Where did the gnomes and trolls come from? About the historical homeland of the keepers of underground treasures and treasures. Gnomes

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Every person has a belief in a miracle, in a magical unidentified world, in small creatures that live in this beautiful world. While we are children, we sincerely believe in good fairies, elves and gnomes, in wizards and miracles. And we want to turn into magical creatures and want to work miracles ourselves. And to become a wizard, you need to strongly believe in your own strength, you need to learn to listen to yourself and to the primordial nature of things, to become an integral part of this nature, to feel it with every cell.


Gnomes are fabulous little people who live under the mountains in beautiful and rich underground palaces. They are very hardworking, they mine ore, gold, silver and precious stones and have immeasurable wealth, and are also famous for the highest skill, they know how to melt metals and make beautiful, finest work of gold and silver jewelry, dishes decorated with precious stones - vases, cups, bowls and other magic gizmos.

In the past, gnomes often made unprecedented beauty ornaments for elves and humans, especially for kings. But now they lead a hidden lifestyle, since people have always dreamed of taking possession of the untold riches of the gnomes, the gnomes stopped trusting people and hid their world from people. Or maybe we have moved to places where no human has ever set foot.

Among the gnomes there are skilled blacksmiths who make military weapons - axes, hammers, axes, battle armor, painting them with patterns and runes, as well as talented engineers and inventors who build all kinds of mechanisms, and even magic mirrors.

Dwarves very carefully guard their treasures from prying eyes, and so that people do not find their treasures, they often use magic spells to make their cities invisible to prying eyes.

They protect their cities from the raids of trolls, orcs and goblins and enter into battle with them, they also guard their untold treasures from dragons, who are not averse to seizing the riches of the gnomes and occupying their caves.

Gnomes live long lives, have great strength, they are secretive, distrustful, insidious and hardy. Often can command the forces of the earth when they dig underground passages and caves.

All gnomes have broad shoulders, large heads with beards of various colors - red, black, brown and white, which are never cut and the longer and more luxuriant the beard, the older and wiser the gnome.
Gnomes love jokes and practical jokes, they invent various games, they are curious, they like to travel, visit other countries, explore new ore deposits and find deposits of precious metals and stones.

There are very few gnome women, they are plump, have wide hips and large breasts, and at first glance it is not always possible to determine that this woman is a gnome. They raise children, sew clothes, run a household and do not like to show themselves to people.

And then there are garden gnomes who also live underground, but in forests or gardens, and love to take care of trees, herbs and flowers. They also hide from people and can only appear to a select few people.


Elves are beautiful magical creatures with magical powers. They live in forests, on islands covered with lush vegetation, and surrounded by depths of the sea, which are difficult and almost impossible for humans to reach.

Elves build their fantastic cities of crystal, glass, plant amazingly beautiful gardens in which unprecedented huge trees grow, tall with gold and silver leaves, the most beautiful flowers and magical herbs. These gardens are home to fantastic animals, mostly white.

In the elven domains, rivers with crystal clear, transparent healing water flow, there are beautiful waterfalls, lakes, on the surface of which amazing water lilies grow, swans and fish of extraordinary beauty swim.

Elves are very fond of dancing and composing music, singing songs with pure gentle voices. They laugh merrily, play naughty, often arrange lush night feasts around the fires, with exquisite food, delicious fruits, sweets and wines.

Elves live long lives, maybe forever. Outwardly, they look like a person, only very beautiful and graceful, noble and talented. They have keen eyesight and can even see through a person, read his thoughts, they have a gentle, enchanting voice.

Elves have excellent hearing, can pick up even inaudible sounds, most likely this is facilitated by the unusual structure of the ears - they have a pointed shape. They are impeccably built, physically fit and strong, and are tall.

Elves have long hair in both women and men, hair color is different. Women adorn their hair with precious hairpins or fresh flowers. They subdue the forces of nature, they can imperceptibly disappear and appear in other places, they have a silent gait.

Elves are excellent craftsmen, they know how to make all kinds of Jewelry, clasps, belts, magic rings, caskets and beautiful dishes. And also musical instruments - harps, strong but light weapons - bows, swords, shields, chain mail, decorated with gold and silver, and precious stones, and all this looks very beautiful and elegant.

Women are skilled weavers, seamstresses, their fabrics look unearthly, light and airy, invisible threads, precious stones, rainbows, snowflakes and flowers are woven into them, they emit the silver light of the stars and the moon, the golden light of the sun.

Festive outfits are decorated with precious stones, fresh flowers. And casual wear is made from lightweight fabric. gray, which changes shades depending on the lighting, from the place of stay - in the forest it takes on the color of the foliage, in the mountains - the color of the stone.

Previously, elves were friends with people, helped them, but people deceived the elves, killed their outlandish animals, treacherously invaded their habitat, polluted their reservoirs.

And the elves have stopped trusting people, and recently they have stopped showing themselves to people at all. Maybe they sailed away in their light boats, finding a new place for themselves, where a person has not yet reached, or even left our world forever.


Fairies are small, beautiful and kind creatures with supernatural powers. People know little about fairies, because unlike elves and gnomes, fairies are very careful and distrustful and try not to show themselves to people, they become invisible. And only in exceptional cases, they can very rarely appear to people, mainly children, as they love to play, play pranks on children, play naughty with them and sometimes fulfill their desires.

Fairies sometimes resort to human help, but they enchant a person and when he is with fairies, it seems to him that all this happens in a dream, and he just dreams of these magical creatures and their beautiful cities.

Therefore, people do not know exactly what fairies look like. Some people believe that fairies are similar to people, only very small, tiny ones, with transparent wings, most often of a silvery color, resembling in their shape the wings of a butterfly or a dragonfly, and sometimes a bee.

Little fairies live in Fairy Valley. Fairies arrange houses in the ground, in small mounds, beds are made from leaves and flower petals, clothes are also sewn from flowers and herbs. They feed on juice of berries and fruits, pollen and nectar of flowers.

Fairies take care of animals, birds, insects and plants, carefully take care of flowers, especially love bells, lilies and other flowers, in which you can hide from the rain and wind.

Some fairies are very fond of being mischievous and turn into insects, and if a butterfly, dragonfly, bee or ladybug, you can make a wish - it will certainly come true, because this transformed fairy. Never kill butterflies, dragonflies and bees, or other insects, because it could be a fairy. Fairies are afraid to show themselves to people and therefore become invisible.

Other people describe fairies as ordinary women or girls of unprecedented beauty, fragile physique, with a pleasant voice, who work wonders with a magic wand or magic. They can fly, but they have no wings, they move by levitation.

They are very fond of music and dancing, and in their free time they organize balls on the lawns and meadows.

Fairies are hardworking - they not only look after flowers and other plants and animals, but are also considered skillful weavers, weave graceful, delicate fabrics, transparent and of unprecedented beauty.

They make magic carpets, hats, cloaks and capes, durable and possessing the properties of becoming invisible.

Fairies feed mainly on nectar and pollen, berries and juicy fruits, they quench their thirst with dew, but sometimes they do not mind drinking milk, stealing it from people.

People were wary of fairies, it was believed that some fairies, appearing in the eyes of a person, foreshadow a quick death. Not all fairies are friendly towards humans, some can do harm to spoil crops, destroy crops, with the help of magic, they can abduct babies and bewitch people, kill livestock.

And the beautiful appearance of fairies is not always adjacent to kindness, a fairy can become embittered and harm a person, take revenge on him, bring misfortune if a person has offended the fairy in some way, insulted. And if a person violated the boundaries of the fairies' possessions, invaded their territory, prevented them from having fun, then the fairies will certainly punish and destroy this person.

People believed in fairies, elves and other supernatural beings in all countries of the world and at all times, and this belief lives on to this day. And how wonderful, having renounced everything earthly, to be carried away into this fantastic world of wonderful fairy tales, into the beautiful world of dreams and illusions, where magical good creatures live, where there is no evil and physical violence, where joy, happiness and love live.

In alchemy and occultism, the gnome is the spirit of the earth as a primary element, an earthly elemental (see gnomes in alchemy). Dwarves, along with elves, goblins, and trolls, appear frequently in fantasy and RPG literature.

Svartalva in the Edda

One of the main prototypes of the gnomes are lower alves or zwergs(dwarfs) from Germanic-Scandinavian mythology. In Scandinavian mythology, the zwergs are the lower, "dark" relatives of the Alves (elves), the Svartalvas, and the myths pay much more attention to the lower Alves. Svartalfs were created by the gods from the grave worms that crawled in the corpse of the giant Ymir. They are small in stature and dark in face, they live in Svartalfheim. So that they would not meet their fellows - the "light" alves - and not be at enmity, the gods sent a curse on them: under the influence sun rays the miniatures turn to stone. When the annoying dwarf Alvis dared to woo Thor's daughter, Trud, the cunning ace began to test his wisdom and stretched out the time until the morning, when the sun killed the insolent man. (The motive was parodied by John Tolkien in the story "The Hobbit", where, on the contrary, gnomes are so escaping from trolls).

The Svartalvas are renowned as great blacksmiths who create weapons and magical items for the gods. They forged some of the greatest and most powerful items, such as the Glaipnir chain that holds Fenrir, Thor's hammer Mjolnir, Skidbladnir's ship, Odin Gungnir's spear, Draupnir's ring, hair for the goddess Siv. Loki competed with the lower alves, preventing them from creating miraculous things, as he made a bet on his own head that the dwarves would not be able to fulfill the order. There is an enumeration in the "Divination of the Volva"

10 Motsognir was then named the eldest of the dwarf tribe, and Durin the second; the dwarfs made many of the clay human likeness, as Durin ordered. 11 Nii and Nidi, Nordri and Sudri, Austri and Vestri, Altiov, Dvalin, Beaver and Bavor, Bömbur, Nori, An and Anar, Ai, Myodvitnir, 12 Gandalf and Veig, Vindalf, Thrain, Tekk and Thorin, Thor, Vit and Lit, Nar and Nurad - here I am the dwarfs - Regin and Radswinn named everyone. 13 Fili and Kili, Fundin, Nali, Hefti, Vili, Khanar, Svior, Frar and Hornbori, Freg and Loni, Aurvang, Jari, Eikinskjaldi. 14 Still it is necessary to dwarf Dvalin troops to the human race to name Lovar; they emerged from the stone of the earth, came across the swamp to a field of sand. 15 It was Draupnir and Dolgtrasir with him, Har and Haugspori, Hlevang and Gloe, Dori and Ori, Duv and Andvari, Skirvir, Virvir, Skafinn and Ai, 16 Alv and Yngwie, Eikinskjaldi, Fjalar and Frosty, Finn and Ginnar; this list of Lovar's ancestors will remain forever as long as people are alive.

Song of the Nibelungs

In the cycle of legends "Horny Siegfried" connected with the "Song", Siegfried's relationship with the dwarfs is revealed in more detail. Here Siegfried defeats the dragon with the help of Egwald, the king of miniatures: the king, with his spells, makes the hero invisible so that he can get closer to the dragon.

In occultism and alchemy

In England, the attitude towards gnomes was more frivolous, they were presented as another kind of fairies (fairy) and served, most of all, as comic characters. In the XX century, writers such as John Tolkien and Clive Lewis, gnomes are deprived of the mysticism and power that the Germans endowed them with, they are just one of the many species of inhabitants of the magical worlds (Middle-earth and Narnia, respectively). Tolkien's dwarves were not only rich and secretive, but also warlike, their favorite weapon - the battle ax. Compared to the tiny gnomes of the Brothers Grimm, Tolkien's gnomes are quite tall: from 1 to 1.5 meters.

Tolkien strongly influenced the gnome archetype in the mass consciousness, and the role-playing system of Dungeons & Dragons cemented it completely. In the second half of the 20th century to this day, gnomes in literature, cinema, games are brave, rude and warlike bearded men, the embodiment of the archetype of Falstaff and Porthos.

Also, the gnomes are involved in the "Yellow Mist" and "The Mystery of the Abandoned Castle" from the cycle of A. M. Volkov about the Emerald City. They are 45 centimeters tall and are good at sewing clothes, making shoes, hunting, roasting meat, keeping records and spying. In "Yellow Mist" the gnomes obey the evil sorceress Arachne. Despite this, they themselves are not villains, but rather neutral characters. In "The Secret of an Abandoned Castle" the gnomes are already subordinate to the Scarecrow and are positive characters.

In movies and computer games

In cinema, gnomes and dwarfs are often featured in film adaptations of fairy tales and fantasy books. They play an important role in films based on the fairy tale of Snow White, in film adaptations of books by John Tolkien, Clive Lewis and Frank Baum. In Willow, the title character is a dwarf, played by the famous dwarf actor Warwick Davis. In the film trilogy "The Hobbit", based on the novel of the same name by Tolkien, most of the main characters are gnomes.

Dwarves (in some translations - dwarves) are often presented as a playable race in computer games. Designers often give gnomes the features of Scandinavians or Germans (weapons and armor of a characteristic appearance, names, the use of runic alphabets or old Germanic writing), less often Celts (plaid fabrics, kilts, Celtic designs on weapons and armor). Under the growing popularity of steampunk, later settings (WarHammer, Warcraft, The Elder Scrolls, Arcanum, and Overlord) often show gnomes as carriers of technological progress, creators of steam engines, complex mechanisms and firearms including flamethrowers, rejecting magic and superstition. Sometimes gnomes (or some of them) are described as powerful wizards who command the powers of the earth.

It should be noted the trend in the creation of games in the genre of a god simulator, one way or another affecting the theme of gnomes. This is due to the geological component of such simulators and the gameplay partially inherited from Dungeon Keeper. One of the most striking examples is Slaves to Armok II: Dwarf Fortress, which in turn inspired the creation of Minecraft.

Name in different languages

The word "gnome", common in modern Russian, is less used in the languages ​​of the Germanic family. So, the Germans call these creatures "zwergs" (zwerg), the British - "dwarves" (dwarf) - both of these words are translated as "dwarf". The word "gnomus" or "gnome" in English refers only to earth elementals and garden gnomes - decorative sculptures. In the languages ​​of the Romance family, neither "zwerg" nor "gnome" took root: French gnomes are called nain, in Italy - nano Both words also mean "dwarf" and come from the Greek "νᾶνος" - "tiny". Other European languages ​​have their own words that are not associated with any of these roots - "dwarf" (Polish), "Kääpiö" (Finnish), "Trpaslík" (Czech and Slovak), etc. early XIX century, along with the "gnome" in Russian literature, the variant of "karl" was often found.

Dwarf and gnome

The role-playing system Dungeons & Dragons has greatly influenced the current concept of gnomes. In this system, some of its settings (Forgotten Realms, Dragonlance) and a number of other fantasy universes based on D&D archetypes (for example, WarCraft), along with the race dwarf there is a race gnome... This creates difficulties for translators into Russian. In the absence of fundamental plot obstacles, both are often translated as "gnome". In cases where the difference needs to be emphasized by translation (for example, in the book cycle "Shannar" by Terry Brooks, where these peoples are at war), many translators have resorted to the neologism "dwarf" or "dwarf". There are also such translations where dwarfs translated as "gnomes", while gnomes are named somehow differently (for example, "dwarfs", "gnums", "gnomes", "midgets"), and those where dwarfs called "dwarfs", and gnomes- "gnomes". Andrzej Sapkowski, a Polish science fiction writer, using Western archetypes, brought out the "dwarfs" and "dwarves" in parallel.

The differences between these two types are small and are rooted not in mythology, but mainly in the role-playing system Dungeons & Dragons, where peoples are described in this way:

Dwarfs- stocky and strong dwarfs with bushy beards. They are usually depicted as eminent blacksmiths and dashing warriors, reminiscent of short Vikings. Their recommended class in D&D is fighter.

Gnomes- dwarfs of even smaller stature and not so powerful physique. In D&D, their recommended class is the Illusionist Mage. In many fantasy worlds with steampunk elements gnomes are portrayed as talented technical engineers creating complex mechanisms, gunpowder and firearms, airships or helicopters. There are similar examples in the worlds of D&D - such are the gnome mechanics Krynn (Dragonlance) and Lantana (Forgotten Realms).

Dwarf women

Gnome women are not much different from men - this topic serves as a source of interest and jokes. In particular, there is a widespread theory that female gnomes have a beard, embodied in several universes and works.

In Russian, there is no single word for a gnome woman. Different translators and authors have variants: "gnome", "gnome", "gnome", "gnomess", "dwarf".

see also

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Notes (edit)

  1. Dictionary Russian: In 4 volumes / Ed. D. N. Ushakova .. - M .: Soviet encyclopedia; OGIZ; State publishing house of foreign and national dictionaries, 1935-1940.
    GNOM, a, m. In Western European mythology - an ugly dwarf.
  2. // Great Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 17
    Dwarf (from late Lat. Gnomus), dwarf, fantastic creature in Western European mythology, living on earth. G. are often found in fairy tales, in epic poetry.
  3. // = Russisches etymologisches Wörterbuch: in 4 volumes / auth.-comp. M. Fasmer; per. with him. and add. Corresponding Member USSR Academy of Sciences ON Trubacheva, ed. and with a foreword. prof. B. A. Larina [t. I]. - Ed. 2nd, erased. - M. : Progress, 1986-1987.
  4. . Encyclopaedia Britannica Online... Retrieved March 12, 2008.
  5. // Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
  6. Borges H. L.... // Book of fictional creatures
  7. Daria Bukreeva. ... "The world of fantasy" No. 10; June 2004
  8. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  9. // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - SPb. , 1890-1907.

    Gnomes are spirits that live in the bowels of the earth and mountains and guard underground treasures. They can take on different images; male G. are usually ugly, female (gnomids) are beautiful. They love to tease people, but they do them more good than evil. G. - favorite heroes of the West. European fairy tales.


  • in the magazine "World of Fantasy"
  • Jorge Luis Borges - The Book of Fictional Creatures.
  • Richard Psmith (Andrey Lensky)(rus.) // The best computer games: magazine. - 2006. - Issue. No. 11.

Excerpt from the Dwarfs

Russian troops, retreating from Borodino, stood at Filia. Ermolov, who went to inspect the position, drove up to the field marshal.
“There is no way to fight in this position,” he said. Kutuzov looked at him in surprise and made him repeat the words he had spoken. When he spoke, Kutuzov held out his hand to him.
“Give me your hand,” he said, and turning it so that he could feel his pulse, he said: “You are not well, my dear. Think about what you are saying.
Kutuzov on Poklonnaya Gora, six versts from the Dorogomilovskaya outpost, got out of the carriage and sat on a bench at the edge of the road. A huge crowd of generals gathered around him. Count Rostopchin, having arrived from Moscow, joined them. All this brilliant society, divided into several circles, talked among themselves about the advantages and disadvantages of the position, about the position of the troops, about the proposed plans, about the state of Moscow, and about military issues in general. Everyone felt that although they had not been called upon, that although it was not called that, but that it was a council of war. All conversations were held in the area of ​​general issues. If someone reported or learned personal news, then they spoke about it in a whisper, and immediately passed on again to general issues : no jokes, no laughter, no smiles were even noticeable between all these people. Everyone, obviously with an effort, tried to keep to the height of the position. And all the groups, talking to each other, tried to keep close to the commander-in-chief (whose shop was the center of these circles) and spoke in such a way that he could hear them. The commander-in-chief listened and sometimes asked again what was being said around him, but he himself did not enter into the conversation and did not express any opinion. For the most part, having listened to the conversation of some circle, he turned away with an air of disappointment - as if it was not at all what they were saying that he wanted to know. Some spoke about the chosen position, criticizing not so much the position itself as the mental abilities of those who chose it; others argued that the mistake had been made before, that the battle had to be fought the day before yesterday; still others talked about the battle of Salamanca, about which the Frenchman Crosar, who had just arrived in a Spanish uniform, spoke about. (This Frenchman, together with one of the German princes who served in the Russian army, dismantled the siege of Saragossa, foreseeing the possibility of defending Moscow in the same way.) In the fourth circle, Count Rostopchin said that he and his Moscow squad were ready to die under the walls of the capital, but that yet he cannot but regret the uncertainty in which he was left, and that if he had known it before, it would have been different ... Fifth, showing the depth of their strategic considerations, talked about the direction that the troops would have to take. The sixth were talking complete nonsense. Kutuzov's face became more anxious and sadder. Of all these conversations, Kutuzov saw one thing: there was no physical possibility to defend Moscow in the full meaning of these words, that is, to such an extent there was no possibility that if some insane commander-in-chief gave the order to give a battle, then there would be confusion and battles all it would not have been; it would not be because all the top leaders not only recognized this position as impossible, but in their conversations they discussed only what would happen after the undoubted abandonment of this position. How could the commanders lead their troops into a battlefield that they thought was impossible? The lower superiors, even the soldiers (who also reason), also recognized the position as impossible and therefore could not go to fight with the certainty of defeat. If Bennigsen insisted on defending this position and others were still discussing it, then this question no longer mattered in itself, but was only meaningful as a pretext for dispute and intrigue. Kutuzov understood this.
Bennigsen, choosing a position, ardently exposing his Russian patriotism (which Kutuzov could not listen to without frowning), insisted on defending Moscow. Kutuzov clearly saw Bennigsen's goal as clear as day: in case of failure of the defense - to blame Kutuzov, who brought the troops without a battle to the Sparrow Hills, and in case of success - to attribute it to himself; in case of refusal, to purify oneself in the crime of abandoning Moscow. But this question of intrigue did not now occupy the old man. One terrible question occupied him. And to this question he did not hear an answer from anyone. The only question for him now was: “Did I really allow Napoleon to reach Moscow, and when did I do it? When was it decided? Was it really yesterday, when I sent the order to Platov to retreat, or the day before yesterday, when I dozed off and ordered Bennigsen to give orders? Or even before? ... but when, when was this terrible thing decided? Moscow must be abandoned. The troops must retreat, and this order must be given. " To give this terrible order seemed to him the same as giving up command of the army. And not only did he love power, he got used to it (the honor given to Prince Prozorovsky, under whom he was in Turkey, teased him), he was convinced that the salvation of Russia was destined for him and that because only, against the will of the sovereign and according to the will of the people, he was elected commander-in-chief. He was convinced that he alone and in these difficult conditions could hold on to the head of the army, that he alone in the whole world was able to know without horror the invincible Napoleon as his adversary; and he was horrified at the thought of the order he had to give. But it was necessary to decide something, it was necessary to stop these conversations around him, which were beginning to take on a too free character.
He called the senior generals over to him.
- Ma tete fut elle bonne ou mauvaise, n "a qu" as "aider d" elle meme, [Is my head good or bad, but there is no one else to rely on,] - he said, getting up from the bench, and drove to Fili, where his carriages were stationed.

In the spacious, best hut of the peasant Andrei Savostyanov, a council gathered at two o'clock. Peasants, women and children of a large peasant family crowded into the black hut through the entrance. Only Andrey's granddaughter, Malasha, a six-year-old girl, to whom the Serene Highness, having caressed her, gave her a piece of sugar over tea, remained on the stove in a large hut. Malasha timidly and joyfully looked from the stove at the faces, uniforms and crosses of the generals, one after another entering the hut and sitting in the red corner, on wide benches under the icons. Grandfather himself, as Malasha Kutuzova internally called, sat apart from them, in a dark corner behind the stove. He sat down deeply in a folding chair, and incessantly grunting and straightening the collar of his coat, which, although unbuttoned, seemed to press his neck. Those who entered, one by one, approached the field marshal; to some he shook hands, to others he nodded his head. Adjutant Kaisarov was about to draw back the curtain in the window opposite Kutuzov, but Kutuzov angrily waved his hand, and Kaisarov realized that the lord did not want to see his face.
So many people gathered around the peasant's spruce table, on which lay maps, plans, pencils, and papers, that the orderlies brought another bench and put it at the table. Those who came to this bench sat down: Ermolov, Kaisarov and Tol. Under the very images, in the first place, sat with George on his neck, with a pale, sickly face and with his high forehead merging with his bare head, Barclay de Tolly. For the second day already he suffered from a fever, and at that very time he shivered and broke down. Uvarov was sitting next to him, and in a low voice (like everyone else said) something, quickly making gestures, reported to Barclay. Small, plump Dokhturov, raised his eyebrows and folded his hands on his stomach, listened attentively. On the other side, Count Osterman Tolstoy was sitting with his elbows on his arm, his broad head with bold features and shining eyes, and seemed immersed in his thoughts. Raevsky, with an expression of impatience, curling his black hair at his temples in advance with a customary gesture, glanced now at Kutuzov, now at front door... Konovnitsyn's firm, handsome and kind face shone with a gentle and sly smile. He met Malasha's gaze and made signs to her with his eyes that made the girl smile.
Everyone was waiting for Bennigsen, who was finishing his delicious dinner under the pretext of a new inspection of the position. They waited for him from four to six o'clock, and during all this time they did not start the meeting and carried on other conversations in low voices.
Only when Bennigsen entered the hut did Kutuzov move out of his corner and moved to the table, but so much so that his face was not lit by the candles brought to the table.
Bennigsen opened the council with a question: "Should we leave the sacred and ancient capital of Russia without a fight or defend it?" There was a long and general silence. All faces frowned, and in the silence one could hear Kutuzov's angry grunting and coughing. All eyes were looking at him. Malasha also looked at her grandfather. She was closest to him and saw how his face wrinkled: he seemed to be about to cry. But this did not last long.
- The sacred ancient capital of Russia! - He suddenly began to speak, in an angry voice repeating the words of Bennigsen and thus pointing to the false note of these words. - Let me tell you, Your Excellency, that this question has no meaning for a Russian person. (He leaned forward with his heavy body.) Such a question cannot be asked, and such a question has no meaning. The question for which I asked these gentlemen to meet is a military question. The question is the following: “Salvation of Russia in the army. Is it more profitable to risk the loss of the army and Moscow by accepting the battle, or to surrender Moscow without a fight? This is the question I would like to know your opinion on. " (He leaned back into the chair.)
The debate began. Bennigsen did not yet consider the game to be lost. Admitting the opinion of Barclay and others about the impossibility of accepting a defensive battle at Fili, he, imbued with Russian patriotism and love for Moscow, proposed to transfer troops at night from the right to the left flank and strike the next day on the right wing of the French. Opinions were divided, there were controversies in favor and against this opinion. Ermolov, Dokhturov and Raevsky agreed with Bennigsen's opinion. Whether guided by a feeling of need for sacrifices before leaving the capital or other personal considerations, these generals did not seem to understand that this council could not change the inevitable course of affairs and that Moscow has now been abandoned. The rest of the generals understood this and, leaving aside the question of Moscow, talked about the direction that the army was supposed to take in its retreat. Malasha, who, without taking her eyes off, looked at what was being done in front of her, otherwise understood the meaning of this advice. It seemed to her that it was only a personal struggle between the "grandfather" and the "long-sex", as she called Bennigsen. She saw that they were angry when they talked to each other, and in her heart she took the side of her grandfather. In the middle of the conversation, she noticed a quick, sly glance thrown by her grandfather at Bennigsen, and then, to her delight, noticed that grandfather, having said something to the long-haired man, reined in him: Bennigsen suddenly blushed and walked angrily around the hut. The words that had such an effect on Bennigsen were in a calm and quiet voice the opinion expressed by Kutuzov about the benefits and disadvantages of Bennigsen's proposal: about the transfer of troops from the right to the left flank in the night to attack the right wing of the French.
“Gentlemen,” said Kutuzov, “I cannot approve the count's plan. Movement of troops close to the enemy is always dangerous, and military history confirms this consideration. So, for example ... (Kutuzov seemed to be thinking, looking for an example and looking at Bennigsen with a bright, naive look.) But at least the Battle of Friedland, which, as I think, the count remembers well, was ... not entirely successful just because our troops were rebuilding too close to the enemy ... - There was a minute silence, which seemed to everyone to be very long.
The debate resumed again, but there were frequent breaks, and it was felt that there was nothing more to talk about.
During one of these breaks, Kutuzov sighed heavily, as if preparing to speak. Everyone looked at him.
- Eh bien, messieurs! Je vois que c "est moi qui payerai les pots casses, [So, gentlemen, therefore, I have to pay for the broken pots,] - he said. And, slowly getting up, he went to the table. - Gentlemen, I heard your opinions. Some will disagree with me, but I (he stopped) by the power entrusted to me by my sovereign and fatherland, I am ordering retreat.
Following this, the generals began to disperse with the same solemn and silent caution with which they disperse after a funeral.
Some of the generals, in a low voice, in a completely different range than when they spoke at the council, conveyed something to the commander-in-chief.
Malasha, who had been waiting for supper for a long time, cautiously descended backwards from the bed, clinging with her bare feet to the ledges of the stove, and, mixing between the generals' legs, darted through the door.
Having dismissed the generals, Kutuzov sat for a long time, leaning his elbows on the table, and thought all about the same terrible question: “When, when, finally, was it decided that Moscow had been abandoned? When was that done that resolved the issue, and who is to blame for this? "
“This, this I did not expect,” he said to the adjutant Schneider, who had entered him, already late at night, “I did not expect this! I didn't think that!
“You need to rest, Your Grace,” Schneider said.
- No! Will they eat horse meat like the Turks, ”Kutuzov shouted without answering, banging his chubby fist on the table,“ they will, if only ...

In contrast to Kutuzov, at the same time, in an event even more important than the retreat of the army without a fight, in the abandonment of Moscow and the burning of it, Rostopchin, who seems to us to be the leader of this event, acted completely differently.
This event - the abandonment of Moscow and the burning of it - was as inevitable as the retreat of troops without a fight for Moscow after the Battle of Borodino.
Every Russian person, not on the basis of inferences, but on the basis of the feeling that lies in us and lay in our fathers, could predict what happened.
Starting from Smolensk, in all the cities and villages of the Russian land, without the participation of Count Rostopchin and his posters, the same thing happened that happened in Moscow. The people carelessly waited for the enemy, did not rebel, did not worry, did not tear anyone to pieces, but calmly waited for their fate, feeling the strength in themselves in the most difficult moment to find what had to be done. And as soon as the enemy approached, the richest elements of the population left, leaving their property; the poorest stayed and burned and consumed what was left.
The consciousness that this will be so, and always will be so, lay and lies in the soul of the Russian person. And this consciousness and, moreover, the presentiment that Moscow would be taken, lay in the Russian Moscow society of the 12th year. Those who began to leave Moscow in July and early August showed that they were waiting for this. Those who went out with what they could seize, leaving houses and half of their property, acted this way due to that latent patriotism, which is expressed not in phrases, not in killing children to save the fatherland, etc., by unnatural actions, but in imperceptibly, simply, organically and therefore always produces the strongest results.
“I am ashamed to run from danger; only cowards flee from Moscow, ”they were told. Rostopchin inspired them in his posters that it was shameful to leave Moscow. They were ashamed to receive the name of cowards, they were ashamed to go, but they still went, knowing that it was necessary. Why did they go? It cannot be assumed that Rostopchin frightened them with the horrors that Napoleon produced in the conquered lands. They left, and the first to leave were rich, educated people who knew very well that Vienna and Berlin remained intact and that there, during their occupation by Napoleon, the inhabitants had fun with the charming French, whom Russian men and especially ladies were so fond of at that time.
They went because for the Russian people there could be no question: will it be good or bad under the control of the French in Moscow. It was impossible to be under the control of the French: it was the worst of all. They left both before the Battle of Borodino, and even faster after the Battle of Borodino, despite appeals to protection, despite the statements of the commander-in-chief of Moscow about his intention to raise Iverskaya and go to fight, and on balloons that were supposed to destroy the French, and despite all that nonsense that Rostopchin wrote about in his posters. They knew that the army must fight, and that if it cannot, then with the young ladies and courtyard people it is impossible to go to the Three Mountains to fight Napoleon, and that they must leave, no matter how sorry it is to leave their property for destruction. They left and did not think about the majestic significance of this huge, rich capital, abandoned by the inhabitants and, obviously, burned down (the large abandoned wooden city had to be burned down); they left, each for himself, and at the same time only because they left, and that majestic event took place, which will forever remain the best glory of the Russian people. That lady who, back in June, with her blacks and crackers, was rising from Moscow to the Saratov village, with a vague awareness that she was not a servant to Bonaparte, and with fear that she would not be stopped by the order of Count Rostopchin, did that great simply and truly the cause that saved Russia. Count Rostopchin, who then shamed those who were leaving, then took out public places, then gave out useless weapons to drunken rabble, then raised images, then forbade Augustine to take out relics and icons, then seized all the private carts that were in Moscow, then to one hundred thirty-six carts were taken away by Leppich Balloon, then he hinted that he would burn Moscow, then he told how he burned down his house and wrote a proclamation to the French, where he solemnly reproached them that they had ruined his orphanage; then he accepted the glory of the burning of Moscow, then he renounced it, then he ordered the people to catch all the spies and bring them to him, then he reproached the people for this, then he expelled all the French from Moscow, then he left in the city Mrs. Aubert Chalme, who was the center of the entire French Moscow population , and without any special guilt ordered to seize and take away into exile the old venerable post office director Klyucharyov; then he gathered people to the Three Mountains in order to fight the French, then, in order to get rid of this people, he gave them a man to kill and he himself left for the back gate; either he said that he would not survive the misfortunes of Moscow, then he wrote poetry in French about his participation in this business in albums - this person did not understand the meaning of the event, but only wanted to do something himself, surprise someone, do something patriotically heroic and, like a boy, he frolicked over the majestic and inevitable event of the abandonment and burning of Moscow and tried with his small hand to either encourage or delay the flow of the enormous stream of the people that carried him along with it.

Little underground spirits in different countries ah were called by different names. Sometimes they look like peaceful brownies, but in the mountains they live in underground caves and guard earthly riches. The most famous characters from this series are gnomes. They received their name relatively recently, in the 16th century. This word is of Latin-Greek origin - "genomos" in translation from Latin means "underground inhabitant", and in translation from Greek "gnosis" - "knowledge". It is believed that the word "gnome" was invented by the alchemist Paracelsus, in order to designate the spirit of the earth as a primary element or as an earthly elemental. But this name is firmly established for the fabulous dwarfs, primarily from Germanic and Scandinavian myths. Their historical name in Old Norse is door, in German - zwerg, in English - dwarf... And also their ancient prototypes were the Nibelungs, lower alves and kobolds. All of them live underground and in caves, wear beards and often caps, are famous for their wealth and skill of jewelers and blacksmiths.

But the earliest mentions of them are known in Egypt and Phenicia. In Egypt, small patheki represented a reduced hypostasis of Ptah, god underworld and death, concurrently, he, accordingly, knew everything about underground treasures. Pateki, they are also called paticos, mastered magic, the art of reincarnation, and they also create magical jewelry, which in Egypt were necessarily endowed with special properties. Amulets in the form of small bow-legged dwarfs were very widespread and, among various protective functions, also protected from snakes. The Patekas, like the lizards, served Hathor, the turquoise mistress. ... So it is possible that little sorcerers came with people to the north of Europe and to Scandinavia from Africa itself. And on the way they left a trail all over the Eurasian north.

Underground dwarfs are also known under other names. Gnome inIreland - leprechaun, in England - brownie, in Belgium - kabutere(in Flemish - kleinmanneken), in Holland - skritek, in Germany they are also called erdmanain... In Poland - scrat or dwarf, in Serbia and Croatia - patulian or kerek, In Bulgaria - duje, Hungary - mano, Spain - duende... The Prussian dwarfs were called kaukis, the Icelandic ones were called vuttir, and in Japan they were tengu. Barbegazi are gnomes with large legs in France and Switzerland. Norwegian zetas, Irish seeds, Lapland chakli are also popular. Megalithic structures - dolmens in the Caucasus built lilliputians-bicent There are still gmurs and homozuli. Legends about underground dwarfs are common on almost all continents, up to Australia and Polynesia. Probably not all of them have been named yet. The Russian ethnographer A. N. Afansiev in his work "The Tree of Life" wrote "Luzhich residents call dwarfs Ludki: they are underground spirits living in mountains, hills and dark caves .. Ludki are skillful musicians, they love dancing and come to village holidays. services give gifts, and when they are annoyed, they repay them with cruel jokes. " Loved by all the brownies are their brothers))

This fountain is dedicated to the Cologne gnomes, found

Until now, the legends about the Chud are not fully understood - and yet, in addition to the legendary underground Chud, which possessed witchcraft, there was also a people who lived on a large territory and left a memory of themselves in toponymy, let us recall at least Lake Peipsi. Perhaps in the legends, ideas about the people and about their beliefs are fancifully mixed? In the North of the Urals, and throughout the Eurasian north, archaeologists find Chud dugouts and bronze casting, first of all, Chud is associated with the development of copper mines, well, as there are many legends around all ancient miners around Chud, in which they are referred to as sorcerers and experts of the underworld. In one of the Ural reserves - Taganay, there is the Kruglitsa mountain, which is considered esoteric, it seems that underground dwarfs can be found there. I'm not even talking about Bazhov, the collector of the Ural tales and the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. And in Mongolia, by the way, there is still a custom, according to which special altars are erected for the Masters of mountains and roads - oo, folding hills of stones and decorating them with high shafts and bright blue fabric. Today, these funny characters continue to inspire writers, sculptors and artists.

Gnome from Mirabell Park in Salzburg from here

Lemprecons are Irish gnomes. Their ancestor is the god Lak. Gone underground when the Celts came. Each leprechaun owns a pot of gold coins. The sacred tree is a thorn bush.

Greetings, I am Gandalf.

With this article, we begin our acquaintance with representatives of the races of the Earth living in a parallel space, which we have agreed to call the Fairy World. And the first race I want to introduce you to is the gnomes.

Why exactly gnomes? Because they have a special, close bond with people. They really look somewhat like people, only much smaller than you in size. More precisely, they can change their size depending on where they are. For example, in a fabulous time, being near people, they increased to such a size that it was convenient to communicate with them. Moreover, they are very fond of a respectful attitude towards them, and therefore sometimes they specially "grew up" more so that people or other inhabitants of the fairy-tale world had to look at them from the bottom up. But it was all more for a joke than for any serious purpose. After all, the second, and possibly main feature gnomes - it is their desire to laugh and joke. They cannot take anything too seriously, and when representatives of others were upset about something or began to argue with each other, the dwarfs immediately came to their aid. They began to make fun of the stern look of the others, behave somehow ridiculously, and after a while everyone was already smiling, and everyone's mood rose.

On the other hand, gnomes can be very, very small. More often than not, when they are alone, this is what they look like. After all, they live underground, where there is not so much free space, and caves under the earth are an infrequent phenomenon. The gnomes' caves were and still are their home, but most they spend time on underground travels. And for this they need to move through small voids and thin channels, through which hot solutions used to flow, punching their way from the bowels of the Earth. They know that these hot solutions carry valuable components from which all gems and crystals, as well as gold deposits, are formed. Gnomes, on the other hand, have always had a great passion for these riches of the Earth, devoting their whole lives to the search and study of these objects.

They admire the beauty of stones and precious metals, decorating their homes with them, and if they invite you into their home, then you will simply be stunned by wealth and luxury. The walls, floor and everything around is made of the most beautiful rocks, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. On women and men, you will see jewelry and amulets made of gold, silver and platinum, in which precious stones are inlaid. And this beauty, which is filled with their life, is not created from the desire to live in luxury. For gnomes, nothing is more important than cozy home filled with love and fun of loved ones. They surround themselves with what they love most - the jewels of the Earth.

As I told you before, in fairy world everything that exists appears as living. These qualities, of course, are possessed by any part of the Earth. Gnomes spend a lot of time in communication with stones and crystals, learn about their unusual and valuable properties... Each crystal for them is a whole world that keeps its history, an individual organism with its own special character. And can you imagine how many interesting things a stone can tell or rock made up of thousands of crystals? Communicating with gnomes, stones tell them about their valuable qualities, about the possibilities of their use in life and everyday life. Dwarfs keep such knowledge in their hearts and write them down in books.

The knowledge of the gnomes is somewhat similar to modern science, because they try to understand the essence of the stone and all the processes taking place in the Earth as deeply as possible. On the other hand, this knowledge is not built on logic, but on feeling and understanding the energy of the stone. This understanding gives rise to many practical applications for each mineral.

Each stone or mineral is a generator of a certain energy, which, interacting with any consciousness or organism, is capable of strengthening some process in it. For example, one stone creates the energy of joy and raises vibrations, the other - the energy of love and care, and can be the keeper of harmonious relationships, the third strengthens the intention, and spells can be put into it, the other can protect against low vibrations, which means it can be an amulet. This is the science of the gnomes. When equipping their caves, they try to embody in their decoration those energies that can create in them a cozy atmosphere that supports their mutual love and understanding. By creating gorgeous jewelry, they strive to embody and enhance the energies and precious qualities that gemstones possess. Therefore, the external beauty of the houses and ornaments of the gnomes is the natural embodiment of the natural power of stones.

At a time when all the inhabitants of the fairy-tale world closely communicated with each other, the gnomes were happy to share their knowledge with other races. Wizards learned to enhance their spells by communicating with stones, dragons began to better understand the structure of the elements of earth and fire. For fairies, the gnomes created beautiful amulets and magic wands generating the energy of joy and pleasure, accelerating the fulfillment of desires. The mermen gratefully received gifts from the gnomes in the form of stones that enhance the energy of love, which became the most valuable amulets in their relationship. Dwarfs gave elves "musical" stones, which created divine music with their vibrations. The gnomes also helped the elves create amazing colors from minerals, iridescent in all possible colors and shades, with the help of which the elves painted their magical pictures.

The gnomes told people how stones and minerals can be used in science and technology. And what you knew about stones then was very different from your modern knowledge. After all, now your technologies are connected with material reality, and the use of minerals and crystals is based on their physical properties. But in the fairy-tale world, your technologies were based on the understanding of subtle energies, and stones opened up amazing opportunities for this! For example, some stones with their energies created lighting in the room, supporting and protecting the entire space with their gentle vibrations. Others could store a large amount of information and became a kind of notebooks and memory disks that you are creating now. The stones could transmit information at a distance and display it in the form of holograms. With the help of them, fabulous residents, being in different places, could communicate with each other. Already in those days people created a semblance of modern computers from crystals, but then they were used quite infrequently. After all, a lot of what you wanted could be embodied immediately, through the power of thought, and for this you did not need virtual reality, which plays the role of an intermediary between the mental plane and the physical in your world.

You humans have created many other unique technologies through the wisdom that the gnomes imparted to you. All this experience is still stored in your subconscious and gradually manifests itself in life. For example, you are interested in the energy of stones, trying to determine their effect on your biofield and state. And those Interesting Facts that you discover, this is the ancient knowledge that you begin to "remember" as your subconsciousness is activated by high vibrations. Over time, you will remember many more valuable details given to you by the gnomes, and you will be able to learn completely new facts with the help of the opening subtle abilities. In addition, the gnomes themselves will be happy to tell you a lot of new things as you start communicating with them again. Thus, you will open the whole new area science and technology that will transform your life in many ways! After all, stones are generators and amplifiers of high frequencies, to which you have direct access in your reality. So, having learned to manifest and strengthen the energy of crystals and stones, you can raise the vibrations of your whole life! After all, then you will be able to harmonize your biofield, as well as raise the vibrations of your technological devices, on which the general energy background in which you live strongly depends.

And now I want to invite the dwarves themselves to the conversation, in order to ask them a few questions. Thus, we will resume the interaction of gnomes and people, which is still possible only on the subtle plane. But with a gradual increase in vibrations, your communication will be able to become more and more manifested, and someday you will be able to meet physically!

So, dear gnomes, we welcome you!

Hello people! We are happy to pass this message on to you. We remember you well. Many of us even now often communicate with you.

What would you like to convey to people now?

On the other hand, through our communication, we ourselves will begin to better understand physical plane and we will find contact with him, thanks to which we will be able to embody many of our ideas and inventions. Indeed, at our level, we can understand and feel a lot, but this can only be realized in physical reality, to which our access is still limited. Recently, we have been resuming communication with some people, so new interesting discoveries appear in natural sciences- chemistry, physics and geology. And these scientists do not even suspect that they are communicating with us. For example, at night they see a very informative dream, and the next day they predict the formula for connecting with unique properties... Or at some point they have great mood and, as a result, they finally get some kind of laborious experiment, over which they could fight for years before! Or perhaps a geologist, passing the hundredth time along the same path, stumbles upon a barely noticeable exit of valuable rock, and so opens largest deposit striking colleagues with their talent. All this, of course, is primarily associated with high vibrations that activate you and show new abilities. But at the right time, we support those people who have a particularly strong connection with us, we become such guardian gnomes for them.

Often these people are researchers, scientists, or just great humorists. After all, good humor, like stones, does not appear out of nowhere, it must be found in the depths of your subconscious. And some kind of joke is usually born in this or that state, which helps you to "dig" it out in yourself. A joke is a new point of view, which, like a crystal, appearing, begins to sparkle with its bright edges and paints everything around in new colors. In modern times, we often help you show your sparkling humor that supports you in life and increases your vibrations. And if earlier the sparks of humor colored your life like separate grains of gold that you were looking for, now you will find more and more whole gold placers and deposits in yourself! Many of you can raise your vibrations so much through humor that you will become a source of high vibrations for all of humanity! This is how the most talented humorists of the new era will appear.

We want to say that your and our genes store a huge common experience gained in the fairy world. After all, then we were united not only by love for science, but also by love at the level of feelings. Often gnomes and people formed joint families, common children were born. In addition, almost any inhabitant of the fairy-tale world has gone through several lives and managed to visit a representative of different races. Therefore, many of you were once gnomes and keep our genes in your DNA. In the same way, we, with our curiosity, did not refuse the opportunity to be human! Therefore, gnomes and humans have a lot of common genes, and now we have the opportunity, through our communication, to activate them in each other! This will help you to reveal the unique abilities associated with the study of the subtle plane, and we ourselves will begin to understand the physical world more. This will be our real rapprochement, both at the level of knowledge, and at the level of feelings, and even at the level of our bodies! After all, while we are in perfect different worlds, but gradually their vibrations will begin to intersect, and the time will come when we will be able to touch each other and even embrace!

Dear people, with this message we are glad to resume communication with you.

With respect and love - Gnomes.

P.S. By the way, when you learn how to talk with stones, you can use some of them as a "telephone" in order to "call" us. Imagine that you are holding a stone in your hands and are attuned to it at the level of subtle energies. And somewhere in the fairy-tale world there is a gnome who is mentally close to you. After all, if you had incarnations in the race of gnomes, then it means that you also have close relatives among us! And here one of these gnomes dear to you, being in our world, will hold a stone with similar properties in his hands. Your stones, tuning into each other, will create a resonance between you. Thus, by amplifying the frequencies that are common to you, you can feel and hear each other! And this is a completely real opportunity, because this is exactly how, through the stones, we are currently transmitting our messages to people!

Gnomes - In European medieval mythology, different nations there are creatures living in the mountains, in caves, underground which are also called gmur and homozuli. These are the great master blacksmiths who know the secrets of the mountains. They were the first to learn how to mine ore and smelt metals. In general, they are a kind and working people, but they have suffered greatly from human greed, therefore they do not like people. They hide in deep mountain caves, where they built underground cities and palaces.

Sometimes they come to the surface, and if they meet a person in the mountains, they scare him with a loud cry. Gmurs fight in dungeons with mountain monsters (grimturs) and dragons. Gmurs are similar to people, only smaller in stature, so it is more convenient for them to walk through caves. Some of the gmurs mingled with people, from them people received knowledge about blacksmithing and jewelry skill.

Gnomes are the spirits of the earth and mountains. In the mythology of the peoples of Europe, small, humanoid creatures that live underground, in the mountains or in the forest. They are as tall as a child, but endowed with supernatural strength, have long beards and live much longer than humans.

Dwarfs are extremely touchy, quarrelsome and capricious. In the bowels of the earth, the gnomes keep treasures - precious stones and metals; they are skilled artisans, can forge magic rings, swords, chain mail and other magic items. Inseparable from dragons. Dragons hunt for the treasures of the gnomes and the gnomes are therefore in constant war with them

In mythology and literary it is a collective image. In different mythologies and works, he is presented in different ways. But almost everywhere gnomes are portrayed as humanoid creatures of small stature. Usually, dungeons are the habitat of gnomes. In the caves, the gnomes accumulate treasures of gold, silver and precious stones, devote themselves to the creation of unique weapons and armor. They are famous as miners and blacksmiths, but like humans, they are versatile.

Gnomes are a mythological race, spirits of mountains and land. You can read about gnomes in fairy tales from almost all European countries.

Troll and gnome
A dwarf lived in a cave for a long time. He had a lot of gold and gold mines. The cave was destined for life. There was very tasty and clean water. Near the cave was a fertile land in which to grow a gnome root. In general, this gnome's life was very good.
Lived next to a cave and a troll. Every day he saw the life of a dwarf and was jealous of him. The troll really wanted to have a lot of gold, delicious food, a cozy home. Since the trolls did not differ in intelligence, he could not come up with a normal plan and did what they once did to him. He tossed the dwarf a map of an abandoned mine. The dwarf, of course, went in search of this mine because he wanted more gold.
While the gnome was gone, the troll entered the cave, took all the gnome's gold and occupied the cave. By the return of the dwarf, the troll changed the entire cave, adding skulls and all his other trophies there. Returning, the dwarf saw a cave occupied by a troll, got angry,
trill and went somewhere. The troll just laughed at this.
The next day, the dwarf again came to the cave and said to the troll:
- "You now have a lot of gold. But there is a place where there is much more gold than in the cave. This place is in my mine - in magma."
The troll laughed slyly and ran into the mine. Having reached its end, the troll saw magma and jumped into it. There was a troll and there was no troll.
It is bad to steal someone else's. Like this.

The mythril city myth
Once, a group of dwarfs led by the dwarf miner Merl began digging a mine in the mountain, which for some reason was abandoned. Previously, the dwarfs remembered why, but by that time they had already forgotten.
So that's it. Merl's team continued the long-term work of the gnomes. After long hours of work, the dwarves noticed that when they banged picks on the wall, a dull sound was heard. Marot guessed that there was emptiness behind the wall. After a torn knock, the wall opened. A stone city appeared in front of the dwarfs. Harpies began to fly out of the houses. The dwarfs managed to hide behind stones. The harpies did not notice them and flew into a hole that was high in the mountain.
While the harpies were gone, the dwarfs began to inspect the city, but suddenly they heard the sounds of arriving harpies. Merl took a large large rock and threw it into the hole. The hole was closed, but the harpies did not even think to give up. They began to get the stone. They did it.
- "Everything." - thought the dwarf - "Everything is lost. Only a miracle will take us."
And a miracle happened. The stone fell. The whole mountain shook from such a blow. Small stones began to fall from the houses. When all the pebbles were sleeping, everyone saw that the houses were made of mephril. The harpies were frightened by the bright light and flew away.
It turned out that the harpies had found a gnomish city in the mephril mountain. They thought this place was convenient for living and cast a spell in the form of stones hiding the bright light. Because the spell was so old that it disintegrated at the first blow.
Now this mountain is called Everest, and in it is the gnomish city.

Legend of the Dwarven Alliance clan
Once a dwarf was digging his mine, came across someone else's gallery. Surprisingly, the walls of this gallery were completely made of gold and diamonds.
The gnome, forgetting that the mine is alien and may even belong to goblins, began desperately knocking his pickaxe on the diamond walls. Even after a few minutes, the gnome did not break off a single diamond. He was tired of useless work and decided to catch his breath. In time of shortness of breath, the dwarf noticed an unknown apparatus near the turn. The device was a large piece of iron with a handle and a sharp point at the end.
The dwarf guessed that it was a "pick" for mining gold and diamonds. As soon as he went to take it, the hand of an unknown gnome appeared from behind the slope, which inflicted the so-called "pickaxe" and disappeared.
The dwarf realized that he was not the only one in this mine. Cautiously, he looked into Google and saw hundreds of working gnomes there. They mined gold, ore, diamonds and crystals. There were sleepers across the shaft. Dwarfs traveled here and there in carts and collected the resources they had obtained. As soon as the cart was full, the gnomes rode in them somewhere deep in the mine.
Then the owner of the mine approached the dwarf. He explained to the dwarf that in order to survive they had to impose themselves into one collective and asked him to join. The dwarf agreed and offered to name him the Dwarf Alliance.


Gnomes are little old dwarfs in European medieval mythology. Different peoples have creatures living in the mountains, in caves, underground. It is necessary to read the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm.

The name of the chemical element cobalt comes from it. Kobold - brownie, gnome. When firing arsenic-containing cobalt minerals, volatile poisonous arsenic oxide is released. The ore containing these minerals received the name of the mountain spirit Kobold from the miners. The ancient Norwegians attributed the poisoning of the smelters during the smelting of silver to the tricks of this evil spirit.

Chemical element nickel This element got its name from the name of the evil spirit of the mountains of German mythology, which threw the mineral arsenic-nickel luster to the copper seekers, similar to copper ore(cf. German Nickel - mischievous); when smelting nickel ores, arsenic gases were released, which is why he was attributed to notoriety.

(Via wikipedia)

Gnomes are a mythological race, spirits of mountains and land. You can read about gnomes in fairy tales from almost all European countries.

Mention about them can be found in Germanic and Scandinavian folklore, legends of England, Ireland and Scotland.

The gnomes were always depicted looking like people, but only they were about the size of a child and disproportionately built. They had a fairly large nose and a long beard. Their faces were grayish-earthy in color, their features were rough, and their hair and eyes were mostly light.

Despite their small stature, gnomes have incredible strength. They grow up quite late and live a very long time.

They live mainly in the mountains, underground. They build their cities there and defend them desperately, so it is not easy and quite dangerous to find them. Dwarfs do not like uninvited guests. Sometimes they come to the surface and even communicate with people, but they do this rarely or out of necessity.
They dislike people for their greed.

They also dislike their neighbors, elves, because they love trees and the sun, and gnomes prefer to hide underground, using trees as fuel for work.

In general, the gnomes are a hardworking people who had great knowledge of technology, alchemy and crafts.
They mined ore and produced metals from it, found and processed precious stones, made jewelry and magical weapons that had magical properties.

It is believed that it was the gnomes who taught people blacksmithing and jewelry skills.
The legends of different countries say that gnomes keep and protect untold treasures underground, but sometimes they can reveal the secret of the treasure to a person if he somehow earned the respect of a gnome.
source - Internet

Gnomes are fabulous dwarfs from Western European, primarily German-Scandinavian, folklore, frequent heroes of fairy tales and legends. Known in different languages under the names "dverg" (Old Scandalous dvergr, plural dvergar), "zwerg" (German zwergen), "dwarf" (English dwarfs), "dwarf" (Polish. krasnoludki), and also, in ancient times, the "Nibelungs" and "lower alves". Accepted in Russian, the word "gnome" (probably from the Greek. Γνώση - knowledge, Latin - Gnomus) is believed to have been invented by the alchemist Paracelsus in the 16th century. According to legends, they live underground, wear beards and are famous for wealth and craftsmanship. In alchemy and occultism, the gnome is the spirit of the earth as a primary element, an earthly elemental. Dwarves, along with elves, goblins, and trolls, appear frequently in fantasy and RPG literature.

It was in those days when there was nothing on the earth, except for trees and shrubs, and old snags. Good little gnomes lived in the forests underground. They collected colored stones and sang merry songs. People on Earth lived an ordinary hectic life, sometimes not noticing that miracles live next to us. And when people do not believe miracles, their hearts gradually turn to stone.

Greed and stupidity, flattery and envy penetrate the hearts of people and remain there forever. And then the little gnomes noticed that the multi-colored pebbles began to lose their luster and disintegrate into small pieces. I had to do something! Then the forest dwellers turned to the Fairy of the Forests for help:

- Sweet fairy! People become angry and indifferent to miracles. Please transform us into beautiful flowers and herbs. We will delight people with our beauty. They will smile, and kindness will melt petrified hearts.
- But people will rip, trample you. You will be very painful, and tears of sadness can destroy you completely, - said the good fairy.
- Does not matter. We will not die. We will live on Earth until people become kinder and better.

The fairy fulfilled the request of the dwarfs. And since then, a huge number of various flowers and herbs have been growing on our Earth. And no matter how many people tore them, they still grow, bloom, delight us with their beauty and strive for people to become kinder and better as soon as possible.

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