Leaders in cattle. Cattle: what kind of animals are in our region

landscaping 22.09.2019


Like cereal crops, animal husbandry is almost ubiquitous, with meadows and pastures occupying three times as much land as arable land. The geography of world animal husbandry is primarily determined by the distribution of livestock, the total number of which is approximately 4 billion heads. main role while breeding cattle, sheep and pigs.

The world number of cattle is 1300 million heads. The "top ten" countries in this indicator include both economically developed and developing countries.

Table 16. Top ten countries in the world by size of cattle population

However, the types of management in these countries are very different. Intensive dairy and meat-and-dairy animal husbandry is most common in the forest and forest-steppe zones of the temperate zone (USA, Russia, Ukraine, France). The content of livestock here is stall or pasture-stall. Beef cattle are bred mainly in the drier regions of the temperate and subtropical zones, where extensive transhumance and pasture cattle breeding predominates (Brazil, Argentina, Mexico). In some areas of the USA, Argentina, Australia, large-scale commodity farms (ranches) arose - real "meat factories". As for India, the very large number of cattle in this country is primarily a consequence of the dogma of Hinduism, which prohibits the killing of "sacred cows"; livestock here is unproductive, low-bred.

Sheep breeding (1200 million heads) of the meat and wool direction has become widespread within the temperate zone of Europe and North America. Sheep breeding of the fine-wool and semi-fine-wool direction is typical for the more arid regions of the South-Western and Central Asia, steppe and semi-desert regions of Australia, Argentina. Australia also holds the world championship in terms of the number of sheep (140 million heads).

Pig breeding (800 million heads) is the source of 2/5 of all meat products. More than half of the total number of pigs is in Asia, primarily in China (400 million heads). It is followed by the United States, Brazil, Russia, Germany, and Spain by a very large margin.

Leading ideas: deepen and confirm the main provisions of topic 4 geography of the world economy.

Basic concepts:"upper and" lower floors"industries, commodity, consumer Agriculture, plantation, farming, "green revolution", agribusiness, global transport system, regional transport system, port industrial complex, transport hubs, containerization.

Skills: be able to analyze and explain the nature of the location of sectors of the world economy, using knowledge of the factors and principles of location, technical and economic features of the industry, industries of international specialization; to systematize, compare and generalize according to the materials of the topic; characterize the industry according to the plan, characterize natural preconditions for the development of industry and agriculture of the country (region) according to the plan.

The branch of agriculture - animal husbandry - is ubiquitous. In terms of its importance, it ranks second after crop production. The main countries where livestock is distributed play an important role in providing the world's population with food. The main areas of animal husbandry include: cattle breeding, pig breeding, sheep breeding.

animal husbandry

Australia, Oceania

There are countries of distribution of cattle breeding in Oceania. New Zealand is very developed. This country is the largest exporter of dairy products.

The plains in western Australia do not receive sufficient moisture to fully feed a large cattle. But for sheep breeding it's easy ideal conditions. The continent is one of the three leaders in the world in terms of the number of sheep. It ranks first in the export of wool and lamb.


The main livestock countries in Europe suffer from limited agricultural land. Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, England have up to 80% specific gravity animal husbandry in the agricultural sector.

Dairy and beef cattle are mainly bred. Some countries pay great attention to pig breeding: Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands. Sheep are also bred in Europe. The leaders are Spain and England.

Crop production in the bulk is designed to meet the needs of animal husbandry in feed. That's why most of fertile land is occupied Limited areas force livestock breeders to use intensive methods of livestock breeding.


In Asia, the main countries of cattle breeding are concentrated in the monsoon climate zone - the southern and eastern parts of the region and the western regions. Cattle breeding prevails, it develops on an extensive basis (due to an increase in livestock, and not the introduction of new technologies).

Countries with non-Muslim populations - Japan, Korea, China, Vietnam - cultivate pig breeding. China holds the first place in the world in terms of the number of pigs. Animal husbandry is designed to meet the internal needs of countries.


The continent occupies a special geographical position. Climatic conditions, the presence of huge natural pastures and fertile lands create favorable conditions for any kind of agricultural economic activity. Confident farming requires land reclamation.

Africa's main cattle breeding countries are eastern Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. The level is low, the stock does not have a good genetic potential. Kenya has pastures suitable for the development of sheep breeding. With proper organization, this industry may well become the leading one in the country's economy (with an increase in the number of sheep in a few years to 6 million heads).

They practice a distant-pasture system of raising livestock. Feeding is not accepted. Cattle and sheep are constantly on the farm. Plant growing is in no way connected with animal husbandry and does not provide it with a forage base.

Animal husbandry in developed countries uses intensive farming methods to further flourish. This helps them maintain their leading positions both in terms of the number of livestock and the volume of products produced.

The population of the Earth is growing, along with it the level of consumption of meat is growing. Currently, the world export of beef is more than seven million, pork - more than one million, lamb - more than eight million tons.

The main exporters of beef - the most demanded type of meat - are Argentina, Brazil, Australia, Canada. The main importers are Russia, Japan, Korea, USA.

The number of cattle in Russia as of October 1, 2016 in farms of all categories totaled 19,456.1 thousand heads. Including, the number of cows totaled 8,322.4 thousand heads. In relation to October 1, 2015, the number of cattle decreased by 1.8% or by 358.3 thousand heads. The number of cows decreased by 1.9% or by 161.0 thousand heads.

Number of cattle (cattle) in 2016

The total number of cattle (dairy, beef, meat and dairy breeds) in Russia as of October 1, 2016 in farms of all categories totaled 19,456.1 thousand heads. Including, the number of cows amounted to 8,322.4 thousand heads. In relation to October 1, 2015, the number of livestock decreased by 1.8% or by 358.3 thousand heads, by October 1, 2014 - by 3.7% or by 751.1 thousand heads, by October 1, 2013 - by 5.1% or by 1042.0 thousand heads.

The main part of the cattle herd in Russia is dairy and dairy cattle. meat breeds . The overall reduction in livestock over a number of years is due to this category of cattle. In relation to 2001, as a result of optimization of production efficiency (culling of low-yielding cows), it decreased by 29.0%. At the same time, as a result of the increase in milk yield per cow, milk production in the country is relatively stable (in the period from 2001 to 2015 it fluctuates between 31-33 million tons).

At the same time, there is a significant increase in the number of beef cattle. The structure of the livestock of cattle as of October 1, 2016 was distributed as follows: 43.5% accounted for by agricultural organizations, 12.4% - by peasant farms, 44.1% - by households.

Number of cattle (cattle) in 2016 by regions

The region with the largest number of cattle (the total number of dairy and beef cattle, including cows) as of October 1, 2016 is the Republic of Bashkortostan (1120.1 thousand heads). The share of the republic in the total number of cattle in Russia amounted to 5.8%. In relation to the same date in 2015, the number of cattle here decreased by 8.8% or by 108.5 thousand heads.

The second place is occupied by the Republic of Tatarstan with a livestock of 1030.6 thousand heads (5.3% of the total Russian livestock). In relation to October 1, 2015, the reduction in livestock amounted to 0.8% or 8.4 thousand heads.

The third place is occupied by the Republic of Dagestan with a share in the total livestock at the level of 5.2% (1007.5 thousand heads). In this region, there is an increase in the number of livestock - by 0.9% per year or by 9.3 thousand heads.

Altai Krai is in 4th place in the Russian Federation in terms of the number of cattle as of October 1, 2016 (820.1 thousand heads). The share in the total number of cattle was 4.2%. During the year, the livestock decreased by 2.7% or by 22.7 thousand heads.

In the Rostov region with a livestock of 601.0 thousand heads, the share in the all-Russian livestock was 3.1%. In relation to October 1, 2015, the livestock decreased by 1.8% or by 11.1 thousand heads.

  • 6. Orenburg region - 577.0 thousand heads, share in the total number of cattle in Russia - 3.0%.
  • 7. Krasnodar Territory - 541.3 thousand heads, 2.8%.
  • 8. Republic of Kalmykia - 523.0 thousand heads, 2.7%.
  • 9. Zabaykalsky Krai- 485.4 thousand heads, 2.5%.
  • 10. Novosibirsk region- 483.3 thousand heads, 2.5%.
  • 11. Voronezh region - 464.1 thousand heads, 2.4%.
  • 12. Bryansk region - 463.4 thousand heads, 2.4%.
  • 13. Omsk region - 434.0 thousand heads, 2.2%.
  • 14. Krasnoyarsk region- 432.6 thousand heads, 2.2%.
  • 15. Saratov region- 430.3 thousand heads, 2.2%.
  • 16. The Republic of Buryatia - 415.3 thousand heads, 2.1%.
  • 17. Stavropol Territory - 382.8 thousand heads, 2.0%.
  • 18. Udmurt republic- 350.2 thousand heads, 1.8%.
  • 19. Chelyabinsk region- 346.5 thousand heads, 1.8%.
  • 20. Irkutsk region - 315.6 thousand heads, 1.6%.

As of October 1, 2016, the number of cattle in farms of all categories in the regions not included in the TOP-20 totaled 8,232.1 thousand heads (42.3% of the total number of cattle in Russia).

Beef production in 2016

Beef production in Russia (cumulative, both from dairy and beef cattle) in January-September 2016, according to AB-Center calculations, amounted to 953.0 thousand tons in terms of slaughter weight (1,677.2 thousand tons per live weight according to Rosstat).

In relation to January-September 2015, beef production decreased by 1.3% (by 12.2 thousand tons in carcass weight). For two years, in relation to January-September 2014, the decrease was 2.9% (28.4 thousand tons in slaughter weight), for 3 years, beef production in the Russian Federation decreased by 1.0% (by 9.2 thousand . tons).

An increase in production is observed only in peasant farms, where in January-September 2016, 80.6 thousand tons of beef were produced in slaughter weight. Over the past 3 years, by January-September 2013, the increase in beef production here amounted to 33.4% (20.0 thousand tons).

In agricultural organizations over 3 years, the volume of production decreased by 0.1% (by 0.2 thousand tons), in households - by 5.5% (by 29.1 thousand tons).

In the structure of beef production in January-September 2016, 39.5% accounted for agricultural organizations, about 52.1% - for households, 8.5% - for peasant farms.

AT last years there is not only a reduction in beef production, but also the import of this type of meat in the Russian Federation, as a result of which its consumption is falling.

Beef production in 2016 by region

Important! Data on beef production by regions of Russia are presented in terms of slaughter weight.

The main beef producer in Russia in January-September 2016 is the Republic of Bashkortostan. During this period, its share in the total volume of beef production in the Russian Federation reached 7.1% (67.9 thousand tons). In relation to January-September 2015, the volume decreased by 13.1% or 10.2 thousand tons.

In second place in terms of beef production in January-September 2016 is the Republic of Tatarstan with a share of 5.5% (52.7 thousand tons in carcass weight). In the republic, production volumes increased by 5.3% or 2.6 thousand tons compared to the same period in 2015.

The Rostov region ranks third in beef production in January-September 2016 - 41.4 thousand tons (4.3% of total production). There is also an increase of 5.2% or 2.0 thousand tons.

Altai Krai produced in January-September 2016 40.8 thousand tons of beef in slaughter weight, which is 3.9% or 1.6 thousand tons less than in the same period in 2015. Share Altai Territory in the all-Russian production of beef in 2016 amounted to 4.3% (4th place in the Russian Federation).

AT Krasnodar Territory in January-September 2016, 40.2 thousand tons of beef were produced (4.2% in total production, 5th place in the Russian Federation). The growth compared to January-September 2015 amounted to 2.1% or 0.8 thousand tons.

In addition to these regions, TOP-20 regions producing beef in farms of all categories in January-September 2016 included:

  • 6. Voronezh region (production volume - 38.8 thousand tons in slaughter weight, share in total beef production - 4.1%).
  • 7. Republic of Dagestan (27.6 thousand tons, 2.9%).
  • 8. Saratov region (26.7 thousand tons, 2.8%).
  • 9. Volgograd region (26.4 thousand tons, 2.8%).
  • 10. Bryansk region (24.0 thousand tons, 2.5%).
  • 11. Stavropol Territory (23.7 thousand tons, 2.5%).
  • 12. Novosibirsk region (21.5 thousand tons, 2.3%).
  • 13. Orenburg region (21.4 thousand tons, 2.2%).
  • 14. Krasnoyarsk Territory (21.1 thousand tons, 2.2%).
  • 15. Omsk region (19.7 thousand tons, 2.1%).
  • 16. Samara region (18.1 thousand tons, 1.9%).
  • 17. Oryol region (16.8 thousand tons, 1.8%).
  • 18. Belgorod region (15.3 thousand tons, 1.6%).
  • 19. Sverdlovsk region (15.2 thousand tons, 1.6%).
  • 20. Republic of Kalmykia (15.0 thousand tons, 1.6%).

The total production of beef in January-September 2016 in farms of all categories in the regions not included in the TOP-20 amounted to 378.7 thousand tons in slaughter weight (39.7% of the total beef production).

Milk production in 2016

Milk production in Russia in farms of all categories in January-September 2016 amounted to 24,031.9 thousand tons. In relation to the same period in 2015, milk yields decreased by 0.7% or by 163.0 thousand tons. Compared to the same period in 2014 - by 0.9% or 224.4 thousand tons, by January-September 2013 - by 0.8% or 203.8 thousand tons.

The increase in production occurred in agricultural organizations and peasant farms. So, for 3 years (in January-September 2016, in relation to January-September 2013) in agricultural organizations, milk production increased by 5.8% or by 632.2 thousand tons. In peasant farms, the growth amounted to 15.0% or 210.4 thousand tons. In the households of the population, there is a decrease in production by 8.8% or by 1,046.4 thousand tons.

In the structure of milk production in January-September 2016, 48.0% accounted for agricultural organizations, 45.3% - for households, 6.7% - for peasant farms.

Milk production in 2016 by region

The leader in milk production in January-September 2016 is the Republic of Bashkortostan (1,425.5 thousand tons). The share of the republic in the total milk production in the Russian Federation amounted to 5.9%. In relation to January-September 2015, there was an increase in production by 0.4% or 5.5 thousand tons.

The second place is occupied by the Republic of Tatarstan with indicators of 1,373.8 thousand tons (5.7% of the total milk yield in the Russian Federation). Growth compared to the same period in 2015 amounted to 1.0% or 13.8 thousand tons.

Altai Territory ranks third with a share in total production of 4.6% (1,112.5 thousand tons). Here there is a decrease in milk yield compared to January-September 2015 by 0.9% or 10.6 thousand tons.

In the Krasnodar Territory in January-September 2016, milk yields amounted to 1,018.8 thousand tons (4.2% of the total Russian milk production). In relation to the same period in 2015, production increased by 1.2% or 12.1 thousand tons.

The Rostov region closes the top five regions in milk production in January-September 2016 - 846.3 thousand tons (3.5% in total milk yield). The decrease compared to January-September 2015 amounted to 0.02% or 0.1 thousand tons.

In addition to these regions, TOP-20 milk producing regions in farms of all categories in January-September 2016 included:

  • 6. Voronezh region (production volume - 660.6 thousand tons, share in the total Russian milk production - 2.7%).
  • 7. Republic of Dagestan (645.1 thousand tons, 2.7%).
  • 8. Orenburg region (619.8 thousand tons, 2.6%).
  • 9. Saratov region (587.1 thousand tons, 2.4%).
  • 10. Udmurt Republic (580.1 thousand tons, 2.4%).
  • 11. Krasnoyarsk Territory (562.2 thousand tons, 2.3%).
  • 12. Novosibirsk region (535.3 thousand tons, 2.2%).
  • 13. Omsk region (512.8 thousand tons, 2.1%).
  • 14. Stavropol Territory (504.7 thousand tons, 2.1%).
  • 15. Sverdlovsk region (501.2 thousand tons, 2.1%).
  • 16. Nizhny Novgorod Region(474.7 thousand tons, 2.0%).
  • 17. Moscow region (472.8 thousand tons, 2.0%).
  • 18. Leningrad region(458.9 thousand tons, 1.9%).
  • 19. Kirov region (458.4 thousand tons, 1.9%).
  • 20. Tyumen region (426.4 thousand tons, 1.8%).

The total milk production in January-September 2016 in farms of all categories in the regions not included in the TOP-20 amounted to 10,254.7 thousand tons (42.7% of the total milk production).

It has become widespread among Eastern countries even in ancient times.

Gradually, it began to move to the European side, and, of course, this segment has taken its niche in the Russian agricultural market. Today, cattle play an important role in agriculture around the world.

Not only do they go for milk and meat production, but they also provide free tractive power. Also, these animals are deeply embedded in cultures. different peoples peace. This and the minotaur Ancient Greece, and carida in Spain. You can see a description of these animals living in Russia and their statistics below.

Cattle usually include all types of animals that are domesticated individuals of the bovine species. In addition to ordinary bulls, they include, for example, yaks, Indian buffaloes, gaurs, bantengs.

Some species of animals are also found on the territory of Russia. However, ordinary cattle are more common, since cows provide valuable milk, and veal meat has excellent taste characteristics. Castrated bulls or oxen are used for moving heavy loads and plowing fields in agriculture.

Cattle in our region, breeds

On the territory of Russia, the following breeds of cattle are most common:

  • Kostroma. This breed has a meat and dairy direction. These animals are gray or brown in color. They are quite large and good health. Were withdrawn in 1945.
  • Yaroslavskaya. It has a very characteristic angular outline and medium body size. The muzzle is elongated, the bone is strong. The good build and soft docile nature of these animals makes them quite popular.
  • Kholmogorskaya. This rather old breed was bred in the 17th century in the north of Russia. Due to the fact that it was bred in the north, this one is very well adapted to the most severe cold and unsuitable climatic conditions. Ideal for breeding in the north of the country.
  • Hereford. It was bred in England in the 18th century. In Russia, it first appeared in 1928 and became widespread due to the excellent taste of meat and unpretentiousness. With good health and high stamina, bulls can be used to pull heavy loads in agriculture.
  • Ayshirskaya. This breed first appeared in 1862 in Scotland. It appeared in Russia for the first time in the nineteenth century. Animals are quite large, the weight of an adult cow can be more than 600 kilograms. It is highly valued on the farm, because it brings a lot of milk and gives good meat.

And some other breeds.

Number of cattle in Russia

According to statistics, cattle in Russia are made up of dairy and meat-and-milk breeds.

In total, the livestock was divided as follows:

  • Rural organizations occupied 43.5 percent, almost half of total amount.
  • Almost the same amount was occupied by private property, gaining as much as 44 percent.
  • But farms accounted for the smallest amount of 12 percent.

In total, in 2016, according to statistics, 19456 animals were counted as cattle. At the same time, only 8322 thousand of them were cows. From the statistics, you can see that the livestock decreased by 358 thousand compared to 2015, which is equal to 1.8 percent of the entire population.

By region

AT Orenburg region turned out to be the highest population, and amounted to as much as 577 thousand cattle, which is equal to 3 percent of the total amount. The smallest share fell on Irkutsk, which may be due to severe climatic conditions in this part of the country. It amounted to 1.6% of the total amount in Russia and totaled 315 thousand.

beef production statistics

  • Beef production is almost on the first place in the Russian market for the sale of meat products. According to the statistics for 2016, it can be seen that 1680 tons of beef were produced in live weight, or if we count already finished products, which have already come from 953 thousand tons of meat.
  • At the same time, about 40 percent accounted for agriculture, which is almost half of the output. But the private economy also played an equally important role here, occupying up to about 52 percent.
  • In agricultural organizations, according to statistics, the volume of production decreased quite a bit by 0.1%, and this is in three years. At the same time, if you look at the economy of the population, you can see that the volume has declined much higher and reached as much as five and a half percent.
  • If you look at the first decade of 2016, you can see that the production of meat products to a greater extent fell on the economy of the population and amounted to 52 percent. Rural organizations are not far behind, having worked out about 40 percent.
  • Farms produced the smallest volume, their output did not exceed nine percent.

By region

Voronezh became the record holder in obtaining beef meat. The number of products produced by it amounted to 38 thousand tons finished products, and in total it produced four percent of the total in the country. Kalmykia occupied the smallest share. Its production amounted to only fifteen thousand tons, or a little more than one percent.

It is worth noting that the total amount of milk per share of the population is quite large, even though production has experienced a decline in some periods of time.

milk production statistics

Milk as a product plays an important role in Russia. It must be developed not only for direct sale, but also for the manufacture fermented milk products, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, butter and others.

According to statistics, it can be seen that in the first half of 2016, about 24,030 thousand tons of milk were produced in Russia. At the same time, if compared with the same period last year, we can note a decrease in milk production by a percentage, which is approximately equal to 164,000 tons. And if we take the first period of 2014, then the output decreased by a percentage or by 225 thousand tons.

In the structure of milk production in the first half of 2016, there were

  • rural organizations accounted for 49 percent
  • on private land, 46 percent
  • farming accounted for .6.8 percent of total production.

By region

In the field of milk production, Voronezh came out on top. The volume of production amounted to as much as 660 thousand tons, while the share of the total product market in milk production was 2.8%. Dagestan is not far behind it, the production of milk in which amounted to 645 thousand tons, or 2.8% of the volume throughout Russia.

The smallest part of the production was produced by the Tyumen region, it amounted to 426 thousand tons, which is equal to only 2% of the production throughout the country.

According to general statistics, it can be seen that cattle in Russia has large numbers and is almost evenly distributed over all regions of our vast Motherland.

data, have great importance for the entire economy as a whole, because they bring healthy milk, from which domestic factories make most fermented milk products. This makes it possible to reduce the price of production because you do not have to buy imported raw materials for the manufacture of products, as well as for the sale of milk and meat throughout Russia.

>> Livestock of the world

§ 3. Animal husbandry of the world

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