Odorless, quick-drying interior paint. What is the best odorless floor paint to choose? Floor paint is odorless and quick-drying.

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Quick-drying floor paint and its features

Painting a floor is a long and rather laborious process. Moreover, ordinary paint and varnish coatings have such a poisonous and disgusting smell that it is simply impossible to be in a room with a freshly painted floor. However, it is possible to update the interior with innovative paint and avoid all these troubles.

Quick drying, odorless acrylic enamel

Modern quick-dry paint dries in a matter of hours and does not have any smell. Next, we will consider its features and methods of application.

General information

Quick-drying, odorless floor paint appeared on the market a relatively long time ago, but not everyone knows about its existence and how to use it correctly. I must say that with her appearance, she made a small revolution in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bbuilding material.

Moreover, the product is intended specifically for those people who cannot leave the living space during repairs.

Advantages of quick dry paint

How much ordinary floor paint dries, each of us knows and, at times, it discourages us from doing repairs. Fast-drying paint takes several hours to dry completely.

But besides this, it has a number of other advantages:

  • Does not have a pronounced chemical "aroma";
  • When working, you can not wear a respirator or mask;
  • Has an anti-slip effect;
  • The product is environmentally friendly and not harmful to human health;
  • Relatively low price on the product;
  • Does not fade or fade in the sun;
  • It is not necessary to leave the room after painting the floors.

Painting a wooden floor

Types of quick dry floor paint

First of all, quick-drying floor paints are divided according to their composition, they are:

I must say that there are other types of quick-drying paintwork, but they are either not suitable for painting floors, or they have a strong smell.


The binder in these coatings are acrylic resins, which form a hard film after evaporation of the solvent. Fast drying is carried out due to the oxidation of alkyd resins in the open air.

Such products have many advantages:

  • They can be used on all surfaces;
  • Easy to use;
  • Due to its fast drying, the second coat can be applied four hours after the first.
  • Easily removed from instruments.

As a result, paints based on acrylic resins are the most popular.


Fast-drying polyurethane paints provide coatings with a durable gloss. These are also quick-drying paintwork, which are used to protect products that are subject to wear and friction, including floors. Polyurethane coatings can give the surface a crinkled silk texture.

In the photo - a concrete floor coated with polyurethane paint

It should also be noted that they can be used for objects that are exposed to the weather, for example, for floors on a veranda. Otherwise, polyurethane coatings are similar to acrylic floor paints.

Note! Quick-drying paint exists separately for concrete and wooden surfaces, therefore, when choosing, you should consider what type of floors you want to paint.

How to paint floors with quick dry paint

It is not difficult to apply quick-drying paint to the floors with your own hands. For acrylic paints, it is best to use a wide, short-haired roller. They allow you to apply a layer of paintwork evenly and quickly.

Concrete floor painting

Advice! To work with the roller was more convenient, you should put on a long handle on it.

For painting corners and hard-to-reach places, you will have to use a small narrow brush.

Concrete floor painting

It is possible to paint a concrete floor at a surface temperature of at least 5 degrees Celsius, and the air temperature in the room should not fall below 10 degrees. Humidity in this case should be no more than 80 percent.

The procedure can be performed on fresh or wet concrete, but not earlier than five days after it has been poured. Smears should be applied in different directions, after which the paintwork is rubbed over the surface. Before applying the second layer, you need to make sure that the previous one is dry.

floor painting tool

Advice! Paint layers should not be thick, as thin layers not only dry faster, but also look better.

How quickly the floor dries depends on many factors, such as the humidity of the concrete, the humidity and temperature of the air, etc. Therefore, do not rush to use the surface as quickly as possible so that it has time to dry completely and acquire proper wear resistance.

Painting wooden floors

Painting wooden floors is a little more difficult, due to the unevenness of the surface. Therefore, a number of operations must first be performed.

The instructions for doing this work are as follows:

  • First of all, the floor needs to be polished.
  • Then the surface must be treated with a primer.
  • After the primer dries, if irregularities are noticeable on the floor, they should be puttied with oil putty.
  • Then the putty should be cleaned with sandpaper, putty again and cleaned with fine-grained sandpaper.
  • Putty areas must also be treated with a primer.
  • After that, you can proceed directly to painting. The procedure is practically no different from the above method. In the same way, you should use a roller and brush and apply thin layers of paint to the surface.
  • If necessary, the surface should be covered with a second coat of paint after the previous one has hardened.

Wood floor putty

Advice! After work, the container and the tool should be washed in water.


Quick-drying paint not only refreshes the look of the floor, but is also durable. protective layer which is able to withstand even quite extreme operating conditions.

But most importantly, in order to carry out repairs, it is absolutely not necessary to leave the premises even for a short time, which greatly simplifies the task. More information on this topic can be obtained from this article.


From year to year, wood flooring continues to be at the peak of popularity. This is due to the fact that no modern technologies and newly developed Construction Materials will not replace environmental friendliness, durability, comfort and even some comfort of a floor made of natural wood. The only thing worth considering is putting some effort into making the wood floor last as long as possible. One of the factors that directly affect its performance is color.

Wood floor paint. Requirements

Paint for this type of coating can be used both in industry and in residential premises. The main requirements for it:

  1. High resistance to various kinds of chemical and mechanical influences.
  2. Thermal resistance.
  3. Fire safety.
  4. Antistatic.
  5. Anti-slip texture.
  6. Hygiene.
  7. Ease of cleaning.

A couple of other important factors fast drying composition and lack bad smell. These conditions allow you to apply paint in residential premises in several layers in just one day.

A good floor paint meets, if not all, then most of these requirements. Only then will it help to keep performance characteristics wood flooring for many years, at the same time without harming the household.

How to choose floor paint

First of all, this product is selected depending on the type of coating and wood species. The following factors should also be taken into account:

The degree of novelty of the parquet or board;

The presence of defects - potholes, scratches, bumps, bumps;

The degree of preparedness of the floor covering;

The conditions under which the floor will be used;

Whether the composition is applied to the already existing old layer.

Paint for painting the floor today is presented in a rich assortment, but the most common and sold are the following types:




Such wood floor paint is quickly and easily applied to the surface to be treated, spreads over it without difficulty, does not fade in the sun and, importantly, does not contain hazardous toxic components.

Of course, before processing, the coating must be prepared properly. To complete the process, you can use special final varnishes that will improve the result, as well as emphasize the original structure of the floor.

If the processing is done with high quality, and the composition is chosen correctly, the floor will not require additional repairs or updates for a long time.

Alkyd paint

Ideal for new coatings alkyd paint for the floor. Quick-drying and highly absorbent, it will reliably protect the wood from abrasion. In addition, alkyd repels moisture well, so it is suitable for use in rooms with high humidity and even outdoors. summer terraces. The only negative of the product, noted by buyers, is the presence of a synthetic smell, which, however, quickly disappears.

The service life of such paint is at least 6 years, even with high traffic in the room. The quality of the material is greatly enhanced when the painted floor is coated with a special

Polyurethane paint

Particularly durable and resistant to cracks and chips is polyurethane paint for the floor. Customer reviews also speak of its high wear resistance. It is enough to apply in 2-3 layers, and then varnish on the same basis. The floor dries fairly quickly. It will look like new for at least 5 years. After treatment, the surface acquires a special shine.

acrylic paint

If the floor requires frequent cleaning, the best material than not found. The coating will be elastic, it will not be afraid even of special chemicals for cleaning - the entire surface will seem to be covered with a glossy film. This floor paint is fast drying, it has almost no peculiar smell, so it can be used for quick jobs not only in the rooms, but also in the toilet, bathroom, kitchen.

Transparent and opaque paints

In addition to classification by basis, flooring materials can be divided into two groups: transparent and opaque.

Transparent means are all kinds of varnishes. They may not have color at all or be colored to a small extent. Wood floor paint having an opaque texture, usually water-based or organic based, including acrylic.

The choice of the degree of transparency depends only on the taste of the buyer. If you like the natural tones of a wooden floor, it is better to give preference to transparent varnishes. If you need to adjust the color of the coating to the existing interior of extraordinary colors, opaque paints are the best fit. It is quite possible to pick up almost any shade, up to pink, green, blue, purple.

Preparation for staining

The algorithm for preparing the floor for applying paint is as follows:

Cleaning with wet cleaning;


Grinding and leveling;

Application of a protective layer, impregnation.

No wood floor paint will last for a long time without first preparing the coating for painting. For home use the best drugs are those that contain biocides and fire retardants.

The first type of protection prevents the occurrence of mold, fungi, penetration into the thickness of the tree and the reproduction of insects there, saves from damage by rodents. The second type significantly reduces the ability of wood to ignite.

Numerous tests have confirmed that the data protective equipment do not affect the result of the subsequent application of paint. Moreover, reviews of impregnations confirm that the wood even becomes more silky and pleasant to the touch.


Impregnation of a wooden floor can be superficial and deep. Since the coating wears out to a lesser extent at home, surface treatment is popular. In addition, it preserves the original structure of the rock as much as possible. Floor paint on wood, regardless of its type, lays flat on such a base.

Floor painting - a procedure that accompanies without fail repair of school classes, sometimes - living rooms, often - working premises, and not only.

Painting the floor surface is considered a very laborious and long process, and paintwork materials often have an unpleasant and poisonous odor that remains in the room for several days.

Therefore, progressive manufacturers were forced to think about the production of innovative, odorless, quick-drying paint.

Description and benefits

Odorless paints are an excellent flooring agent, an innovative product for people who are unable to leave the room where they were painted for several days.

They have many other benefits worth checking out:

  • fast drying;
  • slip prevention;
  • no mask or respirator required while painting the floor;
  • there is no pronounced chemical smell;
  • environmental Safety;
  • no need to move after staining;
  • versatility, allowing the use of paintwork material not only for flooring, but also for other surfaces inside and outside the room;
  • availability in the construction market.

It is worth noting that odorless floor paints have a significant advantage compared to their main "competitors" - this organic matter contained in the enamel.

Common types of odorless paint

  1. Acrylic.
  2. Alkyd.

The most popular odorless paint for flooring is, perhaps, alkyd.

The video clip will tell you how to choose this material and how odorless paint differs significantly from its odorless counterpart.

Color water-dispersion paint with a binder in the form of alkyd has high wear resistance, quick drying, weather resistance and other useful properties.

So before buying paintwork material you need to pay attention to the following General characteristics of this item:

  • application - indoors and outdoors;
  • binder - alkyd;
  • material consumption - 1 liter of paint per 10 square meters surfaces;
  • gloss level - 30;
  • drying time - a day at room temperature;
  • the possibility of repainting - after 12 hours;
  • thinner - white spirit, solvent;
  • storage - 3 years;
  • wear resistance;
  • weather resistance;
  • environmental Safety;
  • manufacturability, versatility.

The scheme of laying the laminate diagonally can be viewed in this. If you do not yet know how to lay this flooring material using the diagonal method, then this article will be a good theoretical lesson for you!

See what self-adhesive is pvc tiles for the floor, maybe. Recommended!

  1. Painting must be preceded by high-quality preparation of the base, including the removal of surface defects, patching of potholes and cracks, leveling the base, puttying, filling voids.
  2. Before starting work on painting the floor, it is necessary to impregnate the soil base.
  3. It is necessary to apply the paint and varnish material in several layers, as required by the technological staining procedure prescribed by the manufacturer on the packaging of the material.
  4. The paint does not have a chemical smell, but this does not mean that the room where the floor surface was painted does not need to be ventilated after work is completed.

The purchase of paints and varnishes, including odorless paint, should be a responsible undertaking, since repainting is not a pleasant procedure and it is undesirable to resort to reworking the resulting coloring result.

Before buying this product, you should check with the seller of the outlet for its properties, including the missing smell, or carefully read the information posted on the label of the can of paint and varnish material by the manufacturer.

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Is it better to choose from the huge number of options presented?

No. 1. Main selection criteria

You can simplify your choice if you clearly define the initial data in advance. So, The main criteria for choosing floor paint can be called:

No. 2. What paints are suitable for a wooden floor?

No. 4. acrylic paint

No. 7. Polyurethane enamel

The coating is used for painting concrete floors and usually also involves pre-mixing the components. Due to its properties, it can be used for painting indoors and outdoors.

Main advantages:

With all its advantages, polyurethane enamel is used infrequently, as it requires a long drying period - up to 14 days.

No. 8. Rubber paint

Rubber paint has recently appeared on modern construction market and immediately impressed with its amazing properties. The coating can be applied to almost any surface, incl. concrete and wood. The material is made on the basis of polymers, due to which it receives such distinctive performance:

  • moisture resistance and sun rays;
  • elasticity;
  • impact resistance and abrasion resistance;
  • durability, the paint is not prone to cracking and peeling;
  • economy.

The coating can hardly be called cheap, but in operation it shows itself really well. If the first rubber paints had a characteristic smell, now manufacturers have worked on this shortcoming and were able to eliminate the unpleasant odor.

No. 9. Top Producers

When choosing a paint, the name of the manufacturer also means a lot. Decent materials are produced by both foreign companies and domestic ones. Let's take a closer look at the best of them.

TOP 5 global floor paint manufacturers

This Finnish company, which has existed for more than 150 years, is a recognized world leader in the production of coatings. The product range is constantly growing, new technologies are being introduced to produce better and more wear-resistant coatings. To paint the floor, the manufacturer has a whole series of Betolux paints that are suitable for wooden and concrete surfaces. There are more than enough color options.


Another leader in the production of paints. This British company today boasts 26 factories located on 4 continents. Dulux paint is used to paint surfaces in homes and industries around the world, it is used to paint the most important structures: the Sydney Bridge or the Olympic Stadium in Beijing. The fact that the range of colors is huge is not even worth talking about. The manufacturer's line has a lot of options for painting wooden and concrete surfaces.


This well-known German manufacturer has been on the market since 1955. Its paints are environmentally friendly, wear-resistant and are presented in a wide range. The manufacturer is constantly improving the production technology, improving the quality of the product. Production is carried out in several European countries, and is sold almost all over the world. For painting the floor, the company offers polymer enamel, alkyd and acrylic paints.

The Swedish company BECKERS positions itself as the manufacturer of the most environmentally friendly paints. The products are widely known throughout Europe, as well as in the domestic market. An integral part of the production is a research center, where work is constantly being done to improve the characteristics of paint and varnish coatings. The product range includes paint for painting concrete surfaces of the Golvfarg V series indoors, paint for wood, as well as paint for painting concrete and wooden surfaces outdoors of the Akrylatfarg series.

A large Turkish company, whose products are widely represented in the domestic market. In terms of value for money, this is one of the the best options. The range of the company has a lot of options for the most different types coatings, incl. and for painting wooden and concrete floors. The manufacturer's choice of coatings is constantly expanding, and the quality is improving. The company prides itself on producing only materials that are safe for human health.

TOP 5 domestic floor paint manufacturers

The history of this enterprise goes back to 1897, when tin and iron were produced here. Later, the production repeatedly changed its profile, until in 1991 it began to manufacture paint and varnish coatings. Today it is one of the largest domestic manufacturers in its field. Products are marketed under several trademarks, for any type of surface and with different properties. For painting floors, paints are presented in a series for wooden and mineral surfaces.

Reliable manufacturer of a wide range of paints. All coatings are durable, produced on modern European equipment using foreign raw materials. Among the company's clients are the largest enterprises and government agencies country. The range includes paints for concrete floors and wooden surfaces.

The company has been operating since 2004, equipped with modern equipment, has a research laboratory in its structure. The company closely cooperates with foreign colleagues, which allows using the best world achievements in the field of paint production. At the same time, the cost of production is noticeably lower than for similar imported goods. Among the wide range of manufactured products, paints occupy a leading position. Entire series of coatings have been developed for the coating of concrete and wood.

A large domestic manufacturer that has been history since 1993. Issues great amount a wide variety of coatings, satisfying virtually all areas of use. For painting concrete and wood surfaces, both indoors and outdoors, a huge selection of materials is offered.

Market paint and varnish products for the floor is presented large quantity enamels, varnishes, solutions, impregnations, but the application process used to be accompanied by the release of caustic fumes, which persisted even after repair on certain time. Today, safe paints are practically odorless, and the duration of operation and color brightness remain at an optimal ratio. What paint to give preference and choose the best solution to protect the floor surface from deformation and wear?

Paint is required to repair the premises, when it is impossible to leave the building or it is undesirable to leave the room during the cold period of time.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

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Also, these floor mixtures are environmentally friendly, not only because of the absence of sharp and toxic odors, but also because of the simple chemical composition.

Therefore, painting the floor in the nursery will be both safe and practical, because in case local repair the composition for application to the floor surface dries quickly.

The main positive factors in the use of quick-drying floor paints are:

  • maintaining a normal and natural atmosphere in the room without the accumulation of chemical components in the air;
  • equipment with special clothing and protective elements for respiratory organs is not required;
  • give an anti-slip effect to the floors;
  • fast speed of complete drying up to 4 hours;
  • you can not vacate the premises during the workflow and not get downtime in production.

How to choose a floor paint with the best decorative effect, as well as practicality in work?

To flooring after painting, it dried quickly, you should choose a paint and varnish solution related to one of the types:

  • acrylic enamels;
  • alkyd compounds;
  • polyurethane dyes.

Acrylic paints have no smell, as well as toxic elements harmful to the body. Fire safety is ensured by the water composition. Acrylic paints are suitable for work in regions with low temperatures and are able to maintain color saturation for a long time. The initial layer dries for about 4 hours, after which the next layers are applied. The relatively low cost allows the use of alkyd enamels for large rooms or social facilities. Acrylic paint solutions are suitable for wood or concrete floors, but consumption will depend on the degree of surface treatment and absorbency. Acrylic solutions are resistant to cleaning with chemicals and contact with moisture, food. After repair work it is not required to wash the tool or places of contact with paint for a long time.

Polyurethane floor colorants as universal paints for industrial and residential premises

Polyurethane solutions differ in appearance and texture. More filled chemical components the composition gives a silky sheen to the paint, which is also preserved on the floor base. Paints of this type more resistant to abrasion, mechanical damage and therefore have a wide range of applications:

  • designs of colored polyurethane floors;
  • devices decorative look with chips, flocks, glitter;
  • floor coverings with sand, anti-slip surfaces.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

Construction of houses, outbuildings, terraces and verandas.

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Use this paint for outdoor coverage is allowed if a hanging structure is installed or groundwater waterproofing is carried out.

Polyurethane-type coloring solutions are excellent for concrete floors, as well as for other materials:

  • sand cement screed;
  • breccia;
  • paving and mosaic tiles;
  • magnesia concrete;
  • brick;
  • asbestos cement;
  • parquet, plywood and various molded wood products.

Polyurethane colorants are often used in industry Production shops and laboratories should be equipped with a stable coating that does not require complex multi-stage cleaning.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

Construction of houses, outbuildings, terraces and verandas.

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So polyurethane enamels with a quick drying time, lack of smell, it is convenient to apply in agriculture for processing farms, incubators.

The operating temperature of polyurethane floors covered with paint ranges from -60 to 120 degrees. The application temperature of some types can start from -30 degrees. The drying time of one layer is from 3 to 6 hours.

Epoxy paints and the complexity of application due to the textural features of the composition

Epoxy mixture is also widely used for processing concrete foundations. Do not use to create epoxy solutions organic solvents. Also, for application, a solution should initially be prepared, which consists of two substances that require mixing. The main positive parameter of these paints is the possibility of applying the solution to concrete that has not yet dried to the end. The level of adhesion of epoxy paints is the highest. A concrete platform does not need to be waterproofed. Direct exposure to sunlight practically does not expose the coating to fading. Epoxy paint remains fluid for up to an hour after being placed on the floor surface, so care must be taken.

Eco-friendly, quick-drying latex paint

the most expensive dye with a quick drying time and no smell is a latex solution, which is often produced with the replacement of natural components with synthetic ones. The latex paint mixture consists of rubber polymers, so after application, after a while, you can observe the effect of coating with a film. If you remove the paint from the base, then it will stretch slightly. But thanks to the rubber composition, all cracks and scratches on the surface can be closed. Latex paint has the following characteristics:

  • instant drying speed up to 1 hour;
  • creating a spectacular floor with a bright decorative pattern;
  • easy cleaning water composition using cleaning agents.

Not only the type of coloring composition plays on the durability of the coating, but also the correctness of the repair work. Rollers should not be chosen with a long pile, but with a denser texture and shorter piles. For quick surface treatment, it will be much more convenient to use long handles, but in local areas a brush or small rollers are used.

Before covering the concrete floor, the temperature should be measured, which should not exceed 50 degrees. Also, the humidity in the room should be within 80 percent. External indicators also affect the drying rate.

The period of readiness of the floor surface after coating with special varnishes, enamels on various bases

The drying time of each paint may differ from the amount of water in the composition, therefore a higher percentage can reduce the period of preparation of the floor base. On average, each category of enamels, paints has the following drying time:

Name Drying time
alkyd enamels longer up to 10 hours
polyurethane compounds dry on wood surface up to 5 hours
acrylic solutions dry no more than 4 hours
varnishes-paints up to 3 hours
latex formulations 2 to 4 hours

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