What is thyme and thyme. Savory and thyme: differences and useful properties

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For a long time I wanted to write about savory, all hands did not reach, but today they asked about cumin and zira, I decided to force myself to write about both of them.

So many people think that thyme and savory are either one and the same, or relatives. As well as cumin with cumin.

No. These are completely different plants, just some are similar in name, others in appearance.

Thyme - Thymus serpillum- plants from the thyme family. Another name for it creeping thyme and if he is a relative to anyone, then just Thyme - Thymus vulgaris. Common thyme (vulgaris which) is also a fairly well-known plant and is widely used in cooking. Thyme differs from thyme in a richer taste and aroma. Thyme is more delicate.

Thyme improves memory and is good antiseptic due to its chemical composition.
The ancient Egyptians used thyme as one of the ingredients in complex process embalming. They also used the thyme herb for leprosy and paralysis.

The name thyme comes from the Greek thymiama (incense, fragrant smoking) - the Greeks dedicated it to Aphrodite and burned it in the temples of the goddess. The fragrant smoke rising to the sky meant that the goddess accepted the sacrifice.
It has long been believed that thyme gives courage, and another assumption of the origin of the name - from the Greek thymon - strength. Even later, there was the Latin Thymus - strength, and Roman soldiers took baths with thyme before the battle to raise vitality and courage.

The Scottish highlanders drank tea with wild thyme for the same purpose. The glory of the plant as a symbol of courage has passed through the centuries - in medieval Europe ladies gave a sprig of thyme and embroidered it on the shirts of their knights in the hope that thyme would give them courage in battle and remind them.

Theophrastus and Avicenna wrote about the properties of thyme, who included thyme seeds in complex medicines based on honey, vinegar, oil or wine, along with caraway seeds, celery, parsley, mint, valerian, hyssop, asafoetida and garlic.

An old Irish legend says: if you wash your eyes with dew collected from thyme bushes at dawn on the first of May (after Walpurgis Night), then you can see fairies later.

Even modern specialists claim that "thyme helps to open up insecure, sensitive, nervous natures; restores strength and awakens emotions ..."

Savory- the most popular are two types of savory. Savory mountain- Satureja montana and Savory garden - Satureja hortensis. What is common between thyme and savory is that they belong to the same family - Lamiaceae, but in fact the relatives are very distant. The aroma of savory, if a little similar, is only like thyme (not other thyme), and if it is absent, you can, of course, replace it with thyme, but the replacement will not be equivalent and not complete, since the difference is still big. Thyme has a fresh, herbal-spicy aroma, while savory has a warm, spicy-balsamic, sweet-woody aroma. It is especially strongly revealed during heat treatment. In the form of grass, the aroma is not so pronounced.

The ancient Romans served savory sauce with vinegar with fish and meat dishes. Later in Europe, savory was added as a filling to veal and turkey rolls, sauces for fish and other dishes, sausage and pork pies.

It is now used almost exclusively in combination with beans, peas, and other beans. Savory fights the proverbial side effect these legumes, that is, the formation of intestinal gases. Therefore, in Germany and the Netherlands, savory is called "bean grass". Savory aids in the digestion of starchy foods and heavy game.

In Bulgaria, this plant (bulg. chubrica) is a popular seasoning for dishes of vegetables, meat and fish, is included in the recipe for "Bulgarian ketchup". Since ancient times, it has been used as a seasoning in Moldavian cuisine, where it is called chimbru. It is actively used in Armenian, Georgian and Uzbek cuisine, where it is named accordingly citron, kondari and jambul . In many national cuisines, it is widely used for pickling and pickling vegetables.

For a long time I could not find savory in our market. All exhausted. And finally, after long squabbles with the sellers, I found out what we need to look for kondari. For a long time I demanded from my suppliers that they bring me savory.
- Thyme?
- No, savory.
- What else is it called?
- Saturnia. - eyes need to describe?

One day he catches me by the sleeve:
- I brought you thyme.
- I need savory, not thyme.
- Yes, savory. This is kondari.
I sniff, I don't understand anything. He pours a handful into my hands: - Rub it. - I rub, I sniff, at this time he rubs the thyme. Compare. Well, exactly! Savory! And there were already people around, we were still yelling and arguing. :) I told him - show me this, show me that, I myself have already forgotten how savory looks like. By the way, while I did not have it, I successfully replaced the grass with essential oil. I dipped the tip of the toothpick into a bottle of oil, and then the same tip into a pot with the same gyuvech. No more! Since the oil is highly concentrated, drop one drop - spoil the dish. Don't believe? Well then, check for yourself, and then you will say - you should have listened smart person! :)

P.S. Something long happened, about cumin and cumin only separately. In general, that thyme, that savory are quite worthy seasonings that are worth mastering and falling in love with. I recommend.

Savory or kondari (the second name of savory) is an annual herbaceous branching plant with purple or pink small flowers. It has a rich, bitter-spicy taste and unique aroma, which is why it is also called "pepper grass".
Thyme is a perennial herb that grows in an artisanal way, better known as thyme. Thyme is a climbing plant with small, oval-shaped leaves. Thyme flowers are very small pink, purple or lilac. It has a slightly bitter taste and a delicate aroma.

Features of planting and growing plants

Savory planted from seeds spring when it's warm enough. Kondari Can be grown on a windowsill. Savory is very thermophilic. Seeds should be planted in loose and nutrient soil to a place where there are many sunlight and warmth. It can also be planted in seedlings.

thyme planted different ways: seedlings, vegetatively, seeds. The soil for planting should be loose, without weeds. Seedlings are grown from March to April. They put them in open ground in the middle of May. Seeds are sown in a band way. If the seeds are very densely sown, they need to be thinned out. The distance between the bushes must be observed, and this is at least 30 cm.

Savory and thyme care

Savory care is very simple (removing weed grass, moistening, loosening the soil). When caring for a plant, you need to take into account that savory does not like weeds, so you need to often weed and water. The crop is harvested during the growing season. The tops can be cut off twice a year, then dried and stored in a dark place. From time to time, their lignified bushes should be rejuvenated. Thyme is more whimsical: the plant does not like shade and drafts. This divine herb loves lots of sunlight and warmth. Thyme should be watered moderately. It is best to fertilize the soil, but do not use fresh manure.

Wood ash and mullein ash are very suitable, mineral additives that have a good effect on the growth and development of the plant. Harvesting is carried out during flowering by cutting off the tops with inflorescences, after which they are dried and crushed. The fruits appear after flowering. Thyme is harvested in July and August.

plant use

Savory is used as a wonderful, fragrant spice, decorative and medicinal, it is an excellent honey plant. Thyme is also used as a medicine and as a spice, as well as in the form of decoration of flower beds, gardens, flower beds. Both plants are used in many industries: food industry, medicine, cosmetology, perfumery.

For Food Industry thyme and savory are in the first place in the manufacture of seasonings, various additives to food, flavor enhancers. Herbs give dishes a unique taste, improve appetite and digestibility of food. Thyme has a completely beneficial effect on the human body with its beneficial properties. Essential oil obtained from thyme is used in aromatherapy. Savory is used as a remedy for skin aging. Recently, the aroma of savory has been used in perfumery.

What are their similarities???

The names of the plants are very similar, so many people think that these are the same plant, but they are not. Savory and thyme belong to the same family. The common thing is that they belong to the category of spicy, medicinal herbs have a similar taste and aroma. They are used in cooking, as a seasoning, in cosmetology, as an antiseptic and antioxidant agent, for baths, ointments, compresses, in folk and official medicine, in perfumery. They can also be grown on a windowsill in a large container. On this, everything in common ends with them.

What is the difference between savory and thyme???

These are two different representatives of the flora, which have many differences:

  1. Thyme is a low plant, unlike savory, which blooms with small, beautiful flowers. It is often used as ornamental plant when decorating and decorating flower beds, flower beds.
  2. Savory grows in the form of bushes, and thyme spreads along the surface of the earth, covering it like a carpet.
  3. The life span of thyme is up to 5 years, while savory is an annual plant.
  4. thyme has a beautiful appearance, and the savory is not noticeable by anything, but it has a wonderful, magnificent smell.
  5. The thyme harvest is harvested before it blooms, the opposite is true for the savory.
  6. Thyme has a sweet-spicy taste, while savory has a stronger and richer aroma and a slightly bitter-pepper taste.

What is the difference between these herbs? Many supporters of alternative medicine are well aware that thyme and thyme are exactly the same! So why are there so many questions around this topic? The science of studying medicinal plants is as follows.

plant history

In the distant years of the Roman confrontations, the soldiers took baths with herbal thyme decoctions to get vivacity, health and vitality. Women, in the Middle Ages, dried thyme sprigs, gave them to their loved ones before a long journey, as a talisman against adversity. And Theophrastus and Dioscorides attributed to the bunches of grass beyond the natural forces of the earth: they relieved fatigue, inflammatory processes, and increased libido.

It is interesting to know that thyme is Belarusian thyme.

Is there a similarity in plants

In fact, thyme and thyme are close relatives, they belong to the same genus - the mint family. Plants are rich in essential oils and are widely used as medicinal preparations. In many textbooks and on Wikipedia, the concepts of thyme and thyme are one. But each plant has its own varieties, which differ in color, smell, shape of the leaf and stem.

Important! If you do not know, then we have already written about this in detail.

Thyme - what is it

Woody semi-shrubs with sloping stems weaving along the ground. Flowers are endowed with a strong aroma, this is a magnificent honey plant. There are many varieties among the people, the most popular are:

  • common thyme;
  • creeping thyme.

The second type is thyme. It is common in dry places, widely used in medicine.

Thyme and thyme - differences

If you look at the plants externally, you can cancel not only the similarity of handicraft bouquets, but also the difference. The crown of the thyme is gentle, root system thicker, the stem grows more in breadth. Thyme, on the contrary, has a tall thin stem, the roots go deep into the ground, the inflorescences are bright and lush.

creeping thyme - thyme

ground cover plant in bloom a long period, is an excellent solution for decorating flower beds, flower beds. Often found on garden paths, in one place can grow up to 5 years.

Beneficial features

The biologically active components that make up the plant have a lot of positive, have:

  • antiseptic action;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkiller;
  • hypnotic.

It is used for lung diseases, eliminates pain syndromes, relieves inflammation. In diseases of the kidneys, thyme infusion is used as a diuretic, restoring vegetative disorders, and disinfects. It is also useful for diarrhea, flatulence, reduces fermentation in the intestines, and has a detrimental effect on microbes in the body.

Thyme is popular in cooking. It is used as a fragrant spice for second courses, fish, meat, for flavoring sausages, in the preparation of marinade for cucumbers.

Dosage forms of the plant

Successfully used to treat many diseases:

  1. Crushed grass powder acts as ammonia, can be used for fainting in adults and children.
  2. Infusion of thyme - creeping thyme is done as follows: a tablespoon of grass is taken, poured with a glass of boiling water. It is taken three times a day for acute forms of colds, whooping cough, pharyngitis.
  3. The herb is part of the drug "Pertussin".
  4. Effective.
  5. At home, the use brings its benefits.
  6. During pregnancy, the properties of the herb are revealed even more, but you should not forget about contraindications. How to take can be found in the article.

Important! Thyme for alcoholism can be given without the knowledge of the patient, read our article.

Contraindications and side effects

Doctors say: take folk medicinal plants alone is not recommended, only after consultation with your doctor. The composition based on the plant is contraindicated in:

  • kidney disease;
  • liver;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • individual intolerance.

In case of an overdose, severe headaches, nausea, vomiting, sudden jumps are observed. blood pressure(you can read about how thyme affects pressure, lowers or increases it). It is important to monitor well-being during the period of use of the drug.

These are the differences and similarities between thyme and thyme. Use the advice and recommendations of medical experts and be healthy!

Spicy herbs are fragrant greens, without which the kitchen cannot do without. Most often in the beds you can find umbrellas of annual dill, perennial tarragon and mint. They are part of many dishes, and are also used in the preservation of vegetables. However, along with them, new neighbors have recently begun to appear: fragrant basil, coriander, oregano, cumin, hyssop and lemon balm. And it's far from full list herbs grown by gardeners. Savory and thyme will delight you with a pleasant unusual taste and aroma. What is the difference between these plants? Both names are quite similar. These spicy herbs belong to and have decorative and medicinal properties. And at the same time, these are two different representatives of the flora, which have many differences.

Savory garden

The most valuable among them is thyme. Raw materials for this seasoning are collected during the period of mass flowering of plants. Stems and flowers are harvested, dried and crushed. This mixture of spicy herbs creates a unique composition that combines a large number of useful substances. It has a wonderful aroma, culinary and medicinal qualities. which certainly include savory and thyme, give dishes a unique taste and at the same time contribute to increased appetite and improved digestibility of food.

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It's time to answer the question that people interested in natural medicines ask: what is the difference between thyme and thyme? Actually this different names perennial plant, known in Ancient Rome and thanks to healing properties it is still used in medicinal collections.

Key Features

An evergreen shrub belonging to the mint family can be seen in the temperate zone of European countries and America, as well as in northern Africa. In rocky and steppe areas where creeping thyme grows (it is this species that is called thyme), it is easier to find it, but it will also be found in open areas of wooded areas. It's easy to find out:

  • the branches lie almost on the ground, and only the stems rise up;
  • small leaves resemble ellipses, whose length does not exceed 1 cm;
  • the roots are of the rod type, differ in thickness, go deep into the ground;
  • bundles pink flowers located closer to the end of the stem;
  • the petioles are short, and the leaves, smooth in the upper part, acquire a grayish color on the underside.

Flowering begins in June and ends in August. During this period, raw materials are collected (the entire ground part becomes it), and in the process it is important not to damage the roots, otherwise new shoots will not appear for a long time.

Harvested plants should be spread out in a layer up to 7 cm on paper, finding a shady place, and periodically mixed until completely dry. To get rid of the stems, it is recommended to grind the finished collection. After that, the dried product is poured into a well-closing container, where it will keep beneficial features within 2 years.

How to plant

Required for growth Sun rays so find a place with good lighting. Preparation must begin in advance by removing weeds and root residues. After that, move on to fertilizer, and manure or products enriched with K and R will come in handy.

You can start planting as early as April:

  • dig up the selected area;
  • add urea (20 g);
  • after 24 hours, scatter the seeds, maintaining a distance between rows of 40 cm;
  • pour 1 cm of sand on top;
  • cover with foil.

Under these conditions, seedlings will appear after 2 weeks. Take care of them, as well as other green pets: provide loosening without abusing watering, do not forget about weeding, and the bushes will decorate the site for about 5 years.

To get the result, you will have to be patient, because thyme is not happy with the growth rate. If you want to save yourself from a long wait, start preparing seedlings in advance. It is enough to follow the same rules, and after 2.5 months you will already plant young plants!

Beneficial features

The product, rich in valuable oils and vitamins, has found application in medicine, it has the following effect:

  • has a beneficial effect on the psychological state and allows you to calm the frizzy nerves;
  • eliminates pain in rheumatism;
  • produces a diuretic and diaphoretic action;
  • restores the work of the male reproductive system, helps with prostatitis;
  • relieves swelling, eliminates itching after an insect bite;
  • relieves flatulence, diarrhea, fermentation in the intestines and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • eliminates bad breath;
  • gives an expectorant effect in bronchitis and pneumonia;
  • can bring to consciousness at a syncope;
  • helps with vegetative problems;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • due to the disinfecting effect, it is used in the treatment of an infectious rash.

But the beneficial properties were appreciated not only by physicians. The tool was also adopted by cosmetologists, using it to strengthen hair and nail plates or eliminate skin rashes.

Dried herbs are useful even in everyday life, because a pleasant smell will help get rid of moths. Thyme was also adopted by culinary specialists, since its aroma allows you to add unusual notes. It is worth exploring the beneficial properties, and you can use the tool in different areas!


Like any medicine, thyme can cause complications if used incorrectly. Reception will have to be refused in the following cases:

  • kidney disease;
  • malfunctions of the pancreas;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (arrhythmia, heart attacks, cardiosclerosis);
  • individual intolerance.

It is undesirable to exceed the dosage, otherwise the body may respond with nausea, vomiting, headaches and pressure drops. To rule out unpleasant development events, consult a doctor who will take into account the nuances of the situation.

What form to use

To prepare a decoction, it is enough to pour 1 tbsp. l. healing collection with a glass of boiling water. After an hour, the liquid will infuse, and you can use it in a spoon 3 times a day. A feature of this medicine will be a pleasant taste!

Bogorodskaya grass oil (another name for thyme), obtained by steam distillation, is also in use. The product has a pronounced smell, due to which it is used in the manufacture of perfumes, soaps and lotions. You also use the remedy for the treatment of arthritis, colds, depression, skin diseases and PMS. At home, infusions are made from vegetable oil, later adding them to salads - the healing properties are preserved.

During pregnancy

During this period, it is especially important to study contraindications, because from the use thyme will have to be abandoned by future parents suffering from pressure problems. You need to be more careful if you are prone to high blood pressure: the use of the collection will aggravate the situation, and the effect will be lasting.

Nevertheless, at the initial stage, the use of thyme in different types gives a positive result. Its disinfecting properties relieve infections that threaten the formation of a new life, so a specialist can recommend decoctions and infusions. If in the next trimester you control your blood pressure and, if necessary, stop taking it, then difficulties can be avoided!

Application in cooking

In order to reveal new shades of bored dishes, add fragrant spices to them! Dried or fresh thyme will be a new ingredient when cooking:

  • meat and fish;
  • salads and vegetable side dishes;
  • sweets;
  • sauces;
  • marinades for canning.

It is also added to honey, which gives the smell pleasant and unusual notes. A similar component is good for health, and men will notice an improvement in sexual function - thyme retains substances that relieve impotence.

A mixture with the usual herbs and bay leaves has proven itself well, because it is added to soups, casseroles, pizza or homebaked bread. It is only necessary to take into account that dried herbs give a sharper aroma and spicy taste than the fresh component.

With the help of the ingredient, you can also enrich vegetable or butter. If in the first case the usual insistence is made, then in the second case you need to follow a simple procedure:

  • remove the oil in advance so that it softens;
  • add a mixture of fresh Bogorodsk grass, salt and a pinch of sugar;
  • place in refrigerator.

The next day you will have a supplement that can be used for sandwiches or used when roasting meat!

In cosmetology

If you want to get luxurious hair, then it will be enough to add a couple of drops of oil from useful plant. Use it for rinsing, and the strands will become more shiny, and hair loss will decrease.

The remedy is also used for dandruff, pouring 1/3 cup of dry collection of 1 liter of boiling water. After the liquid has been infused for 1 hour, use it for rinsing. A similar decoction will cope with acne, if you freeze it and use it to wipe the disturbing areas. Fix the result by washing with distilled water with a couple of drops. healthy oil, and the skin will not cause problems!

Bogorodskaya grass will also come in handy for those who want to improve the condition of the nail plates, because regular application of its extract will help to cope with the task.

For diseases

To improve your health, you can resort to recipes traditional medicine, since they cover different areas:

  • In case of rheumatism, dry powder should be heated, then wrapped in cloth or gauze and applied to the disturbing place.
  • To combat prostatitis and enhance potency, take 1.5 tbsp. l. dried component and ½ tbsp. l. mint. Pour this mixture into a thermos and pour 0.5 liters of water. The liquid should stand for at least 8 hours, after which it can be used instead of tea.

Additional components can be varied at will, because rose hips, linden or oregano will also benefit. The main thing is that thyme must be present in the drink!

Another way to restore strength to a man will be rubbing: take a handful of a dry plant, pour it with ordinary oil and put it in dark place. The medicine will be ready in 30 days, after which you filter out the amount needed for grinding, and leave the rest to infuse further. Ancient Roman doctors wrote about the benefits of this method for men! And they will complement the effect of the bath, where you need to add a small amount of thyme.

  • To keep you cold, pour 1 tbsp. l. boiled water (1 cup), and after half an hour strain the infusion. To improve the taste, put honey, and you will get a medicine that will help with whooping cough or pharyngitis.
  • thyme will become natural remedy from allergies and furunculosis, if you pour 6 g in a glass of water. The liquid is boiled for a couple of minutes and removed from the heat, letting it brew for 1 hour. It remains only to strain the medicine and drink 3 times a day. A similar method will please with effectiveness and with bleeding, kidney stones, skin rashes.
  • Those who want to reduce blood pressure, eliminate inflammation or manage diabetes will adopt the following method: mix 1 tbsp. l. main ingredient with an equal amount of dry blueberry shoots, add a glass of boiling water. After cooling the liquid, drink in 2 doses.

Remember that the plant should not be harvested near the road, so purchase it from pharmacies or rely on your own cultivation. Use natural medicines, and you can defeat ailments!

With alcoholism

Bogorodskaya grass helps with alcohol cravings: it contains thymol, which, when combined with alcohol, causes nausea and vomiting. To consolidate the aversion to drinking, you should pour 15 g of dry collection with a glass of boiling water and hold in a water bath.

After 15 minutes, the liquid is filtered and an equal amount of boiling water is added, after which the patient should drink 200 g of a healing decoction daily, divided into 4 doses. He retains his properties for 3 days, and after their expiration it is necessary to prepare a new portion. A similar method can be used even in secret from the patient, which will not affect the effectiveness.

Creeping thyme has become an affordable and inexpensive natural medicine, and recipes delight in simplicity. Do not forget to read the contraindications, consult your doctor, and get healthy!

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