Balcony design for an office with a computer. We free up space for an office on the balcony: tips for competent organization and design of space

Site arrangement 12.08.2019
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Residents big city living in small apartments, you have to be very resourceful and use every centimeter of living space to the maximum. At the same time, many often forget that they have a balcony, and store all unnecessary things or blanks for the winter there. This approach is very impractical, because in that very place you can arrange an area for recreation, work or creativity.

One of the most practical options for busy people - arrange a study on the balcony. If you study or work, then such a room will help you make your hours spent at the computer more efficient. How to organize the space on the balcony so that it turns into a mini-office, you will learn from our article.

Advantages and disadvantages

Not every balcony is suitable for converting it into an office. Decide whether the balcony space can be used for the working area, and only then proceed to its arrangement.

If you have an open and unheated balcony, then it is definitely not suitable for organizing an office there. Also, you should not arrange an office on a very tiny balcony, where you will even have nowhere to turn around.

But, of course, such design solution has its own advantages. A separate office, even the smallest one, is already a great option for a workspace. There you can retire and study or work for your own pleasure, without being distracted by family conversations, extraneous noise and other external factors.

How to prepare a balcony

If, after weighing all the pros and cons, you still decide to turn your balcony into a small home office, then you need to prepare it first. If you have outdoor balcony, for example, in the bedroom, then it must first be glazed. Thus, you can use your office at any time of the year, regardless of the weather outside. You can use both cold and warm glazing methods.

Ideally, the balcony should also be insulated. Having warmed it outside and inside, you will get a cozy space where it will be pleasant to spend time even on winter evenings when it is cold outside. Exist various options insulation. On your balcony, you can use any of them, from dense mineral wool to airtight foam. All cracks and openings should be treated with foam or sealant at least a day before you turn all your design ideas into reality.

It is also desirable to supplement your room with a floor heating system. Such a system is not so cheap, so if such an addition does not fit into your budget, then you can limit yourself to just laying good laminate or carpet. They are pleasant to the touch, and do not cool down in cold weather as quickly as tiles.

According to the rules, central heating missing on the balcony. Therefore, you will have to warm yourself. For protection against winter frosts install a small electric heater on your balcony.


When the base of the cabinet is ready, you can start arranging it. First of all, decide on a style. Styles such as classic, English or modern are best suited for a study.

Due to the fact that the balcony is a very small and limited room, you do not need to use too many all kinds of details that will only take up free space. This attitude to decorative details is typical for all the styles listed above.

As is known, light colors help to make the space visually wider. Therefore, for decorating a balcony, it is best to use light colors. Wallpaper in pastel colors, light wood laminate and white ceiling will make your small room more comfortable and spacious. The same result can be achieved by installing large windows. Not suitable for office panoramic glazing, simple wide windows will suffice.

In a small space, just a few color accents will be enough, for example, a bright lamp, a photo frame or a flower in an unusual pot. Such an office will look both creative and formal enough at the same time, so you will feel comfortable working there.

Proper lighting also plays an important role in the office. Since here you will work with books, documents and a computer for a long time, you need the light to be good and not spoil your eyesight. If during the day this problem is perfectly solved due to natural light entering through the windows, then for work at night or in the evening it is worth installing lighting fixtures on the balcony.

For example, you can install a floor lamp in the corner, or place a small table lamp on the table. Naturally, there is no place for large chandeliers and volumetric lamps on a tiny balcony. Therefore, limit yourself to small fixtures or lamps. It is also advisable to hang curtains or blinds on the windows in order to feel comfortable in the evenings. Blinds and curtains, like wallpaper, it is better to choose light ones to create the illusion of free space.

Balcony space, with imagination, can be used in different ways. If it seems irrational to you to simply clutter up the space with old things, then try converting it into an office. Having arranged such small space in accordance with your requests, you will enjoy secluded work there. Be inspired by our ideas and design examples of other workspaces and create the creative office of your dreams on your balcony.

Many people dream of a separate office where they can relax and retire, go about their business. Often there is no free space in the apartment that can be allocated for this purpose. Nursery, living room, bedroom and kitchen with bathroom - all these are the necessary rooms that you can't miss. How to be? If you have a balcony or loggia, then the problem is solved quite easily. Most often, these premises are used as a warehouse for old things. But, you can’t waste priceless space in the apartment. Why not convert the balcony into an office?

If you prepare a loggia or a balcony, perform their design with high quality, then the goal is quite achievable. Let's find out how you can transform your balcony into a useful room.

The advantages of a balcony room as an office

To begin with, let's talk about why many people turn a balcony into an office. Isn't that too unreasonable? By no means! Agree that it is better to have a separate workplace in the house than a warehouse of unnecessary trash. Especially when it comes to apartments. small area. In this case, every meter is appreciated. In addition, there are other advantages in designing a loggia or balcony for an office:

As you can see, there are really many advantages of an office on a balcony or loggia. But in order to put all this into practice, you need to perform a series of additional work and room design.

Recommendations for decorating a private office on the balcony

So, so that you can use the office on the balcony or loggia all year round, it's in without fail insulate, glaze and isolate from noise both outside and inside the building. If we compare a balcony and a loggia, then making an office on a loggia is much more profitable, since it is ideally reassigned to the design of any room. She has more security most of located inside the building, and the bearing capacity is higher. The balcony needs to be fenced, glazed and monitored for overweight. So what exactly needs to be done:

If we talk about the design of such an office, then you need to be content with a minimum amount decorative elements. As for furniture, you can limit yourself to only an easy chair, a table for work and shelves for documents and books. We will talk more about the design of an office from a loggia or balcony later.

Setting up a work area

In order for the office on the balcony to be your favorite place, it is important to think over the design correctly. Being there should be pleasant and comfortable. To do this, you need to choose the right furniture and color scheme. What do designers recommend?

First, let's deal with the decoration of the office. Since we are talking about a balcony or loggia, which are quite small, there are several ways to visually make them larger. For example, when decorating an office, it is better to choose light and pastel colors. Thanks to this, the balcony will seem a little larger than it is. The same goes for the ceiling. In addition, you can install mirrors. As for bright and dark tones, they are not particularly suitable for an office on the balcony. Bright colors can be annoying and affect the quality of your work. But dark tones will escalate a gloomy atmosphere, and reduce the room visually.

Advice! To dilute the office, making it a little bright, you can choose one or two accessories or pieces of furniture that will stand out from the others. It can be curtains or a lamp.

Do not forget that when choosing furniture and accessories, it is important to keep everything in the same style. In this case, the entire balcony can be divided into zones. In one corner there will be a chair and an armchair where you will work, and in the other you can install a bench. In the same part, you can put several flowerpots, books and a small shelf. You can take a break from work, drink a cup of coffee and relax.

Advice! To create a pleasant atmosphere at your desk, you can place a photo of your family, a painting or your child's craft in your field of view. They will lift your spirits.

If we talk about furniture, then its choice should be taken seriously.

Choosing a table

Since balconies are quite small, a regular table may not fit in it. In this case, it can be made to order or designed by yourself. The second option, although laborious, is much cheaper. Since the workplace is almost always connected with a computer, you can choose a table for a computer with a keyboard stand. If your walls are light, then the table can be dark. It would be nice if additional shelves are provided.

Choosing a chair

A chair should first of all be comfortable, and then beautiful. It is important that you can regulate it. Back is a must. And so that your muscles do not hurt from long work, it should be soft. Alternatively, use an office chair.

It seems, why does a freelancer need a personal account? Lie down on the couch, put your laptop on your lap and work as much as you want. “Ha, if everything was so simple,” designers, journalists, translators, programmers will think now. Yes, someone manages to work normally in the park, in a cafe, on the subway, but most of us need privacy, peace, silence - in general, at least some kind of workplace. No wonder in last years we are seeing the active development of coworking spaces (an office format for employees who are not tied to a specific place of work; in other words, a freelancer can rent a small office in a coworking space - for a day, a week, a month).

If you work at home, and not in a coworking space, then you need to equip a mini-office in the apartment. Arises main question: where to place it? Maybe on the balcony? Let's clear the loggia of rubbish and think: is it really possible to make a comfortable, bright and warm office on the balcony? We are sure that nothing is impossible in this. We have compiled a step-by-step plan for arranging a balcony: a total of nine simple steps- and there will be an excellent personal account!

1. Glaze the balcony

Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), we do not live in sunny Los Angeles, so the balcony must be completely protected from wind, snow and temperature changes. However, glazing is also additional sound insulation. The best option for glazing a loggia is triple metal-plastic windows. Here you will need the help of professionals: fortunately, there are many companies on the market that deal with glazing loggias.

If the balcony is already glazed, and the quality of the windows is quite satisfactory, we move on.

2. Solve the lighting issue

Surely you will have to work not only during the day, but also in the late evening, early morning or at night. But usually there is no electricity on the balcony, so the next step is to run the wiring from the adjoining room.

In fact, you only need one outlet, to which you can connect a table lamp, a floor lamp, and a computer. Of course, you can make full lighting: order stretch ceiling with several lamps or hang a small chandelier, but such alterations will require much more time and effort.

3. Insulate the balcony

In winter, it will be very cold on the balcony even with the thickest double-glazed windows. In order to have a comfortable temperature in the future office at any time of the year, it is necessary to insulate the walls, ceiling and floor with special heat-insulating materials. For example, penofol is an environmentally friendly insulation, the thickness of which is only 4 mm. Please note that before installing the penofol, corners and cracks must be sealed with self-adhesive tape.

In addition to insulation, it is necessary to use hydro and vapor barrier so that subsequently the decoration, furniture and office equipment do not suffer from condensation.

4. Consider additional heating

Unfortunately, simple insulation will not save the balcony from severe frosts. If the winters are harsh, then from November to March you will have to work in a coat, hat and gloves. Not the most good conditions, truth? The next step is to figure out how to heat the balcony during the cold season.

The first thing to remember is that it is forbidden to transfer stationary heating radiators to the loggia (only in agreement with certain authorities), so electric convectors, oil or infrared heaters will come to the rescue. They are safe, environmentally friendly, easy to adjust (can be set desired temperature) and move from place to place.

Silent and economical electric heater presented in the store. The principle of operation is to heat the surrounding objects and surfaces (floor, wall), which give off heat to the air.

5. Consider finishing

After the work on glazing, heating and lighting has been carried out, you can proceed to finishing balcony. Come up with your own design project: decide how you will cover the walls and floor, what will be on the ceiling, decide in what shades you want to decorate your future office. Try to use bright hues: it is believed that they visually enlarge the space.

As for wall decoration, choose between drywall, clapboard or plastic panels. Drywall is suitable if you later decide to stick wallpaper on the walls or cover them decorative plaster. The lining is ideal for those who prefer eco-friendly interiors. Plastic is the most economical and easy-to-install material: suitable for both walls and ceilings. By the way, about the ceiling: it is easiest to decorate it with plastic sandwich panels.

A balcony with access from the nursery is a great opportunity to expand the existing space, and should be used to the maximum. Moreover, modern balcony glazing systems and insulation materials will allow you to create another full-fledged room or zone.

How to insulate a balcony

Whatever design ideas you decide to implement it on the balcony, the first thing to do is to start insulating the space. High-quality work will allow you to use the attached area both in summer and in winter, while maintaining a comfortable temperature in the nursery at any time of the year.

Cozy balcony combined with a children's room

To do this, the internal elements of the balcony are additionally lined with bricks - the thicker the walls are, the less they will freeze through. However, it is better to use lightweight materials, not forgetting about allowable loads on balconies. Proper high-quality glazing is no less important when arranging a balcony.

Insulation of the walls of the balcony with foam

Balcony glazing should be done by professionals. In addition, do not forget to specify when ordering windows that you will turn the balcony into living space. This will allow you to immediately select a double-glazed window with optimal energy-saving and soundproofing performance. You should also provide for high-quality fittings that will work without failure for a long time, and protective structures - fences and mosquito nets.

The floor also needs good thermal insulation.

For the thermal insulation of the balcony, the lightest materials are used - so that no critical loads are created for overlapping. This is especially important for balconies based solely on beams - loggias in this regard are considered more durable structures because they have side walls.

Balcony heating with wall-mounted infrared heater

Inside the balcony, a layer of thermal insulation is necessarily laid. This should be done on all surfaces, including walls, floors and ceilings. Materials are laid without gaps. Optimal in terms of price and performance characteristics heater is mineral wool. It is environmentally friendly and non-flammable, but absorbs moisture. For this reason, work with it is carried out in dry and warm weather, and waterproofing is also required. By the way, among the advantages of mineral wool, good sound-proofing properties can be noted, which will be an important factor for a nursery.

wall heater

And after the issue with the insulation of balcony surfaces is resolved, heating should be arranged. A standard heater is hardly suitable here, since you need to heat the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe balcony, and the heat should be distributed evenly. Therefore, they often choose warm floor- It is convenient, economical and easy to install. It is also possible to install an air conditioner for heating and cooling, or infrared heater placed under the ceiling.

Options for arranging a balcony for children

Workplace, sports section or a spacious playroom - all this can be arranged on the balcony next to the nursery. The most popular and popular options are:

  1. . It is assumed that the balcony block separating the balcony and the room will be dismantled, and the wall will be partially removed. The playroom is covered with bright carpet, it is provided here - and the personal space for the child is ready. You can even leave the window sill, turning it into a comfortable table for drawing and creativity. And the walls are designed as dynamically and brightly as possible - let your favorite cartoon characters, cars, aliens, funny little animals live on them.
  2. Workplace. If the room is intended for a student, then on the balcony you can equip an excellent work area. Balcony door dismantled, and in place of the window opening, shelving for books is made. With this design of the balcony, warm neutral shades should lead so that you can focus on the classroom. The desktop is installed at the "short" wall or along the balcony. If the room is carefully insulated, then the equipment will be safe here, so feel free to install a computer on your desktop.
  3. Children's workplace on the balcony

  4. Can be taken out to the balcony place for creativity if two children live in the nursery, and there is a certain lack of space. You can even make a room for one of the children on the balcony, but in this case the nursery itself will turn out to be a walk-through.
  5. Library, workshop, scientific laboratory- on the balcony you can allocate a place for a personal corner of the child, where he will be engaged in modeling, embroidery or reading. Such isolation will be extremely beneficial. And the balcony is ideal for such purposes, because in regular room there is almost never a place for all this.

In recent years, working from home has become very popular. And we are talking not only about translations, sales on the Internet. Many businessmen prefer to keep all the documentation, develop projects without leaving home. For these purposes, you need to find a secluded place in your apartment. The best option is to make a personal office out of this place.

Increasingly, residents of high-rise buildings prefer to equip private offices on the balconies.

In each apartment there is such a secluded place, which is often used for other purposes. Store there unnecessary things, conservation. Most people use it for . There, no one will bother you to work in silence, and its area is enough to make it convenient to use the balcony as an office.
Creating your office should begin with the removal of unnecessary things, garbage. Remove previous finish. Remove coating from floors, ceilings and walls.

Stages of creating an office on the balcony:

  1. Glaze the balcony.
  2. Insulate walls.
  3. Conduct lighting.
  4. Do redecorating.
  5. Resolve the heating issue.
  6. Develop a plan.
  7. Consider the interior.

Glazing balconies is necessary for comfortable work. The office located on the loggia is a full-fledged room. Its arrangement must be approached responsibly. For complete soundproofing, it is better to install triple-glazed windows. Plastic is considered an excellent material for glazing balconies. It protects the room from drafts, frosts. After installing windows, do not start Finishing work straightaway. Wait a couple of days.

Wall insulation

Before equipping the office, you should take care of the insulation of the balcony

Today there is great amount wall insulation materials. The priority factors for choosing a material for insulation are price and ease of construction. Profitable option construction foam blocks are considered. Correct installation the area of ​​​​the loggia will not noticeably reduce. This material ideal for ceiling and wall insulation. First, all cracks, corners of the balcony should be sealed with polyurethane foam. Using wide dowels, fix the insulation. On top of it, place the crate under the drywall. At the final stage, the material is laid on top of the drywall.

holding lighting

A prerequisite for offices is the presence of light. On many balconies it is missing. Use the help of an electrician, spend. Purchase ordinary lamps, solar-powered table lamps. The choice of type of lighting depends on the number of hours you work in the office. Night work requires electric lighting. by the most the best option is the installation of diffused uniform light. For computer or fax operation, you need to install triple outlets for unobstructed on-off the required device.


To make the office comfortable, conduct lighting and take care of heating

For comfortable work in the office on the balcony, you need to make minimal cosmetic repairs. Using construction grout, cover all the cracks on the balconies, paste wallpaper, paint the walls, make flooring. Often used polystyrene foam or sandwich panels for wall decoration. The choice of options is huge. It depends on your ideas about the appearance of the future office. Own office on the balcony should reflect inner world owner.

Heating in the office

Without heating it is impossible to work in comfortable conditions. The usual insulation of the balcony will not save you from the cold. Steam heating is strictly forbidden to be placed on the balcony. The most popular heaters are autonomous. They are placed in any part of the balcony, which will save space. Autonomous heaters are presented in a variety of designs.

Planning development

A large area of ​​​​the balcony should be divided into two zones: a working and a recreation area. Place a small sofa or sofa with a table in the relaxation area. Any office needs a well-planned layout. On the balcony, you can equip a small library by placing a cabinet under it or build shelves for books. Herself work zone includes desk with drawers for papers, computer or laptop, phone, fax, printer. Choose a complete set depending on the type of your activity.


There are many design options for an office on the balcony:

  • popular Bloomframe design;
  • classic office;
  • work area of ​​the student;
  • office as an extension of the room;
  • use of original furniture, etc.

Popular Bloomframe design

This design has already managed to win the hearts of the inhabitants of our country. Bloomframe design is floor-to-ceiling panoramic windows. The presented option is not suitable for everyone. Many people want privacy, and with a panoramic window, you will be in full view. The option is ideal for residents of new buildings living on the highest floors.

Light and darkness

To save electricity, solar is suitable desk lamp

During the day in the office on the balcony there will be absolutely enough light. However, many prefer to work at night, therefore, it is necessary to consider additional sources of lighting. One of the "tricks" - lamps acting on solar panels. Photovoltaic cells store energy during the day (“recharging” takes approximately 7 hours). By the way, these devices are also produced as desktop ones. In summer, you will have to fence yourself off from intense sunlight(blinds are ideal).

They will cut off excess light, lower the temperature in the hot season, serve additional element decor. Design options, each color will choose depending on the price, preferences.

classic cabinet

You can choose any design personal account on the balcony

This is the most common option. Choose furniture in seasoned colors, nothing superfluous, solid conservatism. This option involves using the office on the balcony for business purposes only.

Student work area

Often, many people prefer to create a corner for their child from the balcony to do homework. Especially if you have multiple children. Then the children do not interfere with each other to do their homework. Such a workplace must be equipped taking into account the preferences of the child. Details that will interfere with the concentration of the student in the classroom should be abandoned.

Office as an extension of the room

The room can be combined with a balcony. The area will expand significantly. When choosing this option, it is logical to make the interior of the office in the same style as the room. The familiar environment promotes relaxation, concentration. You need to think carefully about the design appearance The office helped to tune in to work, and did not distract from it.

Original furniture, modern interior

original furniture help create modern design

Thinking about the design of the future working room, initially select finishing materials ( wooden lining, MFD - panels, drywall). Typical balconies do not differ in large area.

When choosing furniture, decide in advance on its size. The desktop, most likely, will have to be made to order; a small, ergonomic chair - choose in the store. For folders, papers, books you will need shelves ( best option- build). The original design element is the mini-bar.

For lovers of extraordinary things, creative people ideal option will develop your own design using unusual furniture, paintings with abstract art, vases of a unique shape. In such an office, it is great not only to work, but to relax, sitting on the couch, drinking coffee. Retire from the hustle and bustle of the big city, just sit in silence.

floor covering

Flooring directly depends on the interior of the office. Among the popular options are linoleum, parquet, laminate, carpet. A warm terry carpet is a great option for creating coziness. When laying a warm floor, a screed is made, the floor is insulated. Lay a layer of waterproofing. A film is placed on top of it. infrared heating. Laminate or parquet is laid on the film

Possibility of laying natural stone or tiles as a floor covering. The reinforcing mesh must be placed between the film and the coating. Everything is filled with special cement glue. Heat and temperature sensors are installed separately.


Regardless of the interior, it is necessary to decorate the office. It should cause a desire to be, to work here. Decorate this place indoor flowers, paintings, panels, souvenirs. Put pictures of your family on the table. Even from small balcony offices are easy to build.

Balcony - parking

presenter American company designed a balcony for use as a parking lot. Moreover, the balcony does not have to be on ground floor. With the help of an external lift system, the car can be easily parked on its own balcony. In our country, this is not a common practice, however, it is very interesting option. The car is always in your sight. No one can steal or damage her.

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