How to prepare Napoleon cake at home - step-by-step prescriptions of cortex and cream. Cake Napoleon - classic step-by-step recipe at home

Reservoirs 19.10.2019

A classic prescription for the manufacture of a delicious cake Napoleon according to GOST with oil cream includes 4 stages:

  • rolling puff pastry;
  • baking cortex;
  • making Charlotte cream;
  • formation of a cake Napoleon.

If you do not want yourself home yourself to prepare puff pastry for Napoleon cake, you can purchase 1 kilogram of the ready-made puff pastry for baking in the store and skip the first stage of this traditional recipe, going to the preparation of Charlotte cream. But there is a chance that the cake will not be so tasty, as he thought, since the homemade puff pastry is usually the most tasty shop.

If you decide to make a Napoleon cake, as our grandmothers did it - completely at home, then stepwise follow the above classic recipe, starting with the preparation of puff pastry. It is not necessary to prepare all the ingredients of the cake in one day, the recipe allows for the preparation of a puff pastry in one day, and Charlotte oil cream and the cake itself the next day.

Step 1 - Preparation of puff pastry:

  1. In a cup for kneading test, 400 grams of flour and 3 grams of salt.
  2. In 170 grams of water, add 1 gram of citric acid - literally at the knife tip, and to prevent well.
  3. In a cup with flour, pour water with dissolved citric acid and 1 chicken egg and knead the dough. Good dough should be not sticky and plastic. After the dough is ready, it must be placed in the refrigerator, it is desirable together with a rill for 30 minutes.
  4. Take 315 grams of butter and cut into a separate cup with pieces, then add grams of 20 flour and beat to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  5. Singing a plastic film on the table and lay oil on it, forming a square layer, 2 centimeter height. Then wrap the oil and put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. The oil should be plastic and not spread. If the oil did not have time to frozen, hold it a little more in the refrigerator.
  6. Sleep uniformly over the entire surface of the table 25 grams of flour for dough rolling. Put the dough and make an envelope from it closed from 4-EXs, while its central part must be slightly larger than the area of \u200b\u200boil formed. That is, there should be a square with four petals bending inside. The edges of the envelope should be thinner of the middle and allow to completely seal the oil.
  7. Take oil from the refrigerator, pull it out of the package, sprinkle a little flour and put in the center of an envelope from the test, and then seal it well from four sides, alternately bent into its petals.
  8. Get the rolling pin from the refrigerator and carefully, but with force evenly roll out the dough into a rectangular sheet thick 1 centimeter. Then, along the rectangle, you must first fold one end of the sheet to its middle, removing the extra flour, and then the other, and then fold the test sheet twice, resulting in 4 layers of oil.
  9. Wrap the dough into the film and remove the refrigerator along with the rolling pin for 30 minutes.
  10. Get the dough and rolling from the refrigerator and repeat the process of forming a puff pastry - to roll the dough along the rectangle in a sheet thick 1 centimeter, folded two ends of a sheet along a rectangle to its middle, and then folded the test sheet by half, resulting in 16 layers of oil.
  11. Back to wrap the dough into the film and remove into the refrigerator along with a rill for 30 minutes.
  12. Get the dough and rolling from the refrigerator and, as before, repeat the process of rolling the puff pastry, as a result of which 64 layers of oil should be obtained.
  13. Also wrap the dough into the film and remove into the refrigerator along with a rill for 30 minutes.
  14. Get the rolling pin and dough from the refrigerator and just repeat the rolling of puff pastry, as a result of which 256 layers of oil should be.
  15. Wrap the dough into the film and remove into the refrigerator, it can be used to prepare Napoleon cake only after 30 minutes. If you are going to prepare a cake in the following days, then consider the fact that puff pastry can be stored in the refrigerator 2 days.

It turned out 1 kilogram of high-quality home puff pastry for Napoleon cake. If you do not want to mess around with the preparation of puff pastry, then you can buy 1 kilogram of puff pastry for baking in any store and follow the step-by-step classic prescription of the Napoleon cake from the next step.

Stage 2 - Baking the cortex:

  1. Take a baking sheet, and clamping paper for baking. Heat the oven to 220 degrees Celsius.
  2. Take 1 kilogram of puff pastry and roll up to 5 millimeters thickness.
  3. Cut from dough two square plates 22 centimeters by 22 centimeters. Trimming do not throw away.
  4. Put on the tray of 2 cut plates and trimming, and then put it in the oven and bake for 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees Celsius.
  5. Cool cakes to room temperature.

Step 3 - Cooking Charlotte Cream:

  1. 1 hour before the preparation of the cream, lay out 100 grams of cream oil and 65 grams of milk from the refrigerator. In order for the cream to be delicious, it is recommended to take the oil with a fat content of at least 82.5%, and milk is at least 3.2%.
  2. Beat 65 grams of milk with egg yolk. Strain through gauze. Add 90 grams of sugar sand and 4 grams of vanilla sugar and put on a small fire, while stirring constantly.
  3. Contact boiling syrup and boil about 3 minutes to a condition like a condensed milk.
  4. Then the syrup must be pouring into another small pan and cover the film, leave cool to room temperature.
  5. Cut the oil with pieces and beat until it brightens and becomes lush.
  6. Continuing to beat the oil, gradually add syrup thin flowing, cooled to room temperature until white lush cream is.
  7. Add to cream 1 tablespoon brandy and beat. Charlotte oil cream for real cake Napoleon software ready.

Step 4 - Making Cake:

  1. Put 1 cake to the tray and on top evenly wrap it with oil cream Charlotte so that the consumption of cream makes a little more than half.
  2. To first korzh lay the second cake with the underside up and press.
  3. It is evenly for the second cake to the remaining cream.
  4. Baked trimming chop into the crumb.
  5. Sprinkle the top of the napoleon cake with crumbs from cakes and powdered sugar.

Cake Napoleon on a classic recipe is ready. If desired of the cake, you can make cakes, gently cutting it into pieces. Bon Appetit!

Napoleon cake is one of the most delicious. Indifferent to this miracle of culinary art, perhaps, no. A cake with thin openwork korzhi and a gentle cream is a masterpiece of Russian cuisine. Invented the recipe was so long ago, everyone forgot about his true creators, but many famous legends are known to many. It is believed to be a cake with the title Napoleon appeared at the January Anniversary of the War of 1812. Russian confectioners prepared a puff cake triangular shape (reminding the tricon hat) and called it the highest name. Since then, this cake becomes the emperor of the table at any celebration.

It is believed to bake Napoleon difficult. However, it is rather difficult, but laborious. In fact, Napoleon cake at home to cook forces even beginning ahead. It is only necessary to gain patience.

The classic cooking process includes three stages:

  • 1 stage - prepare the dough;
  • 2 Stage - Prepare Custard;
  • 3 Stage - Baking in crude.

If the time in the edge, there is an option to bake a Napoleon cake from the finished puff pastry.

This amazing confectionery is popular for many decades. Almost every family has a recipe. Prepare it not only from puff pastry, but even from sandy. The composition and technology of cooking cream has not one hundred options. Curious, but in order to reduce time on baking, the hostess even invented how to bake a Napoleon cake in a frying pan.

This Napoleon is a classic

Special popularity and love gourmets cake enjoyed in the Soviet Union. The classic cake recipe Napoleon of Soviet time was rewritten by the hostess and was passed from hand to hand. Let's learn how to protect the bake of the cakes and prepare a delicious cream.

The recipe looks like this:

  1. 600 g of flour and 300 g margarine takes.
  2. Margarine is rubbed on a large grater and rubs with flour.
  3. Two eggs are mixed with an incomplete glass of water, a salt and teaspoon of vinegar is added.
  4. The liquid is whipped, combined with a flour mass and mixed the dough.
  5. It should not be dense and stick to the hands.
  6. Only so the cakes get crumbly and gentle.
  7. Then, several kolobkov are forming from the dough and placed them in the refrigerator for cooling.
  8. Taking one by one, rolled into a thin cake and bake.

Helpful advice: In order for the crude to have an ideal round shape, it is imposed on a plate (you can cover from frying pan or pan) and cut off. Trimming is put on the baking sheet and bake too. Of these, the crumb is powder.

Napoleon cake cream is prepared based on four eggs and milk liters. We will also need one hundred grams of flour and three hundred sugar sand. If there is a desire, you can add vanilla sugar.

  1. Milk heats almost to boil.
  2. Eggs with sugar, and then whipped the wedge to white, gradually adding flour. We add vanillin there.
  3. Hot (but not boiling) Milk gradually pour into the mass, not forgetting to stir without stopping.
  4. We put a brewed mass on a weak fire and stirring, bring to the desired degree of degree.

The cakes should be pierced by a fork in several places and, richly lubricating the cream, shape the cake. From above over the cream sprinkled with chopped crumb cake. Classic Napoleon Cake ready! It remains to wait a few hours while the cakes are pretty soaked.

Variations of delicious cream for Napoleon

In the classic version, the stove of a cake Napoleon with a custard, but other types of cream can also be used. For example, on sale there are dry mixes for the preparation of custard stuffs. Moreover, it is found as a classic option and cream with various additives: chocolate, fruit tastes, vanilla, cream-brulee and others.

Also an interesting option is a whipped butter with condensed milk. This delicious cream is considered to be the invention all the same housewives from the USSR. Prepared quickly, has an excellent taste and is surprisingly suitable for puff cake.

Popular and sour cream. Half liter sour cream and 250-300 grams of sugar are taken, as well as vanilla sugar or vanillin to taste. All ingredients should be careful.

Many hostesses try to experiment with creams, and with a dough, trying to find the best recipe for Napoleon cake. But only cooked with pleasure and love cake is always delicious.

Another classic cake recipe

You can try to bake a puff pastry cake prepared on another recipe.

We will make homemade puff pastry on three glasses of flour, two eggs and water:

  1. Everything is mixed, salt and vinegar (teaspoon) is added.
  2. The dough is mixed soft. So that it "came up", it should be left for a minute for twenty minutes to lie down with a covered towel.
  3. Then we will need three hundred grams of soft oil. The dough is rolled by a smooth layer, a half of the oil is laid out, closed by a converter and rolls off. This procedure is repeated four times.
  4. Puff pastry is ready. It is best to put it in the refrigerator and get it as needed.

Tip: The dough is convenient to roll on the parchment. The layers are fine, so they are comfortable to drag them with the parchment. And the finished cake of hot can be aligned on the edges of the sharp knife again on parchment.

If a classic napoleon cake with a custard is prepared, then the layer is made according to the traditional recipe indicated above. And if another version of the cream is selected as a cortex lubricant, then the original version of the cake will be.

Yeast dough for Napoleon

Such a dessert is very easy. The whole process of cooking is not different. It turns out it is no worse than the recipe with a barous dough - the same gentle and insanely delicious.

Recipe and important nuances

First of all, try to choose a flour made of soft wheat varieties, because there is a lot of gluten. In addition to half a kilogram of flour, you will also need salt, dry yeast, two eggs, 200 g of oil and milk (near the liter).

Important: In the original recipe, only butter is used (that is, it cannot be replaced by margarine or fats). A kilogram of the test will need a pack of oil. It must be mild and plastic.

  1. At first there is a layout on warm milk, a glass of flour, sugar and yeast. She will "rise" in about half an hour.
  2. Then you need to pour into the larger dishes, add milk residues and salt.
  3. Stirring, pour the remaining flour and add eggs. After the flour behaves all moisture, put soft butter into the mass (50 grams).
  4. Adjust consistency. If the mass of the liquid, then you need to add flour if it is thick - water or milk.
  5. The dough needs to be elevated to give it elasticity, and then put it in heat for a quarter of an hour.
  6. Next, roll the dough with the remaining butter. Rolled "Sheet" we turn into several layers and roll out again and again.

Cake Napoleon from a puff pastry on a yeast basis is derive, pleasant and gentle. The cream technology is exactly the same as in the previous bearing vessels.

Tip: To save time, you can buy ready-made puff pastry. It is sold both in frozen form and without freezing (shelf life in this case is more limited). If you acquire the finished dough, then make a cake Napoleon will even even easier!

Sand Napoleon

The classic Napoleon is baked from puff pastry, but no one forbids experimenting. Therefore, cookies and invented an alternative. It's easier, but no less tasty is a sand dough cake.

  1. Flour is pouring a slide, add in it grated or finely chopped oil.
  2. Well relieves mass and hand over the hands of the crumb.
  3. We will collect the crumb to the slide and in the deepening at the top we pour soda, haweded by vinegar. It turns out a funny volcanic.
  4. All mix, drive the eggs and take your hands.
  5. From the test roll balls and put them for an hour in a cold place.

Meanwhile, we cook cream. From a sand dough, an amazing Napoleon cake with condensed milk is obtained. Consequently, the cream is prepared on the basis of condensed milk (the recipe is presented above).

From the cooled bolobs, we roll down the cakes, bake, cut them with hot and hot. Then lubricate the cakes with cream and collect in the cake. Incredibly appetizing!

Fast recipes for ambulance hand

When there is practically no free time, and the family requires snacks, you can pamper them by Napoleon prepared by our recipes! The cooking process is quite simple. So, proceed.

Napoleon in a frying pan

If you have little time at your disposal, then you can bake the Napoleon cake in the pan. It will take a pack of margarine, up to four flour cups, a stagmag of water, 5 spoons of sugar, salt.

In flour, you need to add salt, water (chilled) and margarine. To knead the dough and remove the cold for 30 minutes. Then get and divided for baking 10 cores. Corges are thinned fine and baked on a hot frying pan.

The cream is best here to custard.

Another alternative version of Napoleon is a Napoleon snack cake from the finished cakes. Ready cakes can be easily bought in the store. But the filling for such a cake deserves a separate conversation.

It can be a fish or meat filling, from greenery with cheese, from vegetables. It turns out, indeed, a tasty and feed snack that diversifies a festive table or will become an excellent version of the snack on a picnic.

Prepare a snack cake Napoleon can be quickly. It is invariably obtained tasty and satisfying.

Selected Napoleon Recipes for You

Preparation of the famous dessert is not limited to classical recipe. Let's try to surprise you and other no less interesting options!

Family evening

So nice to get together with the whole family at the kitchen table, pour fragrant tea in beautiful cups and enjoy a surprisingly tasty cake. This pretty simple recipe for no wonder began to call "family". No family member will give up such a treat!

Dough products:

  • 800 g of flour;
  • pack of cream margarine;
  • egg;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • salt.

Products for cream:

  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 250 g of cream (high fat);
  • 250 g of butter;
  • vanilla sugar (one small bag);
  • two eggs.

How to cook Cake Napoleon:

  1. Pour half flour on the table, lay out in her soften margarine and chop the knife to the oil crumb.
  2. Mass shift into a bowl and add the rest of the components, except for flour. It should be added gradually.
  3. The knead must be taken until it starts sticking to the hands.
  4. Dough divide for ten balls and remove them in a cold place.
  5. While it is cooled, you can do cream. Prepare it in a water bath made of eggs whipped with sugar, constantly stirring.
  6. After the water in a saucepan (for water bath) boils, add cream and vanilla sugar to the egg mixture. It is necessary to stir up until sugar is completely dissolved.
  7. Having lost heat, tomorrow 10-15 minutes before thickening.
  8. A soft oil is added to the cooled cream and whipped with a wedge. When the cream is ready, it should be left to appease in the refrigerator for cake baking time.
  9. Cool balls from the dough get out of the refrigerator one by one and, after having rolled out the thin layer, bake.
  10. Ready cakes with a lubrication cream and form a cake. Upper korzh lubricate with cream and sprinkle with a crumb.
  11. For impregnation, put a cake in the fridge for several hours.

The recipe is characterized by originality. It will be a pleasant surprise to evening tea or a decent decoration of the festive table. Puff pastry for him is preparing for any recipe. If there is no time, then the finished, purchased in the store suitable.

The highlight of such a delicacy is a cream, which will give an unsurpassed taste of the cake.

It is preparing simple and tasty:

  1. The jar of condensed milk mixed with a pack of soft butter and grated on the grater of a banana (it will take 3-4 very ripe banana).
  2. Everyone is thoroughly whipped and cooled within a few minutes.
  3. When the cream is ready and the cakes were baked, lubricating, we swell and put on the impregnation of our cake.

Exquisite cake

Aristocratic option with white chocolate and fresh strawberries - evidence of your exquisite taste. If such a cake appears on the table, then there will be no indifferent to it.

In this recipe you can use both the finished puff pastry and the cooked personally cooked. For cream, prepare the tile of white milk chocolate and a half cup of oily cream and finely chopped fresh strawberries.

Chocolate melt in the microwave with a small amount of cream. Cool and sweat with the remaining cream and strawberries. The cream is incredibly gentle and fragrant.

Cakes lubricate and put the cake in the refrigerator for impregnation.

  • For the test, butter is suitable, rather than margarine.
  • If the dough is strongly lipnet, then you need to add a little flour into it.
  • When lubricating the cakes do not press them, so as not to disturb the air and the ease of their structure.
  • The cake must be kept in the cold to day - so it will become even tastier.

Amazing delicacy, truly royal dish. Along with such excellent reviews, prepare the Napoleon cake simple enough. Try! And ... pleasant tea drinking!

Cake Napoleon - a long-known dessert, which is very popular. Many hostesses like to prepare this delicacy, because they are sure that the dessert will instantly split off the table. Home Napoleon will not compare with any store option, because the product made with love will always be tastier!

The mistress of modernity does not even guess that in the past years the cake recipe was very difficult.

To be more accurate, then in the 80s, the recipe for the preparation of this dessert was not yet known. The hostess passed to each other various cooking options, but there were no classic recipe among them.

Cookines of those times loved all recipes to record in the notebook. For cakes created a separate notebook, since in those years they were considered one of the most sought-after dishes.

As you know, the cakes are used for cakes, which were difficult to get into those times. Margarine was used as a replacement, with whom it was not easy to prepare something delicious.

Also, one of the reasons why each mistress could not make a delicious delicacy was that the dessert recipe was unavailable publicly. To buy a delicious cake in the store was not unreal, and it was difficult to do at home because of the above-described reasons. Those who knew how to do Napoleon at home is more often sold it.

In addition, other cakes also produced a delicacy, but Napoleon was the most popular delicacy on all holidays. It consisted of dessert in those times from a plurality of cortex, which were a diameter of 30 cm. Each was impregnated with cream.

There were those who managed to get a random recipe for the preparation of Napoleon. In this case, the hostess kept him in secret from the rest.

Cake Napoleon at home with custard - classic recipe

Napoleon cake is popular in all families of Soviet times, on any big holiday this dessert you will definitely meet on the table. Our family is not an exception - it is also often preparing for us. We do it every time an old traditional recipe that my opinion is the most successful.

Cooking requires skills and enough time. To make a delicacy, you will have to allocate about 4 hours from your personal time. Experienced hostesses share cooking for several days: in one bake the cakes, and in the second they are engaged in cooking cream. You do as you wish!


For cortex:

  • wheat flour top quality 0.7 kg.
  • creamy oil 250 (as a cheap option, you can take margarine, but the taste will deteriorate significantly).
  • salt on the knife tip.

For cream:

  • egg chicken 6 pcs.
  • high fat milk is 1 liter.
  • sugar sand 0.5 kg.
  • wheat flour top 4 tbsp.
  • coil oil 250 room temperature.
  • vanillin 1 g
  • sugar vanilla 1.5 ppm


1. Forward, we prepare the cakes. To do this, combine flour and butter in deep dishes.

2. Now it is necessary to grind the mass to the state of the crumb. Personally, I ruble the components with a knife.

3. We bring 1 chicken egg in a glass, after salt, pour water to the top and re-whip the mass.

4. Having a mixture in the dishes with flour and proceed to the dough squeezing. First, mix the liquid with the flour with a spoon, then continue to mitten with your hands.

Cooking cream

1.Testo, made earlier, we put in the food film and put in the refrigerator.

Now proceed to creating a cream. We are looking for a saucepan on 3 l, pour milk and put on the stove. Meanwhile, you need to beat eggs and sugar, add vanillin, flour to them. After again, beat to the complete disappearance of lumps.

2. Turn to the egg mixture about 250 ml of milk, whipped, after transfix the mass into the saucepan.

3. We will definite until the cream thickens. It will boil a lot of time, it is constantly prevented. If this is not done, then the cream will nourish. The whole process takes about 20 minutes. If a spoon is a track - the cream is prepared if the cream is liquid - continue to cook.

4. Crembed mass temporarily assign on the table, it should cool completely. In the meantime, we get from the refrigerator cooled dough and cut it into 8 parts. Activate the oven and bring to a temperature of 200 degrees.

5. Then you will need one part, 7 other reapply in the refrigerator. Rolling the dough, we turn into the korzh very small thickness.

The easiest way: Put the parchment on the desktop, on top to put the dough and cover the second layer of parchment. Rolled the rolling pin before getting the necessary form.

6. Bind the dough along with the parchment on the form for baking, make holes for a fork, so that in the process of baking the dough did not swear.

7. This stage will take an average of 10 minutes. It all depends on the power of your oven. In the meantime, you prepare the rest of the cakes. Personally, I got 12 cakes, you have a chance to differ slightly.

8. Strong working with cream. We whip the butter to a white state (or kneading the spoon). Gradually add cream into it and create a homogeneous mass.

9. Now proceed to the assembly of our cake: the cakes are laying alternately, each with a lubrication with cream. Personally, I goes to each layer about 3 tbsp. In the go, I try to level all the cakes, bowing unnecessary parts. Later they will come in handy for decorating dessert. IMPORTANT: immediately set aside one korzh - it will be needed in the future to decorate the dessert.

10. The tubs that were cut with cortex should be chopped together with the last korzh, then sprinkle the top layer of the cake and sides with chips. Ready.

Napoleon must absorb the cream, it will take about 6 hours.

Dessert will be soft and delicious!

Cake decoration

In my case, the cake was made on the birthday of a child. The boy asked to portray the machine. I have no special experience with mastic, but surprisingly I have something happened! I did so:

1. Did a marshmello of about 100 g and melted, mixed with 1 tbsp. Creamy oil and gradually added sugar powder. There should be an elastic mass.

2. Used the food dye to give the desired color.

3. Cold shape with hands.

The cake began to disperse from the morning, because from the child it is not hung! Napoleon turned out very gentle!

Rules for assembling dessert Napoleon

1. The tray or dish.

2.Some on it the crude and wake the middle layer of cream.

4. Next we welt first sour cream, on top of custard.

6.Next two two species.

7. Next korzh smear a thin layer.

8.The should stand half an hour and absorb all the cream.

9. Circuit the upper korzh bakery paper.

11.Serk paper we remove, wash the upper cake again.

12.Qured extra cake on the top of the cake.

13. Let the cake stand for about 10 hours at room temperature.

14. Let the dessert for the night in the refrigerator. This time is enough for impregnation.

Now you can take a sample with "Napoleon"! Bon Appetit!

Several useful secrets for hosts

1. But I just learned to use the Internet, then I was immediately interested in finding the recipe for Napoleon cake. Everyone was like me, but still in my version there was not enough.

2. On the course of the case, I began to understand the main secrets. It turned out that vodka is present in the classic recipe - it is added to the dough. Regarding cream - 2 types are required. It is these details that make a cake gentle and insanely tasty.

3. Try to do as thinner as possible, while do not spare the cream. You can make it more - let it remain superfluous, but you will be exactly sure that the cream will not end at the most inopportune moment. So be sure to impregnate the cakes with plenty of cream!

4. Now I will tell you a few words about the shop sour cream. Imagine, you went to the market, but you failed to buy a fatty sour cream. What to do? Take the dairy product of smaller fat, colander and gauze. Put the sour cream on the gauze, place everything in the colander and let out of excess water. Add some creamy oil or cream to sour cream - it will save you in this situation.

for oil cream:

  • Boiled condensed milk - 1 bank (380)
  • Butter cream - 250 g
  • Cognac 3-4 pt spoons (in the original recipe from Olga Cabo, but I did not add alcohol into cream)

for custard:

  • Milk - 200 ml.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Starch - 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • Package of vanilla sugar.

How to cook

First prepare walnuts. They need to be cleaned, crushed in a blender with a knife nozzle. Nuts not need to fry, but it leaves for your taste (you can dry in the oven or in a jeep).

Nuts for the test must be very finely, almost into nut dust.

Set aside immediately 1/3 part of the nut crumb for cream.

Puff pastry for "Napoleon" at home

Sift flour (360 gr.) For test.

If you do not have the scales, use the faceted glass, measure 2 glasses with a slide flour and seek.

Add all bulk ingredients into the dough: salt (1 h. Spoon).

soda (3/4 h. spoons).

Mix all dry ingredients to salt, soda and flour evenly distributed.

Now you need to grasp cold butter on medium grater. You may have to put it in the freezer before rubbing, since with soft oil it will be very difficult to work.

Grinding oil and flour rubbing into the crumb.

The smaller your baby, the even more oil with flour, which means the finished dough will be more puffy. In the photo, the baby is not even uniform, I continue to rub her between the palms.

In a separate bowl, we stir chicken egg with vanilla sugar.

We add ice water (2-3 tbsp. Spoons)

We add cognac (if you do not have a brandy at hand, you can make a replacement on rum, liquor and other alcohol). You should add 50 ml.

The resulting liquid mixture is poured into the oil-flour crumb.

Pour crushed nuts.

We intensively mix all the ingredients.

First you will mix the blade / spoon, then you have to postpone everything to the side and start collecting the dough into a lump.

We put the dough into a plastic bag or wrap in the food film. We send to the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Chilled dough must be divided into equal parts. Typically, it turns out 7-8 cores. First, the common lump of the dough divide into two equal parts.

Every day, I've been divided into two.

Each resulting lumps need to be divided into two parts.

Each piece of dough rolling, rounded to a smooth ball. We post on a plate and send to the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.

The next step is to get the dough from the refrigerator alone and begin to roll into a thin cake with a thickness of 2 mm. The oven set it up to 200 C.

Thin rolled root need to be arranged in a flat circle. You can attach a plate and trim the edge sharp knife. I use the lid from the pan. Pressing the cake and edges are cut with a lid. Sometimes you have to trim the irregularities with a knife.

All trimming rolling into the dough and again use for baking the cortex + one such a cake will be useful to us for the manufacture of crumbs (sprinkles for the cake).

Korzh picked up for a fork throughout the area as often as possible (this will prevent the test of the test when baking).

In a well-preheated oven, we send a korzh 15-20 minutes to a rush. I open the overall wardrobe after 10 minutes and turn it over it to the other side, so that the cakes were ruddy on both sides.

Finished cakes fold (you can hang on each other).

How to make cream for cake

In the original recipe "Napoleon" cake on vodka, creamy butter cream + condensed milk + rum is used.
I excluded Rom from the ingredients and added to the oil custard, in order for the cream to be much and the cake was impregnated. In addition, Napoleon with custard is a classic taste, it is a 100% hit in the target. It is difficult to abandon the obviously winning combination of tastes!


So for the preparation of a custard of 1 tbsp. A spoonful of starch mix with a small amount of milk (it is more convenient to make a mixture of homogeneous).

In a separate bowl, we stir two eggs. We add a milky-starch mixture into eggs, stir.

Then well-heated with a thin flowing milk with constant intense stirring in the eggs.

The future custard will return to the bucket and again put on the stove, begin with a slow stirring to cook until thickening.

As soon as the cream begins to thick, remove it from the fire and overflow into another bowl.

At this stage you can add vanilla.

Cake oil cream

We whipitate the creamy oil at room temperature using a mixer or blender with a nozzle "whisk". Oil should become air, increase in volume and whiten. Add condensed milk to oil.

Be whipped again.

Oil cream for Napoleon ready! Now you need to connect two creams.

We stir and get smooth beautiful and delicious cream for cake.

Collect the cake

To assemble the cake, we will need a beautiful flat dish, on which our delicious dessert will be. Large horizontal surface to lay out the cakes.

A common mistake with which I come across when preparing a "Napoleon" cake - I do not have enough cream. The latest upper cakes always receive a smaller amount of cream than the first.

To avoid this trouble, you can do this: lay out all the cakes on the table and decompose the cream in an equal number for all the cakes. Thus, cream will get everyone equally.

Remember that you need to leave some cream to fracture the cake from above and from the sides.

"Napoleon" is one of the most beloved and expected desserts on every festive table. But not only on holidays we can prepare so favorite, sweet treat, and you can also allow to pamper yourself and our closest way, at least every day.

For many years a large number of Recipes were invented for the preparation of this sweet dish. The home cake is obtained impressive both in size and by weight, as well as. Such a delicacy is definitely enough for a large family.

In today's article, we will analyze six classic Napoleon's classic recipes at home Soviet times. Also, I propose to appreciate your attention.

In order to prepare this with many favorite delicacy at home, we need to pay great attention to the korzh, because they give the main taste.

For classic Napoleon with custard we will need:


For cortex:

  • Flour sifted - 600 g;
  • egg medium size - 1 pc;
  • pinch salts;
  • butter butter - 200 g (can also be replaced with creamar margarine, it is better to use it in a frozen form)
  • cold Water - 200 ml
  • lemon juice - 1/4 tsp.

For cream:

  • Milk - 0.7 liters (preferably fat);
  • eggs - 5 pcs;
  • sugar - 300 gr (to taste);
  • flour sifted 3 tbsp. l;
  • vanillina - 1 gr. or 1-2 cl. vanilla sugar;
  • creamy butter - 200 g, it should be softened, room temperature.

Cooking method:

To begin with, prepare the dough for cakes. In a deep bowl, lay the oil cut-made oil (margarine), pour the flour.

Then with the help of a knife ruby \u200b\u200boil with flour into a small crumb.

We divide the egg in a bowl, add salt, beat the egg with salt, then add cold water to a volume of 200 ml. And beat again.

The resulting mass pour to the crumb and knead the dough. Mix it so that it does not stick to the hands.

The resulting ball of the dough wrap in the food film and remove into the refrigerator.

While the dough is in the refrigerator, begin to prepare a custard.

Cooking method:

Creamy oil put in a bowl and leave at room temperature. It should be soft.

Milk pour into a saucepan, put on fire. While milk heats up, in the cup we whip with sugar and vaniline, add 3 tablespoons of flour, beat again, until the lumps remain. In the resulting mass we add milk and put on a small fire.

Do not stop mixing it (cream will nourish) you need to cook it until thickening. This process approximately takes 15-20 minutes.

The mass for the cream should be completely cooled. When we cooled the mass add our melting oil.

During the time, the dough cooled. We divide it into 9 equal parts. Turn on the oven to get it up to 180-200 degrees.

One part of the dough is left, others still remove into the refrigerator. Now this 1/9 part of the dough roll in a round and very thin root, preferably on parchment. Then we protrude the dough for a fork, if this is not done, the korzh when baking it very much. We carry parchment with a dough on a baking sheet and put in the oven.

Baked korzh 9-15 minutes, depending on the power of the oven and warm-up. At that time, while one bakes, we roll the next one on the table. And thus, the bakes are all.

The most finished part, assembly. We take one crude, put it on the dish and lubricate the cream. Now we take the next, put on top and slightly pressing your hands over the entire surface. If their edges in some places go beyond the cake, jubize these extra pieces, they will then use the sprinkle. Accordingly, we carry out this procedure with each korgin.

Broken pieces from cortex and left crude grind and sprinkle with top and sides. Napoleon on the classic Soviet recipe is ready! Let me soak at least 5 hours, it will be best to leave for the night.

Bon Appetit!

Simple cake from finished puff pastry

Incredibly tasty, with gentle cream, sprinkled with crispy crumb, just fantastic taste, prepares quickly, and it turns out both crispy, and soft at the same time.


  • Layered (without yeast) dough-800g
  • Smetana-200g
  • sugar-150g
  • condensed milk-250 g
  • butter 200g.

Cooking method:

1. Develop the dough when the sheets are fully melted, divide the layer in half, so we have four embers. We lay them on the baking sheet (preferably on the parchment), we are caught by a fork.

3. While the cakes are baked, prepare the cream for the cake.

4. In the bowl is laying down sour cream and sugar, with the help of a mixer we beat the ingredients into a homogeneous smooth mass.

5. In another world, we mix already softened butter with condensed milk.

6. Now mix these both creams together. Then, we remove them into the refrigerator, until the cakes before the cakes are completely cooled.

7. While every korzh is hot cut along half.

8. We received 8 cakes, but for the assembly we will use seven, we will dismiss one korzh in the crumb and we will sprinkle a ready-made dish.

9. We post the first cake and abundantly lubricate the cream. We do such an action with each korzh.

10. In order for our baking to the village and become smooth horizontally, we put a cutting board on it on top and put something heavy. Leave a cake with a load of about 10 minutes

11. The remaining cream lubricate the top and sides and turn the crumb.

12. We remove it into the refrigerator in order to impregnate it.

Delicious Napoleon with condensed milk


  • Margarine - 350 gr
  • flour - 2 glasses
  • egg - 1 pc
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp. L.
  • salt to taste
  • cold water - 150 ml.

For cream

Condensed milk - 500 gr

creamy oil - 300 gr

1. Margarine melts in the microwave, then add flour and mix well, the dough should not be liquid.

2. We divide the egg in the bowl, we spit, mix and add a canteen spoon of vinegar, then water.

3. Consider flour with margarine and egg-acetic mixture, mix. The dough should not work very tight.

4. Dough separating on 8 parts. The finished dough put in the refrigerator for 25-30 minutes.

5. The dough in the refrigerator make cream.

6.Goodly mounted oil whipped with a blender, add condensed milk and also beat 1-2 minutes well. The cream is obtained by air, put it in the refrigerator.

7. Across the bake of the cortex. Dough rolling on parchment. We bake the cakes in the preheated oven at 180s, 10-15 minutes.

8. The last crude bake from the remainder of the test, it will serve us for the sprinkle. All the cakes are ready, let them cool 10 minutes.

9. Correction Cake. Publish the cakes. When a few cakes are missed, add them to minimize the swollen parts. Also attach the upper cake and only then we lubricate the cream.


11. And finished cake, do not forget to put in the refrigerator for the night, so that it is soaked.

How to bake a frying cake

Baking using a frying pan will help a woman to save time.

With this method of cooking, cakes are obtained no less tasty than with standard baking.


For dough:

  • Flour - 520 gr
  • milk - 1 stack
  • eggs - 2 pcs
  • oil -1 pack
  • busty -1 teaspoon
  • a pinch of salt
  • sugar -2 station spoons.

For cream:

  • Milk - 1 liter
  • sugar -2 stak
  • oil -200 gr
  • flour -3 st. Spoons
  • eggs - 5 pcs.

Cooking method:

Start with cream

We smack the eggs into a deep bowl, add sugar to the eggs with small portions and whipped with a mixer. To the resulting whipped mass gradually add flour and continue to beat.

In the pan, we pour milk, and whipped eggs, mix well, put on a slow fire, stirring constantly.

When the mixture becomes hot, add butter, we continue to stir, not letting the cream boil. The finished cream is reminiscent of the consistency of sour cream.

When the cream completely cools, beat it, for puff and homogeneity.

While the cream is cooled, they will go in jams.

In melted oil, add milk, eggs, sugar, pinch of salt, baking powder and mix all the components, add flour, first wash the spoon in the dishes, then, wash your hands on the table. The dough must be very gentle, uncrracts, otherwise it does not roll.

Roll over the dough very thinly, cut the circle on the diameter of the pan. Put the preparing the crude on a preheated frying pan, pierce the fork formed bubbles. The frying pan should not be hot, otherwise the crude will burn. Since our cake is very thin, it protects instantly.

Now we take a crude, lay it on a plate and lubricate our cream, such an action is made with each korzh. One korzh is left to break it up and sprinkle our resulting cake from above.

We remove it into the refrigerator, so that it is soaked.

How to bake a cake with oil cream

Napoleon is one of the most popular cakes. Its feature is that you always need to know several recipes of a custard cream to diversify the delicacy.

What will take:

  • Layered dough - 1.2 kg
  • Eggs - 2 pcs
  • sugar - 200 gr
  • milk - 0.5 liters
  • vanillin
  • creamy oil - 350 gr
  • flour - 3 st aphouses.


1. We defrust the dough when the sheets completely melted, we divide the layer in half, so we have six cakes. We lay them on the baking sheet (preferably on the parchment), we are caught by a fork.

2. In the heated oven until 190-200, we will recall the baking sheet and bake about 10-15 minutes to a uniform golden color.

3. While the cakes are baked, we prepare custard.

4. In the prepared container we sift the flour and add sugar, not forgetting about vanilla sugar. We drive three chicken eggs and gently mix the mixture with a fork or a wedge, watching no lumps.

5. Thin weaving in the cream of milk continuing to beat into cream. We must have a liquid homogeneous cream.

6. We put the cream to boil. Now - the most difficult, it is necessary to continuously stir the cream so that it is not burnt.

7. Thus, keep the cream on slow heat until the first air bubbles appear.

8. As soon as the cream begins to pour, remove it from the fire and leave cool. As the cream only reaches room temperature, add soften butter to it. Due to this, the cream will become more gentle and brilliant.

9. We collect Napoleon. We got ten cakes, but for the assembly we will use nine, one korzh we will lame in the crumb and we will decorate.

10. We post the first cake and abundantly lubricate the cream. We do such an action with the rest.

11. Press each billet so that our cake sat down and become smooth horizontally.

12. The remaining cream lubricate the top and sides and turn the crumb.

13. Remove the torus to the refrigerator in order to give it to soak.

Video recipe from grandmother Emma

Bon Appetit!!!

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