General rules for the use of tools and devices for the repair of hoisting machines. General surgical instruments, rules of use General rules for the use of instruments and devices

reservoirs 29.08.2019

Forbidding- in the form of a red circle with a white field inside, a symbolic image of black on the inner white field, crossed out by an inclined red stripe.

“It is forbidden to smoke!”, “It is forbidden to use open fire!”, “Stop! Passage is prohibited”, “Do not drink! Technical water”, It is forbidden to pour water over electrical equipment!”, “It is forbidden to eat”

Warning- a yellow triangle with the apex up, with a black border and a symbolic image of black.

"Carefully! Explosive substances”, “Caution! Flammable substances”, “Attention! Before starting the mechanism, give a warning signal”, “Caution! Don't stand under the load"

prescriptive- a green square with a white border along the contour and a white square-shaped field.

“Wear a respirator here”, “Wear protective goggles here”, “Check the concentration of methane”, “Check the concentration of carbon monoxide”.

pointing- a blue rectangle with a white border with a white square inside, on which a symbolic image or an explanatory inscription is applied in white.

"Fire extinguisher on the right", "Smoking area on the left", "Crane drinking water left".

Warning posters for electrical installations:

"High voltage! Dangerous for life”, “Do not turn on! People work”, “Work here”, “Grounded”

Identification painting of pipelines: water - green, steam - red, air - blue, combustible and non-combustible gases - yellow, acids - orange, alkalis - purple.

6. Rules for the use of tools.

    When performing work, use only serviceable tools specially designed for this purpose.

    It is forbidden to use foreign objects as a tool.

    The tool at the workplace must be positioned so that it cannot roll or fall.

    It is forbidden to put the tool on the railing of the fences or the unprotected edge of the scaffolding site, scaffolding, as well as near open hatches, wells.

    When transporting or carrying the tool, sharp parts must be protected.

    The working part of the pneumatic tool must be properly sharpened and free of damage, cracks, gouges, and burrs.

    It is necessary to work with a pneumatic impact tool in goggles and vibration protection equipment. Those working with pneumatic tools in the area of ​​increased noise should use PPE (anti-noise headphones, "ear plugs" or antiphons).

    Grinding machines, saws and planes must have a protective fence of the working part.

    The heads of hammers and sledgehammers must have a smooth, slightly convex surface without gouges, chips, potholes, cracks and burrs.

    The handles of hammers, sledgehammers and other percussion tools must be made of strong wood without knots and cross-section and must be oval in cross-section along the entire length, be smooth and not have cracks.

    The impact tool (chisels, barbs, notches, cores, etc.) must have a smooth occipital part without cracks, burrs, work hardening and bevels. There should be no damage at the working end. The length of the impact tool must be at least 150 mm. When working with a percussive tool, workers must wear protective goggles. The screwdriver must be selected according to the width of the working part (blade), depending on the size of the slot in the head of the screw or screw.

    The dimensions of the gap (capture) of the wrenches should not exceed the dimensions of the heads of the bolts (faces of the nuts) by more than 0.3 mm. The use of gaskets with a gap between the planes of the jaws and heads of bolts or nuts is more than allowed. The working surfaces of the wrenches should not have knocked down bevels, and the handles should not have burrs. The wrench size should be marked on the handle. When loosening and tightening nuts and bolts prohibited lengthen spanners additional levers, second keys or pipes. If necessary, use a wrench with long handles.

    Sliding keys must not have a gap in the moving parts.

    When working in a gassed environment, it is necessary to use a tool that excludes sparking (made of non-ferrous metal or black, but richly lubricated with grease or other lubricant).

The tool used in construction work - the rule - belongs to the category measuring instruments. With the help of this universal remedy we can maintain accuracy in various repair work. Let's take a look at what's what.

What is a rule - precise definitions

The name of this tool is directly related to measurement terms. For a simpler understanding, this name comes to a greater extent from the term "correctly". In fact, it is precisely such a tool that allows us to correctly carry out construction works and does not allow mistakes. Today it is already difficult to find a construction industry where this miracle tool is not available. What is this device? Usually this is a perfectly flat rail, which allows you to find flaws during a flatness check.

Alternatively, it can be used in wood, but is currently available in metal. Initially construction tool rule was designed to check for dents or bulges on various types planes. While this feature continues to be widely used, the tool has proved useful in other construction jobs as well.

Rule - a tool for plastering and not only

Let's first compare the two versions of this instrument, as we have already said, the rule can be either wooden or metal. But what distinguishes these two types? In theory, these instruments are completely identical, even slats, what can I say. But if you use wooden rule for plaster , then we can say with confidence that in a day it will be impossible to use it.

Everyone knows that plaster is brought to readiness with water. Accordingly, the tree absorbs moisture, and after drying, the wooden guide simply loses its shape, and smooth edges can become arched. What can not be said about a tool made of metal, aluminum is mainly used. The tool in this design, first of all, is light and convenient, which is a positive indicator during the work. Changing the shape and its failure is excluded, unless, of course, this is mechanical damage.

As mentioned earlier, the use of a plastering tool does not end there, here is a list of construction work where the rule is widely applied:

  • Laying tiles, where it is necessary to correctly observe the plane relative to the horizon and vertical.
  • Application of soft elastic fillers, in this case the rule is used as a large spatula.
  • Tie device, very handy tool for leveling mortar on the floor.
  • Ceiling device, just such a tool can help to get a perfectly flat ceiling surface.

Despite these comparative characteristics, both versions of the tool are used in construction. They try to use the rule of wood in work where there is no contact with dampness, metal is used everywhere.

Getting to know each other better - how to use the tool?

I would like to note right away that this line of tools also has its own specifics, which lies in the size of the models. In hardware stores we can find standard set, which includes the dimensions: 1 m, 1.5 m 2 m, 2.5 m. It makes no sense to produce models of longer length, since not every specialist uses the 2.5 m rule. Although a real master has in his arsenal the entire line of models from the shortest to the longest.

If this is the first time you hold a building rule in your hands, we will now tell you how to use this tool with an example. For simplicity, let's check the quality of the wall after plastering. To do this, attach the rule with an edge to the wall, it is desirable that the guide be vertically even. If the wall is plastered with high quality, the rail should not walk vertically, but should fit snugly along the edges to the wall. You also need to check the wall relative to the horizon and diagonally.

If there are bulges on the wall, then our check will immediately detect this, since on the bulge a flat plank will walk without having a snug fit. If there are flaws in the form of depressions on the plane, we can find them by looking at the plane at an angle. Against the background of a flat surface of the guide, gaps in the form of depressions will be visible. If you find gaps in the form of depressions when checking the plane, do not worry, building codes allow such gaps. In the future, putty will hide them. In the case of bulges, the situation is different, they must be unambiguously removed.

Building rule with a level: help to the master

As we have already said, with the help of the rule we observe a certain accuracy during the construction work. But in order to determine the zero mark of the plane, you still have to resort to the help building level. Usually, rules are applied to the edge, and thus the horizontal or vertical plane is checked. This, of course, causes a lot of inconvenience, which can subsequently provide erroneous data.

But today this is over, for the convenience of taking measurements in hardware stores you can buy building rule with level, where the very design of the instrument already provides for built-in measuring cones. The convenience of such a tool is obvious, now it is enough to attach the guide to the plane, and you will see the exact indicators that interest you. In some cases, such a tool is much more convenient than the usual aluminum rule.

A practical example - plastering walls under the rule

Let's get back to the plaster and in this example we will look at how to use such a tool in practice. Moreover, the rule is associated with plastering more than with other types of work. According to technological data, wall plastering is usually a high-quality work. Also, such plaster can be performed on beacons and without them.. We will focus on plastering with the use of beacons.

  1. First of all, you need to install a beacon rail, which will provide us with a future flat surface. The rail is mounted on the wall, using putties, observing vertical alignment and horizontal. All these moments can be controlled by a rule with a level.
  2. After that, it is necessary to let the newly installed beacons settle. This is done so that the fastening points are qualitatively frozen, and the lighthouse is firmly held on the wall, usually it takes twenty-four hours.
  3. After the beacons have settled, you can start plastering. It is desirable that it be elastic, do not make it too thick.
  4. Using a trowel, apply the mortar mixture between the two beacon rails. After the pointed side of the rule, cut off the excess.
  5. If you see that there are pits on the surface in the form of a lack of mortar, apply additional plaster mixture and delete the excess again by the rule.
  6. If your plaster layer thickness exceeds five millimeters, do not try to level the surface immediately, let the first layer settle and dry. If you try to continue working, the applied mortar may begin to fall off due to its weight.
  7. After applying the second layer and leveling the surface with the rule, the finished surface must be rubbed with a plaster float and leveled to zero.

It is possible that the first time you will not succeed, but with due diligence, you will very quickly fill your hand and do it with high quality plastering work.

Creation date 06/08/2012, edited 03/28/2014

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And now about the rules for maintaining the piano and caring for it.

1. The tool should be kept in a room with an average room temperature within +20 degrees and with a humidity of 50%. It is important to avoid sudden fluctuations in temperature and humidity. Otherwise, the tool Depending on climatic and living conditions temperature regime can be determined in the range from +12 to +25 degrees, and air humidity from 40 to 60%.

3. In very dry, hot heated rooms (apartments with central heating), the tool must be placed as far as possible from heating and heating appliances (no closer than 2 meters.)

4. From humidity environment the hygroscopicity of wood and soft materials depends to a certain extent. The normal function of the moisture content in the tool is to establish permanent optimal humidity air rooms. Therefore, in dry rooms it must be moistened. It is good to arrange a curtain on the radiators themselves central heating, for which you can use industrial-type humidifiers or hang vessels with water, put baths, etc. Aquariums, flowers, etc. can serve the same purpose. In areas far from the seas, big rivers, lakes and large reservoirs, in winter - during the season of active space heating, when the air in the apartments is quite hot and dry, it is allowed to place water in the instrument itself, especially if it is more than 30 years old.

I wish you all success.

Take care of your tool.


Hand tool , which is involved in the workflow, you must:

apply for the intended purpose;

take only those employees who have special training and permission to work with him.

If any malfunctions of tools or other deficiencies are found, immediately inform the manager. The entire set of bench tools must be inspected at least once a quarter by a specialist from the engineering service, which is indicated in the order of the unit.

Carrying of all tools is carried out in the tool boxes intended for these purposes. During operation and at the time of storage at the assembly and metalwork equipment, sharp edges must be equipped with protective equipment (caps, covers, etc.) from mechanical influences.

For implementation labor process in close proximity to electrical installations and other objects that are energized, it is necessary to use insulated or non-current assembly and plumbing fixtures.

For work in close proximity with flammable or explosive substances, assembly and locksmith devices that do not form sparks should be used.

It is important to place the devices on the working area according to the rules: in order to exclude the possibility of it falling or rolling.

Safety requirements prohibit placing tools on the unenclosed edges of the scaffolding site, scaffolding, on the railings of fences, near open hatches near wells.

Construction of overhead cranes


Basic load-bearing structure, on which all the mechanisms of the crane are located, is the bridge. The main and end beams make up the crane bridge. The bridge of the crane through the running wheels rests on the crane track, and by means of the movement mechanism moves along the span of the workshop. The crane movement mechanism is installed on its bridge.

A cargo crane trolley with mechanisms for moving the trolley and lifting the load moves along the undercarriage rails along the crane bridge.

The trolley movement mechanism is similar in design to the crane movement mechanism, and the load lifting mechanism, in addition to the engine, gearbox, brake and couplings, has a winch drum with rope ends fixed to it.

The rope is stocked in a chain hoist, the movable block of which has a hook holder. When the winch drum rotates and the rope is wound on it, the load is lifted.

The movement of the crane bridge along the span and the trolley along the crane bridge (across the span) allows servicing almost the entire workshop area.

The power supply of the crane is carried out from current-carrying trolleys installed along the walls of the workshop or cable.

Cabin (platform) is intended for inspections of trolleys. The cab has rigid railings with a height of at least 1100 mm along the entire perimeter of the cradle floor, which can withstand a horizontal load of at least half of the passport. The design of the railing between the railing and the floor should prevent accidental slipping of personnel.

Energy is supplied to the mechanisms for lifting the load and moving the trolley using a flexible cable that moves on rollers along a stretched wire

Management is carried out using controllers from the control cabin, which is located on the bridge or the frame of the cargo trolley. The cab is located on opposite side main trolleys and under the crane bridge.

According to the type of lifting body, overhead cranes can be hook, magnetic and grab.

1 - crane operator's cabin, 2 - crane rails, 3 - running wheels,

4 - end beam, 5 - flexible cable for power supply to the trolley cranes

6 - auxiliary mechanism for lifting the load,

7 - the main mechanism for lifting the load,

8 - crane trolley,

9 - wire for hanging a flexible cable, 10 - platform for servicing workshop trolleys, 11 - main beam, 12 - trolley movement mechanism, 13 - crane bridge movement mechanism

According to the design of the bridge, cranes are divided into single-girder and double-girder.

An overhead crane resting on a rail track with running wheels is called a support crane, in contrast to an overhead crane moving along an overhead crane track.

4. Rules for the use of electrical installation mechanisms and tools

Proper operation of mechanized tools and small-scale mechanization consists in regular maintenance of them, compliance with established operating modes and lubrication.

Electrical machines and electrified tools. Before issuance electrical machines for the performance of work, they are checked with special devices at the stand or with a megohmmeter for the serviceability of their electrical (insulation resistance, the presence and serviceability of grounding, the integrity of the cable insulation, etc.), as well as the mechanical parts (reliability of fastening threaded connections, serviceability of the gearbox, the presence of lubricant in bearings and gears, correct sharpening and installation of the working tool). Before starting work, you must make sure that the voltage of the machine matches the mains voltage, that the grounding is in good condition, and that the machine is idling.

The correct operation of an electrified tool is also ensured by observing the established duration of its inclusion and the cleanliness of the content, i.e., the timely removal of chips, dust, construction trifles. During operation, it is necessary to monitor the state of lubrication of all machine components and, if necessary, replace it. The lubrication of electric drilling machines is usually changed every 200 hours of operation. Continuous lubrication of ball bearings and gears is provided by a stock of US-3 medium-melting grease, which is located in the bearing seats and the gearbox and is added once every two months.

The use of an electrified tool, in particular, electric drilling machines with a supply voltage of 220 V, increases the risk of injury (in the event of a breakdown in the insulation of the windings, the body of such a tool is energized with 220 V). It is forbidden to use safety regulations in construction hand power tools with a supply voltage of 127 and 220 V in hazardous and high-risk rooms (it is allowed to use power tools with a supply voltage of 42 V).

Single-phase electric drilling machines with metal case it is allowed to connect directly to the 220 V network only with three-wire flexible copper wire with a cross section of at least 1.5 mm² in a common sheath, and the third core must serve exclusively for grounding the machine frame. It is impossible to use the zero working core of the wire for grounding. The neutral and ground wires are connected to the ground network separately. The ground conductor is attached to the housing with a screw.

Before turning on the electric drilling machine, you should check the presence and serviceability of grounding, the condition of the insulation of the supply wire, the compliance of the voltage and frequency of the supply network, the operation of the switch (several trial inclusions). During operation, strong heating of the drilling machine is not allowed (at which you can not keep your hand on its body). With a strong sparking of the collector, the machine must be turned off to eliminate its causes.

At present, mainly electrified mechanisms for punching work are used with a supply voltage of 220 V and double insulation, which consists of two stages independent of each other - working and additional. Working insulation is the basic insulation necessary for the operation of the machine and protection of the operator from injury. electric shock. This is a braid or enamel of winding wires, groove insulation of machine windings, impregnating varnishes and compounds, insulation of cable cores, wires and internal connections. Additional insulation is provided by plastic machine cases, insulating bushings, etc. Electric drilling machines are also available with a supply voltage of 42 V and an increased frequency (200 Hz), which are safe to operate, but which require large portable frequency converters to power, so their use is limited.

To increase the safety of electric drilling machines for 220 V with one stage of isolation, they are powered from the mains through a special isolating transformer (with a transformation ratio of 1: 1), which has windings with reinforced insulation, made so that damage to the primary winding does not lead to the formation of a network potential during secondary winding. Therefore, the appearance of the potential of the network is excluded and on metal parts drilling machine even in the event of an insulation breakdown.

Performing work in installations under voltage or with partially stress relieved, is allowed in exceptional cases and only to electricians who have undergone special training and instruction, after receiving a work permit and always under the supervision of operating personnel. Pneumatic tools and welding transformers. The main requirement for the operation of a pneumatic tool is to lubricate it with turbine or solar oil every 4-5 hours of operation, and a new tool every 2-3 hours.

Before issuing, the toolmaker checks the tightness of all threaded connections in the machine or puncher, fills the oil cavity with clean mineral oil, fills the grease fittings with grease to lubricate the gearbox and bearings, tests idling, checks the compressed air pressure and the serviceability of the hose. A drop in compressed air pressure drastically reduces machine performance.

AT winter time pneumatic tool is covered with moisture from the condensation of vapors contained in compressed air which must be removed in a timely manner. In addition, before starting work, the pneumatic tool is heated.

Welding transformers require constant supervision and timely elimination of all faults. Care of transformers consists in keeping all their contacts in good condition and ensuring reliable grounding of the case, therefore it is necessary to periodically check the condition of the insulation, especially when the installation is operated outdoors.

Carbide working tool. The main performance indicators that determine the effectiveness of such a tool are its performance and reliability. Normal operation is right choice tool, timely sharpening, compliance with the drilling or punching mode. The bluntness of the working tool and the need for its sharpening are judged by a significant decrease in the rate of penetration, a noticeable increase in the required pressing force on it, as well as a drop in productivity. Excessive blunting can lead to the destruction of the working plates. Under normal use, the tool can withstand three or four sharpenings and provides a drilling speed of concrete bases about 1 ... 2 mm/s.

Storage, operation and repair of tools is carried out by the central tool shop, which consists of two services: a stationary tool workshop with a repair group and a mobile (by car) tool workshop.

In a stationary tool workshop, repairs (refurbishment), refueling, branding of tools, adjustment and testing of them idle and under load, as well as control over operation, equipment and quantity are carried out.

Scheduled preventive maintenance of machines and mechanisms is carried out in accordance with the instructions. Usually two types of repairs are planned - current and capital. Maintenance machines are divided into daily, performed during the work shift, and periodic, performed after the machine has worked a certain number of hours. For new cars that have not passed overhaul, overhaul cycle is set. For machines that have undergone a major overhaul, the overhaul cycle is taken with a coefficient of 0.8.

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