Cake "Napoleon" at home. Napoleon cake - a classic step-by-step recipe at home

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In the Soviet Union, and later in the post-Soviet space, this cake broke records of popularity compared to any other dessert. At least in many families, Napoleon cake is the most festive option. It is traditionally baked for holidays or birthdays.

Initially, the classic Napoleon was puff pastry cakes with custard. By the way, such a “thousand-layer” dessert is still baked in France. Today we will look at this recipe. But most of all I want to show you my Napoleon cake from my childhood. I hope someone likes it.

Zealous Soviet housewives have greatly simplified the cake. They changed to a simpler and faster version with cold chopped butter. In it, a layered structure is achieved due to a large number cakes. Also, custard is often replaced with condensed milk.

Soviet-style cakes taste just as good. The search for options to simplify and reduce the cost of the cake has given rise to a huge number of recipes that can be found on the Internet. What’s more, there are even no-bake versions of the Napoleon cake, so you can choose any of them to your taste.

A little about the history of the famous dessert

The origin of the name of this cake has already acquired a whole bunch of legends, and many associate it with Napoleon Bonaparte, in honor of the victory over which this dessert was baked. When serving, it was cut into triangles, which supposedly symbolized the cocked hat of soldiers. But it's not.

Moreover, the cake puff pastry with custard was invented several centuries before the birth of Napoleon himself. However, the French really came up with it. It was the French confectioner who first thought of wrapping butter in a layer of dough and rolling it out many times, getting a puff texture.

This confectioner went to improve his knowledge in Naples, where his recipe was stolen in a banal way. But the invention of the cake does not end there, since the first idea to smear puff pastry cakes with custard came to the mind of Neapolitan confectioners. So, the dessert was called Neapolitan. Under this name, it was prepared in many European countries, including Russia.

So what does Napoleon have to do with it?

For the ears of the inhabitants Russian Empire the names "Neapolitan" and "Napoleon" sounded about the same, so the triangular cake changed its name and became very popular. However, its popularity soon faded away, since cunning restaurateurs, serving an expensive dessert to tipsy merchants, shamelessly saved on food.

AT Soviet time this cake was the pinnacle of the confectionery art of many housewives. It was indeed a feat to bake it, especially given the food shortage, when it was very difficult to find high-quality butter. Maybe that's why the birthday cake from my childhood was so delicious.

Never replace butter with margarine!

Serving such a dish to the table has always met with a stir, and the guests meticulously counted the number of layers. The more there were and the thinner they were, the more compliments the hostess received.

Today we have the opportunity to bake home cake Napoleon from ready-made puff pastry. But I want to show you a quick way to prepare the dough. Try it and make sure that there will be no less layers in it than in the purchased one.

What you need for cakes:


  1. For the preparation of quick puff pastry, only chilled ingredients are used. Therefore, before starting cooking, place in freezer butter and water. Yes, and the flour does not hurt to hold in the freezer for half an hour.

2. First, sift the flour and grate the frozen butter. Pour a mixture of water and vinegar into the resulting mass.

Depending on the quality of the flour, the amount of liquid that the dough will take may be different. Therefore, do not pour out all the water at once.

According to the recipe, the liquid must be added to the flour mixture in portions, gently mixing the ingredients to obtain an elastic dough.

3. We roll the resulting dough into a bar, wrap it in cellophane and place it in the freezer for half an hour.

Cream preparation:

4. If all the products are cold for the test, then the opposite is true for the cream. Remove milk, eggs and butter from the refrigerator in advance and let them lie down at room temperature for several hours.

5. Preparation of the cream begins with mixing the ingredients. We put regular and vanilla sugar in a container, beat in the eggs. Beat everything well, adding flour. Now carefully introduce a glass of milk without stopping stirring with a whisk.

6. Grind the contents of the pan until smooth and heat over low heat. As it heats up, add the remaining milk and prepare the cream, gently stirring it until it thickens. In the cooled mass, we introduce whipped butter.

To prevent the cream from burning, you can put the pan not on fire, but on water bath. This is exactly what you should do if you are preparing the cream for the first time.

A water bath will allow you not to constantly watch the cream, but to knead the dough in parallel. This will also save time.

7. We take out the chilled dough and divide it into right amount parts. Their number can be either 6 or 8. It depends on the diameter of the future cake. At this stage, turn on the oven to heat up.

8. Roll each piece of dough into a thin layer and immediately cut it to size. To do this, you can use an ordinary plate.

9. Cakes are baked at a temperature of 200 degrees. within 5-10 minutes. It will not take too long to bake the cakes, because while one cake is baking, the next one can already be rolled out. We also bake the dough scraps after the cakes. They will be needed to make crumbs.

10. Lubricate the finished cakes with cream and form a cake. We cover the top and sides with the rest of the cream and sprinkle them with crumbs - it is in this form that we all know this famous dessert.

If desired, you can additionally sprinkle the cakes with nuts, pieces of fruit.

Alternatively, you can add pureed prunes, orange juice, cocoa, or another flavoring additive to the custard, which will provide a pleasant nuance in the classic buttercream.

Classic Napoleon at home

Classic Napoleon still prepared from . It will have to be prepared by yourself. This option is not for lazy housewives, because puff pastry quite tricky and time consuming. Since after each rolling out the dough must be sent to the refrigerator.

To speed up the process, you can buy ready-made puff pastry and bake cakes from it. It will take much less time, and the result will be almost the same. I will make a reservation right away that the dough should be bought only from trusted manufacturers.

This video walks you through the steps of making a classic cake from scratch, in case you decide to spend a whole day making a great dessert.

Quick no-bake cake

We will make this super fast cake from ready-made cookies. Let's just make the custard. Although, even it can be replaced with condensed milk. Instead of kneading dough and baking cakes, we bought half a kilo of puff pastry "ears". And now I'll show you how to make a cake out of them.

The popularity of no-bake cakes is undeniable, since such recipes guarantee success and do not require much time.

And although it won't real cake Napoleon, but certainly his close relative.

What you need:

From these ingredients, 1 kg of cream is obtained. It is quite enough to assemble a quick, puff cake from 0.5 kg. puff "ears". And no one will forbid us to call him Napoleon.


  1. Preparation of the cream begins with mixing eggs, sugar and starch - mix all the ingredients until smooth.

2. At this time, milk must be poured into a saucepan and put on a small fire to warm it up.

3. Then, in small portions, pour hot milk into the egg-sugar-starch mixture. Gently mix the future cream so that lumps do not form. It is necessary to stir the resulting mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved.

4. After that, pour the semi-finished product back into the saucepan and put on fire. Stir the mixture constantly.

To prevent the cream from burning, the fire should first be medium, and then the smallest.

5. As it heats up, it begins to thicken. Look at the photo for the result. This is how thick cream should be brewed.

6. After removing the cream from the heat, you need to cool it a little and add softened butter - mix the mixture with a mixer until smooth.

7. Whip 200 grams of cream in a separate container until a stable foam is obtained. Next, the brewed cream and cream must be combined. Mix them together and get the custard Plombir

8. The cream keeps its shape perfectly and has a smooth, uniform structure, and tastes like creamy ice cream. Hence the name Plombir.

9. To assemble the housewife's cake, special culinary talents are not required - just put the cookies on a plate, smearing each layer with a portion of cream.

10. Do not forget about the design, so we lubricate the rest of the side cream and upper part cake and sprinkle with crumbs.

There is one nuance in the preparation of this dessert: classic version the manufacture of Napoleon involves the combination of unsweetened cakes and a fairly sweet cream. In our quick recipe, the ears themselves are sweet, so the amount of sugar in the cream is less than in classic recipe. Otherwise, the cake will be too sugary.

11. It will take no more than an hour to prepare such a cake, while most of this time is spent preparing custard. We leave the finished cake for impregnation for at least 3-4 hours, after which you can start tasting.

In fact, the resulting dessert only remotely resembles the classic Napoleon.

Such a cake is a great option for those who do not want to mess around with the oven and baking cakes. This is especially true in hot weather.

The same French cake Mille Feuille or "1000 layers"

If you want to try the very dessert that became the prototype of the well-known puff pastry Napoleon cake, follow the instructions from this video. It seems to be both a classic dough and a creamy cream, but the result is still noticeably different. It is this cake that is prepared in all pastry shops in France.

After such a solemn dessert, I have nothing more to say about Napoleon cakes. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments below the article.

Thanks to everyone who cooked with me today!

I have been baking "Napoleon" according to this recipe for 10 years and this cake has become my signature dish!!! Napoleon cake is always a holiday in our family! If someone has a different opinion regarding this famous dessert, I can say with full confidence that you have not tried the real Napoleon. All quick options from ready-made puff pastry, they don’t even stand next to it. Delicious, but not the same.

Unfortunately, in our time, the store-bought counterpart is not much like the classic Napoleon cake, so the only option is to try the real, most delicious layer cake with delicate custard, will self-cooking at home. Troublesome, but worth it!

I hope my step by step photo you need a recipe.

For cooking, you will need very simple and affordable products:


For test:
- Wheat flour ( premium) - 6 glasses,
- Margarine or butter - 2 packs (200 grams each),
- Chicken eggs - 2 pieces,
- Salt - 1 teaspoon,
- Water - 450 ml.

For custard:
- Chicken eggs - 4 pieces,
- Sugar - 0.5 kg,
- Butter - 0.5 kg,
- Wheat flour - 4 tbsp. spoons,
- Cow's milk - 1 liter.

Cooking cakes:

Please note that the dough for the cake must be kneaded with a knife. So the cold butter will not melt from the heat of your hands and will take the amount of flour that is needed. Otherwise, by overdoing it with flour, you risk getting a very tough dough. Whereas, ideally, thin cakes should be crispy and at the same time tender.

Lightly freeze margarine or butter, so it will be easier to work with. Sift flour onto a work surface. In flour, you need to finely chop the frozen butter with a knife, sprinkling it from the edge to the center. As a result, you should get a dry crumb.

Now we take a half-liter jar and break two chicken eggs into it, fill the rest of the jar with water. Shake the contents thoroughly with a fork, adding salt there.

From the resulting flour crumbs, we form a slide, make a recess in it and begin to add liquid from the jar.

Again, everything will need to be “chopped” with a large knife,

Those. You don't even have to get your hands dirty in the dough.

Pour the liquid mixture in parts until it runs out and work with a knife all the time.

Before our eyes, the sand crumb turns into a homogeneous dough.

As a result of this work, you should get a homogeneous lump.

Ready dough for the Napoleon cake, you need to divide it into 16 equal lumps, lay it on a board, wrap it with cling film or a bag, send it to the refrigerator for 20 - 30 minutes. Or lightly freeze in the freezer.

Then we take the dough out of the refrigerator, and roll each lump into a thin cake, using the minimum amount of flour to sprinkle the table.

The cake should be as thin as possible, literally translucent. Any form. It is easier to roll out rectangles to the size of the baking sheet. With round cakes a little more difficult, they need to be cut in raw or ready-made, and there will be more of them.

The dough is quite elastic, do not be afraid to tear it when transferring to a baking sheet. Even if this happens, there is nothing terrible in it. Cakes can be pricked with a fork in several places so that they swell less.

We send the baking sheet to the oven, which needs to be heated to 180 - 200 degrees. We bake the base until beautiful golden color. While one cake is baking, roll out the next one.

As a result, you should get 16 ruddy puff cakes of a rectangular shape or a little more round.

Custard preparation:

Don't look the best recipe I assure you, this one is perfect!

To prepare it, you need to beat in a deep cup chicken eggs and wheat flour until smooth. It's easier to use a blender.

In a separate tall saucepan with a thick bottom, heat the milk and dissolve the granulated sugar in it. There is a lot of cream, the dishes should be capacious. And in no case do not use an enameled or aluminum saucepan. In the first it will burn, in the second it will color the cream in grey colour when whipped with butter.

Pour the egg mass into the hot milk with sugar in a thin stream. In the meantime, stir constantly. Cook the custard on a quiet fire with constant stirring.

Cook until puree. Cool the custard mixture to room temperature. Stir several times while cooling to prevent a crust from forming.

Butter must be taken out of the refrigerator in advance so that it becomes soft. Before you combine with the cream, the butter must be beaten until smooth.

Only then, in small portions, add the cooled cream to the oil. Not vice versa!

Beat with a mixer until smooth.

It remains only to collect our gorgeous cake.


I'll show you how to make sure that the cake plate remains clean during assembly. A sheet of baking paper - this little detail is a little secret of your accuracy. We line the bottom of the dish or tray with parchment or paper.

Lubricate the first cake with custard, cover with the second and press to make the cake denser.

Repeat until all layers are laid. Don't forget to tamp. Napoleon must be tight!

It's time to remove the sheet of paper, hold the cake with one hand, pull out the sheet with the other.

From scraps or one cake you need to make a crumb. You can crumble them with your fingers, or you can put them in a bag and roll it with a rolling pin. Sprinkle the top and sides of the cake with crumbs. My sides are not sprinkled with anything. In this crumb, you can already add chopped walnuts or crumbled chocolate, this cake will not get any worse.

We leave the finished cake in the refrigerator for impregnation and solidification of the cream, it can take at least 3 hours, it is better to wait overnight.

I think I convinced you that cooking Napoleon at home is quite simple and affordable, the main thing is that there is a desire!

In the Guinness Book of Records, sweet Napoleon is mentioned, the largest cake weighing 1.5 tons, it was baked by culinary specialists from the city of Zelenograd.

This layer cake can be found in many cuisines of the world, but it will be called differently. For example, in England you will be served a vanilla slice, but in Italy and France you can order at any Millefeuille cafe and they will bring you a piece of airy multi-layered cake, known to you as Napoleon, by the way, in translation millefeuille means "thousand layers". But the Americans, like us, know this puff cake called "Napoleon".

There are a great many stories of the creation of this famous dessert, but I would like to tell one of the most unusual and, in my opinion, the most piquant. As you know, Bonaparte was a big fan of hitting on pretty girls. So one day, flirting with another cute lady-in-waiting, his wife found him. And in order to get out of this very piquant situation, Napoleon told her about how he whispered in the ear of a beautiful girl about his newly invented recipe. delicious cake, here, it turns out, from what the girl blushed so much! The wife pretended to believe her missus, but demanded proof. Bonaparte hastily dictated the cake recipe, a complete improvisation. Of course, Bonaparte's chef made some adjustments to the recipe. As a result, for breakfast, the couple had an extraordinary cake on the table, which got its name - Napoleon, in honor of its author.

Well, if we talk about the plausible story of the creation of a cake beloved by many, then it was baked for the first time in 1912 by Moscow confectioners for the 100th anniversary of the victory over the French and gave it the name Napoleon.

You just have to defeat your "Frenchman" in the kitchen, the step-by-step photo recipe presented today will help you. Perhaps this cake will become your signature sweet dish, like mine. I have been baking it for over 10 years, and I thank Natalia Pyatkova for the recipe.

The well-known and beloved Napoleon cake by far not everyone knows how to bake themselves. Some are afraid to mess with a difficult dessert, and in vain, because there is nothing difficult in preparing this wonderful cake, the main thing is to follow the recipe exactly and not be nervous.

Homemade cake Napoleon with custard

Butter for making dough should be well chilled, and for cream - at room temperature.
More sugar can be added to the cream, especially if you prefer very sweet desserts.
Wheat flour for cream can be replaced slightly large quantity starch, corn or potato.

Required Ingredients:

  • fresh egg - 1 pc.,
  • cold water - 250 ml,
  • salt - a pinch
  • butter - 250 grams,
  • wheat flour - 700 grams.

  • milk - 1 liter,
  • fresh eggs - 6 pcs.,
  • vanillin - a pinch,
  • granulated sugar - 250 grams,
  • butter - 200 grams,
  • wheat flour - 120 grams.

Description of the cooking process:

Sift the flour into a large bowl and add the diced butter to it.

Using a sharp knife, chop the combined ingredients into a homogeneous crumb.

Add to cold water a raw egg and a pinch of salt, and then diligently beat everything with a fork into a homogeneous mass.

Pour the resulting mixture into the flour crumbs and quickly knead the dough, and it is better to do this not with a spoon, but with your hands.

Finish kneading the dough on a floured table. The finished dough should come together in one lump and absolutely not stick to your hands. Wrap it in cling film and place it in the refrigerator for a while.

For the cream, combine and beat eggs and granulated sugar into a fluffy mass.

Heat the milk on the stove in a large saucepan. Pour about 1 cup of it into the eggs, and then add vanillin and flour in several stages, working intensively all this time with a whisk.

The egg mass is very carefully introduced into the hot milk and, stirring constantly, continue to cook over low heat for about 20 minutes after boiling. The cream should become so thick that the spoon leaves a mark on its surface. Once this happens, put the custard in a cool place to cool completely.

In the meantime, divide the chilled dough into 8-9 parts, and roll each of them alternately into a thin cake and prick with a fork. You can do this both on a baking sheet and on parchment paper - depending on what shape the cake you have in mind. It is important that while one piece of dough is rolled out, the rest are in the refrigerator.

Bake the cakes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, which will take about 10 minutes for each cake.

Allow the finished cakes to cool, and while this is happening, beat the cold custard with soft butter into a homogeneous lush mass. In principle, if you like lighter desserts, then you can not add oil to the cream at all.

Put the first cake on a dish and very carefully coat it with cream.

Carefully place the second cake on top and continue. required number once.

Trim each of the cakes a little so that their shape is perfect, and use the resulting crumbs as a powder for the top of the cake.

You can cut the Napoleon cake and enjoy it no earlier than 6 hours after assembly, otherwise the cakes will not have time to soak properly. However, for the sake of such a perfect taste, you can suffer a little, because then the pleasure will be unforgettable.

Another Napoleon Cake Recipe

Ekaterina Marutova's recipe

I want to note right away that the size of the cake was quite impressive, so if you do not need such a large cake, you can reduce the number of ingredients in the recipe for this homemade Napoleon cake by at least 2 times. The cake in the photo turned out to be the size of a large square baking sheet from the oven.

Would need:

For test:

  • flour - about 1 kg - from the refrigerator.
  • margarine - 4 packs (200 gr each) - must lie in the freezer before cooking.
  • eggs - 2 pcs. also chilled in the refrigerator.
  • salt -1 tsp
  • vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • cold water - approximately 400 ml (I will write why approximately, in the preparation itself).

Custard for Napoleon cake:

  • milk - 4 cups.
  • sugar - 1.5 cups.
  • eggs - 4 pcs.
  • flour - 4 tbsp. l.
  • butter - 300 g.
  • vanillin - 1 pack.
  • powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

How to make a Napoleon cake with custard

Let's make the dough first.

Sift about half of the flour on the table, and three whole margarine on a coarse grater (which should lie before use in the freezer). When three margarine, at the same time it must be sprinkled with flour. Having rubbed all the margarine, add the rest of the flour and mix quickly.

We mix eggs, vinegar and salt in a deep bowl or a large measuring cup (with milliliter marks) and add water so that the entire volume is 500 ml. That is why the Napoleon cake recipe itself, which I gave above, indicates the approximate amount of water. We do everything quickly.

Pour this mass into the margarine-flour mixture and try to knead the dough as quickly as possible. We divide the finished dough into 4 equal parts, put each in a separate bag and place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

While our dough is in the refrigerator - cook custard with milk and butter to soak the Napoleon cake.

Pour the milk into a deep saucepan, bring to a boil, adding sugar.

Separately, you need to combine the eggs with flour and gradually add half of the hot milk with sugar there, mix until smooth.

Then quickly pour the remaining milk with sugar into the mass.

Mixing well, you need to bring the custard in milk to a boil and immediately turn it off. DO NOT boil!

The custard base for the cream is ready, it must be cooled before being combined with butter. Separately, you need to beat the softened butter, gradually add the cooled custard and vanillin to it.

When the time for the dough to stay in the refrigerator is up, take out one part, roll it out (sprinkling the table with flour) 4 mm thick.

We spread the dough home cooking(very similar to puff) on a baking sheet (which needs to be moistened a little from the edges), press the edges a little and make punctures with a fork in several places over the entire surface of the cake. This is necessary so that the cake does not swell.

We send the baking sheet to the oven, heated to 200 degrees. The beautiful ruddy color that you see will hint to you that the cake is ready. We take out the finished cake for the Napoleon cake, put it on a wooden board.

The rest of the cakes are baked in the same way.

When all the cake layers for the Napoleon cake are ready, you can collect our cake: if you baked a small cake for only 2 cake layers, then you need to cut each cake in half. If the cakes are not quite even, they need to be shaped by cutting them with a sharp knife. Trimmings will come in handy for sprinkling the cake.

We spread the first cake on a board or on a baking sheet and pour over the custard, evenly distributing it over the entire surface. We lay the second cake, press lightly and again coat with cream. So we do with all the cakes.

When the assembly is completed, we also carefully cover the top and sides with the remaining custard, grind the trimmings from the cakes in a mortar or with a blender and sprinkle the whole cake with crumbs.

Sprinkle with powdered sugar on top and decorate as desired. It is advisable to let the cake soak for several hours in the refrigerator.

We cut a delicious homemade Napoleon cake with custard into portioned pieces, put the kettle on and serve our sweet dessert to the table.

The most delicious cake Napoleon with custard

(old proven recipe)

Napoleon's homemade cake is perhaps the most delicious for me. The recipe for this Napoleon cake with custard, which was inherited from my grandmother, was sent to us by Olga Tulupova (unfortunately, no photo). But when I began to prepare it for release, it turned out that this old recipe for Napoleon cake was known to me, for many years I have been baking it at home on major holidays.


On the Internet, I met a myriad of recipes for the deservedly beloved Napoleon. I made it often, but the result somehow did not please. And there was a reason for that. Our family has a recipe for the most delicious Napoleon cake, which is over 60 years old. The recipe came from Grandma Anya. Due to numerous moves, the recipe was safely lost in the bowels of numerous things. Grandma is already 87 years old and she does not remember the recipe exactly. But then I accidentally found it - there was no limit to joy. As a child, it seemed fabulously tasty to me. And even now my opinion has not changed.

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Good day, dear readers and guests, our delicious and homemade!

August is a hot time. So I rolled up another batch vegetable salads. Namely, vegetable salad with cabbage, which one of these days will appear on the pages of my site. Look and see. But I don’t dedicate today’s article to blanks, but on the contrary, I decided to stop a bit and cook something sweet.

I baked everyone familiar and beloved cake "Napoleon" with custard. There are a lot of recipes for making a Napoleon cake. I took advantage of the most simple recipe, according to which our grandmothers also cooked. I don’t know about you, but the cake at home is associated with my birthday first of all. Although the birthday is not soon, let's then arrange a holiday for the soul and bake a not very complicated Napoleon cake. Join now!


How to cook:

I think you know the history of the origin of the Napoleon cake? Who does not know, it can be quickly found on the Internet. But we will not be doing this. Let me better tell you how to cook a delicious Napoleon cake, so that your family or guests are satisfied with it and be sure to ask for supplements.

From these ingredients that I used, the cake turned out to be 2 kg and 400 grams. I think if you are not a big sweet tooth, you can share this portion with your family. Everyone, stop teasing you and move on to cooking.

1. All ingredients for the dough should be as cold as possible. Sprinkle the desired amount of flour on the work surface. I had flour liter jar. It is this full jar of flour that we use. We spread the creamy margarine cut into cubes on the flour and rub this mass into crumbs. We do not bother for a long time so that the margarine does not melt.

2. After the crumb is ready, make a small hole in the flour and pour cold water mixed with vodka and salt. Many people add vinegar to the dough. If you want, you can add 1 teaspoon.

Vinegar will loosen the dough and give the cakes some splendor. Knead the dough and try to do it quickly. We divide the resulting dough into 12 equal lumps that need to be rolled into balls. We spread the resulting balls on a flat plate, cover with cling film and put in the refrigerator for at least one hour.

3. While our dough is cooling, prepare the custard. I advise you to cook Napoleon cake exclusively custard, and not on condensed milk, or someone also prepares sour cream.

So, pour the milk into a cauldron and bring to a boil. In the meantime, in a separate bowl, whisk, with a whisk, eggs and half a glass of sugar. Add flour to the eggs and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

Then pour in slightly warm milk (150 ml.), Taken from the cauldron. Bring to a homogeneous state and pour in a thin stream into boiling milk. When combining milk with an egg-flour mixture, be sure to mix the contents of the cauldron with a whisk. The mass will begin to thicken quickly. On a very low heat, stand the resulting custard until it thickens completely. But in no case do not bring the cream to a boil! Remove the thickened cream from the heat and let it cool down.

Now that the cream has almost cooled down, we take a tall bowl, but such that it is convenient for you to whip the cream. I took the container from the mixer. Next, beat the softened plum with a blender or mixer. butter, but not melted with the remaining sugar and vanilla sugar into a fluffy mass.

But not for long, otherwise the oil can exfoliate. After that, add a few tablespoons of cream to the butter and continue to beat at medium speed. Here is the news recipe cooking delicious custard. This custard is perfect for cooking honey cake.

I shared with the honey cake recipe.

4. Have you prepared the cream? Good. Now I invite you to bake Napoleon cake layers. Immediately turn on the oven to the maximum and go to the test. We take the balls out of the refrigerator one by one. My technology is this: they took out a piece of dough, rolled it out. While the first cake is baking, roll out the second and so on. I made round ones. Like this.

The rest of the dough was also laid out on a baking sheet and baked all together. Before baking, be sure to prick the cake with a fork. Otherwise, the cake will swell. Cakes are baked very quickly, about 7 minutes. I don't recommend frying them.

Here is such a stack of cakes I get.

We coat each cake generously with chilled custard. For each cake, I took 3 tablespoons of cream. And the cream is just enough to collect the whole cake.

The sides of the cake are also well smeared with cream. And we will decorate the Napoleon cake with scraps from cakes. They need to be ground into crumbs or passed through a blender.

The finished cake should be left to soak, preferably in a not very cool place, first for 3 hours, then put in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours. And best of all at night. Cake "Napoleon" with custard it turns out very tasty! Try it and be sure to share your impressions with me.

I wish you a pleasant tea party and do not forget, at least occasionally, to pamper your loved ones.

P.S. Photo of a delicious cake "Napoleon" by quick recipe prepared by Anna Asanova!

For custard:

  • 4 eggs;
  • 350 g of granulated sugar;
  • a liter of milk;
  • 200 g butter;
  • vanilla pod;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of flour;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cognac

Test preparation:

  • Sift the flour on the working surface of the table, it is better to pass the cereal through a sieve three times in order to ready product got airy.


All ingredients for "Napoleon" must be chilled.

  • We take out the creamy product from the freezer and quickly grind it with a grater. The oil must be of high quality and fresh. Mix with flour.
  • We drive eggs into a separate container, pour water and two tablespoons of water, add a little salt and shake with a whisk. With vodka, the dough is dry and at the same time airy.

  • The resulting mixture is sent to the flour mass and mixed. The base should not be kneaded for a long time with your hands, just collect it in a lump, wrap it with cling film and refrigerate for two hours.

Custard preparation:

  1. Pour a milk drink into a saucepan, add sweet granules, put a vanilla pod and put on fire. Cook over low heat until all sweet grains are dissolved.
  2. In another bowl, stir eggs, flour and cognac until smooth.

  1. Pour the egg mixture in portions into a hot milk drink and heat the contents of the saucepan until thick.
  2. Then remove from the heat, put the pieces of butter and beat until a soft and thick custard is obtained, which we cover with a film and leave to cool.

We bake cakes:

  • We cover the table with parchment, put a piece of dough and stretch it into a thin layer the size of a baking sheet, prick the entire surface of the workpiece with a fork.
  • With a sharp knife, divide the layer into six equal parts and alternately bake the cakes in the oven for five minutes.


It is not worth rebaking the cakes, as soon as the dough rises and becomes ruddy, the baking sheet can be taken out.

  • From the amount of dough obtained, you can bake 24 cakes (size 12x14 cm) or 16 cakes (size 14x18).

Cake assembly

  • We leave one cake, put the rest in a pile, soak each cake with custard. We also smear the sides and surface of the dessert with cream.

  • We crumble the set aside cake and cover the cake on all sides. For impregnation, we keep the dessert at room temperature for five hours, then transfer it to a cool place all night.

Today there are different ideas about what a Napoleon cake should be. Some believe that such a dessert should be crispy, others have a different opinion and insist that the cake should be well soaked with cream.

Dough Ingredients:

  • 450 g flour;
  • 250 g butter;
  • 1 egg;
  • 150 ml of ice water;
  • Art. a spoonful of wine vinegar;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda.

Cream Ingredients:

  • a liter of milk;
  • 200 ml cream (30%);
  • 4 eggs;
  • 250 g of granulated sugar;
  • 50 g of powdered sugar;
  • 60 g cornstarch;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 10 g vanilla sugar.

Test preparation:

  1. Before starting the cooking process, we keep the water and the creamy product in the freezer for half an hour.
  2. In the sifted flour, rub the frozen creamy product through a grater. Grind the butter quickly so that it does not melt. Mix with flour.
  3. Pour into any container ice water and vinegar, drive in eggs, add salt and shake with a fork.
  4. Combine the resulting liquid with the butter-flour mixture and collect the dough into a bun.
  5. We divide the flour ball into equal parts, put them in a container, sprinkle with flour and cool for three hours or put in the freezer for an hour.

Cream preparation:

  • Traditionally, cake cream is brewed with milk alone, but you can improve the recipe and add cream.
  • We put the stewpan with a milk drink on the stove and keep it on fire until the first bubbles appear.
  • While the milk is warming up, beat the remaining ingredients for the cream: eggs, sweetener and starch.


Corn starch can be replaced with potato thickener or flour, but the taste of the cream will be different.

  • The resulting mixture is sent to a hot milk drink and quickly stir everything so that there are no lumps in the finished cream. Warm up until thickened.
  • After we remove the saucepan with the contents from the fire, put the pieces of butter and mix with a mixer. Let the cream cool, and then cover with a film so that it does not become covered with a film, and set it to cool for several hours.
  • Whip the cold cream to stiff peaks, then spoon into the custard and gently stir with a spatula.

  1. We take out flour balls one at a time, put them on parchment and stretch it into a thin layer, prick the surface with a fork and bake the cake for 5-7 minutes.
  2. The finished cake should immediately be given a beautiful even shape. As soon as the cake has cooled, it will not work to cut it, it will simply begin to break and crumble. Do not throw away the trimmings, they will go for sprinkling the cake.

Cake assembly:

  1. As soon as all the preparations for the dessert are ready, you can take the cream out of the refrigerator and assemble Napoleon.
  2. So that the cake does not slip on the dish, smear a few tablespoons of cream on its surface.
  3. After we put the cake, grease with a large amount of cream (no need to regret). We do the same with all the cakes.
  4. We press the already assembled cake with our hands and put it in a cool place for two hours.
  5. Then we take it out, coat it on all sides and again keep it in the cold for half an hour.
  6. We take the left scraps and grind into crumbs, cover the cake from all sides. We return the delicacy to a cool place for the whole night.

Cake "Napoleon" they try to cook in every family, but only for holiday table because it takes a lot of time to prepare. But today there is a simple recipe and more than one, thanks to which you can quickly make a delicious dessert for a family tea party.


  • 500 g puff pastry (prepared in rolls);
  • 380 ml of condensed milk;
  • 150 g butter;
  • a glass of cream (33%).


  • Carefully unfold the rolls and divide the dough into equal parts.
  • We turn each part into a thin layer of a round or rectangular shape. We cut the ends so that the cake turns out to be even and beautiful (do not throw away the trimmings). Advice! The thinner the layer, the better the cakes will soak.
  • We prick the base for the dessert with a fork and bake until golden brown for 12-15 minutes (temperature 180 ° C).
  • Once all the cakes are ready, you can prepare the cream for their impregnation. Everything is simple here: pour the concentrated product into soft butter and beat until smooth.
  • Whip the cold cream separately.


In order to whip the cream to persistent peaks, not only the cream product itself, but also the whisks, as well as the whipping container, must be chilled.

  • In the sweet mixture, carefully spread the whipped cream and carefully mix the cream with a spatula.
  • We assemble the cake: for this, we simply lay out the cakes in a pile, soak each with cream. We also smear the surface and sides with cream.
  • Dry the dough scraps, grind with a rolling pin, cover the dessert with crumbs.
  • We put the cake in the refrigerator for 10 hours.

Today, for the impregnation of dessert cakes, you can use different creams in taste and consistency. Some housewives simply coat the cakes with condensed milk. But a real dessert is prepared with custard, which also has several cooking variations.

Dough Ingredients:

  • 200 g butter;
  • 3 cups flour;
  • 150 ml of milk;
  • Art. a spoonful of vinegar;
  • teaspoon of salt;
  • a pinch of soda.

For cream:

  • 500 ml sour cream (20%);
  • 600 ml of milk;
  • 3 eggs;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of starch.


  • For the dough, grind the chilled butter with flour into crumbs. Pour in the milk drink, put the other components of the base for the dessert, and knead the elastic dough.
  • We divide the base into equal parts (15-16 lumps), wrap it with a film and put it in a cool place for several hours (preferably all night).
  • Then on parchment we turn each bun into a layer, with the help of a plate we give the blanks an even round shape. We prick the cakes with a fork and bake in turn in the oven for 5-7 minutes (temperature 200 ° C).


Ready-made cakes should be handled with care, as they are very fragile and can break into pieces.

  • For the cream, stir the starch in a glass of milk, then beat the eggs into the mixture and add the sweetener, stir well.
  • We heat the rest of the milk on the stove and then pour the starch-egg mixture into a hot drink, heat until it thickens. Then remove from heat, cool to room temperature and mix with sour cream.


If the sour cream is liquid, then it must be put on cheesecloth and hung over a bowl so that all the whey is glassed from it.

  • To assemble the dessert, we leave two cakes for sprinkling, put the rest on a dish in a stack, grease each with cream. As soon as all the cakes are laid out, we soak the sides and the surface of the dessert with cream and sprinkle the cake with crumbs.
  • Before serving, the cake should be well soaked, so we put it in the cold for 7-8 hours. Place, but all night.

You can cook a Napoleon cake without an oven, because you can bake cakes on regular frying pan. The cake can be made with custard or butter cream, but it turns out very tasty when two types of cream are used in the dessert at once.

Dough Ingredients:

  • 3 cups flour;
  • 250 g butter;
  • 0.5 cups of water;
  • 0.5 tablespoons of slaked (vinegar) soda;
  • a pinch of salt.

For custard:

  • 0.5 cups of milk;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a glass of granulated sugar;
  • 100 g butter.

For buttercream:

  • a pack of butter;
  • can of condensed milk.

Cooking custard and buttercream:

  • For custard, immediately in a saucepan, beat eggs with sweetener and flour, pour in a milk drink, mix and put on fire. Cook the cream with constant stirring.

  • As soon as the mass begins to boil, remove from heat, cool and beat with butter.
  • For butter cream, we take a soft creamy product and beat it with a mixer together with condensed milk until the mass increases in volume.


It is better not to add vanilla to the butter cream so that it does not interrupt the taste of condensed milk.

Cake baking and cake assembly:

  • Pour flour into a bowl, put cold butter chopped on a grater, a little more salt, and cold water mixed with vinegar. Quickly mix, form a lump, wrap with a film and cool the base for 30 minutes.
  • Then we take out the dough, divide it into equal pieces, roll each one into a layer, form a circle with a diameter the size of a frying pan and bake the cakes for 2-3 minutes.

  • To assemble the dessert, we must coat the first cake with custard, then soak the cakes through one. Coat the sides and surface with buttercream.

  • Sprinkle the cake with crumbs, and give the dessert time to rest and soak well.

Cake "Napoleon" with vanilla custard will always be welcome on any table. In order for the dessert to turn out to be truly tasty, it must be given time to soak well. Some housewives prepare such a cake two days before the holiday, because this is how you can achieve amazing results at home.

Cake Ingredients:

  • 150 ml of cold water;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 400 g butter;
  • 700 g flour;
  • 3 art. spoons of vodka;
  • Art. a spoonful of vinegar;
  • a pinch of salt.

For cream:

  • 1.5 liters of milk;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vanilla extract;
  • 7 egg yolks;
  • 100 g flour;
  • 200 g butter (optional)
  • 350 g sugar.

Cream preparation

  • We prepare the dessert step by step and start with custard. Pour the egg yolks into the bowl of the mixer and beat together with sugar, pour in 50 ml of milk, sift the flour and mix thoroughly.

  • Pour the remaining milk drink into a saucepan along with vanilla extract and put on the stove. As soon as the milk boils, pour in the egg mixture and stir quickly so that the yolks do not have time to curdle.

  • Cook until thick, then remove from the stove, cool and mix with butter.


For cream, butter can be replaced with cream.

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  • In a deep bowl, mix cold water with water and vinegar.
  • In another container, shake the eggs with a pinch of salt with an ordinary whisk and pour water into them, mix.

  • Cut the cold butter into cubes, sprinkle with flour and use a knife to turn the ingredients into flour crumbs. Then mix with the egg mixture and quickly knead the dough.

  • We divide the base for baking into 12 parts, put the flour balls on a plate, sprinkle with flour, wrap with a film and refrigerate for an hour.

  • Then we take out the dough, and make a layer from each ball, bake the cakes on parchment for 5-7 minutes (temperature 220C °).

  • We immediately cut off the edges of the finished cakes, grind the trimmings into crumbs.

Assembling the cake

  1. To assemble the cake, you can take a detachable form, grease it with oil and cover with a film. We soak each cake with cream and spread it in a pile.
  2. Then cover with foil and leave the dessert in the cold for at least 12 hours.
  3. After the cake is removed, covered with crumbs and, if desired, decorate with fresh berries.

Today there is different recipes famous dessert, thanks to which you can quickly and tasty cook "Napoleon". To impregnate cakes, many housewives use condensed milk, the cream turns out to be tender and not too cloying.

Dough Ingredients:

  • a pack of margarine (cream);
  • one egg;
  • 155 ml of cold water;
  • 3 art. spoons of vodka;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of vinegar;
  • 600 g flour;
  • a pinch of salt.

For cream:

  • pack of butter;
  • can of condensed milk.


  1. cold water mix with vinegar, and grind the flour to crumbs along with chopped margarine with a knife.
  2. In the resulting dough, we make a hole and fill it with an egg beaten with salt, water with vinegar and alcohol, quickly knead the dough and send it to the freezer for an hour, wrapping it with cling film.
  3. We divide the chilled dough into koloboks of the same size and make thin blanks for cakes round or rectangular shape.
  4. Before sending the dough to the oven, prick with a fork and bake for 6 minutes (temperature 220 ° C).
  5. We give the finished cakes an even shape, cutting off the edges of them, grind the rest of the cakes into crumbs.
  6. For cream, take a softened creamy product and mix it with a mixer.
  7. We impregnate each cake with cream, collect, completely coat the cake with creamy impregnation and cover with crumbs.
  8. After the dessert is well soaked, it can be served with tea.

Another simple dessert recipe, which also uses condensed milk for cream, but not with a creamy taste, but with caramel.

Dough Ingredients:

  • 700 g flour;
  • 400 g butter;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 art. spoons of water;
  • 3 art. spoons of vodka;
  • Art. a spoonful of vinegar;
  • teaspoon of salt.

For cream:

  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of starch;
  • 1.5 cans of boiled condensed milk;
  • 750 ml cream (30%);
  • ¾ cup powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

  • Pour the eggs into the bowl and shake with a whisk together with a pinch of salt.
  • Mix the egg mixture with vodka, vinegar and water.
  • Grind the solid creamy product with a knife, sprinkle with flour and collect the ingredients in a lump, make a hole in it and pour the egg mixture, knead the dough.
  • We divide the base into equal koloboks, wrap each ball of dough with a film and cool for an hour.
  • After the time has elapsed, bake thin cakes from the chilled dough for 5-7 minutes (temperature 220 ° C).


Do not forget to prick the dough with a fork before baking them, if this is not done, then it will simply swell.

  • We turn to the cream: pour a milk drink into a saucepan, warm it up, then pour in the eggs and add the starch, stir quickly to prevent the formation of lumps.
  • Cook the mixture until thick, then cool and beat with a mixer with boiled condensed milk.
  • In a separate bowl, beat the cold cream together with the sweet powder and carefully combine them with the caramel cream.
  • We collect from ready-made cakes and cream, cover the finished dessert with crumbs and give it a day so that it is well soaked.
  • Ingredients:

    • packaging of finished cakes;
    • 180 g butter;
    • 380 ml of condensed milk;
    • vanilla to taste.


  1. Put the softened creamy product into the bowl of the mixer, pour the sweet milk and add the vanilla, beat the ingredients for uniformity.
  2. Finished cakes are smeared with cream and laid out in a pile. We leave one sheet of dough, grind it into crumbs and use it to sprinkle the already assembled dessert.
  3. We remove the cake in a cool place for 12 hours so that it is well soaked.

The main thing in the preparation of dessert is the naturalness and freshness of the ingredients used. This is the only way to cook a real "Napoleon" with the taste of Soviet childhood.

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