. But the larger effect will help achieve a simple soap solution. It is necessary to wipe it with a cloth without porce. An antibacterial and environmentally friendly agent for this interior of the bathroom is a weak acetic solution.


First of all, it is necessary to donate with dirty dishes. Then the dishes are on storage. A lot of dust accumulates on it. Washing dishes before installing in its place you need to thoroughly dry. Otherwise, stains from water can remain on it, and the moisture is a beneficial environment for bacteria.

Then - oven. For this, all lattices need to be removed and flushed, pre-insult in the soap solution. Can be used for the inner surface of the furnace acetic solution with the addition of lemon, the means for dishes and windows. The whole mixture must be thoroughly mixed and heated in the microwave stove.

Kitchen cabinets are processed special tool For wood. Inside the cabinet you need to place everything in your places, and unnecessary throw away. This will help maintain permanent order among kitchen utensils, And the hostess will know exactly what state it is. You need to throw off the spoiled items or dishes with cracks. It is also important to ensure that there are no insects in the cabinets.

The kitchen sink is washed along the same technology as the sink in the bathroom. The applied cleansing agent is within a few minutes. Then removed with warm water by means of a sponge, and the sink is wiping like a tissue cloth.


It is here that things are most often scattered and in general is a mess. First you need to decompose all things in places. Very convenient when moving out of the room in a room with two bags. One of them should be designed to collect visibose. The second is for dirty things. This approach saves a lot of time.

The second in the order of the process in the bedroom should be the procedure for changing the laundry and refueling the bed. Next - cleaning in the cabinets. It is useful to make it a daily habit. For each type of clothing, you need to clearly define your specific permanent placement location. Regular inventory will free from the need to store things that are not used or are used extremely rarely. The latter can be found such a place where they will be kept to be kept, waiting for their o'clock, and do not come across arm on the everyday setting. To create a pleasant atmosphere in the closet and in the bedroom as a whole, you can use various flavoring devices. If the room has a carpet, then it must be allowed to spend. Scheduling, chandeliers and other elements need to wipe from the dust on them.

Living spaces

Floor washing - Individual process. Right choice tool and cleaning tools directly depends on the material from which it is made flooring. Minimum set - Classical mop and water - just needed.

For polished surfaces, there are special compounds that, when processing, carefully belongs to the coating. Small things, often massively located on different shelves, also need to wipe.

Completion of cleaning

While the main cleaning passes, you can run the washing. A bunch of dirty linen can reduce every effort. In addition, the smell of purity is one of the main components of a cozy atmosphere.

Upon completion of all listed steps, you need to go through all zones once again and finish any necessary workAnd also make sure that nothing is missed. The procedures ending with general cleaning should be the following:

  • taking out the trash;

And from the point of view of magic, and from the standpoint of everyday wisdom it is useful to carry out three types of cleaning in the house:

  • daily
  • weekly
  • and general.

IN daily cleaning It is wiping dust from mirrors and furniture, sweeping of floors. During cleaning, it is necessary from the threshold, and not to him, otherwise you will pay all the money, do not use two different brooms for this one day, otherwise all wealth will be marked up.

All of the same actions includes and weekly cleaning. In addition, it includes washing floors and a change in bed linen. Many owners have a habit when all the homemade will disperse on business, soaring cleaning, and the floor washed, ranging from the far room and ending at the entrance door, and even water to pour out the water. So you can not do. The floor need to wash the same way as swept away (from the threshold) to "do not climb" the road to the departed and "not wash anyone" from home.

Table wipe the cloth designed for this. Paper or hand do it unacceptable. Wipe the paper to the scandal, and hand to poverty.

After dinner, do not leave the unwashed dishes: Showing your tape, you will easily cause the irritation of the house. If it goes into your habit, it can start the night at night with dishes, beat her, knock the doors of the cabinet, in general, to hooligan.

On the table, do not leave the strains and knives - this also does not like the house, and you also will start quarrels, and misunderstandings arise between family members.

General cleaning make 2-3 times a year. Usually preparing dwellings by winter, and in the spring.

During general cleaning The furniture is shifted from their places, take out all objects, carefully move them and dried, remove the paintings, the dust from the walls are sweeping, the ceiling and so on.

What if we found a lining in the house?

Returning, be extremely attentive! If you suddenly find suspicious items that do not obviously belong to you, you should carefully take them with a protected hand, take away away from home, to pour any fuel liquid and burn. When the flame breaks up, read the prayer "Father our" three times, and then tell me:

"From came - There and go who sent - that takes. "

After that, the house fool incense and sanctify, sprinkling each room with holy water and reading any protective prayer.

On the jacket of the entrance door inside the housing, mark the cross of the candle, taken in the church on the holy holiday, and hang a small bunch of thistle. It reliably protects your dwelling from the invasion of evil forces. Try not to launch your house cleaning, because still without it can not do without it, and the constant maintenance of order and cleanliness will make the house beautiful and cozy and protect you from many troubles and failures.

If for a long time there are failures in the same reason, then do this.

Mix two handstone stone crash salt And sugar, pour out this mixture into the bag and go with him to the intersection nearest to your home. Having reached the intersection, turn through the left shoulder and go back the same way home. We gradually pour out from behind my mixture so that the track is.

Throughout the path, until you reach the house, repeat such a plot:

"Pasting to me to me, a slave (y) of God (Him) (your name), not to get. May it be so"".

The rite is carried out in the period from the sunset until the new days on the decreasing moon.

Rules for cleaning in the apartment (video)

There are situations in life when you need to quickly and efficiently remove the apartment. Many mistresses are lost, not knowing why it is better to start the process. As a result, cleaning is delayed for a long time or does not bring the desired result. To achieve maximum effect, you need to tune in to a positive wave and make up sample plan actions, noting for itself plots requiring special attention. Such simple advice Suitable for both superficial and general cleaning. How to quickly remove the house in a short time?

Emotional setting

A good mood is an important component of rapid and efficient cleaning. It is necessary to secure the correct emotional attitude. Do not perceive cleaning as something negative and take-off precious time. Think that this is an excellent opportunity to make your home clean, neat and cozy.

So that cleaning passed more fun, turn on your favorite music. You will not even notice how quickly and clean, and most importantly, easily remove the room. Attract the process of members of your family by setting up a competition or quest, inventing an unusual reward for the well done work.

Starting cleaning, set the time for which all processes must be completed. It will not allow you to relax, but only improve the concentration and increases the motivation.

Preparation of funds and tools

To facilitate the cleaning process, prepare the necessary funds and tools in advance:

  • Household chemicals (for washing plumbing, dishes, glasses, etc.) will help quickly and efficiently get rid of pollution, as well as to carry out disinfection. Use drugs according to the instructions.
  • Polyrol For cleaning dust. Such a means will not only effectively clean the surface, but also prevents the accumulation of dirt in the future.
  • Soft cloth From microfiber for wiping dust, double-sided foamwalls for plumbing, rubber scraper for glasses and mirrors.
  • For the floor you will need a vacuum cleaner (indispensable in carpet rooms), broom and scoop (for garbage collection with linoleum or parquet), mop and bucket with water for wet cleaning.

Cleaning kitchen

Cleaning in the kitchen start with general guidance. Arrange the places of the plates and cups, remove the tape and towels from the field of view. Remember, the smaller on the table items, the accurate room looks like.

Wash all the dishes that gathered in the sink. If you are happy with the dishwasher - turn it on. Otherwise, before the arrival of guests, just fold the dishes gently in the locker and do it later.

Wipe all surfaces in the kitchen - table, countertops and open shelves. Remove crumbs, dust and other contaminants. Then wipe all the kitchen appliances - the top and door of the refrigerator, the microwave, plate, etc. Remove surface contaminants, small particles of fat and dust. Leave more detailed cleaning at the time of general cleaning.

Squeeze the floor, starting from a long corner and gradually moving towards the threshold. Remove the garbage in the scoop and wash the floor with mop. To effectively clean the surface and give the room freshness, use special household chemicals.

Toilet and bathroom cleaning

It is extremely important to ensure the purity of the restroom and the bathroom. Start cleaning with applying cleaning and disinfectant on the sink, bath or shower cabin. This will help get rid of visible pollution and refreshing plumbing. Wash the mirror using a special spray. Clean the mixers from the lime plate and soda them to the brilliance.

After cleaning the bathroom, proceed to clean the toilet bowl. Apply disinfectant On the inner surface of plumbing, thoroughly wash the special brush and wash the water several times. Outer surface Drain barrel and toilet dispersion dry with a dry cloth. Upon completion of cleaning, well wash the floor with mop and scroll air freshener.

Cleaning in the bedroom and living room

Fast cleaning in the bedroom Start from the bed. Carefully fuel sheets, fold the blanket and arrange the pillows. Shipping sleeping place Plaid or bedspread.

Remove all things that are scattered on the surfaces. Pure clothes fold into the closet, and send dirty to the basket for linen. Remove the cosmetics and leather toilet drawers. Put the books on the shelves, and return all the dishes to her rightful place - to the kitchen.

Wipe all the surfaces with a soft cloth from the microfiber to remove dirt and dust. All sphal off on the floor. Avoid a large number of chaotic movements that will not bring the result, but take a precious time. Finish cleaning in the floor cleaning floor with a vacuum cleaner.

How to quickly remove the apartment - 20 simple tricks!

There are circumstances when needed fast apartment cleaning. In such cases, many do not know why grab, trying to do everything immediately. To prevent confusion, you need such a cleaning system, in accordance with which, you can do everything quickly and not return to any of the rooms to eliminate the flaws. How to do it? Very simple. Here are 20 simple tricks that will help you quickly remove the apartment.


Approximate cleaning time - 10 minutes.

  1. Extraly all. Remove the dirty bed linen and throw it into the basket. Hide into nearby cabinets or drawers unnecessary items that clog the chest of drawers or bedside tables. For the bedroom seemed clean, give all the surfaces Spartan species - nothing superfluous!
  2. We refuel the bed.Take an example from cleaners in hotels: instead of pushing the ends of the sheets between the mattress and the end of the bed, lift the mattress with one hand, and to put the edges of the sheet right below it. So much faster!
  3. We understand with dust. Use a dry rag from microfiber. Start from furniture in one corner of the room and move clockwise. Wipe the surfaces by movement from the long part to yourself, dropping dust to the floor. On each site, the cloth must touch the furniture only once. No need to rub there and here in one place. If there is a lamp on the night table, make dust from it from above, and then - from the table to the floor.
  4. Vacuum.Start vacuuming from a long corner of the room, gradually moving back to the door. Make long swinging hand movies. Save time, remember that we need to quickly remove the apartment. Take the brush one by one section of the surface only once, and not two. Avoid moving forward-back. And do not worry if somewhere they missed a couple of centimeters.

Bathroom and toilet

Approximate cleaning time - 9 minutes.

  1. Preparatory work. Apply a cleaning agent on the sink, a bath or shower room - let it be bonus.
  2. We are taken for the toilet.Sprinkle the inner surface of the toilet with dry cleaning agent or soda and thoroughly stroke the toilet brush, then lower the water and rinse. Next, using a universal spray and microfiber tissue wipe the outer surfaces of the toilet and the tank.
  3. My mirror.Spray the mirror for washing the glass and, starting on top, wipe the surface with circular motions.
  4. Return to the sink. Use old toothbrush For cleaning hard-to-reach places. Then start wash off the sink, moving from one angle to the opposite.
  5. Wipe the bathroom and shower.There is no need to score a cabin and bathroom, just quickly wipe them with a damp cloth, just wash up the shower curtain.
  6. My floor. With the help of a mop from microfiber quickly wipe the floor c. Start from the oldest angle and move your back to the doors.


Approximate cleaning time - 12 minutes.

  1. Dishes.Load the dishes in the dishwasher and start the cycle. If there is no dishwasher, and the fast need not for yourself, but for guests - gently hide the dirty dishes in one of the kitchen cabinets. Challenge with her later.
  2. We bring order.To give it a pure look, take a minute or two to remove all unnecessary items from the table top and the kitchen table. What the kitchen surfaces look like the desert, the cleaner it seems the kitchen itself.
  3. Unforeseen difficulties.Noticed hardly rubbed spots on the plate or countertop? Try to scrape them with a bank card so as not to leave scratches. Yes, yes, in this case, the card will serve. Then, in order to avoid divorces, wipe the places of the bracket with a wet rubberized sponge.
  4. Clean the surface. With the help of a tissue of a microfiber and a universal sprayer, wipe the table and the countertop movement from the far part to yourself, brushing the crumbs and trash to the floor.
  5. We wipe the technique.Come on a damp cloth on the surfaces of the refrigerator, microwave oven, stoves, dishwasher and other kitchen equipment that you have.
  6. We take for the floor.Squeeze the kitchen starting from a long corner and moving towards the exit. After that, quickly wipe the floor with a mop with a sponge of microfiber. Start from a long corner and move your back to the exit.

Living room

Approximate time cleaning - 15 minutes.

  1. Eliminate confusion. Quickly inspect the room, noting the scattered things. Put all the little things, such as: distances, DVD discs And pr. Logs neatly fold on the coffee table.
  2. Dust. Follow all the advice that were given for the bedroom.
  3. Glass surfaces. To clean the glass surfaces, use a cloth of a microfiber and a versatile spray to clean the brass. Wipe the surface with wide circular movements from one corner to another.
  4. A vacuum cleaner. Start vacuuming from the very long corner of the room and stick to all tips that were given for the bedroom.

We hope that these 20 simple tricks will help you if necessary, and will not allow you to surpass.

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