Organization of accounting in the canteens of the enterprise. Factory canteen automation

reservoirs 30.09.2019
The hardware-software complex "INDUSTRIAL FOOD" is designed to automate canteens, buffets, shops and order desks that are part of the structure of industrial enterprises and holdings. Own development of the Orgtekhtsentr group of companies, a registered patent for software that serves to automate the canteen of an enterprise

The program "Industrial nutrition" is fully adapted to the requirements of the law 54-FZ and supports work with online cash registers

When organizing the operation of the food and trade system at industrial enterprises, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  • to increase the speed of service at cash settlement nodes;
  • simplify the procedure for issuing, accepting at cash desks and further accounting for coupons for special meals (BOB, special fats, etc.);
  • ensure the targeted use of funds allocated for special nutrition;
  • exclude abuses at cash settlement nodes;
  • attract workers and employees of the enterprise to canteens, canteens and factory stores;
  • increase the profitability of food processing plants;
  • improve the manageability of a network of canteens (buffets, shops, etc.), which are often located at different points on the territory of the enterprise.

To solve these problems by the company "Orgtechcenter" in 2002, by order of one of the largest enterprises in the Urals - Ural Electrochemical Plant- the software and hardware complex "INDUSTRIAL FOOD" was developed, designed to automate the settlement system in canteen and store networks, including programs for public catering. Such automation of public catering allows you to organize service meals for employees of an enterprise of any class.

Automated allows:

  • serve employees of the enterprise in canteens, buffets, shops, order desks with deferred payment - with subsequent deduction purchase amounts from wages in the month of calculation;
  • exclude paper coupons from circulation for special meals;
  • provide employees with food(BOB, special fats, etc.) in canteens, buffets with identification plastic cards up to the dish;
  • ensure control use of special food strictly for its intended purpose;
  • block an account an employee upon dismissal or absence from work;
  • ensure high accuracy of calculations with customers, eliminate the problem with cash from customers and small bills from cashiers for settlement, reduce the cost of collecting proceeds;
  • reduce checkout time (throughput is 200-250 people per hour);
  • improve the document management system in the departments of the enterprise involved in the system.

The "INDUSTRIAL FOOD" system includes central server, customer settlement points(touch POS-terminals), workstations for administrators, operators and menu calculators. All system objects are connected to the central server via dedicated communication lines, which ensures on-line operation in a single information space. The system is based on the database management system - MySQL, which increases its reliability and ensures the safety of data.

System "INDUSTRIAL FOOD" operates in on-line mode, in which information is synchronized between the central server and cash settlement nodes by means of two-way DBMS replication. In addition, a backup mode of operation is provided for trade facilities that are temporarily not connected to the central server. In this case, all the necessary data on sales are accumulated at the cash settlement node. Data exchange between the cash register and the central server after the restoration of communication is carried out automatically.

The main element of the "INDUSTRIAL FOOD" system is individual a plastic card , designed to identify and personify the user. All the necessary data that determines the rights and benefits of an employee and their current status is stored on a central server, the data from which automatically becomes available to any settlement and cash node of the entire network of canteens and shops. As individual card can be used as a special plastic card of the enterprise, as well as contactless cards used in access restriction systems (electronic passes), bank cards used in payroll projects, and other types of cards that make it possible to uniquely identify their owner.

Separately, it is necessary to dwell on the ability of the "INDUSTRIAL POWER" system to provide ACCOUNTING AND PROVISION OF REDUCED MEAL AND SPECIAL MEAL WITH ACCURACY TO THE DISH. At the settlement and cash point, the system itself determines the dishes that an employee should receive free of charge in accordance with the ration assigned to him for working in harmful conditions. The number of dishes in the diet can be quite large, so the system can impose a limit (sum limit) on the cost of dishes received for free. The number of rations in the system is not limited, which allows you to widely implement various social programs associated with subsidized nutrition at the enterprise. This is an opportunity to provide balanced nutrition complexes for various categories of workers, depending on the severity and harmfulness of work, the provision of personal benefits for individual meals or a set of meals, the realization of the right to special meals for employees temporarily involved in hard work or work in hazardous areas. For example, for the period of work in harmful conditions, the system indicates the type of ration and the period of its provision to an employee. AT specified period the employee exercises his right to special or subsidized meals. Since the system does not link an employee to a specific canteen, the benefits and the right to subsidies can be realized in any canteen of the enterprise.

System "INDUSTRIAL FOOD" allows you to exercise personal control over the intended use Money , which the company allocates for preferential and special meals. It is recorded at the cash settlement center whether the employee used his right to benefits or not. The transfer of this right to another employee is excluded.

The "INDUSTRIAL POWER" system is an independent software product, but if necessary, it can be integrated with external information systems on personnel management, access systems and accounting systems used in a particular enterprise. This allows the "INDUSTRIAL POWER" system to function seamlessly within any automated enterprise management system.

The "INDUSTRIAL FOOD" system can be implemented not only in industrial enterprises, but also in any organizations that have a service catering system: canteens, buffets, shops (large corporations, universities, medical centers, research institutes, ministries, etc.).

Automation of public and work processes is increasing every day. Establishments do not stand aside Catering, this is especially noticeable when looking at the work of actively growing private fast food chains and canteens of large enterprises.

The specifics of production and a sufficient amount of funds allocated for the rationalization of the work of personnel are decisive in the idea of ​​reducing the loss of staff working time and achieving high standards of customer service.

Why automation is needed

Automation of any of the establishments, be it a canteen or, will help solve several age-old catering problems:

  • facilitating the work of staff;
  • minimizing the number of errors in the transfer of orders;
  • suppression of most staff abuses;
  • accurate recording of all balances in the bar, kitchen and warehouses in real time without constant revisions;
  • obtaining complete fixed information for managing the institution and correcting its personnel and pricing policy;
  • coordinating the work of each member of the team.

But the most important condition both for canteens (school and factory), and for fast food enterprises, this is the speed of customer service, because the throughput, and ultimately the company's profit, depends on this value.

In the case of canteens, this is also a high-quality and error-free system for working with food stamps, calculating the necessary subsidies and special meals. Naturally, a huge responsibility falls on the shoulders of the accounting department, and who, if not for her, is most beneficial for the automation of production.

Features of automation in the use of technology and software equipment

Full-fledged complex automation cannot be imagined without a wide range of electronic trading equipment, such as:

  • service print printers - reliable mini-printers designed for instant printing of receipts and orders;
  • fiscal registrars designed to issue checks with extended information;
    programmable keyboards with high functionality, containing up to 70 characters;
    touch screens;
  • barcode and magnetic card readers;
  • customer displays;
  • mobile terminals based on Pocket PC.

Advanced Terminal - workplace cashier in canteens and fast food establishments consists of up to five modules (a cashier's monitor, a specialized keyboard with a magnetic card reader, a fiscal registrar and a cash drawer) connected in common system, whose center is system unit.

Programs for automating catering establishments

poster is effective solution for cafes, restaurants, pubs and fast food establishments. It is easy and pleasant to work with this application, and the training will take only 15 minutes!

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Looking for a modern and affordable system to automate your restaurant, but without success? Don't despair, we can help!

Do you want to improve and automate the work of your restaurant as much as possible, but are you lost in the variety of programs and utilities? Visit our website and we will help you right choice

Automation of processes in catering establishments

Although it seems to many aspiring restaurateurs that a nice smile of a waitress and a notepad in her hands are enough for the spectacular work of their establishment, in fact this is a cruel delusion that costs many of their burned-out business. Modern establishments are aimed at getting a result - big profits and use a variety of methods for this: cozy design, quality cuisine, a delicious menu, extensive advertising, well-trained and sociable waiters and, of course, the most modern facilities to tie it all together. It is this function that carries the full automation of the process of communication with the client and the employees of the institution.

Technique in the work of a waiter allows you to:

  • create a complete grid of orders for all tables, taking into account each individual guest - this means that not a single dish will confuse its owner;
  • regroup guests - distribute tables with a smile, without running after other waiters with clarifications;
  • automatically transfer orders to the bar and kitchen - no more forgotten dishes and lost leaflets;
  • track the time of order execution - to have an instant answer to any question of the client, without wasting time on going to the kitchen and back;
  • print the provisional and final invoice and, of course, fiscal receipt;
  • control several halls and the bar counter with a smaller number of waiters, since reducing trips with orders to the kitchen or for a check to the bar will save time and effort;
  • keep a record of hourly services (sauna, bowling) in accordance with their tariffs.

Technique in the work of the administrator is:

  • automatic accounting of balances and expenses for technological maps in real time, which will help to avoid the problem of suddenly running out of products;
  • simplification of work with suppliers on orders and settlements;
  • accounting for revenue with an instant deduction of all necessary expenses;
  • discount policy calculation;
  • full display of the current situation in the restaurant with a table report, current revenue, order cancellations;
  • formation of daily and weekly reports for accounting and their translation, if necessary, into 1C with subsequent printing.

Difficulties in implementing automation

Oddly enough, the difficulties in introducing new ways of working do not lie in technical points but in human inertia.

From the leader's point of view:

  • unpreparedness for new changes or a desire to introduce the system by half, avoiding large expenses;
  • inability to interest in automation the main divisions in the form of accounting or IT-department;
  • excessive faith in the overstated promises of equipment sellers who are ready to offer mountains of gold and stunning success in response to the coveted signature on the start of work;
  • turnover among management in the middle of the restructuring process.


  • lack of a clear work plan;
  • underestimation of the size of the project or, on the contrary, artificial inflation;
  • waste of time and money of the enterprise.


  • lack of motivation of employees and deliberate sabotage in the event of the loss of left sources of income;
  • lack of staff training or smooth implementation of the system, leading to unforeseen disruptions;
  • incompetence in modern technology and unwillingness of employees to learn.

Pros and cons of turnkey automation

The advantages of turnkey solutions for enterprises with a large staff, a complex billing system and high customer traffic are obvious:

  • Development software, which takes into account personal income and expenses in relation to all employees of the enterprise eating in the canteen, with the calculation complex systems identification with linking mutual settlements to a personal account, with sending data to a common system accounting enterprise that produces final settlement with an employee by deducting food costs from wages. The system becomes more complex when the company has subsidies or internal credit, as well as the need to take into account the possibility of paying with cash or credit cards. It is not surprising that when creating such programs by the forces of, say, the factory IT department, constant problems are possible that require lengthy polishing.
  • Official license to use the software.
  • Professional assembly and adjustment of equipment by the company's specialists.
  • High-quality training of all employees of the enterprise in new technologies.

The disadvantages of industrial automation include the high cost of equipment, programs and installation work.

The first is the configuration for 7. The code is closed. There is no accounting for the dining room.

The second is processing and only calculation.

Pursued goals.

  1. At this stage, a simple configuration is written based on the wishes of the dining room.
  2. Learn criticism of this project and this configuration.
  3. Collect, structure and summarize experience.
  4. To identify a circle of interested parties, both programmers with similar tasks, and enterprises that need similar software.

Meals in the dining room include:

  • 1. Accounting for raw materials.
  • 2. Recipe of dishes.
  • 3. Compilation of the menu.
  • 4. Pricing.
  • 5. Application for food.
  • 6. Power registration.
  • 7. Uploading data.
  • 8. Issuance of passes with a barcode.

Note : It is convenient to organize the issuance of passes, registration of meals and the preparation of applications for meals on the basis of a single pass or registration system.

Problems of automation of factory canteens.

Small contingent. Existing canteen automation programs are too complicated large quantity background information, large amount of input data, the need for additional knowledge, etc. (Astor, Canteen, iiko, ASUR, BitRest, and finally, 1C Public Catering, 1C-Rarus Food Combine, 1C -Rarus "Restaurant management").

Pursued goals.

  1. Write a configuration capable of meeting the requirements of the dining room for compiling menus, accounting for raw materials and prepared dishes, registering visits and issuing all necessary reports and downloads at low maintenance costs.
  2. At this stage, a simple configuration has been written that can satisfy initial requirements and which can be changed according to the tasks assigned to it.
  3. This configuration allows you to keep a record of raw materials, keep recipes, create menus based on recipes, fill out consumable documents from leftover raw materials, make food requests, register employee meals based on barcodes, upload employee data to pay for lunch from the salary.

Description of the automation object:

The company has a canteen. Serves up to 100 people per day. Lunches are complex.


Create a 1C configuration that would take into account:

  1. Applications from divisions.
  2. Arrival, consumption, movement of raw materials.
  3. Menu compilation.
  4. Recipe of dishes.
  5. Power registration using TSD (barcode).
  6. Unloading the cost of dishes for employees for payment on account of salaries.

Configuration objects:

  1. Subsystem "Dining room".
  2. Constants "Organization"
  3. Reference books:
    1. "Agents" - organization, contractors, individuals.
    2. "Departments" - divisions of the organization.
    3. "Barns" - warehouses.
    4. "Raw materials" - nomenclature.
    5. "Measurements" - units of measure.
    6. "Types of dishes" - salads, first, second, etc.
    7. "Dishes" - the name of the dishes, etc.
    8. "Recipes" - a set of raw materials for making dishes
  4. "The documents:
    1. Arrival” - receipt of raw materials from the agent (supplier).
    2. "Consumption" - the consumption of raw materials by the agent (buyer).
    3. "Movement" - the movement of raw materials inside the dining room through the barns (warehouses).
    4. "Menu" - menu for the date and number of servings with prices.
    5. "Write-off" - write-off of raw materials into production.
    6. "Write-off under the menu" - write-off of raw materials into production according to the menu.
    7. "Application" - an application for food from units or employees.
    8. "Meal registration" - registration of visits to the canteen by an employee.
  5. "Registers of accumulation":
    1. "Remains of raw materials" - movements of the documents "Incoming", "Expense", "Movements".
  6. "Roles":
    1. We create as needed.

    "General modules":

    "Canteen" - reusable procedures and functions.

    "General Forms":

    "Selection of raw materials".


    "Remains of raw materials" - the remains of raw materials in various sections.

    "Payment for the dining room" - a list of employees to be deducted from the salary.

  7. "Processing"
    1. "Working with TSD" - receives data from TSD and loads it into selected documents.
    2. "Create passes" - creates a pass based on the code number and photo.

Used software and hardware.

  1. 1C 8.2.
  2. Dining room configuration.
  3. Data collection terminal (TSD) - CiprherLab 8300.

Fig.1. TSD CipherLab 8300

Pass. Creation. Seal. Issuance.

Work with passes is carried out by processing "Creating Passes".

Fig.2. Form of processing "Creation of passes" and printing form.

Action objects:

  1. Fill in the requisite "Agent".
  2. The "Print" button prints the pass form.

Working with TSD

Working with TSD is carried out by processing "Working with TSD".

Fig.3. Processing form "Working with TSD"

Action objects:

  1. To work, turn on the TSD.
  2. Install in the IR stand.
  3. If necessary, load the "Task_ShK.AGW" by clicking on the "Load task" button. The task for TSD located in the 1C program directory: ...\bin\TSD\ Task_ShK.AGW. By clicking on the "Upload Task" button.
  4. We read the bar codes (barcodes) from the passes.
  5. We install the TSD in the IR stand.
  6. By clicking on the "Receive data" button, we read the data from the TSD into the processing table field.
  7. The “Load into power registration” button creates a new document “Power registration” and fills in the tabular section.
  8. The “Upload to application” button creates a new document “Application for food” and fills in the tabular part.
  9. The "Close" button closes the processing form.

Application for food.

The document "Application" is intended to be filled in by a responsible person from the unit. Frequency once a month.

Fig.4. Form of the document "Application".

Action objects:

  1. It is filled in independently or by processing "Working with TSD".
  2. Document details:

1.2. "Month"

1.3. "Comment"

  1. Tabular Part
  2. Button "Fill by department" - fills in the tabular part of the document with employees belonging to the selected department.
  3. The OK button writes, posts the document, and closes the form.
  4. The "Record" button records and posts the document.
  5. The Close button closes the form.

Arrival, consumption, movement, raw materials.

The documents "Incoming", "Expense", "Movement" are intended for the corresponding operations with raw materials with agents. We will describe the work of these documents using the example of the document "Incoming".

Fig.5. Document "Coming".

Action objects:

  1. Document details:

1.1 "Agent" - supplier organization.

1.2 "Barn" - the warehouse of the organization.

1.3 "Commentary"

  1. Tabular

    Write-off, write-off on the menu.

    The documents "Write-off", "Write-off for menu" are intended for the corresponding operations for writing off raw materials to production. We will describe the work of these documents using the example of the document "Write-off on the menu".

    The document consists of three tabs "Dishes", "Recipe", "Raw materials". After selecting a menu in the "Menu" field, the tabular parts of the document are filled in based on the reference books "Dishes", "Recipes", "Type of dish".

    The tabular part "Raw materials" is filled in by the user from the balances in the warehouses of the organization.

Fig.6.1. Form of the document "Write-off on the menu". Bookmark "Dishes".

Fig.6.2. Form of the document "Write-off on the menu". Recipe tab.

Fig.6.3. Form of the document "Write-off on the menu". Bookmark "Raw materials".

Action objects:

  1. Document details:

1.2. "Comment"

  1. Tabular parts "Dishes", "Recipe", "Raw materials".


Documents "Menu" is designed to create a menu for a specific date.

Fig.7. Form of the document "Menu".

Action objects:

  1. Document details:

1.1. "Menu Date" - the date the menu was valid.

1.2. "Comment"

  1. The buttons "OK", "Save", "Close" work as standard.

Power registration.

Documents "Registration of meals" is designed to register the meals of an employee of the organization in the dining room.

It is filled in independently or by processing "Working with TSD". Prices are filled on the basis of the "Menu" document.

Fig.8. The form of the document "Registration of food".

Action objects:

  1. Document details:

1.1. "Menu" - document "Menu".

1.2. "Comment"

  1. The "Fill from the menu" button fills in the prices according to the "Menu" document.
  2. The buttons "OK", "Save", "Close" work as standard.

Configuration details.

  1. Constants

1.1. "Organization" - an element of the directory "Agent" which is an accounting organization.

  1. Reference books

2.1. "Agents" - contains all participants: contractors, organizations, employees.

2.2. "Departments" - divisions of the organization.

2.3. "Barns" - warehouses of the organization.

2.4. "Raw materials" - nomenclature.

2.5. "Measurements" - units of measure.

2.6. "Dishes" - dishes.

2.7. "Type of dish" - belonging to the type of dish (salad, starter, side dish, etc.).

2.8. "Recipes" - the content of the dish.

  1. Reports

1.1. "Remains" - shows the remnants of the organization's raw materials in various sections.

1.2. "Payment for the dining room" - who, how many times visited the dining room. Food cost.

Fig.9. Output of the "Remains" report.

Fig.10. Output of the report "Payment of the dining room".

Note A: The configuration is still being developed.

Yours faithfully Whisper of shadows in the world Alexander Shishkin.


When introducing modern automated systems in catering establishments, a certain scheme is used. But it can be changed or supplemented for the specific requirements of your enterprise. In order to implement a canteen automation project, you need to install a modern trade equipment and specialized programs for public catering.

For the seller-cashier, a POS system is installed with a cashier monitor, fiscal registrar, cash drawer, customer display and magnetic card reader. If you have a large range of dishes in the dining room and high traffic, it will be more convenient to equip the cashier's workplace with a touch screen monitor. To automate a small-scale dining room, a regular monitor and a programmable keyboard are more suitable. To sell meals by weight, you will need electronic scales with label printing.

The manager's workplace is equipped with a computer with an installed catering management program. For this purpose, we have developed our own solution "BIT.APPETIT.Restaurant accounting", which will allow you to keep production records, competently maintain accounting and tax records and analyze data on business activities according to the specifics of the restaurant business.

A merchandiser can supply a barcode scanner and a label printer for inventory.

The main advantages of canteen automation:

  • The cashier works many times faster! In a special program on the touch screen, the order is accepted in a matter of seconds.
  • Staff abuse is reduced to a minimum. Even electronic scales can be connected directly to the POS system, and you can check whether the weighed product matches the one sold.
  • The manager remotely receives operational reports on sales and profits and maintains competent management and warehouse accounting in special programs for catering. And for accountants, the programs automatically generate tax and accounting entries.
  • It is possible to realize completely non-cash payment by personal magnetic cards of employees. The cashier will save time on counting change and changing money - at lunchtime, kilometer-long queues will no longer form in the canteen!

To automate canteens, we use programs of our own design. But if you already have other software solutions, and there are problems with data exchange with 1C accounting, we will find a solution! We have own programs uploading data to 1C from most catering automation software products.

If you have specific requirements for automation, our specialists will complete a standard software product for the specific needs of your institution.

With any question, call our specialists, we know everything about automation!

"Where to eat during the break?" - this question is asked by hundreds and thousands of people who meet noon at the workplace of an enterprise or in educational institution. And the answer, of course, is - it's a dining room. Yes, yes, it is this Soviet legacy that most often saves our busy adults and science-loaded children from starvation. We are used to it, we know and love it, but what to do - time dictates its own laws: now it is on a par with palatability food rises service and speed of service. Automation can help solve this problem.

Automation of the canteen at school and at the enterprise: why is it needed and where to start?

Let's start with the basics, asking the question: “Why, after all, does such a convenient and familiar institution as a canteen need modern technologies? Everything is simple.

It is no secret that in a non-automated average canteen of an enterprise operating in the old fashioned way, accounting is kept in a simplified and primitive form. For a small dining room with 10 seats, this may be convenient. But if we are talking about one of their large enterprises or, for example, a school, with hundreds (or even thousands) of hungry people, with individual nutrition systems, subsidies, loans ... You understand, it is very difficult to track all the nuances in this case. On the other hand, it is fertile ground for automation.

What can we say about the speed of service in places where records are kept in the old fashioned way. Or, God forbid! - abuse: no notes in a notebook, kept "on the knee" will not provide such accuracy of cash settlements of the enterprise, as a full-fledged automated computer system.

You can automate accounting in different ways

How to install and start using?

It's simple - just make a phone call. Specialists RestoAccounting have been engaged in the installation and commissioning of automation devices for the catering industry for many years at the very high level. Thanks to this, the implementation process by our specialists has been fully worked out, the automation of the enterprise “from and to” will be carried out at a good speed.

Remember - high-quality labor organization is needed in any place. The benefits of implementing the iiko system will become tangible as early as the first time after installation.

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