Number for the new year for adults. Funny New Year's sketches for a corporate party (for adults)

reservoirs 19.10.2019

We carry interest and love for the New Year holiday through our whole life, there is something bright and childishly joyful in it, we expect gifts, miracles and special fun from it. And what fun without New Year's games, contests, fairy tales with dressing up and fun entertainment?!

New Year's games, competitions and skits are the same obligatory attribute of a holiday as a Christmas tree, champagne and gifts. After all, the New Year is a time of general fun; the time when you want to make noise and play. Do not deny yourself this - have fun! Moreover, everyone wants to move a little and fool around after the New Year's table, traditionally generous with all sorts of goodies and drinks!

Ready scripts for the quest. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the image of interest.

Entertainment program for the new year 2019

We offer you a wide variety of New Year's entertainment, which can be viewed at the links. They are suitable for corporate holidays, and for home parties, and for a close company of friends. There are a lot of games and competitions, and you can easily make an interesting entertainment program out of them.

In order to save time, we suggest purchasing collection “Entertain people for the New Year? Easily!"

The collection is intended:

  • for leading celebrations
  • for employees of organizations that plan to hold a New Year's Eve corporate party on their own, without the involvement of the toastmaster
  • for those who are going to hold a New Year's party at home
  • for active people who want to have fun and have fun all the New Year holidays with family, friends and relatives

The proposed games, contests and skits are more than enough for you not only for entertainment program for this New Year, but also for future New Year holidays!

All buyers of this collection - New Year's gifts:

Contents of the collection“Entertain people for the New Year? Easily!"

Scenes and impromptu tales included in the collection

The collection includes funny scenes and impromptu fairy tales, the plot of which is associated with a wonderful New Year's holiday. All skits - with funny and original stories; in addition, the texts are well edited, and for the impromptu scenes there are signs with the names of the characters, which is very convenient for the organizer of the holiday program; it is also provided that when printing a specific scene or sheet with signs, nothing extra will be printed. Here short description scenes included in the collection:

Guests from Italy on New Year's Eve(very funny costumed New Year's greetings with original text). A little preparation is required. Age: 16+
Happy New Year, or let's drink to happiness!(Impromptu fairy tale with chants, Host and 7 actors; all other participants also participate). Especially suitable for corporate celebration of the New Year.
Beauty and the Beast, or the Wrong Tale(fun tale-impromptu, host and 11 actors). For any conscious age :).
New Year's story in the forest, or Love at first sight(a short impromptu fairy tale, Host and 6 actors).
long-awaited gift(a miniature scene-pantomime, impromptu, from 1 to 3-4 people can take part in it). The scene is universal, suitable for both children and adults.
Magic Staff(New Year's theatrical scene, costume performance for adults, Storyteller (reader) and 10 actors). Long (at least 30 minutes), but at the same time interesting funny scene with an original New Year's story. Preliminary preparation is required. Age: 15+

Collection Format: pdf file, 120 pages
Price: 300 rubles

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New Year's corporate party is a time when the whole team gets together, you can relax a little and forget a little about too strict decency and dress code. The hosts of corporate parties will surely come in handy with cool New Year's scenes, which will allow to attract participants "from the audience". If it turned out that there is no host at the corporate party, the colleagues themselves, with the help of these skits, can play a fun performance and entertain themselves and their comrades.

Scene No. 1 "How snowmen played Santa Claus"

A snowman appears on the wall, on the other side the same one walks with his back to him. They crash into each other.

1 C-to. “Greetings, snow brother!”

2 C-to. “And I greet you, where can you take you?”

1 C-to. I wanted to ask Santa Claus for something, but I won’t get there!

2 C-to. And we can come up with Santa Claus ourselves, here I am, for example, why am I not frost?

1 C-to. “Why are you and I not me?”

2 C-to. So you have to make wishes!

1 C-to. - Well, yes ... (the second one gets into a pose) - well ... oh, no! Grandpa should sit like this! (shows and looks) - No, I don't like you, let the hall help! So, who organizes the coolest Grandfather?

Several participants are selected.

Snow. - So, our Grandfather has the biggest ... (looks with an unambiguous look at the abdomen) big belly! Well, who has the best? Men should stick out their bellies and measure them. The dispute is settled with applause. We must leave two or three people.

1 S-to - And our grandfather wears a dressing gown, shoes and a cap! (takes out a terry old robe, slippers and a baby's cap). We hope, we hope.

2 Sn. (look closely)“When was the last time you saw Frost?”

1 S-k - I haven't seen him yet, I've only heard about him!

1 S. - It is understandable ... And now we still need deer! Grandfather always comes on reindeer, always! So, who's the best deer here? We announce a casting for the best deer! Active men are selected.

The music sounds: “I will take you to the tundra”, to which men must portray the best deer.

2 Sn. - So these are found, it remains to find the sled. Probably for the sleigh we will take those deer that did not pass the casting. (He puts the “sled” on all fours, puts the “deer” forward, puts the grandfather on the “sleigh”. Then there will be a small relay race from one destination to another. The heroes must run around the obstacle and return). - And now let's go, whose team will reach the right place forward and return back, those heroes will be the only representatives of the New Year's characters!


1 Sn-ik - Well, now such cool grandfathers on reindeer need who?

2 Sn. - Who? Do such cool peppers need someone?

1 Sn. - Of course! Snow Maiden! Or rather, two Snow Maidens!

2 Sn. - O! Let's do a casting! We are unlikely to put everyone like this and start choosing.

1 Sn. - No no no! They need to be tested! What kind of women do you like?

2 Sn. - Me.. uh. In-o-from such (something shows). A. no, like this (shows again). No, no, I really like these!

1 Sn. “Oh, you won’t understand, let me choose for myself!” I love funny and mobile.

Game "Dance potpourri"

All interested girls and women are invited for them, in turn (or cut into one track), a variety of compositions are included, to which they must dance. For example: "Kamarinskaya", "Gypsy", "Rap", "Techno", "Waltz", "Lambada", "Tango", "Quadrille", "Rock and Roll". Heroes choose a girl for themselves. Which is the most active in the game.

1 Snow. - Well, that's all, Santa Clauses were found, Snegurochka to them too. You can also celebrate!

2 Snow. - You thought of it coolly, and we will pick up gifts for ourselves!

1 Snow. (looking into the hall) - Something tells me that they won't let us out of here alive.

2 Snow. - Let's shoot! He takes out firecrackers and salutes.

1 Snow. - Look, everything is in its place ... oh, you have to give ...

Gifts are being given. Gifts can be comic and for each you can organize an eyeliner according to the nature of the recipient, for example:

  • "Most sneaky" - a mousetrap.
  • "To the hungriest" - a spoon.
  • “To the most freezing” - tea or a check of cognac.
  • "To the youngest" - a rattle. Dummy.
  • "Teetotaller" - a bottle of kefir.
  • "Ulcer" - festal.
  • "The most beautiful" = the mask of Baba Yaga.
  • "To the most unsure of himself" - a mirror.
  • "Most talkative" - ​​a cork or a gag.

New Year's scene No. 2 "Seeing the Outgoing Year"

The Snow Maiden enters the stage and pulls the Old New Year with her.

Sn-ka - look, what else do you have to do here, you see how many people, and everything is completely not to your liking! It's time for you to leave. Leave!

Art. N. God - Me? And I don't think so! Where will I go? Into non-existence? To eternity? Look at me: Age is in the juice itself, one might say - in color! I can, on the contrary, everything is just beginning! Find more such heroes in the hall!

Snow. - I'll find it! Men, let's prove to this old ... (whatever you want to call it, depending on the company) that he already has the wrong strength.

The game "Let's measure sausages"

It turns out that several men are given sausage balls into their hands, which are very difficult to inflate. The whole joke is that they inflate them to the best of their ability, someone has a very small sausage, someone has a larger one, and someone has a very large one. The hero also participates.

Sn-a - Well, grandpa? Your sausage is very small. There is no strength for anything already!

Art. N.G. - Happiness is not in the size of sausages, but in their number! (pretends to gnaw on a ball, taking the topic in the other direction)

Sn-ka - So you don't want to leave?

S.N.G. No, I'm not going anywhere! I'm staying here! And if you want me to leave, create the best conditions for this for me!

Sn-ka - What conditions will we create for you?

S.N.G. - Well, for example ... I want a chic deck chair!

Sn-ka - So, we need the audience's help! Who among those present is waiting for the New Year? (answer) We don't hear! That's it, it means we must urgently expel the Old One, who is ready! You need to be a sun lounger for a while!

A man comes out better girl sits on the floor or a chair, old year on his knees.

Sn-ka - Well. Are you happy?

Art. N.G. - No, it's over, how can you be satisfied? Want some more champagne? So where's my champagne!

The Snow Maiden calls several girls and chooses a girl who looks like a bottle of champagne by a general vote. "Put" it into the hand of the Old Year.

Art. year - So, what else do I need ... Oh! I want a gift! I want to be like in my youth...

Snow. “Aha, you recognize, then, your old age!”

Art. year (sharply looked at her)“Of course not, that’s just how I put it! I want the poem to be told to me. Would make me happy!

Snow. - Well, that it is necessary to fulfill all the wishes of this old hooligan! Who is ready?

Puts a stool on which people recite poems.

Art. Year - Great, great! Exactly what I wanted! As the doctor ordered ... (grabs his heart, drops a "bottle of champagne"). - Oh, save! Help!

Snguroch. - Oh, what to do, what to do? Is there a doctor in the room? Who knows how to save? Well, maybe the one who does artificial respiration? No Yes? Eh, your grandfather will have to die, there are no people here who want to!

Art. year - If it is a man, then I'd rather lie down here, and if a woman .... (dreams).

sn. - You are deaf, there is no one, even if you pay! Are you ready to pay?

Art. year - Well, I can only brandy!

Called by the girls, they must leave on the face of St. there are as many kisses in the year as they are ready to drink shots of cognac.

Old year - (looking in the mirror) Yeah, what am I going to tell my girlfriend now?

Sn-chka - do you also have a girlfriend?

Art. g. - And then!

sn. Come on, we'll fix everything! Is there a make-up artist in the room? And the one who has a firm hand and who can sketch the whole thing?

Two volunteers are called in to powder and paint over the hero's make-up.

Snegur. - Wow, that's what you are, "reindeer"!

S. God - You yourself ... And which one? (looking for a mirror) Oh, the mirror is gone...

Snegur. - And now we will draw you.

Game "Portrait"

The same or other two heroes are called and, blindfolded, draw a grandfather. The game can be adjusted to your own taste: you can have one portrait, you can have two, or even organize drawing in teams. Each in turn will draw some part of the face and body.

Art. year - So, I understand, you're kidding me, so yes? Everyone pissed off! I'm leaving, I'm not interested already here!

Snow. - Finally! Now you can celebrate! (The chimes strike and crackers explode.)

Scene No. 3 "An adult fairy tale about a turnip"

The grandmother (leader) comes out, as if visiting a fairy tale.

Grandmother -

Hello guests gentlemen, how long did you all come here?
Is it okay in the world, is it bad there? What is there now for a miracle?
There is a computer, I heard, laptops, cell phones are not enough!
How can people surprise me? Is there a story to tell?
I just need help, it will be fine!

Continues - To begin with, I will invite different heroes, Here, for example, I remember a fairy tale about two Ivans, the game was like that ... how is it ... the king of the east changed it for a singing bird ... (The hall should guess “the sea worries once”). Let's play.

The game "The sea worries once." The figures should all be outlandish, intricate, but most importantly, they will need to be revived in the end. So to say justify what was shown.

Bab-ka - There are many fairy tales in the world, so I can’t count them,

Here, for example, "Turnip" - ours, there is no tastier and more beautiful!

(Summons two male participants)

Baba says: planted by grandfather... One is planting, the other is planting. The turnip has grown tremendously with greatness! Healthy while healthy! And he began to pull such a miracle ... Tya-yanet will pull ... (to the participant) Pull, let's not hesitate (shows how to pull, by the ear or by the ears), but he cannot pull it out. What to do? Grandpa called his grandmother, call me! (participant calls) - Well, who calls like that, why do you need your grandmother, such a frail! That's how, that's how to call (shows a pack of cons). - Understood? (comments) Look, the grandmother, how delighted she was, came running, almost forgot about the turnip, but grandfather is not a fool: the grandmother is a dick, and pull the turnip! They pull, they pull, they don’t succeed, they lived to old age, you see, they don’t have the same heroic strength! They called their granddaughter ... well, whoever calls that, you offer your granddaughter this! (gives a wallet with money). Look, look, go, go! (depicts) Look at the youth, what has become! And again, they fail. What an unfriendly team! The granddaughter began to call Zhuchka, her girlfriend was like that. Bug came running. Well, you can lure the Beetle with anything, if only she could find adventures on the fifth point, and she is of little interest in the details!

Continues the story- And again, silence, but the smooth surface, the turnip firmly dug its root! Looks like the root is not small, since it sits like that. She called Zhuchka Murka, that other gang of a watering can, I’ll tell you, they’ll breed a rigmarole here, who is the most beautiful of them, ugh! No point! And, finally, they called the mouse in chorus! (To all participants) We call, we call, in chorus! A mouse came running (calling from the audience, always in a short skirt) - Mouse, and where are you going to pull your turnips al on ... you don’t risk pulling in such transparent clothes. If you pull it out again, it will hook on you with a root ... (hitting his lips) - Oh, I have become completely talkative, we are working. My children are working!

Grandma says more So, all the heroes are in place, pull-pull, nothing happens! Then they started digging, digging, digging, digging (they pretend to dig around a turnip, they move in any dance, for example, you can turn on a waltz or tango). Did they dig up the turnip? But no, they didn’t dig it out, maybe put the mouse forward, huh? Her miniskirt, whoever you like will make you leave your homeland! Come on Mouse, work, work! Dance something like that for him!
Beautiful music turns on, "Mouse" dances for "Turnip" and at the end takes her away from her familiar place.

Oh, I'm glad as friends!
My fairy tale is over!
I congratulate you,
May your wishes come true!

Three New Year's skits have come to an end, we hope you can use them at your corporate event.

Scenario of a corporate party for the New Year "Journey through the New Year's planet" allows guests not only to get acquainted with New Year's traditions different countries but also participate in some of them. The script includes new musical, game and co Stylish entertainment in which everyone can participate. All music files can be downloaded directly about in this

The first part of the scenario of the New Year's corporate party.

Sound 1. New Year's fanfare.

(to download - click the file)

Leading out

Table greetings to the presenter.

Presenter: Good evening!

Good afternoon, minute, hour,
I salute you all
Believe good, salam alaikum,
Bona sir, you from das ...

Presenter: Dear friends who can say exactly how many greetings different peoples sounds in this excerpt from L. Filatov's fairy tale? (Guests offer options) That's right, five. I want to give a small prize to the one who guessed correctly (Gives a small present) and personally shake hands with a connoisseur of foreign languages.

In fact, literally everyone wants to greet and shake hands, but I'm afraid that it will drag on for a long time, so I ask at my command (approaches the extreme guests sitting in the column on the right side) convey my regards to your neighbors (shakes the hand of the nearest guest in this row). And you pass it on to your neighbors (approaches the extreme guests sitting in the column on the left side and shakes the nearest guest in this row). And now, which side will return my greetings to me faster - we pass it in the opposite direction, let's go!

(a quick acquaintance board game is taking place)

Sounds 2. Popcorn - background

Presenter: Well done! And now which side will fill the glasses faster - it's time to drink for the meeting and for the upcoming New Year! (fill glasses)

Toast 1:

Let the glasses clink today.

Let the wine sparkle today

May good luck night starfall

He will find us and look out the window!

Nobody can be bored today

Happy New Year, friends!

Sounds 3. Brilliant. New Year's song.

Presenter: Good evening again, my name is (name), our DJ's name is (name) And today, together with you, we will be happy to go on a journey through the New Year's festive planet! I propose to appoint the head of the train (name of the head of the company)- a word to him, parting speech before a long journey, so to speak!

Chief's toast

Sounds 4. Ka and Safari. New Year's

Banquet break

Presenter: So, let's go on a journey: the starting station is the year 2012, the final station is the new year 2013. Everyone has a ticket on the table - keep it until the end of the journey, because they, like everything today, are unusual, they have an encrypted code and a number for drawing in the lottery (on each ticket there is a picture with an animal: cockerels, piglets, cows, dogs and cats - for participation in the concert program and a number - for drawing). And for these magical hours (points to the "magic" clock) we will follow the traffic schedule - we start the clock (the presenter moves the clock by 5 minutes)!

Presenter: Go!

Presenter: We got into the car, got a drink and a snack, what usually happens next? That's right, meeting fellow travelers. A personal acquaintance will take place a little later, but for now I will ask you to greet the representatives with thunderous applause (group name) and now let's welcome the organizers of this party - the team (team name). And the next toast, of course - for acquaintance!

Banquet break

Sounds 7. Polish melody.

Entertainment for New Year's table"Predictions in balls".

Presenter: Meanwhile, Warsaw, the capital of Poland, appeared outside the windows of our New Year's Express.

The New Year is celebrated here very cheerfully and noisily, a series of official and impromptu carnival processions replace one another, the streets and houses are decorated with "bouquets" of balloons.

The Poles, together with the chime of the clock, burst all this many balloons , and it turns out such a common original New Year's fireworks. Let's stop here and do the same (a balloon with a prediction is tied to the chair of each guesteat). In the balls that you got, predictions for the next year are hidden. Let's get to know them (everyone bursts balloons).

Whoever got the “watch” instead of the prediction will be lucky all year and he gets the right to move our symbolic clock forward by 5 minutes t, And that means New Year's Eve! (lucky one moves the clock -The countdown on the symbolic clock starts at 11 p.m.)

Sounds 5. An excerpt from Valery's song. Watch.

Presenter: We continue the journey, and what is the journey without abundant food and drink? Pour, drink, eat!

Toast 4

May it save you from losses and worries

A lot of joy will give the New Year!

Sounds 8. Serduchka's song. Fir-trees.

Presenter: What else do they do on the road? (guests name options) That's right, guess crossword puzzles and riddles. Let's also work a little with our heads, while we still can and answer my questions together - answer options: "no" or "yes" - regardless of the rhyme.

Small break

Sounds 9. Italian song.

Presenter: What do we hear, Toto Cutugno? So we arrived in Italy, a country of bright and temperamental people. And New Year's traditions in this country match the Italian temperament - on this night it is customary to get rid of everything old, unnecessary and boring: household items, furniture, and so on. It is believed that in return for everything thrown out on this magical night, a new one will definitely appear. The more you throw away, the more you get. Who is willing to throw away how much for the right to move our clock further. We are holding an auction, the initial bid is 10 rubles.

Sounds like 10. A beat for the auction. Give me money.

(a small auction is being held)

Presenter: Winner, come over here, what's your name? Let's applaud the lucky one who literally moves time and his luck forward. New Year is getting closer! (advance clock another 5 minutes) Happy holiday!

Sounds 5. An excerpt from Valery's song. Watch.

Presenter: And ahead of you is a dance station, but before you get out of the "cars" to warm up a little, look carefully at your tickets and remember the animal that you have encrypted. Remember, then - dancing!

dance break

Prank during the dance.

(During the dance, unexpectedly! music and lights turn off)

Presenter: Do not be afraid, this is an occasion to find each other and become a little closer. Remember what sounds the animal depicted on your ticket usually makes and reproduce them. Cats meowed, dogs barked, etc. Find your fellows and form a team: cats looking for cats, cockerel cockerels, etc.

(Lights turn on)

Presenter: Ready? And now look at each other, we have formed 5 creative teams - everyone gets the right to participate in our concert program with their own number. Cockerels, when we drive up to Moscow on our express train, will represent those meeting in Moscow, piglets - in Kyiv, dogs - at an unknown station in any country, cows somewhere in the East, and cats - at the New Year's Eve station. How exactly - I will explain to everyone when we arrive at a particular station. Until we part.

Sounds 11. German melodies.

Presenter: It was as if we were in Germany, where there is a tradition: to climb higher - on tables or chairs and with loud joyful cries "jump" into the New Year. No, I'm not suggesting that we climb onto the tables either, we haven't had much to drink yet. Just divide and form two lines (at a distance of at least 3 meters). And now shouting joyfully, jump towards each other, as far as possible. So we became closer to each other, and at the same time to the New Year! Who jumped the farthest in this half? And here? Good. What is your name? It is you who are granted the right to move the hands of our clock further (move arrows)

Sounds 5. An excerpt from Valery's song. Watch.

Presenter: We continue to dance. And those who were lucky enough to get into the group of "cockerels", please come to me (they are preparing for the number "Baba Yaga and Children" - they change clothes and receive words).

The second part of the scenario "Journey through the New Year's planet"

Presenter: I will ask everyone to take their seats again, according to the purchased tickets. We have a new stop ahead - Moscow. Have you ever wondered what the characters of our favorite Russian fairy tales could do today? We just imagined that Baba Yaga got a job as a teacher in one of the Moscow kindergartens. And how does she prepare children for the New Year's party? Meet!

- look at the link.

Sounds 12. Song. It's fun to walk together - to the exit

A board game for a close company "And in my pants."

(For the game, you need to prepare clippings from newspapers and magazines in advance - separately for men and women. Clippings, for example, are as follows:

For ladies, something like this: “Double reason for the holiday”, “Tariff - home”, “Holiday comes from childhood”, “Quality check”, “New Year's discounts”, etc.

For gentlemen: "The Strongest in Europe", "The moment has come", "Lights without counting gold", "Law and Order", "Super Turtles", etc.)

Baba Yaga: And with you, dear guests, I will play one playful game. It's called "And in my pants." We take out any clipping and, saying "And in my pants ..." we read what we got. Started!

Baba Yaga conducts the game, comments.

Baba Yaga: Played around?! That's nice, smile more often, and finally I will also sing, am I a star or not a star ?! (sings, flirts with guests and leaves)

Sounds 13. Yaga's song.

Presenter: I will ask the one who got the clipping that he has “The hour has struck” in his pants to come to me. Let's get to know (Name?)- and bring our time closer to the new year (move the clock).

Sounds 5. An excerpt from Valery's song. Watch.

Banquet break

Sounds 14. Song Agurbash. Hello New Year - backdrop

Presenter: Our journey in the magical New Year Express continues. I noticed it came to reading the corporate newspaper (or trade magazine - some of the clippings are actually from the corporate press)

Toast: And it's time to drink to the enterprise (title). We wish him and everyone individually every prosperity! Hip-hip - Hooray!!! (drinking and screaming)

Presenter: Those who are hungry - refresh themselves, those who are bored - drink, and I ask those whose code is "pigs" to come to me (they change into costumes of Ukrainians and Serduchka)

Sounds 15. Ukrainian melody.

Presenter: It seems that we have arrived at the glorious city of Kyiv and a Ukrainian delegation is meeting us on the platform.

Costume number "Serdyuchka and the Ukrainian delegation".

Song 16 sounds. Serdyuchki. New Year's.

Ukrainians come out and perform their number, dance to the song, run along the rows and clink glasses with everyone. "Serdyuchka" seems to sing.

Presenter: Here, thank you, they lit it right, Vera (referring to "Serduchka"), you, as an experienced conductor, know that the train must follow strictly according to the schedule. Set our clocks 5 minutes ahead so we don't miss our final stop.

Sounds 5. An excerpt from Valery's song. Watch.

Presenter: Thank you! After such an incendiary song, it's a sin not to drink and dance! And again the dance station!

dance break

The final part of the corporate script.

Presenter: Our train is leaving, please go to the carriages and take your seats. We sit well, and we drive even better - I propose to drink for it! And I ask all the cows to come to me (during the banquet break they change into the sultan, wives and mother-in-law)

A small banquet break

Sounds 17. Oriental melody.

Presenter: And we have another stop. And at the station we are welcomed by guests from the East!

Costume number "Sultan with a harem".

The Sultan comes out, his three wives and three mothers-in-law. They beat the content of the song-alteration, which sounds like a live sound under the sounding minus or is pre-recorded for the plus.

Song-alteration on the motive of the song "If I were a Sultan ..."

1st verse: If I were a sultan

I would have three wives

And triple beauty

I would be surrounded.

But on the other side

In such cases

AT New Year burden of worries

Ah, save Allah!

Chorus: Not very bad

have three wives

But very bad

On the other hand.

2nd verse: New Year is coming

Congratulate everyone around:

Zulfiya sticks:

Give her a new iron!

And Guli with Fatima

They ask for an overlog

Well, mother-in-law in a crowd

New boots!

Chorus: Not very bad

have three wives

But very bad

On the other hand.

3rd verse: Bring the Christmas tree to the house

Fireworks let go

Santa Claus still

Invite everyone!

How should we, the sultans,

Clarity is needed here

In the new year just right -

Snow Maiden alone!

Chorus: No, it's better on a holiday

Completely without a wife

Not very bad

From any side!

Sounds 18. Minus the song. If only I were a sultan.

Presenter: Dear Sultan, do us the honor: turn the hands of our magic clock. Thank you!

Sounds 5. An excerpt from Valery's song. Watch.

Interactive with guests "Seeing the outgoing year".

Presenter: We welcome guests from the East! Let's see what our magic clock shows? There is very little left before the New Year. I suggest: to think about the outgoing 20.. year. What was good and bad about each of us? (Go around the guests and selectively ask about the outgoing year. Who got married? Who got a salary increase? What do you remember about the year? Etc.)

It has been an eventful year! I suggest, let's forgive him the bad, and thank him for the good! And for both you can drink! In the meantime, everyone is drinking and eating, I ask the "dogs" to come to me! (dress up as a gypsy)

Small break

Presenter: And guests who can be met at any station in any country came to us on the New Year's Express. Who is it? (guests offer answers) Of course - the gypsies. We meet!

Costume number "New Year's Gypsy".

Gypsies come out and show a number: one sings under the minus and plays the guitar (or record the alteration as a plus), the rest dance

The song is an alteration to the motive "Black eyes .."

Oh, in the forest, ne-ne, a Christmas tree grew,

She is beautiful and all in needles

She is slim. and all green.

To know in love she was born!

And the blizzard in winter sang a song to her,

And the frost covered with snow warmer.

But they cut down her slender Christmas tree.

Ruined her sultry beauty!

And now she's on fire

Gives its beauty to everyone around!

But they did not ask her, the beauty,

Maybe she likes the forest better?

She's slim, she's green

Oh, on New Year's Eve, but cut down!

Sounds 20. Minus the song Black Eyes

Presenter: Thank you for such New Year's passions. But maybe you will leave someone who will tell us fortune? Wonderful. Let's take the rest.

The gypsy begins to tell fortunes with a deck of cards (pictures are glued on one side: a wagon, a heart, a mountain top, children, a dog, a watch)

1. For you, my dear, today is conducive to plans aimed at the future, you will live in the palace! ( wagon)
2. Wai, I see career growth awaits you, you will be a big boss! ( peak)

3. Golden (oh) mine, great love awaits you. You will love, the world will be thrown at your feet! ( heart)

4. Wai-wai, honey. Great family happiness and love of all your household awaits you! (children)

5. You will meet a reliable friend. He will never deceive you and never say a bad word! ( dog)

6. And yours, dear (and I), creative success at this evening will be noticed by all those present! (Watch)

Sounds 21. Instrument. Gypsy - A gypsy calls everyone to dance

dance break

Presenter: It's time to eat again, our dining car is waiting for you. And here I invite the one to whom the gypsy predicted creative success, to whom the "clock" in the deck fell out. What is your name? Please, move our magic clock forward a little more.

Sounds 5. An excerpt from Valery's song. Watch.

Presenter: Hooray! There are 10 conditional minutes left until our midnight. Very soon, our clock will strike the conditional 12 strokes - it's time to think about what we are planning for next year. In the meantime, there is still time, I invite "cats and kitties" to come to me (they are preparing for the New Year's fairy tale - they receive elements of costumes).

Presenter: We have a stop at the New Year's Eve station

Sounds 23. Song. One simple story. - to the exit

The exit of the characters of the "New Year's Tale", ...

small break


Sounds 23. Song. The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden come out

Drawing - lottery of New Year's prizes.

Presenter: Dear passengers, once again check the availability of your travel tickets. Each ticket has its own number. And now Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will hold a New Year's lottery (prepare kegs from the lotto game and small prizes).

Father Frost: Hello girls and boys!

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, these are adults, we are not at a matinee.

Father Frost: Oh, granddaughter, I have been living in the world for so long that for me even the centenarians of the Caucasus are children, and here they are all young, but beautiful. Well, we approach - we tell verses - we receive gifts.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, I'm already tired of poems - gifts. Let's arrange a lottery: who gets what. And they have already performed poems and songs.

Father Frost: Well, the lottery, so the lottery, Start, granddaughter!

Snow Maiden: First prize up for grabs: Christmas decoration- bell. And the following numbers get such a prize ..... Check the numbers, as soon as you hear yours - go out for the prize.

They take out 7 barrels from the bag and call their numbers.

Father Frost: And now a prize from me personally: a Christmas decoration with my brother Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden: (takes out 6 kegs) And the numbers get such a prize ....

Father Frost: This prize will also decorate your Christmas tree - New Year's drum .(Christmas tree toy)

Snow Maiden: (Pulls out 7 numbers) And such a prize goes to the numbers….

Snow Maiden: And this prize from me personally - pleasure for the whole night - a dummy (takes out 2 barrels).

Father Frost: And it goes to the lucky ones with numbers ....

Father Frost: The next prize is sweet (chocolates) and he gets the numbers ….(takes out 6 kegs)

Snow Maiden: And again, what you can decorate your Christmas tree with. And this prize goes to the numbers …..….(takes out 6 kegs)

Father Frost: And now the prizes from our main sponsor - (name of enterprise)

Snow Maiden: Beauty Yacht (a toy) goes to the numbers (take out 2 barrels)

Sound 24. Fanfare

Snow Maiden: And numbers are invited here ….(Pulls out 5 kegs)

Sound 24. Fanfare

Snow Maiden: Hold on, please, now the release of the most specially invited New Year's singer in Russia.

Sounds 25. Song of the Christmas tree. Provence.

(It turns out "Yolka" - to change one of the guests in advance, as if singing and signing autographs on discs, "Yolka sings", the rest leave)

Presenter: Dear Elka, please move our magic clock forward another 5 minutes.

Sounds 5. An excerpt from Valery's song. Watch.

Presenter: Thank you. Let's go to the star. Thanks to all.

Snow Maiden: And it's time for the super prize draw. The right to move the clock to New Year's midnight is being played.

Father Frost: And this prize goes to the number…

Snow Maiden: Hello! He is given a flag in his hands (checkbox) Get ready, fill your glasses!


Sound 26. Chimes.

The evening ends New Year's games and

To the scenario of a corporate party for the New Year you need to prepare:

1. A beautiful watch face in which the hands move. 2.Tickets, on each ticket there is a picture with an animal: cockerels, piglets, cows, dogs and cats - for participation in the concert program and a number - for drawing New Year's prizes, kegs for loto and prizes for everyone,3. Balls with positive predictions for everyone. four.Clippings from newspapers and magazines for the game "In my pants",5. Musical arrangement for the dance program and congratulatory numbers

6. Suits:Baba Yaga and children,Serdyuchka and Ukrainians,Oriental costumes (sultan, 3 wives, 3 mothers-in-law),gypsy,Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. As well ascostumes (or elements of costumes) for the characters of the fairy tale:Christmas tree, Piglet, Bunny, Snowflake andfor a parody of the singer Elka,

A distinctive feature of any team is the love for joint leisure, fun, corporate parties. The celebration of the New 2017 Year of the Fire Rooster is no exception. On this wonderful and full of magic night, employees transform beyond recognition, take off all masks (and sometimes put them on) and relax together with glasses of sparkling wine in their hands and spicy contests in their heads. True, for a successful corporate party, a delicious buffet and active competitions. All elements of the celebration must be carefully selected and well organized:

  • It is necessary to deliberately choose a leader - an active and creative person, the "soul of the company";
  • It is important to correctly compile a list of entertainment numbers. Scenes for a corporate party for the New Year can be short and funny or long performed by employees by role;
  • For each performance and participant, it is better to prepare a role, image, inventory in advance;
  • Any staged episodes for adults should be diluted with interactive funny scenes with jokes for a New Year's corporate party at work;

However, during a fun collective celebration, you should not strictly follow a clear scenario for educators (teachers, doctors, office workers). It is better to adjust it in the course of the event, taking into account the level of passion and the mood of each participant in the corporate party.

Original sketches for a corporate party for the New 2017 Year of the Rooster

On the family holidays and new year parties with great success are all kinds of acting sketches and game impromptu with funny props and short remarks. Literally at any celebration with any composition of guests, you can organize skits or fairy tales with instant dressing or without it at all. Some of them are designed for a large number of characters, others - for 3-4 people. Some of the original scenes for a corporate party for the New Year of the Rooster 2017 are suitable exclusively for adults, the rest can be carried out even in a mixed company with teenagers and children. Writing a script for New Year's celebration, it is worth deciding in advance which ones are suitable for guests.

New scenes for the New Year corporate party 2017 at work in the office

What are good short funny scenes for a New Year's corporate party at work? First, they require a minimum of props. Secondly, they provide an opportunity to quickly stir up and cheer the audience. But even for such simple entertainment, you need to properly prepare:

  • Make a sign with the name of the character for each role;
  • Select the number of participants corresponding to the number of roles;
  • Explain to the guests who, what and when should speak;
  • Distribute their text to the “actors” in advance;

So, with minimal preparation, you can play on New Year's corporate party funniest new scene"Dialogue of the organism on January 1".

Scene "Dialogue of the organism on January 1"

Characters: Brains, Arms, Legs, Liver, Eyes, Stomach, Bladder, Lungs, Language, Conscience, Memory


Presenter (behind the scenes): The next morning, after a stormy New Year's feast, Brains slowly wakes up. The eyes come on first.

Brains: Oh, how bad! Come on, open your eyes!

Eyes (displeased): Well, they opened. Did it get easier?

Liver (with horror): Mommy, where am I?

Brains: Where, where! In place, yet... Don't worry, you'll be cut out soon.

Eyes (not appeased): What happened yesterday? How much did we pour?

Memory: How should I know. You knocked me out on the fourth toast.

Legs (angrily): Yeah, you'll get over it. For the sake of you dragged to such a distance.

Brains (gathering): So, legs, I give the command. We quickly packed up, got up, and left. 8:00 a.m. time to work!

Conscience (timidly): Guys, can you at least wash yourself?

Stomach (irritated): Don't you want to punch me in the face? Where were you yesterday? Because of you, they poured 2 liters into me!

Conscience (mournfully): And who poured?

Legs: Arms, of course. See how it beats!

Ruki (furiously): You bastards. We still have to work today, and you are kidding me.

Brains: Legs, what's not clear?! We get dressed for work.

Bladder (mournfully): Legs, dear, go to the toilet. I'm not rubber.

Memory (rejoiced): Oh, I remembered. Yesterday was New Year 2017. The language still carried nonsense all evening.

Tongue (defensively): Oh, don't la-la. I made beautiful toasts.

Lungs (weak): Guys, we would like, heh, haze. Whether…

Language (with a sneer): Run away. In the mouth, as if a squadron of hussars had spent the night.

Liver (hopefully): And kefir? Maybe even a glass of yogurt?

Ruki: Shut up, fool. What kefir. We need 100 grams, we refuse to work net!

Brains (wearily): How tired of you all. Legs, drag the whole body to the table. There's still half a bottle left. Hands, pour!

The funniest scenes for a corporate party for the New Year 2017

Against the background of other types of corporate holiday entertainment, funny scenes for the New Year 2017 stand out especially favorably. They allow colleagues to get to know each other even better, to find mutual language, have fun and show communicative talents in front of the authorities. Of course, the scene below can be carried out in any cheerful company adults, but it seems especially suitable for New Year's Eve!

Scene "New Year"

Remarks of the heroes-participants:

  • Santa Claus - Why don't you drink?
  • New Year - Well, you give!
  • Snow Maiden - Both-on!
  • Goblin - Well, good luck!
  • Old lady - Well, never mind!
  • Waitress - Where are the empty plates?
  • Guests - Happy New Year!

The host reads the text, the characters respond at the right time:

On New Year's Eve
People have a tradition of celebrating
People don't care a damn crisis, adversity
Satisfied shout loudly: Happy New Year!

And here we have the New Year
He seems to have just been born
Looks at people: at uncles and aunts
And wondering out loud... Well, you give!

And uncles and aunts dressed fashionably
In joy, they shout loudly: ... Happy New Year!

Congratulate rushed (everywhere sticks his nose)
Who is tired of matinees?
Father Frost!
He says barely coherently: ... Why don't you drink?

In response to the New Year: ... Well, you give!

And what's outside the window, there are the vagaries of nature,
They don't care, they scream... Happy New Year!

And the grandfather is already snoring: ... Why don't you drink?

In response to the New Year: ... Well, you give!

And people again, without delay and immediately
Louder and louder shouting: ... Happy New Year!

And again the Snow Maiden, full of forebodings,
Tastes, admiring himself: ... Both on!

Frost groans everything: ... Why don't you drink?

Behind him is the new year: ... Well, you give!

Two frisky grannies, two yaga women,
As if you got up on the right foot
They coo under a glass like that, without harming themselves,
And out loud they are indignant: ... Well, never mind!

Snow Maiden of passion, full of desire,
With temptation and languidly repeats: ... Both on!

Frost yells... Why don't you drink?

And after the New Year: ... Well, you give!

Everything goes its own way, goes its own way,
And the guests again all shout: ... Happy New Year!
A separate fragment, but bright and brief
The waitress contributed.
She threw arrows on food,
She asked: ... Where are the empty plates?

Yaguska, forgetting about everything, go home,
They sit, indignant: ... Well, never mind!

The Snow Maiden gets up, slightly drunk,
Laughing, whispering with delight: ... Both on!

And the grandfather is already screaming: ... Why don't you drink?

Behind him is the New Year: ... Well, you give!

And the guests, feeling the freedom of thought
They chant together again: ... Happy New Year!

The waitress, having sipped the burners,
She asked: ... Where are the empty plates?

Grannies, one more zakolbasiv
They shout for a couple: ... Well, never mind!

The Snow Maiden also took a sip of wine
And again she exclaimed aloud: … Both on!

And Santa Claus drinks
Screaming that there is urine: … Why don't you drink?

And drinks the New Year: ... Well, you give!

And Goblin, he has been jumping with a glass for a long time
He called with inspiration: ... Well, good luck!

And glasses, as if filled with honey
And they all drink to the bottom and shout: ... Happy New Year!

Sketches with jokes for a corporate party for the New 2017 Year of the Rooster

When the guests have already eaten and danced on a noisy New Year's Eve, it's time for exciting contests and funny scenes with jokes. These include a humorous astrological forecast. Such a scene for a corporate party for the New Year 2017 will not only amuse all employees, but also allow you to look into the near future. Albeit unrealistic, humorous and cool.

Scene "Astrological forecast for the New Year 2017"

guests at the table. The host reads the predictions for each sign. Those whose sign is read out rise from the table and listen while standing. The country must know the heroes by sight.

Funny sketches for high school students for the New Year of the Bird 2017

High school students in the preparation of the New Year's concert are trying to show creativity and creativity as much as possible. Not yet adults, but no longer children, they are trying to joke fervently and pick up the funniest numbers. For example, playful games with elements of jokes and funny scenes, alterations of popular fairy tales. One of these has always been, is and will be "Turnip". A simple plot and a sufficient number of characters allow the tale to be adapted to specific events and certain characters. Use the funny scene "Turnip on new way"for a concert of high school students for the New Year 2017. Have fun yourself and make the guests laugh.

Scene "Turnip in a new way"

Characters and lines:

  • Turnip - Both-na
  • Mouse - Lord, there is no market
  • Grandfather - That's it
  • Cat - no problem
  • Baba - Nahal
  • Bug - I'm not away
  • Granddaughter - I just won’t give you

The New Year traditionally comes with bitter frosts, snowdrifts, as well as corporate parties that gather "labor associates" into one fun noisy company. Indeed, it is always a pleasure to meet colleagues in a relaxed festive atmosphere - away from office routine and busy work schedules. In order for the holiday to pass brightly and unforgettably, it is important to prepare a script for an entertainment program in advance. So, funny funny scenes for the New Year 2019 for adults will bring a touch of humor and raise the general mood - be it short thematic performances, long performances, modern ones based on good old fairy tales. We invite you to use our cool ideas with video and play scenes at a corporate party in honor of the New Year. Undoubtedly, the Yellow Earth Pig will appreciate your acting talent and give his favor.

Funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for a corporate party - ideas for a script

New Year's corporate party is a bright and long-awaited event that opens a series of winter holidays. However, not everyone likes to simply treat themselves to salads and raise table toasts. Show a bit of imagination by diluting the traditional scenario of collective gatherings with cool scenes - here you will find original ideas for adults. Yes, funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 contribute to the unification and maximum involvement in the process. We are sure no one will be bored!

Ideas for funny modern scenes with jokes for a New Year's corporate party

According to tradition, in some countries it is customary to pour water on each other on New Year's Eve - as a sign of cleansing from everything bad, as well as the most good wishes. If you decide to surprise your colleagues and bosses, play a funny scene for the New Year 2019 with “water” jokes. So, we stock up on two capacious jugs - pour water into one (about half the volume), pour colorful confetti into the other. First, the leader makes a toast with Best wishes happiness and prosperity to all present. Then comes a proposal to follow the example of Thailand or Cuba - to arrange a pouring of water to attract good luck in the New Year. The first jug is taken out “to the public”, demonstrating the presence of water inside the vessel. While everyone is preparing for congratulations, a jug of water is quietly replaced by a second container - with confetti. Raising the pitcher, the presenter “splashes out” its contents on his colleagues in a big way, which is quite expected, causing a lot of violent emotions. Here is such a funny scene-joke in honor of the New Year 2019!

The corporate theme is truly inexhaustible - for the New Year you can play funny funny scenes with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. In theory, applicants come to the HR manager to interview for these fabulous positions. Colleagues will act as candidates for Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens - they will have to sing, dance or tell a cool New Year's joke. Of course, the audience of this funny skit about the New Year will make the decision to accept the “work”.

Funny sketches for a corporate party for the New Year 2019 - fairy tales with jokes, ideas, videos

Many still remember childhood New Year's parties filled with touching warmth and sincerity. As a rule, folk tales serve as the basis for the scenario of such an event, with the obligatory invitation to "visit" Baba Yaga, Dunno, Little Red Riding Hood, the Wolf and other famous characters. However, a fairy-tale theme can be successfully used for a corporate party - scenes for the New Year 2019 with jokes will be remembered for a long time. We are sure that our ideas from the video will inspire you to create original reprises, funny fairy tales in a new “adult” way.

A selection of ideas for funny fairy tale scenes for adults for the New Year - 2019

The well-known children's fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" is an excellent basis for a cool corporate scene for the New Year. We need Grandfather, Grandmother, Hare, Wolf and Fox. On the leading role it is better to choose an actor of impressive build. So, Kolobok sits on a chair, and the host begins the tale with the words: “Once Grandfather and Grandmother baked Kolobok - cute, but very voracious.” According to the script, here Gingerbread Man threatens to eat Grandma and Grandfather, and in response, the old people promise to rewrite the apartment for him. Then the Hare, the Wolf and the Fox take the stage in turn - Kolobok addresses each with the same “terrible” phrase. In order to avoid such a fate, the Hare offers a carrot (you can take any fruit or a bottle of alcohol). The wolf promises to give the Hare - he immediately catches him and gives him the Kolobok. And the cunning Fox herself is going to eat Kolobok, and almost embodies her plan, having previously selected the “carrot” and the Hare. However, Gingerbread Man makes a marriage proposal to Chanterelle - the bride and groom sit together on the same chair, and the rest of the participants are around. On this cheerful note, the host ends the tale with the phrase: “And so they adopted the Hare, and began to live, live, and make good money.”

Cool scene-tale for the New Year 2019 for adults "Three Little Pigs", video

The New Year of the Pig 2019 is already on the threshold - we offer to play a cool scene for adults "The Three Little Pigs". On the video you can watch your favorite children's fairy tale in a modern "adult" processing.

Short scenes for the New Year 2019 for adults - funny impromptu, video

New Year's parties have long become a tradition and an obligatory "meeting place" for employees of many companies and firms. Such events usually do not leave anyone indifferent, and time passes quickly in a kaleidoscope fun entertainment and surprises. Each holiday scenario contains funny funny scenes - for the New Year 2019, you can come up with and play your own production. For example, it can be an impromptu event, which does not require special props or costumes. We have selected several options for funny short scenes for adults and videos - a great number for the New Year.

A short funny scene for adults to celebrate the New Year

In every house for the New Year they cover festive table with many delicious meals- here and fragrant hot, and a variety of salads and delicious snacks. We offer to play a funny impromptu scene with a "culinary" bias on the preparation of the famous salad "Herring under a fur coat." So, one participant will play the role of a cook - you will need props in the form of a white cap and apron. On the stage we put two chairs opposite each other at a distance of two meters. The cook begins to “cook” by naming the ingredients of the salad one by one. First comes a large and juicy herring - stately large men are suitable for this role. Two men sit on chairs. A pair of blonde women perfectly imitates an “onion” cut into rings, laid on top of a “herring” - the girls need to sit on the laps of men. On top of the "onion" we rub the boiled "potato" (men), then grease with "mayonnaise" (ladies). We also choose men for the role of "carrots" and "beets" - do not forget about the "mayonnaise" layer. As a result, we will get a wonderful "salad", all the "ingredients" of which will be sitting on each other's laps. Such a funny scene with a touch of humor will fit perfectly into any New Year's scenario for an adult company.

Video with a short incendiary scene for the New Year

New Year is a time of fun, laughter and bright incendiary jokes. If you want to arrange an unforgettable corporate holiday or friendly gatherings, we recommend playing a funny scene from our video.

New Year's sketches for a corporate party - cool short tales on video

On New Year's Eve, many companies arrange corporate parties for their employees - with fun contests, dances and other jokes. So, New Year's skits not only cheer up, but also contribute to strengthening the corporate spirit, team building. As an original entertainment, you can prepare cool New Year's skits with the participation of employees. On the video you will find interesting ideas funny scenes about the New Year with funny stories - you can rehearse them in advance or arrange an improvisation.

What cool scenes can be played for the New Year 2019 at a corporate party, video

The coolest scenes for the New Year 2019 for a fun company - ideas, videos

Meeting the New Year with a big cheerful company is a great opportunity to make new acquaintances and just have fun. The coolest scenes for the New Year 2019 will interest everyone present, create a unique holiday atmosphere. In a large company, there will always be acting talents that can “ignite” with their game and charisma. With the help of our ideas on video, you will arrange an unforgettable cool holiday for the New Year and have fun.

Video with ideas for a New Year's scene in a big fun company

What to play scenes for the New Year 2019? For adults at a corporate party, you can arrange a lot of entertainment - funny modern skits, short and long tales in a new way, cool reprises in a fun company. Here you will find interesting ideas, as well as videos with original stories on the New Year theme. Happy New Year to you!

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